Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 28, 1900, Part I, Page 9, Image 9

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    THE OMAHA DAILY J5EE : SfJsDAV , JAXl'AllV 'JvS , 15)00. )
Shooting Tonrnanwnt-Reimu in Pronounced
Victory for Locals.
Spurllnu IJ\oiil Attract * \n-
tluimliii > rc rtn This Clly IU-
Hull Di-rctitK l'uriiii-l < MIn
l.lvc Illril Sliiiot.
4S I ' . *
' -S Crack shots of Omaha scored a notable
victory and lied \ho wtrld's record by win
ning .lEe , iVhfh shbot from Kanftng , City In
the celobfaled contest en the ground * ol
the.Oniaha Gun club across the river Fri
day and Saturday. It was' an event long
to be remembered by life sportBtnen whf :
| > artfcl | > ated In It and the spectators who
were fortunate enough lo witness It. The
Una ) acoro was -111 to 131 In Omaha's f.ivor
The' -wan one of national Inlercs !
and , Importance from tho.beginning. . Till *
was especially so at the conclusion of tht
mutch , for the reason thai the world's'reeon !
for a team-man shoot was.tied by Omaha'i
KflUulIng almost In ( public attention tht
match learn shool was Iho 100-llvc-bIn
match which was shot between Frank S
Parmctco of Oniaha and J. / . . II. Elliott ol
Kansas City , champion live bird shootei
of the world. Thlo catno us the concluslor
to the tournament. Ellloti nnd P.irmrlci
were members rcspecllvcly of the Kansas
City and Omaha teams. The first fitly blrdi
of Ihclr match counted In the tolal scon
ot the team shoot lhe second fifty beltn
, Independent of the team conical and -com-
plellng the number of birds In the In
dividual match belween Ihcse two cracl
show. Kllloti was the vlclor In this race
He scored clghly-seven birds and Parmelci
eighty-six. The match wa.i for $200 a okle
Ucttint ; was lively on lhe outcome at evct
money -anil considerable money changoi
handa. '
This was the fo'urlh contest of an Idem
I leal description between Parmeltc and Bl
Holt. It was the first one that the Knns.i :
City 'man ever won. In the preceding one :
lhe scores were : I'armelce , 88 ; Ellloll. 91
1'armeloc. 91 ; Elliott , 91. In the third boll
tied with ninety-one birds and on the shoot
off with twenly-flve birds to the man 1'ar
melee was victorious with a , score of 21 ti
23. .Parmelcc ild yesterday in dlscusslni
the shoot : "My defeat can be accounted feIn
In simple fashion. I-wasn't accurate -cnougl
to kill my birds. I let toymutiy getaway
Ellloll was more successful und to his bet
" tor shoollng is > his-victory''flue. Of cours
the wind waa iibomlnabld and prevented htgl
scoring , but then I WPS nt no .more u dlsad
vantage than was Elliott. Ills superiorly
In mnrksnianshlp today-won for him th
match. "
Omaha spot-lumen have reason to fee
Jubilant over their victory. It Is an impor
tant one and there Is reason for doubl
toitisfactlon In thai ihe record made by Ih
locals al Kansas Oily In the first Intcr-cll :
nhoot was fully sustained. The member
of the Kansas City team accepted their dc
feat gracefully and acknowledged theVsplon
did nblllly of the Omaha shoolers. The :
were somewhat discouraged at Iho end o
Iho flrsl day's shoot Friday , when , will
only four pairs lo ehool , .Ihe Omaha lean
led by six birds. Captain Walden con
fldpntly asserted that his team would b
able to overcome this advantage , but hi
optimism was not shared by the balance o
the members of tbe team. Friday night fei ,
bets were made on the oulcome of the teat
shoot by the Kansas City men except a
oildH of 100 to 60.
In decided contrast to the balmy , clea
atmospheric condition which favored th
first day's shoot was the raging- wind
ctorm that blew down from the north al
day Saturday. It swept across , lhe trap :
struck the cheek of the shooter'chilled th
blood of the spectators , swirled -clouds ti
sand from tupgrounds .within lhe park enclosure
closure and made lhe day altogether a dls
agreeable one/ Four pairs remained to b
Bhot off Saturday and the scores subse
qiiently made by the contestants In the tecl
ot Iho wind were exceptionally good. Th
wind , too , mado.the birds more difficult t
shoot. Nevertheless , It afforded oppor
tunlty for many excellent shots and Ih
shooters who engaged In the match yes
lerday furnished the spectators plenty c
occasion for cn.lhualasm. Some marvclou
shots were. Mil a do and the participants I
the contest have ample cause for pride 1
the scores made by them.
