Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 30, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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Davis sells glss.
Fine A. B. C. bter. Ncumaycr's hotel.
Wclsbnc-h burners nt Blxby's. Tel. 101
UtidwciKcr uccr. I. . Rojcnfeldt. nscnt.
Mr < i. C. H. Dowers Is visiting frlci
In Chlonco.
John N. Baldwin returned yesterdny fr
Wnslilnston. n. C.
Dr W. A. Gcrvals. onloopalh , 01 M
rlam I'lodc. Council Bluff * .
Got your work done at the popular Ka
laundry , 721 Broadway 'Phone 157.
W C. K-Hep. undertaker , IS 1'cnil Btrc
Telephones : OHlce , 07 ; residence. SJ.
Sheridan lump roat. $3H ) ; Sheridan t
coal , $3.00. Kciuoti & Koloy , sole nscnta.
have our framing doi
The plnco lo >
Alexander's Art emporium. " 33 Broadwi
Mr. and Mr . C. C. Lincoln \Vyotnti
In nre in the clly visiting relatives n
O II. Scotl wnrt In DPS Molnes vcsl
cliiy on business eonncelcd with the i
urumu court.
lias received word of I
\V 8. Homer
dentil of his aged father at the old turn
liomostead In Buck-wort , Me.
' editor of tin * IA-IIOX ( I
J. I- . McCoy ,
Now Times , was In the city yes-tcrdny vis
Inn hlH brother , \V. K. McCoy.
Thieves mndo n rnld on the chicken hoi
of r M. Baldwin. Inlfi Eighth avenue , Si
iliiy nlisht and stole u number of mi
bred birds.
A heavy rnnvns covering , mensurluK
fret Hiinuro , WIIM carried off. Sunday nit
from tbt > Illinois Central's new depot , in
In course of coiiMlrucllon.
The Woman's Home and Foreign M
Mmmry society of St. John's UiiRllsh J.ul
mm i-linrcli will meet tomorrow afti
noon In the church p.irlor. .
A. CV Clirlstonsi-n has reported lo I
police llmt blM overcoat , which lieV (
Saturday night to n masquerade ilntico
Grand Army ball , was stolen.
The meeting of the Alias club will
lield thN afternoon nt the home of M
John Sylve > .ster on I'lorce street. Instead
originally arranged.
on Wednesday , as
Judge Tlinrnell has > eiu word thnt
will reconvene tbo term of district coi
Ibis morning. The hearing In the mat1
of the Scldentopf estate will bo resumed
A marriage license was Issued yesteril
to Albert J. Newton , aged 25 , of Sot :
Omaliii. and IJerllm I'arkhlll , iiged 18 ,
Ibis clly. Justice Forrler outdated at t
The young women of the Klrst llapl
church will mod Thursday evening at t
liomc of Miss Kdltb Reynolds. 014 Sever
nvenue , for the purpose of organizing ;
society for missionary and social work
Mike Bmltlij one of the three lads Imu
over to the grand jury on the charge
looting a house on South Tenth street
the plumbing jlxturcs , furnished ball y <
terdny In Ibc sum of $100 nnd was releas
from the countv Jail.
Laurlls. the InCunt HOII of Mr. and M
Nels P. Nielsen of Ciiirner township , ill
Sunday , need S months. The funeral v
lie held this nfternoon at 2 o'clock fn
the. Danish I.ulberan church anil inlcrmc
will bo In Kalrvlew cemotery.
The work of gniillniAvisnue C betwc
Thirteenth and Klghtoonth wtrocts , 111
being done by the Omalm , Council Bin
& Suburban Railway company. Is bel
pushed rapidly along anil unless oxtrc :
cold WGiillier sets -In will be soon co
Tbo funeral of Ibo lalo Mrs. Mary
\Vlso of 202S Seventh avenue will be hi
this afternoon at 2:30 : o'clock from t
Fifth Avenue Methodist church. R <
Owens nl Omalm will conduct the sei
Ices and Interment will be in Fnlrvli
Tbo Hoard of County Supervisors v
moot In adjourned ho.sslon this mornli
when the report of Thomas Bowman a
Spencer Smith , the accountants arwolnt
to examine the books and accounts
former Sheriff Morgan , will be prcsenti
The. report Is suld to bo quite voluminous
Judgf ) Ure > n Iran' handed down his c
clBloiiv lu the , case of AV. U AVbltii
nnaliiHt the' GIoblt PubllsliliiK company
regards tbo rights of tbo Intervener , t
American 1'ress asboclatlon. Tbo assoc
tlon naked that the receiver bo ordci
to pay It $100 for news service. Jud
Green held that tbo amount coming to t
nssoclallon _ was just $8.rx > .
Mrs. Mary Anne Jane Dunn , . , 110 Ei
Jlroadway , died Monday afternoon , ng
S7 years. Denlh was due lo the Inllrmlt
ot old age. Two sons , John and Btc
Dunn of this clly , are left to nvwrn I
loss. Mrs. Dunn served during the cl
war ns a nurse and spent three years fn
1802 to 1SC5 attending the slelc and dyl
HolillprH. She was n devoted mcmbor
the Catholic church. Her two sons W (
nt her beside at her death. Notice of I
ncrnl will bo Riven later.
