THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SfNHAY. JANfARY L s. 1 { ) ( ) ( > . 17 CONDITION OFOMAHA'S TRADE Fair Movement in All Denartmenta of the JebWng Bo.sin.oM. SOME LINES MOVE NONE TOO FREELY Market Cnntlnuri Very Firm. ivllh nn Upward Tondem-y on n iSood Mnny Kind * or .ft ore linn ill HI Otilliiok Conildnred KniMiiirnuliiit. L t w k failed to bring about any very Important chnn ws In local trade conditions. Jobber * in moM llnrw reportwl bii lnc < i moving olont ; at a goml , stetdy jrnit. with for trade mo t promising. An has ti ca e for mwnc tlmn pa t. there Is very little denwml Tor cold weather noodp and tradn In jtho n lines eon equently is unusually dull , even for tfcli * time of year. Uealera all nicree , however , thnt wilde from tfi wewthur there Is Absolutely nothing to complain of and all are looKitltc forward tea a good , brink trade In the spring. The general condition of the wholesale mar kets itt much < > * ie same as It wap a week ago. Almost without an exception prices are firm , wltn nn upward tendency , and In i number of cac.-s quotable advances have be n re ortwl. In a retail way local traJe conditions Hro fairly satisfactory. Them la of cfiurKn no emrmous demand , but at tlui annui Umu trade Is ay good aj could be exsvcteij. ( SriH'tTjMarlict Firm. Wholeiwle grocers are still enjoying a good biulnem and find they arc doing morn than they wem n year ago at this time. The. market In In about the saint * condition 11 way In a week ago that Is , there Is a feeling of firmness all along the line and several quolHble advances re ported , though mostly on rtie loss Impor- ant lines. Tlio cheaner grades uf axle gr s were market ! up lust week , owing to tft high market values ruling on oils nnd other Ingredients used In Its manu facture. Manila paper Is another line which Is quoted a little higher than It was a week ago. and buckshot was marked up 6u per iMig. Canned goods are still In a very strong position nnd especially Is this trtlo of tomatoes , which arc reported 2'tC per dozen higher In Baltimore , though this market so far Is unchanged. Laundrv soaps are nlpo advancing ami are now from .TOc to GOc per box higher than they were January 1. The roiTce market continues to firm up. and local jobbers are predict ing still nlghor prices. According to re ports received It appears that while con sumption of coffee Is greatly Increnr l over what Isus been before receipts ore smaller than iifuul. and the visible supply decrwiHlnir at .1 rapid rate. The sugar markec is quoted the same as It was a week ago. but the market on raws U very tlrm and holders are asking morn than buyers' views. When this condition is taken with the reported decreawe through out thu world of at least 10 per cent over hist year's figures In the supply of raws nnd also the probability of exports from thu Sandwich islands being stopped on account of the bubonic plague , jobbers nay it would look as though higher values will rule In tfio near future on the refined Grades. .SoiniLlnci Short. Hardware Jobbers had nothing of a very startling nature to report regarding last week's trade. It la becoming more evident to them eiieh week , however , that they are going to have a big spring business and that they are likely to have some little dllllculty in getting stock promptly enough to supply their customers. There is al ready a marked shortage In wire cloth , and several manufacturers have refused orders on the ground that they have all the busi ness they can handle. Manufacturers in many other lines are In but little better shape , so jobbers are looking for fully as big a shortage as was experienced a year ngo. Orders for steel goods are now com ing In quite freely and a few shipments have been made , but It Is still rather early for spring business to open up with hard ware jobbers. Tniot Yet Rfiiuhuil. Dry goods Jobbers are now about ready to begin tilling their advance spring orders , nnd from now on that part of the business will be pushed until all the orders received are filled. As has been stated before , they have the best line of advance orders this year that they have ever hud. Traveling men are sending in very encouraging re ports regarding the conditions existing in various purls of the country , and without exception they all prophesy the best season on record. The market last week was without special feature , though prices con tinue to tirm up without any signs appar ently of their reaching the top. Overstocked irltli Itublicr * . Boot and shoe men are still doing but little In the way of immediate business , as the warm , dry weather makes It possible for people to get along with most any thing they happen to have. Cold , wet weather would , of course , create a demand for footwear , but It would have to be of considerable duration to affect wholesalers much , as retailers' stocks are rather large for this time of year. Spring business , how. ovor. Is coming In good Hliape. and the outlook in quite encouraging. As soon as possible local Jobbers will bfgln "hipping advance orders so HH to be ready to handle the rush that always comes later in the season. Rubber gnods men say they are doing almost nothing , and the outlook for them Is not very encouraging. Retailers out through the country still have large stocks of rubbers on hand and the way It looks now they will be forced to carry them over until next season , which will have a bad ffect upon next year's trade. Of course If there should be some severe monns this winter It would help to clean up the re tailers' stocks and give the wholesalers a chance to sell some goods next fall , but itnl s that happens the wholesale trndo next fall Is apt to start out slowly Quito n. few advance orders for rubber clothlnz nn being received and the prospects ars there will be a fair trade In these lines. Fruit and Produce , The demand for fruit and produce on this market is still rather light , though it Is said to bo showing some Improvement. There were but few changes of Importance In market values , and the general trade was without special feature. The apple market Is n trifle higher than It was a week ago. In speaking of the apple situa tion one dealer remarked that he did not look for any great advance In the market. The supply is not laree , but at the same time holders seem to be willing to sell at present prices rather than to hold for a possible advance , and for that reason It Is thought thnt the market will not reach last year's figures. The potato market IB in rather bad shape In one way that IH. deal ers llnil It dltllcult to sell them. The wnrrn weather has enabled farmers to bring 'h m Itr and " 11 thorn to grocers direct , which lias ut the demand from that source to a larau extent. Fresh vegetables are "umlng In more freely every week. New best * , turnips , cauliflower , tomatoes , radishes and cucum bers are aome of the fresh vegetables that nr now on the market. The poultry market wan rather unsatis factory l l week owing to the fact that I rectlptw were excessive , while the demand was only moderate. AM a result the mar ket fell off considerably , an will he * en from the quotations given below. The eg-j market , for the name reason as the poultry market , iilco took a drop toward the clone of the week. Butter was also In need supply and the market wwik. There Is no c.hange la oyxters. though ( he supplv U large. Tm- demand Is as good oa onuld b expected com > ld rliig the time of year and the lack of cold weather. MJW YOltlC RlSMSIl.lL 31AUKKT. ( luntiifluim fur tin- Oar ' " Vurluna Cinnniiiiltlc . { NK8W YORK. Jan. -FLOUR Rpcwlpts. ' 17.S1 train. : oxoort * . 