THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY , JAXUAUY 115 , 11)00. ) \YANTT11ESALUONBASISIIEE \ Iowa Anti-Saloon League Holds a Conven tlon at DCS Moines , N FAVOR OF TIMPERANCE LEGISLATE Hie I.oriil Option nml ( lit t I.ntv nml full for HcKor iforecnidit of I lie Inun "N Tln-y IXlHt. DBS M01NKH , Jnn. 12. The lown Antl Saloon lenguo convention today adopted H resolution favoring the "passage of : i law t the present ntBslon of the leg- IMaturo which shall prohibit the ale or manufacture of Intoxicat ing liquors within five mlles of any of the Ktntc Institutions of learning , as a law o vital value to theao InnUuitlons and a safe guard which the people of the atato de mand for their children sent out from the care of home ; and we further favor sue ! other temperance legislation as can be passed from year to year until Iowa Is re stored to that happy state In which the saloon shall again bo'nil outlaw. " The committee on resolutions elcclaro Ir favor of bolter enforcement of the tern perance laws nn they now exist and In op1 position to local option and the mulct law A committee on legislation was appointed lieaded by II. II. AhraniH , state superintend ent of the ICOEIIO. Sheriff Mnttcrn of this county has beoi notified by officers at Lansing , Mich. , tha they believe General W. L. White , lati quartermaster general of Michigan , is li this vicinity. White Is under Indlctmen for disposing of atato property nt less thai ItH value and disappeared December 30. A. 0 , Ingram of Mount Ayr , the merchant chant who failed recently for $120,000 , wai on the Bland today In the federal cour In bankruptcy proceedings. Ho admlttei that ho hauled goods from his Mount Ay etoro nt night to branch stores at Khannoi City nnd Allendalc , to stock them up si they could bo sold. Ho then sold then for about C6 per cent of the coat of thj Block. The creditors held a meeting toda ; to agree on a trustee to handle the busl ncso and chose E. M. Stcadman of DC Moincs. FIGHT ON CONVICT LABOF One of the ( lurxf IIMIN Which Will Kn e lovrn I.i-ulHlndirH' Attou- tIonorinul SuhoolN , DBS MOINBS , Jan. 12. ( Special. ) Ono o the biggest lights of the session has bee forecasted by the Introduction of n bill t prohibit the making of pearl buttons In th etulo prisons. It was Introduced by Tltw the hold-over republlcnn senator from Mus catlno county , where the republican nomine for representative was defeated last fall be cause of the action of the Board of Centre In Injuring the pearl button Industry in tha county by bringing It Into competllion wll convict labor. Titus' bill means that th question of convict labor will bo reopene and the Irglalalors put on record. Another subject which will probably prov Interesting will bo the discussion of th establishment of now normal schools In th state ; The governor has put himself on rec ord In his biennial message In favor of th establishment of four new ( schools , whlc will make five In all. He wants ono o each trunk railway In lown. The preseii ono Is at Cedar Falls on the main line of th Illinois Central. But nearly every lown 1 ? j the elate wants ono of Ihe schools nn theroMa likely to bo nn Inlerestlng time do elding 'Vybere ' they nro o go. Emmetsbur l" . nnd Knoxvlllo warilfl' the' Industrial Horn for the Blind changed to a normal schoo There are but thirty-four adult blind per ons In the home , which Is a property wort $100,000 with $20,000 annual support for tli Inmates. They sny the inmates can bette bo supported In private homes with the at : nual allowance from the stale. A joint resolution to make state elecllor biennial wns Inlroduced two years ago I Tltua of Muscatlno nnd It will probably pai this session. U has been again Introduce in Iho senate by Titus. A good roads bil which Judge Lewis of Poweshlek count has Inlroduced , provides for the establlal went of the township system In the stai and huvo all road luxes paid In ilionc ; Ills measnro also contains provisions f < pormnnont roads In the stale and olherwis improving the highways. There are two bills bearing on llbrar intcreflls lo go | n early in Iho session , or to consolidate Iho miscellaneous llhrnr wllh the hlstorlcnl library of Iho slate , an another to create n non-salaried commli elon to superintend tlie library Interests I tbo. ? lato. U Is expected that n building nnd Ion lobby will bo on the ground to look afti the interests of those concerns , which wci handled none too gently In the governor message and will probably bo more cnreful restricted by law thnn ever before. A pron Inent building nnd loan man , one who hi been n member of the third house In tl past , said this week that the building nr loan people would endure some of Iho pro ent restrictions , though they believed the unJiiHt in many particulars , especially tl taxation features of Iho law. There lire nuinlfestnllona on every hai that factional feeling front the senator ! flgbt will bo wiped out of the republic ! Le > ve is tli ( corner-stone of : woman's life She builds ul her hopes tipor and mound those tctuicr affection ! which r.he ; cher isltcs toward the < o n o H who nre lle-ir to her , nne _ which che : looki to receive from them in return. This is woman's nature ; it is the Goel given instinct that makes her a fprie nnd tender sweetheart ; n comforting helpful wife ; an ever-loving , solicitous care-taking mother. When