THE OMAHA DAILY BEEJ SUNDAY , JAXUAHY 14 , 1 ( ) ( ) . PROSPERITY TO BE THE ISSUE Prino'pal Slogan of Bapnbllcans for 1900 , Says Chairman ilanna. RETENTION OF PHILIPPINES NEXT I'lnn * IlcliiK l.nlil nt I'lilln.trliililn for the rrenldcnllnl Ca in tin lull 14. . .Nomination n .Matter of Cutirxc. PHILADELPHIA , Jan. 13. Initial plans , for the presidential campaign vvero laid to day , when thu subcommittee of the repub lican national campaign commltteo began work. Shortly after 0 o'clock the commit- tcccn visited Mayor Ashbrldge. In the party wore Senator Hanna , chairman ; "Joe" Man- Icy , II , C. Payne of Wisconsin , United States Senator N. n. Scott of West Virginia , Illch- ard Kerens ot Mlpsourl and Charles Dick ot Ohio , the secretary of the national commit tee ; President Henry Ilurk and Chairman W. S. P. Shields of the local CItlznns' Con vention association and a number of others. From the mayor's ofllcc the commltteo went to the exposition buildings In West Philadelphia to Inspect the auditorium In which the convention Is to bo held. All of tha visitors expressed their satisfaction at the ( selection of the hall. Senator Hanna , regarding the convention , Bald : "Of course President McKlnlcy will be ro- nominated and without doubt he will receive every vote In the convention ; but when It comes to choosing his running mnto nnd de ciding on the platform , there Is likely to bo nn atmndanco of excitement. " The Manufacturers' club has offered Iho facilities of Its building to all of the repub lican national coinmlttccmcn who may bo In the city during the campaign nnd also to extend the same privilege to each delegate nnd altcrnato la attendance at the conven tion. During Iho conference with Mayor Ash- brldgo Senator Hnnna made the first Btnte- raent which he has uttered In his capacity as republican national chairman on the Issues nnd plans of tha coming campaign. He said : "Klrst , the national IPHUCB will bo the prosperity of the working people of the coun try. Second , the retention of the Philippines. "Tho republican party is In pressing and Immediate need of funds to curry on the work of the campaign , nnd It must be begun without a moment's delay. The democratic party has labor agitators at work throughout the west nnd the republican campaign com mittee finds It necessaty to meet thorn nt every point. " MILITARY POST NEAR SHERIDAN War Department IlcportM Favorably on < lic I'roLinnlllDii ( o .MnUc I'rcncnt 1'oNt I'eriniineiit. WASHINGTON. Jnn. 13. ( Special Tele gram. ) The Wnr department. In renponae to n renucst of the house committee on military nffalrK , has made the following re port on the bill to complete the establish ment and erection of n military post near the city of Sheridan , Wyo "Tho location of thu military post nt Sheridan Is In the midst of territory sur rounded by Indlnn reserv.itlons , those of the Crows nnd Choyenneo being In close proximity nnd containing approximately 3,500 Indlnne. The northern Cheycnncs are r.arllko nnd trouble frequently arises be tween the settlers nnd this tribe. In recent years serious conflict on many occasions has only been averted by the prompt arrival of troops. "On npprovnl of the secretary of war of the recommendation of the major general commanding , the army , by reason of peti tions from settlers of northern Wyoming , temporary barracks wore constructed there last year and n permanent supply of wnter secured. The location ot these barracks IB In the center of the country ln\olved , on a line of railway , giving facilities for moy- Ing troops. Extensive coal mines nre being developed In Iho region named , giving cheap fuel and range nnd forngo for producing hardy horsea Incomparable. A supply of puio water In practlcnlly unlimited quantities Is assured. The dry climate would bo ex tremely beneficial to troops and the expense of supplies to the cavalry post would bo re duced to the minimum with the advantage of having soldiers stationed on lines of rnll- road communication nnd In close proximity to thcso Indian reservations. "Ports McKlnney and Ouster , established nhry the country was In nn unsettled con dition nnd before railroad communication , have been abandoned , the former on account of the dilapidated condition of the buildings nnd tbo want of railroad facilities ; the latter on account of the Impurity of the water supply and the condition ot tbo buildings AN OBJECT LESSON. In a IlcNtntirnnt. A physician puts the query : Have you Dover noticed in any largo restaurant at lunch or dinner tltuo the number of hearty , vigorous old men ut the tables ; men whoso ngea run from 00 to SO years ; many of them bald and all perhaps gray , but none of them fcoblo or acnllo ? Perhaps the spectacle Is BO common as to have escaped your observation or comment , but nevertheless It Is an object lesson which means somuthlne. If jou will notlco what thcso hearty old follows arc eating jou will observe that they are not munching bran crackers nor gingerly picking their way through a raonu card ol now tangled health foods , on the contrary , they seem to prefer n juicy roast of beef , u properly turned loin of mutton , and even thu deadly broiled lobetcr Is not altogether Ig nored. The point of all this Is that a vigorous old ngii depends upon good digestion and plenty of wholcsomo food nnd not upon dieting and an omlca\or to llvo upon bran crackers. There Is a certain class ot food cranks whc eoom to believe the meat , coffee and manj other good things are rank poisons , but these rada\erous , sickly looking Individuals ore i walking condemnation of their own theories The matter In a nutshell Is that If tin stomach secretes the natural digestive Julco : In Bufllclent quantity any wholesome foot will bo promptly digested ; If the stomacl dors not do so and certain foods cause dls < trees one or two of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tub < lots after each meal will remove all difficult ] because they supply Just what every weal stomach lacks , pcpeln , bydro-cblorlo acid diastase and nux. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets do not act upot the bowels and in fact are not strictly i medicine , SB they act almost entirely upoi the food eaten , digesting It thoroughly am thus gives a much needed rest and giving at appetite for the next meal. Of people who travel nine out of ten usi Stuart's Djrpepsln Tablets , Knowing then to bo perfectly safe to use at any time am alto having found out by experience tha they are a safeguard aRBlnbt Indigestion It any form , nnd eating as they have to , at al hours and all kinds of food , the travellni public for years have pinned their faith ti Ktuart's Tablets , All druggists sell them at CO cents for ful elifd packages and any druggist from Malm to California , If his opinion were asked , vvll e y that Stuart's Djepepsla Tablets Is th > tnoit popular and succfteful remedy for an ; etomach trouble , A little booklet on stomach diseases mallet free by addressing F. A. Stuart Co , Mar hall , Mich t requiring a complete rehablllment of the post leaving this territory probably more unprotected than any othrr section of the western country. The location of the barracks called Fort Mackenzie Is where the sanitary conditions arc as nearly perfect us possible. The water supply Is pure and abundant , the best facilities exist for mov ing troops ; a strategic point occupied In the center of country where1 n feeling of unonslncAa regarding the action ot the In dians Is ever present , nnd a menace to the development of the country. The establish ment of this post Is recommended by the secretary of war , the tnajor general com manding the array nnd the commanding gen erals ot the Departments of Colorado and M'ssourl. ' " Included In the above arc the recommen dations of the above parties and exhaustive statements from General C r. Manderson , Edward Gillette , civil engineer officials of the Interior department relative to the ac quisition ot land for military purposes , nnd the executive order setting nslrto said land now used for military purposes. The re port closes with a detailed statement of Im provements nnd expenditures already made , amounting to $21.392.19 for temporary build ings and $ S&S9 for wntcr supply. REFORM IN CUBAN JUDICIARY IlcvlKloii of Criminal MrtlioilN rte to lie rollouril by Civil Code Ainvniluicntn. WASHINGTON , Jan IS. Secretary Uoot has taken steps to Institute at once sweep ing reforms In the Judicial svstem In Cuba , the animating purpose being to correct ns soon ns possible the Cuban prison nbuses which have nlrcndy been the subject of rep resentations to the Wnr departmen. Gen eral Wood has been giving this matter his attention and his Investigations Into the con ditions ot the prisons and the faults of the Cubnn judicial system gcnernlly have con- llrmed Secretary Hoot In his purpose to apply corrective measures nt the enrlleet possible moment. To nccompllsh this pur pose the secretary ha decided to appoint a commission comprised of three Americans and an equal number of Cubans. This com mission will probably consist of Horatio Rubens , E. L. Conant nnd Mr. Runcle , for the American side. These nre nil Inwjers , well versed In the Spanish cede , ns well as thoroughly ncqualnted with American practice. The Cuban contingent will probably bo selected by Governor Wood from among the members of the Havana bar. The commis sion will meet nt the earliest possible date la Havana nnd begin at once a revision of the criminal methods , following this up later on with amendments ot the civil