Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 21, 1900, Part I, Page 11, Image 13

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    THE OMATTA DA1L.V . 1JEE : SUNDAY , .TANUAHY 21 , 1000. 11
Shooting Carnival Tbis Week Will Bo
Premier Sporting Event.
No Drlnll A111 Ho rrlookril In
nkliiK Toiirnnnu'iit lirnnil Sm-ci-ii
Omnlm-KiiiiHiiit fit ) Mulch
Te-ninn Will Shoot.
The closing iln } of this week will wit-
ncfi u shooting tournament which for 1m-
jiortanco stands nnparallelevt In the history
of the sport In thl-j clt > . Thursday , January
2- \vlll bo devoted to n general tiroRram of
shooting , to bo followed Friday nml Satur
day with the luter-clly match between icnini
from Omaha and Knnnis t'lly. No greater
Interest nan c\er been manifested In the
preliminary arrangements for a sporting
event than huH charm tcrlzwl the prepara
tions that have been under way for several
vorks for this affair. As the tlmo draws
near the Interest freonn to roncentrato Itself
and the unity of purpose promises a memora
ble shooting carnhal.
Omaha sportsmen who ravel In the
jiloabiiro ntlordcd by the gun ha\e Bhown
thcmHclves to bo of the true blue variety.
Tor the last few djjs they have Fncrlflcwl
oil things to completing arrangements for
th i match , Kreqfient meetings of the gun
club ha.vubrcn held and the minutest detail
calculate * ! > promote the success of thu
forthcomliiB'event hat \ > cc\ arranged to a
nicety. Added to this the incJi who will
con pose the Omabh team havo'elovotod them-
sclvctif to pr.ictlco mid even nt tills tlmo
nro In aticu prlmo condition th it such a word
a failure Is not to bo discovered In th'elr
decalogue. Interest In the carnival Is by
no niCjins confined to Omaha. In Kansas
City , where local prldo Is pcrhapi as great
os It Is In Omaha and vvhcro the hope Is
fondlj held that the Kansaq City foam may
rotrie-vo the honors Iplit to Omah.i In the first
match Hhoot , the sportsmen aio also on the
cjul vivo pf excitement That city will bo
represented In largo niimbors , It being re-
Iicrltxl that many besides tlio ten members
of thn'tcam will attend the event. Prom
nearby towns In Nebraska and lovvn , letters ,
ha\o been recclvixl from many sportsmen
slating thclf Intention to bo present when
the big m.tlch comes off and to participate
In thotjfta-for-all shoot to bo held on'tho
day preceding
Captain A. W. Money of Now Yolk City ,
tl an whom there Is no more noted shot In
the world , will bo hero Holly Ilclkcs , an
other crack bhot. whoso reputation extends
far and wldcv and W. Kred Qulmby , general
managqr of a , big New York powder house ,
will ticia distinction to the meeting by
their presence.
V'hilo Interest' 15 chleily centered In the
match Hhoot which will begin Trlday , it U
n established fact that the preliminary 'day's
shooting on Thursday will bo no mean af
fair The program arranged Includes a
twentj-llvo live bird mlss-and-out shoot ,
with .in entrance fco of $1 , blids c\tra. The
premier event will bo a twenty-five bird
race with an entrance fee of $15. It will be
R. handicap -with tour nioneja The flrst
prl/o will probably amdUnt to $ JOO.
On Friday the match shoot with the Kan
sas City team will bo started. 13ach team
will bo composed of ten men and there will
bo ntty birds to the man. The shoot is
purely for the honor , no expense nor entrance -
trance fco being attached to It except an
understanding that the losing side pay for
the birds. U will bo the second contest In
the inler-clly fhoot , Omaha having won the
first one at Kanhas City Ian fall. Since
that , tlmo both teams have been strength
ened Iho Kansas City team'will have as
it moBt'promlncnt member J. A. U Klllott ,
ch'ifnplnn wing shot of the United States ,
who dltl'not participate In the contest of the
last time. The personnel of the Omahn
team has not been decided upon , althougli
It will consist practically of the same mer
who participated In the former match will
porno added strength.
If there bo any time on Trlday and Satur
day , usicto from , the match scheduled foi
thoBQ two dajs an Impromptu program ol
shooting will bo arranged On Monday ai
Interesting match race will take place , vvhcr
I'rnnk Parmcleo and J A H Ulllott wll
shoot ut 100 live birds for J100 a side
In preparing for this event the Onialr
committee on arrangements has divided iti
attention between the preliminaries con.
nectcd with the shgot and preparations foi
a big bamj'uet- It is expected that this wll
conio as d fitting/ flint lo. to the contest am
Y good fcllovCslilp and good cheer will char
acterize it. I'esardlcs.s of which team l <
fortunate enough' win the race H wll
bo hold at the MillarO liplel Saturday night
No moro'eVpreiHlvo nflvaiico dead Iptlon o
It cqn be made Hum to say that H will b (
Just tbo"HVvello8t4hat ever happened '
Sliorl * ncnoiuiec "UuCoj-Clio > nK
riulil ri a riiiNLMi lli-lli-M-
| id i H fill I AVan Itolilic-il.
