Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 13, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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    THE OMAHA DALLY JJEE : SATURDAY , , ! AXtTAltV 1 ! * , ] 00.
For iho phenomenal Bar
gains we are ottering.
Men's '
Todny In our grand clearing Bale we
Will Rive jou the chnlro of all amall lots
nnd broken lots o' oil the
.iiivs : roMHiKD iu Minimi ) SIIIUTS
WITH f'Ol.l.s | ATTCHHI1. .
ain.vs cointii > IAI M > IHII : > SIIIIITS
MIOVJ , < oioitii : ) i.u Miitin : SIIIKTS
WITH < i KFS IHTU mi > .
In this lot you will llnd nil sizes and all
Blylus nt shirts that we have been selling
up to JI.2.V
50c Leather Gloves 5c
Today we will elope out In our crcnt
clearing snle all the oilds and ends , small
lots and broken lots of men's and bovs'
lined and tinllncd leather K'OVCS ' and mit
tens ai lie pair. This Is the grandest bar
gain wi- have ever offered since we wore
in business.
The South and New York wholesale manufacturer's entire
Omaha and Boy's Suits , Overcoats and
49 and $1,98 ,
To close out in this clearing sale every pair of men's odd pants from suits , we will place them in three
lots. They are all extra well trimmed and made in plain and fancy striped worsted , cassimere , cheviot , etc. ,
in light and dark colors , they are in all sizes in both length and waist. They will be sold as follows :
Lot 1 all the men's odd pants from All the men's odd pants from All the men's odd pants from
suit ? that sold up to $5.00 , go suits that sold up to § 10 , suits that sold up to $17.50 ,
today at Too pair go today at go today at
Every mail's suit , overcoat and j very man's suit , overcoat and
illsor * ! in Ihoso iiurohasi's Hint sold for ulster that sold up lo ten dollars -In
up to lifteon dollars and over , liHiulin ; ; these purchases , Including all wool eas-
nii'ii's silk and satin lined worsted milN. and cheviot suits , line check worsted
iiu'ii's lilack and blno cheviot and s-ojv :
sted suits. In all sixes and in the Litest
suits , moil's inolton , fancy oasslinorn
to lit suits for
style guaranteed plenty
, '
anil Scotch cheviot HUlts moil's iidliliy
fancy striped woistod Hulls , int'ii's rlilu- everybody Swell as all the overcoats
chllla. Irish fi-Ii'Ho , patent leaver , niel- and ulsters , in beaver , meUr.n and ker
tuii and kersey overcoats and ulsters sey , that sold for up to ten dollars
-M.I , ( JO AT O.MJ I'ltU'U. . . . AM , ( iO AT OXH PU1CI2. . . .
SS5 Jackets at just half price
All of the fine Kersey Jackets , silk lined
throughout , with large fur stnrm collar ? ,
In marten , opossum , eT trie seul , every one
guaranteed , hprc-tuforu sold ut $13.00 , on
sale ut
SSO.QO Jackets $5,00
All of our Jin.DO Jackets , in black , blue
.and brown , line kerseys , braided or plain ,
.MHllk llai'd throughout , go in this clearing
I , ' sale at just half
Democratic Legislative Committee Over-
rales Taylor's Obj ictions.
Guolii'l NfiinlurN Claim Military Com-
Iiuiilt-N Art ; ItrliiK K < jiil | > pi > d til
GII lo l'"riinUfiirl I. ' | NU
l.llM-M In Senate.
FRANKFORT , Ky. , Jan. 12. The contest
committee In the light for governor met thla
morning and by a majority vote overruled
the objections filed by Governor Taylor yes
terdny to the democratic members ot the
committee sitting la the case. Kach mem
ber made a short statement denying the al
legations la the governor's alllilavlt. All of
the democratic members present voted to
overrule the objections and Representative
Yarberry , the only republican member
present , voted to sustain them.
Thii republican leaders Insist on their
claim that the contestants for state olllces
must receive a majority In each branch
of the legislature , Instead of a majority In
tliii aggregate , ns claimed by the demo ,
crats , nnd this la another ot the questions
which may have to go to the courts.
