1U TILE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TIITHSDAV , , IANITARY 4 , 1000. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Lherpool Market's Irresponsive Attitnda Depresses Wheat Half a Oent. CORN AND OATS ALSO CLOSE LOWER JlrndMrect'n Announcement of n Ie- crcnxc In Vlnllile Clirckn Ilrenli In Whent 'l > ni iiornrl I r I'm vi ctim 1'rleen ( J Don n. CHICAGO , Jan. 3. Irresponsive cables wcro n depressing factor In the wheat mar ket today , May closing -VfiUc under yes- ttrdny. Corn closed ' .dc and oats a slmdo lower. Provisions , affected by heavy hog receipts and persistent prollt-tnklng , closed under yesterday. Slay pork 12V4c , Slay lard lOc nnd Slay ribs frfjT'ie ' lower. Slay wheat opened U' : under yesterday at 70c , u loss nttrlbulnbli ) to the Irresponsive attlllldo of tho' Liverpool market , which , receiving free offering of arrived cargoes from Argentina , Ignored the ndvanco of n ; finic hero yesterday. Tradp was dull i throughout the session and the volume of liuslnpss light. The break was cheeked tem porarily on Urndstreet'S announcement of a dccronso In the vlriblc of 1.14I.MO bu. and ithc small primary receipts , Slay advancing to 70ic. . 'Ilio general luck of demand nnd celling ordern from l ndon drew uway the support later and thp market slumped un der puts. Slay to f.nc. The close was V'f % o lower nt CO iiiCaTnc , the market having reacted a bit on buying acalnst privileges nnd scattered oovorlng by shorti. Primary receipts were 3S2.000 bu. . against 597,000 bu. itho corresponding day Inst ypnr. Loral re ceipts * for two days were 118 cars , none of which graded contract. Sllnnenpolls and Tuluth reported 2S1 cars , compared with 33) last week and 5SI n year ago. New York reported 25 loads taken for export. Seaboard clearances were 4So.ono bit. ( Torn wan fairly steady In.ho ( face of the break In thn wheat and provision markets. ILIhcral receipts nnd reports of freer coun try offerings this sldo of the Sllsslssippl had a depressing1 tendency. Liquidation was general early , though not large. The firmness of Liverpool for spot and rumors of an urgent export demand , some good miles for shipment and rpports of country stocks nro very light had a steadying In- lluencp , and later In thn spsslon many early sellers been mo buyers' . Receipts here for two days were 1,021 cars. Clearances were CM.OOO bu. Slay ranged from Wj.T.1',40 ' to M c. closing ' ,4c under yesterday at tSUlj ) 3S'ic. ' Oats wcro steadied by Homo export sales , XOO , ( K ) bu. being- reported by some concerns , fash people were buyers of futures. The market wan rather dull. New York re ported 30.000 bu. taken for export. Receipts liero were 4f c.irs . The contract stock In creased 22.000 bu. last week. Slay ranged from 2.1TM/24C 'to 2IVc ( nnd closed a. shade down at Kl4fJ2lp. Provisions were generally weak , but bp- < -ame barely steady at the decline. The In- flucncps were largo hog receipts and lower Jirlees at the yards. This Influenced oonsld- orablo heavy realizing and the market de clined In consequence. May pork ranged from J10.00 to $10.75. closing 12'ic down at 110.05 : Slay lard from $ T .90 to $5.05 , closing 30u lower at $5.90 , and Slay ribs from $5.05 ito $5.70 , with tho. close STnVic depressed at J5.C5. At time * the market was fairly no- tlvo. but the volume of business was not ns Inrgo ns yesterday's. Estimated receipts tomorrow : Wheat. 45 oars ; corn , 310 cars ; oats , 175 cars ; hogs , 41.000 head. _ The leadlng fiiturosj-angod ns follows : AiUclpsTOpaiTTHlgliTTLow. I clore.l YcW. Wheat Jnn WiS fill MVi SIny 70 70 % 70i/t July 70S , 70',4 Corn- Jan. 00 i 31 30- % iSIay .TWiavfel 31xw July 31 Oats Jan. SIny Pork- Jan. m 25 1040 10 2T 10 32'A ' , 10 47'4 Slay 10 G5 10 75 10 CO 10 GT , 10 77 % 3-ard Jan. 5 S2'i ' Slay f 921/fc G 95 5 90 r. so C 00 nibs- 5 50 ( i 3i - > SIay fi C5 570 5 C5 5 Co C 724 ! No. 2. < ' 'ash quotations were ns follows : FLOUR Steady ; winter patent. * , $3.40'ff ) 3.50 ; straights , $ .1.rnvf3.20 : clear , $2.90fi3.10 ; prlng specials , $3.9CWil.OO ; spring patent * , J3.00Ji3.G5 ; straights , S2.S < ) fr3.00 ; bakers , $1.90 (82.53 ( ; low grade * , $ l.'lj/l.SO. WHEAT No. 3 spring. C < vg67c ; No. 2 red , o CORN No. 2 , 31'4c ; No. 2 yellow , SlVi ® " OATS-No. 2. 22iiiU'/tc ' ; No. 2 white , 25Uc ; No. 3 white , 2IHf/25i4c. RYE No. 2. 51M53'io. BARLEY-No. 2 , IHfi-Hc. SEEDS No. 1 flnxsoed and northwest , SI.IS. Prime timothy , $2.32 ! * . Clover , con tract grade , $8.0Ctfi 10.00. PROVISIONS SIos * pork , per bid. , $9.10 30.10. Lard , per 100 His. . $5.G5ff..75. Short ribs sides ( loose ) , $3.40fiC.70. Dry salted shoulders ( boxed ) , $3.5&J(5.75. ( Short clear Bidet ( ImxPd ) . $3.G5'3o.75. ' WHISKY Distillers' finished goods , on basis high wines , .per . gal. $1.231,6 SUGARS Cut loaf. $5.C9 ; granulated. $5.18. Following are the receipts and shipments for today : Articles. Receipts. Shlpm'ts. Flour , libls R2 , ( K > 57,000 Wheat , bu 81,0.10 . 2tOM Corn , hu 557,000 107,000 Oats , bu 311.0(10 ( 2.SOM . ) Rye , bu Hi.ooo j , m 13arley.hu 112,000 32,000 On the 'Produce ' exchange today the but ler market wns llrm ; creameries , lSW27' , < .p ; < lnlrlP8 , 17iC3c. ( ? Chcnse , llrm nt 1212ie. . Kggs , llrm ; fresh , 19c. XK\V YORK GU.VKRAI , M.V11KHT. IliKitatlonx for the Dn.v on Varlon * NEW YORK , Jnn. 3. FLOUR Heeelpts , 1C.143 bbls. ; exports , 17,027 .bbls. . ; market llrm In tone and fairly active , with out change from yesterday ; .Minnesota patents , $ : i.S5ft 1.10 ; Minnesota bakers , $2.S3 4(3.10 ( ; winter patents , $ ; ! . U)53.75 ) | ; winter Htralghts , $ .1. IW1.I5 ; winter extras , $2.53 } ) ) 2.90 ; winter low grades , $ ; .25'i/2.IO. Rye Hour , firmer ; fair to good , $ J.liii3.30 ; choice to fancy , $ n.3Vj3.G5. ? Huckwheiu flour , qtllot at $2.1l > fi2.25. CORN.MEAIr-Flrm. IlYE Steady ; No. 2 western , CO-Hc f. o. b. ntlont ; state , 5Gc c. 1. f. New York car lots. lots.BARLEY BARLEY Firmer ; feeding , ISUtiJIUe c. I. f. New York ; malting , VJfiolo c. I. f. New- York. BARLEY MALT Stonily ; western , .lufjfiSe. WHEAT Receipts. CS.OOO bu. ; exports , 2ij- ( $83 hu. Spot , steady : No. 2 red , fS'.sc , f. o. b. . nlloat , prompt ; No. 1 northern , Duluth , 7U4c ! > f. o. b. , afloat , prompt ; No. 1 hard , Duluth. M'He. ' f. o. b. . atloat , prompt ; No. 2 red , 73&c ! , f. o. b. , alloat. Options opened easy at lie decllno because of unsatliifa , lory cables. 'But ' , iccoveilng from Its do- prosslon on English buying and fair local support , the market ruled llrm until late afternoon , when realizing developed and brought about a decline Clot-oil easy at ' , Bfi c net loss ; January. 7iMi7.Hic : , clos-cd at " 3'jc : .March closed at 75'se ; .May. 75 3-liH ( 7511-lGc , closed at 7-5'4c ; July , 75W(75f ( ! e , closed nt 75\c. CORN Receipts , 49,725 bu. ; exports , 19.GIJ ) .bu. . Spot , steady ; No. 2 , IDTsc , f. o. b. , , nlloat , anil IDc. elevator. Options opened I cnsy under big receipts m Chicago and pros- 'poctH of larger country offerings , but re- t-overod with wheat and on scarcity of cash i product here , closing firm at ' , > / ! < He net ad vance , latter on January ; January closed at 9' > vo : SIny.39a e. closed at 39V. OATS Receipts. 