Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 26, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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311011 3IUXTION.
Davis Bolls glass.
1 inr A. 11. C liccr , Neumayer's hotel.
\Vclsbatb burners at Hlxhy's. Tel. 131
UuilvvelHe" bcor It Hosenfeldt. nscnt.
'Min. . Hftrv of MlHKOtirl Vnlli'v l I" the
cits vHltlnp filfniN
lit \ \ . A. GorvnM. osteopath. 201 Mcr-
rlnm Mock , ' Council Blurts.
Gin your work done at the popular Eagle
laundry , 721 lirondvvay. 'Phono 167.
\ \ C. Kslep , undertaker : S I'cnrl street.
Telephones' Ofllce , a" . rcslJcncc. 33
Shorlilan lump --onl , $560. Sbc-rlclan nut
con I Jjiw onlon & rolov solo ngctit
\ \ II Woods , a bunker of I/win , lu . win
In Hiniltj jctcr < lii > culling-on friends
I iir. place to ImM ) your frumlnR done ,
, AI'xinclor'fl Art ompurltiin , 3 1 llroiitlwny.
A U iiinl K W c'nnirron of rblcugo tire
Jn ho ilt > onrinlzlng n looul brunch of thu
X. > "pmnlc leaf ( ii' .
.1 S Smith of NeoU. a prominent rc-
piil > ll'iti of PottflTviittiimlc county , wn a
Jtv visitor joxtrnlu }
Hmiil Nplpblor1 Aid society will meet
ttiti iiftfinoon at the hinniof Mrs. 1 * 11.
\ \ tad \ViHblngton uvnlum
llnnrv Sto\onhon left xostc-nliiv for Port-
ln"d < > r . vhoro 1m will itivcr-Ulgntc1 the
jirnspi-f trt for locating * In biiHlnc\
Ic\ ! II Visntlng , pa tor of the First Hap-
ti t flliurrfi. roturnctl jcstordnv morning
from .1 shprt trip to Kansas Clt > .
Muthpw II. NcNou and Matx > l Giccinvood ,
t > r > Hi of Orrinlm , wore married In this < Itv
j < liT < ia > , llio oremon } being performed by
JusMc e KcrrkT
H Is rrporlcd Hint the cltv ticket olllee of
< tn Oninna & SI Louis nillrniul li to Inn -
n fbimn&l on robrimrj 1 , not having ptovol
a i a\ltig roncern
\ \ I i'apen , cIlvMonal suporliutvnilenit of
1lic I'o'Jliil Tc > legr.iii > li < timpany , with lipuil-
ci r rlcrs In l'hl < ano , was in the. clt > jes-
( unl i'for ' n brief \Isll
All mrmbc'rs of U'hlte Hose Hobekoh lodge
art icqiu-sUil to meet tit their lodpo rooms
tomorrow afternoon at 2.30 o'clock to or-
Uiiill7r a Htaff for lloor work.
IJlHonVihlttlesey , a former resident of
HI In i Ity but now route agent for the WelN-
VuiKo Hxjiie-s corniMtiy nt Culonulo
BlTlngs. IH In the city \laiting friends and
r "liUI\ea
Mrs 1'rank Watson , Is amIInod to her
JIOIIIP \Vtiiililnston avcnuo by Hicknestt.
Albert Vcintlnsr , * * on of Rov. It. Ventinp ,
lion i-ntered 'tlhe ' William Jewell collcuo at
JJborty. Mo
.Mrs f R Nlcliolson of 31S South First
filrcHrvho underwent n serious surgical
opcjnuloti WodncHtluj at the Wom.ui'H
Christian Asmrclaitlon hospital , was routing
( u < lly joistenhiy nml hopes of her complete
jptovery are now entertained
The police are looking for < i "PeeplnR
Tom , " -wQio has armojed ttie residents on
\ \ > hington uvenuo for some time and who
II.IH n vv t-tttnul his attentions to South
Slain street Wednesday ho frlKhtened a
woimin living on that street , whose husband
liaippi-ns to be out of the city
Alls Mlnulo Hell 'Bo.ison. ' who icoontly
underwent aero vurslcal operation at
tin \ \ omnns , ' Christian A oclition ; hospital ,
< lle.d there ycsteixlay morning , awed 22 > carx.
'Hho remains will ibe token to her homo In
< ' ' > lfn.I.u , for interment ithls mornlnir.
She was the wife of William aieason
John Coioy. a well known farmer of
Hloney Creek this county , ltt > d vestenlay
innrnlnc at St Hern.ird's iho-spltnr0f tuber-
< ulo.sia , ajred Gl years He had been nn in-
ni-ite of llht > hospital for ten months The
rom.ilns will bo taken to Honey Creole for
II Holder and uMKs JUnnle iMno Knott
\\cie married yestenlaj afternoon at the
liomo of tlbo bride's rMrenta , Mr ami Mrs
I' A Knott , 1611 Second uvenuu , lleR
\eiitlne officiating uMr. and Mr.s Larson
loft ln t ove.nlns for olilcagu 'to hpcnd their
CfWawn. a lad. w-as urrpsited last
Detcctlvcw Weir and Olnar whllo
to < rll < 7pn < tp. . of , i topper kettle and
other nrtlclea which It was biter proven he
JUKI stolen fiom the icsldonce of Mrs
llardlti' . The 1 > ov Jlias recpntly worked for
Boxcral loctil Junk dealers nnd there nc-
q'lln-a hH Knowlafce of U/he / value of coupcr
Pmincd .c-inin No. II , Woodmen of the-
A\orld , will aiold Its resiiluc meetingthl.s
evonlnp All members , are reque.sted to bo
imwont , n business of the. utmost im-
3 > ortance Is to coinn Hefore the meetliifr. An
effort wjll bo muido to try to secure tlio
lieidquartera of the onler for Council Bluffs
and this niattei will bo brought up for con
sideration tonight
lumlco VIen has taken under advisement
Ms nillng In the suit brought by I , O Scott
ngnlmjt L , . C l > araon for $50 dnmuRes The
plaint Iff. rt mcmbpi c'f ' the local bur , rlde.s
a wheel awl on December JO collided wltli
n wtifiroii iinrl her o driven by Larson S'ott
rlalm the. . collision was < lue to Larson H
negligence. wWlo I arbOi s prlH that the
iittonte > i\Mnn-c < l t1u > whole > oad
Tre < l Kimtzp. who claims ! > hall fiom
Mills county camp to Council IlluffR yester-
dav to s o the lghlts lie \islt l a number
of snlooim nml ta-vtexl numeroiu samples of
the whl.skv Is sold here The
jjiade ills feet utihtpadv and he fell , breaking
afresh his left arm which had only tccently
Jir-aled from vi jiro\lous frnM re Ills cries
; iltrated the attention of a patrolman and
} i < was taken lo the Woman's Christian A.H-
liter lleadlny. tbo joungUul charged
\vltih two oilier * Mike. Smith and Octree
1'nhiipr. with Htcxillng- valuable plumbliiir
Dxtures from a icsldPiK-e on South Tonlh
Htii'ot. vvaw brought back from Persia yos-
Hordav morning-b > Ot > Shf > rlfT running
Id louK a change ofetiuo ftom the sti-
] rloi court ( , > that of Just ! e VIen nnd
jvltl. . Smith will have , a hcMrln-'ihl , morn-
Ii , ; III default of l ill ln was oimmltted
to the cnunftj | ill in the nio ultimo
The proffrnm tonnnlttcn of thu Derthkk
club lni'partially announced the pto-'ram
fir iho own moetlng to bo glvc'ii Aloirlay
oiiinjrui Rojil AiXMiium hall Thrco con-
/"n "l'mll" ' > ' ' wl 1'c ' given , one 1 the
1 Hey Iluc'k quaiti't. the o-'ot "Illldtll
( i.inirf IKHII "The Uosc. AUIclcn. " bv Sulll-
i'w' ' 'A'.1 ' , , "ho , w-itot from "hue la1' MNs
{ TII : | | | M' s Nora Mcfabe anil C M
K i/or plliv , doftH f
im p Ktlokolluinthn
Mollnlst Mi , . \y w iiirman MW "fobVri
Mullls and f H Altrhlt-on will Mnt. A
HOTIS ofV I , T.hl"k tun a former well
Known . mutf * will bo
given UN Jlrat juiblli pprfnnn into tbat oven-
N Y. I'lumblns Co. Tal 250.