A comparison of liter. Individual ncoreR I
Indeed .grallfylng lo Omaha sportsmen. TV :
of the 'local ' shols scored forty-eight birds-
Klmball and Hardln. The work ot tha latte
gentleman w is an agreeable surprlso to hi
frlen'ds. .He shot .with a "confidence , and a
accurac'y' to beholdV'Tbo.record h
made , exceedcd the expectations of his fcl
low members-en the team and he wmj con
gratu.luted with fervent sincerity.- Stock
well was the only one of the visitors wh
K-ored forty-clghl. Smcad df Oniaha mlss
but three nnd was lied In ( his record li
Herman and Dave Elliott of the visltln
tram. Dave Elliott's exhibition of shootln
was a marvel. Ho was the first man at tl :
Irapu Saturday morning. Ills learn was the
lx points to.the bad. With th'e wind blow
Ing a perfect gale he mudo a score whlc
would have been considered excellent In tl
fairest of wrather. Loomls 'was paired wit
him , Though ono of the best men on tl
Omaha team ho was unable to overcomtl
rf the wind and the coo l' <
ordinal lly would have made wn lowered l > j
at Itiiat three point * . H killed foriy-foui
blnli. After thin pair * * * ilnteiird the \l
liors becau to take heart bau OnwbtTi
lead war then decreased to four points
Bray brought ! t up one notch. ho evcr. It
his match with Allen , nnd Frank Crabll
brought the lead back to the original revot
I'Olntd by defeating Oottllpb three bird ? . It
the flrat llfty birds of the Parmelce-Elllot
trateh the contestants tied on forty-am
birds and when Klllott dropped hi * bird 01
the fiftieth shot the sere In the team * hoe
.was unchanged as the result of the contts
between the recognized champions.
The soorus In the four pairs ahot Salurda ;
folio"- ;
D.lVe Elliott. . . . 01012 21ii 2S2J2 H252 2S102
, . 32tti 22222 2IJH 22222 22222-1
O. AN. I-oomls. . 21203 22.'J1 12022 22222 2K22
„ . , , ' 220S 2SO 2fl2M 12222-1
Dart Ilray . 2ZHK U2E KilJJ 02 I 222K
. . . . C22W 'XtX : s. 2 IZSOOKK-f
W. S. Allrn . . . ( WS2 52JO (0221 22220 225i > 0
_ 220H 22J22 J12 22221 : " 2i -H
C. Gottlieb. . . . 2MI2 2222J 0222 ! 22222 O'JO'
, . . VtSli 0:212 22222 21K2 02020-1
l3 , ' C'mblll. . . . SZU1 202J2 22222 ZZCH 2.1J22
, 2M22 2 rJ 02222 20KJ 22200-1
* ! ' . S. Parmr-Ioe 20412 22JJ > nK2 20220 22222
i 22122 J.S22 2ta : 2222 * 2K22-I
I 222 202K 22H22 22.e ( 22222
! 22222 U222 22222 22220 02222 I ,
Totnl In ico-ulrd r.up . s
J. A. K. ICMbtt ( BK2 20222 2 < > 2rt2 20222 02222
22'2.2 2220) 22222 22220 22222-4
.Total In 100-blrd rare . S
First fifty counted In tenm s'loot.
Tire Interest manifested 'by sportsmui
throughout the state nnd. from distant point
In the Onmlia tourniinipjit was decldedl ;
gtntltylng to the local rntliuslnsts who hai
the affair In hand. The nttc-mlancc was par
Hculurly a matter ot satltfactlon. Most o
the town * In the stnto In which gun clul. .
arc located anti where thtro Is any cnthu l
asm were represented. Although main Inter
on centered In the premier event repro
t-entcd by the team shoot and the Parmeloc
Elliott match , the live bird handicap o :
Thursday was an event which ordlnaril
would create great Interest. The succecs o
J. C. Jenklr.3 of Ncllgh In ' winning th
handicap wns pleasing , even to the othe
contestants , nho were willing to acknow
Icdgo with all due consideration the splendl
marksmanship of a shooter repr-scntln
one of the smaller cities of the state.
In dlscuslug : the Omaha , tournament an
comparing It with the flrit shoot betwee
the Omaha nnd Kansas CIt'y tennis the fac
stands out prominently that the score
made by both teems In the last , , blioot wor
j bettor than formerly"riiIs'sMfteeounted f i
by the careful practice which tlia mcmb'.r
of llie two learns have Indulgein ! for ECV
eral wceju prior to .the Omaha shoot an
also .to the strengthening of both teams. 1
Is somewhat remarkable , nevertheless , who
the bad weather of Saturday Is cnlloj Int
account. U Is reasonable to believe that ha
yesterday lie'n as perfect a day as waa Frl
day the scoring would have been alines
without prcc'-Oent. For Ihe purpose of core
parlson , and ! n tMs ln tcnce comparison
are indeed intrresllng , the tables eummat
l7.Ing tbe two s'loots between the Kansa
City and Omaha teams ira nppundiM. Th
first shoot was held In Kansas City , Novom
her 24 and 2j , 1S9'J. '
Porter 42Sehoeder
Allen 43 Bershclm
I Ulckmnn 42 Brucker '
Curtice 39 Reed
ICockrlll 45Smead
'Herman ' 42iBrav "
Klllott , D 4PKlmbal D. . . ' '
Stockwcll 43Klmba ! , T .
Cnmnbell 44 Crnblll
Gottlieb 49jParmelee
Total 4371 Total ti
Second shoot , Omaha , . January 26 and "
j ir-00 .
Herman . . . - ; . . . 47 Klmbal , D
1 lllclcmati . ' . . . 39 Bershelm
Bramhall 41 Klmbal , T
Kelley 4t Smead
Stockwell 45 Hardln
CockrlM 43Roed
Elliott , D 47LoomU
Allen 40Bray ' '
Qottlleb 41Crablli , . .
