Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 28, 1900, Part I, Page 12, Image 12

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DrrMM ; < iuilfi In StilfTM mill fuliim I'nr
In AiliiintM * of tinSPIIMOII. .
NKW YOIIK , Jnn. 20. "I turned over anew
now lent on the llrst of the year , a leaf
of strict , economy I took severe council
with myself , denounced my extravagant
ways. I wept remorsefully over the Mzo
of the bllln I presented to my papa when
the new ycnr came In , and wllli the cheer-
fullest , hiost confident manner In the world
I assured him that If ho would see mo crcd-
Itahly Into the new century I would promise ,
on my word as a dutiful daughter , never ,
never to overdraw my bahlt account again. "
MnlMo sighed heavily nuil gazed about the
circle before the cracking hickory , logs ns
1 ! for sympathy.
"Well , " commented the hostess with
friendly candor , "that Is moro hcrols'm than
I believed you capable of , but , " enviously
M she shook a rouplo of saccharine pellets
Into plump Mrs. Von Knickerbocker's cup ,
"how lovely It la to know you are doing your
duty ; living up to noble promlscH nnd high
Ideals must bo the most delightful sensation
In the world. "
"I suppose so , " answered Mnlsle In a
volco dangerously near tears , "but It cer
tainly Involves a great , deal of suffering.
This morning , fur Instance , I was obliged
to go the round of the shops with a coun
try cousin , who , discreet and happy Indi
vidual , Ins not shackled her artistic aoul
with any New Year vows , and the things \
caw were enough to try the rosolutu temp
of the finest nature. "
win ( Mulxli * Snw.
"What did you see ? " hungrily demandi
the hostess , who under the exactions of h
physician still nursed a cold by her ow
Colonial plllaro.1 fireside.
"Everything to tempt a woman to m.
extravagance In spring shopping. 'Lawn !
white as driven snow ; glovw ae sweet :
damask rcses. ' to quote William Shake :
poaro. Yen know what usually happens i
this season , when one shivers In a sno
, whitened ale to gaze through a stretch i
plate glaMi upon all the pomp and ceremonli
of summer , typelled charmingly In the art
of n show window , it was almost more thn
feminine llosh and blood could bear not I
rush In and ardor dozens of the new mole
green organdies , satin faced poplins , stripe
ellk nnd wool grenadines and ginghams th ,
, make one able to snilT the fragrance i
green Holds nnd pastures new.
"Among the oweot things I saw an
gloated over , In splto of my Inability to bu ;
wore blouses of satin faced French flanni
that my prophetic KOU ! tells mo are boun
to be Immensely popular In two months t
come , when women begin to phulllo'olt lj
degrees the dull nnd heavy cell of wlntt
clothes. Those that Influenced me mo ;
were In shades of Marcehal Nell yellov
hearthstone gray and old tapestry blue Han
ncl , as soft nnd rich and no more bulk
than satlrt and decorated with group3 t
parallel llnea and rows of tiny llowers em
brolilercd In filoselle. Some of these shli
wnhts nro cut , my all-seeing eye took noti
with the Ilnglan shoulder nnd the cuffs fur
b.ick or drop over the hand ns Indlviilii :
wearers may prefer. "
Inferences for Sprint ; DrcNKinnklni
"Hut do get round to Iho muslin , " in
tcrruptcd Mrw. Van Knickerbocker gcntl ;
"and did you draw any Inferences that en
guide one in the purchase of a spring silk ?
"Of course 1 saw muslins nnd silks , toi
nnd If you will only give mo time I wl
get round to an account of n precious lltti
frock over which my cousin and a tall , iw
well dressed creature from Chicago Btruggle
for possession. The Chicago woman landc
It eventually , for It became her figure bcrj
nnd whlloM sat outside the contest , the su
ferlng victim of n va\\ . I took notes on th :
Kami ) gown and Inter In the season I sou
Imitate lt.i delicious llnre and curves In nt
other crlor.
