raamciAi MD .FINANCIAL Act'iVity'in Provisions the Fcrrtnra 'on 'Obi- Dago Board of Trade. 'ARGENTINE ' SHIPMENTS DEPRESS 'WHEAT Decline n IU priinnl In KIH-P of Ail- Aiini'i * on ' 1'lilK Hide Ki , .Selllntt ( . 'orn Illitber , CHtCAOO. Jnn. 12.-Tbn trndo In pro- \lflons WHS the feature on the Hoard of Trndo todny , light hog receipts nnd ml- vnnced prices nt the yards combining to Klvo tliR mnt-kot n tone of decided strength. May pork closed lOe , Mny Inril 2'ftSc ' nnd .liny ribs He over yesterday.Vh iU was ( dull nnd henry , wenkencd by dls.inD'ilnll'ig irnbles nml the tienvy Argentine shlnmeiitH , May closing Ufi-VI down. Corn closed a ishade tilgher nnd oatH unchanged. The provisions market was strong nil < dny. Ilecelpls nt the yards were iml-r the .r.ttlmnle nnd prices up. Initial llgures iphowed n. gain about enunl to that shown nt the close. At ndv.inced ngures : be dem mil wns excellent from nil cources ; the market wna netlvp nml brond. The demand f0111 the soutli retnlned Its recently dovi Irjieil vigor nml Hie oulslde trnde generally v.ns on n Inrgo scnle. Inllucntlal local IIOIIHCS were good buyers , larg"ly of bird nnd libs. At no time was there any pr . < Niii-p to sell. Offerings were nearly all from proiH-tnk- rs > . Mny pork rnnged from Jll to fll.12' ' nnd closed lOc over yesterday at JIMS , Mny lard from Ji5.07H to $6.12'i. closing : H'fi5c , up. nnd Mny ribs from 5. > 2r 5.SS to r .s7 > ,4t C.no , with the close 5c Improved over vp.iter- clny's Hnnl price nt $ . * > .sr > , The liberal Argentine shipments nr.il crop .conditions . In that country were ( he main factors In depressing wheat , thn market barely holding Its own , though It had strong corn and provisions market for near neigh bors. The decline nt Liverpool In the fnce of the ndvnnce here yesterday wns a dls- nppolntment to the bulls and encournged telling. At one time a little l > iiyln by Fhorts wns caused by stories of n somewhat - what better cash dcmond nnd Improved Inquiry for export Hour. Hut this did not last. The volume of busulnts was wmnll nnd the session not nctlvc. A wnle of 14S- 000 bushels from here o I lamlnm ; was le- portcd. The seaboard reported 2 loads taken for export. Primary iccelpts wcte r.ax.000 bushels , compared with li'MM ) bushels last year. Ilecelpls here were IS ears , s of rontrnct. Minneapolis nnd Dulillh reporled 331 cars , ngnlnst 453 Inst .vee" nnd nOI a yenr ngo. Port clearances , wheat nnd Hour , were (10.000 ( bushels. Corn WIIH llrm. There wns a good crowd In the pit nnd some Improvement In the commission business. Aside from a bit of uneasiness felt at the opening lit sympathy with wheat the tcellng was llrm through out. The main consideration on the buying side was the small country offerings nnd the poor weather for movement , with the ulrcnglh of provisions a contributory fac tor. The volume of trade was not large. There win consldornmile talk of "fi-eders going wild over corn" and It was generally reporled Umt Hie demand from this source was backed with more templing prices than fthlppera have been offering. Herolpts here were 415 cars. May ranged irom " ! ' , ic to closing a shade over yesterday at . OatH market was firm. Cash bids v < cro sharp , relatively lAc betler Ihan last week's. Sympathy with the s'lrength of corn was a factor In the limitless , ns was Philadelphia report of a demand for American oius to feed British cavalry horses In South Africa. Receipts here wore 214 cars. May sold from 2lc to 2l'/tc , closing 'infhaiiKo.l from yesterday at 2lc. Estimated receipts tomorrow : AVheal , 31 cars ; corn , 415 curs ; -jnts , 1S0 cars ; hogs , 21.000 head. The leading futures ranged ns follows : rtlcie3.'rOp'en"il \ High ! " ! LowH Close.l Yes'y" FLOUR Steadv ; winter patents , $3.10551 3.SO ; straights , $3.0003.20 ; clenr , $2.9003.10 ; Hiring specials , $3.9004.00 ; spring patents , $3.r.0 < f(3.50 ( ; straights , $2.6303.00 ; bakers , $1.9(1 ( 02.30. WHEAT No. 3 sprint' , 62Ti01V4c ; No. 2 red. 67 < l/t)7Mie. CORN No. 2 , 31Mc ; No. 2 yellow , 31Je. OATS-No. 2. 23c : No. 2 white , 25'/jS2 ' % c ; No. 3 white. 2lft < 7i25.c. . HYE No. 2. 53c. BARLEY-NO. 2 , 3S045c. SEEDS No. 1 lluxseed and northwest , $1.50. Prime timothy , $2.35 , Clover , con tract crude , $ ( s,23. PROVISIONS Mess * pork , per bbl. , $3.400 30.75. Lard , per 100 Ibs. , $3.S00o.971Short ribs sides ( loose ) , SG.65ff5.CO. Dry Palled shoulders ( boxed ) . $3.5005.75. Short clear sides ( boxed ) . $3.8503.90. WHISKY Distillers' finished goods , on biisls high wines , per gal. , $1.23V4. SUGARS-Unchanged ; cut loaf , $5.70 ; granulated , J5.IS. Following are the receipts nnd shipments for today : Articles. Rccolnls. Shlnm'ts. Flour , bbls 3I.01N ) 31.00' 'Wheat , bu 5S.OQO OS.CO Corn , bu IWIOOO l&3K > j Oats , bu 311000 199 C01 TJye. bu 9iOO ( 2(0' ( Hurley , bu 7SKX ( ) 4,0) ' ] On thti Produce exchanso today the but ter market was easy ; creameries. 22Sc ; dalrlci ) . 17f25c. ( ? Cheese , llrm ut 121112)40. Kggs , llrm ; fres h , 17e. KIS\V voiiic cii.vuitAh .M.vmcirr. < tiiotnloiiH ( for I InHuy oil VnrloiiH CullllllOllI t I'W. NEW YORK. Jan. I'-FLOUR-Recelpts. 11,612 bbls. ; exports. 2.5SI bbls. ; slow of snlc , 1 > ut ( steady nt old prices ; Minnesota patents , $3.b30l.05 ; Mlnno- KOln linkers , $2.S5'i/3.10 ; winter patents , $3.GOf3.S3 | ; winter stralghls , $3. logs. 15 ; win ter extras , $2.6Tif2.9l | ) ; winter low grades , $2.2(503.30. Rye Hour , quiet ; fair to good , $3.1583.30 ; choice to fancy , $3.3JAGO. ( Buck- whcnt Hour , weak at $2.ooiie.'i5. CORNMKAL-Dull ; Brandywlnc , $2.20 ® o < m * RYE Easy ; No. 2 western , f.0lse , f. o. b. , alloat ; Btnle , 5505GC , c. 1. f. , Now York , car lots. BARLKY-Stcadv ; fccillnvr. ISi-JJII c , < - . I. f. , Now York ; mnltliiK , I9ff51c ( , c. I. f. , New Yorl : . BARLEY MALT Dull : western. C50G5c. WHEAT-RecolptH , 13,600 hu.j exports , 161,162 bu. Spot , sternly ; No. 2 red , 75',4c , f o , ! > . , ntlout , prompl : No. 1 northern Diilnlh , 7Se , f. o. b. , alloat , prompt ; No. 1 hard , Duliith , Wc. . f. o. b. , nllnat. jirompt ; No. 2 red. 73e , elevator. Ojillons opened Tt'enk. ' .ic declltu , owing lo heavy Argentine HhlpmentH nnd dlsnppolntlng Liverpool entiles. Later they rallied on improved csh dcmaiiil and Kympalhy with corn and | iro- vltdotiH , closing nbout steady nt iinchaimeil jirlces to Vdc net decline. March , 75(75'4c ( ' ; rlnsid. 