code , where necessary. U Is not the purpose to outrage local sentiment and disturb well established practice , except In Instances where rank Injustice nourishes under It. But it cannot bo tolerated that persons charged with the smallest of misdemeanors and llttlo larcencles should languish , as at present , for a year in Jail before having any kind of a trial , and to such abuses as this , ns well ns to the Incommunicado sys tem , the commission will devote Its Imme diate attention. Mr. Rubens had a consultation with Sec retary Root today and left Washington for New York. Ho expects to proceed to Havana \ln Miami next Wednesdny. ITALY WANTS SATISFACTION AlmoHt liupiiNMlhlc for ( internment to Puiilxli I.oulnlniui 1 < > lie-hern Indemnity > < > < UuHlrvU. WASHINGTON , Jan. 13. The Italian gov ernment has signified to the government of Iho United States In the polite nnd courte ous way of diplomacy a wish that the por- 6ons guilty of Ijnchlng the flve Italians at Talulah , La. , last spring should bo punished. Heretofore in cases of the lynching of Ital ians the matter has been compromised by the payment of nn Indemnity , but this does not meet the present demand of the Italian government. As under the existing law the trial and prosecution of such cases as this Is left entirely to the state authorities , the national government is well-nigh helpless - loss to meet the request ot the Italian gov ernment. The Investigation made by the state of Louisiana was so unsatisfactory that the na tional government undertook the Investiga tion through its own agents to learn the facts attending the lynching. The result of this Inquiry ! s now on ( lie. But the United States government nt present cannot make the report the basis of any legal proceedings against the Ijnchers. As nn outcome of this embarrassing posi tion the president will probably make fresh representations to congress urging the speedy passage of the pending bills Intend ing to remove from state courts jurisdiction In cases where persons claiming treaty pro tection nre the victims and transferring Jur- iEdlctlon over them to the federal courts. oi'i'osi : suii'riMi .SUBSIDY IIILI , . Hill , Iliillv\ny Muuriiutc , mill runner * ' Alliance 111 We t AnnliiM It. WASHINGTON , Jan. 13. The senate com- mittco on commerce today resumed Its bearIng - Ing on the Honna-Payne shipping subsidy bill. Thomas Clydo of the Clyde Steamship line was recalled. Ho took up the cost ol the construction of vessels , their mainte nance and operation. Mr. Cl > dc. said that what It was desired to do by the bill was to encourage low- speed vessels vessels that would at low cost extend American export trade. F. B , Thurbcr , representing the United States Export association , said the universal belief among American manufacturers ami shippers was that this country must have n merchant marine to export American prod ucts. The bill , he sold , was a potent factoi In the Interests of the great masses of la boring people ot the United States. Theodore C. Search of Philadelphia , pres ident of the American Manufacturers' asso ciation , maintained that the enactment ol the pending bill would be of immense bcnefll to the manufacturers ot the country , would largely Increase American export trade and would build up u great shipbuilding Indus try. Chairman Fr > e announced that the hear ing would bo adjourned until next Tuesda ) In order that some figures might bo prepared relating to the general subject under con- bldoratlon. Up In tbo northwest , ho said 11 considerable opposition to the pending meas- [ jure had been developed. Jnmix Hill , presl- dent of the Great Northern railroad , who one . i jour ago was favorable to this bill , was now 1 In favor ot an export bounty. This wai likewise true of several Important newspa pers In the northwest and of the Farmers alliance In th weet. CUAM A noon IMAM > TO KIII > Hi-port of ConilllloiiK There lijCom. . iimmler MeC'nllu of ( he .Neiviirk , WASHINGTON , Jan. 13 , Captain McCalla commanding tha United States steamshii Newark , has written a letter to the chief o the bureau of navigation , In which hi makes the following statement "On our way across the Pacific 1 found | necessary to stop at Guam for the purposi of coaling. The Inland U a very beautltu and fertile ono. The governor and his as slstant , Safford , seem to be the right men fo ; the place. All the officers at the statloi are doing their utmost to Improve the con dltlon of the people. 1 am sure that tbi administration of the governor will brtni great credit to the Navy department am will be eatUfactory to the country. "As a sanitary measure the necessity o piping water from the mountains to Agam end the adjoining \lllngca U pressing. 