If the republican contention la sustained
it IM admitted Oochel would bo in exceed
ingly close lines In the senate- , with the
chances against him in that branch for
the governorship. The latest poll of that
"body " by the republicans IB that It contains
ot lenst five nntl-Gocbcl democrats nml
Senator Hill , democrat , Is 111 at home , with
little prospect of getting hero during thu
session. With Hill nnd Ooehel not voting
the Ooobel senators under these clrcum-
Btnncrs could not muster a majority.
The Coubel senators Into tonight claim
telegraphic advlccH from countlea In the
CBBtern part of the state that military
companies In that section are lining cijulppiia
to coino to Frankfort next week ,
TII lli'Klii Kvlilt'ittM' .Momlii ) .
The Qoebel-Taylor and lleckham-Marshall
Boniest committees will hold meetings to
morrow , nt which they will arrange for the
trial of the contests. The hearing of cvl-
dcnco begins Monday and It IB n foregone
conclusion that the titnto capital will bo
overrun with visitors , at least during the
early part of the proceedings. Doth sides
are HUbpoenaoing large numbers of wit
nesses. About 0,000 wltacities are ex.
The arrival of about llfly men from east
ern Kentucky tonight created a big stir in
Cocticl circles , when It was charged that
the new arrivals were militiamen In cltl-
tcnt ; ' clothes. In republican circles thin
wns laughed at and It was claimed they ,
are only , a few of'tho hundreds of Taylor
witnesses who have been summoned here
to give testimony In behalf ut the ton- '
Ilpth brntichca ot the legislature held
quiet sessions and tllo liotiuo adjourned
until Monday. The only.s Ih.liiK dune In
either branch , wlik-h had any bearing on
the contents , Was In the senate , 'where the
resolution charging John Whtillen and
A Great Tonic ,
Horsford's Acid Phosphate
Invigorates and strengthens the sys-
tern , relieves nervousness and head
ache , and creates a good appetite.
Gcmiire tciti name Ilq sronn's on rapper.
m Oolf Skirts S5.00
Choice of nil our golf skirts , mnny plaid
back , on raleat
$5.00 Embroidered Flannel
Waists S3,69 ,
All the French Flannel Waists , made In
the latest style , elnbortcly embroidered
colored and black , sold heretofore ut $3.00
on sale , at J1.C9.
Charles Ilyan with contempt In offering to
brlbo Senator Harrel was adopted as
amended In the house. The amendment
concurred in directs the speakers of the
two houses to name two democrats and one
republican on the joint committee which Is
to conduct the Investigation. These com
mittees have not been named.
The Franklin county grand jury , which
has also 1iecn 'investigating ' the alleged
bribery matter , continues to have before It
as witnesses persons who were prominent
in the late campaign and as. yet none of
the matters Included in the wide scope ot
its investigation have been reported on.
Clouu Call for Colorado Sj
COLORADO SPRINGS , Colo. , Jan. 12.
The entire business portion of the city was
threatened by a lire which brolco out nt1
o'clock thla morning In the May clothing
I store. Aided by a high wind , the flames
spread rapidly , but they were controlled
after three buildings were destroyed. The
total loss I cntlmatcd at $ liiO,000. The
heaviest losers are the May Clothing com
pany , the Nichols Grocery company and th&
Wnlto Shoo company.
Ultv I.OHM for Mliint'Hotii Toivii.
DA.SSBI.I. Minn. . Jan. 12. Fire hero last
night destroyed nine business houses , and
most of their conte'nts were burned. Loss ,
JGO.OOO ; insurance , ? 29,0.o. An explosion of
powder injured live men.
.WliinliiPir I'rodiit'c HOIIKC.
WINNIPEG , Man. , Jan. 11. Fire today de
stroyed the Manitoba Produce company's
building nnd stock , Involving n loss of $7C-
000 ; Insurance , $10,000. .
Itnllroad Injunction ! ) | NNOveil. |
DKNV15II , Jan , 12. In the case bi ought by
the attorney general of Colorado by direc
tion of the governor mid la which n tem
porary Injunction restraining the Midland
Terminal find the Florence & Cripple Creek
llailway companies and the Metallic Bx-
tiuctlng company ami several other Inter
ested corporations from c. nsolldatlng under
the of the Denver & SquthrjKtorn Rail
way vj..i.ny ; was ordered about n month
are ; , a raciloa was today heard at Colorado
Spring : ) in the district court to dlMiolvu the
Injunction , The court , Judge Walter Dlxon
j Hulling , after hearing the testimony and
argiintcnt from butli sides , dissolved thu In
junction , holding that the proofs wholly
failed to sustain the allegations of the com
plaint and that I hero wns no evidence to
show that In the tramuctloa cither the con
stitution or laws of Colorado were violated.
