TITT3 OMAHA DAILY BEE : TIiniSDAY , JAXUAIJV I , 1DO. ! ) SPECIAL NOTICE fur tlicn Intnlii'ti until I- in. fur tin- cviMilnu ( lltlitn anil iinlJI HO : ! ( p. in. for iiHimliin ninl Miitnlny rilltlitu , llntcN' . I l--e , n uonl tlrl ItmcrlliiiM ] 11 Moril ( lit-ri-iiftrr. Miltiluu liil.cn for li-im limit Ufi < ' for 1n > Ural lim-r- < lutt. Tlii-ii- crlliM'itii-iifM mil * ! tic run iMi lic-ri-tl HiiM'U , run lin > i- HII'ITN ml- ilri-NNi-il lit a iiiniilMri'illliT In run- nf The Ilii'n mrrN nil nililri-pixi-il dfllM-rcit iirem-liliilloii of Mill b" on ( InchccU enl > . \ \VHJn-SITI. . ATIO.NS. A 8TI3NOOHAPIIHH. When you want o iia IPK.I- | , call up Hit. R.-mlngton typewrjier Fitrmim direct , telephone luij. oilier , l lt ! A ui > > t ic lector. Address or call IC07 N. ANxp < Jriaiico.fYnachc * desires iiosllbm Jt Msltllip.feoVrrncss. iirlvatn tw"1 * " . " / of fnm „ Ih-s. ( oachfdr family or .number Addrecs 17 U. Hee. A-s < l ' \VA.\Ti3n-.MAi. hnsteaily work for a few AVANTI3D. We hn\ * guod ustlcrH of good'i's'r' > ' ! ' ' ' ' ' ' ance. C. F. Adams Co. . > ' . , ; _ ' wT : T13ACH the barber trade thoroughly anil furnish each graduate in short lime with i" BUI runtepa position' good wages. T hero are mori. than ten barber positions , , verlicd.-t . .6 at. bortkkeeplng or Hliorl- liaml. Write tar. free catalogue and p t- tlculars. Western Harbers1 HwHtuU1 , n Ut Omaha. _ _ _ _ CA9lT for 'nci'eplablo IdcW ! 'state ' If l > at- rntcil. A.hlress . The Patent Record. Hal- tlmore. Mil. _ _ _ _ _ _ AN"inTe"lUSQiit youtiK. man to take a short hand seliobirshlp rind imy for It when he has ilnlBhi'il the ivnir.se nnd secured a po sition. ' Address T 32 , Hee. H-MI18 TKYtirirlroThJKpf lice Hl'dg. ; f'1' ' phltAfl for sludentH who desire 11 to wmlt for board -while In atlendance. H ,11 ? agents , expenses paid. WANTI3D. paint palcsmen to work on commission baslfli only thosp with experl- . 1212 I'or- once and references need apply. ' ' . - ' H-C'J. niun . men to lenrii barber trade. Only eight weeks reViulred. Special advantages this HPnson. Complete outfit of tools pre sented stude-nts. Wages Saturdays. Pos - tlons positively guaranteed. Can earn tui tion working for UH. Catalogue with city map , . .jnnllwlfree. . Molur Harber ( ollege , Clilcngo , HI. _ . _ H-MS.,1 7 * AVANTKD reliable man to deliver and col- IrcU. Salarv $10.00 a week and expenses. Address. Manufacturer. P. O. Hex 102 , , Philadelphia. Pa' . H-MSIS 4 * _ "WANTED , man who thoroughly under- Htands managing a crockery and houso- furnlshlng goods department. Only thor oughly experienced and competent men need apply. Address U 8 , Hee.H H MS B \VANT13D. 'several men on stock saddles nt Iho Komintz Saddlery Co. , 227-231 13. nth St. . i3t. Paul , Minn. H-MSSll fi AV-ANTI3D , salijslnim to retail to merchants the ImndsomoBt cbe.rryllnlshNl sweeping brush made ; . cost agents 40e ; sclln for $1 ; $10 per day easily earned. A. .1. Warren Hrush Co. , Cincinnati , O , I-M ! < SG 1 \VRlTl3 quick ; salaried job ; no peddling. Triumph Intormatlon Co. , Dallas , Tex. H-MSS5 0 * ' .WAX'I'BD Fn.MAI.K IIHI.I * . AVANTE'D , 200 girls. 1321 Dodge. Tel. S7fi. C G3'J , - ' ' . . . . - . - I -i f i AN < inie.Jllgont lady t.o lake a shorthand xchnlnrshlp and pay for It when she nnlsnes tlio e * ume and secures a posi tion. Address T 3S , care Hee. . C M117 A THOROUGH HUSTNESS OR SHORT HAND COURSE. IN THE NEB. BUSINESS AND SIIOUTIIANE COLLEGE , nOYO THEATER HLDO. . INSURES A MONRY.MAICINO POSITION Attondnneo almost double that of last year $1,00(1.00 ( worth latest model Smlth-Premlei typewriters Just purchased to meet the In- cronsl'd demand. This Institution Is endorsed by principals of Iho High school , olllclal court report- era and business men. Newchissfs this week. A. C. Ong. A. M. , President. . C-MS30 AVANTED , good girl.for general housework 1113 Georgia ave : ' c MSI 4 i COMPETENT cook , wanted. 2211. Landoi Court. . C-bT > 3 ! WANTED , good" girl 'for general house work. 1916 Wlrt St. ' C-S57 .1 WANTED , good glrl for general house work. .1910 Wrt | St. C S57 3 * . . - . i . ' . l. . i - WANTED , -giiod girl for general housework - work -In family of throe. Mrs. T , j Q'Ntjll , 1121 ! North 21th St. , South Omaha Jti.vr IK Y.OtIvunl your houses well rcntct thoin with Henewa' & Co. D UIO CHOICE houses , cottages , stores. Henn H. Payne , C01 N. Y. Life. 'Phone. 1010. ' D-UI1 FINE residence , chnlco location , 11 rooms all modtiru ; excullcnt stable. Humls , Pax ton block. D UI2 HOUSES , iitorcs. Uemls , Vex ton block. r. . ' : . D-CM MAGbARD'Vail it Storage , 1C10 Cap. Ave Tel. : ilPa : " ' " ' D-GII FOR RENT , houneji In nil purls of city The 0. F. Davis Co. , 1505 Farnam street " ' D-615 1IOUS1CS for rent | n all parts of the city IScumin-Love ] Co. , 213' So. llitli street. , D-018 FFoUSES for rent. J. H. filiprwooil. 1M N Y , Life. 'PJioiH' 3SS. D GI7 FOR RENT.'desirable houius and llati- Rlngwalt , llurkcr block. D-tilS I-ROOM elegant apartinents In Normandlc J.VVOO ; il-room , all modern cottagis newl papered and In line Btinvo , J25.00. We hav many others. Pnyne-Kuox Co. . 1st ilooi N. Y. Llfo Kids. D-CW HOUSES to rent. Patterson , 305 N. V. Life . : . - . > r D CM HOUSE for ren't rtl 1152 Park nvo. . all moil cm. ' A'pply rfso So.f3"d ! S : . Tel. 1227. - . - . , r . , , - . . D-137 r'OR RENT , S-room houfc. all modern con vcnlenVCH , ouposlle Hanscoin park. lri ; Vark ave. llKiulro 2130 9. B3rd or telr phone 1227 , D-M1D7 . 