29.900 bu. ; export * , 11.w. : bu. Spot , tlrm ; No. 2.29i4c ; No. 3. 2sV ; No. 2 whllf , 31i4i31'ac ; No. 3 while. 3D- ; track mixed western , ii3' ' > v > . .itraek ; white , ul'ji.C.c. Options , dull nnd neulectcd. HAY Firmer ; shipping , CSjJiSc ; good tc choice , MViS5c. HOPS Quiet : state , common to choice 1S % crop , lie ; 1S9S crop , 74(9c ( ; 1S99 crop , 12'n 14c ; Pnelllc coast , 1S9G crop , 4iCtIi9i | ; crop 7f)9c : 1WJ crop , iSjiiii- . HIDES-FIrm ; Onlveston. 20 to 25 Ibs. 39K-C ; Texan dry. 21 to 30 Ibs. , HVfcc : Call' fornia , 21 lo 25 ibn. , 2JUi- . LEATHER-Stcady ; hemlock solo. Bueno Ayrtti , light to heavy weights , 25j251iC ncldJ5fi25Viu. . PROVISIONS-Bcof. dull ; family. $12.5051 J3.00 ; mess , $10.50 ; beef hams. $ J2 5 < iij23.lkl packet. $ ll.50 } | 12.00 : rliy extra India met. * S2l.OQtf23.Oi ) . Cut meuts. quiet ; pickled b.-i lies. $5.f/X7.25 { | ; pickled shoulder * . J.V7J pickled hums , $ ) .2oii9.00. l.jrd , strong western ftenmcd cloned at $ G.1 : Juiumr > , t-lcsed nt $ (1.10 ( nominal ; refined , strong continent. $ ii.33 ; South America. $ J.CO ; com pound. $ .1.37i'jij6.75. I'ork. tlrinur : moss $10.25 10.75 : short elear. $11.23jl2.00 : fam lly , J12.OCiiil3.SO. Tallow , llnu ; city. 6fi3kc ! rountry 47if3 | ic. RICE Firm ; domestic , fair to extra , 4J E'.vc ' : Japan , l iiloc. SlOLASSES-FIrm : New Orleans , opoi kpltlo , good to choice , 3.2I40o. | FREIrtHTS-To Liverpool , quiet but llrm cotton by tto.im , > d , nominal ; grain b ; SIETALS The -metal murket In the mail mas firmer and more active today , with th < flnnl ph.Tsf vpry rn. ournglng o spllcrs. f ' fhp ( pnnr rf < ahlp nti'l ulro ni-ountj < WHM bpli r nnd demand larger for nearly all tn.-tals. Tin .ll.'plnypil leading strength with lend a rlo ircond. . At the close thp Sletnl exchange reported tin as llrm with $2i. ! > 5 bid nnd $20.00 asked ; lake copper , unchanged nt $10.50 ; pig iron warrants , quiet ( quota tion omitted ) ; lend , steady with $1.70 l.ld nnd $ I.7T a. kpd ; spelter , t-nsy with JJ.46 bid and $ | . ! M asked. The brokers' prlcp. for lend Is $1 15 nnd for copper. $ K3Htn6.50. OMAHA ( iK.vnn.vii MARKIT. C'ondllloii of 1'rnilp nnd tlnnlntlonn on Sliintr nnd I'nnojProduce , KOCJS Receipts light ; fresh slock weak nt lOc. DRKSSKD POULTRY - Choice to fancy turkeys , 9'4f/10c ; ducks , Sc ; geese , SfjSHc ; spring chlrkenp , 7Q71.4c ; hens , 6VtQ7c ; roosters , 4TJnc. l.IVK POULTRY-Henr. Gc : spring chickens - ens , 5i r ; old and staggy roosters , 3c ; ducks , J'.sc ' ; r.i'Pse , G e ; turkeys , 7e. HfTTKR Common to fair , IC'.Jc ; choice , ISfll9c ; separator , 26c ; gathered creamery , 22/23c. ? PlOICONS-Llve. per doz. , 75c. - ' , . OA.MK Ducks , mallards , tlW n S : Iduo wing teal , $1.75 ; green wing teal , $1.2dfil.60 ; mixed ducks , $1.5 < > JJ2.00. OYST1CRS Slpdlum , per cnn. ISc ; stand ard , per can , 22 < s ; bulk standard , per gal. , $1.2i ; extra selects , per cnn. 30c ; extra selects , per gnl , $1.CO ; New York counts , per can , 37e ; New York counts , per 100 , $1.25. HAY Upland , choice , $ > 5.50 ; midland , i choice , $0 ; lowland , choice , $ C > ; rye straw , i choice. t5.50 ; No. 3 corn , 27c ; No. 3 white ; oats , 32 > 4c ; orm-lfd corn , per ton , $12 ; corn nnd oats , chopped , per ton , $12.50 ; bran , per ton , $13 ; shorts , tier ton , $11. VKOETABLKS. SWKKT POTATOES - Per bbl. , Illinois , $3 ; Jerseys , $5 ; largo bbls. , Kansas , $2.75. POTATOKS-Por bu. , choice , .TOB-tOc. CAHHAC.K Per lb. , l c ; ilolland seed , l 4 2c. CAl'MFIXlWHR-Pcr crate , $2.50. CRANIUCRRIIOS-Hell and Uuglc , per bbl. , $6.50 ; Jerseys , $6.25. ejNIONS Retail way , yellow , Coc ; red , 75 ? ( Sv. CBLHRY Per doz. , 25Q30c ; California , per bunch , I5c. TrRNIPS-Rutabagns. per lb. , l'4c ; Cana dian , I'Vfilttc. MUSHROOMS Per lb. box. . BOc. TOMATOES Florida , per C-basket crate , Jl.OOflO.OO. FRUITS. A.PPLKS . Choice western shipping stock , $3.00 3.50 ; New York stock , M.T&ifl.OO. CiRAPKS-Cnllfornla Emperor , $2 ; Cataw- bns , per small basket , ISc ; .Malaga grapes , per bbl. , $7. Wli'.i.OO. TROPICAL FRUITS. ' ORANOES - Slexkan. per box , $3 ; Cali fornia navels , per box. $ .501(3.75 ; California seedlings , oer box. $2.7& j3.00. LK.MONri - I'alifornla fancy , $4 ; choice. California , $3.75 ; Slesslna , $1.50. MISCELLANEOUS. HONEY Per 21-sectlon case , $3.25. NfTS Hickory nuts , large , per bu. , $1 ; shell barks. J1.231.35. | FIOS California layers , per 10-lb. box , $1 ; California carton , per 10-lb. box , $1.10 ; Imported ligs , per lb. . 13c. DATES 00-1 b. boxes. E 46e per lb. ( MAPLE St'GAR-Per lb. , 9c. HIDES , TALLOW. KVC , IHDES-No 1 green hides , 8Hc ; No. 2 green hides , 7Vfec ; No. 1 salted hides , lOc ; No. 2 salted bides , 9c ; No. 1 veal calf , S to 12 lbs . , fie ; No. 2 veal ealf , 12 to 15 Ibs. , Be. TALLOW. GREASE , ETC. Tallow , No. 1. 4c ; No. 2 , 3"4c ; rough , L'c ; white grease , 294 1 3',4c ' ; yellow and brown grease , 2Vi03c. ClIAMiKS I.V AVAIIiAllLK Sl'l'PMES. Iiifornintlon Slio > vliiK liicrpnnp or Dp- ore a HO lit VnrlniiN 1'olntn. NEW YORK , Jan. 3. Special cable anil telegraphic communications to Bradstreet's show the following changes in available supplies since the last account : WHEAT United States and Canada , east of Rockies , Increase , 359,000 bu. ; ( Liverpool Corn Tradp News ) allont for and In Europe , decrease. 1,500,000 bu. ; total supply , decrease , 1.141.0UO bu. CORN United States nnd Canada , east of Rockies , decrease. 5SO.OOO bu. OATS United States and Canada , east of Rockies , decrease , 48,000 bu. Among the moro Important Increases re ported , not given In the olllclnl visible sup ply s'-atemont , arc those of 900,000 bu. at northwest Interior elevators : 319,000 bu. at Sioux Falls and SIt iO bu. at Akron. The principal decreases are thoixs of 110- 000 bu. at Slanltoba storage points , 93,000 bu. lit Portland , Sle. , 94,000 bu. at Louisville , 75,010 bu. at Minneapolis private elevators , 14,001) ) bu. at Rochester and 35,000 bu. at St. Joseph. The agsrecato stock of wheat held at Portland , Ore. , Tacoma and Seattle , Wash. , Increased 30,000 bu. last week. St. I. on In ( irnln nnd 1'rovlnlnnn. ST. LOUIS , Jan. 3. WHEAT Lower ; No. 2 red , cash , elevator , 70c ; track , 72(372 ( 0 ; January , 70'/c ; Slay. 71'ifiJ71c ; July , C9 ? 5f ffiHic ; No. 2 hard , dV gCi'.fcc ; receipts , 10,500 bushels. CORN Steady ; No. 2 cash , 30' c ; track , SlVfiSl- : January. 