Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 04, 1900, Page 12, Image 12

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    _ _ _
12 TTIr n1rATLt 11ATT.S" R'rrit'TiS1)Jt1' , .T.11t'ATY ; I , 7t1f1fl.
CONFER ABOUT 01110 S IL ) I 1 U1
Officials of Omaha Road lfavo Confelonce
with President Burt ,
tffurt'III Ile Nadi sa i'nr n. 1'arrl
her Inlffsrl II III IIIHis
Ceti nil \VIII Ilan ( la Shorlrr
itnule In Umorlii. .
President horace G. Burt of the Union
Pacille returned yesterday from an coal-
em trip , and soon nftor his arrival at 1irad-
quatlers he was closeted in a conference
vItit a party nt ofhclah of tire Chicago , St.
] 'aril , lllnneapolls & Ocimlla road , who arrived -
rived In the city from St. Paul , The Personnel -
sonnel of the party is as follows : James
T , Clnrk , general trnnic manager ; J. C.
Stunrl , general superintendent ; TI. M.
Pearce , general freight agent , and 'r. \ \ ' .
'J'casdale , general passenger agent.
At the local headquarters of the Omaha
roar ] the vtutement 'vas made that the
higher ofilclals were in the city merely oft
u tour of inspection and that tin special
signlficanco was nttaehed to their visit. It
huts developed , however , nod the eoderence
with oUIclals of the Union I'aclllc gives
ground for the belief that flue visit Is for
Iho purPose of considering plans whereby
the Omaha line will use the union station
for its passenger trains. It has been understood -
stood In local rallronut circles for some time
that the Omaha line has been considering
Ihn nrlvisability of ahandoning the \'obsler
street depot so far as passenger traflle is
concerned hued using the Union Pacific new
pate eager stallan.
Negotiations huvn been taken up at this
time , it is believed , because of the entrance
into Omaha of the Illinois ( 'entral. ' The
latter line , by meths of its connections at
fort Dodge with the Minneapolis & St.
Louts , has considerably the shorter Ilne between -
tween Omaha and Minneapolis and St , Paul.
Added to this the Illinois Central tvlll ,
In all probability , have the prestige 0t run.
ping its trains limbo the union depot. Ou
through business either froth or to the twin
clues oI Mlnntwott the Illinois Central will
lave an ndvanlago In its Omaha depot fu-
cilltes , because at the union station connec-
( Ions can ho made svtlh the most of the
largur anew entering this city. The Omaha
road will ] mvo an added dhsadvantago to its
longer line In limo necessity of the transfer
of i asseugers fron the union station to the
\Veh ter street depot , 'ro obviate this and
to give it so far as possible an equal show
'with the Illinois Central for Minneapolis
and SL Pawl business it is believed that a
contract for the use of time union statom
. will ho made with the Union Pacllic.
1)1:1'O'1' QI11S I'i0N YI'I' : uN51"1"1'LEU ,
Ileulnl Ihn ] lII lnois C'eulrnl Iles Con-
lraeled for list' of Uuina Stntlou.
from am nttthorltattvo source denia ! Is
tnndo that the Illinois Central has entered
into a contract with the Union Pacific for
the use of Its now- passenger station ,
Negotiations regarding this inportmrt
matter are as yet In progress and no con.
clmsio m , it is stated , has been reached.
\Vhllu there is a possibility that time Illinois
Central may use some depot for its passenger -
senger trains other than the new uniomi
station , such outcome is hardly probable ,
110th Messrs , Ilarahan , second vice president -
dent , and ] Iudson , trallic manager of the
Illinois Cemmtrol , have been quoted in The
IJeo as stating their belief that a satisfactory -
tory contract for use of the union station
would be made with the Union Pacific ,
but hl each Instance they laid especial stress
ttpoll the statement that such an arrangement -
ment had not yet been made , Indicating the
possibility of some other depot facilities
being provided.
\Vlien Vice President ltarahon and ether
prominomt officials of the Illinois Central
visited Omaha last week they were engaged
in a lengthy conference with officials of the
Union Pacllic relntlvo to the use of the
union station. Later they visited in a body
Oeneral 1lanager lloldrege of the Burlington.
At the time it 'vas reported that this call
was merely of a social nature , but It has
since developed that the matter of using
the liurllngtma depot was railed up for dis-
eussl0n between these officials.
General Manager Iioldrege left Tuesday
night for Burlington to confer with President
Perkins of the Burlington system. It is
stated that his visit at this time is relative
to time Illinois Ceulral depot matter.
It is the expectation of time llllnois Con-
( rat to have its through Omaha-Chicago
passenger trains in operation by January 15.