'OU RENT. ' 652 So. 2'ilh. ' 7 room * , moderi $10 ; " > oo7 Wol ter. 7 roiinm , hath : 2222 .N ISth , ii ioqin.1 , harp largo y.ird : sil S < 19th. .1 rooms ; a | > u Hula. RlrgwaU Hros tluror ) H-K. . D 6.l FIVI'J-ROO.M cottage , convenient , well nn clatorn wiitpr ; MO I Hlondj street ; fS. Anpj lit fi07-N. 1'HJl H - D-917 I-ROOM. ipodi'l'il IIOUI'H ! ' reasonable ; | < t. ucxl door. EJ1 NflrtlK.yM. , D-S71 9 * ' ROOM and 2 arn j.t'th and Uarncy. Cami 2 acrtvr. > . | X , t D..In t. ( O-r , 317" Nj'iifh iiniri7H. Caljfurniii. \ni'l SO jith'cru f Ann 'J .HJ upwards. K f > . .WoinJ , 'IS ; ! ' DouslaH. DS7tl 3 . -"Oil R.KNT-9-room ( Jiitacheil housei a l-rodnrinoili-ri'i hou o , Slil'N. 19111 St. , J5. | riio llyron Reed Co. . S12 S. lltli t-'t I GOOD ro'.i"1 * front part house1315 C.U ' Itfll 'Cve. , ' $10 nor moillli. Inquire ' Jo ( inldxmlih , ( tluS. Farnnm , Olllce IIOUI-H. till 10 In mornliig. ' D-MSss 7 * I'NKQl'ALED. uvntral. htt-iun heat , a modern 7-room house. Tltard. S2I N. 2ttl D MSSS 10 * I ( Ml IILN I I I IIMMlt : ) ) UOOM * . KIi riiimh'nik < - < plus J'i ' : st FOR RENT Furnished front room. 3M X. ) -th. - IO-M762 C PLEA53AXT south and enst room for two ; reasonable. 1SZ1 Hlnney. n MSI1 Jr NICE rooms at 311 S. 2 th st. st.EMS62 E-MS62 Keh2 l"l'ltMSIIii : ) ItllO.MS AMI IIOAIII ) . THE Merrlam family hotel , 25th and Doilgn , I 'F-6.-2 6H S. 19TH , desirable rooms and board. F-M23M1I * To 2 gentlempn. In private family.2fdi St , ! Mary's Ave. F-M50S FlTtNISHED rooms ami board. 2315 lo i ? las St. l' ' C : > 3 FURNISHED rooms with board ; reference * . 3fi ! So. SGth St. F-ftfl ! 4 PLEASANT sdttth and OHSI room for two ; nvminable. 1S21 Hlntiy. K-MSI1 Jfl Dr3SIHAllTl3 rooms'IlrsUclaHS board. 23SI ' llarney. F-MSiW S ROOM mid board , Jl amJ $3. 1512 Davenport. F-MMS Feb'J NICE warm rooms with good boardrates ; reasonable. The Rose , 2020 Harnfy. c MM * r , I'Oll III > : > T STOIII3S AM OFI'MCP.S. FOR RENT , store In llrst class location ; rent rens Hinhlc. Apply R. C. Peters it Co. , ground lloor , Hee Hldg. I 2W FOR RENT , a ground tloor olllce , specially suitable for real estate , etc. . splemlld vault built for use of city treasurer. Ap ply It. C. Peters & Co. , ground iloor , Hee Hiilldlne. I-2C7 'OR RENT , brick warehouse , two Moors , each ( Mx'JO feet ; power elevators ; IT. P. trnckagi ! . Apply Hanrmnnn Hros , 1911 S. 20th. I-Mt ACKVI'S WA.Vl'EI ) . APAHLE men nnd women can make good wages fX'HIng our "Quick Meal Cooker and Heater , " or "Quick Klndler. " ( Sub stitute for kindling and coal. ) Agents al lowed liberal commission and exclusive territory. Write for particulars' , Hen- nett Manufacturing Co. , 131 Van Hurcn St. , Chicago. J 806 'AN YOU write life Insurance ? The Hart ford Life. 412 Heo building , will make you a very liberal conlract. C. 13. Hamilton , manager. J MsSl 4 * EXTRAORDINARY Inducements are of fered for establishing a permanent , pleas ant and profitable business , $200 lo $ " .00 per month can easily be made ; demand Is established. Address , La Crosse Cam era Co. , Hex 32 , La Crosse , WIs. . J-MSS7 4" STOIIAin. ACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co. , ! > 12- Ull Jones , general storage and forwarding. 655 \VA.VT13I ) TO m'Y. \LL kinds of household goods , hotels , etc. . In large or small quantities. Chicago Fur niture Co. , 110G-10 Dodge. Tel. 2020.N N 650 WILL purchase a limited number of Omaha Savings Hank accounts. Hrenmn- Love Co. . 219 S. IGth St. N-C57 WANTED , to buy , a rsstaurnnt outfit. Pee ple's Store , ICth and Farnam. N M243 \MERICAN dealer ; buy secondhand furni ture nnd stoves. 1719 Cumlnir. Tel. ] ( " . ' ! . N-M9S1 J ! ) WANTED to buy or rent , a portable saw mill complele , capacity ten to twenty thousand feet per tiny , for sawing timbers at Exposition grounds ; or would give con tract for sawing. Address with full par ticulars , Chk-ngo House Wrecking Co. , Exposition Grounds , Omaha , Neb.NC21 N-C21 1 FOH SAI.I3 KUKXITrilK. STOVES AND FURNITURE ; no reason able offer refused. Neb. Fur. Co. , 1419 Dodgt\ O G.1S FOR SAl.n HOUSES AND WAHOXS GOOD hack , new wheels , $250. fi pass , rub ber-tired rockaway , llrst-class condition , $150. Light rockaway , $1S5 , painted. Light rocknway , $13.1 , painted. I family car riages , 3 phaetons , fi good top buggies. Drummond Carriage Co. , ISth and llarney I' S2S J30 . . Mrs. E. S. Greusel , Havelock , Neb. P S79 o * FAMILY horse , harness and phaeton. 2.11 Marcy. P-MS91 10 * FOR SAM3 MISCI3MAM30iS. ; SHIRTS to order. Kclley & lleyden. QG , " ! > CHEAPEST and best oak cribbing and hog fences. 'M Douglas St. . Q CG2 CUTTERS of drug prices. Sherman it McConnell - Connell Drug Co. , 1513 Dodge St. QC > N13W and 2ndhand sewing machines , re duced price. H. E. Frederlckson , 15th and Dodge. Q Cti't FOR SALE , ten R-I-P-A-N-S for 5 cents at druggists. One gives relief. Q C04 H. HAAS , 'Florist , 1S13 Vlnlon St. Tel. 776 Plants , cut llowers , bo < iues : , 'hall ' , resi dence , wedding and grave decoratlonn. Orders by mall or express promptly Hlled. Q 6C INDIAN relics ; mounted heads. 111G Farnam Q CM 2D-HAND safe cheap. Derlght , 1116 Farnam. Q-GG7 SAFES. liny , sell , exchange. Ill S. 13th St. Q-cq9 FOR SALE , new and 2il-1iand soda foun tains ; monthly payments , s. H. Richmond mend , P. O. Hex 577. Q M212 J13 * FOR SALE , the celebrated Wilbur Food for .fattening Mock ; enough feeds to last iino animal 1.600 days for $13.00 ; satisfac tion guaranteed. H. A. Hill , state agent , Grand Island , Nob. Q 215 ,113 SECOND-HAND TYPEWRITERS. Odell . $15.0 ( Hammond . 15.0 ( Franklin . . 25.0. . Remington. No. J . 30.01 ; Rm'.th Premier. . . . . Corner 15th and llarney. Q M71G C THE only carriage heater or fool wurmoi worth buying. Price $1.60. Drummond Co Q-.S27 J30 M5J HITYS Slelnway Upright piano ; gooi ! condition : cash or easy payments. Ad- ilresst P 10 , Hee. Q JIS5S START now to buy your new wheel. $1.0' down. $1.00 a week : call and get full par ticular ; ' . Omaha Hlcyclo Co. Q MM9 FOU SALP , , llrst-cla-s milch cow ; will IK frcvh In ten days. SIC So. 6th st. , Couiicl Hlufl'H. ( J Mi-90 I MISCHI.I.A.M-IOI'S. NOTICE , country dealers , 2d-'iand furnltun & stoves at Ijwest prices , inrloul lots 01 UMS. Chicago Furniture Co. , HOG-10 Dodtro H-C70 ri.\invovA.\T.s. MRS. FRIT/ , clairvoyant , SOS X. Itith.SC7I S-C7I MM 13. GYLMER genuine palmist. U05 Dod-ri S-C7 : ' MME. PALMER dalrvovant ; eoiuult hei on all affairs of life. 1623 Dodge. S-S73 3 MRS. D" . H'ART. iiiilmlsi and cla'rvoyanl 213 N. ISt'i titrcel. llourl , 9 lo 9. B-S72 3 MASSAUI3 AM ) IIATIIS. * MRS. HERRY , baths'masnatjp. PAHLORi best niulppcd In city ; porcelain tub ; lad' ' attendants. 