30c ; Slay , 32c. OATS Bony : No. 2 cash. 2lc ; track , 24HC : January , 24c ; Slay , 25Uc ; No. 2 white , 2G@ 2Ci,4o. RYK Firm at Kc. ! FLOUR Firm ; patents , $3.45SJ3.55 ; extra fancy , $3.10f3.ir | : clear , $2.75ifI2.M. SEEDS Timothy. J2.00ft2.30 ; Max , dull at $1.15. CORNSIEAL Steady nt $1.70fj'l,75. ' IHRAN Firm ; sacked , past track , 64c. HAY-Steady ; timothy. $ S.5Hrl2.00 ( ; prairie , $7.00fi8.25. WlIISKY-Steady nt $1.23' . COTTONTI ES-$1.05. HEMP TWINE-90. SlETALS-Lead , firm at $ I.C5. Spelter , dull at $5.35. POl'LTRY Dull ; chickens , 6c ; turkeys , 7'jc ; ducks , GHc ; geese , 5'Ac. PROVISIONS Dry salt boxed meats , ex tra shorts. $5.G2'4 ' ; clear ribs , $5.75 ; clear sides , $5.S7'Bacon , extra shorts , $6.12 ; clear rib. * , $ C.25 ; clear sides , $ fi.37'i. Pork , steady ; Jobbing , $9.75 for old. $12.25 for now. Lard , nominally lower ; prime steam , $3.45 ; choice , $3.CO. RECEIPTS Flour , S.Ort bids. : wheat , 17- 000 bu. ; corn , 52,000 bu. ; oats , 33,000 bu. SlIlil'SIENTS-Flour. 10.0UO bbls. ; wheat , 50,000 bu. ; corn , 57.000 bu. ; oats , 41.000 bu. Under , I'.KK nnd < 'hopm MiirUol , PHILADELPHIA , Jan , 3. BUTTER Firm ; fancy western creamery , 29c ; fancy western prints , 30c. EGOS Firm ; good demand ; fresh -n-cst- ern , 24c ; fresh nearby , 21c ; fresh south western. 22c ; fresh southern , 22c. CHEESE Firm but quiet. CHICAGO. Jan. 3. - BUTTER - Firm ; creameries. ISft'.TUe ; dairies , 1723c. EGGS-Finn ; fre-sh , 19c. ST. I.OIMS. Jan. 3.-BUTTER-Flrmcr ; creamery , 2H/2Sc / ; dairy , 19Q2IC. EGGS Steady at 17'fce. NEW YORK , Jan. 3.-BUTTER-Recppts | , 7.021 pkgs. ; llrm ; Junu creamery , 22f(2G'.4c ( ; western creamery , 23'029c ' ; factory , lBS2lc. CHEESI--Recclpts : , 3,3(0 ( pkgs. ; firm ; fall made fancy , small , 12i < ijl3c : full made , fancy , largo. I'JM'lUc ; Into made , small , 12 ® 12' , c ; late made , largo , IHjtijlSc. EGGS Receipts. 5,925 pkgH. ; firm nnd higher ; western , ungraded , nt mnrk , 14r23c ; western , 2lfa2f > o. loss off. KANSAS CITY , Jan. : ! . EGGS-Frosh In fair demand at steady to strong prices ; MUsourl and Kansas stock , Urals , ] 5i c , aisos returned ; storage , IWjllc. Liverpool ( imlii anil I'riivlHloiiH , IflVERPOOL. Jan. 3.-WIIEAT Futures ! closed iiulet ; March. 5s 11-V1 ; May. 5s IHid. ' CORN Sput. American mixed , llrm at 3a | fid. Fulures , steady ; January , SsSTsd ; Feb- riiiiry. : ls Gd : March. 3s G'Md. I PROVISIONS Lard. American renned , In | palls , firm at HlsCd ; prime western. In i ! ilrrccit , firm at 2Us 9d. Bacon , Cumberland | cut , firm at ; Us ; short ribs , llrm at 31s ; long clear middles , light , llrm at 31s ; loir. ; clear i middles , heavy , llrm nt 31s ; short clear t bucks , llrm nt 33 Cd ; clear bellies , llrm nt . > < s. Shoulders , square , llrm nt 31s Cd. ) Hams , short ( .ill , firm at 45s. IVIIIINIIN ( ' ! ( > ' < < rnln nml I'rovlnloiiN. KANSAS CITY. Jan. 3.-WHEAT Slay. OiV : cash. No. 2 hard , Cle ; No. 3 , JSljCSc ; No. 2 red , 707i4c | ( | : No. 3 , CljiCSc. CORN Slay , 'Jiitic : cash , No. 2 mixed , 29c ; No. 2 white. 29'ic ' ; No. 3 , 29c. OATS-NO. 2 white , 21 21' RYE-NO. IIAY-Chiilco timothy , $9.0069.50 ; choice prairie , $7. < ) Qfi7.SO. RICl'ElPT.S-Wheat , 10.300 hu. ; corn , 9.7CC bu. ; oals. 4,000 bu. ? | SlllPSlENTt5-Wiic.it. 10,200 .bu. ; corn , ' 3.2CO bu. ; ouls , 2.1W bu. ? I Toledo MnrUot. TOLEDO O. . Jan 3.-WIIEAT Active for 1 Slay ; No. 2 cash. 70 > 4e ; Slay , 73T c. CORN Dull and steady ; No. 2 mixed , : ! 32- ! . : 32OATriDuIl and steady ; No. 1 mixed , 2)r. ) RYE-Dull a-id llrm ; No. 2 cash , E7c bid. : CLOVEltSEED-HIgher ; prime cash , old , Jl.iO ; January , new. JS.C21.March ; , $3.70. MlluauUoo ( irnln 11 . SIILWAI'KEE. Jan. 3.-WHEAT-Dull ; 11 No. 1 northern. GH e ; No. 2 northern , CI& i RYE-Qulet : No. 1. 55c ; No. 2 , 53'jc. BARLEY-FIrm ; No. 2. 45 - ; sample. 37Q 43iic. ii- < > llKVlunl mid Flour. S11NNEAPOLIS , Jim. 3. -r WHKAT - Ir store : No. 1 northern , C5 ! c ; Slay , 6tjc ( 'July CSV On tr.i.k No 1 hnrd C7X - > 1 northern , O)7 * . . No 2 northern , f.iS1 FLOUR First pntcntx. J.Un'd.lRn. seeond patents. $ .r2n'(7.1.SO ( , nrst ole.ir. $22iMi230. HRAN-IH bulk , tn.doiiii.25. Peorln Mnrkot , PEORIA , Jnn. S.-COKN-Stciidy ; No. 2 , 30Hc. OATS-FIrm : No. 3 white. 23Ufl22'4c. ' WHISKY-FIrm , on the basis of $1.23',4 for finished goods. DnlulbVlirnl Mnrkel. Dt'LVTH , Jan. 3-WHEAT-No. 1 hnrd , cash , U'Hc ; No. 1 northern , cash , G.i'ftc ' ; -May. CSHe : July. CD'ic ; No. 2 northern , CSV ; No. 3 spring , C9Hc. MOVKMIJXTS OF STOCKS AM ) IIO.MIS. Mnrket Clo-.r-t nl I.IIMVPI Hot ) , In Sne- clnKln.i r.lid IIIllroilN , , i NEW YORK , Jan. 3. Tne Mock mnrket ! was unable to resist the factors working towards reacdon nnd closed nt losses both for sppclnltlcft nnd In the rnllroad * run- , nlng from 1 to 3 points. PcpresMon waq | ' manifest from the opening In sympathy j 1 with the earlier declines In the Londnn market , but tbo downward tendency wn resisted. A number of the Industilal stocks ndvnnrpd in n somewhat excited manner In the tlrst hour nml Induced n sympathetic hardening of prices all throug i the list. i Consolidated Gas Jumped S p.ilnts on the report of Its absorption of an elpptrlc lightIng - Ing company and Incidental advantages In ; 1 , the local ga ? war. American Tobacco rep I an extreme 5 points and thp Continental Tobacco * were strong. Sugar showed n dls- . position to continue Us advance and mine of the Iron nnd step ] stocks maintained yesterday's show of strength In the group. Later In the day there was n vigorous upward - i ward movement In Now York Central , wl-h a slight sympathetic lespoiuv In other Van- : ; derbllt stocks. Thp Isolated points of strength In the market , however , proved entirely Iniunirlcnt to sustain prices In face of thp constant dribbling of sales for for- j olgn account and those for loenl account which were sentimentally Influenced by the weakness abroad. | A rumor circulated that I.ady."mlth l-nd ! capitulated to the Boers. The effect was significant of what may bp expected from thn security market In rase of further 10- verses to the British arms In South Africa , for traders who werp long of stocks has tened to tnke thrlr nrollts ! n face of the possibility Involved. The later news of the day mndo It clear t.lat the real source of the day's wenkners was Berlin. Selling from that center In London and of Amerl- ; can securities In Now York was on n large scnlo. It was based on the weekly lelurn of the German Imperial bank , which showed a loss of $10,500,0(10 ( In cash. A loan expan sion in face of this drain of $12.SOfK ) and mi addition to tbo notes In circulation of upward of $39,000,000 was an exhibit of pres sure for credits In Germany which served rnthor to s-artlo thp llnanelnl world. The effect was ml apparent , however , In tbo , Berlin discount market nnd sterling ex- chnngp advanced at Berlin In spite of n further decline In Interest rates In I.on- dOn. Berlin exchange in Now- York , how ever , rose it Hhni-p fraction. These stocks , which were stroncest yesterday , did not entirely lose their gains of yesterday but in the case of the Baltimore ' .t Ohio ? tncks. the Pacifies and a number of southern stocks , large inroads worp made on values. Conditions In- the locnl money market were umlls-urhed. The bond mnrket showed n yielding ten dency In symmithy with stocks. Total sales , par value , $1.975,000. United States States new 4s , registered , advanced " > nnd new 4s , coupon , the 3s , old 4s nnd 5s i per cent In the bid I'rlce. The Commercial Advertiser's London financial cablegram says : "Tho markets i 'here ' were cheerful at the opening todav. I but they fell off on the relapse of consols from 99' ' , to 9.1' ( , on the Issue of .C.2.0,0.0 0 of local loans stock. 