1rl rl rlA laT. T. T.cv cv ch cli clir r < Or Hir ( o\ ovf < vf 111 T F 't Vt noi noiI I of rrr 1"n Mr the ftin r'i Wl ! 'I llrs th. . ( n\ Inbo bo boi i : mid linn < llst Klltt soul to * In t Ills itrt N St IMvv tiftci a n o eld tlon , and in on So will n n o'clo o'clo At nion Itev , of h thorn "Stai will moot ductc Aveok Ho- Secor morn clplo. of Or Jng J . Thj , at St day t echoo Bervli At will with , son , < he thi with Sure day si mcetli Younf ! hour at fi 3 Rev Chi 1st of his His t ] " 1'ho I'urprn bo at 1'ig ' at bOCiOt ) At 1 the pa 01 ' Pi rvenln tcr ' The re this wept ( opt S day , Prof J music choirs t-'ervl < hunt incctln n m Sundiij mcitin in In rovlv.il contini M p. honl will b Plrst nervlcu \\idnci Davll The Eighth jostcid nnd go overt-oil \orvv ar < Mrs So The Hi tlnoiigh TinI I nf J W II Men don Tli iimu H M.I M.IAi Ai add \ n Q s ( OIII1C' VV I ) bi ok J J Ktc aid i : Hc'flh Total , to llir fc Name i Hdlth M I'ltikl. FAR THE OMAITA DATLT BEK : SITXDAV , .TAXTATIY 11. 1000. TALES OF YANKEE ENCHANTMENT. Till ; WITCH WOMAN 01WATKKTOWN. . A Thrilling Story of a Hey Who Suffered from a Severe nnd Lurn- live Attack of Hen rover. Hy Charles Mattel ! Loomls. . . . . . . . . . . . . k/T.A.TvK'T'.A.'rsA A.-A.T .T /ZA.I-A.TATATA.Tv TiA/rAT * ( Copyright. 1KO ! liy Charln Hnltr-ll I uimli ) All the boys In Onkvllle 1ml hon f > vcr 1 once licnrd ; little boy uny ' hen fovcri \ sonlcthliiK like rhlrkenpnx nnd womelhlnB like flcarlct fovrr. but It InsM longer Ihnn cither , " nnd I RIIPSS ho vvns right But If you who arc rending this arc so unfortu nate ns to ho a city boy nnd only know hens ni the fcathcrlrss things they hang up by their legs In the poultry stores I cnn tell joii thnt hen fever Is very delightful vvhllo It lasti. , for It mentis the cntbuslnntlc cnro of hens which nrc the birds who lay the eggs of commerce It means feeding them the right food nnd rejoicing 111 their cack ling , which Is their way of siylng "Wntcli me Iny nn egg , " nnd It means hunts for lilddcn noBlfl with mnjbo n do/cn eggs In them nnd It may be n do/en Huffy Uttl" thickens. H mtnns the right food and plenty of water for them nnd tucking them Into bed nt night so they won't catch cold nnd It sometimes means enough pocket money from the snlo of eggs and chlckun to buy a handsome double ripper with a pie- turn of Pewcy winning out at Manila on it So you see that hen fovcr doesn't require the services of n phjalclnn nnd yon can catch It nl any tlmo of the- year , although March and April are the easiest months in which to get It , for then any old hen at all will lay eggs , and jou think fiho's going to do U all the yeir round and jou get jour father to buy forty of them , and the first thing you know jour hens lire all on strike and jou'ro buying your eggs at a grocery Btore And that sometimes cures hen fever Hut It also shows you thnt you didn't have the right brand of fever or they would have kept on laying The annual Uangtovvn fnlr was billed to como off the first Tuesday In October ami ten of the Oak\lllo bojs had entered their bens In the hope of winning prl/es Abbott layman was going to hend ten Hlack Leg horns and Philip Wendell vv.is going to ship a crate of Whlto Plj mouth Ilocks and Hecchcr Word was going to exhibit three Hlack Spanish hens. But poor little Drynnt Williams felt quite left out because he had nothing to send Ho was n little orphan who would have had lien fever in a mii.uto if lie could have bought or borrowed any hens , but it was all ho could do to get enough clothes to cover him and sufllLlent food to keen Ills Internal machinery going , and to have bought even ono scrub hen would have overtaxed his resources. j I'm rather nfialil that Abbott I-.jm.in crowed a llt'tlo ' over nrjant majbo he had taught It from his hens and maybe not. But wherever ho hart caught It ho should have dropped It liiHtantcr. Ho said in that taunting way or bis that made