8 TIT 13 OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY , JAXt'AHY 11)00. ) I NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. I COUNCIL BLUFFS. MI1NTION , soils . Kino A. H. C. btor , Nourrmyer's hotel. % \ olsbai'h burners nt lllxby's. Tel. 1SX ItmUvpiHcr beer. 1 * Hosenfoldt , ngcnt. Mr * C. C. Cook uliJ feon Ilohert nro vis- llintr In Chicago IT W. A. acrvnls , osteopath , 20 Mor- rh. tn block , Council Bluffs. The- place to hnvo your framing done , Ai x-indiT's AM emporium. Mi c'hnrlty.linbcock Is homo from Chi- cap-- . for < i few days' visit. cji-t your work ilono at the popular Kaglo Jaumliy , 721 liroadtvny. ' 1'hono 167. W r. Kstop. undortiiker , 23 1'cnrl street. Trl'-phones : otllcu , U7 : residence , 33. Mr , ind Mro. A. r. Unm arc ptitcrtalnlng Mrs n.v. . Sweiiyon of lied Onk , In. \\nltiT. Jlonry nnd Kdward Srhott of Trc % nnr , Ju. , wrrn In tin ; city yesterday on tlir-lr u.iy In IMrsiiliH , Kail. Shprldnn coal miiki-s a largo llamo and cli'ar llro hut no smoke , soot or clinkers. Krnlon & Koley. sole nsjents. The rpBiilrtr inr-Ptlni ; of I'nlty culld of Grin < church will ! > hpld Frldny afternoon HI thr > refldcneo of Mr . A. C. I.unp. OidHfi Uiihm , Vlerllnt' iiiul IJrlnk of Omaha , who were guests of ( Cartel I. Hcers Jlohn-r , returncil homo ypHtnnlny everting. Krnnk Dowty and wife and Joseph IJowty nn-l wife , all of Oakland , In. , were In the cliycstprday on their way to Chandler , ! Okla. Tinrpfuliir monthly meeting of the Hoard of I 'ark ComiiilMxIonerx slated for this oven- lr.tr lias been po.itiponod until tomorrow nnj ht. Tlicodoro Davis of Wepplnu Water , Noli. , nml Kmmu LM. Mnll-nf Auburn , Neb. , wens tnurrliil In this city yesterday , Justice i I \ Ion olllclatlns. ' ! lpvV. . II. Cable , pastor of Trinity Jli-rhndlst church , has .started n very neat i iiiblirullon called the Trinity Dial , pub- > i ! sliP'l In the Intel est of his concn.'B.itlon. j | ' H If. Metz , commercial iiRcnt of the II- , llnnlR Central nt this point , who was called to his home. In Frecport , 111. , by sickness In his family , returned to this city yes- tcrd.iy. A filbbons and Oeorse Demurers , who br > ninu Involved In n dispute over the dawn I of the new cpntury Monday nltrht , were tMi-b assessed $ . " > and costs In police court ' yesterday morning. | j C'aptaln 8. 13. Anderson has Issued a call for all members of the Ancient Order of . United Workmen drill team to meet this veiling nt Maronlf tcinplu for drill and business of Importance. The yard employes of the Northwestern road presented on New Year's day to Yardmaster - master Fred Westrlp a beautiful silver i lantern with his name and ilato of presenta tion engraved thereon In gold letters. Dr. F. P. HolIliiKor , who has spent the last three months attending post-graduate tourses 111 the ICurniioiin hospitals , has re turned to the United States and la now In Chicago on his way home to this city. The case against Chester Egbert , charged with rarrylng concealed weapons' , which has iK'pn hanging lire In nolllce court for two weeks , was dismissed yesterday morning on motion of the assistant county attorney. An overheated ntovuplpc gave the llro de partment a run yesterday Tnornlng to the phot ; shop of John Green nt 220 Uroadway. The Incipient blaze was promptly extin guished and but little damage wns done. County Treasurer Arnd turned over to the < -lty yesterday J9 , HS.fil , being the municipal ity's .proportion of the taxes collected dur ing December. The amount was mnita up of J7.212.U > regular and Kytl.&i spwlal taxes. The case against John Herwlck , a Hock Island railway employe , charged with as- Faulting I'eter lyarsen , Christina ! * eve. was dismissed In Justice Vlen's court yesterday on motion of the assistant county attor ney. ney.Krnnk Krnnk F. Kverest , supervisor of thp cen sus for the Ninth district , ha * received over ] 5D applications from would-be enumerators. 3Ii > will have about 175 appointments to make , but will not make them before about the llrst of Jlnrch. All members of Augusta Grove No. 1 are requested to bo present tomorrow night , when the newly elected olllcers will be In stalled and other business of Importance come up for action. Following the Installa tion ceremonies refreshments will be served , Mrs. Hamilton Douglas of Atlanta , Ga. , and Mrs. J. 1C. Calkins of York , Neb. , have arrived in the city and nro guests at the. lioino of Assistant County Attorney Kimball - ball , where their , father , . Captain H. S. "Williams , of Wyoming Is lying seriously 111. W. I.i. I.ytton has" arrived In this city to nssumo the position of general yardmaster of the Northwestern railway at thly point. The duties of Agent Montgomery became so numerous , with the Increased business of the road at this point , that it was found necessary to relieve him of a portion of them. Mrs. J. N. Miller of the Union Mission states that on her rounds looking after destitute families New Year's day she dis tributed food and clothing to several fam ilies who are , in deplorable circumstances. Aid for these and