3' per cent at 9 ' < . American securities began weak and fell steadily on heavy sales by Berlin , where Wie bank statement made n b.id showing. There was also profit-taking here and sales from New orlc. The close wns flat , the lowos : Prices being- reached In the street. Ixiulsvllle St Nashville and Union Paeltic were the weak features. Spanish 4s were C. > ' , i , tlntos 45 % , Anacondas S7-1G I'tnhs G'j , Boston 1 , A vines l i. The Bnnk of Eng land bought 16.000 gold In bar ? . ThP weeks Influx of specie wns 2,379 . OjO . Money wns easy. " The followlni ; are the quotations for the leading stocks on the New York exchange today : Atchlsou 19U Texas O'ncillc 15U do pfd. . 60-Ji Union Pacific . . . . ifii Baltimore & O. . . 57 do pfd 741 ? Canada Pac 91\i \ Wabaih . . -1 Canada So 4 ! ) , do pfd ! " 20 ; Ches. & Ohio . . . .SO 'Wheel. ' & L. E. . . ! ) Chicago G. W. . . . 12J do 2d pfd. . . . 27 & . nd.Qi"L : : : X 1ii1ff'i ! chH0ft % i : : : : : fM\mlr : If ' Chicago & N. W.1GH4 Wells-Fnrgo Kx.lV ) C. , R. L & P 100 % Amer. Cot Oil Wl c. c. c. & st. L. G2 > i do pfd. . . . ; : : tl Color/iilo So o'.i A nit ) P. M EI ! tint ? 71' 'lo 1st Pfd. . . . U j do pfd i : 30 do 2d pfd. . . . 15 'Amer. ' S. & II. , . . \tMV Yurie Money Miirkel , NEW YORK , Jan. 3.-SIONEY On call steady nt 4ft ( > per cent ; last loan , nt 4 per cent ; ruling rule C per cent ; prime mer- . c.intlle linger. G per cent. STERLING EXCHANOE-Flrni. with ncI - I tunl buslnccs In bankers' lillls at $ I.S7i > for j demand and at $ I..2V. . for sixty days ; posted I ratp . $1.83 nnd $ I.ES'-i ; commerplnl bills , $1.81 ' ' s'lL'VER Certificates. 5Siii59Uc ' ; bar 5S5e ; Slexlonn dollars. 47' ' c. BONDS Government , strong ; state , Inac tive ; railroad. Irregular. The following nro the closing quotations on bund * : ssires . lO-FTN'r YrccnTrafTs'.lon" < o 3s. reg . | 09i.N. J. ( . Ken. fs..U7'i do coupon . 110V4 No. Carolina G . .122 do new 4s , re-.13IU | do 4s j do eoupon 131 N"iPac. . Is . ll'i ' j do old Is , leg..114V4 do P.s . CO do coupon lll'-i dn Is . 101 ! do 5J. : rog 11H iN.Y.C. & SI.l4.4H.114U | do coupon in N. & W. con. 4s. . 9014 IX of C. 3 C5s 119 do gen. lis 129 | Atoll. Ben. 4s 09 Ore. Nav. is no do ndj. 4s 79 > i d. . ) 4 * 101 4 I Cnnnda Po. 2.107',2 Ore. S. L. Cs 127 90 I do consol 51..113 4s 9SU St. P. . C. K. T. . V. & O.ls.10 ! i do SH 117" , Erlo gpn. 4s l7 ! Ho. Railway 6s..lore F. W. * D. P.ls. 7'1 iS. R. & T. Cv SO Gen. Elec. 5s..119 Tenn. n. s. 3s. . . . 93 O. II. . < t S. A. Cs.lOS Tex. ft Pac. Is..111 do 2s. * do 2" ' " ' 51 II. & T. C. 5s..i03y Unloirp'3cVlic"4H.'ll)2 ) < i II. & T. C. c. Ci.,110 IWabash Is 113 In. Central li..HO do 2s 10- ) SI. , K. & T. 2a. . . . O.S do 4 * " Offered. I'orclni ! l.'lnniioliil. LONDON , Jan. 3. The llnaucl.il situation Is oonsldcrpil much more hopeful on the general understandlnE1 that the bank ratu i will not be raised tomorrow , nor , according r to expectation. U It likely to be ralfod I In th near future. It Is learned by a rep resentative of the Atsoclated Props that t the only gold drain to bo met at present t U .C of A 000 to 4lm Argonllne Republic , which i Is believed , to bo fully offset by lmporl.1- tlons from the United States and other r countries. Liquidations continue to de- r -.i ic n. | th foiling tow.ir.1 Amerl. an ' n urltii's h.i improve I. c p. 'Mli > In ibo rase of < o | > iHT s . 'ks. Tlip belief gnlm gr.niii'l thai I IP United States will reap largo prom * from Great Rrltain's war. Gjvernmont bills are somewhat weak on account of rumors of a now wnr loan. On the ftrePt today pr.ces wore weak , owing to Herlln selling. American securities de clined 'sfll ' poln. . Thp market for Ameri can securities opened steady , but soon receded on a disposition to await advice * from Wall street. Huslnps. was limited to professional trading. The closing tone was dull. One small failure wns reported. Spanlh Is closed nt 05i4. Amount of bul lion taken Into the Hank of Englnnd on balnnco today wns 17.000. Hnr gold. 77s ! > d. India council bills were allotted today at Is 4 I-lOd. Gold premiums are quoted as follows : Huenos Ayres. 12VSO ; .Madrid , 27.75 ; Lisbon. 41 ; Romp , 7.32. Har rllver closed steadier nt 271-lGd per ounce. PARIS , Jan. 3. Huslno's on the bourse today was buoyant on the favorable settle ment and advices regarding the money po sition abroad. International soourliles stronger and Inspired activity In Spanish Is. Rio tlntos milled considerably , owing to the doorense In the stocks of copper and the advance In Now York. Throe per cent rentes , 93f 451,41for lap nocount ; excbnngo on London , 25f 23c for chocks ; Spanish 4s closed at G7.75. MERLIN , Jan. 3. Prices oppupd comp.ira- Ively llrm on the bourje today. Later , ow ing to heavv realizations , there WIIP u sharp react'.on , dlsnppnlnttnent lu-lng manifested lover the bank stntemcnt Issued today. Exchange - change on London , 20m 51'spfg f jr checks. The weekly statement of ihe Imperial bank of Germany shows the following chaiiRes : Cash In hand , decrease , I2.3W.IVO mnrks ; treasury notes , decrease , l.soo.rnii marks ; oilier securities , Ini reiifo , 51,2nrt,0 ( . ) marks ; notes In circulation , Increase , lMs ) 0OOi ) marks. Ht'ENOS AYR US , Jan. 3.-The gold quota- tlon today was 12S.IO. NEW YORK , Jan. a. The following are the olllclnl closing quotations for min ing shares : C hollar IS oTTtTirlo 70i Crown Point 1" Ophlr CO Con. Cnl. it Aa..i : ! . " ( P yinoiith S Dcadwood fi'i ' iQulok'llver IVi Gould .t Currio. . 20 do pfd SOO 1 Halo & Norcross. 35 Sierra Nevada . . 35 llnmftake Standard 240 Iron Silver BO Union Con 20 Mexican 25 Yellow Jacket . . IS London S'loeli UtmtnlIOIIR. LONDON. Jan. 3.-I p. m.-Closlng : " Cons. , money . . . 9S"d N Y. Central . . .131 4 I Consols , ncct ns'fc P 'ennsylvanla ' < . . . G73K Canadian Paclllc. 9H * , Reading 93 ; Erlo 12'4 No. Pacific pfd. . 70\4 \ do 1st pfd. . . . 34V4 Atchlson 20- % Illinois Central..llBi,4 Loulsvllln S2 8 Union Pao. pfd. . 77V4 Grand Trunk . . . 7 St. P. common. . 122 Anaconda & % HAR SILVER Steady nt 27d per ounce. SIDNEY I per cent. The rnte r.f . discount In the open market for Fhort bills Is fif/OU iper cent and for three-months' r-lllh 5 sfiG'li per cent. llnnU ClonrlnnN. NEW YORK. Jan. 3. Clearings , $317,443- 9GI : balances. $19,7SS.GOTi. HOSTON. Jan. 3. Clearings , $25,632,918 ; balances , $2.142,879. ST. LOUIS. Jan. 3. Clearings , $ G,771.090 ; bnlnnces , $789,513. Money , CfiS per cent. New York e.xchnnge , 35o premium bid , DOc premium nsked. CHICAGO. Jan 3. Clearings , $30,097,910 ; balances , $2,135.765. Posted exchange. $4.S2V4 ( H4.SSS. New York.exchange. 