Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 13, 1900, Page 11, Image 11

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AdvortU Miiciit for tliono column *
will lie ( nkrit until 12 ni , for ( lie
rvcnlim oilltloii mill until Hlltl ) p. lit ,
for morning unit Muiulny fdlllim.
Itati'N , 1 l-'Jo nv ird ilrnt limcrlloiil
la aonl Ihereftfter. .NothliiK tnUuii
for ICIIH til n li uric : fnr ttie ( I rut Inner-
lion. ThuHiiiilvurtlHviuciKii niunt l > c
run uoiiKvuiitlvol ) ' ,
AilvertlKer * , h > - reiuicMlnic " " < -
bpred check , can litur unsworn ml-
ilrcMacd to li numbered teller In onrc
of Tin ; lire. AiinrH o iiililreaneil
Mill bo delivered oil iircxcnfntlon of
tin * cheek oiilj.
A STENOGRAPHER. When you want ono
ly-/0' *
please call ut > the Remington - 1673. }
ulllce , 1613 Farnam street , telephone "
AN "experienced teacher wishes n.
clnsc , rcl-
us private tutor In family or
eroiicos exchanged. Addrusa L Ji
\o \ work for board yRo
WANTED. Placeo
to school. Address L' 4S. Uco. A-/ )
LADY nurse , competent. reliable , would go
out of city ; references. U
II 111.1' .
WANTED. We Imvo sendy work for atcw
hustlers of good hub U and appear-
unco.C. . F. Adams Co. , 161D Howard St.
i -lK U
WE TEACH the harbor trade
In Bhort time nnd furnish each T.n .
at good wages.
with ft guaranteed position
barber P ° s' ' < l ° ns
. than ten
There nro more Bhort. ;
advertised to ono at bookkeeping
hand. Wrlto for free analogue- and par
' ' " " " "
tlculars. W.estcrn Barbers'
Omaha.i " 'i/ ' , ' -
' ' ' 1C pat
CASH for'.iitfc'isntriblei.Idens'i Slnto
ented. Address ThO Tttlont Record. Baltimore
0- " " " 3
timore , Mch , - - y
AN Intelligent young man to take a short
hand scholarship and pay for It when he .
htiM finished -tho e.oursu nnd secured a po.
sltlon. Address T.S ! . ' . Bee. . H-anis _
BOYLES ; College. Bee Bldg. ; furnlshef
places for students who dotdro It to worn
for board while 'In nttenflanco.B5T7
3 picture agents , expenses paid. 181Q Leav
B 590 J-U
WANTED , paint salesmen to work or
commission basis ; only those with expcri.
enco nnd references need apply. 1212 Iar -
' B-602
nam St.
AVANTKD , manager and agents ; salary 01
commission ; cheapest nnd largest line
Hunter Tailoring and Shirt Co. . Clncln-
natl. O. D-M14C A7 *
WANTED , , men to learn barber trndo ; MX
positions at. J60 monthly waiting om
graduates ! ilew field ; cnn-enrn tuition
two inrtnttiR complete ; nil informntloi
with handsome 1'MO souvenir mailed free
Jloler Barber college , Chicago , 111.
FIRST-CLASS bill clerk by wholesali
house ; none but experienced men with A
references need apply. Address T15. ! . Bee
B M203 13 *
ACTIVE men nnd Wom6n 'everywhere t (
take orders for "Jylfc of Moody , " the grea
evangelist. Sells at wight. Sample enab
ling you to make from $3 to $7 dally , bj
mall free on reiiuost. - Address Olobi
Bible Ptib'g Co. , 723 Chestnut St. . Phlla
dclphla , Pa. U-M226 11'
STRAIGHT salaried traveling Job awnlti
you. Triumph Information Co. . Dallas
Text D-M21S
_ _
AVANTED , first-class coachman. Anpl ;
617 So. ISth St. H-2. > H
SALESMEN to scH.onicq Specialties ; llni
vsldi1 Tinea ; UHed lJ"all m'tfrchanls ; catalog
Irffi ; Model MfgrCo. . . Box Jl.South Bend
Inil.'j ; ' . * % . ' ' < , , . , fi-M2ll F12
vtJ , 4 ' 3 238 13
Dodg'e. Tel.-87B.- '
AN IntolllgcntSlKaSjJi tq tAo'va < 'shorih"anj
scholarship ? and -iipftyv ; for , 'lt when" ( ih
finishes the edit rap. nnd'secures n posi
tlon. Address T 33 , care Ben. C 11417
0 girls wanted. Canadian ofllco 1522 Dougla
' - C-33S-F5
_ _
ROOD girl for general housework. 833 N
2Gth st. . C M207 13
WANTED. 3 good lady solicitors ; gooi
money. Apply 211 N. ISth st. C M2W 14 *
COMPETENT girl for general housework
small family ; good wages. Apt. 1 , Th
Wlnona , Dewey nnd S. 26th ave.
' ' ' C-M231 1 1
WANTED , two ( Irst-class general binder1
srlrlH.-Tho W. H. Kistlor Stationery Coi
Donyer'ColO. ; . . C
AVANTKD , a cook at 2003 Sherman nve
, , . C-MSS * !
WANTRD.'glrl'fnr hollFOWorlc. Mrs.'Dough
ortj' , 101 South First street. Council Bluffs
C-M23I 14
A\AM'KD. reliable .woman to do oooklns
Ajiplv at ilS'l South filh street. Counn
Bluffs. C M2I7
"WAITED.ilhdy .canvassiir. well dressed , f
" 'V'.Y11 ' * ? , fo"1 ilovlcp for making fancy wor
w'li.fillk. zephyr or Saxony yarns or rugt
Will turnlsh the above free , give her ul
the money , pay iicr traveling nnd hole
i'xienscs. and to assist him In nleght-ol !
handBrough ; th6 Iowa magician teacho
of magic faml Inventor of the above tie ,
vlcp ) . Call on or address A. J. llroiifl
ppwcy hotel parlor. C M2I5 13 *
IF yOU-xvahf 'Woll '
your housn.s rente
place them with Bunawa & Co. D 610
CHOICE housoH , cottages , stores ilonr
U. Payne. 001 N. y. Life. 'Phono. 1016
CHOICE rcsldrnce , 12 rooms ; now steal
heating apparatus excelltnl coiidltloii
good Htablo ; fully modern. L'Tih iimi jnc | .
HOU stroctH. BomlB , 1'axton block.
