10 TUB OMAHA PAIT/r TVRE : .T.VN TATTY" 28 , 1900. THE EV ID ( I It's not a question of prices and values any more the intent of tomorrow's selling is to move goods at almost any price , All reserve stocks have been brought forward , and out they must go every floor , every depnriment , every counter and every shelf in the whole of this big cash establishment contribute their share of reliable goods at record breaking bargain prices. GIVING GREATER VALUES Thousands of useful , seasonable THAN DMA EVER bargains all over the entire V KNEW. house , T CLEARING SALE Another of tlio'o sensational sales of dress goods that is bound to bring a throng of eager buyers hero Monday. It is the greatest opportunity to buy high grade dress goods at Bucli remarkable bargains that has been placed before you tliis season. $1,00 DreSS GOOdS 250 Yd BOO pieces all wool mixed covert suit- 5ngH , biMigaline novelties , silk and wool plaids , ronch habit cloth , pebble cloth , Scotch mixtures , lienriettc'i. serge , poplin and whipcords , in a most coiniiletii line of uolnri anil combinations. Those goods iiro sold us lii'li ! , us > 1 yard , us u apuclal hurprnin wo iilui-o the uiitiro lot on front bargain squuro your choice 2oc yd. . $2iOO OreSS GOOdS 75C J50 pieces 54-inch all wool Oxford suit ings , 60-inch new homespun cheviots , 65-inch French Vene tians , 54-inch Zibolino plaids , f > 0-5nch refinished camel's h.-iir suiting. Also our entire - tire line of Imported silk nnd wool novelties. These oroods include nn ml viini'i1 shipment of now spring fabrics and tire worth up toSUvd. TUP entire * li i " " i-n wocial sale Monday GOLF SUIMNG Keversiblo gou suiting with handsome plaid backs for suits , skirts and golf capes in all the much wanted shades blue , brown , cadets and and grays. Those goods can bo inudn ui > with or without lining , and hiivo never been Mild for li - $ than $ : t yd. Monday they go on QJB special sale In two loN at .SI 50 and SI 75yd H ANOTHER BLACK GREPON EVENT It is unquestionably the most important black crepou sale _ of the season. New black crepons in all the swell spring efEects that rich silk luster. Monday anew now showing' of those popular Blister cropons worth up to $1.00 yard ( jo on special sale in Bluck Dross Gooda doimrtinont at , $1.25 yd $1,50 Black DreSS GoOllS 49C Yd 200 pieces high grade black dress goods , comprising steam finished chev iots , storm serge , mohair jacquards , henri- ottas , figured armurcs , whipcords , diagonals , satin bcrbers nnd fancv matolasscs. Those goods are all wool and are especially desirable for their superior color and finish , and go on special sale Monday at 4c ! ) yd 75C SilkS at I9C Yd About 2,500 yards plain and fancy silks , consisting of figured china bilk , silk brocade,30-inch wide change able lining silk , black surah. 30-inch figured drapery silic , worth 75c go at 19o .vd $1,25 $ SilkS 39C Yd 3,000 yards high grade taffeta , black and colored satins , black brocade * and satins , benga ino and poplins , 27-inch printed foulards. All kinds of drag * silica , waist silks and lining bilks that Hold up to $1.25 yard , in our grand clearing sale 30c yd 7 SI,25 Guaranteed Taffelas 87c Yd 25 pieces of our imported guaranteed black tiitTeta , 24 inches wide never sold for loss tlian SLAV big bargain in our silk department Monday , 87c yard FIGHTING FIRE IN HAVANA Picturesque Aotiyity of the Volunteer De partment on Duty , MODE OF THE ALARM 'AND RESPONSE Vurlou * ForiiinlHIi-N IUio Ml Of lie. foriAollon lieu Inn Omaha 1'ro- 1)1 e I ) it I it u thu Cuban L'aiitlnl. The following lertter , received by IH. . \Vheeler from his sou , gives an Instructive vketcb of fires and flre-flghtlng In the Cuban capital : HAVANA , Jan. 20. My Dear Kathor : I received your letter this morning. 