To Collrttt IVrrlK U'licrl lloiiilN.
CHICAGO , Jan. 12. Foreclosure pro
ceedings were IIPMIU today iiRalnit iho
famoim Ferris wheel to collect ! : ! 00,000
paid to the Furrls Wheel company by the
holders of 200 bonds of the viiluo of 11,000
oneh. At the tlijiu of the Issuance of the
hnndx a trust deed wax given on the
wheel , Its Incumn and patents , ns a giiar-
anteo of the payment of the bonds and
tlui IntnrcHt thereon until their maturity
In Fubrtmry , IWW. It IH nllened that a
Brent deal of iho Interest Is unpaid and the
bonds were not redeemed at their ma
turity. The wheel Is now xtandlm ; In thla
clti- .
HriMviTM Aflrr Trmlt' In Orient.
SAN FRANPJSl'O , Jan. -Tho Kvenlng
Post Miiyw that a syndlcnlu of eiiHtern brew
ers Is planning to invade the locnl Held in
opposition to the locnl brewers' combina
tion. Tim growing trade with the Orient
has rauK-i-d eaxtern browen * to look upon
the coast with envious eyes. The tdilp-
incntp tn the Phlllpplneu nnd to c'hlnu havn
been enormous during the hurt year and the
eastern manufacturer * are plnnnluK the big
combination to brliiK them nearer ( o the
point of shipment. It U Hiild that the
capital stock of the WK concern will b
I'mf , Wlit'flvr .Score *
HAKTrOHD , Conn . Jan. IS.-I'rof
Arthur M. Wheeler of Yale m > olto In de
nunciation of the attitude of the Mrltlxh la
South Africa toward the Horn * In a lectuto
glvca In tic | South Hchoot Imll.
$25.00 Tailor-Made Ladies'
Suits 812.50
100 Tailor Made Suits , In the latest style ,
In covert cloth , ladles' cloth , Venetian and
mixtures , many silk lined throughout skirt
nnd jacket , In this clearing sale ut
83,50 Ladies' Gapes 98e
Choice of plain beaver or tooucle- double
capes , braided nnd edged with electric seal ,
on sale at . , , ,
Kid Knocked Down Four Timas in Second
Round by Westerner.
Win * ill Kn , | , , f Tlilrrt Iloniiil Clmyli-
skl'N JtiifkerN Claim Ktiult > llier
Mini Hoard Cioiizr ICnouk-Oiit
Ulinv After It llntifir.
NEW YORK , Jan. 12. Kid "McCoy " got
the decision over Joe Choynski in a bout
which lasted three rounds at the Broadway
Athletic club tonight. Choynski would have
had the fight in the second round were It
not for an accident as to timekeeping. He
had floored the Kid four times , but the
timekeeper pulled the bell as McCoy was
j counted for the limit of ten secon/ls and
this saved the Kid from nbsolute defeat.
Choynskl'a seconds protested vigorously ,
but Referee Johnny White , while knowing
that the round was short by many seconds ,
Btcod by the official timekeeper nnd or
dered the men to continue when the gong
rang again , for the opening of the third
Cboynskl'B clevorneos outpointed and out-
shadowed all of McCoy's clever ring work.
fltoCoy having- escaped defeat in the second
round was again lucky In the third , as the
blew with which he sent Choynski down
and out was delivered almost two seconds
after the bull had rang for the completion
of the round. There was a great deal of
noise In 'the ' building nt the time the gong
sounded and undoubtedly neither man
board the clang of the bell.
SiM'i'lnlor lro | > H Ucuil.
In the northeastern portion of the build
ing there was a tumult ! caused by one of
the spectators dropping dead. The man
was very much excited during the bout and
expressed himself freely as to .McCoy's .
being out before the bell rang. Ho slid
from his heat dead ns the bull sounded for
the beginning of the third round.