DAVIS enlls paints
I'lniiH for WoniliiK-ii Aniil\oi-Kiu- > .
Hazel c-ninp , No , 171 , Modern Woodmen of
America , which linn a mcmbqrslilp rf 170 In
peed ulnntllng. Isarranging to celebrate the
fpiii'cpiith uiinlverstui- Its organl/atloii
vvilli a-grand ball nnd banquet M Hughes'
lull Monday night , I'obruniy n. The followIng -
Ing romniltlceb have been appointed to talte
tbirgo of thp affair ,
\liatigomcnilK OV. . Aiwocxl , 1) W.
Solb ) , , h K. Dietrich
KIU.IIH-O J ( - l-'ltvnliiB. i : u Jioffer. A.
lire-option ( 'li.irloft Copely. 0. Miller.
( ieorg Westeidahl , lir .1 H. ( Mraver Miller.S. .
Haw lings. O W. Irvln. Cliurlon Ilirnett.
lalrcducllon-S I ] Snyder. J C Craig-
jnile I. K Dielilensteln , W. C Iloyer , J. J.
Sfowiirt. lr M n Snjder. K. K llelknap
Kloor and Music William Muriln. Clar-
cnco Virinc , i : Tnmiibla , W P. Ilrotherton ,
C P.'y. II. H. Sackett , 0. D. Shepaid
Ci A Wiber
The Christian Endeavor society of the Second
end Prisbjtcrlan church will gho u box so.
rial Ihla evening at the homo of D. J. Hut h-
IIIBOII , 10Q3 High btreet.
to wixl h.uu been Issued to the
follonlni ; ptTbcns
Xame an I Hlderte Age
Ityron O Mc.Mullen Xeol ( In . . '
Dni.iUij Sewing. KIMIUII , la . 21
Aiiriwu Nuily. Council Dluffx . 22
Ixjulsp Newnnin. Council UluffK . 23
II liolgar l.ait-Dii. Council Uluffs . SO >
Ml-inle Jl Knjtt. 1'outull Bluffs . 13 '
Muilitn\ Nelt n Omaha . 31
Mahrf ( JriPi wo d Chicago . . . 31 [
Vrnik Hun1 1'otlawattiunle . 36 ;
MauUo Frame Po'tuwattumlo . 21 1
Howell's Antl'"Katsf" curri cou bs , colds.
NeeolAtcd In Eastern Nebraaka
and low a. James N CasaJy , jr. .
VW Main Ht. . Council BUtl * .
One Hundred Ovona to Be Erected at Council
Bluffa Very Soon ,
CoKc lo HP Solil n ( n I.IM IMiiiirr and
tu Hit'llllred fur Ili-ittlim ;
1'iiriniNOB Detailed
" for the manufac-
"A plant of 100 ovens
turcrof coke from Iowa coal and Incidentally
for tlio production ot fuel gas will be es
tablished and In operation in Council Bluffs
before the end of thin year , " said Kllllan
H. Selbel , western manager for the Uni
versal Fuel company of Chicago on bin ar
rival In this city > e.sterday.
As soon as It became known that Mr.
Selbel was In town n number of the city
officials , Including Ma > or Jennings and sev
eral of the niemberw of the executive com
mittee of the Merchants' nnd Manufaetur-
em' association , called on him to learn what
the Intentions ot the compan > that he rep
resented were in regard to Council Bluffs.
i | Kxccpt for going more mlnutelv Into detail
Mr Selbel had little Information to give
except what has already been recently pub
lished In tbo papers. He assured the city
olllclalti and the others who waited on him
that the proposition to operate a coKe mak
ing plant In this city In the near future was
J not a visionary scheme , but ono that would
be actually carried out The purpose of
his visit hero was to look the ground ever
and make the picllmliidry arrangements for
securing n suitable locatloii for the plant.
In company with Colonel W. J. Davenport
of the IJurllngton railway , Mr , Selbel In
spected several pieces of ground adjacent
to thnt company's trackage , and if the ne
gotiations entered Into jcsteiday carry
through successfully the plant will. In all
probability , be located on the Burlington's
property Just east of the Milwaukee round
house. The proposal made by Mr. Selbel
will bo referred to Howard Elliott of the
Kansaa City , St. Joseph & Council Bluffs
railway and If It meets with his approval
the deal , It Is said , will be consummated.
To start with the company's plant here
will consist ot 100 ovens , which will pro
duce 300 tons of coke per day aud 2,600,000
cubic feet of fuel gas To handle the gas , If
arrangements cannot be made with the local
gas company to do so , an Independent com
pany will bo organized to market this
product. This gas will bo piped into Omaha ,
where it Is anticipated there will bo a largo
demand for it , as also for the coke. Ac
cording to Mr Selbel's figures , the cost of
erecting the plant hero will be $90,000 , or
$5,000 more than in Den Moines , owing to
the difference in freight rates. The plant
will give employment to forty men , a day
and a night shift being constantly worked.