Ellloti , J 41Parmelco
_ r
Total -.W Total 4
Rood fellowship reigned supreme at tl
banquet tendered the vlaltlng Kansas Cll ;
lanp by the Omaha shooters last night i
the Mlllard hotel. The menu comprised a
the delicacies afforded by the market and
was served so tastily and templlngly as 1
arouse the desires of the most pronounce
epicure. No finer banquet was ever serve
nt ftio Mlllard. The Kansas City vlsltoi
were more than pleased with the hospitnlil
showered upon them and stated at the bat
quct last night that ths entertainment a
frrd-v ! them was so princely as to In
r.easuro offset their chagrin at the defeat I
ihj shooting contest.
nnil Central ANF < IIUIIIII'N | | Cor
- .lt CiiitNutn Stir. In I.ornl
_ _
Th" Omaha WHIst association was on !
represented at the second annual meellng i
the Nebraska Whist association at Orar
Island 1.1st week' by" 'two ' 'players , ' Albo
Calm and Dr. MDowelI , both of who
mad/j creditable records. .The near approac
of ( ho Central Whist uxiociatlon'd tourn :
men * , lo be held at Lincoln February a ar
10 , detracted from the Interest In the moi
local contest. The whlstcrs of the ma
galhorod at Grand Island , to the number i
about thirty and received a cordial , welcon
from the local team. The Grand Islai
tem consisted of Abbott , Prlnco , Miller ai
Porter , the play , given elsewhere In dctal
tank piece on Friday and Salurdav and
nrouoed considerable Inlerot. The officers
of lhe .iMoclatlon are : M. 1. Altken of Lin
coln , prt-nldent ; H. M. Sullivan of Broken
Bow , vice president ; W. A. Prlne * of Grand
Inland , secretary , and H. Xutin of St. Paul ,
Omaha la represented In tbe Central Whut
I league by two clute. the Omaha Whist club
1 and the Elks' Whist club. Tae Klks. how
1 ever , teal that ihoy bave nol undcrsttic sufu-
clonl training to nppenr to good advantage In
the tournament and It Is Improbable tbnt
they will send a tenm. The Omaha team la
getting Itself Into form by sonsclentloua
practice on Wednesday and Saturday even
ings and expects to put a strong team In the
I field. The session Is expected to be one ol
' the most Important ever engaged In In the
' west and seventeen clubs will be rprc-
tented. The teams so far entered ore as fol
lows : DCS Molntrt ( two clubn ) , Sioux Cltj
' ( two rlubs ) , Council Bluffs , Sioux Falls ,
Kansnd Clly. Llnccln , Cedar Haplds. Dcnl-
son , Charlton , Ccnlcnllle , Dead wood , Hoi
Springs , Kearney nnd Omaha ( two clubs ) .
Dradwood. Hot Springs and Kearney have
1 boon added to the membership since the con-
| vcntlon at Omaha ono year ago.
I The prize hung up for lhe vlclors conslsls
' of lhe ntchnrda Irophy , n handsome loving
1cup. 1 . The prize has twice been captured b )
! the DCS Mollies team and according to the
terms of the ronlesl will become' the per-
J mancnt potecsslon of the lowans If It Is secured -
! cured once more. Unusual Interest therefore
center ? about the present contest.
\ < i r.notiuh Information Ulcnnrtl
Coin-rrnliiK .McotliiK to Clarify
llanr Hall Nltnutloii.
The magnates ot Iho National Icagm
have at last held n meeting. They qulctlj
congregated at Cleveland last week , sough
to avoid recognition by registering at theli
hotel under assumed names and took ever ;
j precaution that their proceedings should bi
i entirely secret. Omnipresent newspaper rep
' reicntatlves , however , got wind of the pres
! enco of the officials and ferreted Ihem ou
! In lhe hope ot being able lo unravel tin
innglcd foot ball skein. The bane ball mei
hnd the audacity to deny Ihelr Identity , bu
the bluff didn't work. As a result of tin
meeting It Is officially announced thai Louis
vllle and Cleveland will be dropped fron
Iho league circuit and It Is Intimated tha
the same fate will befall Baltimore am
Washington. Whether the Cleveland meet
Ing wns allcndcd by any olher acllon rela
Uvo lo the national base ball sltuallon 1
nol announced. The officials are anxlou
Ibnt their actions shall be kept entlrel ;
secret unlil a full nnd complete progran
U agreed upon ; then they evidently inteni
lo hold a meellng and spring upon lhe pub
lie just what they intend to do. Thl
procrastination Is obvious , since the longc
the National league delays definite nctloi
regarding baae ball mailers. Just that mucl
longer Is delayed the setllement of othe
Important matters depending to a certali
extonl upon Iho solution of the Natlona
league problem.
The proposed American association ha
been by no means Inactive during the laa
few wce-ke and It has now bobbed up will
an Individuality which looks like a wlnnci
Competent base ball authorllles assert wit !
| n degree of confidence , certainly somewha
convincing , that the new association wll
be a eure go-and that permanent organlza
lion Is not now far off. The unqualltle
statement Is sent out that the circuit of th
new association has been agreed upon nn
that It will bo composed ot the followln
cities : Providence , Boston , Phlladelph !
and Baltimore In the east , and Chicago , Si
pouls , Dotrqlt and Milwaukee In the weal
If ithls program Is carried out It will pu
' the Am'erlcan association In direct compel !
tlon wllh Iho Nallonal league because I
several of lhe cities In which the new or
ganlzatlon proposes to place teams It Is
certainty that' National league clubs wl !
bo located.