76'ac ' ; May.73fii5i74c ! ; closecl , lo c ; July. 73'ff73llie ' ; i-loseil. "Wtc. CORN-Receipts. 132,6(10 ( ( m. ; exports. IOS , . 0 > bu. Spot , llrm ; No. 2. 41'ie. f. o. b. , lilloat , and MHiielnvntor. . Option nark-'t < ipeneil Hlcailv and quickly ailvanMl on lirospects of light receipts , tlui advance In lirovlhluns and lU'-adld' cables. C'lusi'd llrm , > { < % ( adv.inco ; Jnn nry closed , 40c ; Mny , 3lW(39\i ! ( % : closed. 39Vie. OATS Receipts. 131.300 bu. : exports , 4.13 ] Iw. Spot , llrm ; No. 2 , 2te ! ; No. a , ' 'Slic ; No. \vestern , 29fi30 > , c ; track white , 3I's5(35o. ( OntloiiH , Inactive. HAY-K'.rm : shipping , 72VsfcSOc ; good tc choice. MtyMUc. HlDES-KIrm ; Oalvcslon , 20 to Ibs. , 19Vic : Texas dry , 20 to 30 Ibs. , I4i/c ; Cali fornia , 21 to 25 Ibs. , 21 lie. HOPS Quiet ; state , piiinnrm ( o good , 1896 crop. c ; 1S9S crop , "fiSc ; | S93 crop. 128 14e ; Pncille coniit. 1SH6 crop , 6c ; 1S9S crop. Tli''e ' ; UM crop , 125714C. LEATHER - Steady ; hemb.cl ; fee : , ISucnox Ayres , llKht lo heavy weights , 25g S5Ho ; ncld. 23fi251 . . PROVlSlONS-Heef , sleady ; family. $12.5 ; i3.l ! ) ; mess , $10.50 , Jleef hums. $22.t.OJ(2.tO ( : ! ; imckcl , Ml.50fil2.00 ; city rxtiu India mess , } 2IOOii23.0il. Cut meats , tlrm ; pickled hol lies , $5.67H3l6.25 : pickled shoulders. ; 5.75j | C.OO ; pickled hams , $ S.50jii.25. ! Lard , llrm ; western Mtenm closed , $6.35 ; January. $621 , nominal ; rellncd , stronger ; continent , $6.5Mi P 75 South America , fa. 70 ; compouii'J. $5.b7 > r. QS.W. 1'ork , quiet ; ineas , JlO.'Jijj 10.75 ; ehorl clear. Sll 2.V 12rm. family. 512t ? fl2.W. Tn % low , tlrm. rlty. 5'ic blil. mntry , BU S'sc. Uii'i : S1 ; < ! . % . domptli , f.ilr to cxttn. 4 gG'sf , Japnn. 4''ilnr. MoLASSEP-KIrm ; New Orleans open kfttle , good to clmlre , 32 40c , I-'IIKIOIITS Nominal ; cotton , by steam , Cfic , to Liverpool ; Rrnln , 3IT3'4d. MIOTALS Again todny tin exhibited pro nounced strength. Buyers were prompted to purchase freely by strong London cables f > nd llrm news from primary points here. Holler * were extremely arbitrary and held supplies considerably nbove the views of most buyerc. The other departments were rrlntlvcly fealurelesfi. At the cloj-p the Meliil exchnngc cnll" ! pi it Iron warrant ! ) < | ulet nt $17. nominal ; hike copper , tin- p'-irifrrd. ' $1650 : tin. llrm. with $27.15 bid nnd $2S nsked ; lend , steady , with $1.70 bid nml Si.73 iiskpd ; spelter. iiilet. | with $1.45 bid nnd Jl.fM asked. The brokers' price for lend Is $1.15 nnd for copper $16.50. OMAHA ( JKVKHAl , MAItKHT. CondKlon of Trmlc nml fliiiKntlon-i on Slnplc nnd Kit no > Prodnpc. EGOS-Recclpls light ; fresh slock weak nt 13. . DRESSED rnni.TUY Cholco to fancy turkeys , lip ; ducks , 9c ; geese , 9c ; spring chickens , 707'f.c ; hens. G'Mr7c ; roosters , 4 Qoc. Qoc.LIVE LIVE 1'OULTRY-Hcns. 6Uf/Ce / ; spring chickens , CHc ; old nnd stnggy rooslcrs , 3c ; ducks , 6e ; geePe , e'/sc ; lurkoys , Sc. HIJTTER Common to fair , 17 < 4c ; choice , Is'il9c ( ; separator , 2 c ; gathered creamery , 221f23c. 1'KlEONS-Llvc , per doz , , 73c. VBALS Choice , DC. OA.ME-Duck.i , mallard * , $3.00 3.:5 ; blue xvlng teal. $1.75 ; green wing teal , J1.25TJ1.50 ; mixed ducks , $1.50(32.00. ( OYSTERS Medium , per can , ISc ; stnnd- nrd , per cnn , 22c ; bulk standard , per gal. , $ l.oO ; extra selects , per ran , 30c ; cxlrn se lects , per gal. , $1.75112.00 ; New York counts , per can , 37c ; Now York counts , per 100. $1.25. HAY Upland , choice , J6.50 ; midland , choice , $6 ; lowland , choice , $5 ; rye straw , choice , $3.60 ; No. 3 corn , 27c ; No. 3 white onts , 22 c ; cracked corn , per ton , $12 ; corn nnd oats , chopped , per ton. $12. 50 ; bran , per ton , $13 ; shorts , per ton , $14. VEGETABLES. SPINACII-Per box. $1.00. NEW HEETS-1'cr do/ , bunches , 75c. RADlSHES-Pcr doz. bunches. 40c. LETTUCE Per doz. bunches , 40c ; fancy head Ictluce , per bbl. , $5. SWEET POTATOES-1'er bbl. . Illinois , $3 ; Jerseys , $5 ; largo bbls. , Kansas , $2.75. POTATOES Per bu. , choice. 3oS40c. CAHHAGE Per Ib. , Hie ; Holland seed , CAULIFLOWER I'cr cralr. $2.50. CHANUEHHIiS Hell nnd Bugle , per bbl. $7.00 ; Jerseys , $6.75. ONIONS Ilclall way , yellow , 70c ; red , S5c , CELfcjRY I'mdac. . , 25Q30C ; Calltornia , per bunch , 45/7uc. TURNIPS Rutabagas , per Ib. , l\ic ; Ca nadian , lli c. MUSH UUOMS Per Ib. box , EOc. TOMATOES-Florldn , per C-basket crate , $1.50. FRUITS. APPLES Choice western shipping stock , $3. 00ft3 50 : New York stock , $3.75f34.00. GRAPES Cntnwbas , per small basket , 13c ; Mulnga grnpcs , per bbl. , $7.00Q9.00. TROPICAL FRUITS , ORANGES Mexican , per box , $3 ; Cali fornia navels , per box , $3.50ff3.73 ; California seedlings , per box , $2.753.0u. LEMONS-Cnllfornin fancy , $3.75 ; choice California , $3.50 ; Messlnn. $4 , MISCELLANEOUS. HONEY Per 2l-sectlon case , J3.25. NUTS Hickory nuts , large , per bu. , $1.25 ; shellbnrks , ? 1.33. FIGS California layers , per 10-lb. box , $1 ; California carton , per 10-lb. box , $1.10 ; Imported tigs , per Ib. , 13c. DATES-tiO-lb. boxes. 5 , < , © 6c per Ib. MAPLE SUGAR Per Ib. , SftlOe. HIDES , TALLOW ETC. HIDES No. 1 green hides , Sc ; No. 2 green htdos , 7e ; No. 1 salted hides. 9V4c ; No. 2 salted hides , S'/jc ; No. 1 veal calf , 8 to 12 Ibs. , 9c ; No. 2 veal calf , 12 to 15 Ibs. , Sc. TALLOW , GREASE , ETC. Tallow. No. 1. 4c ; No. 2 , 3 c ; rough , 2c ; wnlto grease , 2ifj3Uc | ; yellow and brown grease , 2' SI. I.oulM ( iralii mid 1'rovlnloiiii. ST. LOUIS , Jan. 12. WHEAT Steady ; No. 2 red , cash , elevator. CS > % c ; track. 71'/4 Ti72c ; January , 6Sc ; May , 70c ; No. 2 hard , fijffCBV-c ; receipts , 15.493 bushels. CORN Firm ; No. 2 cnsh , 30V4c ; trnck , 32 t/32'4c ; January , 32lAc ; May , 32Vic. OATS Steady ; No. 2 cash , 24c ; track , 2IHc ; January , 21c ; May , 21Hc ; No. 2 white , 2C"ie. FLOUR Dull and eaflcr ; patents. $3.40 ® 3.50 : extra fancy. $3.10 < S3.15 ; clear , $2.752.90. SEEDS Timothy. $2.00 < 32.35. Flaxsced , nominal. $1.4S. CORNMEAL Steady at $1.70S1.75. BRAN Strong ; fackod , east track , 6C@ . HAY Steady ; timothy , $9.50312.00 ; prai rie. $7.00 < fi8.23. WHISKY Steady at $1.23Vj. COTTONT1ES-S1.10. HAGGING-534GCW.C. HEMP TWlNE- . PROVISIONS Dry salt boxed meats , ex tra shorts , $3.S74 ! ; clear ribs , $6 ; clear sides , $6.12' < ; . Bacon , extra shorts. $6.37V4 ; clenr sides , $6.30 ; clear shortp. $6. 