Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 30, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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Brands as Falia a Oertivin Statement of thi
Secretary of State ,
Stntr Trenniirer AnirniK with Kin
Hint lie ICiutvrc of Xo Move
tO Appoint IIfMV l,0t Of
Jan. 23. ( Special. ) SUI
Treasurer Mescrve this morning gave ou
,1 the following Hlalemcnt relative to the ro' '
nmong the members of the State Board c
Transportation :
"When Mr. Porter asserts that ho ha
rlcadcd and urged upon the members of th
board the appolntoicnt of new sccretarle !
as far on I am concerned' It .Is absolute !
false. Ho has neither discussed the matte
or ever , ns secretary of the brard , gave m
notice of a meeting for that purpose. H
paid mo a compliment a good while ago b
laying that I wnn a good man to dig u
the details at business matters , but did nc
know anything about politics.
"I am frank to say that 1 luvo never ru
my office with any regard to what the cffci
might bn on politics , hut rather along bun
tuss principles ami what I believed tp I
the bout Interestof all the taxpayers. In m
humble Judgment the man In office thi
ecrves his pajty Intcrcfts best Is the mn
who tries to run his office so that It coa
pels the respect of the pposltlon and Icavi
no room for his own people to find faul
Now , I do not think any man , whether he 1
a contractor of public buildings or a mei
chant furnishing supplies , a railroad maier
or whatever ho was , has ever found n
wanting an opinion when the Interest of tl
people of this state was at stake ; ready i
express It and the moral courage to bac
It up.
"I am not on the defensive on this tram
portatlon question. With all of this aglt :
tlon and advertisement In the papers ar
the prominence given It by a state offlci
In condemning his associates for the la ,
twenty days , there has not been a sing
complaint filed outside of the two things tl
secretaries , In conjunction with such men
licrs of the board who have taken Inters
enough to discuss with them what was be
to do , had under advisement long bcfo
the court's decision , was announced at
those two are the live stock rate and tl
local corn rate.
( Jive * Much Time to It.
"I have given a great deal of time to th
question for the last four months. The :
has scarcely been a day that I have n
discussed aomo feature of It with the sei
rotarlcs and they have only waited for tl
courts to say whether wo were a const
tutlonal board or not before acting. > !
policy Is well determined and will appei
as soon ne a hearing of the matter la hear
No Judge over tries a case In the newi
papers before hearing the evidence. Tl
hearing of the llvo stock matter comes i
on February 6 and the corn rate will 1
taken up an soon as the secretaries obta
nufllcient Information to base a hearli
"As I said before , I am not on the d
tensive m this matter , but the crltl
who have said our course Is wrong and ha'
been shouting 'do something , ' must con
forward and point otit where our policy
wrong ; they must point out what 'cou
have been done that has not been don
they must'come forward now and prompt !
too , and eay what should be done that \
are not doing or admit they are talkli
through their hatn anil do not know an ;
thing about this question and are only mi
that the secretaries , who are only the
servants , did not furnish them with bral :
enough to map out a policy and direct tl
Actions of thervovw4n.ajjpolntees. } I 0m no
S4 years old ; 'f'ortyy ars df that time I ha1
iiad to take care of myself , and have bei
In business more or less with the publl
my experience has. been that the peep
nre always fair when they know the facl
I am perfectly willing to trust their Jud
mcnt now and have -no fear of the reoul
when they gel both sides of this question
Ilrniul mill Mnrkx CominNnlon.
The State Brand and Marks commlsslc
which has been In session at tbo sccreta
of state's office in the capital building sin
January 2 , adjourned today nnd the procec
ftcro divided among the four members , ca
receiving $501 for a little les than a montl
work. The beneficiaries are Secretary
State Porter , J. H. Qulgley of Valentine ,
J. Blewett of Harrison and S. P. Delate
of Lewellen. Of the 1,670 applicants fll
with the commission , 1,425 were allowi
215 rejected and thirty were passed over u
til the next meeting , which will ho be
.March. 19.
There was some doubt In the minds
ecvcral of the commissioners as to whctl
tbo secretary of elate had a right to a
portion of the proceeds. In South Dako
where a similar law was passed by the IE
legislature , the matter was taken Into t
courts and the'secretary of state secured
decision that made ft lawful for him to i
cept his share of tlio fees on the grou
that they were ; not state money. Secrcta
of State Porter concluded that this was t
proper construction of the law and drew t
$601 without hesitation.
The Brand and Marks commission law pi
vldcs that every applicant for pcrmlss !
to use n certain brand must pay a fee
H-60 , of which 20 per cent goes Into t
ixpenso fund and the balunco to the co
If n mecUl wen
awarded for tin
most j > erfect tttii
perauce niedicin. .
prepared for fant
ily us > e it woulc
Piven to fcocto
1'ierce's Goldci
Medical Discov
cry- T.8 ! nlctli
cine which i
entirely nonalcoholic
holic and non
narcotic , pro
duces actua
strength , instwv
of the simulate
strength which re
f tilts from the us
of "whiskey nieil
icineSj" or nerv
numbing narce
The many nn
remarkable cure
resulting from th
use of "Golden Medical D'iscoverv
prove the soundness of Dr. Picrcc's tin
ory that in these days of haste and hun
the stomach is the common brccdin
place of disease. These cures also pro\
the soundness of Dr. Pierce's rcasonin
tliat "diseases which originate in tl' '
stomach must be cured through tl
stomach. " The " Discovery " is a med
cine for the .stomach and other organs <
digestion and nutrition. When tl
stomach is healthy the blood made I
the stomach is healthy , ami sufficient i
quantity to nourish the nerves ar
strengthen the system to resist or thro
.V ' . * i . . _ .Tr _
off disease Nature develops life , su
tains life and preserves life by nouris
it. Vital failure comes when tl
iKxly is starved either from lack of fewer
or the inability of the digestive and n
tritive organs to extract the nourishtne
from the food taken into the stonmc
"Golden Medical Discovery" taUcs tl
obstacles from Nature's way so that t > 1
can sustain life by her own methods.