Accordiiig to line statement of Pico President
] larnlman the only reason for delay now
rests iii the nom-comilpletiol of the uptown
freight amid passenger oliice at Fourteenth
amid l'arnani streets. This , it 1s expected ,
'vlll he ready for occupamicy by Jamnmry 15.
llcantinlo the questlom of depot facilities
will be definitely settled.
JNSOm.VIN'ItIsA'1'IS ' N ( ) ' ' .
talnhn ' St. iauis illct'tvi rship Is au
.ih nnlnr e' to Omaha.
The appointment of receivers for the
Ouudmt & St. Lonln railway , amtoancenmeat of
which sins made hm The Bee yesterday ,
crcnlcd no surprise iii railway circles 1n this
city. George .i. ] intrikimi , assistant general
freight agent of that road , lens not iii the
city today , but from his office , as well as
from limo passenger departneu , the statement -
ment ss ns nuamie that no changes hl Iho local
affairs of the rend am likely ,
It is considcrrcl altogether probable that
\1' . G. lirimson , rt'cently appointed general
manager of the Omaha & St. Lords , and the
allied lines which hnvo gone into the hauls
of tin receivers , will ho continued In his
presort position ender the receivership. Mr.
Brlndsen stands high ) In favor with John \V.
( lutes , who vas one of time powers that dictated -
tated time recelverslmip.
'l'imo reorganization of tlmeso lines and their
eousalldmition Into ono system of control amid
ow Imerahip , which ii all probability will be
ahtocted hm connection with ( the Ktmsas City ,
Plttsburg & Gulf , wit , it is believed ,
streimgtlieu u the iasolvert companies and re-
snit In giving in Onmla much improved rail.
road ndvnutuges amid facilities In time terrl-
tory covered by the Proposed roads which
w'lil figure in time reorganizatlun.
Itnltvuto11s rued PerNohIiiIs ,
J , 0 , i'IiIIIIpid of for llissaurl Paclie id
1n Knmsus City ( or a brief visit.
.L 11 , Catuphell , head of the Imrlhmgtou
ativertising depart seat , Is is (9dctgo
+ 1' . M. Orr , right of n'a ) ' agent for the
JIi Inols Cent .tl , is a vislto ( room Chicago.
J , I1 , l.ollmrop , general western ngeut of
tilt. lUliomm lhteille at l'ortiaud , Is In the
ciy ,
Charles ] : . Glbbs , genrrul freight agent
of time Quincy lines , is 1mm the city from
] Cnnsmis City.
iiarry 1 + ' . Cmmrter , travelling pnssenger
t agent of the Union l'aciiic , is in the city
( rouu St. Paul.
moral lluunger George F. ] lidwell of
' the I'Ikhofn let for Clticngo yesteday ,
1 tvhero lie will renmiu for a few days hook-
lug utter huslnems nmntterd.
A sprciul emir mutt awe extra 6aggagu
enaeh's 'vlli ho used Friday' to bring time
Bostonimn compuuy , cainp3sed of sixty per.
sans , ( roam St. Joslplm to Onuthmi , vltt the
ho i'lImm'ton ,
J. A , Alclutmgiltnn , wha sueceeds Jahn
14. F imox mis general : r a11ke rmumger of the
t'uduliy Pimekinir tuuttalny , bus Inca dl r.
Knox's nsdidtunt (0r the Anal ttvo years.
Prior to that time he ) end connected whim
ihs local ( reltfhl departnemu of the .lis-
ivnuri PatIihc its a contracting agent. 110
bus n u fde acnuuinunc0 : with local rufl-
reuul anon and is universally atpular.
R'orkmimemm are new engaged fn placing the
elevators In time l'nion l'mtclile dtuloh and
it is expected that limey w Iil be in opera-
Ilou lu it ft's' days. The canmplelfot of
Ihi Is work will mark the via Ctctll : Si ntslimmg
of lhu nov union atuioim. The gates whkim
will s1p + urite time depot platform Iron time
ruiiroal truths mu0 also being Put iii post.
Ilan and will probably be fm use by the
cud of tilt \vicek.
II i ) 111IlItO' .