1 : im elad you liked my description of the planta tion trip , but It does not nearly express what K actually w . The country hero la the grandest on top of the turth. The yellow fe\nr has about died out ; only two or three cases In the hospital now and suppaso they will have disappeared Inside of the next week or two. Mr. Urancb , the gentleman In the U , & M. ticket office on the rornor of Fifteenth nnd J'aruain , was In Cuba for three days nnd left yesterday ; also the brother of Mr. Francis , < ho genera ) passenger agent of the I ) . & M. , -was lw > re with him. Hotu of thorn called on us , alto Mr. I'ollock came with them. You ecu wu are uot BO very far from home after all , when people are dropping In here every day or so. a"d ll eu returning and seeing you within a week or BO after they have „ * * * * # eecn us. AVe are studying Spanish very hard aud had just gotten through our lesson when Mr. Branch and Mr. Francis called. Mr. I'ollock Is also studying diligently and gets along very nicely now. I'MrrN n ml I'"Ire KltlltcTn , Wo had a flro Just thrco doors from us the other ulght. The alarm WHH turned in just after wo bad gene to bed. I got up nnd put ou my clothes and went out and looked at It for n minute or two , then went hack to bc < ] and went to sleep , with the fire In full blast. You nee l not bo afraid of a fire errcadlnc here. It Is absolutely imposnlblo for It to do BO , There are no flrc bore ex cept where Borne crazy American comes down hero and builds a lumber jml or n frame building , nnd I guess the good Lord takes pity ou thcan and sends down a llamo fiom heaven to burn him out so ho can col- Irct his Insurance aud take the next boat buck to the States because the Spaniards and Cubans will uot buy of him and ho la Burn to go broke sooner or later , and the eoonur the better It Is for htm. The workings of the fire department her * would drive you Into hysterics ; It is the fun niest thins I ever saw in my life , and I liavo eccn some pretty funny things , too. One would Imagine It was a huge joke aud that they wcro playing ut "flre company" llko llttlo boys In the States. The following will give you a fair Illustration of tbo modus cpcrandl of the thing : In the first place the "dread fire alarm" I Is blown on a bugle and not turned In by I the still alarm or by the ringing of bells. The * * ) horns are placed In private houses I 1 about a mile apart , and when n man dis covers u fire It seems to stagger him nt first. Ho can't believe hit eyes , so ho studies over It for a while , nnd then hunts up somebody that will talk It over with him. These two go and take another look at the flre und get and Final Clearing Sak--Tomorrow of all A positive reduction on all winter garments that \\lll make this the bargain sale of all soles. The most oxtraorillnnry stock reducing offerings of the season , o will makp 11 more Interesting than OCT by rutting dill deeper Into our now lowest prices , nnd by enriching cneh IntviUi garments taken from the tuxt higher ht. This will be your chancs to get " 'tho most for the leant ; " the maximum for minimum. A 2flth Century sacrltlco where all thought of cost Is thrown to the wind. And at the prices quoted below we hhould bo able to move every garment this week. Manufacturer * tell us not to sacrifice so much , for nt the present advance on materials nml work they will ba worth iloublo to hold them until next SIM .ion. This Idea may do for loss up-to-ilnte inorclmntf. lint our policy Is to clean up. and the orders all down the line nro ' 'move. " Our Intentions nrn to make this a short nnd tleclHlvo riiKiiKement , nnd every lot of garments will bo uomfrardod with such price citttln that In another week wo will be able to tell you that the victory , over nil other action pules , Is ous. . Jackets that wo have about 150 of In one assortment , of rough and smooth oloth , some for a $6,50 lined and some trimmed. The balance of $5.00 and SO.OO Jacket 11 n OH. Jticltcts , some arc of good korsoys- , cheviots , etc. , with good linings nnd well inado. for $7,50 These nro oxtru bargains being the balance of our $15.00 Jacket nnd $7.50 linos. J.ickcts , an assortment of .4,48 about 225 in all colors and . , madoofgood kerseys , cheviots for $12,50 ots , oxford s , golfa , etc. The roniiiim'or ' of our $9.93 and Jacket $12.50 linos. 