; iOUSKS. ptorcn. , Bemls , Paxton block
Van 'Storage. 1CI6
FOII BENT , houses In all parts of eit\
The O. , F. Pavla Co..1003- lrnam MIVOI
HOUSES for' rent In all parU of the cm
nrommn-Love Co. , SOS So. lath Blrnot
_ . . ' D 04(5 (
ilOUHES for renl J. It , Shnrwpod. 41 N
Y. Lift.'piioiis' . ; . b-cjf
irOUSBS to rent. Palterson , 305 N. v. ujf ,
VKOOJI elegant nnarlments In Normandli
J.l5.00ir6-room'aHr moderif rdtta'go. 'mnvl
imporc'd and In line shnpp , $23.n , . Wo hnv
ninny 'otluTB. Payne-ICnos Co. , in flee
N. Y. Ufa nidg. D4
MOUSE for rent at'llS2 ' Park ave. , all ntoii
ern. Apply 2130 So. 33d SI. Tel. 12"7
' ' D-157
| _ _
roil KENT , dculrablii houses and llnti
HlnKwall. Barker blocH. D-C4S
roil BENT , 8-rnoni hoin > e. all modern cor
vcnlenres. onpaHlto Ilanscoin park. IS :
Park ave. Inquire 2130 S. 33rd or tel <
phone 1227. _ ' ' DMlfli
4-HOOM'.houap. 2 < 12 Davenport St. . line n
pair ; , \yater Inside , J10.00. D-D3
Six-room house , modern. 520 } N. sstiiTs
, D-315-F-W
OWNER'leavlnii'Vltv ' ' 'wsne'x ! to rent to di
xlrable pardon hl liume , an 8-room IHHIS
modern oxoept furnacci.would leave hen
Inir ( < tovc'H if iloulreil ; all In ilr < t-"hi s coi
dltlon nnd location Al. " 1C N" aril hi
D-MS8 H *
NICE room * at 314 S. :6th st.
st.1JMEC2 Fob2
FURNISHED rooms , housekeeping. ! 053 S
Mnry's. E-MU5 ii
LA HOE room , modern. 23SO Harney St
FOR RENT , nlcelv furnished room , uoutl
rn exposure , iloi 3 etrett , South Omnh
E-Mi06 17 *
Fl ItMSIlKD 114)0.113 AM ) HOARD.
THE Merrlam family hotel , th nnd Dodge.
CIS S , 13T1I. desirable rooma and board.
_ _ F M2SGJU *
TO 2 gentlemen , In private family. 2"29 Bt.
Mary'n Ave. F M59S
Fl KNMSHED rooms nnd board. 2fliDo R-
ROOM and board , (4 and to. 1512 Davenport.
F MSR3 Feb2
VERV deslrablo sulto of rooms , nlso one
south mom. 212 S , Zilh at. F MStS
IOOMS nn < l bonrd. 313 8. 26th Bt.
_ _ F-lll 11 *
DESIRABLE south rooms , with board ;
steam. 202 N. mh st. F-M211 15 * I
UTOPIA South room ; steam heat. 1721
Davenport 9t. r 213-17 *
FOR HUNT , store In first class location ;
rent reasonable. Apply U. C. Peters &
Co. , ground lloor , Ueo Uldg. 1 268
KOII KENT. n ground floor omcc , specially
sultablo for real estate , etc. , splendid
vault built for use of rlty treasurer. Ap
ply H. C. Peters & Co. , ground door , Hcc
Building. 1 267
FOR RENT , brick warehouse , two floors ,
each 60x90 fcot ; power elevators ; U. P.
trneknge. Apply Hnarnmnn Ilro , Iflll
CAPABLE men and women can make peed
wages polling our "Quick Meal Cooker
and Heater , " or "Quick Klndlcr. " ( Sub
stitute for kindling and coal. > Agents al
lowed liberal commission nnd exclusive
territory. Write for particulars. Bon-
nm Manufacturing Co. , 131 Van Huron
St. , Chicago. J-S3S
AOENTS on salary or commission ; Hit
grimiest agents' Holler over produced
'oVery user of r on and Ink buys It or
sight' ; 200 to r > oo tier cent nrotlt ; oiu
agent's sales amounted to JC20 In six days ;
another $32 In two hours. Monroe Mfg
Co. , x Ifi , La Prossc. WK J M239 11 *
PACIFIC Storage and Wniehouse Co. , 912.
911 Jones , general storage and forwarding
ALL kinds of household goods , hotels , etc.
In largo or small quantities. Chicago Fur
niture Co. , 140C-10 Dodge. Tel. 2020.N6S6
purchase a limited number ol
Omaha Savings Bank accounts. Brennan-
Lovu Co. . 219 S. 16th St. -N-657
WANTED , to buy , a restaurant outfit. Peo-
pie's Store , ICth and Farnam. N M249
WANTED , an S-room modern house am
lot east of 21st street , between Clurk am
Chicago streets ; bargain for cash O. C
Olson , 1701 Farnam St. N-23fi 13
WANTED , pigeons , $1.10 .per dozen paid foi
nld birds delivered In Omaha within li
days. H. S. McDonald , 1311 Farnam St.
Omaha. N 237 IV
JEFFERSON Square 2nd hand store. Fur
nlturo & stoves bought & sold 116 N. Ifitli
O-1BO-F-7 *
GOOD hack , new wheels , $ SO , 6 pass , rub
ber-tlred rockftway , first-class condition
JI50. Light rockaway , $185 , painted. Llgh
rockawuy , $ .135 , jiatnted. 4 family car
rlagcs , 3 phaetons , G good top buggies
Drummond Carriage Co. , ISth and Home ;
P-S28 J30
TOP BITCJGY'for sale , In good-condition
40 , Dec. P-M1&0
CHEAP , tpp phaeton. 220D North 13th St
P 216 F-10'
T . . ' < 1 _ . _ . .
GOOD horse for sale. 1121 N. 19th.
P M243 II *
FOB SAljE , 'several work horses and mule
cheap. Fidelity Oil Co. , South 20th and 13
P. Hv. P M240 13 *
to order. Kelley & Heydcn. Q659
CHEAPEST'and best oak cribbing and hoi
fences. 01 Douglas St. Q-662
CUTTERS of drug prices. Sherman & Me
Council Drug Co. , 1513 Dodge St. Q 66D
FOR SALE , ten U-I-P-A-N-S for 5 cents n
druggists. One gives relief. Q-CG4
B. HAAS , Florist , 1S13 Vlnton St , Tel. 77f
Plants , cut flowers , boquols , hall , rcsl
dence , wedding nnd grave decorations
Orders by mall or express promptly illlcd
INDIAN relics ; mounted heads. 1116 Fnrnar ,
2D-HAND safe cheap. Derlght , 1116 Farnam
SAFES. Buy. sell , exchange. 114 S. 13lh St
FOR SALE , new nnd 2d-hand soda foun
tains ; monthly- payments , s. B. Rich
mon-1. P. O. Box 5,7. Q-M212 J13 *
FOR SALE , the ccloDrntPrt Wilbur Fooi
for fattening stock ; enough feeds to las
nnp animal 1.600 days for $ 3.00 ; satlsfac
tlon jruarantped. II. A. Hill , state ngonl
Orand Island , Neb. Q-233 J13
THE only rarrlnce heater or foot warme
worth buying. Prlco $4.50. Drummond Cc
Q-S27 J30
START now to buy your now wheel , $1.C
down , $1.00 a week : call and get full par
tlcularc. Omaha Bicycle Co Q M599
COMPELLED to sacrifice brnutlfnl Jl (
Hnrdman piano. Address U 15 , Bee oflln
. Q MS5S
Odell $ K. <
Hammond 15. (
Franklin 20. <
Bllnc'lfensderfor 52. !