119 Xo. ICth. 2d il.ior. T-M5SJ ,120 ELITE PAHLORS , ir. s. wtii. nistair < > lln < l-clasis .baths , magnetic troatinent Laily .ittendants. T M5SO 6 h. MM13. SMITH , room 2 , U5'i X 1Mb T-M7C3 M tss\ui : VM1 \TII1. . Franxp DP gputorl-nin "f K. ' 1" " N ' -1' ' MME. AMKS , II. I. 8"7 S. W ; tnnsMK bath TH1J TUXEDO iJIrgiuit tnnssaRp tub bath AwUlRh treatmentB Flat D. ' - M"AY WILSON , iliermal ami ttib baths ! massHgP by competent ntteiulnnttj. Bin fa. * 16th St. P-.MS60 V1AVI Is woman's way to health , a 10 lleo Hldg. _ _ _ _ L- SHAMPOOINrrsSe. hair drpsslns 25c ; hair and toilet goods , best cnuliipcil. Monhelt , 1618 Farnam. -Cl1 MONH13IT. loading chiropodist , ISIS Far- mini , Bd lloor. L Cio PRIVATE hospital for ladles before & dur- IhK conllncment ; babies adopted , luo N. li. LiUlU SCALP .t hair treatment. Mine. Post , Sin j S. IBth. L C7. ' . . _ LtlJlUJN. costumer. 1313 Howard. Oel catalogues. L > da COSTUMES , Mrs. Sack. 3.11S So. 20th ; cala- IOHUP. lT-.Mrt ! .IS * StICOS'DHAND sowlim mnchltics from IB.OO up Xeb. Cycle Co. . Cor. 15th nnd 1 larm-y. U M9S5 JU Ull. DAVIS , specialist , 10th and Dodge. DR. ROY , chiropodist ; corns removed , 25c and upward , ' Room 12 , Frcnzcr block. U fii9 RUPTURE cured , no knife , no pain , no danger. Send for circulars. Empire Hup- lure Cure , 932 New York Llfo building , Omaha. U-.MS12 ,131 PROF. D. W. JOHXSON breaks nnv dis ease with the Secret of Health with one bottle , and $1 per bottle. 1711 Vlnlon st. , Omaha. U-MM3 9' GOOD large barn for rent In north part of city. Inquire 2124 Locust. U-103 MISSING Charles J. Carlson was last seen on exposition grounds last day of exposition. Please notify John Carlson , Arcadia , Neb. U-MSSl 5 * MO.M3V TO I.OAX UUAIi 13STA.TI3. $1.000 and upwards to loan on Improved city property nnd farms. W. Farnam Smith it Co. , 1320 Farnam. W-6SO MONEY to loan on Nebraska and Iowa farms ; lowest rates. Hrennan-Lovo Co. , 21 ! ) S. 16th , Omaha. W-CSl $1CO TO $2,000. F. D. Wead , ICth and Douglas \Y-6i2 WANTED , city and farm loans ; nlso bonds nnd warrants. R. C. Peters it Co. , 1702 Farnam St. , Hee Hldg. AV 6S1 WRITE us If you want a loan on your farm In Iowa , eastern Neb. or Mo. ; ft will pay you. Anthony Loan & Trust Co.,31 N.Y.L. W-GSI $1X1,000,000 to Invest through Hankers , Hrokers , Promoters ; sent for circular. Investors' Directory , N. Y. W GS1 5 PER CENT money. Hemls , Paxton block. W-GS6 MONEY to loan on llrst-class'lmproved city property or for building purposes. Pnyne- Knox Co. , N. Y. Life. W G87 G , r. i , fi per cent loans In Omaha , S. Onvilm. W. H. Thomas , C03 1st Nat. bank. Tel. IMS MONEY to loan at 5 and 5'i per cent on Omaha property , W. H. Melklo , 401 So. ifith \v-csa MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate. Brcnnan-Love Co. , 310 South IBth. V. ' CM FIVE per cent ; farm loans. Chas. 13. Wil liamson. W GOl PRIVATE money , low rate , no delay. Garvin Bros. , 1613 Farnam St. w W MO.M3V TO I.OA\ WE IIAVK 10.WW.CO-DOLLARS to loan on HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE , PIANOS ORGANS , WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS HORSES , CARRIAGES , I3TC We chorgo nothing for making papers and we arrange the time and payments tn suit you , and every dollar j.ald back LESSENS THE COST. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. . Tel. 2295. 2W S. ICth St ' X MS43 MONEY loaned salaried people holding per manent position with responsible concern * upon their own names without pecurltv ; easy payments. Tolmnn , 700 X. Y. L. Hldfi X C33 MOXEY loans' on furniture , rigs , bicycles , diamonds , watches , etc. ; payment un known to friends. Omaha Loan Hank , 11K Farnam , upstairs. X C9I MOXEY loaned on pianos , furniture , horses cows , jewelry. Duff Green , R. S , Barker bll < X--C05 MOXEY loaned on furniture , pianos. Jew elry , etc. , unknown to friends ; monthly payments ; half rates. Hergers' Loan Co. 140S Farnam , over drug store. X CfliJ LOANS made to salaried people on theli personal note without security ; rates rea sonable. J. W. Taylor , 21S First Xat'l bk bldg. 12 to 0:15 : p. m. X COS MOXEY loaned on pianos , furniture , lew- p'rv ' , horses , cows ? , etc. C. F. Reed. 3ll ! S "th. x-CliO LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE cm- ployed In Omaha. South Omaha am' Council Bluffs , hnld'n ? good positions or tliplr own names. NO MORTGAGE ; HES1 TERMS , evprvthing private ; money car bo paid back In small weekly or monlhli payments. American Loan Co. . Roon C01 , Heo Hldg. X 70) MONKY LOANED SAI M1IED PEOPLP holding permanent positions on their owi name without endorser or mortirncp STHK-TI-Y CONFIDENTIAL and LOW EST RATES. No Inquiries made of em. ployer or fr'ends. Vou can Itorrow nnj amount and repay In easy- weekly 01 mpnthly payments. Heforo Iwrrowlng sei UH. Omaha Credit Co. . C. K Jcnnln'cq Mgr. . Sul'e 623-52(3 ( N. Y. Life Hl.iV . X 701 MONEY to loan on furniture , pianos hordes , cows. etc. J. W. Taylor ° 1R Firs Nat'l bk. bldg. 12 to 6:13 : p. m X-702 WE MARE LOANS FROM $10.00 UP ward tn salaried people , holding porma liPllt jKlsltloiiH < n OMAHA. SOUTI OMAHA. COUNCIL HUTFFS. on Iheli personal note without endorsement 01 mortgage. All aniillcntlons treated Ii conlldcnie. LnaiiHj-an bo paid ALL or h PART at ANY TIMK nnd every dollai so paid LE KVR THE COST. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. . SOU S. 10th St. Tel. 22V > . Room 119. Hoard of Trade bldg. X-M844 nrssvnss rn.