Hans Vllt , api'd ns , died suddenly nt
Bernard's hospital yesterday morning , f <
hours after bo hail been taken to the. Ins
tutlon. Death was due to heart dlsea
Vllt was working for a gardener nan :
lloycr on tbo outskirts of the city n
ramo to town on business yesterday moi
Ing He was taken suddenly 111 at t
corner of Washington avenue and Bryc
streel. The irntrol was summoned and
was removed to the hospital , where
died four hours later. He has two brothc
Paul and John . 'Itt. living In Duvcnpu
who have been notllled of bis death , .
nrrntiBementa for Iho funeral will bo mn
until they nro hoard from.
Managers Stevenson & Kennedy of I
Dohany theater make u sneclal nnnoiim
inent that they have completed all arram
monts for the appearance at Ibo Doha
this evcnlliK of iMlss Marie I unour , si
jmrteil by Frederic Murphy and a slro
company. In Wilfred Clarke's great \.i
Ion success , " \Vlso Woman. " Miss I
inour Is reported to have met with iinust
HUCCCSS In this venture and the critics hsi
been very emphatic In their approval
her. The comedy Is said to be an oxci
tlonally bright piece of farcical wrltli
Frederic Murphy , Ibo leading man , beca
well known lo many palrons of Hie Opni
through his 'long connccllon with Ju
Marlowe's conumny.
Bertha Llbboeoko. tbo youiiK woman s <
from tills city last June lo Iho stale
hntip asylum nt Clarlnda. Is reslored
mind , according lo a report received y
tofiliiy by the Insanity commlHsloners a
an onler for her ( llselinrno has been mn
llertha l.lbboccko Is the younu worn
who 1ms had a rather sensational can
in this city and Omalm. Early last su
jnor sbo was arro&lcd for slenllnB a ci
hlderablo sum of 'money from a man
Omaha , and wns In Iho counly Jail thi
nwaltlng trial when friends had lier c :
liroURht before the cununlssloncm for I
liiHinic , She recently iinderwont a serli
nurglcnl operation at thu asylum. 1
mother nnd sister reside In this city.
N , Y. Plumbing Co. Tel. 23C.
Ill-Ill KHlnte ' 1'l-n II Nf cr .
The following trar.sfcrB wcro lllcd yrst
day In the abstract , title and loan ollko
J. W. Squire , 101 Pearl street :
A P. Annls nnd - \ > lfu \Vllllam I. .
I'ollltt. lots 13 and - 1C , block 18 ,
Wrigbt'i. add , w ( I . i . $
O O. Gllle-splo and wife to A. D.
Annla , lotx 15 und W , block lii ,
WrlKht's add. e d. . . , . . .
lliirman U. Ball to Alice V. Silvia ,
lots 21 and "X , block 11 , IlowanVa
add , (1 ( . : . . . ' .
Allen V , Bllvls ami husband to liar- .
mon L. Hall , lots 2) ) and 2J. block/
14 , llownrtl's add , w d . . . . . '
It. C , 'Williams ami > Mfo to V ; Jf
Baker , lolsi tl , 4 and C , llolm-r's sub- "
illv In 74-1' ' , .w il . .
Miitlilkla Uumiettc and hutb.ind to
Thomiis II , i.acy , trustee , lots S' nnd
9 In nubdl" of lot 1U , original pint ,
Sheriff' 'Mimik'-M. ' ' i jollenboVlV. ' lot 3 , '
block 2 , ( irlmi-s' aiUI , uiul lot 5i block
31 , ICvium' 2nd Brldpo add. B d. . . . . .
lllram Fnilth and wllV lo licnjamln
F. Carr. all of uoU 12-7d.ll , nor H
niut uont of creek , w d .
Total elghl tr.uiKfnrs . . . . JC
Knriur' lleutli lo Ho
DAVENPORT , la , , Jan , 20. ( Special. '
pgram.Poter ) Dressen , a farmer , fell fi
lila wagon near hero whllo Intoxicated ,
waa picked up ami put in a barn. 1
morning he was found frozen and with
skull fractured. The coroner Is Inve
Rating. "
In Kalern Nebrai
and Iowa. James N. Cmaily.
126 Main Ut. , Council Ulutla.
Man Indicted on Charge of Manslaugl
Gives Himself Up.
111 * Attoi-iu-j * Will . \pprnr llcforc
( iocmnr ofot : > rnnkit ill l.liicol
Toil u > to Hi-fiUt
tlon Pupcm.
