THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY , JANUARY 17 , 15)00. ) CITJ CuUXCII. PRUCEED1XCS Advertisements for Suitable Quarters for Election Purposes to Be Published , OLD SH'ETIRON BOOTHS PLAYED OUT Mmileipnl Pnllivrx i\pr.-fi * n WlllliiK- UfHH tn ltn i > 'lliHr TrmiMiclloiiM llmcMlKHtiilnrloiiH Mullein Come Up for Contlilorntloii. The council Tuesday night rtrognlzed the nccesilty of providing quarters In vxhlcn to hold the approaching city election The committee on public property and buildings explained that the iliect lion \otlnR booths wcro unfit for service and that probably none of the seventy-six could be usul Propositions to furnish tents were not looked upon favorably and the recommenda tion wan made that vacant more rooms In Btoro buildings or elsewhere be rontcd for election and registration days On motion the city clerk was Instructed to advertise In the odlclal papers for quarters suitable for election purposes The rental to bo paid will bo $3 per day A resolution was Introduced , by request , that a portion of the $3,000,000 In bonds , ulilcli arc contemplated In the ordinance for the purchiMO of water xxorks , be Issued In denominations of $100 , in order that people of limited mentis may have nn opportunity for Invcottnont The resolution was referred to the spd-lnl committee In charge of the bond ordinance The claim of Mrs Hll/abeth Van Hrook- lln , after n year's consideration by the council , finally nn Its course and was placed Indefinitely on flip The claimant , who al- lcgc permanent Injuries as the result of n. fall on llarnoy trcet , hud previously offered to settle with the city for $1.CO ) The council failed to accept the offer and It has accordingly been withdrawn , another proiiosltlon , naming the sum of $ > 000 , being Hiibitltutcd In Its place Mrs. Van Urocklln Bald that she had been rendered deaf and a cripple by reason of the city M carolcsHnosi in allowing the pavement to becoino slip pery. The council , in effect , referred Mrs < Van Drocklln to the courts for settlement In accordance with an ordinance provid ing therefor the following appraisers \\ero appointed to llx the value or property ap propriated for the extension of Ilrnxvno street west from Twenty-fourth N. C1 Pratt , JnmcH Stockdalo and St A U Hal- combe. \H to Ccn ( nil JloiilcM aril. A communication from Andrew Hosoxxatcr , city engineer , set forth that as there were thirty piotrnts on file against the valuations of appraisers on the proposed Central boule vard , It W.IH an uncertain undertaking to llx a plan of special assessment covering the expenditure Mr Hosewatcr pointed out that the damages declared amounted to $4'- ' ) 010 and that undei the la\v the amount could In no case exceed $50.000 The dif ficulty was referred to the city attorney The city eiiglnoer also referred back the appraisal of $1 MO made In the Interest of property owners adjoining the Sixteenth street viaduct The findings h\d already been approved and the treasurer was In structed to make a tender of the amounts fixed In each case The city engineer was directed to draw up a plan of assessment making up the outlay by special tax on property benefited City Treasurer I'dw arils made a report of the personal ( axes collected during De em ber by the employe In < hirgo of that un dertaking The amount ad led to tile treas ury by the collector's clfort.s Is $1,01577 which. In Mr IMvvanK opinion , Is most sitlsfaUory and Justifies the method which ho had previously advised J. O Corby , sexxoi contractor , was granted K rebate of pen-illy/ Interest on his rotHy lax In consideration of damage sustained through I bo city's failure to meet his bill for services rendered until two years after the work hml been done A comimmilcitlon was received from the North Omaha Improvement club protestlnt , against the letting of perm-input sldewall contracts The work In the elub's opluiot ehould bo done b.v tlav's liboi Karr ex plained that contract work was provided for legally when the expense was charged to the property owners The matter was ro ft-rrcd to the city engineer who will make the point clear to the noitb sldcrs I The. resignation of Robert ) Duncan a II election registrar In the 1'ourth ward was accepted 1 he statement of the Omaha Oas com pany tendering an annuil account of its franchise and the city's part therein was referred to the comptroller to bo audited \Viuit 11 ore I'm IIIK. Property owners petitioned for the paving of Thirty -seventh street fiom Parnam to s Loavcnworth Kieeholderb on Chicago Btieet from Sixteenth to Txxonlysecond , al road > ordered paved , expressed their pref erencn for asphalt Ordinances \vero beard on first and second end reading for various spec 111 pivlng taxe and for the following proposed pavements Douglas street. Twentieth to Twenty-fourth Twenty-fourth htreet , Dodge to Tarnam Hawthorne avenue , from Thirty -sixth strec to Lincoln boulevard , 'Ihlrly-flftli htreet from rarnnni to Dodge 'I ho following ordinances were put ot third reading nnd passed nstnbllshlng Hi llmltH , granting the Omaha & Southwtster railway