him so un- "Sl.MI'LY TlMlN'i : ! ) A HAN'DSPRINO " popular with smaller IIOJH ami jot him Into BO many btrapcs wl h bigger ones "If I was BO poor that I couldn't enter any fowls nt the fair I'd go Jump Into NaugatutK " nut little Hrvant. instead of m.iliing an tigly replj , simply tin neil it lundsprlng and went down the road ito help needier Ward knock a crate together for hl Pekln ducks. On the way to Hecc.hcr'8 houso'lio tame upon an o'd woman who bud slipped on a "slldo" nnd had fallen. She had dancing black ojes and a mignr loaf hat nnd long straight hair and hei nose way within hailIng - Ing distance of hei chin and bho looked a good deal UKo Old Mother lluhbard or ( Mother flooo o or nnn of the other mothers of nursery talon llrjnnt was a helpful thap and Instead of laughing at the old woman as Abbott would have done ho stopped nnd slid 'Have > ou hurt jouiHolf ran I help you' ' " "Indeed jou can , honny 1 thl'ik I've cracked my hip I didn't see the tco nnd the first thlnp 1 did see wns stars " Dryant laughed Here was nn old woman who could make a Joke of her trouble nnd ho vvns the better pleaded to help her , for ho wan alwnjs Joking himself Ho put bis arm nround her and finding her a bag of bones ho lifted her with no trouble nt nil "Indeed but jou'ro a good lad. Once I'm on my feet I'm good for all day , but when I tumble which 1 don't often do I'm ns badly off ns n turtle on Its back. " "Are jou going fir' " said Uryant. "Can't I carry jour basket ? " "Thank jou kindly If jou will , " said the old womno. "My hip pains me n good deal. I suppose jou'll bo going to the Bangtown fair and e\hlbltlng some chickens like the other bojs " "No Indeed , " said Bryant , rilcfullj' . "I hnvo Just money enough to get In myself nnd 1 made thnt helping Heechcr Ward take care of his ducks 1 wish I could enter some hens , for 1 love them and would like to win a prl/e. " , "Well , It's n lucky thfng that jou met me nnd that I fell , for I have the hen that laid the golden egg In my basket and 1 will let jou have her nil day tomorrow If j-ou will promise to return her to mo next day. I live on Hlnck mountain " And then Urynnt know who It was thnt he had befriended , none other than the witch woman of Waterloo n who In winter lived In Watertown , but In summer lived In nn alnndoncd charcoal burner's hut on the mountain. "you cnn w'ln n prize with the hen and jou can sell the golden egg which she will ADrtf2l'OM 5 Ctz. nilSHINO TO Tlin SHOW. lay at 10 In the morning for a great deal of money and you tan show her In a tent and charge to much admission. " Did ever a boy find fortune knocking so many times on his door at once ? His eyes tilled with tears nnd he grasped the old woman's hand and ithankod her with all the fervor of a warm nature "I must go nnd sec about getting a tent at once , " said Brjant. "Now , il like that , " said the old witch "Some bojs would have expected me to furnish tent and all mjself , but I sec that jou are willing to help yourself. Go to Lowell Hussell and tell him I sent jou and ho will lix you out. Here , take the lien along , but be sure that no one steals her or she nnd the thief will disappear entlrelj- . Brjant promised nnd ran off with the I basket. While ho was waiting for Mrs. Russell to open the door he lifted the cover of the basket and looked In. There sat a quiet looking hen of a bright golden color. Her comb was as red as blood and she looked exactly as If laying golden eggs was a good thing for her health.Which it undoubtedly was , for think how many years It is Blnco she was first discovered. Bryanb told bis errand to Mrs. Russell and she told him that her husband who was \ico president of the Bangtown Fair association had a tent 'that ' was to have been used by a man with a nvc-hcaded calf , but the calf had lost four of his heads In a railroad accident and was now no better than any calf , so the man didn't need the