Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 20, 1900, Page 10, Image 10

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    1O TJIR OMAITA DATLV 1JI3E : SATtTHDAT , , TA"NtAKY 20 , 1 00.
Liverpool's ' Steadiness and Frost Damigcs in
Franca Steady Wheat ,
While AMirn * < | O P IllKhrr , Corn ,
Untit nnil l'roIdliins Arc l.tiucr
HOK .Mnrkrt Is Itnthcr
CHICAGO , Jnn. ID.-Thc cessation of
llriuldatlon was the main factor In a quiet
but Htm wheat market today , with the
steadiness of Liverpool and frost damage
to the Trench crop contributory Inlluence" .
Slay closing 'ic over jestcrday. Corn
clo cd ttc and oats W4e lower. Provisions
tlo'x.d unchanged to "lie lower.
\Vlth Mvorimol lirm and northwest re
ceipts moderate , wheat opened llrm , ft
bhadc over jcslcrdiiy , .May nt CG 4Hc. (
The weakness of corn and oats made Ilbclf
tell shortly afterward and May sold oft to
C5'4 ft CSV Adilltlonal repolts of damnges
to the Kreneh crop by frost caused ex-
jiortera to cover Hhons later , and as n
Blight Improvement In the and In casn
demand met with lather light offerings ,
the market reacted , taming May to Co'sc.
'Jrndo was moderately active and the ml-
van was flteaddy tnnliiinlnid , AIK > clos
ing 'ic over yesteiday at b5-V . . . .
Prlmurv nn-lpts were J.n.rH-M . ) bushels ,
compartd with f,77 ( ) bushels last > cai.
JllnneapolH and Duluth reported 327 cars ,
ugalnst 331 last week and 501 n jear ago
l < fnnl receipts were thirty-four cars none
of which gradid contract. New York re-
liorlcd twinij-fonr loads taken for ex-
lort Atlantic port ilearamcs In wheat
aiul Hour were equal to 2i " > , ( )00 ) bushels
Corn was easy , Inlluenced b > the asser
tion that tlie government report expei ted
to 1m bullish , would be l Ued Sailllday ,
this belnc In conttndli tlon of a previous
report that It would not be published this
month. Trade was quiet. There was no
tin re.ipe In ( ountrj offerings and receipts
lieie weie 27i3 cars , but the Hhlpplns de
mand wa poor. Mnv ranged at from 31'dc '
no 3Ja fiX11 * < and closed " , e under je-stur-
day at 31' c
The unenslness of corn , combined with
the expectation of the Issuance Sitttirdn }
of a Bovernment repoit dlstouraglng to
holdern. Inlluenied a decline In the oats
market One llrm let out Sf , * M bushels ,
the break thereby occasioned helng helped
liv lloor .nuleis On the decline the mar
ket stc-ndlcd and regained some nt the
cnrlv loss on a good demand from the east.
Jterelpts here1 weie Wl cars , Ma > ranged
at from 21'fcc. to 2T'i2le ! ( , ' | , eloslng 'nftkc de-
pres ed at ll c
The provision maiket was easy and dull
the greater part of the session. The bog
market was rather weak , a conditlin
which was rellec ed In I he1 provision" pit
Tollnwlng the early weakness the market
became a tiHlo steadier , offerings falling
off a bit The close hordeied on weakness
3lny pork sold at from J1070 to J10 so and
closed S n' ' c under > esterda > at $ IO"5fi >
in 771 * . . May lard at fiom $ j 97V4 to $3M'S
closing unchangeil at $317' * , nnd May ribs
Jit from J.375 to $ .3 t,7' Tir 70 , with the clo e
2'4c depresaed al f3 72H
estimated receipts for tomorrow : Wheat ,
tS cars , corn , 315 eais , oats , ISO cars ; hogs ,
22.000 heajl
The leading futures ranged as follows :
No 2.
cnsh dilatations were as follows :
FLOUR rjnsy , winter patents. $3 10 ®
350 , straights. $1fHTiJ20 ; clear. J..OO S 10
spring Seclal8. ] * 3SO-f/3flO / , patents , $3 30fJ >
3,50 ; atralghte. J2.C51i3.00 , bakers , J2.208I
( Q2 oO
WIIKAT No. 2 spring , oSV-ii7wt' e ; No. 2
red bfi'/te '
CORN No 2 , .111.1 : No 2 jellow ,
OATS-No 2. ZMi V4c. No. 2 whit
EG'ic ' , No 1 whltc > 2.3fi2ovc.
IlYH-No 2. fiJifiGlc-
IJARLBY No 2. 3Sfi40c (
SHI DS No. 1 tlaxHeed and northwest.
(1 30 Prime timothy , J2 bO Clover , contract
ginde , $ S 33ifS 10
PROVISIONS Mess pork , iwr bbl , $1 "iW
SOW ) l ird , per 100 Ibs . V 77 . ( i > 5 S7'4. ' Short
ribs sides ( loose ) . $ T , 5lfi3SU ( Dry salted
shoulders ( boxed ) , $3 50&C 75. Short eluir
eldes ( bo\ed ) , J3 'frfi fi 00
WHISKY Distillers'
finished goods on
basis ' high wines per gal , , $1 23V4.
Sl'GARS Unchanged , cut loaf , J.3.70 ;
granulated , $5 18
Following are the receipts and shipments
for today :
Articles Hecelnts. Shlpm'ts
" rionr , bbls . 21,000 32,000
"Wheat , bu . 41,010
< 1orn , bu . 2111 1 > ) lll.on
Oats , bu . ii ! ) ( lf < 3W )
R\e. bu . c. jc 30. . ) )
Jlarle > . bu . . 5l.OK ( ) 10,000
On the Produce exchange today the but
ter market was steady , creameries 1'vff
2le. dairies 1Sf2 ( ( diecve , llrm at IJ
jpgn , steady , fie h , Ibfjl'c.
m for ( ln > lln > on Vnrloux
NEW YORK. Jan 19-FLOPR-Rctelpts ,
25 US bbls. exports , 10,4i' > bbls mnikPt
Inactive but .jteadj ; winter pili-nts , Jl 50i (
375 , Mliiiie tii paten'.s , J3 70Jit ! SO. winter
HtralfjhtK. jaMf/iiti. / winter extras. $ ! M5j
2 So , Mlmipsotn bilu-is , J.7if/300 , winter low
Kr.ides J22.vrr.JIO R > 0 Hour , wc-ak , fair to
Eiocl , Jllt > i/JJ5 , choice lo fancv $ J30fi3CC
in kvvhrat ( lour , wc-ak al $200 < ij2 15
CORNMEAL Quiet , yellow- western SOc
citj , 7Re , llrandjwlne , j.'Jfifu'SO
RYE Easj , No j wentein , C0"c , i
o b atloiit , state , SSijoKc , c. I. l. , " New
York , car loth.
HARLEY , malting , EOJJolc , fcodlllg
Ij jJtLEV MALT Quiet ; western , 65JC5e
VIILA I Receipts , Ci.SOO bu e\poits
360.621 bu Spot , llrm : No 2 red , 73\c. f o'
Ii. ntlcmt , prompt , No 1 nnrUiern , Diiluth ,
4 ? ; * , ' , ' . i , b. , "llcMt , piomnt , No 1 hard ,
Xitiliitli , iS'm' , fob , , prompt , No
t ' fr. ' , ' ' * ? ' . - iBvntor Options htiemly and
duiIng the day on foreign bujlng.
wrong Krtmh cable * . locjil < overlng and an
fibsonce of selling iirc-ssure. Closed llrm. '
ndvnnee March IVOSCN ) | at 7oc , .Ma > , " '
( Uloai and 4iHLv. rl.-vator ciptlinu open'c.
< -ns > It
iwnUnurd unsettled
most of fu
lnv imcier rcpoits that the government llg
iirc'.s would
he Issued late Saturday uiii
lower cMbles Closul easy at \v net dc
cllne .Mav , J0'4i39\c ' ( | , closed at yj < , c.
OA IS Receipts , 101 ino bu . exports , 157.
tin hpctt , quint. No. 2 , 29lp. No J , ) iNo
S white : i.V. No ,1 white. JlV-e , tintl.
inlxod. . vvpsttfm. syttftJic. tituk white31M. .
85i , - ' '
qiitlcnis Hteadj but
HAY-Uull , ahl/plng ] , U'ij75e ' , good to
cholco WnS7'ic '
HOPS Quiet , state , common to choice ,
IKKi.irop. LI- , I IS crop , 71(90 ( , 1S93 crop , Klf
1t' "
lOiic ; ISDS ciop ,
"lllbis Klriii : tlalvestan. 20 to 25 Ibs
J9'-j. ' ' . TPMIB drj , 21 to 30 Ibs. UC. Call-
lornla , 21 to 26 Ibs. 2I' c
LEATHER Steadj , hemlock bole , llumioa
Ajrcs ; light 10 he-avjweights , 23ft25 . .c , uc-ld ,
PIUJVISIONS-Hecf steady ; famllj Jl" CO
CU210. mcvs , J1050 , href hams , J. , ' ( ji. 50 ,
Indian mess , $21 tWficj u ) Cut meats , llrm :
> 3 Il'i27.00 | : jilrklpd bhoui-
ders. Ki pjoOO. pkkled hams , tS tOfi'J 23
l.nrcl eas > . \\c\Mtorn stiam clo-td at
J6o , Januaij , v , v ) , South Ameii.a ,
.ontlnent. fii 50 , South Atnerlc-n ,
Jt , 65 1'oik. llrm , mebs , Jll 00 , shoit
clear Jll,0f1250 | , famllj $ l22J Tal-
low , iead ) . ili > , 5V. countr > ,
Rlfi-Steady , domestic , fair to extra
4iJti 4C , Japan , \ \ < if'n
rUKKSIITS-To laverpool. dull ; cotton
ly , steam , 25c. nominal , grain by steam ,
MohASSiS-Illgher : ; New Orleans , open
kettle , gooil to choice , 4l@fi.V- .