Colonel 'Mike Paddon , timekeeper for Jlc-
Coy , said afterward that ho roallzed that
the round was clipped by forty seconds ,
that McCoy was groggy and practically out
when the gong rung.
Choynskl , whllo feeling rather sore , said
ho had no fault to find with the rcferco
nml In a conversation with the latter ex
onerated White * from all blnmo.
"I had him licked goad nnd sure , " aaid
Choyaskl , "and hail tbo timekeeper acted
right I had McCoy out. However , I am
satisfied that nothing was done by either
the referee or olllclnl timekeeper with nn
livtentlon of doing me a wrong. It was nn
unfortunate thing that the time should have
boon miscalculated , ns I hud on nnd won
After Iho bout Choynski and McCoy
HlKneil articles to meet again under the
same conditions , the bout to taku place at
the Ilroadwny Athletic club February 20.
McCoy WOH a positive favorite in iho bet
ting. A few wagers wore * mailo at oddH of
100 to 30 , but there were many offers re
fused at 100 to 15. Kvon money that
Chnyiifklould last ten rounds waa plenti
ful. McCoy's backers made n number of
bets nt 100 lo 90 that McCoy would knock
his man out Insldo of ten rounds.
Danny Duan nnd George Jpnfcen , both of
this city , mot in the preliminary and Duun
stopped Jniifien In leas than two minutes In
the tlrot round. Duan was then pitted
against Jim McKcevcr for a six-round go
ul ratchwechta. Thin bout resulted In a
Tim spectator who died Is believed to
have been Myron S. Sabln of this city. tin
to the ppccUtora who sat near
Grand Closing Sale of All
All the silk and velvet lace trimmed
and fancy satin stock collars ,
many styles , worth up to
50c , go at 6c each
All the ladles' novelty neckwear made
of lace , silk and satin , in large bows ,
fancy silk ruffs , In all colors and black ,
in fact nil the finest neckweur that sold
up to $1.00 , In this sale at 25c each
$2.00 Imported Neckwear , 50c
All the high class imported neckwear
that sold up to $2 , Including all the very
latest novelties , silk , chlft'on. gauzes ,
liberty .cllk and satin , in. jabuaux , collars ,
etc. , black , cream and. colors , , In .UiJU
sale fro-at 50c each
him to bo very lilgh'ly excited over the
fight , and nt the enj of the second round
expressed tbo opinion 'that ' McCoy had been
counted out. 'The man to whom Sabln sat
next noticed that nt the sound ot the gong
for the third 'round Sabln leaned heavily
against him , and at the conclusion of the
fight , whoa he aroseto leave the buildIng -
Ing , Sabln fell to the lloor.
The Flulit li.v HoillidM.
Round 1 'McCoy was first to land with
n left hook on the jaw. Joe broke away
and McCoy forced him to his corner , where
Choynski slipped to the lloor. The Califor-
nlun jumped up quickly und placed a left
t-wlng on McCoy's jaw , but the Kid sent
back a couple of lefts on the face and a
stiff right over the heart. JlcCoy had all
the better of the round.
Hound S Choynski sent the Kid to
Hie lloor with n rlgrht on ihe jaw. McCoy
took nine seconds of the count and when he
got up Choynski sent him down again with
a left on the murk. Twice more McCoy
\vns floored nnd he went to his corner
bleeding badly from the nee nnd mouth.
Hound 3 McCoy fought Hl " a crazy man
when he rushed out of his corner , and
Choynski was equally erratic , lliey set nil
ring rules at dellnnce , but ( McCoy got the
better of the western man ai close quar
ters. Choynski rushed McCoy , but the
Kid was too spry on his feet nnd Joe
slipped to the lloor In a vain attempt to
land a swing. When Joe got up ho ran
Into n clinch , from which Iho referee had
to separate the men. Then Cnoynskl
landed a right pwlng on the jaw nnd Mc
Coy went down , taking nearly seven seconds
ends of the count. When McCoy got up
Choynski rushed at him , but his legs gave
way nnd he fell to the lloor , but regained
his feet in nn Instant. McCoy was quotr
In hla leg movement , but went In and
mixed It up. In a hot rally McCoy hooked
his right to the jaw , Choynski landing his
left at the same moment nnd both went
down. Just nsi they got up the men rushed
at each other and the bell rane while
they were mixing things up In lively fnah-
lon. Neither man evidently heard the gong
nnd McCoy whipped his right over on the
jaw and Choynsitl fell. Them were wild
trios of "Foul ! " " " '
"Foul ! us C'hoynskl W.IH
carried to his corner nnd the I'allforniun
wus unublu to respond when the bell called
him for the fourih.