'Smith-Premier ' 35. (
Remington , No. 2 30. (
llninlngton. No. 2 33. (
Hnrney. Q-200-16
F'RST-CLASS unrlght EmeMon pliino an
bedroom xt > t. Call afler 6 p , m. IRIS Ha :
noy , room 1. Q M212 17 *
FRESH cowc nnd springers , .lamoi Whf
Ian , Bin nnd Grace. 0 M1C2 15 *
GOOD horse and row ; call aflrr .1. D. W
TlllnlEon. 2723 Ohio. O M1R1 15 *
A 2-STORY frame building. 32x71 , wit
brick basemi-nl and Piiglno room , totrothc
with 30 horse nowcr onglno nnd bollei
Just Iho thing for small mnmif.ictnrlnc
ehoap. or will pxclninv'p for house nnd lc
i-losn In. Address T' 47 , Bee. Q M222 14
KOR SALE , cheap , -small stock of croeker
ami glarswnre. Inqulro' 131S Fnrnnm si.
I Q-M2I4 13
PES , two live-foot double deck i :
combination cigar canes and counter ; aln
small cmh register. 421 North 2Mi !
South Omaha. Q M2I2 11 *
NOTICE , country dealers. 2d-hnnd furnllnr
.t ulovea at lowest prices , cimu.ul lots c
less. Chicago Furn'.turc Co. , 141W-10 Dodgi
SKW1NO machlncn to renl , 75c ner wcel
Nebraska Cycle Co. , 15th and Harney.
R-M217 Fll
MH8. FRITZ , clairvoyant , S03 N. ICth.S671
MME. GYLMER genuine palmist. 1605 Dodu
S 07-
VUCNNA fortune teller , 18 years here. 11 ;
Howard. 8-905 14 *
MME. PALMER , spiritual medium , 16 ;
Dodge. 8 175 IS *
MRS. BERRY , batha. massage. PARLOR
best equipped III city , porcelain tub , lad
uttendunla. 119 No , ICth , 2d tloor.
Franxes De Scutorlous of K. C. 107 X. I2t1
MISS EVA VANCE nnd Olndlus Warren ,
formerly employed nt 119 N. 11th , will
open bnth parlor * Jan. is In Wlthne.ll
block ; porcelain tub. cabinet nnd electric
baths ; parlors strictly modern.
T-M233 IE *
SLME. AMES. R. 2. B07S. 13 ; mas-tago baths.
T-931 FS
KL1TE PARLORS , 615 S. 16th. upstairs ;
flrsl-clats baths , magnetic treatment.
Lady attendant * . T-930-1& *
MME. SMITH , room 2 , 11SH N. 15lh.
T-M121 13
BEATRICE HARLOW , elegant massage
tub bath ; Arabian treatment. Flat D. 701
S. 16th T MISS ID *
MAY WILSON , bath , massage. 619 S. 1Cth.
ELITE PARtjORS. 61S S. 16th , upstairs ;
llrst-clnss ha'hs ' , mngnellc treatment.
Lady attendants. T 247 22 *
V1AVI la woman's way to health. 346 Bee
Bldf ? . U 673
SHAMPOOING 23n , hair dressing 25c ; hair
and toilet goods , best equipped. Monhelt ,
1518 Farnnm. U 074
PRIVATE hospital for ladles before & dur
ing confinement ; babies adopted. 1136 N. 17.
U 076
MONHEIT. lending chiropodist. 1518 Far-
_ _ imm. 2d lloor. U 675
SCALP & iur | emen. Mmo. Post. IJljn
o. 16th. U u77
LIEBEN. costumer. 1313 Howard. Get
catalogues. U 67S
lEs.'Mrs. Sack , 3318 So. 20th ; cata-
. is *
u M-w
DR. ROY , chiropodist ; corns removed , 25c
nnd upward. Iloom 12 , Frenzer block.
U 679
RUPTURE cured , no knife , no pain , no
aanger. Send for circulars. Empire Rup
ture Cure , 932 Now York Life buH'Mmf.
Omaha. v MS42
° ° i9D lnrKeharn , for rent In north part of
city. Inquire 2124 Locust. U 103
PLEATING and pleated skirts of nil kinds ,
M. Goldman & Co. , 200 Douglas block.
U-231 Fll
Jl.OOO and upwards to loan on Improved city
property nnd farms , W. Fnrnam Smith
& Co. , 1320 Fnrnam. W 6SO
MONEY to loan on Nebraska and Iowa
farms ; lowest rates. Brennan-Love Co. ,
309 S. 13th , Omaha. W-6S1
$100 TO 52,000. F. D. Wcad , 16th nnd Douglas
WANTED , city nnd farm loans ; also bonds
and warrants. R. c. Peters & Co. , 1702
Fnrnam St. , Boo Dldg. W 6S3
RITE us If you want n loan-on your farm
In Iowa , eastern Neb. or Mo. ; It will pay
you. Anthony Loan & Trust Co.,315 N.Y.L.
$111,000,000 to Invest through Bankers ,
Brqhers , Promoters ; sent for circular.
Investors' Directory , N. Y. W CS3
P. PER CENT money. Bemls. Paxton block ,
MONEto loan on flrst-class Improved city
properly or for building purposes. Payne-
Knox Co. , X. Y. Life. W-6S7
5 , OVi , 6 per cent loans In Omaha. S. Omaha.
\ \ . II. Thomas , 603 1st Nat. bank. Tel. IRIS
to loan at n and 514 per cent on
Omaha property. W. B. Mcikio , 401 So. istli
MONEto loan on Improvqd Omaha real
estate. Brennan-Lovo Co. , 309 South 13th
JVJJ per cent ; farm loans. Chas. E. Wil
liamson , . W 691
PRIVATE money , low rnt , no delav.
Gnrvln Bros. . 1C13 Fnrnam St. iv 149
to loan on '
We chnrgo nothing for making papers and
wo nrranEo the time and payments tr
suit you. nnd every dollar pad bach
Tel. 2295. 306 S. 16th St
X MS43
MONEY loaned salaried people holding permanent -
manent position with responsible concern"
upon their own names without security"
easy payments. Tolmnn , 706 N. Y. L Bide
MONEY loans on furniture , rigs , bicycled
diamonds , watches , etc. ; payment un
known to friends. Omaha Loan Bank I4i (
Farnam1 , . - |
MONEY loaned on pianos , furniture , horses
cows. Jewelry. Duff Green , R. 8 , Barker bin
MONEY loaned on furniture , pianos , lew.
olry , etc. , unknown to friends ; monthu
payments ; half rates. Bergers' Loan Co
140S Farnam. over drug store. X 636
made to salaried
LOANS people
on theh
personal note without security ; ratUrpn
sonnblo. J. W. Taylor. 218 First Nan hk
bl.lg. . 12 to 6:15 p. m. X-69S
MONEY loaned on pianos , furniture low.
elrv , horses , cow ? , etc. C. F. Heed 319 q
13th. X-600
ployed in Omnhn , South Omaha nm ,
Council .Bluffs , hnfolnir good poslUons Sr
thp'r ' own names. NO MORTGAGE-
TERMS , everything prlvntp ; money
be paid back In small weekly or mo
tsAmcr'can ' L
ward to a nrlcd people , holding pcrmV
nrnt positions In OMAHA. SOITTI !
