Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 26, 1900, Page 11, Image 11

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    - ' qj " ' "O H
I I I 1C I 1 M A I I A I 1 A I I . V I tvI.1. . 1JMJT tl \ .r.vvtwijv o/ 1 1
dij for UICMC
K ; I n lie n until I'J in. tor tlic
cvcnlnu cdlilnil nnd iintll Nlito p , in.
for iiKirnlnu nnil Sninln > rilltlnii.
ItntcH , I ( : . ' < nTu < iiif ; Jlrnl lli crtlnti (
Ji' n ivonl Ilicri-hftor. 'Votlilnur < i licii
for Ion * tliiiu U.'o for ( lie first ItiNcr-
tlon. Tlu'NiiMlv < > rlxMneiitn iiuiNt lie
run i-niiKi-ciitlvflv.
A crdHiTH , li > roitit'stlnu ; n iiiini-
liorcil vlii-cU , can lin\c nn-morM nil-
ilroNNcit t'o a iiiiinticri-d iVtlirr In fun
it t Tli > lire. Aiinncr * NO mlilrenxci/
tlll In- < | < < Itvi-rcd on iircHi-iitnlliin o (
the flii-ok onlj.
A STENOGR'APITEll. When you warit ono
plcaHo call uii the Remington typowrilcr
olllcc , IG19 Farnam Bt. , ic-lephono 1373.
A ti35
YOl'NO man , 19 , wishes position where
Integrity and industry will secure ad-
viiricemcnt ; Malary no object. Address W
31 , Bdtr. A I5 M *
LADY mp.tblo ( if teirnlng good salary In
ofllcn work wartts. position. AddriMM \ \
39. Hee. A MR)6 ) 2S
YOI'NO lady wishes position to keep hooks ,
do general ofHcn work , Including typewrit
ing and latest In shorthand ; 'very _ low
salary. Address W 3S. HOP. A-MC.S.S 2 >
WANTED. Wn huvo.steady work for a few
good hustlers of good habits and nppear-
uncc. O , F. Adams Co. , 16IU Howard SI.
11 C3G
WH TEACH the barber trade thoroughly
In , short Jlmn , nnd furnish eaeh graduate
with a gmiruntrail pps'Ulon at good w-ngis.
There are more than ten barber positions
BdVfTtlocd to one nt bookkeeping or phorl-
hand. Write for tree catalogue and par-
tleularn. Wi'Htern Barbers' Institute.
Omahn. * H CoT
CASH for nccptitablo Ideas ; , state It pat
ented. Addrcs'ft Tlio Palcnt Record , Bal
timore , MU. ' . _ _
AN Intejllgent young man to tnke a short-
Imnd scholarship and pay for H when ho
has llnlshed t e. course and eecured a no-
tiltlon. Adtjross T32 , Bee. B M41S
3 picture a'gcnts ; .expenses paid. 1819 U av.
' 1 J VJ J .J fc'J
WANTED , paint salesmen -to work on
commission basis ; only thoy-e with experi
ence and references need apply , liti I-or-
nnm St. ' " irL- ? ?
WANTED. inana'ger nnd agents ; salary or
rommlstflon ; chcifpest nnd largest hue.
Hunter1 Tailoring nnd ShirtCo. . . Cincin
nati. O. ' n '
_ \ > ni ! _
SALESMEN to svofttOo } \ specialties ; line
side lines ; used by all merchants ; catalog
free. Model ilfg. Co. , Box B. South Bend ,
A YOUNG man attending school desires a
plncn to-work foiv board ; any honest
work. .Addrp.-n W 0 , Bee. B- I
MICN. Our .llllistniitrd'.ciilaloguo explains
how wu teach Iwu-ber trade In eight weeks ,
fnrnlhh popltlons t $ CO monthly , present
outlll of tools , allow applicants to earn , tui
tion ami make siioclal Inducements to
those from distance. .Mulled free. Molor
Barber College , Chicago , 111. B Mini 2S *
WANTED , ap .experienced traveling sales
man -for1 pr'oprlotnry medicines , to cover
Iowa , Minnesota. North and South Dakota
and northern Nobniska. Only those thor
oughly familiar .with the business and ac-
mlalntcjl with the trade need apply. Ad
dress Drawer II. Blair , Nebraska.
B MUG 2S *
WANTED , a practical fur dresser. O. It.
Gilbert Co. . tnxldormy anil furs , 1501
Broadway , Cquncll Bluffs. B M699 27
COMPETENT and. experienced salesman to
neil a line ot gootfs Id Omaha and take
charge of .pc.l5 carried liere. Applicants
must stlitri cxperlcneo and In what llnest.
References reiiulred. Answer. toW _ ( > _ 41 , j I
WA'NTED. nil rounfl k'oo.l. tailor of good
"llhblts ; permanent position to rlpht man.
WrKp A , 11. Gllmore & Sons , Atibilrn ,
Neb. ' . ' B M7I1 2C
WANTED , family help , both male and fe
male , for' Kearney Cotton 'Mills at Kear
ney , Nebniwlta. Work can bo quickly
Icarnbd to nleady iirvd Industrious
people ijood- wages will be paid. For fur
ther particulars address H. R.Veston ,
Supt. , Kearney. Js'i'bRis it.1 C57
WANTED , soHeltorfl ( Insurance ) . Some-
fhlng good and-striking , quick money ; In
vestigate. Address P. ' O. Box'GGG. Oniftlfn.
MG94 2G *
WANTED Girl for housework ; no tlhllUrfni.
iGlil Dav < ? n1 > ort ( SU . ' C 705 25 *
COMPETENT clrl for general housework.
2241 N.'MSth M. i C M70S 2S *
\VANTED. a girl for eooklng , washing and
Ironing'nius-f ; 'be. a goo'd , plain cook ; two
In family. Apply-332 S. 37th st.
. r C-M707 20 * _
WANTED.-ah Pxporlfncexl girl lo'eut cprll.- " .
Amilv to-Wfitern1 IMpti * Co.1501 tlotvnrtl
slreM , OmaSta. - ' .C M720 M
WANTBI1 KliM.ilH III3I.1' .
WA'NTED , 200 girls. 1521 Dodge. Tol. S7G.
AJ Intelljgnnt lady to take a shorthand
scholarship and imy for It when sh"
finishes thu oourso nnd secures a posi
tion. Address T 33 , careBee. . C Mil ?
SO glrlrt wnptsd. Canadian ofllcc 1522 Douglaa.
C-Ws F5
GIRL to help with house wxjrlc , 1G11 Cnrtiy.
G1HL wanteil , 201 S. JCth St. C G79-2S
WANTED , good gli'l tor general liotise-
wqrk. 191ti Wlrt Ht , . . , C MCSU 2i
, -
IF YOU' ' want your houses well rmjtod
plarp'thom with Behowa & Co. D-GIO
CHOIl"'M houses , rnttilffes , stores , Hi-n
B. Pnynp , COl JJ. V. J lfq. , 'Phono , ifliG.nry
HOUSES , Htorcs. Bcrnls , Puxton block.
D ( JI3
MAGGARD Van & .Storage , 1G1G Cap. Ave.
Tc ) . HSjtf. -'ill '
HOUSES for rciit In all purls of the city.
Bronnanl > ! yo Co. , ,303 So. , 13th sjtivct.
HOUSES for rent. J. H. Sherwood. 939 N.
1' . LIfc. 'Phono 35 * . - DMi 17
HOUSES , to reijt. Ptitte son , 305 N. Y. Life.
2 TO' 14 rooms , 'f3 to"ISO. . 3G U. 8. BMt bldg.
D 354
FOR RENT , d s > lrnblo lioiiHes and flats.
