Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 28, 1900, Part I, Image 11

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The biggest bargains yet Prices have been cut unsparingly. New goods are already beginning to arrive. The Big Store affords the great
est assortments to select from , and in this sale prices are in many cases as low as one-tenth the usual figures. Absolutely the best time to buy.
Agents for Butterick patterns and celebrated Reynier Kid Gloves. Mail orders filled , subject to approval.
The Leading Dress Goods
House of the West.
Over 40,000 styles in stock this
spring never such a variety of dress
.roods seen in Omaha , as we will dis-
) lay this spring. Every shade in
jray from argent to nickel ; every
"hade in tans , castors , Bfehette , in-
luding all the new pastel colors ;
very grade in plain and fancies from
Uc ) to $10 per yard ; every manufac-
urer in Europe of notoriety , Priest-
ey , Sir Titus Salt , Coutiere , Cour-
aldt , Arnold & Co. In America
iroodall , Lansdowne , Pacific , etc. , and
notwithstanding the great cry of ad
vance. We will sell all these new
goods cheaper than you bought them
year. It is the small dealers who buy from the jobber
that had to pay this advance. Do not pay 75c for all wool
homespuns when you can buy the same thing from us for
49c. Do not pay $2.50 per yard for a fine French Vene
tian when you can buy a higher grade in 40 shades from us
at $1.50. .lust examine our 58-inch Venetians , extra weight ,
at 98c. Examine our 54-inch Homespun , very heavy at
59c. Plaids are very stylish we will sell you a plaid that
others ask 89c , for 25c. A plaid thsit others ask you 75c
for 49c , and an extra fine heavy wool plaid for 75c. In
Challis we carry over 500 styles of all the newest and most
up-to-date styles direct from the manufacturers. We have
them in all wool , silk stripes , ribbon stripes , half silk , etc.
We sell them at 39c , 49c , 59c , 75c , 85c , 98c yard. We
have Lansdowne in 65 new spring shades at the same old
price $1.19. We have Sublime , what other merchants call
Latibdowne , at 98c.Ve have Gloria Silk in 50-inch , what
other merchants call Landowne , at 75c. Remember that
there is only one grade of Lansdowne and that it is strictly
confined to Hayden Bros , for Omaha. That Priestley's black
goods are the standard of the world and that they are strictly
confined to us for Omaha. Our spring samples will be ready
to send out about the 1st of February. Our dress goods cat-
aJoguerwill bcrready about t-he-loth-of February. * -
r *
Our great sales surprise not only the cus
tomers of this great department but compet
ing establishments as well are surprised.
Everyone knows the advantage of shopping
at Hay den's Cloak Department. It is making
one dollar do the work of two. The prices we
quote for Monday stand out proudly defying
all competition.
Ladles' Beaver Jackets , high storm collar * , each , SSc.
Ladlui' Jackets , sizes 32 to 44 , storm collar , the lining
Is silk , on sale at 1.48
rach .
250 Ladles' Jackets In kerseys , Persians , caterpillars , and astra
khans. Bilk lined throughout , well worth 3.98
JSOO. for
375 Ladlcb' Jackets in English Keraeye.Montanacs , whipcords and Vene
tians , lined throughout with Skinner's satin , jackets that fold up 6.98
to J1S 00. on unit ) at
378 Ladles' high-class man-tailored Jackets ; these arc the cream of
the market ; a great many imported models , Including our 10.0O
NowniarketB , north $25.00 , ( or only
Sensational Suit Selling ,
Ono grand clearing day on hulls. All our suits divided into three lots.
LOT NO 1 Includes homespuns , Venetians and fancy mixtures ,
jackctu silk lined throughout , suits worth 6.98
up to $1800 , for .
1 T NO. -Our fine man-tailored bulls , some all silk lined , in black
vnnetlan , serges , coverts , whipcords , homespuns and others 9.98
worth up to $25.00 , on sale at .
LOT NO. 3 Includes our fine sample suits no two alike direct
importations of Imported models ; goods worth 15.00
up to $50.00 , on sale for , each . .
Specials for Monday.
Monday morning from t to 11 we will put on eale 25 dozen ladle * ' percallne
undersklrti with deep flounce , worth 19c
$100 , on sale at only .