Tor the ( "hlc.igo girl It wns > strangely hi
coming In n simile called \lnlct hluo. Tr
Dr. W. S. Itlci- , the \\PII KIIUUII Ai
llmrllv , srin'.x n Trial ot Ida l''a-
iiiuim Method Kroi * lo All ,
Any Out- Can > IMV Cure 'I'liciurfU ox i
llniiKWlllioul Palo , DniiuiT ,
Oliorallon or nil HOIII'M IONN
of Tlmo from \VorU ,
To tha thousands upon thousands of ru
turcd people who uro torturing themi'elv
with trus-ici unJ In momentnrilanijcr i
death from xirnnuulatlon Dr.v a. nic
Zf = = = S ; 612 L. Main Stret
A.lamx. N. Y. , w
bend fiee to all
trial of hl.s fanio
method that h
nivnl HO many llv
and made so nt.u
iiion , women a
htldicn well in
stroiiK and p rm
nently eiired of ,
und Ulillcult ni
tui OB. Do nut
b.u Uivjrd n b u i
wr tln , { for the fi
trial. H will < (
> o u n o t h 11
and will enable >
5 , , ,
elf In aery short time without . . . „
hour from uoiK Or HUe Is dotermln
that every fufferliiK man or woman sh
know the wondeiful truth that ruptuio i
bo eured , and he therefor ? goneioui'ly i on
pieipald by mall , hi * method , nbsoluti
1'iec , and 500 ean nuikv a fro trial
it. Write today without fall , us you cant
utTorJ to mis * tnlu free und uunerntiH off
Mr. M. K 1.Milan , a highly eBtoeiued ol
znn of Uelruy Pin . xays : "The Dr. 11
method IK a remarkable cure. 1 had nn <
lupturo that dulled over > thins , but in tin
weeks lluie WUB no pri'iruslon , and I lit
inmulnod uound and well over fliH'e.
lieurtlly n > cotnmonil Dr. Hlcn to every
fiutir. " Do | iot ( nil td lyrlte ut oneo :
thn free trial and UI..H uire yoiu > elf
hpm without pain , ilnngur or dotontl
from thv duy'i ) work.Vrlto ut once. Co
HH'iiro now and In tore tlie I eavy vuiK
bprlng latins > < > . will buroj isouml at
Write to Ur \ \ B , lUce Cli L , Muln t
Adami. X , Y , you will never regret lie
in i done so.
I top nnd bottom of the skirt and sleeves at
the upper part of this undgurcd foulai
wcro pushed Into liny tucks nnd then the
was the moro outline of an over dm
sketched on the surface of the eklrt by
graceful piping done with a Hat , cream co
orod cord.
"This coriUng bordered the fronts of tl
walut , where they were split open down tl
front nnd revealed n vest of cream Inco la
over cream net. Upon the vest was knottc
In pretty carelessness a s.ish tie of crea
Etirnh and the ends were not fringed ns yc
may have guessed , but wcie drawn dow
and concealed In the rather broadly foliU
bolt of the same color that encircled tl
"I spent at least ten mlnutra pondcrlii
whether I might accept ns nn Indication i
the future the neck arrangement of th
gown. It was a. simple crush collar i
cream surah running up rather high hack i
the cars nnd finished In the rear by n goi
eroun bow of wired silk. Just the sort <
collar we were three or four yearn ago. A
together I regard the little silk frock as
triumph of dressmakers' art nnd the gl
from the Windy City , with her bright ha
and checks , here the soft silken drapcrli
with the majestic grace of a goddcis. No
If It will bo any consolation to your sou
Mrs. Van Knickerbocker , 1 can o.noto U
saleswoman as my authority for the fact tin
plain silks are going to be preferred to lip
urcd ones when the time for'wearlng llgl
clothes ttrrlvco and that trains arc sure I
lake to themselves a number of Inches mot
when the ( lowers begin to bloom.
A Mi-Ion firocn Organdy.
