TTTR O7.IATTA T ) Al IV F. : fit'NTMAV. .TANTTATfV 2S. SPECIAL NOTICES ' ' * - " AilvrrlUriiipnlw for tin-so column * nlll bo InUcti until 11 ! in. for Hie rvvnliiK cilltlon nnil until Silll ) I' , in. for mornliiK nnil Sunday cilltlon. Hntrn , I 1--0 a tviird lunrrtlon ) IB a. Moril therenfter. Niiflilnu tnUcn for loin tliiin 2r.e5 for HIP llmt Insor- tloii. ThrMo nilvPrllHcmcnlH niimt lie run cfiiinctstitlvvl ) . AilvcrllNcrn , lijrriinciitliiB n mini- licrcd I'llcoU , cnii lm\c unsworn ml- drvMHCil to a iiiiinlieriMl loiter In cnrc of The Hoc. AiiN er mi iiililrcuHcu will lie ilollvcrcil on iireneiitutloii u ( the check only. WAVrim-SITL'ATIONS. A STENOGRAPHER. When you want one please call up the ItcmliiBton typewriter olllcc , 161'J Farnatn St. , telephone 1 < 3. LADY capable of earning good salary In office work wants position. Address vv 39. Bee. A-M6 % 2S * YOUNG lady wishes position to keep books , do Boncrnl olllco work , Including typewrit ing and Inter In Hhortlmnd ; very low sulary. AddresHV 3S. Jlcc. A-MBSS 2s * WANTED , to go to Alaska us waitress _ or maid. Box 775 , Corning , la. A-S1D & WANTED-MALE HUM' . A FEW MORE POINTERS V H O L" T T11V BHOUTIIAND AND TYPEAVIUT1NG DEP. Ol' ' TUB OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE , 16TII AND DOUGLAS , noHRBOUGii BROS. . PHOPHIHTOHB. Pointer No. 1-Our clialleiiEo in last Sun day's papers thus far lias not boon ac cepted by any school. \ \ o again can their attention to It and urge the matter upon them.'o are anxious for a public No. 2 A number of our students in Gregg shorthand ran now write new mat ter at good speed blindfolded and then read It back without a mistake. rolnti-r No. 3-A11 who liavo Investigated Gregg shorthand thus far have been thoroughly convinced of Its superiority over any other system now In use. It Is no simple that any one can learn It. 1 no Htudcnl does not become bewildered with various positions , slants , shades , etc. ' 1 he redeeming feature of the Gregg Is Its sim plicity and legibility. Pointer No. 4-If any ono doubts the speed of Gregg shorthand Ve would llko to linvo him call at the college. Pointer No. 5 A new class will be started next Monday In Gregg shorthand as usual. Wo have had a nice new class every Monday morning since the holidays. Pointer No. G-Wo arc as well prepared as over to give students Instruction In both Pitman and Graham shorthand. Any one desiring speed practice or advanced In struction , may have the same. Pointer No. 7 435 students arc now on the roll In the various departments of the Omaha Commercial College. This Is the largest attendance we have ever had. Pointer No. 8 We are now prepared to teach Gregg shorthand by mall and al ready quite a number have made their arrangements to begin. We have ordered a new supply of text-books , and any one desiring a copy can secure it at the college - lego or by sending the price by mall , $1.00. H073 WANTED. We have steady work for a few irood hustlers of good habits and appear ance. C. F. Adams Co. , 1619 Howard St. 13 63 G WE TEACH the barber trade thoroughly In short time and furnish each graduate with a guaranteed position at good wages. There are more than ten barber positions advertised to one at bookkeeping or Bhort- hand. Write for free catalogue and par ticulars. Western Barbers' Institute , Omaha. B-637 CASH for acccDtablo Ideas ; state if pat ented. Address The Patent Record. Bal timore , Md. B-633 AN Intelligent young man to take a short hand scholarship and pay for It when ho has finished the course and secured a po sition. Address T32 , Bee. B-M41S WANTED , paint salesmen to work on commission basis ; only those with experi ence and references need apply. 1212 I ar- nam St. B-G02 WANTED , manager and agents ; salary or commission ; cheapest and largest lino. Hunter Tailoring and Shirt Co. , Cincin nati , O. B-M146 A7 * SALESMEN to pell oHce ( specialties ; line side lines ; used by all merchants ; catalog free. Model Mfg. Co. , Box B. South Bend , B-M2I1 F12 * Jnd. - A YOUNG man attending school desires a place to work for board : any honest work. Address W 6 , Bee. P-436 1 EN. Our Illustrated catalogue explains how wo teach barber trade In eight weeks , furnish positions at KO monthly , present outfit of tools , allow applicants to earn tui tion awl make special Inducements to these from distance. Mailed free. Moler Barber College , Chicago , 111. B-MG51 2S * WANTED , an experienced traveling sales man for proprietary medicines , to cover Iowa. Minnesota , North and South Dakota and northern Nebraska. Only those thor oughly familiar with the business and ac quainted with the trade need apply. Ad dress Drawer H. Blair. Nebraska. B MK6 2S STENOGRAPHER and typewriter for rail road olllco ; good chance for capable , well oil urn ted young man. Address , stating experience , ago and salary expected. W 41. Bee. R M733 C9 WANTED , first-class job printer. Steady position. Address W 43 , Bee. B-M731 29 * FAKE CAPE NOME-Transportatlon or Mining companies and information bureaus are always exposed in "IN DUSTRY AND MINING. " It Is the of- llelal paper of the Alaska Miners' ass'n ; better subscribe for It for three months nnd keep pouted on the mining Industry out west ; it will cost you only fifle and it may HJIVO you dollars In your Invest ments. Industry & Mining , No. 529 Now York Block , Seattle , Wash. B SALESMEN for the bcst line of made t i measure clothing ; prices range- from $0.50 up. An > llvo man can easily make I loin JiO.t'O to $100.00 a week. Write far sample outfit and terms at onco. Wnr- rlngton Woolen and Worsted Mills , Chicago. B SALESMAN wauled In Iowa and Nebraska to soil our nobby tatlor-mado clothiug ; elegant sample outllt free. Twin City Tailoring Co. , 1603 Farnam St. , Omaha. WANTED , salesman to handle sash and door as a sldo line , commlralon ; only an experienced man and one calling on thn lumber and rash and door trade regularly through Nebraska and Iowa need apply. Address U 28 , Boo. 11- CIRCULAR and sample distributors wanted everywhere ; good pay. Excelsior Ad vertising Co. , 203 East 110 Street , Now York City. U- BALESMEN. best selling article In the world , Clark's