other poor families will be thankfully received by the women of the mission. Krnnk I'nul. a stranger , was arrested last night on suspicion of having stolen a new ovcri'uat which he was trying to sell for $2 when Detective Wolr ran across him. Paul gave Weir a hot run before ho was < apturcd. A pair of new gloves , scvcnl sizes too small for him , and a pair of new overshoes were also found In his posses sion. sion.The The case against 1 Inward Scott and Jill- ton HuriiH. the youths charged with the larceny of a pockPtlmok containing $05 , the property nt Kd Parker , was continued in police court yesterday until this morning. Parker 'failed ' t0 appear to prosecute and If he Is not on hand this morning when court opens Judge Aylusworth stated he would discharge the defendants. .Manager heinea's repurt of the receipts at the Christian home for the last week shows that the friend * of the institution were most liberal In their donations. In the general fund JI.OT.iX was received , being } 1K.5S ! ) uhuvtt I he estimated needs for the current expenses of the week. In the manaeer'H fund $112.73 was icceived. being $107.r > above the needs of the week and reducing the de- llili-ncy la this fund to date to J1S.51. The report of the Hupcrlnlcmlent of the Stiite Insane asylum at Mount I'leas.int has been tiled with the Hoard of County Su pervisors. It shows that the county has three patlenlH there. They are Sarah J. Heel. xiillVrlngM fr.mi chronic m.inla , whose condition Is fair ; Sarah 1. . Day. suffering frmn chronic delusional mania , who. e condl- Hi n In geodv. ; . II , Merry , milTerlng from ordinary dementia , whose condl' Ion Is fair. Henry Itoblnson , the colored porter at the ( igdeu hotel , charged with assaulting with Intent to murder II. 8. Hovle , a grad ing lontrnctor and guest of the house , last Frld. ly night , had his preliminary hearing bclni-e Judge Aylesworth In the superior cniirl yesterday morning. The evidence show i'd he made three distinct attempts to atwaiill linyle and the court bound him t'M'r tn the grand Jury. His l-.inil was llxed In the rum of $1,000 , In dufnult of which j lie was committed to the county Jail. comordln lodge. No. 52 , Knlg.iU of Pyth- i.i . publicly Installed the following of ficers in Hughcx hall : . Chancellor corn- m.iiuler J.y. . Furrier. ; vice chancellor. K. A Hlnck ; master-at-aTins , George J . . prelate. Dr. H. O. Williams ; muster of the work , II.V. . Lewis ; keeper of the ' reioids and seal , ! : . ! ; . Mi/ ; mauler of tlii.ni , i. , C. N. C.ildwell ; master of the ex- cheiiuer , J.v. . Sehoen'iig ; Inner guard , j'red Sherman ; outer guard , \V. 11. Me- Klnley ; tru-tcM.-J. J. Klein. | .j. A , Jllnrk and Julius I'nger. I he Installation cercma- nles were followed by a dance. N. V. Vlumblng Co. Tel. 250. Howell's Antl-"Ki\wt" cures coughs , coMs. Davis KclU paints. DlNlrlfl Court Holler * . Judge Walter 1. Smith reconvened district court yesterday , hut outalde of attending tea a few probatu mutters no business was transacted. The will of the lutu K. 13. Mnyne was admitted to probate , the widow , Mrs - Clara Maynn , being appointed executrix without bond. Judfio Tliornell will convene the January term next Tuegday when the Injunction cam of Krvln Dryer against the City and Thomas llowman will como up for hearing. Judgi ; ( ireen will alFo be prraent to dispose of tin- llnl hoil biiHlntvis frum this term. FARM LOANS Nci-.otiutfd In KiiEtern Ncbraaki and ii/wu. James N. Cusndy , jr. YX Main tit. , Council Bluffs. DEPUTIES STILL IN HOT WATER Board of Supervisors Delays Action on Con firming Cousins' Appointees. FAVORABLE OPINION BY JUDGE SMITH of Drpudcn , M'lio Serve UN Court lliilllfT * . Slu.nldot lie I'nxeil t'i ' Ollli-c. The Hoard of County Supervisors nt Its ' session yesterday failed to take any action In the matter of Sheriff Cousins' deputies and the flvo whoso bonds hnvo been held up are still on the ragged edge of uncertainty ' ns to whether their appointments will bo : confirmed or not. ! | The 'board discussed the matter Informally - | I ally , with n view to discovering some loophole - ' hole whereby It could get over the difficulty , and confirm the appointments without vl- ) ! olntlng the law. | Judge Smith of the district court gave It ns his opinion that the salaries of the two deputies who served ns bailiffs of the dls- 1 trlct court.In . this city and Avoca should not bo taxed up ngalnat the earnings of the office. Ho said they were distinctly court officers and as sugh their salaries should bo paid M other expenses of the court nre , by the county. Tills will relieve the sltun- | ( 1 tlon somewhat , If the board adopts the opinion of Juilgo Smith , as the salaries of the two bnlllffs will nmount to $1GOO per annum. With the pay of these two of- 1 , llcers thus provided for It Is believed that the earnings of the sheriff's offlco would be adequate to permit of the appointment of nil ! of the other deputies and thus keep the force up to its former strength. The report made by Sheriff Morgan in Juno last was for the first five months