Brother S. J. James , the "divine hfeul
Indicted by the grand jury on the cha
of manslaughter In connettlon with
death of Ethel Yatcs In this city Jnmmr ;
In In custody. According to nrrangcme
made by hie attorneys James snrrendc
himself to the officers of the law ycsten
uftcrnoon nt their office * In South Oma
Deputy Sheriff Canning of this city , accc
panlcd by Deputy Sheriff Stryker , made
arrest. Jauieo refused to permit the offlc
to bring him across the rlvor .without rcq
sltlon pjpcrft so ho was taken to the cou
Jail In Omaha.
As soon n It-was known thnt James i
In custody , County Attorney Kllpack s
for tho-necewary requisition papers and
rangomcnls wore made- with James' att
neys to argue the case before Cover :
Poynter at Lincoln tomorrow. James \
resist the granting of requisition on
gtounds that the facts contained In
Indictment do not constitute n felony ,
splto the fact that the grand Jury hero
turned an Indictment on the charge of mi
slaughter. The contention will also be
up Ijy James' attorneys that a prisoner i
not be extradited for an offense which , cc
milled In anolhcr state , had It been cc
milled In Nebraska would have been o
classed as a misdemeanor nnd not a felo
"Healer" James was arraigned befi
Justice of the Peace Alsladt in Omaha i
after a hearing was remanded to the coin
jail on the charge of being a fugitive fr
justice. Ho 1 < 3 now in the custody of Jal
Shand awaiting the action of the Iowa i
Miitd-r nt Clinnee lit Illicliirnr
Miiimwu. OoiH Over.
The clly council nt the adjourned rcgu
session Monday night postponed action
the matter of the change of highway nsl
for by the Lake Mauawa & Manhattan Be ;
Railway company. Some of the prope
owners who will bo affected by the chat
In the original proposition submitted
the railway company desired by the c
council arc out of the. city nnd the aid
men decided lo postpone action until tl
could bo consulted.
The ordinance regulating gas ana wa
stop-boxes was Introduced and passed to
second reading. The measure provides tl
stop-boxes , whether placed on sidewalks
temporary or permanent grade , must
placed so no to conform with the then (
Istlng grade ; further , that the stop-bo :
must bo adjustable so that at any time I
sidewalk may sink or rise the boxes can
lowered or raised , ns the cae may bo. 1
measures also provides that no stop-bo :
can be placed , moro than eight Inches fr.
the curb line.
The ordinance Is the result of two su
brought ngalnt > t the city for damages
persons who allege they have received :
juries by stubbing their toes & alnfit a st <
box at the corner of Tenth street arid Bro :
way. James Henry , one of the persons a <
Ing damages , offered to settle his claim
$30. Of this aiijount he says $24.50 rep
scnted loss of time nnd $5.50 medical se :
Ices. The niiUtor was thoroughly discus :
by all the aldermen present , but It \
finally decided not to compromise the ca
ax It might have a bearing on Xeilse
claim of $2GOO damages arising from
legcd injuries caused by the same sti
During the discussion Alderman Casj
staled that a certain man had inforn
htm that one of the persons claiming da
ages from the city by reason of this sti
box being above grade had really Injui
his foot by kicking a telegraph polo tl
wa.s strapped with wire. The man In qu
lion told him , Mr. ' Casper said , that '
wire staple had been the mcanu of cutt ;
the man's shoe and his foot and that th
was nothing in his story that ho 1
titubbcd his too against the stop-box. Wl
aeked for the man's name , Mr. Casper she
ho had forgotten to ask it at tbo time t
was now sorry thnt he bad not.
A communication was received fr
Chairman Test of the Commarclal commit
registering a complaint that the author
for investigating the- matter of the Un
Pacific's reported abandonment of the tra
fer depot and other railroad matters 1
been transferred from his committee to
Merchants' and Manufacturer ' nssociatt
At the last meeting of tun city council
report of the special committee of the coi
ell appointed to take hold of thin matter t
Investigate , In which certain lines of act
were recommended , was referred to
Merchants' and Manufacturers' assoclatl
und thla action appears to have been uns
Isfnctory to General Tcet. After some < 1
cusslon the action referring the matlor
the association was rescinded and Ma ;
Jennings was authorized to appoint a B
clal committee of live , two of tbo memb
lo bo drawn from fho clly council nnd Ih
from the buelnuss mon of the city , 1
Atherinn club tiled an approval of the act
taken by the club women of the city lei
lug toward the appointment of a pol
matron , and recommended Mrs. Irene II
glnson for the place. No action was tal
on this , although It led ( o consldcra
desultory discussion.
The council then adjourned.
Mori * Ilnrbt'r ( 'axe * ,
Following the camu procedure as In
fomcr cakM , the "friendly" prosecutl. .
ngaiiiH Piltz Hcrnbardl , the Grand he
barber , and hla thrco assistants for keep
open Sunday last , wore submitted bef
Juatlco VIen yesterday on an agreed uta
ini'iit of facts , The tults worn all dtsnils
nnd the io > ts taxed up to the county.
