THE DM ATT A DAILY HER : F1UDAY , JAXTAHT 1J ) , 11)00. ) NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL BLUFFS. J1IXOH Ji Davis soils glss. 1'inrA. . U. C. beer. N'oumaycr's hotel. \\t-lf-bneh burners al IJIxby's. Tel. 10J. lJii'lw&8er beer. 1. . Rosenfeldl. nsent. MI--ourI wood on truck , In carload lots T'-l' nhorio , 3361. VItor Sohlrk of Carroll , In. , Is In the cltj Vl'i'liiK ' friends. J'n-.iiif.nt H. C. Hughes of Tabor college V..iIn tin- city yentcrday. Vr \ \ . A. Uorvals. i > ! > tcopath , 201 Mcr riom Mock , Coimclt Blurrs. fft ! your work ilone nt tlie popular KaRl- lauridty , 721 Broadway. 'I'hone 157. W. < : . Kgifp , undcrtnker. 2S 1'i-atl slrce- 3Vl"phones : Ofllce. 37 ; residence. 33. r > tV. . 1 > . Relllncrr linn re.lurnenl fron- Europe and Is ready to resume practice. A.Imtint. General M. H. Hye-rs was nc. romi'iinii'd. ' on Ills visit here yeMenliiy bj MiHye < rs. Shi-i iiinti conl makes a larRO Ilamo and rl < > nr nro but no smoke , soot or cllnkera Venlun & Foley , sole audits. 1'ri-sldenl J. F. Dum ombe of the Forl 13. . . - Id.a Qmnilm railroad Is In the city or buslines connected with his ronil. The- regular mi-otlnK < > f Abe Llive-oln Re- llrfurns will bu heiii this afternoon lit : oMotk In Orand Army of the Hr-publlc hall The regular meeting of Unity guild ol OKI. < lC7 > ! Sk'opnl tihurch will bo held urn of Mrs. She-part ! rrnoon ill Mie residence on IVrln avenue. Mr nnd Mrs. W. S. Sharp of Osawaltomle Kan. , are , In thn e-lty , cnlti'd ' here by the ' 111- ne s of u Mister of the. hUiier , Mrs. 'Gent lint II , 1"i : Vine stieet. Ml-s Haltlo Slwi-1 of tills city Was umnnjj conciliates Wiho past-ed tlu ful the HII i e ( I'N.imlmiUein for admission to Hie. bar tut Iji-w Moini'S Wixlm-sday. I'hl.-f o-f Police Albro bought a new lini.-hit Wednesday nlaht tt > chop kindling wltih The re ult was in- wes curryliiK his left hiiml In a hllns yesterday. SnixTVlKors Jo'hn M. Matthews , Henry Jtr.indcH and .In rob Iliuuicti , accompanied by County Auditor limed , are In Ames attend- IIIK a "prood roailH" convention. All companions * are Invltiil to attend n cciivn. . iitlun of 8-tnr Chapter No.17 , Hoyal An li MaMins , ithls evcnlns for work In the ji .is < t excellent masters' degree. Tinpollco were notllled yesterday that Ciimdf Goff. the youiiK lad who ran away from Ills ilmnio on .South Main street , lind l not having found tramping to his ri > iiinf ! < , indue. Ma\i > r Jennings and City Clerk Phillip * Ir-fl List evening for Des Molnes to altenil u mi'i'tiiiR of the committee on city Rovwn- jtu-iii of Uie Iowa S'tnte ' I IIKUO of .Munlcl- liti'itU'X. C'twrles Martin , the noKro who. stole two pail * of Jelly from In fronit of Olson's pro- eery store on Hroadway , was filven thirty l.i > * In the lounly jail yesterday by Acting l'o'ic-e : JiidRu Ayleiswortli. J-M Ro-'cr.ibcrfr , nfhlpplns clerk at the Union Transfer company. Is IaW up a result ol mi accident Wednesday evening , lie sot ton eilo'-e to a swlnK cnitvp , wuilch struck 3ilm em tllio hiMil , elittlns a deep Hash. Articles of Incorporation of Botnu cnmp No. 17" . Modern Wooilmen of America , at Cat-Foil , la. , were tiled In tihe county re- tcrdcr's olllee ycst'erday. The Inaorponitorc lire \V. C. Sides , C. D. Hooker and Clyde Johnson. Kunnruil services over tlio late Mrs. C-aro- llre Woovlwanl were held yestenlay at the family tiome on CannlnR fitrcet. Rev. H. Knox. riijtor of Oraeu Kplscopal church , Dllli-ia.tliiR. letter in the day tlhe remalnti wore take.n to ICs-sex , la. , for Interment. T'h ' Si nndlnnvlnn Amcrlearii association has elected the. following otllcci-s for the M. I' , Schmidt ; cn iili > K year : PresWeint , vli'o president , T. A. Hrowlck ; fecrntary arid trea.surer. William I.arsen. The awso- clatlon lias hail a hir e increase In member ship during tilie last yc ir. Karl , iWio -year-old l son of Mr. and ilrc. 13. IS. Klster , 212 Nontli Ninth street , died ytKfa-rday fmni IntlamuUon of the bowels , after a. rthort Illness. The funeral will be held tomorrow uft rnoon at fi:30 : o'clock from the. residence. The services will be con- du. . ted 'hy ' Itev. S. 'M. Perkins of the First Christum churvli arul burial will be In Wal nut Hill cemetery. II. B. RlcHianlj'on , wllionis arrested While trylnjj to dispose of two now w.'igon wheels which he liad stoien from Van Hrunt't * fae- torv. plesidtd Rullty to petit laroeny In police fonr.t . yeste-itlny morniiiK and was let off with a lineof $10 and costs and a suspended sentence of Ilfteen days In the county jail during Rookl behavior. Ho was given two weeks In wililcli to pay the tine. The. remains of .lames F. Peterson , who Idcil Wortm'Mlay at the State asylum in Omrirala , arrived hero yesterday. The. fu neral will 'be held tomorrow afternoon at 2-ir > o'clock fiom the Danish J utheran churrti and Interment will lie In Fairvlew temetery. Deceai-eHl was Sfi yr'irs of ae and leaves a wife and several c'hlivlron. ' He had li-en an Inmate of the asylum for two years. PharU O'Neill , the man from Imosene , Tn . who was found In un unjon cloiiH con- ( at tiho Iturllnston depot about two wi-k a ro , has recovered sulllclently 'tn ' be taken homo yesterday by his brother. O Nilll' < ! 