Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 09, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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Depressed by Large RfioaipU and Poor Ex
port Demand Wheat Weakens.
One of < lie Pole-lit Ilcnr Fnelor * In
'J'rmliIn the C'rnrS Umpire Corn
it Simile I.OWIT , 1'rovl-
j nloiiN Improved.
CHICAGO , Jnn. S.-'Whont wns dull nnd
weak today , depressed by largo receipts , a
jKior export demand nnd the Increase In
Russian shipments , .May closing He under
Saturday. Corn closed a shade lower nnd
oats unchanged. Provisions nt thd close
were 2'.4c j7'ie ' Improved.
May wheat opened ' /ic over Saturday nt
CSMlCS" < > c. It speedily developed that there
was little excuse for such a bold front to the
market , for Liverpool was not overly steady
nnd th small world's shlpmcnts-perhaps
HomcwluU bullish nt first glance-contained
u potent bear factor In the Increase
against a. decrease -
in Russian shipments
crease from this country. Interest was di
vided between the pit * and Hoard of Trade
annual election , with the latter the more
jnugnetlc. .May sold oft early to CS ? c ,
lB and Duluth
rk t
A ant i and tlulf port cJenrnnccB , ex-
J3 ° 72ff io ° SlnSi closing ttMSc lm-
JS.-lto Sng futures ranged as follows :
Close. | So y.
. I MLowJ
Articles. ! Open.l _
' '
\vh TtT'
May 5 77 > ,4 |
Cash ( iiiotat'.ons were ns follows :
vi nilR Steadv ; winter patents , S3.40I ?
< ! rn. otralgbts $3 WJ3.20 : clear. $2.90f(3.10 ( ;
I'l rim. spec its. $3.90 4.00 ; spring patents
$ S3.50 ; straights. $2.C5ff3.00 ; bakers. $1.90
° ' ' G2 QC3V4c ; No. 2
---EAT-No. 3 spring ,
No. 2 yellow , 30 % ®
2'f ' ) VT < ? No ' 2. 22V22 ? o : No. 2 white , 25Vi
< s"ic ; No. whiter 2l'X f25',6c.
SEEDS-Flaxsee'd , No. ' i and northwest ,
$1.51 ; timothy seed , prime. $2.3..t clover ,
QQPROVISIONSMOSS pork , per bbl. , $9.40
ff10G5innl , per 100 U.S. . $5.G5fj5.S5 ; short
fibs. Hides ( loose ) , JB.BMi5.KO ; dry sa ted
HhouldorH ( boxed ) . J3.5' ' ) < fjr5.75 ; short clear
sides ( boxed ) , $5.757(5.83. (
-\VHISKY Distillers' finished goods , on
lasls high wines , per gal. . $1.23 % .
SfGA US Unchanged ; cut loaf. $5.70 ;
nr'o the receipts and shipments
liMrmr bbls 211,000 32.0HO
. . . : . . . : : M.OM
frfn , lin * < * dU'i.vv" iTui -iTiiVrftn iii3\nrj
< JJ11H Itll * ISi.CKK ) J4l > , WJ
jvy-t T ? \ * \ \ * \ . . .i. 9,000 lO.OfO
- or A i
( ) 'co )
Barley , nil G1')00 - ° '
On the I'roduce exchanue. today the but
ter market was firm ; creameries. 220'2'Jc ;
dairies 17f(25c. ( ( Cheese , firm at 12Q12 4c.
Kggs , firm at 20c.
in for the lny on Vnrloim
NEW YORK. Jon. S.-FLOUR-RecelptH ,
14,981 bbls. ; export n , 3'i.009 bbls. ; weak and
generally lower except for spring bakers ,
which were In fairly good demand and
uteady ; Minnesota patents , f3.SSffl.05 ; Mln-
neHcita ImUer.s , $2.S3ig3.10 ; winter patents ,
f3.GOli3.S5 : winter Htralghts , $3.40ff3. 15 ; win
ter extras , J2.65i)2.90 ; winter low grades ,
> 2.25i2. 10. Ryu llour , llrm : fair to good ,
n.l&ii.30 | ; choice to fancy. $3.3303.60. Uuck-
wht'at Hour , steady at J2.10ij2.25.
CORNMEAlv-Dull ; Urandywlne , $2.2081
2. CO.
RYE Easy ; No. 2 western , GO'ic ' , f. o. b. ,
nlloat ; state , SSfJsec , c. I. f. . New York , cur
° lAKLKY-Steady ; feeding. 43'iO ' > 44Uc. c. I.
f , Now York ; . malting , 4 ! > OSIc , c. 1. f. , New1
> nrl ; .
HARLEY MALT Dull ; western , 65fl e.
\VI1UAT Receipts , 20XiO ( bu. ; exports ,
8.1U55 bu. Spot , uteady ; No. 2 red , 75VAc , f.
u b. , ailont from store ; No. 1 northern ,
I'uliith ' , 7S Hi' , f. o. b. , afloat , prompt ; No.
1 'urn ! , Duluth , 80Hc , f. o. b. , alloat , prompt ;
' o. 2 rtxl , 72ie , elevator. OpIloiiH opened
h ciuly on cables , but ( illicitly yielded to ace -
t /e bisir attacks , which , being supple-
i ) entod by weaker late cables , small clear-
a ICPS. lliftildatlon and dlsai > polntlng export
tulk , prompted u vtiry weak market In the
curly afternoon , despite an entirely unex-
piotvd Vlslblo supply decrease. After a
li al slight rally with corn the market
tl isc.d Htoudy nt Wifto net decline ; March ,
' iQ75V4c. closed nt 7t' c ; May , 7334f(7IHc ( ,
v dt-d ut 73T&o ; July , 73S74 6-lCc , closed at
ORN Receipts , 63,375 bu. ; exports , 50,2:0
bu. Spot , Hteady ; No. 2 , 40 > ic , f. o. b. , alloat ,
ml 3U4t' , elovator. Options opened steady
itJi wheat , but also turned weak later In
tl , day. The lurso visible mipply Increase ,
b. ; receipts and lower cables all exerted a
ili ire-fiiing effect and otTtiet the liberal clcur-
aii n.i. Closed steudler with the Liverpool
n. rket ; May. 3S 11-16 JiSSTtc , closed at SiT.c.
i IA.TS Reci-lpts. 110.300 bu. : exports , 2u2.50
b. . Spot , easy ; No. 2 , 29'ic ; No. 3 , 2ic ! ; No.
2Jilto. . 31Vif(319ic ( ; No. 3 white. 31c ; track
in. ted western , SiiftSO c ; track white , 31C35e.
01 ( Ions , dull.
iIAY Firm ; Bhlpplng , "i\tfjtQo \ ; good to
cl ilce. 80j/S7ic. / !
HIDES Firm ; Galveston , 20 to 25 Ibs. ,
19 io ; Texas dry. U to 30 Ibs. , Hiio ; Call-
fl 'nla , 21 to 23 Ibs. . 81 lie.
HOPS Quiet ; state , common to. good ,
lvtJ crop , Co ; U9S crop , 7/9c / ; 1S ! crop , 12Q1
II' ; P.iclllo const. 1SW croj ) , 60 ; 189S crop ,
7 10 : 1899 crop , 12iJ14i ! .
LEATHER - Steady ; hemlock sole ,
P ouos Ayres. light to heavy weights , 25jJ
2 , c ; ncld. 25ii25\4u. (
'HOVlSIONH-llecf , steady ; family , $12.50
6 1.W ; mcfs , $10.60. Hoof hums , J2-.5uii23..0 ;
p.fkot. : ! f 11.504) ) 12.00 ; city extra India mess ,
$21 Cut meats , quiet ; pickled bel-
llm , $5.2 fl7.75 ; plckknl Khouldcrs , J3.7C ; pickled -
led hams , $8.fiOfiti.OO , lard , llrm : western
* im closed K.Si\k' January. $8.20 , nom-
in I ; rt'llncd , firm ; continent , K40 ; South
AMurlca , J6.60 ; compound. $5.7o3J5.SHs , I ork
qulot ; nii'sa , $10.25jj 10,75 ; short clear , J1I.25
012.00 : family. J12.00S12.BO. Tnllow , nrmj
city , S'c bid ; country , 6 > iW5 sc.
RICK Steady , domestic , fair to extra , 4
06 > c , Japan , 44f5c. }
MOLASSES Firm ; New Orleans open
kettle , good to choice , 32O40C.
FRIJIGHTS-To Liverpool , dull ; cotton
by steam , 2Gc , nominal ; crnln by steam , 3 ®
3id. !
METALS Thb week opens with indlea-
tlons favorable to increased business and
Improvement In values In the metal mnrkot.
