Tin : OMAHA nii > sATrun\v , ,1 VM-AKY i > o , moo. Dollar Neckwear for Today no will give > " Iho choir P of nny of our Men's Silk Neckwear of nil description * that vo d > | _ hnvo boon eollinfr for ! llo fc. up to ono dollar for. . . . fa0w Sf,25 Men's Laundered Shirts ut , Today we give you llii1 choice of nil small lota tfc broken lots of men's white and colored laundered shirts all kinds at 50o Leather Gloves and Miffs at To clo o out the bahinco of thcsn monV heavy lined leather mitts ami cloves \\o make the prii-o today GOO dozen men B largo Turkey Hed Handkerchiefs \\orth lOc each go at 10,000 children s fancy colored School Handkerchiefs , very neatly hetn- Etltclicd , worth up to Tc , go at. All the sheer lawn fancy bordered htltchcd IlandkerchlefB , many dif ferent stjles , worth up to l5c ! , In this sale ut All the pure Irish linen and fancy Imported Swl's Handkerchief , worth up to 35c , go In this sale nt 7'c ' and IQc SI,50 CORSETS 29c and 75c Immense lot of all styles of Corsets , all the well known brands , in different lengths , worth up to $1.50 , go at 29c and Largo bargain tables with big lots of ladles' and chlldicn's fast black , full scam- less Hosiery , In plain and bea\y 6c ribbed , go at Go pair Bojs' and girls' heavy ribbed Bicycle , and School Ho.sc , all sl/os worth up to Kc , In this at lOo pair Ono big lot of odds and ends of Shaker Flannel Sockii , In natural gray " "SI and camel's hair effects/ / " go at "Vic pair. . . , I'llcs of all kinds of natural wool and cam el's hair effects in Underwear for inlsbcs' children and boj , all Hl7.cs , vests , pants and drawers , worth up to 35c , go at lOc each < Largo bargain hquaro with ladles' medium and heavy weight Jeisey ribbed Vents and I'anta , In ecru and nat ural gray , all sizes , go at 15c each. . . Thousands of ladles' perfect lilting Union Suits , made to button across the chest , in natural giay and tur 35c quoise , woith 75c , go .it 35c KUlt. . . . Ladies' High Glass Neckwear at One-third Regular Price. This Neckwear is made in all the latest stjlcs of silk , satin , chiffon and Liberty silk , and Is worth up to $1.50 , so at 25c and 50c each 1,000 all wool Kascinators , Shawls and Head Scarfs , In all the fancy colors , worth up to 35c , go at 5c each 'TIIE\ \ BEG FOR MORE TIME ; Alleged School Board Boodlera Are Not Eeady for Preliminary Examination. 'COWIE'S ' ATTORNEYS ASK CONTINUANCE ' Jinlue Oicrrulm AiMilleutlon null I ) IV ml n n ( AVfittrn lleiirlnu C'IIKC of benrn mill HI'HN roiilliiuvil lliidl .Neil .Momlii } . A. M. Cowie , Georco II. Hess and Prank A. Seara , membero of the school board who wtand accused of accepting bribes In cornice- 'tlon with Iho awarding of school supply contracts - , tracts , appeared before Judge Vinsonhaler , in the county court yesterday uiornlng Cowlu waived preliminary examination and the cases of Hesa and Sears were con tinued until neu Monda > on account of physical dloablllt > of the defendants' attor ney. It was evident from the moment the al- Irgcd boodlcrs pnteied the court room that the- ) were not ready to outer the preliminary HklrmlBh with the law. Cow ID'S case was 'called first. Just before It was called II. H Dodge , tbo Chicago window blind agent , who Is relied upon to corroborate the convicting testimony of the dotoctlvca , entered thu court room. Hid appearance necmed to make Cowlo nervous nnd a moment after the ar rival of Mr Dodge ono of the attornejs rep resenting Cowlo hurriedly filed an applica tion for a thirty da > s' continuance. It was ECU forth In the application that continuance was necessary In order to secure the attend ance of important ultncbsea for thn defense Th'o countj attorney argued that the