Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 26, 1900, Page 10, Image 10

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    1(1 HE OMAHA DATLV BEE : F1UDAY , JANUARY 2H , 1000.
Confirmation of Flagne Rumors it Bosario ,
Argentine , Aids Wheat
' .Iroppool'n AilvnnrrI.nrnrly n Knrnr !
l nrl.r In Ihr Inltlnl Unlii Ciirii
and Unix n Hlindr I p , I'ro-
vlnlonn llrKrr ,
CHICAGO. Jan. 55. The -wjifnt market
n-as firm toOny , mainly helped liy conllruia-
tlon of rumors of plngtip nd llowtrlo , ilay
closing a nhatlo over yeslcnlny at C7c. Curn
and oatB rlocHil each a slunkup ami pro-
Vlslonn Sf)12' ) < .c liettor.
Quiet prevailed In the triicitt pit Ihrotiph-
out the nnnloti. Conllrmallon of the
rumored pnvenciN of the plasut' In Hoirlo
was ( he chief support , giving the innrket a
tone of llrmnwd. The rold woaUier west
and the stciidlness of cables were contrlbu-
tary Influences In the stividlntHs. The Liv
erpool advance early was largely a factor In
the Initial gain hi-tv. .Mny opened ' /ic over
yesterday. ' 1'he ' entlrn range was narrow ,
ilay selling between C7'ic and 5-lTitC. closing
sliade up at d7r. Cash people reported u
better Inquiry , but no buslneys tranactrd.
The export IniHlliesv was .stagnant. New
York reptirtptl 5 loads taken for export and
the sea'lKKiTd ' clearance * In wheat and Hour
e < liml ( o SOG.Ofo l > u. Primary rc-tolpta were
320WJ bu. . cninnnrnl wliSi 055,000 hu. last
year. Minneapolis and Uulirlti reported ! M
irs , atalnst 2l > 2 last week and IVJ u year
a-so. Hocelpts here were 23 cars , 1 of eon-
trart grade
The corn market was dull and , nivo for a
momeintary dip , llrm. Light nvi-lpts and
small country offerings , with M > me sym
pathy wlMi w4ic iti , u'rru tJic inllui'iK'es. The
Khlppln demand from Xi-xv York was sloxv ,
but linitrovcd from Phlladelimia and Haiti-
m rn. HeoelptR hciovete 1H2 ears. Jliiy
nangc l from .Tifi-ll' e to .ta''ic , closing a
hudo up at 33ii < ' .
OatMtis dull and llrm without much fen-
turc. There xx-as scmo huyln-j by eastern
cash handlers vijn1nt < t nitier pales. The
cajvh business rerclvrd a temporary chejk
by the ndvnnoi' ot ' ,4r In Hie relative cash
prlre on export oats , holrtcra ralslnt ; tlu'lr
prlr-f on account of small receipts. He-
c < > lj > ts herr. xvi-re 1.V9 c.irN. May ranged from ; IKTic. and t'losed a shade improved
at 23-Ti.c.
The provisions market , afiter a consider
able iperlod of dullne..A anil depression ,
turned fnlrly active and llrmcd up. 'Hie
opening xvas a fliadc up 'bivause ' hog ri-
lojpta were tinder thc > PHMmalo , but this
scon dtbjilaccd by a feeling of easiness , coni-
mUeloii 'houses ' felling lanl and ribs on a
modornto seals. Later In tilu > session Inllu-
entlal buying by houses which had been sell
ing caused a reaction which lasted to the
tnd of the. session. 'May ' pork sold from
JlO.Cfl to J10.77 > ii and closed 12 4c up at $ Il .75i |
10.77' ; May lard , from t5.M > li5.92't ( to $5.97'fe
( tf6.00 , closing 6fl"/Si 'l ' ) 'itpr ( it $5.9Ify ! ; : < ; . ( M1
and May ilbs , from J5.0712 to J5.75JIj.77'i ' ,
wlch flic close "He ovi-r yesterday at $5.75.
Estimated rcreliJts tomorraxv : Whcsit , 45
cnrs ; corn , 1M ) cars ; onts , 170' cars ; hogs ,
87.000 head.
The leading futures ranged as follows :
Artlclcs.l Open.I Illgh.'l LoxxCloac.l | Yes'y.
FLOUR Steady : xvlnter patents , $3.30(31 (
3.40 ; straights , J3.OOIf3.10 ; .clears , J2.90.3.00 ;
spring specials , $3.80 ; patents , 53.20(53.50 ( ;
btralghts , $2.0003.00 ; bakers , } 1.M.52.M ) .
WHEAT Noi 3 spring , ( HU iM'No. ; . 2
red. iJ"i'i ( Sp.
CORN-No 2 , .Illic : No. 2 yelloxv , 319ic.
OATS No. 2 , SSMfiOZc ; No. 3 xvhitc , i 4S >
RYE No. 2. 52i&tc.
HARLEY-No. ' . ' . SSfi I3e.
SEEDS No. 1 naxsecd nnd northwest ,
(1 50. Prime * timothy , J2.505T2.GO. Clever ,
contract grade. JS.25fiS.35.
PROVISIONS Mess pork , per Ivbl. , J9.20& '
30 GO. Ijird , jier 100 Ibs. . $ 'j.7i ' > a'j.Sri ' > . Short
ribs sides ( looseJ3.V ) ( > 5ir > .90. Dry salted
shoulders ( boxed ) , $5.50ff5.75. Short clear
rides ( boxed ) , J5.iOiiG.CO.
WHISKY Distillers' finished goods , on
basis nigh wines , per gal. , Jl.23',4.
SUOARS Cut loaf , $8.00 ; granulated , J5.44.
Folloxvlng are the receipts and shipments
for today :
Articles. Recelots. Shlpm'ts.
Klour , bbb 4S.OOO 41.000
AVhoat. liu. 56,0-jO 52,000
Corn , bu 223,000 : niyjo
Oats , JU 314X ) 2 9.000
llye , bu 11,000 5,000
Harley. hu 73.000 1G.W3
On the Produce exchange today the but-
tet market xvas steady ; creameries , I'.ft
" 4c ; d Irles . ! SJi22c. < 'hecsc , llrm at
Kfffs , slteady , fresh , 15c.
M3W ( ; IMII.\I , .M.YIUCHT.
Quotntlonn for ( hi- Day tin Various
NEW YORK , Jan. 25.-FLOUR-R < > celpts ,
1S.S93 bbls. ; exports. 2,016 bbls. ; ciuleter to
day , but nonetheless firmly held , a west
ern mills claim continued high cost of
production ; Minnesota patents , $3.75fj , >
4.00 ; Minnesota bakers , $2.75ifl3.00 ; winter -
tor patents , J.J.50Ii3. ! > 0 ; winter straights ,
f3.35fi3.45 ; winter extras. J2.r.5 { | 2.85 ;
winter low grades , J2.25JT2. 10. llyo
Hour , quiet ; sales , 300 bbls. : fair to good ,
S1.10I3.20 | ; choice to fancy , $3.25fo 3.50. Huck-
whent ( lour , dull at $2.0uj2.Ui.
CORNMEAL-Steady : yellow western ,
Me ; Brnndyxvlne , J2.20ti2.M. :
RYE Dull ; No. 2 western , 60 ic , f. o. b. ,
alloat ; state rye , KiQCGc , c , I. f. , Nuxv
York. carlotH.
HA RLEY- Steady ; feeding. 43'ii/-7',4c ' ( | ' , c.
1. f. , New York ; 'malting , 00i53 | < ; , c. i. f , ,
New York.
BARLEY MALT-Qulet ; western , K ®
WHHAT-Hccplptf. 2S.OOO bu. ; exporls ,
84,0 0 bu. ; spot , llrm : No. 2 red , 753c I , o. b
nlloat , prompt ; No. 1 northern. Dulutli ,
7M c f. o. b. nlloat , prompt ; Nn. 1 hunl ,
Uululh , l5Hi' f. n. li. alloat ; No. 2 red. 7.1' ' , < , c ,
rloviiior. Options uprnril tlrtn at ' /c fid-
vance , stimulated by higher cables ami
cold weather news and vcre subsedtiently
upheld by the coulirmatlim of the plague
reports from Rusarlii. The trade was llsht
nil ilay. mor.tly Incal , and pxport liuslnpss ,
unimportant ; closed linn on rovcrln'r by
shorts at > .f'jc ( net ndvanciMunh. : . " \Vif \
71 ,1- , . closed at 74S.C ; May. 7'if7is8iclosed : ! ;
at 73-Vc ; July , 'iSWiMn ; closed at 73 1' .
COllN Receipts. Bs.tO ) hu. ; nxports. 110-
Ifl'l bu. : spot , llrm : No. 2 , 40 c f. o. b. nlloat
and 40ic ! clox-alor. nptlons opened steady
on the llrnuiPss of cahlis and rivplx'cd nld
from light country nlferlngs. togpther with
the strength In wheat ; closed ilmi at un-
< hanged prices ; May. ; "J'i5ii8c. : ! : ! closed lit
OATS llPCPlpts. 193,700 bu. ; exports. 10 03' 1
liu ; spot , dull ; No. 2. 29',1c : N'o. : ! . 2S'.c ; No.
I white , SlVJe ; No. 3 whlln. Ulc ; Irack.'mlxo.l
wp.stprn , Si'iioO'jitruck ' ; white. UlSuSc. Op-
lliiMn inactive , but fairly steady.
HAY Easy ; shipping , G5170i' ; good to
choice , KVjK5c. ( (
HOI'S Steady ; state , common to choice ,
1S96 crop , ( ic ; 1W rrap , 7fr9c ; Ml ) crop. | 2if
13c ; Paclllc coast , IS9C crop. IffCc ; 1S3S crop ,
74)9c : 1S99 crop , 12ijl3c.
HIDKH Steady : ( Jalveston , 20 to 25 lb . ,
19'ic ; Toxim dry , 24 to 30 Ibs. , I44c ! ; Cali
fornia. 21 lo 25 Ibs. . 21''jc.
LEATHEH-Hteady ; hemlock , sole. Hue-
nos Ayres. light to heavy weights. 255f2514c ;
add , U5H25i4c.
RICE Steady ; doinettlc , fair to extra , 4
W'iVte : Japan , 4 iii5c.
MOI < AS8KS Steady ; New Orleans , open
koltle. good to choice , 4IS'55c.