Today several metals scored slight gains on
reappearance of buyers and encouraging
advices from abroad. Offerings , however ,
were less urgent and as a rule were nt a
higher level. At the close pig Iron war
rants were calle-d cpjlet ; Inke copper , un
changed at $16.60 ; tin , steady with $21.93 bid
and $25.60 asked ; lead , steady with $1.70 bid
and $1.75 asked ; ppelter , steady with $1.50
bid nnd $4.60 asked. The brokers' price for
load In $4.45 nnd for copper $16.60.
OMAHA ( ili.Mil.\I , MAHICBT.
Condition of Trnile mill QimtntloiiN on
.Staple nnd I'niu-j' I'rnilnec.
EGGS Receipts light ; fresh stock weak
at 15c.
DRESSED POULTRY Choice to fancy
turkeys , lie ; ducks , 9c ; BCCSC , 9c ; spring
chickens , 707',4c ' ; hens , 6',4ff"c ' ; roosters
LIVE POULTRY-Hens , BHflOc ; spring
chickens , ov e ; old and staggy roosters , 3c ;
ducks , Cc : gces e , 6l4c ; turkeys , Sc.
UUTTER-Common to fair , 17',4c ; choice ,
ISJilOcj separator , 26c ; gathered creamery ,
"pIGEONS-Llvo. per doz. , 75o.
VEALS-Choicc , 9c.
OAME-Ducks. mallards , S3.0003.25 ; blue
wing teal , $1.75 ; green wing teal , $ l.25t1.50 ;
mixed ducks , $1.5002.00.
OUSTERS Medium , per can , 18c ; standard - i
ard , per can , 22c ; bulk standard , per gal. ,
$1.60 ; extra selects , per can. 30c ; extra sei i
leets , per gal. , Sl.75fi2.00 ; Now York counts ,
per can , 37c ; New York counts , per 100. $1.23. <
HAY-Upland , choice. SG.50 ; midland , 1 I
choice , $6 ; lowland , choice , $5 ; rye straw ,
choice. $3.60 ; No. 3 corn , 27c ; No. 3 white .
oats , 22',4e ' ; cracked corn , per ton , $12 ; corn I I
and onts , chopped , per ton , $12.60 ; bran , per
ton , $13 ; shorts , per ton , $14.
NEW REETS-Pcr doz. bunches. 75o.
RADISHES Per doz. bunches , 40c.
LETTUCE Per doz. bunches , 40c ; fancy-
head lettuce , per bbl. , $3.
SWEET POTATOKS-Pcr bbl. , Illinois ,
$3 ; Jerseys , $3 ; large bbls. , Kansas , $2.75 ,
POTATOES Per bu. , choice ; , 30fi40c.
CABBAGE Per lb. , l 4c ; Holland seed ,
CAtTLIFLOWER-Pcr crate. $2.50.
CRANHERRlES-Dell nnd Bugle , per bbl.
$0.75 ; Jerseys , $6.25.
ONIONS Rotall way , yellow , 65c ; red , 75
CELERY-Pcr doz. , 23030c ; California , per
bunch , 45'ff75c. '
TURNIPS Rutabagas , per lb. , IVio ; Ca
nadian , l'41l'lc
MUSHROOMS Per lb. box. 60c.
TOMATOES-Florlda , per 6-basket crate ,
$4.50i5.00. |
APPLES Choice wcntcrn shipping stock ,
S3.0W3 60 : New York stock , S3.75W-l.00.
GRAPES Cntawbas , per small basket ,
ISc ; Malaga grapes , per bbl. , $7.0009.00.
ORANGES Mexican , per box , $3 ; Cali
fornia navels , per box , $3.SOLI'S.75 ; California
seedlings , per box , $2.7503.00.
LEMONS California fancy , $3.75 ; choice
California , $3.50 ; Mcsslnn , $4.
HONEY Per 21-section cnse. $3.23.
NUTS Hickory nuts , largo , per bu. , $1 ;
shollhnrkH , $1.2301.35.
FIGS California layers , per 10-lb. box ,
$1 ; California carton , per 10-lb. box , $1.10 ;
Imported llgs , per lb. , 13c.
DATES-60-lb. boxes , 5V4@fic per lb.
MAPLE SUGAR Per lb. . 9c.
HIDES No. 1 green hides , So ; No. 2
green hides , 7c ; No. 1 salted hides , 9V4o ;
No 2 salted hides , 8c ; No. 1 veal calf , S to
12 Ibs. , 9c ; No. 2 veal calf. 12 to 15 Ibs. , Sc.
TALLOW. GREASE , ETC. Tallow , No.
1 , 4c ; No. 2 , 3-Vic ; rough , 2c ; white grease ,
2iS3Vic ; yellow and brown grease , 2&03c.
Si. I.oulH ( irnlii and I'rovlMoiiK.
ST. LOUIS , Jan. 8. WHEAT Lower ;
No. 2 red , cash , elevator , GSc ; track. 71 ®
71c " ; January. G9c ; May , 70c ; July , 67' c ;
No" 2 hard , GG067c. RecelplB , 9,673 bushels.
CORN-Lower ; No. 2 cash , 30c ; track ,
U03U c : January. 30c ; May , 31ic.
OATS Lower : No. 2 cash , 24c ; track ,
, ic ; January , 24c ; May , 24'ic ; No. 2 white ,
RYE Firm at E2c.
FLOUR-Steady : patents , $3.15ifT3.53 ; ex
tra fancy , $3.10fi3.15 ; clear , $2.75fif2.00.
SEEDS Timothy seed , $2.00ft2.35. Flaxseed -
seed , better at S1.4SV4.
CORNMEAL $ i.70Q1.75.
IJRAN Firm ; sacked , east track , G5o.
HAY Steady ; timothy , $10.00012.00 ; prai
rie. $7.25-58.50.
WHISKY Steady at $1.23 % .
PROVISIONS Dry salt boxed meats , ex
tra shorts , $3.02 : clear ribs , J5.75 ; clear
sides , $3.8714. Bacon , extra shorts , $5.G2' ;
clear ribs , $5.75 ; clear slde.s , J3.S7KPork ,
higher ; Jobbing , $9.87 % , now ; $11.50 , old.
Lard , easier ; prime steam , $5.GO ; choice ,
$3.62 % .
METALS Lead bettor nt $4.6704.70.
Spelter lilgher at $1.37 % .
POULTRY Dull ; chickens and ducks ,
Gc : turkeys , 7c ; geese. Be.
RECEIPTS Flour , 7,000 bbls. : wheat , 10-
000 bu. ; corn , 72,000 bu. ; oats , 70.000 bu.
SHIPMENTS Flour , 4,000 bbls. ; wheat ,
21,000 bu. ; corn , 88,000 bu. ; oats , 2S.OOO bu.
lliitter. KKK nnd Clieenp Market.
Firm ; fancy western creamery , 29030c ;
fanci' western prints , 30c.
EGGS Dull nnd Ic lower ; fresh nearby
and western , lc ! ) ; fresh southwestern , ISc ;
fresh southern , 17c.
CHEESE Firmer : New York full creams ,
fancy t < mnll , 13i3 ] < 4c : New York full
creams , fair to good , 12'4012sic.
celpts , 7,920 pkgs. ; firm ; Jimo creamery , 210
2Sc ; western creamery , 25030c ; factory , 17 ®
22 'ic.
CHEESE-Recclpts , 1,009 pkgs. ; firm ; fall
innilo fancy , small and large , l2W013c ;
large , late made , H i012c ; small , late made ,
12fil2ic. .
EGGS Receipts , 0,669 pkgs. ; ' steady ;
western , 2l023c , loss off ; western , un
graded , nt mark , IC023c.
creameries , 22J29c | : dairies , 17025c.
EGGS Firm ; fresh , 20c.
ST. LOUIS. Jan. S.-BUTTER-Stcady ;
creamery , 2l02Sc ; dairy , 1902lc.
EGGS-Steudy at 17c.
Creamery , 2l02lc ; dairy , 17c.
EGGS Fresh scarce ; market strong ;
Missouri and Kansas stock , firsts , selling
ut Itic doz. , cases returned ; storage , 100) )
12e ,
1,1 veriKifil Ciriilu mill IrovlNloiiN.
dull ; futures easy ; March , Ss lOd ; May , 6s
! ) T d. The Imports of wheat las > t week were
30,200 uuarters from Atlantic ports , 5.003
from Paclllc ports nnd 4,000 from other
CORN Spot , American mixed , now , nom
inal ; American mixed , old , 3s 5id ; futures
quiet ; January , ,1i 5id ; February , 3s 5d ;
March , 3s 6 (1. ( The Imports of corn from
Atlantic ports last week were 3S.SOO quar
PROVISIONS Hams , short cut , firm , 45 *
Cd. Bacon , clear bellies , firm , 3Ca Gd. Tal
low , llrm ; prime city. 27s Gd.
