TTTE OMAHA DAILY TCEE : TUT DAT , JAXrATTV 19 , 1000. i ' he noted newspaper correspondent is now traveling in the far eastern island acquisitions of the United States gathering the materials for the most interesting and all-absorbing ; articles that have ever emanated Cv O from his versatile and skillful pen. Carpenter's series of Philippine letters _ will A A a MMMMBHj MinniMMHnMonBnMCiBanBiEMnDHnEBBnnHBBBHm niiiKBnnKHKnKHBncMh fgffTyccgp ! ? ci T3iBi | iBvTin'-iVif * * * * " ! " 3a * ' n * piTf' ' " ' - " ' fry""BTnnnt"iFtp-t""pp" mf ft nt i * be spread each week before readers i1'fe fe The Man 'rank ' G. Carpenter is the most widely known newspaper correspond ent of the United States. In his remarka ble journeys of observation he has traveled over nearly the entire globe and interviewed its notables from kings to peasants. His fairness and unbiased judgment is conceded by all. Fie is an Ohio man by birth , now 40 years of age. In the present trip he will cover 25,000 miles by sea and land with "camera outfit to get the best pictures of out- of-the-way people and spots. He thinks it will be the trip par excellence of all his wonderful journeys. lie Philippines are an unknown world , most of them never having been explored by civilized white man. The island of Luzon , on which our soldiers are fighting , is only a small part of the group which contains 8,000,000 people , divided into 83 distinct tribes and speaking some 60 different languages. The islands number in the neighborhood of 1,200 , sprinkled in the Pacfic ocean from north to south for more than 1,200 miles , If any one can get into. the unknown peaces Mr. Carpenter will be able to do so and will describe the people , their habits and views with a pre cision and in a style that will entertain and instruct all. I ILLUSTRATIONS REPRODUCED FROM PHOTOGRAPHS TAKEN MR. CARPENTER WITH HIS OWN CAMERA. \ ccording to his itinerary schedule , Mr. Carpenter , who sailed in November from San Francisco , was to go first to Manila and make that the base of his Philippine excursions. After leaving the Philippines he goes to China , thence to Java and the Dutch East Indies , to the South Sea Islands , to the Colonial Continent of Australia , to New Zealand and Tas mania , to Samoa and the Fiji Islands and then to Hawaii , on his way home. Many of these trips will have to be made by special expeditions and outfits , with servants , guides and inter preters specially hired. Bee has f ° r years given its readers the benefit of the Carpenter letters of travel by special arrangement with this great neuspaper correspondent , who has undertaken most of his journeys jointly in the interest of this paper. By its illustrated edition , printed on fine paper , it is able to reproduce in beautiful , clear half-tones the photographs taken by Mr. Carpenter spe cially for this purpose. As a newspaper in its every department The Bee is beyond comparison with would-be rivals. The Carpenter letters will be only one of a score almost equally attractive literary and picto rial features in each Sunday issue , he letters of Mr. Carpenter in this series will be as varie gated as the various countries he will visit. He will de scribe die Filipinos , their habits , their armies , their industries , their railroads , their religious rites , their peculiarities and curi osities. He will interview the great native potentates of the different Oriental nations , He will tell how the Dutch gov ern their island colonies. He will outline the recent progress and improvements in the Australian states. He will explain the possibilities for American trade and investment in fact tell just what the reader would seek to learn if making the trip himself. The Philippines are the least known of any of the many lands over which the Stars and Stripes are floating. fery intelligent American is eager to learn more of the condition , resources , characteristics and prospects of the Filipinos and the territory they inhabit and he can find no better way of satisfying this quest than through the observant eyes of Mr. Carpenter , trained for years in work of this very kind. Carpenter's Philippine letters will shortly appear each week in The Bee in no other paper in this section , ' Are you a subscriber ? If not , why not ? Never too late , ' The Bee Communicate with Per Year. Daily , including Sunday and Illustrated $8.00 Sunday and Illustrated 2.00 Weekly and Illustrated 1.50 ' 9 Weekly 65 OMAHA , NEB.