THE OMAHA DAILY 1113K : StrXIAV , JANTAUY 'J 1 , J)00. ! ) O.NIAIIA SUNDAY Bui * ii B. ItOSliWATKH , Keillor. rUULtSHKO KVKttY MORNING. TEHMS Of St'USCIUl'TlON. Dally l e ( Sunday ) , One Year..J6 1-ully Hte mid Sunday , one Year. . . . . . . Dully , Sunday and Illmlratcd , Ono \ear S Sunday find , unu Yunr j niUHtnUiHl UPP , one Year 2 Sunday Hec , unc Year ? rinturdiiy llec , Ono Year weekly 15co. Ono Year OI'TICUS. Omaha ; The Hee liullding. . _ „ , . Solilh Omaha : City Hull HUliain Twentj-llfih and N streets. Councl' ' Ulurfs : 10 1'cnrl street. Chin. . IWO fully Building. New \ > rk : Tcsmilo court. WaahttiKton : SOI Kn.irteenth Street. Communications relatbiK t" news and ci torlul matter should bp addressed : Omni IJee , Udllorlnl Denartment. Hl.'SINKSS MiTTEnS. UuslneBs lutlers and rcmlttnnces shou bo addressed : The llco Publishing Col pany , Omaha. UKM1TTANCKS. llemll by draft , express or postal ord ( payablu to The Heo Publishing Conipan Only 2-ccnt stumps accepted In payment mall accounts. Personal checks , except < Omalm or liasturn oxchntiKC , not ncceptc TlfK HKH I'UllLtSHlNG COMPANY VI'ATICMU.NT OF CIHCUI.ATIOX. State of Nebraska , Douglas County , ss. : aeorgo II. Tr.Kohuck. fcoerotiiry ot The H Piibllslilim Company. boltiK duly nwor says thai the actual number ur full ni complr j copies of The Dally. Mornln Kvenl > ! S-'liday lice , printed durli tin- . . . . : bv-omber , 1SW. was as fc lows : V * I jii vvj i v * ' i fjtj il i V Subscribed und sworn before me this 1 By of January. A. n. 1 % JNaATBi Public. Notary ( Seal. ) conti'iiik'tl tlmt Ke No one lias ever lucky needed a school for iiiarUsmni ship. . _ \Ve feel safe In saying that the. It carnival on the eximslllon liipion 111 winter lias been po--tii < > ned , If not d chiretl oil. If Hie ( jreat railroad pool is cousin mated according to program the tick scalper will lie without nn occupation ; no distant diy. : The English government , is allowh nyalt.v to go to war much as the Inv \v a'llowrd to learn to swim witlmi going near the water. Congressman Uoherts has this sail faction : That he received part of h support from the fusion umtributlou tliu polyglol delegation ftoin NebrasK The taxpayers of Douglas county a still at a loss to comprehend why tin cannot get interest on county deposi while the city depositories' pay 'J p cent interest to the city on open a count. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . \Vc shall soon see whether the Lei always lights with the battalions. Tl British army under Huller untnnmbe the Hoers about two to one and wl snob odds In their favor the Hrlth should come off victorious. The .lackKonian club lias been a judged guilty of pernicious activity 1 Colonel Moiso and his friends. Wli Is bothering the colonel more than an tiling else Is how to put it Into a com lion of Innocuous desuetude. With Iho daily wages of the comini Held laborers In Puerto Kico rangh from : ( . " to fid cents a day In nati1 money there need be no fear of any da geruns exodus of farm hands from N brasku lo our new West Indian Islan When reading , the pn.ei'cdlugs of tl United States sunate remember that II senator who talks loudest and appea most strenuously to popular favor is nine cases out of ten one who Is nea Ing the end of his term and seeking i election. H begins to look as if County Att < ; ney Shields were prosecuting tl county's claim against Albyn Krank the interest of ( lie defendant rath than the plaintiff. No other explan tloii can bo made of Ids apparent an iely to help Krank out. The house of representatives hi passed a bill providing Tor the prlntii of the census volumes by the cover incnl printing otlirc. llcroro the h reaches its linal form It might bo wi to Insert a clause Insuring the compl lion of the publication before the ! ' . census. The lice is in receipt of a cominnnlc turn signed by It. C. Patterson , askb some one lo "have the kindness to e plain why the total amount of the reg lar annual taxes for all purposes ci leeteil upon an assessment of $1 , ( > 00 Douglas county and the city of onml Is $ r > o.lV' The explanation Is that isn't so , King Canute Is chnnlclcd once have set his chair on the shore belo tide mark 'and commanded the wat to keep away from him. The iinestli Is : Will the people of St. Louis lur liny greater success In stopping tl Hood of water In the Chicago dralnaj fiuiiil 'by Injunctlonal edict of tl court ? The testimony brought out by Hie i vestigatlon of the Montana M-natorl election has been an eye-opener to tl American people and alfords the mu powerful argument In fa\or of the ele lion uf senator by direct vote of tl people. Millionaires can buy up legislature , but they cannot buy up tl people of n whole state , n ; ; / nt.nv TW ; KMT. * body knows how to P'llt a new paper better than the men engaged that culling. Lectures on how new papers should be edited and innnagi may be heard on all street corners. Is therefore not surprising that men < the cloth frequently deliver pulpit oi tloiH in which they tell what they wo.i do If Ihey could exchange plice : with tl editor of n dally paper. In such a lecture delivered last Su day by an Omaha minister , who doitlj lens feels etitial to the task Impost upon