If some wizard will come to the for
and explain away the unprecedented baa
ball tangle he will bring relief to thousand
of fans all over the country , the most ex
pert and best informed of whom have Ion
since ceased to draw deductions and proph
esy concerning the outcome. For , beside
the National league and the American asso
clnllon , olher central figures in the na
tlonal base ball situation are the America
league and the Eastern league which at
presumed to bo under the fostering care t
the National league , ready to take care c
lhe eastern and middle western torrllory 1
connection wllh lhe parent body. Howevei
if Iho American association drops Into th
splendid territory It claims to have In tb
est there will bo but little room for an
new caslern leaguei and . the America
league , instead of trotting In fast caster
society , as seemed possible at ono time , wl
probably conlent Itself with the same cir
cult It had last year. If this Is the out
come Minneapolis , St. Paul and Kansas Clt
will continue In the American league an
will not apply for membership In the no
Western , But this Is all speculation. Ac
ether week may turn all calculations awr
and glvo lhe base ball sports somcthlu
fresh to consider.
j The Western league has lost none of II
I vitality and Its promoters are as sanguiti
now of Its success as they were when 01
{ ganlzatlpn wan effected. President Illcke
{ has called a meeting to be held In this ell
' Tuesday , at which time Important actlo
relative lo lhe league will bo taken. It i
thought that perhaps the keen , observln
, namesake of one Thomas Jefferson ha
BB A MAN AMONG MEN Are you whole or only parl of a man ? Why nol ,
a. leusl. try and bo as Oed Intended before jou became Indiscreet ? Are you suf
fering from the effectK of the follle.i and excesses of youth ? Are you weak from
any cause , or have you n lame back ? Are you subject to night emissions ? Have
you rheumatism In nny guise , or are you nervously or generally debllltaleJ ?
Hayo you Varlcocelc , Hydroeelo. Kidney , Liver or Bladder Troubles ? If so ,
why nol a.-t Upon your heller Judgment HP'J Immediately secure ono of my
They are en absolute cure where all medicines fall. My Dolt has soft , silken ,
chamoM-covercd sponge , water-charged electrodes that do not burn or blister
ho flesh or cause running sores that fuuiimihite verdigris , which poisons the
blood and may result In death lo the w-arcr DR. HENNRTT'S NEW KL.EO-
TR1CAI , Sl'SPENSOliv is Just at great an Invention as his belt the greatest
boon to sufferers li Is given PRER to every male purchaser cf ono of my
licit. ? , nnd slioul.l bo worn by every man who defines to attain the htjhcdt d -
Brce of vigor and vitality
Under date of January J J , 1900 , Mr. H. Ztegeler ,
Box 164 , Cumbrland , Iowa , writes :
The BIt has dona m ; lots of good and I am
strong again. My nerves are Steady and I know for
sure my stomach trouble will leave me soon alto
gether , I would not exchange the Belt for $ JOj if I
could not gef another.
uooms is tea
i > oii8lus
Oppos tc iiiiydcu's Corner 16th and Douglas Streets , Omaha , Neb.
OKP1C K HOl'IlH-l'Vun a. m , to HS ; ( ) p. m , .Sundays ) from 10:30 : a. m. to 1 p. in.
n.clhins "up his sleeve" to
Ibis me. . ting. At any rate , he has beei
traveling quite extensively o\rr the terrl
toiy reasonably presumed to belong to ih
new lenguo and reports coming from hlr
are of the mwt encouraging nature
Through the snarled condition ot base bal
affairs the local fans are able to obacrv
more than n glimmer lo give Ihem hop
thai the Wctsern league will spring fron
If. swmldllng clothes Into a hcnlthy youtl
during the coming summer.
Jimmy Manning , the- popular manager c
Iho Kansas City Dittos , gives It out col
thai ho will not leave Kansas City , assert
ttg that the city on the Kaw Is good enoug
for him. He says thnt the future will fin
him localcd ihcro as long as ho Is In has
bnll circles. Manning has no idea thai ih
Ulues will bo dropped from the America
league , nnd has nol lhe sllghlcst thoughl o
being reprcsenled In lheVesicrn league
As n mailer of fact , there U but lltllc logl
In believing lhat Kaasas City will become
member of 1'rtsldcnt Hlckcy's comblnatloi
since U IB well enough established In th
American league to give It n firm foot
hold and permit It to be a factor In dlctatln
affairs In lhe American.
Walter Wllmot. manager ot the Mlnue
apolls team. Is ambitious to organize a leagu
ot his own with Minneapolis ns the hu
nnd such cities as St. Paul , Dtlluth , Wcs
Superior , Lacrosse , Orand Torks nndVI
nona In Iho clrculi. Wllmot would cut mor
co In base ball affairs If he were In th
Western league , which has n future thn
offem lnduccme ls lo anyone ambitious r
reaching Iho front In base ball circles. Ill
idea to establish a league such ns he sug
gcsts bears the flavor of a Chinese laundrj
Vaili ! < I uli t nnil
CllllIllllOllNlll | | Content * III M'llf
Kulnrr Hcforiim In runlllsin.