KIIIINIIN City drain anil I'rnvlxloiiN ,
filHc ; caHh , No. 2 hard , 62062c ; No. 3 , 570
61c ; No. 2 red , C9070c ; No. 3 , C30CSc ; re
ceipts , 61 cars ,
CORN May , 29e ; cash. No. 2 mixed ,
? ic ; No. 2 white , 2S4o ; No. 3 , 8S
OATS No. 2 white. 24c.
RYE-NO. 2 , 4Sc.
HAY-Cholce timothy , J9.0009.50 ; choice
prairie. $7.0007.50.
RECEIPTS Wheat , 33,400 bu.j corn , 35-
700 bu. : oats. 12.000 bu.
SHIPMENTS- Wheat , 17,400 bu. ; corn ,
14,900 bu. ; oatH , GOX > bu.
VlHllile Supply of firnlii.
NEW YORK , Jan. 8. The statement of
the visible supply of grain In store and
alloat on Saturday , January 6. as compiled
by the Now York Produce exchange , IB us
follows :
Wheut , 57,892,000 bu. ; decrease , 399,000 bu.
Corn , 12.C13.000 bu. ; Increase , 1.015.000 bu
Onts , 6,251.000 bu. ; decrease , 443,000 bu. Rye !
1,311,000 bu. ; Increase , 15,000 bu. Barley ,
2,210,000 bu. ; decrease , 246,000 bu.
Toledo Miirket.
TOLEDO , O. , Jan. S. WHEAT Active
and lower : No. 2 , cash , GSs4c ; May , 72l4c.
CORN Dull nnd easy ; No. 2 mixed , 32'-c.
OATS-Dull ; No. 2 mixed , 24c.
RYE Lower : No. 2 , cash , 56c , nominal.
CLOVERSUED Active nnd easy ; prime
cash , old , $ I.SO ; now , $5.87 % ; March , $5.70.
Milwaukee Urn III Mnrlict.
Lower : No. 1 northern , CoHQ'CCc ; No. 2
northern. fiS'ifffllc.
RYE Firmer ; No. 1 , E5c.
BARLEY-Dull ; No. I , 45o ; sajnple , 33ff
MluiienpoIlM "Wheat and Flour.
store. No. 1 northern. January , C3sio ; May.
5Uc ; July , CtiUtJMHC' On track ; No , 1
I | hard , fiiVc , , No 1 northern , CSTie , No. 2
. northern , COT I
I I FLOt'It Lower , first pntp-nts. $3.3003.40 ;
'second ' patents. I .lOiiJ.W ; first t-lcnr. $2.100
"BRAN-In bulk , $11.0 > 01.2B.
I'oorln MurUet ,
PEORIA. III. . Jan. S.-CORX-I3nsy : now
No. 3. 29Hc.
OATS-uulct ; No. 3 white , 23tiCSS'.4c.
WHISKY-Flrm , on the bflfls of J1.23 < 4 for
finished L'oods.
Duliith Wlient MnrUrt.
DULUTH. Jnn. 8.-\\1IKAT-Xo. 1 linrd ,
cash. 6Sp ; No. 1 northern , cnh , CI-Sc ; May.
r Tic ; July. 6Sc ; No. 2 northern , 61o ; No. 3
spring , 6Sio.
Sennit I vrne * * of 'Market to the Ift-
fluenee of KorflKK Evonifi.
NEW YORK. Jan. 8. The volume of
trade In stocks today was on a small scale
and the disposition was manifest In Wnll
street to nwnit the development of events
before taking on stocks. The sensitiveness
of the market to the Influence of foreign
events was n leading motive. Notwith
standing the downward course of Interest
rales In London and on tin ? continent It
Ii clear thnt there Is need of more money
abroad. Foreign observers of good author
ity offer the suggestion Hint the present
ease of money abroad Is due to artificial
causes on government initiative.
In England it Is evident that the pur
pose of this inntipuver Is to prepare the
money market for placing government
loans nt nn advance. In Germany it Is
designed to strengthen conlldcnce nnd help
out the vast Industrial enterprises which
have been undertaken there. In nny event
the effect Is to draw gold from New York
under pressure nnd to send American so-
curltles homo to market. Thn foreign ox-
change houses assert that the present level
of discount In London leaves no margin
of profit on the special attraction offered
by the Hank of England on loans to be
repaid In gold. The arriving shipments of
American gold are the cause of current
ease In London discounts. How long the
case would endure In face of a cessation
of the shipments is doubtful.
Meantime rates for money nt Interior
points In this country are rising sharply
and It Is a question how long the New
York market could look to that source
to replenish a drain to the London mar
ket. In these clrcumstancpH there IM lit
tle disposition In American llnanclal circles
to hold up prices of yecilrltloH merely to
afford n mnrket for foreign liquidation.
In today's market opening prices worn
well down to or below the London nnrlty
and so long ns arbitrage selling was In
evidence they were allowed to remain
there or nearly so. Lnter In the day there
was a sharp recovery In prices , when the
pressure of the London selling ceased.
This recovery was partly due to London
Itself , which bought baek u few .stocks
pold earlier In the day on General White's
report of n repulse of the Boers nt Lady-
While there wns no effort to bid up prices
tliero wns good absorption on the reces
sions , some very heavy blocks of prominent
railroad stocks being taken on. New Jer
sey Central was bid up 3 % points on the
Increase in the dividend rate , without nny
sale. Sugar , Brooklyn Transit and some
of the Iron stocks recovered sharply from
early weakness. The demand Inter In the
day In the general list found such a light
supply that prices hardened steadily to
about Saturday's closing level. Net losses
were reduced to fractions where they were
not entirely wiped out.
Dealings in bonds were on n small scale
nnd the tone was heavy , with a few rallies
In sympathy with stocks. Total sales , par
value. $1,300.000. United States bonds were
unchanged In bid quotations.
The Commercial Advertiser's London
financial cablegram says : The war news
was predominant all day. General flntnc K
marked the opening of business , caused by
General White's dispatch that ho had been
hard pressed. In the American department
there was hesitation to begin business , op
erators dreading very low quotations. First
bids were at 1 to 1 % below parity , but
Berlin sold even at that level , although
not so heavily ns on Saturday. London
sold on a small scale nnd no one seemed
to have' ' courage to support the market.
It remained flat until New York prices
were received , when within a quarter of an
hour the best prices of the session were
received. Then they sagged oft until ofll-
clnl confirmation came of General White's
successful repulse of the Boers' attack on
Ladvsmlth. This news caused such a com
motion that business wns almost forgot
ten. In the streets prices rallied to parity.
American shares moved on similar lines
nnd other markets were more or less
neglected , but they recovered .slightly at
the Consols , which reached 9W , ral
lied to f-s on the late war new.s and the
extreme case of money , calls being quoted
at 2i ! per cent.
The Bank of England bought 439,000
gold in eagles nnd .C178.000 in Gorman coin.
c iln"t/\Lllomn1ni1 ; for gold Is developing
.it , , s OVii.s it id. Good Paris advices wiy
" iLli " 1.1.r . . KiiMlnn gold Is
coming to London this week. It Is known
Hint recent German arrivals comprlpoj Rus
sian gold , that country , owing to poor
SKIS nbr ± f "Ollfillt < - ' " " " " > " * bread-
110 < 0"3' wn" 23-23 : Bcrll
The following are the quotations for the
leading stocks on the New York excliangb
totlny *
Atchldon " 1S % Untoi Pac"lfic . . . 4G"
do pfd '
Baltimore & 6. . . 5iiH
Can. Pacific . . . . 90
J Can. Southern . .4'j'i '
Clos. & Ohio. . . . 30'f ,
. Chicago Gt. W. . mi ,
S'i'iIJ'ilS : P 121'Adams
1 ! , * . ? : : : if u'T " ftx-- : " * *
Chl. & E. 1 01 i Wells-Knrcb"EVl'0
Chicago & N. W.IKI'X ' ; Amor. Cot. Oil' . ' 331
S'J' Jrv1 ! ' ? ! ' 1 ° I'M ' M >
C..C. . C. & St. L. ( KUAin. Malting . . . . 7'i '
Colorado So G',4 do pfd " 9
l do 1ft pfd. . . . 33 iAmer. S. & 'ii' ! ; ; 3GV1
do 2d ptd. . . . 14 | do pfd S7-X
'Del. ' & Hudson..113 'Amer. ' Spirits . . . . 2V *
Del. L. & \ \ \ih\t \ \ , do , , { , ! , j ?