'I'hmi' Itlg Slnr ( 4lnrls Ih ( Ills Idniu
nl ( 'I'hurdny 1lornltu , .lieu. I.
lbvery economical cash buyer will ho In-
lcreattsl in this role , The Ilig Store is the
only place lu this sectlon of the United
Stales which carries anything like tin assortment -
ment for you to select from in 1lnens. There
is mia other firm which buys or sells as ninny
linens as the 131g Store We make lower
prices on linens anti domestics thnn you find
elsewimere ; in tablecloths amid napkins your
find a greet many patterns and new designs
which are controlled by hoyden Bros. Shaice
will not permit to quote all , but below you
w III and a few prices which will start the
sale a-going :
25 pieces GO-Inch wide full bleached , all
iinen damask , usual price , 50c ; special price ,
29e yard ; Gd-inch wide nil linen , fall
bleached damnask , sold tit 60c anti Inc , at
hlayden's , l7c yard ; 2-yard wide , time $1.00
grade , G5e yard ; 2-yard wide , time $1.50 gtmat-
ity , on snlo at $1,00 yard ; speelal 3l-Imicli
wide damask , all linen , full bleached , for
this sale only 75c yam ; 6S incit vIde
blenched cotton dammask , Inc yard ; SS Inclm
cream cold damask. Irish manufacture , 19e
yard ; GO-Inelt heavy cream daumsk , nil linen ,
35c , regular price , 50c ; 72-Inch wIde cream
damask , time $1.00 grade , G3a ynrd ; double
fold Turkey red daluask , IOc yard ; SS luclm
wide fancy hlanmask , oil colors , goods tlmat
retail at 4Oc and 60c yard , during this sale
250 yard ; 2-yard long pattern cloths , $1.00
each ; napkins to nmatch , $1,00 n doz. ; large
line of pattern cloths at $2.00 , $2.50 and $3.00
each ; fringetl linen napkimis , during thus
solo 160 doz. ; $1,60 hiphins selling at $1,00 ;
be glass checked toweling , 5c yard ; IS-Inch
checked towpllug , 2t/0 yard ; cottomu heck
oat twilled iowehing , G yards for 6c ; extra
large fringed bedspreads that soil at $1.50 ,
during this sale 9Se each ; yard-wide line
cambric , 6c yard ; Fruit of Loom muslin ,
Gc ; 40-inch drapery , Swiss colored , time lSc
grade , 5c yard ; lOc and 12c curtain scrim
oil sale mit 5c yard. Keep your eyes an our
centertables for bargaltms in towels. Notice
our lOc table Thmurs hay. Rcadymado sheets
and pillow canes at less than wholesale
Our dress goods sale still continues and
will until stock is reduced , Crepons at exactly -
actly halt price heavy winter chevlols at
half price ; novelties that sold at 6Oc , 75c amt
$1.00 all go at 25c ; goals that sold at 25c ,
35c and 39c all go at 190. These nre all
neat , now , winter designs ; no off-shades , no
off-patterns , like other stores are trying to
soil ; extra heavy French flannelette , 100.
20c dress trimming , fc ; $2.60 dress fronts ,
25c ; $1.00 dress fronts , 15c.
Bargain Square No , 1-All kinds of silk ,
to close them out quick , 23c ; Bargain Square
No , 2-Both plain and fancy silks , in black
tend colors , to chose them out quick , 49c ;
$1.00 fancy- silks , 50c ; $1.50 fancy silks , 75c ;
750 black taffeta , 49c ; $1.00 27-ln , black
taffeta , 75c ; $1.00 27-in , black satin , G9c ;
$1.50 22-In. black satin , S9e ,
health Oilelals I.aniInc turd .tpprovr
of Ontiltln's I'Ii slcnl CoudiIm u
1)irlue Deecnlher.
Assistant City Physician Ralph is compil-
lug his report on the public health for December -
cember , showing the nunmber and causes of
daubs and the prevalence of contagious
disease. The record proven that Omalma still
upholds its record as the most salubrious
locality in the United States. During December -
cember there worn ninety-two deaths from
all causes , nine lass thmmn in the same month
one year ago. On an esthnated population
of 160,000 this gives an average deathm rule
for the twelve months of 6.9 to each 1,000 , the
mortality per cent in other cites ranging
from 7 to 25.
During December one year ago there were
ten cases of smallpox In the city , of a mild
but well umrked typo. Time disease was
much less severe than tlmo single case reported -
ported this winter and in one family five
mitembcs had been ill and recovered before
the health office was Informed as to the ua-
turo of time disease. It had been reported as
chickenpox , as In the case of Mrs. B1ains ,
whmuse ease is now- under the observation of
the health office. The nature of the malady
eras only discovered titter it ] mad been com-
muvicatetl to nn onside party. Mrs. Blains
Is staadily improving amid 'veil probably be
able to resume her duties within a short
Time record of contagious diseases is not so
faverabio for Decemmber , 1899 , as for the previous -
vious year. Tlmero were twenty cases of
diphtheria in 1S99 , compared wIth nine cases
ht IS9S ; sixteen cases of scarlet fever , coim-
trastcd with eleven , and two cases of typhoid
fever , as against five cases one year tigo.
