Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 21, 1900, Part I, Page 17, Image 19

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    TTTE OAI UTA DAII/V BEE : Sl'MAV , JANTAin" til , 1 00.
* JL JL jr * . JL JL JL
By the use of the : Perfected Oxygenor King mid copious streams of oxygen. Money , Time mid Suffering Saved Health Preserved and Life Lengthened , Can you ask for stronger ot
more positive evidence as to the chums made for the Oxygenor than found in the following statements and testimonials from Omaha's well known and respected citizens.
We court the freest and fullest investigation as to the validity of the claims made for this instrument.
the most abundant element of \ atiirchnrnriwl ami utilize ] In the
euro of all dlnrnfti-s
Medical Polcnro ami skill outdone Its practltl ncrR .onfoiindnd iholr works
rcllpK-d hy the marvelous luratlvo powers'of rixjurn obtained bj the use of the
Perfected Oxygpnor King
Nothing fvor offorpd in the proplo nf Omalm has nia Ic turh n profound Impreasioti
tor ltd sterling worth S < res nf people thought Incurable bavo found spofdy nnd per
manent benefit If vou desire to ave the money wasted on 'n ' rt medical treatment.
live In health nnd happiness , jou slioul 1 at onto scruro n 1'rrfei f < l Oxvgmnr King
Head what some of Omaha s most respected cltbms ha\e to saj regarding their
xpnrlence with the Oxygenor
Typhoid Pneumonia Quickly Cured by the Oxygenor
( Prom the Omnha Dallj News Jan U )
A reporter for the News having heard of the wonderful work performed bj the
Oxygcnor In the case of Mr John Murphy , who Is In the ctnploj of Tom Koley , 1412
Douglas street , railed upon Mr Murphy and sought to find the facts In the case
When naked an to the truth of the statement , Mr Murphj said Thut he had been
< lck for over two wtckH with typhoid-pneumonia , bis bodv contlnuallj racked ivlth
pain. He had been taking medical treatment , with no Improvement
Hy the earnest solicitation of a friend , I was Induced to try the Oxjgenor my
friend -was moat positive In his assurance of rffectlvcneun of the Instrument. While
J had but llttlo faith In the Instrument , I thought It worthy of a trial The Oxyge-nor
was Rpcurcd at once , and applied according to directions I lecelved almost 1m-
mrdlato relief from the tcrrlblo aionj wh'ch was racking my body I never hnd
anjthlng give stun quick rollef , for uftei ono week's use of the Oxjgenor I was able
to return to my work , feeling like a new being
Mr Murphj sijs tl-at previous to thU time lip was so broken down In health and
general constitution that he could not evil move an arm , but had slmplj to He In
bed and HUffer , but after using the Oxygjnoi ho gained rapldlj , and In two and a half
necks had added twentj pounds to hisv night Ho eajs he cannot saj enough In
favor of this wonderful Instrument , and that If ho could not get another he
-would not part with this for $500 If any one doubts the curative powers of the
Oxygenor , all they have to do Is to coma to me , and I will verj soon convince
thorn that It IB the greatest modern Invention known for the building up of a broken-
down conntltutlon The News reporter h la heard so much about the Oxygenor that
hn has fully decided to make a further Investigation , and Ml Murphj'n emphatic
talk only more than ever convinces him that this wonderful little machine will do all
that Is claimed for It.
Unqualified Indorsement From One Who Knows
Whereof She Speaks.
Nebraska Oxvgpnor Co Omaha Neb Omaha Neb , Jan 11 , 1900
Oentlemcn I am glad to IfII what I know of the Perfected Oxjgonor King , for I
have seen It u ed In eo man ) different cases , nnd It has never failed In a single
Instance 1 believe the possibilities of the Inntntment to euro disease , almost
unlimited \Ve purchased the Instrument for our son , IS years of npe , who , slnco 1
jear of age , had been aftllctcd with a running sore In his left ear , causing almost total
deafness on that side We had spent hundreds of dollars for various kinds of treat *
mcnt , with no permanent benefits until wo procured nn Oxjgcnor.