Dr Pierce's Pleasant Pellets assist tl
action of "Goldta Medical Discovery
mlssloacrn. The amount received was } 2 , '
During the last week only one member o
the commission was at his desk at the cap
Itol and Secretary of State Porter has no
performed any service whatever for the com
mission other than to affix his official sea
to the acts of the board. The Brand am
Marks commission pays well , for there an
few petitions In the state house that an
worth $500 per month.
It Is announced that hereafter It wlll ot b-
necessary for applicants to attach to thcl
petitions the certificates of the county clerks
ns the data of filing only will be considers
In establishing their priority. All applicant
w-hose petitions were rejected will be glvci
another opportunity to claim a brand with
ut having to pay the usual fee of ! LCO.
OfTU'crn of Conipnnj- , \ .
Orders were Issued by Adjutant Genera
tarry this morning commissioning the fol
owing officers of Cctnpany A of the tic *
Irst regiment : Harry S. Hull , captain
-dwln A. Vorls. first lieutenant ; Otis E
Davis , second lieutenant. The company 1
tatloncd at York.
Governor Poyntcr has been notified tha
he meeting tf the committee on the cen
cnnlal celebration of the establishment o
he permanent scat of government In th
District of Columbia will be held In Wash
ngton , February 21. It In the Intentlo
of the committee In charge to have ever
state governor In the United States presen
t the meeting.
Inflnrncr of lllRli School Pnpll
C'nnnrn n Trnrher'n nmltcnutlnn.
NELSON , Neb. , Jan. 29. ( Special. ) Prln
clpal Ira Lamb of the High school has ten
lercd his resignation to the Board of Bdu
cation and It will doubtless bo accepted
This was Principal Lamb's second term. .
'ew days ago ho made a division In one c
the higher clauses. This created much dls
satisfaction among come of the pupils ,
number of whom arc children of Influent I ;
citizens. Some of the pupils left the schoo
The board Intimated that the order had but
: cr be revoked and the change made at th
Beginning of the next school year , Mr. Lam
dissented nnd his resignation followed.
Trnc < > of Otto .Mlllrr.
HASTINGS. Nob. . Jan 29. ( Special Telf
srnm. ) At last some light has been throw
upon the mysterious case of Otto Miller , wli
disappeared from his home , eight milt
southwest of HolKtcIn , a week ago last Sal
urday and caused his neighbors and Sherl
Simmering to believe he had been mui
.lercd. Late this afternoon Deputy Shcri
Mace received a telephone message froi
Roscland to the effect that the marshal :
Ogallala had telegraphed that a man at
swcrlng the description of Miller had passe
through that village yesterday going wcs
A late dispatch says that Miller reglstere
early yesterday morning at the hotel i
Ogallala. Sheriff Simmering Immediate !
wired the officers at that place to make a
effort to locate the man answering Miller
description and held him. Fred Mllle
brother of the missing man , was In Has
Ings today , heard the news and departed c
the first train for Ogallala.
Hurt In n lltinnvrny.
NKLSON , Neb. , Jan. 29. ( Special Tell
gram. ) A serious runaway occurred n she
distance cast of hero last night. Charles 1
Imlcr , principal of the Oak public school
came here to spend Sunday with friend
After attending church he procured a llverj
man to drive him to Oak. About a mile eai
of town the team ran away and threw M
Imler and Floyd Long , the driver , from tl
buggy. Both were knocked Insensible. Wht
Imlcr became conscious he went to the neai
eat farm house and called for asslstanc
The family at once went to the scene , whci
Long was still lying unconscious , and r
malncd so for quite awhile after being take
home. Upon examination. the phyalclai
found that Imler had a rib broken and Lon
It Is feared , Is Injured Internally. Tl
buggy was wrecked , but the team was foun
a few miles farther east apparently none tl
worse off for the experience.
nlii iHen of III * Injurlon.
PLATTSMOUTH , Neb. . Jan. 29. ( Spi
clal. ) A rope broke and William Fltrgera
fell from a pllcdrlver and received Injurli
which caused his death yesterday. He wi
working with a bridge gang for Wlllia
Neville on the Alliance extension of tl
Burlington fifteen miles east of Gerlng. Tl
body will be brought homo to this city I
his brother. Edward Fitzgerald , for inte
Another accident occurred that happem
In the supply department on the extension
few days ago. Foreman Neville was tl
man Injured. A piece of Iron weighing 2,2
pounds fell on his left leg. U is thought 1
will pull through safely and that amput
tlon will not bo necessary. He was broug
to his home here yesterday.
Making a Tent of Carbolic Acid.
HASTINGS , Neb. , Jan. 29. ( Special Tel
gram. ) Ollle Reed and Ada Rollins , two I
mates of a house of Ill-repute , last nig
took a largo dose of carbolic acid In a gla
of beer. The Reed woman Is entirely o
of danger , but Ada Rollins Is In a critic
condition and Is not expected to survli
When abked the reason for the act , Ol
Reed said they were in a bantering mo
and , seeing a tjottlo of carbolic acid slttl
on the window sill , each ono poured a dead
dose In the ether's glass of beer and togotb
they drank the mlxtufe Just to nnd out wt
effect It would have.
\Vnn ( Pny for Hcliipt AminiiKril.
FRI5MONT , Neb. , Jan. 29. ( Special. )
John Pencenstadlcr has brought ault again
Jacob Nicholas.- , foreman of the brewei
for $10,000. He charges that In Decemt
last the defendant violently assaulted hi
with a piece of gas pipe , bruising and I
Jurlng him so he was uncble to labor. T
plaintiff was discharged from the brewe
a few daje before the affray and the d
after was arrested by the poljco as a su
piclous character. It Is said by Nlchol
that Pencenstadlcr was armed with a r.
knlfo when the assault occurred.
Court Cnnc * nt I'lnttmnonUi.
PLATTSMOUTH , Neb. , Jan. 29. ( Sp
clal. ) Mrs. Harvey R. Waldron of Elmwo
hag brought suit In the district court again
the bank of Kagle afid Sheriff W. D. Wheel
to set aside a nherlff's deed to eighty aci
of valuable land In this county which a
claims as a homestead. . -
Attorney General C. J. Smyth was In t
city today to perfect an appeal In the ca
of the Nchawka bank against the Sou
Omaha National bank and other * . The co
wcs previously tried before Judge B.