The company proposes to manufacture two
classes of coke , domeatlc and metallurglc.
The domestic will be supplied at retail at ( t
per ton in this cit > and at $4,00 in Omaha.
The metallurglc will bo $1 per ton higher
The fuel gaa will be supplied probably at
from iO to 45 cents per 1,000 feet. The
company will .make no attempt to produce
gas for lighting purposes.
Solhel Outline * Hln I'liuiK.
I Mr. Srlbel In talking of his company's
i plans said "By establishing our plant we
will give the. people of Council Bluffs and
Omaha the same advantages as it they were
living in the natural gas belt and fuel just as
cheap In proportion It has > been asked wh >
If wo expect to derive our laigest trade from
acioss the river we do not build our plant
. there. The answer to that Is the difference
| in freight charges on coal between the two
i cities , or In other words the bridge cllfforcn-
I tlal , which , I understand. Is SO cents a ton
It would cost us Just $125 a day more to
opcrat" our plant in Omaha than on this sldo
ot the river and It will readily be seen that
that would amount to an immense sum in
the year
"Wo have no fear but that both the coke
nnd the fuel gas will faecuro a ready market
Woj anticipate educating the people of the
two cities and adjacent territory to use coke
I In place of anthracite coal for both boating
I and cooking purposes. Wo claim that a ton
l of coke will go as far as a ton and a quar-
j tcr of hard coal. It can eafelly bo seen that
I this will be great saving for the consumer ,
as wc will retail coke for domestic purposes
; at $4 a ton , which will be loss than what It
j costs to purchase a. ton of anthiacltc coal
I There Is undoubtedly a glowing demand for
'coke In this hectlon of the country and wo
hope to make It grow still greater Stalls.
1 tics show that last year Omaha consumed 800
cars of coke and In this city ono brick manu
facturer alone paid out over $5,000 for cok ,
having found out that It was cheaper to bum
( brick with than wood.
"Our company Is not In the gas manufoe-
turlng business primarily , but 100 coke ovens
when In full opentlon will produce ! 2COO,000
cubic foot of fuel gas every twenty-four
hours Thlfa , It Is nredlct > s to say , Is too
valuable a product lo allow to go up In Iho
air. Possibly we shall mnko arrangements
with the local company to handle thin gas
and on failure to do HO will organize an In
dependent conipan > to take care of It and
place on the market
l "In ccmlng lo Council Bluffs wo do not auk
any favors , no bonus nor financial ass's- '
tanrc. The plant In thin city will bo built
Immecllatnly following the ono In Des
i Molncs Our Ilrst plant , the erection of
which will bo commenced In the near future ,
will bo built at Ottumwa. Bofnrc the end
of the prchent year we expect to have elovcn
such plants In operation , five of which , as
previous ! ) announced , will bo In Iowa.
"I/ist jear the pcoplo of Iowa paid out
$3,500.000 for anthracite' coal and coke , all of
whhh was brought In from other states. By
) iir plantn making roko light at homo a very
largo portion uf this vast num will bo spent
right in this state. Increasing the out lut of
{ Iho Iowa mines and providing moio muney
to be paid the operators We confidently
anticipate tint In three years at Iho fur
thest wo will have to double the capacity of
our plant here , as In that time It is almost
safe to say that Omaha will not use a ton
cf coal to make steam with , unless It Is some
oiitl > ing manufacturing plant or factory
that IH not nn the pipe line. I'uel gas will ,
we believe , ho universally used. "
Trouble ItcNiiIlN from DrlnU.
Charles Wilson' * proclivities for strong
drink are. It teems , likely to get him Into
Hcrlous trouble Ho was arrested yesterday
utteruoon for bolnj ; drunk and making a
general nuisance of hlmrelf upon the street ,
! At the city jail he was recognized as a man
I' ' whom the police have been looking for ever
since last summer , Wilson Is alleged to
' ha\e received the pay check for another
man on the Milwaukee , where be wag workIng -
Ing at the time , to have forged the rlght-
( fill owner's name to It nnd canned It. Wil
son la also said to have recently stolen
some tools belonging to the Rock Island
I'lilU | u l-lz Uri > itoullilllt > .
Coroner Trejnor completed the Inquest at
Honey Creek yesterday o\er Jurnea T
Krazicr , who was killed there U t Krldaj
by the fast mall on the Northwestern. A
large number of witnesses wns examined
and there wa * n decided difference of opinion
among the Jtirj as to the responsibility
of the railway. After being out n long tlmo
the Jury brought In .1 verdict to the effect
thnt Frnrler had been killed by train Xo.
Ifi on the Chicago & Northwestern rallwa ) ,
but could not agree as to the responsibility
of the railway company or Its employio
Trailer was struck b ) the fast mall while
walking about the tracks at the Honey
Creek depot. Ho was over SO ycnrH of age ,
hard of hearing and had poor eyesight.
III ( be Court * ,
In the district court yesterday Judfio
I Smith heard arguments on the demuirer
to the petition In the Injunction suit brought
by ev-Shcrlff Morgan and OllUer & I'uscy
against Ovldo VIen , Justice of the peace , and
others , to restrain thorn from lutcrferlng
with the sale of the liquor stock attached
tinder judgment against Sam Kord , a fanner
saloon keeper. The demurrer was hosed on
the contention that the plalntHTs could not
Invoke the equity court to icstraln a
criminal nctlou ; that Ovldo VIen as justice
of the peace was In duty bound to k nie
the search warrant and attach Iho liquor
on an nllldavlt ha\lng been tiled with him
by a reputable ) cltl/cn. 1'urther than that ,
the constable was in duty bound to make
the seizure If he found the liquor , or else
subject himself to a heavy fine. Judge
Smith took his decision under advisement
anil ordered thnt In the mount line the tem
porary restraining order , prohibiting any
of the dcfendanlH from removing the stocker
or any portion of It. should remain In force
In the superior couit the city commenced
I proceedings to haxe the building at 020
Broadway , owned by William A. Nelson , n
nonresident , condemned as a nuisance and
menace to the public health.
W. H. Butler swore out a landlord's writ
of attachment in the district court against
Robert Thompson for $398 rent alleged to
bo duo on a lease of certain farming land
near Crescent
The will of the- late Clmrle.s Spies of this
city was filed for probate.