14.SS V * * . ; quiet but ; Gtoadtly h 13 Mlnnutota patents. S2.S664.10 ; 3Ilnnaot baker * . JiSfrgaK ) ; winter patents , t3.f.t * l > : wlntur 'T iBitn. JX.40$8.4iwinter ; fxtrmn. } L ee. * : winter Io - grades. J .2i f 2.W. Ry Uuur. steady fair 10 irood. Jt-liHt S.20 ; choice to ( ani-y W.2&8J.K. Buckwlma ; flour. qul t at U.TiSTQa. CORNAIKAL Steady : yellow w tern , SOo ; city. 79c ; Br mlywine. J Jfl : .3a RYB Quiet : No ! western. 9W-c. f. a. b. . atloHt : suue , teft&c. c. i. f. . New York , car t 'BARLF.Y-Qulet ' , fe llmr. 4 4 | 47Vic. c 1. f. New York : rrmltlrcj , S00A3c , c. i. f. , N w Tork liAfU.EY MALT Dull ; w * l rn , S it5t- WJ1J5AT R ill > t , l.K > > tou. . exports. l.M ) bu. Spot , 'lulet : No. S r i , 76vc. f. a b. nUou . prompt : N'o 1 nurtbetn. l > ihii * . Tfrni' . t . o. b. , uAoat. prompt : No. S r d. 744w ? . ele ' vator Opt.'una < > ixntt uty uu J r dliwp- ; nilitiiag Uvarpaol crti : * * . tout prounKly turawl rot.T nnd urtivc on furtiter , rf | Mj ltIv . trwnr * at ParU. couni l with I 4fnwk war m > w FlDaMr tkw v irket awd off , in ' ver under rwiUilnv nr < J . hut > i w- HI oit.hanxcKiiricpa tuo udvar.v > ! h rlOMdt ft' May. 74MW - fltwod at :4 * . July 74 % rJVioMt M W t * . CORN R . " * pt . 41 Ot bu XiMH-U. .T 6 bU. Spot. eav Nu 1twSf f < b uttoHl. elevator. i svlth wilful and ntlnued ' 1nre e' ! ur 'w fre western sollinc. tneelher with fine at 'tenet decline. May < -loed .it WHc | OATS Receipts. 1JS.V * > bu. . exports , 1.WI ' No. 1 white. tliVNm 3 white.'W" ! track I mixed weMera IHHKty : track white , .lift I J AT-rLl ! ! < ly : shipping. * 4J7no ; mod to choir * . * ( . ! | HOPS Quiet ; rotnmon to choice. UK crop , i ft : : IK * crop. 70IMS : crop. lafPnclftr ! -o jt : 1 K r-rop. 4O * : 18 f crop , 7tf c ; 1SW crogK ll Mc. HrDaS Firm : ralv Mon. to K lb * . , l 4.p. Tex * * dry. 21 to Ibs. . ! 5C ; California , fi to K M. . n 4 > r. Ld5ATHBR9dy. hemlorX ol . Buenos I Arres. Il ht to heavyweight. 3Mf V ; aId. 3MIK 4jC. i PROVISIO > fS-'Be f , steady ; fiun'.lr. HliO fflS.00 : mess , J10.SO ; hwf hanw , J21.SMS.flil ; pttcket. JllitH llcn ; dty extra IndK mef , BO.eoffB.rt. 'ut meats , firm : pickled bellies , JBSTHgJT.W ; pickled shoulders. K. ham , J4 > . ( XHf10.35. Lard , steady : western steam closed M.27H. January | ii27It. nominal ; re fined , steady : continent , W.50 ; Soulfl Amer- ICB , K70 : compound , Jj.S7 > .00. Pork. nrm ; mesw. SftrniSll. " ) : short clear. Jll.5 8 13.W : family. J.u > 13 n. Tallow. dUH : city. MtfiJ-lfic ; rottmnHlt6Hc RICK Steady : < ltim ? Mlf , fair to extra , 44 ? * Hc : Japan. 4iB8c. MOI\SSES Quiet. N > w Orleans open , kettle , eoort to choice. 444JS5 * ; . FREIGHTS To Liverpool , quiet : cotton by steMri. 36d. nominal : grain by steam. J > d , nominal. MBTAL3 The brokers' price ) for lend Is J4.4S ml for fappt r J16.5Q. Casting copper. , < OMAHA ocnrniiAi. MAIIICBT. Ciindltloii of Trmlv nnd llnotntlonn nil Stnplr nnd Fnnoy Prndnne. EGGS Receipts , Increasinc ; fresh stock. weak at IT'ic. DRESSED POULTRT-Cholce to fancy turkeys. Sc : diicks. 7'-43Sc : ? ? esp.7t ± & Sc : spring chickens. 7J37Hc : hens. S'jR'c : roosters , 4fiRc. LIVE POULTRY - H ( > ns. 5Uc ; sprint ? chicken. ' . Sc : old and MucRy rooters. 3c ; dtckH. S'c ; Ke e. < > 4 < - : turkeys. * 5j7c. DUTTER Common to fair. 3St c : choice , IfrglSc ; separator. 25c ; gathered creamery , 22B23C. PIGEONS Live , per doz. , 75c. VEALS Choice. Oc. GAME Ducks , mallards. C.000S.23 : blue wlntr teal. J1.73 : crt -n wing teal. J1.25Q1.50 ; mixed ducks. J1.50S2.00. OYSTERS Medium , per cnn , ISc ; stand ard. per can. 22c : bulk standard , per gal. , 11.25 ; extra selects , per can , We ; extra se lects. per gal. , ll.60ei.73 : New York counts , per can , 37e : New York counts , tier 100. J1.2S. HAY Per cnrlootl lots : Upload , choice. K : mldlomt choice. JS.fiO : lowland , choice. K : rye straw , nholce. J4.50 : No. 3 corn. 26Hc : No. 3 white oats. 22Vjo. cracked corn , per ton. SH , corn and oats , chopped , per ton , J11.50 ; bran , per ton. J12 : shorts , per ton. J13. VEGETABLES. XEW TfRNIPS Per dozen bunches. 60c. SPINACH-Per box. n. NEW BEETS-Per doz. bunches. 60c. RADISHES Per doz. bunches. 40c. LETTUCE Per doz. bunches. 40c : fancy head lettuce , per bbl. . $5. SWEET POTATOES Per bbl. . Illinois. C : Jerseys. 15 ; large bbls. , Kansas. 12.75. POTATOES Per bu. , choice , O0' | 33c. CABBAGE Holland -seed. 2c. CAULIlfLOWER California , per crate , $2,50. ONIONS Retnil. yellow. 7&c ; red , S5g90c : Oillo . per bbl. . J2.2S. CELERY Per dor. , Sg Oc ; California , per bunch. 40373c. TURNIPS Rutabagas , per lb. , IHc ; Ca nadian. lUc : per bbl. . K. MUSHROOMS Per lb. box. SOc. TOMATOES Florida , per 6-basket crate , RHUBARB Per doz. . COc. FRUITS. APPLES Choice western shlpplns stock. JI.OOg3.uO ; New York stock. tt.75S4.00 ; fancyJ4.DOiJ4.75. . GRAPES Malaga grapes , per bbl. , J7.0v ® 9.00. 9.00.CRANBERRIES CRANBERRIES Bell and Bugle , per bbl. J7 ; Jerseys , JG.75. TROPICAL. FRUITS. ORANGES Mexican , per box. J3 ; Cali fornia navals , per box. J3.2Sj3.50 ; California seedlings , per box. J2.50-g2.75. LEMONS -California fancy. J3.75 ; choice California , J3.50 ; Messina. J4. MISCELL VNEOUS. HONEY Per 24-sectlon case. J3.25. NUTS Hickory nuta. large , per bu. , J1.25 ; shellbark. , J1.35. FIGS California layers , per 10-lb. box , Jl ; California carton , p r 10-lb. box , J1.10 ; lm orted flgs , per lb. . 12c. HIDES. TALLOW. ETC. HIDES-No. I green hides. Sc : No. ' 2 green hides , 7c ; No. 1 salted hides. 9c ; No. 2 salted hides , Sc ; No. 1 veal calf , S to 12 Ibs. . 9c ; No. 2 veal calf. 12 to 1 Ibs. , Sc. TALLOW. GREASE. ETC Tallow. No. 1. 4c : No. 2. 3ic : rough. 2c : while grease , 2i@3Vic ; yellow and brown grease , 2Vs63c. Liverpool drain nnd Provialonii. LIVERPOOL. Jan. 27. WHEAT Spot. firm ; No. 1 California. 6s SdS6s 3Hd : No. 2 red. western winter , 03 Gd ; No. 1 northern spring , 6 ? ; futures closed quiet ; March. 5s Uid. Uid.CORN CORN Spot , tlrm : American mixed , new , 3s 6J ; American mixed , Is 6'id : futures , steady : January , 3s 6d ; February , 3s 6Hd ; , March. 3s Sid. FLOUR St. Louis fancy winter , flrm , 73 I 3d. 3d.HOPS HOPS At London , Pacific coast , dull. 3 i& t. I OVISIONS Beef , steady : extra India i mess , 9) ? : prime mess. 73s M. Pork , steady ; 1 prime mess , western , 56s 3d. Lard , firm ; , prime western , tn tierces , 30s 6d ; American l I refined. In palls. 35 6d. Hams , short cut. i 14 to 16 Ibs. , steady. 4Sa. Bacon , Cumberland - . land cut , 23 to 30 Ibs. , e.iy , 32s 6d ; short i ! ribs. IS to 22 Ibs. . dull , 33s 6s ; long clear ' middles. light , 30 to 33 Ibs. . dull. 34s : long clear middles , neavy , 37 to 40 Ibs. , dull. 33s ; nhort clear backs. 