adjustable mirror , easily adjusted , simple In construction , pel-foot In operation , handsome and ornamental ; roeommi'iidcd and In ut-o by : Marshall Held & Co. . Slegel. Cooper .t Co. . Mnndcl Brothers , U. II. Flsk & Co. , Uunlap .t Co. . Mutters ; The Fair. The Hub cloth iers ; also many holols. thcnlent. harbor shops , jirlvato residences , ilrci > binakln' ; . dental and halrdresslng parlors ; exclusive territory to good parties ; sells on sl ht ; no competition ; write for terms. ( Murk t Prentice , owners , 209 and 211 State St. , top lloor , Chicago. B 7 7 2i * WANTED overywhero. hustlers to tack ulsns , distribute circulars , sampler , olo. ; no canvassing , good pay. Sun Advertis ing Bureau. Chicago. B 7f6 25 * OOVEIWMEN'F'posltions don'f : prepare for any civil service or census examina tion without seeing our catalogue of In- fnrmntlnn. sent freo. Columbian Corre spondence Collrgo , Washington , D. C. I1-M7S5 2S * TRAA'ELINO F.iloHinan for rvneral mer chants and dry goods trade ; contract for 1WO ! : glvo references and experience. Uox 52 , Detroit. Mich. H-7S ! 2' ' TRAA'ELER for compact cutlery side line : attractive , low prices. Huydt'ii. Randall & Co. . Chicago. B-7S3 25 * RELIABLE men to bundle our line of high { ratio lubricating oils , proaiu's and spe cialties ; salary or commission. Address , Central Refining Co. , Cleveland. Ohio n-7W 2V TRAVELING Kilpgmon to handle our won- ikrful non-trcnoratlng tasollnu lamp * as tilde lire and establish local agencies ; big demand P - fr'on ( ' Ir-Hndr' " " " ' " 11 Lamp Co. , 1119 I'arnam St. 1J-7SS SS WANTED MALE HELP. DAY and EVENING SESSIONS. The most POPULAR BUSINESS COL LEGE In NEBRASKA. FACULTY. Expert accountant teaching b'ookkeeplng. Professional penman teaching penmanship. Court reporter teaching shorthand. Practical operator leaching typewriting. High school Graduate teaching grammar. Lawyer teaching commercial law , etc. Before deciding where to go It will pay to personally Inspect and critically Invest- ! gain BOYLES' COMMERCIAL AND SHORT HAND COLLEGE. Bee Building. Get a Catalogue. B-7S9 2S * ENERGETIC salesman , school supplies , country work ; $100 salary nnd extras. 1U O. Evans & Co. , Chicago , III. B-781 2j * WANTED , ladles to sew , $3.00 a week guaranteed. Reply with stamp. Lock Box 933. Chicago , III. R-756 2S * GOVERNMENT positions , where they are , how obtained , salaries paid ; particulars free ; wrlto for circular 115. National Cor respondence Institute , Washington. D. C. B-753 28 * WANTED , men who can handle school boards ; no "specialty , " "no fake , " but something new and supported by educators caters ; good terms. Miller , The Parmelea Library , Chicago. 111. B-749 2S * WE ARE prepared to privately teach by mall practical advertising writing ; good salaries , big demand ; send for prospectus. The Page-Davis Co. , Medlnah Temple , Chicago. B-752'2S * WANTED , salesmen In every city nnd town. Address with references. National Match Co. , 115 LaSallo St. , Chicago. B-751 2S * WANTED , first-class specialty salesmen to represent our house In the western and southern states ; permanent position to right party ; bond required. Box 60S , St. Louis. Mo. B-750 2S * WANTED , registered pharmacist , Gorman speaking , board and small salary. Address Lock Box 23 , Platte , Center , Nob. B M777-29 $5 A DAY painting slcns ; no exncrlenoe re- nulrod nvl'tli ' our meitliod ; samnles. Instruc tions , fto. . lOo ; guaranteed. City Slcn Co. , Springfield. Ohio. B-751 2S * FIRST-OLASS ynlosmanwanted Immedi ately for ssmnethlnjr entirely now ; g od salary. T. G. Connor & coi. BW 43rd St. , Chicago. B-753 28 * WANTED , a person of ability nnd address deslrlmr to bcrnme a sa'esman ' : references required. A. Hospe , 1513 Douglas st. B-M839 30 A BRIGHT , onertrctlc man as salesman. Applv at 2232 Farnam street residence Monday 12 to 1:30. : B-S59 2S * III3M' AVANTED. EXPERIENCED solicitors , ladles or gentle men , special Inducements to reliable par- tie * . The Greclcy Nurseries , Groploy , Colo. 790 2S WANTED FEMALE HELP. Personal attention and Instruction Is one of the distinguishing characteristics or BOYLES' COMMERCIAL AND SHOUT- HAND COLLEGE. Every Individual student receives personal aid and encouragement from the proprie tor and teachers. This college continues to be endorsed and patronized by Omaha's best business men. There lias been no cessation In the demand for stenographers and bookkeepers. Every graduate occupies a position. G ° advertising matter. C 792 28 * WANTED , 200 girls. 152J Dodge. Tol. 876. C-C39 AN Intelligent lady to take a shorthand scholarship and pay for It when she finishes the course and secures a posi tion. Address T 33. care Bee. C M417 SO girls wanted. Canadian olllce 1522 Douglas. C 933 F5 GIRL wanted , 201 S. 36Lh St. C 679-28 WANTED , a good , experienced cook in small family ; good wages paid ; references required ; German or Bohemian preferred. Call Monday between 2 and 5 o'clock at 252tf Dodge St. , Omaha. C 740 23 COMPETENT clrl for general housework. 2213 N. 19th St. C M703 29 * WANTED , a good girl for general house work. 424 N. 23d St. C 725 2S * WANTED , ladles wanted to do plain needle work for us at homo ; we furnish material and pay $7 to $10 per week ; send stamped envelope to Standard Co. , 4249 Indiana Ave. , Chicago. C 791 2S WANTED , young -women , not now profit ably employed ; to qualify Immediately for si hipthly ron | eictaWo profession at good Hiilury. Address MG Northern Office Build- in s , Chicago. C 757 28 * WOMEN to do plain sowln ? at home. J1.50 per day ; four months' work guaranteed. Send otamiped addressed envelope for par ticulars. R. W. Hiitton & Co. , Philadel phia , Pa. C-S18 2S * HEAD WIAITRESS for out west. $23.00 ; geiul oral house girls , private family ; cooks , } 5. < X ) . Canadian Office , 1522 Douglas. C-S55 2S * WANTED , a girl to learn to cut cards. Apply to AVestern Paper Co. , 1501 Howard Bt. , Omaha. C 838 23 AVANTED , young lady to assist In dental ollk-e. Apply over IS Pearl street. Coun cil Blurts. C-MS67 31 von HE.VT HOUSES. IF YOU want your houses well rented place them with Benewa & Co , D 640 CHOICE houses , cottages , stores. Henry B. Payne , COI N. Y. Life. 