There is no particular reason assigeed for
time variance except that time weather or
other local conditions are moro favorable to
the disease. An improvement ( s noted over
November , 1599 , however , particularly in
diphtherla , as there svero thh ty-tlmreo cases
reported hu that month ,
n respect to blrtlms the city also shows al
inpmvcment over one year ago , in Docent
tier last 136 babes were born , compared will
122 one year previous.
Effectiveness and pleasantness combined-
the most intelligent , yet slauplest cough
remedy-Dean's mentholated drops ; five
'I'hr C'Ilcauo SI'rping ( 'ar
Far Oraimn patrons EXCLUSIVI'BA' , leaves
on the "NOItTII\VESTERN LINE" limited
trail at 4:55 : p , m , dally , arriving Chicago
7:15 : ) text mmernimg. There MAY be finer
sleepers than these-in Europe.
dally at 6:10 : a , nn. and 7:30 : p , m.
City olihees , 1401 and 1403 Farnam street ,
I f '
is our best and fastest St. Louis
It leaves the Burlington sta-
tioli at 4:55 : p , m , dally nod ar-
rh'es at St. Louts ( Union sta-
I lion ) 7:19 : next morning.
It has a sleeping car and a
reclining cbalr car ; runs over a
wonferfully good track ; nmakes
few stops and offers better
I service than any other train
between Omaha and St. Louis
1002 Farnam 10th and N1aeoA
8troot. 8troete ,
I 'Phone 200 'Phono 310.
I t
1t iiEl IiOOI , SUITS 3.)0 . )
I The Most Sensational Sale of Suits anti
Overo3ats Ever Known in Omaha ,
IIn1 11rn' . Snlln Llawl'nrslld
Stif r , riot' o e'rronlr huh \Cu rum
t'lal'rs at 5nlli-lugs' ) Slrlls
f.Ue-ileum's I'nnl' ; ; , c.
The Purchase of the L. D. Loevy clotting
I stock from South Otnaha and time wholesale
stock of a Ne'v York nanutactnrer enables
us to offer there extraordinary values.
Never before did a clothing sale draw such
crowds as the first day of tlmla sale dhl , but
ae quantities ore se large that the bargains -
gains are equally as great for today.
Your choice of oily uuau's stilt , overcoat or
ulster that sold up to $15.00 , at $5.JO.
Your cholce of tiny ntmttt's silt or overcoat
or ulster tint sold up to $10,00 at $3,00.
All time $5.00 boys' long cants suits , ages
12 to 1 , go at $2.50.
All the $1.25 bays' knee pants suits go at
All the boys' $3.00 all wool knee pants
stilts $1.233.
All time boys' overcoats , ulsters anal reefers
from these lurchnses go at $2.50 ,
All the $1,50 men's pants go at 75c.
All time $1.00 lumen's till wool Pants $1. 19 ,
All the omen's caps , worth up to $1.00 , go
tit 25c.
All the furnishing goods go at correspond
Ingly low prices.
All the $1.50 men's shoes go at 75c ,
Your cholce of the finest $2,50 and $3,00
shoes ( rota tine South Ommaha stock go at
Ile sure to attend this great bargain sale
N.v , Cm' . IGth amid Douglas Sts ,
Itlimit ured Ilaruey Sh'rrl Main Is Once
11ueo ua Duty-Ilnlf lillllou
( : nitiis fseuui.e. .
A force of men working undo' the direction -
tion of Smiperhimtenmlent A. 11. hunt of the
Omaha \S'muter conmpnny' , worked all Tuesday
night on the rupture of time homey street
maht. The broken section of pipe 'v'as removed -
moved mud a new length substlttted , time
citizens of the locality being deprived of
water until mldnigimt. The district affected
by the shut-off reached from Fourteenth to
EIghteenth , end front Farnam to howard
streets. All time damage wrought by the
water will be made good by time company ,
and an appralsenment of the loss will be
node sonte time today. Mr , hunt does not
consider that the damage will be as large
as at first estimated , the total probably not
gneally exceeding $1,000. The principnl
damage , ) me soya , seas suffered by Marks
Bros „ wlmoso stock was for the most part
stored in the cellar , where it was reached
by the water. The oily surface of the goods ,
however , repelled time moisture to a con-
slderable extent , and the prompt attention
which the danmp material received will prob.
ably prevent nay serious Injury.