Vnlon Ilevlvnl nt Tnlilc IlocU ,
TABLK HOCK. Neb. . Jan. 29. ( Special. :
Hvangellst t' . W. Potter of Atlantic. la. , t
gan a scrlce of revival meetings here I
day at the Methodist Episcopal churi
which will ccntlnue for at least two wee !
The meetings ore held under the auspli
of both .he Metbodlit and Presbyter !
Mndc linnnc by Worry.
TECUMSEH. Nob. , Jan. 29. ( Special. ]
Mrs. Robert Smack , who lives In the norl
ern part of this county , has been adjudi
Insane uud taken to the asylum atLlnci
for treatment. Worrying over religion see
to bo her greatest trouble.
Xor nl' U'rildlnK Annlvrr ni
SEWAKD. Neb. . Jan. 29. ( Special. ) 1
vltatlons have been Issued for a reception
honor of the twenty-fifth annlvfraary of I
wedding of Supreme Judge T. U Norval a
hU wife. The receotlon will bo In tbo aft
noon of February 4.
T tin re he Mny rounolldnte.
ASHLAND , Neb. , Jan. 29. ( Special. ) 1
vlval meetings are being held In the I
munuel BuptUt church here under the
rectiou of the psttor , Rev. E. E. Fcrj
Tuesday evening Rev. J E. R Folsom ol
Hastings will begin a series of meetings ! . Ar
effort will be made during the meetings tc
unlto the membership of the First Baptlsl
and Immanucl Baptist churches Into on <
organization. The leading members of bolt
churches favor consolidation.
Fnrmcr Anilrr Found Aot Cnllty.
WEST POINT , Neb. , Jan. 29. ( Special.- )
After occupying the Attention of the dlstrlcl
court for an entire wi-ck the case of Car
Andre , charged with committing a crlmlnn
narault on his daughter , was submitted t <
the Jury Saturday afternoon. After bcliif
out ten hours It rcturnr-d a verdict of no
Size dc D't Indlcat * guait < y. n war * o !
counterfeit and worthless salvo offered foi
DeWllfs Witch Hazel Salve. DeWltt's H
j the only original. An Infallible cure roi
| piles and all skin d' '
In connection with ihe delay on the par :
of the Vnlon Pacific with the commencemcn
of grading operations In the northern par
of the rlty It Is suggested that the cltj
place a prlre on tha.ground to be vnca'c.
and thus secure a revenue for the conres
slen. A prominent railroad official , inter
csted In securing mom Indulge here , tali
yesterday that In his opinion the Union Pa
clfic officers would bo willing to pay reason
able rates for the stub ends cf the streoti
to be vacated. The ground nskcd for Is o
no use to ' ! he city , as there Is no openlm
ncrcss the tracks , but in order to get aroum
the restraining order and other posslbli
legal proceedings It is proposed to buy On
, ground from the city. Lots In the vlclult ;
I ofthe streets asked for are selling at $7f > i
| each , nnd as the portion of the streets de
i sired constitute a lot each the total revenu
will amount to $7,600. as ten loU are need d
If this propos'.tlcn goes through and th
railroad company pays the sum mcntlonei
for lhestrcets % the money could bo used ti
mscadamlzc South Twcn'y-fourth ttrcet
This sum coming Into the treasury at ihl
time means a great deal to the city , as th
general fund Is about exhausted and ever
drafts will follow unless some-thing Is dente
to replenish the fund. V..illo the sale o
streets Is a new problem It is asserted tha
It has been done elsewhere and Is Mrlctly i
accordance with law. The pilco suggeste
Is considered ample , as lots In that sectlo
of the city nro not In great demand and ca
be had for less at private tale. Member
of the city council are : o be interrrgated o
this subject and the matter may be caus
for the calling of a special secslon.
Secretary l.otl to | ( CNKII.
It Is rumored that Colonel A. L. Lott wll
soon resign his position as secretary of th
Ssuth Omaha Live Stock exchange. Colons
Ixtt has been the secretary of the exchang
for a goad many years , but he Intends let
ting go because the work Is growing s
rapidly 'that bo cannct give enough atten
tlon to IL iMembars of the exchange sa
that the Intention Is to employ u eecretar
who will devote his entire time to the bus !
ness of the exchange and an Increase i
salary will come to Colonel Lett's EUCCCB
sor. Next Monday Is the time set fc
Colonel Lott'a resignation to be acted upo
by the directors of the exchange and t
that time a successor will mosti likely b
elected. -
I.nlior dull DciiiniiitK.
With.a view to Immediate Improvement
In the conditions of labor the United Label
club has adopted a platform to be consld
erod by all laboring men prior to the votln
for city officials In April. The club demand
an economical , honest and lawful admlnls
tratlon of affairs without regard to crcec
color or nationality. Next the club want
all work done for the city paid for at th
rate of $2 per day and only residents c
the city employed. A radical reform In th
police department la wanted and demandc
ns well ns In other departments cf the ck
government. It Is understood that tf
United Labor club will nominate candidate
who favor the platform agreed upon.
I.nm ! llnyrrn Sttll Active.
Real estate men are considerably Intel
csted In the proposed purchase by the ral
roads of a b ! > 3 batch of land in the souther
part of the city. Movements of rallroa
men are being watched with conslderab
Interest , and those who have lots to se
In the section mentioned are Inclined to ad
a little to former prices. Nothing new d <
veloped yesterday , but It Is expected thi
within a day or so propositions will be ma :
and some tangible Information will be fortl
coming. It Is learned on good authorll
that the land Is wanted for trackage , hi
the deal Is being so carefully handled thi
very few real estate dealers are cogulzai
of the details.
Xeiv ( liinrtorn for South. Oinnlm Clu
The South Omaha club la to consider tl
leasing of new quarters. It Is proposed
secure rooms in the Fahs block , whlh
to be erected at the 'southeast corner
Twenty-fourth nnd M streets. While tl
present club rooms ars very well lilted
the purpose , they are entirely too small t
the rapidly increasing membership. So ra ]
Idly has the club grown within the last fc
months that there U a demand for mo
room , and It Is understood that Mr. Fu !
has made a proposition to fit up. the secoi
story of his block to suit the club , pr
vlded a lease Is entered Into.
