TUB OMAHA DAILY It KB : , IA\tVKY 1 ! ) ( ) ( ) . SPECIAL NOTICE \iMrrtlnctrrnH fur Ilirftr ciiltnnin it III IIP nil.on until IU in. ( or Die iMcnltiu edition ntiil until SiIlO it. in. ( or iiiiiriilnu mill Suiuln > i-illllon. ItMlfM , I J.iTu it tturil Itril liim-rtliir.l Jo u iioril tlicrcnriiT. AutliliiK tiiUcti for lr K tlum s.'lifur ( lie Hrtt liner- linn. 'I hen , . nilf rllnciiii'iiln limit > run cotiMccutlt .iy. AiKrrtlirrN , liy rriiuvntlnit n mini * liir > * il cljiTli , run linvp mimvrrn nil- ill'I'M up it to tiiiinliprcil letter In cnrr if Tlit ! lire. Aii Mcr no mlilrrnanl xt III delivered on iircmMilntlun nt tin * I'lii-uU null' . WA.VriJD-SITt A TIO.NS. A STENOGRAPHER. Whin J'OU wantons plcaso call up iho IttmiiiRton iyp - writer oincc. IGia Farnam street , telephone Ioi3. A j RES PON I fiuTiiJiurvv ! ! nt * position lertor. Addr. . * * nr.ill . Wt N. ' 7t IIU1.1 * . \V'ANT15D. we have steady work for a few oo < 1 mutlors of ffood rial'lt * nnd nppwr- ance. C. F. Adams Co. . 1619 Mown , 50jl ; > WE TEACH the barber trade In short time nnd furnish each . _ _ wnci > s. vlth a guaranteed position at Rood There are more than ten barber positions advertised lo ono at bookkeeping or short- hand. Wcltn for free entnlORUu and par ticulars. Western Barbers' { " Omaha. B-MGJ3 CAM ! for'nccppfnblo IdMfi. State If pat ented. Address The Patent Record , Hal- tlmcre , Md. _ _ n _ . _ _ WANTED , boy with horse lo deliver The Rce. Call nt circulation Jcpnrtmetit 3 B Mi" p. in. AN Intplllgont young man to taUo a short hand scholarship and pay for It when ho has flnlRhrd the ru\in \ o and secured a po sition. Address T 32 , Dec. H-M41S IOYLE'8 ColIcRp. BbP uidR. , run' ' places for students who deslrp It to , . _ . . . H-.ji7 for board whllo In attendance. WANTED Pnlnt ' snte mfn tn work commission basis ; only th o with rnco'ilnd references need apply. 1 nam St. _ ( TdvERNMEXT1 'positions , don't prepare mr any civil "service or census exnmlnn- tton without. ffeoliiR our catalogue of In- .spilt free. Columbian Corrc- f < , rtnntloiu . Hpondcncq j ploturo aKcntP. expenses paid. * ] _ "j - WANTED mbn to learn bartipr trade. Only V ht weeki required. Special ' ' t Kf this season. Complete oulllt " ' VAJi" Bimlod students , Wages Suturd a > . T s - linns positively -guaranteed. < an oiirn tui tion viking for us. Catalogue with city map. aSSSS tree. Molor Burlier ( 'lilcngo , 111. 'WANTED ' reliable man to deliver nnd col- Ipi't. Saliirv $13.00 a week nnd expenses. A < ! ilrc - < i innufacturcr. 1 O. Rex 10 7 , Philadelphia , Pn. B-MS4S 4 FIRST-CLASS cutter , must be good tailor ; steady work : good salary ; references re- Quired. Address IT 5. Hoc. H-M84B .1 WANTED , man who thoroughly under stands marmKltiR a crockery and house- furnishing ( foods department. .Only tmir- oiiRllly experleneed nnil competent men ncc l hpnJy. Address U & . ' _ , 5 WANTIOD. . . experienced salesman to pre sent leadltiR N. Y. house In llronzo Pow- dcrn , Lacquers , Varnishes , etc. , In terri tory between Denver. Chicago and St. Paul. Itcfercnces and bond renulred. T 65 , ' eo. D-MbCi 3 WANTEIl KEJIAIjB IIRI.I * . WANTED , 200 glrla. JK1 Dodge. AN IntelliRent lady to take a shorthand rcholareiP- ) ) and pay for It when she finishes the course and secures a posi tion. Address T 3S , earn Geo. C M417 NICI3 warm rooms with Rood hoard ; rates nusiNKSS on SHOUT- D COUHSK. IN TUB NKD. BUSINESS AND SIIOUTHANE COIjIjKOlO , UOYD THEATBU HLDG. , INSUnKS A MONBV MAK' ' P POSITION , Attendance almost double that of last year. $1,000.00 worth latest model Smith-Premier typewriters Just purchased to meet the Increased - creased demand. This Institution Is endorsed by principals of the lllRh school , olllclal court report- cm * nlid business men. Nt-w clHKHCM this week. A. C. OnR. A. It. , President. . C MS30 AVANTBO. clrl fT general housework. 