Devolccs of Iho prize ring are evlncln
some Inlercst in the bout whlch'wlll tak
place In Chicago early nexl month betwee
Eddlo Santry and Terry McGovcrn. th
Urooklynlte who recently wrested th
featherweight championship from Georg
Dlxon. Apropos to this event Is Santry' '
assertion that by rights he Is entllled I
lhe championship which McGovcrn holds r
Ihls lime. Relative lo Ihls Santry says :
'When Solly Smith gained a doubtful dc
clslou on points over Dixon at San Frar
Cisco there was no championship till
fought for. Dut Dlxon and Jordan tough
for the featherweight championship , an
the colored boy lost. Jordau and I the
met for the tllle , and I knocked lhe Eng
lishman oul. So I sllll hold the right t
th featherweight championship , . and an
one that wants It will have to fight and dc
feat me to make good the claim.
"Now , I am willing to give McGovc'rn fu
credit for his defeat of Dlxon , but I hello
that If I had been In proper trim -\vhen _
met Dlxon I could have stopped him "s
easily-as McGovern did. I had only nlc
days' notice lo get In shape for Dlxon th
last time I met htm. We were mntehe
lo weigh In al 122 pounds al 3 o'clock o
Iho day of bailie , nnd I lipped lhe scales :
136H pounds Avhen I began Iralnlng.
"For all lhat I had Dlxon clinching an
hanging on from the fourteenth to tt
twentieth and last round. And at th :
nearly every one In the club house thougl
I should have been given the verdict Insteo
of only receiving a draw. Even To :
Sharkey. ono of Dlxon's best friends , at
milted thai I won fairly on that occasion.
"Then , when 1 met Jordan I only ho
about seven days' training for the flgh
The day before the contest I ran. tweh
miles In the morning and twelve more i
the afternoon , and "look , " oft eleVdn pound
When' we * weighed 'In I 'tipped the beam i
119 pounds and Jordan al 124. So you see
wasn't In very extra shape for that flgl
"But In this case it'll bo different. I i
had.plenty'of time lo gel ready for M
Terry , and will be in finer condlllon lhan
ever was In my life. In fact. I don't mil
saying that it will be the first time I wi
ever trained to the hour. I Ihfcik both Mi
Govern and myself will b& below the 12 !
pound mark when we como togelher. Wh
I could make 122 pounds easily by next Sa
urday night If it was necessary.
"Once and for all I feel certain thai
can defeat McGovorn , and intend to demoi
strale my superlorlly over.lhe easlcrn b :
lo lhe satisfaction of every one present wh <
we meet at Taltersall's. "
James Jeffries , champion hcavywelgl
pugilist of the world , will give James
Corbett , the ex-champion , an opporlunlly
regain hia Icet laurels March 15. This da
has been decided upon by the managers
the two pugilists and the bout Is promlst
for that time unlcsa unforeseen clrcurastanc
arise. The next question ot moment to di
cide is where the contest will take plac
Active bidding Is being Indulged In by all
lellc clubs In New York , Ullca , Buffalo at
San Francisco , and lhe one making the be
terms will bo accepted February 1 , at whli
time the bids will be opened. An effort
being made to have the exhibition given
Paris during the oxposlllon and a liber
offer has been made by Parisian manager
Both Jeffries nnd Corbett are anxious , hoi
ever , to have the fight pulled off March
and are unwilling to wall until July or Ai
KUf t , when the exposition is In progres
In case he defeals Corbett the present char
pton expects to go to Paris in the mi mine
and Is willing to engage In a champlOnsh
bout In the French capital during his EI
Journ there.
The great protept which went up fro
sporting men all over the country again
the present system of refercelng prize flgh
as the result of the McCoy-Choynakl fiasi
has caused Manager Consldlne of the Broai
way Athlello club lo decide lo Instltu
some notable reforms. The principal ot
will be the addition of two Judges to assi
the referee in deciding all fights. Uefcrrlr
to this matter Consldjne pays : "Tho atocl
holder ! ) of the Broadway Athletic club hai
under conslderallon a proposition to appoli
a , referee and two Judges to decide all cot
tesls. The Inlentlon U to have them oft
elate In turn In the ring , lo determine foul
provcnl holding and settle all points whU
arise during the progress of n bout ' -he tv
Judges lo vole at tbe .conclusion of a bou
If the Judges disagree the referee Is lo I
empowered lo order extra rounds until li
colleagues shall have satisfactorily deto
alned that one or the other of tl
contestants had scored n . sufnclc
number of polntH to entitle him
the honors. This will obviate s
possibility of draws being declared at
give Infinitely more satisfaction to the spe
tater * than the method now In vogue. "
It U probable that Jack O'Brien , who
matched to fight Frank Eruc for the Ugh
weight championship February 2.ylll 1
unable to bo In the ring on ( hat date.
O'Brien \ lying nick In bed in hl hot
at Hot Spring * , Ark. , and , while not dai
gcrously 111 , his condition-Is such , that h
physician says it will be out of the q licet U
for him to get In condition for ring conic
within HI short a time.
The boxer U Buffering from a gener
breaking down. He wired Manager Cone
dine recently that he would not be able
fulfill his engagement.
