Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 14, 1900, Part I, Page 5, Image 5

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Douglas County Democracy Neatly Captures
Popooratio Party Machinery ,
I'lnn < < > I'rj l.nnic I lie llcrilinnn drip
mi I'lirtj Doiiihmllnii SiitciHriil In
All liul ( In- Vital M.M-i.n.1 Wnnl
( ' ( invention IJnliritril. .
The meeting ot the democratic city cen
tral committee scorned to bo not so much
a meeting to fix the dates of convention
nnd primaries as to exercise the demo
cratic propensity for a family disturbance , j
It developed .1 Bharp , but by no moans abort
nnd decisive , conflict between the adherents
of the respective democratic clubs for con
trol of the party machinery. It had been
known that this conlllct was Impending ,
but tlio members of the Jackaanlan club
had figured on having some twenty-four
members out of the twenty-seven on the
committee. In this they \\rro doomed to
ultimate nnd humiliating disappointment.
The meeting occurred at the rooms of
the Douglas county democracy. Walter
Molgo presided. When he asked that the
"roll bo called trouble began at once. Hardly
had the secretary called the first name In
the First ward delegation when John
Sheehan , one of the cnmmlttccmon from
that ward , objected vehemently to the name
called and kept on objecting until Chair
man Molso Invited all nonmcmbers to re-
tiro. AH the last spectator left the room
the door closed upon a seething bedlam.
For nearly half an hour the roar of angry
voices emanating from the room was sug
gestive ot a beef Issue at a wild animal
It was found that 11 number of men had
been made members of the committee of
whoso membership the confident JacUsonlnns
had never dreamed. In the first ward h.
W. Dongrcss , Frank rixn nnd John Sheehan
hud been made commlttcomen at the last
regular city convention. Afterward Flxa
and Dongrcss had moved out of the ward
nnd ChrlB Albrccht and John W Hroch
had been acting aa commlttcemcn In their
stead. Wl'cn the roll was called Saturday
o\cnlng John Urcxcl appeared thereon as
a member of the committee from that ward
and Owen Slnvln was present with a proxy
flora Flxa. It was claimed by the Jackson-
latis that Walter Molse had appointed
IJrexcl himself , to the prejudice of either
Albrccht or Hroch , but later the minute *
of a meeting were produced , showing that
when Charles II Sherman had declined the
nomination for member of the Board ot
Education last fall a call had been Issued
for a meeting of the city committee , at
which Drexcl had been elected a member
In place of Flxa.
At the same meeting Louie Plattl nnd
George Holmes had been elected members
from thp Fourth ward , Instead of Dr. Hippie ,
who had removed to the Ninth ward , and
Dan D. Honln , who had loft the city.
In the Fifth ward Peter Hemackle and
Joe Cross had been elected to succeed Pred
II , Cosgrovc , who hail removed from the
ard and moved baik ngaln , and JanKS
erguson , vvlu had left the ward
In the Seventh ward J. T. Hvans hnd '
timed his prcxy o\er to one Berry men , win
had In turn given It to J J O'Connor and |
the latter wn present to vote It
Coinilj Ilpiiineriip ; In ( lie smiillc.
The result of all of these substitution"
was that the county democracy was In ths ]
saddle. The Hcrdmnn crowd contended that' '
the minutes of the allege 1 meeting had.
been fixed up to IK the occasion , and attsr ]
nearly an hour of futile wrangling
Hcrdmnn was allowed to name a committee
on credentials.
The fight betwrpn the two factions look
the term of n contest over the loitlon of
the primaries In the respective wardi. It
was contended by the county democracy
that the Hordman crowd had always had
the primaries located at points vvhtro their
cohorts could bo marshaled to do their bid
ding , while their opponents were at n dis
advantage. Especially was It claimed that
In th" Second ward the Ilerdman bo > s had
gained and retained their supremacy by
having the primary located at Fourteenth
nnd William streets , In one corner of the
ward , where they were able to operate upon
the Bohemian vote through Adam Sloup , a j
saloonkeeper In aectlon The county
democracy wanted to tear the primary away
from that location and place It elsewhcrf
The committee took n ro'css while the
committee on credentials , comprising Pat
Heafy , Louie Plattl , J F Hopper , Mark
Goad nnd John Hart , carrlc-d on the light la
an antc-tcom. The result cf Its dollbciatlons
vas that the members alleged to ha\o been
appointed at the fall meeting were found
entitled to seats. This meant the ousting ot
Hroch , Flxa and Albrccht from the First
ward. Owen Slavlti's prrxy from Plxa was
thrown out This left Sheehan and Drexcl
to represent the ward and a vacancy which
was not filled Ir Hippie was ousted from
the Fourth ward and Plattl and Holmes wcto
Heatrd. Fred Cosgrove was fired out from
the Fifth and Cross and Uemackle seated.
J. J. O'Connor was allowed to remain cu
his proxy.
Plr | | n Compromise.
Just as the committee concluded Its labors
Leo Hcrdman and Charley Fanning fixed up
n resolution as n compromise on the ques
tion of locating the primaries It provided
that the city convention shall be hold Fcb-
ruarj 10 nnd the primaries two days earlier
and that In case there was a contro\eisj In
n ward over the location cf a primary It
should be referred to the whole committee ,
which should locate at some neutral point
as near the center of the ward as possible
Piattl was leading the fight on locations ot
primaries. lie accepted this resolution and
allowed It to pass without noticing that by
Its provisions there must first Le a con
troversy In the ward. When It came to the
Second ward ho found that there was no
controversy , as the commltteemcn were all
of Lee Herdman's mind , and when Plattl
started a rebellion ho was sot upon , so that
the Second ward primary was located at
the same old Herdiiinn corner. In nearly
I every other ward the location was changed
by a vote of thirteen County Democracy men
to ten Jucksorclans.