FHEIGHTS-TO i.ivcrpo.ii , duii : cotton
by steam. 25c. nominal ; grain by stnun : ,
3Ud.PHOVISIONSBeef. . dull ; family. { 12.505 ? f
13.00 ; n run. $ ] 2fiO ; hams. J21 SOJirJ.OO ; packet ,
Jll 50Q12.00 ( ; city extra , India nu'ss. J2I. ' M ( >
SS.ftl. Cut moats , llrm ; pickled bellies , J5.S7'- ' ,
(7.00 ; pickled shouldei-H. J5.754 > fi ( W ; pickli-d l
hams , Ji. ! ! > 0it9.f > 0. Lard , < iulet : xvextorn
steamrd , closed. Jii.22'j ; city. J5.75 : January ,
Jt'.JO , nominal ; retlned , llrm : continent. ! G.4rr.
South America. Jii. ( > 5 , compound.
.on. Pork , tlrnii incen , sio.50frll.OG ; nhort
clear. J11.50frl2.50 ; family. J2.2otil2 | 7B. Tal-
loxx- . weaker : city. &ii6'ie ; country.
METALS Buyers and sellers did not
rome together In a largo lot way In the
local metal market today and the situation
in Its entirety was not changed to speak
of The cable nnd western market IICXX-H
about Imrmonlrcd with local ldp % . At the
clo e the Metal oxchanrto called plr 'r-n ' '
warrants dull ; lake copper , unchanged at
$16 W > ; ( In. quiet but firm at $2750. nnmlnalt
lend. Htr > > idv at Jl 7 * > bid aim t i.t HMKP < | .
spelter , firm at Jl 7 bid and JO" asked.
The brokpr.s' price for lend Is $1.15 and for
copper JIC.50.
CoMdlllon of 'I'mdo nnd Qnnlnllnn * nn
Mnplo nnd I''nnc3Produce. .
EOCS-Rocelpts , Increasing ; fresh stock ,
wp.ik nt 13c.
DRESSED POIILTnY-ChoIco to fancy
turkPyx , 91(100 ( ; ducks. "VfeftSc : geese. 7'4W
Sc ; spring chickens , 7l77'4e ; hens , 6V4Or7c ( ;
roosters. 41) 5c.
LIVE poULTRY-llons , 6c ; spring chickens -
ens , fi'.ie : old and stnggy roosters , 3c ; ducks ,
GHeUPP. ; . P. B'/sc ' ; turkey * , 7c.
MUTTER Common t. . fair , : G > ,4c ; choice ,
lsfr19c : sppurntor , 25c ; gathered creamery ,
22if(23e. (
P1OKONS Live , per doz. , 75c.
VEALS-Cholce , Tc.
fJAME Ducks , mallards , J3.00i3.2l ? > : hluo
wing teal , JI.75 : green wind teal , Jl.2501.50 ;
mixed ducks , $ l.rnf2.00. ?
OYSTERS Medium , per can , ISc ; stand
ard , per can , 22c ; bulk standard , per gal. ,
$1.25 ; extra splept , ppr pan. ; oc ; pxtrn sc-
lecls. ppr gal. . SI.IVX71.75 ; Nexv York counts ,
per can , 37c : Nexv York counts , per 100. $1.25.
HAY - 1'pland. choice. SB-SO ; midland ,
choice , jfl ; loxvlnnd , choice , $5 ; rye straxv ,
choice. JS.fiO ; No. 3 corn 27c ; No. 3 whlto
onts. isi t1 : cracked co i. per ton , SI2 ; corn
and outs , chopped , per ton , $12.50 ; bran , per
ton , $13 ; shorts , per ton , ' 14.
RPIN'AHI-Pcr box. SI.
NEW ItEETS-l'pr doz. bunches. GOc.
RAlilSJIES-Per doz. bunches. 40c.
LETTI'CE-lVr doz. bunches , 40o ; fancy
head lettuce , per bbl. . J5.
8WHET POTATOES-Pcr bbl. . Illinois ,
$3 : Jerseys. Id ; large bills. . Kansas. $2.75.
POTATOES-Per bu. , choice , SOJ735C.
CAHHAOH Holland sied. 2c.
CAULIFLOWER-Pcr crate , $2.60.
ONIONS llolall , yi-llow , me ; ; red , R5fi90c.
CEI.EUY Per doz. . 25BSOc , California ,
per bunch. .lofi7. > ( ; .
Tt'RNIPS-Rutabagns , per Ib. , I'.io ; Ca-
nndlan , l'o. .
MfSHROO.MS-Per Hi. box. COc.
TOMATOES Florida , per G-bnsKct crate ,
$ I.H ) .
Rl'BARB-Pcr doz. , GOc.
APPLES Choice xvestern shipping stock ,
$3.0003.50 ; Nexv York stock , J3.75ffl.00 ;
fancy. SI.BOfrl.7C.
ORAPES-Malaga grapes , per bbl. , $7.00 ®
'cRANUERRIES-Bell and Bugle , per bbl.
$7 ; Jerseys , $0.75.
ORANOES-McxIcan. per box , $3 : Cali
fornia mmils , per box , J3.25ft3.50 ; California
seedlings , per box , $2.5C < fj2.75.
LEMONS -California fancy , J3.75 ; choice
California , $3.50 ; Messina. SI.
HONEY Per 21-sectlon case , $3.25.
NUTS Hickory nuts , large , per bu. , $1.23 ;
shellbarks , $1.35.
FIOS California layers , per 10-lb. box ,
Jl ; California carton , per 10-lb. box , $1.10 ;
Imported figs , per Ib. . 13c.
IHDES-No. 1 green hides. 8c ; No. 2
green hides. 7c ; No. 1 salted hides. 9c ;
No , 2 salted hides , Sc ; No. 1 veal calf , S to
12 Ibs. , 9c ; No. 2 veal calf , 12 to 13 Ibs. , Sc.
1 , 4c ; No. 2 , 3jc ; rough , 2c ; white grease ,
2)i03',4e ; yellow and broxvn grease. 21/4fi"3c.
St. l.o ill * Cm I n unit Provisions.
ST. LOl'IS , Jan. 25. WHEAT Firm : No.
2 red , cash , elex-ator , GS'ic ; track , 70070V. : ;
January , OVidc ; May , t V569c ; July , G7a c ;
No. 2 hard , G5Ji6c ! : receipts , 4,997 bushels.
CORN Steady ; No. 2 cash , 31c ; track , 32c ;
January , Sic ; May. 31e : July , 32V4c.
OATS Steady ; No. 2 cash , 23 > ic ; track ,
2l'4c ; January , 23ic ; May. 2Hic ; No. 2
white , 2Vlic.
IlYK Steady at We.
FLOrn-Unchanged ; patents , $3.403.59 ;
extra fancy. $3.05 3.15 ; clear. $2.7302.90.
SEEDS-Tlmothy , $2.0002.35 ; naxsecd ,
steady. Jf.47'4 ,
CORNMEAL Steady , $1.75571.80.
HIIAN Eny ; sacked , cast track. C6gfl7c. (
1IA Y-Tlmothy , llrm at $10.0 ! > giS.W ; pnilrlc ,
Hte'ndy at $7.0" < ? iS 2S.
WHISICY-Steady , $1.23'A.
PROVISIONS Dry salt boxed meats , ex
tra shorts. $5.75 ; clear ribs , J5.S7H : clear
sides , JO. Bacon , extra shorts , JS.25 ; clear
ribs JS.71/i : clear sides , $5.9) . Pork , steady ;
old. $10.23 ; nexv. $11.25. Lard , steady ; prime
steam. $ I.G2'i. ' ; choice * . $4.i5. (
METALS-Lead , steady at JI.GO4.63.
Spelter , steady nt J4.50.
POKLTRY-Steady ; chickens , 6Wc ; tur
keys , 7'ff7M.e ' ; ducks , 74c ! : geepe , 5c.
RECEIPTS Klour , l.COO bill ? . ; x\"hcat , 5,000
bu. : corn. 17.000 bu. ; oats , 50,00bu. > .
SHIPMENTS-Flour , 7.0W bbls1. ; ivlicat ,
2JXO ( Ini. ; corn. fS.OOO bu. ; ewtp , 20.0CO bu.
Uiittrr , r.KX mid CIICCHC Market.
Steady ; fancy xvpstenr creamery , 2Jc ; fancy
xvp.sitrrn prints , 25c.
EGGS Stexidy : fresh nearby , 20c ; fresh
xvtwtfrn , 20c ; fresh southwestern , 19c ; frtaih
scutliprn , 19c.
< 'HI.KSIS Finn but quiet.
NEW YORK. Jail. 25.-BUTTER Re-
e-clpt.s. 2.G8 ( ) imckages ; steady ; Junp. creamery -
ery , 2off23xvcstern ; creamerj' . 21Jf 5c ; factory -
tory , 165V I9c.
CHEESE Receipts. 1.E05 ipicknges ; firm ;
fall made fancy , large , and fall made facny ,
small. 12 ,5(1. . ! ' ; large Into made , lisiif c ;
small Intp made. 12ffil2iic.
ECitJS necelptH , 7,205 packages ; weak ;
western , 20e. loss off ; xx-estern , ungraded , at
mark , lW19e.
CHICAGO. Jan. 25.- > BUTTER Steady ,
creameries. 19i2f : dairies , ISftlSe.
EflOS Steady : freph , I5e.
ST. LOUIS. Jan. 25. BUTTER Steady ;
creamery. 20i23c ( ; dairy , lG(520c. (
eieamery , 201/2k' : : dairy , 18c.
ICCSGS Cold weather did not strwicthen
the feclln ? to any ex.tjnt ; frerfh Missouri
and Kinusaa stork. llrf'B , 12c , cnfrs returned.
Liverpool ( irnln nnd Provl-ilnnn.
LIVERPOOL. Jan. 25.-\VIIEvVT Futures
Loosed ( julc't : Mnrch. 5s 9'iid ; May , 5s STid.
CORN Snot , mixed , nev , firm , 3s 5d ;
American mixed , llrm , 3j 53 d ; American
mixed , old , llrm , 3 ? o d ; futures , steady ;
January , 3s ft sd ; February , 3s 5id ; March ,
3-i Cd.
PROVISIONS Lard , American rcllned , In
pni : . " , steady , 32s ; prime xvestern , , lu tlerceii ,
Mc-idy. ilOs 3d. llacon , Cumberlnnd cut ,
eM.-- , 31s M : short clear backs , dull , 32s Gd ;
clear bellies , easy , 39s. Shoulders , seiunrc ,
dull. 32 ? Gd.
CHEESE American finest , 6Is Gd.
KIIIINIIN City ( ii-iiln nnd Preivlnlonn.
ra'.fec ; cash. No. 2 hard. 62'X.o ' ; No. 3 , .IST ?
GUti ; No. 2 red , 70c ; No. 3 , 6l5/C9c ; receipts ,
32 earn.