\\ri3.s. MERCHANDISE STOCKS-Wo have dr : Koedtf , clothing , stoi kn bootn and shoos hardware , drugs and groceries stock llololn for sale or trade , llroker , 2"T Knrbach blk. A DESIRAHLE old-established cash busl ness. Owing to falling health 1 havi concluded t" retlro from htisliipsj am offer my flock of groceries , tinware , men market , Hour and feed for sale. If yoi want a dcelnvble business Invest'ga'i Hartlott ( Jroccry Co. . COO and C < 12 Urond w-.iv. Council Hluffa. Y M'12 ' ? J2 ? CLEAR land and caah for KPiiera ! mdsc stuck , or harnest stock prpfprrpd Ad dress Hex 107. TlldPll. Xeb Y Mvf.l 9 SLOW DOLLARS will buy half Interest li u partlv-establlslipd manufacturing bus IIIRKS. Party must be wide nwake ; $50on bo cavlly made In next live years aiii more o thereafter. U 7Hoe. . Y M-C1 3 * GOOD opening for coal and Ice. F. D. Wead Y-b75 9 Oil K.YCHA.M LAND to trade for bootd and shoos. At dresw Lock Hex SC , Orunt. Xpb. Xpb.XM799 X-M799 4 * IMPROVED property , clear , on Cumlng l.nvlng fully paid 10 exchange for ntuc of goods. F. D. Wead , 1524 Douglas St 2-577 5 ron i\i.i - AYN'K-llAUin-ni Co , ttt3AIiQrAmnuS for REAL ESTATE liARUAINS LOW- KST RATES on LOANS ; SOfND 1N- SURANCK ; HOUSES. FLATS , SToniCS , ' for RENT. First tloor X. Y. Llfa llli HB-M Ii I i I70S I'APITOL AVK. , price reilucoil to rooms , nearly new , on lot 50x183 feet , , 212 S. lllh st. IF YOU have n bnr&aln to .offer In n-nl estAte see S. A. Uroadwolt , oOl . > . IUe Hid ; . 1U3-7M _ FOU SAL13. two G-room liousos , nil modern Improvements. ; In good condition , chpap ; will sell one of two. No. 2719 Mowpy Ave , Address Alien Kcch , 2(333 ( Hartley St. Foil QUICK returns on bargains only see S. A. Uroadwell , 601 X. Y. Life llldg. * - HOUSES , lots , farms , lands' , lo.ins ; nlro fire- Insuraneo. Heinls , Paxton blk. HE 701 A BARGAlN-Four acres , 10th and Paciilc ; two blocks from cur tine , on belt tall- road , J2.5WI ; easy terms. McCaguc In vestment Co. . 1500 Dodge. RE-i03 roll HARCSAINS everybody goes to i $ . A. Hroudwell , 6 1 N. V. Life Uldg. NOTHING but bargains handled by S. A. Hroadwell , 601 N. T. Life Hldg. 1113-701 NATS ' In real estate ; money to loan. L. L. Johnson Co. . 311 S. 15th street. UK 710 roil SALE Bargains In small resiliences. S. A. Uroadwoll , 01 N. Y. Life HUlg. CO ACRES within 10 mllw or Omaha 1' . O. . 10-room house , barn 30x00 , oome fruit trees' , iini- place ; improvements easily worth $2.000. 1'rlcc. $ l.o o. > for south friinl on Mnnderson street , between l7th ! ami 2Sth stieets , size nOxlli. KM for 02x351 ft'pt , facing cast on 30th street , opposite Miller iwrk. . , , , . . $2KO for live acres nn North 21th street , east olil Fort Omahn. JOHN N. FRENX.ER , OPP. OLD 1' . O. HE oC2 HENRY H. PAYNE , 01 X. Y. LIFE HLDCS. Heal Estate , Rentals , Loans , Insurance. 1. F. HAHIUSON , FAR.MS , FAHM LOANS. RE-22S J15 11OFSES. lott. farms , lands and Inmraneo. 11. C. Patterson , 305 N. Y. Life. RE 713 WS NORTH iri'H street , two houses , rent ing for $18.00 per month , paving paid , pays II per cent gross , price $1,350. John N. Frenzer , Opp. old P. O. RE MdOO IK YOU begin 1900 right , you will buy Omnhn , real estate ; probably one of the following bargains : N.V. . cor. 17th and Martha , GGxlSS , house , laoo. HOxlFiO , 21st nnd Valley , will subdivide Into 1 JtlOO lots. Corner , close In , both streets paved and paid , permanent sidewalks , paying ren tal , $3.600. Those are the cheapest properties In their respective localities. Look at these : Two choice tracts for sub dividing , one nt-ar Hanseom park , the other north ; will double your money. George G. Wallace , 312-313 J. J. Drown blk. RE MSG3 0 GREAT bargain , B acres eholeo garden land , just west of city , for $7"iO. I licks , room 325 , Hoard of Trade bldg. RE-MS92 ! 2 FINE building lots on Cumlng , near , 33rd , a gretit bargain. ? 2.000. 12-r. house nnd larte grounds south of Kountzp Place , for $3,000 ; some trade might be accepted. 7-r. coltnge , trees and corner lot. Gfixl24 , bet. Farnnm ami Leavenworth. $1,500. o-r. cottage and lot , 00x127 , 30th and Parker , $100. F. D. Woad , 1521 Douglas Ptreet.RES7S RE-S7S 8 FOR quick sale , nice south front lot on Farnom , near end of motor line , XI.173. Illcks , room 323 , Hoard of Trade hldg. RE MS03 4 * LAIIKS. old Dr. Hell's .Dotton Root Pills the best , safe , rcllablenitako no other' ; send lo stamp for parttnnars. Dr. Hell , Uox 71S , St. Louis , Mo. " > ' JI SOS ,11k * LAD1KS1 Free HarmlessAIonthIy Regula tor , cannot fall. Jlrs. 1 ! . ' Tlowan. H. 20 , Jlllwaukee , Wls. M 129 J:0 DH. JIANSFIKLD'S monthly regulator has brought happiness to hundreds of anxious women ; have never had a single failure ; longest case.t relieved Intwo to live" days without fall ; no pain , no danger , no Inter ference with work ; by mall or olllce , $2 ; all letters truthfully answered. The Mansfield Remedy Co. , 1C7 Dearborn St. , room Oil , Chlcauo. 111. M S13 fi LADIKS. Chlchester English Pennyroyal pills a.-e the best ; safe , reliable ; take no other ; send 4e , stamps , for particulars. "Relief for Ladle. " , " In letter by return mall. At druggists. Chlchester Chemical Co. , Philadelphia , Pa. S1IOUTIIAM ) A.VI > TYI'HIVIUTIXf : . A. C. VAX BANTS school. 717 X. Y. Life. 71 ! ) AT OMAHA Hus. College , ICth & Douglas. -720 HOYLKS' COLLKGK court reporter princi pal. Hoe Uldg. -721 N10I5RASKA Uusiness and Shorthand college - lego , lloyd's theater. 722 $1,000.00 WOflTII of Smlth-Promler type writers luih Just been sold by the com pany to the Nebraska Business and Short hand college , ISoyd theater bldg. , to meet the Increased demand for operators on that machine made upon this school. S29 JO TYPHWIUTISHS. TYPKWRITICRS for rent , $1.00 per month. The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co. , 1025 Farnam St. Telephone 12SI. 711 VI3 RKXT and soil the best typewriters made ; largest stock of supplies In Omaha. United Typewriter & Supply Co. , 1C12 Far- 715 KKMIXGTON Standard Typewriter and supplies. KilO Farnam. _ 71fi TYI'KNYRITISHS , secondhand. 111C Fnrnam. -71 S HSTKOI'ATIIY. JOHNSON Ostpopatlilc Institute , 619 X. Y. Life Dldg. , Alice Johnson , D. O. , ladles' dept. ; Old 13. Johnson , Oateopathlst , inttr , -723 M. 13. DOXOHUn , I ) . O. . of Ptlll school , Klrksvllle , Mo. , riul Paxton blk. Tel. 13W. JJ'FF13RSOX } Square Loan Olllce. 118 N. 10 13AGLK Loan Ollleo. reliable , nccominodat- Ing ; all business confidential , no I Doug. an. -720 STAMMHIIINf ! * M > HTrTTHHIXi. ( CUIU3IJ. Juila Vaughn. 