TJLU5 OMAHA DAILY BEE : FRIDAY , JANUARY If ) , 1000. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Favorable Crop News and Lower Cables Doprers Wheat Market. SLIGHT RALLY ON FRENCH REPORT Dnlf , tilth Pu < nnd ( 'nil Trnns- nctlnnn Klltiilnnle-d Corn , Oiitn unit Provlilnnn C'lonu CHICAGO , Jan. IS. Tic ) wheat market aa ( lepruwcil today by irwpr cabled and favorable prop UPWS , 1 > ut townttl the end rallied somev. hat on reiiort of frost dnmngo to Fre-nrh rrop , May dousing rawer Pnsy , y urtler ypst.rday. Corn and oa' cliaed each Vie. lower. Provisions , weakened by realizing. firmed Z' ' . JlSHr lowpr. The RtTU.ity tm.iy of news t'Jay servpd Its dally purpose of cmr'hn. 1zlng HIP fart that 'thp ' supply of wheat Is away over tlm do- mum ) nt rresent. The Bpstfon WIIM dull , with put ami ciH ! tr.inwpllwns pllmlnntrd us per the Hoard of Tiade edict of ypstwiloy , whllo a tcndyUTeam of wheat golnB out weak ened prlc i . ave toward the rlosp. At the opening , with Liverpool lower , crop rp- pnrts favorable and the Argentine with an nllegcHl pxponnblo purplim of 72.0W.f)0 ) ) bu. . May nt ColifiH < * , fsiowr'l : ' n Ion over nlR'ht ( if Wic. A little buying enr.yidvanted tiho market to KWufvUe. From that the pMro gradually rank-with opcaslonal Ills of atcndlnosi. 'to ' OITkc for May. Near the < -nl of the si s.-O.n n prlv.itp ( ablegtam brought pnnflnmitlun of a report of to t'he Frenr-h crop by frost , aborts covered an'il ' fhpro was some good buying on the re port , whlrh InJIui need an advancp of May to < 55'4P. ' a1' ' whldh It cloyed , rather easy In tone. TIIP ! smboard reported 22 loads taken for pxi > orl at * ! 35.IO ) bn. was sold fr > m here. Atlantic port clr.irnncps In wheat and Hour were iiiual to : ! 00.o bu. Prlmury recelpla wprp 309.0' ' ) ' ) bu . compared wlt'h ' C1J.OOO bu. last ypnr. Minneapolis ar. l Dululh reported 2S2 cars , iignlnmt 111 last week nnd 350 a year ago. Ixxal receipts wrrp S3 cars , none of whiuh graded com met. The corn marker torn ! Its usual supply of PUI'porting ' news t rommnivd today wpt weat'hcr. ' small offerings' nnd stpady cables lint the Influcnco of a weak W'hrnt ' market wan Just strcmc pnouch to hold the price down. The market w is not u InrKL one , nor was 'buslni.4 ' kioMve. Thp shlpplriK de- miiml from the east was particularly pi.or. Hei-elpts herp WIT 33S cars. May sold trom Sl'tjc to ILlUc , react In if from the : with the advance In w < hpat amiloslns ? steady , Jlny Sc under yrsrrday nt 33' c. The otits market was slutrBlsh. for. al- thoiiR-h the demand was poor , tlhe wheat do- cllno failed to dpprers It to any extent. l > or-al receipts were 171 cars. Way ranged from 2lo to 23T c nnd closcU ' , < ic depressed at 23f72lf. The. significant fcnturp of the provisions market was the. dullness of tra'dn. ' The vol ume of business vi-ns much emuller than It II.TS been receivtlly nn l hoMers were dl - turbcid by the fact. At t'ho ' opening the tr.nrket was llrm , wlUi prices up a trllle on h'lg recclptp. whloh were not us large as pHtlmatcd , nnd bplter prices at the ynrdd. but Uu ; early wtrengt'h ' wocn ebbed away nnd.f-r t'he ' stc iidy liquidation. 'May ' pork sold from $10.974 to $ and cloacil lOfylil'/ie under yp teinlny it $10.fJ'.i ; Miy lard , from $ i.f ; 5 to $ .5.9714. closing 3c lower at $5.97' > , nnd May ribs , from $5.f2',4 ' to $5.72'/2 ' , with the cl'-rfie 2K'5TC < iown lit * 5.7Ti. Estimated receipts tomorrow : W'heat. ' 30 cars ; corn , 275 cars ; o-its , , 1M ) cars ; hogs , 21,003 Jicad. Tlia leading futures ranged ns follows : OpenTl HlRh.'l I.ow.'l Close. ] Yes'y. U'heat I i I I .Ian. I CIVsi 02V1I on-i May | 05y.Ti 105Sfl1i | ; > 4l 01'i.l .Inly 00'Wi'/40G-'ii/i. | fi3i.4 | 00i-d'00iif ' ( % Corn 1 I .Inn. 31 'A I May July 3IU Oats 1 I I .Ian. " 22'/j ' | May 2l"i | 1I Pork- I Jan. I 10 en i in 70 May I 10 S2'i ' | 10 97'i Jan. 5 SO I 5 S5 May 0 0214 Ribs- Jan. n 70 i c 70 5 05 I 5 03 | 5 70 " JIny _ 5 721i | 5 fO No. 2. Cash quotations wprp ns follows : FLOl'H Easy ; wlntpr patpnts. $ .1.10 < Tr 3.50 : straights. $ .1.00f.1.20 : clear. $2.953.10 ; spring specials , $3.SOR.1.90 ; patents , $3..10fS 3,50 ; stralghtr , $2.05Q3.00 ; bakers , $2.205 ? 02.50. WHEAT No. 3 spring , 59'JK > 2c ; No. 2 red. 05fiCGc. CORN No. 2 , ,11'iiC : No. 2 yellow. 31iP. . OATS-No. 2. 23'.4(23iu ( ; No. 2 wh'tc , :5c ; No. 3 white , 25fi2Cc. RYE-NO. 2. 5257510. HARLEY-No. 2 , 3ST ( ( | 0c. SEEDS No. 1 llaxseed nnd northwest. $1.50. Prime timothy , $2.60. Clover , contract grade , $ .S..13ifiS. 10. PROVISIONS-Mess pork , per bbl. , $9.25ff ] O.G2j. > . Lard , per 100 Ibs. , $3.72i. { ? 5. i. Short ribs sldcii ( loose ) , $5.6Cff3.KO. Dry Halted Khoulders ( boxed ) . J5.COns.75. Short cle ir pldea ( boxed ) . J.5.fifi'7C.OO. ' ! WHISKY-Dlstlllcrs' Hnlshed goods , on basis hlch wines , per gal. . J1.23H. SUOARS I'nchangcd ; cut loaf. $5.70 ; granulated , $5.1S. Following are the receipts and shipments for today : Articles. Receipts. Shlpm'tR. Flour , bbls . 1I.OW 32,0 ° o Wheat , bn . Cii/no 21.fKTO Corn , bn . ? 25GOO y. , . 00 Oats , bu . 211.0110 Rye. bu . 'I.O'IO ' 5.0)1 llarlpy. bu . 45.CO ) 2fO ? ) On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was nteady ; creameries , 1 fi > IIHc : dalrlen , 18ft 22e. Kggs. stemly ; frpsh , 10i/17c. / Cheesp , llrm , KffWiC. VOItIC ( iUNHUAI , JIAHKUT. CluotntloiiN fur tin * Day on Viirloim CoilllllUllltll-H. NEW YOHK. Jan. IS.-FLOUR-IlPCPlpts. 3.1.S59 hblH. ; oxrcrtj' , 3,777 bbls. ; dull and lower on practically nil grade : ! , following the break In whpat. Winter patent * . $1.5 ( > fi 3.75 ; MlnnoFotn paten'.1' , 1.70ft3.SO ; wlmlpr Mralirhts < , $ .1.Si > 5i3.40 ; winter extnis , $ J.COW "S3 ; Minnesota linker * , $2 751tn.fiO ; winter low grades. $2.2511 . ' .40. Hye Hour , weak ; fair to goo.1 , $3.155(3.25 ( ; choli-e to fancy. $3.0(3.00. ; | { ( llurkwhcnt Hour , weak at { 2.00(2.13. ( COHN.MEAI Quid ; yellow western , S9c ; city. 7Sc ; Hrandywlne. $2 20ft2.30. HYE Easy ; No. 2 western , COV c. f. ( i. b. allont , statp , 55550c ; c. I. f. , Now York , car lots. HAIILEY JCasy ; iwlting. Eoj53c ; fee'llng. IIAHLKY MALT-QnlPt : western. 65fJC5c. \VHKAT-HecPlpls. 