editors of metropolitan dallies , tl llrst thing our woithy co-laborer In tl moral vineyard says he would do If 1 Were editor would be to exclude all o Jectlonable advertisement. " . This won include not merely adveitlsemeuts tin tend to deprave public morals or offer the public taste , but also such IH b pose upon the credulous or are palpab halts held out by eonlitleiice sharps. A paper conducted on these lini would no doubt commend Itself to i patrons and help to elevate the slan ard of business morals. The only MIIC tion Is where to draw the Hue and ho to make the paper pay expenses will using a milk strainer on advertl meiits. For example , a sheet that hi recently made Us advent In omul with the avowed purpose of tilling long-felt want of a newspaper that wi not pollute Its columns with auythli that lends to encourage Imposture en tains the following advertisement : \Vo guarantee permanent cure for i scalp diseases and to grow hair on ha heads. A guaranty for making hair grow < bald heads has certainly been a Ion felt want , not only In Omaha , but all parts of the world , ami there Is bigger fortune to be made in stieli sure remedy than there Is in the go ! brick business. Another advertisement in the sail puro-f'-od sheet reads as follows : Wanted Men to learn barber trnd Klshl weeks required. Will pay gradual $ GO monthly. No expense to learn If yi work for us. Is there anybody outside of the H a trice Home for the Keeblo Minded wl believes that a boy or a man can leal the barber's trade in eight weeks ai earn § W per month ? Would the ml Inter want to be shaved by any sui inade-wlille-yoH-walt tousortal arlictY ruder the code of newspaper etli' which the pulpit editor would like see established the modern daily won either have to double or treble KB su scription price or go to the wall , would have to exclude not merely o color personals , but also aniiouncemen of wonderful medicines and mlraeulo' ' cures certified to by ministers wl have been alllicted with Incumli chronic diseases and advertisements spurious specialists with diplomas fro the great academies. The problem that the publisher mu constantly deal with is how 10 condii his business so as to enable him make the Income of his paper meet t' ' outgo and furnish the best commodl at the current price. /A TKlt.\ATIOtfA L DUTY. The I'nited States has- declared abs lute neutrality in respect to the Sou African war. Whatever the nature popular sympathy In this country ai there is ilo doubt that it Is very large pro-Hoer the government has a noimced that it will observe comple Impartiality between the belligerent It lias given assurance that it will < nothing that can give ' 'aid or comfor to either side , but will stand entire aloof , insisting only that Its rights i a neutral shall lie respected by hot It was umiuestioiiably its duty to tal tills position. International obligatloi imperatively demanded it. Our own I t crest M , present and future , required The I'nited States Is friendly wi t treat Hrltain and with the South Aft can republic. It has no direct politic Interest in the conflict between thei Its commercial interests in that quart may be unfavorably affected , but th is an inevitable incident of war at so long as American commerce is fair treated there can be no reasonab complaint. In their international relations go ernments cannot safely allow tin1 policy and conduct to be directed 1 popular sympathy or prejudice or pi : sion. In our war with Spain the pe pie of France and Austria were prael cally unanimous against us and we h:1 : few friends in any oilier continent European country , yet all the gover iiionts observed strict neutrality , \w\ \ \ erful though the popular pressure upf some of them was to Intervene. Tl whole ( iermaii people were roused Indignant resentment by the llriti' seizures of ( iernian ships and we : ready to go to any extremity to oh I a reparation , but the government simp pursued the plain path of duty ami tl result is satisfactory. Wise and pr dent statesmen , however great the respect for Intelligent public oplnl > do not penult themselves to he gnldi by every popular clamor and mi charged with the grave responslbllli of conducting the complex foreign n fairs of a great nation should not a Ilo their sense of duty to be Influenced 1 popular passion or prejudice. The resolution adopted by the t'nlti States senate , requesting of the pre dent Information as to whether any re resontatlve of the Transvaal rcpub ! had applied ! > the I'nited states go eminent for recognition and If such a ] plication had been made If It had he : accepted , and If not why not. do.