Rlnewalt. Rlirker block. D-fllS
FOR RENT , Rtniom hoime. ul modern con-
venlonrctt , opposite Haiihcom park. 1529
Park Ave. Innulre 2130 S. 33rd or tele
phone 1237. D-M1C7
_ _ _
{ "ci'MING s't. , seven rooms. modPrn ox-
"rent furnace ; ban Just hcn painted and
rrtiovnted : 'will rent in desirable tenant ;
only ? 20',00 , . Omaha Loin ; & Trust Co. " .
and l ueln D
jf-th r"lL
: _ _ _ _
1 N 'V4tli st. , 3-room iiiniliru Hat. $7.00.
2227 Spruce , frpoms , city water. , $9.00.
snin Seward , 5 room cottage , city water , $1C.
KB B. 23d St. . I rooms , rlty water $10.00.
S.TO2 N. SStli at-rS-rooin IKIUKO , $15.ft- )
R33 j S. JKth Ht./4-rvom cottage. $7.00
nilMuiv I roojiiH , city wuti-r. $7.00
Omaha ) . . ictli ami Douglas.
S15 8. 2qutt ; < ' - moilian sofun-ruom house
lu good c lUioii. 5-W. VnuV * 'Aou ' &
Truijt t'fji lhnMd Uquglaij sta. .D-24
l ?
_ - _ _ i _ . . _ . * -
OR ' RKNT. .B'X ' room br | k houne , all
nrJeni ; Mjt K.yijea jiye. . U3 W _
Uoujo , partly modern.
h . :1ll :1 : k AP Tukpy.
Board of T-rmU'-
rl'J BS.iorddi land with 11 " * ' ' . bjr1"n"lrt ! 1d
rn""an" ' T ° ° m ' ' '
I ,
KOU HUNT 1101 !
oOJ .SOUTH 2STII. 7 room. * , modern , $30 : 3007
Uehatpr , S room * , tmth ; 228 North ISth. fl
looms , barn , large ynrtl ; nlso Hats. Rlnst
wnll Urea. . Barker block. D-649
ON WEST Farnam Hill. i street , very
i hnlr-e , S rooms , nil modern , large lawn ,
' orner , oact f rnrf. , $8 < ) .
OS U. S. Nat I Bank bldR. D-605
nnxT KI ii aiinn ROOMS.
NICK rooms nt .ill 80. 26th street.
I3-MSG2 F2 *
FURNISHED room * , housekeeping. 2C23 53t.
_ Mnry' . B-M430 27t
DESIRABLE fi-rnlshw ) southeast front j
room , modern convonltuijccs , pr\vato \ I I
family. Addn is W 10. Ret < , E 701-29 * :
TUB Mcrrlam family hotel , 2Sth and Dodge.
ROOM nnd board , $4 and $5. 1512 Dnvcnport.
_ _ _ _ F-MS6S Fcb2
TO 2 gentlemen. In private family. 2020 St.
Marv'M Ave. F-MM3
Ft'RNIHIlEO rooms ami board , Refer
ences. 31G Ho. 26tb t. F M723 KI *
FOH RENT , store In first class Ideation ;
rent reasonable. Apply II. C. Peters &
Co. , ground floor , ilco bltlg. ' I-2G6
FOIl HUNT , a ground floor ollloe , siirclally
suitable for real estate , etc. , splendid
vault built for UHC of city treasurer. Ap
ply H. ( ' . Peter ? & Co. , ground lloor , Hoc
Building. . 1-267
FOR HUNT , brick warehouse , two floors ,
earh CO.xQO fret ; power elevator ? ; U. P.
trackage. Apply Hnarmann Bros. , 1914
S. 20lb. 1-651
HOLICITORS or canvassers of good np-
pparanco and address to Introduce an
article of everyday nso , those having
had experience In canvassing' or "Rolling
preferred.V 37. Hoc. J-703-25"
PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co. . 912-
914 Jones , general storage and forwarding.
ALL kinds of household Roods , hotels , etc. ,
lu lurpo or small nuantltlcq. Chicago Fur *
i ntturo Co. . IIOC-IO Dodge. Tel. 2020.
WILL purchase a limited number of
Omaha Saving * Hank accountK. llrcnnan-
Love Co , , 303 So. Will. 'N-G57
STAMP collections bought. Mortensen. 301
Paxton Block. -139 F18
$5,090 : TO INVEST In bargains. 1512 Duvc-n-
l > 6nt. N M7J8 F25
JEFFERSON Square 2ndhnrttl store. Fur
niture .t stoves bought & sold. 416 N. IGth.
O-150 FT'
GOOD hack , new wheels , $250 ; G pass , rtlb-
bor-tlred rockaway , llrst-cluss condition ,
$450 : light rockiiway , $185 , painted ; light
rockaway , $135 , painted ; 4 family car
riages , a phaetons , fi good top buggies.
Drummond Carriage Co. , ISth and Hnrncy.
P S2S J30
TOP BUGGY for sale , In good condition.
' II 40 , Hee. ' P-M190
CHEAP , top pheaton. 2209 North 19th St.
P 21S F10
FOR SALE Matched team 7 antl 8 years
old ; weight 1,000 ; two-seated road wagon
and harness. 2015 N. 17th Ave. P ( J.Ji > SO *
COLUMBUS phaeton ; newly painted ;
leather top ; bargain. Jackson's barn ,
2Sth and Humpy. P 827 J30
CllEAPEST and best oak" cribbing and hog
fences. 001 Douglas St. Q 662
CUTTERS of drug prices. Sherman & Mc-
Conncll Drug Co. , 1513 Dodge St. Q60
FOR SALE , ten R-I-P-A-N-S for 5 cents at
druggists. One gives relief. Q 6GI
H. HAAS , Florist , 1S13 Vlnton St. Tel. 77G.
Plants , cut ( lowers , bonnets , | in , , resi
dence , wedding and grave decorations.
Orders by mnil or express promptly filled.
Q-Cf > 3
INDIAN relics , mounted heads. 111G Farnam
2DHAND'safe cheap. Derlght , 1110 Fnrnam
' '
SAFES , buy , sell , exchange. ' 114 a 13th St.
; Q-CG ! )
WANTED , tb sell Bufidings N.OS , isu , isis
' and 1518 Dodgc.vst. ; purchaser to cloilr the
1 lot , ' GGxl20 , of all mKterlal and rubbish.
Apply 1G2I Capitol ave. Q 129
STERLING bicycles. SSJi.nmio better ; it any
price , come qulck'lf yon want one ; repair
ing and supplies. Om. Bicycle Co. . 16 &
Chicago. Q M599
COMPELLED to sell'fine JlSO Voso plnno' ;
used 3 months only. 1913 .Chicago St.
FOR SALE. 20 head good fresh milk cows.
Call afternoon Jester's yard , 25th and
Hurt s'Q ' EG4 25 *
NEW bicycles-complete. $1.3,50. Nob..CycIa
Co. , eor. 15th nnd Harncy. Q MG71 F23'
FOIl SALE , cheap , a complete outfit for
nmnufacturlng candy , to qlose out the
business , At No. 11 South Main ft. . Coun
cil HluffH. Q-.Mffi ? 27
NOTICE , country dealers. 2dhand furniture
fi stovtw nt lowest prices , carload lots Qr
loss. Chicago Furniture Co. , HOMO Dodue.
- |
HEWING machines to rent , 75c per week.
Nebraska Cyclg Co. , 16th and Haruey.
R-M.217 Fll
MRS , FRITX , clairvoyant , COS N. Ifith.
MME. GYLMER gcnuino palmist. 1COJ Dodge
MME. PALMER , medium , removed to 1707
Cass. S 4J.1 FS ,
MRS. BERRY , baths , miissago. PARLORS
bent iulpped In cliy ; porcelain tub ; lady
attendants. 119 No. ICth , 20 floor.
T-.M5S4 J C0 >
Franxcs Do Scutorlous of K. C. 107 N. 12th.