3539 ( L-Sllfornla. C-MSil ! WANTBD. RoodKlrl for general housework. 1113 fJcorRla. ave. C-.MS19 4 _ COMT'BTBNT cook wanted. Sill Landon t'Hiirt. C-S55 4' WANTED. Rood Klrl for Ecner.il Iiouse- work. IDliiTrl St. C-S.-.7 3 _ AVANTKU. Rood Rlrl for general housc- work. IffUi Wlrt St. _ C-M7 3 I-'Oll IlKXT HOUSES. IP YOU ivant your houses well rented place them with Uenowft ' & Co. D-605 CUOICB douses. cottaRes , stores. llcnrv B Payne. C01 N. Y. Life 'Phone , loic < . . . . . i D-S03 _ FINB resldenre , choice location , 11 room ! nil moderci oxcelluut stable. lie-mis. Paxton - ton block.1' " . D 507 iToUSKS , stofca. . Bemts , Paxton block. D-503 _ _ jlACJOA'Un Van and StoniRC. JCIG Capitol . Tel. 1ISC. Ave. _ _ D-509 FOH BENT. hnusM In nil parts of city ! The O. P. llavlB Co. , llfrj Fdrnuin street. _ _ D-S10 _ _ _ GOOD larse barn for rent In north part of city. Inquire 212 locust. u 103 Kri for rant In all parts of the city Brenmiu Jji\f ! Co. , 210 So. 10th street p-sn _ _ _ HOUSBtj for rent. J. H. Sherwood. < 'J N" Y. I.Ifc. Phone 3SS. D-315 FOB UKNT. dCB'.rabli * liousoa nnd il7i"t7. Bliigwnlt. Barker block. D-MS63 ( t-itOOM oloRiint ennrtmontin NormandlT JS5.00 : C-room. nil-modern < ottntm newly papered and In fine shape , J23.fn'o have miinv others Payne-Knox Co. , lst llooi N. Y. I > lfe BUlRo . D-MSOl _ HOUSES to m-t. Patterson , 305 N. Y. I.Tfo" ; ; D-510 ' HOUSE for rent at 1152 Park ave. , all mod- orn. Apply,2130 So. 33d Bt. Tel 1227. 1227.D157 D-157 FOIl BEST , Suroqm house , ull modern con- vcitlenOci * . opposite llniiKcom piuk. 132S Park ave. Infi.lru S1SO S. S3rd or tele- pholu. 1227 D-.M167 FOB BENT.'W:1 Bo. Mth , 7 roohis. modern , $30 : SOD ? W < jUstM , 7 rooms , bath ; 2222 N isth , 0 room" barn , larco yard ; Sll So. 13th..4 rofSnv ; ulso. lints. Blngwalt Brort , , ) llk , 1 , D-2G7 yiVE-RQO.M > ottago.-convinili'i.t , well ami clHteru water ; Ifml lllondo htreet : 8 Apply nt C07 N. I'Jth st. D 517 FOR RENT after January 6 , nnTiioni IIOIIMC. all . mudfrn Improvi'ments. 2iai Harney St. Allen Koch. I-.M7i9 2 SOME coed 7-room housi's. LMIHUI Water man , 8'iJ N. V. Life. 'Phone 1SU2. ' . D .MS.-l : : i roit HUNT i'tni.\isnii ) ROOM < I , t. l.t t O K 1 2 . r'URNlSHEn fouins. .housekeoilng. | 20J8 St Mary's. ' < t f. ic-M'iic ' 7 * FOR Rl-JNTr-Fiirnlxhed front room 20C N 19th. J „ ; " ' ' E-MTOJ 6 PLEASANT south and cast roon ; for two JRJJ H'liney. E-MM1 .1C NICE roiinis ! 3U K.litli xt * - ' i K-MVL' 1-VM * _ FFiiMsiini"i 7o.MS AMI no MID ! THE Merrlam family hotel , 'ith ana FURNISHED rooms end board SMS nr. . J s it. F-M5C6 I I ItMHHI.I ) MOOMMMi f'OMll ) . s 19TII , . .c-lrav rooms and bnnrd K-M23-I JH * To c BPMI If men. In private fumlly. Z020 St. M r > " ave. rooms with board ; ; u so wth st. PLEASANT noiith and e t room for two ; t"i onnhlp. UZ1 Illnn y. F-M5I1 .IB DiaiRAHL13 : moms , nrst-elacn tmnril. SVtl llnrney. F-M W & Roo.M and board , tl nnd $5. 1SI2 Davenport , F MW 1'lebJ KOIt lti\T-MHiS ( ) AMI OITICr.9. FOR RENT , store In first-class location : rent reasonable. Apply R. C. Peters A Co. , ground lloor , Hoe Uldg. I 26R FOR RENT , a ground floor otllre , specially pultnblc for real estate , etc. , splendid vault built for UNO of city treasurer. Ap ply R. C. Peters & Co. , ground floor Heo Rulldlng. 1-257 FOIl HUNT Rr'.ck warehouse , two floors , cn'eh 00x90 ft : power elrvntors , U. P. 1rn"knpe. Apply Ilaarmann Rro , 1D1I 8. 20th. I51 AOBXTS WAXTHI ) . CAPAI1LE men nnd women can make good wages sellliiR our "yulck Mpal Cooker and Ilenter. " or "Quick Klndler. " ( Sub stitute for kindling nnd coal ) Agents nl- lowed llbrrnl coinmlsslon nnd exi'lu lvp territory. Write for particulars. Hen- nelt Manufacturing Co. , 131 Van Rurr-n St. , Chicago. J SM \VA.NTHI1-TO RH.N'T. HOARD nnd room In PMchnnge for work. Parly attending school. U 6. Hee. K-S5G 2 STOUACJn. PACIFIC Storage and WnrehoUBo Co. , 9t2- ' 914 Jones , general storage and forwnrdlnff. , 17 \VA.