Owing to the absence of Judge Aylcs-
worth , the hearing In the four injunction
suits brought by the rhal motor companies
was postponed until February C by agree
ment , by which time It is expected that
Judge Aylesworth will bo home
Another ( irlsl of
The rush to take advantage of the federal
bankruptcy law continues and thrco more
petitions were llleilestcrday In the United
States district court here by persons who de-
slro to go through the mill and be relieved
of their debts.
P M I'rjor , a printer of this city , whose
shop was recently closed by some of his
creditors , schdules his liabilities at $2,228.11 ,
of which $1CO is for taxes , $8330 for wages ,
$1,186 secured claims and $1.041.71 unsecured
claims. Ills ubsets ho lists as worth $2,100 ,
all of wl Ich ho claims as exempt
William Benning. a farmer of Harrison
county , has secured debts amounting to
$703.40 and unsecured debts to the amount
of $2,579 , making a total of $3,282 40. His
assets amount to $7n3 , all of which ho claims
as exempt.
Isaac J. Bow ell , a carpenter of Shenan-
doah. lists his liabilities at $2,57D 57 , all un
secured. His assets amount to $1CO. all
claimed ab exempt.
\ttnriiiM In 11 KIT.
The tardiness of Ite attorney cost the
Barbers' Protective association close upon
$50 yesterday morning The twelve cases
brought against the Sunday working barbers
1)- the association had been set for hearing
in the superior court at 9 o'clock yesterday
morning , but when the cases were called the
attorney for the ufcsorliulon failed to ap
pear , although all of the defendants weie
on hand On motion of the attorney for
the defendants the cases i\ere dismissed
and the costb in each case , $3 85 , taxed to
the proeecutlng witness , namely , Iho Bar
bers' Protective association. The attorney
appeared In court a few minutes after the
cases hud been dismissed and the order
made. He protested , but all to no avail ,
and he left the court room figuring on how-
he would bo able to hciuare himself with
the association or whether it would bold
him liable for the costs.
Ilt-iil I'wtnfp TraiiHfprM.
The following transfers were filed yester
day in the abstract , title and loan office of
.J W Squire , 101 Pearl stieet
i J I' Hess , trustee , to Lizzie O Wood ,
lot 3 , bloJc 5 , Stiulio's -KUI . w il . $ 700
1 I.eomrd D l ntrln rr and wife to
John A and Ma v C. I uson , part
lot 1 , block 20 , i\prpitfs add. v d . WO
IK C & . U II LOUQPC and whes to lihcrnisri , lot 1 , bUck 1 * > , .IncK-
hon'H add w d . . . 1,500
Onmlia Bridge and Terminal Ralhv.iv
( miinv lo ' 'hieiiso , Milwaukee .t
St Paul Rullwa > company , und ' <
lot and nVi lot 11 , block 1(1 ( , Riddle's
Mibdlv , w d 2H
SI < riff to W C Dutkes , lot i , block 2 ,
ll'llt-lde mid. .s el .12. )
Ttotnl , live transfers $1,611
OM : or TIII : STVI-IV.S i.uvruip.s.
IIM I'NlliiiiHoii SM\H | oillpcH of Printer
nml HlmliT Conic Illuli.
111:3 MOINiS. Jan 25. ( Spoclal. ) Ono of
( ho principal toplis this week has been Iho
i report made by the special committee appointed -
' pointed hv the house to Investigate the rotes
I paid f > r printing nnd binding by the Slate
' Board of Control Perhaps In no other wav
'could ' such nn object lesson of the enoimoiis
expense to the ftale UK printer niU hlmlc-
haxo been to It liuxo been brought before the
assembly When the report was lend e\ery-
body looked surprised und the moro they
have dlKtussed the matter the moro they
seem ti , awake to the sentiment that the
olllces of state printer and hinder should be
abolished. ( ) nl > twice , the leport Rhone ) ,
h.uu the btuto printer and binder entered the
lists of competitive bidders for the work of
the .Slato Board of Control , malnla'nlng ' tint
th j could not affoid to cut stale prices. The
| one time the Matci pi Inter bid Ma price wns
$1.1750 more thin the price at which the
woik nns secured.
j Ioil NIMI * Nolcti ,
A company \\ltli a capital ol ! 0.ono has
I been orgnnUed to opeiute u cunning factory
1 atVatei loo.
Coipouil Mills of the Klcxcnili cavalry ,
wbo.iecenlly died In Philippines , wan
an Oltumwa lm\
A law ami order league IHIH been formed
at i lurlinla and thn mini of fJOO xuh crlhcd
ax a mutter to aid In entotilng thn laws
The experts who hnvo been looking after
tbn tax-dodgerH In Iliineock county liu\e
Fine ceded In digging up } JO.OW , which IIIIH
litm paid into the count * lienhiiiy
lltngliiiti eiilcieil the hardware ttoin of
( ! 11 Thai Icy ul Atlantic and xtolo a con-
hldernblu ciuuntlty of iiitlery i.nd a little
cash which had IK en left In the flora oxer
[ nliflit
Cc-urgo A. Willlamx , xvho killed Deputy
1 Kherlff Walsh near Cieslon. will bo tiled
in I'lilon county at tin. Match term of
court , thn judge ovcriullng a motion lor u
ihungo of venue
The body found ulong Ilic MllxvauKc-o
loud , at Ihe end of the bridge near Bubula.
wan Idrntlllcc ! IIM ilm remains of J J Hnilih
of Cliukxxlllc Tli < > tup of his head was
crushed The thcor > IH that Im XXIIH mur
dered by some criminal IIP was pursuing ,
ax ho wan u member of the American Ie-
tce tlyn astmclalion , Thn matter la
Investigated by thu coroner
\ iiolliirVlnilim ( JliiKu Cut.
TBIU'ItCl. Jan ai-The bonid of ill.
ri' < tup * cif tlio Am rlian Window Ola * com-
i mny iiint icnitij nnd onlcrtl iiimtbor cut of
> ! > ir innt on slimlo vtrciiKlh und 5 to 10
I p < r emit mi doulilc- Strength A 10 per cent
1 c'lit WUH in iilc , < n Urisc bra kotw of douulo
f'r < t' h 'I' o Inn c tit about < v ma iti a , > ,
vv is .J 1 1 'in - < Mit Tiu xlish n l > ri | e * l
be ti'-nlt > f ili - neiit wur cl .lureil on the
Iiijfin-nJi : nt nuuiufuulurtra.
Be Named to Succeed Ex-Governor
Larrnbeo on Board of Control.
senn < or Iliirlrlou Introduce * n Hill
1'rin lilliiK ; fcir I InCloNlnn of llnr-
lier MIOIIN on HumliO Other
liCttllllltlt ( DolllRN.
