Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 20, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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    s THE O rATTA TATLV T5TSE : SATTTTDAT ? , .TAXrAUT 20. 1000.
Davis Brill
rino A. 15 , C brer. Neumaycr's hotel.
\\olnbaeh burners at Ulxby's. Tel. 131
nuclvvelncr beer I , Hosenfcldt. agent.
Ml * C'nrrlp Ix > wer Is Milting friends li
L hi' HSU
lirV. . A. OcrvalB , osteopath , SOI Mcr
rlam block , Council Uluffs.
Got your work done at the popular Eagli
laundry , 721 Hroadvvay. Tnono 157.
\V C. Hstep. undertaker. 2S Pearl street
TelephonesOnico 37 ; residence. 33.
The regular meeting of White Hose He
liekHJi loilgi- will bo held tills eveiilni ? .
Mr nml Mrs < " A Atkins are entertain
lliK .M ! * * Ilortciwp S'nvlC'i of Aftoli , lit.
Sherldmi lump < -oal. J5W , Sheridan mil WOO. IVn , m k. i'olej. sole agent *
.lumps I' Wlckham Jr , has Bono to
s in Knti , to onur St Ilpnollot
\In * .M S. Haimlin left jc-stenluy for Km
I'mnrl-wo , vvlic-re. . hiwll Join lier hlldb.itid
Dr T I' UelllliKor willed to > V
biii ka yeslenliij on profpn ! niml biiHlliess
\Kent It II flrcer of the .Mllnailket-
diililo be nromvl nwiln utter a short spell
of kknrt < H
Miss Mlniilo Williamson , who been
K i lou"ly 111 nt lu-r home on South First
MI i ft , w convalesclnir.
hherldan coal makes a Ijrgo llame and
elear lire but no smoke , soot or clinkers
1'Vnlon < S. rolc > . sole agents.
I'he IndiiKtrlul school will inept this utter-
i ) POD nt 2 oVIni'k ut the Union mission on
Ilist memif and Klftconlli streirt
Hirrftaiv of tbr Iloird of IMm.Ulon Dil
lon U'i H bis Rene to I'cti r liiirp , III lo
4 > iliitf home- Mrs HOS.S and children , vvhc
IIIIVP been spending the hollilijt * with ri'ia-
this thi'io
I bi > m 'tliiK of HIP parllatneiitnrj l.ivv
cli , KU tmeiit of tluv Woman's elub will br
In < l in 'J " 0 oVIoch thlM nfternoon In the :
i Itili room" I'rof. II II , Hidden will con-
thu t the meetlmr
ln.stlce Vlen will not hand clown bin de
cision In the oleomargarine case. In whlc-h ,
tindc r .1 bcan'li wiirnnt , n quantity of the
MnlT vviib sel/iil nt iil : Brown's groceiy
MOM- , until IVlmiiiry 1
'Ivo htrnnuerx , Rlvln the names oC Wll-
li , m llpiullej and William \Vllllainn , were
( iirpMU-U yt-sterduy on suspicion of being1 1m-
lilh.itcHl in t.he niimprou.s robberies lecentlj
oniTiittteil In th'.s cltr.
I'lin hearing' of the c\ise against Sirs.
J. nnln Ueen , ohurgcvl with assault .iml liat-
t < rv b > u nelffhlior , Mi II C' Rogers , was
mmplclwl before Justice Forrler yesterday
Sli-s DPCTI vvaw lined tlu anil costs , making
in all $ ? tfft !
'I'hc' oxnMitlvo cMiinniltlp- thf Jtorchants'
( mil Miinufiicituirrrt' .issoelutlon will meet
fM milav night to ni ikH iirr.ingements for
i nli mining liho % lsUni | { ni'Vispttper men on
1li < txiiixlnn of the Illinois Central cxcur-
blon Monday , .I.initiry 2'l
Tlio euro M IBrlnn of the New
'iK Suit aii < l c'lo.ikomp.iny , to compel
1 iin to pay n transient inorcihant'H llco-iisp ,
H.IS cllsmlssc/l bv HIP city In tlip huperlor
ciiirt Ilrinn It Is < ild , < leclcle < l to re
in ilu pernuint'ntly In bii'-'lnoss hero.
Henry Hi-i-im in of this city was one. of Mio
nu cossful c.indld.itrs wJio lecontlj unilor-
VPIII tlio examination nt DCSMollies for ad-
iiileslon lo Uio bar iMi. Herman. Is n limber
an 1 vvhllo following bis trade read law
nights In the otllco of Asslsitaiit County AU-
lonip ) Ktmball.
An unusual attraction will be given nt
the Dolumy In matinee today and also to-
nlglit It consists of Hcenci or the war
In nhe. Phlllpplnos , allow n In vivid style by
Ibr famous Colt's machlm Komo of tlio
HC no.s will be. . of local IntercHt , JIK they will
Bhi > vv the ] ' * lfty-flrat Iowa In action
riiomas Hepf , charged , with disturbing-
in .111 on South M.ilrv strcot 'roiursclaj CVPII-
Inp , liail a Oiearing before Acting1'ollte
Judge Ajleswortb JUH ! llnivl Jly nn < l
costs HP at once gave notice of appeal to
HIP district < wirt It was cih.irKed that
Hepf ntttranpteo ! ito pick a quarrel with Put
( , ag.itiiht whom he had luul a grlev-
tiwp of long st.indlnii ; , when Patrolman
lyiiklnw got In Uio game uml plsuecl Ilecf
In custody.