11) ) ouch an Improvement the shallow wells , al of them contaminated , could be filled In and the health of the natives Improved "Looking at the question from a purely commercial point ot view , I feet satisfied that every dollar spent bv the government on the Island of Guam will be returned to our country an hundredfold. From the Indications ot contentment and satisfaction with the methods recently adopted on the Island I am certain thnt the new administra tion Is already most successful " PUGS CALL TO SEE M'.KINLEY Uportto lllion mill Itoli ArnistroiiK Phut I'realilciit Tint HUN ) to Sec Them. WASHINGTON , Jnn. 13. George Dlxon , the former featherweight champion , who was defeated a few nights ngo by Terry Me- Govern , nnd Deb Armstrong , who aspires to honors as the heavyweight fighter of thp world , strolled Into the White House today and requested permission to seethe presi dent to pay their respects. The president was busy with a cabinet officer and did not oao them. PRIESTS MAYYET MARRY _ _ 1'iipc l Snlil to lip CoiiNlilrrln r Tliolr from IOHK I2n- forcvil Celllmu ) . ( Copyright. 1900. by PreHS Publishing Co. ) nOMD. Jan. 13. ( New York World Cable gram Special Telegram. ) The pope Is con templating an order permitting the priests of the Catholic church to marry. The llrst step has nlrcndy been tnkcn In the encyclical to the bishops of South America , In which permission Is given to the priests theru to tnko wives unto themselves. Mgr Gnllcza , rector of the Spanish col lege In Home , says ithnt the concession granted by the holy father to priests In South America Is to meet special conditions. "I don't think his holiness will issuea general order releasing nil the priests of : ho church from their vows of ccllbicy , " ! Mgr. Galleza continued. "This question of celibacy having been established by n gen eral council , 1 think that only n general council would have authority to make u. change. " On the other hand Mgr. Tolll , ono of the most eminent jurists of the Vatican , is flrmly convinced that the pope purposes to abolish the rule of celibacy for the prlest- bood before he dies. Mgr. Tolll says : "The tiny the pope conceived the great project of the union of the Christian church he must have begun to examine nil tbo diffi culties which might stand in the way. Ono obstacle , perhaps the greatest of them all , Is that in nil denominations except the Roman church the priests and ministers are permitted to marry or not , ns they choose. I bellevo that after mature deliberation the holy father has i cached the conviction that the obstacle is not insurmountable. I am convinced that he will abolish the en forced celibacy of the clergy. I don't bc- llevo that thorn will bo a general encyclical nffectlag itho Catholic church throughout the world. That would be too revolutionary. Hut I think the change will come about by degrees nnd that his order affecting the priests of South ( America Is the beginning. " The familiar rumors of a conciliation be tween the Vatican and the church in Italy have broken forth afresh , but now they have become more than mere rumors be cause there nre slgnlflcnnt facts. The most Important Is the jublleo nnd the opening of the sacred door of St. Peter. Plus IX established the jublleo and the holy year for 1875 , but when that year camu the project was abandoned upon the pretext that the pope being a prisoner , could not preside over a Jubilee. After mature de liberation Leo XIII proclnlmed 1900 the holy year and announced that ho would per sonally open the sacred door. Those whose opinion Is authoritative declare that this action on the part of his holiness can mean only ono thing , the longed-for reconciliation. Cardinal Gotti , ono of the most influential members of the sacred college and urged by Leo as his successor as pope , said : "A reconciliation with Italy Is not im possible. It would be as useful for the qulrlnal as the Vatican. In the presence of the dangers which menace the Italian state , especially socialism , the Roman church would be a valuable nlly. " "Upon whit conditions could the alllnnco bo made ? " tBo cardinal wa < ? asked. "I think both sides would make conces slonB , " was his reply. The Jubilee will bo prolonged until the end "of the year because the pope holds that the new century begins on January 1 , 1901. TO GRAB LIBERIAN TERRITORY CiL-rinniiy Working ? to I'crfliinilc or Co erce the Mttlf Itopulillc to Ac- fcnt u I'rotcutorntc. ( Copyright , 1900 , by Associated Press ) LONDON , Jan. 13. Advices to the As sociated Press from Liberia indicate that Germany Is emulating Franco in its en deavor to grab territory and Is working strenuously to persuade or coerce Liberia Into accepting a German protectorate. The latest attempt ha taken the form of a demand - mand by Herr Ilumplemeyer , the- German consul at