16 to IS Iba. , dull. 32s 6d ; clear bellies. 14 to 16 Ibs. . easy. 33s. Shoul der ? . square. 12 : o 14 Ibs. . dull. Ofls. Tal- lo.v. prime city , steady. 27s ; Australian , in | London , strong. 27s 9d. BUTTER Finest and good United States , i nominal. CHEESE American finest white , steady , 57s ; American finest colored , flrm. Bs. Iliittfr. KKH anil Clirpii * Mnrkrt. PHILADELPHIA. Jan. 27. - BUTTER - Firm ; fancy western creamery and prints , , 2&c. 2&c.EGGS 1 EGGS Steady : fresh nearby and western. 19c : fresh southwestern and southern , 1S . < -HBKSE Flni but quiet. NEW YORK. Jan. 27.-BUTTER Re ceipts. 2.447 pkgs. ; steady : June creamery , 20fi23c ; western creamery. 21@25c : factory , 16iil9c. CHEESE Receipts. 2.23 pkgs. ; market firm ; fall made fancy , large and small. 12li613c : large , late made. 11H812C ; small , late made. 12fil2Uc. EGGS Receipts. 4.179 pkgs ; eauv ; west ern , 17c. loss oft ; western , ungraded , at mark. IMTlCc. CHICAGO , Jan. 27. - BUTTER Steady ; " 3" I9fi2k- : ' EGGS Steady fresh.14i c. ST. LOUIS. Jan. 27.-BUTTER-3tp dy : ! crestr ry KtjSJc : dalrv. 16t20c. | i EGG-S Steady at ISMiC. KANSAS CITY. Jan. -EGGS Market i -.v .k and V- lower : supplies on hand ample jand sotre dealers will carry a surplus over .Sunday. . ' : csh Mlisanrl and Kansas stock. first ? . U1 - . cases returned. KalixtlN City ( Jriiill and I'ruvlMlnnii , KANSAS CITY. Jnn. 27.-WHEAT-May , 64 c. No. 2 hard , cash , G3'i66lc : No. 3. OOJj 3c ; No. 2 red. 70S71e ; No. 3. 6 6G5c : . receipts. 82 cars. i CORN May. 20ic r cash. No. 2 mixed. ' I 2S1c : No 2 white , lOijc : No. 3. S0 ic , OATS-NO. 2 white , 2446250. I RYE No. 2 , GOHc. HAY-Cholco timothy. e. XJO-EO : cholca prairie. JC.T5tf7.00. RECEIPT ? W.hoat , 37.CW bu. ; corn. 33,5" ) i tm. : oats. 15.UM bu. SHIPMENTS Wheat. 21.1X0 bu. ; corn , 24.- i 70) bu. : oats. l.OXlbu. j I I Tuli-ilo MnrUet. ! i 1 TOI < EDO. O. . Jan. 27. WHEAT Un- I chanjred ; Na ' 'cHHh. TlHc. May. 73 v. CORN Active and steady ; No. 2 mixed. | . I dATS-Dull and steady ; No S mixed. 3V- ' RYE Dull : N i. 2 cash. 67c. ' 1M-.OVER6EED Dull and steady ; prime ! cash , old ofked : January , nw , J3.774 , Marc * . J .8tk. i lKVliciit nnd Fliiur. MINNEAPOLIS. Jan. W.-WHEAT-No. 1 northarn , January * c ; May , * Sc ; July. tf7c. On track : No. 1 hard. OtfTlc : No. l I northern. * * c : No. 2 northern , iBH. , FLOUR-Ktrmer : rtrat putentf. ! other lln s relatively utmng. BRAN fnchansed. , llllivnnkci * liruln > lnrUol. ' . ' MILWAl'KBK , JHU. J7. - WHEAT - JUnlur : No. 1 nonliarn , < Wc ; No. 2 mirth- 1 tirn. * ic HYB-Klrm. No. 1. S5 > i4a * c. , i , BARLKY Quiet. No t 46c ; aampit- ' I'iMirIa MnrUrl. ' PBORIA. Jan. J7.-CORN S4adr : new No. 1 lie. I , OATSJulet : Nu. 3 wblte 28tri tic. W'HI5KY-F1rm. on the b * i of for ttnUhed gooO . I 1 Uuliitli Wln-Ht 1 DULl'TH. Jan.WHEAT No. 1 hard , 1-aafc dTHi. ' . No 1 ni-rUjurn. L-uah , < 8S > ' Mu > < c atd. lui\ ' ' ' .r btu. Nu. U PJ return , 63A i. , No. i "jvnnjf , COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL | Wfcett Waikem on Hepoit of ? 6J el Hainf Uleirod for Bosario. . I | EARLY NEWS CAUSES ADVANCE TO 68 7-8C ' Corn nnil Onln llotli Clo p lo er nnd Dctitli uf P. I ) . Armour. Jr. , lln * i n UrprNlttu IJlIcct on I'ruvtnliirti. ! I I ' CHICAGO , Jan. 27. The wheat market , strengthened early by the Paris" advance and Argentine plague rumors , weakened on I i ' the repart thtK Xew York had cleared a vessel fbr Rosario , closing easy. May a i ahwde under ytsterday Corn And oats I elost-d each > - 4fHc lower and provision * 24 I 8c dearemed. May wheat openi-d Hi Hc under yester day's closing price at SUC * fcc and In a moment touched Slic because Liverpool's advance of * j fHd was regarded as a poor ! response to ttio gain of l tc fcere yesterdav. Paris cables were strong , the weather cold , the ground still lacked snow protection and a Bttenop Ayrea wlro announced that that port as well as Rosnrlo had been tempoj j 1 rarlry closed on account of the plague. This array of news Influenced a reaction. 1 May ascending to < 5S"c. . Feeling was somewhat - | i what nervous over the South African sit i uation. Later a New York report tJiat bhe , 1 Argentine consul there had cleared a ves sel for Rosano waa taken as a refutation of the previous report of the closing of Ar gentine ports , and the market reacted from the top. May slumping : o tSltc. A reaction to SSSc endued on recovering. The close was quiet. May a shade under yesterday's i llmd figures .it fi'Sfi 'if- The greater part of the session was fairly active , although the opening and fhe close were rather quiet. Commlrwlon houses were fair buyers , ex ecuting some good orders for foreign , houses. Threw loads were reported sold | from here via Galveston tn Prance. Tie seaboard reported only five loads taken for | export. Atlantic port clearances In wheat i and flour were equal to STl.Wl bu. Primary I receipts were T,45. 0 bu. . against S73.0O bu. last year. Mlnneaixilla and Duluth re ported 2S9 cars , compared with 354 last week I and 4S2 a year ago. Local receipts were 25 I cars , none of which were graded contract. The corn trade was quiet and the feelIng - Ing easy. Coumry offerings were freer and the cold weather predictions gave promise of a larger movement from first hands , all of which Influenced selling of corn futures. Receipts here were 217 cars. May ranged from 33Hc to xr-c and closed H614C under yesterday at 33c. Th cold weather and sympathy with corn hud a. depressing effect on the oats market. Buying- was scattered. Local receipts were 212 cars. May sold from 23H623Hc to 23i.c , closing easy mi'ic lower at 23 > tH23sSc. The death of P. D. Armour. Jr. , possibly had a slightly depressing effect on the pro vision market. Hog receipts were light and the marker at the yards early higher , although It weakened later. The trade In the provisions pit waa dull all day. this counting against the price. May pork sold from JW.S2HiS10.S3 to J10.7S and closed 3c under yesterday at J10.77ijeiO.SO ; May lard from JC.CC4 to J5.97 > j , closing 2'U-c lower at Jfi. and May rib * from { S.9 36.sV2 : to J5.771- , wltTi the close 2t5c depressed at JS.SO. Estimated receipts Monday : Wheat M cars : corn. 200 cars ; oat ? . 2tG cars : hogs , S.uuO head. Tiie leading futures ranged as follows : Articles. | OpenTl High "l 'Low | Close. Yes'y. When.3 | | - Jan. May 6SH ew su ? :4i : ( July S9S r I Corn- Jan. 31 ! 31H iMay July Oats- Jan. not/ May 3 % 23'i Pork- Jan 10 To 10 60 May ese o ss 10 71 10 SO 10 S5 July loss 10 S5 | 10 So 10 Lard- Jan. 3 S7H May 6 CO | S 02m G 9716 CO " ' 6 CO July 6 10 I 6 12h ! 6 07U 6 10 | t > 12ii Ribs- I Jan. J | o 72UI S Mny 5 SO 1 5 S2'il 5 TTtii r. SO " 5 i July 5 'B j 5 S7' * [ 3 S5 | 5 S3 ! j i No. i Cash quotations -were as follows : FLOUR Steady ; winter patents. J3.4O31 160 ; straights. J3.lOizO.35 ; clears J2. ! > S3.10- spring specials , J3.S > > { i3.X ! > : patents J3.2CX53.50- straights. J2.60gC.00 ; bakers. J2.1 < yg-A40 ' ; i joWHEIA.T No. 3 spring. 646 < 5c ; No. 2 red , i ' > ' < > . 2 , 31iS31V c ; No. 2 yellow , I "OATSNo. . 2 , 22ffe3'4c ; No. 2 white 23Uc ; No. 3 white , 2GQCS1AC. RYE No. 2. 