Tom Dunn nml Wiley Patitee. two horse.
lia < lera , vvcru arrested for disturbing the
pe.uo by engtiglng Ina tlRht at Jleigen's
mlooii on Main , street During ihe melee
Dunn's nov was bitten tbroiiKh bj a man
pained < ) d < > n , wbo es aiMul before. Hie ar
rival of the police Oden Is rejiorlexl to have
had his hand neatly severed from the ivrls > t
ti j a knife In the hands of on of the par
ticipants In tiho light. Dunn nnd Pattee ,
the latter a coloied1 man , were released ,
there being 110 om ? to appear against them
N. V. Plumbing Co. Tel. 250.
A sucrcssfiil art exhibit was given yester
day afternoon and evening at the Avenue B
school. Over 100 pictures v\ero on exhibition
and were loaned by Miss Alexander. They
> vore artlHtlcally hung In two ropms and in
the corridors. A display of drawing clone
by the children In Iho various schools oc
cupied two of the rooms , and were much
admired by the artists and their friends.
The rooms weie also prettily decorated in
palms and cut llo\vors In one end of the
lower corridor ti stage was erected and made
pietty with rugs , pilms and ( lowers. Those
in charge of the decorations were Miss Mlke-
faell and Mrs. Card. The committee on hang
ing pictures was composed of Miss Mclntosh
and MltH Hlood. Excellent programs were
given both nfternoon and evening. In the
afternoon n short addiess of welcome was
made by Prof Haydcn. lie spoke of the
good done by these exhibits and what has
been accomplished during the last year In
the different schools. Mls Mikescll of
Omaha recited pleasingly. "When the Folks
Come. Home" Miss Caldvvell gave a vocal
selection. Mlfs IMyth Thomas recited
charmingly 'Seeln' Things nt Night. " Mr.
Dullard of Omaha delighted thu children
T\lth the account of "A Dutchman's Predica
ment. " Master Scott Kly gave a violin aolo
Moan I'orscytho and Gertrude Heed gang In
a dainty manner. Two choruses were hung
by the little people , and a vocal selection
contributed by Helen McAncny , a tiny bit of
femininity. In the evening an address was
made by Mr Sims. Mlbs Nora McCabe gave
a piano hole In her usual splendid manner.
Mr. Waggoiiscllcr of Omaha did a clever
blnrk , fuu ( tuin. Mr Billard recited In u
humorous manner Mr. Stecklehors played
with much brilliancy a violin solo , ono of
Do Rerlot's giacaful uliH Ho responded to
nn encoru with u clever little composition of
bis on n. Miss Jessica Wallace and Mlsfl
Brock sang in a pleislng manner. Mr. Joe
Ilarton of Omaha was heard to good advan
tage in Haw ley's "Ah , 'TlR a Dream' " Guy-
nor's dainty song , "If I Weio n Ilee , " vvah
Bung by Miss Cnhlvvell.
1C. P. Dance. Hughes' hall tonight.
Whaloy's orchestra. Admission , 25c.
Dolnun In tin' Court * .
Word was received from JMdge Thornell at
Atlantic yestetday that ho expected to ho
here today to preside. In the district court.
Judge Smith occupied the bench yesterday
and partially heard the evidence in the
divorce suit of Lulu A. Cook against U-uN
W. Cook.
William Needham. a farmer of Ncvvmar-
J ot , Taylor county , ( lied a voluntary petition
In bankruptcy > cstercla > In the United States
district court Ills liabilities aggregate
| 3,303 and hl assets ore listed nt $287 , all of
hlch mo claimed as exempt.
Judge Smith In the district court yester
day made the following assignment of equity
Saturday , Jumur > 20 In ro guardianship
of li S. Ami
Monday , J u mum 22 KurnurB' and Mer
chants' State Hank against White und oth
ers , Shaffer uctiliiBl Nugent uud othciti
Tui'pdnv. Jnmiao 23 Price against Olsen
( eneclal )
Wediii'.iday Januarv 21 Klrst National
Bank against Mitchell and othors. Carter
agulnt Oordoii und others. Squltt * trustee ,
ngulnst Walter * and others ,
Tliiiredaj January 24 Siirrhcl agnlnst
Ilutihint-on and others i'taiidull agalnt > t
Dovvman mid otlu > rn rulted S'ates Mfe
Association UEUiiibt l.ludt und others.
Negotiated In Kastern Nebraska
ana lew a. Jnmes N. Cavady , Jr. ,
' ' 4 Main Ut. . Council lilufla.
Another Stumbling Block Placed in Way ol
Board of Education !
II. W. Ulnilrr Oltjpctft tn < lip Splrctlon
of Ilic Ilullnril I'roiMTtn -
othcr 'I'lc-l | i In Ilu1
The failure on the part of the Hoard ol
Education at Its meeting last Monday night
to rescind Its former action In selecting the
Mallard property on First axcmip as the sitr
for the nen High school building , hnt > In
volved the school dlstilct In further litiga
tion. The present Indications are that with
this new suit and the Slack Peterson Injunc
tion case still pending In the district c.ourt It
will be many months before any attempt tc
put up the much needed now building can
be made.