'Phono. lOia. D-GU HOUSES , stores. Bcmls , 1'axton block. D-CI3 MAGGARD Van & Storage , 1G16 Cap. Ave. Tel. I'M. D-GU HOUSED for rent In all parts of the city. Bmumn-Lovo Co. , 309 So. 13th street. II'KIR HOUSES for rent. J. H. Sherwood. 939 N. V. Life. 'Phono 3SS. D-017 HOUSES to rent. Patterson , 003 N. Y. Life. I3-C50 2 TO 14 rooms , J3 to $50. 36 U , S. B'k bldg. D-351 FOR RENT , desirable houses and flats. Rlngwalt , Barker block. D CIS FOR RENT , 8-room bouse , al modern con veniences , opposite Hanscom park. 1529 Park Avo. Inquire 2139 S. 33rd or tele phone 12T7. D-M1G7 5221 CUM1NO St. . fcven rooms , modern ex cept furnace ; ha.i just been painted nnd renovated ; will rent to desirable tenant ; only f-UOO. Omaha Loan & Trust Co. , IGtU and Duuplas. D 2.VI 2511 N. 2llh st. . 3-room modern fiat. $7. < X > . 2227 Spruce. 4 rooms , city water , J9.00. 2flH Seward , 5 room cottage , city water. Jl , FJ2 S. 23d st. . 4 rooms , city water. J10.00 , S302 N. ? 5th ! house , $15.00. 823VS. . ISth st. . 4-room cottage , $7.00. 1111 Marcy st. . 4 rooms , city water , $7.00. Omaha Loan & Trust Co , , 16th and Douglas. O-2U DON'T have an empty house or storeroom , Llat It with AV. V. Hedges , 509 Paxton blk. D-832 23 FOR IIIJ.VT 215 8. 29th five. , modern seven-room home In good condition , $23.00. Omaha Loan & Trust Co. , 16th and Douglas sts. D-243 FOR RENT , modern steam honied apart ment on second lloor of Davldco building. JOHN W. BOBBINS. 1SU2 FARNAM. D-609 IF YOU need a tenant list your houses with AA' . V. Hedges , 609 Paxton block. D-tSO ON AVEST Farnam Hill , 33th street , very choice , S rooms , all modern , largo lawn , corner , east front , $30. 36 U. S. Nat'l Bank bldK. D-C95 FOR RENT. 7-room house , partly modern. 27th & Douglas Sts. , $12.00. A. P. Tukey , | Board of Trado. D 70I-2S ' 652 SOUTH 2STH , 7 rooms , modern , $30 ; 3007 AVebster , S rooms , bath ; 22C2 North ISth. 6 moms , barn , largo yard ; also Hats. Ring- wait Bros. , Barker block. P W9 _ _ 4 ACRES garden land with bouse , barn and wrll. A. Arncmann , room 13 , 1623 Farnam St. . Omaha. D-M703 2S * FOR RENT , house 10 rooms , 3 blocks from court house ; city water , good shape , $25. 10 ronms , nurdcrn tiolisc , 20th & California , . . 6 rooms , modern house , SOth & California , $1S.EO. 7 room house , modern except furnace , north 20th , on car line , $18.00. AVyman , Shrlver Co. , N. Y. Llfo Bldg. D-775-23 TO LET. a largo 9-room thoroughly modern - orn dwelling with barn. Large yard. Cen trally located. KA per month. TO LET. a 7-room modern cottage with barn ; nlco lawn. CfflJ Sou.ft 29th St. $22.50 per month. TO LET , a 9-room modern house wMh I barn , fine lawn. 32nd and Pacific streets. J40 per month. AV. FARNAM SMITH & CO. . 1320 Fnrnnm St. D-SW-23 3-ROOM cottage , $6.00 per month , at 1117 So. 16th St. Enquire Jos. Goldsmith. 1203 Farnnm : office hours , 2 till 3 , afternoons. D-703 25 * FOR RENT , S rooms , modern ) half block from Park Avo. line , $25. 7 rooms , modern , nice location , In AVcst Fnrnam. $30. 7 rooms , modern , close In , reasonable rent to responsible partv who wll take lease. 8 rooms , modern , In Hanscom Park district , $20. Sec our list for others. n. C. Peters A Co. . Bee Bldg. D-769 1 IF YOUR house does not rent It may be the fault of the agent. Try AV. A' . Hedges' , 509 Paxton blk. D-S3I 2S 2315 Mason , 10-room modern house. $23.00. 300S Mason , 9-room , furnace , cistern , etc. , $35.00. 27fll Davenport , 7-room modern cottage , $25.00 : 220S Harney , 10-room , bath , furnace , etc. , J.r..OO. 2718 Douglas , 5-room cottage , $14.00. 310 N. 22d St. , 10 rooms , furnace , bath. $33.CO. 312 N. 22d st. . 10 rooms , modern , $35.00. 25.11 llarney , S rooms , furnace , bath , grates , . 1026 S. 25th St. , C-room house. 512.50. 230 ! ) Bristol. 9-room modern cottage , $23.00. 3202 N. 21th St. , 10 rooms , shade trees , etc. , $30.00. 3217 Maple ave. , 8 room- ? , cistern , S11.C.7. 3219 Maple ave. , 7 rooms , cistern , $16. G7. 1519 Park avo.,7 rooms , newly papered , $15.00. 1521 Park ave. , 7 rooms , good repair , $15.03. 1529 Park ave. , 9 rooms , bath , furnace barn , $33.00. AV. V. HEDGES. 509 Paxton Blk. D-S3G 23 FOR RENT $22.5,0 for C-room flat , 2129 Farnam st. (22.50 ( for S-room house , 24C2 S. 16th st. (10.00 ( for small storeroom , 2123' Farnam st. 25 acres east of South Omaha. SO acres. Improved , joining Benson , north west of city. GEORGE & COMPANY. 1G01 Farnam St. D-MSI2 31 MODERN Qiouse , Hanscom Place. Hicks , Board Trade. D-SCO 2S * FOH RENT FIIILNiallED ROOMS. NICE rooms at 314 So. 26th street. E-MS62 F2 * FURNISHED rooms , housekeeping. 2C23 St. Mary's. E M430 27t DESIRABLE furnished southeast front room , modern , conveniences , private family. Address AV 40 , Bee. E 701-29 * FURNISHED rooms , housekeeping. 2G23 St. Mary's. E M7UI FG * FURNISHED rooms. 315 North ISth St. E M826 Fl FURNISHED room -with hot and cold water , batlb , furnace Jioat , elootrlc light. Call at 2906 No. 24th ot. E MS59 29 * HANDSOMELY furnished front room with alcove ; all modern. 1135 Park Ave.S6S & -S6S 2S * FtJHMSIIED ROOMS AND ROARD. THE Merrlam family hotel , 25th and Dodge. F-C52 ROOM and board , $4 and $ o. 1512 Davenport. F MS68 Feb2 TO 2 gentlemen , in private family. 2020 St. Mary's Ave. F-M59S FURNISHED rooms and board. Refer ences. 316 So. 26th st. F M723 Fl * VERY desirable front room with alcove , second floor. 212 So. 25th St. F 742 516 N. 23d , nicely furnished , modern. F-795 28 * 'NICE , warm rooms , good board , reasona ble rates. The Rose , 2020 Harney. F MS23 10 * FOR RENT UNFURNISHED ROOMS. FOR RENT , 2 or 3 unfurnished front rooms. 2S24 Farnam. < J 796 23' FOR RENT STORES AND OFFICES. FOR RENT , store In first class location ; rent reasonable. Apply R. C. Peters & Co. , ground lloor , Bee bldg. I 2G6 FOR RENT , a ground floor olllco , specially suitable for real estate , etc. , splendid vault built for use of city treasurer. Ap ply R. C. Peters & Co. , ground floor , Bco Building. I2G7 FOR RENT , brick warehouse , two floors , each 60x90 feet ; power elevator ? ; U. P. trackage. Apply Haarmann Bros. , 1914 S. 20th. . I-G51 OFFICE FOR RENT Fine office , ground floor. 