He became discouraged at first with the use of It. not bring nble to notice nny
Improvement In his hearing for about six weeks , but after that the Improvement
was rapid , his hearing entirely regained after four months' use Hesldcs this , other
members of the family have used It for colds and grip , the moflt severe of whl-li
was cured with one 01 two applications. 1 have used It mjsclf for rheumatism of
thirty years' standing which Is at this time greatly relieved , and I believe will bo
entltcly cured by Its continued use. I have seen It relieve spasms In an IS-months-
ctd child In thirty minutes , cure croup In ono application I believe no form of children
diseases Is to be.fearcil with an Oxygenor In the house
Ono of our neighbors ti ed the same treatment for a severe case of pneumonia ,
cf which the finill ) doctor had said "When H person's lungs get Into that condition
there Is no medicine that will touch them " Hut through the ndvlcc ot a friend
they tiool the Oxjgenor treatment. Thn boj s life was saved , and todaj he Is per
fectly well and happv
You are at liberty to make what use jou see fit of the above statement , as I believe
that the coming of this little Instrument to our notice Is the greatest blessing that
has como to our famllj and I desire tint others should know of Its value and
avail themselves ot this great blessing
MRS JOsni'HINi : BONEWITH , 1817 I'aclllc Street.
After Eight Years of Suffering the Oxygenor Ac
complishes What the Best Medical
Talent Signally Failed In.
Nebraska Oxygenor ( "o Omaha , Neb Omaha , Neb , Dec II , 1S99.
Gentlemen This Is to cert If j that for the past eight years I have been under
medical care for the greater part of the time.
Doth lungs were affected nnd the doctors believed me Incurable. I received no
permanent relief whatever from medical treatment , simply tcmporarj , and scant at
I secured ono of jour Oxjgcnors and after a few weeks use have gained eight
pounds , and I feel substantial Improvement.
I also hid a wen on my right cheek near the temple , which the Oxjgenor removed
In two applications
fter m > eight jears of ceastlebs effort to find relief , having tried raanj doctors
and numberless remedies , all failures , I believe there Is nothing to compare with the
Oxjsenor In curative powers
Mono } could not replace what the Oxjgenor has done for me Yours faithfully ,
I , J I.AI10UNTA. 4402 Jackson St.
Nebraska Oxjgenor Co Omaha Neb South Omaha. Neb , Jan 11 , 1900
Oentlemen The Oxjgenor I received from jou two months ago has done all that
any one could expert It to do
Mother has ueed It thirty dajs and bhe has improved steadllj' . I believe she will
bo entirely cured of a bad case of rheumatism and neuralgia of long standing.
I wish to say for the benefit of those who are suffering from any disease that the
Oxjgenor Is all right , and will do whit It Is recommended to do
It is worth its weight In gold and na household Is complete without it Any one
that has used it will never lie without ft Ycurs respectfullj ,
W H SMALL , 474 S 22d St.
All those wishing to investigate the merits of this modern life and money saving instrument , whose application never , fails to relieve sickness 11 o nmtter what the disease , should call at our cilice. Those living
outside of Omaha should write for book ami Oxygenor Gazette , fully explaining this new science , sent tree upon application.
Oflice Hours , S a. in. to G p. in. enor Company
Sunday , 11 a. in. to 1 p. in. ,
E. L. Moses , Manager , 442 Chamber of Commerce , 16th and Farnam Streets , Omaha , Nebraska ,
The Hey Who Tooled People Paul Carton of Stidbury t.orncrs
Could iVlakc People Think 15.ak was White Without Saylns a Word
The luiii He Had at a Circus and the bad CudiilR { 'hereof.
Hy Charles liattell I.oomis.