IMUNl'TS-Steadj , faiuy hand picked.
MIITAI.S There was no spcilal feature
to toda > 's meliil market Tin , v\hUh has
ntlrnclpil leading Hllcntlnn for seveial
weeks , was ver > qulot. though exhibiting
underbill ! ; Mrength The cables nnd acl-
vices from prlmaiy points were of satls-
faclorj average , but not spec ! illy Inilucn-
tuiil At the cloxt < the Metal exchange
called pig Iron warinntx dull , lake copper
unchanged at 210 K ) . tin verv ciulrt but llrm ,
vvlth J27 50 bid nnd J.S asked , le id hlead.\ .
with JI.70 bid and SI.75 asked ,
' < ! I unit JM bid n > n Jl f,3 nsked The
hr kc r t.rl f f-.r lead is Jt (3 ( nnd f < .r enp1
Sir V-
( iiMit\i , M.MtKr/r.
Condlllon of Trnilr nnil Qnotntlonw on
Mnplo ntid I'ntipy rroilncp.
nGOS-Ucrelpt" , Increasing , fresh stock ,
ncnlc at lie
rmipsii > I'orr.TUY-choico to fancy
turkeys , lie , ducks. Oc ; grcse , Oc , spring
chicken * , 7'sttc ' ? | , hens , 6Q6',4c ; roosters , I ®
1.IV1 ! I'ort/niY-Hens. BSfi' ' c : oprlng
rhlckens , 7fl7'4e ' , old nnd stnggy roosters ,
3c. duck * , fi'ifi'c ' ; gce e , 6'45j7c , tiirkcys , fc
HI'TTIJU Conimon to fair , Ifi'ic , choice ,
separator , 25cj gathered creamery ,
22ft 23e.
IMrtKONS MVP , Per doz , ioC.
VUM.S-C'holce , ! ic
, mallarcR M001J3 25 : blue
wing ton I. tl 75. green wind teal. J1.25R1 50 ;
nilM'd duc-ks. Jl tMtSon
OV8TI3HS Medium , per can , ISc ; stand
ard , per can. 22c , bulk standard , per gal .
Jl 25 , extra selects , per can , SOc , extra select
lect- , per gal . Jl < W1 75 ; New York counts ,
per can , 37e , New York counts , per ICO. Jl I >
HAY 1'pland. choice. Jfi.V ) ; midland ,
choice. Jfi , lowland , choice. J5 ; rye straw ,
choice , 1,1 50 , Nn ,1 corn , 27c , No .1 white
oats , 22'4e. c rucked corn , per ton , $12 , corn
and oats , chopped , per ton. J12 50 , bran , per
ton , J13 , shoits , per ton , JH.
SPINAi'M-Per box , Jl.
Ni\V : Hir.TS-rer doz bunches , 75c.
UAOISIIIIS-l'er doz bunches , 40c
I.irn'T'f'K-rir do ? bunches , 40c , fancy
head lettuce , per bbl , S5
SWIIT : POTATOES- bbl , Illinois ,
$ .1. Jer evs } , , large bbls , Kansas. J2 75.
POTATOES Per bu , choice , SOtflOc.
CAHHAdi : Holland seed. 2c.
( 'AfM'I,0\ViU-Per | crate , J2 50.
ONIONS-Hetall. jellow , 75c ; red.
cii.nilY ; Per doz , 2. > O30c , California ,
per bunch , HKf75c
TrilNIPS-Uutabagas , per lb. , 1'ic , Ca
nadian , 1'H' '
Ml'SHHOOMS-Per lb. box , SOc.
TOMATOHS Florida , per 6-bnsket crate ,
APPLES Choice western shipping stock ,
Dfll 50 , New York stock , tt-'olH 0) .
fam v , Jl 25' il.50
( ! UAPiS-Malaga grapes , per bbl. , J700ij >
3 00
and Bugle , per bbl.
(7 ( , Jerseys , Jii.75.
ORANliS-Mexlcan , per box , J3 ; Call-
foinla navels , per box , Jl 60fi375 , California
seedlings , pet box , J2 75W1.00.
IjlJMONS California fancy , J3.75 ; cholco
California , J1 50. .Messina , $1
HONEY-Per 24-sectlon ease , J.1 25.
NUTS Hickory nuts , large , per bu. , Jl 25 ;
shellb.irks , Jl r ,
KIOH California Injers , per 10-lb. box ,
fl , California inrton. per 10-lb. box , Jl 10 ;
imycuted llgs , per lb , lie.
DATES Ml-lli boxes. C'i'jjGc per lb.
MAPLE SUGAR Per lb , 9fflOc.
HIDES-No 1 green hides. Sc ; No. 2
green blclrs , 7c , No 1 salted hides , 9c ,
No 2 salted hides. Sc , No 1 veal cnlf , S to
12 ihs . 'le. No. 2 veal calf , 12 to 15 Ihs , Sc.
TALLOW , GREASE , ETC Tallow , No.
I , 4c , No 2 , 3\c , rough , 2c , white grease ,
2\fi3t < e , jellow and brown grease , ZiiQSc
St. l.oul * ( i nil it nnil I'rnvlNlonn.
ST LOUIS. Jan 1 WHEAT Higher :
No 2 led cash , elevator , IW47J07C. track , 69
'tiB'ijC. ' January b6 ic , Maj , CS'fcc. Julj- ,
1VNo 2 Imrd , 6" < fiWc Receipts , K567 bu
C'ORN-Lower. No 2 cash , 31c , track ,
2'/c , Januarj , llUe , May. 32c
OATS Steadj . No 2 cash , 24c ; track ,
21' . . 2lc , May , 244c ; No. 2 white ,
RY1-J Fi-m at B2isc
FLOUR Dull and barelj- steady ; patents ,
IOTi.150 , extra fancy , J3 1033.10 ; clear , J275
SEEDSTlmothjJ2.00Q2.35. . Flaxseed ,
ijulet T JlIS
COHNMnAI/-Stcndy nt Jl.70ffl.75.
UHAN Steady to lirm ; sacked , caat track ,
U7fiGSe. (
HAY Timothy , J650gl200 ; prairie , firm at
MirrAIS-l.ead. loner nt J4.57Vsfi4.62' ' .
Spelter , quiet at J4.T5
POPLTRY-Stendj . chickens , "c ; turkeys ,
7'if. clucks. Sc. geese , 5' c.
WlllSKY-Steadv nt Jl 23'4.
RAGG ING-SNfifi'-e '
PROVISIONS Drv salt hotcd meats , oxf
tra shorts. J5.S7'4 , clear ribs , Jfl. clear sides ,
JS 12',4 ' Hacon , extra short ? , SG.37V2 , clear
libs. JG 50 , clear hides. JG C2H. Pork , steady ;
jobbing , old. J1025 , new $11X7 % Lard , ;
weak , pi line steam , JSMH. e-holce , $ T 65.
RECEIPTS-Floar. 5,000 bbls. : wheat , 10T
fOO bu . corn. Sii.OfO bu , oils. 4SOUO bu
SHinMENTS-Flour. 9.0'O bbls ; wheat , ,
21,000 bu , corn , 11000 hu , oats , 9,000 bu. |
IliiUi-r. KKK nnd Clii-mc ? Inrl < p ( . j
Quiet but bteadv , faney western creamerj' ,
25c , fancv westein prints , 25c '
EGOS PIrm , lOc higher ; fresh nenrbj' , | i
20e , fresh western , 20c , fresh southwestern , ! I
ISc , fresh southern , ISc
I'llKESE Firm but nulet. |
NEW YORK , Jan 19. nUTTERRel ,
celpts , 3,321 pkgs , steadj , June creamery , I
20j21'/ic | , western crcamerj21Q25c ; fnc- I
toij' , 17T' ( e I I
CHEESE Receipts , C,72 pkgs ; firm ; fall
made , fiiney , large and small , 12s4jT11c ,
large , late made , ll0l.'c , hinall , late made , i
EGGS Receipts. | , ioi pkgs ; firmer ; western -
ern , 21c. loss off , western , ungraded , nt
mark , llffl'ic '
ST LOUIS Jan I1) HPTTER-Steady ;
eieamery , 20f25c. | dnlry. 15 < 50c.
EtSCS Sloadv at 15c
c'HICAOO. Ian n BUTTHR-Steady ;
creameries. Iff2lc. ! ) dairies , lSJ23c.
KGOS-Steadj fresh , 16S17c
Creamery. 20f < 2c : : , dairy , ISc
inGS : Market ciulet nnd steady : fresh
Missouri and Kansas stock , firsts , 13c doz. , i
cases letuined , storage ,
I.I \ i-riiiiiil ( irnlii nnil I'rov InloiiM.
No i red wes.te > riK winter , dull at SaSVl ;
No 1 California , bs2difi6s 2'id , No. 1 north-
cm spring , dull at 5s ] 0d Futures , quiet
CORN Spot American mlxel , new ,
sleidy ul : N5aKd , Ameileun mixed , old , ,
stead } at 3s vil I''iiture quiet ; January,1 I
3s 5\d February Is Sd
lieie'pts of wheat during fhe last three
ilavs. 2irt(10. . ) cen'als , liKluillrif 1&7.000 ien-
tals Anu-ilcnn Rc-celptsof American
durli v the tftiee dajs , 312,200 centals. I
WrMther cloudv I
PROVISIONS-JHecf , extra India me s.
steady at SlsDd , prime met > s st 'fldj' Pjt 75 * .