302 S. IGth st. GEORGE & COMPANY , 1601 Farnam St. 1-MS43 31 AGENTS AVANTED. AGENTS on salary or commission : The greatest agents' seller ever produced ; every user of pen and Ink buys It on ' sight ; 200 to 500 per cent profit ; ono agent's sales amoun dJ to { 620 In six j I days ; another $32 In two liourj. Monroe ! Mfg. Co. , X 16 , La Crosse , AVIs. J-M73325 * FOR RENT , two store rooms , nlzo of each , 22x90 , In now , brick block Just completed . In AS'cepIng Water , Neb. Town growing ; I good business opening. Address J. II. I Davis. Weeping Water. Neb. J-M733 SO * AGENTS AVANTED. 100.000 agents wanted j at once to sell Life ami Work of Dwlght I L. Moody. Official and authentic edition. ' AA'rltten by his eon. Win. It. Moody , and Ira D. Sankey. Liberal terms , freight paid , credit given ; outfit free. Wrlto to day. P. W..leglcr & Co. , 321 Dearborn St. . Chicago , III. J-M723 2i * * "LIFE QF MOODY. " GOO pages. 200 Illus. , authorized edition ; best com. , crrdlt given. Hlxeribaugh & Co. , AVare blk. , Omaha. J-747 JUST OUT Now Peerless gasoline lamp ; easiest lighted , most satisfactory , knocks all competition : agents coining money. Peerless Lamp Co. . 244 Railway Exchange bldg. St. Louis. Mo. J AGENT'S bonanza ; buy direct from manu facturer ; wu make G2 now fast Kellers that sell to everybody at sight ; large profit.- ) ; frro sample. Factory. 22 Mechanic Si. , Nowaik , N. J. J WANTED , oil agents , reliable , energetic men , to sell our high grade lubricating oils and greases on commission , either exclusively or as a side line , locally or traveling. The Cleveland Refining Co. , Cleveland , Ohio. J AGENTS , gasoline parlor lamp ; Instun- unuDUjj generating and lighting ; no heir- Ing required ; no valve * ; explosions Im- Cosslble ; pimple , beautiful , Indestrucll- le , Sample $4.00. Safety Gasoline Lamp , Co. , 189 LaSallo St. , Chlcaco , .uiK.vrs AVA.vrr.n. WANTED , agents nnd solicitors ; > ou can make money selling good watches , chain * . charms and line rings ; mnnufacturor'H guarantee with every article ; send for catalogue. AV. J. Mlntnn .t Co. , Lincoln Trust Bldg. , St. Lout * . Mo. J AGENTS to Fell Reynold's Diamond stone ; sharpens razors and edged tools In ton seconds ; It also outs glaB < > Fame in a diamond. Reynolds . < t Co. , 126 Clark St. , Chicago. Sample , 15c. J 7P7 2 < * AGENTS , biggest snap In the business , entirely now , legitimate line , steady em ployment ; agent made $211 first month , another $145 ; easy seller. Novelty AVIro Works. Box k7l. Milwaukee , AVIs. J-79S 2S * : PORTRAIT agents everywhere quit ' "cray ons ; " try washable rnamellnes ; no glass ; don't rub ; cheap. Family Portrait Co. . Chlcauo. J-709 2S AVANTED. good sales aseiils In every town In Ihr United States to take orders for mado-to-order clothing : fit and work manship guaranteed ; prleep the very low- st ; agents are making from $20 to KO per week ; a line line of samples with carrying case and IC-.H of advertising free ; spring and summer 190 , ) samples now rt-ady ; experience desirable , but not noiessary owing to the comprehensive In- Htrtirtlonn and methods. Apply at once to the AVulton Tailoring Co. , Department 12 , Chicago , 111. Pdcaso mention paper. J-S3I-2S * AGENTS , new gas burner. 108 candle powir without mantle or chimney , cuts gas bill In two , retails , $1,00 , sample 53c. The Royal , SI Washington , Chicago. J-S03 2S * AGENTS , a wide awake , hustling man In every town to handle new automatic weather strips , good profits ; wrlto for terms. Keith Mfg. Co. , Jollct , III. ,1-SOI 23 * AGENTS wanted , secure agency for 1900. our goods soil quickly , are useful ami used In every household ; no fakes ; send I cents for catalogue. Handy Things Co. , Cllk-.iso. J S05 25 * AGENTS , Matchless Mantles , light themi selves ; no match needed : rend ! J5c for samulo and terms. Matchless Mantle AVorks , 6123 Stony Island , Chicago. Rival mantles $1.00 per dozen. J S"6 2 , * MEN and women wanted to sell our coodn everywhere ; our agents make from $3 to $3 per day ; write for particulars. Odor less Plan. Food Co. , Peru , 111. J-S07 23 * AVANTED , 10,000 agents to handle the quick-selling Queen Safety Gas Lamp ; send stamp for circulars. Factory , 21 to 30 AA'est Randolph St. , Chicago , 111. J SOS 2S * BRADFORD'S Automatic Wnshcr does complete washing from laces to quilts In 15 to .10 minutes without rubbing ; put the clothes In , machine does the rest ; cleaner , cheaper than old style backbreaking - breaking wash boards and machines. Phenomenal Keller , $25 to JJO weekly guar anteed reliable agents. Bradford & Co. , 4G , Cincinnati , Ohio. J-S02 2S * $100 PER week permanent salary handling on exclusive territory our aluminum spe cialties ; send at once for terms with aluminum card case nud 100 cards with your name , address or business absolutely free. B B , Monopolc Mills , Clnuimvitl , O. J-S01 23 * LADY cleared S920 , man $1.1S2. last six months Introducing Holladay's Marvel AVaterproof shoe polish , self-shining , rus set and black ; why not you ? Demon strated samples free. Holladay .t Co. , room 230 , 1SS Monroe street , Chicago , nole manufacturers. jSOO 2s * AGENTS can make $3.00 a. day Polling Rlb- bt > n Hair Curlers. Ju't out. Fast sellers. Never canvassed before. Sainnle , 23c. Clr- oirlars ifree. F. B. Rowe , 35S Dearborn St. , Chloag-o , III. J 7,9 2S * AGENTS. 'MOODY. ' J1OODA' . MOODY. ( MOODY. Handle the only authentic history , written by AA' . R. ( Moody ami Mr. Sankey. Take no other ; rare ohance ; sells nt slpJit1 ; highest commissions ; credit given ; write today. CHICAGO BIBLE HOUSE , 58 5th Ave. , Chicago. J 761 2S * AGENTS AA'ANTED. A flrst-ctass organizer to secure adoptions from Bi'hool boards for our IPrimary Language Series. Splendid opportunity for insurance , sewing1 ma.