00.220 bu. ; exports , 92- C50 bn. Spot. Hleariy ; N" . 2 red , "S c , f. o. < 1i , alloat , prompt1 ; No. 1 northern , Dnluth , WV , f. o. b. . atloat. prompt ; No. 1 hard , Du- Inth , 7SSc. f. o. b. . alloat , prompt ; No. 2 retl. 7l'tle. fle\Mior. Optli ns openpd weak nnd lower , inllnenced by disappointing cables. A ppvprc brpik In ran'thwust ' markets caused u ifnplher nnloadi'jig and a decline. In the last Jiour prlceB rallied a little on covering , clos ing llrm at ifi'lie ' net dpcllno , hut He up from 'bottiom. ' Marcli , 72 4 * ' , closed ad 72J4c ; iMay. 71 H-10/7IT < ( P. closed at 71c ; July , 71 % C(717 ( < iP. c'loKod at 71T c. COHN Hecelpts. 72,15" " ) bu. ; pxports , 60 Int. Spot market , KtNid'.v ' ; No. 2 , 104 e , f. o. b. , iillont , and 4OTic , elevator. OpKon market oppnpd WPjiily on wrl wmther ninvs , but < iulckly yleUled to hixivlnfM In wheat , which lirought on unloading. 'IMio market tlnally tallltNl on covering and c-loseil sternly , 'io net docllne May eloe dat uJ c. OATS Hivflpl.s , H',1.500 ' bu. Spot , steady ; No. 2. ' 29V ; No. 3 , c ; No. 2 white , We ; No. 3 while , 31i.-.c ; track mixed wputurn , t'OWjSlc ; track wJille , 3Ha { | < I5c. Optlonu , < julct btit wlc.idv. HAY Klrm ; shipping , 72HQSOc ; good to cholco. SOiJS7Hc HOI'S Quiet : state , common to choice , Jflni crop , Gc ; 1S9S crop , 7tf9c ; 1S93 crop , 12 ® 14cPacltic ; roam , UM crop , 4fj6c ; 1SSS crop , 74le : 1S99 crop , 12Jil4c. IIIDKS-Klrni ; nalveston. 20 to 25 Ibs. , 19Vi TPXIIH dry. 21 to 30 Ibs. . lHjc ; Cali fornia , 21 to 25 Ibs. , 'Jllic. LKATHKH Steady : hemlock ole. lUienoa Ayres , light to heavywolghts , S3J/2SH.O / ; ucld , PltdVLSIONS Hrof , steady ; family. $12.00 ( f12.30 | ; mVM , $10.50 ; hoof hams , $22.Wi22.50 ? ; Indian meis , J21.00r23.ft > . Cut meats , llrm ; jilckluil helllea. $5.1Ji < . { i7.00 : pickled shoul- ler . $5.7006.00 ; pickled hams , $ S.5Xy.25. ( [ | l.nril , pasy ; wp-stern tenm closed at $ ( ,25 ; Jnnunry. $ t > .30 , nominal ; rcllncd , easy ; continent , $0.50 ; South America , $0.55. Pork , llrm ; mfta , $11.00 ; short clear , $ U.50frl2SO ; family. $1223'iil276 TaU low. steady ; city , 6 ? c ; country , 5 ? jj5Hc. HK'E Steady ; domeBtlc , fair to extra , 4jiCVc ; Japan. 4 > j(5c. ( FHEIUJITS-Tu Liverpool , dull ; cotton by steam , -3c , nomlnu' ; grain by steam , MOLASSES Higher : New Orleans , open Kettle , good to choice , 44@5c. PEANUTS-Steady ; fancy hand picked , iMKTAL'8 Thp. featurn of the day was a plmrji udxiiiioti In tin on improved cablpa nnd n rencw l of buying. Advicps from primary jiolnts were very encouraging , thereby to the strcneth of that metal , The other mnrkPt * werf quirt. At the elose ( he Metnl rxi-hancp railed pit ; Iron dull ; cop- prr. very dull nt $1 * lf > . tin. firm wltfc J27..10 bid ami $2S m n. ke < l. lend , ulcndy with $1.70 bid and $1.75 asknl : spf ter. sti-.irty with JM > bid nwl JI.55 inked. The brokers' price , for lead h $1.45 ami for copper $16.50. OMAHA Cn.MHIAl , MAIIterST. Condition of Trndr nml ( Itiiitntlnn * nn Slnpli * nml Fnm'jProdtipe. . EOGS-RecelpK llBht ; fresh stock , weak nt Mr. DRESSED PorLTHY Choice to fancy turkeys , llr ; ducks , 9c ; Keesc , Oc ; spring ; chicken ? , 7'yfiSe ; hens , } 6',4e ; roosters , 40 LIVE POt'LTKV Hpns. GRS'.iP ; sprltiR ehlckpni. "fli'sp ; old nnd stnKKy roosters , 3c ; ducks , fififiic ; KPCHP , G'.VSJ'e ; turkeys , Sc. HflTEH-common to fnlr IG'ic ' ; choice , lSt 19c ; fpparator , 25c ; gathered creamery , 22't/23c. / PIOEONS Live , per doz. . 73c. VKA1.S Choice , PC. OAMK-Ducks. mallards. J3.OOg.TM : blue wing tenl , $1.73 ; Rrcen wing teal , Jl.25fll.DO ; mixed ducks tl..iufi2.CO. OYSTEHS-Medlum. per cnn. ISc ; stand- nrd , per can , 22c ; bulk stnndnrd , per gal. , $1.25 : extrn selects , per can , 30o ; extra se lects. per Kttl. , Jl.fiW1.75 ; New York counts , per cnn. 37c ; New York counts , per 100. 11.25. HAY - Upland , choice , jr 60 ; midland. choho , JG ; lowland , choice , $3 ; rye straw , choice. $0.60 ; No. 3 corn , 27c ; No. 3 whlto oats , 22'4c ' ; cracked corn per ton. J12 ; corn nnd oils , chopped , per ton. $12.50 ; bran , per ton , J13 , shorts , per ton , Jll. VEUETAHLES. SPINACH -Per DOX , Jl. NEW HKKTS Per doz. bunches , 73c. RADISHES Per doz. bunches , 40c. LETTUCE Per doz. bunches , 40c ; fancy head lettuce per lib ! . , $5. $ SWEET POTATOES Ppr bbl. . Illinois , $3 : Jerseys , $5 ; Inrire bb'a. ' , Kansas. J2.75. POTATOHS-IVr On. , choice , 20il40c. CAHHAOE-Hnllnnd seed , 2c. CAULIFLOWER-ppr crnte. J2.r,0. OXIOXS Uetnll. yellow. 75c ; red , S3gKc. ( ) CEL'SRY Per doz. , 2SJJ30CJ California , per Ivjnrh , 43fi75c. TLTHNIPS-Hutabngas , Her lb. , IUo ; Ca nadian , IVic. MlJSIIHOOMS-Per lb. box. BOc. TOMATOES Florida , per 6-baskot crate , (1.50. ( FRUITS. A PPLES Choice western shlpplnc stock , jn.oor/3.5n ; New York stock. J3.75Q4.00 ; fnncy , Jl.2o5l4.50. OUAPICS-Mnlnsa Kwpes , per bbl. . J7.00S ) 9.m. ( CKAXHKUPJHjS-Boll nnd Bugle , per bbl. J7 ; Jerseyn. | u.7o. TROPICAL F1JU1TS. ORAXGKS Mexican , Per box , J3 ; Call- fornln nnvels , per box , W. 5003. 75 ; California scedllrms. ner box , J2.75fI3.lK ) . LKMOXS-Callfornla funcy , J3.75 ; choice California , J3.50 ; Mtsi-lnn , H. M1SCKI.LANEOU3. HON'FY Per 24-sectlon case , S3.25. NUTS Hickory nuts , large , per bu. , J1.25 ; shellbarl ; ? , $1.35. FICtS-CaHfornlu layers , per 10-lb. box , Jl ; California carton , per 10-lb. box , Jl.IO ; Imported lips , per lb. . 13c. DATKS-Cfl-lb. boxes , 5'A@6c per lb. MAPLK SUGAR-Per lb. , 9B10c. HIDES , TALLOW. ETC. HIDES No. 1 croon hides , Sc : No. 2 Krcen hides , 7c ; No. 1 salted hides , 9',4c ; No. 2 salted hides , SVjc ; No. 1 vcnl calf , 8 to 12 Ibs. , Oe ; No. 2 veal calf , 12 to 15 Ibp. , Sc. TALLOU' . GREASE , ETC. Tallow , No. 1 , 4c ; No. 2. 34c ; rough , 2c ; white grease , 2 > 4B3Vie ; yellow and brown grease , 2 ! < tfj3 < - ' . SI. I.iinln ( irnln nml lrnvlnlniiH. ST. I.Ot'IS , .Inn. Ja. u nfiAT Lower ; No. 2 red cash , elevator , GOHc ; track , C9W 70c ; January , Gti'.fcc ; May , n7Tiic ; July , GSVfec ; No. 'i hard , G3fi lc. Receipts , 4,761 bu. CORN Lower ; No. 2 cash , 31e ; track , 32'/i ( T/K't-c ; January , 31c ; May , 32V4c. OATS Lower ; No. 2 cnrh , 2l'ic ; track , 24Te : January , 2l'c ( ; May , 24 ic ; No. 2 white. 