1 The dates above mentioned were adopted
I and the committee took n recess until Jan
uary 23 to finish up certain matters neccs-
I sary for compliance with the primary law.
The fight that was raging In the committee
rooms overflowed Into the adjoining rooms
Mr , Frederick Hatter
says , "Our frUOO lint Is having i jiood
run for the simple luason that the
JOUIIK "ion litivo loiuul it to bo Just
what \vo H'lwi'iit the best value for
that amount ot money \\c have ever
hhown. " They have all the htylo and
lone of the more expensive ones and as
they come In Imth sott and stlft shapes
lii bio\\n or blauk colors you will llnd
It easy to choose one that Is becoming.
The Dnnlaii and Stetson bala aie just
as Rood values today as llicy were
twenty-live jears iiuovslien \\e began
selling Ilium.
The flatter ,
The Loading Hat Man of the Wee
120 South 15th Street.
Four Leaders
Tlio Kniibe , Klmball , Kranlch k. Itneh
nnd Ilalli'tt & Unvlh pianos tins lour < > L
the leading innUos that wo aio soiling In
this salt' at vvliuli'sah' pi lues. They nro
niaiU > up In all the popular M.vlos aii'l
colors of vvooil iMinlpped with alt this
latest patents , sinno liiclutU1 tln > now pat-
out ( lui't innslo ( lc.sK the voiu-urs aio i\\c \ \
most heantlfnl and iaro wo huvo ever
shown. Ouroasy payment plan insures
jon the snino 1 w ptk-os you could got
for oash. .Some aio novv-hoino Hllulitly
used-all fully utmi intio 1-and at piles
fiom ! ? 1'J. . > iS : ! and up
Music and Art. 1513 Douglas.
While You Are Investigating-
Yon Hhonlil Investigate tlio way Diov
I , . Slioointin Ills shoos Mire feet come
fidin :
1-111 llttlns Mine * .
U Too llghl Miles.
It Ov-or-\voiKol ( ft-i't.
An Investigation will nh\v yon. Hint
tlu-.M' aic iivolik'il hy.diuHliocs and the
way w > Ut them-tin n wo mike a
8U'elnlly ] of well holi's thai iiialie wall-
Inn a comfoitonee you weaia wo'l
cole clioe y-ni v\lll nevi'iVNC.IV any other *
KotliliiH ever hlioun In Uiuuha that
t'cinals mil- line ol women's S3.00 vvolt *
lilaeU or tan In all tint vnpijlur
Rtjles for tliU heiiHonV vtur.
Drexei Shoe Co. ,
OniHhn' * Up-lo-flate fboe
IftlO L'AKNAJl STUliEi' .
So Many
Have headaches that orb
duo -to the over taskei !
oyw K > e help * that help
and relieve are the kind
wo have been furnishing
Our opilcal department
le In charge of a compe
tent and praotlinl optician
who will examine your
cycu frea of charge W
guarantee iutlefactory
Seleiitino Uiillelniii ,
1103 Furnain. OMAHA ,
Is recognized at one of the best WATCH
KXPKHTS in the west lie personally In
spects each watch that Is put In hl > stak. .
Ho carries all the best mnKes , Howards ,
Klfilns. Wallhams , Hamilton's , and has
iUN : AGENT of the BALL , Watch , which
In being adopted by all HAIUIOAD MEN.
Step In and talk with him and If his price. )
are not right do not have anything to dc
with him.
Henry Copley
UailrtMilVntcli Kxiuniii cr
,215 S. 10th St. I'axton Block.
and rcrrlmlnAllon1) ) were numerous and
honted throughout the night
Uoulilei to Shut ( tutll Who 1)1.1 .Not j
ItculMer Itciiiililleiin i
Alllltntloni ,
The republican central committee met In
nn Informal conference nt 3 o'clock Saturday
afternoon nt Washington hnll with twenty
three out of the twenty-seven members In
attendance. One of the absentees was
Charles Grove , deceased , and when the va
cancy was filled by the appointment of Louis
Biirintstor , the , representation wns Increased
to twenty-four.
Just os n resolution providing that no one
should be alloncd to go before the republican
primaries ns a delegate whoso name dscs
not appear upon the republican rolls as
copied from the registration lists was In-
trcdticcd the committee went Into executive
session. Behind closed doom this rcsolutl n
excllcd considerable discussion , as some
present thought there were republicans who
had been afraid to show their colors at the
tl-no of reglstrntl'n who ought not to bo
barred from the primaries on that account ,
but the resolution prevailed hy the vote of ,1
large majority , who Insisted that no ono not
enough of a republican to register as such
should make the party's nominations.
A committee comprising W B Whltehorn ,
A W. Jeffprls and C. n. Morgan was ap
pointed to secure copies of the republican
registration . A committee on rules com
prising C. r. Ucbcrtson , Ur. Halph nnd A
H Hennliig , and n finance ccnnnltteo com
prising Hohcrt Clancy , P. M. Voting nnd
Henry Sharp were appointed nnd AV. . Jet-
fcrls was nindo chairman of a committee on
primary ballots nnd rules governing pri
maries. The remainder of the latter com
mittee Is yet to be appointed by the chair
Without fixing the dates for convention
and pilmarles the committee adjourned until
Thursday , January IS , at I p. m. , at Wash
ington hall ,
Married Two Yearn Atto , She Appears
In I'olli'c Court to Clinrtic Her
HiiMlimiil with Crnclt > .