" " ai-tlons cc
Four now "friendly" were
mencod yesterday before Justice yien ,
barbers named as defendants being Wllll
McKlnley. ( itorgo Bro > le , Philip Kill
an > l l-'rtd KK-pfcr. J. W. Tonic/ filed
Informations in the llrst two cases , wt
( it-orgii Uro > le is the complaining witn
In the last two. The cates are set fur lit
lug this morning before Justice Vlcn ;
! ll > o the oihcra will bu bubmlttixl on
agreed platcnient of facts ,
Slnro Judcu Ajhworth taxed up cc
amounting to iloso upon $50 lo the Herb
Protective us p.utton , on account of Its
torney net be'lnjt on bund to proaec
twelve List's broughl ty him In the supe :
Ciurt.-.lho association has not filed any
formation ; ! Mace nnalnst the Sunday wo
Ing Barbara.
'I'll lit IlllTUt ClINTi
The pril'mlnary ' hearing of James
Vam-e , the barber living at North Scve
Btrect and AM-nue K , charged with Inc
with his 16-year-old daughter , Rose ,
partially had before Acting Police Ju
Paul Aylcsworth yesterday. After the lei
mony of the young woman had been tal
Assistant County Attorney Klmbnll appl
for nnd wan granted a continuance ui
Thursday morning next. The girl's let
mony was In several Instances conflict !
Vnnco's ball was fixed nt $ SOO , In defa
of which ho allll remains nt the clly j
Ho stoutly maintains his Innocence.
Howell's Antl-"Kawf" cures coughs , col
Uniform Rank gives Us maequcradc I
next Tuesday night , W. O. W. hall.
Davis pls | paints.
Supreme Court Holiln ( Mil 1'iMltlon
Co u unit In I'olk Cotinty In
DKS JIOINKS , Jan. 20. ( Spcclal To
gram. ) Des Molucs saloons received a h :
blow at the bandis of the supreme court t
morning. The old petition of consent , uni
which the saloons of DCS Molnes nro op
atlng , was declared InnuOlclcnt. Under I
ruling no saloons nro In operation or
operate until a new petition of consent 1
been accepted by the Board of SupervUi
of Polk county. The board will meet tomi
row lo lake action on the pollllon now 1
fore It.
_ The discovery of n largo number of fi
g'crles In the now potlllon will undoublei
preclpllnlo a legal brittle. . During thla port
the nntl-saloou pcoplo say , no ealoons v
bo permitted to operate In this city. 1
Glpps Brewing company of Pcorla , ownl
twenty-two saloons hero , closed them
tonight and announced It would not or
them until they could run legally. The co
pany will not risk the seizure ot $25,1
worth of liquors.
A"grent deal depends on the decision
the Board of Supervisors tomorrow. T
question. Is whether the saloons will cc
tlntio as In the past or there- will be a i
turn lo the old-fashioned prohibition t In
fo r a year. Rev. Pearson declares lhat
will Insist that the ealoons close oven If
bo but for twenty-four hours , ns he belle\
It will be a great victory for principle n
Us moral effect will be far reaching.
Other opinions by tbo BUpremo court wei
S. Olbson , appellant , against John '
Mclntlre , John P. Hornlsh and K. R.
Ayers & Son , Wapello dlslrlct , nlllrmed.
Washington Halllgan Coffee Compa
against Merchants' Brick Mutual Fire 1
suranco Company , appellant , Scott dlstrl
Trouble for a Council IlltifTn lri
Cleric "Who I-xi > rt > Nnril UN
View * by Mall.
DES MOINES. Jan. 20. ( Special To !
gram. ) Charles Eraanucl Nemetz of Coun
Bluffs , regarded as a fanatic , was arraign
before Commissioner Mason of the fedei
court hero this morning , charged with sen
Ing obscene and abusive matter through t
Letters to Rev. Charles M. Sheldon , t
noled author nnd preacher of Topeka , Ka
and to Father Mnlone , a well-known Catho
priest In New York City , got him Into tro
tile. Ho was bound over to await trial
the May term of court and was released up
a bond of $500. Nemetz Is n drug clerk
Council Bluffs nnd is aged 28. He was
rested Sunday at Council Bluffs and a
milled having written tbo letlors. One
Iho epistles to Father Malone was so obsce
that It was not permltlcd lo appear on I
clerk's record. It Is said of Neme-tz th
he has peculiar views on religious mov
menta and ho condemns such man as Shi
/en and Malone for the methods they pu
sue.Three new cases of smallpox were ted
reported to the State Board of Health
Dr. J. C. Shrader. Two nro at Hawke ;
Fayette county , and one nt Lake Mills , Wl
nebago county.
town Soldier with tbe Ilegulnr Arn
Ileportrii nn Probnbly Dead.
OSKALOOSA , In. , Jan. 29. ( Special Tel
gram. ) Herman Frilch , formerly of tl
city , has been captured by the Insurger
in the Philippines and there ia little dou
that ho has -been killed. Frltch joined t
Twenty-third United States Infantry
Pcnsacola , Fla. , about a year ago and we
with hla regiment to Luzon. Letters wrl
ten by his folks hero have been returned a
only ono eplstlo has been received frc
Herman during the year he has been awt
Finally Ills brother , anxious over the del
and the return of the letters , wrote to t
War deparlment and today Is In receipt of
communication from the assistant adjuta
general saying :
"The muster rolls of Company K , Twent
third United States Infantry , shows th
Herman Frltch , a private , was dropped frc
the rolls as having disappeared August ' .