50g63c. BARLEY No 2 , 2S1T42C. . , SEEDS No. 1 flaxseed and northwest. . JL3I. Prime timothy. J2.J5ijC.53. Clover , conI I tract grade. JS.2MJS.33. i PROVISIONS-OJess pork , per bbl. . J10.55. Lard , per HO Ibs. . J3.73fia.92ti. Short ribs ! sides c loose * . Jo.foSn.CC. Dry salted shoul- i dera ( boxe-I ) . Jh.5C > gG.73. Short clear sides i ( boxed ) . Jo.CrtSij.OO. ! WHISKY Distillers' flnlFhed goods on basis high wines , per gal. , J1.23U. . SUGARS Cut loaf. Jfl : granulated , J3.44. Folia-wins are the receipts and shipmeirts for today : Articles Receipts. Shlpm'ts. Flour , bbls 33..0 3S.CO ) Wlieat. bu 24.Of * } (200 ( Corn , bu 167CX 1CS.OOO Oats , , -bu . ' > b > wi * SCfl.O'O 193CO1 Kye. bu 4ftO 22.000 Barley , bu 74.033 47.0 * ) On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was steady : creameries. 19ji24c ; dairies. 18Q'J2c. Cheese , finn at 12C15C. Eggs , steady : fresh. 14M.-C. j MOVEMENTS OK STOCKS A.VD DO.VDS. j nuMlncftH ItepurtM nud ExticotatiniiM of Gooil Dank Stntenicnt Aid Hilj-lnii. NEW YORK. Jan. 27. The stock market ' was narrow and professional today , but re- I fleeted some slightly Increased Interest , a.d : 1 prices ahowed some response to ne vs De velopments. Quite an active speculation d - ' veloped In Third Avenue , whkii was fever ish at a level extending to Vi points Uulunv lost night. Rjjmors were rife touching the plans for financing the floating dtbt of this company and denials followed quickly on ' rumors. The market was disposed to rreist . this Influence and hardened , the sp < - . .aKles leading in point of activity and strength. i The rather cheerful tone cl uhe weekly , trade reviews , the good railroad earnings for the ohlrd wetk In January and thu tx- , ptictatlon of a strong bank statement prompted buying. Tffio December statement of St. Paul i-hecked tile movement on ac count of the decrease af Jlrt.CM.1 In net iarn- lng for the month by reason of Increased operating expenses. The decrease In net earnings of the system for the fiscal year is thus brought up to J323.CUO. Thu total wa offered down a sharp fraction an the ar-ow- ir.s. Burlington closely following , tual the whole list rihowlng uhu ufTuct. Them was but an indifferent rally on the hank statement and prices were sllpiitly lower than yesterday at the clo > . The pro- portloni of the lo < n Increat-e again Uiont < d a sharp riff , thouch the loan expansion was only a traction of the . .ncreasd credit facill- ties oJTordt t by < cht > cash Increase. There hus been no borrowing demand manifest on the Stock exchange during the werk and ttio time loan and mercantile paper markets have been reported dull , although bankers have town offering increasing inducements to place loans. No operations have been known of sufficient size to account for the loan expansion of J7S15 , < X . A fmaJI contingent of proftsKlonal operators In stocks nnd foreign arsltraue brokers have done practically all of the trading on the Stock exchange for the last week. Dealings have not exceeded In vol ume those of last week and In bonds have shown a progresaive decrease. There were , rather wide phnnc In prices on several j days , but they were but vibration * duo to i prcifeseional manipulation and the cloctng of i niracts served to draw prices back to thu last Saturday's level , around which ttie market oscillated. The reasons for tJie exi i ' aeiilve dullness are not entirely . -It-ar. as : many conditions conform to tiiotw in former pe iviU of srmt > pu ulative Activity notably ehe larsu reflux of money to the re.irv centem from active nfr < in iiuslnoMi and uni formly favorable reports at bURlnt s and trade. There In a. large body : n Wall street of uho oslnlon that Che dullnuiu Is only x- pllrutle on the swore of u ? n ( over tftc outoumr > of ttie r in aotith Africa , but tijero were two events there during tu week which were thought of .utticlent im- , parlance in tiie I ondon * : t-k market to induce - ' duce roDKltienrtile cpecwlatlve activity iiScr * I without uwakentm ; any Intoroti in the * New York market outside the foreiso arbitrage otflcos and the tirofetskmal tiadem. Priceti nT IntertMttonally lUlad Mocks re- * poi l < il ehsruly. aw ttae nurrow market made the arbhrage operation * ftfH-tiv in keeping price * rwur the London ar-ty. TbU 11 not c < -tusive evldent-e. rhuutra It i * lagaim'be awnunption nf 1:1.UomlnaUn UUluer.e of lh South Afrit tin wur upon apoculattve SMitimtnt The taking of SpKxi- kop was iu > t 10 be expe.t.d 'o mirk the jlnnl aut > mlw4on of ttie Bo r * any more tUan ) retaking W K to ae : nten > r tv > d an tti * ' rellnquUament of the British .ampalsn , yet tmtft t n 'If 'iiuM ' trw-iint Itvploninerit * n 1 * IMI ! erte.tiin . ! ui in tne Lwmlon Mock market wlthmr. .mtwln * : nv .tppre- luble tniylnx "t sm-lw : here in.tie one . -ase or selling in Uit > other. It l safe in con- i-lud * fr > tn this ttwt tne world' * cotrnnT-re and MM Mice have so tar adjusted tnem- * lve 10 the Interruption of tne TramvMl Hold mipplv fnxn flowlmr Into the world's stork .1 * no : to be severely < vhitKen by in * ! event * thmuenltm a prolongation of Hie ; interruption. What w > uld b * ttie * n * t on j I ; p ciiltv ! markets at a sudden develop. ! metit promising fairly termination of the ' wwr nnd ri-mmptlon af the Trn r itl ( told . output li > unoifcer question It is fnot that j * otne competent aiithr1tp | .in thp money market ' In Wall otreet nre not fre- from upI - I prenerudon over 'ftp ' nroney i > tl < x > k. notwt fl- ; swmflmr the pre w enw of money in newrly nil drcmrttnvnts The first purl ni the month hroitKht heavy l disbursements from the 1'ntted Slates . treasury ow account of pension payment , which kept down tile viirplti * . but current returns from the treasury show a dtty to day surplus owing to heavy revenue collec tions. The deposits of Internal revenue conUlhed In national bank depositories are also apprrmchlne the limits provided for by the government bonds deposited with the treasury by the barks n rerurlty. after which the taking up of the surplus by the treasury would be resumed. In the case of the London money market the Bank t'f England , having help * > d to tldo over the nniuml settlement pertnd of liberal loans. Is i now recuperating Its reserves and receiving largo payments of innns. Although the bank rate has been reduced from S to I per cent since the first of thw vear It Is still nearly 1 per pent above the private .llsrount I rate and thus encourages continued paying I of loans. The future of the London money market i depends much upon whether thi < Bank of | I England's policy of recuperation Is In prep- | aratlon for government loan Issues to pro. ' vide for w r expenses an event which ! would probably driiw gold from New York. Added to these considerations Is some feelIng - . Ing of doubt and questioning aroused by the very free discussion and criticism of u ' New York trust companv. These accounts , 1 while of Importance In themselves , are nf i even greater Importance In the principles Involved In the placing of lonns looking to the promotion of Industrial corporations. The argument that prices of securities are at an Inviting level must be considered In connection with the fact