of the year and not for the half-year , as Incorrectly stated yesterday. Morgan had not filed his report for the remainder of ' 1SU9 with the board yesterday and his former deputy , Charles McLymnn , wns busy work ing on the books. From him It was learned that the earnings of the offlco for the entire twelve months would , In all proba bility , amount to about $7,000. If this Is the case and the board decides that the j salaries of the two court bailiffs do not have i to bo paid out of the fees of the sheriff's ofilco , the amount paid In salaries to the deputies and the sheriff himself last year will como within the limit. Hecelve SnliirloH In Full. Sheriff Morgan and all of his deputies have , as Is shown by the records In the , I county auditor's ofilce , received their sala- j I rles In full up to December 31 , 1899. I Ivist year was the first tlmo that the salarlro of the sheriff and his deputies were paid In any way llko a systematic manI nor. In previous years the sheriff deducted his emoluments from the fees of his ot- flee and turned over the balance to the county. The deputies put In their bills and were given warrants on the county treas urer. John S. Morgan served two terms as sheriff , first going Into oflico January 1 , 1SOG , at the same date the law which pro vides that the salaries of the sheriff and ' his deputies' shall not exceed the earnings of'the. office , went Into effect. The books of the county treasurer show that during his four years as sheriff , Morgan turned Into the county treasurer $17,461.07. Should he turn over with his final report another $1,000 , as estimated , It will bring the amount up to something over $20,000 , or an average of $5,250 per annum. His payments Into the county treasury during his two terms are as follows : January 1 , 1S97 $ 4,514.3S January 20. 1S97 1,0 7.11 April 2. 1S97 IS'.Mll January 1 , 1S9S SOt.51 January 1 , 1SW -1,271.51 April 4 , ms oi7it June 14 , W ? .isil.'rj July 18 1S8S 4i0.2l ! November 1 , 189S 201.12 November 1. 1SOT 43.00 November 23 , 1SDS Kn.'Xi February 1 , 1&39 n > T7.l < ) February 1. 1899 497.75 June I , IS"1 ! 1.144.01 July 1 , 1S99 2,29 .CO Total $ T7" , GI.07 These figures are what now confront the board. Should the revenues of the ofllco j not be greater than during Morgan's tenure ! of olllce. they would only afford the pay . ment of the sheriff's salary nt $1',500 per nn- num , that of two deputies nt $1,000 each per -1 , annum and one at $750 per annum , even If [ i the pay of the court bailiff was provided I for by the county. I Although his bond was not approved by r\ the board , G. L. Martin was installed as Jailer by Captain Cousins yesterday , It being ; absolutely necessary that someone be placed 1 In charge there. The three deputies , J. C. , Maker , IJd Canning and \V. A. Groncweg , ! are needed to perform the other duties In , connection with the office. llop.llii.IVorIt of Hoard. The hoard put In a busy day of It and transacted a large amount of routine busi - ness. County Superintendent Sawyer submitted I his annual and filial report , which was found to correspond to n cent with the books of the county auditor and treasurer. The report showed receipts of $2(184..r > 0 , us fol lows : From W. S. Paulson , $167.50 ; from certificate fcee , first class , $380 ; from ccrtl- flcato fees , Becctid class , $755 ; from special I certificates , $3i ! ; state appropriation , $100 ; Institute enrollment fees , | C5l ; failures i , $92. The expenses of the Institute amounted to $1,410.50 , leaving a balance of $714 , which I'rof. Sawyer turned Into the county treas- n ry. ' The resolution adopted April 28 , 1898 , , authorizing the assessment cif the coet if' biirveylng unplatted lands along . the east bank < > f the MUsourl river as special taxes of ( inch lands was rejected , the county nt- torncy ndvlalng that lh resolution orlgl- nnlly adopted could not be enforced nl this ' . time. I Physicians for attending the county poor In the different townships were appointed ' ' and their remuneration fixed nt > follows : Dr. H. I ) . Tobc-y. Oakland township. $30 ; lli-lknap ' township. $10 ; Center t iwnshlp , $10. Dr. Oeorgo NuRum , Boomer towtiKhlp , $20 ; Hock- ford township , $20. Dr. W. F. 1'lerco , Car son township , $23. Dr. J. H. Swanson , Crescent ' - cent township , $20 ; Hazel Dell tovMishlp ! , $20. Dr. C. F. Dlelz. drove township. $10 , Dr. I ) . Williams , Hnrdln township , $10 ; Kffi * Creek township. $10 ; Silver Creek town- ' ship. $10. Dr. A. 8. Stevens , James town- bhlp , $15 ; Valley township , $20. Dr. K Hamia , Layton township. $30 ; Lincoln township " ' ship , $10. Dr. J. H. IlesfKMacedonia. . $25 Mr F. U I'cters. Mlnden township. $25. Dr < F. Hoblns , Neoln township , $20. Dr. O. A % . ylaiul. Norwalk township , $25. Dr. A. (3 Spaldlng. I'lensnnt townehlp. $10. Dr. F. II ' Stockdale , Wave-land township , $16 ; Wrlghi township. $15. Dr. 1. T. Van Ness. Vorl k township , $20. Dr. Victor Stophnison Kane township ( Including Council I ) I nits ) $132 ; Ourner township , (9 ; Lewis township fU ; county Jail , $ S7. The appointim-nt of < county physician ( or Knox township wu referred to Supervisor Drnndes with power to net. The settlement effected by Auditor Inneg with the Kock Island railway whereby that company paid $275 for burning bridge No. 11 In Mlndun township was approved. The claim of John n. Cook for $7 dam ages by reason of his horse falling through a brldgo In Silver Creek lownsMp was re ferred to the committee on roadw. 