When Al Hvrford , manager of Joe .Gut ;
lieani ibat Jack O'Brien was too III to flg
Frank Erne be quickly saw the opportunl
he ban been looking for and Immediate
tucJe an offer to Manager C'onaldlne to an
Etllute Cans for O'Brien.
Herfcrd has long been waiting for a cban
to fit hia protege against the llghtwelg
champion nnd Is anxious to make this
dans I * matched to fight "Spike" Sullivan
February" , but Hcrford wiys that will not
Interfere with a meellng with Krnc on the
earlier date.
"Gana will be as right us a fiddle Febru
ary 2 If Erne will fneo him In plrtce of
O'Brien , " said Herford. "and I will guar
antee that ho will put up a bolter fight than
O'Brien would. "
Hurry \ . IMItntmr.v Will ( live i\-
lilliltlon of SlniiiltuitiMuiN fii'iil
IlllniUolil I'lnv.
Harry N. Plllsbury , chess champion.of the
United States , has written the Chens players
of Llnt-oln that he can be with them two
days In February , somewhere between the
I'llh and 10th. to give an exhibition nt his
wonderful skill In playing simultaneous
games of chess and checkers and blindfold
chess. It will bo remembered that Mr.
I'lllsbury visited Lincoln In April , ISM. an 1
one night pl.iyed thirty-three .games of chess
and ten of checkers simultaneously , winning
twenty-five games of chess , losing live and
drawing three. The next evening he played
eight games of chess "blindfolded. " that Is.
without seeing the boards , winning seven
and drawing one. *
The chess players of Lincoln have chosen
Or. Wilkinson to preside at the Plllabury ex
hlblllons and he In turn selected Messrs
Lee Edwards , C. Q. Do France. Fred Cornell
Judge W. A. Lec-se , Ralph Whllcd aud P J
Uxrrou as committee on invitations and ar
rangements. Mr , le France , ( in behalf of
the Nebraska Chess association , haj under
taken tlio task of Inviting all chess and
checker players living outside of Lincoln to
bo present and take part , while the othr
members ot the committee look after the
Lincoln players and other matters. Over
eighty Invitations have been sent by letter ,
but Mr. Do France requests thnt all Inter
ested chess and checker players who may
read this notice will write him for further
particulars. The exact dates of Mr. I'llls-
bury's Lincoln exhibitions will be announce 1
A .specimen of Pillsbury's simultaneous
play might be Interesting at this time. He
plays the. white pieces In. all chess games ,
thus having first move , 'which permits him
to decide on the opening In each game. No
two boards side by side have the s mi > open
ing. In the game given below Fred. Cornell
of Lincoln played black : Mr. Cornell Is re
garded as a strong amateur , and has. . an ac
curate knowledge of the various openings.
The Ruy Lopez , wherein White's first three '
moves are always P-K 4 , Kt-KU ' 3'am1
B-Kt 5 , Is one of the mqijt ; common- openIngs -
Ings , yet one of the hardest' ; to defend
against. The first nine moves below art
all regulation "book"\moves , but Mr. Qor :
nell "went wrong" on his l nth apparently
a hat-micas move. . ' } ' y ' ' ' . '
UUY LOPE/ . ' '
While Plllsbury. B'nck Cornell.
l-l'-K 4. l-I'-K 4.
2-Kt-K I ? 3. 2-Kt-Q 11 3.
3-B-Kt 5. 3 Kt-B 3.
4 Cn tles. 4 Kt x P.
51 > .Q 4. c B-IC 2.
C Q-K 2. li Kt-Q 3. .
7 H X Kt. 7-Kt P x n.
S P x P. S Kt-Kt 2.
J-H-K sq. 9-Castle * .
. tO-Kt-U 3. 10-B-B 4 1
11-B-Kt G. 11-Q-K sci.
12-Kt-IC 4. 12-B-Kt 3 ?
IJ-Kt-B 0 ch ! 13-1 * x Kt.
14-B x P. " 14-P-IC 11 3 ( u. )
15 Kt-Kt 5 ! 13QK 3 ! ( I ) . )
, 1C Kt x Q. 16 Resigns.
I ( a. ) Intending to play K-R 2 lo prevent
I White's advance. The reply..prevents sue ) :
i u move.
; ( b. ) If P x K : . White mates In two moves
, bv Q-R 5 and Q-R 3. Black would bt
powerless to prevent It. The text move
delays the Inevitable somewhat , but hlf
g-amo Is hopeless. If Black plays any othei
than Q-K 3. White mntep In u few move ;
I at the farthes- .
The second game between PllUuury am
T.irrasch was played at 'the Nuereuiben
touniey. The American adopted thi
. queen's gambit , and -"a most intercstlni
' struggln ensued. Tarraschprofltlng : by hi
, experiences In the Hasting * tourney , did ho
I force matters on the queen's-wing , but ex
erted himself to maintain a safe game. Hi
was quite successful , for up to the forty
eighth move the position' was all even one
and a drawn contest was anticipated. A
this stage of the game , however , Plllsbur ;
tad a surprise on hand. By forcing the ex
change of queens he brought about ai
ending where either side had four pawns
Seemingly this gave Tarrasch an advantage
Ho had a surplus pawn on either side , am
both of them could not be stopped by th <
adverse king. Plllsbury , on the othe
hand , had two connected center pawns ; th
advance of them , however , could be prevented
vented by Tarrasch's king. Pillsbury cal
culated correctly ; ho saw his way clear t
support his pawns with his king and thu
queen one of them before his opponent hai
a chance to do likewise. It was a hlghl ;
Interesting struggle , and the American *
play , particularly In the ending , was a.mos
brilliant one.