( Copj righted by the Author , Charles Battili
l.oomls )
Pew parents would approve of their sons
obtaining such a gift as fell to Paul Carton
( tt Sudbury Corners He was the seventh
to bear that minu > . the Ilrst Paul Carton
having < come to this rountrj from Hnglnnd
In 1632 The original Paul wa supposed bj
eomn to possess supernatural powers and us
jieoplo in these dajs wore not open to all
sortn of beliefs ho narrowly escaped the
It Is not remarkable that with such an
antestor the fairies fihould feel It tholr dut\
to bestow a gift upon > oung Paul as ho
lay In his cradle Ills grandmother , old
Mrs Carton , who didn't believe In fairies ,
alwajt ) said that It was n swarm of bees
that oame In bj the east window , buzzed
around Paul's curlj little head for a few
jnlnutpH and then went out as thej hnd comn
In. but It Isn't at all llkelj that bees would
do such u thing whlio fairies would go
about It In Just thu way , as wo all know.
Anyway , bees or falrlen , the gift consisted
In hid ability to make people thtnlc an > thing
hi\ wanted them to He could convince *
them that black was white without saj ing
n word , nnd , although ht > was no buttci
than most children , and was Indeed naughtj
qulto often , jet his mother and grand
mother both declared that he was the best
> oy In the world
There were nome people who knew that
hn fooled them and there wore others who
nnvcr suspected It , but he had such pleasant
manners and ucii a winning umllo that they
who knew better were perfwtlj willing to
brlltivo that Htuh things were just as he
told them they vvero Now , mind jnu. I'm
not standing up for him , I'm only UllliiK
you th fuLts
If they hnd merrj makings at Sudbury
Corners thcj nlwajs took tare , to Invite
Paul , for ho was mire to bo the lift ) of the
occasion. Hn could iniiKo them think tint
hard cuetaid was hn cream .MI If jou
can Imagine ujthine won > o than hard CIH-
tard or better than lie cream jou tan do
more than I can HO jou see , hl gift was
worth something to his friends If the bojs
Axcnt out Itllu lljlpK .tnd there wab no wind.
I'nill , had but to ( .uggost that It bliw
Ing a gut" < ind every boy felt that Ills kite
wan up to the limit of his siring
Paul never used thin gift 10 iniiho nn
iioynmr Ho would not tell pcoplo It was
told and raw when H was glmplj braiing
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat.
Itartilk-laUy dinestb tlio food and aids
Mature in btrenBtlienliitf and iocou >
structliig Uio exhausted dlt'estl\o or-
Kaiib. ltlhthelatoj > tdlhcovereddincst-
iint and tonic. No ol her preparation
can approach it in clllcicncy. It in-
sUintly relieves and permanently cures
Dyspepsia , Indigestion , Heartburn ,
Flatulence , Hour Stomach , Ivausea ,
Sick HeailaeliP.GubtraljjIa.C'ramps and
aUotlierrebtiltspf impcrfectdlgeatlnn.
I'rlcoMX' . nnd Jl. lairROkUooontulns'JVt times
mmtl blre. llool. all alktitly iH pslu mulled free
Pupated by E. C DeWITT&CP , Chlcaga
but bc often did tell poor people that be
was glad to ace them so nice and warm , and
whereas thej had been blowing on their
fingers and shrinking Into their coat collars ,
thej would unbutton their ragged coats nnd
walk off whistling
As I saj there were thc e who knew that
things were not what they Deemed when
Paul was around but thcj were alwajs glad
to jleld to his remarkable influence , as It
made them happier It Is a fact that ho used
to go to see sick people nnd saj to them
"Whj jou'll soon be up , won't jou ? " And
they would be up next daj
Paul s influemo did not last If he was out
'of ' town , but as ho almost nlwajs stayed at
Sudbury Corners or Sudburj Center that
didn't makci much difference But once
when ho left a picnic suddenly to go on a
long drive with his uncle the consequences
to thu picnickers were disastrous They
had been supposing that thej were having a
Bpleiulld lunch , anil thoj found It verj
oidlnarj Indeed after ho had gone Not only
that , but Hddle Minton sat down In the
nily lemon plo and the lemonade soured It
i was vor > hot wcithci and the dog ate up
the chicken sandwiches
Ono day "Pell's ctiormous and magnificent
live-ringed and two-platformed circus nnd