2 Vic. RYE Firm nt 62 > 4e. FLOUR Dull and barely steady ; patents. M.iOfi.1.50 ; extra fancy , J3.10JiR.15 ; clear , J2.75 " - . J2.00Q2.33. Flaxsccd. at J1.4S. TORNMKA I. Steady at Jl.70ffl.75. HRAN Scarce antl linn ; sacked , east Hack , fi'JZS'V.'C. HAY : it' ' . Jy ; timothy , J7.0017 12.00 ; prairie , Jii.0itfiet.50. MlSlALS-Lend. steady at J4.62',4ff4.G5. ( S'lelifr. llrm nt'4.35. POULTRY Steady ; chickens , 7'Ac ' ; tur keys. 7'/sc ; ducks. 7V2c ; geese , 5 < 5iGV4c , \VIUSKY-Steady nt $1.2314. l'OTTOXTIKS-$1.23'4. IlAUGIXn S iffjfi'fec. IIK.M'P . TWIX'K ' HP. PROVISIONS Dry salt boxed meats , ex tra shorts , J- > . ! > 71,4 ; clear ribs , $6 ; clear sides , JG.lSVs. Bacon , extrn shorts , JG.37H ; clear ribs. tli.CO ; clear sides , JG.G2V4. Pork , steady ; johbhiK , old. J10.25 ; new. Jll.ST. . Lard , lower ; prime s'te.'im ' , } 5. ( > 2Vi ; choice , JS.GO. RECEIPTS P.our , G.COO bbls. ; wh lt , 5,000 bu. ; corn. 40.000 bu. ; oiits , 3S.OOO bu. 'SHIPMENTS-F'.nur ' , G.COO bu. ; whent , 19- 000 bu. ; corn , 35,000 bu. ; oats , 31,000 bu. Under , KKK nml Cliccnc Mnrkct. PHILADELPHIA , Jan. IS. BUTTER Firm nnd Ic higher ; fancy prints , 23c ; fancy western creamery , 23c. EGOS ITrm ; fresh nearby , 19c ; freoh wcsteni , 19e ; fresh soutihern , IRc. CHEESE Firm bud quiet. NEW YORK. Jim. IS. BUTTER Re ceipts , 2,893 packages ; steady ; Juno cream- cry , 20 < fi23'j.c ; western , 21ffi25c ; factory , 17 C22c. | CHEESE RecelplP , 3,318 packages ; firm ; fall made fancy large , 12iiyi3c ; large Into made , 11 5112 ; small late mndc , 12gi2'ic. EGGS Receipts , G.G75 packnces ; steady ; vwestern. 20o , loss off ; western , ungraded , nt murk ll fl.Sc. CHICAGO. Jan. 1R.-IRUTTER Steady ; crtnmery , igfiilUe ; dairy , lSf22c. ( 15GGS-St iily : fresh , ICrMTc. ST. LOUIS , Jan. IS. BUTTER-Stoady ; creamery. 20i25c ; dnlry. l&J/2ftc. / EGGS Sitendy nt 13e. KANSAS CITY , Jan. IS. BUTTER * - Creinnery 205iC3c ; dairy. ISc. KttCtS Steady ; flash 'Missouri nnd Kansas ti'iocks , llrsts. I'Jc , eases returned ; storage , We. _ Kininiin City < : riiln mid I'rovlnloiin. KANSAS CITY. Jan. IS. WHEAT May , G2e ; cash , No. 2 Imrd , GlHo ; No. 3 , 5GC61c ; N . 2 red , 70c ; No. 3 , Gj jCOc ; receipts , 20 cars. CORN May , SO'.ic : cash , Xo. 2 mixed , KHMiKflic : No. 2 white , 31e ; No. 3 , 30c. OATS-NO. 2 white , anic. RYE-NO. 2 , so < - . HAY Choice timothy , J9.0009.EO ; cholco prairie , JG.riOf .Bn. RICC'EIPTS Wlieat , 12(0) ( bn. ; corn , 15,200 bu. ; oatM. 7f < ' ) l > u. SHIPMENTS Wheat , 12,000 bu. ; corn , 3,900 bu. ; onts , 7 , ( > bu. niioIlN "VVliont nml I'Mour. MINNEAiPOLIS. Jnn. IS. WHEAT In store : NO. 1 northern , 61ic ; May , 6JT ( f2-re ; Ju'y. C4fCI' ( < ic' . On track : No. 1 linrM , GS ie ; Xo. 1 noitihcrn , G2'ic ; No. 2 northern - orn , CA\ FLOfR-lOc- lower ; Ilrst rMtcnts , } 3.20fU20 ; second patents , JS.l'Of/S.lO / ; Urst clear , J2.0 > if 2.10. 2.10.HRAX L'lH-hanged. licc Criiln Slnrkcl. MILWAtTKEE , Jan. IS.-WHEAT-Hnlf cent lower ; Xo. 1 nortbern , C3 > , & @ $ IV&c ; Xo. 2 northern. BIii ( 2'ie. RYE Firm : Xo. 1 , S5Hf56c. | BARLEY Steady ; Xo. 2 , 45'ic ; Fnmple , 35-ii 12' c. OATS-Flrmer ; Xo. 2 white , 25Vj025 ic. Toledo Inrlict. TOLEDO. Jan. 18.VM BAT Active , flrm ; Xo. 2 cash , 67 ? ; May , 70e bid. COIIN null , steady ; Xo. 2 mixed. 32c. OATS Dull ; Xo. 2 mixed , 24 We. RYE Xomlnal : Xo. 2 55c. ( "LOVERBEED-Dull , higher ; prime cash , old , J4.90 bid ; January , new , J5.77H. Liverpool ( irttln nml 1'ruvlnloiiN. LIVERPOOL. Jnn. IS. CORX Futures , Jiinuary. steady , 3s 5M : Februnry , quiet , 3s5 d ; March , quiet , 3s 5Ttd. WIlEAT-Spot , dull. Futures , quiet ; March and May , fis 7'id. 1'eorln llnrUot , PEORIA. 111. . Jan. Ik. COUN Higher ; new No. 3. SlftSli/iC. OATS- Firm : Xo. 3 white. 24&2lic. ! WJUSKY-Flfm on the basis of J1.23V4 for flnlBlied ; OOIB. Duliitli Wlient MurUet. DULl'TH , Minn. . Jan. 18.-WHI3AT No. 1 hard cash. i Wte ; Xo. 1 northern cash , ( XHe ; May , GP4ei July , CCc ; Xo. 2 northern , Xo. 3 spring , M'ic. MOVBMH.XTS OF STOCKS AXD I1OXDS. London NlrriiKtli oil South African Ilopen IN llellceled. XE\V YORK. Jan. IS. Stock market conditions showed no marked change from thoFit prevailing for porno time past and general lasrltudo was the characterlHtlc. One or two railroad stocks rellected a fair demand , notably the Xorfolk & Western Issues and Union Pacllics. The Baltimore ) & Ohio stocks werp alto bought In mod- eraio volume. Yesterday's movement In Leather , from which speculators * hoped the market would receive an Impulse , dwindled iiwuy nnd prollt taking diprtvwl fho prUe. Siirar was a < ] vimctv ) In a desultory manner during the early part of the duy. but In the afternoon tinko uvcr 5 points from thu top level tuvd unBe-v'iled the wliclc market. CuviTlns by the bears In Sugar nnd ( ho lute demand for Union Pacific stiffened tlio irarket galn and served to retrieve a part of the dci'lnes , mak'ni ? the close flrm unl the not changes mixed , There was a" very rrnrkevl absorption of new nnd reorganiza tion brmdi. w/ilch served n n nni-kftroun I t i 'Ihe s'cir.Rth of IIP \ vnomnrkPi : for upeurltle * . 1 .if lirrt ! : > ne wns unm'.stok- ' fthVy Hrm nr.iJ. in . plp of the very light dp- nmnd , Mure w < n tin prfui.p to s ell sto.-ka. I The fur'hrr ' rt'Hietlon ' In thp Hank of I EnsInr.O's private rnp ! of dlpviunt anil tiho i weekly return of lie ' .rank nprvi I to confirm rontl.-Tenoe In - npy outlook. The strength In Lorulm cm ! { . ' < scnrp nn l on the hopeo pnjTPMiored liy the meager news from South Africa cnusps ome rellectcd strength In ihp New York stock market. Rr ervts ( pntlnup to accumulate In thp New York 1 bank. * , bc'J.i ' by reason cf IIIP ifllux of funds 1 from thp Interior , t'ho d > i . - 'It of Intermit rpvpnup 10 ! ectlons wltih the bank * and ex traordinary govptnnipnt dlsbur. pine-nt8 hy thp subitrpiisurv an account of ppnMons. The stock mnrkel demand for money en call con tinuing vpcy lR-ht ! , fundi * nrp prt lng more nnd mori- for pnir-loyincnt In time loan * , which nrn ( ( untiil as low as l',4 per cent on all nil rood rtock col' Ucriil. Extraordinary ' loins nro oven rei > or id ivt i per cent mid mercantile piiior < f u hls'h grade Is romlng Into mblltlorail domar.J at 5 per cent. Today's strong undertone In stocks wns emphasized by the go" > d reports rcoplvcul during the day of ra Irnnd earnings for Uiu j pponnd wpek In Jnnu-uy. 