Ono Tot ladles' fleece lined and percale wrappers with deep ruffle around
the tthouldorh , our regular $2.00 wrapper , 75c
at only . . . . .
Ladles' black sateen underrklrte , flannel lined throughout , worth $1.50 , for 49c.
all allk underskirts , worth $7.00for 52.9S.
Children's Jackets on Sale.
275 chlldren'n Jackets , worth $5.00 , on sale for only , $1 9S.
Max Solomon's Skirts on eale at half price.
Carpets and Draperies
Special cut prices.
Wilton Velvet. Oriental patterni , $1.41.
80 Inch Smyrna Rugs at $1.25 ,
30 inrh Smyrna Uups at $1.95.
9xlS Smyrna Rugs at $11.76.
9x13 Axmlnstcr Rugs at $20.00.
All wool Ingrains at 45c ,
A'l dropped patterns In 65o'and 70e In-
crami at 55c.
SfxM-iil prices on all made up Rugs and
Carpet *
R p Portieres , llghtly eollM , worth $4.00 j
rd $6 On ut $1 00 , $1.W and $ ! .00. >
riKoille Portieres at $1.75.
J'r > Pillow"Cord at Sc.
D apvry Fringe So
Thr r > ard French ecaia ruffled Muslin
* ec.
Ladies' and Children's
Hosiery and Underwear
We want to effect a quick clearance of all
underwear designed for winter and have
marked prices at rock bottom to accomplish
our purpose.
Hoys' Shirt Waists , worth up to $1 , on eale
while they last at ! 5c.
100 dozen Ladles' and Children's Vests
and Pante. worth up to 50c , on sale at 15c.
Ladlc ' Extra Htavy Jersey Ribbed , all
wool Vests and Pants at 50c.
Ladle * ' Outlns Flannel Gowns , worth $1 50 ,
reduced to 9Sc
Ladles' 50c Fancy Hose at 25c
Children's 26c Hose at 15r
Children 8 Fleered Lined Vruts and Pant *
at 15o 20c and 25c.
Free ! Free ! Free !
lit Our Mammoth
Crockery Department.
Read our free offer. Never before In the
history of the china trade was such an ex
traordinary offer made. Note these prices :
One gallon Milk Crocks , 3c each.
Cups and Saucers , 2c each.
Small size Mixing Bon In , tomorrow , Sc.
Medium size Mixing Derate , tomorrow ,
Largo size Mixing Dow Is , tomorrow , 14c.
Beautiful decorated Holland Bowls , ITc ;
after this sale wo sell them at 33c.
Cream Pitchers , neat decorations , gold
band and full gold handle , regular price 25c ,
Decorated Oyster Bowls , In assorted pat
terns , sold everywhere for lOc , 4V4c.
Oatmeal Bowls , very pretty decorations ,
assorted patterns , worth lOe , 4Hc.
Free ! Free !
We have just received a shipment of over
1,600 dozen decorated Cups and Saucers and
Plates. In order to move these at once we j
make this remarkable offer : We will sell !
a set of decorated Cups and SauS2Q / - >
cers , worth $1.50. for Ot/U
to match. This Is giving $2.75 for S9c.
And gi\o away free a set of beautiful plates
We have just secured a fine lot of
couches. Tboy arc all made up in the most
approved manner , all now styles , and are
upholstered In all the new shades , spring
edge couches with fringe , also Rococo base.
The prices will be $6.50 , $8.50 and $9.50. If
you'need anything fri ttis"lne ! anyway soon
be sure anJ look us over before you buy.
We have quite a
number of odd chairs ,
wood scat , cane seat
and upholstered , all
fancy chairs , one of a
kind. The prices have
been cut. to cost on
these chairs. Take a
look at them. You
may llnd something to
suit you. The mothers'
best friend and nbo
baby's dfllght. We
have secured the agen
cy for this admirable swing and jumpers ,
price $3 95
in Sheet lusic
Monday we will sell regular 25c Sheet
Music at only 15c per copy. Such hits ns
"Impecunious Davis. " latest cike walk by
Kerry Mills , author of "At a Georgia' i
Camp Moeting" and "Whistling Rufus , " j ' '
'Smoky Mokes" and "My Honolulu Queen. "
The above are three of the very latest cake
walks. "Sweet , Sweet Love , " very latest
wng by composers of "Because and "Al-
Tays , " "Sermon that Touched His Heart , "
another new song on the same style as
"Church Across the Way. " "She Rests by
the Suwaneo River , " a very pretty new
jone. "Hello ! Ma Baby , " "My Hannah
Lady , " "Just as the Sun Went Down , " "My
Honolulu Queen , " latest coon song of the day.