Hams , sharl nit , iteadj at 45s Bacon ,
C'umberland cut , dull at Vs. lr > nj clear
mldd'es ' , llRht , Ftcndr at 31s fd , long clear
middle" , henvv , s'-ndj at .Us , clcir bellies ,
dull it 393. Tallow , city , strong at
27s IK ] .
KMIINIIM ( ' ! ( > ( iriiln anil l'rc > \ IsloiiK.
, in-WHEAT-Mny.
( K > * - . c-asi , No. 2 hard , 62562Vjc } ; No. 3 ( Wi >
tic , No 2 red , 70c , No. 3 , G5ftG9c ; receipts ,
42 c-ars
CORN Mny 30c ; eafh. No. 2 mixed , 2DHC ;
No 2 white , SO'ie , No. 3. 30e.
OATS-No 2 white , 24'-5J25c.
RYE No 2 , 49e
HAY Ohcdco timothy , J900J7950 ; choice
prairie , J7 ( 1i7 25
RECEIPT ? Wheat. 25,200 bu ; corn , 16,9(10 (
bu , oiits. 3.000 oil
SHIPMENTS-Wiheat , 1S.CCO bu ; corn ,
l.lift ) bu
Illniii-npolln Win-lit : uid Flour.
htore : No 1 noithr-n , January , ( .2'ic . , Maj.
i.3" " p , Ju j iPH , < ! | GI'se ' On track : No. 1
haul. fil'Hf , No 1 noithern , C-8' ' . No north
ern. Hl'h.c
PLOUR-10 ? lower , llrst jxitents , Jl 201T3 30 ;
second patents. JlOOi/310 ; llrst clear , { 200 ji
2 10
1011RAN Uiiclmnged
PROVISIONS Bulk meats , dull nt Jo 90.
Die-on , fiisy at JG55
WHISKY-SH-ady nt Jl
Toli-di ) > lnrlr ( .
TOLEOO. O , Jan -WHEAT-Hlgher
and llrm. No 2 carh. fiSe , Maj , 70'ic
CORN- Dull but steady. No 2 mixed , 32e.
OATS -Dull. No. 2 mixed , 24c
RYF-No ules
SEEHS-clovei quiet and steadj ; prime
cash , now , J495 , old , Jo 75 ; January , (5 SO.
MllunilUi'tiriiln llllrlii'l.
Flrmei No 1 northern , 6lf/65c , No. 2 north
ern. C1Jii"2' ' t
UYK-Pt e uly ; No 1. KiMi50p
HARLKY-Steadj . No 2. IGQIG' ' c , sample.
Dlllillh U'lirnt MnrUot.
DULl'TH , Jnn 19 WHEAT- 1 Imrd ,
cnu , i'4e , No 1 northcin. m.ih. tHV c , Maj' .
i.e , July t 'tc. No J noinluirn , COeNo 3
tprlng. fcflijc
lr > tiiioiln .MnrUi-l ,
vances of from 10 to 15 per cent IIHVH been
made In Atlantic , Paclllc nnd Manchester
cottuii warp and nil wool cnshme'rts and
unU some business hub been done
thfrrflt th. r drr giud strorR I'l - '
tr 1 n gauds dc man t mod < rate at pr v
prices fur staple c , tt < > ns nnd prints , print
rlnths qulPt but llrm , linens nre stendllj
advancing , still higher prices quotPd from
abroad , storks here limited , burlaps me
quiet , wllhoul change In price.
CoiiKldc-rnble .siumluK of Anlmnllon
mill Strength l.nttIn HIP Unj.
NEW YORK , Jnn 19-The dullness nnd
apathy which have prevailed In the slock
market nil wck gave place In the late
dealing today to n considerable show of
animation nnd strencth Hu diip < n broid-
i-ned out nnd embrncpd n grea ly extended
list of stock and practlc ilu nil that were
dealt In advanced briskly to a level sub-
sUntlnllv Hbovo that of Inst night The
Immediate motive of the bujlng movement
wn * Ihe preliminary psllmnles of the gains
In cash for the week bj tmassoetated
The money markel during the week has
.shown vlth sulllc'ent clearness that i ash
reserves were being Inrgelj replenlshpil ,
but I' Is rathpr a tradition with flock operators -
erators to defer action to discount
bank statemenl until Prlday afternoon.
Tbero has been n large walling conllnn < nt
In Wall streel wntehlnu for some positive
develpomenl In the market before commit-
ting themselves to ni tlon All the larger
commission houses have been iidvHng
thcli custoinets to refrain from action and
await the market. Appnrentlj n laign pin-
portion of Ihesp were Impiessed by the
earlier events of dnj In the market
and came In with hujlntr orders In force.
In the last hour The professional trndii"
themselves turned In a bodj to the long
sldo of the market after having made a
savage drlvp In the morning at Third Avc-
nue , breaking that stock ovrr lo points
The amount of stocks brougnl out on the
de-ellnp did not piove cm out aging nnd the
rest of the market was not acutely af
fected A number of positive point1 * of
strength also developed , notablj In Mis
souri Pnclllc , In which there was evidence
of one-rations by n pool The whole of the
soiitliwpstprii group was affeeted by sj m-
pathy , notwithstanding tin1 deterlonitlon
In earnings on account of n small cotton
movement The metal gioup wii" also
strong , led bj Slrel and Wlte , which was
bought In anticipation of dividend nctlon.
Sugir was n prominent figure In the ad
vance on henvj dealings. In which the de
mand from the shoits was a large factor
These special points of strength were the
vantage points from which the late gcneial
advance In prices wan Inaugurated.
There w e--p rumors all daj of the rellpf
of Ladj "smith , but as London sold more
Rtoek than It houctu In this maiket. the
rumors were without much effect It Is
estimated Pint the Associated binks had
gained up to Thur daj night nearlv JlOOuo-
(100 ( In e-nsh , the es'lmnte being based on
llgurcH furnished by the prlnc Ipal banks
of the direct express movement. Of this
total operations with the snbtreasurer hnve
furnished J < 19G.OOO Theie hn been no pvl-
denco of any large loin expans'on In the
stork market , but th , > time monev market
and that for ine"-eintllc
paner has bc > en
qulto aetlve A notable Increase In suiplus
reset ve Is , howevei , considered assured.
The market for rillroiid bonds continued
1 road and active nil dav and "Irength was
general throughout the list , 'lotnl sales
par value. $ .1,220,000 Unlt-d States . " .s de-
cllne-d "g and new 4s , coupon , advanced >
In the bid price 4
Commercial Advertisers London finan
cial cablegram . "
savs. "liuslness here was
stiller > dull today. Theie was some
slight nol'y buviiiK. but even professional
dealings weie stopped by the meagciness
of the news from the spit of vvar A Inigk-
crop of rumors which TV ere ctinent were
enlirelv Ignored. ( onsols spurted U point
ni'ircbut it Is feaiod that the govefnni'iit
will Issue a large loan as soon ns the mai
ket Is favorable. Americans were unanl-
mnted , excepting Union Paclllc and South
ern preferred , which New York lifted Th >
bank lost 55,000 gold to South America
and C20.000 to India Call money was still
slack , an v ere bills. Foreign PM bailee
rates were as follows : Paris , _ > n ; Rerlln
20 49U India Is Inquiring for .s\er" | |
The following nro the quotations for the
leading stocks on the Now Yoik exch inco
Alchlson 20'i UnloTPpacIflo . . 47' ,
do pfd . . . . ( ! ! % ! do pfd . . . 75K
Bnlttmoie i O. . oSS.Wabnsh . . . 7 :
Can Pacltle 9"\\ \ do pfd . . . . -Jit. ,
Can Sottlhcrn . . 49'2iW .t L E . . 10
Ches & Oh' o . . 30Hsl do 2d pfd . 25
Chicago Gt. W. . 1M4
C , B & Q . . .122' , Adams Ex . . 114
Chi , Ind & L. . . IB [ American Ex . .111
do pfd W U. S Expres . 17
ON & K 111 . S5 IWells-n-irgo Ex.l'T
CHeago & N W1G2UA Cot. Oil . .1114
C , R. I & P . 106'M do pfd . . . 9. ! "
t C , C. & St L. Gl' Amer Malting . fi
Cole Southein 5'/ . do pfd . . 27
do 1st pfd . 4T Amer S .t R . . 1
do 2d pfd . . 15 do pfd 8S ?
Del & Hudsnn . 115 Amer. Spirits . . . 2
Del L. & W. . . . 17G do pfd 17
Denver & U O. . 173i Amer. S H 41 > i
do pfd . . fi3V do pfd SO
Erie in * Amor S .t W . . . 4S
do 1st pfcl . 12'it do pfcl . . . . 90
Gt. Nor. pfd . .107 'Am ' Tin Pate. . . 2S
Hocking J Ccal . . . 15 I do pfd 79V4
'Hocking Valley. 31U * Am. Tobacco . .W > \
rillnols Central . 113'i do pfd . . 11) )
Iowa Central . 11a A Mill Co . 10'4
, do pfcl . . 50 Hik Rap Tr . . . 7u\
K. C , I' & G . S'iCoo Fuel < t I .
L E & W . . . . 21 Con Tobacco 1 !