Mr , Ilunt says that during the flood about
600,000 gnllone of water escaped. The em-
ployes of the company , lie says , responded
with commendable promptness as soon as
the break was reported , and time water was
clmecked from the cut-off box at Sixteenth
and Farnam streets within twenty minutes
after the rupluro occurred. The break was
not occasional by any flaw in the Iron , in
limo opinion of Mr , hunt , but was sinmply
duo to water hammer , a phenonmenot familiar -
miliar to all students of hydraulics. Air
had collected in the pipe , and under pres.
sure of time water exerted a force widch the
metal could not withstand. Although the
break occurred ha the middle of the street ,
the frozen earth held the water under , and
it force ] its way through time trench be
neat ] the sidewalk , where there was no wall
of concrete overhead.
COMPANY Is now open and ready to receive -
ceive nil classes of freight and forwari
with despatch , to all points In the NORTH ,
EAST and SOUTH. Freigbt depot located
at Eleventh and Chicago streets , Omaha ,
nail on Ninth street , between Broadway and
First avenue , Council Iiluffs.
Mine. Muentefering will play an Inter.
estiug iirogrant of piano music at the First
I Congregational church Thursday evening
j tinder the nuspices of time \Vonnan's club.
Admission , 25 cents ,
W'ho resiles , at 1130 Sewwrii rtreet , says
that a neighbor told him about CI1.1I1ER'S
KIINI Y CURE and hr bought a battle ,
which done hits kidneys more good than all
time other land of medicine combined , timid
that it huts cured hint from kidney trouble ,
t'racer's Kidney Cume . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7ir
Allan's Lung helm 760
Carter's Liver Pills. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hr
l'ertuta . . . . . 75r
Pyrtunid l'Ile Cure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
Iydu : Phmlthmn'ii Compond. . , . , , . . . . 75r
Ibrotm Quhtlnr ISc
Piso ( 'onunmption Cure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2oc
Schnefc"s Cough Cure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .roc
Aye's llmih'Igor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 760
Ilull's Ihmuir ltrnovttlar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75r
Allcoek's Plaster's lie
Qt. lioltlo Port o Sherry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SOc
t c tlstni'hm . . . . " \c
\'ino Koln1'ra . . . . . . . . Ayr
Cutkura Sung 203
lavealhr So , . p . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lOc
\\'onlburv's Soap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ISc
Emile Qsui , : h. and ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 730
Rlrnny Qs ( ' tt rrii ( 'um . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 400
I Gehl Cutnrrh Cure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40c
Car , 1Ulh and Chtcnuo Silt.
, , F
i > ! ew CIt1J Offices , 1401.03 Farnam.
. . .
0,000 Misses , Ohildrea's ' , Boys' Natural Cray
and Camel's ' liaitVesti , Pants , Drawers ,
Innnrnse Inl of Lndlrr' 1'udernlur ,
Toru'hnll lnt'r null liiutdlu't ( 'lllrfs
at Isar 'i'Inni Ilinlf ruler
I'rlee on Soli ' 1'odn ) ,
Ono large bargnhm square withu hundreds of
down of nil kinds uuderwemir for tulsses ,
children and boys , every- size up to IS rears
old , in camel's hair , unumrnl wool mind mottled -
tled wool effects , all go at 1Cc eacim , worth
3sc LADIES' itllliED UNDiitIVEAIt , UP' .
Olio imtninse lot ladies' leieey rlbhed vests
and pants , heavy mad medium weight , regu-
Inr Price 35c , go at roc each.
75C LADIES' UNION SLATS , 30 ( ' .
iliittdreds of ladles' perfect fltting union
suits , iii edInut and lien vy sveiglut , button
aefoss the chtst , reguinl' price 730 , go at 31c
each ,
All time intiie ' strictly mull w nol French
entnel's emir nail sam Itary natural wool
vests nail pants , all sizes , worth up to $1.23 ,
fu this sale at Ole cacti.
2c yard for all the narrow lorchon lace
mind Insertion , regular price UP to 711m0 ,
All the extra line linem torchnu lice and
insertion , many new styles amid effeeto , regular -
ular price tor , go at ac amid 5e yard ,
All the handkerchlefs that were left from
our Christmas sales , that are ht any wayy
nnlssed or stilled , worth 25c each , go fu this
sale at lc , 3'tc ' and 7 ? c each.
N. ICor. . 16th muted Douglas.
I'nnerul or old wilier.
The funeral of Jnnlnv II. Cullnhan , n
resident of Omalun for thirty-11ve veers , wits
held yeslcrdny turd a large mmn her of
t ift + nd C9ttr3c + c
Tuesday and \ \ 'ednesdaywere great dmtt.
at the Biddle of 1Botlt Drug store It
seecnid as though Cvery ninth iii. . ! wonmtit
iii Omalma were tm ying to 7umy nu armful of
the nuumy things w'itieh we were Dull still
mire ) offering at greatly reduee.i . rates 'Vim
favorlle moil + Ie seemed to be the I'S I'1 ; 1t-
2.1EN'I'GD GIIAPE JI'1CE anti tine I'Ilt- ,
1l'1IES tumid A'NS11'EItS. 'Pile tnble tin
which every urtirlr sells for ac as , m
prune favorite-as many of these things
sold for $1.00 to $1'A ; before Iho renovnl
( nark down. If you miss the rentovat sale
you'll be sorry.