-s m appear to us to he of any great cons quoiiee. We d- > not see tlmt It Is a vei important matter , so far as our Intern ; tlonal duly and obligations are cot corned , whether our government sha receive an accredited representative i the South African republic or shall d cllno to do so. Whatever effect , if an either coin-he might have upon 01 diplomatic relations , H certainly con not disturb our position of neutral ! ! That would be maintained in any even There wutild be no advantage lo il South African republic should our ( . < > erniuent recognl/.e Its repivsum ill' and It would not be Injured should v decline to do t-o. Whni purpose t rex lutli'ii ' was Intended loervc. . thei fore. | * not apparent , unless It be t make capital for the opposition to tl administration ami If this Is Its obje It Is entirely safe to a-ssume that II wl be futile. Our government Is performing Us Ii let-national duly In respect to the cni Illet between < ! rcat Itrltaln and tl South African republics and It Is not i be doubted that II will continue to fait fully observe Its obllgatl ms , at the sail time carefully guarding American 1 terests and Insisting that all Its rlgh as a neutral shall be protected. In th , course It will have the approbation i the civilized world. At the end of Ids congressional c reer William .lennliigs Hryan polnti backward with pride to his record i placing wool oil the free list anil i duclng the tariff on woolen goods. M Hryan labored under ( lie delusion tin cheaper raw materials would red IK the price of clothing ami cheaper clot ing would be a blessing for tile worl Ingman and the farmer. This delush has been effectively exploded. At 11 of August , isilii. wool was cheapi In the American markets than It hit been for nearly twenty years. For year or two precedlm ; Hocks of slid had been declining In number and hit almost ceased to have a cash value. 'I'll was specially true In Nebraska. KaiiM and the states on the Pacific coast. In the memorable campaign of ( hi year the advocates of free and nulli lied silver coinage asserted that shei and wool were down In sympathy wit till other property because the gel standard had doubled ( lie value < money and correspondingly reduce. ! tl value of all of the products of the far ami factory. Nothing but free sllve they contended , would save sheep , wo or anything else the farmer iiad to sel Hut experience has proved the uttt fallacy of tills throry. The election ( McKlnley and the restoration of il tariff on wool by the Dingley bill inn stimulated the wool Industry eno moiisly. American wool growers are r gaining lost ground. Last year's ell exceeded -70.000,000 pounds and a stl further increase of is e : peeled this year. In April , 18 ! ) , " . lii medium American wool sold for 'M ecu a pound ; at this time the price in No York is ranging from -IS to no cents , a advance of almost 100 per cent , and ll sheepralser and farmer are paid in i0 ! cent dollars. Although Hie stock of heavywelgl woolen goods Is low In this count ! American mills are extremely busy an filled with worklngmcn whose wag < have been steadily advancing. The : cold facts teach a lessen which westei farmers cannot well ignore. KXUt.AXU .1AZ ) THE CAXAT , . The bills Introduced in congress I authorize the construction of the Nic : ragua canal totally ignore the treat between ( .Si-cat Hritain and tins Unite Slates , known as the Claytoii-Hulwt treaty , but It is by no means certai that tile Itrltlsh government will 111 in tine time call attention to this treat and ask to be Informed whether It the intention of the Uiiitert States 1 comply with its terms. According to report from Washington there is reas to believe that ( Treat Hritain will lit stand by idly while the proposed can : legislation is under consideration an tlmt she Is .prepared to assert the righ she claims to n share of interest an ownership In ( lie projected waterwa ; under the treaty , unless given assu mice that the canal will be inalntiiliic as a neutral highway under all circmi stances. It Is tins very generally accepted vie- in this country that the Clayton-Hulwt treaty Is not operative. Kx-Sei-retary < State Foster has recently expressed a opinion to tills effect ami doubtless th is the belief of a majority in congres fireat Britain , however , has never a < mil ted the claim tiiat by her own aci she has rendered the treaty null an void. On the contrary she lias persis enlly maintained that Hie agreement In full force mid effect , though man festlng a willingness to have It abn gated under certain conditions. The Hrillsh government will probabl take no notice of the matter while 11 bills are pending. It has ditlieultit enough on hand for the present. Hi If the proposed legislation Is enactei as now appears probable , it is e : tremely likely that the Itrltlsh goveri ment will want to know what II 1'iilted States proposes to do about a obligation which that government hold lo be still binding. This Is a possilil complication In connection with tl Nicaragua project which It would s-eei should not be wholly disregarded. A CI'll \ , I'KXSIilN 1'lllJ.IKCr. There has been Introduced in Hi house of representatives a bill provldln for a pension fund for the retlremei of government employes In the class lied government service , legislation i this kind has been more or less talke of for a number of years and thei now appears to bo increased Interest i the matter on the part of those whom concerns. The bill does not propose a goveri ineni pension. It provides that tli fund shall be raised by withholding per cent of the salary of every employ in the classllied service every montl Tills amount is to lie deposited as a n tlrement fund in the I'nited , Statt treasury and at slated Intervals the * accumulations are lo be Invested In II terest-bearlng