MM 13. AMKB. R. 2. 507 S. 13 ; maanuso baths.
T-931 Fi'
MAY WILSON , bath , mnrsago. 019 S. 16th.
T-M1SO I'3
MISS MACK , baths , massage , 2814 N. 16th.
BEATRICE HARLOW , elcKant muKsago
tub Imth ; Arabian treatment. Flat P. 703
8. Ifith. T-49J 25 *
MME. SMITH , room 2. llS'.fc N. 13th.
T MC03 27
MME. OENE , TIWHSUSP and cabinet baths ,
' 1701 Leavonworth Ht , 2nd II 'or. '
1 I 'HH-t , l\t \ 11
VIAVI Is woman' * vay to health 316 Hen
SHAMPOOING 25t\ hair dressing 23e ; hair )
' nnd toilet goods , best equipped. Monhelt. '
J5IS Farnnm. U-6TI
MONHI3IT. lendlne chiropodist. 151S Far-
, iipm , id. floor. y OTS
PCALP & hair treatment. Mine. Post , sm
S , 15th. . U-CT7
PRIVATE hospital forjadles before fc dur.
Ing confinement ; babies udoptrd. 1UO ? IT
LH3HEN. costumcr. 1S13 Howard , net
catalogues. U BiS i
cured , no knife , no pain , no
danger. Send for circular * . Empire Rup
ture t Cure , 932 New York Life building ,
Omaha. U MS43
GOOD ( lnre barn for rent In north pnrt 'at '
city. ( Inquire 2124 Locust. H _ I
PLEATING nnd pieateilI skirts of all kinds ,
Mi Goldman & Co. , 200 Douglas ( ' . .
PROF. LUND positively destroys corn * ,
bunlonp , warts molca. 611 Knrbach blk.
U IZi'-FlC
FIVE unfurnished chamber ? for hnusckcopHj
Ing I to man and wife. 319 N , 17th. O-6S1 !
J. E. DIETRICK architect and structural
engineer i , 510 Ramce block. U-2-11 I' 12 i
LADIES' ferret to enlarge your bust alx
Inihes free. JCanzemetto Co. . Jlllwaukee ,
Wld. U
$1,0(10 ( nnd upwards to loan on Improved city
property nnd farms , W. Farnam Smith
ft , Co. , 1320 Farnam. \V-GSO
tlONEY to loan on Nebraska and Iowa
farms ; lowest rates. Bronnan-Lovp Co. ,
309 S. 131 h. Omaha. W-ftSl
$100 ! < TO $2.000. F. D. Wend , 16th nnd :
WANTED , city nnd farm loans ; also bonds
and warranty. R. C. Peters & Co , , 1T02
Funuim St. , llec 13ldg. W 0-3
WRITE us If you want a loan on your tnrm
In lown , pastern Neb. or Mo. ; It will pay
you. Anthony Loan & Trust Co. , 315 N.Y.L.
J100.000.OiX ) TO Invest through Hunker.1' ,
Rrokers , Promoters ; send for circular.
Investors' Directory , N. V. W ( Mi
G PER CENT money , ncinls , Paston block.
MONEY to loan on llrst-chiss Improved city
property or for building purposes. Pnyno-
Knox Co. . N. Y. Life. ' W-O.M
r > , 5W , fi ptr cent loans tin Omaha , S. Omaha.
\V. II. Thomas , f03 1st Nat. bank. Tel. 1KI3
MONEY to loan -it ii nnd BU PIT I'ent on
Omaha property W. B. Melkle. 401 So. 15th
FIVE per cent , farm lonim. Chas. 13. Wil
liamson. W r,31
MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real
estate. Rrennnn-l.ovc Co. , 30 ! ) So. 13th.
PRIVATE money , low rate , no delay ,
c.arvln Uro. = . , 1C13 Fnrnam St. W 449
PRIVATE nioiipv , SIOO to $1,003. J. II. Sher
wood , 939 N. Y. Life. ' W GOO
$100 TO $5,000. 1512 Davenport.W
W M715 F25
I-F-Y-O-r-NE-E D-M-0-N-EY
We have a largo amount to loan on house
hold furniture , pianos , organs , warehouse
receipts , horses , carriages , etc.
You can get the money within n few hours
after making application. WE CHARGE
Wo give you ns much time as you need and
yon may repay the loan as soon us you
choose and you need not pay for It ONE
Tel. 2295. 300 South 10th Street ,
From $10.00 up made to people permanently
You can borrow of us on your own name ,
without endorser or mortgage. We ar
range the payments as easy UR Is possible ,
allowing you to pay ALL or IN PART
17FT * IT
Our business Is confidential.
Omaha Mortgage Loan Co. ,
Room 119 ; 306 South ICth Street.
Board of Trade Bide. Tel. 2295.
holding permanent positions on their own
name without endorser or mortgage.
'EST RATESy No enquiries made of em
ployer or friends. You can borrow any
amount and repay In asy weekly or
monthly payments. Before borrowing ? ee
me. OMAHA CREDIT CO. , suite 525-52 ( !
N. Y. Life Bldg. X 701
diamonds , watches , on easy payments , un
known to others ; you keep the goods , each
payment lessens the cost 5f the loan ; no
charge for papers and we make no In
quiries of your neighbors. Bergers Loan
Co. . 1601 Farnam , over B. & SI.ticket
olllce. X 491
MONEY loaned on pianos , furniture , horses ,
cows , jewelry. Duff Green , n. 8 , Barker blk
MONEY loaned salaried people holding per
manent position with responsible concerns
upon their own names without security ;
easy payments. Tolmnn , 70G N. Y. Jj. Bldg.
MONEY loans on furniture , rigs , bicycles ,
diamonds , watches , etc. ; payment un-
knoivn to'frlcnds. Omaha Loan'fiank , 14115
Farnam , upstairs. X ( HI
LOANS made salaried pcoplo on personal
note without security ; rates reasonable.
J. W. Tuyloe. 21S 1st Nat'l bk. 12 to G:13. :
MONEY loaned on pianos , furniture , joiv-
ery , , cows , etc. C. F. Heed , 319S.13. _
inloypd In Omaha. South Omaha tind
Council Bluffs , Ivolcllnir wood positions , on
their own names. NO MORTGAGE : BEST
TERMS , everything private ; money can
be paid hack in small weekly or monthly
pnymiMits. American Loan Co. . Room
601 , Bee Bldg. X-7BO
MONEY 'to loan on furniture , pianos ,
horws. cows , etc. .T. W. Taylor. 21S First
Nat'l bk. bids. 12 to G:15 : n , m. X 702
-A DESIRABLE wld-cs-tabllshed cash Imsl-
ne.'s. Owing to falling health 1 have
concluded to retire from business and
oifcr'my utock of groceries , tinware ,
market , flour and fepd for wilt1. If you
want a ilwlrahlo bushier Investigate.
Bartlett Grocery Co. . i00 ; and 002 Broad
way. Council Bluffs. Y-MG22 ( J2S
BOOT and shoe stock , or dry goods , or
grocery stock , or n hotel , all good. Also
Town farms. Box S74 , Shcnandonh. la. '
Y M153 27'
WANTED , n bright business man , with or
without nil ofllco , to represent a New
York financial house In Omaha and the
west. Address Wlers & Co. , 220 Broad
way , Now York. Y-MUS9 : G
plete Motion Picture public entertainment
outfit wllli larco iidvnrtlslng bills' and
everything ncedod , chpaj ) fo'r cash ; have
madP $ < JO to $300 icr week ; no cxperlenco
ruqulrod to operate It ; hew ; of reasons for
* piijne. Si'iul this ad and address Drawer
110. Ctilcnso. V-M7M 2ii
FOR SALE , drug mock $1,030 ; annual sales
J7.51K ) ; rent 517 ; good ohaiH'o for sumo one.
