TITE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUXDAT , , TA7sTAlV 21 , 15)00. ) COMPTROLLER OX SE\V \ LEVY Es'.imate ' is Made of Oity's Needs for Ensuing Twelve Months. TOTAL FOR LAST YEAR SAID TO pS TOO LOW rniiiln In "Which O\rr < lrnf ( Are ( iriinti-il Inrrcnnr T\\ nil ) - Kite .MIIU Kltril , > ol liK'Iml- Inir Schiiol It > t ) . On the first Tuesday In February the council must solve Iho most ilcllcnto quos- Mon of the your the size of Iho city lax l"vy for 1900. Under the 25-mlll levy Im posed last jear there Is an overdraft In al most all of the thlrlcon funds. The rev enue waH apparently Insiimrient to moot the ni'ual running expenses of the city. The council thin year will niak tin effort to pro- vi'lo tnnugh resources to keep the municipal machine running and at the came tlmo to ndil no unnecessary weight to the shoulders of the taxpayers. For the first tloio In the city history Iho council will this year have no voice In the levy for school purposes , that function being wholly vested In the Hoard of Kduratloti. The school levy last liar WHH I ! mills , and several members have < vprt'tHcil their opinion that an Increase of 1 mill must ha made for 1900 , In view of the shortage of the yoir Just completed. comptroller Wostbcrg ban prepared a levy Rf-hemc which will probably bo used by the llnai.ro committee of the council In prepar ing the ordinance. Ills estlmnto of the ox- lionscs of the dllTorunt departments will re quire n lety of 2.1 mills , exclusive of the Fchonl board levy , which will Increase the t'tal to 28 or 2 ! ) mills. In preparing the estimate he has not been aided by the re port H of hcadtt of departments now In the hands of the ainyor , but Is merely approxi mating the needs of the different funds as flio-Mi In the balances or overlaps now re corded. DA Ing in the Increased valuation ot the liro.ient jcar each mill In the levy will pro- iluro $7SS.1S moro than one year ago. This Increase In u 25-mlll levy would amount to nearly $20,000. KNllmntc' of Clty'Nrcilfl. . In framing his scheme for a levy Mr. West- berg gives first the mill levy In each fund for 18ti ! ! with the amount produced nnd , scc- mirt , tint levy In the corresponding funds for J'lOO as In his judgment will bo necessary , with the amount available therefrom. The estimate Is us follows : 1 Hoard of IHrcctori nnil OMU-ora Arc I iiiinliiiiiiinl.v ll < KIcrltMl KlminiTx In i\ciMli-nt Condition. Omaha clubdom w.is l i high glee Saturday night. It was the occasion of the annual meeting of the stockholders of the < -lub and the election of officers for thr ensuing year. AH soon as the report of Secretary C. L. Dnucl was read the meeting resolved Itself Into a jubilation , bccauco of the splendid financial showing presented. It Indicated lhal the year Just closed has been one of the most Bucuesbful In the history of the club. club.At At C:30 : about 150 members seated them selves around the banquet board and a highly enjoyable dinner occupied their at tention for two hours or more. At Its con clusion several entertaining addresses wore made. Gemnil Charles l " . Mandorson de livered an address In his usual happy vein , congratulating the club upon the splendid showing of tlio last year and predicting a most Hiiccessful future. Major J. U. Bu chanan. K. W. nixmi and others followed with short Impromptu speeches. Following thi ) dinner the stockholders held their annual business session. Secretary Deuel reported the membership January 1 , liiOO , as followH : Resident. 2UO ; nonresident dent , 19 ; army , 1 ; honorary , 7 ; absent , 1C. The resident membership shown an Increase of two over January 1. 1S)9. ! ) During the year ISflfl there were admitted thirty-two resident members , eleven non-resident mem bers und three honorary members. Removals and resignations , however , leave the mem- bershlp but little larger than It WIIB a year ago. The annual financial ntatcment showed the cancellation of the second mortgage bonds. Thin announcement caused great Jubilation , for the re.ison that the cancel lation of these bonds marked the reduction of the club's Indebtedness from approxi mately $75,000 to about $50,000. This reduc tion was accomplished entirely during the year 1ROW. The not rosoiiice of the club were shown to amount to nearly $50.000. i The stockholders hluiwed their appreciation of the work of the board of directors by imftnlmonaljplerting the old board , as fol lows : Ocnr l Charles P. M nderon. K. P. | Perk , W. II. McCord. J. K. Chamber * . C. K. j Cmitant , l.tither Drake , Dr. Wllwm O. Hrldftp * . John K. Wilbur. John J. Dlrkcy. A vote of thanks wn tendered the board for Its efficient service. , The board of dlrorloni held a . hort SPS- | alon following the general meeting of the ( stockholders and speedily completed Hi j work by electing the old officers of the club , J choosing General Manderson as president. U. 1' . Peck , vice president ; John 12. Wilbur , | treasurer , and r. 1 , . Deucl , secretary. 