trackage privileges In alley froi rifth to Ninth street s nth of I'leico , grad Ing alloy between Eleventh and Twelft streets , south of Mason At the close of the formal session severa oomicllmen expressed their willingness tha tlui Investigation now In progress In th Hchool h < rd should bo oxtrndel to the eoun oil If such desire existed iimong the mum hern of thu Commercial club ah alleged b an afternoon pipei Onu memboi state' ' however , on the authority of a member u the executive committee of the club , tha such u course had never been conuniplntei Councllmrn Uurmestoi. cluilrimm of bnt the committees , refcned to dlsparaglngl in the nuvvbpanor niticlo. s > l l 1" > "s 'os ' desirous that ftnvone Interested sh > ulil K into the proceedings of his committees t the bottom The meeting was concluded pleasantly wit a brief address by cx-Oouncllman C 13 Miller of Clevclnnd , who la n guest In the cltv Mr Mllei | expressed his BiirpilBonHhi' dlnmtch with which the council traiwnc ei J Its biibln.hs. Ho praise ! the tltj hall nm ) depot facilities , which lie Bald surpassed , those In hit * own city THU HOT MMlMJS OPIIKNSS , Owned and controlled bj U S Government t Klegant hotels. Arlington and Eastman Oolf. Addnss L , T. Hay , Managei. for booKlot. ICiilulitN of Mnc't'iilKM'M Meet. The Kn'rfU" * of the Man abets teius No * < W and 73 holt ! u unite I m < .ot'n > ? Ttiesd u ilHlil III lMlUTon lull Tlu feature of the evening was ttu-of wnr ionU"- , he'iveen reiin tntTtlo" if' i-dllf i-i li ttIlanj ' " 1 , > . , , _ . . _ . I * - „ - - luiirv it * * ! A ullin ' 1 ho p I "f fifteen minutes reBiilled It Ni > WH tc ni vvlnnlni ; bx h ilf an in h i T'B unmlmlDi cf fie ev n nvs VV.IB iiliMS- Hiitly t-iftit In < lancliiK and r. freshmenl * TRY BRAIN-0 ! TRY GRAIN-01 Aik your uroccr today to show jnu a packnpe of OH MN-O the new , fo ilI Hr uli that nki tt'o l > U\fr of coffee The children { nay drink U without Injury as ixell .b ii ia odult All who iry t , like it G'l.VI.S-0 tins that rlih seal brown of Mocha or Jixa lut It U maelu from pure e'nlns , and the ji.ost dehcatu stomach rece-ves It xvlthuul U.atreas ' 4 the prleu of coffee loc and J5c per packae1' t ° M * > ) all srottis STATUS OF THE FEMURE RULE' ' rinntiriip ) f iniMIt 114 OrlttlnnlH I'rnv Idol for I inlcrmiri MtiTiillon. OMAHA. Jnn lTo inIMHor of The Ilee 1 henr mii < h dl eu * lnn about the modified rule governing prhool t nrliori' tenure , but no OIH * eenn to Know what clwtiRp hm bron mnde 1'nr our Infornm- linn will you plt-nxe publish tlin original rule ntid ths now rule n adopted OUAUU TBAC1I13H The rule as Introduced by Dr. Moore anil pa sed ono year nso was as follows "Any teacher or principal who has taught In the Omatm public schools with approved i success for a period of fhc years niiil ( or at { least three consecutive years may be promoted meted to the permanent list upon the approval - I proval of all the members of the board. j "No teacher or principal once placed on the peimanont list shall be dlsmlwed ex cept for cBU'.o. and said cause must bo stated In writing and signed bv the party r parties preferring ! the charges Those mrgos must be placed before the Do.ird of duration for InvestlRatlon and the Invoatl- ; atlon of all such charges shall include .1 tearing from the tcachor or principal nc- used ' The rule as modified at the first meeting t thr > present year after reciting the same tlpulatlons as to periods of service Is as ollows "Xo person shall be placed on the perma- eut list of teachers unless such person 1ms ic recommendation of the superintendent f liiBtrurllon and of the proper committee uch perwm must In addition receive the flit matlveolo of at least eight memberi f the boird for place on the list , the vote 0 bo taken by roll call "Persons once placed on the permanent 1st shall remain In the omplo ) of the baard ntll dismissed , -web dlsml'sal to bo rec- mmended by the superintendent of Instruc- on anl appnncd by the atllrmathe votca f nt least eight members , the \oto to be ilcen by roll call " GHOST OF THE ANTLER CLUB 1 IN SIMM ! for Uncle Itrnf ClnlniN to I.Horar DlNtllic-llon < lm-H- fliiiK'tl In Court. The Antlers' club , described by Its con- tltutlon as an association "de\oted to llt- rary and social pursuits ( mainly social ) or the joutiR men of Omaha , " Is In lltl- atlon before Jtisllco of the Peace Pilchard. t Is being sued by the Globe Building com- iany for $127 alleged to bo duo for rent , nd In consequence Its club motto , "Always ! e Merry , " has become a dead letter hroiigh Hck of observance. The Antlois Is not In exlBtence now save n a legal sense The } became locked last ieptember Upon the stand Tuesday vvlt- icss < ( [ Tvxo the history of the order , which s brief and spirited. It seems that at a noetlng of a dozen or more congenial > oung lien of Omaha labt 'March ' there was n grand opening of a. jack pot and out of his opening grew the Antlera. Its pursuits \ero to be literary and social , and , to ward ff all suspicion of e\ll , this clause was ncoiporated In the constitution 'There shall be no gambling In the club rooms