aggregated menagerie , the largest upon
j enrth bar none , " came to Sudbury Center ,
i and when Paul MIW It nothing would do but
ho must Jrln It Ills father and mother
I were both out of town and he was staying
with his maiden mint
'There' Is nothing tint those performers
do that I couldn't do Just ah well , " said hi1 ,
land overjono believed him Hut It was Jack
Hredalbnno who suggests ! that he go as a
wild animal tamer "TaKe jour dog and
jour two nth nl ng and iihk the proprietor
If IIP doebn't want a cage of wild beasts an/ /
lir'll think jou have 'em with jou "
"Hooray , that'n a bullj Idea , " bald Paul ,
delighted with tlu > biicpchtlon Ho had two
jillow ( nts and a tolllp whcni ho had taught
several tricks , MI the next moinlng he wrnt
to Mr Pell and said "Have you an emptj
tagt > and would jou llkn mo to nil It with
two \frlcan tigers and nn Indian wolf thai
will do all sorts of tricks' ' '
Indeed I would said Mr Pel ! I had
a happj famllj last yc-ar , but the lion ate
up the tiger and the tiger ate up the wolf
and the wolf ate up the sheep and the sheep
"te up the dog and the dog ate up the cat
aud the cafe ate up the cannry. so now 1
have an empty caee > "
Paul aw that Mr Pell had mixed things
somewhat but he did not coriect him He
morel j said , ' I will hi Ing mj animals to
night and I want you to have a nice picture
painted showing me embracing the animals
while they lick mj hands"
Mr Pell assured him that It would be done
I at once and gave Paul an order on the circus
j tailor for a suit of red tights w th silver
crescents all over them
I That night dressed in h new aud
beautiful suit , he went down to the cirrus
tent with his cats In a bag and his dog f 1
lowing at his heels The tent was c pen ill
three times around the Hng on the back of
the gaunt and wicked looking wolf with
the red ejes ard the lolling tongue , closelj
pursued by the raging tigers , their delight
was unbounded
Hut Cddle Manson was at the circus and
he had a grudge against Paul because the
latter was such a favorite with everj one
HP did not know what the beasts were , for
he. too wa under the inllucnce of Paul ,
but he did not believe that they -were wild
animals and he knew that If Paul left town
that bib Influence would go too lie
thought that when the audience learned that
thej bid been fooled thej would be In
censed agalntt Paul and the manager would
discharge Mm
The. ne\t night the crowd was double the
si/e of the f\rf audience There were
pc pie frrm New Hiven and even as far as
ho circus people were asleep nnd thecage -
was unlocked Paul and the animals went
, Inside and Hhtit the door after them , t > o tint
I thej would not be annojed bj draughts , for
i If jou leave the door of a cage open It lets
In a lot of air
j The next morning the manager woke up
, but Paul was already awake and
I willing for people to se > what ho wished
them to , and not what thej really did ace.
When the manager tame up to the cage
Paul started the cats to Jumping and called
to the dog to leap on his chest and lick Ills
face Mr Pell wab overjojed "Hoy , tint's
the most wonderful thing I ever saw These
lions look hungry and fierce enough to cat
a whole townful and I never saw such n
huge wolf In mj life and yet all three are
as plajful as cats and dogs"
Paul raid ' I hope > ou _ audlence will
like them as well as jou do , " whl'h was
the tnrlct truth Paul did hope so , and ho
hoped to bitch good purpose that at the after
noon performance the entire audience tried
to crowd around bin cage to the neglect of
the other aUrnitlous
"While I am here. " said Paul to Mr. Pell ,
when the croud became too dense to be safe ,
"these anlmalii will harm no one Suppose
I open the cage and take them out to the
big ring and perform there , where every one
may epe without crowding' "
Mr IV11 wait perfect ! ) willing so Paul
opened the cagti door and called to the cats
and dog to follow him to the big ring
There was not a person there who did not
think that be baw big African tigers and an
Indian wolf. Jack Dredalbanu , who knew
they were slmplj cats and a dcg , forgot It
while ho watched their tricks.