\T13IJ Tl > 3JUY. AM. kl.ulc of household Rood * , hotels , etc. , tn large or email quantities. OhlcaRo Fur niture Co. , 14CW-10 Dodge. Tel. 2020.N . N 513 WIT. , ! , purchr.se a limited number of Omuha Savlnps Bank accounts. Brcnnan- Love Co. , 219 S. 16th St. N-519 WANTED , to buy , a restaurant outfit. Pee ple's Store , 16th and Farnam. N M249 AMEB1CAN denier ; buy secondhand furni ture nnd stoves 1719 Cumlnc. if.l. 1073. N-M9S4-J-9 - - - WANTED to buy or rent , a portable saw mill complete , capacity ten to twenty thousand feet per day , for sawing timber * at Exposition Rtounds ; or would RVO ! con tract for sawlnpr. Address with full par ticulars , Chlcapo Hoiifc Wrik'klng Co. , Exposition Grounds , Omaha , Jseb.N N 624 4 WOK SALE K STOVES AND FURNITUUE : no reason able offer refused. Neb. Fur. Co. , 1413 Dodce. O 520 WE still have a Rood line of second hand stoves and furniture at reduced prices. Call. J. I ewls. 104 So. llth. O-M7S6 J3 FOIl SAIiK HOUSHS AM ) AVA OXS. GOOD hack , new wheels , $250. C pass , rub ber-tired rockaway , llrst-clns.i condition , $150. Light rockaway , J1S5 , painted. Light rocknwuy , $133 , painted. 4 family .car riages. 3 phaetons , n good ttip buggies. Drummond Cnrrlngo Co. , 18th and Harney P S2S-JSO. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. SHIRTS to order. Kelley & Hqyden. Q jjj CUTTERS of drug Prices. Sherman & -JT Connell Drug Co. , Iol3 Dodge St. Q-sij CHEAPEST and best oak cribbing n The fences. Ml Douglaa .St. Q M3 NEW and "nd-liana Dewing machlnesTre" H. L. ' dured price. 1'rederlckson , 15th & Dodge. Q 524 FOR SALE-Ten " -Jrf'AjjN-S fo7T nlI7t druggists. One gives reuer. Q ii2fi B. HAAS , Florist , 1S13 Vinton St. TOI 777 Plants , cut flowers , , boquets. hall , real dci.ce. wedding and grave iioAxi'-.f.31 * Orders by mail or express prornpu ? aKea ' ' _ _ _ _ Q-52 INDIAN relic's ; mounted heads.TuG Farnam . Q-527 2D-IIAND safe cheap. Derlght , me Farnam O 52S SAFES-Buy , sell , exchange , m s. 13th St. , . 0-52S FOB SALE , new and 2rt-lmnd soda foun tains : monthly payments. S B. Richmond mend , P. O. Uox f.77. Q M212 J13 * FOB SALE , the celebrated Wilbur Food for fattening stock ; enough feeds to last one animal l.COO days for $13.00 ; satisfac tion guaranteed. II. A. Hill , state agent Grand Island , Neb. Q-235 J13 SECOND-HAND TYPEU'IUTEHS. Odell $1,1.00 Hammond 15.00 Franklin 2561) Itemlngton , No. 3 JQQ , ) Smith Premier 4300 Ui'inliiRton , No. 2 40 fy > NEUBASICA CYCLE COMPANY Corner 15th and Harnev. Q-M7IO C THE only carriage heater or foot wanner worth buying. Price J4.50. Drummond Co Q-S27 J30 J152 BUYS Stelnway upright plano "gooii rondltlon ; cash or easy payments. Address - dress P 10 , Bee. 0 MS3S START now to buy your new wheel ; Jl.OO down. Jl.OO a week : i-ull and get full par ticulars. Omnha Illeyi le l'o. Q M59D NOTICE , country dealers , 2d-lmnd furnltur" ! & stoves at lowst prices , carload lots or less. Chicago Furniture Co. , H05-10 Dodge. B-530 ( JLAIKVOYANT9. MBS. FRITS5 , clairvoyant. SOS N. 16th. S-531 MME. GYLMEB senulne palmist. 1C05 Dodge 5-532 MAY WILSON , thermal and tub baths ; massage by competent attendants. ( ! ! ! ) S. IGlh t. K-MHW fl * JIASSACK AM ) IIATIIH. MRS. BEUUV , baths , massage. PARLORS best equipped In city ; porcelain tub ; lady attendants. 119 No. ICtli , 2d lloor , T-M5SI J2G iTuiTE PARLORS , 015 S. Iflth , upstairs ; llvnt-i'lasti batliH , magnetic treatment , l idy attendants. T M5SO 5 * MME. SMITH , room 2. HSU , N. lath. T-M7C3 C * Franxes Do Fmitorlous of K , O. 107 N. 12th. T-.MS70 MME. AMES , It. 2 , 007 S. 13 ; nnssnge. balhs T-MTW Ju * THE Tl'XEpO Elenant masfiiRit tub l > : ilh , Arabian treatment. Flat U , 70.1 So. 16th. T-M&OU 9' rUUSO.VALS. VIAVI la woman's way to health. 340 Bee IJIdg. U 53J SHAMPOOING Sic , hair dressing ei'halr nnd toilet goods , best equipped. MonhPlt , 151S Knrnnin. U S3 MONHEIT. leading chiropodist. 