Lock Bos D. Wall Ltke : lu.
Y MT13 29
j MEAT tvirltet for rale cheap In St. Ed-
1 ward. Ni-b. itood location ; reason for sellIng -
' ' Ing pojr health. M. Wllllanuvjii.
' Y-AIT1J 30 *
I . . .
CLEAR vacant lot near -27th and Chli-ago.
MxHO , $1.230. Will trade for good rental
pr.oporty and nay cash difference.
George G. Wallace , 313 .1. J. BiownjBlock. .
IF YOl * have any Omaha Savings Bank
account ? to exchange for good Improved
Omaha rental property send your uddrecs .
stating amount , to W 19 , Bee olllce , and l
you will be furnished a list of tluprop -
crty by the owner. X.-M543 3i
! I HAVE bOO HCIHM of the best grazing \r.
wheat land In Graham county , Kansas \ ;
all covwrd with heavy buffalo grass
and clear jjf all Incumbrnnce. Will trade
for farm n ar Omaha or good improved
Omaha property ; will assume mortga.'o ;
or pay dlfTi-rcncit In cash. Call or write :
j J. A. Lovgrtn. 51S Paxton block , Cor ICth
und Farnam streets , / C4021
STYLISH dressmaker will sew in families.
' Adur-ss W 13. lite. M-T10 Febl *
FOH S Al.i-lli\L : : I'.STATU. /
for RENT. First lloor N. Y. Life , Hid * .
. RB-tOI
H' YOU hn\o n Imr.snln to offnr In real
p * > tate sep 3. A Brondwell. 301 N. Y * Llfo
A BAROAIN-Four acre ? . 40th ami Pnclllc ;
'two ' blocks from car lln < \ on belt rnll-
rim < l. $3.500 : en < y torme. McCnctt * Investment -
vestment Co. . liOT DodRp. RE 709
HOUSES , lolc. farms. lands , loans ; alro nre-
J Insurance.IJeinls , Paxton blk. HE 703
I OR BARGAINS everybody gops to 8. A.
Broa.lwwll J , 501 N. Y. Llfo Bldg.
HOUSES , lots , farms , lands , loans ; nlr > tire-
Innirunco. Bemls , Paxton blk. RE "OB
FOR tiuiulv returns on uargalns only see
S. A. Broadwcll , 501 N , Y. Lll'o IJWg.
NOTHING but Ivirgaln * hutuMpiI by S. A.
Brondwell , 501 N. Y. Life Bldg. RE-701
SNAPS In real estate ; money to lottn. L. L.
Johnson Co. , 314 S. ISrtl st. RE-710
FOR SALE Bargains In Knuill residences.
S. A. Brondwell , 510 N. Y. Life Bldff.
Real Eslate. Rentals , Loan ? , Insurance.
HOUSES lots" , farms , lands nnd Insurance.
R. C. Pnttornon , 305 N. Y. Life. UM 713
10'IJ ' NORTH 17TH street , two houses , rentIng -
Ing for JIO per month ; pivlng ( Mid ; pays
14 per cent gross : price , $1W : ) . .lohn N.
Frenzor. opp. old 1 > . O. IU3-MCOO
OWNERS of mil estate willing to sell nt
hnritnln prices should vail ujwii or write ,
NEAR ISth and Jncksnn nts. , G-rootn
house , lot 23x75 fPCt.'tl.GOO.
Southwest corner 3Slh nvc. and Jackson st. ,
120x150 fept : snap ; $900.
CO ncros within 10 milts of Omaha po3t-
olllco , 10-rooin house , born SOxfiO foot ,
some fruit trees , find place , near 1'odno
at. paved road , Improvements worth J2-
000 ; price , ? 4.0 < X > .
John N. Frenzcr , opp. old P. O. RE 370
12-R. HOUSE ami largo lot on Which $7,000
wn : loaned , price now. $3."V ) If sold In a
few dayn. Tills Is a grana opportunity.
S-r. hoiifp with full lot 9 blocks fiom 10th
Vi Farnam , $3.230 If sale Is made by Feb
ruary B.
i acres , house and fruit , $1OGO.
0 aerc-fl In Iowa , $1.050.
' ' . D. Wfad , 1M4 Douglas. RE CS2-2G
RE-397 F15
We have two big bargains In farms near
Arlington , Neb.
191-ncre farm nt , $ 5.00
23G-acre farm at $ JO.OO
Paynt-Knox Company ,
First noor. N. Y. Llfo Bldg. .
'Omaha. Tol. 1781.
RE 1S7 23
10 ACRES , one mile west or Florence , for
$1,500. W 2fi. Bee. RE MfiOS 26
5 ACRES 3 miles from postofllce , 3 blocks
from car , very line garden or fruit tract ,
goml houre , stable , well ; great bargain
nt J2.500 for this month : easy terms ; worth
double. George G. Wallace. 313 J. J.
Brown Blk. RE-CC1 20
BEAUTIFUL lot , fronting Ciimlng St. , opp.
Bemls park for $1,000.
r.-r. house and lot 60x127. SIM ; if not sold tihls
week price will be raised.
1-r. modern. Water , conv. 4 blocks S. W.
of Park Ave. . and Leavcnworth. $2.200.
F. D. Woad , 1521 Douglas St. RE-081-iG
FOR SALE. 20-acro fruit and garden farm ,
adjoining Seymore park and In easy dis
tance Omaha and South Omaha. Three
acres bearing grapes and other fruits.
Good fi-room house : good well , besides
other Improvements , Inquire Smith
Saunders , Council Bluffs. RE-M700 27
5-room house ur > d lot , renting for $10,00 per
month , 21f. near Bancroft St. ; part ctisjh
and pvirt time at 6 iper cent. Price , $800.00.
OLSLN , 1701 FAKNA-M- .
RE-JI719 2S
houses anil lpU > ; rertnn.gat , $29,03 , per
inomth , in gOdil iret | < Hborhood ; taken un'der '
foreclosure price.- $2,00ppu : jiart cash ; bal
nn'ce ' on time nt 6 percent.
OLSEN.170 , F.&N
Cixl42 : CALIFORNIA , nearly ooposlte St.
John's , just the place for home for member
of that tlhutiih ; cheap. Jor a. few day ? .
George G. Wallace , 313 J. J. Brown bio ! ; .
LOST , a pair of rimless oye'-glasses In
Columbian oi.tlcal case. Return to 425
Rarmja block and receive reward.
Losi-038 25 *
LOST , Tuesday afternoon , between
Twenty-fifth and Sixteenth streets , on
Farnam , pair of gold eyeglasses ' : i ases.
Reward If returned to Mrs. Jnmf" < G.
Hnlnes , 04 S. 25th St. . Lost G71 25
LOST , card ease ; telephone 1900 or return
4124 Nicholas ; .reward. } lrs. Loblngler.
Lost-M714 2G *
LOST , 'Saturday ' , silk po'odle , with brown
< -ollnr. Reward for return to Ida 'Bonds ' ,
509 X. ith Bt. LosU M722 2G
TYPEWRITERS for reut , $1 per month.
The SmlHi-Premler Typewriter Co. , 11 %
Farnam St. Telephone 1231. 714
WE RiENT nnd sell tJie best typewriter *
made ; largest stock of supplies In Omaha.
United Typewriter & Supply Co. , 1G12 Fnr- _
nain. ' 715
REMINGTON Standard Typewriter and
supplies. 1G19 Farnam. 71G
THE Oliver Typewriter , visible writing ;
heaviest manlfolder and cutp tlio llne&t
stencil. Tol. ± ' 7i. ; J. S. Stewart , Special
. \sent. 31SM : S. 15th St. . Omaha. 717
TYPHWUITKUS , secondhand. 111G Farnam. '
A. C. VAN SANT'S school. 717 N. Y. Life.
AT OMAHA Bus. Colleao , IGth & Douglas.