, do pfcl . . SI" ' , do pfd . . S3U
Lake Shore 191 Fccleial Fteel . 51 %
Louis & Na = h . M > 14 do
\ pfd . . . . 73'/ ' >
Manhattan L . . 0 ! "
Gen Ele-etili' . .122
Met St. Ry. Ho G ucose Sugar . 50
Mex Central . . 10'f , do ptd . . . 97
Minn. & St L . ' '
5SJi Int'n'l Paper . . . . 2T4
do pfcl . SO do ifd 1,7 , "
Mo. Pailflc . . . . H'4 Lnclcde Gas . . .2)
Mobl'n & Ohio 40 Nat HIseult . . . .it , ' . ,
M , 1C. & T . . . . 1014 do pfd . . . ) ' (
do ufd . 31 National Lead . . 2'3'U
N. J Central . UC'/i do pfd 105
N. Y Central. . 11HJ National Steel . . W *
Nor & West . 2"i % do pfd 92',4
do pfd . 70 N v Air llinkelld
No Pacific . 52'4 No Ameilcan . in ,
do pfd. . . 74V4 Paclllc Coast . 51\
Ore Rj. fi Nav. 4i i do 1st pfd . SI
do pfd . 7ft I do 2d pfd . 64Vt
Pennsylvania . 130' < , Paclllc Mill . r\
Reading . . 175i People's Gas . 101
do 1st pfd rnAi Pressed S C.
do 2d pfd . 27 do pfd . SS
Rio C ! . W . . . 39 .Pullman P. C IV )
do pfd . . . 82 IStandard R. < Sr T. 'l '
St. & S F O .Sugar . . . 117 %
do 1st pfd . . fiS I do pfd . Ill
do 2d nfd . 31IJ Tenn. C K I . 85 %
St L S W IP' , n. S Leather 17'
do pfd do pfd . . . 7tl'4
St Paul . .US * , U. S Rubber . . . 41" .
do pfd . 170 do Vfd . . 101 "
St P . O . im ( Western Union sr\
Fn. Pacific . . .IS' , Reptlb Ic I .t S 2iY'i
So Railway . IF , di pfd . fin-
do pfd 54'4 P . C. , C. & St. L 16\
Tex. fi PaelfielGH _ _
Ex-dividend. '
> 1 ni-k .lloiiov Inrlcpt.
19-MONEY-On call.
F tacjyit 3Ji3'-4 ' per cent , last loin at 3
per tent ; j'rlmo ' meicantlle paper , CJG | per
STERLING 12XCHANGE-Heav > . wltih
actual bus1nef In bankers' lilllw nt JISG'J ,
for demanl and nt Jt STSifi I S3'a for slx'.v
< Mys ; posted raten , Jl S4'vf4 S5 and Jl &M
coir Tien ial bllU J ) KWt I M'- .
SILVER Certificates 59'i/frCO ' > 4c ; bar ,
59Vc. Mexican dollars 47'ic. '
BONDS - , Irregular ; state ,
steady ; railroad , strong
The following me the closing quotations
on bonds :
U S " 3i"reg . . . ] ri2 ' < . N. v C."ls 10T- ;
do 3s , reg 109 % N J C gen 5s..119
do coupon Hu' . No Cnro Ina Gs 12 ?
do now 4s , reg 113 do Is IOC
do coupon 131 Vor ParIH . .no
rfo old 4s , reg 11W No Pacific Is. . . GG
do coupon . . . 114 % do 4s . . 101 %
do 5s , reg . 112 N Y C & SI L 4s 105-V ,
do coupon .111'i N .t W con In il'J '
I ) , of C 1 Cos . 119 do gen ( is . . 123
Atch. gen 4s . IOJ'M Of Nnv la . . 1M
do adj. ts . . H)1 ) , do 4s 10W '
Can. So. 2u . 10S Ore S L Gs . 129 % | i
Ches A : O 4'j-r ' 17 do con 5 * .112' ;
do 5s . . 115'fe R G. W l-i . 9j' { I
C. & N con "H 140 , S L & I M c.f.s 110V4 i
do S P di-li us in St L .t S P B Cs 119
Chi Ter 4s . 9" , St. Paul ccinso's ' 1GG
D & R (1 Is in : * ' , St P. C & PlsllSi ;
D \ R G 4a 9'V do f H . . . . Hi4
E T V. & O IslOlUSo Railway 5s..107'i
Erin gen 4s nvja R & T fis . SI
K W KD. . c is 7J iTonn. n H n . . . nm
Grn Elpc. 5s 117 , Tex. & Pa Is 112" " ' ,
G H. & H A. C 103 I do 2s M
do tf . . . H't ' Union Paclllc 48' '
II & T. C. 53..110 Wnbasj ! is . . . 115
do con. Gs . . 1U do 2s . . .101
la Central Is 110 'Vest Rboio 4s . .llfln.
K. C P. A : C IB. fM > WIs. CPU. IB 90 "
La. new cU IW' . . Vn Centurlc > . i.1
L & N. mil 4s fl7 < 4 do dr lei reel . . . .
M K. & T. 2rt 69 Cilo So Is K >
_ do 4s b9'-.Sa ' P.ulllc 4s.
l''un-lKii Plnnnrlnl.
LONDON Jan I1)-Tho market for
American t curltles oponeul betlei , but liter
o2Md elf slghllj ami cl > sfd quiet but
sloa < iy ? rnnl h 4 clr el at fJ'4 < Tno
ainouiut of bullion wlthdiawn from Din
Bank of England on balance tmlay v\an
75.000 Gofd premlirms uro cinotc-d ns follows -
lows- Buenos Ayrc"t. 12910 , M.idild 27 fn.
Lisbon. 44 , Rome. 713 Bar o'jd , 77s 0'4d
Bar tllvor closed > trong m J7 * d ner oiini-i *
PARIS. Jan 19-I'ilei oi > ned llrm on
the bourse toda } . 1 > ut wubspcpir-nh ie-ite < l
on'ons 4 were particu
lar ! } w < < ak on the rcviort that thu coupons
were to ho tuxpili \ per cent Rio tlntos
vvcro steach Korllri , were In good demand
nt the lxiclnnlng nflorward became cosier ,
19o for checks Spanish 4 losod at 67 63
BERLIN , Jan , 19 Prk'e\s on the bourse
> wi ! if 1 > 1 - - il , n P , f ti.U - i MM s Ii 1 ic i. , x , r.s ivrri-,1 shuri Iv > < n I ' -
ilr.n i HI. i 4 'Hit nr.inl eiili- * 1 < f l" <
f T the ne > unl KX'ImtiftP n l > ii"l > n A > f
open l vvpok. online to a Ol imli n lo the
Lomlon Times from Triht'rnii iP * rdln * the
inov.-iipnt ' of 90roo Hu * ; l < in tro | lo Kursk ,
Ru - la Ixnter therp vvfi * H gsnf-rnl ipc > npry
on t'he 1/onfcm llrmni M Spanish 4s VVPIP
pfl c'er Itnllnn i > -urtlps | vverp Jmrdpr. At
the clo e there was n reaction In nppre-
, hern lon tint HIP Austrian minors' strike
j mlsht spread to upper Sllesln. Exchange on
ji I lx > mton 20 murks rite , pfg foriliecks Rnto
jo j discount for .short bills. 3't per cent.
ItoMcill Ml li I lift Stoc-liS.
HOSTON. Jnn 19-Call loans , GTjC per
cent , time loans , fitfc per cent oniclal
closing quotations of stocks , bonds and
mining shales.
A. T. S. r" CO nomTConl I2
, do pfd , . oi'il do pfd 11 >
, Amer. Sugar . 117'4 Atehl'on 4s 9)
do pfd 111 ! Adv 'tituro i !
Ueil J Telephone UfiiJ A Mln Co 21 ,
Hoston ' ft A. . . 2W Atlantic. 2l'fc
lliislon Elevnted.r > > Ho ton ft Mont..2fi2
C. H & Q . . . 122 Unite & Hoston II
Gen. E'ee. ' pfd. .11,1 Ciilumet ft llec "Si
Pederal Steel rd'j , Centennial 11,14
do pfd " 114 1'iankiln 14
MeCetitial . . . . 11 Humboldt 1
Miiti I P ephonp I w OsePnln fi7' ' < .
Old J ; Colony 202 I'm rot 4i
old Dominion . . is .Qttlncy lie
. Rubber 41 Isnntn PP Cop. . . . f 'i '
Pifoll \ Paclllc . . . IS * , Tamarack 175
. Pnlon ! Land . . . l iWlnotin I
West , End 92'A ' Wolvcilnes 31
i We t. Electric . 10 .Utah ! 7'J '
WIs. Centinl . . IS'il
NCMA orU Alliilnir Stopkn ,
NEW YORK , Jan. 19 The following
nre the olllclal closing quolnllons for min
ing share-s :
Cliollar 2.1 Onnrlo sno
Crown Point . . ln Oph'r ' 70
Con Piil ft Vn 1f.ii Pljm6uth 9
le-ndwood ejtiicksllver . . . .150
Gould .t Cuirle 21 do nfd . . 750
Halo .t Norcross S'erra Nevada . . 4"
llniiipstnkn . . . 5wi Stand ird . . .2"
Iron Sliver . . v > illnloti Con . . . . 27
Mexican 32 Yellow Jacket . . 20
London stuck ( liintntIOIIM.
LONDON , Jan n I p inClosing :
Conso's , monev 111'4N Y. Central . . 137
do account itl ) , Pennsylvania . . . . ffi
Can Paclllc . . . ' < 17 , nrid'ng ' 9" ,
' Erie 12 No Paclllc pfd. . 7t ,
, do 1st pfd II Atehl"on 20 > i
I Illinois Central lli.x . , Loillsvlllu S2\
U. j P. pfd . . . 77iJ Grand Trunk . . . . "N
i St. Paul , eom . I20" , Amuondii S' i
MAR SILVER-Fteady at 27 5-16d per
MONEY IK per cent.