do- fcudant'n attoriieja should give the names of such witnesses and state to what they WHAT DO THE CHILDREN DRINK ? Don't give them tea or coffee Have you tried the new food drink called GHAIN-O ? It Is delicious nnd nourishing ami takes the place of coffee The more Oratn-O you give the children the more health you < ! | K- tribute through their uystems Oraln-O li madii of pure urnlne , nnd when properly prepared tastes like the choice crudej nf coffee , but costs about * i IB much. All sr cer tell It. l o and Ko. Tliis is po3i < holy the proalosl sl.aughior nf Boys'Clolliiiifc p\er known. AVe will not carry ever any y , and are cMermiiu'd that every season shall start with entirely now stock. Hence wo oll'er these Today we will give you choice of every boys' suit iu the house ages 3 to 15 , that wo have been selling for $2.f > 0 , $3.00 and § 3.50 in fancy bilk embroidered vestoe suits , sailor suits and blouse suilp. Also all wool two-piece knee pants suits in checks , stripes , cheviots , cassimeres , worsteds , etc. , as well as an immense lot of odds and ei'ds of suits we have been selling at § 4.50 and § 5.00. As we are determined to close out all Fall goods , regardless of any sacrifice , do not fail to get one of these suits to day at § 1.25. Special IIRI To close out our Men's Suits still faster \ve have placed on sale the following 4 lots today that have bci > n soiling ut $7,50 , ( f $5,00 , and $3,90 $ go to day at AND WHICH IS STOW ON THE S.OAD , WE OFFER TODAY were expected to s ear Thlh the defense did not do The appllntlon was argued at length b > either flldo and theio was a Ihely war of words between the county attorney and the counsel for Cowlc. "I can not gl\o > ou bialns and understanding , " nald the lawjcr for the defense to the county attbrnc ) . "No , i because } ou have none to spare , " was the letort. Judge Vinsonhaler doplarcd such remarliH out of order and the argument proceeded. At the close the court announced that the application would be overruled. L'oulr \or\oiiN. . Cow lu's fa 10 blanched at this announce ment ; color then cuomitcd to Ills pal lid cheeps , veins stood out on his neck lilio so many whipcords. Ills slender , tapering , womanllKo lln- uci.s ilutihcd convulsively around the rim of li'fl ' up-to-dato Derby hat. Suspense was ended a moment later , when , after brief whUpuied consultation with hl.s attor neys , it was stated that ho would waive pre- llmlmuy oxamliiation The nervous > oung man wab then bound over to the district court III. ) bond of $1,000 was renewed , John \V. I.jtlo becoming surely. Mr L > tlo qualified as to ical c&tato ownorahlp. Cowlo hurriedly loft the room , seemingly glad to got awn > . The scattering Iron gray in his mass of wavy hair looks just a trlllo whiter than It did a month ago nnd crow'a- feet cluster about his p > cs. Once during the inocoedlngn , and just after Judge Vliihonhaler had ovciruled the application for continuance , the two attor- IIPJS representing Cowlo letlicd for consul tation " \Vo are taken by surprise. " ono 'if them explained to the court , i\ccptlon was noted as to the ruling of Judge Vinson haler In refusing continuance. A curious ctoud thronged the court mom , Including pieachcrs , law jura , doctors , school patroiiH gcucially and a notable representa tion of that portion of the school boaid whlih doa not stand accused. Although each of the accused trio sat In plain \ie\\ , all I'jes teemed to center upon Coule. "He's a nrc-IooKlng ! > aung fellow" and similar ic- marUi wore panged mound. Cowlo was drrcivd llko a member of the New York "Four Hundred " There was a dramatic scene when Detec tive lUickmlnbter entered the court loom j Conlo Bat at the end of a ( able occupied I by newspaper reporters DuckmlnsU'r walked in as though ho lelt In the pink u ( | condition The ijia of Cuvvic and thu dc- that have boon soiling at ff rf ff \ f\ and $12,50 $ go to day at IN MAIN FLOOR SHOE DEPTS. Men's 82.50 Warm Beaver Shoes 75C Men's 83.00 Calt Shoes $ JB5Q Men's 85.00 Shoes , in all styles $3,00 * and Youths * Shoes . Boys on Bargain Squares. GOO pairs rf * | | g | 800 pairs ( for Ladies' 50 cent quality 7 button black Overgaiters tcitl\o met. It seemed to bo an accident on the part of Coivle. The sleuth stared boldly , though not rudely. Cowlc's eyes drooped In an Instant , ho twisted about In his chair , and his pearly white teeth pressed down upon his thin , colorless lifts. Bueknilnster took a scat in the rear of Co\vle. HI-MH'N Delimit .Air. If neorgo II. Hess is worried about this school board expose , his general appearance docfiii't Indicate It. Ho looked as defiant as a Kentucky colonel when ho entcrei ] the court room , and ho luntlnued so through out the piocecdlngs. Sears attracted but llttlu attention. Nobody seemed interested in what ho did or how ho looked , and it was noticeable that Cowlo and Hess were the fetar attractions. The county attorney Insisted that Hosi and Sears ho placed on preliminary trial at once Their attorney asked for a shoit con tinuance rn the ground that being allllcted with an ncutn tin oat tionhlo ho was scarcely able to proceed with the case , . The county attorney , with a lingo of sarcasm in his tone , wanted to know If Scars and Httu also expected the arrival of Important wit nesses who would glvo testimony fa\orablo to their cause. The defendants' counsel said no Ho had no reason to expect any lunv witnesses and set forth that his physi cal condition was the only object in wanting the case cirrled over. Ho named February 3 as a sultablo date. The county attorney objected to that , and nt'xt Monday was agrecil upon as a compromise It in saH that cmo point the defciiBo will urge I" that no money wat. paid foi the purpose of cor rupting the school board. This may or may not mean a general denial of the charge that members of the boaid received money from contraitois Since Hess and Sears did not waive pre liminary examination , but simply had their canes carried over to next Monday , Judge Vinsonhaler did not require a new bond , it being held that the original bond gl\en on the day of arraignment was a continuing burety. Their bond It. In the sum of $1,000 , HID game aa exacted from Cowlo. Cornelius I'arroll Is surety for Hesa and (1. r. Munioo lgncd for Scars. Kach has made real catato qualification. Although an abundance of testimony has alrcad ) been brought out through the prl- man ln\eilRailoa made b } the inembTs of the Hchuol board supported h > citizens , the jmsixuuon relies upon H 11 Dodge 'he t-ut.aso vvmduw bllud agent , to corroborate for your choice of Boys' , Youths' and Young Men's Your choice today of over a thousand boys' long pants suits in ages 11 to 10 years , including fine striped and chocked worsteds , plain and fancy cheviots , cassimeres , etc. , in round and straight cut every suit this season's production , most of them in large sizes. To close them out , we put them all iu one lot on second lloor today at § 2.50 a suit. It is really the grandest bargain that our house has ever offered. that have been solline at $13,00 $ , $14,00 $15,00 go to rt av at IN BASEMENT SHOE DEPT. Men's ' 50c Rubbers , all sizes I9c Ladies' ' 5Qc Rubbers , small sizes ISc Infant's ' 35c Soft Sole Bootees ISc Infant's ' 50c Soft Sole Slices 25c Ladies' ' Slippers 49c , 59c , 69c _ Warm Shoes for Children T.49c 59c Men's ' $1.50 $ Heavy Working Shoes Men's Good Every Day Shoes $ | ,25 Men's ' Arctics , Sizes 6 , 7 and 8 59c Child's $1,25 Shoes 89c Misses' ' $1,50 Shoes $1.15 the testimony of tlu detectives 'Ihcio is' ' moio or Uej popular prejudice against pro fessional testimony , but IIH Mi Dodge is not in the detoctlvo but-inoas his testimony Is expected to counteract whatever prejudice exists. MUSICALE BY CADET OFFICERS School < ) rmml/iilion ln HH I'rlrinlN l > > ( lioliM * Program of Iin-ill Talent. The fifth animal mtulcnlo of Iho Cadet Olllcers' club was snon In the uiulltorlum of the High school jostciday , these In thaigo of the proftinm ticln Paul T. Ilobln- fcon , flay Hardj Jainos Godfrey and Kill I'alntor. There \\cro about 000 piosont , the proceeds being Intended for the general e-c- pciii.cs of the Iwttallm and particularly foi thu nllkors' hop , vvhlcb Is 'to ' bo given in the , spring. The room wa. . hindaomely ducoi.itcd with stacked anus anl American Hags * The pirgram was o , enuil with a bugle tall nnd a salute to tbo Hag by all the cadets piesent. The llret nu nbcr was a vocal tolo , I 'Tor All Ktoinity , " iiyMiss Ornco North-1 rup. Slio was followed by Miss LuoIU Allen , | who rendered Vleu\temps' "Reverie , " on the violin I'rof. ( J Ilollenboc' ( : g.ivo two solos on tlio banji , ono being .i classical sole lion of the iitim > t dllllciilty. The in- j sirument was equal m all rcepeuta to the | reqiilrcmentR ( if the cnraiio.sltlon. Otliera | on the program weio Charles H. ) tc > fee , Oicar CarrclEon. P \ PHavvcllffo , Francis Potter , .Mrs. Sunder ! , nd , Mlsu llooltcr nnd Iho .Sutorlua Mandolin quintet No I'nriloii tor UilUlns anil llulli-r , WASHINOTON , Jai 1'J. The president ha * denied Uu > applied ion of Jobeph Wilkliu and Howard Duller f < r pardon. These men I vvcro convicted of vloatton of tlio olcomar- garino | a\Vd am ) son cncoj in tlio United ] Stalts dUtrlcl touit 4 I'hlladelphla March ! 17 , UOS , thu former t < Imprisonment fui H\ ! ' months nnd to pay a 9no of $1,500 , and the- latter to ImprUonmcn for four montlu and to pay a flno of $500 .ud costw After a lonq legal tight they were committed In Novem ber last to .Mo > ainont UK prUon llolihnn lllim a llnnl. Mifc. m.un.MiNGTON , li l Jan IDThe Hank of l > llo t\illi . tin mUH roiLli of 1icic , ua r > t > btd i nl > tlili imriiii - Ii Is i jiortcil Urn ! tv \ UUB ituk * > 'Iho robherh uc. < l . ' -rf * Illl > ! Itl I- I < Till I X ilijiinll I.IK.U-- I in i t ' 1 , . i jbb i ti Is biilitivi ( vtllllU Ul 4 tlUUU' f that have been soiling' at $17,00 , $20,00 and $22,00 go today nt ARGUMENT WILL BE WRITTEN Participants in DifTorential Question Will Submit Briefs. ARBITRATOR OLDS WILL BE SOLE JUDGE L'oiiUmiMiiee of 1'ri'neiil Dlnerenlliil or Hit Ileilui'lloii Will Ilrnt on tlic .MerHx ot ArKiniic'llt At Us niccllng In Chicago this week the principal biiEiness accoinplltibed by the Wojti'in Tiiink Line commlttco wa coiiBld- cratlon of the ( jucstlon of the Omaha-Kan sas City differential on packlng-houso pioduits to the southeast. The dcclhlon to name but ono aibltrator and the announce ment of the selection of George OldH for this Important pobltion have already bien glvon publlclt ) Tochulcallj the committee designate ! ) the toiiltc-ry Involved in the late illlfuicntial war -Mlhslbslppl valley territory , hotith- oastein tuultory and Cuixilln.i tunltoiy. Arbitrator Olds IB granted thoprlvllegcof con- Bldcrlng Huso thii'o tcrrltoilus ( .oparatoly In u > iaid lo the iclatlvo ratcu en packing-house productH tomilgned thereto from Omaha and Kansas City , if ho MI clectu liberty is given him lo make u separate ( ledsLu for each. At the present time tlicso llino torrltnilci nro tolleitlvcly conaldoreii a "aoulheaBtorn toirltory" nnd the tame differential