When the tigers leaped over Paul's head
the audience cheered and when be rode
Ilridgcport , for the papers had been full of
the wonderful exploits of this 10-year-old
Paul hnd r.pont tlm night with his animals
teaching them new tricKs He made ono
cat stand on her hind legs , with the other
standing on her head , and then he made the
dog Ipap over thorn This in Itself was an
amusing tilck , but when jou fancy enormous
i tigero < idng It , and then picture a wolf
| leaping over them , you can Judge what an
I Impression It would make upon a circus
j audience that had come to marvel at things
j The tent was black with people , nnd when
1 Paul came out , riding on the "wolf's" back
land fiercely pursued bj the lomplng
"tigers" the audience ohrleked Its npprecia-
1 tin !
I Paul put them through several tricks nnd
' then n Knotted lope was lowered from the
top of the tent and ho climbed It , followed by
the two tigers The spectacle of a tiger
climbing a rope would move tbo most
Elugglsh people , and when the two great
licaets were half way up and the wolf be
gan to howl dismally the vast audience was
Now was the time for Eddie to get square
with Paul IIo nodded to a telegraph hoj
and the latter ran out Into the ring waving
a telegram for Paul
'Scale It up I can catch It , " said Paul
So the mebbunger boj scaled It up and Paul
did catch It He motioned to the beasts
to stop clUublng while ho read it. It seomi'd
to bo from his father and gild "Conic
to mother at once. She Is very sick "
Paul came down the ropes BO faet that he
knocked the cats off and the audience was
treated to tba sight of African tigers dropPing -
Ping ten yards Thej landed on tbclr feet
Powerful Endorsement
by Judge Bradley.
OMAII\ . Neb , Vug S" ISon Mr E L.
Mose , Mgr Nebraska Oxvgenor Co , 44.2
Board of Trade , Omaha , Neb Dear Sir 1
have made nn effort to give the "Perfected"
Oxjgcnor King Instrument bought of jou a
fair , unprejudiced , Intelligent trial , and now
feel that jou nre > Justly entitled to my hon
est judgment on the same.
1 first applied It to the arm of my wife ,
which was at the time so painful with
rheunntlstn an to bo cntlrelj powerless , nnd
almost bejond endurance. In two hours the
pain hnd subsided , and In twelve hours was
entirely gone , and as she expressed It , "She
had not felt so well In tvvcntj years"
I again tried It on mjself n few daj ngo ,
with the came prompt and satisfactory re
sult. Whether my ailment was rhcumtUstn ,
neuralgia , or kidney trouble1 , I do not know ,
but I do know that In a few hours , 1 was
so lame that I could not walk , llo down nor
sit down without the gieatcst ofloit and In
constant pain. 1 put the Oxjgenor on nbout
10 p m , and the next morning I could get
out of bed and move nbout as usual.
I tcgard the effects produced bv this In
strument ais simply marvelous , not onlj
wheiv used by me , but where 1 hive Known
of Us use by my friends and acquaintances
Any one oven In good health will find by
using this ln triimcnt occasionally the most
exhilarating effects will be produced bj It.
I use mj Peifected Oxvgcnor King as i
tonic for overwork or mental exhaustion
anil find It the most Invigorating thing I
have ever tried I think It ono of the most
beneficial Inventions of our time Youis
rcspectfullj , L H IlllAULY ,
> SIS and Sin Paxton Hlk.
Cholera Infantum.
Omaha. Neb , Sept 25 ,
Gentlemen It gives us pleasure to tes
tify to the virtues of the "Oxjgenor King "
We can truly STJit saved our babj's life
He had Cholera Infantum In the worst form.
and I am hiirc ho could not have lived
much longer If It had not been for thi
"Oxjgenor King" Ho was like a different
babv after t.slng the "Oxjcenor King" seven
hours You are at llbertv to lefer to us at
anj time .