Monrovia , who has just returned from a visit to lierlln , for Immediate repara tion for the alleged maltreatment of a Ger man subject in 1S97. The case is that of a German planter named Koch , who , refusing to obey n civil summons , was taken to the courts by force He claimed damages. The matter was taken up In Berlin , has since been pending be twecn the two governments and , though not settled by the Llberlan courts , Herr Hum- plemeycr threatens to tnke severe measures unless Herr Koch'fl claims are paid. The Llbcrlan officials fully bellove that both France and Germany wish to take nd- vantage of Great Britain's war to force them to accept a protectorate. The llttlo republic Is shut off from cnblo communication from the rest of the world and Is nnxlous to learn tbo feeling existing at Washington toward It , as there is a growing sentiment toward requesting an American or British protectorate in order to put an end to the harassing demands. Such Is the Koch case The French encroachments have been re ferred to In previous dispatches , .1II1S. COI.M.NS HACK O.N Tilt : .S Stepmother of C'ountrn * Czni > UowitUI Slr.r nt a I'nrli * Conrcrl. ( Cop > rlsht , 1900 , by Press Publishing Co ) PAIUS , Jnn. 13. ( Now York World Ca blegram Special Telegram. ) Mrs. Hosalba Collins , btepmother of the Countess Czasy- kowskl , formerly MUs Edith Collins , re turned to the stage on Thursday night , when she was the star of a concert given by Thomas Theme , tbo rich young Amer ican musician and author. In hla splendid house In the Place Vendome Mrs. Col lins was formerly on the stage and she ex plains that her husband has refused her further allowances The concert was slv.-n to the American colony In Paris and WJB made a fine function Theme le the young man who recently announced he had leased a small theater In the Champs Klysecj where he purposed having American and Englfah authors , composers and musicians present their own works Mrs. Collins was greeted with enthusiasm when she appeared before the Americans on Thurs day night. In the audience were the Duch ess Dtno , Princess Itadzlvll , Countcca Tro- bland , Countess Cattellane , Countess , Ma- Iclssye , Countess Cortlyou , Ambassador and Mrs Horace Porter , Miss Nanny Keod Baroness de Reibout , Dr Archibald Kyck crt , Mr and Mrs DeGarmendla Marquis DeGastroue , Mrs , Ingrahara and many otters. lOSFARXAM STPEET3. IIMWIA Monday's ' Special Drug Prices : Our rtniR department Is u feature of the store nnd inurmis liiuo alrcadrnt ) < \ tlint thev can iel } upon the cennltipness of cverv arti cle pnrrlia ed hero WP < iunto n few prices but nialvo drop ints on iverv- thlne All Mme Vale s $1 llemcdles i > c Box Lily Umiquct Sonp (3 ( rakr i Go Soc 13ox Christopher Llpp's lint- termllk Sonti for . IBo Xk- Cake Iljnmol Soap . 20. . iryomel Inhnlers only yif 60r Kld-ne-old ( Moriows ) . 13o lOo Cnke Llbprtnun s Tnr Soup ! < Jl Hot Wnter Dottle . . 49o S-qt Fountain Sv rlngp ( S-ply ) 25c pkg Mpdlp.itcd Talcum Pow der . . 6r 23c pkg Perfumed Talcum Powdar . IP $1 Dottle 1'p-ni-na , only 75i Jl Hello S S S , olilv 7S < 75c Untile UppfVlin - nnd Iron 4V Miduitu Yiilp s HtMut } Hooks TrtP A"K for tlipin WP nrp not In thp trust. "MASQUE OF PEACE AND WAR" cfii HtMltMn Draft anil Tnlilonux Tor tinAVIvFN ami < lillilreii of ( iiinrilntiivn. U'opj right , inoo , b > Preis PublHliltiK Co. ) LONDON. Jnn 13. ( New York World Cn- ) lcgrnm Special Telegram ) Mrs Arthur 'uget wrote a full account of the plnn nnd nblonux for her "Masquo of Peace nnd Wnr" which Is to be presented nt the Prince of Wales thcntcr next week , to the queen , who expressed high approval of everything The queen made one nllcratlon , striking off 'rom ' the list of managing committee , which ncludra some very big pcoplo , the mimes of all not connected with the brigade of guards. She said thnt ns the performance was being given for the benefit of the wives nnd chit- Iren of the guardsmen the commltteo should bo confined strictly to the wlvte of the guards officers nnd rojpities. The queen has tnkcn twelve stalls nt $53 each nnd nil the royalties nre to be present , occupjlng the two fiont rows of balcony stalls ns giving the best viewpoint. Four .loxes sold at $500. The cheapest seats nro f3 gallery seats the same price ns the pro grams , which will be sold by Lidlcs Hnmll- : on , Hnrlopp , Castlerengh , TiilHbardlne mid Evelyn Wnrd , ono of the brides whoso hus- bnnd Is at the front. Princess Loulso Is ad vising on the pictures In conjunction with Rojnl Academicians Fildes , Sargent , Tn- dema , Boughton Poyntcr nnd Goodall. Mrs. Paget herself Is arranging a Venetian picture In which four famous beauties with natural tltlan red-gold hair , Ladles Angle sey , Stozwald , Edmondstono nnd Mrs. Mur- rny Guthrle , will bo posed. Lady