n woman feels that the rcapons ! bilitics nnd duties of wifehood and moth erhood have become irksome to her i burden and trouble rather than a hourc of uplifting nnd inspiration it shows tha there is some deficiency in her physica make-up ; some- abnormal and nnhculth ; condition of the delicate and importan special structure of womanhood. Many IhousamU of women annually write t Ir. H. V. Pierre , of HiiflTalo. N V . the etuiticii t In women' ! ) disratex requesting : prufc- - kioual advice which he1 ii nliv.sys slid to en without chatRr uud telling hlr.i of the inurve oils benefits they have received from his wui dot fill " 1'avorite Prescription " in buiMlug u their cpeclal health ami physical energy. "I would like to cipress my iiralititde toyo for the benefit I have received from your wet ilcrful ' 1'avorltc l're criptlon , ' " writes Mn II. C. Anderson , of South llritain , New Have Co. , Conn , "nuriuc the first month of prej naucy I could not keep anything on my stem * ch. I was bo Kick that I had to go to bed au Kay for weeks. "I tried eiirtetent doctors , but with lillle licni fit. I lead nbout mauy being helped by iism > our mediciue MI I thoucht I would give It trial. I bcgau to take ' Favorite Prescription In November mid I had a nice little t > aby pirl i J'ebrunry follawluR My baby weighed ov < eight pounds. I was only in naru labor aboi one hour and got alotitf nictly durini ; coiifiu tuent : was up ami dr ed on the eighth diy. " The ' 1'nvorite l're criptie a ' helped me woi derfully. U kept me from hnviuc mUcarriaK Thi makes my second child , with the first ot I did uot take ' 1'avorite Prescription ' aud I hs a miscarriage. This lait baby it an plump at healthy ns any mother could wuh. " Serul si one-cent stamps to nay cost c mailing only for a free copy of Ir I'icrce thousand - page Medical Adviser , or . tamps for a cloth-bounel copy , ranks In the house. The fact that whei Katon , the defeated candidate , nominate- * Bowcn for the apenkcrshlp. he wns checrei to the echo , lvery l favorable. Again , be fore the general allotment of seats wa tnade In the house , ex-Speaker Myers , ono o the most radical Cummins nnd Eaton men wns Riven the privilege- selecting hi Boat. Then , too , Speaker Bowen has chosci for his personal clerk a mnn who was de fented for chief clerk of the house on th Katon ticket. And , added to this , on over ; hand there Is manifestation of a splrl among the Katon people to make the man dgement of the house as easy as possible fo Speaker Don en. Another l.lnc to DON . . IOWA PALLS. la. , Jan. 12. The purvey Ing party of the DCS "Molncs " , Iowa Palls Northern railroad has again starled soull from here , running another line to Dei .Molnes. The Inlentlon la to strike tin towns of Huhbard , Zearlng , MeCftllsburR Cole nnd Cambrld/to. / A line will also IK run north from Nevada to this elty on t route went of the olel line and tapping r rich agricultural territory. The Uuluth & New Orleans , a rival corporation , has al ready run a line from Dos Molnes 'to ' Oaape practically covering the same territory as the DCS Molncs rond. There Is much specu lation oa to which road will eventual ! ) build the line , which Is considered by Bonn as a link In the 1'ort 'Arthur ' route , am by others ns nn extension of the Illinois Central. Ilonil ( u St. Ion I * . SIOUX CITY , Jan. 12. Although the plans of 'the ' St. Louis , Iowa & Dakoln rail way , which will bo built this spring fron Sioux City to St. Louis , are kept profomull ) secret , a RllmpBt ; of the profiles of the roae reveals fifty towns dotted along the route but In some places five surveys have bcor run , and the exact location ot these fiftj lowns s uncertain- None of the surveys are over 467 miles long. The road wll bring St. Louis markets nearer Sioux Cltj and the surrounding corn and grain belts than Chicago. Its purpose Is to handle tin grain business by a route to the Missis sippi at St. Louis nnd by grain barges te the gulf. Us backing is St. Louis capital ists , \rltli I'oiiHloii Kraml * . SIOUX CITY. Jan. 12. ( Special. ) Twe octogenarians charged with making falsi affidavits In pension claims have been ar. rested here. They nre brolhcr and sister and the latter Is said -to have sworn shi was the widow of Asper Iverson , whereai at the time she mnc'.o such aflldavlt shi was already married for the second tlmi lo a man named Rxe. H was this ole woman who was found by the police matroi of Sioux Clly down on her knees praylni to ( Joel ilo send her a Christmas dinner. Thi federal nut' irltlcs sny they have a stroni cas < o against the old woman and her brothe who is'charged with making a similar af fldavlC. Oimttm to Deliver. SIOUX CITY. Jan. 12. Colonel W. I1 Clough , vlco president of Ihe Great North ern , has definitely admitted that system' : Intention to build lo Omaha and Denver It is understood , however , that the ter mlnals hero owned by the Sioux CMy Ter minal Railroad and Warehouse compan : will first bo acquired , at n price approxl mutely $100,000 , or permnnently leased be fore the extension movement begins. IDES JIOINGS , Jan. 12. Ex-Governor F M. Drake of Centervllle , la. , for when Drake university of DCS 'Molnes ' IB namcel today Increased his donations to that In B'tltutlon ' $32,500 , which will bo used I ] making Immediate necessary Improvements -IliihmleKhe Helped to see-tho