that vast amounts of money were spent , u the extreme high prices Inst year , compared with which pre. - ent prices represent heavy losses and dls- couragement or Inability to buy. These positive factors toward dullness are In ad dition to the negative or passive one of waiting for the Industrial future to define itself more accurately The falling off In the rate of Inflow of money seeking employment has served to decrease the demand for bonds and has re sulted In prlco reactions in some points. The market has continued linn for the most part. United States new 4s declined ll , the Ss and old 4s. registered. ? and old 4s. coupon , H In the bid price. The Commercial Advertiser's London financial cablegram says : The Intense anxiety over the situation In Natal stupe fied the markets here today and there was practically no business. The tone was heavy. The exchange was amused , not frightened , by the Berlin rumor that Gen eral Warren had lost 2.3CO men and seven teen guns on Splonkop. Mr. Leyds , the Transvaal agent , having just reached Ber lin. The bank lost 40.0X1 gold enraged at the Cape. Paris checks were 25.1S. The Berlin bank rate was reduced today from 6 to 5H per cent , as expected. The following are the quotations for the leading stocks on the New York exchange today. Atchlson 19HT | < > xa & Pacitic. . 154 do pfd raT * Union Pacific . . . . 4GH Baltimore & O. . . oPil do pfd 75 Canadian Pac. . . . MVTVabash 6H Canada So . 4S do pfd ( Ttuts. & 0 Wheel. & L. E. . . 9S Chicago G. W. . . . 13Vi do 2d pfd 264 C. , B. & Q _ .121H Wls. Central . . . . 17V- CM. . Ind. & L. . . . 1C Adams Ex 114 do pfd 13 'Amer. Express . .146 Chi. & E. Ill 87 % U. S. Ex 47 Chicago & N. W.U3 Wells-Fargo Ex. . 153 C. . R. I. & P 1M A. Cot. Oil C. C. C. & St. L. 00 do pfd 924 Colorado So U Amer. Malting . . do 1st pfd. . . . 43H. . do pfd ' do 2d pfd. . . . UVzAmer. S. & R. . . . SSH Del. & Hudson..114 i do pfd SS Del. L. & W 174 'Amer. Spirits . . . . 3 Denver & R. G. . 17 j do pfd 17 do pfd CS 'Amer. ' Steel II. . . 411- Ertu 11H do pfd. . . . . . . . . & do 1st pfd. . . . 31Amer. S. & W. . . . 49H Gt. Xor. pfd 1W do pfd S9 Hocking Can . . . 16 Amer. Tin Plate. . 2SVi Hockinc Valley. . . 33 , do pfd IVlnols ' Central..1 Amer. Tobacco . . 99 Iowa Central 12 do pfd 133 do pfd 52 Anac. Mill. Co. . . 391- K. c : . . P. & G. . . , sv Brooklyn R. T 71S Lake Erie & W. . 22 Colo. Fuel & I. . . 41Ti do pfd Con. Tobacco 31si Lake Shore . 194 do pfd. L. & N . 7SU Federal Steel . . . SO3 * Manhattan L . 93 i do pfd 72S Met. St. Ry . Electric 122U Mox. Central HHiGlucoie Sugar . . Minn. & St. L. . . . S9H1 do pfd 99 do pfd S-JUiInter. Paper 22lu Missouri Pacific. . 42HI do pfd G7li Mobile & OhioSO Laclede Gas . . . . 73 Mis. . K. & T 10H National Biscuit , f.5 do pfd 32 ' do pfd 92 * N. J. Central . . . .1ICU National Lead . . 26H N. Y. Centra ! . . . .133 > i do pfd 103 Norfolk & W 24H National Steel . . 40H do pfd 69H do pfd M i No. Pacific SI N. Y. Air Brake.l2S do pfd 73si No. American . . . 144 Ontario & W 21U Pacific Coast . . . . 51 Ore. Ry. & Nov. . 42 do 1st pfd. . . . S3 do pfd 76 ' do 2d nfd. . . . 64 Pennsylvania . . .12S Pacific- Mail 42H Rending ' People's Gas . . . .103Hi do Iflt pfd. . . . 5 * Pressed S. Car. . . TA i do 2d pfd . 27 do pfd S7 ! ! Rio G. W . 40 Pufman P. Car .l 7ii i i do pfd t Stand. R. & T . . . S 1 ' St. L. & S. F SHSugar 11H ! 1 ' do 1st pfd. . . . 'TO ' : do pfd 112 do 2d pfd. . . . 53ii Tenn. C. .t I RIU St. L. Southw. . . . 111 ( U. S. Leather . . . 16 ' do pfd 264l do pfd 754 St. Paul UTiA.U. . S. Rubber . . . . do pfd 170 ' do pfd 1 St. P. & Omaha..120 Western Union . . So. Pacific 37H Republic I. & S. 20Vi , So. Railway . . . . US do pfd ff do pfd 534 , P. C. r. & St. L. 76'j I \ -TV York lloin > > - MurUet. ' NEV , ' YORK. Jan. 27.-MONEY On call I easy at 2 per cent : prime mercantile paper , 1 4S6 per cent. 1 STERLING EXCHANGE Firm , with actual business In bankers' bills at J4.S7H0 4.S7H for demand and SI.M > 4e4.S4 > ? for sixty ' days : posted rates. $4.So and J4.S3 ; commer- I clal bills. J4.S3ii5l4.S31. I giLVER-Cenlflcates , SSUgfiOHc : bar. I 5J > ic : Mexican dollars , 47Hc. I BONDS State bonds , firmer : railroad I bonds , steady : government bonds , firmer : ! 2s. reg. , 102H ; 3s. reg. . 109H : coupon. 110H : I new IP. rep. and coupon , 133i : old 4s. reg. and coupon.114li ; Ssreg. . , 112 ; coupon. 113U. The following arc the closing quotations on bonds : j , " " " " U."S 2. . reg. . . . l" , N. J. C. Ren."S5..12i ' do 3s , reg 10SH No Caro.inn 6s..127 , do coupon HOHi do 4s 105 . new 4s , reg 132i.J . or. Pac. Is 110 ; do coupon 13314 do 3s 6 i do old 4f. reg..114 > 4 do 4s 104 do coupon 114HM.Y.C. & St.L.nlOgi4 do 5s. reg 112 N. & W. con. 4s. 93" do coupon H3U | do gen. 6f 129 n of C 3 SJS..11S | Or * N'av. Is lin i A toil. gen. 43 U'W do 4s 101U ; do adj. 4B Sl ' , , Ore. S. L. 6s 12SH Canada So. 2s..W ' do con. Ss 112U Chw. & O. 4H97H Raiding gen. 4s. . 414 do 5.s . .116'4R. G. W It 9JH C. & N. con. 7i > . .142i7St.L. & l.M. c &j.lll i do S. F. deb Ss.lOS St.L. < t S.K.g. is.ll9 I Chicago Ter. 41. . S3 St. Paul consols.1674 | I D. & R. G. is. . . K iSt. P. C. & P. 18.119 ' , do 4s 99 ' do 5s 119'i 1 E. T. V. & G. lr.101 So. Railway 3s..lU7H i Erie gen. 48 Sh S. R. & T. * ! . . . . SI F. W. & D. c. in. 73 .Tenn. n. s. 3s. . . . 95 Gen. E'ectric & 3.119 iTex. & Pac. 1H..112H G. H. & S. A. Ss.KS I do 2a - . . . 54 do J 10T Union Paclfle U.10m If. & T. C. ; * . . . .HOV , Wabash la 115H do con. 6s ll'J I do Sd 10 ] i In. Central IB..114 West Shore 4n . .113 i K. C. . P. & G. la. H Win. Central U. . 9Ji- La. new con. 4s.lfri Va. Centuries . . . SJ ; L. & N. uni. 4t. . . V\i do deferredI M. . K. & T. 2i. . . CSHColo. So. 4 fcSTi do 4s 99 So. Paclfle 4s. . . . S i N. V. C. in I ® ' irtiNiiin SliicU ai BOSTON. Jan. S7 - 'all loan * . HJJ P r cent : timn loans. 45 per cent. Closing pricwi for tockn. Lx > nd ami mining A.T T.&sF " . do pfd . a Win. Central . . . IS Amer. Sugar . ll i Dom. Coal . 41 to pfd . Ill . do pfd . 115 IMl TeUtphone . .SS Alchfcon 4 * . V Boston & A. by 240 Adventure . S BOMOII EVvaiad. S4H AHoucz Mln. Co. 3 Boston & Me . . . .IK Atlantic . ! 4 C. . B & Q . . . ! 8o on & Mont..S KHclihurc pf.l . .m Butt4 & Boiton. . 4S jtltii. Eleo piu..l Pal. * UecU . 740 Fe < leral Steel . . 5 i ft t niUal . 15H do pfd . 7UFranklIn . 14 Mtx. f.Vniral ! ' . ' 4jO - > la . UK Mlrh Tvlrpbonf.lW Parrot . H4 Olil t'oony . y& , Quino- . no Old Dominion . . ITV Sn < a K * Con. . . 5V4 Kubbw . W Tamarack . . . . 177 I'nion Piu-lflc . . Wlnona . \ Culon l ind 3 VVolvcriiiBa . . . 40 ET. < \ . HitJh . 3 do rfd 110 _ Wrrklr HnilU Stillfiiirnr. NEW YORK. Jan. S7.rThe wwkl bank I statement the f. > iiu\\iie ! , -nui go * i Surplus re en-e i , Increase Jc , < -iSf.30u. loans , I * 7 ' . ' . < ' ' " ' . „ , . . tender * im ratn - . . . . , - - . 4t , < "i The banks now hold & > JTT.iCR In exc s of the rmulretwnts - > f the S iwr cent rule \ MV York Mtnliiir Mtiiclt' . NEW YORK. Jun TThe follo-ns ; are the official cloving quotations for mm- Inc share * : London 3 ( < iuU lli LON'DOX. Jan. Z7. 4 n. m.-Clnrtng : Con wl . money .110 % X. Y. Central. . . . 