11 rjrrt KVIHIN' Clnlin. The- claim of John Evans , Jr. , for $75 for the death of u horse which hail been bitten by a stray dog suppcf'sd to be suffering from hydrophobia , was rejected , as the board roultl ! not sco that the county should 1m held liable for the actions of stray canines. The salary of County Treasurer Arnd was fixed as before at $ . " ,000 per annum and all ] tees of the olllce , he to pay the salaries of his deputy and clerks. The action ot County Auditor Innes and Supervisor Matthews In leasing the present j lot ujo.il as a county wood yard In this city at $75 for the ensuing year was approved. The petition of residents of Hazel Dell township to have the hill In the public road In that township cut down wan referred to Supervisor Hanson with power to act. On recommendation ot County Attorney Kllpack , the auditor was Instructed to allow L. K. Wilson , constable at Avoca , $3.30 wit- ness fees In the case of the State against \V. P. Cowan. | An order was made allowing Mrs. C. Uosenfchlt of Xcrwalk township $8 per month , her husband having been killed by lightning on August 2. ) last and leaving her and two children destitute , A request to have twelve"easy" chairs provided for the jurors at the Avoca court house was laid over without action. . Super visor Hrnmles was authorized to contract for nil supplies for the court house and Its of- fleers at Avoca. The settlement made by Auditor Inncs whereby the Omaha Bridge nnd Terminal Hallway ccmpany paid 150 In full for dam- ages to the county lots abutting on the switch track which It Is building on First avenue was approved. The board will rceitmc Its session this morning. ni ; < > ii < ; . \ MtMIMTI.Y ; COMPANY. \ inoliclf VotiTi'iiK of Old Co01 pally 1 , Sinn MilMclHull. . A meeting of thrso Interested In the or ganization of Company L of the new Flfty- llrst regiment , Iowa National guard , now being formed , wns hold last night at Stone & Tlnley's olllce. A number of the veterans of the old Company ! wore present and signed the muster roll. Thirty-three enlist ment papers were mndo out and enough nre in the hands of prospective members to ensure the required number of forty mctn- bera. bera.First First Lieutenant Mntt Tlnlcy of the old company , who Is talked of most prominently ns captain for the new company , presided and wrote to Adjutant General Ilyers ask ing him to come here ns soon ns possible to inustor the company in. Those- who have so far signed the enllst- mcnt papers are : Thomas L. Hall , Clarence E. Woolmau , Edward N" . Catterlln , George I L. Judson , Ernept K. Klrkland , William II. , Moore , Charles Jamison , William H. Ander- I Ron , Arthur E. Lane , Matthew A. Tlnlcy , i Samuel E. Anderson , George L. Tlnley , j | ' Thomas H. Huthcrford , Harry II. Sackett , Clarence Weaver , Oliver Phelps , James E. Mather , John Q. Anderson , James H. Win- die , George D. Haworth , Dwight W. Odell , Herbert C. Gladwln , Charles 0. Millsap , Harry Mitchell , Leonard Q. Jackson , Edgar S. Hafer , David D. Mottaz , George H. Afton , Charles C. Vrrnon , H. M. MeDcrmott , II. A. Williams , P. H. Smith , W. J. Head. Iioiiklnu ; I'I ' > Norton's Iti-coril. James M. Norton , charged with attempting to pass a forged check on Louis Grell and other merchants , waived examination in police court yesterday morning and was bound over to await the action of the grand jury. Ilia bond was Ilxcd at $500 and In de fault of which he was removed from the city to the county Jail. Since his arrest the police hnvo been look ing up Norton's record nnd assert that he has served time In Nebrnskn , South Dakota and Pennsylvania for offenses of n similar \ character. They say ho was but recently dis charged from the penitentiary In South Dakota. Investigation by the police shown that ho i went to the First National bank about a ' week ago and secured half a dozen blank checks. He struck Council nlulfs about ten days ago and has been stopping with a brother on South Sixth street. IlitrliniVMM < I < ti .Normal School. Clint IJyers returned last evening from ! Des MolneB , where ho had been several days on business. ' Discussing the senatorial ques- ' tlon'.Ylr. Ilyers said the general opinion was j that Eaton would be elected speaker. The followers of Senator Gear claim enough j votes to land him the toga. , Mr. Uyors tmld it was the hottest political light ho ever witnessed. As to the contest rover \ Heating his brother , Webb. Dyers , from Shelby county , ho believed It would bo wlth- drawn before thp legislature met. i The people of Harlnn want a normal school i ostabllshoil In their town nnd they do not I want the