"As I was going on to say , my cousin , wit
commendable fortitude , when finding hcrso
worsted In the conflict over the silk gowi
hurried for consolation to the counter whci
they are selling muslins nnd ginghams , nn
our first purchase was a stunning mclo
green orgnndlu Illuminated with black rlii
stamped upon Its verdant surface. This I
to bo made up over a slip of green , ci
quite plain and fulled a trifle at the bad
Three accordion-pleated flounces arc goln
to Biirgo and rlpplo from her knees dow
and be topped off by pipings of black all
laid on at the knees In deep Vandyke polnli
"As to the waist , that was my victory , fc
mj ! > rotty cousin hankered after a fashlo
distinctly of the last century , while I her
all my Influence to the choiceof a swec
llttlo body founded on a yoke o" Imltatlo
cream-colored cluny lace , running down IK
onlj well over the bust and shoulder blade ;
but upon the tops of the arms as well. Dele
the yoke two small lateral flounces of 01
gnnillo ran across the arms as well as th
bust and thc-ro a slightly pouched front wa
drown into a stlchcd bolt of green tnffot :
Another Inspiration of mine was that t
edging all the ruffles with a narrow gaugin
o' black net. Added to this I ordered trlpl
straps of black ribbon run up over eltlic
shoulder nnd a bow of light green pann
fastened on the light breast , and If m
cousin Is not bbWbd under a weight e
gratitude to me for helpful suggestions tuu
I can cnly wonder at her lack of apprecla
tlor for valued favors received. "
All In Lateral TucKx.
"And you went and saw and were not conquered
quorod by these temptations ? " asked th
hostess with awe In her tones.
"Well , " admitted the heroine of the oc
canton modestly , "I did buy just one , enl
one llttlo frock , and that was EO simple
so truly Inexpensive that I can't see whcr
It violates In the least my resolution. 'Ti
a pretty piece of pink perfection In tha
uo\V shade of rose they call Venus pink , fo
It has Just a glamour of violet over It nm
the woman Is yet to bo born whose colorlnj
It would not agree with.
"ExcurolonltiB about I soon came ti
realize that flowered organdies are nofgoln ;
to bo half so modish ns these In one dell
cato uniform color , worked up Into gown
by the aid of lace and velvet ribbon , S :
Illled with dreams of conquests to come 01
wide- verandas with the mercury otrtvln ;
lo beat Its own previous tall records , I lali
out a small sum In a pink frockvand the :
I made h.ute to my llttlo seamstress. Shi
persuaded me into having both skirt am
waist laid in lateral tucks beginning qulti
narrow nt the shoulders nnd broadening ti
nearly twelve Inchco nt the foot. Over m ;
shoulders she cast a yoke of lace with win !
revers falling upon the shoulders and with i
small girdle and n big breast knot of Jac
riuemlnot red liberty satin we did achieve .
triumph that once peon will not , I'll war
rant you , bo soon forgotten.MARY
Improving < h Figure , S yl > CarrlaKi
mill lienuty of the I < | IIIIN.
' 'Unless you already know bow to stan
correctly , let mo advise you to spend flv
minute : ! studying Illustration No. 1 , ' * sal
Miss Elizabeth JlacjMartin , a professor o
"If you do not , then try to devote a llttl
time to the subject , suy ton minutes daily.
"IJcgln with feeling your weight eveal
balanced upon your foot , though It Is no
necessary to stand with heels togethci
Draw your knees In firmly , but do not bo !
them Jenscly , draw your hips well back an
contract the abdominal muscles. The choa
must be thrown out and then the shoulder
wlil dtop down and back as they should do.
"When told to throw > our chest out , " ecu
tlnuetl Miss MncMartin , "Imagine a hnndl
Is there and that you arc being pullel for
ward by It.