1'res- i Idem Mnndernon appointed the former house committee , composed of Messrs. Peck , Drake and Chambers , to serve during the coming year. In speaking of the affairs of the club a prominent stockholder stated at the close of the meeting Saturday night : "The mem bers of the Omaha club certainly have good cause for gratification In the financial affairs of the organization. Two years ago the club hail an Indebtedness approaching $80,000 , and this has now been reduced by about J30.000. We give much of the credit to the efficient board of directors which has had charge of financial affairs. . Of course , we realize that ono of the principal elements In this Im proved condition lies in the remarkable Im provement In business affairs during the last year or more. The affairs of the Omaha club were never In bettor shape than at the present and the future outlook Is certainly most encouraging. " ' Union hoflttl. Omnha lodge. No. 1 , Hankers Union of tlie \YoNd again demonAtrntcd Urn energy and olllcli-nry thnt characterize the socialHldo of the order by a dance given Saturday evening in The Heo building. No r'J ' 9 enjoyed sp-lenilM program of uii > los < i d.iiift-4 nml uho delightful refreshments that wore 'served during the Intermission * . A short , Interesting address on the bem-llts of the order wns delivered by John llennlng. ntorlninmctiit wnsoin - The committee on ' poHed of MesdatnoM Jiulvlhlll. Mnrle Hcn- nlsy. Magarall ami Ml's-es Hose Bhirke , Florence Jnrkon nd Mngarall. LOCAL BREVITIES. The Omnhn Guards' monthly medal drill will be given on January 2'J. An Informal dance will follow the contest. Kdward Heed of the Omaha Merchants express H eoiilln"d to his residence with n. severe attack of Inllntntnatorv rheumatism. Mr. K. A. White has just llnlnhed a largo contract of railroad In Iowa and Is now engasea with a similar contract in Onrana. Jacob II. Badger of Arlington wants to 1)e ) freed from bin debts under the bank ruptcy act and has applied to Judge Mun- eor. eor.A case of scarlet fever exists at Four teenth and Ijeavonworth streets , the sec- oti'd ' to occur In the Hat. The first was not reported. nvldonoe. In .the . Fair and Jockcns habeas corpus euso Is being transcribed for Judge Jlnnger , wHio now has 'the ' cnso under ad- vNoinien'J. The Omaha Philosophical society meets tills afternoon at 2:30. : third lloor of the public ; library building. Subject , "The Citizen. " Introduced by George W. Mngney. J. S. Hell reports a burglary at his house , 1105 Dodge street. Sometime Friday night burglars broke a padlock oft a rear door , entered and stole an overcoat valued at $8. William Do Graft , a bricklayer recently from Clrtengo , whllo working on the new Melz brewery Friday , fell twenty feet , breaking a rib. He was taken to St. Jo seph H hospital. Itlcihard C. Patterson has hocn Invited to deliver an address before the .Ministerial . union at Its next regular meeting , February 19 , on the subject , "What the Public Kx- poem from the School Teariiorn ouid Direc tors. " Tlio system of carriers' registration of let ters in the lesldence. districts of Omaha Is meeting with popular approval and the number of letters registered Is constantly IncrcviHliiR an the new system bocomcH bet ter known. William Kehl , who has recently served a sentence In the county Jail for larceny , lias linen given ton days In police court for stealing coal from the Union Pacific Hallroad company. John Smollnvky was given llvo days for a similar offense. Itcitall clerks announce that there will bo a special meeting of the Ceiutral Ixibor union for one purpose oC considering the matter of having the stores employ no male < links not members of the union. The elec tion of utllcxTH at the last regular meeting of the central body made It Impossible to have the matter oi > nslderod at that time. Harry Bnrcham , ono of the proprietors of n s.iloon on Sixteenth street near Cass , was nrralKtM.il 1)efore Justice Alstndt yes terday afternoon on a charge of threatening to kill his partner , William Unolka. The men mot In Bile oourt room , nml through the Intervention of mutual friends , became ipooncllod. They shook 'hands ' , Uti'clkn ' con- K'ntod to n. withdrawal nt Uie oharse , and the justice dismissed the case. The convention ot the Western Jobbers' tu-joelallon , whloh in to bo held In. Chicago on Tuesday nnd W rnesdny of this week , will bo well attended by the l ot and shoo aiid rnbbur goods Interests of this city. The following jobbers have oxpre.tsod their In tention of being- present : II. fj. Jlarte , / . T. L.indsey , F. P. KIrkondall 13. II. Sprngno and \ \ . V. Mot-he. They will leave on .Mon day and atU'iul the full session. At Its mooting last ovenlm ; tbe Jacksonlan rlub admitted 'to meinibershln forty-eight applicants. 