The position after White's fifty-first
was as follows : ,
52-P x P. 52-P x P ( cli. )
ffi-IC x P. 55-P-n 4.
SI-I'-Q C. 51-K-H 2.
55-K-n5. C5-P-U 6 ,
, CC-P-Iv U d-li. ) 5I K-IC sq.
i 57 K-U fi. Ho could not play IC-Ivt 4 foi
Black answers I'-Kt C , If then P x 1
Ulack does not continue P x I' , whlcl
Would give White n chnnco to play K-Q 3
eventually winning the Pawn , bul he playi
P-K 6 and While Is unable lo stop It.
57 67-P-Kt C.
5S-P x P. 5S-P x P.
09-P-Q 7 ( ch. ) 55-K-Q B ( | .
60K-Js 7 , which wins. If Illack pluyi
P-Kt 7 , then P-K 7 ( ch ) . J'-IC ! > ( Q ) t' !
follows , and the Queen stops the adversi
60 Resign * .
Ivountxf l'liii-t > ( iolf t'luli lniirovfi |
the 3111(1 Weutlu-r to Metier
Ilv Korin ,
Tbo Kountzo Place Golf club continues ti
take advantage of Ibo fine weather and Uv
cnthurlaHtlc members are reaping the ben
eflt of winter practice. True , the puttlti
gretna are not In the best of order , bu
driving and approaching have cotno In for .
largo Hbarn of attention. When the eeasu
opens in earnest the benefit of tbla practlc
will be very apparent and will ivp rtlioe
who have been playing a UUtljjct aih'AnUg
over tha otlier.sIt IH thin ; : ontlnucnis > ; [ irap
tlco that -Is bound to , tell. . ' t.- .
No special effort la being made to mate
rlally Increase the memberahlp of the clul
but already the secretary IB receiving , num
here of IIQW names .and tbe ( rouble will b (
when tha seaton. opens in tbe uprluK , t
accommodate all the player ? on tbp , links
Tb latest addltlpn tq the club IK Mica Me
Shane , who certainly exhibits the best myl
of any of the woman memberc , an
handles , her clubs as to the manner bori
Her driving Is clean aud accurate , and th
way fbe uses her Irons tweaks well for
future .woman's recoid. Mr. Oldfleld la
regular player and Improve * as the day
longer. Hli driving Is good , but h
How People Are Influenced.
Startling Words from the Committee Appoint-
1 eel lo Investigate Hypnotism for the Ben
efit of Journal Readers.
From The Now York Joimml.
r. s uxroi.N , M. L > .
1 l rutiilU'l I ft. nalln . Tex.
1' . 11. STOUl-'KK. Porrotary and Trcasuror KI-1V. I'AL'h WKLI.KK.
of Railway runduclors , Pueblo , Col. \ o.ik , N. \ .
Hypnotism Is no longer a myth , a fanciful creation of the mind , but a reality ,
a most potent power , capable of producing Infinite good. For the. purpose of ascertain
ing tht ? exact value of this much-talked-of power a committee , compose , ! of a physi
cian , a well-known Jurist , a prominent minister and leading railroad man , wns appoint
ed to Investigate Hypnotism.
Tl'e committee carried on a series of Investigations In regard to the power of hyp
notism to influence the actions and deeds of people in the everyday walks of life.
The first step taken by the members of the committee was to master the science
state from personal experience the good or evl
In every detail , so that they might
this strange power might produce. They wrote the New York Institute of Science , of
Hocheater , N. Y. . the greatest school of Hypnotism and Occult Sciences in Ihc world ,
and received full and complete instructions in regard to how hypnotism may be used
to influence people in business , how to use It in treating disease , etc. , etc. In a fe.v
days they mastered these Inntrucllons and were full-Hedged hypnotists.
It was clearly demonstrated that hypno'tlsm .may bo employed so that the-person
operated upon IB entirely unconscious of the fact that he Is being Influenced ; and , all
things considered , the committee regard It as the mcst valuable discovery of modern
tlmtvi. A knowledge of it Is essential to one's success In life and well-being In society.
Dr. Lincoln says , after a thorough Investigation , that he considers It Iho most mar
velous therapeutic or curative agent of modern times.
Judge Senator , although a legal light , turned his attention to healing the sick , and
In a few treatments he completely cured John E. Myers , of Flemlngton , N. J. , ot a
strang malady that had kept him bedfast for nine years , and which the doctors said
must surely kill him. Judge Senator's fame spread for miles around , and hundreds ot
people applied to him for treatment.
Mr. Stouter performed the astonishing feat of hypnotizing Mr. Cunningham , of Pu
eblo , Col. , at a distance of several blocks. He also hypnotized an aged gentleman , and
"Hod-hot for sale. " Mr. Stouter
had him run through the streets shouting - peanuts
says it If Indispensable to one's business success.