'brother sti'l ' holdw to the theory Hint C' ' wa.s tili Red ami robbed and < ltnl's th a he was drunk at the time. The Injiiri d man says he. has no recollection ol liow he received the wound onho / head. Tom Deerwet-.tcr and his wife , both ol whom are familiar characters In the police touit , were arreaUiJ late Wednesday ndn'ht on the chsirRO of disturbing the peace , the omiihilnt beliiK preferred by their nvlRh- Qiors In pot lev court yesteiilay morninj ? it v.t\t proven to the s--n.tlsfac.Uon of tilt ; court MIM. Dcerwesti'r was to bliuno for the trouble and tilt * court R.IVO her thirty day * in county j.ill and released the husband , 'I'hp ' new nieet'.ieular farce , "The jV.r ship , " under the dlrenHon of th" Marx V Itinili company , full eif keen but kindly a Inof tlie faijs of the day , sparkling \\.th wit ami altoKe'lher poysessaliiK thost < lii'.illtlfs that are sure to put an audlenct ii < a happy frame of mliul , has just .loscd jpri > . - iierniis ( HKiiKCincnts In the lurser cities ini'l l-t announced for production at the i-iuhtiny thtatf" on next Sunday. January - Ul The pluy l.s by J. il. Ga.ies and Is her- alditl .is e : Ili'sliiR ' In brilliancy ml previous lUti-invtH at tOii's imrlli' style , of enter- talnmci'1. llotfiluiyjcr , a yoiinjr man who has bee-r worklnu nt Keys Hi others' carriage fac- Sors..IH nrnwel ycstevrdiy by Oe-te.'tlve Aelr < n the. chii e of bflns fiiRltivn fron Jus'h'f. lie IK wanted to nnswi r to a charge of trrand larceny In Sioux 1'lly. llo wai- tiiln-n back to t-loux city lust I'Vi'iilntt by Olllur Val ( ilbb-r.u of thnt tihu-o. Qlbhom a'no took back with him Kini.l Holt , wanted ifor tiiv.iklns Ir'ii an'J ' robbing ihe ptoitol the Jinw i-oih.ncr ; tom-jany. Holt W.IHir - rc-sii I In Omaha y < > n > .rday and his clothing , from hi'- sod ; < to his lint , wad found to In part cf theno < \i \ taken from the Sioux Cits store Tineharire f asuiult preferred iitiln-i : | aira Ji'imle DIM in by Mrs. 11. C. I timers wa. luti'litlly 'hiM',1 liv JiiHlliv l'erlcr's conn je'HL. i my aivl Uie i-rlal wll lie resumed till * jiiut-nln . Accor''nK ' In Mrs. Uofors' wlorv Hbc and .Mn ? . Dcen hail a dlsjui'f uvi-r soinl trl\i . matter ainl Ma. : in-e'ii hit her In the ifiiUtih t-uih vloltnce IK 'n ' kiKik ln-r ofi l e p.iri'h. . , A fho wis i-ciiiiirf htrs-e'f u Mrs itpr. ( . " n.ssi.rl i | tlvil .Mr * . DC-MI ajjali Cili hi-r In iihc fae with sud' < lent vloh-nv \n knock her down. The Jiartles llvi- < Thlixl iiMiimhctwt'en venth and Twell ntneis and 'i ' 'In- i ' ' ' . - c-ourt as witno tes on opo sldo or the other N. V. PlumbliiK Co. Tel. EDO. Ilov. Tlinmns H. Green , In a story o : llio "Oreat CriiP.idci. " Illustrated with 101 innKiilllfeiit Htercoptlci n vlowa. Janunry 21 Odd Fellows' hall. Tlckuts 25c. D.uicli ] ) . ut close. Itrnl i : tnl < - TrniiNfi'rM. The followIiiK transfer ! ! weirei Illoj yester day In thn abstract , tltle < and loan olllco o J W Seiulrc. 101 IVarl street : County ire-usurer In First National bank , Council Hlulfs , lot I , block 14 , liccn > ' subdlv. lax d t I Saimto same , lot 1 , block -0. Hen- HMII H 1st add , tax d : IC LOUKC < and wife ) to O. W. 1'cr- ! > . lol 1 , Alldltor'H SllbdlV Of lot { i , Miillett's subdlv. w. d SS BluTlff lo I'ottawnttamlo county , lotu U and in , block 17 , Williams' 1st add. B d to Bar-all Mencray and husband ct al to John C. part > i nwi,4 20 , 17 , nurt Vt 17-7C-43 , w. el. . ' . ' .O Total llvo transfers . J 3,16 Davis polls paints. ' " " couqhs coMa Howell'fl Antl-"Kawf" rures , FARM Negotiated In Eastern Nebraok : and luvva. James N. Cusady , jr. lit ; Main dl. . Council lilatTu. MRS , YATES BEHIND BMC Arrested at Her Horns in Tabor and Bronph to Council BlulTa. d.'MELE TO SECURE. SURETIES ON BON "Divine llenlcr" .Innirx , Inilletcd ivll tlie Wiiiiiiin , At a U CM Illnmi'lf Scarce lend Will .Not 4iu lo IIMVII WltllOIlt ltcilll. | < lllllll. Mrs. P. li. Yatcfl of Tabor , against who- the grand Jury rcturneel an Indictment fi manslaughter. In connection with the dcut of her daughter , Uthel , in this city , o January 6 , was arrested ymtenlny mori : Ing by Deputy Sheriff linker and Is now I ll'o county Jail here awaiting the pcrfcctlo of her bond In the sum of | 3,000. The arrest was made nt Mra. Votes' honv about ono and a half miles from Tabo where the ) family live on a rentevl fnrn Mrs. Yatcs appeared to he not at all sut prised at. the arrival of the deputy shcrl and had ovldcunly expected she. would I nrresteel. Mrs. Yatca was accompanied t this city by her husband and sever : frii-nds , among the number bclns "Mother Whcflton , the well-known prison evangel 1st. Mn. and Mrs. Henry WllUo we r alee with the' party. They arc residents e this county , hut have boon living In Tahc temporarily wMlo their children are at tending the college there. Mr.Vilko cam hero with the Intention of signing Mn Yatcs' bond , but after it was read to hli hr changed his mind and finally refused teen t e\en be ouo of the sureties. After Wllke refused to go on the bond conference between Mrs. Yntcs and he friends wan held In the private olllco of tli clerk of the district court and during it progress the entire party knelt while prayc was offered hy Mrs. Whcnton. Mr. Yale then returned to Tnhor to secure signers t the bond for his wife and Mrs. Yntcn wa taken to the county Jail , where , with Mn Wheaton and another woman friend , sh spe'iit the night. Mrs. Yates , when seen In the count jail , was occupied In reading the hlblo wit her two friends and declined to discus the matter of her arrest. She said she ha madn a public statement , which had bee published In the newspapers , and she > stoo by what she had said In that. She dl say , however , that she was tnnocont of an wrong-doing and she was willing to fac the Jury and prove her Innocence. Tinliidlflntciil. . The indictment on which Mrs. Yates wa arrested , charging her with manslaughter contains two counts and Is as follows : That the said Mrs. P. B. Yates , on th Dili day of January. 1)00. ! ) did willfully , un lawfully and feloniously cause the death o one , ICthel Yates , as follows : On Janunr 1 , 1900. and for several days prior there ! said Ktliel Yates , then being in Counc : Uluffs , la. , was ill of an affliction or dlseas known as appendicitis , and on or abou .January . 