tent. And then > Mr. Russell came in nnd proved to bo kindness Itself. Next morning the fair opened nnd It was liKe all the country fairs that were ever hold. And If jou have never attended ono 1 can tell you tint the chief things to ba rcen there are people People who ba\o tome afoot and ahorseback , on wheels and between wheels , and somb would como in balloons rather than miss coming. There IH one big tent and a lot of smaller ones , and there nro men who sell candy nnd oysters nnd soda and whips. The whip men are really worth while. They sell half a dozen whips , each one worth $1 , and charge $1 for the lot nnd still make money. Now , that ought to make a good problem in arithmetic. It ono whip Is worth $1 , and n man sells six f > uch whips for $1 nnd makes money on the halo , how much docs ho make ? Do It In long division. Or , mayba fractions would be better. But I'm sure I i don't know how the man docs It. The poultrj" show was n fine ono ; nol only all the bojs , but the farmers for miles around had entered birds. But Bry ant took first prlz'o as a matter of course A hen that lays golden eggs Is worth any number of hens with silver feathers Bryant was kept busy taking In the nick els that the people paid to go In nnd see the hen in n parrot cage loaned by Mrs Ward. Mr Russell hid painted a beautlfu picture of n hen at lenst two feet high am with two high feet and the tent was nntu- rnllj a magnet of nttractlon Of course the biggest crowd was In the tent it 10 o'clock , when the hen was ad- Millions Use CASCAHETS. Surprising , isn't it , thnt within tin ee years our sales uro over 5,000,000 boxes u year ? That proves merit. Cnt > carets - rets do good for 1.0 in.iny others , that we urge you to try just a lOc box. Don t put it olt ! Do it today. CANDY CATHARTIC When you ask for CascareU , don't let the dealer substitute some thing OM > . Them it , nothing elbu ns good as Caseatets , and if you nio not pli'.ibed vvt > pay your money back. lOc , 25o , 50c , all druggists - gists , buniplo and booklet free. Address Sterling Remedy Co. , Chicago or New York. st for the Bowels < 09 vertlsed to lay thp egg The tent had bc n | full before that , but there's always room for more people In a crowd Thcao people who happened to bo In the tent when the egg waA laid bad nomethlnR to talk about for the rest ot their lives , nnd 1 dnro say If you go up to Onkvllle you'll find persona who aw the whole proceeding At 10 sharp the egg appeoreJ nnd the hen began to cackle a silvery lay. Mr. j Russell , who stood by Brjant to see fait j play , held the egg up nnd told tbo crowd , that It wns probably worth 1300 and any farmer could hnvo It for thnt price spot "Tlin MAN AND THD HCN DISAP PEARED. " cash. While the crowd wna laughing at this , for people up Oakvillo way don't cairj many thrco hundred bills around loose In their clothes , a queer thing happened. Ono of the men who ran a wheel of for tune the kind where > ou pay 10 cents and ire sure to get an article worth a tenth ot a cent no blanks thought thnt a hen who aid golden eggs laid over nny fortune wheel n the country , so he told his pal thnt ho was going to steal It. He wns standing on the other sldo Of tlif > hen , nnd whllo the crowd was Intent on the glistening egg he seized the enchanted fowl nnd burst through the crowd nnd out ot he tent as quick as winking. The farmers followed him , crying ' 'Stop thief , " but they md not run ten feet when a remarkable hlng happened. That man and the ben disappeared as U they had been swallowed up. There was no place where the man could have hidden. Ho had simply vanished because he stole .he hen. And neither the hen nor the man has icon seen from that day to this , although t was way back In October. The old witch's prediction had como true. I dare Eny that she had the hen , but who has the man I don't know. And I don't care much. As for Brjant , he sold the egg to a mnkor