Fire ISHQniit'H to lit * Ijreoti'il.
Uulldlng Inspector Uunscombe Is In r
cclpt of a copy of the state law rcgardii
fire escapes and he has -been cmpowwrcd
serve notice and enforce the same. Ho pr
poses to compel alj owners of buildings ov
two stories In height to erect and malnta
proper Ore escapes. Tbe school bouses ;
well as a number of buildings on Twent ;
fourth and N streets will come under tli
ruling , and Mr. Dunscorabe stated ycstc
day that bo would commence serving n
tlces at once.
Mimic City Comili. |
Arthur W. Dill of Ulchmond , 1ml. , Is
the city vlsltlns friends.
The Lotus club elves a dancing and ca
party at Masonic hull this evening.
' j Iowa was represented on this market ye
tcrdny by twenty-four cars of live stock ,
i' The Sun and Trlburin have removed the
i i otllccs from the Plvonka to the Mack blue
i A delogotliin of the Commercial club m
, nnd entertained the vlsltlr.s Iowa cdl'-o
Mr * . J. S. Walters has returned fro
Chicago , where sbo spent three motif :
with relatives.
Tbe flret annual ball by the Retail Clerli
union will be held nt Odd Fellows' hall
the night of January y > .
Properly owners are preparing a petitl
for a ton-Inch sanitary newer on Twent
fourth btreet from Q to u.
The democratic clt > central commit !
will meet Tuesday night at Justice Cal
well's oftlce In the Pioneer block.
The lire department was called to Wo
klni' lumber yard yesterday afternoon
account of a pile of burning brush.
Chris iMcGovern is In Jail on suspicion
having hud a hand in the ro-'ohery of Kit
- ! gerald's tlore nt Thirty-third and Q tree
I i W. It. W.illwork bus resigned as head h
I liuyc-r for the Omaha Packing icmya
i aiU will go to work for Cudahy in the BUI
1) ) position.
Mrs. William Klllnswood died yrsterd
I afternoon from burns received by u lai
, i explosion. Funeral arrangements will
. announced later.
, A wtltlon Is being circulated for tSio pa
' Ins : of Twenty-fourth street from Q to
8 and brick baa heen specified as the choice
I1 tbe property owners.
-Srvi'Ht > - I'lviClihiiiiiifii on Trial
FARGO. N. II. . Jan. 23. The cas UKHI |
xcvcnty-tlvo Chinamen , rhursod with om
Iry the rr.te-J States Illegally , were call
this mornlntr. The day was largely tpcnt
hearing motions. It la rumored that b <
sa'lonul te8"mony will he Introduced ,
volvln ? certain oltliluls In a conspiracy
violate the vxi-luelon act.
National Lsagua Declares War on the Ke\
American Association ,
Sohrnic of Mnifnnica In lo llnve i
t'niinlcr Allrnotlon Whenever the
> otv Aiioeliitlon llnN a
( nine Scheduled.
PHILADELPHIA. Jan. 29. Uaso ball me :
from various sections of tbo country who ar
Interested in the new American nssoclatlo :
which Is to meet hero tomorrow for the pur
pose of organizing and to lay out a clrcul
began to arrive today. Moat of them nro noon \
on the ground. Those hero tonight are : II
I ) . Qulnu , president of the association ; C
S. Havener nnd Joseph D. O'Brien of Mil
waukcc , Adrian C. Anson of Chicago , A. C
Hocckcl of St. Louis , Thomas McCarthy an
J. U. Drewnon of Uoston nnd Phil Pctersot
CciiTway Sams nnd John McOraw of Haiti
Detroit will be represented at the mcctln
by a proxy In the hands of the Mllwaukc
people. While no one has yet arrived t
take care of Providence's Interests , It I
expected that representatives from that ell
will arrlvo tomorrow. Philadelphia Interest
are at present looked after by Frank Hlch
tcr , but It wan stntcd by Mr. nichtcr tonlgh
that some one other than himself , who I
Interested In tbe club to bo placed here , wl
officially represent this city at the meetlnt
The last to arrlvo was the Baltimore con
tlngent and ns soon as they got here th
new magnaten held an Informal confercnci
It was explained that many of the visitor
wore new to each other and that the confer
cnce was held for the sole purpose of bcconi
| Ing better acquainted. H Is known , howcvc ;
that plans for the meeting tomorrow wcr
! dlscutscd nnd that some sort of a roug
program was mapped out.
H Is thought there will be coiiElderabl
difficulty encountered when tt comes to maV
Ing up the circuit. It Is known that the ell
I cult has more than enough applications fc
j admission to complete the organlzatloi
Louisville Is a strong applicant and It !
understood that a delegation from the Bli
GrREs state Is now on the way to this clt
for tbo purpose ot pushing Louisville's at ,
plication. Washington nnd New York ai
also knocking for admission.
There was a rumor around the hotel coi
rldors tonight that William Harnle Is tl
moving spirit that Is pushing New York fc
membership In the new organization. Barn
is now connected with the Providence clu
and whether tbe rumor Is true could not t
learned toaigbt.
When President Qulnn was seen tonlgl
regarding the dispatch from Washlngto
which stated that President Young of tt
National League bad received appllcatlor
for protection and membership under tt
national agreement of the American asst
elation from various clubs ho cmphattcall
denied that any such applications had bse
Mr. Qulnn said that such a thing would I
ridiculous , as tbo new association Is full
able to take care of Itself and does not It
tend to ask favors of the National league.
League lleiKly < o Rc ln War.
The Washington dispatch was als
brought to tbe attention of Colonel John
Rogers of the Philadelphia National Least
club and from the colonel's remarks It lool
as If a war between the National league ar
the new- association is about to begin. Tt
Philadelphia magnate said :
"Oh , that matter was talked over at Clevi
land , where the circuit committee met la
week. It Is merely a war measure. I hai
all along been In favor of putting teams \
Chicago , Philadelphia nnd one or two othi
cities to play .in the absence of tbe Nation
Vcague teams- This is about all there is
it. "
The colonel's remarks are taken to mea
that the National league Is going to flgl
the now American association from tl
start. Frank C. Rltter of this city said 1
did not doubt that the National league wou
antagonize the American association.