CORN May. 29Tiic : cash , No. 2 mixed , 28'/4 '
fr2Sic ; No. 2 white , 30c ; No. D , 2S4c ,
OATS-NO , s xvhitc , 2t ic.
RYE-N.i. 2. 50i' .
llAY-Cholirt tlnui'Jliy , J9.00/9.50 ; choice
prnlrlp. $7.0''i/7 ' ) , > . ' ' ; .
RECEM'T.--Wheat. ! 19,200 bu. ; corn , 25,000
bu. ; unlf , J.c 0 Ini.
SlIIPiMENTS-Wheat , 15.WO bu. ; corn , 6.SCO
liu. ; oats. 15,000 I.M.
MliincniMiIlNVlicnl nnd I''I our ,
MI.VNEAPOLir. . Jfin , 23-WHEAT-In
stcre : No. 2 northern , January , ( VV ! > c ; May ,
Gl'V ' irnii..o | ; July , Cj-14C.'i' ) ' < , iOn tr.'iek : No.
li'iiti. -"I'IP : N" . 1 northern , GIVJc ; No. 2
ivonvhcrn GC',4c.
! FLOUR liood sales ; first patcri'ts ' , $3.l3ff
" .f > " > ; cm'ur guides on tlhat basin.
URAN-Umhang : l.
TOLEDO , ( ) . . Jan. St. WI1KAT Illnhcr
and steady ; No. 2. cash , 70c : May , 72c.
t'OHN Dull n n el hlKhcr : No. 3 mlxfd , 33c.
OATS-Dull ; No. 2 mixed , 2 ; > . ( , e.
RYE Dull ; No. 2 , ia h , fi6' ' , .o. nominal.
I ' Cl.oVKRKEKD-Qnlnt and steady ; prime
i < nub. old , $1.9) ; January , nexv , $5.72'- ;
Mar. ' . , r > .77 ! < , -
I't-orlii Al.
" ' " 'A. 111. . Jan. K.-roUN-Qulc-t ; nexv
No. 3. 31c.
OA'la Inacllxe ; N.i. J while.
WHlSKY-Klrm. on the basis of $1.2314 for
llnlc.hul good : ) .
j .1IMiinkciCnilii ! MurKct.
MILWAUKEE. Jon. 25.-\VHEAT-Flrm ;
No. 1 northern , CO'.iilWHc ; No. 2 northern ,
llARLEY-'Steiidy ' ; No. 2. ; sam
ple , 35I/42c. /
Dulutli AVhcnt
DIILUTir. Jan. ai.-WIIEAT-No. 1 haid ,
cash , ifj\i- . No. l n 'i. lu rn , cash , liliic ;
May , M5.c ; Jidy. 7 ( . ' ; No. 2 norli'.iern. ( il'jc ;
No. 2 spring , 5 \c.
.IIOVI < : .MI- : > TS ( IK hvot'Ks AXH
linprox oiiipiil In London llcflccitrd on
| Hie Stock KxcliaiiKC ,
! NEW YORK. Jan. 25-Prices on the
| exchange at the opening today reflected in
a degree * nn Improvement In London on thei
noxvi .hat ( Irnornl Wurr | i liud t-nptured
the llocr position at Hptonkop. There ) was
a brief 'lor'.od of active buying by prcfes-
nlonn'd ' In oxppctaUon that the spell on the
market \voull ; be broken and an outxlde
domainl for flork attracted but ( ho tnH'
PTK quickly detected that there xvns no com
petition outside their own ranks In thn de
mand far mocks and they . ' .urned to the
short xldo almost Immediately Tie yag-
' filng rf prices below ihu lxuinn iar't ' y
. miulo oierations profitable for the fort-lgr
nrbltraRo hnu.e..Imp prirv In I nd.m
xverp xx-pll sust.ilnrd ; ii ( HP hlKher I'-x.-l.
Buying for foreign .iinninls In the In-
ternn Innal stocks \vn iftlmatpd nt 'from
2A.Wi to 30.000 shures nnd even this deinnnd
wis largely met by snip ? for short account.
The industrial trioclaltlcji shoxved gains III
sympathy xvlfi the Internationals , but they
wore not so well siMtnlned In the absence
of forelen demand. Itheabiilute Inortne * *
of thn buying demand prompted some soil
j ing prpjwuro by the Hoers ngalnst the In
l dustrials ! In the List hour , but prices seemed
as unxvllllng to move doxvmvnrds ns upxvurd
and the shorts covered before the close ,
xvhlch xv.-is firm nt slightly bel ixv the open
, ing level In most cnsrs. 1 ho weekly re
! turns of the Hank of England and HIP
1 Bank of Franco disclosed a contli uance of
i the notiblo reflux Into the eaih reserves of
these Initlttitlr-iiji. appompanled by contin
ued llipndn.lon of loan obligations lo them.
Open mnrket discount rntcs abiond con
I tinue soft , In splto of the continued In-
cr"ifo ( In reserves of the Rovorntne-nt Insti
I tution nnd In London are still nearly 1 per
' cent beloxv the bunk into , oven af er to-
. ' day's reduction lei t per cent.
The demand for money In Noxv York also
continue * very .s-limgl-li , as the Inlloxv of
i money Into tlio 1 Kinks continues to do-
| en nsp , nr.-vmllng to the large rpvpimo rp-
J eclpts by the government. Mercatrlle paper
, Is ojmlng into Increased demand and lend
, ers of money make nddltliinal concessions
In the plnclne of time loans. All this Inn
, not the slightest apparent effect In attract
ing any opera lonn Into Mo stock market ,
xvhlch xvetit through the whole day after
t'he opening spurt near the level of stagna
tion. A fpar In the outside market xx-ns a
demand for Standard Oil , xvhlch sold nt
fili. a. record price.
The bond market xx'iis rather broader
than 1'iat for stocks , hut shoxvcd a falling
off from the recent active business. Prices
were xx-oll sustained throughout. Total
sales , pnr value- . J2..113.000. United Stntc.t
now Is , coupon , and ! , re-glslpre-d. ad
vanced ' 4 ppr ( pnt lu thp bid price. Advertiser' ? Ixindon Ilimiclal
pablcgram says : "Tho mnrkct openo-il lly-
Injr today on the nexx-s of tie capture of
Splonko' , ) by Optiernl Warren nnd roninlncd
buoyant for nearly an hour. Thp public ,
hoxvpvpr , fnllpd to come In and the highest
prlics were recorded at 11 o'clock. After hour dealings .sl.ickened. the spcmd
t'.iotight ' liolng that the victory xvas im-on-
cluslvo. "I ho rt-cluc Ion of the Enullrh bank
rate to I per CPU ! and of the Gorman bank
rate to : | ia hclpiil the early enthusiasm , al
though the action In bot'i
eases xvas a fore-
, tToiiu conclusion. Consils spurted to 102 ,
I but closee ! undmngcd , it 101 % . Amerlciins
| opened buoyant and I-OSP on n mlsln or-
prolpd Kt-utpr'M
dispatch regarding the ox-
tout of tihp P.rltlsh lofse-s at Splonkop. but
the Imsliiohs done In tvie-in xvas snui'.I , and
It dxvlndlcd to tile closexvhlch xvns dull on
profitnhlnR rales for Noxv York. London
! s nlbhlflie at bonds. Thr- bank received to
day LD.OtK ) gold from Portugal. It en me
out only today rial the governors had ro-
j.ucert the buying price of eagles by id last
iuerdny. Foreign oxchnngo xvns ns fol-
loxvs : Paris e'hoik 25.19 ; Merlin 20 49K
The German bank rate Is almost certain to
be reduced in a fexv days.
The following nro the uuotntlons for the
leading stocks on the Nexv York cxchanco
AtchUun 19 J Tcxns ir"Pacinc.
do pfd. . Gl Union Pac'.flc 47 fc I
Baltimore & O. . . l > fd.
' ' ' '
Canadian Pac. . . . 944 Wabash . . . . . . . .I ! 714 j 1
. . . . . .
Canada So 4S"i do pfd "
910-1 & Ohio. . . . 29T4 Wheel. & L."K. . . ' . ' 2JM „ , I
Chicago G. W. . . . 13'i do 2d pftl. . . . ° S i
C. . B. & Q 122 > sWIs. Central . . . . 1SV I
Chi. . Ind. At L 15Vi Adams Ex 113
do pfd -15 American Ex . . .145
Chi. & 13. Ill S714U. S. Ex 47
Chicago & N. W.1G1 Wells-Fargo Ex. 12 !
C. , R. I. & P 1054 Amor. Cot. Oil . . 33 < 4
C. C. C. & St L. Ul do pfd 9j'
Colorado So E % Amer. Malting . . . 5s !
do 1st pfd. . 4344 do pfd
do 2d pfd. . 15 Aim-r , S. & R. . , .
Del. & Hudson. 115U do pfd
De.1. L. & W. . . . ITC',4 Amer. Spirits . . . *
Denver & R. G. 1SH do pfd if
do pfd GV ! > 4 Amer. Steel H. . . 42U
Erie 1114 de > ofd
do 1st pfd. . . . 32 Amer. 49
Gt. Nor. pfd HU'.i elo pld 49W'i ) ,
Hocking Coal . . . 1U ( Amer. fin Plate ; 2S ' '
Hocking Valley. . 32U do pfd SO
lines ! ! Central. . .11 Hi Amer. Trbacco . < "UA
loxva Central . . . . 12's do pfd 133 "
do pfd 52'i Anac. MIn. Co. . . 40'i
K. C. , P. & G. . . . Brooklyn R. T. . . 71 * ;
Lake Erie & W. . 22& Colo. Fuel & I. . . 47j
do pfd M Con. Tobacco . . . . 32'
Lake Shore 19 ! do pfd M
L. & N S1U Federal Steel . . . 51 4
Manhattan L. . . . 113141 do pfd 7.1L' ,
Met. St. Ry 1G94 Gen. Electric . .123
Mex. Central . . . . 12 Glucose Sugar
Minn. & St. L. . . . 59 I do pfd
do pfd 90V4 Inter. Paper . .
Missouri Pacific. 43'4 Laciedo
Mobile & Ohio . . 40 .Nationn.l Biscuit.