Hanna .McCarty , 75 > ears old , who two
jcats ago married Charles McCarty , ten
5ears her Junior , was In police court jostcr-
day to appear against her husband , who
Is In jail awaiting trial on n charge of
cruelty to her. She was told that the caao
had been continued until Monday , but In
sisted on telling her story anyhow. The old
woman laury weak and scarcely able to
"We'd got along all right , " she eaid In a
tremulous \olce , "If they wouldn't sell him
whisky , but when ho gets that lie's crazy
and tries to beat me. He's Kind enough to
me when ho ain't drlnkln' . Friday he
came homo drunk and tried to thrash mo ,
but I got away from him. Hosald ho wished
somebody would shoot mo and throw me In
the liver "
Mrs. McCarty has lived in Omaha nearly
thirty > ears. Her first husband's name was
Ulley. He died about eighteen years ago , and
she remained a widow until she met Charles
McCarty In 18'l7. She used to make a precarious -
carious HUng by patching bed quilts and
disposing of them at raffles. She now lives
in u little shanty on Mason street between
Thirteenth and Fourteenth.
Hospitality should bo the desire of all ,
bor\o Cook's Imperial Champagne Extra
Dry to jour caller and your reputation will
bo established.
1'iillilliiir I'erinltn ,
The follow Inc permits ha\o been Issued
from the odlco of the building Inspector :
llesorvoir Ice company Fourteenth and
Nicholas , barn and tool house , J500 ; P. J.
Crccdon , South Sixteenth street , alterations
on Hats , 5,000.
On account of the illness of Judge Gordon
no session of police court was held Saturday
The United States marshal's otllco force
Is busy pa > ing the fees of witnesses nnd
Jurors at the November term of court.
The county treasurer has called In the
following warrants : General fund up to
325 , road fund up to 59 , bridge fund up to
Eighteen men for the United States
signal jfervlce In the Philippines passed
through the city over the Union I'aclllo
Harry Nott , who was marriage license
clerk during the term of Judge Baxter In
the county court , and who left the otllce
the ( list of the year , has returned from an
eastern trln.
The Omaha Philosophical society will
meet In the lecture loom ot the nubile
library building this afternoon. W M
Maiiuln will talk on "The Wit and Humor
of the 351ble "
There v\lll bo a meeting of the Omaha
Gun club on the grounds across the river
this afternoon at 1:30 : to consider the
arrangements for the coming shoot with
the Kansas CIt > club.
A party of llfty cattle commission men
of South Omalm will leave In a special car
over the- Burlington route today for
Texas to attend a meeting of the Texas
Cattlemen's association at Houston
C' . U. Morrlll reports to the police the
loss of a tool chest and set of carpenter's
tools valued ut * 75. The propertj was stolen
from his barn at 3001 North Twenty-fourth
sticet , the thief gaining entrance by prjlng
uji a. window.
In the police court jcsterday William
Davis was given thirty d ivs for stealing a
bicycle belongings to Halph nonce He
pleaded guilty to the charge Other com
plaints hive been lodged against him for
similar offenses.
An art exhibit was given vestorday at the
I.eavenworth school In which vnilous pro
ducts of the pupils vvcro dlsplajed The
exhibit was open from 10 a. m. until U
p. m. . and a largo number of pirents and
friends encouraged the efforts of the joung
in lists by their presence The proceeds
were devoted to the pictures for the hchool
The suit of Dr. D P Toter against th
Western Mutual Homo Purchasing nnd
Building association , wherein the doctor Is
suing for J130 , alleged to be duo him for
services as secretao of the association , was
appealed Saturday from Justice Prltchard s
court to the Mistrlc t court The Uaiirtfer
was made uion motion of the association ,
which claims that the law providing for a
change of venue Is unconstitutional. The
Justice had previously overruled a motion
for chnnuo of vcnuo.
A irrcat deal of Interest Is being
manifested In the developments In relation
to the appointment of a supervisor of the
census of this district , for which theic Is
no lack of applicants. Mr T W Black
burn supposed to represent Congressman
Mercer , has gone to Ohlcngo. uhcio he will
probably meet Mi Meieei and talk over
the situation with him The lusult of this
conference will likely bo the selection of
some man for the place whoso name will
ba. submitted for appointment
K K Tomllnson and r M Cockrell of
Kaunas City arc at the Mlllurd.
John Ti flier , a wholchalo liquor dealer of
Dcmtlwood , and vvlfo , ale In the clt >
B , 11. Graham , a contractor of Sioux
City l transacting business In the city.
John Kilth , lUIln agent for the Union
I'aclllo from Sutherland , Is at the Mel-
( leni'ial and Mr * , ( ' . K Manderson went
to Chicago last night and expect to return
Mondn )
Frank Hltt , a prominent stockman from
Idaho Pulls. Idaho. U stopping In the city
for a fe- days
It B King , u Now York capitalist , an Ived
In thp cil > Satuiduy to look after liU
Omaha Intercuts
Senator 1' 13 Warren of Wyoming , nnd
family passed through the city > entorclny en
route \Vanhlncton S Tuxoii. president of the whole-
kale drug llrm of Taxon , Horton X. Oal-
l.ighor , and If W i\unn. : president of the
i\nns-Stnltli drug hoiuv , both of Kansas
CltJ are In Omaha The > came to attend
a meeting of the "J S C , " the MUsourl
Valle > Jobbers' Soi lul club
Colonel Huthuwu > thief iiimrteinms i ref
of fie Department "f tin Allfourl h.u
gone to .leffi'iTon Barracks. Mu to tmpci
lutend extfiiflvo Improvements to be nmJt
there The Mini "f JTo.i "I h is been * ot ajuri
for the puipctc , a lurmj amount of grading
will be done and roadway * constructed.