for any expressed sum " The "expressed sum , " or the sum for xhlch the club members were forbidden to gamble was $31 28 An > member detected n a game of hazard for that amount would be hc.ivlly lined. In the hearing Tuesday the attorney for ho plaintiff attempted to ascertain whether ho club was really entitled to style Itself a literary club , us nn Important legal point lepemlod thereon It was found that the iicmberH had applied themselves assidu ously to such valuable works as Anheusor in "Tho Capacity of the Human Stomach , " loylo on "The- Royalty of the Flush , " "The Morning After , " by Ben E. Dlrtlnc , and 'Topsyturvy Town" ( humorous ) , by Bour bon Judge rrichird took the case under advisement and will decide It Friday. EMBEZZLEMENT IS CHARGED Itlrluiril IMicirnK , In Cluirne of I'ott- iifllce Stilt Inn II , IH Short u Small .Vinoinit. Tuesday afterm on Illchird Phoenix , clerk In cb irge of station H of the Onnha post- office , 1509 South Txxenty-nlnth avenue , was arrested on the charge of embezzlement The information upon which the arrest wan made was filed by D J Sinclair , post- cfllto Inspectoi , and the arrest was made by Denuly Marshal H A Homan , who found Mr Phoenix at his home , " 515 North nighteenth street Tor box oral days Post master Crow has suspected that all was not light nt station H , as the dally reports did nol como In on time , nnd on Monday ho started an Inxestimation , which showed yesterday miornlng that Iho elcrk in charge \xas short in his accounts The amount Involved was trilling , compared with the gravity of Iho offense , being only $79 $ 01 When Iho fact of Ihe discovery was made known lo Phoenix ho readily admitted the bhnrlago and a fexx minutes later he turned tlio amount inxolxed oxer to the post master PhoenU was taken before United Slates Commissioner Gustnve Anderson and gave bonds for his appearance IUchan ! Phoenix has been In the post- ofllcu at Omaha for nearly ten years , having been appointed as superintendent of the icglniy division classified service , De cember 1 , 1800 , which position he held until April 1 , ISIS. x\hen ho xxas placed In charge of station n HP Is a married man llx ing with hl xxlfo and two children on Hlght- otnlh btreot He Is DO years old and has alxxays stood high In Iho estimation of his acquaintances and fclloxx employ es. LEAFNING THE MARRIAGE RITE . .Miiluflli liull l I'lrxt of tin- > i-vv .liiNtlotN lo ' ! ! < ( i Mnlrl- nioiiliil Knot. William Altstailt. ono of Ihe nexx Justices of the peace , pet loaned his flttl marrlag > > ceremony Tuesday Ho xxcnt to a deal of trouble to copy the form cut cf the htat- lib b , Iranslalo it Into German and then commit to memory Uio Gcimin version Thin ho xxent out to the homo of the gloom , | lfi05 Ncrth Twentieth street , and before an j'pscmbly cf fifty people i > ald the wurda that ' , united John \dilan and Ullzibeth Ilauseu , in marriage lie says he- felt a bit nervous 1 ' hut kept his head and managed to get ' through the ceremony .without being prompted Judge Crawford , the other nexx Justice , la yet to perform a hymeneal rite , but thinks , ho could manage It without n blunder Judge Prlchard nerved ono term boftro the present ' : and In thai period tied thlity matrimonial knots. Size dct-'su t Indicate , , uuiUy. new arc ot counterfeit and worthless salve offeroj for DoWllt's Witch Hazel Salve DeWltfs Is the only original. An Infallible cure 'or I piles and all skin diseases 'Ihe various onleo'ialhs iirncllcltiB In Ne- liraska. Kr.iduiHes of schools of oste- iiimthy HH'l Tuesday ut thu looms of the johntcm 1" 1 me "f Oileupathy of this ilty und formed i state association for the advunrt inent "f the new science , for mutual niuuetlon .ind to take slop * to uiiln li'Kiil recognition before the next legislature - islature of Nebraska The followIner olll- \ . * wen. elo ti-d I'resldenl. M i : Pono- | 1U , . liiit Mrs Allco Johnson , Bi'ircUry CV Little of Lincoln , trout- uror ( I V Clayton of Chadron , exeeutlvi1 i iiiimliiee nn tlclcnt und tvi rotary ex- olllclo numbers Mrs Allco Johnson omul ) i 1" M MDllgan Grand I.slund , U fi KiM m Hi a i rice uh > r liubliusa w is triiisicted aftei vv'il b ihe utfopaths and their friends en- j \ 1 , i siun ! > tuous dinner tendered them | li ) the huine' oftcopmhs of Omaha. OMAHA ) TOES ARE UIA1UIED Madam ? Yale Talks to Them \baut Hsalth and Beiuty and Purity of Character. RENOWNED | BEAUTY CONFESSES HER AGE cktuMtleilKen llor elf to lie > enrly rift ; \i-iir * ttltl Vilv Iten Oniiiliit Women to Plrit Seel4 llcnltli , 'I lieu lleiint } . It was truly a cosmopolitan collection of femininity which gathered In Hoyd's opera house Tuesday afternoon to greet Madame Maud Yale , the celebrated beauty , and listen to her advice as to how other women could nnko themselves beautiful , charming and at tractive , Ilko herself When the doors of the theater opened there was a rush something - thing similar to the haste dlaplavcd by wo men on da > s when Madame Yalo's remedies lire placed on the "bargain counter " The beat scats wcro soon filled Madame Yale Is no stringer to Omnha