1 do account. . U .i * < j Penn > 'lvnna . . . . Cnn. PaclBc . . . . W4 Reading . Brie . US No. PacIHc pfd. . . 78H do pfd . ffl < 4 Atchlson . 1V TJInoiB Central . .Il4 t Ixul'ille . 3g * fnlon Pac. pfd. . 7 i Orand Trunk . TI * St. P.comman. _ .11 ! " Anaconda _ ill . - -s _ BAR SILVER Firm at 27' d per ounce. MONEY 1 * per cent ; rate of Jlscount In l'hi > open market for short bills. Jjf3 n per cent : for three month * ) ' bills. SH h per cent. t'orclun Financial. LONDON. Jan. Si. The market for . \tner- lean ? curitlif was dull from opening ro th clost totlny. Traders were Inactive ana jirlces showed Irregular chansos. Spanls-h 4s. 8Ti. . Gold premiums : Buenos Apre , 1 .6 : Madrid , 25. a. Tile amount of bullion withdrawn from the Bank of England on balancw today wn 40. < . PAJIIS. Jun. 27. Owing to tao unfavor able war news , business on thu taourso opened with an all around slump. Afterward - ward the tendency to recover passvd off and the market ehwd dull. Government securities were practically unchanged. Rio tlntos were steady and De. Beers mines de clined. Kiilllra stiarea were agitated on London selling. On ttio street after the closing of th bourse the market was dls- tinrtly Jlat. ' Three per cent rentes' , IWf 2 io for the 'aci-oun : ; exchange on London. 25f ISc for checks. : fipunlsin 4j clusod at 6S.324. BERLIN. Jan. 27. Prices \ < 'ere buoyant on the bourse today , which was Induced by the eivsu and cheapness of money. Foreign securities were maintained. Iron shares were strong in consequence of the order for 9.00) trucks for Uti Ruralan stnte rail ways. Canadian Paeltlcs w rc higher and Americans quiet. Exchange on London , 2im 49pfgs for checks. Dlw-ount rate : Short bills. 3li per cent : three months' bills. 33-3 Der cent. Ilniik Clcarlniii. NEW YORK , Jan. 27.-Clearlngs. S155- 2S3.102 : balances. J5.745.213. BOSTON. Jan. 27.-Clearings. $18.461.731 : balances , J1.24S.C46. PHILADELPHIA. Jan. 27.-CIearlnes , $16.S03.G36 ; balances. S1,5CT,553. I BALTIMORE. Jnn. 27. Clearings , J2.974.- | 147 : balances. $611.033. ! ' ST. LOflS. Jan. 27.-Clearings. J3.S17.5SO : ' balances. J420.474 ; money. Zft" per cent ; New ' York exchange. 30c premium bid. 50c pre- j ' mtum asked. I CHICAGO. Jan. 27.-Clearings. tl0.99T..52I : balances. J1.G9I.S62 : posted exchange. S1.S5 ® 4.SS ; Now York exchange. 30c premium. Condition of the TrciiNiirv. WASHINGTON. Jan. 27. Today's state ment of the treasury shows : Available cash balance. J29.433.614 ; gold reserve. J21S- 203.021. 203.021.St. St. Loii I * Crnlii ami Provision * . ST. LOUIS. Jnn. 27.-WHEAT Firm : No. 2 reil cash , elevator , 71c ; track. TKiJTIHc : January.70Tfec : May. Tic ; July. GSsic : No. 2 hard. 6Sg67t c. receipts. 20.G02 bushels. CORN Lower : No. 2 cash. 31c : track. 32Hc ; Januan' . Sic ; May.31sic ; July , S2 > * Cp OATS Steady : No. 2 cash , 2ll4c : track. 24Hc ; Januarj' and May. 24'c : No. 2 white , RYE Firm at 53c. FLOUR Unchanged : patents. J3.-IOQ3.50 ; extra fancy. S5.05tI3.13 : clear. J2.73Q2.00. SEEDS Timothy. $2.0062.25 ; flasseed , nominal Jl.W. CORNMEAL Steady at Jl.75ifl.SO. BRAN Dull and nominal ; sacked , east track. 65c. HAY Steady : timothy , J3.C03-11.50 ; prai rie. JT.i gs.SO. WHISKY Steady. Jl.SS'i. COTTONTIES-J1.10. BAGGING 5 > iGoTrC. HEMP TWINE PC. METALS Lead , firm at S4.G3. Spelter , easy at J4.62H. POULTRY Steady : chickens , ffiic : tur- kevs. 7c : ducks. Sc : geece. 5c. PROVISIONS -Dry salt boxed meats. | extra shorts. JR. > o ; clear ribs. JS. 1 * : clear aides. K. Bacon ( boxed ) , extra shorts. 16.23 ; clear ribs * . J6.37H ; clear sidei" . JG.iXl. Pork. steady : Jobbing , old. J10.23 : new , $11.IS. ! Lard , unchanged ; prime steam , J3.02H : choice. J5.671- . RECEIPTS Flour. 4.0CO bbls. : wheat , 21.- 000 bu. : corn. S4.UO bu. ; oats , fG.CCO bu. SHIPMENTS Flour. 6.CW bbls. ; wheat. 13.KO bu. ; corn , 17.0.0 bu. ; oats , 27.000 bu- Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 27. COTTON Market opened flrm. with prices from 2 to 3 points higher on bullish news from all quarters and a renewal of active speculation. The dominating influences consisted of a pro nounced advance In Liverpool , semi-olll- cial advices from the south stating that offerings of spot cotton were light , even at advanced prices , and the presence of largo orders from abroad for spot cotton here , j The business done In the first hour comI I prised large purchases for foreign demand , ' Wall street room shorts and southern ac- ' count and selling of profit-taking type for smaller room and outside holders. The course of prices after the opening was sloxvly upward on energetic support from room bulls and speculative demand from parties who for weeks past have held aloof. The crop movement was light. The market for futures closed steady , with prices net 3 to 7 points higher. NEW ORLEANS. Jan. 27.-COTTON Firm ; sales. 6,030 bales : ordinary. GHc ; good ordinary. 7c : low middling. 77-lGc : middling , ' 711-lCc : good middling , . -ic ; middling fair , S3-16c : stock. 356,012 bales. Futures steady ; . Januan' . nominal ; February. J7.47 : March. J7.44S7.45 : April. J7.4387.44 : May. J7.4337.44 ; June. J7.427.44 ; July. J7.43f7. ; August. J7.23/57.27 ; September. JC.79g6.Sl ; October , Jfl.C2g6.64. ST. LOUIS. Jan. 27. COTTON Steady. 1-lCc higher : sales. 135 bales : middling. 7Hc : receipts. 1.109 bales ; shipments. 1.263 bales ; stock. M.17D bales. Co tie iMarket. . NEW YORK. Jan 27. COFFEE The ' market for coffee futures preiu-d quiet , with prices 5 points lower , and further eased oft under realizing , following larger Bra zilian receipts than expected , unsatisfactory European cables , decreasing volume of speculation and a weak spot market. Llnul- datlonvas rho principal local foature. 'IV.e Idcrse waa barely steady at a-bout bottom for the day a net lose of 3JJ15 points. Total salt * . 24.2M bnnrs. Including Februan' . . J'5-M fi .S6. March. Vi : May. J6 < ifi7CO : July. J7.10 : Septeimbpr. J7.15 : November. $7.23 : De cember. J7 30 Spot coffee. Rio. wwik and nominal : No. 7 invoice , SHc : No. 7 jobbing. S'jc : mild , quiet hut steady : Cordova , * i S12 , c. California Dried Fruit" , NEW YORK. Jan. n.-CAi-IFORNIA DRIED FRUITS The market for evapo rated apples exhibited , i weak undertone today. Prices eased off materially on unfavorable - vorable news from country towns and proe- poets of largo receipts for next week. Buy- era were scarce. California dried fruits were In moderate demand , being stimulated by the cold weuthur. but prices remain un fhangf-d. State evaporated aivpleu. com mon , ff&ffitc ; nrime. 6sG'7c ' : choice , 7 > fc4i c : fancy. SflC - California dried nrum > s. 3m § Sc per lb. . according to rtze and quality. Apricots. Royal. IMSlSc ; Moor Park. 1EO Peachn * . pe it-d , 20fl23c : unpeeled. 