"The next step Is to raise the hc.i
hllghtly , and after that draw the chin I : :
If your body can now sway easily back an
forth frcm the feet up , the postuio Is corrojl
Staying back and forth dues net oiea
bonding at the waUt , but to malntal'i th
standing position and Imcglno that < .nu ar
a Illy swayed back and forth by the wl'u
The weight of the body Is well off the hivl
mid one Is really Etnndlng on tin * h.illr. c
the feet. Stand In such uny tha' a shc
of paper could be slipped under the hoc-la.
"There arc certain exorcises which ; vl
hasten cue's ability to stand corrcctly-
scparoto exercises for the muscles of the
back , abdomen r.ud logs.
"In order lo strengthen the muscles be
low the knee , there are the exercises shown
In Illustration No. 2. Kor a weak ankle
ami flabby calf , nothing can bo more
beneficial than the heel nnd toe movements
"Klrst don low , scft , flexible shoes , with
out heels. Take correct standing position ,
oniy In this case the heMs must be to
gether. Hl o slowly on the toes ns far ns
possible , nnd keep the position for n second ;
then lower slowly. Holding the heels to
gether help to keep the1 balance * . Unless
Very careful one Is npt to turn on the sides
of the foot , which must not be allowed for n
moment. Try thh movement for ten or
fifteen times. The- following day there will
probably bo a distinct feeling of soreness ,
then you will know that you really nro doing
"In rising on the hec-ls start with the heels
together , and then rise flrst on one hoe
anil then on the other. The movements ni
made with some force or Impetus and ti-/t n :
slowly as these of the back of the leg am
bcth heclt at once , which Is a rather dlf
flcult matter. Those movements sirongthei
the muscles of the fiont of the leg , whlli
the toe movements strengthen those cf thi
back of the leg , and both should be piacticcj
daily. "
ACMMIIINIIIIOIIM | | | | ( of I InWlvcH am
DiumliU'i'H or IliiItuinlitTM. .
"lloor women are strong , " writes Sannli
Kruger , grandnlcco of President Krugcr , It
Harper'u Hazar. "They hunt with tholi
brothers , sitting their horses with superl
ease , disdaining a saddle , shooting game
big or little , with unfaltering aim. Genera
Joubort's wife can bo taken nti the typo o
Boer woman who docs not fear the whl :
of bullets , ready to rlFk llfo that her chll-
ilien may i-njoy liberty. In peaceor wai
Mrs. Joubert Is alwava at her husband1 !
aide. I hnvn often heard her tell that dur
Ini ; the laht war slu > drove sixty mllOF It
r. rape cart , accompanied only by a llttli
negro girl. It was a vcrv dark night am
the unemy ( ringed the wa > , but the men gal
lantly fighting at the front weru In son
atrnllri for lood , and IUT cart was frPlghtei
v.ltli n preslcus load of rusks nnd bread
Ko Mi * . Joubeit , forgetting the dangers tha
beset the way , drove on to the starvlnt
( oldlerj.
"The women nro ready to play any par
that nccfiislty demands. Not love erf car
nage , but dcvollon to her country steadies he
aim nnd at'lla ' her pity. The Doer v.omai
ilncr not lire upon nn Individual , but npoi
the vaudnl who would drag freedom , sollei
ami bleeding , fio.-n her high estate.
"NoA- for the Uocr girl c-I the rising gen <
IS. ,
Madam Yale's ' Great
( Woman's Tonic )
is a natural product for replenishing woman's strength and
for overcoming all of her bodily ailments. To neglect
weakening symptoms of the body is to encourage disease.
Mine. Yale. . . 1
the greatest woman scientist , guarantees IfRUlTCURA to
cure all of the organic ailments with which woman is alllict-
ol. It increases the strength of all her vital forces and
relieves her of paintand suffering , establishing perfect health
and harmony throughout her being. FRUiTOUHA re
stores tone to weak nerves and relaxed munclos.
Nervousness. .