T np iatc > of dlcount In the open market
fet * lhort h'lls Is ll/.T , per cent nnd for
three-months' bills , eent.
- ,1M < > > ta Ppr
lliuili C
BOSTON . Jan 11. Cle'iirlngs. $ :2323,71G ,
balances , $2issv51
NEW YORK. Jnn -Clearings , J157-
Sll 4 2 , balntues. $10,5G1.SS2.
PIIlLAnELPIIIA , Jin 19. Clearings ,
JI5 93(3,11) ( . balances , $1 Ii09or 2.
BALTIMORE. Ian -Cleat Ings , J2.S51-
6d2. balances , J41I,5 < ; 9
CHICAGO , Jan -Clearings , J21.0S.SI5. > .
balances $ l4Jfihi. posteil exenange fl Slfj
1 SS. New York exchange. 30c- premium
ST LOPIS. Jan -Clearings , $5.031.845 ;
balances. $ rlS.411 , money , 61(7 per cent ,
New Yoik exchange , COc premium bid , 75c
ptemlum abked
( 'ciiiclltlon of tin'Ireamirj. .
AVASH1NGTON , Jan I1 * Tmlnj s state
ment of the e'ndlUon of tlhe trfisnr > '
showsAvailable - cosh balance , J2S6,110 7'J5 ,
gold reserve , $ . ' 21,81,200
Cotton MnrUot.
NEW YORK , Jan in-COTTON Futures
closed quiet , Januaiy , } 741 ; Februarv ,
J742 , M-irch. J741 , April 1741 , Mav $711.
Juno , J7.15 , Julv. J74I , , August , $743 , Sep
tember. $ GSG , October , JG 70 , N'ovembei ,
$ C G7 , Derember , M GS Snot clo"ed quiet
and 1-lCo higher , middling uplands , 713-loc ,
middling gulf , S l-16c , sales , none
Flrm , sales S 3V ) hales , ordlimrv , ( , ' , c ,
good ordlnaij , 6c , low middling. 7'4c. '
middling. 7'4e , good middling , 711-lbc , mid
dling fair , Scv iecelr > ts , 11.17S bales , stocic ,
411,3 > G bales. Futures barelj Htpadj . Jan-
JfilG'ufi IS
ST LOPIS , Jan 19-COTTON Firm and
unchanged , s.ile" , 500 bales , middling ,
77-lGc , receipts. 1,105 bales , shipments. , 1-
SCO bales , stock , 177S7 bales
at 77-lGc T"
LIVERPOOL , Jan 10 CO I'TON Spot ,
fair demand. American middling , fair ,
427-12d , good middling , fair , 421-2d. ! mid
dling , 49-12d , low middling , I l-ld ( , gooil
ordinary. 4'jd. ordlniry , 4 1-1 lid The sales
of the dnv were 12,000 bales , of which
1,100 were for speculation and expoi r anc :
Included 9,600 American , receipts. 15.0O )
bale" . Including 1,900 Ameilcan Futures
opened stcadj and elo'ecl quiet but steady
at the advance. American middl'nir , I. m
P. Jnnuarj , 4 30-Gld. value. January nnd
Februarv , 4 25-n4fi4 2i-fild selleis , Febiuarv
and March 4 21-Gld. s-Ilers , March ami
April. 4 17-f4T/4 lS-G4d , sellers ; April and
Mav , I n-fil' ; l 14-G4d. timers ; M.iy nivl
June , 4 10-1,4-JH 11-CId , 'oilers , June and
Julv , I S-o4d , selleis July and August ,
45-fITi4 b-C4d , August and Feptember 4d ,
epllPis , September and October .ifiWVtd ,
buvers. Oetober and November , J IG-Gd ! ,
bu ; ers.
AViM > CoKoi
NEW ORLEANS , Jan IP-Secretary Hes
ter's weeklv cotton statement shows the
amount brought Into i Ight 199,250 bales ,
against 254 7SH bales for the same time
last jear , 27(1,275 ( vc-ar before lasl and 161-
MNJ the same time In lj. . % , and for nineteen
davs of Januarv It has been 510,312 biles ,
against 7S.2til ) last jear , W.I71 jeir before
last and 111,511 same time In IS'ff. Total
movement for the 141 clajs fiom September
t to date , fi.413,301 bales , against S.4C3.S4S last
ye ar , S.1S3.707 jeai befoie last and 0,84'i,701
same tlmo In 1S97 The re'ioits since
September 1 show the movement to bo
4.421.73I ! bales from all ports , against fi.4G3 ,
OTi last vear , ll,2S1,7M ! jeai before last and
5,375,025 same time In 1S17 , overland across
the Mississippi , Ohio and Potomac rivets
to northprn mills and C.i-iadn. Si7,404 bale- ,
against ini.H'B Inst 7r5.131 before
last and ( fl4IOI s imp time In 1M7 Southern
i mill takings. fl'TVll bale . against ( ill 135
last jent. 5i7,4l7 ! J'ear before last and 503.112
same time In ] V)7 ) , noithern mill takings ,
1012.212 bales , nfftinst 1,137.610 last jear
l'"oreign exports lor the- week have been
157.9U1 bale's , against 211.302 last vear , mak
ing the total thus far for the season 3,051-
ftS ! bales , agilnut 1 S7l,92il last jear , a cle-
erease c > f 1 , 2.1 SS bales The supply to date
is 7,0l,2.1't'l bales , nijalnst 8,711,711 for the
hamo tlmo last yeai
Secretary Hester statement of the
world's visible supply shows a total of
4.199.M4 bales , against I.2IG.W list week ,
5GOi.310 ( last jc-ar arid -ISHO ) ! yc-ar befoio
last Qt this the total of American cotton
Is .1,111 Ml bales , against . " .SOS.USS last vvrek ,
4SRI,3,10 last year nnd I.25S.9IO year befoie
l.oniliin AVciol Viii-tlon.
LONDON , Jnn. I'l Wool auction sales
v.ero continued todav with a good attend
ance Tim offerings numbeied 9filf , bales
There vviih n better tone to the salps. at
tributed to n slnup line to toj ) grt'cles ,
which were eugfrlj' nought by the conti
nental bujeis. The vvlthdinwnl cf , nncst
greasv f.toe' < , though extensive , was loss
limn yesterday American buvers secured
a fair pr.ipoiil ncf iholo I combine ( -ro , s/
after keen competition with the continent ,
Cl list hied gieasy In good condition was
gieatly favored by Ameilcnn buyers Pol-
liiuln ) , ' are the Filler NPW South Walts.
27(10 ( bales , seoured. 9".clfi2s , < d , gioasy , IOH'1 '
ffjls 1'jd Queeiihliind , " l b'lles , hcoured ,
Is 5d Victoria 'IPO b.iles , sc-omed. 'Jdf/2s
! ' , . Kreasy , 7'.d5ils ' 4d South Au tinln ! ,
1,300 h.ilrs , scoured 2s 2'zd ' - Pasy. 7'i'li/ls
Hid NP'V X aliiiid 2,900 biles , scoured , lid
( Tils 3'4d : gieaay , 7\dflh IM Capo of
Good Hope nnd Natal W bales ; hcoured ,
Is Id ; gieiiby ,
market for c often futures o'lened Him at
5ic715 nolnts up , and while ruling generally
iiotive .ill dav developed little fmther Im-
piovcment Sneculatlve luij'ng and demand -
mand for foielgn mcount were the leading
features of todaj-'s bu"lne s The maiKo
owed much of its Ft length to llrm Europe in
iidvlifs , exceptlonallj small receipts at
Biazillan ports and Inc renbp In warehouse
df Ilv piles and a conH'dmablo show of
sttength In the F : > O ! mar | > el ShoriH wcuo
nervoin and cow-red frveilshlv during the
clay Realizing m-nl prlce-s off nt the * close.
The maikrt was finally p.irfv In tone , wltli
pricpH unchau''cd to 10 nulnts net lower.
To'al pules , 27f03 bags , Inc'ludlng Kctiiu-
nr > .J7iV > Mart h. J7 Iiici7i ) May. J7 23T/7 / 3 , ;
Julj. J715fi750. August , $7IWi750 , Septem
ber , } 74"i7ro ! , Octobei J7551J7W , Dpuem-
ber. J765'iY770 Spot Rio. Rleadv , No 7.
Invoice , S sc , No 7 , jobbing. f > 78c Mild ,
ste.idv . Cordova. S 4fil234c , fales , modeiato
B tit quotation"
Culirortilu Dried PriiKn.
DRIED FIUMTS-A Him intin was devi'l-
oped In iva-iornlcd apylej , today , but wlt'i
a slaek demand , evaporated apples , com
mon , Cj)8e. ) iirlme. ii * vic ( hotce. 7&ff
8' < c fancv , S ii9i | PruniIVSiSSc pei lb ,
na lo Hlzo and ciu'illtApricots Royal.
Moor PprK ISf/lSi Pcailics peeled ,
unpceled ,
Beef Oattla in Good Demand at Prices that
Look Strong.
* - inp lions Sell Sli-ndj , lull ( icncrnl
Trmlc n Mmdc Ion or Midi Close
1'lvp Ci-iilN l.i
Active mill Mend )
were : Cattle. Hogs. Sheep
Motidaj 2,173 S.IS7 4.013
c "
. . .