women On ccveral ocpislons she has do- lUercd her talks on hcilth and beauty. She 3\ldentlj appreciated the warm reception ccortled her She acknowledged It daintily and prettily and then began her lecture It , \as an informal talk , disconnected , perhaps , ml followed all the vvny through with eager- less bv her auditors She gave the best of dvlcc The most of It related to the sccur- ' ng and keeping of health and beiutj but ncldental to this she delivered some charm- tig advice regarding the moral and social ihascs of a woman's lite "Ueaut.v , " ehe said , "has never been de fined , because It Is Indescribable It can come onlv of purltv purity of mind , body nnd character It Is Impossible unless the one seeking It Is possessed of perfect health n these days of oclence and advancement an unhealthy person Is plngued An un- icalthy person cannot regain that which las been lost , nor secure that which , un- fortunatelj , has never been enjo > ed , unless ts cultivation Is pursued sdentlflcnllj " Madame Yale told her audience how to gain and hovv to Keep good health She asserted that common eensc was the best teacher. The drinking of much cold water recommended , but above all things else she pleaded with the women to take lots of exercise. llxi'ri'lxe In tlie TliliiK. Exercise Is the one essential element to good health , " Madame Yale said , with em phasis. "Medicine Is unavailing without proper outdoor exercise. L idles , If jou are suffering from anything , unless it be of nn Inllamnntory or an acute nature or a fever , take my advice nnd go out and walk Do It , even If every move jou make Is miser j Walk , If to do so you must drag one foot after the other Exorcise will do vou more good than an > thing else There Is no rea son why jou should not all enjoy pel feet health When vou get health you can hope to become beautiful , not before And then It Is essential that you be good and pure. Dcauty nnd purity go hand In hand You must curb thcbo evil thoughts , because they produce evil Impressions end with these all traces of beaut } nro lost Your minds and your lives should possess the Innocence of childhood. Hcilth and beauty nro every woman's rightful inheri tance. Youth , though , is a fleeting dream If wo yield to the baser elements of our lives. It Is a lifetime Joj If wo are pure In thought nnd action. " DoeHii'tenr Cnrweln. Madame Yule said that she was In her fortv-ninth jcar and smiled sweetly as she continued that she was not ashamed of her age , blnce perpetual youth was possible to her as to all other women. She followed this by another staitllng assertion when she confet-sed that she wore no corset. Then bho showed how women should walk naturally and gracefully and created amusement as she described the walking of many women Tor a few moments she retired and when she again appeared she was attired in tights , ( .how Ing the graceful contour of her form and calling forth an expression of admiring "Ohs1" "My mission , " she bald , "Ih to tell women how to get well and to show them what Is possible for them. I do not. appear for > our admiration , but to convince jou of the allied relation between health and 'beautj " Madame Yale give a scries of callsthonlc exercises , designed by herself for the development of certain muscles - clos of the body The moat Important of those were exercises of the face , which Madame Yale recommended for the driving awaj of wrinkles and the producing of a perfect contour. semi OMAHAEWS. Congressman David II. Mercer Is working lo secure Iho gift of a public llbraiy for South Omaha and it begins to look as If his effcrts In this direction will bo successful. Under date of December 28 , Mr J A. Beck , a leading joung republican , received Iho following letter from Ileprcsentallve Mer cer "Just before Christmas I wrote An- drexv Carnegie at Nexv York suggesting tint If ho was anxious to niiKe a Christmas pies- ent to n good live to\\n , ho might place JTiOOO in Soulh Omaha foi a public library building Mr Carnegie and I had corre spondence heretofore with reference lo the llbraiy which ho donated to Washington , and knowing thai ho has been ijullc' gen- orouo In Iho distribution of mono ) for II- brnrles throughout the United States , I though 1 might Interest him in South Omaha. Perhaps bomo diy my rcquost may bo gianted Ho wrote mo , however , at this time thai in vlexv of tha fact that the ell ) of Lincoln had lost Its llbrarj by fire , hi ! had concluded In present that c'ty with J7 , , OOU for u building , and for Iho present t thai amount must do for Nebraska In view of the fact that Lincoln is the capital of our state and wns unfortunate in losing Its rttrarj , 1 think the people of South Omaha anil Nebraska will all rejoice thai ho re- memtered Lincoln as ho did I am sure If It had nol been for the flro In Lincoln , how ever , lhal Conlh Omaha would have gotten a nlco Chrlstiuis present" Tor various reasons It was decided to withhold tha Information contained In this letter of Congressman Meicor until later developments Yesterday Mr Ucck was In- ' foimcd by Mr. Mercer tint he was at