1 , 1300 , said defendant willfully , un lawfully and feloniously caused the ells charge of the physician attending sal patient and prevented him from attenelln or treating her further ; and s--ald defendan did willfully , unlawfully and felonious ! prevent said phv.ilclan from being rccalle or any physician from being called to at tend or treat said Ethel Yates : that o January C , liOO ! , said Hthel Yates died c said disease known as appendicitis , n which she was afflicted as aforesaid ; tha her death therefrom was caused by th < akl willful , unlawful anil felonious acts n the said defendant in causing the dlschars r > f tlie attending physician and preventln him from beln recnlleel or any physlcla from being called to attend the said Kthc Yales In her said Illness. That while said Ethel Yates was 111 a iforeald In count No. 1 hereof the ih' fendant , not being a physician and knowin herpclf to bo Incompetent , willfully , unlaw fully nnd feloniously assumed charge e , * ald case of Illness and attempted to trea said Kthel Yates for her said affliction , up pendlcltis ; that said defendant treated sal Ethel Yntes for her said Illness by i > raye nlone and did not use or permit any oth" remedies or treatment to bo used to rellev said patient ; that the treatment an remedy used by said defendant In said cas of illness were grossly neIlg' > nt. unsklllfi and Inaderiuate. nnd said treatment of ml patient and the said acts of defendant i preventing other treatment by compet"ii physicians caused the death of said Kthc Ya'tes on January fi , 1000 ; that nil of sal acts on the part of said defendant wer willful , unlawful and felonious and cause the death of said Kthel Yates. .IniiK-N Not lo HiKoimd. . S. J. James , the "divine healer" whos prayers failed to cure Miss Yates , an against whom the grand Jury returned a Indictment , also has so far eluded the ol fleers. He had been anticipating such nctlo on the pnrt of the grand Jury and who ho learned that the ofllcers were after hit ho decided to make himself scarce. Whe a deputy sheriff reached his house In Sout Omaha Wednesday evening ho found the "Hrothor" James had left n few minute ahead of him. James , on the advice of hi attorney , decided to llo low until the cjues tlon of his rcqulBltle-n Is decided. Ho wi fight the granting of requisition paperw an 1ms ungasrd tha services of an attorney i South Omaha and this city. Attorney A. U. Button of South Omah was in Council Illul'fs yesterday aftcrnoo on behalf of James and arranged wit County Attorney Kllpack that the hearln on the icejulsltlon should ho had befoi aovcrnor Poynter of Lincoln Thursday e next week. James' dufenso will bo that ho cannot t taken out of the stain of Nebraska t answer for an allrged crlino In another fital when such crlmo , if committed in Ncbraak : would not amount lo u feilony. Tub eon tvn'.Iou ' f Jnme'i' nttcrneys la that the ol feiiioo of which h ? Is nullty , If guilty at nl Ufilmil > a misdemeanor and not a felon ; They claim that If the indictment had bee ; turno.l In N'obraslia. Itould not Imv en for manalaiighter , but for practlcln u physician without n llceusj. Mr. SuUon told County Attorney Kllpac .mt If the Roveirnor of Nebraska grantc : no requisition papers Jamt-s would at one tiirri'iiUiT himself to thp. authorities. 11 did nrt desire , however , is He In Jail nn longer t' : n ne eraary and for that reaso was lying low until tha question of tli Krantltm of the requisition was decided. M Stilton sta'nd thnt JanicH would he unabl to furnish a hand In the sum of $3,000. Itny Loses : licet. Chris Jcnpon , a 13-year-old lad living i Sixth street and Nineteenth avenue , had h right heel ; ut off by a Hurllngton tntl at thn transfer depot last even Ing. Tl young lail wao running along the track I front of the train , which waj backing u when ho stumbled over an old car whe anil fell with Us foot partly over the ral Urloro the train could bo stopped sever. . rirc ; bad paescd over It. Ho was remove to the Woman's Christian association hoi rltal. T.oillc TaliCM I'oiNcKsloll. Duquette & Co. executed a bill of sa yciUTday to A. Louto for $2,000. coverit : tlui stock and fixtures of their \\holosi cri'fpctloncry ratabllahmrnt. It uas state that Ixnilo endorsed n note for f,000 ft Duquette & Co. twelve months ago and th : It had not been paid. The bank prcsse for payment aaU to securj himself Lou tool ; possosMon of the factory and whole sale establishment. Ilctliles this , 11 la statei that Duquette & Co. have liabilities amount IGK lo about $1,200 and that there nro out Etandtng took ] iicroiuits owing them o nlout MOO. Mt > Tiitiil INTO X.VTIOVAIi ( Sl'AIll ) Coiiiiinnv 1 , ! 'CIMIIIIC I 1'iift of ( he Iti * ' Itculnicnl. ornntil/cd I'Mfly-l'Irxt Adjutant Oer.eral Dyers niustprcd In Com paiiy It of the I'Mfty-flrst regiment , Iowa Nu tloiml fluard , last night. The muoterltig-li Ceremonies wcro held nt the armory In th Mnoonlc temple1 , nnel were witnessed by i largo gathering of the friends of the mem lria and cf the old company. The compnn starts out with a muster roll of forty-Hire members , many of whom served 111 the ol company nnd served through the I'hlllppln campaign. Immediately following the mustering litho the election of officers was held. Matt Tin Icy , who was first lieutenant of the old com pnny and served through the campaign | i the Philippines , was unanimously elcctei captain , Charles O. Mtllsap was elected lira lieutenant by twenty vote ? against fourtoe : for Charles P. Jamison. It took three lial lota to select n second lieutenant. On th flrsj. ballot fJcorge I. , Jueleon received aevc votes , C. 1' . Jamison fifteen and James 1 ! Mather twelve. The second ballot gav Judson six , Jamison twelve nnd Mather six teon. Judson then withdrew and the thlr and decisive ballot elected Mather by nine teen votes against .lamlson's llftcon. Th tion-commlssloned officers will bo nppolntci hy Captain Tlnlcy later. After the company had been mustered li and the members had taken the oath , Ad Jutnnt Dcneral llyers matin a sUort nildrcss Ho eatel that tlio war had dcmoiifitrntei where in many ways the stale natlona guard service could he Improved nnd he he lleved that the reorganised guard would b In better shape than It was before. II hoped that before long It would lip cqulppci the same as the regular army and that lh' ' appropriation for its support would bo In ciensed. In concluding ho congratulated th company on being mustered In as part of th reorganized Fifty-Ural regiment of the low National ( limnl. Hach man of the company will bo sup piled with a uniform , consisting of trousers bloiuse1 , blue flannel shirt , legglns , cap , cam palgn hat , whlto gloves the white Rlovo and cap being for dress parade. There wll he no fancy dress uniforms as In the past In addition to the uniform each man wll have a Springfield