Den. & Rio G. . . . 17iAmer. . S. H ! 42
do pfd 07 , do pfd SH
Erin : o > lAmer. S. & W. . . 47 %
.l'S. ' 1st Pfd. . . 32 do pfd SOU
Gt. Nor. pfd I'.S ' Amor. Tin Pinto. .11 Vi
Hock ng Coil . . . mi , , ] 0 pfd SO
IJock im Valley. . Cn'i , Am. Tobacco . . . .10171
Illinois Central . .111'i do pfd 135
Iowa Central . . . ill , A. Mln. Co. . . . . . . 31H
do pfd. . . . . . . . 4fl iirk. Rnp. Tr. . . . 73 i
K. C. . P. & G. . . . 7M.Colo. F. & 1 41Tf >
U E. & W 23 Con. Tobacco . . . 2' !
i do pfd 2 | do pfd KVf ,
i Lake Shore 197 Federal Steel . . . . 52 %
LoulH. , < t Nash. . . 7sm do pfd 72 %
Manhattan 1 . . . ! ) ) > i Gtn. E'ectrlo ' . . . .12J
'Mot. St. Ry 1741 Glucose Sugar . . 49'A
i Mex. Central do pfd 95
! Minn , ft St. Li. . . 5S Inter. Paper . . . . 2. !
I do pfd S9'A ' do pfd G7
. * * iu. Pacific i -n jacietiu uas . . . . . iMi
Mobile * Ohio. . . 3'J'X Nat. Biscuit 33' , *
M. . K. & T 914 , do pfd M )
N. J. Central . . . .113 'National ' Lend . . Cft
N. Y. Central.:33 > 4 | do pfd 10 !
Nor. & Westi'i : National Steelnil
do pfd U/ % do pfd 92
No. Pacllle 52 N. Y. Air
do pfd 72 % No. American . . . 14'A '
Ontario , t W. . . . 2l > i Paclfio Coast . . . . BO
Ore. Ry. & Nav. 42 I do 1st pfd. . . . 84
do pfd 76 do 2d pfd. . . . Gl :
Pennsylvania. . . . .131 Pacific Mall 43 %
Rondlng 17'4 People's Gas lOTi
do 1st pfd. . . . 5U § Prcfsed S. C
do 2d pfd. . . . do pfd
Rio G. W 37 Pullman P. Car..187
do pfd 81 Standard R. & T. 9
St. L. & S. F. . . . 9 Sugar J3IV
do 1st pfd. . . OS do pfd 115
do 2d pfd. . . . IB Tonn. Coal & I. . gi' | '
St. L. S. W 94 U. S. Lenthor. . .
do pfd 21 do pfd 74
, St. Paul 117 U. S. Rubber. . . . 42U
I * do pfd 172 % do pfd 103 %
i St. P. ft Omahn.llS Western Union . . F6 %
So. Pacific M'M.Republlc ' I. & S. . 21 %
So. Railway 11 . do pfd G5'i
l0 , . ! ' / ' ! . . „ : - K | P c - cat. . L. 7 1
Tex. & Paclllc. . . , 11 %
: ! lNtOII Slliulf UllOtlltlllllN.
BOSTON , Jan. S. Call loans. GS7 per
cent ; time loans , 65TG per cent. Ofllclal
closing quotations of stocks , bands nnd
mining shares :
A. . T , & S. F-TTTTlST-i West End
do pfd . i'iO" , do pfd Ill
Amer. Sugar . . . .131 % West. Electrici . . 41
do pfd . 110 Wts. Central . . . . IS'i '
Hello Tele . 215 ib'oin. CoiiT . . . ! i. . 45 '
lioitoii & Alb'y.212 I do pfd . 115
Boston Ele . 91'i i AtchlHon 4s . 97U
lioiton & Mo . 202 Adventure . . . . . . . . GU
C. . H. & Q . 121Atlantlo . i\ \
Ed. Elec. Ill . 31 JioHton & Mont. . 271)
Fltchburg pfd . . .121 Cal. & Hccla . 750
Gtn. Electric 121 % Ccntunnlal . IS
'o pfd . riT Franklin . 11 %
Federal Steel . . . . EH Humboldt . l"
do pfd . 7'-- ; Oaceo'a . 72
Mex. Central . . . . 10 % Parrot . 41 %
Mich. Telephone. I0i ) Qulncy . 115 "
O'd ' Colony . am Santa Fe Cop. . . . 5 %
Old Dominion . . . 2 < > Tamarack . 183
Rubber . ' , Wlnona . 4 %
Union P.iclllo . . . . 45Tj Wolverines . 4U
ynlonLandJL.3 Utah . . . . . . . . 37 %
NEW YORK. Jan. S.-ClcarlliBS , J123OC9-
OM ; balances , $7,217,302.
HOSTON. Jan. O.-Clearlngs. J18,83S,402 ;
balances , { 1,292,6 6.
CHIOAGO , Jun. 8.-ClcarIliK8 , J27,3SSSi i
bnlancos , ti.MZ S06. Posted oxchnnge , $4.3 %
W4 W. . . , New York exchange , Me premium
PHILADELPHIA , Jan. -Clearings. . J10 , .
GI.1.SI6 ; balances , $1S74IG9.
HALTIMORE , Jan. S.-Clearlngs , J2.SS5-
6S2 ; balances , 1150,780
ST. LOUIS. Jan. S.-Clcarlngs. ? 7,45S,956 ;
halnnces , $771,130. Money , 4J7S per cent.
New York exchange , 40c premium bid , COo
iircmluni asked.
X w York MOIIOJMnrkp |
NEW YORK. Jon. S.-MONEY-On call ,
stendy nt 61(0 ( per cent ; last loan , 5 per
cent ; prlmo mercantile paper , C per cent.
actual burlness In bankers' bills at $4.8 ? * ; ,
74.S7 % for demand nnd nt JI.S3 % for sixty
days ; posted rates. $4.SI374.S4 % nnd $ I.SS % ;
commerclnl bills , $ I.S24i4.S3.
SILVER-CertllU-ates , 6SG69p ; bnr. S9c ;
Mrxlcnn dollars , 47 < so.
RONDS Governments , stendyj state ,
steady ; railroad , weak.
The following are the closing quotations
onbonda _ :
U. S. 2s , reg. . 102 % Nr"Y. C. Is . loofi
do 3 * . reg . 109 i N. J. C. g. 6s..llS < i
do coupon . 110 % N. Carolina Gs..127
do new 4s , reg.13i | , ' , do 4s lOij
do coupon idi-i Nnr. Pac. Is 110
do old 4s , rog. .lllij , do 31 3 i
do coupon 11415 do 13 10.1U
do Gs , reg 113'i N.Y.C. & St.L.4s.lOI %
do coupon 11314 N. & W. gen. 4s. 90 %
r > . of C. .1 G3s 113 do gen. us 129
Atch. gen. 4s 99 Ore. Nav. Is 110
do ndj. 4s 7914 Ore. Nav. 4s 100 %
Canada So. 2s..107 Ore. S. L. 6j 13'1 '
C. .t O. 4s 9i < % , do con. fis Ill
Che ? . & O. Ss " '
115 Reading gen. 4s. . S4
C. FN. . con. 73..139 Rio G.V. . Is 95
do S. F. Deb. Cs.llG St.I. . .t I.M. P.ns.l09 <
Chicago , Ten. _ 4s. . . 9.W . . . St.I. . S.K. g.G.120
D. & R. G. Is..10215 St. Paul con 1(17 (
. 'toj9 , 9T ISt. P. . C. & P. Is.US" ,
K. T. . V. & ! do 5s 118
Krlo gen. 4s GSH'SO. ' Rv. 6s 107
E y- * DP. . > 73 S , R. & T. Cs , 79
'Gen. Electric GR..1I9 Tenn. n. s. 3s. . . . 93
G. H. it S. A. Gs.ins Tex. & P. is 111 %
do 2s 105 do 2s 51
II. & T. C. 5s. . . . 109 % Union Pacific 4s. .10211
do con. Gs . lll&.Wabash Is . 113U
la. Central ls..llo' do 2s . 89" #
K. C. P. & G. Is. BS % West Shore 4 ? . 111
. n. con 4-.100UAV1S. Cen. Is . S9U
& N. tin ! . 90 < j'Vn. ' Centuries . . . 85
M. , K. & T. 2s. . . . G7'V do deferred . . . . 3
do Is . . S9 < iColo. So. 4s . 83
So. Paclllc 4s . SOU !
XCMV York Mlnlnur Stock * .
NEW YORK , Jan. S. The following
are the olllclal closing quotations for min
ing shares !
Chollar 15 ( Ontario 700
Crown Point . . . . 10 Ophlr 03
Con. Cal. .t Va.J33 yrnouth 8
Dead wood 50 Quicksilver . . " . . . .173
Gould & Currle. . 20 do pfd 800
llalu & Norcross. 32 Sierra Nevada . . 40
Homestako 60(10 ( Standard 24C
Iron Silver 60 Union Con 21
Mexican 30 Yellow Jacket . . 20
London Mm-U ( liuitiitlniin ,
LONDON. Jan. S. I p. m. Closing ;
Consols , money. . . s % st. Paul , com..119 %
do account. . . 9VSt N. Y. Central..129
Can. Pacilla 92 % Pennsylvania . . . . 07
Erlo 11 Reading 9'A
do 1st pfd. . . . 31 % No. Pacific pfd. . 74Vfc
Illinois Central . .111 AtchUou 19
U. P. pfd 73M- IjOtllsvllla 79 %
Grand Trunk . . . . C-y Anaconda 7 %
HAR SILVER-Steady nt 27'4d per ounce.