- chine , farm machinery salesmen and oth ers accustomed to selling farm trade. $100 per month to begin and opportunity for stroni ? men to earn more. References rc- quirerl. National Educational Co. , 523a - avenue , Chicago , 111. J 758 2S * AGENTS , wo will pay $ " > pel month to take orders for photos to bo enlarged ; work by our method Is so simple that any man can do It. All otir-workers are placed OTI strictly salary basis. Ad'd'ress ' ' Department 210 , "Manager , " 137 Grand St. , New Ycrk City. J-S47 2S * THE greatest selling book of the age to llvo men and women , The AVar In South Africa , from Savagery to Civilization. bea-U'lifuIK' ' Illustrated ; big profits to agents. Call at rooms 431-132. Paxton block , The Crane Pubii .is Co. J-SG6 2S * WANTED TO RUNT. AA'ANTED TO RENT , a 5 or 6-room modern cottage , not over a mile from P. O. Address - ! i dress AV 47 , Bee. K M76S-29 I TWO young ladles desire furnished room , south preferred , for llsht housekeeping , near High school , modern. AV 45 , Bee. K S09 23 * ROOM and alcove , with board. 2102 Cass Rt. ic M 37 : : I WANT to rent a house of 6 to fl rooms about Fob. G of principal ; only $20 to 13. Address AV 52 , Bee. K-S30 23 AVANTED , to rent C or 7-room IIOIMO and about one aero ground close to Omaha ; owner preferred , Address AA'53. Bee. K S29 28 AA'ANTED , by two gentlemen , two nice warm rooma with board. Ad. AV 54 , Bee. K 371 23 * STORAGE. PACIFIC Storage and AVarehouso Co. , 912- 914 Jones , general storage and forwarding , WANTED TO I1UY. ALL kinds of household goods , hotels , etc. , In largo or small quantities. Chicago Fur niture Co. , 1106-10 Dodge , Tel. 2020. N-G56 WILL purchase a limited number of Omahn Savings Bank accounts. Bronnan- Love Co. , 309 So. 13th. N 637 STAMP collections bought. Mortcnson. 301 Paxton Block. 459 F1S Jo.ODO TO INVEST In bargains. 1512 Daven- I > ort. N-M716 F2G AA'ANTED , modern oak counter , 23 foot long ; also viMilt door. Address A. If. Savnxe , Stuar" . Iowa. N S10 25 * AVANTED. to 'buy , 7-room modern house , near path. W 49 , Ueo. N S > 6 2S * WANTED , to purchase at a bargain lot for building purposes , between S. 21th nnd S. SOili. Harney and Davenport. Address AV 111. Hoc. N-S31 21 FOR SALE FURNITURE. JEFFERSON Sq.iarc. ! store. Fur niture & stoves bought & sold. 41G N. IGth. 0-150 F7 * FOR SALE-HORSES AND WAUO.VS. TOP BUGGY for sale , In good condition. U 40 , Bee. P-M1M CHEAP , top pheaton. 2209 North 19th St. P-21G F10 * COLUMBUS phaeton ; newly painted ; leather top : bargain. Jackson's barn , 2Uh and Harney. P-S27 J30 ON13 bran new tru : > for Blnglo horao. trimmed English Bedford cord ; a xpoclul bargain , J a. A' o om > Kei-ond-hand top Concord buggy , Columbus Buggy Co. make , newly painted. J75. Drummond Cgc. Co. , ISlh and Hartley Sts. P-S2S J30 FOR SALIC MISCELLANEOUS. CHEAPEST nnd best oak cribbing and hog fences. 901 Douglas St. Q-G62 CUTTERS of drug prices. Sherman & McConnell - Connell Drug Co. . 1513 Dodge St Q-GCO FOR SALE , almost now upright piano < -hrar for carh. No. 130 N. VMth St. . South Omaha. Q-SiO 2S * FOR SALE MlSl'ELLANKOt'S. I FOR SALE , ten Il-I-P-A-N-S for 6 cents at , druggists. One gives relief. ( J-C6I ' liTilAAS. Florist , 1S13 A'lntoiTsTTT'ol" 77 ? . Plants , cut ( lowers , bonnets , hall , rest- deuce , wedding and grave decorations. Orders by mall or express promptly Mini. INDIAN relics , mounted heads. 1116 Fnrnam Q-C65 2DHAND ? afe cheap. Delight , 1116 Farnam Q-6G7 _ _ SAFES , buy , sell , exchange. 114 S. 13lh St ? Q-ri AA'ANTED. to sell buildings Nog. 1B14. 151G and 151S Dodpc St. ; purchaser to clear the lot , GdxIZO , of all material and rubbish. Apply 1C2I Capitol ave. Q 4 NEAV bicycles complete , $13.50. Nob. Cvcle Co. . cor. 15th and Hnrney. Q-M671 I > 23 LUMBER , corrugated Iron nnd shingles from Agricultural , Fine Art and Textile buildings , and several barns , at State Fair. Chns. Anderson , 21st and Mnndor- son. Q-M7I1 29 l 'i WILL buy line Stelnway Upright : or time. Addrers AV < 6 , Boo. Q HIGH grade Sterling bicycle , JM. Good 2nd flinnil wheels , $ S , $10. $12. Repair" and supplies. Omaha Blc-yclo Co. Q M539 FLOUR mill and machinery for wile at a racrlllcp. Apnly Free , t Murray. Depot Square , Tarrytown , N. A' . Q MS11-23 * " SECONDHAND SEWING MACHINES. On Monday , January 29. wo will sell the following machines , every one In thorough condition ; think of buying u eowlng ma- chtno for $1.00. Former Price. Moid-iy. Union . $2.M $1.0) ) .Remington . . 4.PO 2.01 Singer . 4. on ' AVheelcr & AA'llson . tl.OO 3.0 > ) I Union . fi.r,1 3.2" , ' AVhlto . 7.00 3.5) i White . 1R.M 7.50 I Domestic . 10.00 fi.fO ! Standard . 30.00 I * . 01 i I Singer , high arm . 15.01 7 FO ! I lowe . 5.00 2.5 1 ' Singer , rood as new . 30.00 IS. Oil Now mnchlncs from J1S.OO up ; repair nnd parts for every machine manufactured. Nebraska Cycle Co. , 15th it Ilarnev St . -0770 23 MISCELLANEOUS. NOTICE , country dealers , 2dhnml furniture & stoves at lowest prices , carload lots or less. Chicago Furniture Co. , HOi-10 Dodge. R-670 SEWING machines to rent , 7."c per week. Nebraska Cycle Co. , ISth and Harney. R-M217 Fll LODGE rooms , cheapest , beat ; furnished most desirable. T. R. Huston , U. S. Nat. Bank Bld.-r. S70 30 CLAIRVOYANTS. MME. GYLMER. OMAHA'S FAVORITE PALMIST. Is still doing business at the old stand , and big business , too. Since the beginning of the year she bus had an exceedingly la'-g number of applicants for readings and s > he puts forth every effort to accommodate all who call. As has boon said before she Is In her fourth year in Omaha nnd there are no cases wherein she has given readIngs - Ings but what entire satisfaction has been the result. Mmo. Gylmer has a great reputation and stands at the head of her profession. Her work has been such that she has won the admiration of all Omaha , South Omaha and Council Bluffs people. This remarkable - able lady has the Indorsement of the leading city officials. This was brought about through her power to locate lost articles and predict the future. If In need of advice see this wonderful lady. Past , Present and Future positively told. Parlors of Palmistry , lGO."i Dodge , South sldo P. O. Send Jl and six questions answered. S SG5 23 MIME. PALMER , THE CELEBRATED 'MEDIUM ' , now permanently located at 1707 Cass street , is one of the fore-meat spiritualistic exponents of today. Modern spiritualism has been in vogue nt present about fifty-two years and