Anglesey will wear a white Venetian velvet dress and a flat whlto cap with beautiful emeralds nnd pearls. The picture will represent a compnny of ladles and Venetian cavaliers , half reclining round n banquotting table , with lenshed dogs On the table will be some magnificent old Italian plate lent by the Duke of Port land , with piles of fruits and flowers. In another tableaux Lady Cynthia Graham w appear ns Britannia , while another will rep resent Gainsborough's famous picture , "The Three Lady Waldegraves at tea , " In which Lady Hartlopp , with her two sisters , Miss Gladys Wilson and Mrs. Guy Fairfax , will appear. In "The Masque of Peace and War , " writ ten by Loulso N. Parker , the principal part will be taken by Muriel Wilson as n spirit representing first war and afterward peace. There will be several songs and dances. Both Muriel Wilson nnd Mrs. Williams will do skirt dancing. Another scene will be fencing between two women , one of them Mrs. Annie Lowthcr , the champion woman fencer of England nnd France. Between the "mnsque" nnd the tableaux there will be lime-light photographs of battle scenes by Colonel Paget and other guards officers. . Mrs. Sheelnh West , the future duchess o ] Westminster , will tnko a prominent parl In the tableaux , aa will Lady Stuart and Mrs. Tony Drexel. FIGHT ON AMERICAN MEATS SIiovv Hitter HostllHy < < > Co in in ere I n I Trenly i > lth the UiiKciI Male * . ( Copyright , 1900 , by Associated Press ) BERLIN , Jan. ID. The correspondent o the Associated Press Interviewed the Unltec States ambassador , Andrew D. White , today about the present status of the relations be tween Germany nnd the United States. Mr Whlto said- "The Samoan question between the Unltei States and Germany , the Insurance question and sundry minor matters have been prac tically settled. The main questions which re main are the commercial treaty and the proper Inspection of American meats. The fonmer will bo mainly settled at Washing ton , the latter must depend on the action ot the Reichstag. Though Ijliu agrarian party shows bitter hostility to the allevia tion of the present arrangement , so oppres sive to American Interests , It Is hoped that the proposal made In President McKlnley'n message for the appointment of n spccla commission may bo accepted. "There Is no doubt that the government apart from the agrarians , would bo heartily glad to see some such fair settlement. This was foreshadowed when the emperor ex pressed nt considerable length to mo en New Year's day , not only his own personal satis faction , but thnt of tbo German people , a the part of the cncssngo referring to Ger many. It Is also an open secret that Prince Hohcnloho and Count von Buelovv were es pecially unxlous to see some such solution of this most troublesome of all the questions now pending between the two governments ' Miss Florence Newman , who has been n great sufferer from muscular rhreumatlsm says Chamberlain's Pain Balm Is the only remedy thnt affords her relief Miss Newman man is n much respected resident of the vil lage of Gray , N S' , and make this state ment for the benefit of others sllmllarly a filleted. How to avoid Keep the feet dry and WOMII Keep out of draughts Take plenty of outdoor and Indoor exercise Remove all wraps on entering a warm room. Always carry a > lal of " 77" and take a doae at the Hn.t chill or alilver It restores the checked circulation , starts the blood cours ing through the veins and "breaks up" the Cold or Grip. Auk > our druggist or send fur Or. Humphrey' Manual free tells about the care and treatment of the sick In all ail ment K Humphreys Homeopathic Mcdltlno Co. , Cor \ \ ilium and John Sts , N Y , Low Prices and Good Qualities to back them \ \ \ \ Price without quality is no indui'iMiiont to Iho shrewd buy or. Hut hero are prices that arc inducumoiits for the quality is hove "as advertised" iu every instance. Come- and judge for yo-irsolf , Mail Orders Filled. Optical Dept. This depart. . .incut is Iu elwr.fuof nil oxpoi't re- frni'tionist nnd optician. Oculists" prescription * aceiirnte- Iv Illlc'l ' nt liiilf till' Double Mslnii lenses liuil-f O ( ) tlinltiold frnmi'i , ptlr ' * * - Spectacles mill oypRliis c correctly nttocl for Solid gold fr'iincs , \ for . . Thermometer * , metal CUSPS , 1 1/- . ullvered srnU-s , only nv MMCI\I. S : o > iivin UOODH n vm imnsstMi. mi. SH vMiMituMi , anc. 161U & FARNAM STHEETS. OMAHA Another Slash at the Cloak Prices The goods wo bought at unction together with the stock wo hud has been reduced again This Is the Html out of the year. Without any exaggera tion .tuckets that \voro SJ2 are Included In the 87.oO , nit 1 so on throughout the stock , have priced neon reduced. Oome If you want iip-to-dato garments for leas than the value of the