rille15 caliber , breech loading ; n blue wehb belt , same color a tl'o uniform , to carry the bayonet In. i blanket made in Iowa will also bo supplle to each member of the company. A stec range with cooking utensils and table-war for seventy-two men will bo furnished th company. The following signed the voting rostei Several of the men who have signed enlist ment papers were unable to bo present las night and will be sworn In later : Gcorgo L. Tlnloy , William A. Anderson Frank W. Heed , Thomas II. Rutherford JaiiH-s W. Shawler , Herbert C. Qladwln Harry C. Patterson , Harry Mitchell , Edga Hnfer , Leonard S. Jackson , Matthew I Madsen , S. E. Anderson , Harry 0. Snydci Oliver W. Phelps , Hollin B. Judaon , Dwlgh W. Odcll , Klchnrd Rutherford , Jr. ; Claronc E. Woolman , Jutncs E. Mather. Guy Jamlsor William Vorhis , Howard Morgan , Loui Wack , Elliott Stockcrt , George L. Judsor William II. Moore , John Q. Anderson , jr. Charles I' . Jamison , Thomas L. Hall , Clnr ence lljley , Matthew A. Tlnley , George Rob Inson , Charles O. Millsapj James II. Wlndle Charles A. Anderson and David Rubin. Company L makes the fifth company I the .reorganized Fifty-first regiment thn Adjutant General IJyers has mustered In s far. The other companies mustered in arc M of Red Oak , E of Shenandoah , B of VII ll.ica and I ) of Knoxvllle. The next compan to be mustered In will be C at Olenwood. Adjutant General Uyers will go to India nnpolla next Sunday night to attend th annual meeting of the National Guard Of fleers , at which the adjutant general o eivery state is expected to be present. Th meeting will be held In the houo of repre sentativcs and the government will ho rep resented by regular army officers. PftltloiiH III Hmikriipley. Jchn E. McKeci of Walnut , formerly farmer but now styling himself a farr hand , filed a voluntary potltlon In bank ruptcy ye&terday in the Unltoil States dls trict court here. His liabilities aggrcgat $ r-l ! > , of which $ ! > Is for taxes. His asset ccnstst of $10 worth of clothing , clainie as exempt. A. W. , A. J. and F. 0. Johnson , formeirl In business togc'ther in Mace/Ionia and Gar ner townships , filed a voluntary politic to bo declared bankrupts. They list thel liabilities as n partnership at about $3,50C while their Individual debts aggregate few hundral dollars eflch. Their nssot are practically nil. Judge Thornell of the district court I sllll In Atlantic and Judge Smith this morn Ing will make an equity assignment. Thcr was no business before the court yostor day. SiivlnxN Iliinl ; Olllccr- . , At the annual mooting of the etockhold ers of the State Savlngo bank last nigh the following ofllcers were ; ulectcd : Pros lilent , Dr. T. 11. Laccy ; vlco president , li A. Wlckham ; cashier , John Dennett ; ill rurlors , Pat Giinnoudc , .1. 13. Kilmundsoi : C R. Ilannan , Warren Hough , E. 17. Harl W. S. Balnl. Dr. Laccy succec-Jo Joh Chuihen as president. K. A. Wlckham an John Donnott weni ro-elccteil. ( 'oiiNiilIiliilloM of Two I'linipnnlcN n Sliin-v Clly I'ri'vi'iiiod 'l'iniiorarlly. | SIOL'X CITY , la. . Jan. IS. ( Special Tel ojrratn. ) A proposed conNilldatlon of th Io\\a Tolnhono ; company and the Horn I Telopliono company , the latter a local con | ccrn , was stopped hy an order of the conn Issued this afternoon nt the Instance of minority stockholder , who opposed the nh snrptlon of the smaller concern by the l\e \ corporation. A meeting of the stockholder v.-iis In progress anil they were Just ahou i to vote the ealo when the papers wer Mrvcsl nnd proceedings came to an cue It Is charge ; ! that ono of the ) director was paid to vote In favor of the sale ) c tlm local company anil that It Is an offoi 'to ' wrok the concern , The deal has mi with sharp antagonism In this city , bccauf | It mrant n rlse > in the price of telephone i as soon as the Iowa company secured con j tvol. Steps have already been taken t organize a mutual company to compete wit , the Hell company In this vicinity. SnnrciiH- Court UpluliiiiH , S MOIN'ES , la. , Jan. IS. ( Special Tel osram. ) The Iowa supreme court todn handed down thrso opinions : Ooonre Haw & C'o. , nppeMleos , nualnf Hlrch Hros. et nl. , di > fe > 'idnntn ; the Ottumw Iron Works , J. 1) . Trobllcock. defcmlnnti and cross petitioners , appellants ; D. li Bruin , defendant and Intervenes : O. Neff c al. . Intervenes and appellees , ufllrmo'l. Wnrwlek llouirh and Samuel J. Heals , rf reivers Sioux City St Northern Ilallwa company , ncalnst John Oearen , appulhuii Woodbury dhtrlct. atllnnrd. S. 1-2. Matthews ncatnvt J. II. Luers Dm Company nud J. II. Luers , appellant. Pug district , ntllrnml. Maith-s maliihi Imperial Acclden AsHoi-iniiuii. appellant , Johnson district , nl llrmi-d. J. K. Biirnlfle. aiipellee. against A. II Connor & Co . appellants , Cedur Ituplds tu perlor court , reversed. JUDGE SMITH'S ' CHANCES COOl Council Bluffs Man Likely to BeNimsd t PIR09 Vnuatcd by Woolson's Death , BUT THREE CANDIDATES LEFT IN F1ELI Ton HIT ami lnvl luOtliir Mt n , liu It N llellcvcil Hint Hie * I'olln- e County .11 an Will Will. I)1S ! M01NES , Jan , IS. ( Special * Tele gram. ) Although there are three candidate for the appointment of federal Judge .f th southern district of lo\\a lo nil the vacanc caused by the death of the laic Judge Wool son , there ! Is every Indication that the np politico will cotno from the western sectlo of the state. Judge Smith of Counc HluffH , Judge Towner of Corning and Jutlg Davis of Keokuk are the only men left I the race- out of n total of Ilfteen who hav nt ono time or another announced their can illilncy. Davis Is from the re-ecrvatlon an la a good Gear man. hut he IH hampered o account of his living in an adjoining count to Gear. While Davis Is considered n goo man , yet It Is plain the light has narrowc down to Smith and Towuer , with lh chances In favor of the Council Bluffs mat Up to a short time ago it was believe Towner had made a deal with the Gear pea plo whereby he was to deliver the Eight district to the senator In consideration c the hitter's support. It appears now tha Towner never extrae-ted n promise from th Gear people nud has