The new litigation comes In the n.ituro of
an appeal taken by H.V. . Hinder , the well
known real estate dealer , to the county su
perintendent from the action of the school
board In selecting the HalUrcl property as .1
site for the new High bchool building. The
petition filed with Countv Superintendent
McManus by Hinder reads as follows :
The undersigned , being Must duly Mvorn ,
on oath deposes and states Clint he is a rcsl-
ch nt taxpayer nmloter of the clfv of
Council Uluffs la , and of HIP Independent
Nibool district of C'lunill Uluffs , that on
the IStli da > of Dexcmbi'i , ISTi. the Ixiard
of dlrpcttors of thpmid , Indepi-iident school
dlstilet mudo an otdei seloctJiig lots 11 and
12 In block 7 , In Havllss1 Plrst .iridltlnn to
the i Itv of Coiinrll muffs , la , being
Is < oiiimonly known as the "Hallard tract , '
und situated dlrcotly adjoining the tiraiid
hotel In snld city , that s.ild boaid , In mak
ing the order aforesaid committed criers as
follows :
l"li > t The svlcvtloii of sjld fclte Is upalnst
the express dltectiou of the voters of the
dl trlct nt the time of Che voting of the
bonds of said High school site , In that the
nnmo Is not ce.ntiullv . located
Kciond Tiho selection of said site Is con-
trarv to the provisions of the Code of Iowa
relating to HIP selcx tlon of Irish school sites.
Third The fcelpotlon of said propel tv for
a pcliool house lt Is erroneous wrongful ,
In that the same Is situated uda | < ent to a
large hotel ami adjacent to Hto.idwav. one
of the leading streets In said city , and Is
udj.ieent to several nluws where Intoxlc-at-
Ing liquors , are kept for sale
Fourth Tlmt snld location so helpcted Is
not a proper and suitable one for tin- loca
tion ofi hlph school ami for thp erection
of a building for thp education at young
rrcn and women us contemplated therein , us
\erlli believe H.V 15IND1JH.
Sprs rnrninl NtiUi'e.
The following formal notice of the flling of
the appeal was ieivcd yesterday by Superin
tendent McManns upon Secretary Ross of
the School board-
To Dillon Iloss , Secietary of fho Bonrd of
Directors of Uic Independent School Dlb-
tilet of the City of Council Hliiffs , In
You are nearby natlllrcl that HV. . Hin
der has tiled In my otllce an ullldavlt al
leging that said board of dlieitors on the.
ISth day of December , 1S93 , m.icle an onler
selecting lets 11 , , nd 12 , In block 7 , HnIKs'
addition , for a high cliool site , and claim
ing an uppml thori-from. You aie tlicre-
fore required within ten.days after receiving
this notice to tile In my otllco a complete
transcript of the record of the proceedings
of the board relating to said order , togpthpr
with copies of all the. papers Illed vvlUi vou
peitalnlng lo hald action npiienled from.
County Supeilnteiident.
" \Vhnt 11i - iM-n l'ro\liU'M.
The law provides that In case of an appeal
to the county superintendent from the action
of the school board such appeal must he
filed with him within thirty dajs from the
date of the action complained of. In this
case the action of the board appealed from
was taken at the meeting on December IS ,
therefore the appeal had to be filed on or be
fore last Wednesday , January 17. Owing to
the absence of County Superintendent Mc
Manus from the city on that date the ques
tion may arise , it was said yesterday ,
whether the papers had been filed within the
required time. The appeal Is dated Jnnuaiy
17 and the attorneys for H. W. Hinder , In
the absence of the county superintendent ,
left the papers with the county attorney ,
who handed them to Prof McManus jester-
day morning on his return to this city. The
county superintendent endorsed the papers
as being filed January 1G , a day before they
were oven made out.
nev Thomas B. Green , In a story of
the "Great Cnicade. " Illustrated with 100
magnificent atereoptlcon views January 24 ,
Odd Fellows' hall. Tickets 25c. Dancing
nt close.
Crop of Conncll UliiffH IlitrKlHfH l.iirKe
nml Itilildl > - IncrtMiNliiK'
As the time drawn near the interest In
the coming city election Is being aroused
and more or less speculation Is helns In
dulged In as to who will ho the candidates
on the dlftercnt tickets That there will
bo no lack of material fet both political
parties to diaw fiom U already evident
fiom the1 long list of possible candidates
whoso names are being begun to bo men
tioned on the streets. The cltv election
ft 111 bo held Mai eh 20 and the school elec
tion ono week earlier.
The election this year will be Impor
tant , as for the llr l time since the now
law went Into effect the term of evciy city
official will expire on March 31. The people
ple will bo called upon to vote for mayor ,
fix ward and two aldermcn-ut-liiige , city at
torney , auditor , treasurer , engineer , as
sessor and welgbmnHter.