1899. A board of officers wns convened 0
tober 20 , 1899 , Bt Cebu , P. I. , to establl
the facts pertaining to the disappearance
the soldier. The board finds lhat It Is enable
able lo eslabllsh positively the fact that t
man disappeared and thinks that the ei
denco shows that he was probably caplur
iby the Insurgents on the night ot August i
1899 , nnd probably killed by the nre of t
American troope against the captors on So
tember 23 , 1899. "
'Arum ' Cut Olt by a Sniv.
CAUNFOIITH , In. . Jan. 29. ( Special Tel
gram. ) While engaged In sawing wood
South Brooklyn Charles Evans was about
place a stick of wood on the carrier wb
his foot slipped and ho fell against the ra
Idly moving saw , cutting off both arms a
badly lacerating his legs.
New * JVoten.
An Alton man caught a butlorfly In 1
garden on Sunday , tbo 21st Insl.
A rcpresenlallve of a Vermont fir
bought 103 tons of llvo poultry In Fore
City duiJliB tli winter.
The Muscallne Journal pays the ilen
rite In Muxcallne has been alnrmliic
large this year. Typhoid fever lias claim
more victims limn any oilier disease.
The mlllc condensing factory at Waver
Is now ubliiff moro than 20,000 pounds
milk dolly und by reason of Hie recent n
dlllons to Its capacity could handle Ihr
limes that quantity If It could get It.
' Qerrlt Van u > Stefg , living north
Orange City , observed his 80th blrllul ;
last week. The Orange City Herald na
lie Is probably Hie oldest surviving pioni
of the Holland colony lu Sioux county.
W. D , Samhon , the young Sao coun
farmer who recently robbed the First N
tlonal ti.'inU III Sao Clly In Iruo despcrn
slylc , wns found Rtillly of robbery In t
dUtrlct court and sentenced to two yeai
Imprisonment In the Anumosa penitential
Duller counly has n balance. In Its Irct
ury of more limn $13.000 and Is golnir
try Ibe experiment of loaning money. T
banks of tlm counly have agreed to p
2 per cent Interest on dally balances
JIOO or more ,
The Board of Supervisors of Pnlo Al
county lias lei the contract for Iho c-o
Rtrucllon of a big drainage ditch lu Hi
county. The Ultch will be nix mllc <
Ic-nelh nnd about 75,000 yards of Ulrt v >
be removed , Several thousand acres
land will be reclaimed , Tbo co l. will
will be assessed to the properly ownc
benefited , will be about $7,000.
"Aunty"Boykun of Corning : , H color
woman who U over 1UO years old , last we
joined her son In Tennessee , from vthc
sIio Imd been bepurated for a till I'd of
century. "Aunty" wan born ami iear ,
a glave and bad lived In CornlriK I
twenty year * . Sbo was a Klrl of I- ,
nearly an t > he can remember , al the 01
break of the war of U12 und can tell storl
of the marching of the soldiers in Ui
His Appointment on the Board of Cent
Creates Excitement
I nun C'niiurrnnliiiiiil DrU-Kntlnn AV
< < ConnlilciHie AlMKiliilincii
uC 11 Sucui'NKor to ( Inl.uU -
Dtt3 M01NCS. Jan. 29. ( Special Tc
gram. ) The legislature met this aftcrnc
at , 2 o'clock and after a brief session t
Journcd until tomonow. A few minor hi
wore Introduced. The entire Interest of I
members Is over the appointment of Coloi
Hood ns chairman of the State Boaul
Control by Governor Shaw. The commlti
appointed by the senate to report on t
appointment will probably meet tomorn
morning. Senator Finch , n member of t
committee , stated this evening that tin
was a tacit understanding that , a conclusl
would bo reached on Tuesday. There
little doubt nt this tlmo that the commit !
will report favorably , although It Is cqua
certain n bitter light will rdsult on the lie
of the senate over the confirmation of t
appointment. Today a large delegation
soldiers called nt the state honso a
worked In Rood's Interest. They dcslro
old soldlur on the board. From present I
dlcatlons It looks ns though Rood would
defeated , but the republicans arc lined
with the democrats and they control the b
The Joint resolution to refer the qucstl
of woman's suffrage to the voters of lo1
will bo Introduced Into both houses tl
week and probably will como not later th
the morning session tomorrow. It Is itlcn
cal with the icsolutlon prepared by t
suffragists two years ago , except that It h
accepted the Tow amendments made
the committee at the last session.