MS. : . 1C. & T 10 do pfd D2'/ .
do pfd 32 'National ' Lead 2(1 ( "
N. J. Central . . .11CI do pfd IClVi
N. Y. Central . . .13TH National Steel 40U
Norfolk & W 25V& do pfd 92V-
do pfd 70'i N. Y. Air Brake.130
No. Pacinc F1TA No. American . . .14 !
do pfd 74' < ; Pacific Coast . . . . nr
i Ontario & W % do 1st pfd. . S3
I Ore. Ry. & Nav. 42 I do 2d pfd. . G4
' do pfd 7fi Pacinc Mall . . . 43U
Pennsylvania . . . . 129'/i ' People's Ga.s . .101'i
Re-idlng 17' Pressed S. Car. . . ou
i do 1st pfd. . . . EVU ( do pfd S7-
do 2d pfd. . . . 27 % Pullman P. Car..lS8
Rio G. W 39 Standard R. & T. S , ,
\ do pfd 82 Sugar licnl
' St. L. & S. F. . . . 9'4 do pfd
| do 1st pfd. . . . C9 Tenn. Coi.1 & I. . 85 %
do 2d pfd 3U4U. S. Lent her . .
St. L. Southxv. . . 12 ' do pfd
do pfd 2714 U. S. Rubber . . . 3DV4
St. Paul 118T& do pfd tn'
! do Pfd. 170 Western Union .
1 ; ' St. P. & Omaha.120 Republic I. & S. 21GG
'So. Paoinc 38'4 do pfd. GG
So. Rallxvav " " , P. C. C. & St. L. 76U
do pfd
\iv York Money Mnrket.
NEW YORK , Jan. 25.-MONEY-On call ,
etendy at Z'/ififS per cent ; last loan , 3 per
cent ; prime mercantile paper , 4V4S5 per
cen- .
tual business In bankers' bills at $4.S7 for
demand nnd t4.S4U for sixty days ; posted
rates. J4.86 and J4.S9 ; commercial bills. J4.S3
SILVER CertlHcateg , 59Vz@60 > ic ; bar ,
9l&c ; Mexican dollars , 47'.4c.
BONDS Governments , llrm ; state , weak ;
rnilroud , firm.
The following are the closing quotations
on bonds :
U. S. 2. ' , res 102 4 N. J. C. g. 5a 120
do 3reg 109Vi No. Caro.lna Cs.,127
do coupon 110 do 4s 10n
nexv I * , reg 1321i Nor. Pac. Is no
do coupon .1SVH . do 3s ( ; rj
elo old 4s , reg. 111 do 4s j.O'1'1
do coupon 114 NtY.C. & St. L.4S.107
do 5s , rog 112 Nor. & W. c. 4s. . 9i : %
do coupon 113 do gen. Gs U'9
D. of C. 3 G5s. . . . 119 Ore. Nav. Is 110
Atch. gen. 4s 101 do 4s' ' 10191
do adj. is 81'iOro. S. L. Gs 12a = k
Can. So. 2s l'BV4' ' do oonsol 5s 112'/i
Chps. & O. 4V4S. . . 97'i Reading gen. 4s. . S4"'i
elo 5s 116' ' , < . Rio G. W. 1s 90
C. Sc N. con. 70. . 112'-iSt.L. & I.M. e-.5s.112
do K. F. deb. 5s. m iSt.L. & S.K.g. Gn.119
Chicago Tor. 4i. . 93 St. Paul consols.HJ71/-
U. & R. O. Is. . . . 1021 St.P. , C. & P. l.11Si.r
elo 4s 98 41 do 6s 11)
E. T. , V. RC . Is. lOlli So. Ry. 5s 107 %
Erie gen. Is 9 H. R. ft T. fis M
F. W. & D. C. Is. 71' , ; : Tenn. n. s. ; la. . . . 9H/4
( ion. E pctrio fa. 119 .Texan & P. Is..113
; . H. & S. A. fis. .101 I do 2s Bl
do 2s 105 Union , Pacific 4s ,
II. & T. C. SH. . . . 110 .Wabnsh Is 115'Xj
do con. 6 110 I do 2d * 101',4'
la. Central Is. . . . IM West Shore 4s. . . 113
K. C' . , P. & a. Is. GMWs. ! . Central Is.
La. IIPXV con. 4s. .lOCV ) Va. Centurps. . .
L. it N. mil. 4s. , 93UI do dpfi'iTPd . . . 5
MlH. . K. & T. 2rt . GSy , Colo. So. Is S5V4
do 4s 90 , So. Paclllc 4s. . . .
N. V. C. Is. 101)
tinston Slock ( Itiodilloiix.
BOSTON. Jan. 25.-Call lonns. tfiTper \
'put ' ; tlmo loans. 4 < Q5 per cent. Closing
i prices fur stocks , bonds and mining
shareu :
A. . T. * S. F. . . . 19V EIcc. . 1f4 !
do iifd wfli WIs. Central . IS
Amer , Pmrar . . . . 11C ; num. Conl . II
do | < fd 113 i do pfd . 1)5 )
Mo To ophone . 3W AtC.-iMOII 4 . 10. )
DoM'.on fr A'b'y. , 210 AIlouoz MIn. Co , 3
Kos on 1-3 cx-ated. S At'iilitl" . 21'/ .
Ilor.ton & Mr. . . . 19) ) Boston & Mont.205
C. , II. & Q 122'j Hlltt" K Boston. . BO
Fl'.chburg pfd. . , 12Hj Calumet , t Hec..7l :
Gen. Electric . . 1221 , Cf-ntcnnlal . 15V4
do pfd , ir Franklin . 15
Federal S'oel . . . llli"iln'dt . 1
do pfd ;
Mtx. Central . . . mi Parrot ml
M'-h ' Telephone 100 Qitlncy ll'j '
Old Co'ony 103 Suntn F Cop. . . . fiVJ i
Old DomllVon - is Tamarack 177
t'nlrn Pacino . . . 17x'lneiiia 4
Union Land 3 Wolverines Si
We t End
do pfd 110 l
X MV Vorls lllnlnir MooUfc.
NE\V YORK. Jan. 25. The following
tire Iho ofUcIal closing ( | iuiatlons for mill-
l'ia shares :
ChoVlnr -9 Ontario Slli
croxvn Point . . . . 13 Opi'.ilr 73
Con. Cal. & Va..lC5 P ymoutli S
Deae'xvood SI Qul.-k.ilvp- 175
Gould & Currlp. . 27 do pfd 775
Haiti & Norcross. 45 Sierra Nuvadu . . . f > 2
I'nmc'tako 5000 WHtidard 2V )
' ' ill SI ver 55 Union Con 2S
Mexican 35 Yellow Jacket . . . 22
IluiiU ClrnriiiuK.
HUSTON. Jan. 25. Clearings. J19.6I6.974 ;
bu lances , K.213.W1
, CHICAGO , Jan. 3.-ClearliiBB , J21.5SU73 ;
I 11' . $1 s'.i i in. i"ud oxiJintiRp. sis *
i. -s , NI xv Y'--lf ox nniiRp . ane JH vim u in.
NEW YciuK , Jan. -Clonrlng' , $ ii.s2i- !
111 ; donriii'ii. { 9,4.M2'I. !
PHILADKLPHIA , Jail. S3. ClenrlnR. ,
. . . . . . . . . . .
II 1CA ( XI. l..t. * - * .i itin
London Mock ( ( notations.
LONDON , Jnn. 25.-1 p. in. Closing :
Con s 'moT7p > - i D MMC * N. " v7 CoTitra' . .r.7
Cons. , ticct ' l'
im 9-ifi Pennsylvania ( > ' >
Cnnnd'an Paclllr. n ; Reading 9 < i
Erie U' 4 , No. Pnclllc lifd. . . 7G'.s
do 1st pfd. . . . si 14 Atohlsoti
Illinois Central..iu LoulsvU'e ' MH
Union I1 w . pfd. . 77-1 $ Grand Trunk . . . . 7- ,
St. P. common..1224 , Anaeonda S * i
BAH SILVER-Stcady at 27-V1 per ounce.
MONEY i'tirr cent : the raio of dls-
; ciiuni in .he- upon market lor short bir.s ,
I : i per ceiu ; for three monl'ns' ' lulls ,
; icr com.
'ore-Inn I'Miiiiiu-lnl
LONDON. Jnn. 25. The weekly statement
of the HaiiK of England shoxx-s the tolloxv- '
ing clianges : Total reserve. Inclcaso , i
( KM ; clrculadon , docroitnc , .Cloi.OHl ; bullion ,
Increase. 7iMf.'l2 ; other securities , deere.isP ,
lMOCKni ; other deposits , .t2.e
Cii > : tmhilc deposits , Increase , .CI.lsx.W ;
notes roforvo. Incrp.isp. .Uri07.00ii ; other government
ornmcnt securities unchanged. The propo
( Ion of the Hank of England's reserve to
llnblllly Is 44.i5 ! per cent ; last XVPP'K II xvns
42.ufi per cent , 'i ho rate of discount of the
Hank of England xvas today reduced from
' ,4 per cent to I. The mnrket for Amerlciui
secinltlos opened tlrm on a more buoyant
feeling , duo to favorable advices from
South Africa ; later prices onsul off slightly
and remained ( pilot to the close , xvltlt the
demand moderate. 1 ho until tone xvns
steady. Spanish 4s , G734. The amount of
bullion taken Into the Hank of England on
balance today xvas .CG.OOO. Gold premiums
arr quoted as folloxv.s ; Buenos Aytos. 1uO.,0 ( ;
Madild. 2S.35 ; Lisbon. 14 ; Rome. 7.22V. . ; bar
gold. 77s ! i'ed ; bar t liver dosed steadier nt
27 7-lfid per ounce. Gold premium nt Lis
bon lias declined to 13.50.
PARIS. Jan. 25. Pilcps started strong on
the bourse today In response to the favor
able xvnr tioxvs rccclvtil from London and
the reduction lu the bank rates ; afterward
thoio xvas a slight reaction oxvlng to real
izations' , though a I'rm undertone prevailed.
Rio tinto.s rallied sharply In an.lcipation of
a half-yearly dividend of5.s ! ; Katllrs te-
lapscd at tinclc so on iin uucenilirnicd ru
mor that the Ilrltlsh had been feirecd to
giveup the position they had captured at
Splonkot. | The weekly statement of the
hank of France shows the following
changes : Notes In circulation , decrease ,
05.200,000 francs : ( re-usury accounts curient.
increase. .S.250.nn ( francs ; uold in hand , lu-
I crenso , 4tiiOKW ( francs ; bills discount , dp-
| cri-asc , .s.s.Ofio.OOO francs ; silver In hand , In-
i crease , 150iHlO francs. The rate of discount
I of the Hank of France xvns reduced from
' . < ! to 314 per cent today. Three per cent
rentes , lOOf lOp for the acount ; exchange on
London , 25f 19o for chocks ; Spanish Is
closed at W.70.