Mayor Jennings will , it Is conceded , bo
given a rcnomlnatloii by the democrats , al
though n certain element In the party has
declared Us intention of piibhlng the can
didacy of former Chief of Police Frank A
Hlxby. Among the republicans the names
cf Ohio Kiiox , Dr. II. I ) . Jennings and J0)111 )
M. Gulvin n ro being mentioned , the name
of the latter also being spoken of In con
nection with the city nttorneydhlp It IH
believed that If ho will accept it Dr. Jen
nings can have the republican nomination
for mayor without opposition. There arc
* > onio democrats who believe that L A
Casper , the alderman from the First ward ,
would make a strong party candidate foi
mayor and it is said that Caspcr'd great
ambition Is to be chief executive of the
The names of aldermanlc Barklsla are
legion. In thu rirst ward George Hudlo
IH in the Hold again among the demociatlu
candidates and the present representative
from that ward , Alderman Casper. U men
tioned as looking for renonilnatlon If he
is not selected as bis party's candidate for
mayor. Among the republicans of this ward
the names of Fred Peterson , nt present
dl .rlct court bailiff , and Carl Morgan are
being prominently mentioned. In the Second
end ward Charles Huber. who was defeated
two years ago. Is the only puselhle candidate
mentioned eo far among the followers of
democracy. J. D. Johnson , the present re
publican alderman from tint ward , will , It
Is said , seek a renomlnatloti C. A Tlbbets
Is H.ilJ to be In the Meld also Some of the
republicans in this ward are urging the
nomination of Colonel \V V Dakcr a for
mer member of the Hoard of County Su
pervisors. In the Third ward W M Me-
Crury and Kd C Hrov.ii arc said to be
avowed candidates for the republican nomi
nation and so far nn nnmca have been men
tioned among the democrats , although It I9
po lbe ! that P. Houhnger Sullivan maj
ncek the party nomination He has beer
prominent In ward politics for several year <
and Is an ardent supporter of former Pollr'
Chief Hlxby. In the fourth ward. It Is salt' '
that Slack Peterson will be Uic republican
candidate , although It Is very possible thai
other aspirants will develop before the city
convention. J H Atkins will , It Is fulil , IK
renomltiatcd by the democrats In the Plfll
ward the republicans will , It Is expected
honor Alderman Sayles with a renomlna-
tlon , while the dcmrcrats will do the paint
thin ? by Alderman Hrough. Sayles may be
renomlnated as nlderman-nt-lnrge by the
republicans , in which event the party'f
nomination for ward' alderman mny. It I ;
said , go to Dell 0. Morgan W. W. Cones
IB nlio spoken of as a tlemoeititle possibility
In this ward , In the Sixth ward the re
publicans arc pi eminently mentioning A. C
Harding ai their candidate. Mr. ll.irdlnF
Is at present a member of the park board
The name of A. S. Clntterbuck Is also men
tioned Alderman Shubcrt reported tc
be willing to run for mayor. The only
name mentioned among the democrats In
this ward so far Is that of W. C , Hoyer , ami
It Is generally conceded that he can have
his party's nomination If ho wanln It.
For city attorney , S U Wndsvvorth , the
piesent Incumbent , will undoubtedly bo re-
nominated by the democrats The choice
of the icpiibllcans will depend , It Is said , tc
a great extent on the federal Judgeehlp ,
In the event of Judge Smith being appointed
to succeed the late JudRo Woolson , It vvoulil
leave n vacancy to be filled on the I'lstrlol
bench 0 D Wheeler Is a candidate lei
succeed Judge Smith In the event of thr
latter being appointed federal judge. In
the event of the federal judgcshlp golnp
el ? whcre than heio , Wheeler will he n
candidate for city attorney. The friend5
of John M. Oiilvln are urging his candi
dacy nnd II. G Scott's friends nro pressing
his claims. Several of the younger mom-
bom of the bar ate also said to be aspirants
for the city attoineyshlp.
llrooks Heed will , If he wants It , receive
a renonilnatlon foi city treasurer at the
hands of his party. So far no name hae
been mentioned piomlnently as likely to
bo the republican candidate , although some
talk has been had of W. M. Shepard , the
former county recorder , being u possible
City Auditor Evans , the only republican
city official elected two yeari ago , will have
no opposition In securing a renonilnutlou
and his nomination is conceded to be equal
to election. Fred W. Is the only
name mentioned by the democrats for this
Tor city engineer Sam Ktnyrc , the pies-
cnt Incumbent , will go before bin paity
convention seeking a lenomlimtlon and will
probably get it. So far outside of Thomas
Tostevln , no names have ocen mentioned
among the republicans as likely candidates.
Tom Johnson will probably bo the icpuh-
lican nominee for Iwelghmaster , although
other aspirants may show up bcfoic the
convention. William Hlggeson , the present
democratic Incumbent , will bo out for a
So far no names have been mentioned by
either party In connection with the olll'c
of assessor. W. D Hardln , who has held
the place for many years , is no-w working
for the Union Pacific railway , and It Is said
will not be a candidate.
The two members of the school board
whose terms expire InMarch are President
Sims and William Moore. It Is understood
that neither will seek renomlnatloii The
High school site question Is calculated to
cut quite , a figure in the election of their
Her 11 u Him ml PiiIlN to Olttnln S
cm Her Homl.
Mrs. P. H. Yatcs , the Tabor woman
charge ! with manslaughter In connel in
with the death of her daughter , Ethel , in
this city two weeks ago , is still In the
county jail. Her friends failed to furnish
the nocebsaiy $3,000 bond yesterday to re-
cuio her release , but It is expected the bonl
will be forthcoming today. Mrs. Yates re
ceived a letter from her husband In the
afternoon In which he wrote that ho wis
getting the requisite sureties for the band
and that ho expected to bo here last even
ing in time to take her hick homo with him.
Ho failed to arrive , however , and Mrs. Yntes
was compelled to spend another night In thu
county hastile. although not In a cell as on
Thurxciay night.
1'rldav evening Judge Smith , on the re
quest of the woman's attorneys , issue ! an
older that she be placed In the care eif the
Jailor and permitted to occupy one of the
private rooms reserved for the use of the
Jailor and his family. Mrs. Wheaton , the
prUon evangelist , has remained faithfully
by the sldo of her frleijd , ami Mrs Wlike
also spent the greater part of yesterday with
Mrs. Yatcs
Mrs. Yatcs appeals peifectly leslgncd lo
her position mid In talking about the death
of hei daughter and the couree puisucd by
her she said she would do'exactly the same
thing over again If bho had to.