of C icnth iipjilioH In each Instance na between Oiiuitiii und Knn iiH City. An agicini'iit wan made permitting tint following named parties lo prcticut argu- mpntu , individually or collectively Kacli trrmlnal line at Kansas City , Ht Joseph and Onaim that participates in or la In position to participate ) In the carrjlng of packing lionto pioductH from Iho thrci1 points named to the icnltory involved , each packing house company at Kaiihaa f'lty , 81. Joseph and Omaha , and the transportation bureau of each of the three cities , through ltd chair man or commissioner. I'artlilpants furnishing argumontj must mal.t them In writing and Ille with the iir- 1/iiraUir < nou jh injiks to allou htm to fur- ni h i a li i/jri : ipatit vvi'h ' a c jpy of all the o.l'tr arr > ua mo Ka h paid ipaiu will I then be at llbcity to file ono aigumcnt In icbuttal. Arbitrator Old.s may tall for a meeting at whlih 01 al testimony may bo taken by him and if Hiich a meeting IH hold It Is provided that all parties In Intelest must bo In vited. Xo tlmo limit Is made on the considera tion of this matter by Arbltiator Olds. It la expected , however , that the ( | iiestlon will bo nettled an Fpccdlly at ) possible. Thh will depend largely upon Iho promptness of the participants In the aigumcnt In pieficnt- Ing their Hides of the case Aftei all of the argumcntH aio in Mr OldH will glvo the htibjeit direful and exhaustive coiiHldora- tlon , when ho will deteimlno whether tlio fl-cnnt dlffcrentlil will continue or bo low ered , RAILWAY ORDER CHIEFS MEET Ill-Ill' * I'll III IIIlllllllllIK ( I llllNl till. liorlniil Si'i'i-i'l CoiiliTi-iicr nl hi. l.oulN. ST LOl'IS. Jan. Hi T.O Pont.Dispatch trday sa > h One of the most impoitanl con ferences of railway worklngmen nlncc the great strike in 1S91 began at the Laclcdo hotel today and Iu bolng hold behind closed duora. lu jiurposo Is lo coiiHldor grlcvnnccj of Hi-ivlco mun Among thoMi who are Inking a prominent part In tile dollboratlons are : A. II Garrci- fcon , Ccdai ItapIdH , chief of the Older of Hallway ConduclorB . ( J. I.eo , C'levclnnd chief of Hallway Trainmen , P M. Arth chief of Locomotive Engineers , and P Sargont , chief of Itiilway rircmcn. It Is said the conference vsas called to ad- jiut certain differences between iiillroads and their employes ami to consider the ad visability nf afklng a Kcncial nuocplng In- crcnao in Iho wagcti paid to rouduituiti , cn- filnet'i.s , llrcniDii and other trainmen. I | i < rnlrnl I'nellle. SAN PHANCISCO , Jan. 1' ) - The fhronl- cle sajh .Now that the .Southern P < tcllli cr-mpdiiy owns the Central Pailllc the Kin- lucky corporation In preparing to expend Liiiirldorublo money In ne ( lcd Improvements on the Ogden line. Hnginccr K G C'urtlb of tbe maintenance of wa > dejurtmcnt states thai Iho eompan ) will shortly bruin the bal loting of the line but we en Sacramento und 1n.ikc iind rxi in that thu ( iiilie v\ork vill bo loinplilid bcfoit the end of thn j.'t ml > car. A eiKaixa ro k cr Two Extremes Meet Big CLEARING SALE of LADIES' FINE FURS , Man-Tailored Suits & Jackets The extremes of highest qualities nnil lowest prices This li the rale that baffles all effort nl competition and It IB slmplj on ac mint of bi'ltiK nnxlous to clear out all oiM and i-ndrt In our Cloak iind Suit lo- ptitmnnl tint \\o connect the o remarkable prl ( s uitli such high grade garments to- da > Ladies' ' Man-Tailored Suits for high grade SultHcry swell that e-olil as high as for choli e of a lot of new In nestvlr and new dislgrs , well woith JZfiOO for > our cholcti of a lot of l.idlcH Suits that we. have act ually bold for $10 00 , and are inttc for anj of a very big assort- inenl of ( ttrletly deslr.ible , up- to date Suits , that wo eold for up to $15 00 LADIES' TAILORED JACKETS for ( .holie of a flno lot of sty lish man tailored Jackets , worth up to $19 00 for tholco oC a good aRport- ment or strictly desirable gar ments that sold up to ? 