In eplte of President Qulnn'e denial thi
any opposition association had asked fi
National league protection , there is rau <
speculation as to who the people are th
, asked President Young for membership in
j der the national agreement. It Is believe
that the National league's plan was to plai
a team under the National league in t
cities in which the new American assocli
tlon attempts to place a club , thus havlt
three teams In a number of cities. It
also believed that the new clubs will pi :
on the National league grounds when tl
regular National league team U away ai
conflict with the American association
home dates.
The American association representatlv
now In the city are thoroughly alive to t !
sHiiiitl-n. and Interesting developments a
looked for.
WASHINGTON , Jan. 29. The Post t
morrow will say : The magnates of t :
National Base Ball league have alreai
formulated their plan of attack on the new
formed association. The scheme lo to ha
a counter attraction In each city whenev
the new assoclatlcn has a game schedule
Of course the clubs named will Immediate
bo admitted to membership In the Nation
league. Second rate teams will be orga
Ized from the spare material In the Nation
league and whenever the first team Is pla
Ing away from home and the new associ
tlon proceeds to take advantage of the op
date for a game , they will be confront
J by opposition In tbe shape of a game b
I tween two minor teams belonging to t
National league. That Ls the scheme as
precent contemplated ,
Itcmill" on tlu > IlnnnltiK Track * .
SAN FRANCISCO , Jan. 23. Track so <
and weather cloudy. Oakland results :
First race , seven furlongs : Dolore wo
Schiller second. Correct third. Time : 1:2S :
Second race , futurity course , selling : Re
wnlil won. Harry Thatcher second , Dando
third. Time : iJ2 ; .
Third race , six furlongs , purse : Mnv
won , Imp. Clonsllla second , Monrovia thlr
Tirr.o : 1:14. :
Fourth race , mile nnd nn eighth , pellln
Torlhlo won , Rod Pirate second , Imperlo
third. Tlmo : l:03i. : !
Fifth race , seven-eighths of a mile , PC
ing : Colonel Root won. Meadow Lark nc
end , Owyheo third. Tlmo : l:2S'j. :
Blxth race , one mile , purse. : F. W. Rro
j won , An.'ou second , Uathos third. Tim
NICW ORLKANS. Jan. 23.-Moncrelt
j who won In n finely drawn finish In t
i lust race , was the only Hucceshful fuvc
! jti' . The wcother was coldand clear a
trni'1f "t. Results :
FlrHt race , yelling , seven furlong. * : H
nntto won , Colonel Cassldy sct-ond , To
Payne third. Time : l:2Si. :
Second r.ico. handicap , fix furious
FU uron won. Sidney Lucas second , Ktlldr
third. Time : l:15't. :
Third nice , celllnir. mlle nnd nn fleht
Phidias won. Klne Ulkvrood second , Jem
K third. Time : lM. :
Fotirlh race , handicap , cue mile : Ami
won , Koenlj ; second , Tom Mlddlcton till ;
Tnc ! : 1:41. :
Fifth race , bplllim' . one mile nnd twcn
1 } arils : llrlttlit Nlcht won , Cathedral r (
< ' ; olid. Joe Dougherty third. Time : l:43Vi. :
' ' Sixth race. Celling , mile rind an rl ln
> Moncrellh won , Can f Sen 'Km second , 1
Gallant third. Time : 1S7. :
v .fjovern to Slrop.
HALTlMOniC. Jon. 20.-Terry atrGovf
knocked out Jack Word of Newark ) ief <
the Kurrka cluh tonight In two minutes u
flvn secondr. The rncm were hooked to
t twenty rounds. " They went at it hamn
'lurid tonp frotn the start. Ward landed
I right and left on the law without a count
; in a clinch Mac cent his rizht to the kldn <
I and a momi-nt Imrr a left on the utomn
. and a rlcht on the tip of ti ie Jaw put \Vs
I to Elocp.
\ \ l.l't of riilrnuo IMiorm.
WASHINGTON. Jan. -president N.
3 ' Young received application * for protectl
and membership under the National azr
mr-nt of the Amerkitn association from
clubs located In Chlrngo and St , Louis In
the west nnd Philadelphia and Uoston In
the enst. nnd from two other clubs located
In each section to be selected 111 the Im
mediate future. The following contract ?
with the Chicago club were approved by
President Young today : T. C. IlonoJiue ,
R T. Chance. A. F. Nichols , C. C. OrllTUti ,
J. J. Onllnhiin. V. Onrvln. John Taylor ,
W. L. Kvcrett , W. J. McCornilck , H. S.
Wolverton. Frank Qulnn. James Ryan ,
Samuel Merles , DanU > l Orecn , 8. M. Uun-
KanV. . F. Cllncmnn. J. A. McCnrty ,
Charles Dexter nnd F. H. Klllen.
' * C1.1II
I'lAUl ) 1011 KUillT
VndcrnlntidliiK ( lint I'oimnlttcp Iln-
Ui IMnnn 3tntiire < t.
NFW YORK' . Jan. W.-ForthP , pure | > nl
hearing the report of the clrritlt commute'
of the Nittlnmil Le.iRtic of Protesslonn
Hasp Hall L'lutis H special meetlnK will poor
be called , to be held In this cliy. Although
I no ofllctal nnnnnnrcmnt hno been made II
I Is understood that tlip committee lins per
I fpctrd nil arrangpmriits for the reductlor
I of the circuit from twelve to eight clubs.
1 This commlttpp , appointed at the msl
meeting of the league. Is composed of Join
T. IJru. h of Cincinnati. A. It. Soden oi
Uoston. James A. Hart of Chicago inn
Colonel John 1. Rogers of Philadelphia.
Harry Qulnn. the temporary president o
the association , hun called a special meet
Ing to bo hold In Philadelphia tomorrow tun
tbr league l holding off before calling r
special mei-lliiK until the association dls
closes Its plans.