1M Itamg.e nidg. 727 . OMAHA STEAM LAUNDRY AND CIT\ j TOWEL SUPPLY , 1750 Leavenw'th. Tl. 5i ; . | -M2JS TICKET IIIKIIC IlltS. CUT RATE railway tickets everywhere - P. 11. Phllbln. 1505 Farnam. 'Phone 7SI. i i. . n I hCIIOOl , Ol' ' \.Mil Alii : . FRKX < ' 1I , ( lerman Sp.inlHh. $2 per month Prof. C'halol.iln. 3 > > l lioyd theater. 723 I'l IIS. - 1 H. E. & E. HUHER.MANN. furriers : fur , I-1 inude to order and repaired. US S. jftih. -730 UK vciis. I XKW and secoiidhurul biiytlea at half pi Ic I j Loula Fleschcr , 1C22 Cm-Uol ave. 731 Tin MV ru r 'i Hi N us II.IM i _ i < + * -i , , - s : i , i iks ti i' . tin- 1 i 'in ffi'i ' k I i : i ; s . I. ' . ' I' n 11 i"i MLKI'.l , I'l.V I'IMJ. SKATKS holIowRround. all kind * of plntlUK. Omahn Plating Co. , Hep UUlR. , 68S JlMTIUiPOLlTAX , Win. llarr. tngr. $1 to $ U5. 12th nnd Hougln. . ' Phone Sl. ( LAXO13. steam hrateil rooms Jl uppok. . llonrd $3 per week : meals , 25e. 001 S. lUlh. 2o JSS I'l U.MTt Illi I'ACKINU. M. S. WAUKL1N. 2111 Cumlng. Tel. 13,11. 7jtt _ nitnss.Miiic. . IX KAMII.ir.S. Ms.s ! Sturdy , 22Hi n.ivpnport M-2'12 ' J12 iintns AM > STOCK'S Hird store. 1C03 Leavenworth. I3V13N1XOS. $ .1 per mo. at Van Sants school 717 X. Y. Life. O. R. Rathbun. Ctl-JM' CIJ MITtl'13. ( Sliould bo read dally by all Interested , tis changes may occur at any time. ) Foreign malla for the week ending Janu ary fi , 1000 , will rlojo ( PROMPTLY III i all cases ) at the general postolllce as fol lows : PAUCI3LS. POST MAILS clo. e olio hour earlier than closing time shown be- ! low. Parcel post mulls for Germanv close 'at ' " > p. m. Wednesday , for dispatch tier s , s. Hhein , Thursday , and i > p. in. Friday , for dispatch rcr s. B. Graf \\aldersee. TrmiNiitlniidc . TlU'KSDAY-At fi:3fl : a. in. for Kl'ROPK , per s. s. Kaiser William der Gro ? o , via Cherbourg , Southampton ami Hremen ( letters for France. Switzerland , Italy , Saln | ( , Poi-iugal , Turkey , Hgypt and Hrlt- Ish India must be directed ' 'per s. s. Kaiser William der Grosse" ) ; at fi:3i : > it. m. for FRAXCK. SWITX1CRLAND. ITALY. SPAIN , PORTl'GAL , TirHKKY , 13OYPT and H1UT1SII INDIA , per 8. s. La Normaiulle. via Havre Uetters for other points of Knrnpe must bo directed "per P. s. La Normaiulle" ) . SATURDAY-At S a. in. for XICT111SH- LANDS direct , per s. \\Yrkenilain . , via Rotterdam ( letters must be dlreoted "per s. s. Werkendam" ) ; nt 9 a. in. ( sunple- mentary ) n,1o ) : a. m.l for TU'lfi 'PK , per s. H. Germanic , via cjucensuiwn ; ni 11 a. m. for NORWAY direct , per s. s ; Thlnk- vulln , via Clirlstlonlii ( letters must be di rected "per s. a , Thlnsvalla" ) . Printed M atter. etc. German steamers Falling on Tuesdays take printed matter , etc. , for Germany , nnd specially ad dressed printed matter , etc , Vor other parts of 13uropc. American and White Star steamers mi Wociipunvs. ! . German steamers on Thursdays , and Ciinard , French and German stuumcrs on Satur days take printed matter , etc. . for all countries for which they are advertised to carry mall. After the closing of the supplementary transatlantic mails named above , addi tional supplementary malls are opened on the piers of the American , lOncllsh , French and German uteamcrs. and re main open until within ten minutes ot the hour of sailing ot steamer. for South mill Oiid-al America , AVi-sl IniiU-n. Kir. THURSDAY-At 1 a. m. for JAMAICA , per steamer from Philadelphia ; at 12. : > r P. .m. ( supplementary 1 p. m. ) for HKR- MUDA , ST. THOMAS , ST. CHOIX. L1315- AVARD and WINDWARD ISLANDS , per s. P. Madlana ( letters for Grenada , Trini dad and Puerto Hieo , via San Juan , must be. directed "per s. s. Madlana" ) ; rtt 1 p , in. ( supplementary l:3r : ) p. m. ) for NAS SAU. SANTIAGO 'and GUAKTAXAMO , per s. s. Saratoga. PU1DAY At 9 a. m. for Urnzll direct , pet s. s. HurTon , via Pernambuco. Hatila ami Hlo de Janeiro ( letters for North Hrazll and I < a Pliitn eountrle.s must be directed "per s. s. Hulfon" ) ; at 10:30 : a. m. foi HAITI , per s. s' . Oranjc Nassau , via Per ! ' an Prince. Aux Cayes and Jaemel ( let ters for Curacao. Trinidad , Venezuela Hrltlsh and Dutch Guiana must bo dl reeled "per a. , s. Oranje NasHau" ) ; at : p. m. for JAMAICA ; per s. s. Krna ( letters - tors must bo directed "jier s. H. ISrna" ) . SATURDAY At 1 a. in. for NF.WFOUND LAND , per s. s. Carthaginian from Plilla delphia : at S a. in. for HKRMfDA , pel s. s. Trinidad ; -at 10 a. m. ( supplenlentnr.v 10:30 : a. m. ) for FORTUNK ISLAND. , LV MA1CA , SAVANILLA , CAHTUAO13XA and GHKYTOWN , per s. s. Aleno ( letten for Costa Rica must be dlrec'ed ' "per s s. Aleno" ) ; at 11 a. m. for CUBA , per s s. Havana , via Havana ; at 11 a. m. foi Puerto Rico , via San Juan. Curacao am Venezuela , also Savanilla and Cartaa gona , vlit Curacao , per s. s Caracas ; at 12 m. for JjA PLAT/ COUNTRIES direct , s , v. ARRA MOOR ; at 1 p. m. for NUKVITAS G1HAHA , VITA , PUKRTO PADRI3 am HARACOA , per s. s. Curltylm ; at 11 a m. for ITKRTO RICO , per s. s. Arkadla via Ponce ( letters must ho directed 1jiei s. s. Arkadla" ) . SUNDAY-At S:30 : p. m. for ST. PrKRHE MIQCICLON , per steamer from Nortl Sydney. Malls for Newfoundland , hy rail to Nortl Sydney , nnd thence by steamer , close a this otllce dally at S:30 : p. m. ( connectlnj close here every Monday. Wedncsdaj and Saturday ) . Malls for Mlquelon , b ; rail to Hoston , and thence by steamer close at this olllcn dally at 8:30 : p. m Malls for Cuba by rail to Port Tampa Fla. , and thence by steamer , close a this olllco dally except Monday at * 7 a m. , ( the connecting closes arc on Sunday "Wednesday and Friday ) . Malls fas Cuba by rail to Miami , Fla. , and thence bi steamer , close nt this ofllca every Mon day , Tuesday ami Saturday , at " 2:30 : a nl. , ( the connecting closes are on Tucsda ; and Saturday. Malls for Mexico City overland , unless specially addressed foi dispatch by steamer , close nt this olllci dally nt 2:30 : a. in. and 2XO : p in. Mall : for. Oo.stn Hlca. Hcllze. Puerto Cortcz am Guatemala , by rail to New Orleans , am thence by Hteainer , close at this ollici dally at 3 p. m. , ( connecting closes hen Sundays and Tucsdajs for Costa Rico am Mondays for Hellza , I'uerio Cortez am Guatemala ) . 