_ .
HOYL1CS' COLLEGE court reporter prlncl-
pal. Dee Bldg. . . 721
NEBRASKA Business and Shorthand col i" '
lege. Boyd's theater.
JOHNSON Ostcopathlc Institute , SIR N. V. ,
Life UUle. , Alice Johnson. D. O. . ladles ,
dopt. ; Gld E. , Iohn on , OHloojiathlgt. msr.
I . _
M. 10. DONOHUE. D. O. . < if Still fchocJ.
Kirksvillo. Mo. . GOl Paxton Idle. Tel. 13.i7.
LANGE. Htcam heated rooms , ? 1 up week.
Bo.ird J3 per week ; incula , 25c. GOl S. Will.
METROPOLITAN. Win. Harr , mar , ; $1 to
$1.25. 12th and Douglas. 'Phone 211.
, . Lci.'jr-L. '
STOt.'K'S Illrd store. PW3 Lonvonworth.
! ooicicii-pi\i : ,
- -
EVENINGS. $3 per mo. at Van Knnls wohol
717 N. Y. Life. G. R. RathlKin. OJH J29 *
in HM'frni : u
, PACKING , upholHicrlng , mattress and 'I '
, feather renovating. Tel. 1331. M. S. Walk-
, " " ' 21U c'"ml"K Hl- - - ° I
I .STA.1IMiilVM : ( )
" "
CURED. Jullu Vaughiin. 430 Ramge . * '
I -727
" ' _
I ' - ,
\ ' HOUSES \vi.\Tiuin :
I - _ _
i ( j'Ol ) stables aim good caro. 'Pli me 1051.
i J. W. I'helps. 207 N , Y. Lite. 225 Fll"
= :
'TRUNKS , tra\olliiB bags , suit eatps , Trunks -
i repaired Om , Trunk Factory. 120U Fuinum .
. .
TOWELSrPPLY175.iLpnvenWli.Tpl.SI ?
I '
SCHOOL VM ) I.A\nrAlli ,
FRKNCII. aermait , Spanish , * 2 per month.
Prof. Clmtelnln. KOI Boyd theater.y
* ' * " *
_ _ _
H. E"K E. lirRERMANN , furriers ; furs '
made t" order and repaired. US So. 15th. |
' . , . , ' , - . ' - . . . " '
( WXItii. with trackage , near heart of city.
W 35. Bee. , 672 FJS *
OMAHA PLATING CO. , Bte. building.M20S
EXAMINE Crci < ci-lit. Tribune. Olive , Few
ler , J25 to JW ; $1 down , any amo-uill , a
week. Flesehcr. lft2 ! Capitol nvc. 4T9
JKFFERSON Squate I inn OIHce. Its N. 1G.
F.AGLE U > n Olllce , rollnlilo , nccomtiKulat-
Ing : uM business cotilldcntla ) . 1301 Douglna
t'UT RATE railway tickets- every where.
P II. Phllbln 1505 Fnrnum. 'Phone. 7M.
Notice Is hereby given that The Bee Pub
lishing Company has filed Its amended ar
ticles of Incorporation In the olllce of the
Keerctarv of state , and als-M with the county
lerk or Douglas county , Nebraska ; that
by virtue of said amended articles of ln-
orporatlon It is provided as follows :
State of Nobiaskti , Douglas County ss :
Articles * > ; rre U ) , four ( I ) an < J five (5) ( ) , ot
he articles of Incorporation or The Bee
Publishing Company are. hereby amended
is follows :
The undersigned do hereby associate our
selves together and declare that we , to
gether with our associates uiul siuceisors ,
ite and snail l"i u porior".inn under and
JJ' virtue otne stauiu ol the state of
Nebraska , bv the name and style oC The
Bee Publlshlnc Co.
The principal place for the transaction
of the business of Bald corporation shall
je In the city of Omaha. In i'ic county of
Douglas and state of Nebraska.
The general nature of the business to
be transncte < l by th.s corporation shall be
to print ind publish dally , semi-weekly ,
trl-weekl r. weekly newspapers ami maga
zines , do general Jo'a printing , book pub
lishing , book binding , engraving , litho
graphing , nu-rtotyplng , dee1 retyping and
purchasing and selling printing machinery ,
printing material , printing stock nnd news
paper press franchises.
The authorized capital stock of said cor
poration shall be live hundred inousand
dollars ( J500.000.00) ) , uivldftl into shares of
live hundred dollora tjWO.OJ ) cacn ; provided
that no s'.o , ! i snail be issued In excess of
out : nundroit thousand dollars ( ilvW.OW.OO )
unless authorized by a two-thirds vote of
the outstanding stock of said corporation ,
upon ten days' notice to all stockholders ,
and provided , further , that no share shall
be sold or Issuei' for less fnan par.
The time of commencement of said cor
poration shall be the llfteenth day of Jan
uary , A. D. 1S7S , and the tlm of termina
tion of the same shall be the fifteenth day
of January , A. D. 1930 , unless rencwd or
dissolved sooner by a vote of two-thirds
of the capital stool : thereof.
The highest amount of indebtedness or
liabilities to which said corporation can at
any time subject HsUf ihall in.t exceed
In the aggregate onchrrd ( fc ) of the
amount of the capital stock , Issued by said
corporation , and no bonded or mortgage
Indebtedness shall ever be contracted by
said corporation.
The business and nftu'lrs of said corpora
tion shall be conducted by a board of
directors ? , five In number , who shall be
chosen by the stockholders , at their annual
meotlnir , each share of stock having ono
vote , which election shall be held on the
first Monday In March ot each year , nnd
they shall hold ofllce for one year or until
their successors are elected. A majority of
the board of directors shall form n quorum
for the transaction of huslmvC. Vacancies
in the board shall be filled by the remain
ing directors for the balance of the un-
explred term.
The ofllcers of said corporation shall be
a president , a vice president , a secretary
and a treasurer , who shall bo chosen by
the board of directors In such manner , and
perform such duller as the by-laws of said
corporation may prescribe.
Whenever one hundred and sixty'shares
or moreuf stock shall huvo been sub
scribed for the association shall be deemed ; i
organized as a corporation und , theruupoi !
subscriber subscribers for * -
any or ovcronu-
'hundred ' shares may call a m L-tlng of the-
subscribers nt some suitable place In lUfl
City of Omaha , for the election oj > ! IJcers ,
by giving notice thereof for not less than
three days In ono of the dally newspapers' '
published In the City of Omaha.
By-laws may bo made by the corpora
tion not Inconsistent with law or with-
these articles.
These articles of Incorporation may be
amended by a vote of two-thirds of the
stock , upon notice by the board of directors
to the stockholders of not less than ten
days , published In some dally newspaper
In the City of Omaha.
In witness whereof wo have hereunto
set our hands and seals this Sth day of
January , A. D. , 1900.
Stateof Nebraska , County of Douglas SB :
On this 9th day of January , A. D. . 1900.
personally appeared before me Edward
i Rosewater and George B. Tzschnck , who
' are personally known to mo to bo the
Identical persons who signed tne above
i amended articles of Incorporation and they
I severally acknowledged the Instrument to
t' ' tholr > . , ? , , . .