IlepubllcnnB are still casting about for n
suitable candidate for major but so fur
no decision has been arrived nt W \
Btrnott , the present president of the citv
council. Is considered by manj the be&t man
that can he nominated Mr Bennett Is not
naylng anything , but It Is understood tint
he will accept , the nomination If It Is the
wish of n majority of the republicans. The
Young Men's Republican club Is looking
for n candidate that cnn hp oliuted nnd
while It Is not the Intention of the club to
endorse nnv candidate Just now the Inten
tion Is to throw the Influence of the club to
the strongest man In the parly. A. II.
Kelly also wants the nomination and Is
doing all ho can to secure It. So also Is I1.
J. Barrett.
This jcar four couticllmcn-at-larKC are to
be elected and a majority of the votes cast
In the four wards will elect. This will
necessitate a popularity outside of the ward
lines to secure an election. Jack Watklns
Is considered a good man. Some republic
ans question his nbllltj as a vote getter.
Dr. Slabatigh is another promising candi
date , but savs ho can hardly afford to glvo
up his lucrative practice to accept a position
paving only $300 a jcar.
No one except U. A. Carpenter Is being
mentioned b > the republicans for city treas-
utcr and ho will most likely receive the
ntmlimtlon as well as the undivided sup
port of the party.
Kor city clerk the republicans would like
to nominate Will Tact , president of the
Young Men's Republican club , but Mr Tagg
stated jesterday that ho will not accept.
Ho has recently gouo Into business for him
self at the hive Stock exchange nnd cnn-
nct affoid to accept an olllcu paying only
$1,000 n year. Jimmy llatcman would make
a first-class clerk nnd It may bo that the
republicans will nominate him , as he Is ex
ceedingly popular.
Kor councllmen-at-largc n number of good
republicans are being suggested , but the
dllllculty appears to be to secure the con
sent of business men to mnko the race. The
republicans Intend to put only good re
sponsible men on the ticket , and this matter
will bo thoroughly discussed befoie any on-
dorbcuicnts 01 nominations are made.
I'nllrc .Inline roiitriMerNj.
Since the fnlluro of the Patrick King sup
porters to secure the endorsement of the
city council In regard to recognizing Kins
us police Judge Interest In the matter scorns
to have subsided , mid without doubt Judge
Babcock will serve out his term Johnston
tried to have the council oidoi the police
to recognize King as Judge when ho well
Knew that the charter provides that the
tried to have the council order the pollco
The introduction of such a resolution by
Johnston Is considered purely political piny
and the fact that It failed to carry does not
scorn to disconcert Johnston any , as ho
fulfilled his agreement when he IntroJucol
the resolution and tried to call n vote.
The major has declined to Interfere In the
matter and unless ho docs W. S Babcock
will bo the recognised police Judge for
some time to come.
PavliiK : of Vlntoii Street.
The directors of the Commercial club ap
pointed a committee Friday night to confer
with the Omaha Commercial club In relation
to the paving of Vlnton street It Is greatly
desired that this street bo paved and it is
thought that by working In conjunction
with the Omaha authorities that some re
sults may bo obtained. Another thing the
club wants Is a viaduct across the Union
Pacific Hacks from U street to the Hock
Ihland depot. At present there Is no way
of getting to the Ilock Island station with
out going around by JefTeison street. A
viaduct will shorten the distance greatly
and bo of great benefit to business men and
residents generally.
K tu Commence Soon.
The Union Pacific Is lajlng tracks along
Railroad avenue north of I street prepai-
atory to the grading of blocks 17 , 20 , 30 ,
43 and 14 It IB understood thnt these
tracks nro only temporary and mo to bo
used by flatcars hauling dirt , excavated by
the steam ehovels. In compliance with the
request of the city council the fences across
C , D , K and H streets erected by the Union
Pacific have been removed , pending a for
mal request to be made to the municipal
authorities. As soon as the temporal y
tracks are laid four steam shovels will bo
put to work cutting down the bluffs on
the blocks mentioned
OnKilri WifMtlurIIIH. .
A wrestling match occurred nt Blum's
hall last night between Lou Baptlute of St
Louis and iMlke Crowe of Omaha. There
was a fair crowd in attendance and n 'lim
ited amount of enthusiasm was displayed
The wrestlers took catch-ns-catch-can holds
and Crowo throw his man twlco In succes
sion. The last bout lasted for fourteen min
utes and was finally won by the St. Louis
man An arrangement was made fcr a second
end meeting ono week from Saturday night.
On that occasion the wi ostlers will use the
Graoco-Iloman style.
> . Killing * .n lNfiu'lorv \ MV.
The now rule of the Live Stock Rxchango
prohibiting the sale of stock "subject to In
spection" Is working moro satisfactorily
now that It Is belter understood. Bruce
McCulloch bays that shippers who were In
convenienced by the old plan of having to
wait for their proceeds until It was ns-
ccrtalnod whether their stock had passed
Inspection at the packing house are express
ing themselves as well pleased with the new
Justice of the Peace Caldwell , 2310 N St.
No ovenlng service will bo held ut St.
Martin's church tonight.
David Harding Is In Kansas City , vvhoic
ho Is a witness In u lawsuit
Mrs J , A. Beck , vvlfo of Prof. Beck of
the High school , Is Quito sick.
An election of olllccrs will bo hold at the
Christian church this forenoon
Sunday school ollicors will bo nominated
at thu Presbyterian church today
Sllvor bracelets at Oodf rev's
Coroner Swniihon will hold Inquests on
Burr and Howe Monday afternoon.
Bishop \Vllll.ims will address tlio service
nt St Clement's ml slon this ovenlng.