Men who are- devotees of pugilism bccrtusi
they look upon It as the prlmo' expoilen
of manly art and be llcvtY that the chic
element concerned In the perpetuation of tin
fcport'lH fair play oontlnuo to cle'iiounco thi
McCoy-Ohojuskl fl'rtscti lii no uncertali
terms The followeis of pugilism have no
In a long llm been so stirred up ovei an ;
matter cuniucled with the squared clrcli
and dlMcupslon of future linguistic cncount
CMS , having chimploiiplilp honors at slake
has been abandoned In consldeiatlon of thli
mobt rcmaikablo of affairs "Kid McCoj
who , prior to Jamiarj 12 was Idoll/od bj
nii-ny a true ( portumnn. Is todaj vlovva
moMt iinfavoRihl ) by manj of his formei
itaunih ailiulrcis. ' 1 hat ho was defoatu
fililj and sfniarolv bv Joe Cho > nsKI then
si-cms 16 bo no reasonable doubt in tin
nlids of a vast majority of the
world , and jet ho defiantly asserts that hf
won a clean victory over Cho > nskl The
I'eler Manor fade * *
luster of his triumph over
away In compsrMon with the Ill-gotten
laurels of which ho now boasts
Joe Choynskl , the Callfornlan , has been
a prominent figure in heavyweight circle *
since ho first entered the ring In 1SS4 and
was started upon < i not too promising career
by losing his first go to Jim Corbott In one
round Ho has fought many battles since
that tlmo and his pugilistic career has been
much llko that of nearly all the old-timers
having Its full nhoro of ups and downs.
January 12 ho was matched to meet Joe
Wolcolt at the Ilroadvvay club In New York.
Wolcott was unable to engage In the match
BII 1 rather thin lo o the big money promised
i Iho managers of the tlub arranged for an
i exhibition between McCoy and Choynskl.
U Is related that the fight Was pro-arranged
I to bo purely an exhibition match , with
Choynskl "llxed" to go down at a certain
speclflc-d lime. Only with such an arrange
ment would the "Kid" consent to the match
Hut In the hoot of the battle Choynskl forgot
all about such nn arrangement Ho found
that "Kid" McCoy had cither been greatl }
over-rated or was not himself for some-
icaeon or other , and the opportunity seemed
| present for him to turn thu tnblei on the
"Kid" for the defeat administered him early
laet jenr when the two met In San
Tiarclsco In n twenty-round go. In the
second round ho Ind McCoy on the toboggan
and could not resist the temptation to pluck
jth fame that was within his grasp
During the round the Hoosler wonder went
to the Iloor three times. Kach tlmo ho grew
preceptlbly weaker and slower. The third
I tlmo ho failed to rUe The timekeepers
jcountnd him out and right then Chojnskl
| was Iho vlctoi , for when the ten seconds
had expired there > ct icmalned forty seconds -
ends of the fighting round The gong
Hounded the knock-out , but the referee be
lieved the gong WHH ringing the end of the
( round and did not call McCoy out. Strangel > ,
I however , McCoy was given advantage of
| the forty seconds' time in addition to the
i regulation tlmo between rounds , and came
i up for the third round refreshed and
strengthened Reports arc to the effect that
nfter the end of the third round McCoy
; struck Chojnskl , and that the blow in
capacitated the latter flom continuing the
'contest. ' The blow , according to accvmts ,
' a foul and whether Intentional or un-
I Intention U uliould have resulted In giving
'the ' decision to Chojnekl.
It seems , therefore , froijn all accounts , that
Joe Chojnskl was doubly robbed of a vic
tory which was plainly his first when Ref
eree White failed to call McCoy out after the
expiration of the ten seconds and , second ,
when McCoy was given the decision on a
I foul blow , presumed to have been delivered
after the round was ended
McCoy money went a-begging at the rlng-
sldo that night. Heavy odds were offered on
him and there were but few takers even
then. Is this the eolutlon of the mysterious
actions of Referee. Johnny White and the
flagrant robbery from Chojnski of a de
cision ho so richly deserved'
In compliance with a challenge from
Chojnskl nn agiecmeiit boa been entered
Into 'with McCoy for a fight February 20.
It will bo a , premier event In pugilistic
circles and It U > a safe observation to make
that there won't be a much McCoy money
In sjght without takcis as there was In New
York January 12.
Relative to the contest in New York
Chojnski and McCoy have both had their say
and their opinions are of Interest in view
of the unprecedented furore which has
arisen as a result of the questionable de
cision Chojnekl asserts that bo was
robbed , but will await opportunity for rc-
vengo 'it the ring.
'That opportunltj , " ho says , "will come on
February 20 , wiicn I meet McCoj In another
bout. It In an old story now to say that
I won the fisht thico times , but It Is true.
Not only ivos McCoy permitted to remain
on the floor many beconds over the limit and
to enjoy the benefit of a , two-mlnuto rest ,
but his brothei , who acted as a second , was
allowed to gn through the ropes and throw
water over the 'Kid' in an effort to revive
him. This in itself Is a foul and McCoy
should have been disqualified. ,
" 1 am satisfied that my timekeeper was
rght ! when ho counted McCoy out , but will
let the matter rest for the present. I have
two or thrCT matches on , which I will dis-
POEO of befoic I meet the 'Kid. ' I am feel
ing in my old-'lmo fo-in Just now and was
never fighting better I will do my training
for these battles U Lakcwood , where I have
( secured quarters IP conjunction with Cornell.
I anticipate no t-oublo in winning those
fights , Including my bout with McCoy oo
February 20 "
McCoy sajfl "I have been wrongfully
condemned since mj fight vvllh Joe Choynskl ,
I took the benefit of mj count every time
I vas down , and I depended upon the referee '
to count off those few seconds which a man
Ic allowed to get up In.