Sherman & McConneII Drug Co
( Middle of tlloi'k ) 7.ila hedge St.
Oluahn , Neb.
NOTE-We shall remove to the corner of
Dodge tin(1 16th streets within a very few
flays-mis our fixtures 's'ill arrive from St
Louts tit four or five days-Our laboratory
and warehouse will remain In present loca-
tion-the rear forty feet of ground ( hoar
anti lw0 floors above-each 110 feet lmi
, ,1,1 ' , ttteN a , rr in altendanee 'I'h , p'i , '
hair , r" were .1. Mullen , .1 h ! 'ugly. Jlm
Shill. . rg. J..b'lllli' in null 1. 1. n
l'or thirty-three years .lr. Callahan wit
j an employe of the I'nltill I'aclno shop. , anti
was well kttow9t nnu mig the rnplny. . , rf
that oarparaIion. leis four sons-Jamime' ,
henry , Edward and ltirlun d t'mullnhan au I
tea dnughtcrs--lira , llcclallan anl , MI.'s
Clnrt ( 'nikllutm-were present at the fu
meral. James Cnllnltan , wino is n llrakr
nmmi rum unhug ant of Scrlbuer , Neb. , Tuts
returned to his daties.
1111 , ( 'hlrauo Sleeping Cur
For Omaha patrons EXCLt1SIVELY , leaves
on the "NOItTlllt'ESTi ItN LIRE" limited
train at 4:55 : p. fn , dally , arriving Chicago
7:15 : next nmortdng , There MAY be hoer
Bleepers limn those-ln Europe.
Other i.1MtrlD : PLYING TttAINS letiv'o
daily at C:10 : n , m , tntd 7:30 : p. iii ,
City oillees , 1.101 and 1103 Farnam street.
i OIII ) .
I DitO\VN-Mnrgnret , nged 22 years , dnngh-
ter rl' lie. and lira.VI1Iiniii llrotvn , nn
\'edni'rdav at 3 o't4ult , 1'nuernl from
the fit in II re.'idiii re , ' ; 123 lhir4rtto strrel ,
l'ridmly , January 5 , mil 2 ii eint'l . Immtrr-
newt at l'oresl I.muaii. i'rlends (
g -Scofield's
I v
\v ( ore selling Children's Cloaks and
Misse' JachuMs at lust halt price ,
The $1.,00 , hmcitels for. . . . . . . . . . $6.00
Time $10,00 Jackets for. . . . . . . . . . $5.00
The $ S.00 Jmieketn for. . . . . . . . . . $4.00
The $3.00 Jtckets . . . . , , , , . . $ .
Ladies' Cloaks-
We nre selling some of our ladies' Jackets
at less than halt prico-sonme at half price-
ammfi some at one-third off regular prices.
You'll not ho disappointed here. EVEItY'
! i0(5CO FIELD
0 S CO.
1510 iougins Street.
t A40. OF
6n Lard , on Ham , on
Bacon is a guarantee
of purity.
Swift an Company ,
Chicago , Kansas City , Omaha ,
St. Louis , St. Joseph , St. Paul ,
Don't Fail to Attend Our Grcat
POND , EMERSON. PACKARD , and other standard
Pianos to select from.
Lyon & IIealy Upright only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $55.00
Billings Upright , good condillomm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $100.00
Chickering , waluttt case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $135.00
Flue New Uprigimt , eastern make . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $149.00
Ifallet & Cumston , Ilardman , II allot & Davis , Kimball and other medium
grade pianos at your own prices.
Organs and Square Pianos from $20.00 up.
Now Pianos for rent. Pianos t uned , repaired , moved and exchanged. Tcl
1025. Write for catalogue and prle es.
We sell now pianos an $3.00 p ayments.
c mo er Mueller. . .
'I'lll : OIJ ) AND Itlad.tlhd. I'IANO IIOUSE.
Steinway & Solis l 1313 Farnam Street.