Notary Public
Scaled proporuta will bo received at the
ofllre O'f ' 'tihp ' umlcrflsned until noon on |
, Woilm-dlny. Fobru-iry 11. 1900. for tlio fur-
I malting of material ami the < oiuUrwtloii of \
j ' Mio Neb-'aski ' Soldiers' Mrwrlal annex In
Grant Memorial Hull , upon the Unlverilry
giounds < ii Lincoln. Nob. , ric.ordlng to the
plans and speclllcntlonu prnjjircd therefor
by ArchltfK-is Mows. Fisher ft Lawrlr.
wh'X'h phinu and s ecUlc-atlcm are on lile
nnd are 1o bo consulted In ti'ii ) olllco of tb
i nuperlnitemlent of construction , ruc-m 10j O'f
the Ci'iitrnl BulUins of the University.
i llitMcM will bo required to furnln'.i security
if m-i-any J > or. < 5o In the sum of ten i ruis.ind
dollars In * amo rr-mipnny bavin ; Icsul rc. > re-
we illation In the State cf Nebraska. 'Bidder ' i
, must accompany their propositions * with
rut'Ii. ' or cprtllled nhe.'ks U'-on numo Ne-
! brnsKa bank In dho aum of live bundi-id
d'Allat * . jvayabin to the 'BoaiM ' of RfeenlH of
I t'ho ' University of Nebraska , and to be re-
- II llciuldule.d ' In -
l tallied l-y d'am-ises i-u e
any jju.-rcni-'ful ' blil'Ur ' iif li t or refutes to
ruler Into contract furn'1 ! bind within
' ten diji aftir api-Er-i'iuiw * of his bid Bld-
deii 'nr.aist ' tile i of prleex of mu'c--
ilaU to ac. emi my llulr bids. Bid ; pr must
'sen ! t'helr prci rsnln. plainly marking the
'namp ' with tihilr names and nJlnssi , ro-
I spt'-tlvely. and alfO with t ic woirt " 111 < I on
t'onr.'i ' ; Bullur. ; " ar J file i'.ie ' faniP wt'h
i all aet'i-Tiftnylng papers In the nllle of the
I secretary of falil BCJ ; .1 of Regents en or br-
fore 'ih9 date av.l . hour abovi mpr.'tluncl.
IIOO.TI H'J Cftitrul Unlvciilty LuKJIr * In Ltn-
l coin. T.iu r ! Cit Is rPHerved to reject any1
and all 1 > id < . T'.ulioar ' : ! ' Rcfier.tii will
inn1 un Fi binary 15 , at whl..h mcctlts 1 : Is
pxpocitfd thlt hid ? will be examined/ Bids
bhould bo at'.it In fare of J. .S. D.ilc-.i , Hei-ro-
Uury. jI2j-30
" ' ' " "
The plans nr'i ' i.jerlllratlons for pic--llnr *
a Cntiholle cliurih at TfniplPnon , In. , will
| t > o placi.l In the c.JIIf e of ' 1 he Omaha U f ,
' nl u lit St. Louis \vith ts Cordon :
ISt'jr'tur. -T < ! a i Tc-npli'on , lu. , for In-
> * Y4oiiai. BIC'J tnu/t IIP sent l'i by the ! Uh
i of Fcbiuury , 1SOC. Bid * rpcc-lvt J by Frank
! Schnlltur , * e rc'tnry i > f bulldlrj c. .T'liltlee ,
jTlIABllK- ' " . ' J24 < lei { ' "
, NW.Ua IM horiOy given tha'i e.-iltd S'to-
' fic aU nlll be rt 'elvi < l by the BcjrJ of KOu-
'iatlon ' c.f the School Dlftrla of the City of
NcutCi I'lat-o until \i \ o'clo.-k in . FI bruary
' 17. Vfjfcr the err Jon ( f n l-'ilrleen-i J'-'ii
inlfk bi ho .1 r. iKI | : j. Plan i ar 1 * iuIlliu -
' . , r J .un bi sifll ut thp ofl'.p ' of MliBt. . rr-
ur > it Norlh Plit'cNt ' Ji jika. ar 1 at ; if
oil'of ! 1W ( Irir. Llroln Neb . aertl I-
llt-U die k of $ iOJ.oo to accompany ca h b.J.
i. ! , ( ; MoTirw. .
T ? . . Fihxwftii bidder to nlvrIrohd for - *
fn thful nrrf rmniu e of thp contract In i-v
turn ! ! cf Jio.opj
Thp ' board rt'iir-fvf * thrright to rpjert nt-\
'an nil Mil * .
UiMftt. 1SKNHART , Secretary
B. L. lUHUNSON. RreMdtMU J .I1-i
posTopncu x
( Should bp rend DAILY by all Interested ,
ns-phnnfips may occur at any time. ) I
J Foreign malls for thp wn'k ending Jnnti- I
nry 27. 1900. will dive ( PROMPTLY In nil
rasp" ) at tho-Opr.rrnl IVnlollU-p as follows :
1'ARt'ELS POST MAILS elo e one hour
earlier than i losing time shown below.
Parcels Malls for Germany close HI |
5 . . .
p. m. Monday. j
TritiiN-Atlnntlc MnlNi '
LANDS direct , per a. v. Rotterdam , via
Rotterdam ( Ipttpr * must bp directed "per
s. s. Rotterdam" ) ; at S:3 : ( ) n. in. ( unp1r - !
mentnry 10 n. m. for EUROPE , per s. f. I
Cnmpnnla * . via QUconstown ; at n n in l
for ITALY dlrpet. per s. f. Kalspr Win
11. , via Naples ( letters' must be dlieoted
"per s. s. KTilser Win. ! ! . " > : : ' . ' . in n m.
for SCOTLAND direct , per . K. Ethiopia ,
via Glasgow ( letters must be directed
"per s. . s. Ethiopia" ; . j
steamers sailing on Tuesdays take Printed , i
Matter , e'e. for Germany , mil npeilntlv l ]
Addressed Printed Matter , rte fnr otli < r
parts of Europt- . American nnd White
Star steamers on Wednesdays , German
steamers on Thursdays , and Culiard ,
French iwid German atcainrr-j nn Satiir-
days talfr Printed Matter , etc. , fur nil
countries for which they ar * advertised
to carry mall.
After the closing of thr Supplementary
Transatlantic Malls nature ! above addi
tional FtippleniPiltary malls are opened on
thp piers of the American. Engllsn. Fronrii
and German strainer and remain open
until within Ten Minutes of the hour ot
sailing of steamer.
for South mill Central Ainerlen ,
Wet * Indies , Kir.
FRIDAA'-At 11 ii. in. ( supplomentnry 11-3t )
a. in. ) for PUERTO RICO , via San Juan.
CURACAO nnd VENEXUELA , per s. s
Maracalbo ( letters for Savanlllil and
Carthngcna must be directed "p.T s. s.
RRA/.IL , per s. s. Horutlo , via Para ,
Maranham and CPara ; ul S a. in. for
BERMUDA , per s. s. Trinidad ; nt in u. in.
( supplementary ln:30 : a. m. ) for FOR
and CARTriAGEN'A. per s. s. Adirondack
( letters for Cocln Rlerx mils ! lie directed
"per s. s. illrotiilnck" ) : nf 10 a. in. ( sup
plementary 10:30 : M. m. for HAITI , per s. s. | '
Andes ; at 11 a in. for CUBA , per s. s.
Mexico , via Havana : at 1 p. in. for Nl K-
V1TAS , per s. H Yarmouth ; at 1 p. in. for
LA PLATA COUNTRIES direct , per s. s.
John Sanderson. , . _ , . , .
SUNDAY-At " 2:30 : n. m. NASSAl . per
steamer from Miami. Fin.
Malls for Newfoundland , by rail to North
Sydney , and thpnco by steamer , close at
this olltec dally at S:30 : p. m. ( ponnept-
iliiR close liere every Monday Wednes
day and Saturday. MnlH for Mlquelon ,
bv rail to Boston and thence by steamer ,
close nt this olllce dally nt 8:30 : p. m.
Mails for Ciip.i , by rail to Port Tampa ,
Fla. . and thence by steamer , close at this
ofHce dally ( PX ept Monday ) at * "i a.
m. ( the connecting clones are on Sunday ,
Wednesday and Friday ) . Malls for Cuba ,
by rail to Miami. Fla. . and thence by
steamer , , close at this o.v.r pyi-ry Mon
day , Tuesday and Saturday at * 2:30 : a. in.