Inlluence of their representative handicapped by a contest. Ili-iil Kxliiti * TraiiNfrrM. The following transfers were filed yester day In the nb 'trnc.t , .title . and loan olllco of J. W. Squire , 101 I'earl street : i John Sl < l < " < and wife to Thumas and KHza Hurrhiiin , loin 11 ! , Ill and U In : i , Oireon , wd $ 2.COO ThomuH Ilurc'luim ami wife to Joffer- Pun ivrkn , s1 * . Hi-'i nnd noli mv'.i 'M- 70-40 nnd part nw'i 1-73-IU , w d 0,075 .Jeremiah I.yiuh and wlfo to Charli'H < ' . mid Thomas \V. JetTi-raon , t-.wV't 27. iiVa no' ' , , nnd no'nw'.i ' 31-78-40. i w d 12.SHI Iowa I < and and Ixil conumny to i Omahii Hrldge nnd Ti'i'inlnul Hallway company , lot ' . , block : , Itlddle's ' Hiibdlv , w d 100 , Krni'st M Hurt to Krank 10. I'llfton , ' lut I , block 5. Hums' add , w d KB : Lang-don (1. ( Morgan to John \V. Ah- i man , lot 7. block 2 , Kalrniount I'laco ailil. i | o d 200 I.MIohui'1 J. Klynn and wfo ! \VIIHani I 1) . and l-'roil W. lvoV4 < ne'l , oji ' w1noli. . O'A nw'i t-o'/i and ne'i se'J L'l and s'/j ' HV.'U 277011V (1 12,000 Total , sicvnn transfers $31,031 HALF A TOWN IS DESTROYED KinI'nrlliilly linriiN Ilio Tonu of .MIINNI-IUI. HI , 1.IIMM ( II Mllll > . ATKANTIC , la. , Jan. 2. ( Special Tele- gram. ) The town of .Ma MO mi , In the I HouUieasturn part of the county , was half I destroyed by lire at an early hour thin ' morning. All but threu buildings on the ' cunt side of the main block of the town i were totally destroyed. The llro ntarte.1 ' about midnight and IH still smouldering thla mornliiK. It IB thoiiKht to have been ot , luctndlary origin. The total less la ostl- fmated | at over $15,000 , partially covered ' by Insurance. Heavy losses were BUS- 5taliivd | by the following : Downey & Sou , . $0.500 ; Dick Fee , J3.100 ; Chevalier & - White. $1.500 : postofllcc , $100 : A. Crllllth. , $000 ; DcHSlo Trlplctt and Mrs. Utilhrle. ' $300 ; George Arnold. $1.000 ; D. U , ( Jiayblll. $100. , Size doesn't Indicate quality. Beware of counterfeit nnd worthlcua naive offered for DoWltt's Witch Hazel Salve. DoWltt's la a the. only original. An Infallible euro for > ( riles and all skill HIRER WILL VOTE FOR GEAR Representative from Dtcntnr Couutj No Longer In Doubtful Column. ALSO SUPPORTING BOWEN FOR SPEAKER loionii of PiiMcMlili-k and llnrrlniier of Palo Allii No l.onuer Diiulit- fnl I'eilei-iil , IndKi'ilili a 1'nvtor. DES M01NES , Jan. 2. ( Special Tele- Brain. ) Todny sensation followed sensation In the sennlorlnl contest. That n band- wngon movement In favor of Governor Ocnr for the United Stales se inte ) has been started no ono can question. This nftor- noon Dr , Elker of Leon , Decntur county , who for Bruno time has been classed In the sure column of the Cummins people , de clared bis Intention of voting for Gear for senintor nnd Howen for speaker. The an nouncement caused a decided sensation and Is considered a deathblow to the candidacy ot Cummins. Following the Elkcr announcement cnmo dcclnratlons from Representative Lymnn of Poweshlek comity nnd Uarrlnger of the Palo Alto district. Doth stnte Hint they will ; support llowcn , notwithstanding the claims of Cummins' men that they nro yet In the doubtful column. Conscrvntlvc politicians have considered these two men as doubtful , but their statements of today place thoai in the safe column for Gear and llowcn. These developments have caused a demor alizing effect upon both the Eaton and Cum mins forces. The Gear management declares the announcements of today nre but a fore runner of others to follow from day to day during the balance of the week. That Gear Is elected there can be no question. Whllo It was apparent yesterday that Eaton had the best of It In the speaker- ship contest , the developments of today clearly show the Gear men are lining their forces up for Howcn. Federal .IniliiCNlilp a. Kncor. ( The Hop of Dr. Elker to the Gear forces is Important for the reason that he lives In the Eighth congressional district. A week ago this territory was considered dangerous for Gear. The federal judgeshlp and other matters caused n break In that district. Rep resentatives Crouse of Adams county , Elker of Decatur and I'rcntlss of HlngRold were at outs with the Gear management. This break In a district naturally Gear's caused the Cummins men to take an encouraged view of the situation. Gradually Crouso was won over and now comes the an nouncement of Elker. Prentlss Is the only man stnndlng out. Thcro Is little doubt but Judge Towncr of Corning is slated for the federal Judge- ship. The actions of the Gcur men at this tlmo point In that direction. The fact that the men who broke away from the Burlington man have been called back Into line Is evidence enough Judge Towner has labored with the men from his district. The only hope of the Cummins men at this tlmo Is that they will elect their candidate for speaker , Mr. Eaton. He has made an excellent canvass nnd although ho has lost strength today , yet will make Uowen fight to the last ditch. In the event of Eaton's election It Is figured patronage will cut some figure with members