left them clear to d as they please. Again , the Eighth dlstrlc did not come Into the Gear column as a mil and this may bo a means of allowing th Gear people to support the Council IJlufl candidate. Towner had but one strong admirer In th Gear camp , E. H. Hunter , the local manage for Gear , who Is a personal friend of th Corning man and has advocated his candl elacy for the bench. From liullcatlons hero a this time it Is believed that Smith will re cclvo the plum. H Is expected the appoint ment will be made within a period of tw weeks. CintN AliollifiItlnoU Kye. The ofllce of state printer and binder gc another black cjo today. Yesterday th house by a vote of fifty to forty refused t entertain the resolution to elect the repuli llcan nominees for the ofllce on the groun that the law only provided for the electlo of a United States senator. Today the supi porters of the olllces called the matter up 1 the hotiFo and were again turned down. In stead of electing the republican nominee many of the members of that party jolne with the democrats and passed a rcsolutio calling for an Investigation of the tw ofllccs. The true phase of the situation wa revealed when n resolution was introduce by Dunham of Delaware for a committee c threw , to bo appointed by the speaker , t investigate the offices and report to th house regarding the fees paid for the wor done and anything else they might bo abl to ascertain on the subject. Not only waa this resolution adopted b the house but a subsequent one introduce by Clnrko of Dallas , providing for the ap pointment of a committee to confer wit the Board of Control and report to th house within ten days on rates paid by thei for printing , also found favor with a major Ity of the members. .All the dcmocratl members and a number of the repnbllcn members were free to ilxpress the belief thl morning that the cdnrplirlson would 'rovea eomo surprising statistics which would un questionably result In'.ii ' close light on th abolition or modification of the oflleee. Three .Jfctv Aorninl School * . At a caucus of the members friendly t the cHtabllahment of thp new normal school held this afternoon a committee of sevc was appointed to draft n bill for the cstat llshment of three now schools. Abau twenty-five members , mostly representa lives , were present , nearly all interested 1 the location of one of'the schools. It wa agreed that the question of location shoul be put in the buclsground until the measur for the establishment of the schools passed This agreement is the result of a fear tha the fight over location might defeat th main body of the bill. The committee whlcl will draft the bill Is composed of Rcpreen tativcs Baker of Cass , Byors of Shelby Illume of Crawford , Cowlcs of Kossutli Buchanan of Wapello and Senators Gorrel of Jasper and Bachmann of Clay , each o whom Is Interested In a certain lor-allt , which desires a school. The fight on loca lion of these schools Is expected to bo th biggest of the session. The committee bll will be reported to another caucus held ncx Tuesday evening. Measures asking for the appropriation for the State university. State Nunna school anil the State Agricultural schoo were among the many bills Introduced thl afternoon. There was one to Increase th salary of the governor ; ono to establish i oystem of parole for stale prisoners , moil eled after the Colorado law ; one to prohlbl convict labor , one to establish a state 11 brary commission , ono to abolish three day of grace and ono to admit graduates of th medical department of the State ) unlverslt to practice ! In Iowa on certificates wllhou stale ; examination. Two bills passed the Imuse today upoi recommendation of the Jmll'-lary committee The first related to legalizing the Incorpnra tlon proceedings of thp town of Pilot Moutul Boone county , and the Bcroml to school illt trlcts. Blake of Webster mid regarding th latter that Its purpose was to make the cod moro clear regarding the right of Inde pendent dlotrlcta to recrlvo heeiucsts an when lhe > matter was called to his altcnllo by a case in Forl Dodge , In the .Sciuile. The following bills were Introduced today Hy Titus , prohibiting- lulling of convic labor by contract and providing for It utilization otherwise ; by Titus , to establlc a state library commission ; by Finch , t change the law relating to bonds of phai maclsts ; by Mclntyru , to provide for cultln of weeds on public roads ; by llobart , t make the use of blanphcmous or obscen language a'misdemeanor Instead of nil In dlctablo offense ; by MayArthur , to cxtnblls a parole system for Inmates of Iowa ppiil tentlnilcH ; by Young , authorizing the < > xitcu live council lo survey an Inland In the Mix slsslppl river , located off drum Ilay town ship. Lee county ; by I'urter , lo delino th place of bringing action against any In corporation , company or person oneratln or inalntalnlg a coal miii ! ; by Lyonw , to rf peal section IMG of the code relating t taxation ; by Oonell , to amend the code re latlng to gasworks and electric light plant KO that such plants mny ' 'ell hcnt ; by UP ter , to amend lawn relatln ? to the loans ei the permanent fehooj funds ; by Ilnywnri to abolish days of KIWC. by Hayward , t 'amend the code relating to the admlsslo to practice of graduates of th medical department of thei stat university ; by Mellun , to npprn pi-late JlC.f/X ) for teachers and $ S.MO for eon tlngent expenses , both annually , for th Bute Normal school at Cedar ( ' 'alls , uls j-'l.HX ) for tlm biennial period and } 100noo fu buildings : by Fltzp.itrkk. appropriate J500 for repairs on the cupltol Imlldhn ; an on the rooms occupied by the State Jioar of Control ; by Harrlniiin. to amend th cede relating to the ottering of evidence o the ) part of tin.- state In tilal of criminal ar UOIIH ; by IVrrln , to appr ° iir'ite ! $35.0110 fo furnli-hlilK the new State Historical build In * : by Penrose , to nrnvldo that count iiuthorllleH miy withhold taxen or otlie money due the county from claims prt Homed to the county. Ill ( III * Ho line. Hy Vcneman , to im U < appropriations fo the Iowa St.ite1 college ; by Wise , to pro vlilo for the States Normal school ut Ceda Falls , by Sanleu In relation tu Increasln the governor's uulury , by Bantec , relative t the on tnt < > funds' . 