perfect jllUiitv to give the letlor to the public If ho I so desired. While nothing positive Is knovxn , It is Uhcught Representative Mercer ia In receipt i of additional Information from .Mr. Carnegie I In relation to the proposed gift. The sum mei.tloned will erect and equip a lundsome library , as two-thirds of the total gift would undoubtedly bo used to construct a building and the balance to purchase books. Under such circumstances the city will bo called upon lo miiko a lev ) for library purposes as provided by laxx. iurH : < i T I'MHc \ KII i n , Attornes representing the claim of Henry nii-foldor have commenced proceedings in Itc district court to compel the city council to lev ) a special tax to pay the judgment accorded Paul Hlsfolder on account of In- I juries alleged to have been received b ) falling - ( ing into a gas trench a couple of ) ears ago At the tlmo of the accident tha boy , Paul I. WOB represented as plalng about the trench and after having been warned awuy had , atlemptcd to jump across and fell , breaking cone of his arms Suit was commenced nnd the plalntltf was finally awarded judgment against the cit > Prior to the opening of ' the streets * b ) the gas company a bond wa given in the sum of 110.000 , Indemnlf- ing tbo clt ) against damage in case of acci drnts by reason of ex avitlons In this suit ! the city has been compelled to bear the burden and a fury has decided In favor of tbo plaintiff Prom the fact that the gas , company furnished a bond It seems to some i taxpayers that the illumination concern and not the city should bear the burden of pay ing the damages In this case The mayor has ottcn talked publicly about this matter , but U Is evident that ho hat done nothing nnd has not even Instructed the city attor ney to fight the case Many taxpayers cannot - not sen why the city should bo called upon to pay for the Injuries alleged to have been received by Paul Klsfclder , in view of the fact that the gas company furnished a bond for just such purposes. A nnndamus means that the city council ' must meet nnd make a special levy to liqui date this claim. Unless a continuance can bo ! secured , the cost to the city xxlll bo fully $ J.OOO In addition to the original claim. More than likely arrangements xxlll be made to adjust the claim when the next levy Is , available. I'lniia for HlKli ' " 'I I llullilliiK. The plans of the new High school buildIng - Ing ns submitted by Superintendent Wolfe nnd , Architect Klewlt shoxx a two-story building with basemcnl. In that portion of the building partially under ground Is a gymnasium nnd boiler rooms , ns well as bath and toilet rooms for both sexes Keel- tallon and teachers' room * , as well as an j auditorium , are provided fdr on the ground floor , vxhllo a gallery extends around the auditorium or court on the second lloor Opening oft from this gallery nro a number of recitation rooms nnd these , Dr Wolfe says , may bo used by the graded schools un til such tlmo as the High schoo.1 classes may- need them. The ground plans show a frontage - ago of ICO feel , vvllh a depth of ICO feel. The proposition to vote bonds for such a building has not been agreed upon nnd the plans proposed have not been accepted by : ho board. Prisoner SIIJM lie- \\IIM llolilic-il. I'rank Jackson , an employe of Armour , and Jacob Uodnonsky of Cudnhy's , wore ar rested Monday night by Olllrcrs Montague and Morrison on n charge of being drunk and disorderly. Upon being released from custody yesterday Hodnosky asserted that ho liad been "relieved" of $ S > 3 40 Olllccr Bur ton , ono of the best men on the police force , was jailer at the tlmo Ihe men were ar- resled and booked nnd ho is not suspeclcd by the authorities of paving done anything wrong. Jnclfon says that his package was returned to him intact , but Insists that hla friend was robbed Mayor Kiibor was noli- fled nnd started an Investigation. Ho as serted that If any ono connected wllh the department was found to be guilty of tak ing Ilodnonsky's money ho would be sum marily discharged. OM < x\l 'lc llrrclv i' * Cooiirnluluiloiii. Considerable surprise was expressed yes- lerdiy over Ibo elecllon of H C lloslwlck ns Ircaburer of Ihe Soulh Omaha Live Slock exchange and Mr Ilostwlcli wns over whelmed wllh congralulallnns bv his many friends Mr. McPherson has been Ireasurer of the exchange for a good many years , but u change In the complexion of the directory resulted In Iho selecllon of a different Ireas urer The withdrawal of E A Cudahy from the Slock Yards bank is not considered lo Invo bad any influence with the dlrcclors of the exchange , although It is known that Cudahy is largely interested in the South Omaha National bank , of which Mr. Boat- wick is cashier. Surt-lj Ilonil" for I'ollcpmc-ii. Before his departure for the south yester day Mayor Ensor Issued an order to the po- llco department instructing all officers to sccuro fidelity and surety bonds prior to Tcbruary 1. Tlfteen days will bo allowed Iho police in which to make application and secure bonds In some fldellly company. In this way Ihe mayor expecls to escape a