"My Estelle" and "I'll Love You
'Till I Die. " two beautlfuul songs , used hero
recently in the play called "The Telephone
Girl. " "You Tell Me Your Dream and
' Tell You Mine. " " ' .
I'll "You're .Drifting Fur
ther from Me Day by Day. " 'My Lady
Love Waltzes , " latest .waltzes by Rosey ,
author of the popular set of walttes called
"Espanlta , " "Fond Recollection ! , " "Bell
O'Dcll , " "Watch Hill Two-Step , " "Band
Master Two Step. " All the above all day
Monday only 15o per copy ; by ir.all ICc.
iuslin '
Ladies' fine
75c g o w ns ,
made of Bra
zil muslin , / MODEL FORM
trimmed with two rows of embroidery , inser
tion and clusters of tucks , on sale at 'Sc.
A splendid assortment of ladles' hand
some gowns , on special eale at OSo to J3.5S.
300 palit children' * Drawers on sale at 15c.
600 pairs children's Drawers , very special
values , on sale at 0c and 2tic.
A big line of children's gowns on sale at
50c and 75c.
Special fale on ladles' Corf et Covers at 15c.
New lines of ladles' Corset Covers at 25c
up to $1 96
LadUs $1,00 CoreeU at 49c
Flannel Dept.
Special for Monday.
18 pcs. all wool White Flannel , per yard 20e , worth 0c.
1 case 29 inch wide Bonnie Doon Flannelette , per yd , lOc.
New patterns of Embroidered Flannels , per yard 55c , 59c ,
Goc , 69c , 75c , 85c , 95c and $1.00.
1 case German , extra heavy , indigo blue Twill Shirting ,
per yard lOc , cheap at 15c.
4 cases extra heavy cotton Flannel , per yard 4c , 5c , ( He
and Sic.
1 case extra heavy F. M. D. Gating Flannel , regular lOc ,
per yard GAc.
Bed Blankets.
2 cases good size double , gray cotton bed blankets , worth
S5c , at pair 49c.
1 lot 64x75 , 5 Ibs wool , gray bed blankets , regular $2 , at
pair , $1.25.
95 pairs white wool , extra fine , fancy border , regular § 3 ,
at pair $2.
110 pairs extra heavy wool mixed gray bed bin els , at
pair 70c , worth SI. 25.
1 case 12-4 extra soft cotton blankets , worth $1 oU , at pair ,
63 pairs 114 all wool white , extra fine blankets , regular $6 ,
at pair , § 4.75.
The Big Store carries the largest stock of bed comforts in
the city , each 75c , 90c , 95c1.10$1.25 , $1.50 , S2.25 and up.
187 pieces of the newest , prettiest Dress Ginghams , all * ? c\
in the latest colors and choicest styles - *
75 pieces of the new Foie Du Nordthe old reliable )
Gingham , in choice stripes for waists , checks , etc.
39 pcs. of choice styles in imported Madras cloth , froml
last season , sold at 30c , closing price Monday 1
3 cases of good quality Apron Check Gingham ,
blue , brown and black
( All of our 32-inch Madras Cloth , in shirting styles , carried
from last season , but all clean and desirable 1 Oc
patterns , sold at 15cand 19c , Monday Ivy
75pcs , , of the- nobbiestneatestanflfBtrictiy cprrect
the genuine Irish Imported Dimities ,
on display Monday
Special Sale on
Men's Furnishings
Closing out all the Oxford Mufflers worth
up to $1 00. at 25c
Men's $1.00 Colored Laundered Shirts at..SOc
Men's $150 Colored Laundered Shirts..75c
Men's 73c and $1.00 Underwear at 45c
Men's 50c Tire at . . 25c
j Men's $1.50 Underwear at 75c
Men's 25c Wool Half-Hose at
No 2 all silk Ribbons per yard 1C
No. 6 , all silk Ribbons , per yard 2c
i ' No. 7 , all silk Ribbons , per yard 3c
No P. all silk Ribbons , per yard 5c
No. 12. all silk Ribbons , per yard 7c
'No. 10 , all silk ribbons , per yard 9c
'NO. 22. all silk Ribbons , per yard lOc
4 and 5-Inch , all silk Ribbons per yard.5c
Spesial Jewelry Sale
Special prices on a splendid line of sll-
\erware. A complete stock to ee'.eot from.