This will be a busy week for the appt
prlatlons committee. As both commltu
have decided to recommend no money tin
the claims of nil persons asking sums
presented , there will bo a long list of hot
lugs In the near future. Already the re
resentatlve of the Panamerlcnn cxposltl
Interests and those interested In the mon
menta to be built on the buttlefleld
Shlloh , have been heard. The regents' coi
mlttco from the State university will a
pear before the senate committee Thursd
and the house committee Friday to push t
Interests of the State university and so
after the friends of the Normal ahool a
the Stnto College of Agriculture. Eai
this -week the committees having the Nc
mnl school bills In charge will he
a Joint meeting to hear the school menthe
the state Interested In the establlshmc
of the new schools. The repreacntatlv
of the State Teachers' association will pro
ably appear tomorrow afternoon.
Much Interest Is manifest here over t
appointment of a bucccssor lo the late Jud
Woolson of the federal bench for the soul
ern district of Iowa. Senator Allison w
call the Iowa delegation together early tl :
week In regard to the matter. It Is b
lleved that Senator Gear will have t
naming of the office and that It will olth
go to Davis of Keokuk or Towner
Late this afternoon Senator Tow-neond
the Marion , Mouroo djstrlcj , , Introduced
resolution In the senalo _ expresslng ayr
pathy for the Boers. The resolution , wl
the request of the ( senator ) wa referr
to a committee.
Coronpr'H Jury Acqnttf Ilnlnm.
SIOUX CITY , la. , Jan , 29. ( Special Tel
gram. ) A coroner's Jury has exonarnt
MIke Hatnes of the murder of Andy Kea
whom ho killed with a red-hot poker. J
Inquest was held this afternoon and the Ju
found that Kean came to his death from
thrust of n red-hot Iron into the nbdom
by the hand of MIke Holncs In self-defene
The testimony of the witnesses who h
seen Kcan prior to the fight was to the cffe
that ho had threatened to do Halnes serlo
Injury. Halnes bus all along maintain
that Kean assaulted him and In running
him came In contact with the end of tl
poker , with which ho was lighting his pip
( Continued from First Page. )
thing when ho saw It. Just now ho TVI
gelling a llttlo experience In Omaha f
which ho was paying all right.
ViNlt The DPI * Ilullillnjf.
From Ihe Cqmmerclal club Ibe party wi
taken to The Bee'building nnd taken throuj
press room , news room , editorial ai
stereotyping room , whore they were shou
the equipment of a modern newspaper plar
with the completeness of which they we
agreeably surprised.
At 5:30 : dinner was serveflitli the con
pllraenls of Iho Illinois Central at Iho Pa :
Ion. It was nerved In courses and before
was completed Colonel Merry , who preside
started the speaking by saying that tl
close relations maintained between the ra !
road men and the nownpuper men wore b
cnuBO they wcro nccc tary to each othe
The former furnished the transportnlh
lhat enabled the nowapnpcr men lo get be
ter acquainted with each other , and the la
tcr exlol Iho virtues of the railroad nu
nnd gloss over his fnulln , Sometimes tll <
have even failed to mention that a llmlti
train did not make schedule time.
G. M. Hitchcock welcomed the guests
"gentlemen from our new possessions
Omaha people had felt a thrill of conflden
nnd Joy when H was announced that tl
Illinois Central , ono of Iho greatest systcr
of the northwest , had \\ltliout a bcnua , co
cludod that it had cuough confidence
Omaha lo expend millions to link Its fa
with that of the city. Its coming proag
closer relations between Iowa and Omah
U. K. Johnston of the llockwcll City A
vocalo responded on Iho part of the now-
paper crowd. They had apprcclaled t
rourtcelc4 Khonn them by Ihe people
Council Bluffs nnd Omaha , and had been It
pressed by what they had seen In Omaha ai
If joalmren'lari-uiilar , liculthrniuvrtUKiit or II
btmej crerjiUr. > oirioklck.Gi-nlTbu. | KI-PII jot
lipwi-Js oiicii. mill | > ii iit-ll Totro. in tliu haiio <
vluluiit I'tijalo or pill i > t > Uaiil tlniiKcruui Tl
mnolliett eatleM , moil MiTH-ct war of
towel * clt-ur auil clean l > to uwu
IMoaiant , 1'alntablo.I'oleiil.TaklafioocJ DoOoo
Netcrblckeii , VVuakpii.urcirlpr. Hk'.J3cMo ) Wrli
fur free umple , and IxioUol on beallb Addri-ti
111rllif , I ) ; , I fcUije , u lrt l , J. Y tt. VI
South Omfthn with the wealth of n srclln
the support of which cnn bullil such cities
Ho was ready to admit , ns n resident of thtt
section , northern town Is the best sec
tlon of that state nnd Hint loivn In the bn
stnto In the Union. He complimented Col
encl Merry for the m.-iRniricenco of thr-tral
that had brought In thp exclusion , dcMurlti
facetiously thnt Mr. Merry hml spent ? 1,000 ,
000 Just for the pleasure of brltiRlug n fe\
newspapermen to Omalm.
Other He-mark * .