bunds of the I'nlie States , the Interest to be added to tli original fund. After a specliled date n clerks eligible for retirement willidra f iv i n service , they are to receive froi this fund , In monthly payment ! ; , an ai nun I retired payment equal to 7 > * i p cent of Iho highest pay received wldl In government employ. The period f service essential to retelvlng tills pel t-Iun Is , In the llrst Instance , tweiil years. Any person who has bee twenty years In the service and sha have become physically . > r mentally dl abled may be conipulsorily rcilrci I2\ery person in the clas iiled sorvit at the ago of CO , whu lias bi-cn thin years In government employ , may npi liN voluntary application retire. At ' retirement Is compute ry after thirl live years oi service. The president of the Civil Servb commission , In stating his reasons f < approving the measure , said that would In many ways strengthen tl whole system of an Intelligent and e Helen ! civil service. The great object to prevent superannuation In the ser Ice. Now the public otllces are full < aged men and women who have su vlvcd their Usefulness , but who are ca Hod on the pay rolls because they Inn no other means of subsistence tint their salaries and It Is felt that It won ! be inhuman to turn them out. Tl proposition is Important to all employe In the classified service of the uoveri ment and It Is presumed they will 1 found generally favorable to it. Hi there Is some doubt as to Us pracllc blllty from a legal point of view. Whl In the old world pensions for all klm of governmental service are ( he ml the policy lias never been reganh with much favor in this country an II would be next to impossible to ha\ adopted here a government civil pel slon system. If the employes of tl government , however , are willing t have Instituted such a pension systei as the bill referred to proposes thei can be no reasonable objection on tl part of tin1 general public. r -KX'riK'rn t .lustIce Hrewer of the I'lilted Statt supreme court has devoted sonic of h spare time ami profound thought to study of the religious progic of tl world. In an address on "The Kollglu of the Coming Century. " delivered 1 one of the churches at the national en ] Ital last week , the learned jurist n viewed the marked changes that hav taken place in the past century in wo ship. Christian fellowship and d-ignii and predicted that the twentieth cei fury would be noted for Christian unit cation. "Looking backward on tli progress of religion two marked fc ; lures'are notable. One is the sti-ugg about creeds. The clearer. stroiig > and more profound one's convictions tli more earnest and zealous he i.s apt I be. Hut something more than cree is essential to religion. It is not a que : lion of intellectual advancement i- much as one of moral growth. Keligio that spends itself In creeds does IK ripen Into character. The present cei tury lias been one of denomination ! rivalry and strife. The next one wi lie one of Christian unity. II is not in worthy of notice that the ancient em mies , Catholicism and I'rolestautisn are drawing closer together ; ( lie pn lates and members of the nvo churclii do not hesitate to allilinte In a tliousan forms of labor. The time is past who the Protestant should look back upo the horrors of this Inquisition ami d < nouiico Itoman Catholicism on accom thereof , or the Catholic , on the otlu hand , to look back at the burning i the witches or the persecution of th Quakers and denounce I'roleslantlsi therefor ; but each should shake hand and joinin a common effort lo furtln the cause of a common Master. " Tills Is by no means the vaporing n a visionary , but of a man endowed wit a well-balanced intellect , polished Ii constant friction with problems an principles that underlie our system < i government and require solution by th application of the golden rule , wide should be at Iho base of all man-mad laws. That the twentieth century wi witness a broadening out of all the hi mane InstinctH and an extension of tli tolerance between creeds on the line laid down by the Master there can b no question. While principles are etei nal and immutable , the wall that ha separated religious sects , having on origin , must gradually give way to th progressive spirit of the age. The large stockmen In convention a Fort Woi'th are entitled fo a respectfi ; hearing by congress for their recon : memlations concerning the disposal n tlie public domain in what is known a the range country. It should be n niembered. however , that they are no the only ones interested. The sma ! stockmen and the settlers each hav rights which must be conserved. Tli entile Industry is a great one and al legitimate means to encourage It slioiif be adopted , but the trouble In these sei tions has always been that the Intel ests of the big cattlemen have been an tagoiiistie to the small owners and thos who proposed to farm tin ; land. S intense has this feeling bejii that a ser of border warfare has at times rostiltei ami some who were not killed con strained to seek other Hold's. If nn ; favoritism musl lie shown the law should lean to the side of the weak , In cause they are less able lo protect them selves. Ity exercising caie , howovei