university- an endowment of $1,000,000 and expected t furnish at least one-fourth of that sum. 1V1L NCWH NotCH. The German VolkH Vercln of Creston ha passed resolutions of sympathy with th Boers. A largo number of Black Hawk count farmers have made arrangements to mov to Moody county , South Dakota , Iowa last year shipped out and sold 91 , GS3.1SI pounds of butter. Buchanan cpunt heads the list with 3,309,220 pounds. The fish and game commissioner will as the legislature for an appropriation to kee a force of game wardens lit the field. Iowa has thirty-three rural free deliver mall routes , serving 16,800 people ut nn nfi gregato cost of $21,2uO per'nnmim. The co ; of the service is a little over J1.25 for ever person served. Tim big grain elevator which It wns prc posed lo erect at Davenport will not h built. The city council would not allow th company which was to build It to lay n many tracks lo the building as they deemc necessary. Anna Johnson , n 17-year-old Albla glr was drowned In the railroad reservoir n that place. No one saw the accident , br it Is supposed from appearances that sh attemplod to walk across the pond on th Ice1 and broke through. i The sheriff of Mills county Is hot on th trull of the man who stole" his team c horses. Ho wns so close on his trail thii tin- thief abandoned the loam and II wn re-covered. The thief Is supposed to bo I the brush com wliorp near Tnrhlo , Mo and the sheriff hopes lo get him. .Express companies In Ihe Blalo have re fuscel lo receive packages of llo.uor fc shipment unless It Is shown the parly wh Is lei receive It Is authorized by law to dci In liquor. The recent nearch "xpress o flees In various towns and the seizure e llijuor ts the cause of the new order. The town council of Preston hu.i resolve to have the mayor employ a night watr "at u compensation of neit to exceed $ per month cheaper If possible. " When upon the Maquoketa Excelsior comments i follows : "Just how long a man would waite to stay awnKo eiie-h night for a month f < J10 we do nol know , bin we Imagine Wouldn't bo vi-ry long. I'rcbton ought ' hire1 u poker player and have him elo nlgl watch duties along wllh his regeilar work C.ipt.iin W. U t'lnrk of Buffalo , In a ID ter to the Iowa Homestead , says : "I anew now the oldest sotllcr of Iowa , having cin IUTO wllh my fnthor'H family in 1S33. Tl land of which I now write was claimed f < mo then and has been mlno over nine1 Our nearest neighbors up Iho Mlsslsslp Ihe-n we-re nt IHiliuiU | < > , 130 miles , and dow the river nt l-'llnl Hills ( llurllnrton ) , nine miles. There was nol a house1 between i and the Puclllc coast and , in fnct , noi there. I was In iictlve buslnoBs In ti plncrlos In tlu > ' 40s , and Moambewtlng i through the 'Ms , and latc-r inndei my lion tit Davenport , and I have KOCH uii tl changes from before Blaeklmwk's pure'.iu until now. The young Indians were n playmate's for many years. My father to the claim whore Uock IsUinl no\v stands August , 1 * > 27 , when Iho llltu-khawk , Keokt and other tribes wrrei there , before tl lllackhawk v > nr In UKi. " Dover KIIVIIPH t'liinlim ; Wi-hJ In Mil t'HK'AOO. Jan. 12. Mayor Harrison li rerclvod fruin Admiral Dewey a letter hln Ing It WUH the ) admiral's request that 1 vUlt tei Chle-iiKO be In May. Instead of He' lumber , us requested by tln > urrniiKeino committee of the Grand Army of tiu > It public. The admiral Huld be favored th ilutp bi'cuusei of the other eiiKuRcments : hud In lhl terrlUiry about ihe lime Ktt f the Chicago celebration. MlNMiiin-l mill MlHNiiurliiiiN , I'rinreton bus raised a fund lo dli ; f coal and oie. The Hprlnc Icrm of Iho Maryavllle sen miry opened with tin Increased attendant SprlnKlleld nlmrods enguKCel In a rabl hunt this week for the boncllt of the poe Jefferson t'lty has secured 200 mibscrlbe und another telephone byutcni will be p In there. Warrinisburc's new xhop factory Is tur IIIK out 300 puirs of shous dally and It' ei ploying sixty hands. Ellu KwliiK , tint Missouri KluntcBi * , bus offtr for nn pnpiKi'inont In Europe. Ml r.llu IK a little bit Iho tallest clrl thul is Ono thousand new homes wrro built Jeiplln lasi year ut n io t of Jl.tXXMXX ) . T minim ; nates were lO.w.O.WM nnd the popul of the city liuTcaix-d 10 per cent. The title to ihe land which wan offer the state for u fruit experimental stall la not clear and some trouble may bo h In piTfrcllns It to suit the state. One hundred thousand dollars were 1 ves ed In new store building * und pub Htrui-luri-M < n Savannah latt year. In n elltlon fSO.oco wus Invested In new re denres. WEEKLY REVIEW OF TRADE Hesitation Marks Beginning of the New Year's ' Business , MONETARY CONDITIONS GROW EASIEF G'nittlinilttK lilac In WiiKC1" t < > Promote InoreMte In I'nrcliiiMlnir I'mver SomeI'IIIIMO .Nut urn I Afte-r liMt Vcnr'n Iliinlnmi , NEW YOHK. Jan. 12. II. G. Dun & Co.'i Weekly Review of Trade will say In lomor- row's Issue : The buslncJH of the new year beslns well though there Is still much of the usual lie ? ' Itatlon. In branches where last year's bus Incus WIIB extraordinary and prlccw have rlwn greatly , some pnuac Is natural , though nothing Indicates decrease of consuming rtlpoosltlon or imrchaslHK power , but then In 11 continuing rl'o In wases to promote nn Increase. Monetary conditions have Krown easier with the return of Jt.Oul.We from the Interior during the week and further