1 > > Iv.\\ to .1 ; ' pr.iprtate Jl,44u from h "upieme , mirt ci.n tlliRiMit fund ; by Wilson of Huena Vistn. t amend section 11.S1S of thp code relative I banks ; by Clftrk of Hamilton , to jirovltl lor tinfurnlhlng of the Slate llltorlcn luilldliiK ; by Klrkwood , to transfer llarrl con county from the Fourth to the Flf teentli dlslrlcl and provide an additlona Judge for thp latter ; bKeiulnll , to nmetii section 2)10 ) of the code lelnlive to mine nnd mining ; by Uloekly , lo enact Inspectlo : of stallions kept for service ; by Koonl ? conferring ihe title of certain town lots ntii streets In town City on the State unlv-or sdly ; by Payne , to amend portions of'oTmii ter III of the e'oelp relative to the State nnl versdty : by Knnntz , relative to larger np lifoprlatlons for the Stnle > unlvrrnlty ; 1 > ; Payne , relative to thp lustlcp of the as o ! s nicjit of the county boards of review ; b ; Huchannn , for the cxtnbllnhinont of litre additional normal schools ; by Clark n Hamilton , io amend HIP section of the cod relating to the Russian thistle ; by Pnyiu relative to the Justice of the valuation o the properly In the several counties by th State Hoard of Rovlpw : by Furry , rctntlv to the ralo of Interest on the pertnnnon school fund loaned by county auditors- Furry , relative to bonds given bv townshli plorku : iiy Klmball of Marshnll.'to the Incorporation proceed I ups of thp lo\v of St. Anthony , Marshall county. U Is learned lonlghl Hint a light will b mndo for legislation In this state ngalns the practice of osleop.ithy. Friends of thcs Institutions have declared llinl Dr. Dowcn the present spwke-r of the house , 1m packed the Board of 1'nblle Health will members , many of whom are practlclni Physicians , pledged to recommend leglsln tlon which will destroy the practice in till state. It Is anticipated that n hitter Ugh will result and some serious charges ma ; develop. AFTER THE BATTLE IS OVEF Someof ( InItciiNoii * AVIiy ( Jenr AVoi tin * .SIMI nt ornh Ip Cum in I u M' I'llbl AgiiliiMt OildH. DICS MOINKS , Jan. IS. ( Special. ) " 01 Business" Is the name given to Gear whe he was govarnor of Iowa fnai 1S78 to 1SS' Ho airiitM the tllle by the energetic an painstaking care which ho gave to stat affairs. Senator Gear Is very proud of thl title. Ills career In Iowa politics is a Ion nnd honornblo one. Ho came to this stal fiom Ithncn , N. Y. , where lie- was born I lS2."i , nnd at the ago of IS located at Bur llnglon , where ho began a mercantile careei Ho prospered , but II was not many year until ho became so engrossed in politics tha ho retired from active business. Ills firs olllco was that of mayor of Burlingtcii an In 1ST2 he was elected to the legislature an took part in the famous Ilnrlan-Alllson con test as n supporter of Senator Allison. I 1S74 ho became speaker of the house In Hi famous grange legislature , when the hous was dead-locked for several weeks before speaker could bo clc-clod. In 1S7G ho was re elected speaker and l\\o years later becam governor of the state\ From 1882 imlll 1SSO he was n private cltl zen , although active In politics all that Unit Ho was then fleeted to congress and re elected In 1SSS. The revcr a which over took the republican party In IS'JO carrie him down with It , but two year's later ho wa again returned to congress. In Januarj 1S84 , he was elected to the Unltod States sen ate agaltist five other strong candidates. 1 was he who , as chairman of the Pacific rail ways committee , 'brought ' about the Bolutlo of the government's dealing with those- rail roads , -whereby the government receive $117,000,000 from them Instead of the ? 20 , 000,000 oifcrcd. Senator Gear's success Is probably du moro to his great activity on behalf of hi friends than to any other ono cause. He I never too busy lo go out and do somethln for some Iowa man In Washington and ver tow senators and representatives are s persistent and so successful in gelling thing for their coustlluciils. For a man of hi years Senator Gear Is in excellent hcalt and keenly enjoys his work in Washington. About Albert II. Cummin * . Albert B. Cummins , who strove t seize the toga from Gear's strong grasi Is one of the most popular men pertonally 1 the state. He entereHl upon his campalg ' practically without an organization. Man friends ho had , it was true , and thorough ! devoted to his cauao , but they wore nj formed Into a compact army as the strcngt of the opposition was. They depended upo a flood of enthusiasm for the personality c their candldalo which would break down lh barriers cf Ihe Gear slionglh. Cummins was born in Green county , Penn pylvania , in 1830 and come s of Scolch-Irls anceslry. Ho has been a reslrtenl of low mosi of the time since ISliO. In 1S71 he be came a civil engineer in Allen county , Indl ana , where ho was assistant surveyor , am shortly after assistant chief engineer of th Cincinnati , Richmond & Fort Wayne rail way. Later he was chief engineer of th North Central Michigan railway lietweci Joncsvllle and Lansing. In 1871 ! ho went t Chicago and 'began ' the study of law in a Chicago cage office. After Ihreo years he was ad muted lo practice and became a member o the firm. In 1SS1 ho be-camo a partner o the lain Judge George G. Wright and hi son , Thomas S. Wright , afterward genera counsel of the Rok Island road. Later h was a partner of Carroll Wright , at presen Iowa attorney for the Rock Island. His first entrance to nctlvo politics wa : In 1SS7 , when em account of his opposl tlon to the prohibitory law , ho accoptml tin Independent nominal'on for the legislature was endorsed by the democrals nnd dcfeatci the republican nominee. Hn continued hi , opposition to thei republican party as lati as 1E91 , when ho supported the ilemocrntli leglslallvo tlckel and endorsed Iho candl dacy of Governor Boles. In 1S92 he' wai olectcul by the republican state commlUei for temporary chairman of the state con vcntlon. This was done to please the anil