C W Hill of the local Young Mun's
Christian association staff Is cjulto Mck
Mr nnil Mrs II II Ames have returned
from ii visit with relatives In AVlsconsIn
William Howe will bo burled from his
home In Omiihii at 1 o'clock this nftcrnouii
Mrs T. D Perrlno IIUH reooverul fiom
lu-r Illness and Is able to bo out oncoinoio
The delegation from the local Mock
vards to the Fort Worth convention loaves
A case of seal let fever Is reported nt the
home of Mr.Vilght , 1011 North Twenty-
llfth street
"Tho Acceptable Wol.slllper' 'Is Ilov. Dr
Wheeli r s topic- this morning at Iho I'lrst
Prebbj'teilun church.
The funeral of IM Burr will bo hold this
afternoon nl a o'clock. Inlet munt will bo
ut Laurel 11111 comeleiy.
id Johnston ft f'o , real oiMate , now
located In room 2 , Murphy block.
A demand Is being made by republicans
for the retirement of the llretn in nnil
watchman at the postotllco
The Ladles' Aid society of thc > Presby-
teilun church will meet with Mrs C. M
Htch Wednesday afternoon
An open meeting of the Pork Butchers'
i union will bo h ld at Labor hall ut S
o'clock on Tuesday evening
1 "The I-oiimlatlnn of Hellgloun Belief Is
Rev living Johnson'H topic ut St Martin's
jplscopal church this morning
i This evening nt the I'rcghytcilan church
I Dr Wheeler will preach on the subject ,
I "Speak Comfortably to My People "
' JjrnttEi BlabaUKh 24th und N streets
The ulumbcrB' board of examiners re
fused tu grunt u plumbers lie iiuo to I'rcd
Offorman juutcrtluy It Is usrrtej that ho
, la not a competent plumber , Mayor Ensor
The above words mean much They nro addressed more particularly to those who arp suffering from any ot the ailments
fnumeratod brlow dlsp.vcs which the profit spcclall'ls Of HIP State Electro-Medical Institute have mnde a life 'Itldy ofuntil
today the leading writers of thp United States pnnounco them the tnost scientific jpeolnllM * of the preneat nso.
To the nllliiK nnil nlllleled ( heNc If ? < m hnve liren trcullii ) ;
nonilerfnl nieilleiil anil Heclrleal other anil II-NH nlili * anil sUlllfnl iloe-
torn , or have heeil unliiK uuuclt rein-
MieclallfttM ilinlrito mill. The ) want
hoi tic , ilo not he
eillc iiineli
* at no n
to talk !
to them nl the Mate-Ilectro
.tlpilleat liiNtltnte , ios : : Kariuiia M. , illftconraueil nnil tiim lioir of over
heliifl enrrd , Call nail eoiiHiilt tree
near Thirteenth Mreet. the only
ot ehnrKP themuriut | n-elull ( ,
nict-tto-Mcdlcnl InstituteIn Ne-
vthiiuc motto IN ' "No MIxtaKi-N anil no
lirail.n , reenunlreil hy law anil ( he
rnllureV In all piiNei ( iiKcii. AVhv !
nu-illenl tirofew lon. 'I he } want to
lliciinicof their cmlm-nt uee < - i In
vuiliilii their inoilc of treatment tn
Iho viirp of t'ertalii illnensex , thov
all ( he allllelril , The ) waul to oiire
are not < - \ eellil h > an } on the
thein. 'I o Kite them health , jo ; anil
fnec of tineiirth , Write jonr nll-
hatiplneift nnil IOIIK life , Cull on
ntftitN to them todnj. It rontn t ou
tin-m Inilii ) . It oottn jolt nothing nothlnu. 'I'lieliaimvver inny t.nvc
and nut } nine jour life. jour life.
Ainoni ; the miiny tllsuh cs in which the STATK KLl-XVl KOOIKDICAL INST1 1 UTK GUAKANTHKS a
perfect and perinanctit cure hy their combined KLKDTKO-.UKIMCAL t IIHATMKNT uro the foltowlnp :
Dibllltj rnal moans' ' The meingo readoi
KPiiprallj ia s.os the words li > without ion-
Mlderlng their Importance , the dangers to
the human nice in .illowlnvr this uwful
olsruho to gain n hold and ovontuullj ivioik
and Kill what othorwl-o should h.ui > boon
n health.N and eniind body It Is the habit
to speak too llglitly of this , one of the e\lls and destrojors of human
happiness and health The dKi'.iso contin
ues to grow nnd spread through the IIPI-
\rus sjrtcm the same as an Infected ( irnnrh
on a tioe. spn-adlng from the t\\lg to the
branch , until the entire tiunK Is HUI-
rounded The longer the dispute Is allowed
to trow the mortdllllcitll It becomes to
SPthe. . trunk
N'onous di'lilllty Is n disease of thp nprv-
ous qjsti'in , proiltici-d from the e\hnl tlvt'
condition of the nerve force or vital energy.
Xer\ons clebllllv afTpftx illffoient poinons
li dlftiTPiit wa > s Thp same treatment
eiinnot bo npjilled to anj two persons In-
evperleiippd plnsldans not skilled In the
truatinuiit of prhato dlsea es shoulU be
shunned. Oftentimes as much harm is
done In tmpropoily treating cn .r as with
thp dNense Itself Nor\ous debility lesults
from DM-rstudv oveiwork , nvgleot of the
human system , exop sts In mode of IhlliK ,
and L"-iiecIi\ll > from o\ett i lclng the Rem r-
atlve organs , con tlpatlon , night pml s.nif |
loss ofltal power , cnu Intr seminal losses ,
wenkne s of bed } and brnln Fleepli'ssness ,
depondpnc\ , loss of memor\ , ion fusion of
ide is specks boforp the c\es , lassitude lan
guor , gloominess depression of Miihlts , nvti-
slon to socpt1 | 1 ipk pf conlldenio pain In
the back , loins and kMnojs , and man >
other dNtressini ; svinptonis untltt'ns one
tor stud > , business or cnjojmcnt of life ,
Ifou t.innol call at thp Plllcc A peisdnnllslt Is always to bp preferred , but for those who aio unable to
_ . _ call the doctors of thp Ftato Klci-tro-Medkal Institute lime developed n .sjsli'in of KlePtro-Medlcal Home trcat-
thut Is entirely successful , h > mcanb of which lhou Unds who weio timiula to call nl the olllco have been cured at homo
DIIR * J F M I Fl FPTRIP APFI IANPFQ ' " ° -oluti'lv l the best tbat cm be manufacturod. S itlsfuctory
UUI1 d Ifli h LLUUiniU HI I UHilUtO '
Oi Ot'ARANTnnD in evorv tn lnnie Call and examine ninn OF
or write for fuither paititulars befoie purchasing-
REFERENCES Best Banks and Leading Business Men of Omaha.