MONEY Mi By. per cent ; the rate of dis
count for phort , bills , 4U < fi4U per cent ; for
three months' bills , 4U per cent.
I ONDON , Jan. 8. American securltle
were dull from the opening today , but near
the close partially recovered early losses.
The market wu depressed by war news ,
selling pressure from I5prlln and an ab
sence of buyers. The. llnal tone was steady.
Amount of bullion taken Into the Hank of
England on balance today was 617.000.
Gold premiums are quoted as follows :
HUenos Ayres , 12S.9I ) ; Madrid , 2S.6G ; Lisbon ,
41 : Home , 7.30.
KERMX. Jan. S. Exchange on London ,
20 marks 21 % pfgs. for checks. Private rate
of discount , 5 per cent.
PARIS , Jan. 8. Three per cent rentes. 09f
COc for the account. Exchange on London ,
23f 2.1c for cheeks. Spanish -Is closed at
Condition of the TrciiHiiry.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 8. Today's state
ment of the condition of the treasury
shows : Available cash balance , J2SI,619,53S ;
gold reserve , J234,576,70S.
Cotton Murker.
NEW YORK , Jan. S. COTTON Futures
closed steady at the decline : January , $7.11 ;
February. $7.11 ; March , $7,15 ; April , $7.19 ;
.May . , $7.20 ; June , $7.21 ; July , $7.24 ; August ,
$7.22 ; September , $ < 5.M ; October. $0.70 ; No I
vember , JO.GG. Spot 'closed He lower ; mid
dling uplands , 7 9-lGcmiddling ; , gulf , 7 13-lGc ;
sales , 1,433 bales. ' I
ST. LOUIS , Jan. S. COTTON Dull : no
sales reported ; middling , 77-lGc ; receipts ,
2.12G bales ; shipments , 3,237 bales ; stock , 102-
432 bales.
GAI-iVESTON , Jan. S. COTTON-Qulet at
7 7-ltic.
fair demand and prices In. favor of buyers ;
American middling , 413-32d. The sales of
the day were 10,000 bales , of which 500 bales
were for speculation and1 export and In
cluded 9,400 bales American. Receipts , 22,000 i
bales , including 13,209 bales American. Futures - I
tures opened easy and closed quiet at the I
decline ; American middling , 1. m. c. , January - !
ary , 4 13-G4fi'l 14-Cld : January and February , I
4 10-Gld , buyers ; February and March , 4 7it I
Gi4 S-frld , sellers ; March and April , 4 5-Gld , |
sellers ; April and .May. 4 3-G4d , sellers ; May
and June , 4 1-Gld , hellers ; June and July ,
3E-Gld ) , sellers ; July and August , 361-fild ,
sellers ; August and September , 3 57-G4d ,
buyers ; September and October , 349-C4d ,
rollers ; October and November , 3 42-64 ®
3 43-Gld , sellers.
I'o ( ! < ( Market.
market for coffee futures opened steady at
an advance of 5 ilO points and ruled gen
erally tlrm on reduced crop estimates , a
firmer local spot market , small receipts at '
R'.o and higher European cables , leading tea
a further partial 5 points advance. Later
there was a partial rtMcllon under realiz
ing , but the general undertone WJLS llrm. '
The- market clos ed steady at a net advance
of nf/13 points. Total sales , 21,230 bags. In
cluding : January at $0.30)6.40 ) ; February ,
JC.40 ; .March , $0.45fi .65 ; April. $ G.GO : May , i
$ C.GOfiG.G3 ; June , JG.G3 ; July , $ .70gG.73 ; August - '
gust , J0.75 ; September. fO.SOJjfi.90 ; October ,
& .F5 ; November , $ C.93 ; December , $7.00jf
7.05. Spot coffee , Rio , llrm ; No. 7 , Invoice ,
$7.37' ; No. 7 , Jobbing , $7.S7'/j. Mild , llrm ;
Cordova , $ S.5ftQ12.50.
Oil Miirket.
NEW YORK , Jan. S.-OILS-Cottonseed
oil , Htrong ; prime crude , 30i31c ; prime
yellow , 33Vi&2Uc. Petroleum , quiet. Rosin ,
steady ; strained , common to good , $ l.G21/4
Turpentine , steady.
LIVERPOOL , Jnn. S.-OILS-Cottonseed
oil , Hull rollned , January-April , steady at
20s 3d. Turpentine , spirits , llrm at 39s Cd.
LONDON , Jan. S. OILS Calcutta lln-
serd , spot , 47s , Rosin , American xtralricd ,
53K 3d.
OIL CITY , Pa. , Jan. 8.-OILS-Crcdlt bal
ances , $1.GG ; certificates , opened $1.CG bid ;
closed $ l.CGVi bid ; no sales ; shipments , 127-
205 bbls. ; average , 77,029 bbls. ; runs , 40,224
bbls. ; average , 39,996 bblu.
Dry CooilN .llnrKc * ! .
market opened the week with a dull de
mand for all description * ! of goods and only
a limited amount of business has been
done. Stocks nro mill decidedly scarce In
leading makes of all descriptions nnd these
continue llrm In price. There nro slight Ir
regularities in brown cottons , but nothing
of an:1 Importance. 1'rlntn nnd ginghams
llrm. Print cloths inactive throughout nt
previous prices. Whlto goods , both staples
nnd fancies are very scarce and strong at l
full prices.
California. Dried Krnltx.
DRIED FRUIT Evaporated apples wern
llrm and slightly higher for common and ,
prime grades on account of better country I
advices and a good export demand , but i
other j > rlces ruled easy. State evaporated
apples , common , CfoOjc ; prime , G ; < & 7ic ! ;
choice , 794I&8C : fancy , S' , < .Q9c. California
dried prunes' , SHftSc per lb. , an to size and
quality. Aprlco : * , Royal , 13Q15c ; Moor
Park , IGfflSr. Peaches , peeled , 20ft22c ; un-
pefled , 71 if(10c. (
Snuur Market.
NEW YORK. Jan. 8.-8.UGAR-Raw.
firmer ; fair rcllnlng , 3c ; centrifugal , 9fl
test , 4 G-lfic ; molasses sugar , 3e. Refined ,
firmer and fairly active ; No. G , $1.50 ; No.
7 , $1.45 ; No. 8 , $1.40 ; No. 9 , $4.35 ; No. 10 ,
$4.30 ; No. 11. $1.25 ; No. 12 , $1.20 ; No. 13 , $1.2) ) ;
No. 14 , $1.20 ; mould A. $3.25 ; standard A ,
$4.80 ; confectioners' A , $1.80 ; cut loaf , $3.40 ;
crushed , $5.-10 ; powdered , J3.10 ; granulated ,
$5.00 ; cubes , $5.15.
Woo ! Market ,
ST. LOUIS. Jan. 8.-WOOL-8tPady to
llrm ; medium grades , 18/24Vfcc ; light fine ,
17ft2le ; licavy line , HfJlSc ; tub washed , 23
Fiitul rolllxlon of Stock TrnliiN ,
CHICAGO. Jan. S.A rear-end collision
between two Block trains on the Chicago ,
liurllngton & Qulncy railroad occurred at
2 o'clock thin morning near Memlota , III. ,
killing one man ami Injuring throe others.
The man killed was In clmrgo of stock.
No names have yet been obtained. It Is
reported that the property losa will nut
amount to more than 11,000.
Corn fed Steers Show a Decline , with
Trade Slow.
Kceilrr * In Active Do in nml n < Strunic
1'rlL-rx Iloun Sell n Mlllr l.owor
Tilnii l.nnt Week Slicpp A
tu Ten CcnIn Illulicr.
SOUTli OMAHA , Jnn. S.
Receipts were : Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
OMiclal Monday 2.S10 5M2 3,4,0
Ono week ngo 1,491 2.0(0 ( MO
Two weeks ngo Holiday.
Three weeks ago 2,216 4,929 19
Four weeks ngo 2.S19 2.911 2.1f'J
Average price paid for nogs tor the last
sovcrnl days with compnrlsons :
Jan. l I 21 3 42 3 1S | 3 10 4 ' . " 2 5 12
Jnn. 2 4 33 3 6 * 3 17 3 43 4 1C 5 16
Jan. .1 4 21 3 67 3 4S 3 16 4 OS 503
Jnn. 4 4 27 3 44 3 44 351 411 G 10
Jnn. 5 | 4 : )7 ) 3 47 ? 31 * ! 3 27 * I 4 16 5 Hi
Jan. fi 4 33 | 3 4S 3 3D 3 2 3 M ) * I f > 07
Jnn. 7 3 42 3 40 3 ISj 3 4S | 1 10
Jan. 8 4 34 3 43 3 12 3 46 | 4 09 6 Oi
Indicates Sunday Holiday.