'IVic hnrJenlng tpniifney or slc-pllng pxclinnifp Is vlexvu with tranqull'.lty be-IIU.JP Mis Hnnk of Eng land has wl rtvdrnwn IH concessions , on gold 'expcits ' , t'iius mIMng ' . 'he go-J exjiort point for exchange cotxildcnibly nbovo that at ! which gold Jias rpcently gene out. I The Improved for bonds Is a natural result from -t'hp ' chevppncd rates for money nnd t'iio prcs-Mire cf .ipltal for pro- duptlvp pmr/InymiMv' . HIHIIVPM was fairly veil dlrtflbuted nnd mlvuncul quite uni formly. Total rales , par value. $1,233OJO. Unite * ! Stiitrs 3s and old 4s ndvuiped 1t ! nnd new 4 ? , i-oupnn , dpellnrd U In thp bid p ! ice. The Commprclal Advertiser's lyjtvlon cablegram sa > f : The news that General Iluller 'haul ' crosse 1 'Ihe ' Tugt-l.i In force caused a cinlldpnt opening nt the Stock exchange hpru today , but t'hp failure of the pnr-idc to respond to the eMirounigltnc tidings caused prlcps to stick after mid- ! day. Thp action of the Hnnk of England director. * In reducing thp minimum dlr.unt rate from 5 to 414 per cent holslif.l con-wls. but In s'Mne ' quarters It wns lookul upon as paving tihe way for a frc-sh government loan. ATOorlcnnj opened at an advance , but wns no buying and prices ragged on New York supplies of stock. The Argen tine Republic took gold amounting to 10- ( ) CO. The slrp.ngilh of the Hank of England's weekly revturn Is due to tiho seasonable In- How of money from the provinces. Money and bills were acnln weak. Discount houses have reduced deposit rates 14 to 2/4 per cent , calls to 2i , with notices , borelgn exchange rates today were : Paris , 25.20 ; Hcrlln , 20.-I9V4. Silver -was llrm at a lower level. The following nrp the quotations for the leading stocks on the New York exchange todnv : Atchlson 19 % Texas & Paclllc. . 1 U do pfd my , Un'.on Paclllc . . . . 47'i Baltimore ) & O. . tf > % do pfd 75 Canadian Pnc. . . . 93',4 ' Wtibash 7 Canada So IS do pfd 20 Ches. & Ohio . . . . 30ii Wheel. & L. E. . 9VS Chicago G. W. . . 12'.4 do 2d pfd. . . . 27 C. . B.-&IQ 121 WIs. Central . . . . IS Chi. , Ind. & L. . . 1C Adams Ex 114 do pfd 45 { American Ex 113 Ohl. & E. Ill S5 .U. S. Ex 10 Chicago ft N. W.101',4 ' Wells-Fargo Ex.122 C. , P. . I. & P..100 'Amer. ' Cot. Oil . . 3.1K C. C. C. & St. L. COHl do pfd 90 Colorado So 5 % Amer. Malting . . 5 > i do 1st pfd. . . . 43 I do pfd SOU , do 2d pfd. . . . 15 'Amer. ' S. ft R. . . . 37 % Del. & Hudson . .115 I do pfd hS Del. L. & W 171 'Amer. ' Spirits . , . 2 Denver ft H. G. . 17 % do pfd 17 do pfd C9HAmcr. Steel II. . . 4Hi Erie 11 , do pfd SIde do 1st pfd. . . . 32 % Amer. S. & W. . . 40 % Gt. Nor. pfd 104 do pfd S9 ' Hocking Coal . . . I Hi Amer. Tin Plate. SUi Hocking Valley. . 31'4 Amer. Tobacco. . U9 % TlMnols Central . .113U do pfd 3.1 Iowa Central . . . . 11 % Anac. Mln. Co. . . 40 do pfd ID Hrooklyn R. T. . . CO'ft K. C. , P. ft G. . . . S',4 Colo. Fuel & I. . . 43 % Lake Erie & W. 22 Con. Tobncco . . . 32M- do pfd S3M1 do pfd SI Lake Shore 191 Federal Steel . . . . "Oi , & L. & K Wi do pfd 7.1 Manhattan L 92'i Gen. Electric NPTF York Money Mnrltpt. NEW YOHK. Jan. IS. MONEY-On call steady nt 3' per cent ; prime mercantile pnper. 5(1G ( per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE-FIrm , with actual business In bankers' bills at $4.S7H ff4.S7'i for demand and $4.S4iiI4.S4U for plxty days : posted rates. $ I.S4'4.S5 and 4.S3 ; com mercial bills , $4.83iA. SILVER-Har 69Vi ; Mexican dollars , 45 . GOVERNMENT HONDS-Stendy ; 2s reg. , IfCiA ; 3s rog. , 100 % ; coup. , U0 % ; new 4s reg. , 13.1 : coupon , 131 ; old 4s reg. , and coupon , 114H ; 5s reg. , 112 ; couu. , 113li. The following nre the closing quotations on bonds : U. fi. 3' , rog 1021,4 NrvTC. Is . " do 3s , rog 109 % N. J. C. gen. 5s. do coupon 110 % No. Care Ina Cs.,127 do new 4s , reg.1.11 I do 4s 100 do coupon 13i | vnr I'm- 1 110 do old 4s , reg..l14''i No. Pacific 3s 00 do coupon. 114 % do 4s ! 103 % do 6s. reg 112 N.Y.C. & % do coupon 113Vi N. & W. con. 4s. . 95 % D. of C. 3 GiS..120 | do gen. Cs 1W/i Atchlson gen. 4s. 9)Orc ! N'-\v. Is 110 do adj. 4s SOH1 do 4s 101 % Cnnadn So. 2s..10714 Ore. S. L. Os 129 % Che * . & O. 4V4P. . 97 i do conso' ' 5s 112 do 5s 11514 Reading gen. 4MV1 C. & N. con. 7s..140 Rio G. W. li ! )5Vi ) do S. F. drb. os.m St.L. & I.M. c.Ss.110 Chicago Ter.Is. . . 91 St.L. & S.F.g. Cs.ll ! ) n. ft H. n. 1s..102 St. Paul consols.100 r > . a n. G. i * . . . . 9 % st p. . c. & P.IS.IIRIJ E. T. . V. & do 5s 119 Erin gen. 4s nn So. Hallway 5s..107 F. W. & D. C. Is. 72 R. H. & T. Os. . . . SI i Gen. Electric 5s.117 Tenn. n. s. 3s UU4 ! O. H. & S. A. os.lOS Texas & Pap. ls.112 do 2s 10. > do 2s 51 II. & T. C. 5s..110 Union Pacific 4s'.10l do con. Cs lid Wnlmrti Is 11 Hi In. Central Is..110 ' do 2s 101 K. ( ' . , P. ft O. IK. OW , West Shorp Is. . . . 112K , Li. new 4s.100ii Wis. Central Is. . 974 L. ft N. unl. 4s. . 97' ? Va. Centuries . . . S3 M. . K. ft T. 2s. . . 0 U. do id fVr-p.1 . . . . 5 do 4s S9U So. Paclllc 4s S2& Colo. So. 4s S3 Iloxton BOSTON , Jan. 1R. Call loans , .IftG per cent : tlmo loans , & 0G per cent. Official closing quotations of stocks , bonds and minlnz shares : A. . T. ft S. F.777194 WIs. Central JS do pfU 00 % Dom. Coa.l Hit Amer. Suear . . . .115si do pfd in do pfd 114 'Atchlson ' Is 93 Hall Telephone..32fl ( Adventure 0 I Hoston ft Alb'y..240 Alloupz Mln o , S I Hoston Elevated. 95Vi Atlantic. 2H/4 t C' . . H. ft Q 12H4 Hoston ft Mont..25T ' Fltchburg pfd..119 Hutto ft HOF.ton. . 40 Gon. Electrtc . . . .12IH Calumet ft Hif..7.H ) do T > f'l ' I3' Centennial 10 Federal Steel . . . . 501.41 Frank I In H do pfd TZ'.SlHinnhnliU 1 Mex. Central . . . . V > \ Ospeoln , ( T7 Midi Te'cphono.I'Vi ' Parrot 39i Old Co'ony 201 Qulncy 141 Old Dominion . . . 17" ; Kunta FP Cop. . . . SiJ Rubber 11 Tnmarack 171 Union Pacific . . . 