151S Far- jiain , ai ( loor. U-535 PRIVATE hospital for ludles before & dur ing conlincmcnt : babies udontcd. 11SH N. 17. U-537 fit'ALP & hair treatment. Mme. Post. 319Vi 8. 15th. U-HS LIEHEN. costumer. 1313 Howard Qet catalogues U Mill " " COSTU.\iES"-"Mrs. 6nck.S31SB.SHh. Cata- logue. U M900 J'S' blOi'O.N'DIIAXD aewlng marhlliea from tiOt ) up. Neb , Cycle Co. , Cor , 15th and Harnry. U M555-J-S I'KHMIN M , . DR. UAVIS. fpeilallst , If.th nnd . DR. ROY , chiropodist ; corns removed , e nnJ upward. Room IS , Frenzer block. y sis TRt.EPHONE JSIJ will call Mr. tnnhflhU to tune your piano. U MS01 S' lUM'Tl'RE cured , no knife , no pain , no danger. Hend for circulars. Empire Rup ture Cure. 312 New York Life building , Omaha. t'-MS12 JX1 PROF t7. W."JOHNSON breaks any dls- ni' with the Secret of Henlthvllh nnp bnltle , nnd } 1 per bottlP. 1711 Vinton St. , Omaha. V-MMJ3 fl MO.MY TO LOAV-HEAL ESTATE. JJ.POO nnd upwards to lonn on improved city property and farms. W. Farn.im Smith & Co. , 1320 Fnrnam. W 530 MONEY to lonn on Nebraska and Iowa farms ; lowest rates. Brcnnan-Lovo Co. 219 S. 16th. Omaha. W 510 M TO $2,000. F. D. Wead. 16th and Dounlivi w-su WANTED , city and farm loans ; also bond ? nnd warrants. B. C. Peters & Co. . uo'i Farnam St. , BocBldR. W-543 WB1TE us If you want a loan on your farm In Iowa , eastern Neb. or Mo. ; u xv | | | nav you. Anthony Loan & Trust Co. , 31S N Y L ' W-545 JloO.rOO.OOO to Invest through Banker- ! Brokers , Promoters ; send for circular Investors' Directory , N. Y. W 553 6 PEB CENT money. P-omls , Paxton block W-341 MONEY to loan on nrst-class Improvpd city property or for building purposes. Pnvno- Knox Co. , N. i. Life , W 517 > 4',5 Wf ccnt lo nB ' " .Omaha. s7 Omaha. . II. Thomas. BW 1st Nat. bank Tel 1CI3 ' W-HS klONBY lo loan al B nnd GU per rent on Omaha property. W. B. Mclkle ! < 0l So. 15Ih W-S50 MONEY to loan on Improved Omnha real estate. Brennan-Lovo Co. , 319 South Kth ' W-351 FIVE per ccnt : farm loans. Chas. E Wll- llamson. W--3I8 PRIVATE money , low rate , no delay Pan-In Bros. . 1613 Farnnm 31. W 149 MONEY TO LOA.CHATTELS. . WE-HAVE-10OtK > .00-DOLLARS - to loan on HOUSEHOLD FlTRNlTt'RE , PIANOS ORGANS. WAREirOUSE RECEIPTS HORSES. CARRIAGES , ETC. We charge nothing for making papers and wo tirrance the time nnd payments to suit you , and every dollar paid back LESSENS THE COST. OMAHA .MORTGAGE LOAN CO. . Tel. 2293. 30C S. IGth St ' X MS43 MONEY loaned salaried people holding | ) C7. manent porltlOn with responsible roncerna upon their own names , without spcurltv : easy payments. Tolman , 700 N. y ' ; IIMV X-557 MONEY loaned on furniture , rips , blcvel. . diamonds , watches , etc. ; payment i , , ' known to friends. Omaha Loan Bank 111 ? " Farnam , upstairs. X 55" MONEY loaned on pianos , furniture hors77 cows , Jewelry. Duff Green , R. s , Barker blk * ' X-Sfil MONEY loaned on furniture , pianos lew- elry , etc. , unknown to friends ; monthly payments ; half rates. Betters' Loan Co 140S Fnrnam , over drug . tore. X M7 o' ' LOANS made to salaried people on their personal note without security ; rates n n " snnable. , T. W. Taylor. 21S Finn Nnfl , k" bldg. 12 to C:15 : p. tn. X-550 MONEY lonned on pianos , furniture. Jew ell v , horses , cows. etc. C. F. Reed. 319 s ' 13th. X-555 LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE e n7- Sloyed In Omnhn. South Omnha and ouncil Bluffs , holding good positions on their own names. NO MORTGAGEBFST TERMS , cverythlm ; private ; money can be pnld back In small weekly or monthly payments. American Loan Co. . Ronm C01. Bee Bldg. X-5CO MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE holding permanent positions on their own name without endorser or mortgage STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL nnd LOW EST RATES. No Ineiulrles made of em ployer or frlendc. You can borrow