over the sen atorial issue , The organization of the house in favor of Cummins ould be to his favor , but Gear's majority Is considered so strong at this tlmo that It seems .utterly impossible to defeat him , At the present tlmo It Is an even break between Eaton and Dowen for the gavel. Another day of developments llko today would prove disastrous to the Eaton forces and would cause a band wagon movement. The lobbies tonight are packed with poli ticians and members of the legislature and the solo topic of conversation Is regarding the Elker desertion of tlu > Cummins and Eaton forces. The evening papers of the city published a statement that Elkcr would support Howcn nnd Gear. Immediately after the papers appeared the Cummins people denied the story , claiming It was a fake pure nnd simple. They claimed to have a telegram from Elker denying the story. It waa gen erally accepted around the lobbies that there wns no foundation for the statement nnd the Cummins people openly admitted that hnd It been true their fate was set tled. j Dr. Elker arrived nl ( i o'clock from Leon , r He had a conversation with the Gear pco- 1 plo and the result of It was that a deal was effected whereby ho will cast his lot with that camp. KlUer's Slo ( enieril. Tim first statement published regarding Dr. Elker's desertion was ns follows : LEON , Jan. 2 , 1900. Dr. 11. L. ICIker. rep resentative-elect from Decatur county , Is sues the following .statement this afternoon. Ho lias' maintained the. position all the t.mo that he desired to ns.-ertaln and carry out the vlsbes of Ills constituents regard ing the senatorial matter. Some canvass of the situation was made , and great pres sure \yns brought to bear upon him to de clare ' > .lin.aelf. On Dec ember 21. when In Des Molnes , the doctor " . 'as Induced to Iraue a statement that upon the showing so far made it ap peared to him that the republicans of hH county desired to gee Cummins elected. That statement was made , however , with out a full Knowing regarding the wishes i of his coimtltucnts. but It was suc'i as : to lead him to think at that time that he would bo renixwntlng the wishes of his | coiifctltiientu In such itcUon by voting for Cummins and KitUm. Imincd''itcly upun that statement being mndo public the republicans oC Decatur county appeared to bo very much niirprUed at the doctor's irtltude , and assured him that he was mistaken regarding the mat ter. They have .since so besieged him with petitions containing the names of over fie ) ncllvo republican ! * who desired Si nator dear's re-elecllon , and by leitcrs and per sonal Interview * that ho has bee.me con vinced that he was mistaken regnrd'ng bin earlier Impression , which was favoiable to Cummins , and that t'in real bfitlment of hl.s people imperially of the lepiibllcans of Decatur county Is very strongly for .Sena tor Gear and Dr. Uowen. The doctor hap the manliness to hay th.it H I ? h's duly under thecu new condltluni to rcconxldcr I ho earlier Intention and to carry out what ho now believes to be tin- real < vislii. of his constituents. He dors not think I Mt It IH his duty , merely be- caui > i > he has given an Indli atlon that at that time and under oNlntlng t in iim- fiancct ho would favor Mr. Cummins a'xl Mr. Iinti.li. f-ut he should n fuse in ilu wli.il he now Is eonv'nccd Is his real diu\ In the. matter. He thercforn aiitboilze.s ih s Ilii.il st.itinent that he will von- for ricnutor ( Jeiir and su : < : rrt Dr. Hownn 'I hero Is no doubt but that the dm tor is amply .Instilled In such action , and It I- extremely nrohahle that If the dear people ple of Deca'lir had manifested the same activity In making known their real wlxhc * In-fore such Ural announcement of the doc tor UH they did .ifter , that no sucli ,111- nouiicemcnt would have been made. At (1:30 : tonight Elltrr handed the follow ing out for publication : "This statement was presented to me. together with the petition and letters , and Is substantially eorrei-t as appeared inFer For Infanta and Children. lno Kind You Have Always Bought Dears thu Signature of the News , but 1 ill. . ] not .iiithorUc Us pui > - lli-ntlon nnd In Addition salil 1 un.i'.d do In the matter whnt I considered iry duty to my notion , my * tnln nnd conmi : trnt " Governor Ocflr did not arrive tod.xv , hut Is expected nt noon tomorrow. The Cum- nilns people flimoiinco tonight that Repre sentative Head of Green coutily , who was elapsed ns doubtful , will votu for Cutntnlna and Eaton. At It o'clock tonight. It was given out In the lobbies that both the- senatorial nnd opcnkcrBhlp caucuses would be held the latter pnrt of thin week. This conies prac- tlcnlly n week In mlvniico of the time ex pected nnd will result In both sides pushing mntlera to the limit for the next few days. Tonight Representntlvo Hawk of Jasper county announced that ho would support Howen. Ho has been counted for Eaton. FAITH CURE THE STRONGER ( iriiliarl Hfllrtco K Mori- Potent Tliim lriiK > < > l Which ltii- < ! ncHHe linn Foiled. ' OTTUMWA. la. , Jan. 2. ( Spcclnl Tele- gram. ) Arthur Gcphart has Hied n petition In bankruptcy In the United Stntes district court , scheilullng assets amounting to flil.