note , without
personal endorsement o
mortgngo. All applications treated Jr
conndrnro Loans can bo pni | , ALL or ir
Room lift. Bonrd of Trada bldg. X-MMJ
MONEY to loan on furniture , pianos
hori-es. cown , otc. J. W. Taylor , 21S Firs
Nnt'I hlc. bldg. 12 to 6:15 : p. m. X-702
holding permanent noBltlons on their owr
nam without Piidnrscr or mortRage
EST RATER. No Innulrlcs madn of em
ployer or friends. Yon can borrow an :
amount nnd rprmy In ensv weekly 01
monthlv iinympnts Before borrow'ne SPI
ii . Omaha Credit Co. , sulto 625-521 ! N Y
Llfp. B'dc X 701
goods , clothing , storks bools nnd shoos
hardware , drugs nnd groceries Biocki
lornled In nil parts of Nebraska. Iowa
Dakoln. and Missouri. If you want to buj
< ir iniili' ! < > ! ' a Htock o ( goods wn cai
locate. If you want to sell your goods o ;
property wo can find n buyer for you
Write or call on us for what you want
Hotel ! ' for oalo or trndu. Merahandisi
Broker. 202 Karbach blk. Y 703
I A DESIRABLE old-established cash busl
ness. Owing to falling health 1 havi
concluded to retire from business ani
offer my stock of groceries , tinware , mea
nnrkot , Hour and feed for sale. If yet
want n ilenlrablo business Investlgau
Bartlett Grocery Co. , COO and 602 Broad
way. Council llluffa. Y-M62S J23
FOR SALE , good will , location and mil
. I llnery goods In good live town with tlm
' country around ; only millinery store li
town ; husbands territory us BuU'wmai
chanced the reason for Belling. Ixick Bo :
323. Mitchell , S. D XT i"1 14 *
MY HOTEL furniture for nalo cheap. I
taken Boon. F. Jcger , Crulg , Neb.
Y-M2I9 11'
FOR EXCHANGE , 160-ncro well Improvei
! farm for stock clothing and gentB' fur
nlshlng gooda or groccrloti. For par
tlculars ndiirosa lock box 13. Sheltnn
Nob. K-Mya 15
.GOOD I'lablts and rood cure , 'Phone 1051
J , W. Pfaelps , 207 N. Y. Life. 22S-F11 *
for KENT. First lloor N. Y. Llfo Bids.
A 11AROA1N Four acres , 40th and Pacific ;
two bl.cks from cnr line , on belt rail
road , } 2,6W , ny terms. McCnguo in
vestment Co. . 1506 Dodge HE 709
IF YOU have a bargain to offer In real
estate see S. A. Broadwcll , 501 N. Y. Lift
Uld . RE-7W
FOR QUICK returns on bargains only sec
S. A. Broadwell , 601 N. Y. Life Bldg.
RE-ni ;
_ _
HOfSES , lots , farms , lands , loans ; ale fire-
Insurance. Bemls. Paxtoji bik , RK-To ;
FOR BARGAINS everybody B s to S. A. .
Broadwell , 601 N. Y. Life llldc.UE
UE 704
NOTHING but bargains handled by S4 A
Uromlwell. 601 N. V. Life Bldg. KB 701
SNAPS In real estate ; money to loan. It. li
Joliiiaon Co. . 314 S. loth street. HE ilO
FOR SALE-Bargalna In small residences
S. A. Broadwell. 01 N. Y. LltnI llKMA07
Real Estntc , Rentals , Loans , Insurance.
HLi 1 1 *
HOUSES , lots , farms , lands nnd Inrurnnce
R. C. Patterson. b N. Y. Life. UE-713
1562 NORTH 17TH slrcet , two houses , rent
Ing for $16.00 per month , paving paid. paVj
14 per cent gross , price $ l,3oO. John N
Frenzer , Opp. old P. O. RE M600
$2,250 FOR FIVE acres on North 24th street
east old Fort Omaha. _
CO ACRES wllhln 10 mllet of Omaha P. O.
10-room house , b rn 30x60 , some frill
trees , line place ; Improvements ensll ;
worth $2,000. Price. $4.000. JOHN N
TWO good fnrms for sale near Arlington
Neb. Pnyno-Knox Co. , Omaha.
RE-M1C5 21
LADIIiS. old Dr. Bell's Cotton Root Pill :
the host , safe , reliable ; take no other
send -Ic stamp for particulars. Dr. Bell
Box 71S , St. Louis , Mo. M-39S J1S *
LADIES' Free Harmless Monthly Rcgula
tor , cannot fall. Mrs. 13. Rowan , R. 23
Milwaukee , AVls. M 129 J20 *
DR. MANSFIELD'S monthly regulator ha
brought happiness to hundreds of nnxlou
women ; have never had u single failure
longest cases relieved In two to five day :
without full ; no pain , no danger , no inter
fercneo with work ; by mail or olllce , $2
nil letters truthfully answered. Tin
Mnnsllpld Remedy Co. , 167 Dearborn st.
room 6H. Chicago. III. 991 13 *
A. C. VAN SANT'S school. 717 N. Y Life
AT OMAHA Bus. College , ICth & Douglas.
BOYLES' COLLEGE court reporter princl
pal. Bee Bldg. _ 72i
NEBRASKA Business and Shorthand col
legp. Boyd's theater. 723
TYPEWRITERS for rent , $1.00 per month
The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co. , 162
Fnrnam St. Telephone 12S4. 714
WE RENT nnd sell the . best typewriter
made ; largest stock of supplies in Omaha
United Typewriter & Supply Co. , 1612 Far
nsm. 715
REMINGTON Stnndnrd Typewriter an
supplies. 1619 Farnam. - 710'
THE Oliver Typewriter/.visible wrltinp
heaviest manlfolder ami- cuts the lines
stencil. Tel. 2279. J.-iSjiStowart , Soecin
Agent , SISUj S. 10th StvCImihn. 717
TYPEWRITERS , ' secondlianjU. ' . illG Farnarr
i T.
JOHNSON OnteopathlP Institute , 51D N "V
Llfo Bldg. , Allco Johnson/ . O. , Indies
dept. ; Gld E. Johnson , Ostcopathlst , mgi
M. E. DONOHUE. D. O. . Of Still Rchoo
Klrksvllle , Mo. , 601 Pnxton blk. Tel. 136'
JEFFERSON Square Loan Oillce. 418 N. II
EAGLE Loan Ofllcc , reliable , nccommodat
Ing ; nil business confidential. 1301 Doug
las. 726
METROPOLITAN. Wm. Barr. mgr * Si t
$1.25. 12th and Douglas. 'Phono 214
MS6C J22
LANGK , steam heated rooms $1 up weel
Board J3 per week ; meals , 25c. 604 S 13U
G25 J2S
CURED. Julia Vaughn , 430 Ramge Bldg.
OMAHA PLATING CO. , Bee building.M20S
FRENCH. German , Spanish , $2 per montl
Prof. Chatelaln , 301 Boyd theater , 729
TOWEL SUPPLY , 17M Leavenw'th. Tl 5 !
II. E. & E. HURERMAN1N. furriers ; fut
made to order and repaired. 118 S. 15th.
STOCK'S Bird store. 1C03 Leavenworth.
EVENINGS , $3 per mo. at Van Sunts schoi
717 N. Y. Llfo. q. R. Rathbun.aaja *
iKW nnd secondhand bicycles at half'prlci
Louis Flescher , van Capitol ave. Til
CUT RATE railway tickets evorywhen
P. II. Phllhln , 1505 Farnain. 'Phone 731.
WAXTIill TO HOIt ltd W.