'Registered mall close * a C p. . m. previous day. Registered ma ! closer at C p , m , second day bcfoic. Ti niiHiniclllc. Mallx , Malls fpr Hawaii , China , Japan and tin Philippine Islands , via San Francisco closjo here dally at 0:30 : p. in. in to January ' 1st , Inclusive , for dlspatei per s. s. Gaelic. Mails for Hawaii , vli San Francisco , close hero dally at G : : : p. m. uj ) to January * 3th , Incluslv , ' , fo dispatch per s. s. Australia. Mails" fo Hawaii , Japan , China and the Philippic Islands , via San Francisco , close lii-ri dnlly at 8:30 : p. m. up to January lltl ) Inclusive , for dispatch per H. H. lloni Kong Mam. Malls for Hawaii , via HIM I tie , close hero du'ly ' at 0:30 : p. m. up ti January * Hih , Inclusive , for dispatch p < v. s. llloemfonteln. Malls fur AuHnill. ( except West Australia ) , New Xi-nlond Hawaii , 1'IJi and Samoan lel.imlx , v ! : San Francisco , close hero dally at c.'l p. in. alter December 3Uh ( and up t January * 20th , Ini'luslve , or on day of ar rival of s. H. Campania , duo at Nev York January 20thfor dispatch per s. f Moulin. MnlU for China nnd Japan , vli Vancouver , close hero dally at 0:30 : p. rn UP to JunuJry * 2'id , Inclutilve , for dls patch per t\ t > . Kmprohs of Japan ( regls tered mail must bu directed "via Van couver" ) . Malls for Society Islands , vli Han Francisco , close hero da'ly at (1:11 ( : p. in. up t-j January * 2Cth , Inclusive , fn dispatch by ship City of Papoltl. Mall for Australia ( except West Austr.iliii which t'oes via Kurope , and New Hi-nl nnd which noes via San Fninclsco ) . Ha wall ami FIJI Islam ] * , via Vancouvci cloro here at fi:30 : p. m. up to Fi-liruai < 3d , IncIuHlvi' , for dltpatch per . B. Mic worn. _ Trnns-I'acinc malls arc forwarded to poi of sailing dally nnd the schedule of rh.- . liiK la urranged on tliu proaumiitlon i , their uninterrupted overland traii'-li Regleti red mall closes at 6 p. m. proviou eBflXKLirS VAN CDTT , Postmaster. PoHtollltc , New Yoili , X. Y. . December .1 isw. I.IKJAI , anf , MKKTIXG. * OFFICI : OF LKE-CLAS.S-ANDHKKSE : HARIJWARH CO. . OMAHA. Nab. . Dec. 1 IbSS. Notice Is hereb > tilvi-n to the Mock holderii of the Lee-GUnis-Andre'-Hen Hard ware Co. tint the annual mveiinu of th rtockholders of the compuny ivlll he hul rtt the olllies of the said company , 12I9-12.1 ! 1223 llarney street , In the city of Omaha , i the state of Xebraska. on Tuenday. Januur 9 , A. D. 100 ! * , at 3 o'clock P. m. , fer th purpoci f electing u board of dlrnctors fo the company to serve during the cmiuln year and < o transact suih other buslncu aa may be presented at MI < h mfetliiK H .1 LICI' . ' Prir Hunt. A. test : W M. ULASri. Sctniarj SctniarjDU DU Sii M ( < UrilSMl > V NO't II ' . : \i.s For p. pnl.it I'M ! , : biiidlni ; . proponnlsi will br iMt-\i. | 1.1 t il. i nn , nt 10 : > i k a m furtiljihlnB tlip pnppt for tilt1 publit prti't u niu ) blurting for thp year li1lng rclrn.u > US , 1901. thp imul propo ! > al to be opened IK fortf nnd tinawnra'ot ruiiirnctK 1.1 be , innde by thp Joint commlttM- t nsu--- [ on jiubllc printing ta the lowest .uid IH > - < I ' bidder tt > r tnc-lnipwrt of thp ftovernmcnt. the committee rcsiervlne to Itself the rlsnt to rpjcpt any and nil bid * , a * ' Its judgment I of the best Interest- ' the governmeni may dictate. TictnllPil schpdulps of thp description quantity and < iuallty of thp paper reqtt t < d. acphitipnnlrd ( > samples and blank pro- posnls , and Blvlnir the rcmiatli ! < n \\itli which bid.lers must comply , can bo ol > t iim d by addtesplne ! ' . W. rainier , rutdt Printer. Washington , IC. . The contracts will lip pntored Into fur up- plylng such quantities of paper as mii i c tipedptl during the ypnr , nnd no nvrc Thp estimated quantities set forth ii. d. tall In the schedule comprise : 05.000 reams machlnp-nnlfh printing p.ip r 2IX3S. 18,000 reams muchlne-flnlsh printing p.i- jier , 3Sxl . 31.BOO rp.itns rlzpd and super-ealenclt ini white or I ntrd printing pnper , various 29.500 reams white writing riaper , various sliest and weights. 4.SCO teams colored writing paper , various sizes and welcbts. 2,000 reams cover paper f , various sizes and weights. 76,000 pounds of best plate paper. 200,000 pounds of best map paper , 600,000 portnds superlltie ( double ) co.iteil book paper. 3,100 rcnms mnnlla papar , various s z > < and weights. lOO.Om ) pounds bond paper. 10,000 pounds artificial parchment , varim ! * . ' ' ' slzcu. I.tint pounds parphinrtit deed. 110,001) sheets cardboard , various co'.or- , sizes and weights. , 2JWOCOheels brlstol board , vnr.oii- colors , ilisps and weights. lO'l ' reams llrst-class ledger puppr , white or blue , laid or wove , various sizes and weights. ' .1.200 reams second-class lodger paper , white or blue , laid or wove , various' Ml7.es and wclghls. 1,200 reams tissue and copying paper. STi reams blotting paper , liny required color and weight. liM > rc.uns tar paper , 21x30. ! ' , ( S reams plaid , marble and cnmb papir various sizes. 3-,0 reams typewriter paper , various a.zv * and weights. 1,215 reams cap , letter nifil note p.iper. 100 reams white French folio , 17\ . : ! . 