6214. Pork , bet tcr ; standard mess , jobbing , $10.871s old ; $11.25 now. Lard , steady ; prime steam , $1.65 ; choice , $1.70. METALS Lend , quiet ; $1.63. Spelter , llrm ; $4.35 bid. POULTRY Steady ; chickens , 6' c ; tur keys. 7c : ducks. 6J7c ; geese , GfJ6c. RECEIPTS Flour , 3.000 bbls. ; wheat , 15- 000 bu. ; corn. 56,000 bu. ; oats , 47,000 bu. SHIPMENTS Flour. 4,000 bbls. ; wheat. C2.COO bu. ; corn. 40,000 bu. ; onts , 39,000 bu , ] lii ir , t'KK nml CIiueMp MarUol. PHILADELPHIA , Jnn. 12. BUTTER- Dtill and Vic to le lower ; fancy western creamery , 2i(02S1/4c ( ; fancy western prints , 30c. EGOS Steady ; fair demand ; fresh nearby , 19c ; fresh western , 19c ; fresh southwestern , ISc : fresh southern , ISc. CHEB3E Firm but nulet. CHICAGO , Jan. 12. BUTTER Easy ; creameries. 22fr.Se ; dairies , 17j23c. EGOS Firm ; fresh. 17c. ST. LOl'lS , Jan. 12. HUTTER-Stcady ; crciimery. 23fi30c ; dairy , 20 J25c. ICGGS-Lower nt ICc. NEW YORK , Jan. 12. BUTTER Re ceipts 1.&S4 pkgs. ; unsettled ; Juno cream ery , 231(27c ( : western creamery , 24f/2Sc ; factory. 17f(22c. CHEESE Receipts , 1.131 pkgs. : firm ; fall made , fancy , small. 1213c ; fall made , fancy , large , 12ffl3c ( ; large , late made , Iiai < ril2p ; small , late made , 12ffl2'/4c. EGGS Hi celpts , 5.2S9 pkgs. ; barely steady : western , 20e , lors off ; western ungraded , nt mark , llfilSc. KANSAS CITY. Jan. 12. BUTTER- Creamery , 22fi''lc ; dairy. 20c. EtSGS Lower : fresh Missouri and Kansas stock , lirsts. Htc ! dozen , cases returned ; slorage , llvc > riiii < i ! ( irnlii and I'rovlHloim. LIVERPOOL , Jan. 12.-WHEAT-Spot , No. 1 northern , sprlnR- . dull , 6s ; futures closrd ( inlet ; March nnd Mny , 5s 9d , CORN Spot , American mixed , new , plead ; ' . 3.i 054il. PROVISIONS-Lanl , American rellncd , in pallH , llrm , 32s ; prime western , In tierces , llrm , 31s 6d. Bacon , clear bellies , 11 to 1C Ibi. . llrm. 3Ss. PEAS-Cnnadinn , 5n 5',4d. ' RecelptH of wheat during the last three d.iys , 37S.OQO contain , Including 23IIK)0 ) Amer ican. Receipts of American corn during the las' three days , 203,000 cental ? . Weather cloudy and damp. KIIIINIIN City ( irnln null ProvUloni' . KANSAS CITY , Jan. 12. WHEAT Mny , 64 4C ; cnsh , No. 2 hard. C2'jc ; No. 3 , 5Sf6Ic ; No. 2 red , C3i/70c ; No. 3 , 62/C5c ; receipts , 17 cars. CORN-Mny. SOlic ; cash. No. 2 mixed , 29 = W(29Tic ( : No. 2 white. 3'Jc ; No. 3 , 29Mc. OATS-No. 2 white , 2IVic. RYE No. 2. 50i\ HAYChoIcitimothy. . $9.0089.30 ; choice prnrle. ! $7 lW < 7.5n. RECEIPTS-Whcn : , 10,200 bu. ; corn , 9,700 bu. : oiln. : I 000 bu. SlIIPMKNTS-Wheat. 11,100 bu. ; corn , 3 , ( X ) bu. ; oats , 7,00) bu. MlniiriipollN Wlieal nnd l-Mniir. MINNEAPOLIS , Jan. 12. WHEAT -In stole : No. 1 northern. January. 63c ; May. f.WitMTfcc : July. ( WnffCtfi.&c. On track : No. 1 hard. f&Hi" No. 1 northern , C3Hc ; No. 2 northern , 6V".c. ( ! KLOI'R First nHtents. $3.30fi3.40 : second patents. $3.10fi3.20 ; llrst clear. J2. 1092.20. IIRAX Uiuhnncpd. Tole.lo .MnrKot. TOLEDO , O. . Jan. 12. WHEAT Active and weak : No. 8. cash. 69o ; May , 72c bid. CORN Dull ; No. 2 mixed , 32c. OATS Steady : No. ' . * mixed. 3C > c. HYE Quiet : No. 2 , cash , 56UC bid. CLOVERSEED-Dull mid unchanged : prime cash , old , $4. SO ; January , new , $5.CS bid ; March , $7.70 bid. .MUiviiiilit't * ( irnln .Vnrl.nl. MILWAUKEE. Wlf. , Jan. 12.-WH'EAT- Flrmer : No. 1 northern , G5ftC5Uc ; No. 2 northern. 63'/.ifiC4c. RYE Steady ; No. 1. BSijooHe. BARLUY-fatcudy ; No. 2 , 45fl4Cc ; sample , I'piirln Market , PKORIA , Jun. 12.-CORN-Flrm ; No. 2 , ao' c. OATS-Klrm ; No. 3 whlUs 2a-4f(2lc. ( WHISKY Firm , on the basis of $1.23 for llnltihcd goods. DuliilU AVlicnt MnrUcl. ni'H'TH. Minn. . Jan. 12.-WIIEAT-No. 1 jiarJ , .cash , Me ; No. 1 nurthern , cosh , r.l'jr. May. ( ! 7 , July. rw , * > ; No S C2c , No. 3 spring , r > sisc. STdCKS AMI IMS. ( Henrs RVIKMI ICfTortM to Depre Stiunr Hut AVItlioiit Siu-co- ! . NEW YORK , Jan. 12. The opening tnles of Sucnr nffordod convincing evidence thnt Us friends had rallied to Its support and were prepared to conical Hie progress which the hears have made In cutting down Its prce. ! Very heavy blocks were thrown upon the market nt the opening , but the quotation wns lifted from 113 to HI on run ning snles In the llrst transactions of the dny. The opening price was thp lowest. After the stock cot nboVc Inst night's level the heart , renewed their efforts lo depress It again , but without success. The reilst- mice shown by Hie stock caused uneasiness In the ranks of the unwieldy short Interest nnd they stnrted to cover. They cirrled the stock up to US. ne.ir which It closed. There was no further sign of thp acute weakness which \\as shown yesterday by the local traction stocks nnd Tobacco , which was said to be due to the closing out of an embarrassed account. 'Phe. o stocks were under pressure during the mornltii ? , but they responded lo the recovery In Sugar and late general slrcngth In the market and lose vigorously nbove ln. t night's level. The relaxation of the presume on Sugar played no small part In the general strength of thu market. Railroads advalnod nl the opening In sympathy with strength abroad , but they were not enibarras'cd by demor alization In the speolnltle ? nml so gained ftrpngth ns the day progressed. All the prominent stocks rose from 1 lo 2olii's ' over last night's level and closed strong at the top. Home very heavy blocks of Haiti- more .t Ohio were taken on In the late deal ings by the circulation of rumors of approaching preaching dividend declarations. The market broadened out notably In the Inlp dealings on Ihe Improvemenl In the seti- llmcml rif the foreign financial circles and expectation of a slro'ic bank statement. The Hank of Germany followed Ihe other European government banks today ny re ducing Its minimum dls.-ount rnte from 7 to 6 per cent and the rapid downward course of prtvnlo dlscoiinl rales In London gave confidence In sllll further reductions In Iho bank rales. London also look n sanguine view of Ihe advantages of General Huller's new position on the Tugela river. The buyIng - Ing for London account was sulliclent to cnuse a sharp break In sterling exchange rates nil around. 