prohibitionists nnd to convlnco them lha Ihey would bo mndo welcome If they re turned to the party. The action of the com mltteo met with violent opposition In On Molnes and Cummins was not permitted ti go as a delegate from his own county. Hi priiildril eve < r the convention and dellveri'i an address which won for him new rcnowi ns an orator. The convention made htm ai alternate delegalo al largo to the re-puh lican national convention. In 1S9I ho was i caidldato for the United States Bonate am was defeated by Gear. The Iowa delegntloi to the republican national convention li St. Louis In 1896 selected Cummins us Iowa' nmmber of the republican national commit tec , AH ( n llnu-i'ii mill Hilton. Dr. D. H. Bowcii of Allamakeo county who was elected speaker of the house a thi' Gear candidate. Is now serving his thin turni In the < legislatureHo has been : ste-adfiiEt republican year In and year out doing his share of the party's work whe" his county was democratic. Ono stroiu element in his uamilitary for speaker wa the fact that ho was known to be > a tafi- ceneervatlvo man , of even temper and with out any extreme views. At the same tmn ha Is n good campaigner , thoroughly under stands parliamentary law nnd his frland have every confidence * that he will h i Bi'c-coBsful speaker. Ho has organized thi house to promote Iho business of the BI-S slon. slon.Tho Cummins candidate for spe-akor wn W. L. Katon of O age , Mitchell county Hi Is a successful lawyer and a member of Hi last legislature. Kaion Is a native lowan THERE is A CLASS OF PEOPLE Who are Injured by the USB of coffee. Hi cently there has been placed In all tin srocory tores n new preparation ralle' ' ORAIN-O , made of pure Kr.ilns , that tak t the place of coffee. The most dellrati Btomach receives It without distress , urn' ' but few can tell It from coffee. It d"- > not coat over li. ns much. Children mas drink It with creat btneflt. ISota. anil ' eta. per puukaee. Try It. Ak toi anA.iti'0 , Ills father was A K P.iton. a member c tl.c third and fourth general ns embllrt be-fore the Civil war. In ISflii Katon abnn dctipit the > ilpmocrailr party. In which h hud serve-d nil liln life , nnd Jolned the re pr.Mlcan party on the money question. II was one of I pail em In the > democratic revel frotii frop silver In Iowa nnd In 1S97 wn olc-cled to the1 legislature. HP has been np pointed by his surort > ful rival to be chair Man of the ways and mcaua committee 1 the house1. The most prominent of the Cummins man ngors was r. 0. McCarthy of Des Molnrc former auditor of stntp. llo has put I nearly nil of his time during tlm last yea working for his friend. For six yi > ars h ha ? boon the devoted champion of Cummin.1 enusp. He1 has been prominent In Iowa poll lies for over fifteen years. COUNTIES AND THE INSAN ! Hoard of Control Denounced tiy Ai Noclatlon of County Miicrvlori | for MM Interference. A.MKS , In. , Jen. IS. ( Special Telegram. The third biennial mooting of the Assocl ntlon of County Supervisors of Iowa be pan here today. The afternoon sevslo : wan dcvotud most entirely to discussion n county cnro of incurable Insane. Th question was Introduced by F. H. Morris ei I'olk county , who denounced the receinl or dT of tlm Board of Control , to the cITec thnt hereiaftor such patients would bo keti ] by the state at the expense of the countj He said U was the experience of I'olk count that It could ke-op such patients for lial whn * Ihn state charged nnd thai If thp car of puch way left to the county the patient themselves would ho bettt'r off. The Inter fcronce of the Board of Control In th matter was vigorously criticised on all side1 and Judge Klnne of the board was e'spc daily taken to task for his reports regard Ing the ) condition of several county pno [ nrniH and Insane ) hospitals which ho vis Itcd for the purpose of Inspection. A rcso lutlon was adopted to the effecl that th counties can take as good care of harmles nnd Incurable iiiNino as the stntc ; thn thc-y can do It cheaper and that the asso elation ndvoc.ilcii the maintenance , of the > s unfortunates at. home near their friends Provision was made fnr bringing the mat ter before Ihls session of Iho legislature 3ii-it : < : iiA\T cii.\iici-i ) WITH ciinn : C < "n ( t'rvlllo Mull AIMMINCI ! of Sivcnr lour KulNcIy on n llonil. MARYV1LLB , Mo. , Jan. 18. ( Special.- Andrew Gulnn , a merchant of Cenlcrvllle la. , was nrresled here today charged wit perjury. Two years ago Gulnn's son , Wll llam Gulnn , waa arrested on u charge c having burned his own house near Picker Ing. His father went on his bond nnd , I a ehorl lime , the young man left th county , not lo return. The other surctle paid Ihe nmounls which were adjudge agalnsl lliem. bill Gulnn , nr. , failing to d so , was sued and Judgment for $375 obtalne against him in thecourts of Appanoos county , Iowa. Gulnn had sworn thnt h was worth $30,000. Prosecuting Attornc Martin of Noelaway county saj-s he has no been able lo collecl Iho juilgmcnl oblolne and lhal ho Is worth much ICFS than thU and when Gulnn came to Maryvllle toda on business ho caused his arrest. Guln is a merchant In Centervllle. AVI1I Test I.Iff IiiNiiriiiicr IIMV. MARYVILLE , Mo. , Jan. IS. ( Speclal.- ) Dnndsmen of the late Henry Graves , publl administrator of Nodawny countj' , who , be cause of the lattcr's defalcation , had t pay considerable sums lo Ihe county , hav brought suit in the Nodaway county clrcui court against the National Masonic Acclden assoclalion of Des Molnes. The trial of lh will be Ihe flrsl lesl of Ihe Mlssour statute which provides thai life Insuranc policies must Hot forth definitely on thei face the exact amoutil for which Ihey ar drawn. Graves carried $5,000 Insurance I Iho company , but his policy contained proviso that if ho should meet death by hi own hand his beneficiaries should reoeiv but $1,000. This amount was paid to hi widow a few days titter his death , but It I now averred thai Ihe Insurance company h under the statute referred to , liable for th other S-i.OOO. Mrs. Graves has made eve all rights she may have under the pollc ; te > her husband's bondsmen. Soinlllio\ MnrMlmllliMVn. DKS MOLNES , la. , Jan. IS. ( Special Tel ejiram. ) Secretary Kennedy of the Stat Board of Health was today notified by lei onriiph cf six of smallpox in Marshall town. Mayor Pierce of thai city scml lh' ' dUpatch.