07 OK Jackets , about 275 in Of.03 this lot , thoroughly up- . to-date , with box or fly for a $15 fronts , in rough nnd smooth effects , all colors. Jacket Batanjo of our $1,50 ! and $15 lines. Jackets , a lot of ultra stylish coats In tans , blacks , castors , etc. for a S20 Richly lined with bilker or satin , box nnd fly Jacket fronts. The balance of our $19.00 and $20 lines. Jackets these are the stylish coats that have won admiration from all who have seen them. They are the very latest designs and finest finish , including nil lor $27,50 , the most popular weaves of the cloakinp market. And are Jacket what remains of our $25 and $27 linos. Jackets here is the chance for your choice of any of the best jackets in the house. The finest for 540 of materials and latest shades. Some with genuine Marten , a Stone Marten , Beaver and Otter collars , and are actually worth Jacket up to $40.00. Top Coats a lot of odd sizes in the new top coats , of fine kersey , full silk and satin lined , for $18,00 in black and castor. Balance of our $16.00 Top Goat and $18.00 coats. fT4 B"O Ncwnmrhots , n lot of good do- $ vB TlB sirtiblo garments madoof coverts t B ViLJI and korseyn , sotno with waist lln- fnr SIR Rfl l" r' others trimmed , in good Mniiimorlrnt cohl'Bl ) Wlmt arololt of our 6 Newmarket and $ ic. lines. NOAV markets , good un-to-dato cents in tlio novelty stylus of the season. Made of the most popu for $22,50 lar of cloths , in all colors , and every ono a bargain. This is u Newmarket great opportunity the balance of the lot that was sold at $2L'.5Q. Wo still have some very good things loft from our recent big pur chase of Furs , nn'd you should avail yourself of the opportunity to see thcso big FUR bargains. LADIES' TAILORED SUITS Ladies' Tailored Suits , roofer $7,35 $ and tight , fitting styles , all sizes , , assorted materials and colors , and for $15 at the price wo ask for them now , well you never heard of the lilto Suit before. They are worth $12.50 and $15.00. Luilies' Tailored Stilts , a largo assortment made up of odd sizes and btylcs from our $17.50 , $10.00 for $22-50 and $22.50 lines. All the now matoriols anu colors. Jackets silk lined and all of the finest work- manshlp. Some big bargains. Ladies' Tailored Suits , this lot consists of some very ITuo suits , made of the popular ma terials , all colors , some are full silk lined , with single and double breasted , tight fitting , eton and reefer style jackets , flnest of tailor finish , and worth today up to $2o Ladies' Tailored Suits including the very choicest of our Hwell tailored suite , made for $30 of fine imported Venetians and broadcloths , coverts , vicuna , etc. To see them is toappresiato thorn more than the descrjp- Costumes tion. Today the same suits are worth up 10 $ . ' 10.00. Costumes only 12 of these lei'fc , made oi' the best oi' taffetas , corded silks , foulards and for $75 b-oadcloths , ribbon , chonlllo and lace trimmed , in exquisite styles and original designs. At the former price they wore Costumes considered cheap. $2.50 for $5 Capes This lot comprises all the popular cloths , Children's Jackets , ages 4 to 12. $4.98 for $10 Capes all lined , Bomo silk lined , some with fur A big lot of children's Jackets , the lust of our $2.00 , $2.98 and $3.98 lines , made of good heavy materials , some with largo col $8.90 for $15 Capes edging. Everyone a big bargain. lars and all well mode. Consists of a lot of well made , percallno Skirt Is assortment of Big an high-class skirts , unexcelled lined , velvet bound Skirts , crepons , home 2 Specials spuns and plaids. tTheso are worth up excelled in work and finish , made of taf Lotl. to $5.00. fetas , satinsand crepons , worth up to $10 In Immense Heaps , On Bargain Squares , On ( Bargain Squares Sensational Bargains Sorted in Sizes , Each size on Separate Tied Together. Bargain Tables , Easy to pick and choose greatest