' There was no robbery or a fake fight It
was nothing but a mistake of Choynski's
timekeeper , for which I am not accountable ,
1 have alwajs fought to win , I have always 1
fought fairly I did not hear thu bell ring
when I hit him or before It
"This Is the third time I have met him In !
a ling and I beat him every time Chojnskl
brail have another contest It ho vvlshct '
U , and I will knock him out for fair and 1
will not fight again In the ring with him un
ices it Is for the championship after thai
en r. test
"I have fought with all s > lzes of men and
have proved my right to have the cham
pionship beyond a doubt Choynskl Is o J
good lighter , but at the last light I defeated
him fairly and I bided by the decision of the
referee That Is the plain honest fact
"Thero was no money bet on this fight thai
I know of and If I had not starlcd to knock
him out In a few rounds he would neve-i
have knocked rae off my feet "
Tetry Mcovern. ! champion featherweight
than whom no other pugilist bus been In
the public eje more conspicuous ! ) since bis
rrmnrknnr ! > vi orovrr cicnig" tilxnn ( . f
scheduled for i fight \\iih Hdrtle intrv , i
Chicago youth who ima incn hlm elf to lip' '
In McOovern's class and even ! > < claim
to the fpatherw eight championship The
contest In mapped out to laft six rounds and
will comf > off February 1. in Chicago , pro
vided Sanirv Is In the same mind then as
now. H seems presumpluous for the Chicago
cage Ind to go up against McOovern. but In
the face of the many and varied surprises
which ihe prle ring has afforded within the
past lew months It would really be no
greater surprise than some others If he
should put the little Brooklyn wonder to
sleep before the end of the contest It U
said that there are certain sports In Chicago
who arc willing to back their belief with
plenty of money that ho will be able to dose
so It Is perhaps ncedlres to say that all
such money will be eagerly covered.
I.ornl Turner * , Illftli School llojn ami
. M , ( ' . A. ( ! j iiiiuiNli Prucllvp for
Indoor Titrate * ! .
Next Saturday , January 27 , promises to be
prominent In Omaha , amateur athlellcs ,
when the Young Men's Christian association
will hold an athletic meet open to any ama
teur In Omnhi , Council llluffs or South
Omaha It will bo the flrst mid-winter In-
dcor athletic meet ever held In Omaha open
to any amateur whether a member of Iho
association or nol.
The sport should bo rojal , as there are a
number of men In and about Omaha who
have had qulto an athletic career and who
have made good records nt school and In
other fields. Tills will give them nn op-
porlunlly lo contest for supremacy In the
different events The German Tinners and
the I.'ohemian Turners
arc strong organiza
tions and have a large body of athletes
amojg Ihelr numbers and they will probably
scnil _ In homo good men The Omaha and
Council Bluffs High schools have a number
of good men who will make a hot light for
the Hist places Captain Painter of the
Omaha High school thinks thai quite a
number of MB men will cuter and ho thinks
they will glvo a good account of themselves
The local association men arc pulling In
evciy spare mlmito tralninK and hope lo
keep mosl of Ihe trophlea Klnucy , McHlroy ,
Henry , Parker , Hush , Hall , Stomm , I'atler-
son , KlBhcr and a number of others arc suie
of winning llrst and second places. Aside
from the trophies already up and dlsplajcd
in Iho window of a Douglas slreet shoo
store there Is also offered a pair of spiked
running shoes to the contestant who will
brc-ak a Xatlonal assoclallon record in any
event on the program.
If Ihls meet Is a success plans will be
made to hold another meet during the month
of rebru'ary In a much larger room , where
there will bo room for a number of running
Below nro the rules of the Athlcllc League
of Norlh America governing the quarter-
mile potato race , which Is an Indoor event
anil new to most western athletes
"Scvcntccu potatoes ( or other light ob
jects ) and two boxes four inches deep ,
twelve luches In diameter , set on Mandb two
feet high , shall bo furnished each con-
leslanl. The oulcr edges of Ihese boxes
shall be Ihlrty-ono feet apart.
"Tho runner shall stall on Iho left side
of the- fell potato box from a line paral
lel to Its outer cdsc , with one polalo in hla
hand Ho shall run around both boxes each
time , placing ono polalo In Ihe othci box ,
nnd finishing at Ihe slarllng point on the
opposite side of his own box
"Oraeplng Ihe boor stand In any way ,
failure to run around both Loves or a fail
ure to transfer all the potalocs singly Into
the other bo\ shall ellsqiialifj the runner. "
-vce-lli-nt Material VPIU-IIVN on Oval ,
I'romlMliiif Vlo or > nl IiitiTNe-lio-
luNtlu Field Oil } .
One of the best track teams wnleh the
High school has put on Ihe field in years is
now In training and Iho joung athletes
have abundant hopes of winning the state
iiiterscholaEtlc championship in the open
ireet In June. Tha local Held day , which is
one of the features of Iho school \ear , will
lake place e > arly in May , probably at the
Ycung Men's Christian association
park , vvhcro the track men aio
now meeting for practice ; Fol
lowing the local field daj , Captain Earl
Painter expects to airaugo a dual meet
with some neighboring town , preferably
CcAiucll Bluffs or Bellevue , in order lhat the
bojs may test tholr strenglh against outsldo
oig.intzatlons and secure confidence for the
state tourney. The location of Ihe state
contest has not yet been decided and
the local contingent Is bringing all possl-
blo pressure to bciar toward bringing it to
Omaha The meet ono year ago was at
Llicoln and It Is believed that that city
will recognize the merit of Omaha's claim
the present season. The Lincoln tcnm won
In 189'J by a narrow margin , the victory
apparently being In Omaha's grasp until the
last event was called
As the High school has no gymnasium fa
cilities Captain Palnlcr Is obliged lo resort
lo various methods lo get hla squad Into
proper condition. The gymnasium of the
Young Men's Christian association has been
uwd to a considerable exlcnt and Physical
Director Barnes has ono class made up en-
tlroly of High school athletes A number
hove entered In the open Indooi moot on
Jo Hilary 27 more In order to Improve their
form than with any desire of capturing hon
The mild vveathei has allowed of some
pT.ctico on the oval on the High school
campus , though home difficulty has been
p > rerlenccl In gelling Ihe material on iho
1 field Good practice has been Eoured ,
howovor. In putting the shot , running
hurdles and la the broad and high Jumps.