BERLIN , Jan. 25. Spttlement money was
abundant today at 5 ppr cent. Prices
opened llrm on thp bourse on receipt of a
private dispatch announclnrr the British
victory at Splonkop , after the ofllclal tele-
gram had been received , but subsequently
eased , owing to profit-Inking. Exchange
on London , 20 marks 49Kpfg. . " . for checks ;
rate of discount for short bills , 3',4 per cent
and for three months' bills , 4 > , s per cent.
Condition of ( lip Treasury.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 25. Today's state
ment of t'.no ' treasury s'hoxvs : Available
push balance , JSSy.OSLSn ; gold reserve , J21S-
Cotton SlnrUet.
NEW YORK. Jan. 25. COTTON Futures
closed firm ; Jo Hilary. $7.63 : February , J7.5S ;
March. J7.5S ; April. $7.51 ; May , J7.51 ; June ,
147.54 ; July. J7.55 : August , $7.31 ; September ,
$6.94 ; October. $6.77 ; November , JU.73 ; De
cember. $5.74. 'Spot ' closed quiet ami 1-lGc
Mf.her ; middling uplimau. 715-10i ? ; middling
gulf. 83-lt > ; sales. 100 bales" .
Firm ; silos. ti.lOU bales ; ordinary , 6 7-16c ;
goexl ordinary , G15-18c ; loxv middling , 7 c ;
inla'dlln , ? . 71'J-lCc ; imlcMHng fair , 7Hc ; re-
ccjiits , 5.G92 bales ; flo k , 391.CK2 bales. Vu-
tures. steady ; .Luni'cry. $7.39 bid ; February ,
J7.39 bid ; MarcCi , $7.39'ii7.40 ; Anrll. S7.3Si7.40 ;
May. J7.SSii7.39 ; June. J7.3007.39 ; July , $7.3Sff- (
7.39 ; August. $7.20'iJ7.21 ; Sc-pvcimber , $ .701iu.72 ;
O.t ( ber. fG.54ofi.SG. .
ST. LOUIS , Jan , 25. COTTON - Un
changed : middling ; 79-lGc ; receipts , ia&S
bale , Siihipjiieinls , 2.9SG V'ales ; stock , M.145
( SALVESTON , Jarr. OTTON-Qulet :
at 7 9-lCc. , . ,
LIVERPOOL , Jaf > . 25. COTTON Spot ,
good business done if h'd ' 1-3W lilgher ; Ameri
can middling1 fair7r"47W : good1 mlddi.lns ,
1 11-lCd : m'ddllnK14 fl' ; lc-xv mlMllnK. 4V.1 ;
good ordinary , 4G-,10d ; ordinary , fid. The
sak of t'hday ' wore 12.CCO bales , of x-hlch
1.000 xvero fnr eiiioc ulatlon ar.'J ' export and Inr
eluded 10.WW American ; lottlptF , 15.2W bales ,
all American. Futures opened and closed
steady at. the odx-ance ; American middling ,
1. m. c , Jnnunrj' , 4 33-6M ; January and Ft-b-
rui/ry , 4 2i-G4d ! , sellers ; February anil March ,
4 iC-G4ir , sellers ; Mi vh and Anrll , 4 21-C4d ,
buyers ; April and May , 417-tHd. sellers ;
May and Juno , 4 14-G4d , buyers ; Juno and
July , 111-GltN 12-C4d , buyers ; July and Au
gust , 4 9-64d. buyers ; Auyust ami Scptenvbcr ,
4 3-jid ( , buyers ; Seplemiber and October ,
3.rjC-C4U , buyers ; Oftolwr and No\'C.mber ,
3 49-04d , buyers ; NoVc'm'ber ' and Docem'jcr ' ,
3 4G-64cI.
London Wool Auction.
LONDON , Jan. 25. At the wool auction
sales today S.8SU bales xvero offered and
xvero largely medium and heavy wools.
Queenstoxvn heavy sold at the loxvest of the
series. SXVHII River wool was supported by
die home > trade and con'lnental buyers.
Fine greasy cross-brwls xvero jx-cured by
America , x-hlle sllpes scoured were freely
absorbeel by thr- homo trade. The nalp xvlll
clcso lomorroxv. Following Is the sale In
detail : Noxv South Wales , 1,103 bajps ;
scourod. SUdJ72ii 2d ; greary. SVidJrls Hid.
Queensland , 4e ( ) bales ; scoured. Is 4d ils
KH4d ; greasy , Is IdSls 4d. Victoria , 700
bales ; greasy , S ! ; dfrls 3d. South Australia ,
J.'O1 ! hales ; groaay , 7d&.ls l'/4d. Wept Aus-
tralln , 1.3i j hales ; soourc'd , Is 7dJils ( bVid ;
greasy. 7U < l'1s ' 2d. Noxv Zealand , 200 bale. ) ;
scoured , G-l4Hc2. ( < : greasy. 7'4dfls ' 2',4d. Capo
of Good Hope and Natal , SdO bales ; scoured ,
" Id ; greasy. G '
CeiHi-c MurUcl.
NEW YORK" , Jnn. 25. COFFEE Opened
5'eaely 'it unrhanged prices to a decline of
S points nnd for n Kme ruled quint , xvlth a
weak undprtnip , cab'ps beluif unsatlsfac-
tery and spe ( ulntlnn slack , xvllh spot mnr-
ket also xvchik and buyers relre-atlng under
Incrcnslng offeilngr nnd smaller xvnrehouso
d < llverlefx. Snon after midday tie foPling
changed to one of flrnine-ss and prices all
along the HUP Improved , folloxvlng favor-
nblo Into French cables. The market closed
ste-ndy. xvitli price ? 5 points hlglior to Si
points loxver. Total s-iles. 22,000 buss. In
' , cluding : January. JG.95 ; Mareli. JG.Wi7G.95 ;
'May , J7.00ff7.05 ; July , J7.f/5T,7.ll ( ; Auinixt ,
J7.1i : ppple-mbi'r. $7 2'f(7.30 ( ; November , J7.25 ;
December , J7.37.5. ( . Spot ooffeo , stcadv ;
Xo. 7 , Invoice , $ s.2j ; No. 7 , Jobbing , JS.75 ,
Mild , steady ; Cordova. JSJotf 12.75.
Dry CooelH Xlarki'l.
Modcralei Improve monta In demand fnr
broxvn cottonn en lipnie'ircoiint , bu' the
biislnesn still very limited : no change In
prices ; bloaclit" ! cottons unchauccd ; den-
itn'i tnndliig urxvard nnd advanr-p probaliln
Flinrlly ; rthor coarse colored cottons
strong ; nrlnt doths Innctlvc for regu'nrs ' ;
bpt'cr dcipand for i.dd goods for distant
delivery , under ti-o quotations foFncar po
sitions ; fancy prints quiet ; Indlpro bliip.s
and mournlnns In gotid request ; cotton lln-
ings steady tihroughniit ; hosiery and under
wear tlrm ; men's xvoar xvoolens again in
actlx'o demand and strong.
Snuiir XlnrU < - ( .
NEW YORK. Jan. 25.-Sl'GAR-Raxv.
firm ; fair retlnlusr , 315-lGc ; centrifugal , M
It-pi. 41 < c bid. Molasses utigar , 3 ll-lfiii ; ro-
tln'.d. llrm.
NEW ( JRLEANS. .1.111. . 25.--SrGAR-
Stromr ; ( 'lien kettlp. 3Till ( 1-lCc ; upon kettle ,
centrifugal. I'iffn fl-lGc ; cntilfiu'.il. plnllta-
llon granuluti'd. 4sc : whites. ViinKv ; yol-
loxvs , 4''T'IVKPcoiids ' ' : 2T's' ' & I , " -lic. (
MOI.AHStW Quiet : onon kettle. 32it(0o ( ;
centrifugal , M/ip. ; ! ( Fyrup , steady at S9e.
Oil .llMl'UPl.
OIL ( 'ITy. Pa , Jan. B.-OILS-CrertU
balances. Jl.GS ; < prtIIcates. ! ? 1.CS14 for ensli !
! hllTOenta S7 , : 7 bbls. ; nveniBP. 87.12-1 bblB. ;
I run ? , 104.99I bbla. ; averauo , S7 , ( 2 hbls
! wiyri'nvivrnn.v.v.s. : : .
.SHIM Ivoi'K of I In- ' . 'Ixl I Wnr lloiiicin-
licrcd liy luioverminill. ! .
WA.-5HIXOTON. Jan. 25. ( Hpeolsl. ) The
following xx'ectc-m pt'iislons imvo been
Granted :
! I."IIP ( . " Jaivi try 10 :
Ni ; rril > < : Original IxaWle * J' > ne. . Sol-
dirv' h"me. ( Irani Irland. $ M. Inerrnse
fi 1'ill-u L. 'Parker. ' > 'ildlers' 'Ii.uiie , Grand
Islm 1. tl- : o J17 : George L. 'c3k , Wnynu ,
$ .1 ' 1 Jl ; Jamis Miller , Illalr. ? ' . ' to $ H.
li'wa : < > rl'r.alJohn , la : , } < ! ;
JullUH Kuller. S-ux ! C ly. Ji > : Iijxx-aril J.
Halo , t'wl'ar Ra'iMn J-i. in.-riaso MOHPS
I > Q-vln-fH. Hasiluvw. M to $ S : John IlotTni.u ) ,
Atlantic. W t-i tlu ; Wtllln * < ron T. Su.ihen.
i > an. De Molncr. } l'i ' to J'JI : Henjaniln K.
Snxd r. Lir.n. . J8 to J10. Original widow
( i-n' ; in . rui 1 January 12)-Catliarinp ) E.
GH II Paxenrort. JS
c vil > rad > Ae'Hlitlunal Osi-ar N. Hills ,
Luulutr , Ji lu 1 .
Cornfcd S'.cers Commanil the Same Prices SIRen
on Wednesday ,
Poor Hour MnrUol Pi-Icon I'lto ( o Ten
L'l-nls Loner nnd 'I'rndc Minx
Mi u en In Aollxo Uoiiinnd at
( Seed , Mronu 1'rle'PH ,
Receipts were : Citato , Hogs. Bhec | . .
Olllclnl Monday . E.coi 3.4SU G.vaj
Olllctal Tuesday . S.S77 MIS 4,123
UIM.lHlx rcllKttdny . 8,203 7l l la > J
' Illcml Ihurstlay . uin,7 U,55H Ji.JIs
I'Yur ' dtiys this xvook . 11.151 23.B61 13,219
.Same duys last \veek . lu.Jol xz.iai f,9i ! >
same anys xvek before. . 11.585 Si.uZi1 9,513
s.iine three xvecks ago. . . U.Ml u.oil D.JW
Average price pain tor nogs lor tlte lust
several clays with comparisons :
| 1900. | 1S9.1.1S9S.1S97.1 | | | fi6.l-Oj. ,
Jan. I. . . . 4 21 3 421 3 IS 3 401 4 22
Jan. y. . . . 4 3J 3 57 | 3 17 3 43 4 16 5 1C.