J2.000 at 4H Per cent on unlnc-umbered , Jir
I proved city property worth $15.000. Ac
1 drc'SH I * 41 , Bee. M 205 13
TRUNlvS , traveling bags , suit cases. TTunli
I repaired. Om. Trunk Factory , 1203 Fnrnan
| -323
' I-M IIM'I'I Hi ; HIOl'Allll.vJ !
PAt'KING upholstering , ranttreBg an
ft-ather renovating Tel. 1331. M. S , Wall
' in. 2111 Cumins si. ; > -0
H tlliWAY TIM 13 T.MII.IJ.
Rock Is
and Route. " city Tlci
t Olllce. 1323 Furnai
Street , Telephone. ? J
Depot , Tenth k Masu
Slreets. Telephone , ti.
v Leave , Arrive .
00 Molncs and Daven-
port Local . a 7:03 : am bllS5 : ai
1 ircaBo Express . blt.i5 am a 8:10 : aj
Chicago Fast Express * . .a 5:00 : pm a JJJB n ,
Bt. Paul Fast L.'xpress..a 6W : pm bll3i ; ui '
Lincoln. Colorado Bpga. .
I Denver , Puoblo. and
I West . a 1:30 : pm a 43J ; pl .
, Den Molnei. Rock UN
' and and Chicago . a 7:25 : pm a 5 : JO DI
Colorado & Txa. Flyer.a B'S5 pm a * g a
( a Dally , b Dally except Sunday.
11 VII.WAY TIMi : \ .
land Route" General omces ,
N E. Cor. Ninth and Farnam
Streets. City Ticket Olllce. 1301
Karnam Street. Telephone , 316
D > -pot. Tenth nnd Mnson
Stn-fts" . TelPphone , K9. i
Leave. Arrive. I
The Overland Limited..a S:50 : am n 7:20 : pm
The Fast Mall a 9W : am a 3:2o : am
Tha Colorado Special..all:5j : pm a 6:3.'i : am
The Portland Special..a 8:50 : am n 4:40 : pm
Lincoln. Bentrlcp and
S ronifburg Express..b 4:10 : pm bli:2T : > pm
Pacific Expre.n * a 4:25 : pm a 6:35 : nm
Urnnd Island Local b 6:30 : pm b 9:30 : am
a b Daily except Sunday ,
road Omaha , Kansas City i
& Eastern Railroad "The I
Cj'ilncy Rou'e" Tlokft Of-
lice , 1415 Farnam Street.
'IMi'phone. 322. Depot , Tenlh
and Marcy Slrccts. Tele
phone , C29.Leave.
Leave. Arrive.
St. Ixiuls Cannon Ball
' Express . u 4:45 : pm n 8:35 : am
Kansas City and Qulncy
Local . a 6:40 : am a 8:50 : pm
romi-General Olllces nnd
Ticket Olllces Southeast Corn -
n r 14th and Douglas Sts ,
Telephone , 101. Depot , 15th
and Webster Sts. Telephone.
Leave. Arrive.
. Louis , Kansas &
Neb Limited n 2:50 : pm a25 : pm
K. C-St L Express..a 9:00 : pm a 8:50 : am
Nebraska Local via
Weeping Water b GOT : pm n 0:43 am
a Dally , b Dally except Sunday.
fourl River Railroad
"The Burlington Route"
-General Olllccs , N. W.
Corner Tenth' and Far-
nam Slreets. Ticket
Olllce , 1502 Farnam
_ - Strp t. Telephone , 230.
Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Telt-
) > hone. 3lu. Leave. Arrive.
Lincoln , Htstlncs nnd
McL'ook a 8:40 : am a 7:40 : pm
Lincoln , Denver. Colorado
rado , Utah , California.a 4:23 : pm a 3:55 : pm
Lincoln. Blnnt Hills. .
Montana & Pusot
Sound n 4:2o : pm a 3:00 : pm
Lincoln Loral a 7:00 : pm a)0:35 ) : am
Lincoln Fas * Mall a 3:00 : p in a 10:33 am
Denvfir , Cole ado. Utah
& California a C:35 : am
a Dally.
soph & Council Blurti
Railroad - "Thn Burling-
Ion Route" Ticket Olllce ,
1502 Fnrnnm Street. Tele
phone. 250. Depot. Tenth
and Mason Streets. Tele
phone , 310.
Leave. Arrive.
Kansas City Day Ex..a 8:50 am a 6 ! 15 pm
Kansas City Night Ex..alOl5 : a 6:30 : am
St. Louis Flyer for St.
Joseph and St. Louis. . a 4:55 : pm alll5 : am
a Dally
& Qulncy Railroad "Tho
Bnrllrigton Route" Ticket , 1502 Fnrnam St.
Tel. , 250. Depot , Tenth &
nnd Mason Sir ° eta. Tele
phone , 310.
- - , Leave. Arrive.
Daylight Chicago Spe-
; clal . a 6:40 am
Chicago Vestlbuled Ex. . a 5:03 pm a S:05 : am
Chicago Express . a S:50 : am n 4:05 : pm
Cnli'ago & St. L - : . , . .a 7:45 pm a 8:03 : am
Pacific Junction l.ocai..alua urn
Fast Mail . a 2:45 : pm
a Dally.
Minneapolis & Omaha
Railway -"The Northwestern -
western Lino" General
Olllces. Nebraska Dlvl-
slon , ] 5th nnd Webster
, , Sts. City Ticket Ortlce ,
1401 1-arnam St. Telephone. SGI. Depot , 15th
and Webster Sts.
Leave. Arrive.
Twin City Express ( for
, SlOUx City , St. Paul &
] Minneapolis . a 6:00 : am
'Omaha ' Passenger . a 7:00 : pm
Blair , Emerson. Sioux
City. Pone.Hartlng -
I ton nnd Blojrnlleld _ b 1:00 pm b2:10 pm
i No. 2 Twin Citj L'fd..a 5:35 : pm
- n"iahii , Limited. . . n 9:00 : am
a Dally , b Dally exceot < sunday.
& Missouri Valiiy Rail
road "The Northwestern
Line General ' Ofllcea.
United States National
Bank ' Bldg. . Southwest
Corner Twelfth an el Fnr- ,
' nam Streets. Ticket oulce. 1401 Farnam
Street. Telephone , 561. Depot ; 15th nnd
Webster sticctsi. Telephone , 1453 , '
Leave. Arrive.
Black Hills. Dead wood , '
Hot Springs , a 3:00 : pm a 0:00 : pm
Wyoming , Casper anc !
Douglas d 3:00 : pm e 6:00 : pm
Hastings. York , David
City , Superior , Geneva
Exeter and Howard..b 3:00 : pm b B:00 : pm
, Norfolk. Vcrdlgre and
> Fremont b 7:20 : am blO:23 : am
i Lincoln. Wahoi and
Fremont b 7:30 : nm blO:25 : am
Fremont Lori c ' ' 30 am
n Dally o Dally except dundny. c Sun
day only. d Dally except Saturday. e
dally except Monday.
western Railway "The
Northwestern Line"
City Ticket Olllce , 1401
Farnam Street. Tele-
phono. CGI. Depot. Tenth
end Mason Streets. Tele-
i phone. 629.
, Leave. ArXve.