Victor llosowatcr iipoke of the ndlnlly ex
Isllng between railroad men nnd newspaper
men. Hut the newspapers were heio u Kir
tlmo before the railways came , nnl h
warned Mr. Merry that they would he hen
n Ions time utter the railways ha\o tnkfi
wlnRs and became llyliiR machlnw. Mr
Smith , the 'city ticket njcent , had Informci
him that the first two tickets * otd Iron
Omaha over the now line wore sold to twi
laboring men who were ( joins to Mlnncsot
irnd who , when Informed that they won
the first to purchase tickets nl Omalu wen
actually dazed by the unexpected hone
thrust upon them.
U. lj. Murphy of the Dunuqtie Cllobe
Journal spoke of the > onng man In journal
iMn. The young newspaperman Is nn all
Important factor In the life of the dally
great or small. He .Is ambitious and hi
zeal and energy arc untiring , laboring ; nl
ways with one Idea In view the Inleresti
of the paper ho represents for ho sees uf.v
off the * star of success , which ho conceive :
to be his star. The young man Is the propelling
polling force , the driver In the newspaper o
today. His characteristics arc what nn
classed na American push. Ho has pcrscvcr
anco nnd push an Ideal and ability to realIze
Izo It. Ho has wit and wisdom , Is n man o
the world , Is enough spiritual and not toe
much worldly , with private honor nnd nmbl
Victor Bender spoku wittily for the pcopli
of Council Bluffs , thanking the people o
Omaha for helping those of his city In civ
tertnlnlng tholrvisitors. . If Council Bluffi
Is to bo the terminus of the road
Us people do not object to visitors running
over to Omaha for a llttlo trip. Ho thankci1.
the Illinois Central for having helped tc
make Omaha tributary to Council Bluffs.
iMr. Merry closed the feast hurriedly bj
saying that the fine train which had been sc
much complimented did not como by chance
but was duo to the fact that there Is a cor
responding business to be won by Its com
ing to Omaha. After generously compli
menting Omaha , the pioneers who had made
the city nnd the newspaper fraternity vvhlcli
had helped ho assured the people of Omahr
that they would llnd that the local olllccre
sent here by the road arc gentlemen. In
every sense of the word.
Hushing from the table to the street cars
the party was boon aboard o ? Its splendid
train , comprising seven mngnlllcent new
Pullman and special cars , vestlbuled from
end to end , and n now engine , and about 8
s'clock ithe return trip was begun.
The VlNltorn.
The following Is a list of the Iowa editors
who visited Council Bluffs , South Omaha
and Omaha :
Ackley M. P. Purcell , editor , Phono-
; iaph ; Ocorgo V. Althouse , editor , World.
Cedar Falls E. A. Snyder , editor , Gazette ;
I. G. Packard , editor , Globe ; S. T. Walker ,
Ddllor , Uncord.
Cedar Uaplds B. A. Shsrman , editor ,
Denlson Henry A. Cook , editor. Journal ;
3. L. Caswell , edeltor , Bulletin ; K. W.
Meyers , editor , Review ; J. P. Harthun ,
idttor , Zeltung ; B. F. Tucker , editor , tte-
Dow City S. E. Rudd , editor , Enterprise.
Dunlap Leon Vossar , reporter , Herald ;
3. T. Child , editor , Tribune ; W. N. Gaumcr ,
> dltor , Reporter.
Dyersvllle William B. Cooksley , editor ,
s'ews Letter ; C. A. Smith , editor , Commer-
: lal.
Dubuque A , L. Plzer , cljty editor , Tel.e-
; roph ; R. L. Murphy , city editor , Globe-
[ ournal ; J. H. Smith , managing editor ,
Times ; John H. Ingram , city editor , Herald ;
F. C. Qutgley , reporter , Telegraph ; F. K.
Uunsell , manager , Trade Journal ; William
Olodcn , reporter , Catholic Tribune ; J. \
HdwanK editor , Normal Monthly ; U. U
W. Carvir.
Port DodRo J. 13. Donning , editor. Mes
Epnger ; C. V. Uuncombe , editor. Chronicle
George W. S. Clark , editor , Courier
Hampton t . I ) . Raymond , editor. Re
Independence A. II. I-'arwell , editor. Hul
Ictln-Journal ; . P. Miller , editor. Con
Iowa Palls 3. C. 1'latt , editor. Sentinel
P. 13. Poster , editor , Citizen.
Logan J. C. McCabe , editor. Observer , 0
K. Ferguson , editor , Nucleus ; J. M. Davis
editor. Garotte.
Manchester J. D. Swinburne , editor , I'hoe
nix : Will S. Heels , editor. News ; H. I ,
Rnnn , editor , Press ; Charlca H. Bronson
editor , Democrat.
Missouri Valley A. H. Sniff , editor , Hall ;
Parkersburg K. H. Schrack. editor
Quasqueton J. R. Osborn , editor , Mer
Rockwell City Byron Mntttson. r-lltor
Republican ; L. C. Hull , editor , Sentinel
12. 13. Johnoton. editor. Advocate.