- 7CG.2D , with liabilities of $10,057.12. In cluded among the creditors Is the lies Moincs Drug company , whoso account amounts to $715.22. Gcphart has been In the drug business In this city for twenty years nnd during most of the time has been prosperous. Of recent years ho has been a very strong advocate of Christian Science , which Is said to be at tributable In a great measure to his finan cial adversity. He says lite failure In no way affects his faith. MKTKCTIVK WIMIIC I-'OH TIIK .11.1 YOU. IH'N .lloliicN * City Solicitor Miy * lie ItltltiN lit 'fills 'I'llMlt , DES MO1NES. Jan. 2. ( Special Tele gram. ) Last week Mayor McVlcnr directed the city solicitor to Investigate matters nnd KUO all city olllclnls who have drawn money from the city treasury on contracts or for sales In violation of the code , It having been claimed that some officials had made cotipidcrnble > money In this wny. Todny the city solicitor until that If directed to bring suit In any specific Instance he would do so , but be would not do the mayor's detective work nnd search through the records. At the quarterly checking up of the state treasurer's funds today the interesting re port was mnde that there Is $750,000 cash on hand nnd J.'rfiO.OOO of this Is In the gen- crnl revenue fund. Two years ngo there was a deficit of something like $100.000. It Is reported that Stnto Auditor Merrlnni now in the hospital nt San Francisco , Is note o seriously 111 as reported and that his condition Is not at all alarming. The city council today passed an ordl- nnnco vacating n portion of n street for the use of the Hock Island railroad. For this the road agrees to commence In Mnrch the election of a $200,000 depot extending from Third to Fifth streets , Fourth street to be spanned by nn ornamental archway as n part of the depot. The tralushcds will bo COO feet long. Miss Emma Dye , principal of the Lucas school , wns terribly burned while filling a lighted gasoline stove this morning. Miss Dye arose at . " o'clock nnd In her nlihtrobo lighted the stove. Seeing that there was but little gasoline In the tank she proceeded to fill It. There was n terrific explosion and she was Instantly covered with blnzlng oil. A woman who was staying with Miss Dye threw n blanket over her nnd smothered the Unities. She may live. A dispatch from Iowa City nays that Cap- tain Marshall , who shot himself Sunday , died there this morning. Ho maintained to the last that the shooting was accidental. THOl'iil.U l'-Olt ODD KKI.I.OWS. Aoruilli' .Association < f loiva IN Con- ( Iciiincif liy Inwarinice Department. DES MOIN'ES , Jan. 2. The trouble in the management of the Odd Fellows' Annuity Association of Iowa has been taken in hand by the state Insurance department. Exani- Iner Heehler , after careful investigation , reports that the business has been loosely managed and that tho-officers are to blnmc for Its condition. There have been frequent quarrels among the olllcers. The association carries about ? 8,000,000 insurance , doing business in a doicn states. Soj'H SIoo\ City IN Hail. SIOUX CITY , la. . Jan. 2. ( Special. ) Rev. Dr. O. II. Cornell , rector of St. Thomas' Episcopal church , announced from his pul pit that the good citizens should take a ] livelier interest In public affairs and de clared that things arc so bad In Sioux City that they demand a protest from every hon orable citizen. Ho spoke of the many rob beries nnd burglaries which have occurred In the last two weeks , which finally cul minated In the cruel murder of John Rob- ton. Dr. Cornell also said that the numer ous prize fights which have been permitted hero under the cloak of the law have been a disgrace to the community anil good cit izens should sec that In the future they are stopped. Grocery Deal itt tillrllouloo. HUHLLN'GTON. In. , Jan. 2. ( Special Tel egram. ) For a consideration of $73,000 the I'llger Grocery company sold UH entire stock , fixtures , furniture nnd goods to the lllklln-Wliifier Grocery company , whose $100,000 stock wns totally destroyed by flro Friday morning. The PIlRer Grocery com pany will retire permanently from the bus iness. llni'liui AVouiliiH'ii Until ii ltniiiiict | , HARI'AN' . la. , Jan. 2. ( Special. ) The Ilarlan camp of Modern Woodmen of Atner- i lea held a public Installation at their hall Inst night , which was followed by a banquet at the City hotel. Addresses were made by Hev. H. K. Miller , Itev. W. A. Lovcll. .Attorney J.'H. Moi-kler nnd H. W. flyers. 9v'\nco \ of Good A Non-intoxicating Malt bxtract that is especially Rfcom- rnenJcd for Wrak Nerves , Indigestion and Insomnia. BLflTZ MRLT-VIVINE BUILDS UP A DEPLETED SYSTEM. If AVIS I'd' I1VER TKIRO 1T > ALL DRUGGISTS Prepared by VAL. BLATZ BREWING CO. ) iu.vt uii : : , i. > . A. omcirici arancn 1412 Douglas St. , Tel. 1081. . rnc.nu < : .iuanu rac. 1NNYROYAL F8LLS Orljlnulnr.d Only Genuine. otic al ) i fllttlt l Ditttii "If . - > ' " I'llUttlu.ri * . / . ! lHa , , , , ICtd IB * ' . U OJ.UMio - * l l "lib ti'it ' ri'1,01 , Tul nuollirr. fr'uiiIviiiroui iulitiiv V lunmnJ imiunotl AtDrocciiti rr.tD44o ID tuivi * f > r ( trttealkri uimaiDlili dd "llrllcrfor l.a llr , " " > l i" ' I' trtar * Jlall. 