I Daylight ChicagoSpe -
I elm a 5:40 : nm all:55 : pm
.Chicago . Passcngei a 4:15 : pra alu:10 nm
Eastern Express. Den
Motnes. Mnndialltown ,
Cedar Rapids nnd Chicago
cage alO:55 : am a 4:03 : pm
Eastern Limited , Chicago
cage and Eum a 4:55 : pm a 4:05 : pm
Fast Mall , Chicago to
Omaha a 2'45 pm
Omana-t'hieago Special.a 7:30 : pm a 8:0f : > am
Fast Mull . . . . 8:30 : am
a Daily , b Dahy except Sunday.
Railroad 'The North
' - .
weftern Llne'--Oeneral
Olllces. United States
National Bank Bul'dlng
8. , W. Corner Twelfth
, . . . . , , un Farnnm Streets.
_ .cket office , J401 Farnam Street. Tele-
Srrt ? . , ? . "nd Maaon
Bloux City. Mankato & .
St. Paul , Minneapolis..a 5:55 : am a 8:15 am
St. Paul. Minneapolis ,
Mnnknio it .Sioux Clty.a 5:30 : pm all-00 pm
PSoux City Local a S:00 : urn ' a 4:30 : nm
a Dally
Tlckot Omce. 1415 Farnnm
Street. Telephone. SS5. De
pot , Tenth nnd Marcy
Streets , Telephone , C29.
Leave. Arrive.
Bt. Louis "Cannon Ball"
Express a 4:50 pm a 8:35 nm
a Dally.
St. Paul Railway City
Ticket Olllre , 1504 Farnam
Street. Telephone. JS4. De
pot. Tenth and Mason Sta.
Telephone , 629 ,
Leave. Arrive.
Chicago Limited Ex a 7:35 : pm a 8:30 : am
Chicago & Omaha Ex..Ml.-00 am b 3:65 : pm
Sioux City & Dca Mo'.nes
Express bll:00 ami b 3:55 pm
a Dallyb Dally except Sunday.
( Should be read DAILY liy all Interested ,
as ehtingpH may oivur at any time. )
Foirlgn niallH for the week ending Janu
ary 13 , 1100. * will close ( PROMPTLY In all
( UHPH ) nt the General PoHtolllco as follows :
PARCELS POST MAILS clopo one houl
carilcr than doxlng time shown below.
Parcels 1'iibt Mails for Germany oloso at
5 p. in , Wednesday for dispatch per 8. .
'I'raiiH-A Iliinl li ! .tinI IN.
SATURDAY At 8 a. m. for NETHER
LANDS direct , per . s. Werkondnm , vlu
RLtterdam ( letters must be directed "per
a. H. Werkendam" ) ; nt 10:50 : a. in. ( sup
plementary 12 m. ) for EUROPE , per s. B.
via Queunstown.
Htcnmertf Hailing on Tuesdays take Primed
Matter , f.e. , for Germany , and Specially
AddrcHsc-d PrlnU-d Matter , etc. . , for other
parts uf Europi. American and Whltu
Star Hli/amers nn Wednesdays , German
steamers on Thursdays , and Cunard ,
French and German steamers on Satur
day * take Printed Matter , etc. , for nil
i-ountrles for which they are advertised
to curry mail
Aftef the cloning of the Supplementary
Transatlantic Malls named above addi
tional HUpplementury mails ant opened on
the plern of the American. English , French
and German xtcamers and rcmuln open
until wllhln Ten Minutes of the hour of
milling of steamer.
for Muilli anil Central Ainerlen
I Ut'Nt lllllll'N , 10(1' .
BATl'RDAY At 9 10 u in ( supplementary
10 a in ) for BERMUDA. ST THOMAS
8T CPOIX LKL'WARD ai 'l \\IVI ) .
WARD ISLANDS , per s H , I'retor a-
10 a. m , ( burplementary 10:80 a. m.i fsi
1I.LA ftnd CARTHAGKNA. per R. . Al-
Irghany ( letters for Costn Ulca must br
dlreeted "per . AllPghany'T. at 10 n.
m ( supplementary 10 : > . m. ) for HAITI ,
per s. s. Alps ; at 11 a. m. for CUBA ,
per s. s. Mexico , via Havana : nt 11 a. in.
TRIES , per . . s. AMI , via rernnnibuco
( loiters for North Brazil must be directed
"per s. s AstO ; nt 15.80 p. in. for NUE-
VITAS and LA GLORIA , CUBA , per s.
s. Yarmouth ; nt 11 a. in. for PUERTO
RICO , per s. s. Ponce , via San Junii.
51'NDAY-At ! : ( n. in. for NASSAU , per
steamer front Miami. Fin.
Malls for Newfoundland , by rail to North
Sydney , nnd thence by steamer , close nt
this ofilce dally at S:30 : p. in. ( connect
ing clojp here over ) Monday. Wednes
day and Saturday. Malls for Mliniolon ,
bv rail to Boston nnd thence by steamer ,
cloop at this ofllce dally at 8:30 : p , in.
Malls for Cuba , by rail to Port Tampa ,
Fla. , and thence by steamer , close at this
olllce dally ux 'i p Monday ) at < M7 n.
in. ( the connecting closes nre on Sunday ,
Wednesday and Friday ) . Mails for Cuba ,
by rail to Miami. Fla. , and thcnco by
steamer , close at this oilier every Mon
day. Tuesday and Saturday at " 2:30 : a. m.
( the connecting closes are on Tuesday
and Saturday ) . Malls for Mexico City ,
overland , unless specially addressed for
dispatch by steamer , close nt this otllco
dally at 2:30 : a. m. and 2:30 : p. in. Mnlls
for Costa Rica. Belize. Puerto CortPZ nnd
Guatemala , byall to New Orleans , and
thence by tttenmor. close at this olllce
dally at " "SOT p. in. ( connecting closes
hero Sundays nnd Tuesit.iys for Costa
Rica and Mondn.\s for Belize , Puerto Cor-
IPZ and Guatemala ) . ' Registered mail
closes nt 6'pi'i. . previous day. "Regis
tered mall closes tit 6 p. nv. second day
Trniii-l'nellle Mull * .
Malls for Hawaii , Japan , China and the
Philippine Islands , via San Francisco ,
close hcfe dally nt 6:30 p. in. up to Jan
uary 11 , inclusive , for dispatch per H. s.
Hong Kong Mnru. Mnlls for Hawaii , vln
Seattle , clone here dally at 6:30 : p. in. til'
to January 14. Inclusive for dlspntcii
per s. s. Bloemfontcln. Mulls for Hawaii ,
China , Japan nnd the Philippine Islands ,
vliv San Francisco , close here dally al
6:30 : p. m. up to January Ui , Inclusive ,
for dispatch per s. s. China.- Mails fol
Australia ( .except West Australia ) , New
y.cjilnnrt , Hawaii , FIJI nnd Snnionn Is
lands , via San Francisco , close here dull )
at 6:30 : p. m. after December 30 and U |
to January ' "JO , Inclusive , or on dny ol
arrival nt s. s. Campania , duo nt New
York January 20 , for dispatch per B. s
Muuna. Mnlls for China and Japan , vln
Vancouver , close here dally at 6:3t : ) p. in
up to January " 2.5. Inclusive , for dlspatcl
per s. s. Empress of Japan ( rcglstcroi
mall must bo directed "via Vancouver" )
Malls for Society Islands , vlu Snn Fran
cisco , close here dally nt 6:30 : p. in. ui
to January 21 , Inclusive , for dlspntc !
by ship City "f Papeltl. Malls for Ha
waii , via San Francisco , close here dallj
at 8:30 : p. in. up to February J. Inclusive
for dispatch per s. s. Australia. Miilli
for Australia ( except West Australia
which BOOH via Europe , and New Zealand
which goes via San Francisco ) , Iluwat
and FIJI Iflnnds , via Vancouver , clos <
hero dally at 6t30 p. in. up to Februnrj
" 3 , Inclusive , for dispatch per s. s. Mlo
Transpacific molls nre forwarded to per
of sailing dally and the. schedule of clou
Ing is arranged on the presumption o
their uninterrupted overland transit
" Registered mall closes at 6 p. in. < > revl
oils dny.