'Mho club Is makitiK a Htrenuoiis otlort to innreaso Us nii > mber > Jlilp to keep pac-e wlt'h ' the county democracy , and Inas much ns tin * latter has no Initiation fees or diii-s. t'he ' Jacksonlans decided to remit HIP Initiation foe for sixty du } . Thin action was ordered by a vole in which Dr. Hippie who was In Wie t'halr in t'ho ' absence of President Kul P. Smitli , had to clecldo It on u tie. The annual nieoting of itho stOK-'kholdors of the Hlolmrdi'on Drug conupany was Jield .it the otllce of the company ut 2 o'clock Saturday. The. affairs of the company were found to bo In a very prosperous condition. The following board of directors wus IIIIIMI- iniuil.sly elected : Oharlex F. Wellor J.imos Hli-haul-son. Mrsi Mury D. Hlo.hard.son Hurry S.Vellor , Frank C. Patton. After the meeting of t'he ' nt/ockhoMors a mooting of tlu dlrwlors was Jio'.d at w-hlnh tlie fol lowing ntllccrs were I'lPcttxl for Iho ensuing year : fharlps F. Woller , picsldont and general inuiia rr ; James Hluhanlsonlce i > itsldi.nt . ; llnrry K. Wcller. becretury : 1 ranli C. Ix.itton , treasurer. Provouted by Warm Shnmpoos with CUTICUUA SOAP , fol lowed by light dressings of CUTICUIIA , purest of emollient Skin Cures. This treatment at once stops falling hair , dears the scalp of crusts , scales , and dandruff , soothes irri tated , itching surfaces , stimulates the hair follicles , supplies the roots with energy and nourishment , and makes the hair grow on a clean , wholesome scalp , when all else fails. Complete External and Internal Treatment for Every Humor , $1.25 , ronUtliiK lit Cl ru i IIA siur ( . 'fit' \ to fltMiixv the > Lm ut crusts ami i-rjU' . and soften Hit ! llilrki'iifilculldi' , I'l'TUt ' HA OIUkiniMit " .Vic .iiilnrUlitU ulla > Iti'hliiKiirllatlou ami liill'iinuiatloii , anil toothed ml heal , and t nil I'in ' la OI.NT'.W ID c.iol . ami dcniue tlic lilooil. , \ elngl M'tUoltfii tiiiltlclent turiiiDlhrmott tiirturliiK dUllirurlnaiLlii , caln ami hlood Iminors , rn lic-n , Iti lilni , ami Irrltiitloim wllii lo- * of li iir , wlu'ii iliu best phytl ! cl nn un.i all other rriuHi * * lull.oM tinunsiiput tlio wId I uri'Hi Duuu ASHCIIIM. Cour. , 1'rops. , IJojtou. llow tu Tftcfrvf , l'urir > A Utuutifythe Iluir , Hand * 4 sik.ln"Xrte. TALK OF FOOD FOR LIVE STOCK Convention of Nebraska and Iowa General Agents is Held in This City. I IMPROVEMENT IN METHODS IS DICCU3SED i | Pointed Sircrlti" | In U'lilcli thr Im- IMirtmuT of Slock llnUliitt In Writ IN It roil u lit Out Si'iNlnn I'niN tilth I'ltiiiiiirl I-nil Tin-liter. A convention of the general agents anil salesmen In the stock food business was held In the P. 12. Snnborn company's new building nt 1507-1511 Howard street yester day afternoon. Among these present were : II. J. .Mnhood. Marshalltown , In. ; B. K. Hairnikcr. .Marshalltown , la. ; C. ! ' . Way , Columbus , Neb. ; H. C. M. Uurgcss , Marys- vlllp , Ka . ; X. W. L.umly , Marshnlltown , la. ; J. H. Jennings , Fremont , N'eb. ; T. 12. Kenton. David City , Neb. ; XI. M. Kennels. Jefferson , la. ; S. LVay ) , Aurora , Neb.L. . U. Her , Shelby. Neb. ; H. It. Orny , Hastings , Neb. ; Daniel llurke , Ord , Neb. ; P. 11 , Oliver , Shelilon , la. ; J. It. Burks , Hlawntha. Kan. ; W. M. Miller. Topcka , Kan. ; K. B. Itaruer , Mnrsbnlllown , la. ; F. II. ( ileassn , Onawa , la. ; O. V. Cunning. Cedar Kails , la. : W. A. Scott , Orlnnell , la. ; L. W. Satchell , Clrtnnell , la. ; William Hussoll , Crcston , In. ; J. II. Jnrmln , Norfolk , Neb. ; N. M. Simpson , Hod Oak , la. ; W. W. Willis , Hiawatha , Kan. ; 0. W. Spraglns , Grand Island , Neb. ; C. II. Logan , Clay Center , Kan. ; C. A. Parsons , Mnrshnlllown , In. ; H. M. Klmic , llancroft , Neb. Neb.Tho The meeting was called to order by V. 12. Sanborn , who delivered the opening ad dress , giving an account of the history mid growth of the Standard Food business fiom the time of Its Inception In 1SSG up to the present date. The speaker told of the early dlHCOuragements and of the small results of the first two or three years and traced the growth step by stop , showing how n cipher was added from tlmcto tlmo to the figures representing the volume of business. H fur nished an example , ho said , of business en ergy , followed by great success. In con clusion the speaker alluded with pardonable prldo to the magnificent building in which the meeting wns being held , the Inrgest and beat in the city constructed for an ex- cluslvo manufacturing business. Charlcfl E. Ady