H1.1' " 'I1"1'1 ' * . 1W 1.428
Olllclnl Prlday . 171 l.n
ITvo dnvs this week 1I,32 < S'iSi9 IIW
bnme .J..IIU. days lam week . I2,3\t , iis7l ! III.VH ,
Satindajs vvepk betotc 11,670 27.0 10.,21 ,
hnnio three weeks ago 7,163 22.4U 9I'I2
A\uriuu pi lee pain lor in.tur the U l
vcveral da > a with comparisons.
| U9 . | U95.1S9 | .
Ian. 1
4 211 3 421 3 IS ) 3 401 4 22 5 12
Tan. 2
4 33 367 | 3 171 3 4 , < | 4 16 5 111
Jan. .1 4il i 67 3 4SI 3 46 4 01 605
Jan. Jan. 5 4 427 .1 41 3 44 3 25 | 3 51 | 4 11 S 10
Jan. 4 37 | J 47 ' 3Si 3 2' 4.16 > > 6 lb
Jan. . 6 435 | 3 4S 3 391 3 Si , 3 fJ . I 6 07
. 7
Jan. i 3 3 40 3 IS 34S 4 10
. g 4 341 3 431 3 12 3 4bl 4 OJ G07
Jan. ' 9 . . . . 4 3 ! > | 3 4i 3 14 3 f > G 4 11 C 15
" " 10 . . . 4 35 | 3 50 3 43 3 54 4 W ii 17
Jnn n . . . 4 41 .1 55 , { 39 3 07 54V1 1 OSi 5 30
Jnn. 12 . . . 4 43 3 60 | 3 4 3 14 4 071 5 21
Jan. 13. . . . 4 53 3 5
55 | 3 49 3 Otl 3 47 11
u 3 50 3 49 3 19 3 53 4 11
Jnn. IB. . . . 453 * 3 4 3 2u 3 o't 4 11 C , 10
Jan. ic. . . 4 52 3 r > 2 * 3 22 3 1.0 .1 SS 521
' 'in. ' 17 . . . I IS 3 941 3 49 * 3 72 3 SG r > ia
Inn IS , . . . I | V , ,1 fil 3 51 3 21 3 i2 3 91 r.2 \
Jan. in. . . 4 51 3 Ol | 3&I 3 bS r , 21
Indicates Sunday.
The olllolal number of cars of stock
brought In today by t-ncli was :
Cattle. HopSh'p. . H'r's.
C , M & St. P Ilv . . . , 0
Mitsourl PaelllcKy. . . . 5 4
I Pnlon Paclllc Sjstem. 3 21
. C. * N.V Ry i 5
K. . E A M V. 11. K . 13
S O & P. Ry
C SI I' . . M. * 0 11 10
H A. M II H U 5 11
C' , H Ar Q Rv 1
K. C , t SI. J
C . It I. A : P. Ry. , E. 1
O. It I. A1 P. Rj.V. . 1 1
Illinois Onlial
Toi'nl receipts. . . . 12 Iu3 7 3
The disposition of the daj's receipts wns
us follows , each bujer puichasing the num
ber of head Indicated :
Huvers Cattle. Hogs , Sheep.
Omaha Packing C ) 4'i
G II Hammond Co 151 1.101 101
Swift nnd Compinv 127 1.11,7
Cud ihv PiK-k'n-j Co . 101 1 592
Armour ft Company 150 1,811
Cudahj P C , from 1C C . 105 '
Armour ft Co , from S C. . 'fall
Vunsant ft Co S.I
L P llusz 51
Dennis 53
Other Hujers ] 2't . . . . 130
Totals 1,021 7.1S1 1,517
CATTLE Receipts were veijigit , as Is
most nlwnvr the case the Utter part of the
week , and there were not enough cattle
of any one kind on .sale lo leallv make a
test of tbo mnik" ! The demand for all
kinds wns good and bujeis were not long
In clearing the pens , evcrj thing being sold
and welghe-d up at uii eirlj' hour
The few loads of eornfed steeiy offered
for s.ile were picked up qnlcklv at good
stiong prices , the market being active at
the prevailing prices Yesterday and today
the market was strong at this point for Ihe
very apparent reason that ther > were so
few cattle on wil" while bujcrs bad lisp
for more than w PIP to I e had At the samp
time Chicago hns been reporting a weak
and lower market , and the feeling at thlh
point is that had then- been a good liberal
run the market would have gone still lower
The market on cows and heifers was al o
strong and uetive this morning , nnd the
few loads offered were picked up quickly
Prices on that kind of cattle arc high as
compared vvlth the waj the same kind of
stuff Is selling In other markets Hulls ,
stags nnd rough stock generallj' sold at
steadi prices
Stockers and feeders were In coed de
mand und the few loads brousht llrm
pi ices The demand , as has been pointed
out before. Is verv largelj for catlle weigh
ing right mound WO pounds and upward
The demand foi such cattle Is verv active
and offerings have met with leidv sale
every d.aj this week nt flrm pi Ices. On
the other hand light cattle are not such
good sellers Rppie entatlve sales :
No Av Pr No Av Pr.
1 1220 $4 K 10 1121 4 75
11 113-1 I of 12 123" . I SO
fi 1fr i 4 SO 11 121S t r > o
ItKfi r. mil
.1224 l TO
121S 3 11
1217 : 3.1
1200 3 r
1010 1 31
S70 3 40
12fiO 3 50
1151 .1 50
11 2 3 nii
1V ) 1 51
10V. 1 CO
3 (15 (
3 f , 1
HfiO 1 Gi
710 ,1 IT ,
inr,7 1 70
10fi7 3 71
122- 1 71
972 3 71
103- ) ' ! 71
9'4 t Ml
< > Vl 1 W
nv. 3 SI
. 901 i 1041. ,1 Si
.101) n. 11" 3 85
14T ) ii Si n.i i lira 3 P.1
. 970 3 23 i 10FO 3 91
. Ml T 30 1T 1 1250 I ft )
3 10 T , I 01
, . .910 4 CO
. . . 971 3 75 7 1KB 4 11
, . . 992 3 SOHEIFERS
R20 .1 R.1 2 1110 4 40
760 3 5HULLS
o 9St 2 75 .1411 1 50
' . 1140 2 S3 1400 3 fiO
1 1410 3 10 1348 1 1,0 ,
1 1290 1 13 rw \ fi.3
1 JOtO .1 23 iroo 1 73
3 > 3 111.3 3 7.3
110 I .53 1421 'i 73
0V ) II 10 3 73
1 IC'19 ' 3 50 . .1515 3 73
3 50 . S70 1 7.3
.1)01 1TO < 7fi
. 7f,0 3 fO . POO 1 S3
. 670 3 M 1513 3 S3
350STAGS. 1 . .1S10 3 SO
.1120 1 r 1 1I9U
.1207 I SO
1 P.10 4 20
2SO 3 01 1G . nrt t I 7-i
110 3 2" , 1 2:5 5 00
. 19i *
. 51 * ) 3 U ) 11 . lOflS I 4T
, POO 3 23 1G . 761 4 f ,
, 170 3 51 4 . f > 2o 4 II
,470 3 EO 2 . 77i 4 f,0
. f.SO I 01 2 . 110 4 50
. IW I 01 fi . 91 * 1 .V
,1024 4 > 1 1 . 1000 4 HO
, Sil 4 40 1 . 511 I GO
, 71" 4 41 1C . 572 4 K
. m 4 11 II . lO'.S 4 65
. .724 ! 40 15 . 700 4 70
' ' ' ' , f SO 4 20 S . 391 4 75
. . . . ] . 920 4 bO 5 . 660 B W
. S50 4 15
790 3 50 1 . . 820 3 S5
790W ( 3 ir > 1 . , 910 3 35
915 3 15 L. 940 3 n
fCO 1 20 3 fii 1 13
670 1 M 1 . S10 1 CO
720 3 20 fi 414 3 M
: i " 1 . , 430 1 75
f > 75 3 25 1. 700 1 "
75Ml 3 2.1 1 741 3 75
HOGS Some ef "ho packers' parly me -
pagts from Chicago Irwllrated a strong
maiket .it that point thlh mornlne nnd they
Marled out pujlng steady prices herp.
Their nurohnnp however were limited
largely to ono cllvlblon so that not many
Kllers wire In a | H ltloii t t.ikp odvantago
of the opniw ! prices However , quite a
number of lojjH bold on that twsls Asldo
from that the market was 2'i" ' lower from
the st'iit flueih boss as hruimht JI57' JPH-
terclay solcl al Jt 55 large It and Ihe 14.55 IK M
of jepterdaj brought JlOi's ' todaj After
about half of the ho , ; * Ivdd chanacxl'ij
the markfll bcxvime 'c-ss active owing to the
fact that bujeitf nil wanted to take off a
little In acvordiinip wltJi ilhe dc-i line re- |
portf 4 from Chlrnsu SHIcrn on the othi-r
nanJ , a4l wanted flose to U\ulj pikes and j
w r l t i , t iMt i li ' llnRs fr
i ! \ l.- I ii i 'u i i i mi. ' fl" I 'W' r
mil Hie in irki-i b < r , d.csi. ! . > v t l h
Invvir It will be nctPd fr in 'ho ' repn-en
tatlvn 4ri IK-IOW thnt thrhi * bulk of thp
ho s wf-m nt JIM tfllM vvhle > p | i-rdBy
hnlf of nil the hens broiMrtit Ji.W ,
\\hllp HIP nrnket tcnlnj w s lowpr
> ptrrdnj If was u little higher thnn tbp
diiv beforen very lltllc beWpr thnn Tuesday
nnd Hl out fie lower thnn on MoniViy The
mnrkrt tcnlaj was almost { nhlKher than
It was on Friday of last week llt-prcscii-
No. Av. Sh Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr.