The late-fat plan to further physical devnlop-
monl out of doors Is embodied In thu Cross
Country club , made up for the nioct part
of those who expect to enter the running
ovcnls A number of olhers 1'avo Joined ,
hovvevor recognizing the value of the c\er-
If vou have stomach , llvor or Kidney tioublo , suffer fiom pain lu your back , or
rheumatism. laek f sosal vigor , easily to become tiled or falls nod , you ni'od eleeti Icily ,
do not upotlouiPthlug lo btlmulate the uervos. but y on nt'pil Rjinothlnj , ' to
this ilelU ieuc'.v of noivo vltallt.v You need homothliiK to cause the otganH lo
joitoini tholr pmpi-r funotlotis , that is. JOH IIPPI ! foico lu the n cnvoiiH syHtt'in and In
the bl ml. honii tiling lo oimallzp the eiieillatlon of the blood nnd iphtoio jour vitality.
Theie H ono thing , which Is natmo'H ovrn remedy , that wll 1 do this , and that Is
Uio tililt.v , when it N piojotlj applied It will poimanontlj re htoio jour none force
and einull/e the elic-ulatl n , then .voui oigans.wlll got that vlgo r that nittuio Intended
thorn to , and health i , v ours
It plaoos a steady , even , mild i tin em In the svstem while vou bleep Thp weak-
onoil nerve giadualb ab oilm the euneiit. the ein ulntlon K eipia 1 zed thioughoiit the
wl.ole s.vMriu , ami .vou get up Invigorated Its etfoet is pennant'nl and not temporary
The loahun Or Itonnoit Is Mteiossful lu ttoatlng eases of t his kind Is that , In
stead of the baie metal eloi-ti dos used on all other holts , vvhle h burn and bllstt r , he
iihis a M > rr SI'UXti3 ; n l.nrruuDi : . his exclusive patent , the only bolt In the woild
thai him u , whli'h allow H a heavy em rent of lllpctilelty to enter the system without any
millions.intuosH 01 buiulng It has cured thousands of patlentn , after nil other remedies
have falloil It Is aiianged paitleiihuly to milt each case nml U p peimanunt eiiio for
lthu\matUm \ Kulno.v I.lvei and Illuddoi Trouble.-- 1. st Manhood , Constipation , etc.
iiiitpi'il the st onst-n Holt made
\\tlte ii. i.ill and got Ittoiatuto 11,1011 , thh miner \o\\ \ \ will eatulhily be told
vvhethei P.leitilelt.v will help .vou cr not. Sold onl.v liy
Kooins 18 to2 I.
i ) Douglas
llavden'b Corner 10th and Dodge Streets , Omaha , Neb.
OFFJC'P. IIOl'HS - h ,10 a. in. to S.oO p , m. Sundays fiom 10.30 a , in to 1 p. m.
lie m tht tpttfrmcnt of nd anr ) 'mib mil
ihe sa'urdav mornlnK r inn arc attaining
rnMiltrablc popularity \Nhcn the a
i.ivc Mitlit' ' > repoveiccl from the
olio A Ing examination nml the foot bill
ensoti Captain 1'alnler p pect1 * to mafco tlip
vns laore frequent , probably on two even-
nR chirliiE the week.
Thorn nro several flclil pvonts In which
he Onnha team will have llltln to fear from
ccnipptltiK hlRh grhooN. One of the o h
he broail Jump , In vvhlih Harry Welsh
ms a roconl of over twenty feet , a remarkably -
ably crpclltablo pcrformaato for a hlRh
school unclerRracluate Another star of the
ll ti school squail 1 $ Hnrolil CathrovU n
sturdy > oulh. ca | > able of putting the twelve-
iriml shot fortj-one feet C.iptaln Harl
'nlntrr la relied upon to bring honors to the
Omaha school In three events , the pole
null , high Jump and 100ard dash. Painter
iai done 100 jards In 10 3-5 seconds , a euf-
Iclently tiuick gait lo give iho dust to any
ilgh school sprinter In the stateVllh
ho vaulting pole ho has cleared nine feet
ind sl\ Inches nnd In the high Jump five
feet and two Inches Arthur Aliisvvorth U
another speedy sprinter who will go for
100 and 220 j arils In the slnto meet. The
onK-dlslanco events will bo entrusted to II.
Lchnicr , who has shown excellent torin In
Iho half-mllo and mlle and n halt dis
tances Gay Hardy will probably hold a
dace on the team as hurdle runner , as will
also Knglchart as a Mmmcr thrower.
There nro a number of other candidates for
the team who hive not been assigned and
nltoge-ther the team may be1 expected to do
cicdlt to Itself and Its school.
Naialier of " \\i iiiea 1'lajeiM
lMiihe liiiiiie lit Mhl > Inter
of a
The Kountzo Place Gulf club , which had
tored away Its clubs during Thanksgiving
week for the winter , reconsidered Its action
shortly thereafter and the caddies have been
overworked evoi since. On Saturdays there
Is a paitlcularly large nllond nice , women
being largely in evidence Though the
course is bomowhat soft It Is In fair eon-
llllon and has afforded pppoi Utility for ex
cellent pi.actlcc. As It lies on a level piece
of ground some critics have expressed a
doubt as to whether the course would fill-
nUh any chance for skillful play , but the
enthusiasts who use the link * are unani
mous In their pralbe of Its good qualities.
The only ciltlclsm which they have ad
mitted to bo In any way valid Is Hut the
course * is a trifle short.
The bc-st player so far produced by Iho
club Is Harry Lawrlc , who lasl Satin day
established a recoid for the nine-hole
course. He completed the clicult with
thlrly-blx slrokes , the best pievlous recoid
having been fifty.
Among the women members who appeared
yesterday were Mcsdames Favvcetl Luw-
rle , Cottrlll , Shields. Oldflold , Miss Brollltir ,
Mc > 3rs. Oldfleld , O'Neill , Shields , Cameron ,
Lewis and Collrlll No formal match had
been arranged , the players piactlclng such
methods as might Improve Ihelr form
A collection of . = age ma\ims on golf has
been prepared by Horace G Hutchtnson , a
well known authority on the game. Several
of Iho most choice pieces of advice arc ns
'Driving ! s an ait , Iron plav is a science ,
putting Is an Inspiration
"When playing against a man whose priJc
Is in the length of his driving , you will
do well to point out to him a hill bcyon 1
the range of his practical politics , casualty
observing 'Young Icbu drove n fine ball
theio yeslerday It Just c'ed ' that hill '
If human nature may at'VHtbe relied nn
he will respond to the eig ion by trying
to hit a little harder than he'can
"The spectator has a perfect light to his
opinion. H Is only when ' \c begins to act
as if It were of value that ou arc Justified
In coi reeling his mistake.