( tlio connecting closes are on Tuesday
and Saturday ) . Mulls for Mexico City ,
overland. , 'unless specially adrn-cssod for
d'spateh by steamer , close at this olllco
dally at 2:3' : ' ) n. m. and 2:30 : p m. Malls
for Costa Rica , Belize. Puerto Cortcz and
Guatemala , byail to New Orleans , nnd
thence by steamer , clo c nt this olliec
dally at * * 3:00 : n. in. ( connecting closes
hero Sundays nnd Tuesdays for Costa
Rica and Mondays fo.Belize. . Puerto Cortez -
tez and Guatemala ) . * Reglstered niHll
closes at G p. m , previous day. "Regis
tered trail closes at G p. m. second day
before ,
TrniiNl'nclflcMalls. .
Malls for China and Jtiinnn and Philippine
Islands , via Seattle elope hero dally at G0 : !
Ii. m. up to January * " 21. for dispatch per
s. s. Uiojun Mnru ( registered letters must
be directed "vla-Scattle" ) . Mails for China
and Japan , via Vancouver , close hero
dully in 6:30 : p. m. up to January " ' 23. Ini
elusive , for 'llspntch per s. s. ICmpress of
Japan ( registered mull murt be directed
"via Vancouver" ) . Malls for boelety
Islands , via San Frnnclsun , close here
dally at. G:30 : p. m. up to January 2fi. In
clusive , teadispatch by ship City of
Papelll. Malls for Hawaii , Japan , China
nnd the Philippine Inlands , viu San Fran
cisco. clo e here dally at G:30 : p. m. up to
January " 27. Inclusive , for dispatch per s.
s. Doric. Malls for Hawaii , via San Fran
cisco. close here dally at G0 : ; ! p. m. up to
February * * * . ! , inclusive , for dispatch per
s. s. Australia. Mulls for Australla ( ex
cept West Australia , which goes via Ii.ii-
rope , and New Zealand , wJilch goes via
San Francisco ) Hawaii , and FIJI Islands ,
via Vancouver , close here dally at b.0 : p.
in. up to February . ! . Inclusive , for dis
patch per s. s. Miowera. Malls for Aus
tralia ( except West Australia ) , New /.ea-
lanil. Hawaii , FIJI and Smnoan Islands ,
via San Francisco. 0100 here dally lit ( > :30 :
11. m. .after February * ' * 3 and up to Febru-
nrv * " 17 inclusive , or un day of arrival
of's. s. Campania , due at New York Feb
ruary " * 17-for ' dispatch per s. s. Alameda.
Malls for Hawaii. China , Japan and tlio
Philippine .Islands , .via San Francisco ,
close here daily at G:30 : p. m. up to I'fb-
ruury * * * 4 , Inclusive , for dlS'imtch ' ] > or B. s.
iH ) Martt i , . , , , ,
VJ . .r.theB ccSaDffuo'L.'l.k-'jizJF-w ' mb
Trnnsparlflc malls are forwarded to port
of sailing dally and the schedule ot clos-
- the presumption of
ln > isi'arrnnged on
thole uninterrupted overland transit.
"Reglsterort mail closes at G p. m. jirevl-
OCORNELLUS VAN , COTT. postmastor.
Poslofllre. New York , N. Y. , January 19 ,
KOpl ) & Council Bluffs
Railrosul "The Burling
ton Route" Ticket Office ,
1502 Farnam Street. 'IVlo-
phone , 250. Depot , Tenth
nnd Mason Streets. Tele-
pHotH' , 310.Leave.
Leave. Arrive.
Kansas City Day Ex..a s:50.un : a 5:15 : pm
Kansas City Nls'ht ' Ex .alO:15 : pm a G:30 : am
St Lotds Flyer for St.
Joseph ami St. 'Louis..a ' t:5j : pm all:15 : am
souri River Railroad
"The 'Burllnstnn Iloiito"
General Olllces , N. AV.
Corner Tenth and Fiirnani
Sts. Ticket ollice , 1502 Far-
nam wtreel. Tolcphone , 250.
Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Tele-
I hone 310. Leavo. Arrive.
iiu-oln , Hastingii and
Mi-Cook . a 8:40 : am a 7:40 : pm
i Lincoln. Denver Colo-
j i rado , I'tnh , Ciillfornla.a 4Z : > nm 11 3:55 : pm
lLlm-oln. ] Bln < k Hills ,
Montana t I'uget
| i *
! ' Hound . fH:2i : ! pm a 3:00 : ptn
Lincoln I > ocal . a 7:00 : pro alOC : ; am
Lincoln Fast Mall . a S'.W pm alO:35 : ama
, Lcnver. Colorado Utah
! i & California . ' . a 0:35 : am
| a Dally.
& Qulncy Rnllroad-"Tho
Hurllnstun Route" Tlckca
Farnam St.
Lenvo. Arrive.
Daylight Chk-ago Spo-
< ml . a UIO : um
( tiii'db'o Vestlbuled Ex. . a 5:05 : pm n 8:00 : um
rhirnso Express . aS : ! iim a 4:05 : pm
St. L. Ex a 7:15 : pm a S0j ; am
Jiiiu'tlon Ix > cal..alOIG : am
a 2:13 : pm
, Tlpltof Olllcn , 1501 iParnnm
Streel , Telephone 3ft. De
pot , . 'J\iili ( and Mason'
Streets. TPlephono C29.
Leave. Arrive ,
| i St. Louis "Cannon IIa.ll"
I Express . .u 4:50 : pm a 8:35 : am
a Daily
I CHICAGO & NoitTii-
j western Railway "Tho
Northweatern Lino"
Mt > Tleknt Olllce , 1401
' Farnam Slrt-et. Tiile-
| phoili ) 561. Depot , Tenth
and Miuon Streets. Tele-
phone. c"j. l cuvu. Arrive.
< Daylight Chleagff Spc-
t'fai . ii c:40 : nm ml sal inn
I'hlpoKo Pa > M-iiKf.r u 4:15 : pin alO:10 : am
Eastern Express. Dep
MdlIKllarwlialltown ,
i ( ' ( jjiir Hapld/f t nd Chlr .
| rage , (110:55 ( : am n 4:05 : pm
: Eastern Llmili-d , Chi-
l fiigo ami Eav : . , .a.KoS pm a l:05..pui :
iFaKt ! Mall , C'hlcago tu
rOmaha , i 2:15 : pm
( Jinuha-i'hli ago HiKMul.a t.uO pni a XIH : ) um
IFast .Mull u S:3V "j
u Dally.
n tu.wTMII : Tvni.m.
jrnuMiwr EI.KHORN *
Ml-s v.rl . Vnlley Rallroa.i
' The' Northwestern Line
OMiernl ( Jllll-pc , ' United
Slntex Nntlotinl lik. UldK
S.V. . Comer Twelfth
_ - ind Farn.-im H ! Tlehr'
Ofllir , 14rl rnrnuni St. Telephone Ml. De
pot. ' ISth and Wchslor St" . Telcphonp.lMS.
l'B LonV * . Arrive.
Rlm-k Hills. Dendwood.
Hot Spring * n 8:00 : pm n fi:00 : ptn
Wyomlnit , Cnsppr tutil
1'ouglss d 3:00 : ptn P 5M ! ( pm
HastingYork. ! . David
City. Superior. Clrnpvn ,
Exeter and Howard. . . . ! ) 8:00 : put I ) 5M : pin
Norfolk. Vrrdlgrp nnd
Fremont b 7:30 : inn blo'J6 : am
Lincoln , Wuhno and
Frptnont Ii 7:30 : am Iil0:2 : > am
Fremont Loenl i7:30 : mil
a Pntlv. . b Pallv except Sunday. P Sun
day onlv d Pally except Saturday , o
Dully except Monday.
lUllMad - "The North
western Llnp" Genpi-iit
Dlllce ? . United States
National Bank Building.