Jan. r . . . . 4 29 3 4SJ . 3 4t > 4 OS 5 05
Jan. 4. . . . 42 ? 3 44 | 3 44 | 3 25 | 3 01 | 4 11 5 10
Jan. 5. . . . 4 If , Jl 17 , . ' 23 : < 27 , ' I 1 1C. 5 lt >
Jan. 6. . . . 4 331 3 IS ] 3 33 3 Si | 3 Ml I 5 07
Jan. 7. . . . 3 40 3 1SI 3 15 ] 4 10
Jan. S. . . . 4 .111 V2 | 3 43 3 121 3 401 4 OJI 5 07
Jan. 3. . . . 4 3 ! > | 3 45 | ' I 3 141 3 56 4 11 f. 15
'nn. 10. . . 4 35 | 350 | 3 411 I 3 51 4 " 91 5 17
Jan. 11. . . 4 4I | 3 39 | 3 071 3 oil \ 05 | 5 " 50
Jnn. 12. . . 4 4 ? 3 GO ! 3 47i 3 14 i 4 071
Jan. 13. . . 4 m 3 u : < 49 3 09 , 3 t7
Jan. 14. . . S 50 Z 49 3 191 3 53 4 11
Jan. 15. . . 4 us 3 t7 3 281 3 SS I U 5 10
Jim. Id. . . 4 M 3.22 3 fieJ1 3 Xl 5 : i
Jan. 17. . . 4 IS 3 Jl 3 49 . 3 72 | 3 SSI 5 13
Jnn. IS. . . 4 : , : . ' . fit 3 SI 3 23 3 & ! | 1 93 ! 5 12
. 'an. ID. . I 51 3 54 3 2ii 3 SS1 r , 21
Jan. 211. . . 4 B4 3 roi 2C 3 95 | * 1 5 2 >
Jon. 21. . . * .1 .ill 3 2 > < | 3 90 ! 3 05 *
J n. : ; ; . . . 4 G3 3 57 | 3 231 3 SI ! 3 S3' r , . .1
Jnn. "I. . . I 59 3 | 3 2ii 3 S < ! | 3 Mi n 3i
Jan. 21. . . 4 a .1 fill 3 C2 I 3 92' ' 3 S > 2 5 33
Jan. 25. . . 4 4S | 3 60 3 33 4 00 | 3 7S-1
* Indicates Sunday.
The ollk-lnl number of curs of stock
brought In today by each roul : xvns :
Cattle. Hogs. 9h'p. H'scs.
C. , M. & St. P. Ry. . . . 5 il
O. , t. St. L. Ry 1 1 . .
Missouri Pacinc lly. . JO 3 . . 1
IT. P. sj'Ftem 3. ' . 15 7
C. aN. . W. lly . .
F. . K. .t M. V. II. II. 15 1G . . 1
S. C. .t P. Ry 1
C. . St. P. , M. & O. . . . 15 n
H. , t M. R. II. R 1" 21 - 2
C. . H. Q. lly 5 12
K. C. & St. J 12 1
C. , II. I. & P. Ry. . E. 5 7 . . . .
C. , R. 1. & P. Ry. , W _ 1 H
Totnl receipts . . . .120 92 10 -I
The disposition ot the day's receipts wns
as folloxvs , each buyer purchasing the
number of bond Indicated :
Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha. Packing Co 09 $57 2tf
G. II. Hammond Co 16S l.OOi . . . .
Sxvlf' and Company 311 1,119 Ii01
Cuelahy Packing Co 527 1..13 .23
Armour & Co 2IG l.OU
Omaha P. Co. . Kan. City. 113
Cudahy. Kansas City 30 ! . . . .
Hammond. Kansas City 20b
Armour , Sioux city 4t/J . . . .
11. lieckcr It Dcgan 727
Van sun t & Co 22
J. L. Carey 15
Lobman & Co 31
Hill & Huntzlnger 71
Bentcn ft Underwood. . . . 112 . . . . . . . .
Huston & Co * . . S
Livingstone & Sehaller. . . 7
L. F. HUHZ 5
Dennis 31
Other buyers - > $
Totals 3,109 6.GS1 2,713
CATTLE There was a fair run of cattle
today , but of the number reported In
Cudahy had twelve loads and the Omaha
Packing company lives loads direct irom
Kansas CUy. which were not offered for
Kale on thes market. In addition there xvero
nineteen loads of feeders direct to a.
speculator , so-that the number of cattle
on sale on "the hill" xvas not large.
Only a fexv cornfed cattle were among .ihe
ofu-rlngs and the most of them xvere de
cidedly on the commonlsh order. More
over the trains were many of them late ,
so that the cattle came straggling In all
the morning , rendering .Me market late.
Desirable kinds of fat cattle could be
quoted as steaely , but commonlsji stuff
was sloxv and in some cnses a little weak. '
Coxvs and heifers xvere In good demand
and the market on that kind of cattle xvas
active a' good , steady prices , and the trade
xx-as entirely satisfactory to operators. The
most of the early arrivals changed hands
very readily and the market seemed to be
In a good , iheulthy condition. Bulls , stags ,
etc. , xx ere also steady. Veal calves xvere In
good demand at firm prices , thu best bring-
1ns $7.00.
Good feeders , weighing right around 900
pound.s and upxvards , hax-o been scarce right
nlons , as has been noted In these columns
most every day this xveek. Buyers all
want t/hat / kind of cattle nnel they woulel
undoubtedly bilng firm prlcew. On the
other hand speculators are all overstocked
with lis'nt ' and medium weight cattle , for
xvhlch there Is very little demand. The
light and thin cattlp are all of 105il5c loxver
than last xveek. Rcctresenta'.lvei sales :
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
G 790 3 75 46 1(64 ( 4 65
1 1160 $4 VI 17 1094 1 la
2li S57 4 10 3 1310 4 70
2 930 t 20 IS 1130 I M )
64 94J 1 20 17 1227 4 ( w
17 1025 4 35 13 1107 4 So
1 8bO 4 35 14 1241 4 S5
22 1055 4 10 37 1257 4 90
2 8.0 4 40 20 1204 500
1 920 4 50 19 1192 500
21 1110 4 50 2 1445 500
17 974 1 55 4 1372 5 25
17 1077 4 55 30 H43 fi 25
3 933 4 GO 20 1201 5 30
1 1160 1 GO 3. ) 140& 5 50
7 1218 4 05
20 91G 4 25
G 1210 ISO 11 921 360
( -'OWS.
1 750 1 50 7 1018 3 10
3 9lf > 3 Hi 12 1103 3 40
sso 1 13U ) 3 fO
14. 925 2 i Jl JO ! . ' ! 350
2 U0 2 C 1 1220 3 R )
3 U.10 2 05 10 1011 3 EO
1 930 2 75 17 1001 350
4 7S5 2 90 19 109S 350
7 8S5 2 90 2 lOi'l 350
1110 300 17 1123 355
1 1070 3 0' ) 11 107(1 ( 355
J 915 3 00 13 1120 ; > , 55
7 107 300 1 1450 3 GO
G 105h 3 ( VI S 1243 . ' ! ( ) ' )
2 1CCO 3ft ) 2 1220 3W
7 10V ) 305 1 1310 3 Ifi
5 84S 1 10 1 ! 1110 3 G5
3 MM 3 10 G 1I5 ] ( 3 C5
1 11(0 ( 3 10 Srt 914 3 IB
9 1002 S in 2 1025 3 KS
1 1050 10 8 103 ; ; 70
4 109. 15 8 910 : : 7u
3 15 7 9S5 3 75
, .J070 3 15 1 1200 3 75
. .1010 3 15 .1 llfcO 1 75
. .1128 't 15 14 IOCS 2 75
, .1170 3 15 2 1100 ' ! 75
, .101.'t 3 20 21 1021 375
. .1CS5 I ! 25
' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
1 1330 I ! 25 ? , . . . . . . . . . im 3 75
; 1055 3 2 * > 4 1312 3 Ml
. .11(0 ( I ! 25 42 1103 U til
. .11G1 325 9 12GS II M
, .1115 3 31 10 1 35 390
710 .1 , 'tj 1ft 10-i2 3 115
.1170 . ! ! 1110 I ( M
4 1112 3 Ti 1 1110 I If )
H 1072 ! 1 31 I , 1531 I 15
9 970 U 10 1 1540 4 15
1 9S7 H III
3 K20 : i ra
7 W5aEnfe : 127SMO
i nio nr , 21 low n oo
i 770 P. n i 1150 4 oo
' " ; - , 70 f2 M7 I n
3 ( U3 1 SO 1 . 900 1Q
3 S20 3 S3
1 . . 870 3 60
1 . .15fi ( ) 3 GO l ISM nm
i : : , .110 325 i isaa a co
1. . . ' . . .1250 3 35 2 1S3 } 8W
3. . . . 3 10 1 JKM Ifrt
11710 3 40 I./ J970 'IC'i
: : : : : ; ; : : . 345 1 1S10 8 70
i 1810 SCO j ! ? < ! ) nw
c " ] 2S5 3 M
L" 1470 ISi
j 1WO 3 CO L .19W J 01
. lorn n i'\
3 0- >
1 J250 -
1 W ) 4 TO 1 ISO 75
" " " ' " * * " " m * ' " *
1. . . : . . .im s : ; o 1 J359 { 23
3- nee 10) )
Hm C-20 - ? SO
s m
81 il 25 fc )
81i. ' ' " ' C73 3 35 SK
i. . ! . ! so ! a"
4 S75 3 40
i 1 3 o. . ' ) ISO 3 90
3 .1100 1W ) 4 (0
C'O 1 70 4 0)
/ > > I TO
. . . . SM 3 00 35 . . . . MS 4 60
1 950 3 m S Wl 4 .VI
1 730 3 SO IS 9 < il 4 M
S ! ) ; { Sil 7 9i' * 4 hO
12 fllll ,1 J5 IS 1\n ( I O )
II 917 S V. 3 Ml 180
3 MW Id ) 4 1150 ) ( V ,
1 MM I 00 ! l 994 4 7d
ID B2 III ) 21 UNO 4W
3i ? 917 I .M 12 fill SIS
10 1050 4 SO 37 421 625
4 fppders. . 70S 3 Mi Sliutls 1210 3 0
fifi f feeders. . Tf.O t 50
HOGS Receipts at thin point were not
hu-Rp , but there xvas a big run rpporled at
Chicago. Early ndvlcps to buyers IndlcntPd
Him tlip Chicago m.irke4 xvns very sloxv
owing to the largp receipts , thp best bc-
Int ; 2Uf/5c loxvcr nnd packets sr/ltV Inxvpr.