To llnpk itie'e " llnltltiiorp Tlnli.
HA1.TIMORK , Jan. 23.-Thp naltlnion
1 Haso Hall nnd Amusement company wn ;
I Incorporated today. The capital stock li
' JM.OtO and those who sinned the Incorpo
ration papers are John J. Malicin , Wllllait
I H. McGre. William Robinson , Harry Oold
man , Phil Peterson. James P. Shannon ani
Tliomus K. Jenkins. The specific oblect o
tbp company Is to conduct profcsslona
base ball Kames , athletic exhibitions ant
other amusements. This Is the compan ;
which will back the new association clul
formed In this city last week.
Rrntul TrottliiK Clrenlt I'roKrnin.
UUTROIT. Mich. . Jan. 23.-Thc nine cltlei
which were Included In last year'n gram
trotting circuit will be In the progran
again In the coming season. The meeting1
will bccln at Detroit July 16. Most of tin
stewards of the grand elreull arc In th <
elty. Tomorrow the route and amounts t <
be off prod will be fixed. Apparentlv tin
only change proposed Is to have Provl
deuce follow Boston , then Hartford am
lastli' New York.
PnrUer Knnpkn Onl
-"Kld" > Parker of Denver
DBNVBR. Jan. 2 ! . -
ver knocked out "Kid" Boyle of Chlcaci
tonlsht In the fifth round of what was ti
have rjce-n a ten-round po before the r"olo
rado Athletic association. Boyle made i
much bettor showing tJian local sport
looked for In t4ip llrst four rounds.
J. C. I'nllonvt Idcr , Clinrecdwith I'nj-
Innr n. lintel Illll ivlth a Forced
Clivck , Miint Stand Trial.
John C. FullcnwJder , charged with pass
Ing n forged Instrument , was bound eve
to the district court under $800 bonds o
Monday by Acting Police Judge Learn. Thcr
was a preliminary hearing in police courl
Assistant County Attorney Helslcy condupt
Ing the prosecution , and J. M. Macfarlan
appearing as counsel for Fullenwider. Sev
eral witnesses , among them three expert
In handwriting , were examined. Their tes
tlmony was damaging to the defendant.
Fullenwider Is accused of passing a forge
check for $49.50 upon \V. H. Cady , clerk c
the Dellone hotel , In payment of a board bl !
of $37. The check was drawn on the Fat
mers' Savings bank of Marshall and bear
the name of Nathan Crcpts , who , Fullcn
wider says Is a stockman , but the Marsha
bank officials returned It , saying that n
such person as Crepts is known to them. 1
is the theory of the prosecution that Crept
Is a "straw man. " The state will attemj :
to prove that the Instrument was signed b
Mary E. Fullenwider , the defendant's wlfi
F. B. Hamilton , assistant cashier of tb
Merchants' National bank , testified that I
his opinion the handwriting as seen in th
name , Nathan Crcpts , was that ot Mr :
Fullenwider. W. E. Rhoades , asslstar
cashier of the United States National banl
was even more positive In his Idcntlficatlot
Thomr..t ITonncr.
Thomas Bonncr died January 27 , 1900 , a
2:22 : a. m. , aged 73 years , 1 month and 8 dayi
Thus has this pillar of the church trans
fnrred his membership from the church mill
tant to the church triumphant.
We who survive him have In the manne
of his departure and in his conBciousnes
of the surrounding presence of white-robe
ministering angels a practical lllustratlo
and application of the assurance that "Yez
though I walk through the valley of th
shadow of death I will fear no evil. " Doubt
less the rod- and the staff -which comforte
and sustained him In this his last Journe
and spread on bis features his blissful ami ]
wns the assurance "I have fought a goo
flght ; I have finished my course : I hav
kept the fajth. Hencr.forth there is laid u
for mo a crown of righteousness. "
Born In Oxfordshire , England , Decembi
in , 1826 , Thomas Bonner came to Onelda , :
Y. , at 21 years of age. In Syracuse , N. V
November 24 , 1862 , ho married bis wlf
Eliza , who survives him , and to which faltl
! ful helpmeet he has been a faithful hui
band for forty-eight years. After a fori
I maiiBhlp in car shops at Cincinnati , he bi
'came , thirty-three years ago , a pioneer res
' dent of Omaha , a pioneer in the Union Pacll
i car shops , a pioneer member of the Kir
i Baptist church of Omaha , and has stcai
1 factly noialned such citizen , Industrloi
I worker and church pillar until now calli
! to his reward. This death removes a valui
: ' ble citizen -the oldest Baptist in this clt }
| not valuable us we are Inclined to measu
the millionaire , but valuable In his exampl
- ' his Influence and his counsel. Tbo latter w ;
: not always heeded , but might well have bee
' as was subsequently proven. For thlr
years a deacon In the church of his a0111 :
tlon , be was respected and beloved , ni
alone by the writer. In fact none kne
him but to love him. By biro , we men
his Inherent qualities which served to ai
sure us that Clod made man after His ovi
image. Until death calls us , wo shall tn
meet him , but we shall miss him. Ol
recollection of him shall not fade , and I
joy Is and shall be that wo knew his II
to be pure , hlfl heart to bo tender and kin
his mind not forcefully Intolerant , but coi
stderate and sympathetic. May wo emuln
his virtue * , succeed as he succeeded , ar
hare In eternity his peaceful rest , Is tt
aspiration Inspired by the deceased , bavlr
been for thirty-three ycara In fraternal ri
lallons with the writer.
Deceased 1s survived by his wife , his b
loved daughter , Etta , by two brothers at
four slstcra. W. T. SEAMAN.
.1. W. Hill.
J. W. Hill , who resigned the presldem
ot Omaha Typographical union. No. 190 , la
! summer and left the city , died in Syracus
[ N. Y , last Tuesday of BrlghTs dlaeaso after
an lllnc. s of t n days. He was a well
known printer In the Missouri valley and
read proof on \Vorld-Ilcrnld a number
of year * . Ho has a sister living In Lafarge ,
Ion ill ti IT Seventh lnr Advrnlt.