Novel designs , see the new sliver and oxy-
dlzed snake girdles , jeweled eyes , on sale
this \\eelc at OOc , 73c and tl.50.
35c belt bu-zklos on eale at 15c.
Special values in belt buckles at 25c , 33c ,
GOe and 75c.
Gentlemen's watch chains , warranted five
years , on sale this week at $1.4 ! .
Link Cuff Buttons at lOc , 25c , 45c , 73c
and $1.00.
January Piano Sale
The finest line of High Grade Pianos In
America to select from. We show you the
Western Chlcljerlng , the World's Greatest
piano for over eighty years ; the Fischer , of
which there are over 110.000 In use ; the
Lester. Franklin , Doll , Behr Bros. , and
nineteen other makes to select from. O sr
terms arc BO arranged that it is possible
for anyone to own a piano. Catalogues
mailed free. Pianos tuned , moved and re
Grand illigier Sale
Wo call special attention to our baud-
some .show Ins of exquliilc violets All the
new shndcs on sale Monday at 3c. ic and up.
To at once dispot > e of our surplus sto.k
we have cut the prices one-third and in
many cafes one-half. You can buy the
popular Pompadours , Box Turbans und new
ttvle stiect hats at a great saving In price.
Many special bargains for Monday.
Special Book Sale
* * tbc Dame of tne greatest in-
Tcntion of the age. Ask to iwe
It at our notion counter
( grocery Bargains
Fancy XXX Ginger Snaps , per pound , 3 c.
Sweet Navel Oranges , worth 20c dozen ,
Large Santa Clara Prunes , per pound. 4Vje.
Extra Large Fancy Messina Lemons , per
dozen , 9 > ic.
Large Florida Cocoanuts , each , 2lic.
5 pounds Pure New York Buckwheat , 15c.
One-pound cans Sunrise Baking Powder , 9c
Condensed Soups , any kind , per can , 7'ic.
Free ! Free ! Free !
With every pound of tea for 43c we will
give aay , free , one beautiful decorated tea
plate worth 25c.
With every pound of fine Java and Mocha
Coffee at 23c , we will give away , free , a
beautiful decorated cup and saucer north
Japan Tea Dust , per pound , 17V c.
English Breakfast , Gunpowder , Young
Hyson or Japan Tea , very fine quality , per
pound , 35c.
Our Low Prices
Fre&h Pork Sausage . . . . Cc
Good Salt Pork . 5c
Best New Bologna . E > c
Our Fa no * Lean Breakfast Bacon . lOc
Choice Boneleus Roast . 7' c
31b. Pails Best Brand Lard . 20c
No. 1 Sugar Cured Hams . IQc
Pickled Pig Feet . . . ' . . 4 > c
Goiman Summer Sausage . v.4 > c
Wall Paper and Paints
Wo iavo received another carload of Wall
Paper which wo place on sale Ibis week at
: . . f that will surprise you. Just think
o it white blanks at 3'/4c , 4" and 5c per
We also sell tbo famous Noxall teaily
mixed paints , guaranteed to be the ben on
the market at ! ) Sc per gallon.
A large stock of varnlsheb , mains , en
amels , brushes and room moulding. All at
cut prices.