Nervouancfs , Indicated by trembling , twitching nnd weakness , is rapidly overcome
with "Prultcura. " This nllllction will pull down the strongest body , giving a thin ,
haggard , old appearance , nnd , In time , preventing sound slcop nnd dim -the- mental
faculties. U Is rapidly overcome by Nature's tonic , "Krullcurn , " which builds up the
nervous system , giving the sufferer the calm , firm control of the body that permits
every part to rest when out of use. It relieves the strained , tcnso feeling , permits
the nervoilslv drawn muscles to relax , and bring n sense of comfort and icsr Inde
scribably sweet to the overwrought boJy.
General Debility.
Kor overworked and run-down women the "Krultcurn" IB n rapid mid effectual
tcnlc. Brain workers , confined to tasks requiring considerable nerve forcev such as
teaching , studying , writing , planning and manj other similar forum , require nn occa
sional wo of this wonderful upbullder. The rich fluid taken Into the system nc-oks out
every weakness nnd strengthens and builds un the entire body. %
Is the only nbsoluto euro fop
Fruitctira complaints of woniun. Fruitcura
It "is a tonln tun-passing in 4
( Woman's Toniu ) merit all others. Stops Woman's Pains , i-r
Fruifcura is Sold By AI ! Dealers Throughout the World ,
-Manufactured Only By
189 Michigan Boulevard , Chicngo.
Write to Mme. Yale
for free advice and help in your sufferings and ailments.
A true woman herself , she will surely bo able to help
you , as she has helped thousands of others. Write a
letter today. It will receive her personal attention ,
and you will benefit by it.
" IKo/xflJi's TFm7cwMme. , . Yale's great book , mailed
free on request. Address Mme. Yale , 181) ) Michigan
Boulevard , Chicago.
cratlon. The discovery of the rich mine !
ind consequent Influx of strangers hai
naturally broadonej her horizon and takei
ler out of the rigid groove of Hoer custom
Her notions are largely governed by her old'
ers , but her Ideas nro iconoclastic to Boei
ttadltlon. She may obey the letter , but noi
the spirit of the laws. She la bred-ln-the-
bono religious nnd Industrious , but contact
with foreigners has made her more cosmo
politan than her ancestors. The town-
jred Hoer girl of today is given a modern
education. She goes to school with the
'oreign ' children , learns both English anil
: ) utch and loses much of the Moor clan-
ilshnoM. Her people frown on Anglo-Hoei
marriages , but ofttlmes the Hoer girl bravcn
these prejudices and marries thu English
man of her choice. The best Boer families
are connected by one , sometimes two or
three tics , o\\lng to Intermarrying. The
IJucr swain who goes a-woolng chooses
cither Krlday or Saturday night to visit
the maiden to whom ho would pay his ad
dresses. H is understood that these twu
ilghlH nro set apart for "courting" calle
nnd n visit on either night Is practically
the equivalent of a proposal.
"Many of the Hoer girls are highly nc-
compllshcd , studying music nnd dancing ,
with French and ( Jormun Instructors. Thoj
ire , many of them , very prepossessing , wltli
lashing black oyca and ollvo complexions ,
The Hoer girl Is equally at homo In kitchen
or drawing room nnd a nervous tcmpurn.
ment , kindled by foreign contact , promises
to save her from becoming the COOEHUS | ol
Tat that Is the phlegmatic Hoor'a fate ,
The Ilcer glrU wear n short skirt and simple
bodice for riding and hunting ; for divas oc
casions they pattern their gowns after the
Knullsh , choosing rather gayer colors than
the English wear. "
How In MnK4an I u run I'M TnllHHrit - -
nliltlo HitChllil. .
"A baby's clothing should bo drawn ovci
j Its feet and not slipped over Itu hcnd , " salil
.Miss Marlanna Whcelw , BUperlntendont ol
the "Babies' Hcspltal of New York City , '
whoso IOIIR experience In training nurse-
inaldd makes her nn authority on all sub-
JictH pertaining to the care of Infants.