there Is no reason why all should no receive Justice ami the great cattle In dtistry encouraged as It should be. Belgium Is about to inaugurate a ne\ departure in Its electoral system. I'ndi Ibis now plan every man who Is u years old and pays "i francs , or $1 , i year In taxes Is entitled lo one vou If he Is : i'i years old and married h will have two votes. In other words , h will cast one vote fur himself and on for his wife without her aid or consent If , In addition to these qualifications , h owns real estate or government band or savings banks deposits producing ai Income of S'JO a year he will hav three voles. This Is putting a hlgi premium upon tliiifl as well as on con nubliil comhlmx. Whether Hie mm rled voter of Jri years and over lo c his second vole In cane of divorce w have not been able to learn. If I lie new company which promise to build a road direct Into the heart o South Dakota from omaha will enl , Imlld the line Omaha will no ) be to | -arIcilar ! | who owns H. h would b better of ( , iu > e If it were controlled h Omaha capital , but ( he principal tli'n is to gain direct entrance Into that lei ritory. The trade of Hint section null Lilly belongs to Omaha , bill a large | i lion of It has gone ebi.-u here In the pat simply because Omaha merchants lur n-t had the facilities for getting In the Held. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Having failed in his attempt to I duce the administration to run the a fairs of this country to his liking , Seater ator I bar has turned his attention Kngland. Thousands of people In th country think as Mr. Hoar does i gardlng the Injustice of the Hoer wu but It Is strange any one of his oxpci once should conceive that II was a su Joel for olllclal action unless the M ) purpose Is to annoy the admlnlstratlo Andrew Carnegie seems to be sea critic libraries al ) over the country at If ho keeps up the pace 110 ontoiprl-h city should be without one. Wo fo sure that several Nebraska towns b sides Lincoln will be glad to fnrub sites and guarantee the expense < maintenance If Mr. Carnegie will pr vide funds for the erection of tl buildings. 1'tlca. N. Y. , IM in the midsl of a can palgn for the acquisition of the watt works system which supplies water t thai community and incidentally Is ci lug Omaha as one .if the Illusiratloi used In Hie dlscilssieji. If I'llca wi Us work In time It will probabl be cited in Omaha as one of the exait pies hearing on our water works prol loin. A New York man. who. when appolult' ' lo the otllco of Insurance commlssioiu three years ago. hail unsatisfied jutlj incuts standing against him. Is said I have put up collateral the other d.iy fi a loan of , > ? i ; ! . > , oro. is Ii any wdndt the light In the popoeratlo ranks ovi Hie insurance department In Ncbrask waxed so warm ? I'ra.vlou mill Uoston Transcript. Oem Paul IR strongly fortifying hlnisc with Hcilpturo. bill he Isn't neglecting tl more material kind. ! < . rii Washington Post. The Nebraska legislature will elect Iw United StalcH hJnatora next year. I'ei Imps Nobruslm should be thankful thai si : Is not Montnna. liiiHuiiiitlon fur ! I'liriioxc , Indlanii'iolls News. Oermnny has not dropped her complalr against ( Jroat IJrilaln. Kmporor William wl pull out the stop and bear heavy on the In dlgnatlon pedal until his nnval bill I pas-ecd. SiniiNliliiK I'l-.MM-ilcniN , . , , ,1 TiinK | < , Clilcucn Post. If the Nebraska school teacher wh whlppnd an entire class of boys siiiRk handed docs not become famous later In III so that this story may be told aboul him b will go against all precedent. Why I > ciiir Differ. Uoston Transcript. It Is said that people arc right and let eyed , just the eamo as they arc right an left handed. That accounts for the persis tcncy in which so many persons look a things differently from ourselves. I'erlls of llulihi-1-inTkltiK. "U'ashlneton Post. An Omaha woman attempted to commi suicide the other day and one of her mnl neighbors took the pains to save liar lift She hns since brought suit against him fo damages , and , taking everything Into con rilderallon. It would seem that he ought t bo made to pay dearly for his rubberneck Ing. SlnUInu Annexed Territory. Philadelphia Ledger. When ono ration annexes part or al nf anothc-r nation'n territory , thi best wale lo hold It is to pin it down with a rallroac England's tltla to the Soudan has not bee riuestloned since Kitchener built his rail road across the dosert. Russian's rallron .hrough Manchuria fixes hoiclnlm upon tha part of the Chinese empire , as the exten ? ion of her rails to Merv and Samarcan continued her title to Turkestan and Bo Icharn. and now France Is about to build line across the Sahara , to link her posses iilons on the Mediterranean const with th French Soudan and the heart of Africa N'o doubt It will make permanent her hoi in this largo section of the African con tlnent. I'urllH of fJuOrient. . Chicago News. Bubonic plague , the terror of the Orlenl i'.as made Its appearance almost glmiilla iifously at Manila , Adelaide ati.l Honolulu I ; : the Philippines , In Australia and I : Hawaii , fortunately , energy and intelllgenc ire in command and every precaution poss ; lilo will bo taken not. only to limit th