great deal of responsibility and elevate tbe stand ard of service In cise nn officer cannot give the required bond he will be compelled lo make way for some one > who can. Maisl * ' d ( > GOMNI. | | The BarbeiV union Is after ono or two unfair fhopt .here Ucilors In fancy -stock report nn excellent Irnde at this time Hairy Cllngen is vx"orkinr hard for Mie democratic nomination for mayor aLst nlcht the I ; ° ll'sclul\Sa\t\/1" ' : ? , ' , ' : card at Masonic iox iblo dancing aril paity ball Giaders nre at vxork on the- bluff nt tlio noilhxvest corner of Twenty-llfth und M street" , Shirley McGIll of tlic South Omaha Nn- tloml bank has recovered from his recent illness r.itllo iccelpls so far this month show an liictcasn oxer tlho corresponding diys of Janu.T-j. 1SC9 On account of the ilepartuio of the mavor , , ? A Bonncitt , iirohldint of the clly coun cil Is aeiini ; mayor 'Phe third annual meellng of the Na tional LiveStock association is now being held at Port Woitli , Te\ H > ward Meyers drugstore Txxcnty-slxth an 1 N street" xxas entered by thiexes Tues day morriiiR- and some dgnrs were .stolen Mlko O'llern , the xxoll kiioxxn politician and labor ugllator is now engaged In Hell ing tickets for n coal deilcis boncilt ball Jnmes T Wilson of South Om ilia and ills * Marv Gold-rtiy of MioiMun. Wyo were ninrrlMl yesterday nt the H-sldcnec of Mr and Mi * P. J Uarrott Hev It L Wheeler olllelated p. B Thlrkleld , health inspector of Chicago cage , nays "Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cannot be recommended too highly It cured mo of severe dyspepsia" It digests what you eat and cures indigestion , heartburn anil nil forms of dyspepsia. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. W D Grlllln of Gothenburg , Neb , Is In the city W J Hey nolds of Butte , Mont. , is at the I Mlllard I H J Mlllatl of Kansas City Is a guest of the Murray H M C ratio of Bloomington , Neb , Is at , the MercinnlB Hcv Gentle Williams of Lincoln Is rcgis- I tcre-il nt the Murray I James A Jolmsrn of fJcbo , Mont , Is a uuest of the Mllalrd 13 I' I'oote of St Mnrys , O , Is traneact- inc business In Iho city \V S Cook , u prominent Wakelleld slock- mnn. Is nl the Merchants. W r Kvans , ti Hock Island attorney of Topeka is al the Munay neil K Illgby. u t'h'cago ' pork packer , arilved In Iho clly Tuesday. Kavou Miller , i rallroicl man of West Liberty. I.i . IH nt Iho Merchints W C Mnddox and 1) II. Grlffen , Lincoln 1 , buslnesH mm , 1110 veiling In Iho clly. II C llocl and wlfo fiorn Kansas City mo stopping at the Her Grand on their xxeddlnt : Irlp Dr c' W Llttln of Lincoln , Dr r M. Mtllc'Kun of nriiml Island , and Dr ( r I'luyion of Chndron arc- guests of Dr John- hOII TV Mullen of Chlcaeo , nt'ent for a buttonhole making ma < hlne ihal onnm a royalty of so much per atllch , IH nt the J lltr Uiand i KG lloel and wlfo of Kansiis City r.pumcel . tluouuh Orn.lh i Tuesday on their i lirldnl tour , .stopping for a short tiniu at the Her Grand They will go to Denvei A delegation of Broken Bow business men , conytsliiiK of George K Palmer. J A HarrlHH. n H Purccll and James Stock- I ham. nro In thin elly for u few dayH for n i . .IUIJITO trip Charles H Swift , recently of Chliago , I'rnanasti ' of the wi-stein lerrllory of Ihe Swf ! Packing company , will hcreafur muki < h'H ' headnimrUib In Omaha Ho is si lyliiB nl t to ll r Grand. lion Line K Aldei and wife of Alns- worlh Mr and Mrs Johnson of Wood l ike mill Mr ? TiuiueH Mumunch of Umah i lefl Monday nlBht ovir Ihe MU aurl Pm lllc for the soiilli Thiy are enroule to Havana where ) Ihey will upend several I vxeeks In sightseeing und stud ) Inn tin tun- dlllon of affairs In the nexx American inland Juilge Alder Is ono of the most truvelwi men of Nebraska und has had it visit to the islands of the Wist Indies In mind for some time He was the re-pub- lie in candidate for dUlrlcl judgu In the Klttxnth dlttilcl lasl fall Mr Johnvon la unit of thu promlneiil b inkers and cuttle- I mm Iu wtsiern Nebraska t't iTi'i * trn i i nil t\t LLLC1LD UU1RMAX Commercial 0 nb's ' New Executive Com mittee Gets Into the Saddle. ILLINOIS I CENTRAL EDITORS ARE COMING Siiliierliitloni ( to SdteK of 'Neu < ll ; iir lleet ( itltiire < oniinn > MnUe nn IIiHMiiirnulnti sinrt Meere- tnrj'N snlnr > Italietl. At the first meeting of the new executive committee : , of the Commercial club jesterdiv Q W Iilnltigcr presided In the nbience of Eu clid Martin , the retiring chairman. Vcndlm * the taking of an Informal billet for chair man of the committee , E 12. Hruce said tint It ( had been suwwted that he- accept the position , but that circumstances weto tilth that It would bo Impossible After the Infer inal ballot had been Ukoti C 11. I'lckelis wa * elected ' chairman bv ac-clamatlon In h * absence i W. S. Wright was called uptli ( o preside at the mretlng. John E. L'tt was elected secretarv and freight commissioner for another > ear on motion of 0 W Llnlngvi. and on motion of < A Ho = pe , who doclairi ! In favor of homing ing to a good man , his ; alary was lalsed from $2,400 to $3.000 a > ear. The resignation of C S