in Wnterbury for $400 and put the money in the savings bank and bo bought some blooded Wj-nndotte hens with the gntc money ho took in , and now ho has ono of the best poultry farms In the whole state of Connecticut. I.IM : or ciiAm.rjs. Won 111 ix < < Mlll V rim ml ( In- World AVcro U\ery Pniiill ) Ht'iirrKPiiHMl. It will probably startle a good many per sons to find , on the authority of a well known statistician , that could the infants of n jear be ranged In n line in cradles the cradles would extend round the globe , eays the Cincinnati Enquirer. The same writer looks nt the matter In a more picturesque light. Ho Imagines the babies being carried past a given point In their mothers' arms , one by one , and the pro cession being kept up night and day until the last hour in the twelve months had passed by. A sufficiently liberal rate Is al lowed , but oven In the going past at the rate of twenty a minute , 1,200 an hour "I THINK I'VE CRACKED MY HIP. " during the entire year , the reviewer at his post would only have been the sixth pirt of the Infantile host. In other words , the babe that had to be carried when the tramp began would he able to walk when but a mere fraction of Its comrades h 11 reached the reviewer's po-st , and when the j car's Mipply of babies was drawing to a clobo there would bo a rearguard , not of Infants , but of romping C-jcnr-cld boys and girls. riiATTi.n or THIJ voiosTnns. . Llttlo WIIIlo Say , pn , did jou ever have another wife besides inn' Pa No , WllJIe. But why do wni ask' Little Willie The family icoid In the blhlo sajs you mauled Anne Domini 1ST7. "What's an educator. yn1" "You ought to know , Prcddy ; ono dined with us jes erdaj " "Aw , yes , I know , It's n teniber with her Sunday clothes on " "Say , mamma , " slid 4-j car-old Tlossle , who had eaten Intemperatcly of the t'hrlst- mas dinner , "my sash IB Just like the win dow cash " "Why Is It , dear ? " 'asl.cd the mother "Because It's all around the pain , " replied Flossie. Johnnie < Most folks drai't think much of boys , but our teacher U stuck on 'cm , I guess. 'Mamma ' Is that so' Johnnie Ycs'm. I heard her tay today that a thing of beauty was a boy forever Admiral DCWOJ- , having been requested by the Columbia ( Mo ) Herald to decide as to the relative merits of hcvernl "Panta flans' letters submitted to that Journal by little foil just before the holidnju , selected us the prize winner the epistle of a littln girl who wanted "one penny doll ono sheet of gro n tissue paper , ouo cream dipper , ono tot of colored pencils , cand ) , almonds , pecans , one lunch box , one fcllk handkerchief and one toj bank P S Ono bible " In tonimunicatlni ; his decision the admiral said "Tho roullai points of this letter , which. In my opinion is the best nnd most characteristic of a girl arc that It Is novel and unlike roost of the letters , that it Is so cleir tmd huslno < ss-llkc as to leave no room for misunderstanding the desires of the writer , and that II Is characteristic of u female hand In that I contains the Inevitable P S without wbUb * woman's letter is Incomplete , " prtnn i i I > T < i VTAU tn n i GENERAL STANTON IS ILL Friends of tha Fighting Paymaster Ara Anxious About His Condition , THRILLING WAR STORIES ARE RECALLED stnttlon linn n ltrtiinrKiMc iil > i > rl Micp Mltli n llniid of lloli- liem In Hli'tmtum ! UN Hi'i-oril UN n ritthlrr of liiitlaiin. The serious Illness of Oencral ThiuMcu * :1 : Stnnton , the retired pa > master general of the United States aimy , Is causing much nnxlcty among his friends In this city and clflcwhcie. Tor several weeks ( tenor il Stanto.i has been unable to leave tils home and ho has recently taken n turn for the wor e. A complication of diseases Is the trouble. Tliaddeus H. Stnnton has been one of ho most picturesquechiractcrs In llio nllltary history of this country Of hrllllng nihenturo ho has had enough to 111 a book , and his