"If your caddie be n lad of pome intel
ligence you will art wisely in letlin him
keep your score No good caddie who has
learned Iho inlci of sublractlon will fail to
apply them foi his master's benefit Thp
only trouble Is lo induce your adversary to
agree to the airangement.
"Do not Insult .1 beiten opponent by tell
ing him as you take his half ciown that
'ho Is suie to beat you next time' or lhat
'ho would have beaten you easily If he had
oecn playing his game" He will probably
reflect that it such had been your genuine
opinion it Is unlil ely lhat you would ever
have wtarted lo have played the match
"There is every leason to believe tint
llio golf ball is obedient to the laws of dy
namics lather than to your most Impas
sioned prayers or Inipiecatlona. Any good
effect thai can ensue from giving venl to
the feelings must bo thorefoio purely sub
jective If profanltv had an influence on
the flight of the ball , Iho pamo would be
played far better than It io"
National Toiiriiiiinoiil nl \ < > VorU
AVII1 Vllrael j\iie-ilt fiom All
1'ortliiiiM of Hie * Coinltrj.
With the nnuunl convention of the Amor-
loan Howling ; congress , which took place
lest vvceK , a thing of the past , the Ihou-
s.inds of bowIcis In the United States anil
Canada have already begun to turn their
attention to Ihe big national bowling toui-
nument to bo hold under the auspices ol
the United now ling Clubs of New York ,
at Union Hill park , from July 1C to 22 no\t ,
at which 510,000 worth of prizes will bu
rolled for
Numwous attempts have been made In
the last few years to hold national compe
titions , but nil of them h.avo proved a fail
ure because of the IncK of miltablo alley ! ) ,
which made It next to Impossible for those
In charge of the toutnamcnt to assure- the
bowlers of other cities that they would
have an equal chance against tliobo whobc
gcod fortune It was to bo near the alleys ,
Profiting by this mistake , the llrst aim
of thu Unitnd Howling clubs was to put
Eomo ono at the head of the big competition
next July who has , tlio confidence not only
o * eastern bowlers , but those throughout
th" countiy as well , and alu > n man whc
would bo able to handle the bowling program
of the affair witbotil the slightest trouble
Tholr first selection rnmltcd In the choice
of Famucl Karpf , who , for the last flvo
yours , hns served the American How ling
congress ns Its secretary Mr. Karpf , by hla
ni'mcroiib ' trlpa throughoul llio countiy vvllh
the Orcater Now York bowlers , I.lnden
Oiove , Hrooklyn nnd Huffalo clubs , nil ol
which ho arranged and conducted person
ally , Is i cully responsible for the present
been > bowling has throughout the country.
The big tournament or soili-s of different
Uliidb of competition , vvhluh will bo embodied
In It , will bo held on twenty-six alleys , lo
cated In two separate buildings The fall-
sex will have a building all to thnmsclvos ,
In which will bo located six alleys On
thcBo will be decided tbo woman's team
championship and \\onion's Individual cham
pionship All of the contests nro open to
nil women bowlers In thlu cuunliy , and not
a few of them are oxpo3tiid to compete.
Miss Hose Murray of Toledo , O who al
preecnl lays claim to the championship ol
her te\ , because of an average of nearly
ZW plus In eight games , will bu on hand tu
defend the title , , but will have quite a con
tract on her hands because the leading
women bavvlers of the country have already
r > icmlEC > l to participate
Kor the bteincr kcx there will bo eighteen
strictly regulation alloys constructed , with
all the latest modern Improvements Thraa
will be all tn a row In u building lJ5xl2J !
feet lu oiJc'i to provide tbo necesbary
o 1 lei iff ntirt tl- n' res rill br lild \
\ , e 'Iv In tlix fn'ir if the tu i linr aa '
rslsed s nts for ' * 90 p-"t tar' > bohiu-1 till
pluyrrs t one end and behind thn pins nt
the- other Thp latter plan Is now snd a |
good cno
In order to Innurt nil bowlpr * n equal
cliRiico at the b ! * prizes the' nllovs will
not bo opened for practice until the day
, the competition begin * . In addition to this
'they will bo scraped and polished every
morning , so ns to prevent any grooves or
| pulilo lines , which generally mnko their
I appearance on new alleys. Notwithstanding
all these precautions Manager-Secretary
Karpf 1ms arranged to have new pins for
each day's games Although the program
of events and list of prices 1ms not yet boon
i arranged they will bo In the course of n
week. The contest that will likely attract
I the < noet attention will IK ? the ono for the
i team championship of the world The
lucky winner of Ibis contest will carry homo
I ' Iho championship emblem , valued at $500.
as well ng the regular prize , valued at sev
eral hundred dollars There will bo at least
100 other prt/os In this contest ? as no loss
llian f > 00 learns from all parts of the coun
try nro expected to eompolo
On certain days of the tournament there
will bo contests for teams of two and teams
of three players , at both the American
ga < iio and ton pin head pins.
There will also bo lawns laid out mid
set nsldo for these who still adhere to
1 "bowling on the urcen , " which Is the1 first
i style of bowling Introduced In this country.
I An event that Is expected to ntltacl as
! much attention ua any Is the two-day com-
jpellllon open only to teams which hnvo won
' or will win championships In their respective
touinamonts this season , regardless of vvhal
city ihoy nro located In The winner of
this competition will receive a hindsomo
challenge trophy and In the city vvhcio It
goes to or the winning team halls from It
must bo competed for again any tlmo be
tween May nnd July , I'lOl.