25c premium. "BALTLAIORE. Jan. 3. Clearings , $ G,7C4- 93S ; balances , { 715,223. 'PHILADELPHIA ' , Jan. 3. Clearings , ja > , fl2,448 ; balance ? , $3,271,150. Condition of the Tren nry. AVA'SHINGTON ' , Jan. 3. Today's state ment of the condition of the treasury shows : Available cash balance , $282,778,911 ; gold reserve , $230,579,295. Cotton Mnrkel. NEW YORK , Jan. 3. COTTON Mnrket opened weak nnd excited today , with prices 3C7 points Ijwer. this decline being Imme diately followed by a further drop of 4Q5 points , after which fluctuations were varied with the general tendency for a time to ward recovery. The news from the south was bullish , but cable advices were em phatically against the market. Though the claim wa.s made that closing up of long standing "straddles" In tbo English market wns entirely responsible for the serious break there , the Impression was quite gen eral hero that an abundance of selling or ders hnd been sent over from this elde , to gether with predictions for a marked change In the price movement and attitude of ihe south. Liverpool was a large buyer of the near months In the forenoon. Aside from enormous Wall street selling , the outsldo public took comparatively little In today's options. At the close sentiment was very much made. Prlcos gave way sharply in the hint few minutes under very heavy selling pressure from Wall street. The market was finally steady at a net loss of 7 < R14 points. Futures closed steady nt the decline ; January. J7.32 ; February. $7.33 ; March. $7.35 ; April , $7.37 ; Slay. $7.39 ; June , $ ' . : ; July , $7.40 ; August. $7.3S ; September. $0.95 ; October , $6.S2 : November , JO.78 , Spot closed quiet ; middling uplands , 7c ; mid dling gulf , Sc ; sales. 147 bales. NEW ORLEANS , Jnn. 3. COTTON Quiet ; salon , 3.950 bales ; ordinary , G3-lGc ; good ordinary , GlI-1Cc : low middling. 73-10c ; middling. 77-lOc ; good middling , Viitc ; mid dling fair , 715-lOc ; receipts , 10,019 bales ; stock. 405.020 bales. Futures quiet and 0.70 : October. ST. LOUIS , Jan. S.-rOTTON-Un- ebangi.-d ; no sales reported ; middling. 77-lGc ; recplpts , 5.SS7 bales ; shipments , G.I90 bales ; stock , 1i2 ( , ! ) > 7 bales. GALA'ESTON , Jan. 3. COTTON Firm at 7 7-lCc. LIVERPOOL , Jan. 3.-COTTON Spot , In fair demand , prices l-10d lower ; American middling fair. 44d ; low middling , 1 ll-32d ; giod ordinary , in-32d ; ordinary , 3 3-lCd. The salen of the day were 12.000 bales , of which 500 were for speculation and export , and Included 11.3'X ) American. Receipts , 11- 001 bales , Including 1.1 ) American. Futures quiet , and dosed o.ulet at the decline ; American middling , I. m. P. , January , I 19-Cld buyers ; January and February , 4 1C-C4 ? ) I 17-Old buyers ; February nnd .March , I i-Cr//4 : : ll4d buyers ; Slare'i ' nnd Aurll , I 11-0(1/4 ( 12-Cld sellers ; April and Slay , 19-Cld sellers ; Slay and June , I 7-Gld npfl- ert ; Juno and July , I MI { | | 5-Old buyers ; July and Auguxt , 4 3-G ! ( /l 4-Gld sellers ; Au gust and September. 3 U.I-.KI Id sellers ; Sep tember and October. 16.1-64(1 ( value ; Octo ber and November , 3 IS-Gli/3 / 49-G4d value. Wool Mllrkel. HOSTON , Jan. 3. The American AVool and Cotton Reporter will s.iy tomorrow : The new year has opened with a qulut but hardening1 wool market. There In no prcs- Biirn whatever to sell. On thn other hand holders are very llrm In their Ideas nnd 'will ' not budge an lota from what they consider to be a fair valuation on their slot k. Slaniifacturers , however , are not buying. Several of them are ready to take wool when offered to them fllghtly under . the nmrlu-i , .but . concessions nro not being I made. The general belief Is that the prcs- i out lull In business is only temporary nnd i preliminary lo another period of ; iro- nounced activity and strength. It Is 1 thought that tliu next London sales , which i begin January 10 , will open on at least n ' parity with the closing rates of the last "pries. If not higher. Thn situation abroad , is birong. The tales of the week In lioslun | amounted lo 2,2IOXW pounds domestic and I KCi.ooo pounds foreign , making a total of 2 , " , < ttW/'j pounds , nsrnlnst ri total of 2.330.MJ ! pounds for the previous wrek nnd n total . of .1KI.CCO { pounds for the corresponding I week laet year. I roll'oo Mnrkoi. NEW YORK. Jan. 3.-COFFEE The market for coffpo futures opened steady , with prices urn-hanged to 5 points higher nnd ruled very active , with a llrm undur- tone on vigorous bull fiipport. fulr demand from thp bear side nnd moderate fjrclgu buying. The cable- news averaged up f.i- \orably , < M did the changes in statistics. Hulllsh gentlint-n- was Iniuiitllled by In. creased demand for spot eoffco at advanced I nrlcpH. T.io wnr rumoru produced no effect , i The market closed xirudy. with prlco net uiieliangod to 5 points higher. Total Kilos , 2,350 ! ) liakriIncludinc : January , Id.l0iiti.15 ; , .March. Io.30fl0.35 ; Sl.iy. $0.40 ; July. $0.60 ; Augiiiii , ti.iati .K : September. $1.CO : Octo- lu-r. $8.GOSjC.C3 : November. { il.CJ ; December , $ G.sn. Spot. Hlo. tinner : N ) . 7. Invo c-e , 73-nir ; No 7. lobblns , 7 7-Jflc. Mild , llrm ; Curduvu , i'wli'vc. 'OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKEF Desirable Kinds of Beef Steers Sell at About Steady Price ? COWS AND HEIFERS MOSTLY IOC LOWER HORN Ucnnonnlily Active , It" ) U I-So- < < r.e l.oui-r Tlinn Tuciiln } Sheep .U-lUe nml Stonily 1 < UlRlior I'Vodcrs Soil SOUTH OMAHA. Jan. 3. llecclpts were : Cnttlo Hog * . Sheep , j Olllclal .Monday . 1.I9J 2.070 Olllclnl Tuesday . 2,617 2.M * 2.031 uiiic.ui Woiinesuny . 2a 2 6iUi Three dnys thlP week. . . . 7.103 10,577 6113 Same day * last week. . . . ItMl H.2 3 S.faS Same ( ln.v week before. . 7.2s < 27Sls J. 8.11110 three week * HBO. . 11.211) ) 17,519 9S2j Average price paid for hogs for llio last several days with comparisons : 3 81 3 If- i 4 13 4 M S 8 l. 3 3l 4 07 4 87 3 20 I 17 | 6 11 3 30 4 131 5 10 3 SI ! ] 3 24 4 10 5 II 3 30 | 3 IS 4 13i 5 07 ; t .111 3 In | 5 II 3 3i | 3 1 I 23 | .Inn. 1 " 3 121 3 ISI 3 10 4 22 5 12 .Ian. 2 3 B7 | ' I 3 17 | 3 U I 16 r , it ; Jan. 3 3 57 | 3 4S | I 3 4(5 ( I OS 5 IB ' Indicates Suiulny. Holiday. The ollk'lnl inmilipr of ears O'f ' stock brought In today liy each road wns : Cattle. Hogs. Sh'p. HT's. C. . SI. & St. ( P. lly , . . . 3 2 ( I. ft Si. I. , lly . 1 11 Missouri IMclhc Hy. . . 2. > -1 Union I'nclllc System. S 10I C. & N. W. Hy I K. . E. .1 M. V. It. U. . 17 s. c. & P. liy c. , st. r. . si. .t o. . . It. SI. U. It. U . 31 C. , II. & Q. Hy . ( ' . , U. 1. * I * . Hy. , E. ( ' . , H. 1. & 1' . Hy. . W. Illinois Central . 1 Total receipts . 121 SI ! 7 I The disposition of .the day's receipts was as follows , pnch buyer purchasing the num ber of head indicated : Buyers. Cattle. Hops. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co. . . . . . 