With messages of thnt kind In hand buyers
nt this po'.nt set out to pound ihr market.
As high us $4.f > 5 xxna paid for choice heavy ,
but lln > itcncral bids xvcrc $ M5Ji4.fii ( for
good mixed loads. Sellers could not sep il
i that xx-ny nnd XVPI-P very backxvnrd about
letting B" . The result xvns n very slow
, market nnd It xvas late be-fore anything of
I pcinspeiueiii'p xvas a.-e omplishpd. Several
trains xvcrp Into In arriving , xvhlc-'i von-
trlbuted to the lateness of the market. All
In all It xx-a.1 thp meanest market c\-
liprlcnred In a lone time.
\\hen buyers and sellers did get toge'hpr
It xvas on a basis of a MiUV
decline' from '
yesterday's general
I market. As xvlll bp noted from the sales
boloxv , a Inrgc perecnia > ! P of all the hogs
i sold nt $ I.I5yi.50 , ns ngalnst $1.650 l.57 < j
1 yesterday.
I Some < of ( lie big packers peem to bp on
the bear side of thp trade , nnd some xvho
xverp bullish n short time ago ale not fo
i inuiih so at the presotit tlnie. Packers
1 claim thnt one thing that Is operating
against the market at the present time la
tlip fnel Hint the condition of the fresli
meat trade In the past Is such that the
Hogs at present prices cannot bo cut up at
a profit. Retiretentative sales :
Sli. Pr.
, , . - - , . . . . .
it- -
- ; ; > -i7 t ( I I
; . . . . ; : 40 4 47Vi. C2 . 335 . . . 455
SIIEE1' There xvas onlv a moderate run
again today nnd apparently not a many as
pa.krrs would liked to have seen. The de
mand XVUH gee > d and the market strong and
/.yf ; Scjnc of the stuff did not arrive
until late , but buyers picked up everything
l as raM as It came In , so that the ppns were
cleared In good season , flood xvestern xve-th-
ers sold at $4.t > > 'n4.75. One bunch of xvest
ern wet hers sold at JI.55 , the same as xvas
paid for them yesterday , and 5c more than
the samp stuff brought , on Tuesday. Some
heavy hided California xvpthers. not very
fat , xvent at JI.CO. Samp good xvesturn exves
] spld at $1.20. as against JI.IO on Tuesday.
l As hloli ui $5.0) xvas paid for good xvcstern
ycarl'.n . ! Other prices paid xvlll be seen
fr-m sales 'beli.xv.
Quotitlons : Oood to choice fed yearlings ,
$ I. Toft G. CO ; Mexican yearlings , Jl .VfiS.lO ;
good to < > holrp xvethers. Jl.oS'i ; t.70 ; fair to
good wetlicrs. $ l.35fil.50 ; good to choice
fed owes , ; i.20i4.35 ; fair to gnod fcil pxves ,
Sl.OOii 1.20 ; good iri choice nativelambs. . J5.P057' '
( i.OO : good to choice fed western lambs ,
$5.75Ti5.f'0 ; fair to fTond fed western lambf ,
J5.351/5.70 : feeder xvethers , J3. 75513. 90 ; feeder
yearlings. JI.W/4.25 : good to choice feeder
lambs. $ ! .25' < i4.'i ( ; ; fair to good feeding lambs ,
Jl.OOgj 4.25 ; leoder cxx-es , J2.25tf3.00. Repre-
sputativp sales :
No. AxPr. .
25 culls . 4. . ] 22 ; i CO
3 xvestern owes . 90 425
4HS xv-slern xvcthcrs . lO'i 4 oo
- wr it. > -ti wnfT--s . 115 4 (5 (
213 western xx-ctliers . . . 95 4 15
78 xvcstern gathers . , . ! > S 4 75
. i cem xvt'.ner ' . 105 175
I "S yearling wethers . 92 500
2bl western 'lambs ' . s7 fi 90
301 ln.nib- . ( . " > ' "x
141 owes . ; . JOI 4 20
200 yearlings . Hi . | 71 ,
27. ' western lambs . 7) ) i : 111
i | . 1 western lamb . 70 C 10
2CO xvpstern lambs . SO ( i 12'A
1 buck . 150 350
24 exx-es . 123 4 50
! ) wethers . 107 470
19 lambs . 62 600
Choice \ntlvc nnil Tom * Slecrn Strone
unil AcM\'o. II < if N I.oiT * t * .
CHICAGO , Jnn. 25. CATTLE Goexl to
choice native and Texas steers , strong and
active ; medium and Inferior kinds about
steady ; butchers' stock and canners , tlrm ;
feeders about steady ; good to choice , J5.25
iif'fi.50 ; poor to medium , J4.0014.90 ; mixed
stackers' , J3.25ir3.95 ; sele-cteel feedern. J1.20j )
4.90 ; good to choice cows , S3.45 (4.RO ; helf-
etrs , J7.25'H'4.75 ' ; canners , JZ.lOftS.SO ; hull. ,
J2.50fi4.45 : calves. J4.50JT7.75 ; fed Texan
nerve ? , Jl.GOiTS.W.
IIOG3 Avcrazo about 5c lower : fair
clearance ; mixed and butchers , JL40JJ4.70 ;
good to choiceheavy. . J4.COJ74.72',4 ' ; rongih
heavy , J4.45W4.55 : light , tl.3jff-l.57 , $ ; bulk
of sales , $4.50ff4.C5.
SHEEP AND LAMHS-Steady ; lambs
stronKer : natlvo xvethors , J4.50fi5.00 : Inmbn ,
J5.OOJffi.60 ; xvcc'li wethers , J4.40fJI.90 ; xvest-
orn lambs.$5.75 < fifi.CO.
Heceipts : Cattle , 10X ( head ; hogs , 32,000
head ; sheep , 15.0M head.
ICmiHiiN City Live StocU.
rp'.pts. 5,500 natives , 500 Te-xans ; slaughter
ing cattle aetlve > , strong to lOc hltrtier ;
Ptockern and feeders sloxv and steady to
10p Ir-xver ; medium unlive steers. $ ) .05/1
5.G5 ; Ugh xvt-lshlH. $ f.GOT/5.20 ; stockrrs and
feeders. $1.4f"if5.10 ; butchers' coxvs nnd heif
ers , $3.f ' -f/4 > r. ; eanilPrs. $2.2.W3.00 | ; fed xvcst-
erns , $4.0O'e < . : ! 5 : western feeders , $3.40f/4.30 ;
common Tpxans , $3.GO'S4.10.
HOGS RpcplplP , ll.SO ) heuil ; mnrket ruled
2' < .o loxvpr ; heavy. J4.5 < vr(4.GO ; mixed , $1.45 ®
4.G5 : lichl , $4.2.Vf/4.B2Vi : plRS , $3.G5f/4.20.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Rpppiptu , 4.1W )
henel ; stronj ; to JOc higher ; lambs , $5.i fj >
0.00 ; muttons. $ l.75i&5.25 ; Mopkers and feed-
pr.i , $3.25il.20 ; culls , J2.001Q3.25.
SI. Looln Live Slock.
ST. LOUIS. Jan. 25-r'ATTLE Rccc'pts. '
1,900 'head , Including 800 Tpxnns ; marlcpt
stcpdy ; niitlx-p shipping nnd export stcen ,
n.7Z6iF.l ( ) ; dressed bpef and butcher steers ,
M.3)f-5.15 ( : steer * under LOW | bs. . $ I.Corc
fi.7'5 ; storke-rs and fe-e-de-rs , $3.25if7I.G5 : e-ox < " (
find liPlfiTH , $2.W > il.0 ( ! ; ; canne-rH , $ | .SO/3.DO ;
bulls. $2.751/4.00 ; Texns and Indian ctee-iH ,
$ H.Gn/l.75 : coxvs and ilielfers. $2.00fi3.9) .
HOGS Rppplpts. 9.000 ; mnrket
s rndy to strong on best ; othnrs steady ;
pdrs and lights , $1 15fd.55 ; packer ? , $ l.40f ? )
4.GO ; hu.ehers. $ I.OT < rH.70.
HHEEP AND LAMBP-Rpcelpts , l.liYI
hr.-id : market slpndv : native muttons. $1.50
JS.W ) : Iambs. $5.00fG.75 : culls and bucks ,
j.75/I.EO ; stoekerH , $3.25.
\ < -xv Voi'lc IIIP HloeiU ,
NI-JW VORK. Jnn , 25.-BEEVEB-Re-
pplpls , 2C2 hpad : no Irado In cattle : feeling
steady ; cable/ ( ( note rpfrlgprator bppf
hlghpr nt fl'.fec ' per Ib , ; pxporls , WiO paltlei
and 4'fi' ) ( | uarlprH of heof ; lomorroxv , 20
CALVES-Rpceipts. W ; llrm ; all sold ;
vpnlt" . " > (10v ( RII ; no b.iriiyii'd calvps.
SHEEP AND LAMBS-RepplplH , 2.773
huad ; II1c.irs in , mle : hhpej , llrm : lainhs ,
10fiir , < - hlwlipr , nil weld : slip.'p , J3.Mfj8.50 ;
Innilif , } li Dfl'i/7.25 ; culls , fi.fiO.
11(5.5-Receipts ( ) ( , 1 > 23 heiid : 114 ' 'ars for
market ; no wiles ; i omlnally xvcal ; .
SI , .lotti-pli l.lvi * Slopl. ,
SOUTH BT .IOHEP1I , Mo. , Jan. 25.-Spe' (
clal. ) The Journal quntca :
CA1VI E Reee-lpts. 1.100 bend ; mnrkpt
i.-idy t > stronc.nntlxPi : , JI.KIIi.l.M : Texas
st'id xrpHtcniH. $1.GWC. | ) ; ; con'iami helfprx.
buiH : nnd i-f. $2.25WI.75 : year-
llni an-1 'iilvpH , { i.sWji.jS1 Hio'kcrw and
fi"5cry. ( fl.Wfd.7a ; veals. JI.50T(7.'O. (
HOGS Hefp'ptH , I.CiO hend : market weak
fr < loxx'fi'ill . . '
to ; gnulesi , JI.jfd.C2'4 | ; bulk
of l'i ' . JI.C2VWr4.C6.