llnjwald as n member of the executlvo committee was read and referred to a committee , nnd a com mittee comprising Messrs. Dumont. Carpen ter nnd Weller wa * appointed to select aud report someone to 1111 the vacancy Secretary Utt read an niuendment to the by-laws , which provided for a transportation ' ' committee of nlno members to meet the first ami third Mondnvs of each month to j consider transportation matters It wa ' adopted. Thu secretary nlflo lead a letter from J P Mcrrj , assistant general pis onger agent of the Illinois Central , aimcPstlng that the clulc provldo entertainment for a pirtj of | some fortj editors which that imd proposes to bring to Omaha , Janunrj 29. Secretarj Utt ] was authorized to notlfj him that the club would do so and to provide for the enter tainment of the visitors C W Ilussell , Wllltim II Schmollcr , riejd C. Smith , Jared J Smith and .1 V Stvay were admitted to membership In the club The committee on sugar beet culture VMS authorized to go ahead with securing the subscriptions to the nccessiry capital stock of $ L'r > ,000 and to employ A L Nicies to conduct - i ' duct the business pirt of the project to sc- cure the cultivation of a largo acreage of I btets In this count j. U was stated that pir- . [ ties had been In Omah-x yesteidaj who would furnish the means to build a factorj this | jear If i crop of miterlnl wns assuicd G. W Llninger heided the aubscrlptlon list with $300 His subscription was dupllcitcd by j Met-srs Utt , W S Wright and E C Bruce E M Andrcesen put down $210 , J P Car penter a Ilko sum and A Hospe $150. This mnilo $2 050 of the desired $2',000 TESTIMONY OF THE BRUISES It WIIHll tluit Wilt 'Wi'fKMiirv t < foil A li-t .John Cimnlliuliaiil III 1'ollt-c Court. John Cunningham nnd wife sat side by side before Acting Police Judge Learn Tues day afternoon , undergoing trlil for fighting and disturbing the peace. Neither hpoke a word It wasn't necessary for them to speak. The general appearance at both spoke moro eloquently than words "She threw nash pitcher at mo , " said a scalp wound on Cunnlnghun's head "Well , you hurled a lamp at mo firsl " retorted a large grease spot on the woman's "And she pushed me down stairs" re joined a rent In the knee of his trou crs Several other minor bruises and tears hid their say and then Hie- Judge fined Cun ningham $3 and discharged the vvomtn Of course , meantime , the colloquy of the culs Ind been somexxhit amplified nnd expl lined by the lawyers on both sides \ rCiililf MUCH. Franco Is absolulely dependent upon Eng land for nexxs of the Transvaal war , be cause the cables nro undei her control , and she Is ready to spend a vast sum of money to free herself This lb like nnny people who , after allowing dyhpepsH to settle upon them , spend n. forluno seeking deliverance Save your money and try Hoslellor's Stomach ach Billers , Ihe medicine which never fails lo euro dyspepsia , constipation , billousncga , malaria , fever aud ague. The follow In j marrlase HccnhCswere is sued Tuttdij Xamp and Hesldem e Atte Ilrvvnrd II I lnscv' Houston , TCK. . . . 2i Aitni 1i TromoEett. Omaha .M Cornelius Iod ° on Om.ih i - " " May Aleinder Oma'ia . . . . ' ! THU ui\i/rv M Miivirr. INSTIU'MHN'IS pi ice < l on record Tuesday. Janu it > IK , r-00 AVnrrniil j DiM-dx. Anna Corrlgan to Jolin .Miller , lot S , blocks. ) 1st nild to < ' "rrlRiii IMico t 3 * J N' Ili ! Kel ! ti > V Vain \ irolotH , IS and 19 bloek 1 , Vii a" I'laif. 1 D J AfcDnnnld and wife toJiyo li Stnvvhorn n1 of n'A nvv s-xv 30-16-n 1W > \ \ llliclmliM. Uaiinmn iu , .M It UsKlld- on , tiart bock 5 I'hllllp's add , and part block ti , I ! < ivvei > Hill ] 00 ( lull < luliii DcnlN. Harriet Thompson to Tmnk Thomp son executor , e > t al , i > lut u , block 7 , Kountzo mid Il'.s n < ld , and u stilp adjoining 1 Groise Hamilton and wlfo to Omn'lm ' SavliiKH bank , lee 13 , block , r > , Pad dock Place . . . " A H Kinkead and vvlto to sumo , ttamo , 1 Dft-llH. Frank Thompson cNecutor , ft nl to W. T Nelson , e'j lot l > l ok 7 , Kountzo f ± . It's add , nnd strip adjoining 1 ( iH ) Total amount of transfers . j. , MI HEARTY EXPRESSION Hundreds Tell of the Change Which They Have Felt. The Time Comes for Omalm 1'eople to Tell What Has Keen Done for Them. The tlmo has como when people In Omaha feel the change Many peopln In this city liave given voluntary endorsement of tbo great change they have felt afler using Morrow's KId-no-oIds. Kid-no olds will euro a lame back , kidney backache , urinary and kldnoy disorders , sleeplessness , rcstleamebs and nnrvoii3nc s Wo always Ilko to slvo reference as la tlio merits of Morrow's Kid-ne-olde , and this tlmo refer you to Mr II E Murphy , . man , of 218 Soulh 38th street , who sayti "After trying nearly all the remedies I heard of or read about , fcald to bo good for kidney backache , rheumatism , neuralgia , urinary troubles , nervousness and reatlehfl- need of which I have been afllictcd for some tlmo , and from which I got but little relief I decided to trv Morrow's Kla-no-olds They relieved mo of all my former trouble * In o very short time I will tonlluuo