"Nothing IH more awkward than to nt-
ti-mpt to dress a young baby In a n'ttlns '
posture. It should lie on the nurtc's | aji
until quite able to sit alone. If the clothes
on1 put on as 1 describe there will bo uc
fighting and crying , but , Instead , the child
will bo fond of being dressed. For the llrt.t
four months there- should be a anug flannel
bend over Its bowel. ? . Later thlt should
b replaced by a rltbetl knitted band , ol
wool , of course , and made like the > top of n
aoek. H must be drawn' over the fee't. anil
should bo worn through the second year.
'I ' am sure tha < nwrly all Intestinal
tioublcs In young children are caused by
their bezels getting cold. H la the emi
place which muet bo protectul If you \\ould
1 ha\c a healthy child. There are three
wtlghtm of thcfce bands which I recommend ,
medium , thin and gauze. The very heavj
should never bo put on. and the eame rule
Bt.ould be follo ed In selecting flannel gar
"It la meet Important that a baby's clothci
should fit the body. If too tight they fre
quently produce vomiting after foodlng , ,
while If ton large they crumble Into folds
and onuso discomfort. No pins or buttons
rhould be used , but nil hands about the |
body the body must be basted. The oponlngs |
should bo neither In the back nor front ,
but under the arms. , where any Irregularity
will bo least felt by the child.
"I disapprove very decidedly of putting
\cils over a baby's face. When the weather
Is so cold cr so windy as to render n veil
necessary no young child should bo sent out
of dcors , but Instead given Its airing In n
well-ventilated nursery. Veils affect the
eyes , and arc as n rule uncleanly. In the
majority of instances n mother never thinks
of haUng thrbaby's veil washed. They
wear one veil for nn entire winter. BO you
run Imagine the condition. Then , aside from
| this , a chlld'H face IH all the better for being
I exposed to the air , not only because It al
lows It to. breathe moro freely , but It IB
healthy for the complexion.
"I nm In favor of covering a child's feet
nnd legs and prefer Blockings to the fancy
booties EO much used. Stockings are
biiugger , warm enough and should bu
fastonej to the diaper. This latter also Is
a garment for which I have reasons to dlffor
from the majority of mothers and IHITHW.
| Cotton Is the best nnd only material \\hlch
i should ever be used. Linen ami Bilk arc
lee crlil , while wcol In tcrj Irritating. A
faoft cotton cloth , not too large. Is most
lumforuble uud healthy. A lotion chccue
clothlto ! ) , nt < ourne. Is about the best
material. liable * ' bncn ure toll , und if a
mothei wishes her child lo have straight
ligti she inuHt t-i-e 10 It that itx diapers uru
rot too lar o
1 "The greatttit < aiv thuuld bu taken not to
1 keep children too hot , and while light wrap *
may , and as a rule should be , kept on then
in the early morning and late afternoon , litho
the middle of the day they shuuld bo re
moved. A common mistake among mothers
especially In furance-heutcd city homes , I
using excessively heavy clothing for thel
children. They usually- live In n warn
nursery , their circulation Is active' and the ;
perspire moro freely than a grown person
Kor three reasons the heaviest flannels shouli
never bo used , even In very cold climates , bul
extra heavy wraps be put on wlu-n the ;
nre token out , "
I'rlllx of Knxllloll.
The ( Inro around the lower portion oi
the dress nklrt , which pontlnucH to rlliif
ubout the- hips , will incre-abo rather tlmi
diminish ns the spring and summer Hlyle ;
There In alwnys a ccitnln JaiintlnesH tc
the fur lioa which makes It nlways welcome
como when It comoH to tlp | fore Html'
occasionally. Kur boas HIT moro fashion
able this winter than regular lilted fur .
Uecollnlo gowns lire cut decidedly low
this year , but they have not that offt-ct
for the modlHtoH have learned bow to mnke
the e-dgo of the gown stay put , nm-un'i
with a bit of tulle or chiffon , nnd whlk
low iinil I'xpotduB the shoulders nlnt i
entirely , the ROWII l reasonably modest.