'Money ' was In abundant supply and rates for time loans were shaded to 5 > ; ior cent on railroad collateral. Call loans fell to 3 per cent. Subtrensury operations had yielded to iho bank's $3.II3UOO up lo Tluir. hiy night. The net gain of the banks on the regular export movement with the Interior U estimated at about the same amount. This does not take net aunt of receipts by registered mall , which are reported to have been on n large scale. From these , amounts must be deducted last Saturday's gold ex ports , ns well as $1,000,000 In gold which went to South America today. The net gnln by banks on nil accounts Is ilgurcd at nbout $4.000,01)0. The bond market continued dull , but was strong ; 'total sales , pnr value , $2,193,000 ; United Slnles 3s , registered , declined ' , & , but the 5s advanced ' * In the bid price. The Commercial Advertiser's London flnnnclul cablegram says : The markets here were exceedingly quiet today. There was no pronounced buying anywhere , but a cheerful tone pervaded all quarters , Induced by the reduction of thy German bank rate from 7 to 6 per cent nnd Ihe olllcinl an nouncement that General Buller had seized Potgleter's drllt on the Tugela. A rise In consols of \ < i point was symtomaUc of the general feeling. Americans were assisted further by n rumor thnt n large Dutch op erator , who had 'been a heavy bear In mines and Americans , had closed his commitments for the decline and turned bull , presumably on Information from Boer sources. New York sales somewhat spoiled the effect of this : but Baltimore & Ohio securities nnd Loulslvlle & Nashville sto.-k remained In demand. Berlin bought n few Americans und Canadian Pacifies. The iPnrls mnrkrt wns llrm In lone. The bank botighl .CC3.COO In German coin nnd nn- clher 1'JOOCO was "earmarked" for Iho In dian currency. The Indian council again raised Iho rate on telegraph transfers , but there Is no demand yet In India for bullion. 'Money remained easy at yesterday's rate , but bills were hard. Foreign exchange rales were quoted as follows : Paris , 25.22 ; Berlin. 24.19' , ; . The following arc the quotations for the leading stocks on the New York exchange today : Atchlson 1914 Texas & Pnclllc. 14i do pfd : 59fe Union Pnclllc . . . 16" . Baltimore & O. . 59 % do pfd 74''j Canadian Pnc. . . . 914 Wnbash 7afe Canada. So 4Jta' ' do pfd 20 % dies. & Ohio 29'/ji WYitel. & L. E. . a',4 ' Chicago G. W. . . . 12 I do 2d pfd. . . . 26 % C. . B. & Q. , 120TJW1S. Central . . . .IS Chi. , Ind. & L. . . 11 Adams Ex 112 do pfd 17 American Ex 14 ; : CM. & E. Ill 85 U. S. Ex 45 Chicago & N. W.1CO Wells-Fnrgo Ex.120 C. , R. I. & P 103Anier. Cot. Oil . . KJ1/- C. C. C. & St. L. 61U do pfd 92 Colorado So 5i Amer. Malting . . 0',4 do 1st pfd. . . . 41 do pfd 28 do 2d pfd. . . . 14'4 Amer. S. & R. . . 36 > i Del. & Hudson..113 % do pfd S7'/ > Del. L. & W 174 Amer. Spirits . . . i Denver & R. G. . 17'/4 do pfd 17 do pfd 68H Amer. Steel II. . . 41V& Erie 11'4 do pfd H do 1st pfd. . . 32'4Amer. S. & W. . . 4S Gl. Nor. pfd IBS do pfd M ft Hocking Coal . . . 15 > < . Amer. Tin Plate. 30 Hocking Valley. . 31 do pfd 81 lllinoifl Central..11U4 Amer. Tobacco. . . 9S % lowrv Centra ! . . . . lla < do pfd 13. do pfd 4S'A Anne. MIn. Co. . . 39V4 K. C. , P , & G. . . 9 Brooklyn R. T. . 6S- % Lake Erlo & W. . 2Colo. . Fuel & I. . 42 % do pfd SI Con. Tobacco . . . 32Vi Lake Shore 197 I do pfd S4'/ . L. & N 80 Federal Steel . . . 50 % Manhattan L 9HA do pfd 7 ; ; % Mot. St. Ry 167 Gen. Electric . . .123 Mex. Central . . . . llVi Glucose Sugar . . . 50 % Minn. & St. L. . . 5SVj' do pfd 97 do 'Pfd ' 90 ilnitfr. Paper 22 % Missouri Pac 10U1 do pfd GG % Mobile & Ohio. . . : ! 3'4 Luolcdo Gas 79 Mis. , K. & T. . . . 10 National Biscuit. Si',4 ( do pfd 32 do pfd S9 N. J. Central . . . .117V2 National Lead . . 26 % N. Y. Central..1SIV. do pfd 105Vt Norfo'.k & W 24Vs National Steel . . . 4IV4 do pfd 69 do pfd B2 No. Paclllc 5Mi N. Y. Air Brnke.130 do pfd 73M > No. American . . . HH Ontario & W 21 % Pnc 'llc Coast . . . . IS1/ . Ore. Ry. & Nav. 42 | do 1st pfd. . . i > 2 do pfd 7H I do 2d pfd. . . . CO Pennsylvania . . . .1294 < Pnclllc Mall 43'/t Reading 17',4 People's ( ! ns _ . . . .103 % do 1st pfd. ' . . . 51 Pressed S. Car. . 57 do 2d pfd. . . . 26r * do pfd ST , Rio G. W 3i'H Pullman P. Car. 187 do pfd S' ' ) Standard R. & T. 9V St. L. fc S. K. . . . ! Vf ! Suprar do 1st pfd. . . do pfd Ill do 2d pfd. . . . i4Tenn. . Coal < t I. . . St. L. Southw. . . 10 U. S. Leather . . . 16Vj do pfd 25 I do pfd 75V , SI. Paul J117'4 U. S. Rubber . . .41 % do pfd 170 ' do pfd 101 ! St. P. & Omaha. 113 Western Union. . . 85 % So. Paclllc 37M Republic I. & 8. 2ftV , So. Ra'.lwny 1H do pfd (15Vs ( do pfd 53 % P. C. C. & St. L. 79 \ < MV York Money Mur ! < pt. NEW YORK. Jan. 12. MONEY On call , slendy at 3t4'i ' per cent ; Inst loan. 4 per cent ; prime mcrcnntlle p.ipcr , olAfTG per cert. STERLING EXCHANGE-Wcak. with nctunl business In bankers' bills nt $4.83 % , JT4.S7 for demand and at $ I.S3fN.S3'/i ' for slxlv dnys ; posled rales , $ I.Sif(4.Si4 | | and $ I.S7M > 'f7l.8S ' ; commercial bills , $ LS2'Aff4.Si. | ; SILVER Certificates , r,3i < ! { j59'/4c ' ; bar , 6Ss c : Mexican dollars , 47Vic. BONDS Governments , Irregular ; stale , Inactive ; railroad , slrong. The following nro Iho closing quotations on bonds : \T 87"2srreg. . . . . . 102'A N7 Y. C. Is 109 do 3s. reg 10)14 ) N. J. C. gen. ES..HS du coupon N. Carolina 6s."l27 do 4s , reg 133 do 4s 106 do new 4s , cou.lll'i V""ac. . Is lift do o'd 4s , reB..H3V | do 3s (1.V5. ( do coupon 113' , dodo _ , , do 5s , reg n : iN.YC. ft Rt.L.ls.104 do coupon 112 % N. ft W. e. 4i. . . . 91U I" ) , of C. 3 tat 119 | do gen. 6s 1231/ ' Atchlson pen. 4s. 99'iiO1Nav. ' . Is Ill ) " do adj. 4s OW do 4s loju. Canada So. 2s. . . , 1071 Ore. S. L. 6s 12D 'i Clips , ft O 4Us. . . flfii1 do con. 5s node do G- 115'i ' Reading gen. 4s. SI C. . 'i N" con. 7 . .139 Rio G. W. ! . . . . 95 do S. F. deb. 5s.llSSt.L. ft l.M. c.5s,109T's Chicago Tcr. to. . 9) 'Kl.l ' ft S.F. g.Gs.120 D. ft R. G. lB..ll)2'iSt.'Panl con 166 do 4s 97 SI. P. . C. ft P.ls.llRift K. T. . V. ft G.1S.10IN do fis JISH Erin B 'H. 4s 6Sl' , So. Railway 5s..l06- F. W. ft D. C. Is. 7IH S. R. ft T. 6s. . . . 81 Gen. E'ec. 5s..117 Tcnii. n. s. 3s 91 O. II. ft S. A. t > s.U > S .Texas . & Pnc. lu.lll'/ ' . do 2 lf > * i ' "do 2s l | H. ft T. C. 5s..110 Union Pnclllc 4s.lfl2Vi do con. 6s lit ) Wabash li 113 In. Central Is..Ill do 2s | ft ) K. C. , P. ft O. is. 67 \V eet Shore 4s..llli La. n. c. 4s 1W Wls. Central Is. . S3 L. ft N. mil. 4s. . 