The olllolal number of cars of stock
brought In today by each road wnc :
Cattlo. HOBS. Sheep.
C. M. & St. P 2 15
O. .t St. L 1
Missouri Paclllc 1
Union 1'aclllo 29 10 9
C. ft N. W 2 2
V. E. & M. V 1C 2 1
S. G. & P 3 1
C. St. 1' . M. & 0 22 7 .
U. & M. U 23 19 <
C. R. & Q 4
1C. C. & St. J 1
C. H. 1. & P. , east 1 2 1
C. U. 1. & 1' . , west 1
Illinois Central 3 . .
Total receipts 103 SI 15
The disposition of the day's receipts -xa.3
ns follows , each buyer purchasing the num
ber oC head Indicated :
Buyers. Cattle. HORS. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co 131 523 21 ( ,
O. II. Hammond Co. . . . 25(1 ( 1,131 142
Swift and Company . . . . 90 1,074 307
Cudahy Packing Co. . . . 423 1,2GB 1319
Armour & Co 323 1,263 1441
Armour , from S. C 632
H. Reckcr & Degnn 198
Vansant & Co 1
Lobtnnu & Co 39 . . . . . . .
\V. I. Stephen 109
Huston & Co t >
Livingstone Sa Schnllor.-
Hamilton > 'i Rothschild. . 6G3
1 , . K. Husz 41
Dennis & Co S3
Other buyers 210
Totals 2,731 5,709 3,428
CATTLE There Were about a hundred
cars of cattle In the yards this morning
and consequently a fair showing of all
kinds. Hight good beef cattle , however ,
continue scarce , while the bulk of the re
ceipts Is made up of common or halt-tat
Today's market on beet steer ? was not
to tho'llklng of sellers. In the first place
Chicago reported i mean market , generally
lOc lower , and buyers at this point con
sequently were bearish. The result was a.
dull unil dragey market with values as
much as lOc lower on the general run of
the offerings. There were no choice cattle
In the yards , the most of thopo on sale be
ing only warmed up. It was late before
buyers and sellers got down to business
anil the forenoon was well spent before a
clearance was effected.
Cows and heifers were In good demand
and the market was not only active , but
it was also a little stronger. If anything ,
than last week. It was certainly good and
steady. Hulls were In fair demand at just
about steady prices.
There were more stackers and feeders In
the yards than upunl of late , but specu
lators appeared to think that there would
not bo any more In this week from the
way they acted. They were all out early
and snapped up everything on short order ,
paying even stronger prices than last week.
In the language of the yards , feeders are
selling out of sight. Representative sales :
No. , Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
1 ' . . .1030 30(1 ( 7 1200 4 90
1 ! )20 ) $3 73 11 110(5 ( 4,90
1 7SO 00 17 1231 490
1 10101 33 G 1035 4 'JO
2 1125 4 50 10 1181 4 90
1 1100 4 30 5 1030 5 00
24 952 4 SO 33 IDS 500
20 1W2 4 50 22 133S 5 00
1 SSfl 4 GO 24 1349 500
21 1075 4 65 32 1179 F 10
18 10S2 4 IT 39 12S7 5 10
44 1265 4 73 19. . . , . .1220 5 15
36 1092t 75 n. . : : . .1379 5 20
11 107C 4 S3 33. . . . . .1301 570
16 1147 4 85 _
1 E20 1 00 1 940 3 23
1 940 2 00 2 1190 3 25
2 1030 2 ' 5 R 1037 3 23
1 900 2 Si 1 1140 323
2 1025 2 50 1 1040 330
2 1050 250 1 970 3 10
3 9-16 250 2 1220 3 40
4 940 2 50 2 1123 3 10
1 1001 250 1 1240 350
1 S90 2 50 4 1015 3 50
1 1030 2 60 34 938 3 50
G 1010 2 G5 2 1035 350
1 1430 21K5 9 117S 3 00
1 1070 2 70 8 1165 3 fiO
4 S37 273 1 1110 360
5 920 2475 1 11GO 3 G3
2 10GO 275 17 10S5 303
4 991 " 73 5 91S 3 65
9 1010 2 SO 23 10SS 3 70
3 1003 2 90 22 IOC 3 70
4 1093 290 1 1210 3 70
C. 1000 2 93 2 1010 3 70
1 1010 301 14 9V ( 3 70
2 1073 300 1 1110 375
2 f 55 s on 1 1030 3 75
4 S75 3 00 2 1115 375
i 1210 3 no 20 HO" 373
4 IOT : : : on 1 1410 373
i 051 : : no 14 902 3 0
s loifi 3 no 2 106T , ? 80
i 1000 3 no IS 9flfi 3 S3
2 1120 300 2 75 > 3 S5
1 1230 3 00 13 1090 3 So
1 800 3 10 7 922 3 85
G fISS 3 10 36 1100 390
10 925 3 13 1 12W ! 390
7 SCO 3 15 48 1021 390
1 1110 3 23 5 1214 390
1 niO 3 25 1 1200 100
1 11CO 3 23 1 12SO 4 00
2 1090 3 23 10 923 I 00
1 R90 3 25 11 1000 4 03
1 970 2 14G" 4 05
10 1031 3 25 3 1073 4 10
3 K 22 1175 4 15
L : : : : : : : : : 82rt 3 35 1 KM 415
1 1100 325 1 CSO 425
1 1230 2 fO 1 1400 3 CO
1 900 2 75 1 1170 3 05
3 115.1 3 15 1 1010 305
1 1450 323 1 1100 375
1 J400 330 2 171f. 375
1 740 3 33 1 15fO 3 RO
1 1230 3 40 1 1670 3 KS
1 1020 340 1 1R.1D 3 K5
1 1010 3 50 1 20W .190
2 1405 3 50 2 1635 3 M
1 1200 350 1 900 4 30
1 911 3 50 1 440 4 75
1 1070 3fS
G 7RO 3 10 4 f,27 3 90
1 770 3 25 V 829 3 90
1 790 3 3" 1 090 4 00
3 3 00 1 910 4 03
3I. . . . ' 1030 3 C5 I MO 4 10
3 880 I ! 05 4 lOr ' ! 4 15
n r,7i 3C3 2 inno 4 13
] 1000 375 4 9SO 450
2 1100 300
23 1074 4 50CALVES.
3 230 400 1 ! 00 fi 75
1 200 fl 50 1 150 075
2 1GO G 50
, . 3SO 3 lf\ \ sso n oo
. . , . . . . . . 4V4 \ i 2"jO r. no
8 330 4 85 2 ICG C DO
1. POO 3 00 4. .1207 4 75
3 , . . . t t . 1S-JG 4 50 3) . . . . t . . , . i'i 4 90
tm 2 50 KM : 40
4RO 3 00 920 I f,0
3 10 1. . . . . . . . . . 490 3 75
1 S90 31 ! 3 066 3 75
; t K73 3 25 1 : 0 4 25
2 705 3 35 ] 000 t 2"
1 fIO 3 15 1 410 4 50
45 " 10 4 CO
19 4H2 3 45 2 RG7 4 V
2 425 3 50 1 450
1 750 3 f,0 in 781 4 50
MO : i 50 3 4 GO
f.rji \ no 1 . 020 4 00
1 431 4 00 , 7fi } 4 00
5 721 4 00 n. . : . . . . : : : 7.1S 4 GO
r 7M ) 4 Si 117 721 4 f.i
9 K27 4 if , 57 em 4 75
! M 4 "rt 5 45ft 4 fO
461 4 33 30 Gf,2 4 91
" > : : : : : : : : : : W 4 40 84 f.75 . 4 93
i l ! 43
John Ixivell , Montana.
42 bulls 1331 2 > 22 bulls 1272 2 W
HOGS For the first day of the week
there was an unusually Lirgo run of IIOBH
Ind'catln ' ? apparently that the uuntry Is
satlsilcd with present prices and ready to :
ship , lending operators to look for n largo
run thl < week. Uuyers stnrtcd out bidding
prices that were genernlly Z'sifGe lower
than nt the close of Inst week , $4.2 ; %
< ii4.32 % mostly. Sellers were not willing Io
soil nt those prices nnd as ndvlces from
other points were not bnd , buyers raised
their hands nnd bought the hogs ni prices
that were Just n little ensler than Sntur-
dny'fl mnrket. A good ninny of the
hogs sold at $1.33 , the same nn on Saturday ,
hut the proportion of snles below that
llguro was larger , so that the average for
the whole string wns not nulto so high.
Sonio right good hogs sold nt $1.40 , the top
' being the snmo no nt the clo p of InPt wcM.
Ri-presentntlvo sales :
No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr.