2412 Grant St.
as cats and tigers do , and then sat down to
lick their paws which had been bruised
Paul never stopped to explain a thing , but
In his circus clothes ho ran to the railroad
station , which was on the next block , am' '
caught a train that hid Just stopped on Its
wnj to New York He who had fooled
others was fooled himself FJut It was un
pleasant fooling
Meanwhile the tigers and the wolf sat In
a low looking toward the exit cxpectantlj
The wolf licked his chops wolflshlj and the
tigers growled ominously They were evl-
dcntlj grieved at the departure of theli
matter , \vho was on bis waj to New York
forgetful of tigers , cats , wolf or dog
everj thing except the fact tint his mother
was nick and wanted him
\s soon as he had passed the town limits
his Intluence over the audience ceased As
the people sat looking at the fieice beasts
and womieiing what Paul was going to do
next the thiee changed In a twinkling to
two harmIc ° K tortoise shell cats and a mild
looking collie
Hut If Eddie had thought to work Paul
harm he was mistaken The audience sup
posed that this was some slelght-of-hand
of the wonderful boj and It cheered and
cheered until the cnts and the dog took
fright and bolted out of the tent and straight
to Paul's house
It jou can find a copj of the Sudburj
Item of the morning after this performance
vou will find thnt all I have said IH true
Hut como to think of It the ofllco of the
Sudbury Item was destrojed bj fire the next
morning and eveiy copy of the paper was
burned So jou'll have to take my word
for all I've snld
Paul found his mother perfectly well , but
she had a talk with him nnd told him that
It was not e\actlj honest to mnke people
believe things that weren't KO ( and she wa * >
quite right ) and after that he gave up the
prnctlce. But to this day you'll feel better
than jou really are when he's aiound.
Storlrn ofiitiniilf. . ( lull round Their
VVar lloliic- liilri DllllenltlfM.
Thn homing Instinct develops In joung
animals almr > r > t us oarlv is the ileslio for
food In the wild "ate II l a ncvosolu ,
slncn without It the \oung ould newr ktrp
In touch with herd 01 pa * Even after
centuries of d > mtfvi. -Mil 't ute
An Unqualified Indorsement of a Leading Business
Man of Omaha.
The Nebraska Oxygenor Co , Omnha , Omaha , Neb , Jan. II , l OO.
Gentlemen 1 very gladly comply with jour request for n statement of the
Oxjgenor has done for my fatuity
Mrs Jnckron had been In poor health for over thrco years , suffered greatly from
palUtones. At first the nttnckn wore about three months apart , but s tlmo went
on thcj Increased until they were only a week apart. At these times the pain was
Intense ami two phjilchns vvero umblc to alleviate It
In addition to thn gallstones she was In constant pain caused by other troubles ,
and the only rcmody , ns claimed by the doctors , was an operation , and they urged that
U be done very soon , In this condition she was Induced to try the OxjRnnor , nnd I
must sny with the most gratltjlng result * . Mrs Jackson commenced to Improve. Im
mediately and lu about three weeks' tlmo nearly nil pain and d.'fccomfott ' , for rrhl h
an operation wni considered necessary , wag gone
It Is now nbout thrco months lnce she commenced the use of the Oxjgenor , but not hid nnj moio gallstones , and IB cujojlng better health than tor tunny jearb.
I nm pleased to add my own experience In the use of this most valuable Instru
ment About twojcarsago , nhllo on n buslne s trip In the west , 1 was taken sick and
rot expected to live , and flnallj wn nbto to pome homo , but slnco then my health
has been poor and gradually getting vvorsn , although under the dootor's euro all the
time , until It developed Into n serious kidney tiouble.
A friend advised me to try the Ojjgcnor , but 1 refilsed , declaring that thrr could
bo no virtue In such n small device us the Oxygenor , but n few weeks Inter HIT
wlfi > wns Induced to try ones and 1 noticed Mich a marked ehnngo In her condition
that I concluded to try It mjself 1 was astonished with the results of the first night
tie-atmcnt , .and after not more than thrco weeks' UBO of the Oxjgenor 1 am a well man
H Is surely a mont wonderful Instrument , and It vhould Im In every homo Wo feel
very grateful to the friend for making known to u the gre-.U value of the Oxjcenoi.