Representatives. j 337 Broadway , Council Blnfis.
t Clearing Sale
I i1i ® Shoes ,
Leggings and Overshoes ,
? Misses' fine $ l Jersey Legging. , 011 sale at , . , . , . . . . fi9c
Boys' h1 Ca11vaS Leggings , on sale at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49c
Ladies' U5c Overgaiters , on sale at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18c
35c 11'ool Soles at , . . . 15c
. w I ru
' .
r .t t
.t I '
t 'line "e r E'h'SON" Shoo lot lien
'l 'It. . "U1 ; rR,1 „ Shoo for 11 r omen , TIKE CELEBitA7'ED fait \IFN ON "STETSON" S\I.V : . SiIOES
TILE ULTRA SHOES FOR WOMEN Tlme "Stetson" is tine best shoe that's
are going fast'e hnvo than in floe vier made for miterVe hove them iii velour
kid , patent leather , and velour calf , turn calf , eaamnel calf amid s'cl ! hdd , the latest
aml ) welt soles , with limo cusldotl cork humor styles and haful mado--"Stolsoa" In every
soles , all sizes and widths , pair.
Ladies' fine $2,50 Viei Kid Shoes , \'ith silk vesting
tops , 011saleat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11,90
Lad1e5' flue X 5 , 00 Chrome h"ll 1.dec 1 Shoes , with (1011
blo fair stitched soles , 01151110 at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2.25
lieu's ti3.00 satin call lace shoes at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.15
Boy's $1.50 satin calf lace shues at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90c
lre11's 1.25heavy ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , , , 95c
lrorl's$1 imitation Alligator Slippei'a , only. . . . , . . . . , (3c
? 1len's ; 1.25 velvet ohlhroidered Si ippors , at . . . . . . . . . . $9c
Ladies' $1.25 beaver cloth house Si Ipjn'rs , at . . , . , . . . 750
j Ladies' 750 fell house Siipper , uu 511113 at. . . . . . . . . . . . 38c
0000000000000000000 0000000000000000000 °
0 0
0 m m o
0 0
0 0
0 m 0
° 0 Throughout the store these clays you 'ill ob0 -
0 5eI 'c Without being told that solrlebodY has 0 o
° ° been tliitlkill r ahead for the scasou of 1900. 0
' ° 'I'hs ] ] s 11 retail store. it's 0 °
0 .
0 nom .4 t I p0iCy ] i S to ] ( t'i'll stlc'll In1'c'i11111 ( 0
0 ( li ) a 7 t he ) t.u 'tl " l)0l)1111111011 ) Call °
° 0 otill' ap 1rOViliglCO111111011 rOO(1S ( 0
o s ; ; adopted t0 ilto loll' chiss .jobbing °
o bnSllte.S-1 he stall's ihitt ; ii'e not o
0 C 1 loll ) at 1lil y l ) l ' ( ' hellU \'VOi' low , °
0 ; : , . / ' ' , \\.e (10 1101 k(1) Let , other stoles 0
o , 7:1'T'.e ( trash 1111(1 (1llillgs , we do not 0
0 4 carp t o bu 1 r it-cu' , t , ll it + and °
r 0
° a w'heuVehlenliOhl CloIAW , suits , etc' . o
p > 'I ' t ill 0111' 1\'OlUt'l1'S ( lelal'tllollt , y011 °
o leel Ilave lent' UI ' ' °
° \L ( 110 tillclinb 1111 } o
o , l euulautC , and r 1'nilurel or , ( Iltili ( o
io i I ' t i hviclf s&tles to greet you. ° °
0 I t l You've 1 ' tha Clonb
o v ) ( ( / 0
trade of' ! ! l h n 1v11 d the 1'elilll' ; ] : 0
° 0 of au ] 11telli eat cloak luerchlult from another ° 0
city yesterday , ll'lie , we regret it. . . But are °
° 0 we to blame if we have managed to bring o
o to the wonleti of this city aim auray of. 0
o o cloak bargains such as ( ) tuaha's ' teialiug ] has o
o ltevn' 50011..1 S you read the great inducemcuts o
0 0 iii cloak selling , 110 v ill 1 h'o 1 rreSS , 1u'onn(1 town , ° o
o just conllarc-see if yOU flail t thick some one 0
o has bee11 tlunkln5 alicnd f'or the sellson of 1U00a o
0 0
0 0
0 p 0
f , . 0
o f
% 0000000 OOOOOOOOOOOOCl000000C0000000000
I AYDE 'rim '
Cbak Sage
C candidly believe that ladies' outer garmelts
are 501(1 cheaper iii Omaha than in any other city in
western Aulerlca-and furtllerulore we believe and want you
to know that our cloak ( lepartulelt has more garments tit
lower prCCS ] than any house in western Anleyica
PrCes ( mire
Bore -that we set the pace for styles arcl pi'l't' -L e F a nd
' important defy all competition , 'Phis stock must ancr will
1 Imtu Words
be soli.