PERMANENTLY LOCATED 1308 FAIINAM ST. , OMAHA , ( Near 13th Street. )
The Only Electro-Medical Institute in Nebraska , Open from 8 a , m , to 8. pm , daily ; Sunday , 10 to I p , mi
has been asked to Interfere , hut statcil last
oNeniiiK that ho will aide with the decision
of the board
The King's Daughters' "hospital ten"
will give an nftoinoon tea at the homo of
Mrs A 1. Lott Thinbdny afternoon
The Infant child of llr and Mrs. C II.
Stacy , Twelfth and 1 .stituts , was burled at
L.iurel Hill cemetoij veslerdiiy auenioon
Ilev V. S Tollman , pastor ot Grace Hup-
tKt church , Omahu , will speak at the
Youni : Men's Christian a'-sociatltm this
See id Jlunshaw & Co for lumber. Tel 283
Charle-i Wnlz stole thirty-live pounds of
sausaue from Gus Gable and upon his
pleading gulltv was sent to the county jail
for thirty dii > s
The dilll crow of Nebraska lodge , No. 227.
Ancient Order of United Woiktnen , will
Klve a prize miiBiiuorndc ball on Wednes
day evening , January 21
Mr and Mrs James J O'lJourke onlor-
t"lned a number of irlends with cards at
their new home , Jffi South Twenty-fourth
street , on Krldav evening.
The projcctois of the proposed inllitan
company .is ert thut they have twenty-live
men eniolled nnd hope to secure the full
number required bofote loni ?
Since the Investlgntlon of thp Omnba
llontd of IMucatlon Is panning out so well
thcie Is some talk of Investigation of tlio
affairs of the South Omaha school board.
Mnvor Unsoi'B Idea of compelling the
police to furnish surety bonds Is liolng well
received It Is hoped that In this vvny the
standaul of : the police force mnj bo ial cd.
The union carponterh are complalnlntr
about nonunion bilcklaycrs on the new
Thomson-Houston building nt Tvventv-
thlrd and M streets , and a stilko may oc
cur.Rosa 15'IJrIna , Ireland's gieat prlma
donna , will give a concert at St Agnes'
chinch , Twentv-thlid and Q streets , this
evening A pi OKI am lllled with patilotlc
alis v\lll be rondoied , nnd It Is expected
that the attendance will tax the capacity
of the church
Son of mi Ohio Merehniit Cui-eil of
Cliroulu IHnrrlioea.
My sou has been troubled for years with
clnonlc diarrhoea. Some ttmo ago I per-
Biiadod him to take some of Chamberlain's
Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Homed )
After using Uo bottles of the 25-rcnt size
ho was cured. 1 filvo thlh testimonial , hop
ing eomo one cimllarly uflllcted may lead It
and bo benefited. THOMAS C. DOWCK ,
Gluncoo , Ohl i
tJni'liof Cliai'lCM A. ( JOSH , ( he ( liiiiiha
Allornuj , IM Shot III Killii-
r , O.
Attorney Charles A. Ooss rerelved a
telefilm yesterday from relatives In IMIn-
burg , 0. , faying his undo , N. K. OCPS , had
been shot and killed by burglnia This wast
coiillrmed durliiG the aftoinoon by a press
dispatch , which said
"N K. OOFS , n merchant , was shot and
killed early this morning by three Inn-
glnib , whom ho discovered in his otoro. The
burglars escaped and an armed posse started
in pursuit , "
Iloth messages aio very meager as to do-
tall. Mr. ( loss wan 50 yearn old. He leave1)
a vvlfo und ono married eon. During life
he conducted n largo general morchandlso
store In Kdlnburg , dealing also extensively
In majdo sugar , much of which ho Hold to
Omaha ictail dealers.
ndlnhurg is a little village of f.OO . people
ple , located about forty-five miles south
east of C3Icv eland. Attorney CJoss , whose
father was a hrcthcr of the dead man , wa
boiu and icarod In IMInhurg.
IIAVKNNA. O , Jan. J3 nioodliounds
were tonight put on the track of the mur
derer of Nathaniel GO&H of IMInhurg. Three
tiumpn arret.tcil today on suspicion would
probably have been lynched If there had
been no doubt of their guilt , but they nil
protobt thulr iniuHcnco and thcro IB no cvl-
dtnco > ct against them. ThU caused tlic
ofllcers to get the tlcM ) llioiuiJa und the
country will bo scoured tomorrow I'p tea
a late hour tonight no trail was utrufk
tither here or nt Kent 01 Odmburt ; Mr
Go SB wau popular and hiu minder wua mom
atrocious , but eloce the crowd diaperced
and actually life | g a but den to the person
Hvdrocelo ami all
swellings , teiidcrnos
and Impediments of the p\ual parts all
qiilckl.\ and completely cured
Ql flfin AMD Qlf'IM dlspisps , sorps spots
IjLUUU ANU OMM pimples. s.rofula ,
taints , tumors. tPtlpr , eizcnm salt ihoum.