deposits l > y the treasury anil more liquidation In some- spec illative storks have nlflo helped. Hanks report an Increase li their per cent of commercial loans and rates wore generally moie easy utter the decline announced by Kuropenn banks. The furnaces hi this country early In Jan uary were producing weekly 2D1,1M tons ol plK Iron , iisnlnst 2HW9 tons December 1 'but ' as several had stopped only for the hoi' Idays nnd others had .lust started , the out < put now Is probably larger. H exceeds consumption - sumption nt last , as the Iron Age shows ar Increase of 9.236 tons In unsold stocks , bill the manufacture apparently consumed durIng - Ing the year lH.S.'U.Mfl tons , less small nel export In December. The Increase since IS'J : Is about -t.iSJ.OM ) tons , or 46.5 per cent Prices change scarcely any , nor Is new business slRiilllcunt. The. minor metals arc strong In tone , but as yet without jnucli clianicc In prices. Textile manufactories are more fully em ployed than for u Ions tlmo , though scnrcltj of water has troubled some cotton mllU Trading Is embarrassed by uncertainty about prU'es. Wool Is not active , nor arc speculators or manufacturers In haste tc buy nt current prices , though the market shows some advances for the next season , with excellent trade thus far. The effeol upon the season's sales cannot yet be judged. Cotton goods have been quiet and no longer advance In prices , as the market for the material Is uncertain In tone. The boot und shoe manufacturer has n similar clllllculty , for while shipments arc heavier than ever before at this season , Ir two weeks 179,776 cases , against 147,141 lasl year and 171,751 In 1SU3 , as the rapid distribu tion to consumers causes most urgent calls for goods previously ordered , yet dealers are. slow to order mote In the fear thai prices will not hold. Manufacturers Inslsl that still further advances are needed tc cover the cost of leather , i The Chlcagc market for hides Is weaker , with a lowei average than at any tlmo since. November. . Cotton moves HO slowly that belief in u very short crop Is constantly strengthened lint foreign demands are much reduced also On January 5 only 6,000.031 bales had come Into sight , against S , < X)1 , 1G last year , bui exports had decreased 1,723,000 bales am European stocks were far 'below last year's For the present foreigners lire using up ok stocks Instead of buying more and the price hesitates. Wheat has been slow to move also , At lantic exports In two weeks having besr only 4,37fi,514 bushels , Hour Included , ngalnsi 9.52,1W last year , and 1'aclllc 1,312.933 bush , els , against 1,542,011 last year. The prices close a fraction higher. Corn receipts have also fallen below lasi year's , though the exports In two week : have been 7TJ1'JSS bushels , against 7,193,91 : last year , and prices have advanced aboui Vt a cent. Failures for the week have been 271 It the United States , against 318 last year , am twenty-live In Canada , against twcnty-foui last year. IIHAIISTIIKET'S IIH VIEW OF THAHIO d StciulliifNH In I'rloeM tin Leading Feature in Triulo. NEW YORK , Jan. 12. Dradstreet's tO' morrow will say : Quietness as to demand , but markec steadiness as to prices Is still ihe leadinj feature In trade lines , a condition , It mlgh be remarked , not uncommonat this. ag < of the year , which is H' sort of middn ground between clock-taking and Inventor ; time and the actual opening of the sprlni season. Aggressive strength in prices li confined- a few staples , such as porl products , which are llrmly held In1 a rathe tardy recognition of the fact that supplies both of live hogs and of dead meat ? , nn far from burdensome. Tallow , cottonseei oil nnd similar products are sympathetlcall ; strong. Raw and rellned sugars have botl been advanced this week , not apparent ! ; because of the war , the refiners being set tied , 'but ' really because , supplies of raw are limited. Quito a Hurry in coffee oc curred as a result of reports of an out break of the plague at Rio. The bearish pressure on cotton has no been relaxed this week , but the dlspropor tlon between the decline in spots and op tlons would ? eem to point to the bear cam palgn havlne been Ios\s profitable thai hoped for. Statistically the position of cot ton Is strong , but the African war ha checked British cotton manufacturing am discouraged forelcn buying. Domestic cot ton manufacturing Is apparently hlghl ; prosperous , southern mills being espuciall well employed , while low water In th streams affect ? New England production. What few lines of next season's woole : goods have been opened were nt advance ranging from 20 to 35 per cent , and mud Interest attaches to the reception that wll be given these increased quotations. Pend ing the settlement of tills raw wool Is du ! but ilrm , and speculation Is naturally llghl Iron and steel are extremejy quiet , bu signs of weakness are riot numerous , th shading In pig Iron being confined to a fe\ grades and markets. Production In Decem ber was below expectations , being affectc by holiday shutdowns' , but there Is llttl doubt that the aggregate production fo 1S9D will not bo much below 13.700.CXW tons a production surpassing all previous rec I orcls and having a counterpart In the un exampled output of coke also reported fo List year. Stocks of ore on Lake Krle ar reported little In excess of