life- Ins been ex ceptionally actl\o ever since ho became denuded with the at my many jears ago. While Oencral Stnnton Is a genial spirit and nn Interesting ciiteitalner , ht his nl- wajB been rctlcrnt about relating stories wherein ho appears as hero. Hut some of ho chaptcis of his career arc of such Im portance that thpj ha\c been told from ocean to o-e-in , and while newspapers have rom tlmo to time published columns about Jencral Stanton , many of the best Incidents mvo ne\er found their way Into print. The title , "Fighting Pajnnstcr , " was given to General Stanton because ho really \as a lighting pijmaatcr. Whenever there vah anj posslbllltj of action General Stan- on nlwajs Insisted on going to the front , mil he picfcired to pay the soldiers on the battlefield rather than amid the peaceful surroundings of headquarters riulil for 1,1 fc. Ono of the moat thrilling Incidents In the ctrcer of General Stanton occurred at Hlch- noiul , Va. , uway back In the 'CO's. The general traveled from Baltimore to Rlch- nond with an armed escort , carrying ? . )50- 100 of government money. On arriving in tlchmond ho deposited the money at army icadquartcra and songljV lodgings In n hotel mown as the Pord house. Ho was In his room Just before supper and , leaving the i apartment , descended to the dining room. I leturnlng to his sleeping room he observed 011 a mantel piece the scabbard of a dagger , i but the weapon was not In its case General - i eral Stanton felt certain that the scabbird was not in his room prior to the time ho went to the dining hall , and ho was puzrled as to how it came to be inure , but being sleepy and very much exhausted by hard work , ho dismissed the thought so far as possible and tucking his pistol under his , illlow , went to bed and was soon asleep. I i General Stanton's sleeping room was on | 1 the second floor of the hotel and two largo ' windows cpcneU out upon a balcony. The windows had Inside shutters , which the gen eral closed. It was about 2 o'clock In the morning when General Stanton was aroused by a noise. He looked nt the windows and saw a man crawling through ono of them. Instantly it occurred to him that the tres- passci was In aomo way connected with the empty scabbard. A knife thrust was mo mentarily expected by the general. The lotcl had no gas and a Uillovv candle was the best light the place afforded. In the excitement of the moment there was no opportunity to light the candle. General Stanton sat up in tbo bed with his revoHor In his hand. The Intruder stealthily ad- \anced and despite the inky darkness in the room the general could observe the outlines of the figure. Believing his time had come , ho opened fire , shooting wildly in ovciy direction , not knowing how many foes he had to encounter. There was a tumult of men's -voices on the balcony just outside The man at the window hurried out. Gen eral Stanton advanced , still shooting. Throwing the shutters moio widely open he looked out and saw a man prostrate upon the ground. The others , who were accom plices , had escaped. Ki'-lN HlN .Man. About itho time that General Stanton looked out of the window there came a boisterous clamor at his dcor and on open ing It he was confronted by the proprietor of the hotel , who was anxious to know what had happened. "Thero Is a man outside who needs a doctor , " said General Stanton. The hotel man carried the wounded trespasser Into the house and sent for a doctor , but death resulted before the arrival of the phjslclan. General Stanton looked on .vhllo his \ictlm died. Of course the general was never called ito account for this killing , because It was so clearly a case of justifiable action that no Investigation was deemed necessary. It subsequently developed that the man who was killed was one of a band of robbers who had followed General Stanton from Baltimore , awaiting an opportunity to rob him of the government treasure