DKS MOINHS. Jan. 25 ( Special Tele
gram ) Ooxcrnor Shaw xxlll appoint Colonel
H. 11 Itood of Mount Vernon member of
the State Board of Control , lo succeed e-x-
Oovcrnor Larabee. Thu governor stated
this evening that ho had tendered the ap
pointment to Rood and that If the latter
could make satisfactory business arrange
ments ho would accept the same. There
{ i has been much opposition to Hood's appoint
ment nnd today It dc\eloped that enough
members of the senate haxe been pledged
tooto against his confirmation A meet
ing of ten loptlbllcan members of the senate
( i ' was held at the Savory hotel this evening.
, All announced their opposition to Rood.
With the votes of the democrats they will
be nlilo to defeat the appointment.
Thcio has perhaps been no appointment
In which such gicat Interest has been mani
fested since the thrco membcit * were ap
pointed to the Boatd of Control two years
ngo. The Interest at this tlmo Is even
jgi j eater than it was then , it that could he ,
I | because during the last two jears the stand
ard of the Board of Control has been kept
HO high. There are In the upper body of
this legislature men who fathered the Board
of Control measure two years ngo , and
these men do not propose , they say , to have
any man who has not a state-wide rcputa-
I tlon for business ability and honesty put In
'the chair now occupied by ex-Governor Lar-
rabce It Is believed , however , that the op-
pcsltlon to Colonel Rood has arisen among
these senators who have as yet been un
able to figure out any way a man with a
position which commands a salarj of $5,000
and other convenient accompaniments should
want to give up a position for a $3,000 Job
at the state capltol. Cx-Board Treasurei
Hcrrod nnd A. B. Funk are mentioned as
likely candidates in case Hood's appoint
ment IB rejected.
Of the filteen bills Introduced lu the house
today there were but few which will be of
Ftatc-wldo Interest. A majoilty were local
In color and had a bearing solely on techni
calities. There were four which pertain to
the sale of Intoxicating liquors.
A bill which the bar deems of considerable
Importance passed the house this morning.
It was the measuie Introduced by Hum of
Ceiro Gordo , regaidlng Indictment , and en
ables notice to be served on the attorney on
lecord as well as on the defendant. As the
law previously read no evidence not before
the grand Jury could be taken In a trial re
garding which four da > s' notice had not
been served upon the defendant. The bill
just passed extends this piovlsion to at
torneys. When the bill came up In the senate
its consideration was postponed , but it
passed the house this morning without op-
A bill by Senator Hazlcton Is alined at the
Sunday opening of barber shops. In Council
Bluffs Senator Harletou says there are as
many as fifty cnbes pending involving the
closing of barber ( .hops on Sunday. The
barbers at present make as their defense
that they keep open "of necessity or out ot
charity , " as the law"Allows. Senator Hazle-
ton wishes to remove this ground of defense -
fense , by making provision that Sunday
barber shops aie not In the interests of
charity and neither are they a necessity.
The senate adopted a resolution this
morning providing that when the senate
adjouin on Friday it bo until 2 p. m. next
Monday , so on Saturday the sessions of the
upper body will not be held
Senator Allison has written a friend here
that he will call the Io a delegation to
gether the first week In February to con
sider the matter of the appointment ot a
federal judge for the southern district of
Iowa to succeed the late Judge Woolson. It
Is still believed here thnt the plum will go
"to " Adams ot Union county.
( mini } VinlHiii-N In CoriA Pillion Take
j I Thlmrtlon Couii ( > Trcn NII rorn
O'UMINC * .Stair \iiiiilnir. l .
DKS MOINUS , Jan 2. . . ( Spoclal Tele-
j giam. ) lown'h county auditors In Btnto conj -
j \cntlon today decl.ired In f.nor of free text
, bookH for the public schools nnd a central
depository fo- the booKs These oillcurs
were clcctcJ1'rcbldent , John S. JlcQuiston ,
PolK counts , vl.o president , C H Lyon ,
Italian count ) ; secretary. J T. Carey , Craw
ford county , triMHtucr , J. 13 Cheiry , Union
counts ; member of executive committee , C.
. C. StlleH , .Mmllhon count ) .
I At ! 1 o'clock this af(01 ( noon the audltori
and treasuieifi held a joint meeting -ind
\\ero addressed by Attoinoy General Hem-
Icy und TreaBUicr Hctrlott
The county treasurcis in theli coincntlon
went on lejord aa opposed to n state ex
aminer of the books and iccords of county
trcaburors. They denounced the meisiiro ai
a BLhcniP of some Intcrcatrcl party to creito
n now political olllco for political supporters.
They fmor Iho proposed law ghing the MI-
pcivl&ori of c'ach county power to employ
nn cNporl accountant c > ach year to examine
the trc.iBiuci'n books , but the treasurers be-
llevo this IB the duty of the county and not
of the itate. They elected thcto officers-
President , WIIILim Arnd. Pottuwattamlo
county , vlco president , M , A. Nicholson ,
\Vilgit ! count ) , secretary , K. J Wallace ,
Mills count ) , treasurer , IS. M. Ilortolt ,
Shelby count )
MIH. Dr. John Poopcr today sued her bus-
I bind , n piominent anil wealthy clll/en , for
tllvoKi- She asks $75.000 alimony and sa > a
that ho lavoith $ 00,000 Shi ) chaiges ciuel
treatment and sijn ho will not Jot her so to
church. They weio mnirled In CJSH county ,
Indlnn.1 , In iscri
The fir-Lretary of the State Hoard of
Health ho. " been notified of a caM > rf hmall-
j pox In Sugar Creek tounbhlp , Collar county
'it ' IH the lirtt cabe that haa 1)eon reported In
that pait cf ) tbo state. The patient wa cx-
I posed to the disease ubllc nttendlng eclioil
In Il\cm ) , 111 , nml wtu taken flsk before
reaching homo. Ho changed < 'nr'J nt Daven
port .mil wao at that tlmo In tbo preliminary
stages of Hinnllpox. A slilct quarantine has
been eslabllHhed.