The fad cnntlnuoH among fiishlonable
young women who enjoy I lift Kronoh Hiyn'u
of wearing handsome Hblrt walhN of H.itln
brocade , panne vel\H , innU-liiHKo Hk. etc. ,
with lullor-inniln wklrls of Kniy , fawn , violet
let , plum-colored or black cloth. l
Pretty lltllo bolts nro worn by girls tlreil
of the plain llttlo narrow Ivlts. They arc
broad In front with two P''nts ' above und
below , sloping down on either Hide und
pnsslnpr around thn waist In u narrow
band , fnstrnltiK In the back or nt Ihn side
These boltH nro of embroidery or HOIIJU
material to mntch the trimmings of thu
In thn renewed rage for kilted nnd plaited
ITeotH line ucronllon-pIaitliiK IIOH nlHO re
turned to favor. The inodo of mnnlnulnllng
fabric * of nearly ovtry description , both
thin nnd heavy. cxlcndH to entire i-os-
lumen , beltpd prliH'i" < i < i > dret > Ho , wraps tta
Jackets , wnlstf , collnrrtten , llehus , lints ,
paranoia , etc.
Up-to-date lucn sleeves may have elbow
protectors. They may not bo Intended for
that , but Ihoy will m-rvn the jmrjioKn. A
light clritli gown bun long Hlcevi'.s of Inco.
a pieceof the cloth set In nt tlw wrlnt
and Bhouldpr. nnd another , liroiid at the
nuUlde scam , with pnlntH on either edge ,
thn piece Ki'uwliiK iinrrowc1innlde Hie nrm
U may not be to hide n nlhiri | elbow , but
It mlKht bo.
A ribbon boll puvhpd through n ImndMimn
round or obloiiK liucklu ut the hack the
rlhbonx lied either nt the side or nt I ho
left of Hie front In n fimart looking < H-
rectnlre bow IH still n favored llnlt-h to the
wulbts of dcml-drrsH ROWIIH In tying thu
ribbon the muthod Hill ) liked Is to form
somewhat IOIIK IOODM HlnndliiK miwiirdi ,
with corresponding loops below the wulut
To I If Alionl AVonieii ,
.Mr. " . Kruiftr Is. to 'tJic ' < ! nuftter * of her
country women , the Ideal liner woman nnd
iheio IH * f < ircpy | a 5CUtiK girl's room In
the Trnn > nnl wit ha * n picture of ihe
| irelileint'B wife by wuy of u continually
jiiei.uiit example.
MlH-i Heatrlx Jones , a - > olety > > lrl of North
CuroliiM. ha : ) made a bid for the appoint
ment of landscape Hardener for the rounilH
of , 'in new K < I'oter nnd St I'uill inlho'lnil
to lie Uu'.lt \S'ii"iliijton ! Ml n JOIKM i
cald lo utaii'l a K > l < II.HH e for I'.ecllon
After liemlln ? rvcry energy fcr home > cui
for u roTotm In the t ape of Wi clif Ion i f
jiollf matron Tcx.m women now fedi
K4mibU > eiulon | ovt-r ( heir tutcciiw fcr ih *
Hist malr . to Jif followed by olliiin. n IB
huysxl , huu bi-cn uppolntixl at tlaii Ar'onlo
Mr * . Mary Arnold Word has Jut > t cstub-
n school for rlppled tihllilron In Ixm-
don , formed on the snmoprlnelplop Unit
RuUh that of New York As 1n New
York an nmbiilaiteo collects < nvd rutunis , ijio
ohlldren every day and a , tra1uc'd IHITHC Is
In atl iiklanvp. Tlio chlldicn nro tauphl by
a wnmnn appointed toy the Ixmdon School
'bcuinl. '
Hotter than mining Is the more fusnllliir
buclnms of poultry raising , by mcniiB ot
\\hUJi an Illinois ynui'K woman Is niaklnK
Jior livelihood. S'ho ' begun with a few fanty
fowls In her Imtlt > nrd , now oho hax , L
chicken ranch of forty acres olghtpen miles
out of Chludgo , eiUlpi | > cd at nn oxponun ot thouhand dolhiis In biilldliiRK tjiat
meet the present sclentJIli ; rciiulromciniH for
the ralHliiK of jioultrv and ducks , bhe ntleot
10,000 oihlckenu a year.