At Iho rhcrln's olllce It was stated that
every effoit would ho made lo arrest the
"divine healer , " JunicJ , and the- South
Omaha , olll ers were on the watch for him
in case ho appeared at his homo. County
Attorney Kllpack said no agreement had
been enteied Into that James should not be
aiiested until Governor Poyntcr had doslilecl
to grant the requisition , Mr Kllpack said
also It was very doubtful If bo would go to
Lincoln to argue the matter before the gav-
criior , iifc hi * could not see that theie would
bo anything to argue It was not customary
to apply foi lequiflltlou papeis until Iho
peison wanted Is under arrest In this ciuu
Junes Is bill ! at largo. Hefeirlug to tha
statement of Attoiney Sutton that James
would hurremlsr himself at once If Governor
Poyuter decided to grant the requisition
papers the county attorney said
"James" attorneys may 'ho perfe"tly sin-
ecre In this , but it Is very pjsslblo that
their client may toke qulto n cliff21 ent view
of the matter should the requisition for his
transfer to this state be granted. If ho Is sn
confident the governor will not grant the
requisition why docs ho find It necessary to
hide himself ? "
Hi-id imfp : TriiKHfiTM ,
The following tiansfers were filed yester
day In the abstiact , title and loan olllco of
J , \V. Squire. 101 Poail street.
Jo n Houn to leu Schmidt , Jr. ,
lots 1 and 2 , . I < ' Maniuaiill n mibd ,
v\ d . $40)
J .M Cuiinlutfhim and wife to U ! „
Pierce , part of lot C , Auditor's subd.
of or'glnul lei i. CarKon. w el . . . 70
William Strong to John Mulhall , lots
4 and j. block 1 Arnold's id acid ,
Oakland i | e d . 1
Lori ilu McMs.istHrs and husband to
lem Lambert , lota 3 und t. block 1 ,
Williams' 2d add , Hancock , w. cl . SCO
IIV Hinder el ul , referee-s. to LA
Cur pr , s 30 feet of lot C , block II ,
Stiiuman's 1m add. , ref d. . . . 'M
1. T I.edwlch to 12llza 8 Lodwlch ,
ne' < nw-14 and nwli iie > 4 9-"G-J3 vd. . 2 SOT
llobi'it O Newell und wife to lituto
of Joniile L Kenlntoii , und Vi Inter-
ext In se i 22-74-33 , w. cl . . . 4,200
Henry P Lit lit and wlfo to Addle
Forbythe , w'/s t-e'i 15-74-JS , w d . 3,200
night transfer a , aggregating (12.220
Juilui * PrlclilriiN oiidiful It u nn 11 a ) n ,
Jim and Hey Stenson und Cllvo { Hack ,
runaway boys , the first two from Cedar
Rapids , la and the latte. from Indiana ,
were up before Acting PolUe Judge Ayles-
worlh on the charge of vagrancy One of
the boyt > was carrying a rldous looking
bulldog revolver with broken hammer ,
while- another was armed wllh several rail
road torpedoes Judge Aylesworth frlshl-
died the lads badly bv telling them thai
they answered the descriptions of the three
de perailops who recently held up n Mil'
waukee train and that the revolver vva-
identical with the one that the pT'Sengeri
were kept covered with. He also told the
boys that the train had been Mopped by
torpedoes such as they were carryIIIR. Te
add to the lads' fear , Hmll Pchurn police
court attorney , was represented to the boys
as belut ; n special agent of the .Milwaukee
The boys claimed they were going to N'e-
braska to look for wcrk and the court al
lowed them to go. They left the rovolvui
nnd torpedoes with Jailer James
D.tvls sells paints.
K P Dance. Hughes' hall tonight
Admission , 2"c per conplp.
Howcll's Antl-"Kawt" nireR coughs , colds
( Jovcrnor Mllxc-i lilt Sluuntiirc' ( o n
( lint I'nsscn tlu *
DiS MOINiS. : Jan. 10 ( Special Tele
gram ) Governor Shaw today > signed tlu
llrct bill presented to him duilng this ses
sion , a measure ceding lands to the United
Statei In Creslon , Clinton and OsKaloosu
fr-r the purpose' of erecting government
biilldlnRS. Ano'her which received his ap
pro-Mil was ono allowing an appioprlatlon ol
$ 'l.r.OO for additional pay for cmplovo * ol
til" leslslnluie.
, 11m work of the legislature today was ol
little consequence. Several mombcis do-
tiled to adjourn In order that they could
spend the Sabbath at home. After a hot
light In both houses the members decided
to remain In DCS Moincs and the sessions
will bo held tomorrow us usual.
The Iowa League of MunlclpalltlcH held
a meeting nt theSavery today , at which
HIP legislative committee of the league , of
which Mayor Hiker of Dveinporl Is chair-
wan , icportcd the draft of a bill which
Is to give the Iowa cities icllcf In thu
matter of paving taxcv. It was not expected
that the bill diawn by the committee would
bo materially changed. It Is the one to
chaiiRO the method of ( axing paving a -
fcsHincnt.s against abutting properly by the
firnt foot rule to the benefit system and Is
to iollc < vo thp rendition of n number of
Ih" l.uger cities of the state which have
been tied up for some tlino past because
of the effect of the front foot into H will
bo ono of the most Important blllh to pass
the assembly. One member of the com-
n-lltee appointed on the normal school cau
cus yesterday afternoon said this morning
It was likely the committee would not
meet until Tuesday afternoon , when they
v 111 diaft the bill to be presented to the
caucus at the nicetlni ; Tuesday. While the
proposed bill will not touch upon the ques
tion of location , that. It Is conceded , will
be thp big light of the session. There
aic few counties In the state which have
not a long and loglial Jls-t of reasons to
pitsent for their preferment.
Sll VltPUIIS WOII 1C ri.Ml fiHAI'T.
Cli'ic-r S . | HMII - for SM liiillliicr nn
Inilliina llh'X'lc C'oiniiiiii ) .