97 V . Centuries . . . SIde Mis. , K. ft T. 2s. 6S do deferred . . . . 5 do 4s 89 ( Colo. So. 4s SITi Bo. Pacific Is. . . . S1HI " Offered. I'orrlifii I'MiiiiiK'ial , LONDON. Jan. 12. The market for Amer ican securities , after a dull start , was rle-ndler. After a short period of quietness the market ngaln strengthened and clost'd llrm. Business wns limited to professional traders. Spanish 4s. 66V Th > > amount of bullion taken into the Bank of Knglnnd on balance toda:1 was 60,000. The sum of 100.000 gold was transferred to the Indian currency account- OeM premiums are tjuoted _ a follows. ; D.ue.nos Ayres , 12J.C9 , M.nlriil. I ? ; l bnn. 41.5 , Rome. 7oo uur silver ( losi'il firmer .it 2TV1 pi r oun > 'p. I'ARIS , .Jan. 12. ThrM > per cent re-res. If'f 7'nc for the IH count ; o.xchnngr on Lon don , 25f 22c for check * ; Spanish 4. , fi7.f/i. Prices became firm on the bourse todny after a hesltntlng opening , due to Ihe re- ducllon In Ihe German bank rate. Re ports of General Ruller's advance In Soutli Africa bud n beneficial effect , stimulating Ixinilon Luying nnd hardening prices. In- ternntlonnl securities , particularly Spnnlph h nnd Brazilians , were In request. Knlllrs recoveied. UKHI.IX. Jnn. 12. On the bourse today prices hnrdened owing to the reduction In the bnnk rnte nnd the favorable money rltiutlon. Sub'enucnlly they eased on vague retort < < ! n rennrd to the South African slluallon , bill closed llrmer ns n r v ult of reports thai General Buller hail Knitted a victory. The Imperial Bnnk of Germany has reduced Its rate of discount from 7 to r , per * cent nnd Its rate for ml- vnnces to 7 ner tent. "oKton Stuck Ouotntloiii. BOSTON , Jnn. 12.-Call lonns , ofifi per cent ; lime loans , Slid per cent. Olllcinl closing ( imitations of stocks , bonds and mining shares : A. . T. & S. 1A 19V , Wost."iiPclrlc : 7T4 > r il" pfd 33 ; ' W'X Ccnlral . . . . 17M Amnr. hugar . . . , ll7i Dom. Coal 41 . 'Jo 1 fd lll\i do pfd 115 Bf-ll Toll-phono..332 Atch'son 4 . . . ' . . .OS Boston ft Alb'y..2U 'Adventure Boftnii Mlcvnled. M1'-Allours .Mn. ! < ! o. 3 Hoiton ft Me.ni ) Atlnntlc 25 fB. . ft Q 121 Hotlon ft Mont..270 Gelt. Klfctrle . . .122U Hutto ft Boston. . 15 ( Jen. elct- . pfd.,13i' ( . "nlumet ft Hee..7l5 I'edernl Ktrol . . . fiO'i ' Celilelllilnl 172 do pfd 73 Franklin 14 JIcx. Central . . . . 1014 Osccolii 70 Mich Te ephone.lO'l ' Parrot I0'4 Old Co'ony 202 Qulncy 115 old Domlnlm . . . 20 Snnla li > Copper. iii Rubber , . . . . 12H Tnmnrnck W ! Union IVicUlc. . . . . 4fi2Vlnoni' \ . 4'4 Union Lund . . . . a i\Volverlnes 40 West Und 92 lUtnh Mining . . . . 2S14 do pfd 112J \IMV Turk 'Mlnlimr StookM. NB\V YORK , Jan. 12-Tho following nre the olllclal closing quulntlons for min ing shares : London tnek UiiotnHons , LONDON , Jan. 12. 4 p. m. Closing : Consols , money. . P9 % * N. Y. Centra.13S ! Conso" . ncct US'1 ; ! Pennsylvania , C5i Canadian Pac. . . . 01" , Rendlnn 9 Krle 1li No. Paclllc pfd. . 75'i ' do 1st pfd 33 Atchlson 2fl'i Illinois Central . .Illy , Louisville 81 % Union Pac. pfd. . 7G Grand Trunk . . . . " ! > St. P. common..11974 Anaconda. M6 Kx-dlvldend. BAH SILN'KR Steady at 27d per ounce. MONEY 2(72'4 ( ' per cent ; lhe rnle of dls- counl In lhe open market for Bhorl blll- > , 3Vi5J3-i per cenl ; for Ihree months' bills , 2y3Ti per cent. Hunk C NKW YORK , Jan. 12. Clearings , $165.292- 050 ; balances , $ ! > ,213,6SO. . BOSTON. Jnn. 12. Clearings , J22,3J,60S ; balances , J2.070.1.S7. CHICAGO. Jan. 12.-Clearings , $22,09I,4E3 ; balances. $ l,5l5.niG ; posled exchange , Jl. fi1 4.SS' < > ; New York exchange , 40c premium. PHILADKI.PHIA , Jan. 12.-ClcarIngs , $ lfi,3S7ra5 ; balnnces. { 2.32S.II1. BALTIMORK , Jan. 12.-Clearlngs , J3,29S- , 94" , ; balances. S W,5G7. ST. LOUIS , Jan. U-Clearlngs , $3,731.190 ; balances. $ I7J,7.SG ; money , 4TS | per cent ; New York exchange , EOc promlum bid , 7oc pre mium asked. Condition of the 't'rcn.Miry. WASHINGTON , Jan. 12. Today's slale- mcnt of the condition of the treasury shows : Available cash balance , $2S2S35,114 ; gold reserve , } 231,0 SGfi3. Co loii Inrkct. NE\V YORK , Jan. 12. COTTON Futures clored steady : January , $7.i ; ; ; February , $7.30 ; March , $7.-33 ; April. $7.3G ; May. J7.39 ; June , S7.IO : July , J7.12 ; August , $7.40 ; Sep tember. ' f.C.95 ; October , SC.S2 ; Ncvember , T0.7S ; December , $0.75. Spot closed quiet ; mldc'lii'g uplands , 7c ; 'iilddllng ' gulf , "Tsc ; snips , Ul ; ) haU-j. Nl-\V ORLKAN3 , Jan. 12. COTTON Ac tive : sales. 10,950'hales ; ordinary , OVfec ; good oidinai-y , C'ic ; low middling , 7Hc ; middling , 7hc ; good middling79lBc ; middling fair. 7c ; receipts. - 4WW bales ; stock , 3SGCW sales. Futures-nrtrmj January. J7.1S bid ; ] ' > bruary , S7.19ff7.20 ; March , $7.21 ; April , S7.22f7.23 ; May--$7.23ffi7.24 ; Juno , $7.2407.26 ; July , $7.2Cfi'7.27 ; August. $7.10 7.11 ; Septem ber. fC.7UiC.2 ; . October , $6.8Dfi6.60. ! ST. LOUIS. Jan. 12.-COTTON Market unchanged ; rales , none ; middling. 77-lGc ; receipts 1,453 bales ; shipments , 1.96S bales ; Block , 100,091 bales. GALVHSTON , Jan. 12.-COTTON Firm at 7VC. LIVERPOOL , Jan. 12.-COTTON Spot In fair demand. l-32d higher ; American md- ! d'.lng , fair. l Jd ; good middling , 45-32d ; or dinary , 331-32d. The sales of the day were 10,000 bnkK , of which 500 were for specula tion and export , nnd Included 9,500 Ameri can ; receipts. 13,000 bales. Including 7.9W American. Futures opened and closed steady at the advance ; American middling , 1. m. c. , January , 4 21-61574 22-fild ; January and February. 4 IS-GlfN 19-fi4d Fellers ; Feb ruary and March , I 15-C1TJ4 IG-G-ld buyers ; March and April. 4 12-6H/4 13-6ld buyers ; April und May , I a-niSillO-GId sellers ; May and June. 4 7-Gld buyers ; June and July , t 5-Cld value ; July and August , 4 3-Gld sell ers ; August and September , 3G2-44d buy ers ; September and October. " . 54-Md ( buy ers ; October nnd November. 3 I7-Gld buyers. Wool Market. T30STON. Jan. 12.