Poslolllce , New York , N. Y. , January E
Service , Rosebud Agency , Rosebud , Soutl
Dakota , Jan. 2 , 1900. Sealed proposals , en
dorsed "Proposals for coal , " and addressee
to the undersigned at Rosebud , Saudi Da
kota , will be received at this agency untl
2 o'clock p. in. of Monday , January 29 , 1900
for furnishing and delivering either at Val
entlne. Nel ) . , or at the boarding scho.ol un
der charge of this agency , about two nun
dred (200) ( ) tons of Hocking Valley soft lumi
coal , free from dirt , slate and other Impuri
ties , and weighing 2,000 Ibs. to the ton.
All coal offered for delivery under con
tract will be subject to a rigid Inrpectloi
before acceptance or rejection thereof.
-Tho right Is reserved to reject nny am
all bids or any part of any bid , If deemci
for the best Intercuts of the service. Certl
lied checks Kneh bid 'must ' be nceompnr.k-i
by a cortllletl check or draft upon som
United States depository or solvent nation ! ]
bank in" the Vicinity of the ros'.dence of Hi
bidder , made payable to the order of th
commissioner 'of Indian affairs , for lit leas
llvp per cent of the amount of the proposal
which check or draft will bu forfeited to Ih
United Stntcs In case any bidder or bidder
receiving an award shall fall ; o prompt ) ;
execute a contract with goad nnd sulllclen
sureties , otherwise to be returned to th
bidder. Bids accompanied by cash In llei
of n certified check will not bo considered
For any further Information apply t
Chas. IJ. McChesney , U. S. Indian Agent.
Sealed bids will 1)P received by the Boar ,
of Education of the Independent School Die
trlct of Fremont , Dodge County , Nebraska
until 1 p. in. , February 6 , 18(0 ( , for the erec
tion and completion of a High School Build
Ing on school house grounds in the City o
Fiemont , Nebraska.
BldH will bo addressed to Mrs. M. E. Roy
nolds. Secretary Board of Education , Frc
mont , Neb. , and endorsed on envelope , "Bid
for the erection of school building. "
Plans and specifications may be hppn o
flU * with Mrs. M. E. Reynolds , necretnr
board. Fremont , Neb. ; also at the Builder *
and Traders' Exchange , New York LIT
Building , Omaha , Neb. , and also In Hut nfilc
of the nrchlteetH , W. R. Parcons it Son
Co. , Des Molnes , Iowa , on and after Jiinu
nry IS. 1TOO.
A certified check In the sum of $500.00 nniH
accompany each bid as a guarantee that th
bidder will 'outer Into contract with th
Bonrd of Education nnd glvo satlsfnctor
bond for the oxiicutlon of pinne.
The board reserves the right to reject nn
or nil bids. M. K. REYNOLDS ,
J10d7tM Secretary.
Notice is hereby given that the annun
meet Ing of the stockholders of The Be
Building eompiiny will be held lit t o'cloc !
p. m. Tuesday , January 16 , 1900 , at th
olllco of said company In Thn Bee. bulldlnc
Omaha , for the election of n board of dl
rectors for the ensuing year and tno trans
notion of such other business a may prop
the president. C. C , ROSEWATER ,
OIVK rr THIS smiv
SiuttMiit-.ikt IIM ( o Ilic Orlulii uf One n
tinFIIIII < > IIH llnllle SII > | IIKN.
The ofilco of the iconoclast IB on th
whole a rather undesirable' one , muses tli
Hartford Courant , and the question whetlic
faith or truth Is the jnoru valuable possce
slon to the human eoul IB still open fc
dtecilRSlon.Tito phrase , "Don't glvo up tli
Hhlp , " attributed to the dying Lawrence , !
now so firmly Imbedded In our naval hit
lory that the props which support Its trill
can probably bu knocked awuy without an
fear of Ecrlous Injury to the Buperstruclm
of faith. Tlioro Is no doubt that Iho plirnt
was spoken , and whether by 'Lawrence i
another , whether on the deck of a ship (
In the room of nn editor , perhaps are no
when properly considered , matters of ser
ous moment. 1 venture thuruforo on
Somewhat moro thnn fifty years ago
happened to mo to meet at the house of
mutual friend u daughter of the Into Maji
Benjamin Russell , for many yenrs t > < liu
of the Boston Centincl. She was a brlgh
Interesting woman and a brilliant recur
tcur and she told mo a number of anecdoti
of her father , who was a strongly Indlvldua
Ized and notable character for u good mac
yrars. Among them WPS the following :
The battle between the Chesnpeako an
the Shannon took place JUKI off the MQHB ;
cliuBetla coast and a sailor In eomc wn
got ashore nnd hurried to Boston with I )
news. It was in the night and ho wei
HtralBht to the Centincl olllce , where 1
found Major HtiBac-ll , to whom he told 11
story. Including the death of Lawrcnc
"What were his last words ? " Bald If :
major. "Don't know , " said Hie man. "Jldn )
ho say , " 'Don't glvo up the ship. ' " "Don
know , " tald the man. "Oh , ho did , ' sal
the major. "I'll inalto him say It" and li
did BO much for history.
lleiiilj nllli UlN Itelorl ,
The following glory Is attributed to Mai
Khali Pildrr H me uvntugH ugo u ma
vas eca'cd in the corridor of ouoof the larj
hotels * moktng a frasrmit
On the lounge next to him were seated a
woman and her daughter , the latter being
Inunodlalely next to the JunoXer. The draft
In tlie corridor blew tht nsnoke from the
clgnr across the younger woman's face , to
which , although It annoyed her extremely ,
the smoker remained udemliiRly either ol-
llvlous or else wholly Indifferent. Klnnlly.
after several qulto miitlblc remarks t .her
mother apropos of the Ttiilenoss of men 111
general In smoking In the presence of
women , which passed rapidly Into n some
what hectic comment pn this smoker In
particular , tho-frayed string of her temper
broke , and. turning avngely to the tor-
menior. she said : "If you were my husband ,
do you know I'd poison you ? " Her neigh
bor , removing his clsur from his lips ,
promptly responded : "Anil do you know ,
mndntne. wtro you my wife. I'd tnko that
poison ? "
1NI.AMI ( ) ! ' TriTH.A.
riinrncter mid Illntiiry of the l.ntoM
American Aciiiilvltlon.