Delni In > > ellliiK Dime Hall llie > < l n
Vi onsen r.nMIHIIMM ( | , Who Ie-
aiaiiil ( eMNiilloa of Iiiaollv It ) ,
Ihe national base ball situation remains
unchanged and .is day after day goes , by
without any attempt on the part of the bite
ball magnates to settle thcso important
matters ono way or the other the public
becomes mure and moio impatient and dis
gusted al Ihe delay. Speculation Is life
ns to the outcome of the matter , but the
vvholo thing Is up to the National league ,
nud until It has a meeting and decides
whethci Its clicult In lliOO will remain as
It has been , or that It be reduced by the
abandoning of two or four of the cities , no
ono lo In a position to Know vvhcro he
is nt.
For the good of base ball the leading
exponents of the national game are anxious
thai the big league i educe Its memborhhip
to eight cities 'Ihe Impotlant question will
undoubtedly be settled In the near futiuc ,
which will leave the oilier base l > all organ
izations some tangible reallmldn of their
staUm In Iho base ball empire. Commctil-
Ing upon the all-nbforblng mallei of in
terest to bisc ball onthublasth at this tluiu
a prominent vvrltei sa\s
The conference between John T. Brush ,
clmlrm in of the reduction committee , B. 11
Johnson , piosldent of the American league ,
and P T. Powers , ptosldent of the Hastem
league , nt Indianapolis , was in all proba
bility ai ranged by Ml Hiu h with the ap
proval of his associates The disposition
of the tenltoiy to bo abamtoned will bo
practically settled before the National league
convenes again This accounts fur the othci-
wieo inexplicable delay In the rcpoit of
Mr. Blush and his -odates The purpose
of the national magnates is not only to "Id
the paieiu body of Us Undos'rable clubs ,
but to prolect itself fiom opposition bv
placing sticng minor league clubs In at
three of the cities which H relln-
All the club owners of the Na
tional 'leaguo favor reduction except one
member of the Urooklyn-nalllmoie syndl-
calc II R. Von Der Hciat and the Wag
ners , who me willing lo tetire jf recom
pensed foi Ihelr holdings , at the lequeU
of Iheir p irtnerh The Kastcrn league's
claim \\ashlngton and ilaltlmorc gives
It no rlEht to either city , A mlnci league
cannot diangc Us clicult without ihu ap-
pioval of t'-o national board The logical
solution of the problem I the formation
of a minoi league along the lines of Ihe
old American association , to include Balti
more. Washington , Buffalo and Philadel
phia In the cast , nnd Chicago , Uctiolt , Mil
waukee and Indianapolis , or Cleveland , In
the west The consent of the Chicago Na
tional league club to the location of an
American league club In that city would bo
ncccssaiy. Messrs. Rogcijj and Reach are
nol opprazd to another National agieement
club In Philadelphia "
When the big leagues hold Ihelr moi'tHgs
and decide * what they aio going la do the
Western league magnates will come togetlnt
nnd map out dclallb for the coming season's
campaign Al Ihl'i meeting llio completion a *
the clrciill will be accomplished Until the
disposition of St Paul , MlnncapolU and
Kansas City Is ( settled upon It Is Impossible
to fomil 'f 'h" i i o' V vv i
Iraguc for If ISrr th co < i ' ( < n .1 p" I
\ > \ Ike refilcnn league 'hov "R-tll lime
fllato y Join for e tvllh Prpsld'i t 1'1'krv aa I
hl crdleaguM It Is morp thiin probiblo
tlmt Mlnnfr polls nnd St Paul will be mem
ber * of the Western , but It Is hsrdh po wlbc !
I hit KfltifiB * Cltv will -eun a frAnc < ii > o
from President lllckey Kans Cltv I * < on-
sldercd one of the b t base bnll towns in
the whole country and l too go id n monev
maker to bo dropped out of the Amerlcin
From cAlitlng facts It Is powlble to fore list
the membership of the Weslcrn league ns
follows Omaha , St. Paul. Minneapolis at i
Joseph , Sioux City , DCS Mollies , Denver ami '
"Colonel" Keith , erelwhllo known as
Buck , has permllted no grass lo gain reel
under his feet during Iho recent period of
growing weather. Ho has been on the con
tinual hustle nnd the affairs of the Onnb.x
elub are In such good condition as to phase
Immensely every local supporter of biso
ball The financial status of the club H Improving -
proving nnd the experimental stage U al- i
load ) past Manager Keith now hid money
enough In fight to Insure the surcus of the
venture During the last week he ha devoted - ,
voted most of his time to the maltrr of se
curing giounds The logical site , It appears
to him after careful Investigation IP the
ono nl Thirteenth and Vlnton streets and U
13 practically certain that thai site will bi
chosen because of Its convenient location
both to Omaha and South Omaha (
Manager Keith ndded another member to
his babe ball family by closing n contrail
with Bert Dunn , a cracking geol infioldcr
who Is especially nt homo on second base
Dunn is a Nebraska ! ! , but has been In Iho
soulh for a couple of yeais. All the time ho
has been playing good ball and has established
fast player. Ills home
lished n record as a
Is at Weeping Water , whore he Is now restIng -
Ing , preparatory to eiitc'rlng practice for
next season.
WileM v I'll illm.
My wife's good advlco saved my llfo
w riles P M Hess ofVltiHcld , Tenn , for I
had such a bid cough 1 could hardly bicathe.
. under doctor's treatment
1 steadily grew wori.e
ment , but my wife urged me to use Ur
King's New JJlscovcty for Consumption ,
which completely cured me" Coughs. Colds.