< \llru Kll/.abolli C'imiCH. leacJior of physi
cal culture In tiin nubile nclraalH of Detroit ,
Mich. , ihns 'Plunsod ' the leaiihirs Into it | er-
rlblo how-ilp-ilo h.v n "f-prnl-tifll-
miitnim , " In wihlch fho Ins'stH tonchM'H V
who tnke KynimiHtles leavti nil Wielr corsets ,
ilcclailng that II will be ImpoBi-lblo for Ihciii
to prnptlru tlio cxrivlnes closlRned by her
with them on nnd liiu-hlnc up Jier cloin.iml
by the approval of SiiperinteiidPin Mniilu
dale , who will HCJ-IHI hur In hrr pnit-mlo
iiBalnstt eorse'tn. Tille School board m-suinco
a nolv-commlttal attitude. x ,
AinoiiK many recent Hems Phowlnsr iMmt
women nro doing nro I ho follow Ing Ka o
K. Orlwwold of llOHton H the iiiibllMiot of
tlio AilvortlwerK1 'I'riiiln Jonrniil , a new ilo
imrluro In Joiininll ! > iii The nppulutmont
IHIK been inu < lt > of MIH I'r.iiu-e.H A .Morti n
lo In ? Btiperlnlondont of Iho loformiiloiy
prison for women at Pherborn , lo lake tJui
jilnco of the l.rtrs MPJ. Kllnn ( ' . .lohtiHoii , < o
xthoni the Him ntuiidlng t iti'.g | K.I"IOII IH
ihIK MIH. Mirlon Is well Broumlod In Mrh
Join ! ou'a MV Hindu , hiving lieenleimu Nil
purliUendcnt under her for erne yeviiH innl
In Charon tilnco the death of Mrs Johuxoii
liift summer.
ful color , llfr nnd beauty lo gray while or
bli allied hair Produces a now th'ilc
irrowth on haul hoailH und immert ntpiy
ariKKts Iho fallliK ; out of hu'r I'ure.i
dunaruff anil Itchlnx kcilp. 1JUH3 Nu'l1
bTAIN KKIN Ull CI.OTIJINI ! A ( ileli , , .
hnnlthful hair dreaelni ; lor niLi < ui l ivonun
Ncthliig Ilku it or Juct UB good Vnenuulcd
ua u ( | Ulck hair grower.
One Kcittlcl orffp Dn { rnp At Io-idliiB
OOCB It LQl&U OUli UUlj Uruu Hhoji * ,
A SI. I n of Homily | H a , fii > I'oriM or ,
ritiu.M , im . .MAIJIIi , ! ) : " . ' : . '
. - , . . . Tun , i"iiipios
Man. Moth l'jiteeH | ,
"lull uml Hkln ilm
unil m-ery
i on Doniitv
i.u ( ie.tle4 tU < c
I on U IIUH ntoud
the tout or C2 yei-H
innl U HO hirmloHH
wo tnMiIt lo ln
euro It IB pniiwrly
ni mlo. Avvoi | ) no
iir : name Dr I , ,
\ hay ic naiii m lk
inly of tlielriin ion
.1 iiatlenliB .v 'li
1 ] | < M will IIKM
tlii-iii I ' - |
r 'i-oimui il (
trcuin leMKi iiarmrol or l
H1n lni-i'rnUcjiH hy nil Un Ki'lk"t nnd
! IH-V ( looili * Dualoi-H In the I'ldto. ! fit Hi i I annik : |
unil Uuropu ,
KK1UJ T , UOJ'KINH , J'roii'r , 37 Jones St. , N V.