a year ago , no ) withstanding the grrateut production o record. The quiet In plsr Iron extend practically to all the finished branches e the trade , and the market IB quiet an I firm , as evidenced by further reports of nc . vanccs by western Jobbers. Tin Is upeculc I lively higher this week , but copper ha sagged off. The Immediate demand for lumber I . naturally seasonably llghl , but the strong' ' of supplies In notable , as evidenced by tli fact that white pine stocks are 22 per cei smaller than a year ago. The mild weathc nnd lack of snow In the northwest. If Ion continued , It Is thought likely may nffec the cut this winter. The largo yellow pin order for font for the Paimmericq , rxposlllon ut Huffalo , erroneously prlnle1 1 000.000.000 last week IN still unplaced. Oreals have been almost hopelessly du i this week on the "hand to mouth" domain I Stocks nre largo nnd crop reports are I i the main fnvornblo , but short sellers ni nervous In view of possible foreign con plications. Price changes , not only I wheat , but In corn and other grains , ui the smallest noted for many weeks past. Hides are. dull at the cast , but consldei nhlii buying In reported west and quotr tlons arc falrlv linn , rnseainimbly lit weather has affected sales of foot novcrln and this is reflected In a rather quiet ma ket for boots and shoes for Immediate coi sumption. Leather , however , remains quli and tinn notwithstanding. The open ee ; ton linn undoubtedly made il easier ft producers and carriers of coul to llll order while dulling the demand for domest filKO * . , Including Hour , shipments fur tl week aggregate 4,24S,92 i lmnhol , again ; t.lff. > .f Z bushels last week , 5,617 OKI luiHho In the corresponding week of ! > > ! > ! ) . 5.iW,5 bushels In 1SS ! ) , a.Ots.lM bushels In tsn ; ai : 3D2lZi bushels In ISM Since July 1 the e ; purls of wheat aggregate 110,74.sirj bu ho' against UI.Wi.04S bushels 1-ist year and 131 SV..OIO biuhols In 1W-S. Corn oxnoru f ( the work. 3,51l.57ii burhels. against i.O'O/ ' bushels last w. ok , S'Ufl.ltK bushels In th week a year ago , 4.UI1.75' ) buwhels In US 3,737.281 bushels In 18117 nml 3.336.017 bushe : in 1806. Flnco July 1. this season , corn e : I porlH aggrecale 128.970.757 bushels , again r fc'J , 118,009 busbols during the same period year ng" and SS.114,426 bushels in 1S97-9 * . The current week's failure returns relic the annual clearing out of dollnquei traders In u total of IM. as compared wll 223 hint week , r.Ot In this week a year nc S3 ! In IK'S and 4M In 1SB7. Canadian bank clearings for the week ui greato f33,773ftll. an Increase of la per cci over lae.t week and ; i gain of 10 per cei over this week n. year ago. IIHAnHTUKKT'sT'lX.rXTI.ll , HiVIP\ C flic nil Tout' of Hut MurUet for tl \Veek I nil I iron * lit , NEW VOIIK. Jan. 12. Bradatreot's final clal Iteviow tomorrow will gay : Kxtreme dullness chnraclcrlzed the stoi ! market In the eurly days of the wee 1 There was a manifest luck of buying pow , nnd rommlsHlon hoiigep were relative idle ihu general tone of the inarkei bell Indifferent and somewhat resembled wh.H mlftht be looked for In rr.l.lsummer Prlres however , held well for n time , nlthoilgl the narrations of the room traders wen confined to a few specialties nnd revolve , largely around the question of the dlvl dends to bo declared Inst Tuesday 01 Louisville & Nashville and Federal Stt-el though the market took n favorable v'ow ' of the trunk line deals and the acqulslltot of the "Hit ? Four" nnd l ike Krle & Wc ! t ern bv the Vanderbllts. The relief of the monqy market fiom tin strain of preparations for the January ells bursements nnd the large amount of monej unlocked nt that timeof which a ronsld ornblo portion Is presumably coming hni-J Into Wall street for Investment , seem U have failed to produce the expected rhnn < ? < on the quotations. Money on call rtiloi' easy , a 6 per cent rate being gonorallj quoted , while bankers' bnl.imcs declined on Friday to us low * ni .1' < , { fl per cent Tlmo money Is , however , firmly held nt i per cent , though some lenders show n dis * position to relax their attitude to the ex tent of putting out funds at the rnto foi sixty days , while borrowers are Indlffereiv nnd Inclined to wait for easier rates. The fall In the foreign money mnrkol discount In Ix > ndon being down to 4 pel cent and the reduction of the Uank of Kng- land and Hank of France minimum figures to 5 and 4 per cent , respectively , had n good effect , exchange In Now York show ing a tendency to decline , which ncgntlver the earlier presumption that pnmo furthei amounts of gold would be shipped. WI-JRKIY ri.i-uuiM : not si : TAIIUO of HUNIICK | * TrntiNiu > tcil li > tlu < AN-Kicliileil "auk * , NU\V YOHK , Jan. -The following table , complied by Urndstreet's. shows the bank clearings at all the principal cities foi the week ended January 11 , with the per centage of Increase and dec rearc , ns com pared with the corresponding week las year : Totals IS P ! > ,773fi61 | ! ) .8 | . . . . VCMM.