2.000 sheets parchment , 15x21. Propwsnls will be received /or 100 ream * or more. Hy direction of the Joint Committee of Congress on Public Printing. F. W. PALMER , Public Printer. Washington , D. C. , December 21 , ls > : < 9. Dec21-2.VHm PROPOSALS FOR ItUILDlXG MA- terlals , etc. . U. S. Indian Service , Rose- but Agency , llorcbuil , S. D. , December lllh , 1SI > 9. Sealed proposals , endorsed "Proposals for Hullding Materials , etc. , " and addressed to the undersigned at Rosebud. S. D. . will be received at this agency until two o'clock p. m. of Saturday , January 1.1th , 1900. fr , furnHiIng and delivering , either at Valen tine ; Xeti. , or nt this agency , within lifty ( W ) days after receipt of notli c uf approval of contract , a variety of building m.itiTl.ils , etc. , consisting of assorted lumber , shingles , doors , windows , metal s-'hlngles. lenient lime , plumbing supplies , oils , etc. . i full list and description of which mry be obtained by making application to the' undersigned. Hldders will state np"cllpnll.v | In their bids the proposed price of each article offered , and point of delivery. All articles dclhercd under anv contract will ) c subject to a rigid Inspection before a , .el lance or rejection thereof. The right is rosenrd- reject any and all bids , or any PV'l cf nn > bid , If deemed for the best In terests of the service. Certified checks Kncli blil muK be accompanied by a ci-rtl- ' ici check or draft upon some I'nlteil Staler depository or solvent national bunk In the vicinity of HIP residence of the bidder , inado payable to the order of the Commissioner of Indian ufTnirr. , for nt least live per cent nf the amount of the proposal , which clu-i li or draft will be forfeited to the Unite,1 , States In ri"p : any bidder or bidders receiv ing ah award shall fall to promptly ex ecute a contract with good and sulllclont sureties , otherwise to be returmd to the bidder , fildst accompanied by eaMi In Hi i : of a certifi"il cheek will not be considered For liny additional Information apply tc CIIARL1CS 13 : 'McCHlCSXKY , I' . S. Indlai AUent. < T ' ' ' 5ec. 1 . STOCKHOLDICRS MK13TIXO. Union La'-.tl Company : Notice Is hereby given that the annua meeting of the stockholders of the Unloi Land company for the election of live direc tors nnd the transaction of such olhirbuM- news as may lawfully come before the meetIng - Ing will be held at the olllce of the sint-ia solicitor. Ualen Pacific building , Omaha Neb. , upon Monday , the Sth day of Jan uary , 10UO , at 10 o'clock a. in. The stock fansfer books will hc do .e ( ten days previous to the nicptiiig. New Yoi-k City. N. Y. , December 1,1th ISM ALEXANDER MILLI3R. Secret.iry Decl9d2 IlM KOTIC13 TO STOCKHOLDKRS A special meeting of the stockholders ol The lice Publishing Co. , Is hereby cjillnl tc meeet at the olllce of the coninanv. corm-i 17th and Farnam streets , on Saturday , Jan uary B. 1 ! > )0 , at I o'clock p. m. . to t-onsMi i the extension and amendments to tlu articles of Incorporation and such othei business aa may be submitted for consul , cratlou. Hy order of the Hoard of Dlrei tors K. 110S13WATI3R. President. G. Ii. TXSCHUCK. Secretary. . -STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. Notleo If lieieby given that the anntia mee'lnff of the stockholders of The Hct Hulldlng company will be held at 4 o'clock p. in. Thursday , January 16 , 1900 , at Hit olllcu of said company In The Dee building Omaha , for the election of a board of di rectors for the ensu'ng year and llu transaction - action ot such other business an niny prop erly come before sucti meeting. Hy order ol the president. C. C. ROSEWATER. Secretary. NOT 1C 13. We have this day. January fi , bought om partner. Sam Leo. nut. The Kuropi-an reu. l.iur.Mit will be known as the Grand restau rant. All are invited to call. ICvorythliij. flrM-'hui. HOKV All SING & CO. It VII.WAY Tl.MK TAIIU1S. BURLINGTON & MIS Bourl River Rallrcmd- "Tlia Hurllngton Routo' General Olllcea , N. W , Corner Tenth and Far nani Streets. Tlckcl Olllce. 1D02 Furnair 8trc.et. TeloDhone , 2f.O l epot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Tele' ' phono. 2lu. Leave. Arrive. Lincoln , Hastings and MrCouk a 8:10 : am 7:10 : pn Lincoln , Denver i-olo- rado , Ulah. cairrornla.a 4:25 : pm a 3:55 : pn i Ltiuoln , Hlai * Hills , , Montana & Puret ' Sound , . . .a 4:25 : pm p 3:00 : pn Lincoln Lo'al a 7:00 : jim ulO:35 : an Lincoln Fast Mall a , 3:00 : pm a 10:33 : an Denver , C jade | , Utah i & California a 0:35 : an ' u Dally. KANSAS CITY. ST. JO B-pli & Council Hluff. Railroad "Tho Hurling ton Route" Ticket Olllcu J.IW Farnam Street. Tels phone. 2.V ) . Depot , Tunt ) nun Muson Streets. Tele l.i.one . , 310. Leave. Arrive. Kansas City Day Ex . . .a SiO : um a C:13 : pn KaiiEiib ( . 'I'y XigUt Ex .iilU ; ! } Jim a G30 ; an St Uii s Fljcr for St. Joaejili ai-U Si Louis..a 1:55 : pm all:15 : an a Dallj irjCAOii , JIURLJNnTO. \ - Qulncy Railroad "Th- - lui : llnglun Route" Tlcke mi1002 ; Farnam .st 'i. . . : . ' > 0. Depot , Tenth i B.I .1 . Mason SlreuU. Tfle I lionc , 310. . Leave. Arrive. i Dayl.ght t Imago Hpe- cial . a CKl : \ us'ibuled Ex. .a 5OJ ; pm a S:0. : > nn ! ; xi.io j . a 8:59 : am 11 4:05 : pn & A L K > . . . .a 7:4J : IIID a S:03 : an Juujilj , , Local. .alO)5 : ) am g. UNION : 'AciFic ' _ rnEoviR : ftf In ml loulo"-General oincc-s N E. Cor. Ninth and Far mi Street * . City Ticket Olllce. 13 Farnam Street . Telephone. 3K tjirn.14. Telephone , C29. 1 . Leave. Arrlv The Overland Limited , .a 8:50 : am a 7:20 : pr The Fast Mall u 9:00 : am a 'i"&t\i 'Tho ' Colorado Special..all:53 : pin a C:35 : nt .Tho Portland Special..u S:50 : uni a 1:10 : pr Lincoln , Heati'lce and ' S lutnHhurii Uxprcni , .li I Id pin bli-a > pi Paelllc ! Sxi < re * a I 25 ; im n G:33 : ar 0141 i t lyu 1 l.v(1ul ( b . ' ' cmj \ ( i 'j > f m a Daily , u Daily extepi. Juuuuy. II HI W \ \ 'I MM. 'I U'l l' . 'Illi \ < ; < 1 ! ICK IKL- n i is , ! i Miiiit'ir ' > \ i Tinp . ; alioi M l l ft1 .1 House City T.cK ft Otll.e. I3.M r'ninam Ptrprt. rrlppholie. < J\ IJppot. Tenth * M ni.n Strrrts Telephone. n.U Leave. Arrive. DPS Miilnc.s nr.a IMVCH- port lx > rnl n 7:05 : am bll:35am : Cii'i.iiio ' l'\i"ps . . . . b'.i..oarn a S.IO ii'ii ChUiiKo Fast Expints..a 6:00 : pm a 1:26 : pm S ; . Paul F.nt K\ire. | s. a a. * * ) pm bllli : um Lincoln , Colorado SPR * . , PfUVoT , Pueblo and , Went . . . . . . . . .a 1:30 : pm a 1:25 : pm l > p < Molnpi. Rock 11- nnd nnd CII.CHRO n 7:2 : , * pm a C:50 : pm Colorado * Texas FIjvr.a 5:55 : pm a 9:20 : am a Dailv b Dillv rxcput Sunday. JCUICAOO , rfT. PAUL. Mlnnoapoils & Omaha It i hvay - "Tho North- < lcrn Line" Orner.it 'MtUcs. Xrbiaskit Dlvl- slon. 1'ith and Wrbsler Sts. City Ticket Olllcp , Fainam . Telephone. 