You are at llbertj to make any use jou please with the above testimonial Youra
truly , ALMA \CKSON 1 ,
Jackson , Hlggens A. Co , Stock Exchange , bouth Omaha
Two Months * Pain and Sickness and Two Months *
Salary Would Have Been Saved if He Had
Known of the Oxygenor Before.
The Oxvgenor Co , Omaha , Neb Omaha. Neb . Jan 10 , l OO.
Gentlemen I am pleased to bear testimony to the wonderful curative effects of
jour little Instrument , the Oxjgenor King 1 was aflllctcd with what
the doctors claimed was an abscess of the abdomen , was confined
to the bed and under treatment for over two months but continued to grow
woiso , I was unable to use my limbs without enuslng great pain
In this discouraging condition t was Induced to use the Oxjgenor with the fol
lowing results In less than three hours the fever was greatlv reduced , pain almost
gone and was able to bo up nnd dressed the next daj. The third and fourth dajs
after urlng the Oxj-genor I wns able to go out riding , nnd the fifth day was at my place
of business ,
My general health has been Improving slnco using the Oxjgenor , I have un
limited faith In the power of the Oxjgenor to cure any disease If used according to
directions I most beartllj recommend this valuable InstriKiionl to mj afflicted friends.
Hcspectfullj jours ,
J C CALLAIIAN , 42d and Harney St.
Nebraska Oxygenor Co , Omaha Neb Omaha , Neb , Dec 19. IS"1) * )
Gentlemen After n severe Illness for months , dining which time my life was
In the balance , through the kindness of a dear friend I was favored with a trial of the
Perfected Oxjgenor King. I have been glvlns It a good trial on mjeclf for the past
three weeks and find I nm recovering my normal condition
Its beneficial effect Is eomcthlng wonderful , I can conscientiously recommend It
to the e who will follow the Instructions
The Perfected Oxygenor King Is without question a necessity In every household
and Is certainly conducive to a better condition of health Yours trulj ,
A J PECK , 4'I1G ' Capitol Ave
Witness this tale of little pigs They were
under a month old when their owner de
cided to move He wanted to fatten and kill
] their mothers , so ho offered the lot of forty
at a bargain price A neighbor flvo miles
awaj bought the pigs , put them In a big
box , hoisted the box on a wagon and hauled
It home There the pigs were put In a close
pen , fed with milk and mush for two weeks ,
then given the range of a small lot adjacent
to the pen Three mornings later every one
I Kr i
was mlesng ! A small hole carefully rooted
under the gate was the sole explanation of
theli disappearance. Their buyer searched
high and low for them , tending even to ad
jacent farms , but could not find them. That
aftoinoon the original ownrr sent word ho
bad found thlrtj-nlne of the forty standing
hriucallng at his gjto when ho awoke. Thr
bujer going to iccjnlm the strays , found
the missing fortieth pig lying exhausted by
the roadside , but wtlll struggling to writhe
alung on the trail of Its mates
Lpon the nmo middle Tennessee planta
tion -l-ycar-old mare was bought from an
Ohio drove. The drove had been brought
down on stock ours to the county town ,
seven mlle away. The mare necmed per-
fix tlj content In acr now niirroundlngs , BO
after a week or two aho was allowed to
justiiro vtlth other dtock Tor n day sbo
was happy , grazing and frolicking with the
ribt Toward noon of the second day n
watcher saw her suddenly ( ling up her head ,
< oik ono ear forward , ono baik , UK though
listening Intentlj to n far-off call , then
start in a swinging gallop for the pasture
ftnto , clear It with 0110 fljlng leap , cross a
field of young corn.take tbo boundarj fence ,
a much stiffcr one , and go away duo north
N'othlng more was seen or heard of her for
j thrco monthi. Then by a singular chance
* > ho was discovered , Impounded as an estray ,
moro than half way acrohs the state of
Kentucky. Sbo had snam a considerable
river to get BO far and had been taken up
through breaking Into u pasture to grate.