which he was biipposed to have with him at the hotel Of his own personal fuuds the gen eral hud but ft few dollar ! ) A search of the dcnd man's poJkcts re vealed the dnggrr that fitted the srabbnrd which General Stnnton found In hl bed room. Ilow the scabbard came there ho never knew , but the presumption was that the robber entered the room whllo the general was at supper and accidentally droppr * ! the fvcabbnrd. Tailing to find Gen eral Ptanton In his room , It Is presumed the robber went awny to wait until he re turned. The foregoing Is only one Incident out of many thaf might be related of the tjplcal Amollcan soldier It Is slid of him tint he made an absolutely spotless record as a pa\mnster , alvvajs having his accounts bal ance to n cent Him Mir.ntiTcit Hie Vrni ) . General Stanton's army circcr dates bick Into the 'fiOs , when the Kansis border troub les atose. He took part In that and at once dlsplnjed the essential characteristics whl-h In later jears made him famous In I860 , ho went to Washington as private sccrctar > to General S. 11 Cut Us. The following npilng he Joined the Columbia volunteers Honorably mustered out In ISfil , he returned to Iowa and was elected to the stito legis lature. In 1SG2 ho raised Company ( ' , Nine teenth Infantij. and was made captain In the same jcar ho wan appointed ns an al dltlonal pi ) master. In ISC I he wis chief paj master at New Orleans. In 1S72 he wns ordered to the Department of the I'lat r Icing stationed at Chejenne Tor bnvrry In Indian fighting General Stanton was com pllmcnted bj the War department and his tltlo was raised from colonel to that of gen eral. Aa a frontiersman General Stanton Is particular ! ) noted , although he has had wide range of arm ) experience , and was for a tlmo stationed at Washington Clt ) Gcneial Stanton rccelvcil his appointment ns painnstcr gcneial In March , ISTi Ho was born In ImUina , but early in his career he moved with his parents to Io\va He Ins frequently declared that ho likes Omaha better than any other city in which ho has over lived. ODD iucoiins oi' I\ST n\it. Miss lauj Marshall of CVntialln. Mo , bioho all records nt hiccoughing She hic coughed constantly for two ) oars The rccord-breaklnc llowci sale of the vtiir was that of the famous Law son cai na tion , which was sold In Boston In Jammrj for J10.000 To Boston Is given the ciedlt of furnish ing the largest biimiuct over given In th s lounirv This was tiio famous dinner given In honor of President MiKlnlej. In the Mechanics' building In rebrunr ) , IS'19 Captain Arch Homer of Vancelnng , Kj died 111 HiO , with the proud and bo isted consolation that ho had boc-n coiitlnuoliMv drunk for lift ) \tarn He believed that till" iccotd would Mrvo as a potent passport to the 'iirlt land A lecoid impnnllclcd In the hlstoi ) of theatrical Chicago was made on Jnmiaij 7. 1 " ' ) . when Hlehard Manslkld closed his the-w celts of "Cyiano do Bcrgcrac nt the Grand opera house , the gio'H locolpts for thli t-seven perform met"- being 573,134 Wllllim G Summeis , the o'dost cmnlojo of the Philadelphia mint , claimed the lecord , shortly be-foic Inillud last > tar for having banditti moro gold than tin ) other person In his quarter centurj of seivlce IIP handled more than $1,500,000,000 In gold Thu world's greatest whittling tccord was made by Christ Monbcrger it Buffalo i-.irlj in Jammrj Ho w lilstled 100 horns without u bre-ik. Ho was In u hospital and whistled meir ) tune's all through the long hours ot his mortal Illness and dlod while piping "Break the News to Mothe-i " On Jnmmr ) 24 , In Now Yolk , the total dealings tu fie banks' oleal Ing-home amounted to $317,210 3o U was estimated that If all the clearings had been made through the banks clo iring-hou'c , as was the ciso before the Stock i\changc cleu- JiiB-hovise was established , the ; total would have leached $300,000,000 What is said to have been the