When the size nnd Uupoitnnco of the ter
ritorial acquisitions which have boon nmdo
to tlio I'nlted States during the pnst yn-ir
nro considered. It Is perhaps not surprising
Hint the little island of Tutulln In theSa -
monn group the latest addition to Amer
ican poll should come under the dominion
of the stars and stripes without much com
ment. Yet Tutulln nnd Us Inhabitants hnvo
points of Interest unite- worthy of more
( linn posing notice , says Ihe New York
livening Post.
Of volcanic origin , thp Inland occupies nn
area of nhout fifty-two squnro miles nnd
nearly 100 In circumference. The outline of
the const Is Irregular , with several peed
ImrborF , of which Pngo-Pago , nearly cut-
ling Tululla in hnlf , nnd for some time al
ready occupied by the I'ntted States as u
conllng station. Is the chief. Leone hay Is
nlso cnpublo of sheltering n Inrgo flotilla of
vessels nnd "Mnssnrre Cove" bus n speclnl
historical interest.
Whllo the aspect of the- Immediate shore
Is tropical , with n fringe of palms , thr In
terior Is mountainous , thickly wooded nnd
broken by numerous picturesque valleyo ,
through which rippling streams hasten to
tha ocean ! ,
Together with the adjacent Islets , Tu
tulln Ims a population of nbout I.POO n fine ,
stalwart race of people , whoso prlnclpnl oc
cupation Is fishing. This pursuit they rnrry
out with the nld of a two-pronged spcnr ,
with line nnd hooks , the latter mndo out of
bono nnd shell , and with nets mndo from the
bnrk of the hibiscus , the brond-frult , the
bnnlnn and other treed.
The TutullniiB mnmifncturc nlsq n peculiar
paper-like substance from pulp , called tnpn ,
which they use for the blinds nnd mats of
their thatched huts. Wonderfully curved
clubs and spears arc nlso offered to the
pnssengors of transpacific stenmers , but
there is a suspicion prevalent that these nro
now expressly made In flermnny 'for the
Island trade. Who knows but that thin mny
prove n new Industry for enterprising homo
manufacturers ?
A peculiar custom of the Tutullnns
which Impressed Itself upon the writer
when visiting the Island a few years ago
Is that of pounding the coral Into a pnsto
! and then "lining" the hair. The contrast
i of the white heads with the dark-skinned
bodies Is not only offcctlvo , but becoming.
The language of the Smnonns Is particu
larly foft , the frequent use of the letters f ,
s and 1 , In such words an la-lal , good ; alofa ,
compassion , nnd mn-allbl being examples.
Though the smallest of the larger Sainoan
Islands , Tutulla is considered the moot fertile -
tile nnd capable of development. Sugar ,
cotton , coffee- and cocoanuts can bo pro
duced the latter , of course , In the form of
coprn , or the dried kernel used for the ninn-
, ufacturo of cocoanut oil , being the chief
staple of export. The foil , however , In the
price of copra during the last few years
from $125 to $65 a ton , has made the In
dustry less remunerative.
Tutulla possesses several species of birds
doves , pnraquots , water-hens nnd wild
duck , as nlso the vampire bat In great num-
j hers , which nre resardcd ' by the unlives as
j the embodiment of the 'evil spirit. Lizards
! nlso , of a considerable size , are to bo found
' and It Is assorted both land nnd water
BiinUcs nro not uncommon , the former of
a dark ollvo color , the Inttor marked with
yellow nnd black longitudinal utrlpos , while
others have black and whlto rlnss. None
of the reptiles on the Islnnd , however , nro
venomous. Of quadrupeds there nro few
] besides the descendants of Imported pigs.
Historically , Tutulla Is entitled to n lit
tle chapter of Its own finite apart from
that of the rest of the group. Originally
discovered In May. 1078 , by Bougilnvlllo ,
the French navigator , It was , nb-nt a cen
tury lalcr , the BCOIIO of wmt | was known
as the "Astrolabe massacre. " In the year
17SS the French govnrninont filled out two
vessels , the Astrolabe and the Buesale ,
under the command of celebrated navl-
KHlor Ln PcrouHc , for a voyage , the aim of
which was to discover the Northwest pans-
age. After varied experiences , among Which
La Peroiiso and his companions sighted
Mount St. Ellas In Alaska and crossed
the Pacific to Siberia , they retraced their
course through the south seas to Tutulla ,
whore , in the bay now designated Massacre
the second in command
cre Cove , Do Lnnglo ,
mand of the expedition ; Do Lnmnion. ' the
imturaliHt , and ten of the crew'of the Astro
labe were enticed on shore nnd treacher
ously massacred. On account of tha re
ported ferocity of the Inhabitants , from
that period until comparatively recent
i tlniefl. Tiitulla wna carefully avoided both
I by Europeans nnd the other Islanders , BO
I that It has retnlnod Its Independence under
Its own chiefs almost lo Iho present day ,
Dais escaping the baleful effects of the
Into Htrugglo for supremacy anting the con
tending factions In the other Islands of
' KiiliHtUiiln for India Rubber.
A discovery which promises to possess
moro than n llttlo Industrial value Is re
ported from London. Waller V. Hold told
the Society of Chmnlcnl Industry the other
day that another substitute for rubber hal
been found. It was composed of half-dried
linseed or castor oil. which has been treated
with nitric ncld mid then mixed with n
preparation clcHcly akin to guncotton , known
nn nltro-colluloso. Tim ccllur.o ! < o should bo
only slightly nitrated and ought lo bo wet
when mixed with the oil. Two parts of ilia
Inttcr are used to one of tie | celluloto. After
being thoroughly mixed the compound Id
cnrt-fullx dried. It Is InHOlublo In moht of
the liquids used to UUxolvo oil. The cost
of thlB preparation l said lo ho nbout olio-
fourth as great na thnl of pure Pnra gum.
Mr. Held declared that thn now BUbslltuto
was nlnicst n aorvlcoablo as rubbur for hl-
cycle tires , machine bolting , waterproof
blankets for soldiers and men , g-irden IIOHO
nnd tubing to convey oil or KI > . Kor UKO
In chemical laboratories it Hcoms to be
equally well nduptcd , InoKinuch ne It Is not
acted uon by carbon bUulphlilo or beiulno.
Traveling bags mndo from this material do
not grow damp or mouldy and It makes good
printers' lnl $ rollers and tmrglrnl ilrcshlngB.
U | H a geeS Insulating mntcrlnl for wire.
Moreover , It do ( not cxploile , an might bo
feared frum the nature of the compOhlUon.
Homo of the proponed sutiBtltiltcH for rub
ber , like that derived from corn , are useful
only as adulterants , and must bo mixed with
real rubber ; but this arllclo con bo man
ufactured Into nil Boru nf thlngd without
Hie addition oj true rubber ut all.
Chicago TrUm"0' ' "People who live In
glass house. * , wrote the rc-ul estate dealer
who wan at work on a threo-Hheut pouter
announcing a free excursion , "are thn big-
gc-st fools on earth 10 do no when they < -an
I I uy treed wooden IIOUHCH at the lUurrs it
i which I urn offering them In Oroundsuine-
hur t '
Thin ho hell the manuscript MI nrm H
length ! ! ! Bi'w'rfrt ' 'he iic'immruhisi "lid the
bulclne and vl"or of 10 coneepMon
" 1 think that'll f-tCj'i mi. ' he tsald