Marked in plain figures , plenty of shoe values ever seen. every kind and size. In blacks and tans , all kid , and cloth and vesting tops ulno patent calfskin and paten' , vlul kidw. DJX calf , willow calf , and gen uine welt soles , and turn solus , in all the latest styles , in all widths. Made to Retail at Six Dollars , Made to Retail at Five Dollars , Four Dollars , Three Dollars , Your Choice of entire Lot any size or width for . - Into a heated argument nn to what ought to bo done , and this little talk generally ends In a first-class , up-fo-dutc , list light bo- Ueen the two. After the smoke of battle han blown awny the men come to the conclusion that It might bo the proper thing to get n horn and blow the ularui , .so nway they run tor the nearest bugle that tbo man kuoua about , nnd ho runs llko the wind ; you can fairly hear the wtml whlstlo by him ns ho cutH through the air. As ho passes the first corner the policeman standing thcro eces him there Is u pollcemuu on uvory corner In the city the pollcnman Jumps tr > the conclusion that the man Is either a thlot era a murderer , and ho Immediately dranu hla gun and starts In hot pursuit. Then a small | boy or two Joliui the procession , and legs It ] along BO ns to bo In at tbo finish and sec tho' ' policeman beat the man Into Insensibility nnd then take him to the station. At the next block policeman No. 2 spits on his hands , drawa his gun and swings Into line , Then men of all cliuwe.-i , women , children , dogs nnd coaches swiftly swing Into the pursuit and try to head 'off tbo first man , IlliMtiiiK tln > Horn , If the first man IB a good lunncr he out distances hla pursuers and gcta to the hug'.c first that In , he gets to the IIOUEO where tbo bugle In , where he commences to pound and kick the door. In the course of five or ten miuutea , after the people InslJo the houen have satlslloil themselves what the man wants , they hand out the horn , but tbo man Is pulllug too'hard and Is too much out or breath to blow It , eo he hands It to the nearcwt man nnd fifty men grab for It , This starts another fight , and | . looks like the troops AS 111 have to IKS called out to auhdue a riot. Finally thp strongest man gets the horn , leaving half a dozen Individual fights going Men In vici kid , box call' , willow calf , Russia Calf , French calf , Kaugarette and other high-grade leathers. Calf lined , vici kid lined and drill lined , In black , tan and Russia color. Made to retail At SIX DOLLARS A11 f R& | f % n pair , At FIVE DOLLARS M BM Wall sizes , At FOUR DOLLARS f ? i . ? DflB a11 At THREE DOLLARS Ar E IV W widths. on , and starts to blow , and I almowt believe If you were to listen you could hear that horn In Omaha. Then back the whole gang starts for the flre , with the man who first saw the fire In the lead , but running loggjr , although he Is game to the finish. Immediately upon the first blast of thd horn being Blven out come the volunteer firemen. To explain about these volunteer firemen I will have to go back u llttlo. At the time of the Woylcr regime thara wcro 100,000 volunteer eoldloru In Havana alone and Blnco tbo American occupation I think every mother's son of them has turntd himself Into a volunteer fireman. These men dress In n uniform that Is composed of dark blue pantaloonu stuck into knee rubber boots , a red shirt , the usual firwnan's hoi- rut t , an axe weighing about thirty pounds , a ploco of rope about fitly feet long tied In a bard knot to tholr .belt and I hnvo never eccn a fireman yet who could uptie this knot when ho wanted to use the rope a hatchet , most of them have horns , and a cigarette pcihaps I should have put tbo cigarette flret , as It la the most Important part of their uni form. I'reiinrliiB- Work , These firemen never go to a fire without having oil their uniform on , When they j hear the horn they start for homo to dress up. no inattir If their house * era thrco mllco away from the fire , and at the time they are within a block of the flre. The