Taffeta Ribbons
No D Taffeta RlbbonE. worth lOc only
No. 7 Taffeta Ribbous. north 12c , only ac
No. 0 Taffeta Ribbons , worth 15c .only 9c
No. 16 Taffeta Ribbon , worth 20c , only lOc
No. 22 Taffeta Ribbon , worth 25c , only
No. 40 Taffeta Ribbon , worth 30c , only 15c
No. EO Taffeta Ribbon , orth 35c , only 18c
No. 60 Taffeta Ribbon , worth 40c , only 20c
Best quality Englloh Torchon goods
Wo sell Corduroy Velveteen Skirt Fac
ing for 2'-c per yard
Buylntr direct The Big More now
from the mills silk hero now
enables tu to ilwn oiliop
show now silk dcnlers will
llrst. show durltifj
entire sciuon
Already Showin
The new Foulard Dress Silks arc the Prettiest yon have ever seen
The Nrw Pa trl phi IP * in w blue * new des.piling , onontal Persian. Japanese effecU.
beautiful lao > strlj PSurc an 1 rich stjles , all confined by tln > nnnufa-hirer to Hay
dm Bro foi ( iu of Omaha ill 2 < ln < liPS wide , and go on Hale at once at 75c , S5 ,
SSc , $1 00 and Jl 25.
The new style Waist Silks are now ready for your choosing.
New and no\el Taffita Stripes prca > plaids , Handsome flgure < l Ptan de Poles , bright and
corded waist. in\cltits ri-h in ) f \ . pietty HemsJtche ! < l Taffeta * . -4
tone and coloring , do not delay { " * Jy " Persian stripes , Dresden and I
for now Is the appointed time. . la.-o stripes , correct soles. . . . '
100 new shades of the Winslow Taffeta.
Wlnslow Taffeta is now a household word throughout the land , there was more
Wlnslow Taffeta tiscxl during 1S99 for the making and lining of garments than the
combined productions of all other kinds , at flist jou were told by other Omaha dealeis
that there was no such Silk made , you nolo tliat they now admit the existence of th
Winslow Taffeta and claim to ha\o it for sale , the fact , of the Matter is they show
> ou some unworthy substitute which does not wear. There arc a million proofs that
the genuine Wlnslow Taffetns do wear. We. still ( ontlnuc to sell nt old price $1 10.
We place on sale Monday for the first time New Wash Silks.
Pretty pinks , blues , greens , rose , \iolet. cerises and a hundred others
in checks , plaid * , and stripes , p'laln and corileil , 39c
at-)9c ) and
Handsome Imported Grenadines ,
Colored designs , appllqued on black grounds , appropriate for fronts ,
trimmings or entire costumes , most exquisite works of art
prices per jard , $3 ' 'S. ' $3 73 and
Da you know we arc holding a big sale on Fine Black Taffeta.
7lc ! fine Black Taffeta. 10 inches wide , on Ealo nt & " ?
$1 13 finu Ulack Taffeta , - ' " Inches wide a bargain at R o
$1.73 line Illack Taffola. 36 inches wide , extra value at $1 - >
$3.00 best French Dress Tuffeta. the highest grade that is made at $175
Good things for you in the way of Fancy Silk Bargains.
Bargain Square No 1 Wzint Novelties , | Bargain Square No. 2 Heavy Taffetas for
beautiful plaids , stripes , plain Taffetas , \\alst t or petticoat. In strlpea. black or
brocadcu and other rich silks , plain , very best silkt >
all go at ono price , nil go nt
only only
Plain silks at extra special reductions.
Colored Satins In all the leading Colored Taffeta , 24 Inches wide , crisp , bright
Srring Shades , only here at /-t ) and excellent in every way , oil
such a price now shades , on sale
at at
Skinner's yard wide Black Satin , worth $200 , for $100
Yard wide Twill Silk , made In Ja an. blcck only , $1.50 kind for 73r
60 pieces of fine Black Silk Velvet. $1.25 grade , for 69o
Of course'they do , our mall order business la constantly on the increase. You can
buy ellks of us just as well by mall as if you were hero In person. Try some of
these specials advertised above nnd see for yourself. Upon request wo send samples
of Now Foulards , New Winslow Taffeta and new waist silks.