17'i , Wlnona ; 4 ITnlon Land . . . . S Wolverines P.SU West Knd 92 Uta'i Mining . . . .27 Westlngh. Elec. . . 40U London Stock ( Imitation * . LONDON. Jan. IS. 4 p. m. ( 'losing : Consols money..101 \ - N. Y. Central . . .J37 % Consols , ncct IQI'4 Pennsylvania . . . . 00 1'nnadlan Pac PSV Hftuli'ng \i'/ ! ' 12U No. Pnclllc pfd. . 70' do 1st pfd. . . 3414 AtPhlson 2li"i I H'lnalJ Central..110i.i Loultvlllo SI Union Pac. pfd. . . 70TJ Grand Trunk 731 St. P. common..12074 Anaconda SVj 1 HAH SILVER-Stendy. ST'.i'l ' per ounce. I MONEY 2 ppr cent. The rate of discount In HIP open market I for short bills. 3-\fi3W per cent ; for three , months' bills , 3 ft-lGiQUH per cent. I | ' "OIKII | I'liiiiiiclnl , I LONDON , Jan. IS. The weekly Ktalo- | incut of the Hank of England shows the following changes ! Total reserve , increase , 1 l,2S2OnO ; circulation , decreai-e. JCKO.ttK ) ; ' bullion. Increase. iil.l7i.BI7 : other Hcciul'lt s , i decrease , 2,240,000 ; other depoili * . dfcrea p. I 1,710.000 ; public dcpot-lM. decrcafo. 1,55- ! 000 ; notes reserve. Increase. ill.SCI.OiiO ; gov- | crnme-nt Fpcuritloa unchanged. The propor. 1 tlon of thu Hank of England's reserve to ' liability is 42.DC per cent , last week it was I H)47 ! per npnt Hnte of dU-Pnunl. 4' ' , per pent. Bar sllvpi ; elnfpd stp dlf-r nt 27 5-1 ' ptr onnpp. Gold prpmltimn arp quoteil : Buenos Ayrps. 129.70 ; Madrid , ? .S IS ; Ll urm. 43.fiO ; Romp. 7.2214. Gold | inmlum ! at Ll < - bon have advanced to 41. Prices for Amer ican securities ndvaliced at thp opening and remained ppnprally llrm throughout the session. Thp bMtpr fenllng was due to more favnrablp ndvlrp < from South Africa. At thp elosp the tnnp was llrm. Spanish 4.i rlospd at 67. The amount of bullion with drawn from I IIP Bank of England on bal- anpp tndny wns .ClO.OuO. I'AHIS. Jan. ! * . Btijilness on the bonr. c f today wns strong , owing to the better Lnn- I don rate. International securities were | largely purchased. Rio Tlntos hardened on 1 thp better price fur copper. Kalllrs nd- I vanccd shnrply on London buying and the phoprful war news , nnd closed steady , nl- 1 though the lip. > t prices wen- not imlntalne.l. Three ppr pent rcntps , HiOf 7Uc for thp IIP- count. Exchnnge on London , 25f2lc for , checks. Spanish 4s , os.07. i UK RUN. Jan. K The weekly statement of the Imperial Bunk ( if Germany shows the following changes : Cash In hand , In crease , 45.Nnoo ) marks ; treasury notes , in- , erpiifp , 2,100,0')0 ' ) marks ; othpr securities , de- , erease. HO.lso.Oilo marks ; notes In clrcnln- tlon , dpcrpiisp , Ill,2IOHiH ) marks. Hnsltipss on the bourse Is better , owing to thp fnvor- nble bank rptnrns nnd pncouraglng London i advices. Exchange nn London , 20m 49'4 ' pfgs. for checkH. Private rate of discount , 4id per pptil. York Mlnlntr Soplx. NEW YORK. Jan. IS.-Thc following are the olllclal closing quotations for mln- Inc sharps : cho'.lnr is tonturlo 23 Crown Point . . . . 7 Oph'.r 62 Con. Cal. ft Va..l.5 I'.ymouth s Deadwood 5-1 Quicksilver 150 Gould ft Currle. . is do Pfd 750 lla.e . ft Norcrosx. 35 Sierra Nevada , . . ! M Homeotako SfOO Standard 25 > Iron Silver "i 1'nlon Con 22 Mexican 2ij Yellow Jacket . . . 18 Unnk t'lcurlnjj.i. NEW YORK. Jan. IS. Clearings , $107,010- 1 355 ; balances , J7.5P3.HS9. I nC'STON. ' Jnm. IS.-Clparlngs , $21,559&SO ; l a'mncri , Jl S.O-M. ST. LOt'lS , 1R. Clporlncs , $5,415,515 ; lialances. $0.5SM2. Money. 4f77 per cent. Niw York exihuncp. GOo premium Id , 75c , : iremlum 'isked. ' CHICAGO. Jan. lS.-Cloirlnft. : $22M9C.7 . : ' balance. $ l,512js. ) Posted exchange , { i.S4f . -I.SS. NPW York excJi-.inge. 40c premium. J BALTIMORE. Jnn. IS.-Clcarings. $3,321- 740 ; balances , $3fO,207. Cdltdii AliirUet. NEW YOHK , Jnn. 1S.-COTTON Futures c'cst < l sttMdy ; Januarv , $7.1.1 ; l-Vbrunry , $7.33 ; Ma roll. $7.40 ; April. $7.41 ; May. $7.43 ; June , $7.43 ; July. $7.11 : August. $7.42 ; Sep tember. JO.SS ; October , $0.73 ; Novtmber , $0.09 ; December , $ C.tiS. Spot cotton closed quiet and steady , 1-K < - advance ; middling up lands. 74c ; mltldllus gulf , Se ; sales , 140 bales. NHW ORJJEANS. Jan. 1S.-COTTON S.ilc , 11.030 bales ; ordinary , CUc ; pee < l ordi nary , 0c ; low mldlln-s. 7'4c ; middling , 7Hc ; good middling , 711-lfic : mklilllng fair , Sc ; tecelpits , 4.M7 ltilr.stock ; , 40S.5SS bales. Ftl- October. $5.13. ST. LOUIS. Jan. 1S.-COTTON Quiet and uucihangcd : sales , none ; middling , 77-lflc ; re ceipts , 2C5Ti bales ; shipments , 2.72S bales ; stock , PS.fiSI bales. GALVKSTON , Jan. IS. COTTON Steady nt 75-lGp. LIVERPOOL. Jan. IS.-COTTON-Spot , fnlr flemunid ' .uid prices 1-lCd higher ; Amerl- ran mlri'n : ' ? fair. 4 13-lKd ; RO < H ! mMd'lin ' ? . 4"'sd ; middling. I 9-lul ; gooO crdlnary 7-3'.J ; onilnary , 41-3M ; low middling , 3 H-32d. 1'he ' salpa o'f t'ho Cuy were. 12,030 boles , of whlc-h - 1.2W b-ilos were for speculation and e-x- imrt and' ' Incltulvd ! > ,000 bales American. He- e.elr t'S , 4,000 bale ? , Including , 3,700 bale.3 American. Futures open l and clcccd stiMidv a-t t'he ' advance ; American mM'-IKiig ' , 1. m. c. , January. 42I-1IJ } I H-Clii. value ; January nn'd ' Febnwry , 4 20-54f/4 21-C4 < 1 , buyers ; February and Marcth. 4 17-011 ? 4 1S-4d ( ! , pellers ; Maroh and April , 4 14-01 4 15-CVd , sellers ; April anil 'May ' , 4 11-Gld , fell ers ; May and June. 1 7-fi4fr-l S-C4d , buyers ; Juno and July , I .i-G4 ( & > ! G-Cld. sellers ; July and August. 43-tid. ; buyers ; August and September. 3 fll-GI'afi 12-64 ! < I > , September and October , 352-Old , sellers ; October and No- \ember , 3 I5-6ITI.1 4ii-Cld , buyer * . London \Vool Auction. LONDON , Jan. IS. Tne offerings nt the. wool auction sales today amounted to 1.1.G05 b.Llps. TJIP best combine grcaslps were taken fairly well by American and French buyers ; uii.l medium parcels of locks and r/ecos ! were all nhsorlipd ty tlie home trarte. T.he better grades ft v'lps and secured were withdrawn. Cros-bre < l fJlipes and1 greasy were also taken by the home trade and brlg.h * . grcnjy by 'ATnerlcnn. The inarkdt \\u-s tirm , owing to Jcar mo ney in Germany and the uncertainty of the war. Operators , especially continental representatives , nre opposing ihoidrs ! who name high limits. Withdrawals are Increislng. Yesterday G.OuO 'bales were withdrawn. 