-The Cnmmerrlal Bul letin tomorrow will ray of the wool market : The market Is Hat und uninteresting ; not n sale of washed Ohio wool nor of Australian wool has been made this week. Cablegrams from Me''oourne ' note n slight decline In cross-bred wools there. The goods trndo Is booming. Some overconting mills arc sold to September. Utah correspondents of Uoston wool houses . ; they have received personal as surances from Brvnn that If elected presi dent he will retain a .protective duty on wool , having changed his mind on free wool. The sales for the week were 2,117,000 pound ? domestic and 130.000 nounds foreign , a total of 2.2-I7.0GO pounds' for tills week , against a total of 2,172.000 pounds last week and a total of 3.770,000 pounds for the cor responding week last year. The receipts to date show an Increase of 6,325 pounds do mestic , a decrease of 2,417 pounds foreign against lasl year. The pales to date show an Increaseof 1,140.000 pounds domestic and 79J.OOO pounds foreign. on OIL CITY , Pa. , Jan. 12.-OILS-Crcdlt bal ances , $1.66 ; certificates , $1.6GiIid for cash ; shipments. 105,397 bbls. ; average , S7,3fi9 bbls. ; runs , flsXfil bbls. ; average , 1-5.496 bbls. NEW YORK. Jan. 12.-OILS-Cottonseed oil strong ; prlmo crude , 33c ; prlmo yellow , 37037',4o. PelrolPitm , steady. Rosin , steady ; strained , common to good , $ l,62'/i01.65. Tur pentine , steady. LONDON. Jan. 12.-OILS-Llnsecd oil , 23s 9d. Sperm oil , 3s. Turpentine spirits , SSs ll4d. LIVERPOOL , Jan. 12.-OILS-Cotton t'ed oil , Hull rellncd , January nnd April , firm , 20s 3d. Soiiiir Mni-kct , NEW ORLEANS , Jan. 12.-SUGAR Slrong ; open keltic. 3011-lGe ; open kettle , centrifugal , 3Tii < ii 15-16c ; centrifugal , plnntn- tlon granulated. 4yic ; whites. 4 ? ' ] % ; yel lows.4'404lvic ' ; seconds , STiUlc. MOLASSICS-Oulcl ; open kettle , 320 lOc ; centrifugal , S0uKc , NEW YORK , Jan. 12.-SUGAR-Raw , llrm ; rellncd , llrmer ; mould A , $5.30 ; standard A , $ l.k3 ; confectioners' A , $ I.S3 ; cut loaf. $3.43 ; crushed. $5.13 : powdered , $3.13 ; granulated. Jj05 ; cubes , J5 2 < ) . LONDON , Jan. 12. - SUGAR January , llrv ( ioiiilM .TlarUi't , NH\V YORK. Jan. li DRY GOODS The cotton iooiU market shows no change In character of demand for cither ivaplo lines or fancies. Brown bleached nnd course col ored cottons , all slow , but prices nro steady ; prints quiet ; American I ! Indigo blues advanced to Sc and ( ' Indigo blues to 7c yer yard ; print cloths Inactive ; no biiHl- IU H In regular cloths , unchanged nt : Hie ; linens are very ptroiu. . Market Is cam- pnrnMvoly bnro of supplies nnd prices nro advancing abroad nnd hore. Burlaps quiet without chance In prUcs. Clillfiirnln Dried FrnllK. NEW YORK. Jan. 12.-CALIKORNIA DRIKD FRU1T3-A fair Jobbing business was reported for all grades of evaporated apples and the market wag firm without Important change In prices. Stnto cvnoo- rated apples , common , Wic ; prime , \'A41 ( "Vic ; cholco. 7i < &Sc ; fancy. SV jjDc. Cali fornia dried prunes , 4f < Sc per Ib. . as to nzo | nnd qualllv. Anrlcotx , Royal , 13T < 15c : Moor Park , 15flMPeaches , peeled , S0i/22c / ; un- pccleil , "VifllOc. VlHlllll' Slllll > - Of t'Olloil. NEW ORLKANS. Jap. 1 . Secretary llerter's sin'ement of the world's visible supply of lotion S'IOWB n tolal of 4,2)ti,9i5 ) ; Imles. against 4.3')3.292 last wcok. 5,59j.I29 lust year nnd 4.1 > 'i0.059 year before lust. Of this the total of American cotton Is 'l,5 < > , - ST , liulcs. ngalr.s3577 2 laa wei k. 4 S'W- ' 129 latt } ear and J,19 , > , iM year btfort la ° l. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cornfed Steer ; Sell at Steady to Strong ; Prices BUTCHTRV STOCK ALSO QUOTED STRONG lloK Ailvnnrr AKnln , MnkliiK InrKP ( ulns for tbp WpcU Sliroii nml lit . \etl\c Ilpiiiniiil nt Cooil Steady SOUTH OMAHA. Jnn. 12. Receipts were : Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Ofllclnl Monday 2.S10 B.S42 3,470 Oniclnl Tuesday 7.20 9,910 3,9- Olllcinl We.'nesd.iy ' 2.S31 9,211 D71 Otllclnl Thursday 2,101 7,0.11 1.20J Ofllcl.ll Friday S15 7,810 1.3.M PIvo dnys this week 12,3 0 S3.S.73 10S6i Same dnys Insl week..11,670 27.01S 10,721 Same dnys week before. 7.16.1 22.413 9.492 Sumo Ihreo we ks ago..10,350 43,19-S 7.1i > 0 Average price paid for hog" tor Iho last vevernl dnys with comparisons : -Inn. 1 3 1S | 340 ] 4 22 6r Ttin. y 3 17 3 13 4 16 r , IG Jan. r 3 40 5 05 Jnn. 4 3 251 3 51 | 4 11 B 10 Jan. 5 3 ! 7l 4 it ; 6 Hi Jnn. 0 3 21)1 ) s mi * 5 07 Jnn. 7 3 IS ) 3 4S 4 10 Jnn. 8 3 121 4 0) 5 07 Jan. 9 3 141 3 86 ! 4 11 5 18 Jnn. 10. . . . * I 3 54 I lift 5 17 Jnn. 11. . . . 3 071 3 51 I OS | 5 30 Jnn. 12. . . . 314 4 07i 3 21 * Indicates Sunday. The official number of cars of slock brought In today by each road was : Cattle. Hogs. S'h'p. C. . M. ft St. P. Ry 2 13 O. ft St. L. Ry 2 1 Missouri Pni-inc Ry G 4 Union Paclllc system 3 li C. ft N. W. Ry 1 6 F. . E. ft M. V. R. R 7 3t C. , St. P. . M. ft O. Ry 5 11 B. ft M. R. R. R 6 23 C. , B. ft Q. Ry 1 5 C. . R. 1. ft P. Ry. , eilPt. . . . 1 C. . R. I. ft P. Ry. , west. . . . 1 1 Illinois Ccnlrnl Ry 1 Total rccelpls 31 119 B The disposition of the day's receipts was ns follows , each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated : Iluyors. Gallic. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 14 B44 15 O. H. Hammond Co S3 l.CSS Swlfl and Company S2 1,137 475 Ciidnhy Packing Co 219 1,972 S2S Armour & Co 52 1,703 . . . . Cttdnhy , Kansas Clly. . . . 159 Swift , from country til . . . . Armour , Sioux City C25 . . . . W. I. 'Stephen 15 Bonbon & Underwood. . . . 31 Huston & Co 11 Livingstone & Schaller. . 44 Bennett 63 Totals S55 7,833 1,318 CATTL13 There were really not enough entile In sight to make any kind of a tesl of Ihe market. Of the few loads reported In the yards there were six lends direct to packers , bought for them on the Knnsns City market. T.here were n few lends of boot steers , the most of them common warmed-up or half-fat entile. The market on fat catlle could hardly bo quoted other wise than steady to strong , but slow , for the reason that there was not enough In sight to nrouse Interest of buyers. One bunch of choice eornfcd steers , the beH seen In these yards for some time , while- face : ! , brought J6.2"i. Cows nnd heifers were In pretty good de- mnnd and sold at steady to strong prices. In the middle of the week the cow stuff sold a. little lower , hut It Is now selling about where it did on Monday , so that for the week there has been very little ch.inup. Hulls , calves , etc. . were very scarce today. Not enough stockers or feeders were on sale to mnke any test of the market or establish quotations. Speculators still had a few cattle on hand. The few entile In ( irst hands sold In nboul the same notches as yesterday. Hepresentnllve sales : REEF STEERS No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 19 1036 4 30 ° " 2 4 8,5 , 3 1113 $1 50 "i ! 