hho was Koine homo straight an the crow
( lies making no account whatever of the
bends and turns In the route by which she
had been fetched
Among fowl , domestic turkeys are the
most persistent homer * This same plan
tation's mlntrfBa found that nut In a way
at once odd and provoking She raised n
brood of fourteen. v\blch turned out to
contain thirteen gobblers. Thry were fine ,
lusty bronze-brown fellows , although this
UH in the year when bror./e turkeys , go-
called , were unknown Hho gave away
out of the thirteen to as miny neighbors to
put at the head of their breeding flockR. AM
n consequence almost cverj" day for six
weeks _ she had to go out and help to sep
arate her own turkeys from some other ( look.
Kadi of the gift-gobblers came back home ,
not once , but many times -with his harem
at hl.s heels
Cats ore proverbial homeis Southern
negroes have manv entertaining super
stitions connected with their transfer. In
moving they say It Is the worst luck in the
world to take along the rnt It Is nlno very
bad luck to give away a cat unleas Its feet
are grensc-d and allowed to make marks on.
the threshold It goes over. They say , furthei ,
the homing propensltj- can be destroyed
by putting butter on pussy's feet before
they touch anj thing In her new homo Illack
walnuts , which It Is nearly as bad luck to
move as cats , may bo made to eervo nn
Ill-luck antidotes by cracking them carefully
and either tying a necklace of shells on the
cat or putting them upon her feet for boots.
It Is lucky to bavo the gift of a cat. and
luckier still to bavo ono como to you of Ifi
own motion A gift cat ought to bo taken
homo In a bag securely tied so none ot thu
luck will escape
Notwithstanding this vn done In thn
eafio of a tortoise shell tabby , fiho carao hem
over a distance of fifteen miles. She took all
summer to do it In. The road led through
pleasant woods and was never \ery far from
a clear creek. At various times between
June , when she vanished from her new
home , and November , when bo reappeared
at her old one , tabby was seen Hkltterlnic
through the woods with a bird In bop
mouth or nunnlng hcrsalf luxuriously high
In some safe tree crotch The first nipping
frost brought her to the familiar door ,
meowing , and looking up at her old master
quite as though fiho had never left It.
"Dicky , you must not como to dinner
without > our necktie , "
"Aw im you're glttln' too refined. "
"Dicky , don't let ulster cry for your candy ;
give her eorrio right away. "
"No , ma , I've Joined pa's non-treating
"I don't know about letting you go to that
children's dinner party , Katie You nlwaya
become so wildly excited at such places "
"I < won't Ibis time , mamma Please let mo
go1 I won't do anything but Just Jump up >
and down' "
"What arn you doing , Hobby ? " asked , t ,
mother of her small hopeful.
"Wrltln1 a. letter to Hanta Glaus , " was thn >
"What did you auk him to bring > ou' "
she queried.
"Oh , nothing much , " replied the little fel
low ; "I only a.skcd for a toy shop and two
candy stores "
Frank L Stanton writes In the Atlanta
Constitution of a ( icorgla boy who sent a
letter to his father , who was in another
town. This Is the way Jt rend :
"Dear Dad This is wrote to toll you
Jamie wus blowrd up by a toy cannon. Hn
went In jour direction. If you find him
please send him home , as wo are worried
about him "
A high school girl bald to her father thn
other nlgjit
"Daddy , I'vo got a sentence brro I'd llkn
to have > ou punctuate. You know noiiif-
thlng about punctuation , don't you ? "
"A little , " tmlil her cautious parent , as ha
took the slip of paper she handed Mm.
TblB U what ho nail-
"A nvo dollar bill Ilcw around the corner" .
Ho studied U carefully.
"Well , " ho finally HJI | | . "I'd blmply put n
period after It like this. "
"I wouldn't. " nald the high school girl ,
" 1 d make a daah after it1 '