COUTL.AND , Neb. . Jan. 19. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Henry Flakcr , ngcd 69 years , died
today ot pneumonia. Ho wan one of the
; leading Seventh Day Advcntlsts In this part
of the stato.
North < linnhn Improvement Cluli.
Tbo North Omnlin Improvement club
Monday nlgbt considered the matter of llie
Ins levy for I ! " * ) and listened to speeches
by Comptroller \Vestbcrp and Kml J. Sack-
elt ui > ii the subject. MrVeitberK de
voted himself to facts nnd llgurcs and
urged tliat the members of the club visit
the council when that body is considering
the levy. Mr. Sackctt's renmrks went to
tb" economy of tbe council nnd be win--
cecded In convincing himself the tlnnncet
of Omnhii ( ire thr most economically ad
ministered of any town In the t'nlted States
of the siime sire.
The club adopted Ed Mullery'n resolution
asking tbo school board to continue the
day labor system of making repairs on th- >
school buildings , also a resolution by Rob
ert llougliton iisklMK the eounrll to tuke
favorable action upon tbe sewer and pav
ing bond ordinance now before that body.
Tbe secretary was Instructed to Invite
Secretary ISIllan of the school board to
address the flub on the subject "f tbe
schools on tbe nlgbt of Monday , Kcbrvi-
nri12. .
Dlnmonil HMKI | > Il nppr r.
Jnmcs P. Redman. 1R17 Corby street , re
ports the loss of two diamond rings wort-h
25 efl.cb. He says bla wife placed them In
a cup on the sideboard and then , leaving
uJichotiw unlocked , went to a grocery
store half a block away. When she re
turned the rings were gone.
JudRO S.inlmrn of the t'nltcd States court
has confirmed tlic sale of the I'nlon I'nclftc
hospital nt Denver In tlic cnso of Ollvar
Amor , second , affiilimt the Union Paclllc
Ilallwny company.
Thomiis Pnrkcr ami Thomas Monroe ,
wanted In Minneapolis on a clmrKC of for
gery , were arrested on Hnrncy street Mon
day afternoon by Detectives Mitchell nn < i
Dempsey. They will be held here until ex
tradition papers can be secured.
The Clan-nn-Gaol societies of Doucla ?
county held a meeting- Monday nlBlit anil
decided to celebrate the birthday of Rob
ert Emmet , Sunday , March 4. at CrolRhton
hall. Committees were appointed and some
Irish-American orators
of the most prominent
tors will be secured.
Organized labor Is rejoicing over the fncl
Unit the only house In Omaha handling tin
"BurK" bat has decided to purchase m
more of them , nnd tliat Hayden Hros.
who recently unwittingly gave a contracl
for sliow cases to a bouse declared to be
unfair , has rescinded the contract.
Typewriters are not going to entirely PUJV
plant the pen In T.ho Treasury department
Secretary Gage takes exception to theli
use In tbo work of filling out checks and
In an order received by Collector Hotitz
Insists that because of the ease with whirl'
checks lilled out with 'the ' machines art
altered that pen and Ink shall hereafter b <
The Young People's Society of Cbrlstlar
Endeavor of Omaha nnd South Omaha wll
have a missionary rally this evenliu
at St. Mary's Avenue. Congregatlona
church. Addresses will be delivered up < ii
missionary topics and will be Inter
spersed with music. At the conclusion ol
this service all will Join In si social in the
parlors of the church. All Kndeavorcrs o :
the two cities are. cordially Invited.
As an attractive feature of Its banque
Saturday night the Omaha Bur assocln
tlon expects to have , .1 number of proml
nent out-of-town speakers to take part It
the program. Among them will be Hon. A
B. Cummins of DCS Molncs. who was !
leading candidate In the recent Iowa sen
atorlal contest , and Hon. G. M. Lambert
son of Lincoln. There will be a numbei
of guests present , representing the fore
moKt lawyers and judges of Nebraska.
George McKay , formerly chef at the Hen
shaw liclel , has been occasioned some an
noynnee. "iVoURh the reported pilfering o
J A. McKay , an employe of the rame es
tabllBhment. Mr.McKay , iformer chef
wishes the fact made public that the al
leged transgressor l an entirely dlfferen
Individual. The McKay under suspicion
also , was atdo to convln-ce the police JudRi
ofhis innocence and was released , thu ;
relieving the family name of any unpleas
ant connection.
The 'Health ' department Is now engaged li
umlRa-illiK the house of K. M. Blalns , 352.
Dccatur street , all of whose family havi
been afflicted with rmallipox. The olllcali !
expect to declare the fiuarantlnn remove *
wr.metime this week. There are no furthc ;
indications of Km-allpox In the city , nnd thi
health commissioner feels some conlideno
that the disease will lie conllned to Iti
original location. Alfred Blalns , 2604 De
cntur street , has almost recovered and wll
leave his toed in a few days.
Fair nnil Much Colder for Turmln :
niiil Wcilnmiliij' In Nelirnnku
itml loivn.
WASHINGTON , Jan. 29. Forecast fo
Tuesday and Wednesday :
For Nebraska and Kaneas Fair nnd mucl
colder Tuesday ; Wednesday fair ; north
westerly winds.
For Iowa Fair , with cold wave Tuesday
brisk northwesterly winds ; Wednesday fall
For South Dakoa Fafr and colder Tucs
day ; northwesterly winds ; Wednesday fall
I.nenl Ilecoril.
OMAHA , Jan. 29. Omaha record of tern
peraturc and precipitation , compared wit
I tbe corresponding day of tbe last thre
I years :
- I 1000. 1SU 1S3 . is-i ;
11 Maximum temperature . .42 21 22 :
I Minimum temperature . . . C 9 11 -
' [ Average temperature . . . . 24 fi IB 1
1 Precipitation 00 .01 .01 . (
Record of temperature and urcclpltutln
at Omaha'for this day and since Mure'
3. ISM :
Normal for tbe day '
Excess or deficiency for the day
Accumulated excess since March L. . . Cf
Normal rainfall for tbe day 02 Inc
Deficiency for the day 02 Inc
Total rainfall since March 1 2G.1 incbe
Deficiency tdnce March 1 1.75 Inehe
Deficiency for cor. period , ISflv. 1.23 Inchc
Deficiency for cor. period , 1S37..10.44 inclic
Hcnort from tntlonii ut S | i , in.