during i that period It has established Itself Wer ; and acquired more tluui any religious Insti tution now existing. The principles Involved are such that whoever Investigates and doe * so conscientiously becomes a follower und true believer , because they can get just what the thinking people of the prcaont ago require. They get facts and get them In such a way that lliey cannot help being convinced. They dcipcndi only on what they raelly see and1 bear nnd not on hearsay < T Imagination. The ono thing that speaks 'more for spiritualism than anything else Is I the foot that in BO short a pe.riod as fifty years the membership In the United States has Increased to more than eight million , wihtdh Is nearly one-half the presen' mein- ibershlp of the Christian church , which bus boon In existence in this 'country since the ostolbllfihment of the colony of New England. This rapid Increase Is remarkable , when wo realize that there has been a great effort ma'de to retard Its progress on the part of people of otQicr denominations and manipulators of thj law. Spiritualism Is hero to stay. The lady whose name heads this article Is tie d'oubt ' by far line , greatest medium who 'has ' ever been In our city. Her power simply borders on tiho miraculous. She Is unqiico- tlonably endowed- with a sniper natural sift. I &ho ran iposltlvoly .tell Mie p'ist , prope-nt I an.-l future an.J . her life , reading' are such that whoever abides l > y her Instructions are sure t/o / 'bo ' ben fittrid. Her mlvK-o on all Jjiisincfs affairs li Invaluable and anyone contemplating speculation should not fall to see IIPT. She locates mines nnd burled i treasure ? . In love , matrimony , t'l.orcc , etc. , j i f.'he ' can ho of Inestimable help to you. Slio tolls you > our lucky days and what you are best adapted to. If any Omaha people I I have not Investigated they t-hotild Impiovo I the opportunity of seeing t'hls ' wonderful ! woman. Rea'dlngs dally. Mmo. P.ilmer will lOL'turo this ( Sunday ) evening at S p. m. winder the auspices of tiho First Spiritualistic Society of Omaha , Patterson Hall. 17th nnd Fnrreiin streets. S 57 2.3 * MRS. FRIT/ , clairvoyant , SOS N. 16th. 16th.SG71 S-G71 MME. GYLMER genuine palmist. 1C05 Dodge S-672 MME. PALMER , medium , removed to 1707 Cass , S 453 FS MASSAGE AMI RATIIS. Franxcs De Seutorlous of K. C. 107 N. 12th. T-MS70 MME. AMES , R. 2 , 507 S. 13 ; massage baths. T-931 F5 MAY AVILSON , bath , massage. 619 S. ICth. TM1S3 HISS MACK , baths , massage , 21SV4 N. 16th. T-367 F13 * MME. GENE , massage and cabinet baths , 1701 Lcavenworth st , 2nd floor.T . T M721 Fl MME. SM-ITH , room 2 , 118'i ' N.(15th. ( l" " " VlS * 3 ELITE PARLORS , 615 8. ] 6th. upstairs ; llrst-class baths , magnetic treatment. T MSC2 11 PERSONAL. A'lAVI Is woman'a vvoy to health 316 Boo Bldg. U-6T1 SHAMPOOING 25o , hair dressing 25c ; hair and toilet goods , best equipped. Monhelt , 151S Farnam. U-071 MONHEIT , leading chiropodist , 1513 Far- nam , 2d floor. U 075 SCALP & hair treatment. Mme. Post , S. 15th. U-677 PRIVATE hospital for ladles before & dur. Ing confinement ; babies adopted. 1130 N. 17 U 678 LIEBEN , costumcr. 1313 Howard. Get cat rogues , U-07S RUPTURE cured , no knife , no pain , no danger. Send for circulars. Empire Rup ture Cure , 932 Now York Life building , Omaha. u M84S GOOD large barn for rent In north part of city. Inquire S12J Locust. 11-103 PLEATING and pleated skirts of all kinds , M. Goldman & Co. , 200 Douglas block. \j J31 I * 11 PROF. LUND positively destroys coma , bunions , warta moles. 511 Karl/ach blk. U ) Zii-F16 FIA'E unfurnished chambers ( or housakeep- Ing to man and wife. 319 N. 17th. G-C8J MORPHINE , Opium , laudanum , Coca I no habit ; myself cured ; will Inform you of harmless homc-curu. Mrs. Baldwin , box 1212. Chlcaso. U I 1 ! PlIRSDYVL. 1 SUPERKU'OUS hair. wnrt. nnd melon i porinnnontly removed by electricity ; con- I xullatlon free and ootitidpntlnl : all work ] i Ktmriintred. Mlsj Allondor , 161.1 Douglas. I r-S69 23 * ' I ! J. E. DIETR1CK. architect and structural | engineer , BIO Ramsc block. U 2fil F1S * VICTORY of fvlonct' over disease ; cancer luitllliiR ertiornl prictltloner's skill yields ' re.tdllv to our scientific , methods. Mason ; Modleal Co , 121 W. 42nd street. New A'ork. Book and mlvl frro. U , I MARRY loVf'ly women and honorable men ; many rlrh ; > vnd 2o for big list. I Mutual Exchange , Kansas City , Mo. IT ' . FREE : Success In life can only bo . obtained through Influence ; will send I absolutely frro a ICO-pngo book which explains all the secrets of hypnotism , ! i personal magnetism and m.iKiiet'c heal- i Ing. Tolls how to cure diseases and bad j habltf , enables you to win nnd hold the I love and respect of others. Anybody can i learn In a few days. AVe guarantee sin ce ? * . Write today. Address Now Aork Institute of Science , Dent. 411 E. Barry Building. Rocliostrr. N. Y. U- 1.ADII3S' free hannless monthly regulator cnnnot fall. Mrs. B. Rowan , Milwaukee , AVIs. * U- PERSONAL-A'our stars toll ; send 10 ? nnd Fi'lf-adilrcssoil stamped envelope , sex , dato. and hour of birth ; If latter not known send form and features ; prompt reply j full ruiUIng Jl. Dr. Dcrolll. P. O. Box 1S74 , Hoi .on , Mas. " . U DON'T have an empty house or storeroom. List It with AV. V. Hedges , 509 Paxton blk. r-iM 2S HUNDRED'S who want to marry advertise In Mutual Magnets ; most reliable matrimonial menial minor published ; sample free. Mirual Mantlets , Burlington , Iowa. U-SI4-2S * LADIES , your hurt enlarged fi Inches ; failure Impassible ; harmless ; J100 cash guaranteed ; proof froe. Leonard ModMno Co. . Kansas City , Kas. U-S13-2S * AVOMAN'S welfare within her own con trol by using Dr. Leon Dupro's "French Xymotlo Cones. " the greatest blessing over discovered for female Irregular ities , weaknors. etc. Our booklet tells you al1 sinrllculnrs , sent sealed for 2- cent stamp. Address the Fauvro Import * Ins : Co. , Columbian Building , 916 Market S . , San Franclreo , Cal. U S12-2S * IF LIKE does not have Its old-tlmo rosey hue , or you have lost your former snap , we can tell you something. Address P. O. Box 751. U-K5I 25 * YOUR life can I'o truly