- Ladies' flannel lined Underskirts , with
15 incli flounce and brad
trnuhleclloeth $2 for. . . . . . .
tl ! I Ladies' flannel lined Underskirts , gray ,
e Fink , blue and black t with 15-in Ch AGOl '
' ( lion plaiie(1 flounce and braid
+ tz' 9 8c
, , triuuued , , worth . $2.50 , for. . . . . .
1 Infants' Llclerdo\vu Cloaks , ttn
° era trimmed worth X1.50 for c
, : 200 children's Jackets ages four to ' -
. that sold tip
to 5.00onr choice for. . . .
Ladies' Percalihe Skirts , with
flounce and two rows of ruffles each. . . . . . . . . . . . . . C
Ladles' Silk nail Satin Waists , in black anti Ono table Ladles' J ° ckels , In castors , tans ,
for , that sold up to $0.50- 9. browns , blurs amid blacks , nearly all lined
o Y '
" ' " with Skinner's soda , worth up
to $11.00-for. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , x.50
table of Ladles' Skirts , percaline
lined , brake trimmed , that mold 1 One table Ladies' Jackets , high class -
up to $7.00-eu sale at ody' ' . l. , meats , best in time market , automobiles ,
" ' newnmarltets , box coals and flue imported
00 Ladies' Jackets , silk Ihmd thmughoul ,
w orth garments , trimmed with Astrakhan nod
for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50 marten worth all Iho nay tip
to $25.00-for. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.98
One table of Ladies' Jackets , silk Ihied
throughout , worth $0,00- 9 200 Ladies' Man-Tailored Suits-in browns ,
for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.a0 brays and blacks and faimc y mixtures , some
silk hued ; they are worth
One table Ladies' Jackets , kerseys , whip to $25,00-far only , , , , , , , , tap , , , , , , , 10.00
cords mud Persians , every garment silk
lined throughout , worth up to r' One table Ladies
$12.00-oii sale at , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . . t 0 Skirts ssorllm till to Silk 810.00 Dress , far , , . , , , (1.08
All time above prices we guarantee t o he a sating of 10 to 50
per rent , and
all competition. Get year very best prier s and thou see w'lmat we have to offer. defy
,1 b
- - - - - - - - - -
z r mire soon set right at time
( Long experlenra and a perfect lumw1
/ Jfp11 f edge of our protesslon ,
r ' ' cofmihined with
I n ' e Ijr f , ' 'r , yi IIII mmmblton to excel , and time prompt
l ! ; . ' hmhodu 'toa
t 'i of null new and inproved
; , r'dlt methods cimab to us to treat all cases
. , ; ' . ' ' ; . u ' d In a highly miuccesail and Satisfactory
' ; : 4ti' manner ,
v l A1L Y the Dentist
' , , :112 : PIl lall Ill ] : , Jmilh ,1 ; 1'II I'IIII dal.
'I boll ) Ali'mdnlll , '
I'1 , .
i loot' 111,411.
1 sr Ii' . I1 , t1' , llnllry's Tnalfl
Pundrr , , ill iiragrrlsls ,
: SioECkE
IS tlcltnit'ICdgctl 1 y mill snlukers to I ) : the hest i
cent Cigar sold ( n Onl4thn , Nalhing to cuul ( it far
the pricy ,111 dealers sell ( l. 11'c has'C two .Stores .
1404 DOUGLAS ST. , AND 221 SO 16TH ST.
an Roaches.
Since iitllrthlg time full Itlilis you hits' ' '
noted mill Ipl iemine la tlisi anueylag
' pl'Sls , rsp'clully Itu.1'llhs ( , arowtd
the lint \vmUer pipes. Ive cnlu ( Emir-
every limit' of thiui nut. Ive huvn th , '
stul'I' , II Is Iluli pUsunotia , just lliy it
nrnuii the siult ur nn the l1 itih'y i
shelves maul 1mm ml week the thing is
dour. ! t conies in taus tit yUt' nod ii
positively gluarnntelu. II IS
l/lth miutl 11outlmih ; 5t. j
Sine an + ntlii uvs , amid
In ( hits
Iriu i „ la , , he + , ps , tvitr you
lull w.l , I , i i fang utwur nfu of a userui aet of
woh , , „ ilp.I ; to deund i yon cull odic ,
tin the
hind that
hie ti 'ii , fu
the nlahl tmi i uunhfer. your mouth nod
Sllv'r ' ( , , , , , , , , , , T3a
until Plllllus , , , , , , , , , 1,611 up ,
Hood sit 1116 , , , , , , , , , , LIIn
Taf1's ' Philadelphia' Dental
D01 ( 'L.tS S'1' ,
HOwrLL s Thu favorite cough
cure. Its pen clni-
ute iii publlr
d m w ' ' Iii due alone
It. uetual merit