21 * . 113 . . JH > ) CT. . . . 2fi1 120 4 .V
fd . 2J.1 SO I I2U tn . . . STfi . . . 4 f-5
10 JOS 40 I I2tj 75 . . 2X1 120 4 M
1 < lfi.1 . . . 415 Ml . 2)S SO 4M
14 ISl . 1 50 . . 211 . . . 4 5T.
! ll 2tlT. $0 4 ft ) fii . . . ,271 40 4 fil
S3 KM . . . 450 12. . .210 . . . 4 W
| ffi . .HI M ) 4 W fS . 251 40 4M
M . . . 2V2 . . IM SO . . . . 252 3n ) 4 ff
I 71. WO 200 4 50 ISI . 149 ISO I
SI . . . ? . < ) W 4 M 75 . K9 . . 4 fw
PI . . . 19 * . . . . 4 M' * ft ) . 2IS 0 4 55
BO . 23J . . . 4 M'j ' 71 . . 271 160 M
71 . . r-2 101 1 52' , - . . :70 . . 4 55
Tti. . . . . sis :00 1 i2 > < ! 71 257 120 455
7'1 . . . 2.11 . . 4 52V * 67 . . 2VI 120 I M
,7 209 152 % 67. 2)G ) . . . 455
69 2sO 120 I S2H ( ,2 , 2S1 SO I M
f > G . 211 40 I 52 > 4 BO . 225 . . I * 5
Cl . . Zfil . . . 4 52i < "
, 74 . . 261 < 0 4 ; > >
T,7 . 2M 210 4 52U , 61 ,1f,2 , . I K5
f,1 . . 27S "JO 4 f.216 72 . 211 SO IM
05 . . . . 2.11 40 I 52" " , . < a . 257 40 4W
SO . . 2ft3 SO 4 M'i 43 , . 21i5 . . . 45"
f,7 . 2i- , . . . I52l < , SI 20J . . . 1 W
i . 2 40 I 52 V ; 51 . 511 . . . I M
110 . . 2i'S IM 4 S2I4 f,0 . . . 281 . . . 4 f-1
K . .29) 20t 152" . M . . . . 221 . . . I.V >
70 210 SO 4 52'4 ' M . . 271 . . . 4 M
' 52'4 ' f,7 . . 2iV1 . . 4
72 . . 214 I'l ' 4 62M , 42 . V > l . 4 W
16 . 25S 120 I f.2'i ' 71 . .2.13 SO 4 Mi
71 . 21S SO 4 52 > * El . ! U 240 4 55
7S . 207 . . 4 8 14 M . 110 SO 4 51
52 . . Ml SO.IMV4 70. . 25S 1W ) IM
M 210 . . I 5J14 50 . . 301 . 4 M
fi5 211 . . . 4 52'i ' 75. 2 > ,7 W 4" ,
20 . 31.1 100 4 5214 fw . . 111 SO 4 M
fil US SO 4 52't ' Bl . . 277 40 4 57H
fil . . 24 ? sO I i2's fit ( . ZM . . 4 , " H' ' < I
I" 25.1 240 I 521 ? Ifi . 311 . . 4 57'4 '
J < ! - < w. . " 4 o t * . 4 * * " ' 3.1.1 . " 4 57V *
.il 31S . . l f,2U , 5fi. . . . 2W . , 4 hi's
.11 2S1 SO 4 5211 fil . . SliI 40 4 ! i7'4 '
39. 27fi 120 I 52U fiO . . ' . ' 57 . 4 57'4 '
M 271 120 4 , ' .2l 51. . . 121 10 15714
fil . 257 SO 4 521. , M 271 IfiO 4 57' ,
.IS . 117 SO I 521 , 24 . 40.1 .4 fiO
liO. . . . . .
6 * > . . . 341 40 4 < W
SHEEP-There were onlv cv few cars hero
( i ml tliej met wltti rcacH wale at good steidv
prices It was to rnv the least , a good
iiPiiltliv market and the feeling. If anj thing ,
was a little bctte-
Some good western lambs brniiRht J5.S5
nnd some seed ntitlve buck lambs sold nt
$5 Ki Prpttv good westein wethcis od ! at
Jl 75 and some fair to gond Mexican jeir-
llngs , n < t ovprlv fat , "old at the pamp
prlro old f | PWPS brouzht JI.I5
Quotations Good to choice fed jenrlliig ,
Jl IH'TH s : , Mexican varllnir ! . $175ff500.
good to eholcp wethers. J4 5 < Vi4 ! 75 , fair to
good wethers $ IT5fi451 , good to choice
fed ewc-s $ t 15fi I T > . fair to good fed ewes ,
J4 OcVn4 n , good to choice native Inmln ,
So Sclfs ; 00. good to choice fed western
lambs , $5 75t5"M. . fair to gooO feel western
lambs , J5 rTi5 70 , feeder wethers , } 1 75
fil to. feeder vearllngs Jl OIVM 25 , good
to choli-e feeder lambs $4 2ifl fO. fair to
gooil feeding lambs SI 44W1 25. feeder ewes ,
$2 SSfi. : 00 Representative sales :
No Av. Pr
ZIO P\\P . 109 4 II
"I ewes and wethers . llfi 4 iV
101 mixed . 110 4 70
1W jejirllng" . 107 475
IT mixed vearllngs . ti7 -4 7 >
110 lambs . so r , sji
.10 old owes . 71 2 7"
I ewes . M 3 CO
90 Mexican feeders . fil 4 25
1 ewe . 110 I S )
46 j eat lings . . . . . 9i B S5
Cntdo Vlnrltct ( Ji-nc-rnllj < ) nli-t , HOKN
Iomr. SIipi-p nnil I.iiinli-i si-mlj. |
geneially quiet nnd steady , choice feeders
In good siipplj and fair demand , good to
choice , J5 251Jfi 40 , poor to medium , Jl OOrf
4 90 ; mixed stockers , J3 25Tf.1.VO , selected
feeders. JI20fil75 ; good to choice cows ,
| 3 fAfil 2' . ; helf-rs , .S3 20ft I 5c ) . c-anners , J2 20
852 SO. bulls. $2 Mt/1 ' . ' 0. calves , Jl 50 7 50 ;
fed Tc.xas beeves , SI OOJiT , OT
HOGS -SfilOt lower , closed weak , fair
clearances , mixed and butchers Jl 4i ®
I 7J' , gooil to choke lieav * . J457' ' > t'l75 ,
rough henvv , Jl | V(7I 35 ; light , Jl 33WI f5 ,
bull' cf , -s.ili s , J { 55jr ( 1 t" ,
SHEEP AND LAMnS-Sheep hteady.
lambs lOc higher , mtlve wethers , $1 .Wy
5 00. lambs , jl GVftfi 40 , western wethers ,
$1 4flf/4 S5 , western lambs , J5 25fi6 2i
Rcie-lpts Cattle , 2.000 bead , hogs , 21,009
bead , sheep , 5000 head.
RIMV Vnrlc I.l\p Slock.
cfipts , 2.7W head , slow trade others lOe
oft , bulls and cows , baielj t-teadv ; common
to food stoem , Jl 55if5 50 , oxen , J290 , bulls ,
J1fOf(425. cows. $ . ' ( nVfjl 75 , cbolce. fat cows ,
$4 2) Cihles ouote live ca'tlp slow , sheep
and lambs , i4e lower , refrigerator beef ,
film al 57 f/10c > ier lb . exports , none , to-
moirovv 4M cattle. 25 sheep and 4,957 quar
ters of beef
CALVES Rere'pts , 171 bend ; steady for
veals , veal" . Jr WfiS25 ) little calves , Jl 50 ;
bainvnid stock. S 'iOI/IW /
SHEEP AND I AM US Receipt" . 3.99S
head , tlftren on s.ile. sheep , Bteadv ,
Iambi , s en civ to lOc lower , common to
fholre she' " ' " JiGCfil , medium to choice
lamb'JGCOT7G7) , Canadlin lambs , Jfi 50t ( )
G C2' '
HOGS Rerelots , 1S72 head , Plow and
nomin.illy tteacU. no .sales
SI. I.ouin ll\c SdieU.
ST LOPIS. Jan 19 CATTLE Receipts.
SOO bend including "V > Texiins ; market
steadv cpilet lor natives ; strong for Texans -
ans , ic'celpts of an Inferior character , na
tive shipping and export steers , Jl 76 50 ;
dressed beef and butt her steers Jl oo < T/r / > 20 ,
steeis under 1 000 Ibs , M 25'ft ' I 9" stockers
and feeders , $ , t 50fl RO eows nnd heifers
$ . ' 00M 50 , cn'iners Jl SO fJ 00 bulls JJ 75W
.1 1,5 , Texas and Indian steer.s , J.1 G1f(4.20 ,
cows and heifers , J2 Wi I Sr ,
HOGS Receipts , s,700 heid market v\eak
to Be- lower , pigs and lights , Jl 55Ut.B'i ,
p ic'kers J4 1'iftl 70 , butchnrs , $1 61T/I 75.
SHEEP AND LAMHS-Recelpts fiOO bead ,
mnrl et active and steach , native muttons ,
Jl 50Ti5 10. Iambs , J5 Ol t , 40 , culls and bucks ,
J3 25S I 1)5 )
KniiMiiW ru > 1,1 % Stoi-k. .
celpts , 2 . " 00 unlive * . 150 TPMIIIS. hPavv na
tive steeis. J5 rf(5 81 , light w f li-'bts. Jl "Mil
5 00. Mockers and feeders J.1 r,0f/r , 10 butch
ers' cows nnd heifers fl O'ifrl ' 10 , canners.