SIOUX CITY , Jan. iho ( Special Tele
gram ) Through home , replevin suits just
Illed in this city It developed that the Acme
Hicycle company of Klkhart , Ind. , recently
was vlctlmi7ed to thcewtent , pf SOO wheels
by a clever gang oDOblriiso swlndleis The
names of three of thu igang are known , but
the fourth Is said to pp a lawyer and his
name is unknown here. , . It appears that the
scheme was englnecfcd uy I'eler Krummcr.
The stoiy as given by the attorneyb here Is
as follows :
In some way Krilmmcr got a lot of Chicago
cage property deeded to a man named
Pomcroy. Pomeroy proceeded then to get a
lating somewhere from $250,000 to $500,000
in the commercial agencies They then dis
patched a man named Weber , formerly of
Chadron , Neb. , to Klkhart , Ind , to buy a
large consignment of Acme wheels. When
asked for his ability to pay Wejber produced
Pomcroy's guarantee of the payment of the
bill. Pomeioy's rating was reported as
fcalisfictory. That same day Pomeroy
cleedpd back the property and then the gang
proceeded to dispose of the wheels They
had been shipped to Chadron , Neb. , and
thpneo one-half to Sioux City The others
wrro distributed about in different parts of
Nebraska. The cycle companv discovered
the fraud and at once started out to locate
its property. It has recoveied most of It anJ
Is now looking for the swindlers , but It Is
slid so far wilh./ul sucvcss
A Ciuarlcl nf llrllllimt Iti-jiiiMlrnn * In
( InI iiltcil states Somite.
There nro now four recognized orators In
the senate , pays the Washingtoa Pobt , and ,
cutiously enough , they aie equally divided
between the two sides of the chamber , al
though all four are republicans. On one
side are Senators Lodge and \Volcott , who
hive been In the senate for \ears , while
Senatorb Uepew and Ilevcrldge lire the new
comers. Hcverldgo made his debut In his
hpeech eu the Philippines while Depew's
firbt effort was his graceful and eloquent
eulogy of the Into Vice Picblcli-nt Hobart
There Is much good-natured rivalry bstvveen
the two sides of the chamber and Senator
Chandler has bec-n selected as the referee
to deildo upon the merits of the respective
oiat is.
Senator Lolgo's chief characteristics are
a finished style , a clear and logical exprcs-
Flon of thought , a quiet dlgnlU of state
ment und , i happy faculty of picientlng his
rtigiiment in convincing innnnei Senator
Wolcott Is more ornate and rhythmic , his
sirtcnofH being as well-balanced as though
ho v.cro reciting blank vorte , anl his voice
and manner adding to the effeiilvcnesa of
lili utterances. Senator Dcpew iwssesses n
boft and musical \olco , a wondc-fully clear
onmu'liitlon , each syllable being gl\en its
tiuo value , and his sentences are polished
to the highest degree. Senator Bevcrldge's
oiatory IH more Eophomoilc In Its nature ,
hit ) Ideas being clothed In S wraith of
Imagery nnd his sentences leudlnj rather to
exaggeration than to under-statcinent IIo
hat , however , an unlimited vocaSulary and
has acquired the ait of ariangln ? his woids
EO that they fall with pleasing affect upou
the car His voice Is rather thm , hut not
hiilllciently bo to detract from fie Impres-
shcness of his utterances
AiUiuii'r Price of Crnilc ( III ,
COLUMIirs. O. , Jan. IS-A sp'dal to the
Dispatch from Flndluy , O , nays the Huck-
* \t > PipeLine company today advanced
the pileo of ertidet oil I ! ipnts ) < > r barrel
Thin make * North Lima oil JiiL'O South
Lima und Indiana $1 20
Supreme Court Rtversss n Onso Bf cause Such
Methods Wrro Adopted.
roit'p of Ciinrili In I'iMMi'iil n
itil or ( lie Illirii- \nollicr
I'nsc llt''torl'il fiiini
lis : MOIN'CS , Jnn l ! ( Spe'tlnl Tolc-
gram , ) licrauso iho jurors i-eiHioel n dp.
clslou by lottery niutlioU Uic miprcmu court
today \ oversell the CCKO of 0.V. . Sylvreter
iiRalnst the town of Pasey , n null for dnm-
ngcs. The \ enllctns tcached by nil agree
ment between Iho jurors Hint emch nlmu'd
set down nil amount between two guinn
which were llxed upon us nmxlinnm nml
mlnlnuim and tlio tolnl of the mnomils to
given be dUlded by twelve , IhlH < iuollotit to
bo the \ordlct. Tills n * done Thu nlll-
dn\ltH of the Jurors de-l.tltliiK tlil * tuothod
wire ottered before tliu hlRhcr tribunal.
Today's derisions were
O \V 8 > hrm < M nRnlnit Ineoritorated
town of Case ) , itiiitcllimt , Umlillo elMlli't ,
1 ( ie'l cd
The UulldliiK , Hdhif , " * and t.min A sofla-
llon of llnuiitdem iiRiilimt ( ) . \ \ Woi-Heli
el al , nniK'Uniits , Sioux City dlstllit , ut-
I 1' . Ilis'i' ; appi , iiKtilnst Flora M.
Hl/.or , \\iipello dl trli t , t < \ci-cd
.1. M Muiit ac.iln t .Jutnm tl Lndni-r &
( . 'orbln , njitipllunis llainllton dlKiilot ie-
M'MKl as to l.adncr , iilllrtiiiM IIH ID Corbln.