- All the patients are colored pco plo living in Iho same house. Dr. Krn ncely left on the firsl train to see wlm me-aHires are necessary. It is said that tin oi'tbieak ' of the disease Is In Iho cfiilor o Iho cltv. A close quarantine will bo es tablished. Mini HIM ! \VIIV ( iiiliiK lo Ivl lllf. V1LLISCA. la. , Jan. IF. ( Special.- Charles Dunn and wife are preparing for ai early starl lo the Klondike. Dunn has beer there beforp. . Ills wife says she Is wllllnf to go wherever he decs. ItMVIIOUH \ltlPN , The Roland "Formcri1 creamery s-old $ ( ! ! 00' worth of IIUI'KT last year. ICci'wnnl ' Mark of I < acona committed mil- clde by Jhinglni ; . 'IMn-re Is no known cause for his e'ommlttin : t'he ' deiil. Charles A. Thomas , formerly editor ol Iho Whiting IlrraM , was Him at Mercedes Cal. , anil died from t'iie ' Injury. Tilio annu-il enoaninmpiit of the Orum : Army of tlie Republic of Ihe state will bi held al IXivi nport June 12 , ] : ! , and H. An attempt made to wreck HIP Wn. ba li train at Albla by [ tlai-liiK an Iron ral on tin * trai k Tintnin was mo\liiK K.owly w V'ti 'i c i , k "in i > i > . - < riii Hun and no sorl- oii dam 'ic w ic duni ReW li P Ullns n' Ixv Anc > 'o , Cnl , Is brans talkcil of nn the onceow of Rev. Horron In thp Npirity of OrlnnrtlCl P.KI' . RurRlrtm ptiti-reM lih > Uimhhr Olllfo 'f Howe * .V Moohor at 1-'ldor and Kpcltrpn { 10 , but merlooked n p.lck.i e cnntalliltlK JSO"1- " As a Mtitnnle of what Iowa can elo tin ) Wai ! l.ako Uladp n < > u-i tnnt flip ave-mdi ) welBlit of Mrs. Henry Mohr and liPT1 cevwn children Is ins pounds. It Is nntiounce l tihnt ev-dovernor. 1/irrn- hep will foon retire from the State5 Honm of. Control nml with his wife take tin extended - tended trlii to Kurw > e > lllre-d ilrs ! are so hard to got In Ksthor- vll.e that they are granted upe. Inl privi leges , such a. tile use of the purlor In which to entertain company three nlchts In the \\cck. In the fuiinmcr niDiitllt * It I * underst'Mid the\ will demand fn-e > swings on tlir front Kate. BALL PILLS. Big Balls of Poison Given as Medicine. TliiHixiiiiiN Vri < .SnlTci-Int l-'i-om Mcr- cnrlnl I'lll-l'iilNiin Till.en In Yontli | ) II > N of ( lie t'lllHrc I'liNl. Po you want health ? Then keep your bowels clean and your liver lively ! It has always been known that e'Oiistlpa- lloti Is Ihe e'liuse of nearly nil disease , bill the way of treating It ha.s chanced. The old way Wan to make up n sickening "black draught" or. still worse" , an e-xplo- slve "shot-gun" cartridge of nb es. Jalap , gamboge , eroton oil , blue til"1" , I'olocyiuli the larger the bullet HIP better and after the patient had swallowed the dose' , thrown the bowels Into spusmn nnd turned the liver Inside out , he was sot- tied for a few days freiuteMilly forever. The mosi dangerous "medicine" of all was the mercurial pill-poison which lt > dgi\l In 'the ' blood and Joints producing life-long aches. Force Is folly. 1C you have1 any regard for your well being. When It becomes neces sary to stir up your liver and have a gen era ! internal cleaning up , take CascaretH Candy Cathartic , and produce natural ac tion In ii nice , gentle , ijulct , positive ) way. Case-ari'ts nre up lo date1 , antiseptic , taste ) good , neVer grip nor gripe , mild but elTec- tlvo. Ituy and try Cascarets today. You'll find thnt It's what Ihoy do , not what we say they'll do , that proves their merit. All druggists 10c , 'J.c , { me. or by mall for. prlee. Send for booklet and'free sample. Address Hie Sterling Remedy Co. , Chicago ; Mon treal. Can. , or New York. This Is the CASCARKT tablet. Kvery tablet of the only genuine I'asi-arets bears the magic letters "CCC. " Look at the tablet before you buy. nnd beware of frauds , imitations and substttulcs. JOHN G.WOODWARD & CO. WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTERS COUNCIL BLUFFSJOWAM , Dohaiiy Theater Sunday , Jan. 21. Th < Marx Reich e'o. Second nnd Best Pn s < nt the New KdlUoii and York Sncc-cH- ' , lioiind In Laughter. uiis'i . IAL : CO.Ml ro. ; ON TOl'R. -INCLUDING- MARIE STUARl The Ainerclan I'"ougcro AND Abott Oav dson , C. Rowe Palmer , Lll'lan Kdwnrds , Main Sisters , Joscithlnc Jolmson , Hy Jos. M. Gates. Kthel Millard , NOTI3. 'l'he > whole l''austa French , forming tin- most ic- 1'Tossle Le May , lined and distinctly novel stage- effort of Victoria Stuwnrt , Ill's or any previous KUtle Burke , unison In spectacular Harry U'oodthorpe , farce. Oeo. Miller , o- Kntlri1 .Scenic Louis Ineninn , Kemlpmcnt e-arrle-d I-Mward Wise , Intact. Fred DoHhon. Unit our prices art ) always inoclerato Examine llioin I'or yoursoli' . 1-1-5 Tclcplionc - - Stiver FJUinus . $1.00 Gold Alloy Filn ! ! H . 1.00 1'lu iimin'Alloy I'-illln ' H . 1.00 ( old Kiliiui.(1" ( "ii'l P Crowns . 3.0U anil up [ i A. , 0 , D. SM Next tot M # # # 50 : H f FREE ADVICE tv our nliyslc.lans .mil FREE , _ _ t * * of our medlelno uiso Free Homo Treatment ' l"-i | xe > ll.ii truti- book UP- scribing atiel cuuin "filltt-Miiui with mot treatment , also Many valuable- - RymptuinH rece-lpts and preacriptioni > In plain lu iiguiixe , nivlntt you heavy eloctor't , bll.s. nbk forli ' > enovator * Cuiea the very worst i ast-H uf Ui pi'P \ lu. Constipation Headache , I'uli'ltatlun of Heart. Kidney and I U.r 1/beipe-J an I bud remiHs of Ls Oripps. tjend for proof if U. U rile us about ' all your M > mill 'ins Hud b > drujrsl8' - don'ui < fif | aiiy ubBtltiit , but .end us 2f.cts. or $1 W and we.ill send Ur. Kay's Renuvuior by return mull 'llll. ' II. J. KAY SIKIMCAI , CO. , SnruliiKH SiirliiB * , N. V. TURKISH L. M. CAPSULES Cure fvrry Mi-nKiicim of Sexiiul OrKuiin , lei | all cinUiloiiN , lout unnndeiicc , lUTVr mill lirnln ( Minlilc , In fun ) innl.f jou u | ini | > r vtrontr 10n 11 Ki'iiinllj' . 41.111) box inont-y ImcL If not atlnlli-il. Sciul fur our iiuenlliin liluiiU , UAllA'A 1'JIAIt.UAUV , Uciit , U. , Ibtli uutl 1'uruuui t > ln , Cluiiihu Jivli.