Choynskl's seconds threw up the ppongo
as McCoy rushed from his corner for the
opening of the fourth round and McCoy
was declared the winner.
KlVf I'nIvi-rnIHCM Invllcil < < > I'nltr In
an Aniiiinl llcuii : 11 n.
NKW YORK , Jan. 12.-lntercollcglnto
rowing mutterH have taken n now turn in
the last few days , which will incroai-o In
terest In the association comprised of Co
lumbia , Pennsylvania nnd Cornell. It has
been decided to Invlto live universities to
wend crews to the. . annual reguttn and to
make it the American Henley. Tlmso In
vited are : AVIxconsin , Toronto , Drown ,
Syracuse and liowdoln.
If the Interest can be aroused not only
eights , but fours , doubles and diamond
sculls will participate In the I'oiighkeepslo
regatta , provided three entries nre re
ceived by May 15. That these universities
will accept seem1- assured , im Wisconsin
did HO last year an/1 lm Indicated lln In
tention of doing n < / again. Other than this
no had been received.
( " 'union will turn HH entire attention to
ward making the Poughkcepslo races a
All Kiitrli'K ( n CliiNo llnrcli 1 for till !
CHICAGO , Jan. VI. Xatlmnson of the
Hurlum and Lakeside Jockey clubs today
announced the stake lint for the uprliiK
meotlngs at I.nkenlde , May 10 to UO. All en
tries will cluHo ut midnight March 1. Fol
lowing Is the list :
Lakeside Three-year-olds and upward.
$1.0UO purse , one and onn-Plxteontii mlloH ;
Calumet , K-ycar-olds and upward , JI.WU
purse , oao mile.
Indiana handicap , 3-yenr-nlds and up
ward , J1M pnm1. six furlong * .
Whiting , 2-ycar-ulds , J1.600 purao , Ilvo far-
ItfMiliN ill I Iliiniiliuc 'I'rncl.-x ,
SAN' FHANCISCO , Jan. 12.-Wonther
clear ; track fust. Tnnforaa race results :
First race , threp furious : * , piirw , 2-year-
olds : Ilathgar won. Iiunfrco second , Car-
tonlan third. Time : 0:3o' . .
$5ecoml $ , j-lx ftirl.mni. purse : Si.
Cafclmlr won. Mountebank t-ecund , iJlomed
third Time 1 H
Third ruce , ono mile und an eighth , bell-
Ing : Opponent won , Topmast second ,
Scotch Plaid third. Time : 1:53 : 4.
Fourth race , live furlongs , selling : Sug-
den won , Esplrnndo second , Ann Page
third. Time : l:01U. :
Fifth race , one mile , selling : Duke of
York II won , Charles Lebel second , Credon
third. Time : 1:12 : % .
Sixth race , one mile and nn eighth , purse :
Surdonlc won , Dr. Marks second. Facade
third. Time : 1:55'4. :
NEW OULEANS , Jan. 12. Results :
First race , selling , six and one-half fur
longs : Agitator won. Water Crest second ,
; Wiggins third. Time : 1:2314. :
I Second race , six furlongs : Polly Ulxby
won , Major Manslr second , Sndle ISurnham
, third. Time : 1:17 : % .
I Third race. Felling , ono mile nnd seventy
i yards : Atlaatus won , Joe Doughty second ,
i Phidiar third. Time : 1:49. :
j Fourth rnce , selling , ono mile nnd seventy
ynrds : Uhlers won , Tom Klngsley second ,
Forbush third. Time : 1:43',4. :
Fifth race , selling , seven furlongs : Junn-
ettn won. Uright Night second , Sister Fox
third. Time : 1:31. :
Conrllaiiil Cun Club Slioot.
COHTLAND , Neb. , .Inn. 12. ( Speclnl Telei
gram. ) At n meeting of the Cortland Oun
club this afternoon Wnddington won first
nnd second events , with Knlns second. In
the third event Ilalns was first nnd Wad- '
dlngton second. The live bird match between - '
tween Alvord and Kartley was won by the
Poor KlKb < t CIilciiKH.