rovoalrd by astrolo gy : Mrs. Jesse Mills , Leslie , Mich. , writes : "Nine years ago you cast my horoscope , and oxorythlng has come true as you pre dicted. " Send lOo and date of birth for a test rending ; confidential. L. Thomson , Kansas City , Mo. U 702 23 * MRS. BERRA * . baths , massage. PARLORS best equipped In city ; porcelain tub. 119 No. 16th , 2d lloor. U M5S4 J30 * IF A'OUR house docs not rent It may be the fault of the agent. Try AV. V. Hedges , 509 Paxton blk. U-S35 23 JIO.M1Y TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. $1,000 and upwards to loan on Improved city property and farms. AV. Farnam Smith & Co. , 1320 Farnam. AV'-GSO MONEY to loan on Nebraska and Iowa , farms ; lowest rates. Brennan-Lovc Co. , 309 S. 13th , Omaha. AV-631 $100 TO } 2,000. F. D. AVcad , 16th and Douglas. AV 6S2 AVANTED , city and farm loans ; also bonds and warrants. R. C. Peters & Co. , 1702 Farnam St. , Bee Bldg. AV-6s3 AVIUTE us If you want u loan on your farm In Iowa , eastern Neb. or Mo. ; It will pay you. Anthony Loan & Trust Co. , 315 N.Y.L. AV-634 $100,000,000 TO Invest through Bankers , Brokers , Promoters ; send for circular , Investors' Directory , N. Y. AV 6S5 5 PER CENT money. Bemls , Paxton block. AV-6S6 MONEY to loan on first-class Improved city property or for building purposes. Payne- Knox Co. , N. Y. Life. AV-6S7 6 , 5',4 , 6 per cent loans on Omaha , S. Omaha. AV. II. Thomas. 503 1st Nat. bank. Tel. 1613 AV-6S3 MONEY to loan nt 5 and By , per cent on Omaha property. W. B. Melkle. 401 So. 15th AV-CS9 FIVE per cent , farm loans. Chas. E. Wil liamson. W 631 MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate. Brennan-Love Co. , 309 So. 13th. AV-690 PUIVATB money , low rate , no delay. Garvln Bros. . 1613 Farnam St. AAr 119 PRIVATE monev. $100 to $1.003. J. H. Sher wood. 939 N. Y. IMc. AA'-C60 $100 TO $5,000. 1512 Davenport. AV-M715 F25 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. I-F-Y-O-U N-E-E-D M-O-N-EY 8-E-E U-S AVe have a largo amount to loan on house hold furniture , pianos , organs , warehouse receipts , horsos. carriages , oto. You can get the money within n few hours after making ippllcntlon. WH CHARGE YOU NOTHING WHATEVHR FOU MAKING OR FILING PAPERS. AA'e glvo you ns much time as you mod and you may repay the loan us soon as you choose and you need not pay for It ONE DAY LONGER THAN YOU KEEP IT. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. . Tel. 2295. 306 South 16th Street. . S-A-L-A-R-Y-L-0-A-N-S From $10.00 up made to people permanently employed In OMAHA. SOUTH OMAHA iind COUNCIL BLUFFS. You can borrow of us on your own name , without endorser or mortgage. AA'o ar- rnngo the payments as easy as Is possible. allowing you to pay ALL or IN PART AT ANY TIME AND YOU PAY FOR THE MONEY ONLY AVHAT TIME YOU KEEP IT. Our business Is confidential. Omaha Morlgago Loan Co. , Room 119 , S0i ( South 16th Street. Board of Trade Bldcr. Tel. 2295. X 122 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE holding permanent positions on their own name without endorser or mortgage. STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL and LOW EST RATES. No enquiries made of em ployer or friends. You can borrow any amount and repay In asy weekly or monthly payments. Before borrowing see me. OMAHA CREDIT CO. , suite B25.626 N. Y. Life Bldg. X-701 MONEY TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE , PIANOS , diamonds , watches , on easy payments , un known to others ; you keep the goods , each payment lessens the cost of the loan ; no charge for papers and wo make no In quiries of your neighbors. Bergcrs Loan Co. . 1501 Fnnmm , over B. & .M. ticket office. X 191 MONEY loaned on pianos , furniture , horses , cows , Jewelry. Duff Green , R. 8 , Barker blk X 695 MONEY loaned salaried pcopln holding per manent position with responsible concerns upon their own names without Hccurltv ; easy payments. Tolmnn , 706 N. Y. L. Bids. MONEY loans on furniture , rigs , bicycles , 1 diamonds , watchoH , etc. ; payment un known to friends. Omaha Loan Bank , 1416 Farnam , upstairs. X 634 LOANS made salaried people on personal ' note without Hocurlty ; rntns reasonable. J AV. Tayloc , 218 1st Nat'l bk. 12 to ( i:15. : ; XC9S ' MONET LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE Pcrmrr.ei tly engaged with responsible c n- corns , on a good terms as It la pmsl'ilo , for any ono. and without mortgage , en dorser or xcciirlty of any kind other than their own names. Money ran bo paid back In easy weekly or monthly Install ments to Ki'li convi-nlonco of borrower. CHATTEL MORTGAGES PAID. Persons momentarily embarram'ed who do- slro above everything else to avoid pub licity are the class wo especially desire to SCi'VQ. OUR LOANB ARE CONFINED TO SALARIED EMPLOYES. You can deal with us quickly and fatlsfac- torlally. All applications treated confi dentially. It will bo greatly to your ad vantage to call nt our olllco before bor rowing end got our torms. Questions cheerfully answered and you will rccelvo courteous attention whether you borrow ° r " ' " ' AMERICAN LOAN CO. . Room COI Bee Bldg. X- I MONEY TO LOAN CHATTEL ? . MONEY loaned on pianos , furniture. Jew- ory , norsos. cows , etc , C. F. Reed , 319 S.13. XiWJ LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE cnv ployed In Omnhn. South Omaha nno Council Bluffs , holding good positions , on Ihelr own namo.i NO MORTGAGE ; REST TERMS , everything private ; money can bo paid back In nmnll weekly or monthly iinvniwitH. American Ivoaii Co. , Room { Pi : lice Bldg. X-700 MONEY to loan on furniture , pianos , horsvs , cows , etc. J. A\r. Taylor , 213 First Nat'l bk. bldp. 12 to 6:15 : o. m. X-703 IH'SINESS CHANCES. A DESIRABLE old-osinbllshod cash bust- nc. s. Owing to falling health 1 have concluded to retire from business ami otfor my stock of groceries , tlnwnre , moil market , Hour and feed for sile. If you want a deslniblo business Investigate. Uarllett Grocery Co. , COO and tXU Biwid- way , Council Bluffs. Y-iM 22 J23 FOR BALIS , drug stock $3.000 ; annual sales $7,500 ; rent $17 ; good chance for some one. Address Lock Box D , AVall Ixiko. la. Y MJ13 29 * MEAT market for palo cheap In