10 1SG . . . $1 25 70 W 40 4 .13
91 191 120 I 2 < 70 2o ( SO 4 Ki
CO 2U 12(1 ( $1 30 Gl 2M SO 4 Si
73 207 2NI 3) GO 270 40 4 IH
51 209 1GO 132 % f,1 3iil 40 4 Ti
01 24S SO 4324 * Gl 2G9435
03 270 . . . 432 % S2 211 . . . 4 55
62 223 . . . . 432 % 47 341 40 435
3S 217 . . . 432 % Cfl 320 SO 437.
S2 212 1GO 132 % 113 291 . . . 435
Gl 290 SO 43214 67 219 40 4 V
76 SOS . . . 432 % 0 > 20S SO 435
M 3.V2 . . . 432 % 72 239 40 I M
5S 107 120 4 Si'S ' 73 251 120 435
M 319 SO 432 % Co 2fi2 . . . 4 K !
13 2S2 . . . 432 % 07 219 . . . 435
01 2SS RO 4 .12 % 74 27fl . . . 4 3S
55 271 SO 4 R2 % 54 2SO 40 I .Y.
l f.9 2T > I 200 432 % 77 221 . . . 4 r.
M7 25S . . . 4 S2 % T.2 317 . . . 4 ST.
' S7 22S 200 4 32t < ! GO 217 . . . 435
CO 203 120 432 % 75 210 SO 4 Vi
G < 240 100 132(5 ( 6S 174 . . . 4.13
48 im . . . 432 % 2.1 136 . . . 4 : r ,
17 371 80 135 CO 300 2W 4 r.
50 375 . . . 435 C3 2S9 40 I 3T.
50 H7S . . . 4 S3 G1 215 120 135 ,
28 370 . . . I 3i 7S 225 SO 4 33
51 255 1GO 433 H4 313 . . . 4 3" >
14 2il . . . 4 S3 4S 3M SO 4 13
SS 220 40 43.- 05 193 SO 433
SI 201 ICO 4 , .i SO 225 40 4 3.1
CO 2. " , . . . 435 01 276 SO 4 3i
GS 291 2SO 4 33 ffi 242 ICO 433
03 22 40 435 CO 312 120 433
01 270 120 433 48 2)5 ) 120 4 r.
79 231 SO 4 33 G7 253 . . . 437 %
53 331 40 433 14 20,1 . . . 437 %
C > 3 : CS . . . 435 03 204 SO 437 %
74 228 . . . 433 01 'J * * . . . 437 %
73 26ii 110 433 C9 204 . . . 410
70 29G 210 433 71 IS" 40 440
CO 213 . . . 133
SIIB-EP There wns a good run of sheep
today and a fair showing of all kinds.
Huyers seemed to bo very hungry for sup
plies and they were out to the barn before
It wns hardly light enough to sec. The
market wns active nnd In spots lOc higher.
Everything changed hands promptly. Good
nntlvo liimhM of last week were weighed up
today at $5.GO. Still another bunch of lambs
sold on Tuesday of last week was delivered
today at $5.10. Choice heavy yearlings
brought $5.00. the high price paid so far for
yearlings , and some yearlings and sheep
sold at $4.SO. Fair ewes fold at $4.00tf4.1 ( > ,
some good ewes brought $4.20 and Home
choice owes $1.15. The sales below will
show the prices paid for everything on
sales :
Quotations : Good to choice fed yearlings ,
$4.7Vfin.OO ; good to choice wethers , $4.C5 < ? T4.SO ;
good to choice fed ewes , $ l.2ffl.43 ; fair to
good fed ewes , $4.0Mf4.15 ; good to choice
native lambs , $5.GOJ5.90 ; good to choice fed
western lambs , $5. Mi5.S5 ; fair to good fed
western lambs , $5.25fc6.50 ; feeders wethers ,
$3.75f3.90 ; feeder yearlings. $4.0004.23 ; good
to choice feeder Iambs , $4.23gi4.60 : fnlr to
good feeding Inmbs , $ I.UOS54.25 ; feeder ewes ,
$2.25t3.00. Representative" :
26 cull ewes 92 $323
1 cull ewe 10) ) 323
20 stags 145 350
150 owes 91 4 OJ
11 western ewes 1W > 4 00
131 owe. 9S 4 10
21'J western ewes - . . . . 103 4 20
20 cull lambs 50 423
73 ewes ' . . .1 112 4 40
21S ewes 107 4 13
0 yearlings 101 -1 63
203 western wethers 109 4 SO
411 wethers 10S 4 SO
101 wethers 96 4 SO
115 yearlings 91 4 S3
27fi Mexican yearlings 78 49.3
220 wethers 121 5 00
1 lamb 70 550
133 lambs 73 550
251 lambs 79 5(10 (
230 lambs SO 5 GO
36 lambs SO 5 75
61 lambs 03 550
142 lambs G6 5 GO
Good Cuttle Sd-nily , Inferior Inircr ,
choice fat steers , steady to strong ; Inferior
and common urades , 15f20c ? lower ; Texuns
generally lOc lower ; butcher stock and canners -
ners , 10J(2oc lower ; poor to medium , $4.1012
G.OO ; good to choice , $5.10516.55 ; mixed
stackers , $3.0003.75 ; selected feeders , $4.2Oi
1.S5 ; good to choice cows , J3.504C4.70 ; heif
ers , : ! .40jM.S5 ; dinners , $2.005CJ.SO ; bulls ,
J2.50g-1.70 ; calves , J4.00g 7.33 ; fed Texas
beeves , $4.005i5.50.
HOGS Market opened slow ; closed
Htrong ; averages steady ; top for heavy ,
J4.53 ; good clearance ; mixed and butchers ,
fl.251ct.50 ; good to choice heavy , $4.40 { { >
4.53 ; rough heavy. $ I.25ff4.35 ; light , $4.20i } )
4.45 ; bulk of sales , $ l.40fN.43.
SHBEP AND LAMllS-Steady , active
for good to choice ; others weak ; native
wethers , $1. SofiS.OO ; lambs , $4.40(06.23 ( ; west
ern wethers , $1.208' ! . 75 ; western lamhs , $5.40
© 6.25.
Receipts : Cattle , 20,000 head ; 1iogs , 42,000
head ; jheeo , 25,000 head.
Xi'iv Yorlf I.lvc Stock.
cclpts , 5.S22 head ; G" cars on Bale ; good to
oholcc , t-tcady ; others shade lower ; bulls
steady ; medium to good cows , 10f2."c ? off ;
steers , $4.70 { > 6.00 ; oxen and stags. $3.00f
5.25 ; bulls , $2.73fil.25 ; cows , $1.90i4.00 ; ca
bles tlrm ; American cattle , 12'iiJ/13c per
lb ; lambs , I3Trl4c ; refrigerator beef , 11
( filUio per lb. ; exports , none ; tomorrow ,
] ,2bO cuttle , 1.3SG sheep and 4,560 quarters of
CALVES Receipts , 1.900 head ; slow and
5e. lower ; 200 unsold ; veals , $1.501(8.50 ; barn
yard calves , J2.50f/3.aO ; southern and western -
ern calves , $3.1101(3.50. (
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt ! ! , 12,503
head ; ( Jl cars on saltyhcep ; , llrm to a
shade higher ; poor to good , $2.75f4.50 ; year
lings and choice wethers , $3.0055.25 ; culls ,
$2 ; lambs. $5.75fiC,76 ; Canada lambs , $6.37 %
< U < ! .50 : culls , $4.50.
HOGS Receipts. 17,167 head ; live cars on
sale ; market lower at $4.65Ti4.SO ; good to
choice western pigs , $ I.75Q4.SO.
ICuiiNiiH City 1. 1 viStock. .
celpts. 5,200 head natives nnd 1,150 head Texans -
ans ; native killing cattle , lOc lower ; Tex-
nna , stendy ; stockers ami feeders , llrm ; no
choice native steers offered ; medium and
lightweights. $ l.25jii.Gj ; stockers and feed
ers , W.CO'uG.OO ; butcher cows and heifers ,
S3.10jjl.23 ; runners , $2.GOf(3.10 ( ; Inferior fed
westerns , $3.73fi I. SO ; western feeders , $3.I5&
4.00 ; Texans , $ H.G5fj4.90.
HOGS Receipts. 6,400 head ; market
opened slow and closed n phnde higher ;
heavy and mixed. Jl.331f4.42 % ; light. $ I.UGB >
4.32 % ; pigs , $3.75f4.00.
SHEWl' - Receipts , 2.000 head ; market
ruled lOc higher on light supply ; lambs ,
$3.75SC.W ; muttons , $ l.25fH.S5 ; Miockers and
fecdtrs , $3.0001.60 ; culls , $2.C Xi/3.00.
St. I.oulH llv.StiicU. .
ST. LOUIS. Jan. S.-CATTLE Receipts.