followed with a paper having for Its subject "Tho Agent and Some Thlngfl 1'crtalnlng to Him and Ills Work. " Coming from a man of experience In agency work , his worda were listened to with the closest attention by men , some of whom hiivo grown gray In the same line of work. John E. Utt , secretary of the Commercial club , was at his best In "An Outsider's View of the Cattle Industry and the Standard Kood nuslness. " While his remarkH were interspersed with witticisms that provoked mirth among the listeners , In the main he devoted himself to the great Importance to the west of the llvo stock industry. Ho showed the vast strides made In the matter of feeding and fattening stock for market and contrasted the old and unscientific meth ods of the past with the present Improved methods , by which the farmer studies the values of foods and strives to so combine thorn as to bring about the best results. II. F. Hodgln responded In a happy vein and C. P. Way of Columbus , an old , experi enced stock grower and shipper , as well as ono of the most successful agents In the state , gave some of his experiences in gen eral agency work. K. 12. Ilruco of E. E. pruco & Co. , whole sale druggists of the city , followed with a well received address , after which were brief speeches by a number of the visiting agents from both Iowa and Nebraska. In the evening the visitors were enter tained by the P. E. Sanborn company at a banquet given at the Murray hotel , during which there was a most pleasant exchange of business experiences , which brought the strangers Into closer relations and promoted meted a general feeling of good fellowship. The day clobod with a theater party. " 9 V ' ! SOUTH OMAHA NEWS. There has been considerable talk lately about the erection of a viaduct across the tracks of O street and many people have been led to believe that the work on this proposed structure will commence with the opening of spring. As nearly every ono knows , buuh a bridge will have to bo built by the Union Pacific and the Union Stock Yards company Jointly. Ilcgardlcbs of all lumors , it can bo stated on authority that no viaduct across the tracks will be erected this year. Plans have been drawn and ap proved for a viaduct , commencing in front of the Exchange building and ending nt Tncnty-slxth and O streets , but the con struction Is yet romoto. When these plans were drawn the estimated cost was. figured at fSO.OOO , but with the recent advance in lion , steel and lumber the cost of such a structure now will be fully $100,000. Those In a position to know assert that no effort will be made In 1000 to erect this proposed bridge. When the Union Pacific completes Its grading in the north part of tint city and lays the additional tracks con templated and then remodel its passenger depot , the question of a viaduct may betaken taken up. When all this work has been com pleted. which will nut bo for at least a year , the bridging of the tracks will bo considered and not lioforo. A great deal of property on 0 street has changed hands on the rumors of a viaduct , and Bom N street business men are con siderably worried , but there IB nothing to the rumors. When the viaduct Is built It Is as likely to bo constructed across N stiect as It In on 0 street. The fact that the approved plans call for O street Is not seriously considered by the railroad mag nates , as these can be changed when the tlmo comes. No vlnduct will bo erected this year and possibly not next year. Street fur ( lui > rl ( > N. In connection with the requested Improve ments In street-car service In this city , a subscriber sends the following queries to General Manager Smith of the Omaha Street Hallway company : "How many times last year did you ride over your own line to South Omaha ? "Did it over occur to you thnt you could Improve the service by maintaining all the necivtsary electric lamps in the cars ? "Motorman 47 was shy all lights on the n'ornlng of January 20. "Have > ou n car Inspector on the road ? "Did you Inspect any of these ears last year , or any year since they were placed in service ? " In connection with lights In cars It mav bo stated that In most of the cars the ma jority of electric globes are hurnexl out and a Etnil-darknees prevails. In addition to the complaints about lights night and morning , there Is the flat-wheel problem. Cars have In-en running on the Sherman avcnuo line with the flat wheels for months past and have apparently never been Inspected since the old horse-car ways. Mlnnlonnrr ron A conference on missions will be held Inthe Christian Endearor society at the Plrst I'rosbytrrlan church thU evening at C.30 o'clock. Mrs. W. J. McIJurncy will prec'de and direct scripture readings. Three- intnuto talks will be made as