St. Ed ward , Neb.gpod location ; reason for sell ing poor health. M. AVllllamsHin. Y M.712 30 * FOR SALE , drug store fixtures. show cases , shelving , proscription case and jodn. fountain nt a bargain. Address Box G , Stilton , Neb. Y-M73I CS * FOR SALE , the Metropolitan hotel , Coun cil Bluffs , doing n good business ; toasons for selling. Y-M740 Fl PROFITS In stockr , wheat and cotton , Mackey' Modern Methods Make Money. AVrlto for our free book. C. E , Mackcjr & Co. , 29 Broadway , New York. Y CASH buys millinery stock and fixtures , lively town , 10.000 ; central Nebraska ; well established trade ; also offers good open ing for dressmaker ; cheap rent ; only two other millinery stores ; selling on ac count of poor health. Address U 50 , Bee. ENORMOUS fortunes are being derived from the cultivation o : orances and other uroducts : let us send you free a llltlo book , showing how you may participate In thcso profits without conflicting with your regular business. The Oaxaca Co. , H20 Fullerton Bldg. , St. Louis , Mo. Y BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY , will sell my complete Motion Picture Public Enter tainment outfit with largo advertising bills and everything needed cheap for cash ; all flrpt-class and will show motion pictures natural as life. No experience required to operate It. Have made $ CO to $300 per week. Best of reasons for Belling. Send this ad and address Drawer 146. Chlcaco. Y S13-2S * PATENTS ! PATENTS ! PATENTS ! PAT ENTS FREE ! A'aluablo book on pat ents. Tells how to secure them nt low cost. Gives mechanical movements In- vulualilo to Inventors and mechanics. Overflowing -vlth money-making patent Information. Big Book Free ! Big Book Free ! O'Mcara .t Co. , Patent Attorneys , Opp. Patent Olllce , SoC G St. , AVashltiBton , D. C. Y-S16-2S * FOR SALE , a good up-to-date butcher shop in a , good town , imputation 14.000. For particulars address C. L. Rush , Cozad , Nob. . Y S19-2S * WANTED , In Oxford , Neb. , one grist mill , flrrt class general slock of goods. Ad dress Republican A'alley Hotel. Oxford , Neb. Y S17-28 * MANAGER AA'ANTED. will sell one-fourth to one-half Interest In paying mining plant and mine to responsible party who will take charge and run It ; good rcusona for selling. U. S. Walthall , Mystic. S. D. Y MS15-2S * $350.00 BUYS 3 pool tables , first-class condi tion ; also cigar store fixtures. C. E. Holmes. 2803 Sherman Ave. Y 2 ! 2S * RESTAURANT for sale , doing good busi ness ; will sell cheap. Address Mrs. G. Haysell. Fremont , Neb. Y MS20 2 * ANY good patent can be made valuable If properly handled. AA'rito for particulars. Our new plan Is placing BJK ! selling any quantity of .them. International Patent Exchange , 309 Broadway , N. Y. Y-7C6-2S * AVANTED , competent man with $2,500 cash to establish and carry on brand ! ] busi ness ; $150 per month and expenses ; also extra percentage ; permanent opening ; references required. Address Chas. Mil ler , Boyco Building , Chicago. Y-7C3-2S * A SOLID , legitimate and practical monthly Investment , bank nnd other good refer ences. AA'rlte at once for furoher par ticulars. Mo. C. & R. Co. , 210 I aclodo Bldg. , St. Louis , Mo. Y 76I-2S * AVE have the best Investment on the American market ; splendid chance for making enormous money without Gambl ing In horses , stocks , grain or real estate. References given. C. AV. Norrls , Stock Exchange Bldg. , Chicago. Y 763-2S * $100 FOR $10. Invest $10 to $100 in stocks and make $1,000 for $100 nuro ; safe as a bank. AVm. Reed , 137 S. 6th St. , P.hlla- doluhla. Y R33 2S * AVANTED , partner In millinery Idislnc.'a ; must have some money. Adarrss W IS , Beo. Y-S31 25 * _ FOR SALE , drug stock. $2.50. ) . eastern No- briiskii town of COO ; annual sales. 16,000. Address AV 50 , 'Boo. ' Y SI9 23 * FOR SALE , utock of shoes In good county seat town. Address ) AV 56 , Bee. Y-M873 F3 * FOR EXCHANGE. IF YOU have any Omaha. Savings Bank accounts lo exchange for good Improved Omaha rental property send your address stating amount , to AV 19 , Bee olllce , and you will bo furnished a list of the prop erty by the owner. 7. MK 30 * CLEAR vacant lot near 27th and Chicago , CCxHO , $1.250. AVIII trade for good rental property and pay cash difference. George G. AS' 313 J. J. Brown Block. FOR EXCHANGE , A No. 1 stock , f-irnl- turo. hardware , naddlery , undertaking goods nnd implements , together with buildings , for farm In Iowa or Missouri , Splendid business property , with resi dence ; and clear landtt In Nebraska ( al falfa belt ) , for residence In Council Bluffs or Omaha , and farm. Address for 5 days , K. , 2209 Douglas street , Omaha , Neb. H-M736 2S * FOR EXCHANGE , first-clans double car riage and double harness for clear vacant lots In Omaha , or will trade clear lots for good span of horses. A. P. Tukey , Hoard of Trade. K-741 29 FOR SALE. OR EXCHANGE for eastern Nebraska farm , stock of general merchan dise and groceries. Box 237 , Geneva , Neb. AVANT to exchange good clear rental Omaha property for good farm , Stock of groceries to exchange for small house. Slock of furnishing goods and shoes for C-room house. J. H. Piirrotto , Douglas Blk. 7. 772 2S TYPEWRITERS. TYPEWRITERS for rent , $4 nor month. The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co. , 1C25 Farnam St. Telephone 1281. 714 AVE RENT and sell the best typewriters mode ; largest stock of mippltcH in Ornaha. United Typewriter & Supply Co. , 1612 Far nam. -71J REMINGTON Standard Typewriter and mippllf-fl. 1619 Farnam. 716 THE Oliver Typewriter , visible writing ; heaviest manlfolder und cute the finest Mencll. Tol. 2279. J , 8. Stewart , Special Agent. 318V4 8. 15th St. , Omaha. 717 , TYPEWRITERS , secondhand. 1118 Farnam. -718 MEDICAL. LADIES , Chlchester'B English Pennyroyal pills a/c the best ; safe , reliable ; take no other ; send 4c , stamps , for particulars. "Relief for LadUf , " In letter by return mall. At druguUts. Chlcheater Chemical Co. . Philadelphia. Pa. Fim.MTI.KE REPAIRING. PACKING. uphoUtrrlng , mattress and feather renovating. Tel , 1331. M. B. AValk- jln , 2111 Cumlng St. -220 IIIHDS AND TAXIDERMV. STOCK'S Bird store. 1603 Leavenworth. -731