-IN from SnnlON Ilt-Iel. NEW YOUK , Jnn. 12. The Lamport nn Holt line stenrner Slrnbo , loaded will coffee , which sailed from Santos Decembe- 19 , arrived nt quarantine today. It ro tnalned at Santos for thirty elnys , diirln which time and during the voyage to thi port thorp WHS not a cnsp of slckne = among ItH crew. II will be elPlnincd n quarnnllnc for disinfection. The consula bills of health for the Strabo report thirty eight capes of plague nnd ten dentils fror that disease at the port of Santos. Th British bark Lancefield , which arrived las night from Santos in ballast. Is detained a eiuarantlne for disinfection. All on boar am well. _ TniOH In Illinois to Advance. CHICAGO , Jan. 12. The Illinois nuprem court nt Springfield today handed down decision declaring section 49 of the ne < revenue law , which provided for the seal Inc down of ihe tax levy , unronslllullona The law applied lo all Ihe clalo , and n all Iho assessed valuation of property ha been heavllv Increased in some section the knocking out of the llmltallon clans of the new law will result In u hirsn Ir crcaso In the tax levy. HH by ilitu ruling th old scale will be usvd. In Chicago an Cook county Iho Increase will range froi 20 lo 50 per cent. The decision has create considerable surprise. 1'iillinim ICMtiili' Miittt I'tiy. NEW YOUK , Jim12. . The uppellnt division of the Hiiprcmo courl. In a de clslou by Jusllcu Patterson , hold Hint tli portion of the estate of George M. I'lillrnn of Illinois , actually within the stale of Ne' York , Is subject to the Inheritance tax. Tli property amounts to $714 , 1 1 and IH I stockH , bonds and deposlltt in a trust con pany. The heirs claimed thul Mr. IMillma owed mom than the amount to purlieu I Ihei slulo of New York , und none of Ui properly should bo Inxed. Colniiol ,1. r. Wood ST. LOl'IS , Jnn. 12. A special lo 111 Posl-DUpulcli frenn Hot Springs , Ark cays : Colonel J. K. Wood , the fumoi theatrical mannEcr , showman ami bullde of Wood's muHouniH throughout tl , country , who was prostrated lust nlgf wllh a nciVPrt ) stroke of paralysis , thought to be dylns today. Ho U ono < the best known bhowmcn In the world. Dr. Sanden's Electric Belt. After 30 years of success in the treatment of disease by electric ity 1 am pleased to be able to oiTer my famous Electric Hell on 30 days' trial to any one in any part of the world who is sincere and honest. All electrodes cov ered. No burning or blistering. Improved Aug. isth last. New and scientific appliances. Cures without using drugs all Weaknesses of flen. for IJloctric Belt superior to mine. With its new scientific suspensory attachment . . I will cive any disorders snch n all night. It cures while you sleep the weakened parts through . stttfrom.youthful a pleasant . current errors passes or later excesses. 7,000 CURES IN 1899. Used by women as well , for the Rhi-una. world. of Llcclnc appliances in makers . We the oldest and largest , etc. nre . Lame Hack , Nervousness tistn. others . sold CAUTION.-The new nnd improved Dr. Sandcn Belt can be had only at my ofliccs. Those by . and me afterwards. My little book , a guide to men , sent free are of old date , ao years ago. Cure yourself pay scaled. DR. F. G. SANDEN , 183 So. Clark St. , Chicago , 111. PUT THEIR TRUST IN SIGNS Quaint Triba of Virginians Who Live in Primitive Fashion. IMPLICIT FAITH IN THE MOON Ucllovc llic Demi I'lniict ( trendy Iii- Iluoiirt-M Tin-1 r UeNtliilcn Stylrn of DrcuM Xi-ver CluuiKo Mil liner * Unknown. The old saying , "Live nt home and boarel nt the same place , " is certainly practiced b > the peculiarly queer people of Tanglei Island n body of land three miles loiif and cue wide , off the coast of Virginia , li there Is a spot on earth where one Is mneli to feel that he Is enllrely out of Ihe civilize1 * ' world , says the Cincinnati Enquirer , Tanglei Island must be that place. There Is a pop ulation of about 1,600 people , nnd many o these people have never been off the Islam and know as little about the other pnrt o the world as n lltlle child. Men and womer now on Iho shady side of life have upon1 Ihelr cnllro existence on this small Etrli of lunel , and to some this Island embrace ; the whole world. Vet they appear happy am contented in ihelr primitive manner of liv ing , nnd have apparently no desire to knov what Is going on In the great busy worli which lies beyond their water-surroundee homes. On this Island the Brlllsh Invaders madi hcadquarlera for several days in 1811 , am not far distant Is Deal's Island , where gooi old Parson Joshua Thomas was Informed b : British General Hess that It was his intcn lion "lo eat supper In Baltimore or In h 1- ' The man of God sent up a fervent praye that General nossmlght _ not succeed li reaching Baltimore , dud as hevm klllel a North Point , before reaching Baltimore , th people were quick to believe that Parsoi Thomas' prayer was answered. How mud farther than Ihls did Ihe people put Impllcl fallh In the efficacy of prayer , cannot be said but today the inhabitants of Tangier Islam are still Intensely religious , and at the snm time among the most superstitious people i : the world. Are HcIlcloiiNly Inclined. As illustrative of their religion it neei only be said that a few years ago Ihey wer worshiping in a small ramshackle house but Ihe Virginia conference assigned ; preacher to the island and he has succecdei in building a $12,000 church nnd the charg Is now one of the best In the conference dla trict. The minister receives more than $1 00 a year to look after their spiritual affair and for the small number of people It i doubtful If any such church work ean b found on record. They are always ready t contrlbule liberally whenever Ihe pnrso finds it