.1,400 head , Including 2,000 Texans ; market
easy and a shade lower ; native shipping
and export HI ecru , $ l.7af/i,50 ( ; dressed beef
nnd butcher steers , S4.00if5.35 ; steers under i
1.000 Ibs. . $3.501(5.00 ( ; stackers and feeders , ,
J3.X ( > f)4.75 ) ; fowp and heifers , S2.dOfffi.tO : I
winners , Jl.nofill.OO ; bulls , S2.SOfn.dO ; Texas
and Indian steers , $ . ' { . & 0/i(4.ti5 ( ; cows and
heifers. $2.50f/i.7G. :
HOGS KccclptH , 9,200 head ; market
Hteady ; plga and lights , SI.25ft4.3S ; pack
ers. Jl.30ff4.40 ; btltenors , $4.40f(1.50. (
SHEEP AND LAMHS-Rccclpts , 000 head ;
market steady to rtrong : native muttons.
fl.23a3.00j lambs , $3.00f(0.10 ; culls and
bucks , $2.50f3.25 | ; stackers , $2.25f3.dO.
SI. .liiNp.Mli l.lviSlonk. .
SOUTH ST. JOSEPH , Mo. , Jan. 8-Bpe-
clnl. ) The Journal quotes :
CATTLE Receipts , GOO head ; market ac
tive nnd steady to strong ; quality com
mon to fnlr ; natives , $ l.23f(5.10 ; Texas nml
westerns , $3.G5f(5.4' ' ) ; COWH nnd heifers , $223
( S4.50 ; bulls and stags , S2.25J/I.CO / ; ycnrllngH
and calves , $3.90f < 5.15 ; Htockerw nnd feeders -
ers , S3.40ffl.GO ; veals , SI.50S7.00.
HOGS Receipts , 3,600 head ; market
steady to strong ; nil grades , SI.32Vifj4.45 ;
bulk of sales , $ l.35jil0. !
SHEEP Receipts , 200 head ; strong ; com
mon to fair lambs , $5.20.
Slock In Slulif.
Following are the receipts at the four
principal western markets for January 8 :
Cattle. Hoss. Sheep.
South Omnhn . 2,810 5,812 3.470
Chicago . 20,00i ) 42,000 23. rt)1) ) )
Kansas City . G.330 6.400 'J.Mn
'St. ' Loulo . 3,400 9,200 GOO
Totals . 32 6GO 63,442 3 070
IIU ( iini | > rfli < MiKlVf Toimt.
A short tlmo ago the Italian colony In
New York gave n banquet to .Marconi , the
famoua Inventor , related the Philadelphia
Post. The formal toasts were given and
answered with customary eloquence.
U was pointed out that Marconi had made
one of the great Inventions of the century ,
and had won everlasting fame. Then the
chairman suld. amid perfect ullcnco :
"Only through Belf-sacrlflce a ml love of
mother did our dlfitioguUhcd
rlot obtain the education and the nchan
tngea which enabled him to accomplish the
fo.itg wllch hnvc mn < le him Immortal Kel
low countrymen. I have the honor to pro-
j pose ns your toast , 'Hero's to the Mother
! of the Father \VlrclcM Telegraphy. ' "
ciioicn HIT or t\\i ) I-OH f. .
Clmdini Nlniiil , n Counlry of I'n-ii ) '
( nM. Wliloh Wp Will llii- .
Chnthnm Island , thp v.iluablo pleco o (
niarlno real estnlo for which Undo Sam
la now bargaining with Ecuador , Is to bo
purchased primarily because of Its suitable
ness ns n coaling Atntlon for our wnr ships ,
but nlso In tlio expectation that Its usefulness -
( ness will bo enormously enhanced when , In
the not distant future , the Atlnntle and Pn-
clllc oceans nro connected by n canal. It
will then bo directly on the route to the
southern Pnelflc nnd n foothold there will
hnvo grent strategic ns well as commercial
Importance. The Island la n member of the
famous Galapagos group nnd lies GOO miles
duo west of Olinynqiill. the cquntor running
directly through the little nrchlpelnRo.
There nro fifteen Islands in the group , five
big ones nnd eleven small ones , without
counting many Isleltcs , reports thp Iloaton
Trnnscrlpt. The largest of tbem nil I * Al-
bemnrle , which Is tdxty in I tea in length.
Chnthnm Is flflh In point of lze. Most or
the islands nro In sight of one another , some
of them being scparnted by only eight or
ion miles of sen. They nro fertile nnd
healthful , tlio climate being not excessively
hot , owing to thp remnrknbly low tempera
ture of the mirroumllng waters. The name
Galapagos menna "black turtles , " nnd was
bestowed by the Spaniards in the sixteenth
century on account of the gigantic tortoises
which they found there In astonishing num
The islands nro barren around their edged
nnd nenr < hu water , the Imiclncapo being
characterized by broken masses of lava
strewn about. In the wet season , 'as vlewi-d
from tlio ocean , they do not appear so com
pletely fertile ; bushes grow up betwecen the
rocka and odd looking cacti develop. However -
over , toward the Interior of the largo mem
bers of the group , the aspect of things he-
comes very different nnd , nsccndlng from
the coast to nn elevation of SOO or 1,000 feet ,
the traveler flmta n luxuriant vegetation. In
thp old craters of the now extinct volcanoes
tlio soil , of decomposed lava , is extremely
rich nnd tropical plant life Is highly dc1-
vcloped. Springs usually occur In these
basins nnd showers nre frequent In the
humid heights.
Geologists sny that anciently the Gala-
pngos Islands were n part of the continent
of South America , but n subsidence of that
portion of the cnrth's crust occurred , nnd ,
ns a result only the peaks of a few lofty
volcanoes now project over the water. The
huge tortoises which lived in that region
sought refuge those of them , that IB to say ,
which were lucky enough to escape deluge
on the tops of the mountains , from which
they were nblo to survey the floods with n > i
Noahlan philosophy. Thus split up Into col
onies they acquired thp traits In accordance
with their environments , nnd thus in the
course of time becnmo rceoKnlznblq ns dis
tinct species , each Island having its own.
Only Alhemarle Island possesses two spe
cies of turtles , and this Is because It Is di
vided Into two parts by a Invn stream Im
passable to the reptiles.
Ono of the most remarkable things about
Chnthnm island Is the presence there of
thousands of pussy cats , every ono of which
is entirely black. Of course they are de
scended from pets escaped from ships , They
live In crevices of the lava near the coast
nnd get a living by hunting for crabs and
fishes. Other domestic animals run wild ,
derived from progenitors brought by vessels ,
and nro numerous on all sides of the islands
of the group. There are wild hogs In droves ,
wild chickens In flocks , wild cattle , wild
horses , wild goats and wild asses , which
have acquired an Interesting habit of sit
ting up on their haunches like rabbits.
By far thc'most remarkable of ( > J1 the ani
mals wore the great turtles referred to ,
some of which reached a weight of GOO or
even 700 pounds. Indeed , there Is authentic
record of ono specimen that tipped the scales
at 870 pounds. One reason why these tor
toises arc interesting is tha < . they are the
only survivors today of nn ancient rnco of
glatit turtles that was conspicuous in the
early part of the tertiary epoch. Unfortu
nately only a few of them are now left , and
before long they will bo wholly extinct. Al
ready nearly all of the very big ones have
been captured and eaten.
It Is reckoned that no fewer than 10,000-
000 of these 'urtles have been taken from
the Islands since their discovery , Unhap
pily for them , their flesh Is exceedingly
good to oat , even surpassing that of the
green turtle , It is said.
The turtles are supposed to bo totally
deaf and take no notice even of the report
of n gun ; but , if made aware of the np-
preach of a man they utter a loud hiss.
mm OF
Gn Lard , on Ham , on
Bacon is a guarantee
of purity.
Swiff and Company ,
Chicago , Kansas City , Omaha.
St , Louis , St Joseph , St. Paul ,
The ivor t cn e CBU be cured liy n
Inir Slneurt Pllu Killer. Guaranteed. per box by iiinll.
Depot , Omaha ,
Information In n
Bepei envfloi * . ilnrvcloui
treatment , iuiucxllu unit up.
pllunce , fiirnlilitd on trlul
nnd opjiroviil. IfnotuOrnnd
Knrrmm , reliun them at our
cxpenftc nml I'ny Nothing.
Wetrtiktyou. Vigor icsWied ,
lostifl rlieckcd. o C.O.D. ,
nor oilier dvceptiuii.
U HlB < J for unnaluru
( ilicliargi'K. InlUmuia'luDi ,
Irritation ) ur ulcorulloof
if inucuUM nenilTaiuit.
rulNUan' ' l.ol u.trlc-
iTHtEv 'ISCHEMICHCl ) . " '
Sell <
l > y > | TCM , piepaiil , la
. . . u ur ' . liottien , < 'J5.
u W ( Jncuitr Jcui uu
Telephone 10. ) ! ) . Onmha , \ ;
Correspondence Joljn A Wurrnn St. Co.
wiles tu Chicago uml New York.