r.ivv nuitoritil. JAOKKTS worth : > to J500 nre priced to ell 1.39 nt JAOKin'S worth up to $750f t > A f\ nre priced to soil XW' Tt V J/t'KHTS worth up to $100rt aio priced to sell at JAt'KHTS worth up to $10 0 - , ile priced to sell at JAl'KirrS-wotth up to $2200- 4U e priced to sell at Sl'lTS worth tip to J1000 nro priced to well nt . StMTS-worlh up to $1500- O rfc Q aio priori ! to sell \J\7 O srrrs worth UP to $ iruo- are piliod to well Furs al one-half marked price Furs al one-half marked price furs at one-halt marked price Purs al one-half marked price Petticoats Waists Skirts Saline riannel and f OQ Ji ( fl rnmel'8 Halt ' Petticoats J3 Xpiirsllk - $1 50 Cashmeie Wnl l8 ! * < - ' bklrts , onlj coats , on ' ale foi . gVek , t „ , O.U nna Walk5. = . QQ $1 Ncnr-llk PoltUo.its f f > Q _ > 3. Q8 on will' for Compare thcso prices v. 1th other quotations on eatables. 11 Ibs Granulated /IQr ] > Sugnr , only . * * o The People's Supetlor HlBh- Oht I'atL-nt Mlnncltl sola Flour 1. UCJ Snow Whlto Minnesota Flour , per suck7Qri / only'w 10-11) . sack Pure Graham - ham riour , only 10-lbs New York . wheat Flour , only 3-lb. can solid pack ed Tomatoes , only 1-Ib. package pure con-'Tlr , densed Mince Meat . . 2V * 3-lb. can Burnham's Clam Chowder , only Pet Drain ! Evapora ted Cream , per cnn 3-lh. cnn Peaches , Egg Plums and GreenOJLr < gages. Pears , can. , * * < 2 * Fresh Bulk Ojsters qurat Under muslins Ladles flno muslin gowns and chemise , nicely trim med with lace and em broidery reg- ulnr $1.50 value , sale pi Ice Infants line mut-lln dresses , a sample lot , nil the new est designs , very prettily made , vnlue UD to $5.00 choice for J1.9S down and 29c to Ladles' Flannelette Night Gowns , nicely trimmed with wide value lace $1.00 69c only Finest Flannelette Gowns , pink nnd blue elegantly trim 85c med v , orth $1.2o price . , Mittens Children's double wool mit tens , all hlzes worth 2oc a pair , sale price only Women's double wool mit tens , with fancy back ? , 19c 35c value , pair . . . . 'Women's llnest wool mit tens , the leg- ulnr 4Sc sort 29c on sale for Women's fancy wool mit tens , the kind ' thnt cold for 39c COc. on sale for Embroideries Over 10,000 yards of flno cm- broideries , on sale tomor row , all widths , new pat terns , open edge and Insertion. worth up to 2ac Trimmings A choice lot of fancy dre H braids and trimmings , all colors , worth up to 25c. on wale In basement Lace Sale Two lots of fancy trimming laces BO on sale Monday. Jlno Torclion.Valenclenncs nnd Oriental. Very choice doslcnH and patterns - - terns , vvoith up to Ii5t a jnrd , at lOo A : Veilings Fine dotted nnd cross bar VellltiBS , 18 Inchon wide , worth fully 20c 4 f\ a yard , sale I l/C price Hosiery Children's line woolen hose , well made worth Me a pair , Children's heavy ribbed hose , well made worth ISc a pair , Women's line cotton hose , fast black -r _ IGc. value , / U pair 2-lb can Sweet Coin , only 2 large -MI ks Table Ar > Salt , only . . > * 1- ISo ran K O linking Powder , only . . . . Large bottle Manzn- \\r > nllla Ollvos . l\J < > Gallon can N < w YolH Apples , enl > . . Gallon run Sllvor Drip S > rup. only . Pound cnn 1'nulc or C.- , Champion Lyo'w 3-lb Golden - - can Pump-Alp kin , only . "a- Cnn Andetson"s Soup , only City Soda or Ojbter Crncker , lt > . Lnrso Navel Oranges , dozen . Strictly Fresh KggHf > c\ w dozen . Large Bottle Tomato Catsup . Domestics Lonsdalo or Fruit of the Loom Muslin , reg ular lOc quality , per yard Fine Tennis Flannel , neat checked imtterns and atilpeP , worth Sc 11 yard Pine linen clash , regular ISc value- peljard , only . Linen Glass Toweling , checked patterns , worth lOc per jard only & 0o Table Damask veiy good qual ity , per yuid . . Huck fringed Towels large blze , lOc kind Bleached Pillow Cases hemmed ready for use , lOc values Unbleached Sheets , 72\flO , on sale for . Bleached Sheets , 72x00 Bleached Sheets' , 90.\C0 Notions Black or white Thread per 200 yard spool , only LarRo bottle machine oil , ti ounce , only Small sUed Mocha Purses , only Large size Cm ling Irons , 8e value , only Dress Stajs , per wet only Lead Curlers , pel dozen , only Cabinet of llulr Pins , Sc value < Black or white , good i ubber , elastic1 , jnrd. . Velveteen Skirt Bind ing , per yard 5e Dressing Combs , Or ; only < - * Collars A lot of men'H and boys' collarH , soiled from han- dllnir , all s'zes. ' 4 recnlar lOc and 15c B fj \nlucs , only Candy Fine mixed Candy worth Uc a pound only Neckwear Men'H fancy silk 'lien , techs nnd bows , choice cnloilnnH. resnlur 25i Rraile , for . Rug Sale A choice lot of line Kmjrn.i Hue1' , co nn cale In the basement , Ue JOxCO. mat patterns , new det'lBiis worth i. ! and i2'M . | Q sale prko only . . . ' - ' Camera Dept. Card itiounN , nil colors anil size * . hiclmlitiK Ix CiO/l'tl I'rlntlnir framix. 