203 MI . ( ! . 11. Hammond Co . IN ! f.ll . Swift and Company . 2S2 1,27'J 059 Cudahy Packing Co . 63S 977 1,011 Arinour & Co . 4fl ! 1.64S M9 Omaha > P. C. , from K. C. 1M . Cudahy P. C. from 1C. C. 413 . H. Becker & IK-san . 1:27 : . , . VHiisiint .t Co . 35 . I. otiman & Co . G9 . Helium & Underwood . SS . Huston it Co . 42 . Livingstone & Schaller. . . 71 . II. I. . . Dennis & Co . 2 . Other buyers . M ) 7 . Totals . 2.S42 5.7M 2.549 CATTLE Total receipts were not large today and there wore none too many cattle to supply the demand , but the only trouble was 'that ' they were not all of the right kind. There was a scarcity of cornfed steers and the market on desirable cattle of that kind was steady. Chicago reported common kinds of beeves lOc lower , and some fellers thotiRht the feeling here was a llttlo easier on the common kinds , with buyers Inclined to be bearish , but there were HO few here that It was hardly pos sible to effect material change In the mar ket. Some pretty Rood cornfed cattle brought Jfi.CO. Some Wyoming steers loaded from a Montana point Bold to the packers at $1.50. There were about thirty loads of c nvs and heifers In the yards , a large proportion of all the cattle on sale being of that description. The fact that Chicago came lower on common beef cattle , together with the large receipt1 , Rave buyers an opportunity to pound prices , which they were not slow to take advantage of. The result was that the cow market was slow and fully We lower. Owing to reluctance of sellers to make concessions demanded It was late before a clearance was effected. Buyers claimed that the cow market has been too high this week as compared with other markets and that that was the renron for their wanting the- cattle lower .odny. Stockers and feeders were steady and the demand was fair. The fresh arrivals were small and speculators peemed to want the cattle , so that practically everything sold In good season. Prices are high enough to suit any seller. Some Wyoming or Montana yearling ? , mostly white-faces , sold at $5.10. The 2-year-olds out of the same lot sold at $4.70. representative sales : BEEF STEERS No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 2 12GO 330 1 124D 5 10 1 1HO 3 G3 27 129i ( 5 10 2 10S5 4 2n 40 1114 5 JO 17 9M ) $1 40 II 11G9 r , 10 9 1000 4 45 35 1237 5 15 2 lOffi 4 50 21 1195 5 20 1 1510 4 50 5 1072 fi 20 II 1202 4 50 20 1213 5 25 12 994 4 C5 2 1240 n 25 1C 1128 4 70 3S 1255 5 33 19 10G3 4 75 25 1278 18 1039 4 75 2li 1HO 5 40 3S 11S1 4 SO 5 .12SS 5 40 19 118G 4 90 17. . . . . . . . . .1230 r. so 1 13SO 4 90 15. . . .1502 5 CO 1C 1151 4 90 11. . . .1180 5 CO COWS. . . . 90G 2 25 2 1225 350 . . . 930 2 25 1 1340 3 50 . . . 950 2 25 6. . . .1233 3 50 . . .10CO 2 50 5. . . .114G .1 50 940 2 50 1. . . .113J 3 VI 9S4 2 HO 4 .1190 3 CO 4S. S50 S. . . . . . . . . 3 CO 1003 2 75 20 1095 3 00 S 9S7 2 " 5 4 1275 3 CO 1 900 9 11M 3 CO 1 S70 3 IV ) 6 1051 2 75 1 1350 3 IK 1 1080 2 85 1 920 3 05 1 1MO 3 00 C 1173 3 Gi 1 970 3 M 1 1190 3 05 3 1203 3 ( ) 1 1050 3 05 7 904 3 00 17 1122 3 65 1 1090 3 00 25 9.12 3 05 1 117(1 ( 3 Oil 18. . . .lOiiO 3 70 3 00 21. , . . .10M 3 70 .10:50 : 3 01 * . . .1093 3 70 . 915 3 00 , . . .119.1 . 3 70 .1020 3 00 21 . . .1154 3 70 . 970 3 IK ) 3 75 .1117 3 00 3 7.- . .iu 3 10 13 112G 3 75 .1030 ? 10 2 975 3 75 .itfio 3 10 27 1112 3 SO .1057 ' ! 15 1C 1073 3 Oi ) 710 3 15 ,1078 I 01 1070 3 13 1 ,1191 4 00 77 r. 20 4 , . ,1135 I 0) 1001 I ! 25 1 . 900 I 00 COG 3 2T ,1200 , 1 00 i iioo 1. I ( HI > 1IP,1 10. , 1375 4 00 1 1310 1190 I 10 1. 12SII 1 00 2 1055 1. I ( M ) 1.i . 87(1 ( I 00 I 1 1110 3 10 i ! .1170 I 00 2 1105 3 40 I. .10.V ) 4 ( ) 10 1017 3 15 20 4 05 3 SO 14 I 10 .1070 3 50 20 .lllli 4 10 .1051 3 SO 3 I 10 .1110 3 fiO iiion ! r ' 3 50 . 903 4 20 . 915 3 50 . 95f , 1 20 .llfcfi 3 50 .12SO 4 20 . 70) ) 3 50 HIJJJ.S. 2 75 1 1430 3 4" 2 75 .12.VI 1 50 . 750 300 .1310 3 f,0 .123H 3 00 .mo 3 00 .11.41. 3 01 .110.1 3 CO .1170 3 10 . r.7o i 05 .1430 . 760 3 70 .1110 3 25 , 910 3 75 .KM 3 35 . 77ft 3 75 . 780 3 S3 .120 4 00 .1131 ? 42 1 1S70 t 25 .1270 3 3HEIFERS. . 1 SCO 3 23 4 10 1 CM 3 ; i 40 K K.Y ! 4 10 1 4fll ! 3 40 ! ) S2I 4 10 1 911 0 S3 1 1150 I 13 i co 3 si 12 son 4 20 5 79-5 3 10 7 715 4 no & 75 4 00 21 1027 4 r , . 911 4 01 1 11GO 4 03 .1019 4 OiCALVES. CALVES. . 70 6 00 1 120 C 50 . 300 H 60 1 210 C 50 . 310 R 5' ' ) i 220 0 73 .250 G 01 COWS AND HEJFERK. 9 1015 373 12 JOR 401 w' ' ' STOCK'ncws / AN'IJ > ' | YEiFKiiH.5 7 728 n CO 36 S12 3f.O 113' 3 15 3 4711 R Wl i m : t ja it&n ass u. 5M 3 ° J 7 715 1 10 u.i. BTAUS. i. . . . 650 3 04 1 > S9 a 00 STOCK c-ALVEH. i. . . . ISO 8 F , ' ( 1 3S-5 1 CO 370 4 50 STEERS TEXAS. 1234 IW 19 1167 4 SS 4S 1K)3 4 V. 15 12" < w SIKEHS ASI > HE1FEHS. , 2 10,15 4 5f > S P. . 4 . 15 S76 t-i S 5 4 rO 1C 101(1 ( 4 70 . . . . " < - - - - - fN * t l"l ( * * * 4 7V ( , 420 3 41- V ) C6t ! 1 20 4 4l\i 4 S > AUIXONA. 41 feeders. . 5S3 :1 : 75 .MONTANA. 21 feeders. . 9V , 170 15 feeders. . ,3 510 17 feeders. . Gill 510 1 ( steers..1202 4 t,0 , HOCiS-Tho rapid advance In prices ca'iio today nml values declined to n sudden stop clined 2'jliSo. Kaslorn nmrkots had < i bt < * run. and In consequence were GfilOc lower. The rcrclpls hero were rather small , am fur that roa on the market here deollned loss than other markets. ThP bogs sold largely at $4.27ij.l.30. . whllo yesterday the long string was at J1.32'gl.S5. ' Tbo top for today was $1.1" and yesterday JJ.Si'j. IJsnt trashy stuff N not selling vrrv wpll. and still It Is bringing good prlros as compared with good stt'ff. ' ThP most of It goes "sub ject" to the packer * , and It Is hard to tell much about It. For pxamplo , some light stuff. If It happens to bo drcent-llkr and 11 packer has use for something of the kind , soils way up , and again It soils clear down to the bottom. Today's market was fairly notlvp at HIP derllin- noted nbovo , nml everything changed h.inds In good season. It will IIP noted from the table of average prlcos that oven after thp dtrllnp the mar ket today was fully 2 > V higher than one week ago and lOo higher than on Monday , lleprcsentatlvo sales : No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Ph. Pr. r , liV . . . 41X1 56 226 IfiO (30 ( PS 153 . . . $1 15 M 23ii 100 4 111 CO 1ST 120 (20 ( CS 205 SO 430 14 ! S . . . 425 < M 2SI 160 4 M 20 tt 10 42.1 CS 22 < i 12i1 130 146 3.VI 110 4 27U fi 201 100 430 10 195 . . . 4271,4 3S 201 40 4 30 nS 129 2IO 4 27 < 4 CO 315 SO I 3i1 50 252 120 4 27 < v M 319 M 4,11 4P Sfii ! . . . 4 27" . SI 2M5 SO 1 .iO SS 2(12 ( SO 427H 54 314 40 430 51 235 120 (271,4 ( 00 Sin SO I 3D 52 3,1t 120 I 27'i 07 2S2 120 430 73 2IS 120 4 27'4 ' 57 321 . . . 430 13 lf > ( . . . 1 27'SI 231 . . . 431) ) 07 201 120 t 27' ' < . 29 300 10 4 3d 09 24 ( 10 4 27'i Si 250 2SO 43.1 XT 30 ! SH 4 27'j ' 7 < 2(5 200 4 30 PO 10 ! 40 4 27H M 273 . . . 430 S ! ) ISO M ) 4 271 , S5 2T.2 120 I 30 55 226 2K1 ( 1 271,4 74 201 120 4 30 50 320 100 4 24 ? 5.1 2.19 . . . 