any amount and repay in pnsy weekly or monthly payments. Before borrowing see us. Omaha Credit Co. . C. E. Jennings , Mgr. , Suite 523-520 N. Y. Life Bldg.X539 X-539 MONEY to lonn on furniture , pianos , horses , cows , etc. J. W. Taylor , 21S First Nat'I bk. bldg. 12 lo G:15 : p. m. X 551 WE MAKE LOANS FROM $10.00 FP- ward to salaried people , holding perma nent iMDsltlons 'n OMAHA. SOt'TH OMAHA , -COUNCIL BLl'FFS. on their personal noto. without endorsement or mortgage. All applications treated Jn confidence. Loans can be pnld ALL or In PART nt ANY TIME , ami every dollar so .mill LESSENS THU COST. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. . 30fi S. 16th St. Tel. 22)3. Room 119 , Board of Trade bldg. X MSH BUSINESS CIIA\CES. MERCANDISE STOCICS-Wo have dry goods , clothing , stocks boots nnd shoes , hardware , drugs and groceries stocks located In nil parts of Nebraska , Iowa , Dnkota and Missouri. If you want to buyer or trade for a stock of Roods wo can locate. If you want to sell your goods or property we can find a buyer for you. Wrlto or call on us for what you want. Hotels for sale or trade. Merchandise Broker , 202 Karbach blk. Y M130 A DESIRABLE old-established cash Tjus"- Incss. Owing to falling health I hnvo concluded to retire from business nnd offer my stock of groceries , tinware , meat market , flour and feed for sale. If you want a desirable business Invostlgn'e. Bartlett Grocery Co. , COO and C02 Br. id- way. Council Bluffs. Y-Muj2 J23 CLEAR land nnd cnsh for general mdse. stock , or harness stock preferred. Ad dress Box 107 , Tllden. Nel > . Y-.MS61 n $1,000 DOLLARS will buy half Interest In a partly-established mnnufncturlng bus iness. Party must be wide awake ; J30.000 bo oaslly made In next llvo vears and more so thereafter. IT 7 , Reo. Y M 61 3 * roil E.vriiA.vcE. I WANT to trndp one lot In Armour place South Omnha , and two lots In Mt. Plcns- ant addition. Omaha , fur wild land in western Nebraska ; my lots are clear of Ineumbnmc'p and want clear land ; write mo what you have. J. R. Campbell , lfn So. 29th St. . Omaha. / M591 3 LAND to irade for boots and shoos. Ad- drew 1/ork Box M } , Grant , Neb.XM799 X-M799 - ! roil SALE HEAL ESTATE. 27os CAPITOL AVE. , price reduced to $1,323.00. 7 rooms , nearly new , on lot Mx'133 feet. south front. Ilyron R. Hastings , 212 S. 14th st. RB-MS23 FOR SALE , two G-rooin houses , all modern Improvements ; In good condition , cheap ; will neil one or two. No. 2719 Dewey Ave. Address Allen Koch , 2033 Homey St. RE-M7CS ( ! I'AYNE-HARDER Co. . HEADQUARTERS for REAL ESTATE BARGAINS : LOW EST RATES on LOANS ; SOl.'ND IN SURANCE ; HOUSES , FLATS , STORES for RENT. First lloor N. Y. Life Dldg. RE-M101 IF YOU have a bargain to offer In real estitto see S. A. Broadwell. 01 N. Y. Llfo Bldff. RE-M4M FOR QUICK returns on bargains only , a > o P. A. llroadwcll , C01 N. Y. Life Bldg. RE-MIOS HOUSES lot farmlands , loans ; ulso lira 1 Insurance. Remis. Pnxton blk. RE fnu ! A BARGAIN Four acres. 40tn ana I'.iclllc ; i two blocks from car line , on belt rail- I road. $ J.600 : easy terms. McCncna Investment - ! vestment Co. , 1500 Dodge. RE E07 M'4 acres , three miles north of Florence I all In timber ; will rut between 400 and ' 5GU cords of wood : for I1.2.V ) . i Ten acres on Weat Dndgo St. , macadam , 1 half hour's drive. Sl.OfxX I The Byron Beod Co. . 212 S. lUh St. j RE-S6C. ' FOR BA'ROAINSevPrybQdv * oes to S , A. I Broadwtll , 601 N. Y. Life BldsrREM40S RE-M40S ioitiinrvi : , KXTVTIJ. NOTHING hut Imrsfttnn lintp | ( ; , ! hy 8 A Broadwell. 501 N. Y Life R ! 1j ( US-M4M SNAPS In real estate ; money to Icrsn. ( , L. Johnson Co. . 311 9. tliMr _ et. RE-3l ( FOR SALE UnrRnlnii In small residences. S. A. Brortdxxell , fOl N. Y. Life IlldR. BE-M 167 00 ACRES within ; o miles of Omnha P. O. . 10-rorm housp. barn ! W.