714 Dry ( Jooiln > lnrl > it. NEW YORK. Jan. 27. DRY GOODS Mar ket oloMM the wet kvlth a 'lull Bx > t de mand in all department ) * . Buelner through the malls shows some Improvement , particu larly In prints , email llntm of tiiestt .itlllng at tlmi prices ; fancy print * quiet ; brown Hhftintr tirm. with moderate sales , no changf In tiie situation < f bl ache < l or 10rso culom ! cotton * : print -lothn clour the week imu-Uve In ull make * : cotton yarrui In bettor r Hii""i and > ulvanc * M of V to 1 < - per pound recond < i on me week : worvtwi and woolen yarns , nuleier demand but tlrm. Snuur MurUi'l. N'BW YORK. Jun. -SUGAR Raw. ' flrtn , fair reiiun ! - . JlS-lwS + c : r-ntrtvwai. h twrt. 47-lfic : n > olaa m tutnr. T c r tlr < rtrxn and more active : mould A. * J. . < 0' BIHIH ) . rd A. U.S. i-anf ction r ' A. I4.W : cut leaf , ruKhwl. J4.5Jpowdered. ; . K > .Js > : iirunu- . .lfi. cub . * . > . NEW ORLEANS. Jm. JT - SI.VJAB - Strain ? : p n kculi * . iT 4 + 4 i . O KU kittle , cantrifuKal. 4U * 4 9-Ifc : contrifucal. tion * nnulaod. 4V : wtoUe , onen ceatHfu ; 1. ' * c. Syrup , Sc. \ittv VorU IniiHirtK anil lixniirtx. NEW YORK Jan. W.-lmsori. . .f J3 * ie l hip week wire HZ-T7 * goJil an. I l'-.ji -i < - I \t > r Kxitem ff * : M | < ' t.'ux ' -k .u all ountrit * JiferKalwl ll.uyj.t'Til \ r : w-i ' and < -oin. J6. * * iO il Imports 'if ' iry g - < \ - ' am ! nu ciiunditf .t u-.i > j > , , ri , ( N > w YJFK I tnii week were valued at 'OMAHA ' LIVESTOCK MARKET i Not Oatth Booreh of Any Kind to Bitablish NOT MUCH CHANGE IN CATTLE VALUES liiUH Open llluliiT. lint Clo-.c ivlth 1'nrt nf IliiAtlvnnct * Intii Coin- piircil i > Itli nVc 'U Ait > I'rll'es Arc SutUfiu'tory. SOUTH OMAHA. Jan. ST. Receipts w r : cattle. H < iK * . SH : P. , OtrtrlaJ Monday 1001 . & . ! , I Oitlclal Tuesday I.J77 MIS 4.10 'Official ' Wednesday X.2UJ 7.4ft 1. * J 'Ciaeiai ' Thuts < lay loft .W i .a . onu-tal Friday S.JW 4-.7M 1S70 Official Sfttunday lit SMi 1.9M 1 i Total this wek .Tim 3J.M1 1S.1SO I W. k ending Jnn. . . .U.6M 4 , ( M U. : 4 I , JVe .k endlnc Jan. 18..1Z.SW 4 . U > .u * . Week ending Jan. 6 U.Sfl 3I.9 12.3W I Average price paltt for hogs for the last ; several days with comparisons : Jan. I. . . , 4 1 | I 3 4 ! | IS ) 3 401 4 Si. 5 i : 1 Jan. z . . 4 33J 3 57 | ' ; -1T ! 3 431 4 1B | 5 H Jan. . " . . . 4 2 * | i ail 3 48 - 3 4 | I 0 | S C6 Jan. 4. . . t 77 | 3 44 3 44 l l 3 51 4 111 & 10 Jan. S. . . . 4 r 3 41 , i 4 16 , 5 18 ' Jan. K. . . I 361 3 IS 3 3S | S > | 3 Ml I 6 07 Jan. 7. . . 3 4tH 3 1SI 3 4S | 1 4 101 Jan. s. . . 4 31 3 421 3 121 3 461 4 COl 5 07 Jan. 9. . . 4 3S 314 | 356 4 11 6 IS . fan , 10. . , 4 35 3 I 3 54 4 < e 5 17 Jan. U. . , 4 41 353 3 39 307 351 4 03 530 Jan. 12. . . 4 49 3 00 3 47 314 40' 501 Jan. 12. . 4 f3 3 So S 43 3 03' 3 4' 5.U Jan. 14. . 3 ! 4 ? 3 191 35 } 4 11 Jnn. 16. . 4 S3 3 2 359 4 11 6 10 Jan. 16. . 4 SI 3311 3 " 3 66 .1.58 Jan. 17. . 4 K 331 5 4JI ' 3721 1 519 Jan. IS. 4 oo 3 311 3 231 3 S2 | 1 5 12 Jan. 18 , . 4 54 3541 3 541 3 261 I 3 Si 521 Jan. 10. . 4 34 3 SO ) 3 261 3 ( ; Jnn. 21. . * \ 3 511 .t 26 3 Ml 3 Jan. 2 ; . . 4 S3 , 3 57 ! 3 24 J 91 3 S3 ! 5 SO Jan. 23. . 4 58 3 SSI 1 2 23 3 Sll SSI Jan. Si. . . t Ki 3 61 | S 62 | 3 U2 3 82 | 5 33 Jan. 23. . 4 4Sl 3 60 ! 3 6 ! 333 4 001 3 781 5 27 Jan. 3d. . 4 551 3 S7 < 3 72' ' 3 35 ! 3 S51 5 2S Jan. 27. . . 4 CI 3 631 3 67 | 3 | 4 111 * ' 5 17 Indicates Sunday. The oillclal number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was : Cattle. Hot' ! ? . Sh'p. C. . M. .t St. P. Hy 3 Missouri Paclllc Hy S Union Paclllc system s C. & N. W. Ry 3 p. . a & M. v. n. R , 3 5 . . IS. C. & P. Ry 1 C. , St. P. . M. & O. Ry 3 B. & M. R. R. n IS C. . B. & Q. Ry . . K. O. & St. J. Ry 1 Illinois Central Ry .1 . Ll Total receipts 4 77 S The disposition of the day's receipts wns as follows , each buyer purchasing the number of bend Indicated : Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 6 744 G. H. Hammond fn 005 . . . . Swift and Company 77 1.3C6 933 ' Cudafty PacJUng Co 2 342 7SO Armour & Co 3 LSS .50 Hammond , Kansas City 213 Dennis it Co 11 Other buyers S Totals IS1 4.S73 1.390 CATTLE There were no fresh receipts of any consequence and no killing cattle to make a test of the market. The few loads on sale brought nominally steady prices. The cattle market this week has been In fair shape , taken as a whole , and prices paid have been fully In line with otfter markets. The demand for all kinds has been fairly liberal and equal to the re ceipts so that each day's arrivals have been disposed of without much trouble. Cornfed cattle for the week have not shown much change. The common to medium kinds , which constitute the biggest percentage of the cattle arriving , have been slow and weak on some days , and for the week they are a little lower. On the other hand right good cattle , of wbifh there are very few coming , could be called Steady at least , and they might sell at even stronger prices. The season Is getting pretty well advanced and the cattle ought to begin to show some Improvement In quality In the very near future. Cows and heifers were lower during the middle of the week , but they picked up to ward too latter part of the week again , so thai taken all in all there is not much change In values' for the week. Fat bulls have sold off a little during "he week and stock bulls have not shown much change. Good veal calves have been good sellers all the week at tlrm prices. Goad feeders , weighing 000 pounds or 'over , have been strong all the week , as the supply has been very Hgflt. wnlle the de mand has been good. At the same time light and medium weight catle , especially those on tne commonlsh order , have been weak , wi--h a lower tendency. Rep resentative sains- BEEF STEERS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 1 890 $4 35COWS. COWS. 3 846 3 63 3 933 325 2 1KO SCO 1 1COD 3 S3 2 11J5 3 10 1 US' ) 340 920 3 13 S 12S 353 3 1070 3 1C COWS AND HEIFERS. 47 1007 3 So SoHEIFERS. HEIFERS. U 10B 400 400BULLS. . 1C10 350 1 1400 390 CALVES. 1DO 7 00 STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. 1 S90 265 1 500 335 STOCK CALVES. 3 335 345 3 CS5 515 1 340 6 CO STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 2 7SO 345 1 570 473 1 SCO 4 iX > HO < iS The market opened SSjlOc higher on zocd kinda this morning. Some of thu choice heavy hogs brought $4.703'1.72H. ' with pikers generally offering J4.e3U4H.e5 for good mixed loads. The trade was slow , and buyers and sellers seemed to be apart | In their Ideas , so tiiat the morning passed before very much business waa ac complished. Bffore sellers could let go of chelr holding Chicago came lower and the market here weakened and closed with a good share at the advance lost. The late ; tales were largely at JI.60 for good loads. It was lat . before a clearance was effected. T7in hog market this week has had both upj and downs. The we k star'.od out with values on an average cloe to lOc higner than the rtose of ahe previous week. > - > n Tuesday the market waa ole to K- lower and un WcUm-nduy there was a similar de cline. Thursday a market waa 7c lo-wer , out on Friday the reaction set in ur. < i the aver- ugd irmrket wa still hlstior on Saturday. . - > u < 4iat ttio week closed wlUi valuta a lUtli. higher than at the ckwe of the week. Representative MUta : No. Av. Sh. Pr .223 120 4 . . .2 2 SO 4 62'- . .235 . . . 4 - " 20) | j 4 70 4 724 8HEJBI' Thtsr * were a f > w loads burn wtoicto eoid at goad. Maody price * . tiu de- round bttimc ffooil. especially M > for the last day of tile w ek. The temlttrwy of thu nJiar i market ha * been upward all thle w-pk and at the rlo * * it U safe to * o thi' Limlm are : S < J4 < v h.ifi-.t-r aivl tfi.