430 00 2.14 10(1 ( 4 27't. 50 301) ) 40 431 36 27K 100 I 27' ' 41 279 . . . 4 M SS 203 . . . 4 27' 70 200 2SO 430 71 271 200 4 2"S 00 239 120 ( 30 115 279 40 427H 57 214 . . . 4'JO 70 251 SH 427149 307 SO 4 3'1 ' ; i 200 SO 427'S3 230 40 1.11 00 317 320 4 27U. 75 25S . . . 430 fii 2.11 . . . 4 27'A ' 72 291 . . . 4 S'l ' 49 297 . . . 4 27'K 0 ( 27.1 120 430 OS 235 41 4 27' 07 202 SO 4 10 51 30(1 ( J40 41rt" 03 2C.O SO 430 f , < ! : ! > i 200 ISO 01 2S1 t'1 ' (30 ( 06 2W ( SO t 3D 53 20) SO t 32'A 15 290 . . . (31 ( Or 219 2(0 4 S b lifl 2vS ICO 410 03 2SI . . . 1 32' 50 3PO . . . 4 SO 00 201 . . . 4 32'J ' 01 2S . . . 430 01 22. . . . . 4 32V4 52 331 240 430 59 279 40 4 32U 52 293 . . . 430 SO 213 40 ( 321J 57 315 SO 430 14 211 . . . (33 ( 40 2S5 SO 4 SO 0 ( 20S . . . 4 37'A CS 300 320 (30 ( 09 257 SO 440 SHEKP The market today was In Rood shape for the sellers. The receipts were small and the demand good , so that the market was active and steady to 10c higher. Two loads of good yearlings and wcihers were sold yesterday to arrive today at $1.15. and another load of about the same nt $4.50. Some of the same lot sold for delivery tomorrow at $4.50. Some good wethers nml yearlings , mostly yearlings , went tit $4.05. Another bunch of good weth ers , with a few yearlings on them , brought $4.00. Still another bunch of yearllnps ? old at $4.G2' . Oood fed ewes sold as high ns $4.15. Quite a bunch of tnll-pnd owes sold at $3.35. There was one bunch.of good west ern lambs In thp yards which sold at $5.50. Quotations : Oood to choice fed yearlings. SI.40fi4.C5 ; good to choice heavy wethers , $4.30 < iT4.50 ; good to choice light wethers , $ ( . ( ( ) < ii4.GO : good to choice fed ewes , S.t.OO'iJ'l.lS ; fair to good fed ewes , $3.f > OT3.S5 ? ; good to choice native lambs , S5.23iff5.60 ; good to choice fed western lambs , S5.2nflS.GO ; fair to good fed western Iambs , J4.sSfiS.15 ; feeder wclbers. $3.75f3.90 ; feeder yearlings. t.OOJ7 ! > 4.25 ; good to choice feeder lambs , $4.25154.60 ; fair to good feeding lambs , $4.00ff 1.25 ; feeder ewes , $2.25fj3.00. Representative sales : No. . Av. Pr. 199' ewes 1 9S J.I 35 20S ewes 9S 335 1 buck 230 3 50 II owes 106110 191 welstern owes 110 4 15 400 wethers 107 ( 45 231 wethers 103 450 1 wether 180 4 50 202 wethers I1C 4 01 501 western yrlgs and wethers. . 91 ( 62fe ! 20S wethers 101 4 05 125 Iambs 57 461 2 native lambs 110 525 200 western lambs 71 550 5 lambs lOt ! C 50 CIIICAUO LIVE STOCK MAIIKKT. ( ioml ( o Choice StoorN Stonily , HIIKH I.oivor , Slioop Aollvc. CHICAGO. Jan. 3. CATTI/K-Oood to choice native steers and Texans steady ; In ferior grades slow ; butchers' stock and cannera strong ; stackers and feeders steady ; good to cholco , $5.4Wi6.GO ; poor to medium , Sl.ir > fiC > . ; r > : mixed stockers , $ .1.lOfJ3.90 ; feed ers , { 4.31K7I.IO ; good to cholco cows , $3. 0ffl I.CO ; heifers. $3.2of.00 ; dinners , $2.25fJ3.0i ) ; biills , $2.COJ/.oO ( ; calves , $1.50fj7.f > 0 ; fed Texas lieoves , $ l.25f/r > .35. IIOCJS-Markot CfflOc lower ; top , $4.f > 5 ; mixed and butchers , $ ( .20fc4.55 ; good to cholco , heavy , $ ( .40f ( .55 ; rough heavy , J4.20fr < 4.35 ; light , $ O'u-l.43 ; bulk of sales. SI.40 ® 4.45. 4.45.SHKIC.P AND IjAMDS Active and steady ; inmrkot top was western lambs. T0.10 ; native wethers , SI.30TG.OO ( ; western wethers , $1.10 ® > 5.00 : western lambs , JS.iiO'fifl.lO. HKCKIPTS-CattlP , 15,000 head ; hogs , 47,000 head ; sheep , 20,000 head. XIMI- York I.lvo Slool ; . NIC\V YORK. Jan. 3.-I1KKVKS Hocolpts. 3.7S3 lipnil ; seventy cam on sale ; demand moderately active ; steers steady ; bulls steady to llrm ; fat COWP trifle oaslor ; lliieti ciirs unsold ; steers. $4.S7'/4' ' ' 0.15 ; oxen and stags , l.lltf < 5.0i ) : bulls , $3.15fo I.JW ; cows , S1.75QI.0 ; ciililos tituhanscd ; exports , EOI ( liiarters of beef ; tomorrow , 30 sheep. CAI/VKS-Hccelpts , 1.2,15 head ; market firm ; all sold : veals , $ -iOii9.W ; llttlo calves , } 4.00fi 1.40 ; barnyard calves , $3.2JJ4.00 | ; southern calves , J3.90. S1IKKP AND ! . .AS1IS Receipts , C57 head ; iilnotcon cars on sale ; sheep , firm to I5c h'glu.r ; lambs , 20li30c higher ; three Into ar rivals unsold ; common to prime sheep , $3.00 fit.rW'l lambH , $5.C2V.ft.70 ( ! ; Canad.t lambs , $0.25 ; "culls. JI.OMiS.OO. HOGS Hocelpts , 7,705 head ; quoted firmer at J4.S5tJl.93. KIIMNIIN C'lly I.lvo niiipk. KANSAS CM TV. Jan. S.-CATThH-Uo- colpts , 7,500 natives , l.lfifl TesnnH ; cliolco steers , Ktockors and feeders , fairly actlvu and Ktcady , olhors Me lower ; heavy native Hl-ers , $5.2.V'iOi > 5 ; IlKhtwelglits , $1.535.35 ; stockcrs and feedprs , f3.50fj4.75 ; butchers' cows and heifers , JIMS'/1.50 ' ! / ; cannerH , } 2.50f- ( 3.25 ; fed westerns , $1.251(5.13 ( ; western feed ers. $3.25fH.5'l ' ; TesailH $3.23/1.15. ( ( 1JOCH Hocelplo , 12.OT ) head ; llbural sup ply sold slow at Sfiicc lower prices ; heavv and mixed. Sl.35fj4.l7 4 ; llcht , l.05f 1.lO ; plgH , $ .l.iOfI.IO. ! ( SIIKKP AND \Sin8-npopps I | ( , C.10) ) head ; market opened steady ; few Into Hiilcu 6Jil5c IIIVVCT ; lamb.'i , $5.10i5.50 ; muttons , $3.255(1.45 ( : stockers and feeders , $3.00 1.00 ; culls , $2.00 3.00. > ( . J , mils Mvo isiiio ST , 1.OKI.S , Jan. S.-CATTMO , 3,100 head , Including 1.100 Texans : market steady ; nnl\o | shipping and export steers , JI.75J/I1.SO ; dreH'd beef and butcliPr slpprs , $ l.35/fi.33 / ; hirers under I/ ! " ) Ibs. , $3.0)/ l.5'l ' ; stookot'H and fccilors , SS.DOfil.n ) ; cows nml llPlferw , $2.001 | 1.01 ; onnnors , } 1.75/3.00 / ; TCXIIH nnd Indian steers , $3.5 Jj5.10 ; cows and liclf- ers , J2.40ft3.75. HOOS-HccelptP , 12.COO hcail ; market wpnkrr nnd lue IIIWIT ; i > ls and lights , $1.3) j4 S5 ; packers , $1.257/1.10 ; hutchorn. Jl.lO'u 'silI-31'JP AND JjAMHH-KocclpU , 12.60) ) lii'iid : market HHnittlvo \ ; multuiiH , W. " . " 1 4.5'J ' ; lambs , tl.50JM.70 ; culls and bucks , $2.25 SJ3.25 ; stocKcrs , J2.50f/2.75. / .SdifKIn Following' am the recPlpts at the four jirlncljinl western markets for January 3- Cattlo. ] JOK > . Sheep. Koillll Oinnlia . -.902 S.7ul 2.3H CtllcaKO . 15.0'fl (7.0011 ( 20.Kn JviiiiKiiH City . S.IW ) J2.500 6.10) ) St. J < ous | . ym 12.WJ MHO TolaU St , , lii oili | lilvo Moitk , SOUTH ST. JOSKI'H. J n. 3.-Speclal.- ) 'flie Jnurnnl nuoli's : CATTLK - Jtiicrlpu , 1,100 head : nmrkd etoady to i'n y : natlvps" , $1.104(5.70 ; Texas and westerns. } 3 ii3,7V cows and holfprs i2.OOtM.CO : hulls and Mnva. J2.0&J.50 ( ; yoar- HIIKS and oalvcH , t'i7.W(5.CO : storkcru nnd fep < lers $3 ( UifM 10 , Vfnls JI5k' ( 7W litre Ijiis. 7roo. market weak to So flower , nil sr.ide , .52 < aif .45 ; bulk of anlrs , SiibKi * * lipeclpt ? . 3nft brad ; mnrkPt aollvo nml strong. York Dry ( Joortu MnrkH. NMi\V YORK. Jan. 3.-DRY ROODS- Uuslnws In nil lines of cotton goods ngaln niilet , reports of production being j-orlousiy Interfered with by short coal nnd water supplies In a nttmhrr of New Kngland cen ters , making sellers very cnutloiis In n.