1M.OOO 'r , .u BDitii fw * . rwtr lrrCLtulculUM < li ! nHua r > , llU. J'Jlll.AUA. . 1'A. j A8MD ALL. spoiilllj , -l | | | ( | ie | IH'lltly rtrlTC'Ctl'll nt ivinmctl without puiii. CollstilttlllnU I'llliff In IMM-MUI > r Iry letter Is I'l'i'C Jllltl ! strictly ci.ntldpiitial. K r full Infamm * I tlon. \\itlt llltittrniiMl 1u I on tin- skill , scili : | iitnl iVnluve * . mil irr niltlvcss .loltlt 11. NViiinlluiry. lni : sinlc St. . t'lilcitjjo. ( lllcc open every \MM-U day tlni'ltn : the I'liilrt- - . - Cor the ' yi--ir treatment of all at'- I ' rt > rtlnn > 4 of ibi > sUin and scalp. Next Special Date For Operations .1:111. : l.'i ti. Ill IlK'lllslVo. tilt wlllrll lime my clili-r Ni-vv York Villl Visit why physic-inns don't prescribe silk underwear for every \ - B O body is , that it is too dear for the average purse. a a It is anti-rheumatic ; soothing to the nerves ; warm , * < > light , pleasing to the touch and eye , in a word , it pro Q < > a QEl every desirable attribute , save that of low codt. El Ela a .oa is within reach of moderate purges. The wearer for the - first limn realizes luxury in underwear. a Men's Shuts , .ll-U , each $2.50 Ladles' Vests , 26-10 , each $2.50 n Men's Drawers. 28-11. each $2.50 Ladles' Drawers , 2lHO , each . . . . $2.50 H Men's Union Suits , 31-11 , each.$5.00 Ladles Unlui Suits , 2C--10 , each . . $5.00 Men's rndervests , 31-14. each . . $2.00 Undies' l'nderwal ' tH , 20-10. each.$2.00 * Ladles' Short Underskirts. 24-32 waist $2.50 a ALL LEADING STORES. If your dealer can't supply you we will. Express prepaid. en ICOTEDS8LK UNDERWEAR CO. , MILUll'KY , MA S. And 7(5 ( Loon u-d Street , New York City > no n H * a a i I ! j ! that our prices are always ] ! moderate- -Examine them for yourself. j Telephone i j Silver Fillings $1.00 . Gold Alloy Fillinsrs 1.00 1 Plu'inntn Alloy Killings J.OI ) j Gold Fillings 2.110 nnd up ; Crowns 5.00 and up H , A. Woodbury , D. D. $ . , Council Bluffs , Next to ' 56 $ & $ $ # $ & FREE ADVICE by our physlclmu nnd a FREE SAMPLED , _ , f" of ounuedlclne iilho Free Homo TroatmontHoP " fliumatoa book df- iJf4 scrlblnK sympto and cauao of dlsen e with oo t treatment , nlio niany valunblo | ' " * ' receipts and preicrlptlons In plain Inngunge , saving you heavy doctor H bills , nsk for It I | I I I enovator Cuies the very worst capos of Dyspepsib , Constipation. Headache , Palpitation of 1 Heart , Kidney anfl Liver Dlscusett and bud results of La Grippe. Send for proof ti it It Write us about all jour symptoms. Sold by drupglst's don't accept any Si substitute , but send us 25cts. or Jl-00 and we will send Dr. Kay's Renovator by 4j . return mall. * 1)11. ! ! . .1. KAY MHIJICAI. CO. , SilrnloKn Sprlnu. , Ji. Y. 41 3K6 TURKISH T. & P. PILLS brlnRS monthly mon- sti nation sure to t illicitly nctvcr disappoint you. ? 1. IKIX. Uboxesvlll help any rase. Uy mall , llalur.sDrugstore , iSth &larnamOmahaNeb. [ JOHN G.WODDWARD & .CO. ! j WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTERS 'COUNCIL ' CHARGES LOW. RflcGREW , SFE ylALIST. TfcatulIPormief DISEASES AND DISORDERS 0' ' ; MEN ONLY. 22 Years f uperlincn. 'J featmei. turc , BvphilU , I.osfivt Vigor and Vitality ri urSfll'AlUVTKKI ) . Chartres low. IIOJI1. TliKA'I JIIIXT. Uo.-U. Cniikulialionand lix.un Inat i i FrcB. XIuiii3.fi. < ni.totj ; 7i 8p in Suuda . 'JtolZ I'd. InxTU OfTirfl. N. f. Cur , HiUauU I'jri.Aiu liiiu.t . . .iM.vHrt. J IIOWKLL'S Thu fiiAorlto cure. Its prc--oinl- AniiKawfThu n In public - favor IH clue alone tu uutuul merit Offices $10 and tip Bet'er to hove n small office in a first-class fire proof building t li a n more room in a ram shackle fire trap. There is ono small ten dollar room in The Bee Building vacant. Others larger at a little more. No extra charges for hem , light and janitor service. Wo will show you around. II C. Peters GROUND FLOOR SCo. , nUI : nUILDINO. Rental Agents. FREE TO ALL surfcrintr from nervous dtblltty , varl- cocele , nemlnal woaUnen , lun man- mood , emlnMons and unnatural din- charren caused by * rror of younger daju , which , If not relieved by medi cal treatment , li dtploraWe on rnlnd and body. HO MOT .MAIUIY wh n luffering , a this loads to lo of memory , loss of spirits , bnshfu IH-BH In joilety , pains In oniall of back frightful - ful drtarnu , dark rlnjt * around the yea plrwl-a or lirtakln * , ' out on face or body Bend for our symptom blank. \ \ can rum you and mpadally do we < nr old and tried ruin & * we charge nothlns for a4vlce and Rive you a written - ten Kuaranttr to cure Uie worat cue on record. Not only are th * weak or gans remoru'l. ' but All IOUBCS , draJnu > nd dlscnargei Htoiipcd Send 2o Unw > end queutlon blank to r pt. U. III.OOII 1'OlbO.V. Pirat , HcconU or tertlnry ' ge WE NKTVr > H KAIU No detcr.llon froni buslnew. Write lu for pttrtlculari ? Dpt. D , lluhii'n rw rro o > , OinnliB , Neb. IHtli iiiul Kurunin S | .