Thn fulloulng cases were decided In the
j Hiiprnine court this morning :
J 11 lliuli ; Htatc tn iturur. aupellant
iigiilnbt Srlilon Hjcon , pxecutor of the estate-
| it n.irHi I' lliiii' m , Johnson re-
\or l 'Hhe cisl.Mf ; > ald nn Ir'iurlMn ' e tax
c i all bc-ueslH | to collatcrtil heirs IC-M } 1 ( XO
HIM ! the tre.mirvi brought jciCon tu rotover
llio tux on the Jl 000 dc > iluctc < l
sttjif agnliKt U C Jamliv.iii nnd W. < "
Crone , uppcllantti. Kruiiklln dlstilct , if-
D Wjbiod a-julij t Wetuter count j ,
.it ! , Wri' ' illmlft , alt'.rrnfd
Adolphus .1 A I * Kalk ,
tp.pellui ' null ) J Hutchlni > on und othtrs ,
clcfeniantti , Krcmon'j citstrlot. a' "
lima I'll ) I'uullry Slum OIICIIM.
IOWA CITY , la . Jun 23 ( Special. ) The
Iowa C'lty Poultry nnd Pet Stock HBSOC n-
tlon openud Its flrat unnual oxhlblt this L\CI\- \
Ing Kith nn addrs of elcom" by Mayo *
I" K Stubbing Hundreds of bandtomu
fowls , fanc > pigeons aud pet eto-k fill the ,
greet armco building Most of the exhibits
uro from eaatciu und boutlturn lena , with a
Knodl ) number from ndJolnliiK stnlos I * . II
Rhellabnrger ot Wool l.lnort ) Ig JudRp of the
poultry nnd 11 \ VValo * of the pigeons nnd
pol stock. Prizes of the \aluo of hcnrly $ BOO
will bo awarded for each variety
.uiot T TIIIoii \i , SCIIIMM , iin.i. . I
Duiilit < if UN 1'iiNniiKC Si-lrfllon
of Stf | > . I
DKS MOINKS. Jan. 21 ( Special ) lie-
hind the movement which resulted In the bill
for three additional normal Rchools nro all
the educators of the Btate. Plsuros show the demands upon the present normal
school nio entirely too grc-tt for It to meet
I'rlends of the movement point lo the other
slates which have IMS population I linn
lew a , nnd In proportion htivo moro normal
schoolH than It Is proposed to establish In
this state by this new mcasuio. l
The bill In the wnato Is fathered by
Hczlelon of I'ottnwatiatnlo county , nnd In
the honso by Iiers of Shelby. lioth bills ,
wl.lcli nio exactly alike , hnvo gone to the
committee on schools. It Is not unlikely
that amendments ma ) bo inado before Ihu
measures como back to Ihe two houses , but
It Is bclle\ed that the committees. n t n
whole nio frlondl ) . There will bo opK | > sl- I
tlon on the lloor of the two houses , but It j
Is believed that eventually the additional
schools will bo built. |
The bill Is the ono od bv the |
special committee appointed n week ago
by the caucus of these favorable to normal
ochools. It went bcfoio the caucus Tuesday
op this week nnd wni not changed ma
terially. The caucus thought best to elim
inate Iho provision that tbo buildings be of j
stone , nnd leave It discretionary with those
supervising the building whether the struc
tures bo of brlcK or stone. Then the pio- '
vlslon that no school should bo ncnrcr than I
three-quarters of a mlle to the. center of
nny town wns changed to one-quarter of a I
mlle , so that it might not debar some of I
the smaller towns which are nftor locations.I I
The levy of one-tenth of n mill provided
for construction was changed from four to
three years. The schools are to be estab
lished , one In 1001 , another In 1)02 ! ) and n
third In 1 ! > 03 Their locations nro to be
dctei mined by joint ballot In the legislature
ono week After the passage of the bill creat
ing them by n majority of all \otes cast.
The first town receiving a necessary majority
will get the Ilrst school ; the second getting
a majority , the second school , and the third
choice , the third institution Aftei the
tenth ballot the places receiving the smallest
number of votes are to be dropped from the
IIM. It Is bcllc\cd thnt before the bill
parses , howc\cr , a slnto for the localities
will be agreed upon among the members.
Tin- winning localities must furnish n hlte
of not le'is than forty ncies and a J25.000
bond for peiformance of contract
Sometime within the no\t two weeks It
Is expcclod the two bodies of the legislature
\\1I1 name trustees to succeed these whoso
terms nt the atatc educational institutions
empire. The terms of thcso trustees e\piio
this year At the State university I.
Babb of Mt. Pleasant , Oeoige W. Cable ot
Davenport , W D. Tlsdnle of Ottnmwa nnd
J. D. McCIcary of Indlanola ; nt the State
Agricultural college , A. V. Stout of Parkersburg -
burg , Charles F. SaIor of Des Moines , J.
B Hungerford of Carroll and William J
Dl > on of Sac City ; nt the Noimal school ,
K. Townsend of Cedar Falls nnd I J Mc-
Duffie of Lemars.
There Is but one contest at the State uni
versity , J. D McCleary having opposition
for a re-election. Carroll Wright of this
city and Superintendent S H. Shetikley ot
the West Des Moines schools are mentioned
as McCleary's successor. Dr. J N. Wlnt-
rode of Wintered Is also said to be > lu the
Of the trustees for the State Agricultural
college , Hungerford and Dixon will succeed
! themselves Charles Dallrelch of Dca Molncs
I nnd former State Dairy Commissioner W.
j j K. Boardmau are mentioned to succeed Say-
jlot I , -who Is In Honolulu. A. V. Stout of
1 Pcrkorsburg , E M. Wentworth of State
, Center and W. n. Monlnger , who resides
! i near Marshalltown , are candidates lo auc-
' cecd Stout. Townsend , the resident trustee
of the Normal school , died recently and a
, Cedar Falls man will bo chosen to succeed
SnIlM O > cr I n urn in Stork.
MOUNT AYR , la , Jan 25 ( Special. )
Several Important cases growing out of the
' Ingram bankruptcy cases ha\o been filed In
j the district court U. A Lanhond brings
| suit against United States Mnishnl George
IM Chrlbtlan and his deputy , A G Willla ,
asking for a Judgment of $7,000 of which
$6,000 is placed as the \aluo of Shannon i
City Cash store , and $1,000 as damages stis- |
t dined by plaintiff The stock was bought
November 28 by Mr Lawhead fiom A O j
Ingram. December 5 Deputy Marshal Willis
took posbcsslon and December 8 ho refused
to turn It o\er to Mr I inlicad. As the {
stock Is located In Union count ) the case is j
likely to bo transferred to the Union county j
1 docket. Attachment proceedings have also j
1 been brought In Iho district court by the I
La Porto Woolen Mills company against P
B Anderson , S r Lewder , buko Shay nnd I
'A ' O Ingram This will IIP turned over by
the dlstilet court to Mr. Steadman , rcforca
In bankiuptcy.