CHICAGO , Jan. 12. Perry Queenaa of
Milwaukee nnd Otto Sleloff of Detroit |
fought n six-round draw nt the Fort Dear-
'born Athletic club tonight. The fight was ! I
one of the poorest seen here In many a |
day. No damage wn.s done to either man.
Princeton Will Bnter n Team.
PRINCETON , N. J. , Jan. 12. Princeton
will enter a relay tenm in the Indoor games I
of the Knickerbocker Athletic club , which
will be held In N w York on February 10.
Captain Cregun has not yet chosen the
men who will compose the team.
\llllonill SKiitlnu ; ItnrcN.
NI'JU'IH'RGH. N. Y. . Jan. 12-Thp na
tional fdcatlng rnccs will be held on DownIng -
Ing park lake , Newburgh , January 20 and
27. The entries close January SI.
Ovpriliii * St ( nintr
POIITLAND , Ore. , Jan. 12. The nrltl h
steamship Elm Branch , ono week
1 overdue at this port , has been sighted off
I Cape Flattery In distress. Tim Pacific Ex-
I port Lumber company , which ban the
, Htcamor chartered , received 11 dispatch to
day from Port TowtiKOnd , stating that the i
Elm Ilranch had boon sighted ut ea with I
Its propeller gone. Two tugH were neat J
, from Port TowiiFcnd to take It In tow i
nnd it Is thought they will have no dlfll-
| rulty la picking up the disabled steamer
i nnd bringing it In.
Ynlf .Hen ttiilrrtulii lludlcy.
, KANSAH CITY , Mo. , Jan. 12-Prof.
Arthur T. Hadloy , president of Ynln unl- ,
I verslty , and Mrs. Hndloy , were entertained
by the Yale men of Kansas City todny.
Prof. Hadley delivered an address to the
students of Central Illsh school this morn
ing , and this afternoon a reception In honor ,
of Prof , and Slrn , Iladloy wus held at the '
, CouteH house. The local Yule Alumni asso-
elation guvc a banquet this evening In
honor of the visiting president , after which
i Prof , and Mrs. Hudley departed for St.
j Louis.
I 'I'll r I'ncrlo Itlco Tolincco ,
CINCINNATI. Jan. 12. The New Eng
land Tobacco Growers' association nt ItH
annual meeting thlx v/i-ck protested (
against the ndmlfHfnn of I'uorto Hlco u
Injurious to the leaf tobacco Interests of
this country. The Tobacco Plant tomor
row will nny : "Tho amount of cigar
wrappers , that Is good wrappers , grown on
llm Island of Puerto Itlco , Is small com
paratively , and there IH no reason why the
New England growers should fear this
competition. "
MiiHiiin'riiilf Hull.
A grand prize muxiiuernde ball was
given Friday rilirlil by li. & M. camp ,
Woodmen of the World , In the Woodmen's
Imll , Sixteenth and Capitol avenue. About
ISO couples were present. The ovonlng was
pleasantly xpont In dancing. Prlzcu were
awarded to the matt original costumca.
HEUTSJMAN-Alleo Marie , only dnu hter
and child of Dr. nnd Mrs. J. F. Hertz-
man , January 12 , 1900. at S o'clock p. in ,
uged 10 ymirN G months nnd 3 days
Funeral from re'ldemc. DIG Nurih Six
teenth ftrcet Nntlco of name lultr FrlciUa
All the odd lots of rorsels. Includ
ing Loomer's steam moulded , and several
other well known braiulP , lace trimmed , ex
tra well made , regular prke 75c , go at
l > arge bargain table piled high with ladles
nnd children's fast black hose , made full
senmless In plain nnd derby ribbed , worth
15c , so at Cc pair
Boys' nnd girl's heavy ribbed fast black
full seam less pchool hose , worth
up to 2oc , all sizes , go at
Immense lots of Ladies' plain black and
fancy lisle thread hose , a great variety
ot styles and patterns , worth up to 75c , go
at 2oc nalr
Men's medium and Heavy weight part
wool hose , nil sizes , go nt
7'/jC pair
All the mlssep' , children's nnd boys' nat
ural gray nnd camel's hair vests , pants
and drawers , all sizes up to 31 ,
go at IQc each
Immense lots of Indies' medium and
heavy weight Jersey ribbed vests and
pants in ecru nnd natural color ,
on nule nt 15c each
All the perfect fitting union suits In medi
um and heavy weight , natural gray and
turquoise , made to button across the chest ,
worth 7Sc , go at 39o each
Ivfturc Kfcltnl by Mine. D'Krtiin
and 31 r. Vonliiiu ill Crcluh-
(011 Hull.