plague. , but to stamp It out at once. Ii Manila the military government has alrra. ! ; inaugurated nn effective quarantine. Vis ilnnt efforts are especially riLi-cejiiry , n : herrIs no sewerage In the Lapllal of th Philippines. In Honolulu drastic measure h.ave been resorted to In the burning o JIB Chinese ( ( iinrter of the city , whore thi ' .cndly dictate had effected a lodgment rt'lth energetic action It Is to be hoped tli ilaguo may he stayed. AMKIIICAX I'ltOIHTTS AHItOAD. Di-aflu of Poi-elurn < 'ounli-I mi tin Worlil'x f'riiniir > . Philadelphia Time' . The report of the Department of Agricul : ure. showing the annual value of ngrlcul : urid exports from the United Stateii fo .he last live yearn , should prtve oncoiiraglni o American farmers. The output of ictton , ivheat , corn , ment product and other prod lets of farm and plantation that wrn ihroad In 181)1 ) was $630,033,717. In 1SS ! ) till , md Incrcjfica to .TS5S,007,042 , a gain of $221 , 871,195. While the exports of breadstuff n the laller year may bo admitted lo havi jcen exceptionally largo , owing to untowan : rep conditions abroad , the tendency was up ivard during the cntlro five-year period ihowlng ( lie United States to bo the world' ! ; rannry. Gratifying an ilheso flgurr are to thi 'urnier folk , they alRo contain a Hugcfttloi o the Industries that furnish civilization' ! Inlshcd products. Whcio American wliojt era , cotton and meat products go Amorlcai skill and proihictlvenrM nro advcrtlcl iVlillo the fotd Is purcha-cj bccni : o the pur ilinscn must have It , those who buy and us \nicrlcan food products nro already half icraiim'rd toUuy other thlngx of Aimrlciu irndustlon If offered a chance lo do so. Tin inly rc&scn they do not Is that the ngenU o ISmopcan manufacturer : ) prcj ? ilitl * i. , < iu' ipon buyers' attention early and Ictc. an. .lie American drummer has made his tip iciiMnco In foreign mniUets only In ver ; limited numbers. American food prodm-ls liavo Invaded thi nnrkcts of the world , because the forelg : [ icoples worn hungry and muni get f o. where they could. They can buy other thlngi Jlsewherr , but they are ready lo buy o \mcrlcaii producers If the latter can furnlil i good or better articled at HIP mnrke irl-o. Th'-i > luii < ! ° n a erallfylni tn--ods In our rxports nf manufactured articles Ii me I MI hu yoaiii , . lU If our manufaturur will follow up the c pcning which the repu allen of American ngrlcullural products lu inudo In 'oirign markelb the Inrrtasc In Hit linuuli of our export traJr during Ibo IH.X ( jvc jcaiv rtlll IK Epaicihlug marvcloue. IU\STS I'HOM nVM'.H IIOIIV True prayer consume * nil prldo No man hll higher limn ho aim * . Mcdltntlnn IB the brnuhlng of the soul Thp books of honvrn arc written by mi l.ovo llRhta up the loved with lovcllnr 1'allcnce Is not necessarily n s-lrttio on hot d.iy. True imtrlotlsm moves upward rather th outward. The way to get more Is to niako the mi of what wo have. He who fnllj to Imlld up sins as tri as ho who tears down. Thd shndo that hides the ( loner brbi out the blossoms of the cXy. Ilo who snyg wo dlo as the beasts Is ( | ii likely to shape his living on the same ru IMUSO\AI , AMI OTIIIII\VIM : . Sl. Unite is diligently holding Its ci Icctlvp nose while Chicago river oozes by The fact tlmt Chicago river inove.l wh f'p l.ockport hrartrnp was opened estn lulled the claim that there was water In New York City contracts to put ISn.OOi nOd Into a rapid transit tunnel. How t tiger smacks hln chops. Orent eating piospe-ct. A Boston faith curlst who was called liral n crushed fool declined the Job. Wh ip.'d.v to do the htMlIng act In nr.lbin cDFts , slm acknowledged tlmt siirgcr > w not on her Jlet. Another attempt Is being .iiartr In Mass chupftts lo revoke the edict of banlshmc Issued < agalist : Uoger Williams In 1C ; Uvldc-ntly Ihe Hay State Is weary of mode siiffs and longs for an ancient one. The publishers of the Abuanach do ( loll unmindful of the edict of the- kaiser ai Kohlsaat , solemnly afllrm lhat tlum century begins next year. If the K.-H catch 'em they arc doomed for life. A woman missionary who claims lo ha been about Iho world a bit shocked Ni Voikrrs by telling them the town hns 10 ( OOn moro heathens than Toklo , "the seroi largest heathen city In the world , " And s has not analyzed the tenderloin yet. Admiral Dewey promises to visit Chlcai pi'xl May. Chicago occasionally pats i fair to middling .May weather , hut It \ ndii'lral woul-l like a touch of the rent artlc he should extend hi ? journey westwa r > 00 miles. We grow May we < athcr here ai can It for the cffeto east. The modem woman typo flourlslili In Now York drifts toward the npposl sex as naturally as a duck takes to wnto .V sample oP the cla . = who set the fashlt of going out between the acts tartly 1 piled when asked why. "Went out to see man. " The Inquisitor did catch a whiff 3love or cofleo bean. la Snssarl , Sardinia , -100 people are no Icing tried , IH bandits. Thcae Include lam lordf. , tradesmen , state and municipal o llc'al.s ' and many women. There are 1,9 ( witnesses , 120 lawyers and 200 large vo iin.cR of documents. A big wooden bulldh ; lui been orectcd for the trial. This makt the Clark senatorial cat-e