Bionchltls , Lt ( ulppp Pneumonia. Abihtm ,
Hay Kevei and all maladies of Chest , Pine it
this mar
and lamgs aio positively cured by
vellous medicine r,0e nnd $1 00 Every brit
tle guaranteed THal hollies free at Kuhn
S , Co 's drug H ere
OIT or Tin : oitniN v * -
Match tiust will soon
of the
A rival
at WilSwon , N J. with a nl. i.U
appear inachi n rv
of onlv $ V im but pttents on
' sahl to turn out mate lies moio
iiipldlv thuti any method now In use |
has the most fimous
I'asadcua Cal ,
woild I'robabH ov , r 1 -
, o"o shows m the
( )0 ) W weie exhibited at y1111.J" " , , , '
mouth and vvllm " " ' "
Ilrst day of thu
" Klcst
more , than 50,000 people "Arabv the
l-m t In It lu eonuiirl'-on
Iho bell which for sKly-thiee ye irs his
rung for c-hapel seiv ces at Hun-mi uut-
vervitv lias lie-en replaced by .1. new om
The old bell , vvh'eh Is raid to hm conn
from an Italian convent , will iiiobab v bo
given to the Il.iivaril Memorl il societv
The new te n 'ueh Kim 'it Study Hook
Is nude of stiel si laments wiappecl with i
seventy-live mileot steel vv re ami ]
covered with a scil juket outside H Is
designed to pierce the at mot ot any ship
Sc-natoi Hevurldcc of liuliiua his bid
his interesting collection of rillplno arms
sent to \\itshlngton homo Kvcrv kind
of weauoii Is Included from a Malay Kris
to a Sulu spear , m < l all wcie om.iincd by
the --enator during his recent vl ° lt o the
Islands Many wcies used In the . .iieeiil
war and woie given Mr Uoverlelce by
Olivers w'-o captured them
To distinguish one fiom the othci bibles
which como in luge- numbers to the
obstetric clopaiIntent 'it tnu Johns Hopkins
hospital the doctors have dcelded to las
them by placing on the tack of c-ich be
tween the "bouidcr blades a. small miiiari
of adheb've plasli i on which Is vvilttin the
baby s name Tne plustm is wateipioot
and Is not affected bv haththouijh It c in
be removed earily when thu baby leaves the
The freak at the Ilrooklvn museum who
eats anything the audience hands out vv i"
operated on by the doitois last week and
three ell ilns , two latch kevs < halijiias ,
12S eommoii nlns , vome > u ills md a ling
were \ttucteil from his "toiniich llo
.claims that theie me eight hoi'-eshoe n ills
and other nilscel'meous ImiiUvaie vit 1111-
.leeoutited foi in his svstom Jiil lns liy
the contents of his stem leh , the do ; ) "s
thousnt t at the vaiiety of hash lie had
gone against would bear line tlalloii
Tcirv M < Govern , the \tr\ze \ \ llg-htei ns
ills 'itnse wlniiluijs Millie In enitud ihe
ling amount to JJ' OiX ) of which lu Hill bai
ovei $23 UW He has iiiovlded a home foi
his mothci and two li'othiis and puie haxpil
a house foi htm--elf mil v.lfe lie owns two
biloous and pome ipal eitate In lliouUlvn
and hns an interest In the show of the
Gay Moinlae cllorles ' with vvhlih he
appear" Ho e\nectn o ml JGOO to Jsiu
weekh fiom his tlu > atrleil eniiqcmcnts
and lo be worfi more than $ lonw within
the next couile of > e\\rs , bv v.hleh lime
ho will be . ' "itars old
One of thu rrecllleatloiis of the me it
contricts made bv i'ie city of Ni w Yo-.c
foi tbeii"'ous eharlable Institutions is
that all beef lamb mutton mil veal iham
Is exi epte-d ) Ml ill be killed and iiiesre I lu
the state of Nev York This i Uu elti s
order for lust veal < lHlck .if be-t f 1 W
< OT 'lounils , e'Mra diet be'e'f. W ) M uouiuH
( huiks of mutton , - > r > i Oe > > pounds masltiiK
pleeis of beef 110 MM iioirids , tiref u-ak
sliloln.lK)7tXi ) pounds uiiiieHl be if. lump
and nate | . 'I.W pound- mutton , hlni-
quailcts 170-tOi poiiiuls pniK ! > - > poaiu'-
vi al. IS IK ! nouiiiK imnl . ' ' ' i\vi poiin.U
Every man who would know the grand truth , plain fivtnf
the new discoveries of medical science us applied to
married life ; who would atone for pit errors
and avoid future pitfalls , should secure
the wonderful little book called
" Here at Inst is infcnnatioii nut .tWORK U'ONDhKbvv nil tliisgciiri.itu.noftiu'u "
Ho taey The book fully describes .t iiKtluul by vvhuh Jo .ittam
full \iior and iiianlj power
in Advance , A method lo end all dram * uu the .system.
Tocurcnervousnf.slackofafH riwtrol.drj.piindriie-v.etc
To exchange a jaded and worn nature for our n { bright'
Treatment ner s , buoyancy nlul [ .ovvcr.
Toci\e full strength , duxelopiuent uiul tone to every
on Trial portion and orpan of llu- bed >
Age no barrier IsnltirciniposslhU1
and The book. uf'l'RKLY Ml.DU Al. ANPSCMFN I'lKlC.
useless to curiosity beekers , invaluable- MFN ONI Y
We send one full month's Remedies of wonderful power , .nut a ium\rlmis
Appliance to strengthen and develop , on trUl ami approval , \ \ Hwpay. \ \ \ .
deposit or obligation , No exposure , no " collect on dehveiy " ' . .chemeno deten
tion of any kind
A despairing man u ho had applied to us , soon alter wrote "Well , I tell \ou
that hrst day is one I'll never forget. I just bubbled vvilh jov. I wanted to Imji
everbody and ( ell them that my old self had died > eteiday and my new .self was
born today Why didn't > ou tell me w hen 1 flrst w rote that 1 w ould find it this vv av ? "
And nnuther wrote thus"If von dumped a c attlind of gold at my feet it would
not bring surli gladness into m > life as y our method | ia * done- "
In aiiMvenns ; be sure and mention this p iper , and tin- company promises to send
the book in staled envelope w ithout any marks , and entirely tree of charge
Write to the rjlTE MKDICAL C'O.U/MAT , Hiiffalo. N. Y. . and ask
for the little book called " COMl'l I.I h MANHOOD ! "
Cure evrrj urnUni-i. . .if Srxuiil Oi iin , Noi nil i > inl. loii , | OH.
cuiiflilviic-f , nrr tuiul liinln trembleIn fnc-l inn I.i- ) .ei a linu
tioiiur in n 11 Hniinll , 91.00 bi.inem j hnrk If not niitUafU. bend
far iir iiii < > Nllon Muni. ,
I'HAHiMCV , llfpl. u. , JBtli and rnrnniii ht . Ouinlm .Neb.