\fio , < > oine fruit tree * , line place : improvements easily worth J2.000. Price. Jl.m Wa" for south front on Manderson street , bptwppn 27th atiJ Wth street. , size soxUV $ ud ) for raxHJl feet , faring enst on 30th ptr et opposite Mlllofpark. . J2.21 ' ! for live neres on North 24th stre-t. east old Fort Omnha. JOHN N. FRENtfER , OPP. OLD P O _ RE.TO _ _ _ _ HENRY B. PAYNE/001 N. Y. blTE nTJrT.T ( iRpal Estate , Rentals , Loans Insurnnce. _ _ _ _ C. F. HARRISON , FARMS. FARM LOANS RE-22 < i-.M5 * HOUSES , lots , farms' ' , limits nnd Insurance. R. C. Patter. on. 303 N. Y. Life. RE-S71 lf , 2 NORTH 17TH street , two"nou pT rent- IIIR for Sifi.w per month , paving paid. pa > " It per cent gross , price M.350. John N Frenzer. Opp. old P. O. RE MWO IV Yoi * bpgln iwo rlRht. yon will bnv Omaha renl pstato ; probably one of the following bargains : N. W. cor. 17th nnd Martha , fiilxl , hou r\ $000. 140x150. 2Ist and Valley , will subdivide Into 4 $6flil lots. Corner , close In , both streets paved nnd pnld , permanent sldownlks , paying r'-n- tnl , $3.5no. These are the cheapest properties In tlulr respective localities. Look at these : Two oholcp trncts for sub dividing , one near llanscom park , thp iilher north : will double your money George G. Wallace. 312-31I ) J. J. Ilrow'n blU RE-M-fi- SIICIIIOAI , . LADIES , old Dr. Bell's Cotton Root Pills the best. safe , reliable. Take no otlur Hend 4c stamp for particulars. Dr. Bell , Box 718 , St. Louis , Mo. M39S J1S * LADIES' Free Harmlesa Monthly Regula tor , pnnnot fall. Mrs. B. Rownn , R. 23 , Milwaukee , WIs. M 429 J20 DR. MANSFIELD'S monthly regulator luis brought hanplners to hundreds of anxious woman : have never hud n single failure ; longest eases relieved In two to live days without full ; no pain , no danger , no Inter ference with work ; by mall or olllce. $ J- all letters truthfully nnswercd. The MnnslltHil Remedy Co. , K > 7 Dearborn st. , room Oil. Chicago. III. M S13 LADIES. Colchester English Pennyroyal pills n.-e the best ; safe , reliable ; take no other ; send 4c , stamps , for pnrtlculnrs. "Relief for Lndlcr , " In letter by rot urn mall. At druggists. Chlchester Chemical Co. , Philadelphia. Pa. SIIOHTHAXI ) AMI TYI'EWKITIXR. A. C. VAN SANT'S school. 717 N. Y. Llfo. 370 AT OMAHA Bus. College , IGth & DoiiRlns. -571 BOYLES' COLLEGE court reporter princi pal. Bee Bldg. ' 572 NEBRASKA Business nnd Shorthand col- lego. Boyd's theater. M 15J $1,000.00 WORTH of Smith-Premier type writers has just been sold by the com pany to the Nebraska Business and Short hand college , Boyd theater bldg. , to meet tht > Increased demand for operators on that machine made upon thlsi si-hool. con T/ TYI'KAVIUTBnS. TYPEWRITERS for rent , $4.00 per month. The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co. , 1G25 Farnam St. Telephone 12S4. 571 WE RENT and sell the best tvnewriteri made ; largest stock of supp"s ; In Omaha. United Typewriter & Supply Co. , 1012 Fnr nam. . 575 -'ftTON Standard Typewriter n > i'l supplies. 1619 Farnam. 576 THE Oliver Typewriter ? visible writing , heaviest mnnifoldcr and cuts the finest stencil. Tel. 2279. " J. 'S : Stewart. Sneelnl Agent. SlfiM : S. 15th St.'Omaha. , 577 TYPEWRITERS , sccondllahd. 1116 Fnrnam. i ' 57S OSTEOi'ATKV. JOHNSON Osteopathlc Institute. 515 N. Y. Llfo Bldg. , Alice Johnson , D. O. . ladles' dept. ; Gld E. Johnson , Osteopathlst , mgr. 5S2 M. E , DONOHUE. D. O. , of Still school. KIrksvIllc. Mo. , 601 Pnxton blk. Tel. 13C.7. -5S3 LOST. SUNDAY , pair eyeglasses , near loth and Hnrncy. Return 110S Harney for reward. . LostMS52 : ; I'AW.VIIIIOKEII ? . JEFFERSON Square Lonn Offlce. 41S N. 16. -5SI EAGLE Loan Office , reliable , accommodat ing ; all business confidential. 1301 Doug- las. _ 5S5 HOTELS. METROPOLITAN. Wm. Bnrr , mgr. $1 to S1.2" > . I'th nnd Douglas. 'Phone 211 M4i2 ( J22 LANOE , steam heated rooms $1 tip week Board $3 per week ; meals , 25e. GOI S. 13th G23 J2S STA.MMEHIXn AMI STIJTTEKIXO. CURED. Julia Vnuhn.130 Rnmgo Bldg . -ssi L.vrxniiY. OMAHA STEAM LAUNDRY AND CIT1 TOWEL SUPPLY. 