follows by the seniors. Influence of Railways on Missions. " Per- rle Mel ) Wheeler. "The Partition of China , " Heubon Johnson ' The Indiana , " MUe Kate Huberts , 'A Cry from the CongV poem , Mlra Florence P. Austin , prayer. WllUrl Webster , "Missionary Heroism. ' Ml n Daphne Griffith ; "The Rural Church , " Will Ocmmlll ; "The City Mission * . " Kmory Stanley ; "Giving , " Miss Clara Merrill. VnotluT lloiiiititlonii Hull ) . Friday night's republican meeting nt Mod- crn Woodman hall was the best rally held In this city in many months. The attend- aiice exceeded the expectations of the ollleeis of the Young Men's Republican club. The meeting had the effect of Inducing qulto a number of republicans to Join the club. All these \\\\o \ desire to afllllato themselves with this organization are requested to send their names and address to Karl Matthews , secretary anil treasurer. Another mcrtlng Is already being planned and speakers from out of town will be Invited. Krnnt of St. wV The feast of St. Agnes will be celebrated nt St. Agnes' church at 10 30 o'clock today with high nines , Rev , D. W. Morlarty , celebrant. In this service the choir of St. Agnes' church will bo assisted by the choir of St. Bridget's church. Miss Margaret O'Toole will sing the offertory , while Mis. W. G. Dcntley will occupy a position nt the organ. Solos will bo rendered by Mlsn Theresa Desmond. Mrs. A. M. Gallagher , Mrs. W. J. McCrann , Mrs. Josephine Car roll , Charles Gibson and Joseph Moore. AimtliiT Iaiuiiir Clnlin. Patrick Hynes has filed a claim ng. > ln = t the city for personal injuries alleged to hnvo been received nt Twenty-fourth and S .itreets on the evening of December ' ) , 1S99. Hyncs asserts that while going over the sidewalk ho fell through a defective plonk and wns injured so that he wns con- lined to his bed. He does not specify the amount of damages. The accident Is re ported to have occurred December 0 and the claim was filed January lt. ! OIllucrN liiNtnllnl. The Installation of officers of the Circle of the Presbyterian Kings' Daughters at the residence of W. Watson Friday after noon -was of more than oullimry Interest. Mrs. J. E. Crothers , Mrs. Arthur Miller , Mrs * . 0. E , Wlnegard and Mrs. Willis Hor- gor were Inducted Into office by Rev. Dr. Wheeler. Following the ceremony a recep tion and luncheon was temlercd by Mrs. William Watson , Mrs. W. D. Watson and Miss Watson. Justice of the Peace Caldwcll. 2310 N St. The hide workers nt the incklnjj houses have formed u unlom Dr. Wheeler preaches ns usual Mils morn ing nt the Presbyterian church. Kd CopenJiarve Is a cnnMIdntfc for presi dent of the Trades and I > nbor council. iPtepamtlons nro belns made for ttio plac ing of the roof on Armour's new warehouse. Special Salvntlon Army meetings will be In-Ill oil Monday and Tuesday evenings of this week. Uve stock commission dealers expect to have the revenue stain ] ) " * oiv notes and mort- KT.KCB cut off. Silver bracelets nt Godfrey's. It Is reported that a young' men's demo cratic club to buck tlio Kiisor machine Is ibelng organized. Since O. 13. Bruce took charge of tJio Jan itor s crvlco tin * new ixistalllce building- kept ncut und clean. Joseph Aubreclit , the smallpox patient. Is < lolng nicely , and It is expected that he will recover In a few lay . Ilev. George T. Buck of Omaha will speak at the Younc Men's Christian association at 3 o'clock this afternoon. Rev. Sala of the Nebraska Children's Aid society will pre.-uih. nt ( lie First Presby terian church this evening 13d Johnson & Co. , real estate , now located In room 2 , Murphy block. The Thomson-Houston electric llg'ht build- Ins1 nt Twenty-third and . 'V'jy.-eets Is nearly up to the ton of ( he l A muMrale nu'd cntc Bient will be given , by Dutmon cn.stlo B Hoyal High landers it Jlasonlo ImJll Vnc evening of January 23. Tlio ifunernl of John HeifflrlcVson will beheld held Monday torenoon from the family ht/inc In Albright. Interment will be nt Lnti- icl HIH cemetery. The Ladles' Circle of .the . First Methodist Kplscopal church , will give a. tea Thursday ntternoon : it the home of Mrs. Shields , Twenty-third und .M streets. Dentist. Shibaugh , 21th and N streets. Next Friday nOternoon the Woman's Home Missionary wx-lety of tine Jlethodlst i .1 lurch will meet with .Mrs. P. A. Broud- well , Twenty-Ilfth ami F streets. Members of ithe Hoard of liducatlon are worrying about the wtilti Just commenced by : iti Unialni typewriter company to recover $ 50 for machines bought , but never paid - . } - The SoutHi Omaha iBowllns club was en- tci'taliied at caixls on Friday evening at Hie home , of B. F. Roth , tK)2 ) North Twi-nty- 'fiiurlh nlreel. South OmaJm. The club Is composed of the following1 members : Me-ars. ICoogel , U. Paddwk , Uoy Honey , 1" . M. Bloodhanr. Frank Merrill and B. F. Koth. The crowd parted at mldnlpht after spending a very etijo > a'blc ' evening. Elzo doesn't indicate .juaitcy. Beware ot counterfeit and worthless salvo offered for DeWltt's Witch Hazel Salve. DeWItfs Is the only original. An infallible cure Sot piles and all skin diseases. NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY Ill-'Montlily Hi-clliiK of TliU llrnnch of ( Ininliii IIlKli Si-liool The regular bi-monthly tuectlng of the Natural History society of the Omaha High school was held Thursday evening at the headquarter * of the. society In the city hall. The research committee on the lowest branch of the plant kingdom , protophyta , was the llrst to report. It was slated that the green houses at Hanscoin park are excellent places to study tills typo , llacterla was also dis cussed by another committee. Other matters of Interest to the society were talked about and It was decided that the organization will keep open house at fomo date in the near future for the purpose - pose of making n public exhibition of dis coveries In natural history. This society UH.-J a largo membership end much Interest Is taken in Iho work. If your dealer don't keep Cook's Imperial Extra Dry Champagne order of American Wlno Co. , St. Louis ! Mo. SiiNiilcloiiN ( litnrlct Arri'Nlnl. A quartPt was capture.by ! the po'.l.-e on h wer Dodge s-tircet Saturday evening unJcr olrcuimitunecs that place the four In a very suspicious lleht. Chief of Police Donahue r.inl faptiiln Her arrested them after w uivh- Ing their movements for some time. Several times one of them attempted to soil a watch to the pussorsby nnd afterwards they divided their company and walked In the same direction on opposite sides of the Htlcot. At the ptii'tlon ' thev RHVC the names of AlhPit KvntiK. Frank Kvuns , Albert 1C- ! well and Harry Klwfil. Frank Hvanw , \ \ < ho w.is nttemptlng1 to sell the \\mtch , tays the UmoplfX' was given him by his brothel , Who In.'tructed ' him to wfil it. Albert Kvans was currying on his pel-son thteo watt hi a nwl a loaded revolver. T'he ' other tbrio were walking notion stores and nrrkJ a large stock of new neckties. sdioontrlnen nnd cellar buttons. They will bo held while an dttempt is made to find If they uro not wanted ficinc wihcre. Aliirrlnun MCOIINC * . The following marrlago llcen-ses - have 'been ' Issued : Name nn'l ' HcldcnK' * . Are. Jumes Kokurda. Omiha 2j Julia ICuiul. Omaha l't Thayer II. Hcnton , Omaha 21 Kmmu M. Profke. Omaha 'M Mil MI ill-nulo Hull. The third grand masquerade ball of 1"3' Degree drill team crowded Patterson h.i I Sevtuiteer.tli and Farnam street , Haturda > nlil't ' to a imlnt um.'ornfortab'.o ' for daiu-InK Three hunt'icd romle were prcseni This entertairinitnt rolones to a perles given by the crder c > arh wee ) ; . JMlil ) , 1 > AHN1LL At the r Kldenco of her daugli ter , Mrs. II O. Stalder. 1S39 North Twi-n- ty-fuurlh street. January 'JO. 9-W a in Funeral nt 2 p m , January 21 liurlul ut Walnut lllll i trmetery , Council llluffs la | Two daughters survive her , Mrs. II Q St < i- d r of t'hls ' t-iiy and Mrs U F Simmons of , Clinton , liu Deceased wan born In muth , Llnc-olnahlre , Kncland , JIuy 11 , 1KO. ' TOPICS FOR A DAY OF RESTf i This evening Rev. M. W. Chase. P s- 1 tor of the First MethodlM church , will bORin j , n Driest of sermons upon popular topics un- , dpr thp caption. "Thlnns that Make or' ' i llrcak. " Thp first subject will be "Marty Training. " While those discourses nro in- , tcnued especially for young people , parents j are Invited to this flint one. j "How Our Anglo-Saxon Ancestor * Left i Heathenism" will be thp subject of llov , Mr. j Herring's lecture this evening under the auspices of the Men's club of the Plrst Con gregational church. ! i i J BMhop Williams will celebrate and preach j nt St. Harntxuns' churMt tltta morning i i nt 11 o'clock. Sittings In St. Uimisbns' nre free nnd n cordial welcome Is extended to visitors nt nil llmw. Special revival services nre In progress nt the Calvary Baptist church. Rev. ToUom , who Is assisting the pastor. Is drawing large crowds by his ctlrrlng sormctis. Quito a number have comu out already , several of whom have united. Into the church. Mr. FolEom will spend olio eitoro week with Un church. Confirmation will soon be ndmlnlslered In all the Kplscopnllnn tnlstlons nnd parishes. Instruction at Trinity cathedral will be Riven every Wednesday nt f > o'clock , Fridays nt 11 and 7:4S : nnd Sundays nt 12:30. : follow ing the morning service. Ono of the most notable church events of [ the week wns the formal Installation of Rev. Dr. C. S. Sargent ns pastor of St. Mary's Avenue Congregational church. Thlt occa sion w.is participated In by