Rev. Paul \Veller says that every minister and every mother should understand
hypnotism for the benefit they can be to those with whom they are brought in dally
In speaking of this marvelous power , President Eliot , of Harvard College , said to
the graduates ; "Young gentlemen , there isa subtle power lying latent In each of you ,
which few of you have developed , but which when developed might make a man irre
sistible , ill Is called Personal Magnetism or Hypnotism. I advise you to master It. "
The New York Institute of Science 1ms just Issued 10,000 copies of a book which
fully explains all the secrets ot this marvelous power , and gives explicit directions
for becoming a practical hypnotist so that you can employ the force without the know
ledge of any one. Anybody can learn. Success guaranteed.
The book also contains a full .report of the members of the committee. It will be
sent absolutely free to any one who Is Interested. A postal card will bring It , Write
Address , New York Institute of Science , Dopt. 414 T , Rochester , N. Y.
Cure every Tvcaknemt of Sexual OrKaim , Ntop nil PinUiiloiiii , lout
confidence , nerve anil lirnln trouble , In fact mal > < : you n baiipy
troiic man ncxunlly. $1.OO box muiiuy Imc-k If not untlxllcil. Send
for our intention lilinil. .
UAII.VS I'HAIUIACY , Dent. II. , IStli nnd Furimiu Sin. Omaha Neb.
does not get all the power ho should oul of
hia club. Mrs. Cotteril has lhe golfing fever
nnd allows It both In her play and att tidance.
Miss Hcrborta Jayncs has left for Lincoln
to uttcnd lhe Uolverslly of Nebraska. Cap
tain Lawrlo still holds the record and
seems to play with more case and precision.
His driving Is certainly the cleanest and
longest of any member of the club , and his
Iran play Is becoming stronger and more
accurate. He lias great hopes for the
Kountze Place clubs and has a program up
bis sleeve which he proposes lo spring as
teen as Iho course U In Una-class condlllon.
Ho proposes to present to the club two
prizes ono for women nnd another for
men to be competed for during the season ,
and the members having the lowest aggre
gate for the season will become the poi-
BessorB of the prizes. He has not framed
conditions yet , but these will be given out
In duo course.
Harry O'Neill has proposed a bet with
Lewis lhat bo can beat the captain In an
18-holo match , and Mr. Low-la has laken
the bet. Tbe result remains to bo seen.
If Harry plays with his "pepper box" ball
he may win oul. The captain's adherents
advlto Mr. O'Neill to draw his check lu ad
Kurvlvoi-H if tin- Civil War Hi-iiK-m-
ln-rcil ! > > tln > Covernmrnt.
WASHINGTON , Jan. 27. ( Special. )
Throe pensions bave been granted :
Issue of .January 12 :
' . Ni'lirnt-ku : Original Stephen Kendall ,
Bunion , JO ; Mnrtln H. Miinsllold. Homer. JS.
H'-'iiewal und reissue Henry Austin ,
Ornahu , ' fi. Increimo Jonathan Wellu ,
Nlobntra , tS to.JJO ; Walenlz Goc-lutikl. Ann-
lion , IOlu , 12 ; Uayld W. Hen. Duff. JO to J8 ;
a-'mnk Miller , Oinnlm , ffi to * S. Original
jiivldowH Nnnnlo M ! K.irshn. Htcelburt ; , * 8 ;
Special accrued , January 15 , J.oxada J'oor.
J-'ullH City , * I2.
lowu : Original-Harmon M. fyori' , Pen-
' tprdalo , & , IleHtoratlon and relsxue Oli-i-
l r A. KallHbury ( dead ) , Ksthervllle , { 21.
' . .andrel Hiie Kmiuiuel Klfpper.
jMusealln'1. f' ! . Increarte Fred M. Collins ,
) Orli'nt , JS to-JS ; Tlioniuo J. Hartley , Toledo.
, -5S tn' W. Original widows Vostnllnu t' .
i HullHbury. Kuthcrvllle , JI2 ; minor of Robert
F. Thompson. Wnlerloo. $16. OrlKl-inl
1 ttldown , special accrued. January 1& Julia
'A. Mt-Cord , Mnrstmlllowu , > S ; Harah 11.
' I Jiloodgond , Vlnton , Vi ; Mry Obrrcht , Hur-
lan. ; ) > .
South Dakota. Int-rcaHD Henry Sturle-
viint , ( arthnse , J6 to $ S.
Colorado : Increase I'hlllp Groves , liuena
Vista , til ! to (17
Flrmlnstnn. N. J.
When you pay 81.00 for a shirt
you want the bet there IK for that
pi-loo. Vou can't beat our SI.00
shirtu no inuttor whuro you go
our assortment Is largo and all now
stylos. Wo also have a line for
Me , 75cand SI.60 ,
Shirts to Order
$1,50 $2,00 $2,25 $3,00
Guaranteed to lit irjrfcctly.
Kelley & Ileyden ,
llllh anil ( 'lilt-nun ,
Only 9 Left , , ,
Just think of buying the
best high-grade wheel
made for
TlcmetnborthiB price is only good
on tlio nine Sterlings wo have leftover
over from lust facabon. The 1000
prices arc HO and $ oO ,
For SI.00 wo will got your wheel ,
cleat ) , oil and adjust it ,
Omaha Bicycle Co. ,
$ Cor. lot hand Chicago.
i ; . T. UKVUKN , Proprietor.