necersary lo have Iho contrlbullo box passed around. The church lo Ihe big gest thing on the lalaud and more Interea Is taken In It than anything else. Whatove Ihe parson says Is law nnd gospel , oven wll Iho roughest oystcrmen and crabbers , wh will occasionally smuggle whisky on th Island. The very strictest prohibition law are enforced , not by officers , but by th church people. During a.recent protracle meeting and Ihey are held frequenlly som roughs carried a boat of whisky nnd bee to the Island , but a crowd of church peopl man and women captured the boat , thre. ' the whisltj * nd beer in the bay and admin Istered a sounil tbr * blng to the violators c the law. The women nearly all go bare footed. When they attend church they wl I carry their shoee and stockings In thel i hands until they get near the church , whc I Ihey will sit down nnd put them on , remo\ i Ing them ns soon ns they start home. The ! dresses are of Ihe plalncsl calicoes or gins hams nnd are made without Ilounces or frill BuBlles or tic-backs are oomethlug the | never heard of. There Is , however , an abun - dance of gay ribbons In the makeup of the : Sunday costumes. Equally as plain and oK fashioned do the men dress. They nre satis fled with copperas or Jeans clothes. The pantnloons are always e-ut on Iho Mgh-wnle ' principle , the lego never renclm.g below tl : I ankle. If the men wear shoeo on any oca , slon thore. is always an absence of sock whllo the shoes are Iho regulation brogans. lrt-HM mill Home 1,1ft- . Their coat , or Jacket. Is the funniest < garments Boraelhlng like a crows betwcc a boy's blouse und the olel-f.-vshloned ' rouiu about" coat- Seasons 'co .io and ee > asons g but the fashions on Tangier Island remal the same. For ugcs they have ilrcoscii th way und but few atempls have been mai lo change. Whenever a young Tungh j Islander slrays over to Crlsfleld , Md. , anil j persuaded by some of the merchants to Ir I vest In some garment other than the reguli The Knabo Piano- was the one seltieted for the Sfiilrhl con cert Wednesday nljjht soloeted for It.-s lieaiitlful sympathetlu quality of louo so essential for aei/omp.mlmentK , Its ready response to the touch and UK volume In the more virile uiimuiM'H. The Knabo Iw only e > ue of the reliable makes that wo are showlnc at this gran elearhiK salt , as we include every piano in enir vast assortment some are now , some nr slightly used and all are priced so low that It Is to your Interest to investigate. You ean talse advantage of our easy payment plan and the price Is no higher than for eanli. ( iood pianos , fully gimr- aiitced. from ? ! ' _ ' , " and ? iW : up , A. HOSPE , Music and Art , 1513 Douglas. tlon he Is laughed nt and Jeered so much that U Is soon discarded. There Is one arti cle of service and adornment tbat a male Inlmbllunt of Tangier Island Is never with out a red pocket handkerchief. It Is al ways with him around his uock , stuck in his pocket or In his hand. The homes on the Island are of Hie rudest kind , but the Interior Is nlwuyn clean. The furniture Is often not worthy of the name. Ubunlly the liomo Is too small for bedsteads If Iho family Is large , and they sleep on quills and inatlresses on Iho iloor. An en- lire family , oflcn ten or more persons , oat and sleep In one room. The cooking Is done In the open fireplace , the utensils consisting o ! a frylngpnn. n kettle , an oven and poa- slhly a Tew pots. Cooking stoves , sewing machines and uuch modern conveniences are unknown to many of the Inhabitants. A large' number of the people , bolh old and young , cannot read , but the new preacher has succeeded In advancing education to a large extent. When They Co A-AVnnliiK. Courting and lovemaklng on Tangier IsUnd Is nearly always done mulcr great dllllculllcs , and what to most of Ihe world would bo exceedingly embarrassing slt- untioiiB and surroundings. As staled , the dwellings seldom have more than one room nnei It sometimes in fact , nearly always becomes necessary for Ihe young people lode do their lovemaklng In the .presence of the old folk and the children. The young New Kiglanders ; In the early days got around this embarrassing situation by using what they called a whispering rod , but tinnconlc of Tat gler island solved the dlfllculty by per mitting the young couple to seek Ecclusion by silling or lying on the bed and pulling the cover over them. Thus shut out from view they can bill and coo to their hearts' content , while the old people sit around ami talk about the crab and oyster catch or the outrages perpetrated by the plralcs from Somerset county , .Maryland. Girls JjeroJIC years * oldAvil ) rmeasure.