New importations received and now on sale. -yimHonK Pattern Cloths ,
51.75 each. Napkins to match , SLM a dozen. A special bargain in 84 Fringed
Cloths and dozen Fringed NnpUlna to match the Bet $1.03 all linen. A new
lot of Loom Cloths. 2-yard , $1.00 ; Uyarcl , $1.25 ; and 3-yard , Sl.fiO. I'attera
CIothB , with large napkins to match , $1.25 dozen. Something entirely new-
fancy hemstitched colored Dreiser Scarfs , fast colors , German make. $1.25 and
$1.50 each. Another handsome liue of Pattern Cloths , German make , silver
bleached , 8-4 , $1.75 ; 10-4 , $2.23 , and 12-4 , $2.75 , with napkins to match , $2.50
dozen. Wo carry a big line of pattern cloths , $2.00 , $2.50 , $2.75 , $3.00 , $3.50 ,
? 3.75. $1.00 , $4.25 , $4.50 and $500 each full bleached , all linen and mobt of these
we have napkius to mutch. White Hod Spreads , 75e each , extra good value
also two numbers nt 03c each. Hemmed or fringed , 93c each. A new line of
Drapery Swiss just opened 12VGc nnd 15e yard. A new line of White Dress
Goods , fine stripes and nent checks , nt lOc yard cheap. India I.lnou , 5c , lOc ,
15c , 20c , 25c , 35c , nnd 50c yard. Colored Tarlnton , lOc and 20c yard. Corded
Piques , 15c , 20c , 2"c , . ' 55e , 40c and fJOc yard. 40-Inch wide satin striped Apron
I.awn , lOc , 15c and lOc yard. Hemstitched Pillow Canes , 12 > / ( > . c each 15x36.
Hemstitched Sheets , 81x90. only 05c each. Pillow Canes , lOe , 12&c. 15c , 20c
and 2. > ccich. ! Sheets. ItfJc , 45c , Mr , ri5c and GOe nil these are special good value
and less than you can buy the muterin.1 for today. Yard-wide Uing Cloth lOc
yaid. Flue Cambric. 5c , OV , 7U.e , S e nnd 10c yard. Lust chance on Monday
to buy I.augdou 70 Hloached Miihlin nt (515-Je ( yard. Yard wide Hlenehed Mils-
lin , Re yaid..L. L. yard-wide Slieetins. 4 > X..c yard. 50 pieces of all linen Craab ,
Barusley all linen Crash , worth lOc to 1 2 > , c , on sale at 8c yard.
Hardware , Stoves and Housefurnishlngs
AVi > linve ccinulndeil tii contlnnn oni
tot r ale until tin * flmt of February
which nifnnn until next Thur d r.
$35 00 Triumph Economy Steal Range , ai-
bcetos lined throughout , C holes , high shell
with low warming clofatt , nicely nickel-
plated , complete with water front , salt
pr'ce. $27 95.
$45.00 M. & D. Steel Range'large squan
o\en. C holcf. high nholf , with water front ,
round fire box , anti-clinker grate , sale
price $37.50.
$2500 Q linen Economy CaU Stove , laig
20-inch square oven , full nickel plated , will
ret'Crvoir. This Is a beauty , bale price $19.S5
$24.00 Lubtro , largo 20'ncu ! oven wltt
white enameled reservoir , full nickel plated ,
tale prlco , $1S ! > 5.
} 1C.00 Cast Hunge , ti holes , large 20-locl
oven , a good honest made plain Ilango , salt
price. $11.95.
$5 00 Laundry Stove , No. S sale price $3.25
$12.KO Banker , the best stove for the mon.'j
o\er offered In this wottern country , salt
price , $3 49
llousefurnishing Goods and Tools
Tlie Grand \Vringera. Bale price jj j (
6-foot St"i I ad-ler aale price , . , , 4 %
10 ouart Oranito ni h Pan , sale price 39l
f > f
C-iii'h Sio e 1 ijjc * .ale prlcu JQO
Pqiarei. . trrn Washer , tale price * $2.63
GraiiitTta K < Ue , solo price , , . . . , . . . . . ago
Hu < k c'aws and frame , uulp price . , . . . , . . , , , , . . , . . . , , . , , , , . . 39q
\ \ I'e V m JlaaVo s. kale prlc-o
tf > t a
1'ib.o Water PallB , Kilo price- oj ,
" "
Morisc It i r Loij.- -ui , , i , , , t , . , , ' " ' io
Pri IK i Aup r liiis aii'l Dr.iro - . le price , fir , |
Set Mr , potta Sad Irons nale price . . , . . , , ! , ! ! i ! ' i 3i
Send us > our mall orders