5 50 2 1050 455 15 137S 5 70 41 1204 4 SOCOWS. U3S4 6 23 COWS. WESTEP.NS. C. J. Flnn-Ncb. 2 bulls 1140 290 2 cows. . 99.1 3 ! 3 heifers. . 970 3 75 1 cow. . . 610 2 85 C cows 903 2 65 9 cows 903 3 00 HOGS The upward course of the market wns continued todny. The mnrknt opened 6f7V4c | higher , and though sellers wore very bullish nnd In consequence not very quick to tell , the market was fairly active nt the advance , PO thnt the most of Ihe hogs changed hands In good season. Good loads of mixed hogs Hold-very largely at $ l.47'Af ? 4.50. with some choice heavy loads at $4.5. . H wns. viewed from n seller's standpoint , n very good market and entirely satisfactory In nil respects. Buyers- evidently want the boss. So fnr this wonk the market has made an advance of close to 15c nnd the market Is now 25fi30- higher than It was the first day of the year. It will bo noted from Die table of average Prices' that hogs nre now nt the. highest point touched at this season of the yenr since 1591. Representative silcs : . . . SliEKP Tlurr nro not many sheep cum ins to ( Ills tnnrkot. but receipts have boot heavy at Chicago , which has prevented nnj big ndvnncc In tir ! market and rendered tin trnilo n llttli' drnssy. Buyer * nt this point however , seem to wnnl nil thn : arc coming ninl toilny they nought up everything It sight : U good , stonily prices. An comparer with olhrr markets tin- prices paid nt till ! point nro very s.ulpfsu lory. Today fair U Kooil Mexican yearlings Bold nt M.S't n"1 good western e\\rs at SI.15. Some \crj Knod weMorn Inmbs sold ns high ns $5.90. ljuotntlc'is : Good to plu-irp fed yiini'llnjM J.t ! > 5ftl.S5 ; g.ind to choice Wethers , $ I.GOiM.Wl Rood to choice fed ewesi. Jt.Wf4.30 ; f.llr U good fp,1 , ewes , * 1.W4.4"0 ! ; good to eh"U'i native Iambi * . $5.75fifl. < ' 0 : good to choice fei western liunl.- " . $5.fi.Hi5.KI ; fnlr to good f' ; western lambs , J5.2M/5.CO / ; feeder wethet-3 f3.7Dfr3.PO : fcedct yearlings , $ I.WVtfl.2S ; Rood to cl'olce feede'Inmbs , } 4. > tf4 'H > ; fair f peed feeding Ionili. . $ l.00yi.25 ; feeder owes ) , J225ij3,00. Repr---cnlnive : SPCS ! : No. Av. I'r. 22'i western owes 104 $1 15 9 ewes 101 I 40 12 cull limbs G5 475 _ 7 yearlings 10 ! 475 275 Mexican yearlings 71 4 S3 15 .Mexican yearling ! ? 6 $ 4 SS 2IS Ininbs 71 5 (5 G lamb * 103 S f > 3 27S lambs 7S 690 243 western lambs SS 5 0 CIIICACO 1,1 Vl STOCK MAH1CHT ( 'lUllee St MTM Ulu'lCr. ' OtlUTN Stl'lllly loK ! .Stronger , Sheep Stonily. CHICAGO , Jnn. 12.-CATTLK-Good tt oholce native steers , strong to higher ; In- ferlor to medium , dull ; Texans , active niu steady ; butcher stock and emitters , steady feeders , linn ; good to choice , $5.40yi5.tO poor to medium , JI.OMrfl.OO ; mixed stock' era , $1.250 ; : . S3 ; selected feeders , JI.2Vii5.no Coed to choice cow. " , $3.lJO'n I.U5 ; timers iJ.5 fj5.00 ; canncrs. $2. 25113.00 : bulls. K.Wu 4.M ; ealves , $4.uOf7.60 | ; fed Texas beeves JI.2o5in.2J. HOGS Active and stronger , mostly 10t higher ; good clearance ; mixed nnd butch' ' irs , $ | .45'n 1. 70 ; good to choice heavy , Sl.fOJi 1.75 ; ruugli heavy , $4.l5-ii4.V > ; light , $ l.40Jj l.liS ; bulk of sales , ft. Mill 407. SHHMiH' AND I.AMHS-Good sheep an Htcivly , others slow ; lambs weak to 10 , lower ; native wethers , $4.(05l.30 ( | ; lambs' $ l.50Jiti.2o ; western wethers , fl.301il.75 western lambs , J3.IOiiti.03. Hecolnts : Cattle , 3.C/JO head ; hogs , 23,00 ( head ; sheep , 9,000 lieud. \rw York llvp Stock. NB\V YORK , Jan. 12.-BKI-VKS-llc celpts , 2,604 head ; dull ; steers , lui5c lower cows , steady to 10c off , all sold ; steers $4.SK ( I.G ! ; oxen , $ l.r.0ff 1.70 ; bulls , ? 3.00fi3.75 cows , $ l.SHji3.)0. ( ( Cables quote Amcrleai cattle lower at ! 2)13c ) per Ib. ; tops nt Lon don , 13'ic ' ; sheep and Innibs , steady ; re- frltrerator beef , SH-jfiS'Ke pur Ib. ; exports , 44 head of cattle ; tomorrow , 224 head of cattli nnd l.UOO quarters of beef. ( . 'AUVKS Uecelpts , 2S head ; vealn , llrm other calves hlKher ; all sold ; ve'ils , JI.ROffi S.2fi ; little calves , ft ; barnyard cnlves , ? 2.5 ( ( f(3.25 : soutliprn calves , $3.25. SIllOHP AND LAM11S Receipts , 3.93 ! head ; 24'j ears on sales ; sheep , steady lambs , lOc lower : 0 ears unsold ; sheep , conv mon to good. J3.00Ti4.5'i ; selected Bothers , K culls , $2 ; lambs , 53.7."ififi G3 ; 1 car extra , $ ii.7j HOGS Uecelpts , 2,107 head ; 2 cars west ern onale ; feeling tinner. KIIIINIIN C'lly Live Slock. KANSAS CITY. Ju'l. 12. CATTM3 He celpts , 2.GOO natives , 400 Tesans ; all do-slrablc stock steady ; few Inferior 0rades slow am lower ; heavy nat'.vo steers. } 5.Gfio.H ! ) ; light- weights. fl.SC'ii'i.oO ; stockers and feeders $2.t3 4.C.Ii ; bulc'her cows ami Ivlfers , SS.lOIi 4.35 ; cannons. { .2.505/3. ID ; fed westerns. M.uOfi 4.9i ; western feeders , J3.29ffl.70 ; Texans HCJGS Receipts. 12,300 head : market ac tive nnd lOc hlchcr ; heavy and mixed. S4.5E fll.70 ; llcht , $ l.45ii 4.C21.4 : Pigs , J4.OOrH.40. SJ113K1' AND hAMHS-Hecelpts , 2.5CC head ; excellent demand ; market llrm : large drove Colorado lambs weighing sixty-nine pounds sold at Jii ; native lambs , J3,70'dC ' .5 ; Colorado lambs , Jo.&otiG.OO ; muttons , $4.30j ( ( n.OO ; stockers and feeders , f 3.00ft 4.M ; culls , J2.501i3.50. , St. l.oulfi I.lve Stock. ST. LOUIS , Jan. 12.-CATTLE Receipts , 1,400 head , Including 7W Texans ; market generally steady and Klow , with no good cattle here ; native "hipping nnd export steers , J4.75li'fi.0."i ; dressed beef and butcher steers. J.l.COSi3.30 ; slecrs under 1,000 Ibs. , } 3. Wi 4.50 ; stockers nnd feeders , $3. 451 } 4. 75 ; cows and heifers , $2.00j4. ! > 5 ; dinners. Jl.oi ft 3. 00 ; bulls , J2.50fi3.75 ; Texas and Indian steprs _ , $3.9011-1.73 ; cows and heifers , J .Cjfl HOGS Receipts , 10.000 head : market higher ; quality good ; plsa and ilglr.s , JI.K { ? ] 0 ; packers , J4.40in.CO ; butchers , ? 4.GOfl I' AND LAMUS Receipts 000 head ; market llrm ; native muttons $ l.3j'/4.90 ; lambs , JG.OIV&G.33 ; stockfrs. S2.50I3.33. | St. .lOHI-llll I/IVP StlK'U. SOTTTII ST. JOSEPH. .Mo. . Jan. 12.-Hpo- ( elal. ) The Journal ouotes ns follows : CATTI.K-Hecelits. | 700 head : market steady to strong ; natives. J | . 