-- coptlmr orders for future1 delivery , loho nnd prices very llrm. Prints nnd ginghams tirm ; print cloths dull , lint prlcos un changed for both regulars and odds. ROIIK * grades American Woolen company's heir * # > " advanced So since opening yesterday. Drcsrt goods and silks firm , but current demand only model ate. MnrUi't , NM\V ORLKANS , Jan. S.-SfRAU- Qulot : eippn kettle , STiff : open kPttle , oentrlfiipal , STd'ijl'jo ' ; centrifugal , planta tion granulated. 4 9-ltie ; whiles , 4-MHV : > yellow. .lTs1i-ite | ; seconds , 2TM'lc. SIOl-ASSMS-Qiilet : open kettle , 374flOo ; centrifugal , SliRCe. NK\V YORK , Jan. S. SfOAR - Raw , steady ; fair rollnlng , ,1 13-lCc ; centrifugal , ! ' 0 test , l c ; molasses sugar , 33-lfic ; rellned , steady ; crushed , 59-16c ; powdered , T-'ic , i granulated , 53-lCc. Oil .MnrKcf. lTY , Pa. . Jan. 3. OILS -Credit b.il- 11.66 ; certlllcates. no sales or bids ; shipments , 95.735 Ivbls. ; average , SO.SS1 bbls. ; runs C'LIOS bbls. ; average , 57iS5 bbls. .VK\V YORK , Jan 3. OlI.S-CoMonspod , llrm ; prime crude , 30cj prime yellow , 3l'45 T > c. Petroleum and turpentine , sleadj. linslll , < | illet. LONDON , Jan. 3.-OH S-I.lnsrcd. 22s Cd. Turpciiilne spirits' , r.Ss 2'id. ' MVICHPOOI. 3.-O1 US-Cottonseed . Jan. - - , Hull rclliidd , Janunry-Aprll , llrm nt IPs. Ciillfoniln Dried Krulln. NH\V YORK. Jan. 3.-CAI.IKORNIA nitlKl ) FRUITS livnpornlPi ! niiples , strong , owing to a light sit | > ply and mod erate Jobbing demand ; statu evaporated up- pies , ( onimon , C' c ; prime , 6\ll7c ( ; choice. 7'\5'ic { ' ; fancy , S'ic. PrutiM , 4's Sc , as to size nml quality. Apricot ! * , Royal. 12iil5r ; Sloor park , ISJTlSc. Peaches , peeled , 20t22o | ; unpcelcd , "Vii'lOo. TIHY1AI. CAUSUS OK GltH.VT AVAUS. 1'crsonnl Illlllciiltlcri of No Iiiiiorlniu-o Ioiul \nllomil Coiilllct. Few things are more remarkable In the histories of nations , says the St. Louis Ho- publlc , than the ludicrously trivial causes which have often led to great nnd dlsaBtroun wnrs. It Is estimated that at least 1.000,000 lives and hundreds of millions of dollars have been sacrificed as the direct consequence quence of n Ktolon petticoat , a broken tea pot or n spilled glass of wntor. One of the most disastrous wars of mod- rn times , that between Turkey and Russia , Is falil on authority to hnve hnd ita origin In the blow of a blacksmith's hammer in a small village In Hcrzegavlnla. In the summer of 1S75 one of the locnl pashns , to meet the pressing demands of the sultan for money , decided to levy a poll tax on nil personn In his district over the nqo of 16. One of the collectors wns levying the tax nt the house of n village blnck- sinlth , when a dispute arose ns lo the ago of the blacksmith's dniiKhtcr. Hot words ensued between the collector nnd the black smith , nnd when the former made HDine In sulting remark about the girl the exas perated father struck him to the ground with h's ' hammer. Fearing the consequences of the fatal blow , ho escaped Into the mountains , where ho wns joined by several of his sympa thizing friends. The Insurrection thus begun spread far and wide among the oppresstd Herzegovlnlans , nnd later to Scrvis , with re sults which the world knows. One of the most torrlblo wars which ever dcvnslnted China had a ludicrous origin. A Chinese magnate -was traveling with his retinue - inuo In ono of the wild districts in the northern part of the empire , anil among his baggage was a small teapot , on which through Its associations , he set great value. Part of the baggage , Including this cher ished piece of earthenware , fell Into the hands of n roving band of robbers , who promptly smashed to pieces the seemingly worthless teapot. Its angry owner reportpd the outrage to the emperor , with the result that an expedition was dispatched to pun ish the offenders. This raid led to a long and bitter war between the mountaineers nnd tbo Imperial forces , which lasted the greater part of a century , and led to the loss of hundreds of thousands of lives. It Is known now on the highest authority that the Franco-German war , with all Its appalling loss of life nnd money , was pre cipitated by n few slight verbal nlleratlonH made In a dispatch by Ulsmarck himself. The disastrous seven years' wnr was the direct rcmilt of the vanity of Frederick thu Great , who " .wished . to see his name In th'i ' Gnzette , " nnd It was provoked deliberately by n contemptuous reference to Fran 'o which he made to SIme. Pompadour. Onn of the fiercest wars ever waged be tween the Spaniards and the Moors was directly traceable to n pettlcost which be longed to n Spanish woman of fashion. The petticoat , which was trimmed with rnre nnd valuable lace , excited the cupidity of n Sloor , who saw it hanging out to dry after being washed. The Sloor purloined the petticoat and stripped It of Its lace , which he fool ishly used to ndorn his uniform. The thief wns discovered promptly nnd nrrested , but escaped conviction by means of the per jured evidence of his friends , who swore thnt ho hnd bought It In Grenada. A few days after his acquittal the Moor wns found dead In bed and his friends , In retaliation , fcplml n leading Spaniard and killed him. The feud thus started between Spaniards nnd Moors quickly spread , nnd n long and bitterly fought wnr between thn rival races ensued. One of the most serious of the many civil wnrs In Italy was duo to the misplace 1 energy which led n Florentine housewife to empty n bucket of dirty water on the head of n passing citizen of .Milan and , ns Pnltncrton used to say , there were only three men who ever know the cnuso of the Schlcswlg-Holstcln disputes , two of whom died before the wnr , while the third hnd completely lorgotten it. Few causes , however , have been quite HO trivial ns that which Is said to have led to the wnr of the Spanish miccruBlon , which follu'ved the death of Chnrlcn II of Spain and crowned Mnrlborough with flory. At a great ball given at the TuHerles the am bassadors of Great Britain and Spain were paying court to u grande damo. who begKcd them to fetch her n glass of water. When the two ambassadors had returned , each carrying n glass of water , It was only to nnd that their protege had been carried off by n French courtier to dance. In the ex citement caused by this defecllon the Eng lish nmbnBsnilor managed to uptct the water carried by hl brother of Spnln , but nn apology promptly put the matter right The two ambassadors , thus reconciled and hating ! n common grievance , sought cut the rival Frrnchmnn ami challenged him to u duel. This pnlnful Incident led to hentrd dlplo- , enntlcorrcfpomUnro and did miu-h to nc- | centuato the bitter feeling between the na tions and to hasten the war that fol lowed. flfNC ; I3 > H.RPENNEY&CO. r v. . * & . ! CCr1 r < r tIFEBUDO. r JAMES E. BOYD & GO , , U'clcplione 103 ! ) . Omuli.i , Xc'i COMAUSSION , (1KAIN ( , I'HOVISIONSaiul STOCKS iioAitn or TH.vni : . Correspondence : John A Warren & Co , jJircct wires to C'hlcaco and Nrw York.