-sfx feetMn'll am ) weigh 200 polinds. They are strong ant healthy , well-mannered , and , above all , arc taught from earliest childhood to regard vlr- luo as above everything In the world. Foi I twenty-eight years thcro haa not been ar lllcEltlmalo child born on Ihe Island. The men are peaceable and cjulol , but Ihcre arc two things for which they will fight qulckci than any other. It Is dealh lo Iho man whc allompls or succeeds In despolllns a home , and crabbers and oyslcrmen who poach or ths grounds near the island are sure to gel Into serious trouble. There have only beer a few occasions for Irouble from the former but In years agonc It was almost a wceklj occurrence to have ekfiperalo and bloods battles about Iho lalter. In reccnl yean these have become far less numerous , but oc casionally blood Is made to flow. I'oachorN Ilecrive No Meroy. Only a few days ago Bain Webster , r Deal's island oysterman , wa- shot ami killer on the Somerset county sht'e by the mate of a police boat. This war has been goim on for years between the people of this re gion and mtiny lives have been lost and ves sel property confiscated. The Somerso county people claim that unJer the compac of 1785 a compact noted In the Mnllei States history as the first entered Into bj free and sovereign stales and which li unique In the history of treaties of Amcrlc ; they hart an equal right In the fishery o the whole Pocomoke und 1'otoinac riven with the Virginians. The Virginia oyster man and police were In the habit of resist Ing what they regarded as encroachment ; on their rights , after the treaty had been us It wa/i claimed , abrogated by the federa laws. Finally a line was run between thi two states , over the waters In contro-yeray by the Black-Jenkins commission. Tin Somerset people persisted In crossing1 tin line , were llrcd upon , captured , Jailed , am their vessels confiscated by the Virginia au thorities. Maryland was appealed to for armed old , but nothing was done and a fdw jeara ago the long-pending controversy was permanently Bottled by a decision of the uu- premo courl of Ihe United States upholding the Virginia authorlllos. Since then the war has been tranoferred to the waters lying between Ihe counties of Doreel and Somer- 6Ct , In Maryland , and Ihe lights are FOIIIC- llmevs bloody ones. These people live by crabbing unil dredging for oyslers nnd Inter fere with no ono so long as they are left alone. They are , n staled , very superstitious. They have tdgns for almost every thing and almost worship Iho moon , by which Ihey forelell storms and all kinds of dlsaslcrs. They have a nuirlal dread of an owl und the hooting of one by day or night IH an omen of Ill-luck. If it Is heard ut night and nnswored by the bark of a dog It Is n sign that ono of Ihe family will soon die. As BOOH as Ihe hoot is heard a chair or stool Is overturned and If the hooting ceases ut once It Is a sign that the danger has been warded off for u time. If Iho hooting con- llnucfi there Is weeping and walling In the home of the islander. DIlloiiBiicss Is ctirod by boring three boles In n tree nnd walking around It three times , Baying , "Go away , bilious. " It IB a matter of ' .bo Utmost 1m- porlnncn whether the one who performs the spell walkn with the sun or against It , but no one knows r/hlch Is the approved dlrec- tlon. A soiled clocking tied around the neck , they say , will cure sore throat , as will also seaweed wrapped in a red llanncl apd put under the bed. An Irish potato with a hi'lo through It Is a guarantee agulnst rheu matism on the island , They believe- shoe turned solo up under the bed will prevent cramps , an will also the tall feathers from n white hen burned over a slow coal lire. ( "OXSl ll'TlO.V Cl/RISD. An old physician , retired from practice , had placed.In his hauds by an Bast Indian missionary "the , forintila of aTBlmplo vege table remedy for the speedy nnd permanent cure of consumption , bronchitis , catarrh , aslhma nnd all Ihroat and lung affections ; also a positive nnd radical cure for nervous debility and air nervous complaints. Hav ing tested Its wonderful curative powers In thousands of cases , nnd desiring to relieve human suffering , I will send free of charge to all who wish It , this recipe , In German , French or English , with full directions for preparing nnd using. Sent by mail , by ad dressing , with flamp , naming this paper , W. A. Noycs , 820 Powers Block , Ilocbcs- tcr. N. Y. KODAKS. We have in creased our holdings i n Cain- Kodaks , - eras and Photographic pun- dries until wo now have every thing the ama teur will need. Special atten-1 tion given to ) the retouching , developing and printing of all work. THE ALOE & PENfOLD COMPANY .itnatnif fltotoyraplitc fitippllei. 1403 Farnani , Omaha. Opposite Paxton Hotel. The New Things always c'roalu n great deal of men ! , but It'n Iho old , tlini'-tried tilings that have prover. their worth. Vein have never Keen a boy's shoe In your lll'o that could show Hie value and wear for $1 , . " > ( ) thai our oiif-llfty Klioe can. Like the nntoinoblle , they don't need any push ing they atli'iK't evi'r.vboily. Anywlu'ro else $1.7.0 or $ 2.00 would be ! the , ' price of this Kell'-Kiiinn Kho' , bill wti started out ye-ars HKO w'.rnf ; thi shoe for .f 1.50 and we are' Keilii to do It if we , havu ! e > pay $1.1 ! ) feir them. Onr enonnoiis sales anil uur focoiniiu'iiilatlon is a Kiiarantuu of their wort n. Drexel Shoe Co. , Vp tn-Hm.t I'AKNAJl STUHEf. Mr , Frederick Hatter says , " ( { unllty eoiisldered , the hat wo are showlns at % 'UK ) Is a rovolallon In a iiiarter | of a century of hut hellliif : WH have never seen Its equal" made In the very latest ol' Myles , In soft and still' shapes , In hrown and hlaek colon * u hat that Is a prime favorite with the youiiK men. The old reliable Dnnlap anil Stet son , the leaders of all In style and quality , are , as usual , our Ktandhys llko old wlnu , they Improve with ago. All hats are shaped to the head by u eonformatiier-a hat to feel right must lit. FREDERICK The Hatter , The Leading Hat Man of the Wc 120 South 15th Street.