- 3
2' =
'I ' : P : 3
Omaha , clear I 321 421 . (
.North Platlc. cloudy ' S0 | 46 . (
Salt Luke , partly cloudy I 42 4G | '
( 'heynnne , unawlnK 20 | 10i . (
Ilnpld City , cloudy . . . . . \ | 21 ! 3I | . (
I Huron , clear ; fc1 3 i '
Wllllston , clepr li 21 <
Chlcugo , clear Ml 20 |
St. Louis' , clear . . . 2 * 30 , . (
. St. Paul , clear tl 241 . <
I Davenport , clear . . . 2V 28 . (
I Helena , clear Wl 34 . (
KnnsnH City , clear 40 ! 42 .1
Havre , cltur 221 2M '
BlflniurcU , clear . . . . -81 24 , .1
Galveston , clear . . . 40J40 ] . (
Helow zero.
Local Forecast Olllclal.
d.ty Liebreich , of BE.RLIN , Bogoslowsky , of MOSCOW ,
I'll : Althaus , of LONDON , Pouchet and Lancereaux , of PARIS ,
'IP the NEW YORK Medical Journal , Medical News , etc. , etc , ,
rd Natural Aperient Water for systematic treatment
in constipation , bilious troubles and obesity , because it
K.on rise to constipation.
.c. does not give subsequent
.ittle Liver Pills.
Must Bear Signature of
S e Poc-Slnllo Wrapper Below.
Tor tn > aU
to take 09 rnjpir.
When others fall consult
mm CHRQE &
op MEN
We guarantee to cure nil eases ourab'.a of' '
SEXUALLY. cured for life.
Nlshtly Emissions , Lost , Manhood. Hydrooelo
Verlcocck. Gonorrhea , Glcot , Syphilis , Strict
ure , Pile * , Fistula and Rectal Uloers nnd
All Private Diseases
and Disorders of Men.
Consultation f reo Cull on or oddroai
119 So. nth st. OH AHA. .
Mnriani Wine , World Famous Tonic
A mild stimulant , the only cne that
has no unpleasant reaction and that
produces no harmful effects. This Is
asEcrted after continued experience'1
durlng the past tblrty-flvn jcars.
All Druggists. Refuse Substitutes.
A Skin of Drntily la n .Toy Forrvrr.
J > n. T. KI3MX < ; i > lIUAUD'.H nilHSM'\Ij
? d" _ "E5 > te ncmoveu Tan. * " Pimples
" * f3& V& KrecUlch , Moth. Pntclie *
SCS JterSyCS x\Iall ! > onrt Sk''i ' ills-
iS ftJlF'011. ' anlt ov"rjr
. ,
f-aS Jfifcr ; n WflrJblomlBh on bnauty ,
/nnil doflps rtelec-
tlon. It II.-IH mooct
the tent ol .V. years
aiul li BO h.-irinlc-RB
witastu It to bemire
mire It IB properly
mude. Accept no
, countorfelt or flml-
\\ivr \ name. Dr L.
\ \ . .Sayre sniu to a
jlnily ot the haul-ion
( n patient"Ai ) ? you
IndleH will uno
tlicm I recommend
Houraud's Crcnin .in tlio le.iat harmful of all
Skin prcpnratloiiN. ' For sale by all DrurrlBtnnnd
F-mc-y Goods Ueulcra In the United St.itos , Cnn.-id.-i
uuU Kuronc ,
. FEBU T. HOPKINS. Prop'r. 37 .loncn Ft. K. V.
ImprcTs tks
_ incral liealth.
The rror t cn c cnti he cnrcil by OM
Inir Mnuiift Pile ICIllor. Gnnrauteed.
91.OO per 1-ox l > > - mull.
Wotern SJrpo' , UmakB , N ta >
Dobllltj nnd It * Cornpll-
cntlnnt , fucli M wc-.ikncM ,
un k-ty , lin | lewnci.s , decline
. of iiirve force nnd control ,
\ cured fnrrTcr by our cxclu <
tle treatment , which noHiut
I you fm approval. If not t
success , return It nt our ex.
pome and Pay Nothing.
Full nrcount mulled lealca ;
no rharge
Trciii all Formt cf
22 Yean Fxpfrlencn.
U-c | r ln Umihi
. Kr.r.crniciTT and
JJIKlllt'AI , Trealmeii.
fiujzf coititiiiird.Varlcocelp ,
Stricture , Sj-phllii.tosiiof Vijoraud Vitality.
rilBES nUAUANTnU ) . Cbarces low. HOJII !
TIltATJlKNT. Hook , Consultation and Exam >
Illation 1'rce. IIonri.Ba ai. toO ; 7loH 11. i-.i.
SundaT.9lol2. P O.I ox MA. OfTirn , > I. K ,
Cor. lithaud I'ariiain Str > uU OMAUA. NtU
//-Arri-ou. IHlrattl-Falllnct Jten.
orr. hl-X'pl"einm. etc. , euuied D7 otur.
work and ludlocretlont. 'V/irw ijuitkla
anil turtlu rtxtoro J t VlUIIti in eli
or young , and Ut n man for aludr , buil-
n or iileuiur i. I'rorent InfcAaitr ac "
IxiDkainptloo K In tlm . Ttt
whert nil othen fall , c l t uioaliJTingttieieiiuln
AJaxTableia. .lh 7 fiaru , CUIM ! tbouiund. uud H I )
> u positive ntuii RuurautM to f.
F-or tnlo in Omuha , Neb. , by , 'as ,
vtho. wt N. JCtli St. . Ivuhn & Co. . 15tu
C. De Haven. DrucirUl.
Ueo IlleU for
trrltatluiis ur ulreratluul
ot luucuua i-wrnilTAnt-a-
I'nlnlmt , am * i.ot uiuit1
Bold by ) ruu-rl ' -
t'X riprrti , | ii | .ai'l. . . <
ll.ll ) . or ) I'Oltl' i , I- ' ,
Circular KUI o H-c.r ! *