The presented by Mine , llosa
d'Erlna and Mr. G. R. Vontoin at Creighton
hall Friday evening fully justinol Its title
and those who attended enjoyed "An Even
ing 'with ' the Poets and Bards of Erin. "
Jluslc-iovlng Omaha , irrespective of na-
| tionallty , turned out generously and was
well repaid for its trouble.
The entertainment was described ns a
"Song lecture recital. " Each number wni
preceded by a 'brief ' explanatory introduc
tion. These talks went into the legend *
nnd traditions of ancient Ireland. Many
of those presunt were surprised to learn j
that there is such a thing as n Hibernian
mythology , but it seems that quite a nurns
i ber of the old ballads of Erin are based
upon myths of the Tenth century and even
, " \Vo can novcr defeat Ireland so long
as she has her minstrels , " Queen Elizabeth
both is reported to have said.
"Oh , hang the minstrels ! " exclaimed bes-
prime minister.
"An Inspiration ! " the queen responded
with fervor. "Wo will hang them. "
And she issued an order to that effect.
But enough of them escaped the gibbet , It
seems , to preserve the nation's songs in
all their genius and tenderness.
Mr. Vontom has a plewiant voice nnd ,
while not remarkable for range , has Bev
ornl notes of exquisite melody. Mine.
d'Erlna's voice Is a rich soprano , full , clea >
and powerful. She plnyed accompaniments
upon the piano and organ.
Kuclld Milrlln IN Kli-elcil lo Hit * I'ri-H-
lilrncy of Hie Commercial
Cluli for 1110(1. (
At the meeting f the new board of ell-
rectors of the Commercial club in the Board
of Trade room Friday night Kuclld Martin ,
who served during the year Just closed ns
chairman of the executive committee of the
club , wan elected president of the club for
the cnsulns year. Alfred Mlllard was reelected -
elected treasurer. In the vgte upon the ne-w-
executive committee thirty-two ballots
were cast and the following were elected :
K , 13. Ilruce , II. S. Weller , H. J. Penfold , C.
II. Plckens , C. S. Ilnyward , W. S. Wright ,
J. 13. Ilnuin , H. .M. Andrcescn , J. S. White ,
G. W. LInlngcr , A. Hospe , John Steel , Victor -
tor Caldwell , K. 13. Androww , M. C. Peters ,
F. 13. Sankorn , W. M. liurgcss , K. V. Lewis ,
J. F. Carpenter , J. H. Dumoiit , R. C. Pe
ters. W. S. Poppleton , C. I ) , Thompson. R.
F. Hodgln and W. W. Umstcd. On Monday
evening will occur the annual banquet of the
club , and on Tuesday nt n Joint mooting
of Iho new nnd old executive committees the
chairman of the now committee will bo
.Indue IH l.i'iili'ill tvllli the Pali- Pris
oner , Itcci'iill.v from a Colorado
lllNIIIM' AM ) Illlll ,
Ho gave his name us Anthony Thleman
and as ho stood up tall before Police Judge
Gordon the court frequenters weie Ira
pressed by his muscular apptarance. whi > li
harmonized strangely with the pallor ot
his face.
"You are charged with begging on the
KtrocU. Guilty or not guilty ? "
"I don't know , your honor. I've been
a hit dazed si nee I got In town , two day
UKO. "
"A bit what ? "
"A bit quctr-like " And ho tapped hl
fcn-bea 1
1 LCI me tee ) uur buudu. lluiiifb' i' < ot' a *
Chance to
at your
own price ,
Saturday H
the clay , ami at
tllo prices pine-
, , ocl on this line ,
every article should go before closing
'holco of nny colored felt hat In
nir stock , value Ul > to f2M ,
All bluek velvet hats BO at
, T"c each , worth $1.)0
nnd K.CO
Fur felt Fedoras nnd Walking-
Huts' all colors , regular price J1.50
and f""a. cut to Toe each
I'lmlct1 of any colored fancy feath
er In our stock at Kc , marked
fi.'in J2 to J3.GO
Your i hulco of 203 stylish trimmed ha'S
iiixMi'il Into Ints nt the following asti itlsh-
Injjly low price ; ' .