Humlrrd * of fire < wn\pli s vvito
glvon nwn > In Omaha lust vvcoK l'lu >
miinufic turoro vvnii cd jou to lest
tils wondorfnl remedy Thev nn
eeoelcd In oonvlnrlnu Immlrpcln tluii
llipro l < pllf romixly Hint rurrs A
Minute guarnntfo In overv IMICUHKI
A k > our dniRRUt n bout It
Iir Masons I'llo Upmpcly nitcs
blind lilc-cilInK , Itclilns nnd tirotrua-
Ini ? plle \ no mnttc < r uf Imvv IHHK
K'amllnr Prlep 600 ml $11 l or
milo it the followInR drilR * tot ! < In
( iiiiilm Hi Uiihn A Co. r.Ih mil
liiniulii" itie-it- * . J H Si hmliltI li
and c'uniliiK itieotM II II lit il nn
Jllli ind I'linini - ' onti
Oil ) ill i In I J S Id i l \ I ' .till
nnel N tn
Hvorvboilv Pilous that tin 10 l no
better vvhcnl made than tln Stuliiii ; .
Juht think of buvltig a $ T'i StcilKis f i
Tlii < onlv illlTerciioe' is that It Is a ulilei jmttprii ( "ome at cm c If
} uu want ono of them.
Monarch Choinlcss $00.
llpttpr than niOMt $75
Hi me iibei our uisj p.ijnuni pliu
$1 00 down $1 00 .1 week
Omaha Bicycle Co. ,
( .of. loth aiul Chicago.
Did j-il si e thoM * now liluo ninl
whilestiipiil shuts in inn -wm
dow tinalst iwo weeks' 'I hi y
MH- the IteM Moo shlit lu Omahi
Tln\v got so loud that wi io mm
poloil to lake them Itihlilo this
wi ok ( emuin and si o them
That now stoio.
$1.50 , $2.25 , $3.00.
llitli anil I
A man niKitrlP'sw II I H health i 11 RaiaMcr Ho
ill&fll utos Vat n 'i > r mil d-tcifi IMII tli'iH * do-
RCi-mlln ItiDtli irenr'H < in I a. < I li * ivcr
Or. liurihart'flV i. lil'l r mprnndl- wirUi'n
ITO it---t ( I IrMHtiiL iti ir'S duuite whca all
otlicr r im du 3 lni\ < filli I
I vU h t H iy A ft u M nl , tbn p'lhi'p ' In
i .run ] t > lh noi-lli-m of Iir ] ' i's
Vo oleb'to ' c , Miipuuml Vie iTjiri'-nc-fl
t ( u Iir i lun Una line u dcrf il r' tnndy 1 *
TroiiM' i.
A A iln-hp ? , sulllrHn , Inet
Toreal l ynllilrni-clhti llarty days' trcatinnt
foi-Ju sen it ) 1 us1 treitrm nt Me lx uiocthj *
trei-tliunl , $1 1)0 ) lintaiiti Irlui trfat rift t 'rtr
IH . w' . H. UUKKII Vll-l , Cincinnati , O. j
Is publi'-hid monthly
i- .1 ii.el it ilil , ilti-r-
.ir\ diet for the hu-\-
i -IneHs man Send 10
it HU 11 tits In si inui for
ati/lli "iimnVco. . > , to Ad
1 1Mb Av c."t ug i u'l-irv-
t i ! or t , "I' l ha suba i ion
\ \ \\Tl D-i i-o c- t-id heiln that
U ' 1 \ N v\i' ' not I n. rt > ! ? i 0 j cnti
to 1 , < i - < . v v ' i o New o A for U
t-m , > ' " taU
s a Fact !
r.ntlmen Aval-
l.ltlKlrllttHO dl > *
rr ti j b e r a
. - i t- K , t our ( r0
N-'k. nli i nlil ex.
I t v ir in mrtl o I.
nun cr
> ! irr trt uincnU
lo tld fin
bv tlis
nrr winii yuii run
t > mi.h ?
v ( nr niir bin ' , civ.
Ill MIC AI. CO. ,
l.Vei IU\c , lleiilein , .Mll .
l iit f for initial rfj
arvi Inlluinuin iv
l lei i u ll i , I n n r i t.
i I-
B.-.j. v , . . , ' * anil Only Ornulnrv
, - / . , > % l\HArl A . . .r.H.II. | artlr" . i I . ( .1
, y < C A < UK in si I.Hi NC.I i <
( rlt > 4 MyIII II i l.,1.l u i > i I i. . .r.
T- * t/\ J I u V InLi iioulller Hrl *
ui J I'linK * roil * Suli.lllullm * uud lw.ll *
P linn tlull 1II OOO 1 l m D i 9 "
. , . ' 'liiuc.ii. ' I lilrbr.ltr I hiinlc l e . .
Utstleu lbi.t. | t JliiJI.ou hf.ui.rt . , I'llll.i . fi-
c.ct. Kicino >
& Bladdoij ;
i mile * . i <
Cures in
< ? OHourr ?
fi *
Itcuarr i