VSTv \ \ orun r'Acirii1 ,
Murk Tallin lU'lrlln Hie SU > r > ot nil
\ iml.lnudtciiturr. . ,
The. title of Maik Twain's btory In thn '
Certury , "My Debut as a Literary Portion. " j
igneh an Idc-a of the tnnlble tragedy of i\hioh i
lit lolls. In May , 18CU , a merchantman was
dcf > tiocd b ) fiio nt pea , and the crow nnd
two passengers put ofl In three boats , \Mlli
lations for ten das. Two of the boats were
lost , but the captain's , with lifteen frlht- |
full ) omaclatcd men aboard , reached the
Hawaiian Islands fort-thrco das later ,
after ti voyage of I 000 mlles or moro One
of the two pafsengers still survives and has
Ions been a profebsor In Trlnlt ) college ,
Haitfoid Mark Twain got the stoiy from
the survhors , whom ho accompanied from
Horolulu to Han Francisco
) i > IT an amazing atixcntuie Thcro IH
I nothing of KB sort In history that mirpa > * < ji
U In impobslblllties mudo possible. Ii ono
extraordinary detail tbo btirvlval of cVory
pcifon In the boat H probably utjndfi alone
In the hlstoiy of adventures of Its kind.
I'siially merol ) a pait of n boat's company
binlNPflIIIceis , mulnl ) und others educated
rncl tcndeil ) roared men. untipod lo hard-
nhl | > and heavy labor HIP untiaincd roughly
l eared , hard workers succumb IJut In tlilH
cuso even the imli'ft and roughest Blood llio
prUallnns and miseries of the voyage almost |
us well as dlil the colloge-brrd ) oung |
brothers and the captains I mean ,' - |
ally The minds of most of tbo nallorb broke
down In the fourth week and wont to tcm-
notnry luln , but phyhlcally the enduinmo
c\blhlicd was astonishing These men did
I not sur ho by any merit of their own , of j
'ce.nibe ' , hut the merit of the character and. .
intelligence of the captain , they lived by
the mastery of bin spirit. Without him they
i would ha\e been children without a nurno
! Tbey * oulil ha\e exhausted Ihelr provisions
lo a week and their pluck would not hate
I loBtcd e\en as long as the proUelons.
| The boat came near to being wrecked nt
the last As It approached the shore tbo
eall was let go and came down with a run ;
tbon the captain saw that he was drifting
swiftly toward an ugly reef , and an olfoit
I was made to hoist the nail again tut It could
i not bo done ; the men's strength was wholly
! exhausted ; they could not even pull an oar
Tl-ey wrro helpless and death Imminent It
wan then that they were discovered by the
two Kankakas , who achieved the retcue
TI'C ) swam out and manned tha boat and
piloted her through a narrow and hardly
noticeable break In the reef- the only break
in It In a stretch of thirty-five miles The
spot where th landing \raj raid * was the
only ono In that slreloh whfrp footing tould
liavo been found on the shore , o\or\whero
else precipices cnnio nhcr down Into ( orly
fathom * ofvnter. . Al n , In all Hint stretch
thl * wns the only spot where anbody lived
Wllhln ten days after Iho landing nil tbr
men but ono wcio up and creeping aliout
Properh , they ought to have killed Ihom-
seKcs with the "food" of the last few days-
Rome of them , nt nny iato men who hud
frclghtwl their sUuunc-lis with strips of
leather from old boots nnd with chips from
the butler cask. aTreljthtnKo which they ill I
not got rid of by digestion , but by olbor
menus. The rnptiln and tbo two passrngen
did not oat strips nnd chips , as the sailors
did , but scrnpcd the boot leather and the
wood , nnd mndo n pulp of Iho scrapings in
moistening thorn \\lth water The third
mate told mo that the boot wore old nnd
full of holes , then nddod thoughtfullv ' but
the hole * digested the best " Speaking of
digestion , hero Is a romarknblo thing , and
worth noting During thin strange \ \ngc
nnd for nwhllo nflorward on shore tbr
bowels of some of tlio men \lrtualh iciisi'l
from their functions , In some cases there
was no notion for twenty and thltlv dnv
nnd In ono case for forty-font' Sid-plug alt >
came to ho rnto. Yet tbo men did M-H won
' without II. During manv ili : > a tbo captain
fdld not Hlocp nt nil twonty-ono , I think , on
one stretch.
When the landing wns made , all the men
were successfully , protected front overeating
except the "Port.vghco , " ho escaped the
watch nnd ate nn Incredible numboi of
bananas , 152 the third male snld. but this
was undoubtedly an exaggeration , I think H
was 151. Ho wasnltondy nearly full of
i leather , It was banging out nt his ears ( I
do not state this on Iho third nmlo's nu-
Ihorlty. for jvo'havc seen what sort of person
ho vnn , I Htato ItVoHimyovvn. ) The "Porty-
ghdo" ought to hav'o died , of course , nnd
oven now It scorns ,1 pity that ho didn't , but
ho got woll. and as early as any of them ,
land nil full of leather , too , the vvn ) he was ,
and butter-timber nnd handkerchiefs and
bananas' 'Somo ot the men did eat handker
chiefs In these last dnS , also socks nnd he
was oua of thorn.
i\lciit of tlio Cidiiiih'M Ai'iiilr | Ml III
sKtron AiMtrs.
In an nrtlclo on "The. United States ot the
World. " written b ) ( Icoisje Lolnnd Hunter.
In Alnslce's , we Und this Interest lug oul-
llno of nermany'S' prpgiess in the last
twenty years. . ' 'Tho ' ( iciman umpire , lenrn-
IIIK wlfdoin from nnglnnd , and perhaps re
membering the nmbllions of the Orcat
niector two centuries before , refuted to bo
content with land empirei nnd longed for ]
the freedom of the sea. The ) went to
British shipyards and learned how to put
together the enormous shells of strel that
tire used today for commerce nnd foi war
ujon the oce-an. In many respects the )
have nheady surpnssed their tcacherB
"In the bhort space of sixteen ) earn the
Oormans have acquired colonies with five
tin es the area and one-lKth the population
of the mothei country. As the moc < tortile
spots on the earth had already been pre
empted , however , Ihey were obliged to take
what had been neglected by othcis as ot no
account. The first rich prize they secured
was Klao Ohou bay , with the piovlnce of
Shantung as a sphere of Influence. Here
the ) will liavo an opportunity to show what
German patience , German thrift and Ger
man method can accomplish Judging by
what has been done In less promising col
onies , the reMilt will bo gratlflng to Ger
man expansionists , of whom Bmperor Wil
liam Is Ilrst.