001. Depot , 15th aiul \\cbsicr Sis Leave. Arrive. Twin City Express ( for Sloucity. . St. Paul t Ml mien poll > a 0:00 : am Onmh.i Passeiigor a 7:00 : pm Hlnlr , Kmi'mcM , Sioux City. Poncn. Hartlng- tott nnd Hlo tntleld bl:0)pm : blJ:10 : nm No. 2 Twin CH ; L'fd..a 6:55 : pm No I om.ilm Limited. . . a 9:00 : am n Dally , b Dally cxccut utulai' . griJF.MONT. 7u.7 < ironN * Missouri ValUy Rait- mad "Tho Northwentern Line" General Onlcos , Unln-d State ? National H.ink Hldg. , Southwest Corner Twelfth and Far nam Streets Ticket olllce 110 : Farnam Street Telephone , 5(11. ( Depot , 15th and Webster Rticeta. Telephone , U53. Lciivu. Arrive , ninck Hills. Pen j wood. lint Spilnps a 3:00 : pm n 5:00 : pm WynmltiK. Casper anct Douglas d 3:00 : pm e 6:00 : pm Ilnstlngn. York , David , City. Superior. Geneva Exeter and Soward..b 3:00 : pm b 5:00 : pm Norfolk , Yerdlgro nnd i Fremont b 7:30 : nm blO:3 : am ' Lincoln , Wahoo and I Fremont b 7:30 : ntn blO"j : am Fremont Local c 7:30 : am ! a Dally o Dally except Sunday , c Sun- 1 day only. ii D.iily except Saturday. o dally exccp' Monday. CHICAGO & NOHTH- wrsti-rn Railway "Tho Northweatern Llno"-- C'ty Ticket Otllco. HOI r'arnam Street. Tcle- pnonn. 6G1. Depot , Tenth iMitl Mason Striicts. Tele phone. G29. Leave. Ar/ive. Daylight Chicago Spe cial a 5:10 : am all : ; > 5 pm Chicago Passenger a 4:15 : pm nlO:10 : am ICastern Kxpres * . DCS Molnes , Mar halltown , Cedar Rapids and Chicago cage ulOo5 : am a 4:03 : pra Eastern Llmltea. Chl- c.igo and ICusi a 4:53 : pm a 4:03 : pm Fast M.ill. Chicago to oinnlm a 24j pm Omuha-chlcago Special.a 7:30 : pm u 8:00 : am Fast Mull S:30 : urn u Dally , b Daily except Sunday. loUX CITY & PACIFIC Railroad " 1'he North- wi-iern | Llno"--Gencral Olllces , United States National Hank Hul'dlng. S. W. Corner Twelfth and Fnrnam Strco's. Ticket olllrc. HOI Farnam Street. Telo- phon" . 5G1. Depot , Tenth nnd Muson , Streets. Telephone , G29. Leave. Arrive. Sioux City. Mankato it St. Pnul , Mmu"ipolis..a ! 5:53 : am a 8:15 : am St. Paul. Minneapolis , Maiikuio it Sioux City.a 5:30 : pm all:00 : pm Sioux C'.ty Local ti S:0i : ) am a 1:30 : um a Dally OMAHA K ST. LOUlS KAIL- road Omahn , Kansas City & Hastern Railroad "Tho Qviln. y Rou'i- " Ticket Of- llcc , 1410 Farnam Street TI 11 phone. 322. Depot. Tenth and Marcy Streets. Tele phone , 02U. Leave. Arrive. St. Louis Cannon Kxpre.ss . a 4:50 : pm a S:33 : am Kansas City and Qulncy Lotal . a 6:10 : am a S.V : ) pm W A H A S H RAILROAD- Ticket . -Olllce. 1415 Farnam Street. Telephone. SSj. De pot , Tenth and Marcy .Streets. Telephone , fi29. Leave. Arrive , St. Louts "Cannon Hall" Kxpresi a 4:50 pm a 8:33 : am a Dally. CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE & St. Paul Railway City /lii.7.//irr' ? ' Ticket Ollle" . 1501 Farnam //Nitm"-f tf Street. Telephone. SSI. De- pot. Tenth and Mason Sts. Telephone. C2 ! > . Leave. Arrive. Chicago Limited Ex a 7:35 : pm a S:30 : am chli auo & ( iiii.ihn Ex. . .bll:00 : am b 3:55 : pm Sioux City & DCS MO'.IICH Express bll:00 : nm b 3:55 : pra a Dally , b Dally except Sun.lay. Missorui PACIFIC RAIL- roa'i- General Olllces and Tick' t Olllces Southeast Corn - n > r 141 h and Duuglar Sts. Telephone. 101 , Depot , 15th and Webster Sts. Telephone , ll.j. Leave. Arrive. St. Louis. Kansas & Neb Limited . .a 2:30 : pm a 12:55 : pm 1C. C.-St. L. Express . . .a9:50pm : a 5:50 : um Nebraska TxicKl via Weeping Water I ) 5:05 : pm a 9:15 : am 11 Daily , b Dally except Sunday. TO LOOK FOR A CANAL ROUTE ioii Appolnlcd l > y I'ri-nlili-iit Ulll Sail Snl u ril ID IllillAdmitill \VnlUcr C'liali-miiii. N1CW YORK , Jan. -Tho commission appolntod hy President McKlnloy under an act of coiigre.ss lo determine the most fcasl- llo and practicable route for a canal arrows the Islhmua of Panama , will gall Saturday for the BCCIIU of Ita labors by n Ktcamor nf the Atlas line. The mcmbero of Ilia commission are. Hear Admiral Walker ( retired ) , clulrmnn ; Prof. Emory R. Jolmcrin of the University of Pennsylvania , Prof. W. 11 , Iurr ) ol Co lumbia university , George S. Morrison , civil engineer , New York ; former Senator Pan"o of Floilda , Alfred Noble , civil engineer , Chicago ; Peter Hollies. 1) ) . S. A. ; Prof. L M. Ilaupt , University of Pennsylvania ; Gen eral Enmt , U. S. A. A iiiuinher of I lid commission .said today : "Tho duty of 'Ilio commission Is not I' ) dtcldo between Ilio clalmo o ; ilio Panama canal and HID Nicaragua canal though ii may como to that but to determine 'tho miifit fcasllile and prnctlcnhlu route , ' wbor- ovur tlmt may he , The commission Is ab solutely without bias , ii In uncommitted , open-minded , judicial. "Wo shall sail directly to Crcytown , whence wo shall proceed lo mnko u careful survey of the Nicaragua route. Upon rrudi- ing tlio Paelllc Bldo wo shall io ; down His cco-st to 1 'annum and follow the route ol the French canal back lo tlio Atlantic nldc Alli-riiullvo routes will ho' conslilercil Wu shnll bo kc-pt nt the IsllumiH for probably thrco months. Wo fihull , of coui'Bo. nvnil ouraclvca of all the best cxlHtlng means of Iravol , Ijut expect tlmt some of the Journc-y uill have to ho uccoinpllnlied on foot. " YOUTHFUL MURDERER HAMGEO I'IMIIIK ; It Hillil I. ml of Mnelcillcai'M Clllnil ) > | I-CN Dcillli on tillillllllUN , SUXIU'RY , "a. , Jan. -Edward Cresn Ingir , aged 1'J yiurs , u.m Inmgcr ] here tmiuy for thu murder of 10-year-old Daisy Sniltb duugliter of a farinur ; it Hoylt'H Hun CrcEilngcr met Ills fate calmly. lie IH the yuungetit murdcrur ever hungcd in the titate. He allot the girl anil cut Iiei throat on Auguit 10. Jh'Jh , In n jciHslon ol Jcalouey. HIICH for 1)1 vnriM * . i ST. LOI'IH , Jan. li .Minnie Sellginin ; Cui- llnK. the well known netrfHH , through In r ii'torney. ' Forim-r Ouvirnnr JohnFon ba- Illc-il aull In the i ircull court for illxnrn- froii' her huubdnd , Robert Cutlln , a uir. - l of Ni- " York n "Four JJumlrcil " rfhe - ( ili-ii-itloii. The co.iple . wire iti.niiid Jn ! J IV'-.1. -il M.itnmi'lh He u li N V 'I I. , \ . . . u iii : 'i I''M . i 1 > Pi1 18 , i I Mr l 'i. ' I in ; i ' ' ' I II it t . : liujljjlnj liu . Ml ) ' O i' ' 111 i i.i j , < j .ij tl Jill In r