5,000 again today mil < i like number entered on tomorrow's catalogue has been ttiken up. Following are the stiles : New South Wales , 3,500 bales ; scoured , Is-IHKlfiSa SM.3 ; greasy , Siilf71s4d. ; Queci - Innd , 1,400 bak-s ; scoure < l , ls8dJ2sSd. Vlc- itorla , 3.000 balen ; scoured , IsCdfl W ; greasy , TdfMslli .l. South Australia , 1.000 bales ; scoured , Is r.Vdfds ll' d ; greasy. 0 4W lid. West Australia , 1.3W ba'.e ? ; greasy , 7 4 ( filld. New Xea.and , 2,00 Ixiles ; scoured , G < 1 ( fris3 < l ; greasy , OTtdfJ'ls ' 3d. Cape of Good Hope " Nntal. 700 b-iles ; Fcoured , Is ldf ( ' s ; greayy , ? .15i"ls. Hucnos Ayrcs , 300 bnles ; grctisy , CUT/llHtl. CofTpp lliirUet. NEW YOHK , Jan. -COFFEE Futures openeid llrm , with price ; " 5fila points higher , and further advanced IWila iiolnts , having vigorous foreign and support , following higher cables and firmer and moro active markets for ppot supplies , supplementing kirger warehoirye deliveries. Ijiter there was a reaction under liquidation , but the gencnl tend.n" y was t tronsly upward. T'he ' market cloned steady with prices 15ft 2.5 points net -higher. Total sales , 40.750 bigs : , irpludlng February , $7.'Xif/7.05 ; March , ? 7.10ti 7.15 : May , $7.SOf/7.2S : July. $7.305/7.40 ; August. $7.40 ; September. $7.40f7 50 ; October , $7.4'5f7 7.EO : November , $7.55 ; December , $7.CO. Sirot coffee , Rio , ( Ready to Hrm ; No. 7 Invoice. S5-lflc ; No. 7 jobbing , S 13-lCc ; Cordova. S-W l-'ic. Dry CoodH .tlarlcpi. NEW YORK , Jan. ISDRY GOODS-DP. mand for spot goods .ihows Improvement today In staple cottons , with more Inquiry for forward deliveries of brown and tray cotton.'t. Tone stendy and prices main tained at first hands. Print cloths quiet nt previous prices ; prints also quiet , but Hteady. No change in ginghams. Slleslu nnd cambrics and other cotton linings are quiet , but prices maintained ; hosiery nnd underwear well Hold for fall and a number of lines arc withdrawn from the market. The tendency of the market is against buyers. SiiAnr .MnrUel. NEW YORK. Jan. IS.-SUGAR-Raw. strong nnd held higher ; fair rollnlng. 3 15-Gc bid ; molasses sugar. 3'ic bid ; centrifugal , fG test , 4 ll-u''c bid. Hpflned. firm. NEW ORLEANS. Jan. 18. SUGAR Strong ; open kettle. y-Stt I 1-JOc ; open kettle centrifugal.Ti \ \ 7-lGc ; whites. 4Hfl ! > 4c ; yel low , 4itii5l ll-10c ; seconds , 2TWH 3-1Gc. Mo lasses , quiet ; open kettle , 32vflOc ; centri fugal , SftSfic. Syrup , S < c. Cnllforiiln Dried Frultn. NEW YOHK , Jan. 1S.-CALIFORNIA DRIED FHtMTS-There was very llttlo In- qulry noted In evaporated apples and the market was quiet and unchanged. State evaporated apples , common , GfiG c ; prime , Gi < i7'4c | ; choice , 7-iTM,4c | : fancy , 8 < . &Q9e. Dried prunes , ; iv..iif-c per lb. , IIH to nlzo and quality. Apricots. Hnyal , 13ilCe ? ; Moor Park , ISfilKc. Peaclicsi , peeled , 20Q23c ; un- pceled , 70 lOc. nnd .AIl They nro Mill playing foot ball at Fairfax and Hoc'-iort. The Methodists of Carthage nro crectlnira Jl.ow homo for their pastor. It has been fifty years since Benne county's ponrthoiiHo was new. In HK > Mlsourl paid out $1,000,000 moro for school purposes than In 1 ! > 79. And now Maryvlllo wants Andrew Car negie to donate $25,000 for a library building tbcro. Trenton Is talking of paving a number of its principal thoroughfares with vltrlllcd brie' : . Ono man shipped over BrAOOO eggs from Smlthton last year. The Missouri hen out lays the world. An Iowa , widow , aged 51 , has sued a chllllcotbo man for JlO.OfO damages for breach of promise. In thn fnco of the fact that thcro nrp 50) moro women than men In Linn county n Hrooklicld man advertised In the Argus for u wlf > . Springfield has nn opportunity to secure ft big panning factory by giving the protnot. ers a bonus of $2,500 and taking $2.500 Htock In the enterprise. The .Missouri supreme court has decided tjiat railroads may bo taxed to pay Interest tin bunds tanned for the purpose of nshUtlii In the cunhlructlon of roads * . Hannibal Is In the throe * of a fiictory- Bpcurlntj campaign. The citizens of that town are reaching out after a number of entrrprlhes which. If secured , will be of great advantage to thu place. ! OMAHA LIVE hTOCK MARKET Oornfed Steera Bell Steacy with More Movement. COWS IN GOOD DIMAND AT STEADY PRICES n Arc Actltc nt Advniipc of 1'lve to SPVOII Cpnts Shceji Opriifil Aetlve nml Stronger , but ( 'lined I.OMCT. SOUTH' OMAHA , Jan. IS. Receipts were : Cat tit1. Hogs , tahcep. Oltlclal Monday 2.17.1 S.4S7 4.015 Olllclal Tuesday 3.1S7 S.SSl 2,311 Olllclal Wednesday saw ll.SS'J 2,112 Olllcliil Thursday lS9i ti.S7ii 1.426 I Four days this week..10,351 3J.G.U 9.92S Samp iinys lasi week. . . . 11,565 32.027 ! > .5I1 Hnmc days week before. . 8,5.31 U.Oil 9.:0l Same three wteks ago. . . 6 , < 20 1CM b,2S-l Average price paid lor hug * tor the lust several days with comparisons : * Indicates Sunday. The oMlclnl number of cars of stock hi ought In loduy by cvult road was : Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. C. . M. ft St. P. Hy 1 11 O. ft St. L. Hy 1 M fourl Paclllc Hy 5 . . Union Pacific System 30 IS I C. ft N. W. Hy 3 F. , E. ft M. V. H. H 10 23 S. C. ft P. Hy I C. , St. P. , M. ft O. Hl > ' . . 13 2 H. ft M. H. H. H 1.1 17 2 C. , H. ft Q. Hy 1 13 K C. ft St. J 3 C. , H. 1. ft P. Hy. , E. . . . 2 4 C. . H. 1. ft P. Hy. , W. . . . . Total receipts Si 93 G The disposition of the day's receipts win ws follows , each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated : Huyers. Oattl'e. ' HOR-S. Shoep. Omaha Packing Co 113 WO G. H. Hnmmond Co 13 $ 1,335 22 Swift ami Company 178 l.SJrS 193 Cud.-i'hy ' Packing Co 40 $ 1,544 361 Armour ft Co 120 1,24 $ 50 Omaha P. C. , from K. C. 71 S\vfl ! from country 101 502 Armour , from Sioux City 1,123 II. Jlccker ft SO Vansnnt ft Co 3.1 J. L. Carey 31 W. I. Stephen 44 Hid ft llimlzlnger bS Htiv'bn ft Undvrivnod 1 Livingstone ft Sohaller. . . . 104 Hamilton ft Rothschild' . . . IS Dennis " 1 Otiheir buyf.