rliiKworm and luqtilied blood poison In all
Its form = thornuchlv eiadlt ited , leaving
the wjstcm In a strong and healthful con
orroldH ) , Intel nal or protruding , Itching , e\-
( ollatJoiis ete , posltlvolv cured without
the use of knlle
Which polsPiis the breath
stomaih nnd lungs and tnves
the v\a > for lonsumptlon , tlnoiit , liver , kld-
nu.hladdci . and all constitutional and la
in iril troubles also ritptuie , flstulu and
tillcH treated tar In niUuncu of nio Institu
tion In the country
Q lcki.v cured without the
u-u of knife or truss and with
out detention fiom business A painless ,
sure and poimanpiit dire.
charges , etc whlih. If neglected or 1m-
pioperl > 1 1 tilted , wreck the jstem und
lead to klducv dlsiasp , ppimaiicntlj tilled
Mr An Neuralgia , sltk not \ous or con-
nCHU pestive head u he , dull , full feeling
at the base of the briln , loss of inemorj ,
dizziness , softening of the brain , tumors ,
and < - ' < zema ol b < alu.
today the officials have no further fear ot
Seeoiul I't-rfiiriiiiuief ot "A Mulit In
llolieiulii" IN ( liven lie-Tore it
The second and Kibl performance of "A
Night in Bohemia , " for the benefit of the
Klks' charity fund , was given at Boyd's
theater Saturday night. The audience was
fully as laige as that of the previous evenIng -
Ing and few vacant scats were noticeable.
A party of about 200 members of the newly
organl/cil Elks lodge of Council Binds at
tended In a body and occupied seats In the
parquette. Noticeable among the occupants
of the different boxes , which weie tastily
decorated In purple and white , the Elks'
cnlorr , woic William K. Cody and lilB
daughter The old scout wecmed to enjoy
the peiformanco to Us fullest extent , ap
plauding each of the many different special
ties heartily.
Afler the play wan concluded the Elks and
their ladles adjourned In u body to the lodge
inomti in the Ware block , where a reception
WHH held In honor of the attending brothers
from over the river. A light lunch was
served In the spacious parlors and It was
well on towaid Sunday morning before the
guc.stt ) departed. Besides the members of
the Council Bluffs lodge , Russell B. IlanlBon
and William P. Cody were guests of honor
nt the reception. '
Altcgcthci this year'H benefit was by far
the most nrofltnblc of any that has been
given by the local lodge In the neighbor
hood of $2,000 was realized on the two per
formances , all of which will he added to the
public charity fund of the order nnd dis
tributed later among the worthy charitable
organisations ot the city.
SuliNlaiillal ( .nliiH fur Iti-iiiilillcun
Conilhliiti.Sliomi li > Itet-oiint of
Volcx , lint Nut ( { iilte
B. r Thomas has dismissed hlb conlest
proceedings against B. I ( joidon for Hie po-
llcu judge-ship All Iho vottH were counted
and while Thomas made n splendid gain
throughout the city , except in the Second
ward , ho eaw that ho would lack a few votes
ot overcoming the 280 majority accredited
to Judge Gordon , so ho ended matters hy
iltamlMlng. The recount disclosed u gain of
144 votes for Thomas out of all precincts ,
this being the nault of mistakes muilo by
the Judges and c-lpika of election when they
rvail ( ! the original and olllnlnl count In ad
dition to the. 144 thus gained about 100 ques
tionable ballots were thrown out on recount ,
and It was for the court to pac.s upon huch
exhibits lid Iho case been i an It'll on. Mr.
Tl.uinau Bald In the beginning ( hat II was a
friendly contest , nnd oven though ho linn
failed to establish his right to the pollco
judgcehlp ho oxpresscfi hlniRclf as satisfied
with the results and giatllled by leason of
the splendid vote given him by hln friends ,
Size dci'cn'i Indicate < | uaiiy. ! lpnare ) o !
counterfeit nnd worthleEs salve offered for
DcWItt's Witch Hazel Salve. DcWltt'i litho
the only orlRlnnl. An Infallible cure 'or
piles and all fikln di
i IU-lllNti-ii'l Court fieri. , Tliioiiwli
| "IIIM- | > IIIII , l'ii } hiilnrli-N ( Iter-
I line I2iiiilii | ) < -K In Ilin Oilier ,
I Slmo the expose in Tlu Bee of the fact
that Albyii Krunl. ox-district clerk , had
failed to pay his olllco force salaries due for
I December payment ha been made thiaugh
Bonio kind of an arrangement catered Into
{ with the hondjmcn. Thu xtory published In
I tl'e World-Herald to the eflect that Prank
had been roitlptcil In full by his help ID
not fuunded on fiut Thu truth U Unit cu h
employe la claiming from Frank the tnouey
UCADT Palpitation , IrrpRUlur pulsntlotm ,
nkHnl valvular ill pn ei. weak nnd fully
heart , dropsy und rheum itlsm of the heait ,
laiiKiltd clrculiitlon , i'ti
Inllammatlon of the kldupys ,
BrlRht s il ! cnti\ diabetes coil-
Kcstlon of the kldneyuraemia , guivel
ilonp all sclentlllcally and smcosifully
ticnted by this combined electlo-iuodlcnl
Ql AnnCD Inilnmmiulon , cystltl" , cy3-
ULHUULII torrhoeii. catarrh of thu lilnd-
dpr These dhlles-dnK1 vmptoms Invaria
bly yield to our syitom of combined treat
A dlieaMp of the liver ,
LI Vtn OrLttN I u u n d I c e , Hclrrhui.
Rnllstniie , conifpstlon and nil ormuilo nnd
functional dl orders. bowels , illntrhocn ,
dysentery , Inflimmatlou and all nervous
and relies. dl orders , rlieumutlsm.