--f ) .iiul \ - irliPK8 arc2S j than tinwe k : > efi.r'The demand t ! ' ! mn been nrv c"rwl ind tJlO'iic' i > i c i . pp | < < have SJCMI laner 'han i ir n nrevtniM treK rthey nave hmi - - o IMft * tor the rrniilirienl .if I < H < k" . ' looaa mmMH if , i ITMW | ni 4- > min'ii x pe nrt rlrht alone if rhe rwelptn , i- < - , tj > 'tit anrt tf < > many * r not ninh > ! i- . .o time. Quotation ! ) , rtooil tn choice f ! ii > "rg ! < , t4.7MB6' ' . Mexiean yearllnit" 14 ' 'r' 1 oo < l toholer * wethers. M. n4 < o -.IP ' j jrootl wothers. 4. N : irooil . 'i i e fed we. . M.2 j4 , fair to ( rw t ' i nrf- , W.iW4 S > . Rood in i holce nttlvn i nhs , J . 'W ' & . oort to s iuilee f l Wf t'-rn irons. JS.CW.30 ; Mir to good fe < 1 we te-ti 6 , e . : tpnlfr w hr , 14 IMM s , yearlln r < . J4.MH.JW ; ( rood to ' > lor mmta. ! 4..Vij | ( ) : feeder e\\i a. C i.K > Representative Mtlen. No. A " ' 4 xve tern wethers " J * " > 'M westrrn nfter : 'X 5 11 wn tern yearlings : ' < > 280 w t"rn lambs i ii western lumtw n lamtn i * . ' 1 co I.IVM yrocic MUIKKT. Cntiln .llnrlict WriiU. VntUri Momlv. TCMIIIH llluhiT , ltou < < Vilvnnri * CHICAGO. Jan. S7.CATTLEik. . closwl nominally steady for nattvt i r. x an. " In active ilemamt , 2Sc higher -hni , t , week ago. utockerx .ind fe ler iinlunKeil. Rood to choice , Jfi.J64iS.26. poor to ! .ur J4 JJ 3.rtl ; stockers mixed. .2Mifl vS seinteil fe lers. 14.2094. % : good to i-holcn , " % ! $ - 40 W.50 : heifers. 3&frS.Vi ; cnnneri JiaJnJv ) . bulls. J2.5H ( < 4.36. calves. J4.50 ff > i > - : rt ' cvas beeves. J4.txi < 6..0. ( HOGS c to lOc highern : ! ed weak , prices highest of year : mlxcnl tiiiti-lu-ri J4 .5 seed to choice hoavs Jll.'O. ' . rotiRh hea\T. J4.SS 4.t : light. * 4 Vti T > 4. bulk of sales. J4.67H451.- ! SHEEP AND LAMUS-Klrm. nntn-n wethers. Jl.SOflC.i : lambs , JO. tjti we t ern wethers , J4.40ei.S > . western lamb * . J5 73 RECEIPTS-Cnttle. ( CO head : hogs . . . . head , sheep. 1 , < MO head. Week' " receipts" Cattlt , T9.SfO llt-ad : hugs , l&S.vo head , sheep. 7S.CUO head. St. I. IIM Ll c .MtnrU. ST LOUIS. Jan. 27.-CATTLE-Reccipis. 20J head , market steady ; native shipping and export steers , Jo. ( 5 < ? 6.0 : dre. iiMl ui-ef and butcher steers. J4.2Mj6.45 ; steers under 1.1O ) Ibs. , J3.2343S.15. stocKers and feeder * . J2.7T > ff4.fiu ; cows nnd heifers , J2. < 1T4 CC oatl- ners , J1.D002.S5 ; bulls , $22565.50 : Texas nnd Indian steers. J3.40g4.73 : cows and heifers. . . . HOGS Receipts , 3.0K ) head. market opened MjlOc higher : closed 5c lower plgH and lights. JI.KHt4.SO : packers. J4.tt4.73 , butchers. J4.7T.R4. . SHEIJP AND LAMBS Receipts , none. market nominal : native muttons. J3.SC i500 : lambs. J5.o > 8 < UQ : culls and bucks. C.00i4-0 ICaiisim Cltr Live Slnrk. IC.VNSAS CITY. Jan. 27.-CATTLE-Re- ceipts , 20J head ; no choice oxpor t'efra ofTerexl : heavy native steers. J5.i lj5 90- lightweights. J4.v > g-o.25 , stocker nnd 'efil- . . . " . butchi-rs' . . l heifers , J.1.2. . - < VIZ ) I < S - > 5)u.2o. tJMlVUVl I cows .m ' I 1II.-14 v < -i J3.10jTS.iu ; fanners , fed western. J4.fOS5.7rrr western feeders J3.S j4.5. Tex- ans. J3.50R4.M. HOCiS llec-elpta. 4.i > W lli > nil ; market a-- tlve. ruling 5c higher : heavy. J4.G > > 345 mixed. J4.toR4.TO ; light. J4.ST.U4.f6. pigs. J4.C > 4.25. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 15. < V J head for week ; advanced prices ; Inmlw , J1.53fi6.25 : yearlings. J4.75fi6.2S. muttons , J4.CO iC. ( > > : stackers and feeder * . $3.23S6. ' j. culls. J2.M > g3.50. JVcvr Yorlc Iilve Stock. NEW YORK. Jnn. 27.-BEEVES-Re- celpts. 12S head : nil consigned direct. feelIng - Ing steady : cables steady : exports. 224 head cattle. 8S head fheep and l.SOj quarters of beef. CALVES Receipts , 9 head : none for sale : feellmr firm. SHEJEP AND LAiMBS Receipts. 3 K14 hiad : sheep , 2oc higher : lambs' , firm to lOc higher : sheep _ . J4. 5fj3.ri ( ; lambs. .250737' ; . yearllnc * , &V60. HOGS Rucelpts. 2,244 head ; 1 car for sale ; nominally firm. St. Joxopli Live JitocU. SOUTH ST. JOSEPH. Mo. , Jnn. 27. iSpe- clal. ) The Journal quotes : CATTLE Receipts. ICO head ; market steady. HOGS Receipts. t.HCO head : market strong to 2Vic higher : all grades , $4.5594.75. bulk of sales. J4.60g4.671"- . SHEEP Receipts. 400 head ; market strong. Stoulc In lcht. Following are the receipts at the four principal western markets for January 27 Cattle. Hogs. Sheep South Omaha . 122 3.153 1.091 Chicago . 400 14.000 l.OOD Kansas City . 200 4.000 St. Louis . 200 3.00J Totals . _ . 322 26.455 2.S31 ( HI .tlurUet. OIL CITY. Pa. . Jnn. 27. OILS Credit balances. J1.C3 ; certificates. Jl.tSH bid for cash : shipments. 7S.C33 bbls. : average. 87.03 bbls. : runs. SS.31S bbls > . : average. & 3.6C2 bbla. NEW YORK. Jan. 27.-OILS CottonBeed. quiet : prime crude. 32'sc : prime yellow , 35 SvTSHc. Petroleum , steady ; refined NVw York. J9.W : Philadelphia and Baltimore , J9.fc5 ; Philadelphia and Baltimore. In bulk. J7.20. Rosin , firm : strained , common to good. Sl.ffiUg' Turpentine , firm , 494 ® 53c. 53c.LIVERPOOU LIVERPOOU Jan. 27.-OILS-Oottonse l. Hull refined. February and April , steady. 21a 3d. Turpentine spirits , firm. 4ft , 4d. Rosin , common lirm , 4p Il d. Linseed oil , 24s. Petroleum , refined , 7Hd. London AVfioI Inipnrtn. LONDON. Jnn. 27. WOOL Th arrivals of wool for the second series of auction sales numbered 7S,0 > 3 bales , including SO-OOD forwarded direct. The Imports of wool dur ing the last week were : New South Wale. , 2.739 bales ; Melbourne , 2.105 ; South Aus tralia. 323 ; Queensland. 3.W3 ; Cape of Good Hope and Natal. G17 ; New Zealandj 6.017. Dunkirk. I.31S ; Bremen. DID ; elsewhere. 062. Wool MiirUet. NEW YORK , Jan. 27. WOOL-Qulet ; dome tlc fleece. 21Q2Sc : Texas. 14617c BRISBANE , Jan. 27.-\VOOI-Th fifth Bummer wool sales wre well attended Flvn thousand bales wcro offered. Competition - petition uas sooa. but prices showed a de cline of 10Q124 per cent. W. R. . . PADDOCK , ' - - - - jn induMrlnl Iiiventniirini , Professional Speculator. nivonnlllnStrift , llonloii , Mu > , l-wni ; DlPtaiii-e 2SS. SI'ISCl IjVriS Attlll\TS I.\ SUGAR , TOBACCO , FEDERAL STEEL , AM , STEEL AND WIRE , .V.MJ TUB BOSTON COPPER STOCKS soi.icrri : . W'l ' ! handle , n nuntH fur 25 per < ent of thu nv. protltB made for cuKtomera. Will tdviso rogaMlns ; ontemplated in vestments ana furmu.1 pr-jfesalunal < > nlnloa mi > i.I listed s.ocks1. imperially INDl'S- A .SMALL FtlllTL'.MJ Can be secured by ttoeculauon .n certain inouptrlal itoc Its with the manlptilutlon of which I urn f.imi.lar ' 'orri'iondent-e so- llcit l and freely answered. RRPEMMEYa CO. JAMES L BOYD & CO , , Telephone 10JJI ) . Oinalut , Nil COMMISSION , GKAI.N , PROVISIONS and STOCKS I1I1AUD HP TRADE. Correspondence John A. Warren & Co tnrec-i wire * to Chii-ago and New York. If fco. spftculutn nucceMfully Send your ardora tu a reliable houK . wh r they will b * plucixl In th < > p n market'B make for you in one month mure int'n-- ' on your money than any bank wil , : - y-iu In a. year. Send lor our book - , > a.ailun It la J. K. Comstock & Co Ilautu U3 Trader * * Uldtf. ,