to use Kid ne olds for Uielr tonlo effect , and recommend - mend thenvto others" Morrow's Kld-ne-olds are not pills , but Yellow Tablet * and sell at fifty cents a box at all drugg ta and by the Myers Dillon Drug Co Mailed on receipt of price Manufactured by John Morrow ft Co. , Charalsts , Spring- Cold , Ohio. Is the cruise of untold suffering to tunny women ; of neglected families nnd unlmppv homes. Pleasure is banished from the life that is subject to these nt- tacks , ntul yet it id possible to be free forever from Mich trying ordeals. Dr. Williams' Pink Tills for Pale People , by en riching the blood , toning \tp the nerves , nnd strengthening the stomach , make sick headache impossible , and restore ner vous energy to the despondent sufferer. The full name ; Dr.Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People is on every package of the genuine. Mrs. mnnlo It. Btolllo , of MnrllinvlHe , Mo , RHJS"I nnod tolmve tcrrlblo nick headaches , which I Imd nn Inr luicU ns I enu rvmomhor. In recent ycnri tbov neia netting irori i < A foir yeiirsiiRO I took lrc t- misiit of it speelnllBt In KIMIBHIH fly luit it only relieved mo for ix while. When I cnmo llerft ixxo y e irs iigo mv licullli xum miserable. My hut- bnnd , who Imd iiront faith In Dr NS llllnmn' Pink Plllx for Pnlo People , initiated thnt 1 commence Uilng them. After Inking nfexv docis I could BCD nn Improvement , nnd my bcndiicho npclln xx-cro not no ( .enure. I used four boxes , nnd Mneo tbnt tlmo I Imvo not hud ittiyuf those at- India , niiel 1 uover felC EO well In my llfo. " J-'fom Ihe Itrpulillcan , lletttnny , Jfo. No discovery of modern titties lias provcil such n blessing to nmn- kind ns Dr.Willmms' 1'itik Pills for 1'aic People. Acting tlitcctly on the blood and nerve1 * , itiNigorntinj ; the body , regulating the functions , they restore the strength and health in the exhausted patient TV lieu every effort of theplivsicmn proves unavailing. Thc o pills nro Hold In botos nt SO cents a box.or ulTlmToa for E2 M , nnd mny liohadofull drngglnts , or direct by mull from Dr.VlUliitiiH ModlclnoCo. , Uchouoclady , N.V. 300 yards figured and print ed corduroys , velvets aud velours , L'7 inches wide , in good heavy quality , choice colorings in red , green , brown , blue , etc , very desirable for upholstery work , chair teats , cushion covers , piano scarfs , etc. , and have been belling at 85c , 90o and § 1.00 yard , marked down to close , per yard 1,000 yards Cotton Art Goods in silkolines , denim and cretonne , 30 to . ' 50 inches wide , choice colors , worth 12Ac and 15c yard , price this week , per yard. . . , Of every description in odd lots have been marked down lo Iho lowest possible price to close out. In lace curtains there are Nottingham , Irish Points , Brussels , Eattenbergs , Ara bian , Swiss , Knflled Muslins and Nets. In tapestry curtainb all odd half pairs and 1 pair lots have been marked to go , and you'll find them cheaper than you expect. Remnants of everything brought to the front and marked to sell quickly. Our work room is organ ized with a view to turn ing out all kinds of shade work on the shortest possible time , and in lirst-class manner. Our prices , too , should interest you , as they are light. Esti mates made promptly. Telephone ,513. Orchard & Wilhelm Carpet I4I4-I4I6-I4I8 Douglas Street , Easy Homo Cure. Palnloas , Permanent. Wo will tend nnjnno nddlcted In Op I u in , JHoi phlim , l.atKliiii- uni , orollu i drug hnlilt a Ti Inl ' 1 loiitnii-nt , Vroi ) tif ClnirKo , of the most rcmirkable remedy over discovered Con tains C.reiit Itiil I'llnilplo hi rclofoa unknnxxn Iti-fnulcirj fason tolieltid Confidcu tiiil mrretpoiidenco Inviteil from all sieelullj I'lijhh I.UIK. ST. \11KS bOCIKTV , 1181 imOAUUAY N'LW 'iOKK. . Why not have n plc'dsint , warm , hcaltliy plate to woik1' Tlio p opli' who c'oine to see you liidgc jou mon > by tin1 olllc'o mill the bullilliiK Jin an1 In tliiin llic I'lothos . .vouvou -mid It i o-its no P i < limn uli ic von : ni > vxliuu jou litruro In li > llK t heat nnd janitor hetvlco , us well UH vvt-nr nnd toai on your tumpur. The Best Offices are in The Bee Building R. C. PETERS & CO. , Kent il Agents , Ground Floor Bee Building. 14 Btlv a F &EB why physicians don't prescribe bilk underwear for every U body is , that it is too dear for the average purse. Ul It in { lilt ! rheumatic ; soothing to the nerves ; warm , j o light , pleating to the touch and eye , in a word , it pro- 1 " f-ontB every desirabl * attribute , save that of low codt. a is within reach ol moderate pur e.s. 'J'ho wearer for the H lirnt time luxury in underwear Mcn'B Shins 31-14 , eaih $2 $ r.O Ladles Vests , 26-40 , each . J2 BO Men's IJraxxcr.t 28--14 , ea h % i .0 LiIii-H Drawers , 2C 40 each . . . J2 ,0 Men'B Union Hulls , 34-14 each S.'iO ' Ladies I m n .Suits , 2G 40 , ojch 5 J 00 Men's I'mlorxests 31 14 ea h f. Go Ladles Uudurwuliits , 2C-40 , each $2 ( Hi Ladles' Short Underskirts 21-3. ; walot H ALL LEADING STORES. H If your dealer can t aupply you vxo will KxprcEH prepaid , * a KOTEDSILK UNDERWEAR CO. , * MILI.HL'RV , .MASH a V/d