Catarrh , ulcerutlon nnd dys-
pepsin. Indigestion , weak
ness , pain nnd fullness aftei eating , heart
burn , ete
Buecesi which hns attendid out oftents In
the tlcatniPlit of dl"eiiips of women I'eim-
niient and snllifiietory euri" < In ailments
pioduccd bv abnormal or unniturnl condl-
i lion ot the female orunns , P ilnfill menstrua-
! tlcu hriKUlarltles burrenne-s , Inllainlnn
I tlon , hvhterla , pain In the back and loins
I neuralgia , dullness of vision , smarting puln
und Itching of the parts , boning down ,
I Uncoiilioen or w-hlles , und cither eompbiltits
1 which often i ( ? ull In crc-nt prostration and
I nervousness
duo as evcoKd over the salary llgures paid
by Frank and that which the county com
missioners ordered him to piy , and which
order ho did not honor The payment mode
for December was In accordance with the old
salary sc-alo Instituted by 1'rank prior to
the passage of the law hy which the ofllco
of district clerk Is placed on a salary basis.
When Clerk Broaihvell , Frank's successor ,
Icained of the financial straits ot the clerl's
he voluntarily advanced them a portion ot
the salaries that will bo paid to thorn for
work under him Mr. flioadwell IMS
changed pay dny so thai ealailes will bo paid
semi-monthly. Heretofore the inle hna been
by the month
V IteiiinrKiililf IJfiIitMiirnnef
OMAHA. Nob. , Jan. 11 , 11)00. ) Mi. John
Sylvan Brown , General Agent Onncctlciit
Mutual Life Insurance Company , Omalm ,
Neb Dear Sir : I am pleased to acknowl
edge iccclpt of Now Yoik draft I r $10-
1SC.27 , In settlement of my endowment pol
icy In the Connecticut Mutual hlfo. Kor
$ oC87.33 paid your company , 1 have re
ceived dividends
In cash , paid annually , amounting
to $ 1,207,3C
Face of pollc-y In cash 10,000
Total cash received $ llL'073i !
I have had $10,000 Instirnncu on my life
for thiity-thrce yr-HiB , and now , nt age HJ ,
n sure provision for old age.
This settlement , by which I receive In
actual cnsh during my lifetime $7,520 03
moro than paid , Is a rcmarhnblo HliiKlra
tlon of the value of life Insuianco. nnd thu
prudent and conaoivatlvo management of
your company Yours very tiulj ,
J. K. KI.i\llNO ,
No. llfi ! ! Lafayette Avenue
Mnrrliifi'- l-lt-i-iiHi-H.
The following marriage licenses v\cie Is
sued Saturday.
Name t nd Besldoncp , Act-
Clustavo II Johnson , South Omaha 29
Llla A Clark , South Omahu
I'dward Westman , Denver : ' , l
Murlo Hcmln , Denver . ! <
Charles C ! Nordiiion , Omaha 27
fc'elma CailBon , Omahu : ! j
Tin1 : itn\i/i'V MAKKIT.
lNSTUUMi\TS pliieed on record Saturday ,
January U. 1000.
Wnrrnnty DeeiU.
Nona 'Baldwin to C. M. Avery , vv t\ \
ftei lot 7 block 130 , Omnhn $ C.OOO
Northwestern Mutual Loan Insinnnco
company to r. B Kennurd , vv 1S lot
D. block ! sS , Omiiha 30,000
limina Cox to T J Cox , lot 21 , Bod-
Ick's plat . . . . 1,00 > )
I.I H Homier and husband to Phila
delphia MortKiict' and Tiust com
pany , pnrt lol 10 , block 1 , I'mk Piano y < f )
H W Yates and wlfo lo J. S I 'mou ,
lot . ' . block 7. and lot S. hlo < k 0 ,
Hillside add No 1 , and lot 2i. Hill-
fide llcfervo 8.t * *
L H. DlKI'lR nnd husband to Mnrtc
Itaven , lots 18 and 19 , block 10cxt
Albright add J.O-'O -
J. A Unities and wlfo to I ) . W O
MW'H. lot 17. Burr Oak add . . 2 1W )
M M Coado to J H WebMer , lot
block " ! > Onuiha , . . . 02'0
William Knitto mime , lol 5 , blo < k 8S ,
Bainc- 13'M
J M Atchlson nnd vvlfe to Hume , lot
20 , block 5 1'uddotl. Plate LUX )
Byron lUod company to name , lot li ,
block Cl Omaha 7000
J A I'reljhton to saint- , lots I und 3 ,
block Cl , mime- 13f > 00
11 II Harder nnd vvlfo to Attain i
Realty nsHooliitlon , lot C , block 3
Drukn's udd I.I.UO
Uastorn Ileally lompnny , to sume , lots
b lo lo Idoc-k 1 , IlliilnePluco . . COO
( i Jen in and wifeto ( ' J Camp , lot
20. Buidotttt Court , and lot JO , Bur-
dctto Court add , 750
Bellows KlIlH HlUlllKH IllBtltlllldl ) 10 J
MIchiielKon , part lot 10. H. K Kogcr'K
Oklahoma . 1 ! '
C B ICIlsvvurtli lo sumo , samu . Jf,0
b C Cliahara and husliiind toV. . A
C'larli. hit 19 block 11 , 1'opplcloii
park 2.BV
( lull ( 'lnlni | ) CIN. .
Hurrlt i Svvnbo to Kato Dennis , Jut S ,
block 15 , Credit Koiuler udd j
Sncl'i * Muster to W K P VIIii , lulu
1) K ! ' O un-J II , SturgeH ! 'h. e 2 IKH
Total amount of trunufcra , . ,