record- breaking Hfo Insurance cheek was that given on April JO 1S99 , bj SamiiPl New- house of Silt I.nho City to J A tlrvln of the Mutual Life Insurance companj The check was fen $2S3,823 , and for this Mr New house will locolve tin annultj of $ SOCO dining his life , and his heirs will receive J200.000 when bo dies All ocean records wont to smash on Octo ber 2s when the blir North Oeiman Llojd steamer Kai ei Wlllielm < lei Grosse crossed I the Inr at New York , low01 Ing the world' " western reeortl seventeen minutes It took the bit ? Goiman but tlvo das , seventeen hours and fortv-eight minutes to steam from Southampton Thus It bent Its own record , made on September 5 , 1899 The average speed was 14 knots an hour. Ills Wife Suv.-.l Iliu. . My wife's good advice saved my life writes r M Ross of Wlnfiold , Tenr. . , for I had such a bad cough I could hardly breathe. I steadily grew worse under doctcr's treat ment , but my wife urged me to i so Dr King's New Discovery for Consumption , which completely cured me" Coughs , Colds , Bronchitis , La Grippe , Pneumonia , Asthma , Hay Tevcr and all maladies of Chest , Throat and Lungs arc positively cured by this mar vellous medicine. COc. and $1 00 Every bottle - tlo guaranteed. Trial bottles free at Kuhn < , Co.'s drug store. Joke. Detroit Journal. They spoke of the mnn- tllla "Is it not a poem sonar' " murmured the beautiful Castlllan "It Is t joke he replied "A joke senor1' " "It usual ! } KOOS over n pretty woman's head -sou know " "Aln t > ou terrible , Honor' ' " Hero she looked up at him with her great , Dleadlntr ejes "Everyman who would know the grand truth , plain facts , the new discoveries of medical science as applied to married life ; who would atone for past errors and avoid future pitfalls , should secure the wonderful little book called " 1 Icre at last is information from .1 high medical source that must WORK WON'DERhMtlitliisgenerationof men " The book fully describes n method by which to attain full Mgor and manly ptnur. In Advance. A method to end all unnatural drains on the system , TocurenervousnesSplackofself-control.dcspondencv'.ctc To exchange n jaded and \\orn nature for one of bright Treatment ness , buojancy and power To give full strength , development and tone to e\ery on Trial portion and orpan of the body. Ace no barrier. Failure impossible. and The book , is I'l 'RELY MEIDICAL- AND SCIENTIFIC , useless to curiosity seekers , invaluable TO MEN ONLY Approval. WHO NEED IT. We send one full month's Remedies \vonderful power , and a man clous Appliance to strengthen and develop , nn trial and approval , without jny , deposit or obligation. No e.\posurc , no "collect on delivery " scheme no decep tion of any kind A despairing man who had applied to us , soon after wrote : "Well , I tell jou that first day ib one I'll never foiget. I jiibt bubbled with joy. I wanted to hug ever > body and tell them that my old self ( tail died > estcrtlay and my new self was born today Wli > didn'tjoutell me v hen I first w rote that I would find it this wa > ' " And another wrote thus "If von dumped a cartload of gold at m > feet it would not bring such gladness into my life as jour method has done " In answering be sure and mention this paper , and the compan ) promises to send the book m sealed envelope without an ) marks , nnd entire ) ) free of charge Write to the Jv/e/J ? MEDICAL COMPANY , llniTalo , N , Y , , and ask for the little book called " COMl'LUTIJ MANHOOD. " OUR GUARANTEE F.OR WEAK IVIE Hoclveilt'f Mr l'i\u Uullurs ( } iuOi fr full of Tinki'h It SI i J ( > whl'Jire Hold i him vtli .1 ( .uurautu in uuicxiul vvc.iKu < ireiBtu ) ( n rxuul power tun hninkc n | / ru nil -.top all unnutur.t dUihtilgt ui tmieBion 4 uro neivo an a lir.ilii vvfthn.H jr m"m > i , \ , < 10- turnc'l ' Thin gudr.int < c liuldo K"od t < r throe y orShuuM a vvuUrit < return , modirlnp will iit'adi bt ( urnUaeil free of