llromei ) living nearest to the fire commence to gather along about half or throe-cjuartera of an hour after the alarm Is given. Their first action Is to commence pounding the crowd back about a block and then they gather around' ' the flre and seem to hold a "pink tea" or a "kenslngton , " but stay away from thp lire. IJy this time they have all got their cigar ettes going nicely and about a hundred horns have been gathered and the uol&e Is fright ful ; It sounds like a torchlight procession the night after a presidential election has bocn held and everything seems to bo going democratic. After they have finished their little nodal gathering usually somebody In thu audience will suggest to them It might bo n good scheme to get the flro engine ; this tteeina to nrouBo the firemen's auger to think they li.uwi'l thought of that und they proceed to lick the litutllngs out of the fellow that HUg- gcstud It. After they have pounded thla roan Into a state of speechlessness they como to the conclusion that It If ) a good plan to get the engine , EO away goto the whole crowd after U. In about fifteen minutes back they como hauling the engine aud In abcruL fifteen nMnutca more the horses are led up to the engine and attached to the englnc < nt the flre. They then attach to the hydrant and go U > work. I3y thin time the file Is either out or tbn building Is entirely burned down. This uiukcs no difference ; they throw enough water on what Is left to Hood.the Routh halt of Omaha , Never during any of this tlmo has the clgarctto been allowed to go out. Should there still bo enough of the house left so thc-y can go Into It , In they go , duckIng - Ing their heads , shutting tholr eyes and pulling away at their cigarettes. They never bring anything out of the house. I have not discovered what they go In for , hut the nholo crowd will gait In there , and usually ono or two get killed , ns they will pull the wall right down on themselves instead of pushing It outward or atta.hl : K roju's > .o It , After the flro la out the flromen will put the soot on their hands and faces to nhow they wcro "In It" and retire to the nearest cafe to talk It over. They then wear their uniforms for a day or two afterward for the admiration of the small boy and thu uenor- Itas , If It nas possible to burn this town down It would go the flrxt flre , hccauso a Hro Is never put out , hut burns itself out. I have actually Been In the papers from the States that the voluulci.llremun nt Havana wcro the equal of any In the States. Thcro never was such a llo printed , and when wo read It wo laughed until our Hldcw uchctl. The nouB jou get or Cuba In the papers Is far from reliable ; In fact , I never have Been a fair suti-mcut of It yet. Wo are all well and llhu Havana nnd Cuba as much as ever. MYRON WHKEU3U. P. I ) . Thlrlclflld , health Inipector of Chi * cage , aayn : "Koclol Dyspepsia Cure cannot be recommended too highly. It cured ma of severe dyspepsia. " It digests whit you eat and cuics Indigestion , heartburn f.nil nil forms of dyspepsia. GLAD HAND WILL BE. GIVEN ArriliiK 'nirnH for Kntrrtiiliiliitf Uic Illliiula CV it I rill \ < : > \.HJIIIII < T Kucllil Martin , president of the Commer cial club , will preside over thu luncheon to b'j tendered Monday afternoon to the nc H- I ) > upor party that coincj to Omaha as gucaiif of the Illinois Central. Mo bia. IJdwanl 1 Roeewatori Hitchcock nnd Kellogg , as rep resentatives of the tinco loeal dally papers have been Invited to. supplement the wel come to ho extended the visitors by I'rta- Iclent Martin and responses will bo made by representative * of the visiting newspaper men und tbu Illinois Central. The party will comprise about fifty representative * of the Iowa press und ten officials of the railway , whose guests th.ey will bo. After breakfastIng - Ing at tbo Grand hotel as guests of the bun- luces men of Council lilulfi the party will CLEARING SALE In Our Basement ? Sc DrcssT Scarfs go ns long ns they last at $1 25 nmbrotdereil Scarfs RO at S-4 Hemstitched Damnsk Table I j Cloths , worth $2 , go at Ill One small lot of lOc Huck Ton els go at 50 pieces of plain nnd twilled Tow eling , worth lOc go nt , yard ; . 