Insignificant. The late Or. Hammond , who died a fe [ lays ape , was ready to be Interviewed b newspaper men while surgeon general c Iho army , but always charged a fee fc such service. " 1 am perfectly willing t answer questions , " ho used .to sny , "but expect the same fee as I would charge l > atlcnt for similar professional service. " The usually correct Philadelphia Pres ipenl < 6 of Father Kyan. the poet priest c : he south , as the author of "The Bivoun if the Dead. " Shades of Theodore O'Hara 1'lie Press paragrapher should ronicmbc he late of theUmporla ( Kan. ) Gazette ma who accused Kipling of writing "Uavl laium. " Ho was smothered with mail pro ests. The democrats of Louisiana have com ) letod their stale ticket. At the head t vbich is the present auditor i f the alaic. Mi Icard , for governor. They have ronomlnate ho prcsnit secretary of state and the preset superintendent of public Instruction. The lave approved the amended constltutlo vhereby more than half of the voters of th 'tato ' are deprived of suffrage , and the nako no allusion to any national issues an levolo themselves nholly to stale alfuln The Louisiana election will take place I Vprll. George Washington was president of lation numbering fewer than 3,000,000 In llvlduals. H took twcnly years for the pop ilation to double. In 1810 It was 7,23'J,881 n 1820 It hal reached only 9C33S22 , an en years later the total was 12Si,02f ( ( ! "roni this tlmo on It advanced by leaps on Kiunds. In IS40 It was 17,009,453 , In 18 ! > t was 2t,191S7C. : In 1860 It had reached 31 , 113,321 , and thirty years oga the censu ihowed a population of 38.5S8.371. It dl lot pass the 50,000,000 mark until 1SSO , who ; t was 1)0,153,783 , and the last enumeration S90 , gnve a total of C2,622,2.)0. IIICHi ; AM ) TllKltK. The sporty boys who execute n mild calc vnlk when their favorites win out In tin \'ow York ring , by the assistance of thi cfcree , may bo interested in knowing th eerot moves of ring manager * . The poll i ndlcato the referee and no light goea unlus he choice of the authorities Is taken , ( icorg Illcr , the refoicc and sporting writer , ha ici'ii lihtil out of the game by the jollco bo aiiNO his rulings did not mill Ihu plan if the combine which pulls off Iho lights Ihi testimony In the Mazcl report i In tructive. "I was frozen out In this way , ' 10 Bald. "I was lo raferoo a llghl. but I dl. lot , for Senator Ahorn , who represent ! th ilBirlct In which Hcferco Charley White re Ides , called upon Hichard Crokor and do nanded that Clnrloy While referco the Ihht Iroker , In turn , had "Dry-Dollar" Tim Sui Ivan called before him and Informed hln hal Whlla musl referee. And White did. ' 'In ; condition of the pigs : M not the wholi bins. The referee Is n largo cog In tin vhecl. "The f'hhago Record Almanac and Polll. cal Register for 1900" has been Issued 'roni lltlo page to the last leaf It Is clio : ! nil of Infornmtlnn. It IN In fact an abridges yclopaeilla of the events of the last year Co 111 oi ( ! welcome or useful hook comes tc Ills ofllco. A coploui' Index to Its v.irlcc iiiitonifl mokes It especially valuable foi cfnrence. Danker Moffutt of Denver perpetrated taro are financial plcatantry upon two of hit mploycs durlnc the holidays. Very llttli ncntlon has been mad of It , probably bo auee the victims of his jocular fit were sr l.'klc'J that their vocal organs lost theli tiiul cunning. Their Hlb ncu In not ng. Few mortals c. ud bear with ilmlty Ihe Hlraln to which limy were sub- e-'tcd. Plcturo lo yourself the feeling of i nan receiving a gift of $100.000 , nuctlni .ian . } 75.000. Thai Is what Dave Moffalt dli ; o his co'lilcr and assistant cashier. The irnuty of the nci Ii c-ihuncod bosatisor | loffatt declined lo patent It. Other hankers to fit liberty to da llkcwlie , ami thus ire-tch the rye of the oerlpiural needle. JobbciH In diamonds are unfolding wnln iilos of war for lean ami huiljry xpacc Item down cant. The burden of their plollil s jhat the Mipply of diamonds la niiut rff t < j lorn Paul'ft nulo haiiallonti and Ihu mippl ; t homo Is very low C nn-tiucnlly thes uir that the doir : public , or Dial portion ni t that panulo * a jeweled air of brlgUtnitas wy be caught In Iho lurch. | ' led nro goln ? hywnril. materially Increasing their profit * Vhcrofor they nnsumo a A-oebeg ne ap iearaiH'0 anil wear faces as long and soleini it tiiul which occaelomilly ornainenlB i iiournero' bench at u camp mer-tlng. Tin nnientutloiia of men wiili a i-mrh are trul : .rlful. Mitti\u \T TIM : IMI.IMT. Washington 1'os-t Anolhrr professor of the t'nlon Thcologlenl stmlnary Is to bo trltnl for heresy , I'orhnps we should bn thank till that the llrlggfc ensc Is not to bo wnrmed over again. Sprlnglleld Itepubllcnn : t/ookbiR ahi-ad Into the twentieth century. JuMlce Ureurr of the United State * supreme court Is con- ! flJcnt that a marvelous unity among re llgloiw denomlr.nttoiiii will be developed I ! noteworthy , he thinks , "lhat HIP nnoieix I enemies , Cathollplsm and Prolcstanll'in nro | dra wing closer togtitlicr. The prelates , nn.l | n'emheM of the two ehurehes do not hr > - I talc trt aflUlate In n thousand form of I lobor. " The tlmo IP past when Cnthoii. . s Hhoilld took back