Dr. J. r. Kennedy of the Slnto llonid of
Health returned thlK morning from Mar-
sliiilltenui.hero he waB called lo examine
sovpn persons wifferlng with a dlHc.iap mip-
posed to be smallpox ! ) r Kennedy found
that tlu > disease was genuine smallpox and
spent last nlRht In eonferrlng with the
ma > oraml eouncll of .Marshalltown enncern-
Ing tlio best mc.iiiH of quainntlnlng and pre
venting the disease fiom apre.idlng Six of
the cases are In a colored family Ihlng In
the business nertlon of tlio town. 'I he
fnmllj Is In a liouso In which several either
families live and as a result there ha\e been
many exposures The hc\enth case Is u
\\iiltt- boy who Ihes on the. e/dRc of the
town. A largo force of guards \\IIH .sworn In
last night and there Is no question but tlu
lesult will bo the pre\ontlen of any herlotis
spread of smallpo\ MarHlnlltevvn.
Dr. Kenned ) lecchcO a telegram this
morning ealllng him to M.isbcnn.liei e > Dr.
Snolau has u patient who Is supposed to bo
buffeting with smallpox
Jon II Lane of Davenport , congressman
from the Second dlnlilct. was In the city
today to appear before the supreme court
as ono of the- counsel In the famous Mcitt-
Wntbon iasp appealed from the J.i'Ksou
eoiinty dlwlilct court This ease Involves an
estate of $300,000 , In .Maqiioketa. The de
ceased died Inte&talo and his fortune Is be
ing contested bj HIP heirs of his brothers
and George Nllcs Watson , an alleged Illegiti
mate son , who served with runston as cap
tain of Companv L , Twentieth Kansas. The
case has been decided by the supreme e ml
In a divided opinion against the alleged on
and tlio argument this aftcinooa was on an
application for a rehearing.
F. n. Thirkieii ) health Inspector of Chicago
cage , Bay "Kodol Djspepsla Cure cannot
be recommended too highly. It cured mo
of severe dyspepsia " It digests what yon
cat and cures Indigestion , heartburn end
ill forms of d > spcpsla.
Min ( In * Point.
Lord Chesterfield vvnt. never at a loss for
i pollt" ictort Once IIP pioposed a person
is proper to fill a place of great trust , but
which the King himself was determined
.hould be filled bj another The council ,
however , resojvcd net to Indulge the Iflng ,
tdr fear of a dangerous precedent , and it
ivas Lord Chcstci field's buslneFG to present
Lho grant of offlce for the King's signature
N'ot to inecw bis majcstj by asking him
ibruptl ) , he with accents of great humility ,
begged to Know with whose name his
majesty would bo pleased to have ( he blank1
filled up
"The rtcvH'e , " replied the king In
pnroxjsm of rnge
" \nd Hlmll the Initrument. " mld the tnrl
eooll > . "run nt uanal , 'Our trust ) and well
beloved coiHln and counselor' ' " a ieparte (
at which the king laughed , and with grin
good humor signed the grant
itmir.m TII vi
CfTiiftn of n Wife tit fun- Her Iliinliitiii
of ( Tolmroo llnlilt ,
"It will onlv be > necessary for > ou to dro |
about half a traspoonful of the mixture lnt (
this cup of coffee each morning , " the clmi-
lar said , "and the taste for tobno wil
Kiadtmlly dppart fiom him He mav no
cease Iho iHe of tob.ieco Immediately. Im
within n week he will begin to abhor to
bacco If tlio mlxtuip In given to him fnlth
fully cverj morning "
And PO tlio jouug wlfo sent her little J.
on and got n llagou of the tobacco cure
teports tlio Uangor Commcrcinl.
"Pretty bum coffco this morning , " he re
marked dtyly the Hrst time she dioppcd tin
halMcaspoonftil of the mixture Into tin
"It's the as we've been using rlghi
along , " she replied , ciaflll > .
Now , lo and behold ! he was a pretti
Hinoolh propcMltlon himself , and he had. mi
beknownst lo her , seen the package bold
lug the flagon of agin-tohaeco mlxluic vvlui
Itas delivered.
Ho after dinner that evening he producei
a lirge bulky package of line-cut tnbaui
from hl pocket and took theiefrom a plen.
teoilh chew of tnbacco It was ) the first ehe
he hlil over taken In her presence , and sin
marveled greatly thereat , but she determined
to persist with the "lieat.mcnt. "
"Dead lank chicory ugaln this moinlug
Isn't If" hu Inquired at brpakfabt the nexl
"I'm sure It tastes the ame to me. " sin
replied. .
That evening after dinner IIP piodmcd n
short , black clay pipe and a package of a new
Kind of tobacco that was as blaek as the
giouiid work of n Jollj Ilogcr.
"Thought I'd bring this old dudeen up
from the olllee , " he explained chceifull )
"It's as sweet as a nut. "
Whereupon ho filled the house with the
arcraa of punk that was strong enough to
break lock.
"This giocery pcihon who gets all of my
wages Ih Lcitalnly doing us on the coffee
game , " ho remarked when he tasted his
cup next moinlng.
"Really. " she paid , galng Innocently at
the ten-cent hunch of asters In the middl-
of Iho table , "I can't detect aii > difference "
"And jet theic are low foieheads who
don t believe all women are aelresscs "
said he to himself on the vvav to his ofllce
that morning
That evening he hi ought home a box of
auction Htogles , and after he had smoked
ono of them after dinner all of the people 11
the. neighboring flal btnfled cotton In the
hall door keyholes and closed the hall tian-
"I must peislst. though , " thought his
liafllcd little wife , gloomllv.
"CoITee tastes like stewed gunnjsacks
ngaln this moinlng , " ho remarked at the
next breakfast. She felt a bit sorry for him ,
hut she wah detei mined to Ube up that
llagon of "agln-tobaceo" If she had to chloroform
reform him and pour It down his throa'
That evening , however , her lesolution de-
= ertpd her After dinner , for the first time
Lo her knowledge , he pulled out a packagf.