representative. ! of all the Congregational churches In Omaha , ns well ns many other denomina tions. Dr. Sargent has recovered from his recent Illness nnd now appears regularly In his pulpit. Two highly treasured stoics have been taken from Trinity cathedral vestry room and Dean Fair offers a reward for Informa tion leading to their recovery. The coming of Rev. A. 11. Scott of Chicago to the pastorate ot the Cnstellar Street Pres byterian church Is cMiectcd to arouse re newed enthusiasm In thnt congregation. Dr. Scott succeeds Rev. J. M. Wilson , who left three months ago to accept a pastorate at Boulder , Colo. Rev. Scott has the degree of Ph.D. from McCormlck seminary , Chicago , and Is said to bo one of the most learned members of the Omaha clergy. He will preach In his church today. IjOvi * mill I'cuor MIRlon. OMAHA , Jan. 20. To the Editor of The Bee : Allow mo to say a few words In behalf of "Love nnd Peace Mission , " 1106 South Thirteenth street. The work among the poorer class of our city which has been carried on by the help and sympathy of our citizens has ac complished much good In comparison with ' the aid received. This little independent mission gives an. Idea of the success that may be obtained In this community if wo can have more de fenders and helpers to carry on the work. I publicly profess that I realize this work belongs to the cltl'/ciiH and that I am pimply an Instrument for doing tfood. Therefore , I make an appeal to our intelligent citizens to give us their helping hands , not only financially , but their earnest co-operation , their attendance , and advice , If ncccbsary. I also wish to sny I am not handling the funds of the mission , as wo have Mr. J. II. Boxton of the First National bank as our treasurer , who will pay all bills according to the funds in the ticasury. This puts upon me the responsibility ot soliciting sufficient money to enable him to meet the demands. Therefore , I am taking a missionary Journey In the Htato for this purpose. During my absence 1 hope my friends and these In sympathy with "Love and Peace Mission" will send their donations and the monthly subscriptions they hnvo pledged to Mr. J. II. Ilexton. I shall also bo pleased If the gospel work ers will assist our Sunday school superin tendent , Mr. J. K. Field , if necessary. J. T. TAMINOSIAN. CllllclSuvlniillinUtlltc. . During the last week a girl 10 years of ago was taken to a home for adoption In the western part of the city ; another little girl , 1 year old , was taken to a good home at Fre mont ; a little boy , 4 months' old , was placed In a homo at South Omaha ; another little boy , 6 months' old , wns taken to a home In the northwest part of the city ; n boy 13 years of ago was sent to n farm in the Fouth- eastcrn part of the state , and places for the employment of some other boys were becurod. The kindergarten classes. under the direction of Miss McFarland will meet dally In the forenoons ; tending room open dally , gymnasium cln.sscs for boys Monday and Friday evenings ; physical culture classes for girls Tuesday evening ; club meetings for boys other evenings in the week ; bible study Friday evening : cooking school classes for working girls Wednesday evening. The legular cooking school classes In the after noon at 1 o'clock will meet an usual during the week. Sowing schoal classes Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock . The mothers' meeting connected with the kindergarten department of the work will convene Thursday nfternocn at 2 o'clock , when the women ot the Woman's Christian Temperance union will aEslHt. Sunday school this nfternocn nt 2 o'clock , under the direction of Mr. Arthur Clmso and Dr. 12. C. Henry. A" . W. ' . A. .Niid-N. The Sunday afternoon meeting will be an infoimal ono without a loader. Kadi ono will bo Invited to add a thought. The brunch opened IIw work last week. Monday night at the public meotlng In Grace clicpcl a pleaflng program was piesented , consisting of short tnlka of the association work , music and reading. There wan a laigo attendance of young women and girls. The ( list chits , a chorus class taught by Mr. Ohcar Garelsscn , was well attended on Tluisdnj' evening. Miss Woodsmall will conduct two classes In physical culture on Saturday night. Fri day night Is given to bible- class work , Tues day night to a young women's club. A sowIng - Ing clafs Is being planned for Saturday aft ernoons. Dr. McClanahan will lecture before the pbjslology class next Friday night on "Con- | vulslonn of Children , Foreign Bodies In Kye , Kar , Note , Throat , lied Sores , etc. " The e [ lectures are given by the bc t physicians of I the city , and uro open to ull inembeis of the ' ns.'oi la t Ion. ; Men , iln > on nciir Slilrlx ? l.inlli-N , iln j on urnr hlilH Wiil"l ? If J-uii ilo , uid want KOiniithliiK ,1 lit tle I'.ttri nice we'll tnkiplcaPuri - In showing jmi our MiW ftPHINd 8AM- 1'l KH. wlil < h WI-'M. juct not In inn < Iras nid | ) orcnlns all idiom \\'K tain- your uifasiuie mukc a t-hlrt or w.ilnt thai will III. It's the onb w.iy to < t .t UnOD Bhlrt or w.ilst-ls to in iu inaKo It We'll take pliMourt- bhow- ItiK > ou < Hir sji The man who iruiUrwhir's and t'uu lit With Cleaned Streels It lieromes every Intly to hnvo dalnly root coverings All women Know Hit- nnn's Is tlie prnper shoo Swell dro si'M Insist on hnvlni ; them others just if Roml ntitl ju t ns stylish lack tliat char- ncter Hull lias made llamtn's famous- Drcx ISlioninnn Is tlie only omalm stoic tlitit lias ihosp women's sliot1 They come In enamel patent calf -imt- ent Ulil - vlcl Ulil nml UiHslti calf-livery iwilr a foil titterllanan maile a study ofomnn's feet liefotv lie licean mak- lim tlii-se shoes. Drexel Shoe Co. , Otafttta'a Up-to-date iho UIO FAKNA11 STRUCT. Pianos for Everybody Nine din'Pient style * In llo iie piano * ! , nine dllTercnt kinds oi' mil Ufa 1 wnoiK net Inn veneers and UnNhos tines t lotto smooth action elepinl tlnlsli and du rability equal to the oldest established makes t IIP prices nre lower by f > 0 dollars lars than their eiiual sold eNewhere. A trial will convince the most skejitUral. We have put on stile a number of Hot. second and third class pianos semi ) used-others make slightly - new-to room for the stock now on the way. We have new ones from $1 IS up-and the easiest terms possible. Music and Art. 1513 Douglas , The Jeweler 215 S. 10th , Paxtou 131k , Is a Watcii Expert Ho Is the chief watch Inspector for the O. K. C. & 13. Uy. nnd the O. & St. h. Hy. Ho is the special watch examiner for the U. P. Ry. Ho Is the western agent for the celebrated HALL watch. Ho receives watches by oxprcsa for repairs from many points in the west. If you are Interested in a new watch or deslro any repairs on your old ono aeo Copley. You will Und his prices reasonable "for FIRST-CLASS service. Henry Copley General Itnilroad Watcii Examiner. 215 S. 10th St. Pnxton Uloclc Lloyd's ' Photo Rotary Trimmar is constructed on an entirely now principle , which makes It Impossible for the print or paper , which Is being trimmed , to buckle , the\i > v Insuring a perfectly clean nnd true 3jo. Unmounted prints or printing paper can bo trimmed quick nnd true BO simply that It will bo economy for any photographer , cither amateur or professional , to own one. Prices 7- Inch , $2.50 ; 8-lnch , $3.00 ; 10-Inch , $3.50 THE AlOE & PENfOLD CO. , Arnate < ir l'hoograpl\o ( ( 3np ) > H i. 1408 Farnani. OMAHA OPPOSITE PAXTON HOTEL. OR , McOREW'S ' PLAIN TALK TO MEN-MEDICAL TREATMENT AND A HELPINfi HAND FOR ALL AT REASONABLE COST , DR. McCREW is well known throughout the west ns ono of THE IVIOST SUCCESSFUL SPECIALISTS in the treatment of ALL DISEASES AND DISORDERS OF MEN ONLY. 22 YEARS of Unlimited Experience 12 YEARS 5" OMAHA. His charges mnko it possible for even the poorest to obtain treatment. Ilia reputation nnd reliability is well not forth in the following. OltfdAHA Bti : Dr. McOrcw is regarded as the most eminent authority In the west today on diseases peculiar lo nipn , ho is Justly entitled to this reputation , as ho has maJo private dlsordurn of men his special study nnd life work. CHICAGO TRADE REVIEW ; We do not hesitate to single out Dr. J. K. McOrew of Omaha , Nebraska , an a specialist fully deserving ot the highest praise. The fact that diseases of a ptlvnto nature ate his specialties , gives him n decided ad- vautugo over the general practitioner. Dr. McOrow Is a thoroughly trained physician , a donp thinker , a kcon rcusoner , a persistent reader of the literatura of his profession , and hence ix wide awake and Intelligent ip clnllst. During our twenty years' experi ence as a newspaper correspondent we hav not encountered a more thorough , a better equipped or a more rcllabln specialist than Dr. MeOrow. ELECTRICITY AND MEDICAL TREATMENT COMBINED. Varlcocoln , .Stricture , Syphlllr , , LOBS cf Vigor and Vitality. CURES GUARANTEED. CHARGES LOW. HOME TREAT MENT , fiuok , C insultutlun nnd Kxtimination Free. Hours , 8 a. m. to 5 ; 7 to > i > in. Sunday. " to 12. P. O. Hex 7 ( . Office N F . Cor. 14- and Fiirnaiu Streets , OMAHA , NEI1. Why not have n pleasant , warm , healthy place to work ? The iwoplo who cumo to UPC yon Judge yon moro by the nllli-o ami the bnlMliiK yon are In than the clothes you wear -nuil ll costs no ii"'ro tlian whore yon are when yon tlRtiro In free UK * ' * heat mid Janitor service , as well as wcnr and tear on your lumper. The Best Offices are in sk The Bee Building R. C. PETERS & CO. , Rental Ground Floor Bee Building.