-s 322 Totals 1,97,1 7..5C'5 1,14.1 CATTLE- Receipts of cattle were light today and there were home eight loads of the number rpportfd In shipped direct to packers from Knnras City. Scmio of the trains were late In arriving , so that when the market opened there wore only about half of the reported receipts In sight. Of beef cattle there were o-ily throe or four loadr nn'.ece for the puckers , which was not enough to make a killing for any one. At the same time the packers wanted a few beeves and this fact rendered the market rather more active than it has been for some days past. U was hardly possible to expect any real Improvement In prices with Chicago reporting' the mnrket still lower agiln today and slow. About all that can be said with safety Is to call It nn active market , the activity being due to the very light receipts. The marKet on cows nnd heifers wns also moro active nnd the offerings were all taken parly In the morning , while the later ar rivals sold nr > fast ns they could be yarded. The cause for the market being In that shnpe , however , wns the same ns with fat cattle the supply was very light and tno demand good. Uuyera all claimed that ( heir purchases cost them a little more money , but as a. rule sellers' ' were quoting It only ns nstp-.idy market. Quite a number of fat bulls were among the offerings and the market on that kind of stuff was just about steady. A few stacker ! ) and feeders were among the offerings. The fact that beef cattle 'have ' been going lower steadily hnt pro duced a weak feeling among feeder buyers. At the same time the offering during this week have been so light that It has been hard work to get the mnrket down any. Today there seemed to be a demand for nil that were on hand and the market was just nhout steady , with good kinds firm. Rep resentative sales : < a 7M i 3S i STO 4 c 4 on I ,15 3 410 \ ! l 1 ! I20 I I ) 1 GtW 9" ) , 4 IfCO 145 37 67 I to 9 ill I 20 7M R 15 COLORADO , Sfi Rtk. civ * 331 4 75 HOOS-Aftrr deollnlnr Irto- during the last H'-n day ; ' thr InnrKoi tnilny took .1 lurn Iti thp opposite direction this morn- Inr. . today's market could ho described as u 111 * Ac higher or MM tor ItlKtier than yesterday's soiurnl innrket. IMe ilemnnil was Rood nt the mlvnneo nnd ihe parly nr- rivals rhanged hands In n short tlino nftar the market opened. The KClicrnl run of Rood loads bronchi $1.55 , while yoMordiy ovrr half of nil the hogs ( "old nt 14.47'i. A few of the better loads brought $1.57' * nnd ft t.ii w.tli n choice innd nt . , . ! . us itRalnRt JI.GS for the top yesterday. Common nml rmiKli mails aim loads pisn soul ilnwn to } ! M'.ij. Of tlic hogs reported In today eleven load * wprieonslKiiod direct to pnokers from Hlonx City nnd were not offered for Hnliin the oilier hand some of the trains were late , BO thnt the ninrkct was pro- lutiKi'il MIMIC whnt. Tinmure urRent orders . weio Illled In the morning out of the llrnt nrr.villa , HO thin It was not such nn easy mutter to ( jet tin- mine prices for the Into arrival * . It will ln tint ml from the table of nvrrnfie above thnt the hops today sold only lower than on Monday and 12'ic K.HT than on 'Ihursday of last week. Hi' : > rpj > entntvp ! sulm : SIIKKP Trains were late , so that there were only about two loads besides a few- odds and ends on sale this morning. The parly demand was good and the early market rtrong to a little higher. The of ferings were all taken early In the morn ing that Is , everything that was In sight. I < atrr In the forenoon there arrived a few additional loads , lint by that time reports ) from ether markets were coming unfavor able and buyers would not on > r the morn ing prices. In fact their bids were a little lower thnn yesterday on the samp kind of stuff. The result was that the market clofed rfdOc lowrr. Quotations : Good to choice fed yearlings , ll.iwfM 55 ; .Mexican ycarllnpR. } l.75ff5.00 : good to choice wethers , $4.CO'iT4.75 ; fair to good weth r . tl.3offt.50 ; good to choice fed ewes. $4.20JN.3G ; fair to good fed ewes , S4.FCfil.1 ; rood to cholco native- lambs , J'j.SC'iifl.10 ' ; peed to choice fed western lambs , 5.75fifl.OO : fair to good fed western Inmbs , J.i.j75.70 ( ; feeder wethers , S3.75 TCK ! ! > ; feeder yearlings , J4.00fit.25 ; good to choice feeder laml-s $4 SC.faM.CO : fnlr to peed feeding lambo. $4.4171. : ; : feeder ewes , * 2.25iJ3.00. Representative sales : No- Av. IT. 20 pwus no J4 25 .11 PAVCS 101 4 40 2 P WP 100 < SO 2 wethers i"0 . ) 70 ? C4 wethers 107 i 75 2 yenrllnj-s fn 4 R5 7 lambs fd r. 3S 12 Iambs 75 540 C'lIICAfiO I.lTfB STOCIC MAIIICKT. Caltle ( Jenernlly Slendy a < Ypwtcr- ilny'ft Oeelliie lions % , . Hither. CHICAGO , Jan. IS.-CATTI/B-Oenernlly steady at yesterday's decline ; Texas re'- eelpts , 1.000 head ; gord feeders , full supply and fairly active demand ; good to choice. $5.10770.50 ; poor to medium. JI.OOfI4.fO ; mixed Ktockers , J3.25fi3.SO ; selected feedeni. l\.K@ \ I 4.75 ; good to choice cows. > 3. If.ff4.51 ; heifers J3..10fi.eO | : canners. S2.20W2.90 : bulls , $2.00 ® 4.40 ; calves , J4..W/7.00 ; fed Texas beeves , ji.ioiri5.oo. HOGS Strong , nverage He hlcher ; top , JI.SO ; good clearances ; mixed anl butchers. J4.50J4.77'.i | ; good to choice , heavy , J4.655 ? 4.SO ; rough , heavy. JI.50171 GO ; light , J.40l' ) ( ? 1.05 : bulk of sales. JUiB J 1.70. SHICKP AND LAMHS-Sleady to ihndc easier ; native wethers , $4.40 4.KO ; lambs , J4.50ifiO.'JO ; western wethers , $ ( . .10S'I.75vC3l ' ; - ern lnmb . K25WC1S. KKCKIPTS Cuttle. S.500 head ; hogs 21- 000 head ; sheep , 12,000 head. SI. 1illIN I.lvp Sloeli. ST. hOl'IS , Jnn. -CATTLK-Hecrlpts. . 2)00 ! head , Including l.tro head Texnns ; mar. ket steady : native 'hipping and export i steers , JI.'af/fi.BO ; dressed beef and butcher I Ptpprs. S5ifi5.25 | ; stPT under 1.0 0 lb . ' J.I.CjfiS.lO ; slockers and feeder.i. f2.COfil.00 : ' cows and heKers $2.00fi I 50 ; canners. Jl/O / .1.00 ; bulls. $2.05fi".SO ; Texas and I"d'an steers , T3.3.i'7l.35 ' ! ; cows and heifers , f2.3" ) 7i ' 3.50. 