3f cigaiottcb , lit one and began to smoke It
She went upstairs , poured out the 10-
malning portion of her $2 worth nf agin-
.obatco and careftillv hid thp bottle
"CoHee's all light this mornlne , " said he
it bicakfast the next dnj
"Yes' " she Inquired , absently.
When he had finished his dinner that
; vcninR ho lighted one of hie , usual brand
> f good cigars.
"Men are mysterious to me , " she thought ,
egardlng him out of the tall of her cje.
"Women only think they're fo\y , " he
bought , blowing smoke rings Into the Swiss
; Letters from Women Relieved of Monthly Pain by Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
Painful Menstruation
' DrJAI { Mns , PnotiUM , , : I was trojblcel with female weakness , irregular
HPr r „ * *
and painful menstruation. I suffered so every
month that 1 was obliged to go to bed , but
thanks to your medicine 1 am now well. I
would advises all women who suffer as 1 did to
use Lydia K. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. "
, Mus. ANJA LACY , Hess , Iowa.
Grate/eel M/ss flffussolman
" DIAK : Mns. PINKIIAM : I always suffered nt
time of menstruation ever since menses began ,
with bearing-down pains , sickness at stomach ,
sometimes vomiting for two days , sometimes
vomiting blood. As I grew older , the suffering
bccamo worse. 1 tried many things , but obtained -
tained no relief. At last I concluded to try
your medicine. I took several bottles of Lydia K.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and followed
! your other directions , und now menstruation
is painless , 1 feel nnd know that 1 owe it all
to your medicine , nnd never fail to recommend
1 it. I am very thankful for what your medicine
[ i has clone for me , nnd wish that every afflicted
woman would try it. " JKNNIK C. MUSSULMAN
Oil West Avc. , Sidney , Ohio.
Prostration at Monthly Periods
* C "DEAI : Mas. PINKIIAM : ! was greatly
A troubled with my menstrual periods , was very
weak and nervous , could not work nt nil , I
have taken Lydin E. Pinkharn's Vegetable Com
pound for several months , also used the Liver
Pills and Sanative Wash , and nm wonderfully . '
improved in health. My neighbors are all surprised
prised to see mo out nnd doing my own work ,
1 would advise every suffering woman to try '
Lydia 13 , Pinkhnm's remedies. " Mils , HENRY
MUKU.KH , 813 McAlpln Ave. , Clifton , Cinein- '
nati , Ohio. .
Irregular Menstruation
"DKAK Milt , . PI.NMIAM : I want to thank you . '
for \\hat Lydia 13 Pinkhnm's Vegetable Com-
'pound ' lias done for my daughter , it lias helped \
her very much. Mie had doctored for two years ,
but obtained no relief , and now in two months . '
nnd n half she is well. Menstruation is now
regular , appetite has returned , the pain has left ;
her sulo and her headache is better 1 feel very thankful to you also for
your kind advice " - Mas Area ST PrAi.zoitAr , South Jlyron , Wis. ;
Fifty tliotisand letters like these at Mrs. Pinkham's office in '
Lynn , Mass. , prove that the safeguard of woman's health is ;
Have for sale choice Fruit , Farm and
Garden Land near Council Bluffs.
30 acres , mostly in fruit , ad joining city with 2 bets buildings.
, ' { } J nere * 4 miles ea&t , with buildings and fruit.
4 aerc'-j , housi ) , barn and fruit , L'-i milua from pogt-ollico.
1 acre , with 7 room honuo , 1A milus irom pot-t-oflict' .
bf > acr faun at a bargain ,
Office 39 Pcsr ! SI , Telephone 344 , Council Bluffs ,
, , < r
% $ % & & " % &
When others fail consult
mm eras &
op MEN
Wo c arauiea to oure nil oases otiraVl of
SEICUALLY. cured for life.
NlshUy Emissions , Lost Manhood , Ilydrocelo
Verlcocile. Gonorrhea , Gleet , Sypbllls , Strict
ure , Piles , Flstulu and Rootul Ulcers and
AIE Private Diseases
and Disorders of Men.
Consultation f rca Cull on or addreaa
aip so. nth st. OflAHA.
Oohany Theater
Sunday , Jan. 21.
The Marx Ileleh f'o
Present the Now
York Suctesis ,
Uy .7 < M fi.ites
NOT ! ' Tiles whole
foimlnK ihe most re1-
Iliicd and distinctly
lioxel H'HRi' i ( feat of
III or any previous
stiiaon In hpectuculur
fan f
Kntirn Scenic
Equipment curried
Second nnd Best
Edition and
Hound In Laughter.
Amerclaii Fousern
Abott Davidson ,
C. Ilewo I'nlmer ,
Lillian ndwurd ,
Halii Hhtors ,
JoHcptilnn Johnson ,
Kthel Millar. !
FaiiBtu French ,
Flosslo Lo Jlay ,
Vletorlii Bteiwurl ,
K'.ttle liiiike ,
Many \Voodthorpa.
Oeo Miller ,
LoulH Klueimui ,
ISdwurd AVlbii ,
Fred DeBlion.
Dohany Theater
Saturday Matinee and livening ,
OUT 100 Bccnc'8 ol
Arc shovsn by HIP lute I'olt ) > ' . nuk
ing a pic tuiu Ilficen fert Htjuaro
Hot rial sciicmo i-l'OMii ' of the 1'ifl-
lli t IOVMI nnd IIIP Kir4 H'bra lu lit auljn
\cliiiit-HUJii for Uio eve mat will be ICc , 20o
aud Me. , '