KHKICP-HeeTlptH. ' . ' , 00 head ; market ac-
tlvo and utronsr to lOc higher.
MOPIn ! Slulil.
Kolioxvlng arc the receipts nt HIP four
principal western markets for January 25 :
Fouih Onialui . 3.0:7 : : > , | 7 >
Chicago . 100-0 r.M IB/OI
Kansas City . floi : JIAO.I 4.1ui
St. Louis . 1.9nO 'jVf > \\f\ \ \ \
fill If ii. . . Trillin.
NEW Vdil : > ( i i. CALIFORNIA
I > I1II-D KRl IT" There xvcrp no nexv fea-
ti.rts dcvelo"e-d In cxaporated apples Ue--
mand xvi ( air , but us offering xvero lib- siid eouivr.x ndvicM unfnvor.ible Uu
market xvn. eiixy nnd nuf ! ldo quotation. * ev-
trciup. California dried frtiltH. dull " ' '
nnmlnnl. State cvn porn ted nppU' ! . e an-
mun. CflMp ( ; prime , "WiNc ; rhoh-e. ul
Mir : f.iliov. S < ft ! > c. California dtled prtlno *
per IK , n * lo sire and quality.
ools. lloynl. nf)15c ) ; Moor P.irk , I.MMSo.
Peaches prcled. 20Tt1c ; unpeelcd. 7',41/lOc. '
Ll.NCdl.N , J.iu. 44-Thc folloxxliiR opin
ions have he-en hnnded doxvn by the sit-
t > remc court :
i-i , . - , „ , , . , . , . . .ja'n-.t L--o. : A" " " . " ' . ' "r > 's '
Klllmore county. Atllrmed. llolconil' . 3.
1. A jntlgmelit xvas obtained In the coulitj
court of th" county in which the judKini-nl
ileblors rojsldcd and a transcript theicol
filed lu the district court upon xvlilch ex- ;
edition xvns duly Issued and returned nulls ? k
lionn. Action In the nature ( if a creditor' *
bill xvas begun and the debtors unsxxerlno
nll"grd and offered proof ot oxvuersblp of a
small tract of estate of uncertain viiltu
In another county subject Ui execution.
Evidence examined and held Insutllplent to
dpfpnt plaintiffs' right of recovery In thclt
faulty iictlou.
2. llpld , that the exhaustion of the remedy
at law against an endorser on the Instru
ment merged Into judgment , and who xvus
, not u party to the judgment proceedings , li
not essential to the maintenance of an
equitable action against the judEineilt
debtors. .
3. Held , that the Judgment Is sustained by
the evidence.
Loavltt ngalnst Hell. Appeal from Dour-
las county. Reversed. Instruction. Sulli
van. J.
1. The determination of iiucstlons pre
sented to this court In an appellate pro
ceeding becomes the law of the case and ,
oidlnarlly. will not be re-exnmlncd when
the cause Is again brought up for revlexv.
2. Interest due on delinquent tn\es con
stitutor part of the tax Hen on property on
which the original tux Is a charge.
3. A Junior liidimbrancor xvho. to protect
his lien , lakes up a superior Urn , Is en
titled to Interest from the dnto of payment
on the entire sum paid to discharge such
superior lien.
1. Where n decre-e brought hero for review
Is found to bo erroneous because of the
mistake In commutation the error xvlll bo
corrected In mis court or the cause xvlll bn
remanded xvltll direction lo the district
court to render thp proper Judgment.
Citizens' State Hank against Pence. Er
ror from CJandy county. Alllrmcd. Norval ,
C. J.
1. On appeal to the district court n plain
tiff Is not required to state his cause of
action In the same language In which It
xx'as pleaded In the court from xvhlch the
appeal xvas tnkpii. It Is siilllctpul that the
Identity of the cause of action Is preserved.
2. The filing of an nnsxvnr after a special
demurrer to the petition Is overruled Is a
waiver of an exception to the decision of
the court on the demurrer.
3. A principal must adopt the unauthor
ized contract of his agent as a whole or
not nt all. Ho cannot adopt the portion
thnt is beneficial nnd reject the remainder.
4. The defense ultra vires Is not nx-allablo
under a general denial.
McCord , Brady Company against Money-
hnn. Error from Hurt county. Reversed.
Sullivan. J.
1. Where extrinsic evidence regarding the
effect Intended to bo glvon an equivocal
Instrument Is eemtrndletorx' the question
should be submitted to the Jury. \ +
2. An Instruction to the effect thnt a Y
waiver of precisions contained In a xvrlttcn f
Instrument must be proved by evidence
xvhlch Is clear and unequivocal Is erroneous.
Western Seed and Irrigation Company
against Morton. Error from Douglas
county. Atllrmed. Norx-al , C. J.
An assignment of error relating to the
sufficiency of a petition cannot be con
sidered where n copy of the pleading Is not
included In the transcript.
World Mutual Benefit Association against
Worthing. Error from Douglas county.
Afilrmcd. Sullivan. J.
1. A x-ordlct supported by competent cvl-
dpnco xvlll not IIP set aside unless clearly v"
or palpably xvrong.
2. An Instruction , the giving of xvhlch Is
not asslgneei as error Is 'itie laxv of the case
xvhpther rltfht or wrong.
3. Thp Jury is bound to folloxv Jho In
structions given by the court and act on
them In making up lliplr verdict.
4. A defense not pleaded cnnnot bo con
sidered In the decision of the case.
5. An assignment of errors directed
ngalnst n group of Instructions xvlll be con
sidered no further than to ascertain that
ono of HIP Instructions complained of xvas
properly given.
n. An assignment of errors t'hat ' the dls-
trl ( t court PITP ! In refusing to admit the
evidence of a certain xvltnpss will be over
ruled If the rerord slnxv.-i that n ponlon of
the evidence was , In Tart , admitted.
Merrllleld against Farmers' National
Bank of Pnxvnoe City. Error'from P.ixvneo
county. Ilolcomb. J.
1. On the hearing of a motion to rilRsolvo
an attachmen error cannot be predicated
upon the admission of Improper cvldenc'1.
2. It Is presumed that t'he ' trial judge. In
arriving at a conclusion considered only
proper and competent evidence' and disre
garded thnt xvhlch wait Improper.
3. In revlpxvlng the ruling of a trial potirt
on a me Ion to dissolve an attachment this
court will not reverse a decision thereon
If supported by competent evidence because
the evidence is conflicting , unless It Is
against thp clear \velght of evidence.
Orcutt ngalnst PoUley. Appeal from
Douclas county. Alllrmcd. Norval , C. J.
1. Witnesses Kiould state facts and not
moro conc'iuions ' ,
2. Section 491c of the Code of Civil Pro
cedure reeiulres certain designated ollleers
to certify , under their hinds : and official
Kon-ls , the amount and character of all liens
nppearlng rf re. orel against roil eslato
i v'ed ' on , xvhlch are pi lor to the lien of
such levy. Somp of thp ofllcprs deslsnated
In said statute arc by law required to have
an eilllflnl seal ; others are not. Held , that
It was not thp Intention of t'he ' le-gMatuie
' : hat sunh officers n * are not by Innre -
qulred to have an otllclal seal , fhall certify
to such liens under an olllclal seal , but
fiat ; i pcrtlflontp tinder the hands of such f
an ofllcpr Is ufllcleut.
3. Under .1 stain c requiring an olllcer to
certify tei the "character" of such liens It
Is sufficient If their general diameter bo
stated In such certificate.
1. On forcc.loKiiro of mortgage It ! s not
necessary -hit Uio nummons should have
indorsed thereon tOie amount of xvhli-h
plaintiff seeks to recover to entitle him to
n deficiency judgment.
D. A tlndlnc on conflicting evidence will
not be disturbed em revle-xv.
liurr a mil list CHCMI'S.Irror from Perkins - * >
kins county. Reversed. Holeomb , J. V
Afte-r the 'rnl ! of a ea e upon Its merits /
and. a judgment In his fiix'or one joint
| obligor , on an appeal to thp dlxtrlPt court
from such judgment moved to dismiss th
appeal bpc.'iusp the Mellon In lust'cn court
had IIPPII dlKinlMicd us lo hi" to-obllgor ,
xvho could nc : bo aerx'p.l xvltll summons ,
xvhlci motion wan rustalncd. Hrjil , that
the motion xvnt to the niprlts of the con
troversy. xvhlch could not properly IIP de-
termlned and dlspoBpd of In a summary
proceeding of thnt character.
2. Thn : IIP defendant , htivlntr Irled thn
case xvllhout objection upon the | HUIIOH
Joined , waived any defect of parties lo tJio
: ( . Thnt 'n ' n motion to dismiss nn appeal
Iho court c.-inneit p-inslder the mrrlts of
Hio controversy and xvlll conllnp its Inquiry
10 the question whether thp ii'ipt-al has
he-en properly takpn nnd perfected.
Wood Harvester company agnlnst Dobry.
Error from Howard county. Affirmed. Sul
livan , j.
A liHlleo xvlm fulls or refuses lo currPiider
irust property to DIP ownpr In aecnrrtnnco
xvllh 'ho express or Implied tprms of llni
ballinPlit Is llnblo In an action for con
version. unloxs 8ie > shoxv o prior lawful
cplzurp of the -property under judicial pro-
pel's ng.ilnst the oxvne-r , or womo othpr Ipgal
ami valid exrure.
2. A cuminoim served constructlx-oly on a
roHldont of tlip st.-itp. xvho II.-IH iii'llhpr iib-
lii'onde-d nor conennled hlinfPlf xvllh Intpiit ,
to defraud creditors , or to avoid Iho ncrvlen
of proppCR , ( | OIM not cinfor lurl.sdlctloii ovr-r
the i-prson of the- defendant nor justify the
rendition of n. judgniPiit comipinnlng iiin
proirty. .
'I'nI.PR | | n OMM Llfo.
MARVVILLE , Mo. . Jan. 25.-SpeHn1 ( ) -
GiuiiMl V.iniMmK. nsrrej 19. commuted mil-
Idc by taking tiwriiiiiliio at SherMan Worth
i.iinly. IfiMi night. TSici young nrin had
Ixcn J dlpjilc Hlni-p ho wns 4 yo.irs old
and his allllcllon preyo-1 ujion his mud. | Ho
hud rhrpiitrni--l to
commit suleldp on a.-
5' a f ° W h ° UrB 1)Cfor" " °
OH ' ( * nr-j IHCOUl Mil *
. - , lOiJi )
. Omali.1 , X- ,
. ,
IIOAHI ) OK 'J'U.11115.
Corrc pondence. John A Warren jfe rv
wrcct wires to Chlcoso unel New Voru !