J2 50f(3 00 , fc > d westerns , M S5fr ? ( > .11 western
feeder * Jl 21ii/1 'to TPMIIIS , * 3 KMtl 01
IIOOS IlP'i'lpth , 1.1 < 00 bead , decline IIIIIK-
Ing trom 2'"P to pie , IP aw Jt55T/lfi5 ,
mixed $1 Wm m. light , JI25fnir > 5 ; plg.s.
J3 iWj 1 20
SHEEP AND LAMHS-Rpcclots. 3000
bend , c-ommon Inmbs I0clown lambs.
> 5 f.Of/5 M ) muttons , Jl filf/l 75 , utrckers and
feeders , IICOf/lRO. culls , J2 fni/l 50
St. .loNi-iiIi IInMitcU. .
SOUTH ST JOSEPH , Mo , Jan 19-Spe- (
clalThe ) Journal cMiotc-s
CATTLE RecflptH Sfifl bead market ac-
tlvo and sliong. qunlltv poor nutlvos J ) 2" >
( J75 50 , Texas and westerns J3 511(1 25 , cows
and heifers J2 25fi I 40 , bulls and stags JJ 5
{ 74 fi.1 ; jearllngs and culvc-s $ | ( i- nil cm
Mockers and feeders. Jl 50f/1 70 , vta's ' , Jl 50
Q7 00.
HOGS Receipts , B.401 be id ; mniKct 5c
lower : nil grades , Jl 50J/I ir , bulk of hales ,
jl rw i no
SIIL'EP Receipts , 5TiO bc-ad , market
Bteadv , clomand slicing
Sdu-K In Slulil.
Pollovvlng are the rccel.utH at Ihe four western maikets for Iiinu.irv lit
Cattle Ho. ' < Shep'i
South Omaha ! ' 71 72M 1,1 n
Chicago 2,000 24 , < oo ri i
Kansas City 2.450 13ixi i ( rti
Kt. Louis ? 00 S,7 ' ) )
TotalH . oil2l Kl , 21 10.111 ,
Snifiir Inrl.i-t. '
NEW YORK. Jan -SI'C.AR-R ivv j
ptixillg : sellers at ury prlfp scar-c tedii. I
Him : mould A , $540 , tindriixl A. JI95 > < > i-
f.c ilcneri. ' A. J153 , eut loaf. Vi * ' ' > . ' ' ' V
' '
.N'EW ORLEANS Jnn 19 - SPGAR - '
Strop. open kettlf1'dlN 1-lM , open kc-t I ,
irntilfugal 4fi 17-1 c . etitrlfucil plii'i-
t-n | grnnulatr-1 , \ % " , wihlle * l'/'i(41ic ' ' , vrl-
' 1 2TI11 /
low 4'ffil 11-lSe. tecr , -
MOLAfcSES-Oulet ODPII kettle 72(1 lOc ,
centrifugal , Sfl-'W Ss ru , ) , s'eadj ut 17 ,
OIL CITY. Pa , Jan -OJLS-credlt
li.iliinccs. Jl ft , , lertlllc.iteH. tin bid uhlp-
inenlb. 779" > G UIH | ; average. f'tWi bbls ,
inns. 1W.5S7 bbls nverawo. S7.I7H
LONDON , Jan H - Us
3d I. Turpentlnp spirits , 3SK 7'jcl '
IIOll-l llllll'H III Ilicllll.
The following Is takrn from a hotel u < l-
vortlspment In the Calcutta Times "fion-
tlrnipn who come In hotel not nay anything
about their meals they will bo charged for
and If they fchoiild si > beforehand that they
are going out to hrrnkfast or dinner , etc .
and If they say that they not have anything
to eat thcj will bo charged und If not so
tlicy will not bo iliargcd , or unless they
trinK il lo the node n of tlto mnn.iRcr of ho
Plne. , nnd chonM they nnnt lo ny nnjthini ?
they mum order ( hK manfiKer for one. not
ny otih elw. nndnct \ \ \ * they bring not It to
Iha notice of llio nmniirer thpy win no
charged for thn least thlnRS accord PR to
the hotel rnte. nnd no futs will bo allowed
afterward about It "
In t Yrnr' Critli I.nbeled t.o * e Merle
for Com enli-iu-e.
A woman In New York had her flanra
nrrestcd under a clmrfio of theft nnd then
mnrrlcd him.
The New York papers told of n wlfo lu
New Jerncy who wan divorced by her hus
band and Is nowIn the employ of his second
end wife as cook.
A woman In Con ley county , Kansas , re
cently sued for divorce from the man vvlth
whom she had lived for thirty > ears be
cause ho did not love her quite enough to
RVO | up the use of tobacco.
An Alchlson man H suing his wife for
divorce because ho found her examining
mourning atjlcs. Another man In this same
county sued n woman for breach of promise.
Thcro Is a. colonv of men nnd women
nenr Mason Clly. In. , called the Amnn.i
society that Is bound to strict rules of
ecllbncy Two members , however , fell In
love and were married.
A St. Louis woman pretended that she
was her husband'n sister that lie * might
secure a divorce nnd marry another.
A man of Independence. Kon. . made hi *
fifth trip to the altar vvlth n woman who
was on hrr third.
Another New Jersey story IB that of a
mother who kidnaped her son on the cvo
TlO his wedding and the two are still re
corded as missing. A man proposed whllo
In bathing nt Atlantic City. The two were
married nt once on the bench In their bathIng -
Ing clothes.
It was told In August of a titled Vlcnni
woman who learned of her sweetheart's
death while dressing for her wedding. Thrcn
dajs later she married another mnn.
A bridal party entered a London church
while It was on flio nnd Insisted on the
marrlago being performed In splto of tha
nnmps and streams ofvatcr. .
\ week or two ago llio knot was tied fern
n Kansas mnn nnil n Missouri woman on
the Ate-hlson bridge , the preacher's teeth
chattering with cold as ho read the service.
An Englishman who had emigrated to
AiiKtralla sent his sweetheart money for
her passage Ho met her husband at the
gangway She had married a passenger
on the steamer
A New burg , N. Y. , girl wns faithful whllo
her fiance served a nlne-jcar sentence.
The two were married nt his release.
Kor fifteen jcars a Polandcr In New York
paid court nnd was finally accepted. The
clnj- before that set for the wedding she
married his joungcr brother.
An engagement Hint extended unbroken
over n period of fifty jears ended In mnr-
rlngo nt Napoleon , O , In September. The
man was SO. the woman 72
Ono of the scandals of the year was the
case of William \Vllson Sloan , who married
Miss Hose L Edwards of Hoston. Ho wns
to bo best man for his filend , George II.
Doeck , but stele the bride.
Chicago News. JIardacre Hear about eld
Jim Hlpklns' '
Craw foot Who'
Hardacro Old Jim Hlpkins , the man with
the rum-rcd nose.
Craw foot What about him ?
Harclncre Why , the railroad made him
move away from the tiacks.
Craw foot What fur'
Harclacre Slid on a dark nht ! ; the en
gineers couldn't tell whether a bright red
object abend wns a danger signal or only
Jim's nose.
Best Dining Car Service ,
, \Ll. turnout Dlitaiei Pulllnc 1
on , oloplnintti. tc. , cuuaed by ovbr.
work nod Indixrotloai. Ihtu giilrhtu
ami fartlji reitoru Loit Vitality tn old
or jounc. nd lit n man for atucljr , bnni-
niHs or pleimure. 1'rufent Insaaitr anil
„ - . . MJoasuraptlon it tulc.a In tizij. Th lr
D H shows immcyjintn ImproTemoat and ellocCaCUItQ
nherr nil nthurc fall. InciiBt uion liiivmx ttioccnulno
Aj JcTttblflio. Ihrylmvct cured tbomncdo aadirlll
rur > jou VV o clv H pogitlfa nrillen uuartntm to e ( .
feet n euro lu each none or irfoud tht money. Prlco
' " ' ' '
par . . Ifull troct-
. ment ] for S3 OO brmalllulMu wr
oponrtio lptof prlo rircularnfron
For Bale in Onmhu. Nnb , toy .Tns. '
.vtbo. iu2 N. 16th Ht. . Kuhn & Co. ,
C Do Htiven. UrugglBt.
Tlir Tiir t oniie cnit lie cured liy n
fnff DInRiipt rili > Killer. Qauruutocii.
91.OO pep lias by mull.
Wcilcru JJnoot , UuiuhK , ? febi
Constipation ,
' Ifidiqestion Siliouancss , , ( PILLS
Sickllcndccfio actthogenuluolfyou'
, want to bo cured. '
In men , women or 10 cents fi 23 cent * ,
children , curivi fay at drut ) terri > .
Health rroo to Wrnh Sinn.
Ilurnrd out lie rvr s , \v o a k o u c cl
FREE brain ( ore e , dec llnlni ; vital tncny
and all tlie consc cjiienecs of them
cnniHilciiibiiriTUieil b ) ourtixc | , i ) .
TO Mf ( HUTU of iKutineiit ( in iriul
und .iiiproval , and a m irvelous doing -
ing \Ve trim jour honor If jou
hniior our hUill and follow dlrt-c-
tiuiiii 1'riceletslnformatlonruKIl
JAMES E. BOYD & 00 , ,
Telephone 10U . Onmli.i , .Vj3
Corrcspcjndcmce John A Warren & Co
jjircci wires to Cintaco and New YorU ,