1750 Leavenw'th. TI.5I7 -M23S TICKET IIItOlvRHS. CI'T RATE railway tlcKcta evervwherc. P. II. Phllbin , 1503 Farnam. 'Phono 7s4. SCHOOL OP LA.\IJAiE. FRENCH. German. Spanish. $2 per month. Prof. Chatolnln , 301 Bovil theater. j 7 runs. II. E. & E. HUBEIOIANN. furriers : fura made to order und repaired. IIS S. 15th. M-S57 THIIXIC KACTOIlt. TRl'NKS traveling bags , suit cases. Trunks repaired. Om. Trunk Factory , 12y. ) Farnnm -223 XICKEL 1'LATIXO. SKATES hollowground , a ! ! kinds of plat ing. Omnha Pl.itlns Co. . Boo Bldg. 53 ! > IHCYCLES. ' NEW nnd secondhand bicycles at half prlco. I LoulR Flesher. 1G22 Capitol nve. 591 I'AI'HU poatiil card givlnp your address and i receive valuable Information. P. o. Box j 113. Omaha. _ M227-J25 PDKMTI.'HE 1'AOICIXC. i M. B. WALKLIN , 21U Cumins. Tel. 1331. TAU.OHI.Vfi. LADIES' lai'kcls , mt-n's clothing , altered , latest styles ; cleane 1. Max Fogel , 207 S. 17th -79i J-3 IN FAMILIES. Mle Sturdy. lt\t \ D.iver.- port. M > -2 J1J IIIHIIS AXIl TAXIDERMY. STOCK'S Bird sturc. 1603 Leavenworth. Leavenworth.473 I -473 IIOOKKI ri'i\ . ' \ I'MNos It \ .III S H'lf : 1 > ll | ; i ; \ \ i R.ithliur. i.vai ) H \II.\V\1 TI.ME UNION : AC1F1C-"THI50VKH. laud. Route" General Olllces , N. E. Cor. Ninth nd Fnrnnm Strsets. City Ticket uilioe. 139J Farnnm Street. Telephone. 313 Depot. Tenth nnd Mnsoii Sttiets. Telephone , CM. Lenve. Arrive. The Overland Limited , , n S:90 : am a 7:20 : pm The Fa t Mflll . . . .nfllilntn n 3i3 : ! ntn The Colorado Special. . . all:55 : pm a 6:31 : nm The Portlnnd Special. . . .a S:50 : nm a 4:40 : pm Lincoln. Henlrlre nnd S r ni ! i'M'.r Kxpre * , b 4.1 pin bI2:2Tipmi : Pacific Exprp" * . . . 4:23 : pm n B:35 : am . . i I l.o n' ' .1) . "i.tn i > m b ! c.'in am i a D.llly u iMiiy Juiidny. KANSAS CITY. ST. JO- gi-ph tt Council Blurf.t Railroad ' The Burling. ton Itautc" Ticket Olllce , 15n2 Farnam Street. Tele- pnone. 200. Depot , Tenth aim Mnson Streets. Tele phone , 310. Leave. Arrive. Knn < ! a Oiy Day Ex . . .a Si.oO am a 6:15 : pm Kansas ri'v Night Ex alO:15 : pm a 6:30 : am St T/oUis f. ' | > rr for St. Joscpli nnd'St. Louis..a 4:53 : pm nll:15 : am a Dally v-HTCAOn. BURLINGTON , uiiincy Railroad "Tho Burlington Runte" Ticket OI1U - , 1502 Farnnm St. Tel. . U30. Depot , Tenth & anJ Mason Streets. Tele phone , 310. Leave. Arrive. L > aj light Chicago Spe- ilal a 6:10 : nm Chicago VesUbulcd Ex..a 5.03 pm a S:03 : nm ChU-aeo Express a S:50 : nm n 4OT : pm H" * H : L Ex . . a 7.43 pm a 8:03 : ama Pacliv Jun tisn Local..alO3 : ! am Fast Mall a 2:45 : pm n Dally. BURLINGTON .4 MIS- Fourl River Railroad "Th Burlington Route" - General Olflccs , N. W. Corner Tenth and Fnr- : mm Streets. Ticket ussass * t. h6 , , Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Tele phone. 31u. Leave. Arrive. Lincoln , Hc.slncs ! and McCook . a 8:40 : nm n 7tO : pm Lincoln. Dtnver , Cole rado. Utah , California. a 4:25 : pin a 3:53 : pm Lincoln. Blae.c . Hills , Montana & Pugtt Sound . a 4:23 : pm 3:00 : pm Lincoln Local . a 7:0i : ) pm nlO:35 : nm Lincoln Fas' Mull . a 3:00 : pm nlO:35 : um Denver , Colorado , Utah & California a 6:35 : am u Dally .t ST. LOUlS RAILroad - - road Omaha. Kansas City & Eastern Railroad "The Quinsy Roulp"-Tlcket Of- lloe , 1415 Farnnm Street. IVlephone. 322. Depot , Tenth and M.ircy Streets. Tclo- phone , & ! 9. Leave , Arrive. St. Louis Canr.on Ball K.xur.s a 4:30 : pm a 8:33 : am Kansas City and Qulncy Local a 7:13 : am a 8:50 : pm MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL" roiul General Ofllces and Tiiket Olllces Southeast Cor- i-'i ; 14th and D.iuglas Sts. Telephone , 101. Depot , 15th ami Webster Sts. Telephone , _ . . . . . Leave. Arrive. St. Louis , Kansas & Neb. Limited n 1:30 ! : pm n 12:53 : pm K. C-St. L. Express a 9:50 : pm a 5:50 : am NobniRka Loml via Weeping Water b 6:05 : pm a 9:43 : am u Dally , b Daily except Sunday. JC1UCAOO. dT. PAUL , Mlnneapoils & Omaha Railway "The North western Lino" General Oltlces. Nebraska Divi sion , 15th .ind Webster , Sts. City Ticket Office. 