ISO H.US marked Jl.tW. Jo.OO nnd i
S'i' ' ' . so at $1.00
A > \ choice pattern hats nnd mod
els , marked i ? . JS. J10 nml J12 ,
BO at } l'.50 each
Grand Clearing Sale of
Thousands of dozen ladles' and cent's
plain white and fancy colored bordered
hemstitched , i-heer cloth , handkerchiefs -
kerchiefs , regular price up
to 20i , go at 3Vjt
All the ladles' und gent's pure Irish linen ,
wide .ind narrow bordered , hemBB I
stlti'hed handkerchiefs , that were fl I
slightly muffed , worth up to
2."ic , go at "Vic
One largo bargain square with nil the
finest Swiss embroidered and embroidered
hemstitched handkerchiefs , also line linen
embroidered handkerchiefs that
were left from our Holiday sales
that s.-l'l up to Me each , all
go nt 15c each
a taby's. And your skin Is as white as a
baby's. What do you do for a living ? "
"I haven't been able to work any for
several years. I was just golug to get out
of town when "
"Xot able to work ! You're as strong
as an ox stronger than any policeman In
this room ! Where did you come from ? "
"From Pueblo , Colo. I was In the lnsan
asylum there. "
"An attendant ? "
"Xo , a patient. "
The judge looked down the aisles , then
at the windows , as If calculating on a
means of escape. Then very softly he ad
dressed the prisoner :
"You nro discharged , " ho said. "And
if you make another attempt to get out
of town you'll not be interrupted. "
CHy Committee FIjii-H It f r ] . > l > riiiiry
It , mid Hip I'rliunrlt'N Hie 1're-
Cfdliifr liny.
The populist city central committee met
Friday night at the rooms of the Peter
Cooper club with
twenty members prcs-
orX. The npportionmcnt was fixed nt nlno
delegates from each ward. The conven
tion set for February 3 at 2 p. ai. In
the rooms of the Peter Cooper club and
the primaries will occur in the various
wards the preceding day. Steps were token
for getting the twenty notices of the callIng -
Ing of the primaries required by law posted
up today inthe various wards. The time
Intervening between today nnd the data of
the election , 'March ' fl , Just leaves time for
giving the required noKco of the primaries
ami the holding of the convention thirty
days before election. Steps were also taken
to secure from the city clerk the lids of
voters registered In the various wards for
ueo nt the primaries.
Old I't'otilt * Mnilt ! A'oiinjj ,
J. ( ' , Sherman , the veteran editor of the
Vermontvlllo ( Mich. ) Kcho , has discovered
the remarkable secret of keeping old people
young. For years ho has avoided Nervous
ness , Sleeplessness , Indigestion , Heart
trouble , Conotlpatlon and Rheumatism , by
using Kloctrlc Hitters and ho writes : "H
can't bo praised too highly , It gently stimu
lates tile kidneys , tones the atomaca , aids
digestion , and gives a splendid appetite. H
has worked wonders for my wife nnd mo
It' a marvellous , remedy for old penplt-'fl
complaints. " Only 60o. nt Kuhti & Co.'s
drug store ,
Charles Hrtlililns , charged with atleaniMng
to stnb Pollco Olllcer Anton Inda December
K , was dlHcharKod Friday afternoon after n.
preliminary hearing In police court.
MlKs Viola collin. secretary of the chfl
service board , Is showing her friends a
Lafnyctio dollar , which she thinks Is tha
( list ono to rench Omaha. The face of the
oln contain * prolleH ! of WiiHliing-ton nnd
L.ifayettc and Iho reverse Lafayette on
horseback. Fifty thousand of the coins
wen- minted by the government nnd sold
for ? . ' ouch fur the purpoun of nBidstliig the
children of the I'nltetl States lo eruit a
statue of LafnyettB la Paris.