Waterloo Dick Van Metro , reporter
Tribune ; Lou G. Parrott , editor. Reporter
George Gallarno , editor , Courlor ; Jacob 0
Pchmlilt. editor , Dcutsch Amerlkaner ; J. P
Von Ltickutn , editor , Democrat ,
Webster CityV. . P. Hunter , editor , Free
man ; C. D. Ilcllon , editor , Tribune.
Woodbine L. W. White , editor , Pliron
Iple ; H. C. Ford , editor , Woodbine Twiner
F. B. ThlrhlelJ , health Inspector of Chicago
cage , eaj-s : ' "Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cannel
bo recommended too highly. It cured mi
of severe dyspepsia. " It digests what yoi
eat and euros Indigestion , heartburn nd
ill 'forms of dyspepsia.
Hut-Millie of Wulcr Tntilc In llui-nliip
UllllllllIC .VllllONt lIVNIlltft
In DlNimtcr.
NEW YORK , Jan. 29. The sevcn-storj
building In Cherry street occupied by U
Heywood Brothers & Wakcflold Manufactur
ing company as a chair factory was de
stroyed by lire today , during the prevalence
of u fierce gale , which made the work of thi
liremcn extrtracly difficult. When the flr <
broke out there were about 150 men at worV
In the building , but all escaped without In-
Jury. The bursting of n tank on the roof o
the building , which precipitated 10,000 gallons
lens of water upon the fire raging beneath It
generated so much steam that the walls
burst out. Part of the east wall fell upon
the Gcrrlsh.vaiohouso and carried three fire
men with It. For a time It was feared the
men were lost , but they were extricated
without having rustalncd aerlous Injury.
The ioss on the building nnd Its contents ,
which wore completely destroyed , Is esti
mated at $500,000.
I'nliil S < ore nt I'HT\IIP ; - Clly.
PAWNED CITY , Neb. , Jan. 29. ( Special. )
A two-story frame structure , located on
Iho east Hide of Main street , this city , and
known as the Brown building , was almost
totally destroyed by lire. The building con-
lalned a stock of paint owned by B. K. Saw
der , a portion of which was saved. The
oss Is estimated at $450.
I > OI < MV O per u IlniiNi * .
NEW YORK , Jan. 29. The Dopew opera
louse In Pceksklll , owned by United States
Senator Chauncey M. Depew , was destroyed
Ty fire today. The loss is estimated at
Don't give them tea or coffee. Have you
Tied the new food drink called QRAIN-OV
t Is delicious and nourishing and takes
he place ot coffee. The more Qrnln-O you
rive1 tha children the more health you dls-
rlbute through their systems , Graln-O Is
nade of pure grains , nnd when properly
irepared tastes like the choice urades of
loffee , but costs about 4 B much. All
rrocora aell it. l&e and 26c.
For Infants and Children.
IT he Kind You Have
Always Bought
iheToodandBegula- .
slmilatlng liiig the S ipn\np.ha \ andLBawels of Bears the
nessandlfest.Contfllns neither of
OpiurrCMorpWne nor Mineral.
in Sttl-
® & % ® Use
Apcrfectnemcdy forConsllpa-
tion. Sour Stornach.Diarrhoea ,
Worms .Convulsions Jcvcrish- Over
acss and Lo ss OF\SLEEE
Tac Simile Signature of
GfctffZiZ Thirty .Years
Ali inuulli old
J5 Dosrt.J5C.I : rsi
. .
Have for sale choice Fruit , Farm and
Garden Land near Council Bluffs.
30 acres , mostly in fruit , adjoining city witli2 sets buildings.
M acres 4 miles east , with buildings and fruit.
4 acres , house , barn and fruit , 2& miles from post-office.
1 acre , with 7 room house , H miles from post-oilice.
8f > aero farm at a bargain.
Office 39 Pearl St , Telephone 344. Council Bluffs
The Stoecker Cigar is so peed that there
is usually nothing loft to throw away and
the man who smokes them frequently risks
burning his lips to get the last whilF. Sold by
all dealers for 5c.
We HaveTwo Stores-1404 Douglas and 221 S , IBtti.
fc& ffi-5
m * * * * *
> * . *
Best Dining Gar Service ,
HOWELL'9 ls Ple-isant to take.
Promiit to relieve
Hafu lor nil aces.
Suto to cure.
Is it not ? ' With its mar
ble stairways , broad
corridors and splendid
court , it is really a beau
tiful place.
is one of the things of
which the town is proud.
When you have friends
from out of town you
always show them The
Bee Building. Why not
have your office there ?
The rents are no higher
than elsewhere.
in l/e
Rental Agents
Ground Floor , Bee Building
) ohatiy Theater
Delicious First time Kuijolt-al In Council Comedy. rtlulTb . . . of . . , . tlm .
A Wise Woman' '
by JIitJp ? Iamour and
JIurpby A luiiopolltan C
We and 75u fa'euts on
lo u.t box olllc-t ) .