1G 00 Hero Is a chance for a Jacket that jou will noer match iigaln Our price was $12 50. for jour choice of a lot of J.iikots well worth $10 00. Careful Inspection solicited , for the choice of a lot of Jacket - et that wo sold as high as $750. for choice of a lot of Jackets worth up to Iho dol- Inis Special Notice-Fur Jackets. Wo h.i\c about ten fineTur Jackets , la Seal , Ni-ameal , Persian Lamb , Krlmmor nnd Astrakhan , that we will sell at about jour own in Ice. Also about 10 or f,0 high Kiado costumes that are worth and lm\o been pi Iced up to now as high as $8500 , youi , choice while they last Another Chance To Huy iilinery At One-Tenth Cost To Manufac ( me So many customers have said they did not hear of our Saturday Mlllluory Clearing Sale until It vvab too late last week , wo have decided to give another grand oppoi- tunity today. Choiceof an > Coloied Kelt Shape In our stock , hold o\ cry where from $1 r > 0 to $300 , go at 20 doyen Ill.ick Vohct Hats , regular prke $1 r > 0 to $2 00 , to go at . . 1'cdorns and Walking lints , regular $1 HO stales at . . . fjOO Kanty Teathers , Hlnli , Breasts , were maiked $1 OS to $1 00 go at "ft ileg.nt I'attorn Hats value up to $12 50 go at 8fi good stjlo Model Hats valnn up to fd 00 go at plnnt , the largrst In Iho state , ban been os- . tabllBhed at N'atoma and will won bo In oj nation Cut I'lilliniiii < onilnclorHVIIKPM. . CHICAGO , Jan. Ifl In n circular which has been pott til on the walls of the Pull man hiibolIiLo at the union depot , a reduc tion In the v\ag ( , of sleeping lar conductors Is announced Thu amount of the cut la said to bo , In many taHcs , as much as 20 per cent It In dalmed that this reduction will pinco Iho wagoa of many of the eldest conductors bailc to the t > chcdulo at which tl.ej started Whether the reduction Isa bo mndo among all employes of the company or IH to bo enforced only on same llnca Is a Niil.-N mill I'crNoiinln. ficnonii MnnaKi'i Dlc-lcinxon of thr I nlon I'ai'lllc loft Thiirsdiiy for a tout over the line L H nvcland travnlliif ? | usponger ugont of the Itlo Oianilo U'estein , IH In t c uty fioin C'lilc igo ( , i > iifial neight Agent Wood nf tlio I nli n I'.idlli It liu : It from K.IIIHIIH ( lij win ri ) IR > ulKndcd it i.itu mtctliiK ihlx w-ek ( jcor ( i M Knliikln , asHlHtnnt cenirul f i olght agent of tlio Omaha fc HI LOUIH , liaH riturmd fioin a buslnoHH trip to I'hl- c a 20. Kdward T , . ! < ffi ry , prrHlUeiit an.i . KI neril manager nf lln Onivrr & . lllo firando rail- wn > , panned through the rlly oiiroiitp from an o.ihttin trip to hlx licimo in Dunvor T K ! ' > d/re > . city pnHHengei as nt of th MlHi-ourl P.idHc , left TliurMiUv for 1'hll- ailelphlii In icsnoiifcr lo n likgiam an- noiiiiiliiK the hiiliuiH Illneta of hla wife lii w is accompanied by hh n > i\ \ \tleiniil on llf < - or OIU. i'IIK'AiO Jan 1't A miirlal to ( tip fj , | . < UKO Hi oril from VMorlu 11 < K\\ , j ! Moli r.i who uiiiv l fimn .M.uillH lolla nf an ili < nun < > i 1)11 ) life of nnerl Oils In < ' > iivernatlon In rufereme lo tn < nituittloii tin re lit mi Id that Uenuiil fJltH onto an. peaieil , , „ tbe ( IrliiR line vv-heii .1 Bliot from Die rllli tit on < ut the nolillori whizzed tin- iiiinfoii.ilil ) ( IOM lo | iH | hwu ] AH to who Hud the tnot no < Ic w wim dlscoverc < l A TORJBC Hereford's ' Acid Phosphate Haifa tenepoonful in half a glass of water , refreshes and invigorates the entire system. A wholesome tonic. Gtuuinc betri ' name HoxtroRD'i ou wrapper.