charge liann s J'hauna > ] Sth ar.d Farnani Sts , Neb N 13 We gho tills guarantee to our cusiomcis Never Rested. Tireder in the morning than nt night ; back fools as though it wns going to break ; thoro's a dizzy sensation about the head and n miserable ) feeling of languor that makes getting up in the morning a torture rather than a delight. What a lot of women there are who fool just that way women who ought to bo strong and healthy and hap. py as the day is long who would bo if it wasn't for those delicate little organsthe kidneys. S Kidneys have such a distress ing way of getting out of order , of failing to take the poisons out of the blood , and of leaving us weak and mis erable with a back that aches i like the tooth ache and a head as dull and heavy as a lump of lead When Kidneys get in that h ap o they need help. If they can't do the work nature intended them to do , we've help them , that's all. Got to give them Doan's Kidney Pills the sturdy little conquerors of every ill that kidneys were evorheir todown to the very last stages of Bright's Disease. Doan's Kidney Pills strengthen and invigorate the kidneys , send pure health giving blood coursing through tLie veins , make women and men too , stronger and healthier and happier. Are doing it right here in Omaha Hero's an instance Mrs. Catherine Hoabton of 181S Izard St. . naj-s : "I was not well for four or five years My back ached across thp email part and Sharp twinges caught me In the kldnejs when stooping or rising. The kidney secretions were Ir regular nnd contained brick dust deposit. When I read about Doan'B Kidney Pills I got a box at Kuhn Co 'a drug store , corner 15th and Douglas Sts They helped mo right off and in my case proved a nplendld reniedjI recom mend them to anyone who has symptoms of kidney trouble. " DeanS Kidney IMllsarc for sale at all drug stores 50 cents a box , Fostcr-Milburn Co. , HulVulo , N. Y. why physicians don't prescribe silk underwear for everybody - H body is , that it is too dear for the average purse. * It is anti-rheumatic ; soothing to the nerves ; warm , light , pleasing to the touch and eye , in a word , it presents - * sents every desirable attribute , save that of low cost. K IDra is within reach of moderate purses. The wearer for the ra * first time realizes luxury in underwear. n Men's Shirts , 34-H , each . $250 Ladles' Vesta , 2G-40 , each $250 na Men'a Drawers , 28-44. each . $250 Ladles' Drawers , 26-40 , each . . . .J2EO m Men's Union Suits , .14-44 , each. . $5 00 Ladles Union Suits , 26-40 , each . . $500 * Men's Undervests , 34-44 , each . . $200 Ladies' Underwalots , 26-40 , each.$2 00 Ladles' Short Underskirts , 24-32 waist . $2.50 m < * > ALL LEADING STORES. a If your dealer can't supply you wo will. Express prepaid. KOTEDSILK UNDERWEAR CO. , MILLBURY , MASS A Doctor Who Cures , If in nesd of a doctor secure the best. You want u physician who can cure you. Dr. D.ivls has twenty years' experience. Wouk ini-n : tnd Buffering women will do well to consult Dr. Dftvis before fore going cUeu hero Ho offers you the best , most jjkillful and scientific treatment the medical profession affords. Consult him frco if nfllfctcd with any of the following diseases or bimilar troubles. Vurleooelc IIj 4lroc-otc Weak I'nrlv I.osnen Io t Mniilionil Gleet SI i Iff urn mill Illooil I'olNitii DR. DAVlb , Cor. Ifitli anil Dodge iiectrlc : belt given free to each case requiring one. I'rivatc Entrance-1005 Dodge Street , OMAHA. KS23JH23SQ TURKISH T. & P. PILUS brings monthly men- Jtrmit Ion sure totlirday novcrdlMUilioliil s nil 'flDrueStore , iSth &Parhim7dniiJr > , "Neb. WILCOX PILLS FTfiuthonlyj 'o-mlielUtltIViuiili llfKUln lur for nil UoU It , Kee | | e , w in | 3 < J v , AlrlfUfeuu , or byritil Pilie. tt' ' Is nd44for"vv men > SafeOuird " IXllii Medical Co,3 5N ijihit , I hill , | t Company , Chicago , KQUHJIH City. Oin.tliu , St , Louis , St. Josep h , St. Paul ,