"In China there is every reason \vhy Ger
mans should align themselves with the great
commercial nations. Gciman manufacturers
have reached n. point where the ) can com-
pcto In open market with nny in the world
What they afak now is that their government
rhculd glvo them an opportunity to compete
And whllo agiarian Influence has In the
past hampered trade relations notably with ,
the United States the industrial growth of
Germany Is such that the political pqvvor
of the agraiians Is diminishing Of course
the Germans would not bo too modest lo |
ur ck-rtak& alone the exploitation of the !
whole of China , but that Is Impossible j
"Whllo no one can prophesy with certainty ,
what great power Is some day to occupy ]
Constantinople. It Is significant that the ,
Germans are exploiting commercially not
only Turkey , but also the Balkan ptatci )
German capital has taken advantage of the
personal Mlemlshlp existing between the
kalsor and the sultan to secure conce- J
sions In Turltc ) for the building of rail- ,
vvays and the Introduction of itenmshlp lines
The Influence tbat France once exerted In
the Levant has been supornFtle.3 by ( ieiman
Influence The Influence of Uuss'a ' , still
great because , of fear , bocomrs less In pro
portion as the sultan leans more upon his
fr'entl , Kmpeipr William. The theatrical
trio of the- latter to Palestine was an out-
vvard sign of this Gnglnnd. It should be p
noted , appears to bo content to allowGer - ,
mony to grow at the expense of Russia i
"In Peisla. again , German and Gngllsh
interests' are opprsod to Ru-alan interest- ,
When the Gonrins build to Ilagdad the
rallwa ) for which they aliead ) have n eon-
cession , .and which the Bttltan Is eager to
linvo constructed , It can bo made to pay
only by extending It through Persia to con
nect with the Hngllsh rallv/av In India
This would complete the overland roule
from lierlin , and the west to Bombay , nnd
would make Persia lo a considerable extent
commercially suHldlary lo Gorman mcr-
cbantH In Turkev Alone , England would j
find It dlfllctilt to orevent RuaMu from be
coming predominant In all Persia as she now
Is In northern Porclo Together Hngland
J N.Mtirdoi'k ,
270 SnodKrnsq
fitrct't , JnllafTcruHBajB : "My non
lintl n torrlble > Cancer on his jaw ,
for which tlio doctors performed
ft pninful operation. ciittniK down
to the bone nnd Fornjiing it The
GonV'ortiOon returned , hi > v\evornnd
wnfi moru violent thnn hofoie. Wu
w ore nd vised to try B 8 8. The second
end bottle inado nn improvement ;
after twenty bottles had been tak n
the Cancer disappeared entirely ,
nnd ho was cured permanently. "
-0 cta The
( Swift's Specific ) js the only remedy
that cnn reach Cancer , the most dendiy
of nil diseases .Books on Cancer and
Blood Diseahos mailed free by Swi'
Compnny , Atlanta. Ga
and term ! n\ < n to tholr imitunl ndv nt nn
open I'ornln to the oonimetv of tht vorld
nnd. whllo maintaining its nonllnnl Indo-
piiidoiice , Introduce tntxlorn rlvlllMlton "
l I
li-ui- ( I innrllc'lriic.i. .
LXno.Tun ( jr. Thr Plnnnclal Now"
publishes n di palih frotn Huetios Ares
flssrrtlng that the \rRentlno budget shows
a deficit of Jiooonoon
oriuco ol
Ma , t \tnct J that is
especially Recom
mended for Weak
Ner\es , Indigestion
and Insomnia.
MII\V vi uin : , i . s. A.
Cmana Brancn
1412 Douglas St. , Tel. IO8I
Digests what you eat.
Itartilk'hilly digests Uu food and aids
Nature in Btrentjtlicniiin and recon
structing the exhausted digestive or
gans. U Is tlielat estidlse.cneredrtlRest-
iint. . and tonic. No otlur piepaiatlon
can apnioach it In clllfieney. It In
stantly icllevcsand permanently cures
Dyspepsia , Indigestion , Heartburn ,
Flatulence , Sour Stomach , Nausea ,
SIckHcadaclie.GastialKiaCramps and
I'rlco MV. and f 1. I.irROhUrocontulnsS'S times
Prepared by E. C. DoWITT & CO , Chicago
OtroDK An.iertloiiF n > In Juit AVbal
the Ilcmccllc * Will Do.
Munjon guarnntert
( hit hli Rhcumatliu )
Cur will fnre neatly
nil caffo ot rlii'iuni *
tlfm In a few houra ;
tint his Pj pcp ln Cur
rill cure ludlgeMloo and
nil ttouncli troubles ;
tint bis K1iln y Cur *
will ruro ttO per ceut
of nil ccirg of tlclnej
trouble , tbat bli Ct.
tntrh Cure Till cure
ontarth no matter nov
Inn ; tl'iirtluc , tlmt till
Ilcadarb- Cure will cute
flDj klud of headache la
& few minutes ; tint
MB Cud Otire will
qulcklj lircnl up nnr
( em ot mid end to on through t..u entire list at
remedies At nil drugflsu , 25 cents n vUl
If you uce\l iiifdlcal mlrjco ttrltr Wrof. Muoyou.
tCOS Arch ( t. . J'hlla. It In abwlutel ? free
Marian ! \VliiB. World Famous 'I o.iic
It lmpro\M the appetite and .ilso ! i1 .1
icmarkablo olfc-t In strengthcni-ip lv
\olcoand maintaining Its tone i - c >
latter reason , joined \\itli ihc , ii
action of the entire system. II i i j l >
emplojul bj clergymen , law\cr , tcidi
era blngpis and .ictors
Sold bj all Druggists A\oid substitutes
ID )
HOWBLL'S c'nifs wlic'ii all r
ullii is fnll I'tomnt
in 11 linn Safe * anil
sure Tiy It iJ3c
WANT iU ; t , i--e ur nnd health that
H-l P-A-N-S will no1 ncnellt Hend 5 cent *
to 1'ipins C'brmlcnj Co , New York , for 10
i mil 1 010 testimonials.
Have for sale choice Fruit , Farm and
'Garden Land near Council Bluffs. -I-
, ' 50 acroB , mostly in fruit , adjoining city with 2 hots buildings ,
! J8 acres 4 miles east , with buildin o and fruit.
1 acres , house , barn and fruit , L'4 miles from post-ollico.
1 acre , with 7 room house , 1 i miles from post-office.
hf > aero farm at a bargain.
Office 39 Pearl Sf , Telephone 344 , Council Bluffs ,
fl ix'.x 2 boxes will hehi 'any VI' :
tUhn'g Drug Store , iBth &Hnrn m ,