3.50.HOGS HOGS Hpeclpts , 3,300 head ; mnrket stcridy to strong : pigs nnd lights. Sl.rofil.CO ; packers $ I.MVf/4.70 ; liiitch"rs , JI.501i4.fO. SIIKKP AND LAMIiS-Hecelpts. O'.O Tend ; market strong ainl active : native muttons , MBOftB.M ; lambn. f3.50 < ( ( O.I3 ; cnlis anil bucks , $2.5001.50. Mow V rU I.lvp Nluek. NK\V YOHK , Jan. IS. I5BKVI5S RP- erlpts , 2 ( > bend ; nothing dclncr ; fpellng steady. Cables iiuole : American cattle ' slow at Uondon , at 114/127jp ; top jirlces at I Liverpool , 12'-ic : refrlcerator beef , f-Tic per i lb. ; exunrlK. nonp ; none tomorrow. CAKVI5S llppclpld. 39 head ; stendy. but no good Htock hero ; common nnd medium veals. i5.25f < 7.0il ; little cnlves. Jt 50. RIIKKP AND KAMHS-Heceipts , 3,021 ! head ; 12j curs on sale : sheep , llrm : lambs , Iflc higher : 1 ear unsold ; heep. } : ! .OOf/5.fO ; lambs. JO.10ifiO.75 ; no Canada lambs here. HOGS Receipts. 24 | head : W , cnrs western - ' ern on sale ; slow but steady for hogs ; western pigs nominally lower. KIIIINIIN City Live StncU , KANSAS CITY. Jan. IR.-CATTI-K-P.e- celpts , 2.400 bend nnllvcfKm head Texnns ; common native sleers , $1.50175.50 ; htorkrrs and feeders. Kl rvif/j.25 / ; bnteher cows " 'id heifers , J3.0fWi 1.50 : cnnner , J2.5nfi3.fid : fed westerns , $ l.fmf/5.M / ) ; western feeders , J3rOJ/ / ' 4.25 : TexaiiH , JII.KI/I.IO. HOGS Receipts. 11.301 head ; active , Be hlcher ; heavy. Jl.OOf.fi7'4 / | ' ; mixed. $ I.G5ff 4.05 : llrht. | 4.35 74.ri2Vj ! "Igs , Jl.05ff1,25. SHKKP AND KA.M HP-Receipts. 2101 head ; good d"tnand. nneliunpd ; lambs , J5.50 Cifl.OO ; milttnni , JI.Hflf/1.75 / ; stockerH and feeders. T2.CO&I.BO ; eulls , J2.50B3.DO. Stock In Slulit. Following are the recflnts at the four principal western markets for January 1 : Cattle. HOCH. Sheep. South Omaha l.lrtS fi.-70 ( 1,40 Chicago K.f.O ) 2IO'0 l iO Kansas City 2.500 ] J30) 2.10) ) St. I.oulH 2.l ! ! ) ,300 00 Totals 6I.47C 16120 / Oil .M..rci-l. ! OlhCITV , Pa. . Jan. U.-OlIH-Crodlt balances - ances , { 1 OC ; cprtlllcateH. no bid ; nhvpinentc , 11S431 'ildB. ; avcfjgp. S.KS7 bbls. NIC\V YOHK. Is. Cott > n pcd , steady ; prime crude. 3'Ji ; iirlmo ypllow. 30fiMie. petroleum , steady , lio.sln. steady. Turjien- tnp. ! Hti'idy. TObKI'd. Jan -Oil-North Lima , $1.20 ; Sout.h Lima tr 1 Indiana. $1.15. ' ' 1913 RRPEHrEYaCO. JflMES E. BOYD & GO , , Telephone lOiW. COMMISSION , ( JKAIN , PROVISIONS mul STOCKS IIOAIII ) OF TUAD12. Correspondence John A Warren & Co uirect wire ! ) to Chicago and New York. WHEN [ RAVELING The Bee. Here is Where You Will Find It in the Principal Cities : ATLANTA , GA. Klttthnll llotiNcpirn Stnntl. _ BOSTON. PubUP Mhrnry. Vriuloinr llofrl. Ilnntoii PTCKM Club , 14 Ilomvortb. 3ii BUFFALO. Oenpnee Hotel \e n Mniul. CAMBRIDOE , MASS. llnrvnril 1'iilvcmltr ' Mltrnrr * CHEYENNE. i : . A. l.ounn.'IS \4 > Kith St. Chri mine dull , CHICAGO. Aiiilllnrlniu AIIIIPT Mrxrn Stanil. Anilllarliini Hotel \rnn Stnnil. ( runil Pnelllr llotvlp rn Stnilll. ( .rent Noi-diern JltulplPW .Stnnd. I'nlinrr llompctvn Slilild. r oncp | .tru Stand , \o. 21T Dearborn - born Mlrort. AxNoclninl .Idrcrllirr'i Club , Pnlniev Ilnime. Snrntocn Hole ] . CLEVELAND. \Veildell lloimr. The Hollrndeli. Coniiuerelnl Trnvelem' Aonoplntln * , .Mnmonle Tenililp. COLORADO SPRINGS I'rtiitrr * ' Home , Hrliicnp. IlriiH. DENVER. Hrowii llolplew Stniid. IIiiiulUoii .t KcndrleU , non-012 17th lit. Mel.nln , PHt .t Co. , NH.1 Slxtrpittli St. I'rntt .McrcnnUlc. Co. . tr,17 I.nrlmer St. Thp Stntlinier Co. . 15th and Lurrrenee Strrets. \Vlnilxor Hotel \civs Stnnil. DEADWOOD , S. D. FUhcl .t Co. , nrndvrond. MAT Flulirl , Deadivooil. DES MOINES. 3Io cn Jncobn , Itock Iilnnd Depot. DULUTH , MINN. Wltr & Hcnnett , 21-J W. Superior Si. HAVANA , CUBA. InKlnterrn Ilotrl Hemline Hooin. HELENA. W. A. .Moore , Oth avenue nnd Mnln Stt HOT SPRINGS , S. D. Oporcp fillison. CmII IlnrKcnn. HOT SPRINGS , ARK. C. II. IVenvcr .t Co. I , . D. Cooper A Co. , ( ISO Central Are. KANSAS CITY. Holier ) Hclil , 1O22 .llofier St. ContPd IloiinoP VH Stnnil. Mlm url Heiilillcnu Club , 005 Balti more Avp. Pnltllp Mhrnrr. Illcli-ieelior CMjrnr Co. , Oth nnd Wnlnat onnonllc | . o , Hnllirny V. SI. C. A. , room 27 Union n -iot , Kniinnn City , : lo. I'lihlle I.ll.rnrj- . LEXINGTON. KY. V. SI. C. A Heailliic Room. LINCOLN. A. M. Frlldcn , llSrt O Street , Dellr- cry Accnt. LOS ANGELES. Oliver & Ilnlnpn , 100 S. Spring St. P. n. Hnnacoin , - > 22 S. Mnln St. LONDON , ENGLAND. ChnrlpH A.GIIIlR'i American ISxchnnna 2 Cocknpnr St. , Trnfulcrar Sq. , S. AV. M NNEAPOLIS. I'nl.lie I.llirarj- . \Vent Hotel \cirn Stnnil. MILWAUKEE , WI3. Frank MalUrrn. NEW YORK. Arthur Ilrcntnro. ( 'ooper Union I.llirary. Pirtli AvcniiR Hotel ficvrm Stand. I < "lfh ( Avenue Hotel Headllic Hoora. ICmiilrc Hotel. ITroomiSlrrrt I.lhrnry. Ilollniid Hoiiar Heading Hoom. IlofTninn Iloune. Imperial Hotel \evtx .Stand. I'renn Clnl > , I2Oansau St. AVrntniliiNtrr Hotel Itpnillno : Hoom. Hotrl ( irnnr-lile. Y. .M. C. A. , 2d : nml 4 < h Avenne. OGDEN. W. Wclih , 2105 WnnhliiKton ATC. PARIS , FRANCE. Vcw A'orlc Ilernld Heading Hoom. 43 Avcdc I'Oiiern. Thou. Conic A SOIIM , 1 Avc. do Popern. PORTLAND , ORE. W. 15. Jonr * . 2J)1 Aider St. Portland Hotel \evrn Stnnil. PHILADELPHIA. Mercantile Library. SACRAMENTO. Puhlln Mhrnry. SAN FRANCISCO. I * uhlli : I.lhrnry. I'alnep Hotel. SAN JUAN , PORTO RICO. Hotel Inirliilerrn Ilendlnir Hoom. SANTA AN A , CAL. Onntn Ann Prce Piilillc I/lbrary. SALT LAKE CITY. It. ] < * . Hiimniel , IT cm at Theater. Salt Inl < pe Co , Public I.lhrnry. SEATTLE. Enntcrn .Vevra Co. , 310 1-2 Pike St. A. T. I.midhera. Gcortfe K , Ward. SHENANDOAH , IA. Ilnieoni Trotter. SIOUX CITY. fiiirrnttMin Hotel VOITM Stnnil , Momlnnilii Hotel \i-vtn Stnnil. Hotel Vfiiilnme Xfnm Htnnil. CoiMrny A : KnlckPrhooker. I'uhllK I.lhrury. f.'erald FltxKlhhon , 700 IA > nrtb St. Hey Allen , ! V-I ! Center St. Y. M , O. A , Iteadliitf Itiioin. SPOKANE. John W. ( irabnm , 72:1-725 : Hlrerild * Avenue. Avenue.SPEARFISH SPEARFISH , S. D Henry Court. Court.ST. ST. JOSEPH. nrnndiMv'Hevrs Stnnil , 721 Kdiaond Ktreet. . .Tiinelloiievn Stnnil , r.Ol Kdmond St. Y. M. C. A. IlpnUIni ; llooiii. ST. PAUL , MINN. I'remi CIul ) \Vliidniir Hotel. Hynn Hotel ST. LOUIS. K , . ! , .Iclt , KOII Ollvo SI. I'lnntern' Hold \eu Staud. I'nhllo l.llir.'irj' . Union \iMtN Conuinny. WASHINGTON , D. C. AVIIInrd'x Hotel NCM Stand , Arlington lintel. liiiiul Library. Holme. .NnUiinul Cnuimlttce.