49c Dresser Scarfs and Luuch Cloths go nt , each 3 CO-lnch fust color Table Damask In Turkey j red and whlto checked , Indigo blue and n whlto , plain nnd fancy rods IK&A north up to 39c go at , yard I SC 60-Inch cream all linen Scotch Table Damask , extra heavy , worth COc , ORft go at , yard &OU 15 pieces nice smooth , heavy , nil linen , Ger man silver bleached Table Da mask , tha G9c kind , go at , yard . . . ' 72-Inch flno bleached CS-lnch and - grass a satin llnlshcd Table Damask In nil the \ latest designs , would bo cheap nt $1 , 1 on sale Monday nt , yard I All our $1-25 and $1.60 double satin 3 Table Damask , Monday at , yard . .I H $1.00 all linen extra larqc German Napkins , i suitable for hotels and restau- " ' rantc , go at , dozim One big lot Table Napkins , assorted kinds and sizes , In full hlc-ached nnd half bleach ed , nil linen , worth up to $1.50 dozen , go at , dozrn | i CO dozen sightly soiled 3-4 slzo full bleached , j double satin damask Napkins , worth [ up to $3.00 dozen , go ut , I ffljQ jjj All kinds of bleached muslin In rem- Kg * nants and full pieces , go at , yard Ww > I ; 5,000 yards Dlmltlcs and Lawns In all the S { latest colors nnd designs , worth "Slfx J up to 15c , go at , yard .WQW $ 500 pieces standard Prints , Vl-'fli ' go nt , yard W 2w 2,000 pieces Amoskag Apron Check- 5 cd Gingham , yard f 12 Vjc Scotch and Zephyr Gingham , | St go at , yard 12 * * 20c Drapery Swls.1 go as long as fiflffc awlw It lasts at , yard 15e yard wldo Pcrcalo In all the latffB j _ cst spring designs , go at , yard fu > 2' * 2Gc whlto goods , mich nn India Linen , Ity , Nainsook and Satin band Apron 1 Lawn , all In ono big lot , at , yaid . . . S 59c on Bargain Counter No. 12 You will find immense piles of ladies' button and lace shoes , Oxford ties and slippers at , pair. * . . ? < 89c on Bargain Counter No. 13 Ladies' button and lace shoes , black and HO tan , pair ? f $ < 0)C ) 98c on Bargain Counter No. 14 Indies' button iinU luce shoos and Oxford tics In blade and tun at ' , Child's and Misses' Shoes at This IB a lot of 1203 pairs inirfsc.s' and children's celebrated " ( olden Chariot" bhood which retail ordinarily for $1.00 and $1.50 n pair. They come in button and lace , and the children's si/es from 8i to Jl will go in this fialo wt 09c. And the misbos' si/.es from 12 to 2 will go at 8o ! ) pair. 15c on Bargain Counter No. 17 Iff Contains 1000 pulrs liifiint'h fancy ro.orud bootees regularnrlco Iliflfa JOc they will go In tills sale at , pair BW 50c Overgaiters go at como across the river at 10 a. m. on the trol ley line , escorted by u committed from the Commercial club , which will CTOHH the river to moot It. The vlsltorn will bo taken at once to South Omaha In order that they may sc < ! thu tU > ck yards whllo the same uro full of stock. Whllo In that city the Commor- clal club of South Oinulm will aid In taking care of the party. The return to Omaha nnd luncheon IN 111 hit made about 2 p. in. , after which the guests will ho shown about the city. At30 dinner will bo served for thorn a' ono of tha hotels , whcro they will be gueqta of the railway i-otnpany , after which they will depart for their homes. Mrs. Kuth Herkely , Sullna , Buys : "Ono of my grandchildren had fi Hovoro ciitte of Scrofula , which eprcnd and formed sores all over her body. Her eyes wore attacked , and wo feiircd fcho would lose her sight. The best physicians treated her , but she grow worse , nnd her ctiBo Bccmcd hopeless. Wo then de cided to try Swift'H Specific , and that medlcino at once madu u com plete euro. Shu lias never had a sign of tlutdisenEO to return. " lSwift'8 Bpi'oilic ) is gunr/miml / yurely vegetable , and will cure ; uny blood disease it muttera not how obstinntn or deep- ueated the cusu. Valuable books sent free by Bwift Spociflo Go , , Atlanta , G& ,