25fi3. | 30 ; Texoiu and westerns. ? . ' ! .7af/5.30 ; < ows and heifers , J2.235KIO ; bulls and stags , J2.255l.75 ; year lings and ralves. Jl.O'Vfi'j O : stockcrs and feeders. f3.40fi l.tt ; veals. $1.5067.00. HOGS Ii cepts ! , 4,300 head ; market lOc to 12c higher : all grades , $1.00i/4.G71i ( ; bulk of sales , fl.03fJl.fiO. SHKISI' Hecelpts , 500 head ; market lOo higher ; fair Mexican yearlings , $5. Slock fti Slulit. Following are the receipts tit the four principal western markets for January 12 : Cuttie. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha . M5 7M'i ' 3,323 Chicago . 3,000 23.0JO 9.UOC Kansas City . 3.C09 U.5UO i,50fl St. Louis . 1,100 10,000 BOO Totals . S.213 55,310 13,42 : NK\V YORK , Jnn. 12. COKI I-IK The coffee market opened active and excited , advanced 5f/20 ( / polnto on the call , wish sub sequent Inegularltles and reacted under enormous liquidation , although the under tone of the future market displayed firm ness on the strength of spot coffee , which was in continued active demand. Selllim for short account was arrested by gener ally llrm cables nnd Increased speculation. The , market fell at the elcw under heavy realizing nml was finally barely steady , 5Ti 13 points net lower. Total rales. 70,500 bags , Including : March , JG.S5fi7.00 ; Mar , J7.M } | 7.20 ; June , J7.aJlj7.30 ; July , $7.101/7.35 ; Au gust , $7.10 ; September. $7.131(7.33 ( ; October , $7.23f7.40 | ; November , $7.25 ; December , J7.3C < ci7.GU. Spot , Rio , irregular. Jllld , llrm. 'ill oo mill I.ciillirr Trnilo. CHICAGO. Jan. -Tho Shoe and Leather Review tomorrow will Hay : Thn packer hldfi market Is llrmor. Tile packers accepted a decline of ' 4e on practically all sections on the list , since which there have been liberal transactions and a steady tone. The hides now offered uro In poor condition. The strength of the situation IH evidenced by the ntubborness with which the quotations are upheld. 'Hr.imlrd ' hides are In nmall supply and natives arc hold strong becnUBc of the foreign demand for military harness , SIIJ.V .10KK. i\olle : * Do'iiiHKoi-f , mill CIIIINON n Hun on n Hunk. There was n run on the 1'ortlnnd ( iMe. ) Savings Iwnk itin other day. The depositors drew out , it Is underatosd , between $40,000 nnd $50,000. It Is Bald that the scare orig inated In n practical Joko. Hecalllng the bank failures itn other cities a young man wenit Into a public place where a number of people had gathered and said to n friend , "Did you hear the news about the 1'ortland Savings bank ? " "No , " wntt the reply. "It closed Its doors at 3 this afternoon , " Bald the Joker nnd walked out. Nobody stopped ( o think 'that ' It did ( hat every day. 'Hut ' * ho story spread. There had been previously vague reports that Bomo Portland bank had a heavy deposit In a suspended Now York bank nnd the story vas enough to set depositors wild. While the bank bad a , largo amount of money on hand It failed lo appreciate what was coming. One woman took J2.000 In gold and laicr salil : "I don't know what I am going to do with this money. " The clcrkB worked hard. There was a great crowd and the money was paid out as rapidly ns It could be counted. Nobody pro- tcnte'l , oven If paid in allver , the crowd hav ing but a single thought , to get money out of that bank ti9 ! bauk nd then talked to the depositors. Some wr-nt away , nccor ilnR his statement 'that ' tlio bntlk wan all right , while o-'iera demanded thrlr money nnd got It. The crowd nlmont obstructed travil. stretching tip nnd down KxUiango street for n block. With every momer. t mnfcrs grew worse and t last It seemed ns If nil iho smaller depositors hnil gone crazy. I ito In the afternoon the bank decided I ? de mand Icgnl notice on all sums over MOO. ( Him I'nul'N Term * . Cleveland I'lnln Denier : Oem I'nul Veil , lief dose fallo-n got enough by us yet maybe ? 1'lct Jniibcrt I dcnken mnybo dey vaa gotten 11 like dot. Oem Paul So ? Veil , vns dey Rwltc rctty to hang out fags of truces ? 1'lct Joubcrt I Ktiejiii may bo dey hcf go. leu thoughts of dot klndl. i Oem Paul ( loot ! Ho you think nlretty i dot dey hef got KO far dot dey vlsh lo talk 1 terms ? ' Tic ! Jotlbert I guess H voulil be n ponly gcot Iden dot you vns get thnso terms pre- paret for cmcrchenclca. Oem Paul Dot's a goot Idea indeed. Our terms vas simple. Vc vlll take all dcr Nrlt- IMi territory dot vo haf nlrclly got , uiul mn > bo n Illtlo moro lo round off der corners. Der Hrltlth vlll retire dcr vay dey eomo und loat iletngclluN In dcro ponts. Ve vlll urn der Boozyralnlty limit right up to dcr water , und all der territory vlll be under , our directions. : 1'k't Joubcrt Und von.'I you make any | concessions ncldcr ? Oem Paul Of course vo vlll. Vo vlll i concede dcr Hrltlsh all der wntor dot dey need for dere poats. Ain't dot liberal ? Who says vo arc not vay up In dcr laws of hu manity ? Nopody , you pet your shwcet life. Dot's all today , Plct. PICTO Hun * every lny In tliu yenr. "The Overland Limited' ' Ton cnn IPIIVP ( ) inuhu on till * train , nftci- lirenkfuNt n 11 < 1 y e ( renuli < hc 1'iictllu Connt UN noon nn HIOMC who lenvc vln oilier ruiitcN the ilny lic- forc ' , sMoicixo AMI MIIUAHY CAItS , ivllii Iliu-lier Shop. Itltli ) : IHAV1.KOO.1I PALACU sjiin'iit. s. UlMMi CAIIS , Mfiiln u 111 Curte. IMXTSCH l.ICHT. STI3A.1I 11 HAT , UTC. CITY TICICIST OFFIfH , I.'JOS Fnrnnia Muo. : . TO CHICAGO and EAST. 6T. PAUL and MINNEAPOLIS , HOTSPftlNCS & DEADWOOD. New Gitv Offices , 1401-03 Farnam. Omaha & St , Louis ii R. 41 Miles the Shortest Trains leave Union Station dally for St- oiilr , Kansas City an-J pohtj ist or c-uth j Homeseekers Excursions January I6th. All Information nt City Ofilcc , 1415 Far nam etrcet. THE NAfftE OF Gn Lard , on Ham , on Bacon is a guarantee of purity. Swift and Chicago , Kunmia City , Omaha , St , LoulH , St Joseph , St. Paul , No Money In Advance to Itrittorn Wiuilc Moil , \V& send our remedies and .appliance for lui-n only ) on 'trial und approval. If nut the ( irandniit 'ililyK nil Kiirtli'for went viid'aebii" tatul men , ehlp nil buck ut our CXTOIIRC lay nolbliiK. lure little UxA , tclli it nil , inalleil free ERIE MEDICAL CO. . DUFPALO , N.Y. H.R.PEI1ME.Y8 , CO. SfQfcKS' ' JfiMES EBOY9 & 00 , , Telcpliouc 10 ; ) . Onmh.i , N COMMISSION , GRAIN , I'KOVJSIONHuiul STOCKS I1DAHI ) OK 'I'llADIJ , Corresjiundi.rce John A Warren & Co gg pnt ] Ney