S. W. Corner Twelfth
and Farnam StH. TickPt
oillro. 1101 F\rnnm : St. Telephone Mil. PP-
pm. Tenth * Mason Sts. Telephone USi.
Leave. Arrive ,
Txvln I'ltv E\pr - < s . . . .a (1:50 ( : am iilOf : 0 pm
T\v'n ' I'ltv Limited . a 7:20 : pm u 8:15 : inn
Si , . \ I'ltv Lneiil . . . .a S:00 : am ii 4:2ti : pm
Minneapolis ft Omaha.
Railway - "The North
western Line" - - General
Olllees. Nebraska Divi
sion , 15th nnd WebsJtpr
Sts. City Tlrket Ollli-e.
1101 Farnam St Telephone 661. Depot. I5th
and Webster
Leave. Arrlviv
Twin City Passenger..n C:00 : am n 9TO : ptn
Omiilui I'ns'eiiKer till:20 : uin
Sioux i-lly .V North-
past Nebraska n 3:10 : ptn
a Pally , b Dally except Sunday.
, niil u Illn
"i ; . 'til Rook IH- |
diul .voiHu. " City Tlok-
PI tilllce. 13J.1 l-'arnnni
Stn > et. Tivlephone. 42S.
Depot , Tenth ft Mason
Street H. ' 1' , t > 29.
Leave. Arrive.
Lcs Molnes nnd Daven
port L a 7:0.1 : am hll:3 : am
{ hi MHO l-2xprps bll:15 : nm a S:10 : am
t 1- ' 'ico ' Fast Express..a 5:00 : pm n 1:2.1 : pm
'Hi. Paul Express a 5:00 : pin hll'M am
I ni < < < n , I'uliirailo Spgs. ,
IJonvi-r. Pueblo and
West a 1:30 : p m a 1:2.1 : pin
Des Molnps. Rock Isl-
ind and Chicago v 7:21 : pm a 5:50 : pin
Colorado .t Texas Flyer.a. 5 55pm n 9:20 : um
b Dally except Sunday.
l.ind Route" General Olllce" ,
N. E. Cor. Ninth and Fiirintni
Streets. City Ticket Olllce , l.ltu
Farnam Street. Tolpphono ; ilti.
Depot , Tuiith and Mason
Streets. Telephone G29.
Leave. Arrive.
The Overland Limited..n 8:50 : am n 7:20 : pin
The Fn t Mall n 9:00 : am a : t:25 : pm
The Colorado Special. . . 1111:55 : pm a ti:35 : am
Tile Portland Special..u 8:50 : nm n 1:40 : pm
Lincoln , Ileatrlce and
StroniHburg Express..b 1:1(1 : ( pm 1)12:25 : pm
Pacific Express u 4:25 : pm n C > :35 : tun
Grand Island Local b 5:30 : pm b 9:30 : am
a Dally , b Pally except Sunday.
St. Paul Railway City
. - , . ' 5o " " - - . Ticket Olllce , 1WM Farniim
IMLWA"EE : Strcpt. Telephone 2SI. Depot.
L""Sfa I Tenth and Mason Street
- > * if/ ; Telephonu C29.
" .Jl/ Leave. Arrive.
C'hlcago Limited Ex..a 7:35 : pm a So : : : am
rnkago ft Omaha Ex..bll:00 : am b 3:55 : pm
Hloux City and DCS
Molnes Express bll:00 : nm I ) J:5o : pm
a Dally. 1) Dally except Sunday.
, OMAHA ft. ST. LOUIS RAILroad -
i road Omaha , Kansas City
| ft Eastern Railroad "The
! Qulney Route" Ticket Of-
i i llcc , 1115 Farnam Street.
Telephone. 322. Depot , Tenth
ami 'Muson ' Streets. Tele-
p.ionc , G29 ,
Leave. Arrlvo.
St Louis Cannon Ball
'xprcss a 4:4o pm a S:3G pm
a S:50 : pm
road General OlllreS and
Ticket Offices Southeast Cor
ner 14th and Douglas StH.
Telephone , 101. Depot , 15lh
and Webster Sts. Telephone ,
Leave. Arrive.
Si Louis , Kansas &
Neb , Limited a 2:30 : pm al2.w : pm
K C-St L. Express..a 9:50 : pm a C : . > 0 am
Nebraska Local Via
Weeping Wate.r b 6:0jpm : a 9:15 : am
a Dally , b Dally except Sunday.
HIMV n Sixth Iiiriuitry .Soldier Died nt
' Siiiillnuo.
"Do you spe that name , William S. Sims ,
on the tablet up there ? " said an olllcer ot
the Sixth Infititry. pointing to the Sixth In
fantry tablet on the face of the water
tower at Fort Thomas , report the Cincin
nati Enquirer. "Well , I want to loll you
something very queer concerning the death
of that man at Santiago. '
"Sims had gone through the hellish lighten
on the 1st of July , through nil the lirlng
while we were In the trenches up to , thu
night of the Oth , when he was on outpost
duty. The outpost of each company con
sisted of an olllcer , noncommissioned olll-
ccr and three men. This detail was posted
outside the trenches toward the enemy to
prevent a party ( sneaking up on the
trenches. One man on post wus posted
about llfty yards In front of the rest of I ho
party , that lay down , one man belnfc on tlio
alert to listen to the low call of the sentinel
If ho heard anyone coming toward him.
Well , about 10:30 : o'clock that night two
shots rang out in rapid succession , and all
was excitement in a moment , as there had
been no firing since early In the afternoon
nnd all but n few wcro asleep , worn out
with the Htraln of the last eight days.
"Running up to that part of the tiring
line whence the hhols were heard I KHW
several men handing down nver the top
of the embankment the body of a man.
Tlio doe-tor was with mo and he asked
where the ninn was shot. The lieutenant
who wns In command of the outpost Had | :
'Ho Is not wounded , but ho Is .dead. . Juxt
the same , ' and so It proven. The doctor
made a careful examination , aided by the
bright atnrll ht , nnd not a wound was to
bo found on the man , but his heart wn
Btill In dealh.
"What was the matter ? Heart dlecaec.
It Hhut off Hkn lightning , and Sims never
know what killed him. Tlio men nf tits
party Bay they wcro nil lying down asleep
oTept ono man. Ho eiayii when the BOII-
tlnpl fired the idiot at il supposed Spaniard
approaching all the Bleeping parly sprang
up at once except Slme , who smt up nnd
then Immediately lay buck again. The
party rushed to the ( support of thu mmtlnel
nnd on their return found Sims , OH they
EiipptiBed , asleep nfinln , and on ehaklng him
found him not uoleep , but dead. The doctor
paid no doubt the mnn had been on Mitch a
Htraln for th last few days that hlu' weak
' heart Dimply stopped when hi ) wan awak
ened with Biieh a start , and I'o fell back a
dead man , In await the sounding of CJn-
brlel'H reveille , for ho'hud heard Ihn Inat
of tlio trumpets of the gallant Sixth. "
A filvrAviiy. .
OlilcuQO NOWH : "Ah , major , " suld the
Ktatoly woman under the palm , "you have
been down on your Uncca before that south
ern coquette ? "
"Madam ! " retorted the major , holly , "I'd
Imvp you in know that I don't kneel before
women. I nm too sharp for that. "
"Hut you are not sliarr ; enough to
the dust from your knees,1' rcapor
Size dcejD't Indicatenuuic ! > - . Itf.var ? ot
counterfeit ( ind worthless salve offprcl for
j DeWllt's Witch Hazel Salve. De\Vitt' l >
the only original. An Infallible cure tor
{ piles and all skin diseases.