1x5 , yellow hittKO. .10c only . Tolklol Developer , U3c tube , only ,10c French Satin , Ji. , "Oo ( Mill for .t2c All otlioi * supplies at pro portionately low prices. Cam eras ut out price1' . .50 & $3 Shoes $1.85 600 pnirs women's real vici kid lace shoes go on sale Monday to make room for our new spring stock We have them in all si/x-s and widths , in the new coin and colonial toes , some with put- ent leather tips and inserted lace st.iy. All mudnp in the latest styles by makers of shoes that are known as t makers of the best footwear for women. We nro sure to suit your individual tastes , and guarantee every pair as represented your money back If not satisfactory. We feel positive that it is impossible to dtipli- cute the offer and the values. 185 Whether yon need shoes or not yon should partake of these" great values S2.50 and $3.00 shoes for Dress Goods Flno mixed German Fancies , novelty goods , worth up to $2 00 , yard , few fen \ on bale ' / 11 f 1 Monday JL S for Handsome black Crepons , % eiy choice patterns , ele gant poods , newest elTectb Koods Bold for f-j f\ Jl 50 a > ard , on / VPC * * - bale for Your choice of our llncst wool t'repons , nnveltlc" , sold for upward to $ . ' 50 and $100 a > nid , KO on sale foi 61-Inch all wool black Kn llsh Melton Oloth $1 CO value , per > ard only . . . . Silk Sale All fallacies of taffeta , silks that hold for 73c a ynrd , BO on Bale tomoirow Your choice of a line lot of .silk remnants , fancy Hllks that were originally priced to Hell at $1 Jl 50 and & ! 00 a > ard for Bed Spreads Fine Crocheted Bed Spreads neat pattern ? , full sire , worth boc , only Underwear Men's line ilbbed and ran dom wool underwear , all sizes shirts and drawers , worth fiOc and 75c a garment , only Men'H line wool underwear , brown and natural , all slcs HlilrtH and drawers , $1 quul Ity , on HUle for Men's llnest wool underwear natural color , all sizes , carmcntH that sold up ward to Jl 2o and $1 50 rnch on sale for . . . . Wotnen'b $1 t'nlon Suits are now belling for . . . . Blankets All blankets are now fell- In K at Kreatly reduced price * The finest wool blankets are belns bncrl- llced Buy foi jour future needs $1 0) ) Blankets , l'i.on t < ale foi JJ 00 I'nlnn Blankets ff\ on mile for . . * - ' - ' ? 4 CO Blankets , on O hale foi . . . . * J5 Pure Wool Blunk-O etc , foi J7t'nllfoinlu _ Wool o Blankets , on sale Book Sale The Lion and tlio Unicorn , The Fowler , No. G John Street , The Market Place , Zlskn. or David Ha- rum , choice for Ills Grace oC Osmondo Francis , by Burnett , only . . . JudBO Klbrldco by Oplo Head only . Thomas Series of Adventures set of 5 vols Hall Calne , 5 volumes 69c only Wo aio Bclllmr all books nt the prices book hellers must pay. Some for even less. Stationery Larso slzo tablets Bood paper , worth Be , only Glass Inkwells with glass top Box of Writing Paper and Knvelopes , regular 23c value , for Carter's Ink , per bottle Toilet Paper , nicely peiforated , - lolls for Handkerchiefs Women's dainty handker chiefs , with nicely em broidered cornerw , also plain and hemstitched , 10u values , some slightly milled , on aalo for Women's handkerchiefs , the kind that sold for luc , Boiled from being on display fixtures Tobaccos 2 packages Duke's Mixture Smoking Tobacco , only King Ben C'lgars , regular Go In nnd , on tvilo for only . . . Speekled Trout Clears , per box of 50 , $1 value , only Box of 100 Huso Hit Cigars , worth $ - ' ( , sulo Oftr- price only . . . . . J\j\ * Tooth Picks Hardwood polished Tooth- pleks , line maple worth lOc box , only , We Furnish Your Home Complete. For cash or on the eaby payment plan. Tlio bubt and largest stock in the west. Sideboard made of oak. hand- Fine Nottingham Lace Curtains excel B mo carving , largo double plalo French lent pattern , fully 'lj yards bevelled mirror , has largi1 , roomy ] onr , f > 0 inolicj wide , worth .1.39 dravvors , ono drawer velvet lined , --fi a pair , sale price . $20 value , for \ \ liitc liiiuinclccl Iron liutl 5-l'iccc Parlor Stilt elegant frame , nlcolv brass trimmed , made very 2.48 upholstered , rich tapontry , va- / " 50 bolld , worth $3,60 , only. rfous colors and ' $ .r > 0 values , onlv Nicely Upholstered Couch olocant frame , covered with 7.39 Ilundhoinu Dining Room ST line volourall coin , 812 vulurs Table line oak nicely uollshJ i ed , largo sizeworth fully $10 , Cobbler Heated Itockcrs Ilcnutlftil Parlor Lamps oak or mahogany , regular .1.98 nicely doooratcd , fount uudbhndol $4.60 values , only , . regular $1,25 vuluo.sdlo price Heavy Harrcl Top Trunk- -zlno covered , 53.Plecc Dinner Sets fine / > Iron corners , has tray and KnglUh ware , elegant dncora- , band box , regular $3 values , 1.98 tlon , regular $5 value , price , for .