to 1'rotnitant crnrltte < when Protestants should hnrp upon ihr horrors bf the Inqulaltlon. The dlMiu- guishcd Jurist Is JustlHol In his optimism The twentieth century will prolmblv'sen gr at changes for the better along relit-ious Hues. Chicago Chronlclo : Once more the- loui : world Is to be miusoaled In a long drawn-out heresy trial , If wr may by the preliminary fencing over Hui ngnlnst Hev. Pr. McQltfert In Ihe Now Yo- * presbytery. U Is merely another IIIXIAII. n o' a gifted scholar who hns ceased to belii-\o creed of his dcnomim- In the hard-and-fast - llnii. Invltlnc the latter to put him nut. ns he refuscn to riiilgn. The bunion < -f picof In all these heresy trials rests upon the conservatives and It Is In tin' i.uiii s credit that they generally pllrh the heron s out , bag niul baggage , when compelled m do so. Hut It Is n curious rolled Ion on the menial and moral honesty of ihcxc M.I vnnced creed-smashers , thai Ihey prefer pn- Ing as peoudo martyrs In heresy trial1 * 10 i flank stepping out Into what they liolli o to bo larger liberty. Mrttlfferl m > lia\n to wulk the plank. Ilko some dlsllngiililn 1 predeepssors , but HIP pity or It Is thai tti reading public will Imvo In endure i h what patlenco It may the washing of cr- linen. IHUIKSTH ; IM.HSA.TH IK * . Itevurd : "I could dlo for love of you , " miM the rich old miltor. "Yes , but would you ? " queried Ihe prin ! cal innld. . I'hllitilc'phln 1'ww : "Pour old llenpi k lead1 * n dojr' life with hi4" wife. " "Well , why on earUi doomi'l ho nppt > i'-r u divorce ? " "Ilo says ho wanted ' .o , but s ho wmiMn I 'him.1' let ' . Somcrvlllo Jourimt : Mirks Dn you remember - member Just what you said when you pro posed ? Wicks Yi. . My wife reminds me of It every now mid then. Detroit Journal : "Mow radiant the lrlil < Isl 'Hut ' Mio Rroom looks aw If ho won K.I Inp lo his own funeral ! " "Yef , and they pay ho Is de-ad In lo\e with her , too ! " it Somulville. .lounul : A' thisi pcnson of t.e : year It dooHn't seem as If Hi ) dosn'oos In Hie Rhiulc could bo very disagreeable. Imllannpo'llii Journul : Mrs. Judge ' \\el1 William , If you won't RO to fhurcli I shall go none. 'Mr. ' .ludser TmvT you ; you know vi-rx well thiiit your KrtbiK < ilono will iniikr it up- imront that I am n H with you. Baltimore American : T'he ' timid lover Iremhled. "Wihat wnn Hint terrible noise. lownwtnlT.i ? " ho a ke l ; "It sounded like a tmlior explosion. " "Never fesir , dearest , " replied the Joy of iU youl ! "It's cmly breiikliiR n tiiuptc > f hi * New Year's resolutions. " Honton TnuiBorllvt : Carrie Toll me Knlo , low wns It you did irttt marry Mr. Tvler" Kate He l 'ld me \ was Hie only woman le. ever lovetl. If a inun will He lo you be- "oro ir.'iiirl.'iKe , what stories won't be lo 1 iftorwnrd ? Cleveland Plain Dottier : "And you f > el Mire Hint my ilaun'htor ' looks with fnvor .ipon your HiiHV'.1 Inquired Hit ! used purojit "Well , " replied the yruth wltli onKii Ing 'rankncss , "I't wanl to bo too Mini xliout It. Of course , > -ou are aware thai I'otir duusbtor soiilntH. " Chicago rurt : "I Hate you ! " sinfild Instantly his demeanor olviiiis- ' ! . ' ' ' ' " ,1io dei'ths of doHpnlr he was rained to the jlnnu : le of hope , "Thon. " ho fuld , "you will bo mine Keri i tlmo I feared you were merely Indlffer- : i.'t ' to 'ine. ' and lhat eonsciieiilly | I had no .liaiice. " COl Colla Tluixtor. I -hold ! t Rlnfill to d pond , And will iv.iti let the lilttomzs * of lllo ! 5llud me with burning team , but look beyond yond Its lumullH ami Its strife ; Hceause I lift my heinl aliovo the mist , Whcro. the HUH chines and the broad broezoH blow , : Jy every ray ami every raindrop klsse < l That Hod's love dolb boHlow ; I'blnk you 1 Ibid mi bltteincHS ill all ? No burden to lie borne , like OhrlKtl.iu'd r.dck ? Phlnk you thorn are no te.ady tears to fall Beuiuse I keep thuni buck ? A'liy uhcii'.M 1 hug life's ll'.s with cold re serve To our.ii > ! myself and all who love uir ? Nay ! V th UKind tlnioH mnie ( rood than 1 deserve Cod Rivoi mo every day. ) , irk skle i muni ilcar. anil when the are pant. Unu go 'deli day redeems , u wniry year ; 'allnnt I listen , sure Mint swcot .il lust Will .ioun.l 111 * voice of rlteor. I'hen vex HIP not with UililbiR. Let me bs ; 1 mui > t be ehi't iin-l uratc'ful to the end you nut your cold and darkness . Tlic i > o\verj of light hcfiloml. "Nothing Like It" \ ViMiMiili of Ilic "MOW UA(1- I < AN" rip a Hpcclally of ours mid nl IM-CKCIU lutniiliK'i'il by nil Hwcll ilri'Hfci'M < if thii country. It IH a lon lly-front iixloiil Viciiiin , full box , tin * liiii'l ; IK cut whoh1 niul ( 'xticiiicl.v wide with HlralKlit Hhl * ' HCIIIIIW , which iiic vciiti'ii ; tlio lollar IH of velvet , niul the roll IH self faced anil ni ili'i'iitcly lii-iivy thi > hlcuvi'H am lliilnlii'il with a fret' cuir : n-'i iiu'ii ii with vclvi't ; tlicrc Is no hrciiHt poi-lti't. ' Th ( > hip jiorlu'tK patchcil or b ( > llowsiMl on tlic In shin aiii ) arc ri'iichcd IhrouKli vlrtlcal ( iii'iiln ) ri , HiroiiKhvl.l n iln > trotiHiTs jioi-kctri can alco In icachi'd the HhouldcTK and arc llni'd with diiohlHin and tin' Hlilrl of caKKiiiicn The prl ( iIs .s-J."i.oi. : Un dlxpiily In inir Douglas Hired window.