1401 i < ur.num . St. Telephone , 5G1. Depot , 15th and Webster Sts. Leave. Arrive. Twin City Express ( for Sioux City. St. Paul & Mlnneapoll.o a 0:00 : am Omaha Passenger a 7:00 pm Blair , KiM men. Sioux City , Poncn. Hartlng- ton and Uloomlleld b 1:00 : pm b2:10 : pm No. 2 Twin C ! ; L't'd..a 5:33 : pm No. 1 Omaha Limited. . . a 9:00 : am a Dally , b Daily exceni Sunday. jFREMONT. ELKHOKN & Missouri ValJjy Rail road "Tho Northwestern Line" General Olllces , Un'ted ' States National Bank BldR. , Southwest Corner Twelfth nnd Far- nam Streets. Ticket office. 140 ; Farnam Street Telephone. 5G1. Depot. 15th and Webster stieets. Telephone , 1453. _ , Leave. Arrive. Black HI1K Deadwooa , Hot Springs a 3:00 : pm a 5:00 : pm Wyoming. Casper ana Douglna d 3:00 : pm e 5:00 : pm Hastings. York. David City , Superior , Geneva Exeter and Seward..b 3:00 : pm b 5:00 : pm Norfolk. Verdlgre and Fremont b 7:30 : am blO:25 : am Lincoln , Wahoo nnd Fremont b 7:30 : am biO:23 : nm Fremont Loml c7:30 : am a Dally o Dally except Sunday , c Sun day only. < t Daily except Saturday. e dally exceiit Monday. CHICAGO & NORTHwestern - western Railway "The Northwestern Lino" C'ly Ticket Oince , 1401 Farnnm Street. Tele phone. 6G1. Depot , Tenth ana Mason Streets. Tele- phone. C'9. Leave. Ar/\re. ! \ Daylight Chicago Spe cial a 6:40 : am all:55 : pm Chicago PdSK'-nger a 4:13 : pm alu:10 : ama Eastern Express. De Molncs , Mfin.halltown , Cedar Rapids and Chicago cage alO:55 : am a 4:05 : pm Eastern LInilten. cht- cage and Kaai a 4:55 : pm a 4:05 : pm list Mall , Chicago to Omaha a 2:45 : pm Omahn-chleago Special.a. 7:39 : pm a 3:00 : am Fast Mr.il 8:30 : am u Daily , b Daliy except Sunday. PACIFIC Railroad "fho North- we tern " Llne"--Oeneral Olllces , United States National Bank BnlMlrig , S. W. Corner Twelfth und Fnrnam Streo : . Ticket Farnam Street , Tele- phone , and MQBOn Streets Arrlw" Sioux City. Mnnkato & . St Paul , Mlmii-apuils a 6:55 : am a 8:15 : am St. Paul , Minneapolis , Manka o & rfloux City.a 330 ; pm all'O ! ) nm Sioux C' > y Local a 8:00 : am a Jiso pm a Dally CHICAGO , ROCK jai. . nm ft I'irille Rallroa.l . "Thu Gnat Rock Isl- nd.B.oll.to-.PIyTick. | Arrlve Des Molnes and Daven- < port Local . a 7:03 : am bl1:35am : yiiSrE : : s-jj ! ! s Denver , Pueblo and - ' ' 1:3 : ° eN/MoVH.S-nock , . ; is.-1 . and and Chicago . 7:2,1 a : a 6:50 : nm kIJetAon'ce. / ' . \I.IiWJn8tt\l ) Pot. Tout h"and Ma'fcy J \ } 'i Si reels. Telephone , C23. Leave. Arrive. St. Louis "Cannon Ball" Express a 4:50 : pm a 8:35 : am a Dally. CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE & St. Paul Rallwa- City Ticket Olllfc , 1501 Farnam Street. Telephone. 2SI. Do- pot. Tenth and Mason Sts. Tclsphone. 62U. Leave. Arrive. Chicago Limited Ex a 7:35 : pm a 8:30 : am ChUago , l ; Omaha Ex..l < Uvu : am b 3:53 : pm Sioux City & DCS Molncg Express blltOO am b 3:55 : pm n Dally b Dally except Bunday. i : .NOTICE. ( Should bt- rend dally by all Interested , as changes may occur at any time. ) Foreign mulls for the wo-k ending Janu ary H. I9ou , will iipne ( PROMPTLY Jn nil cases ) at thit general pontollco ! as fol lows : PARCELS. POST MAILS do * , ono hour earlier than cloning tlmo Known ho- low. Parcul pout mulls .for German v closu at ' ) > . m. Wedn > da > . for d.spalch per a , v. Rhi-i ; ) Thursday , and 'i i > m Friday , for disp.'i.li ' jn r n n Ciriifaldi.rKM' I fiiiiNiilliiutlu Mail * . WUUNlCbU.V V-Al 7 in. ( isupi.K'inentyi-y 9 J. m. ; toj EUROPE , per a . New r > OTK : . York.m SiMiihimi' Mi. m 0 i in f. > r IIALY , per > F K mniik , \ l N iplrs i lot or must he illrri u-d "iicr s. s. F. UKitnnrck" ) : , it IP W n. m for IIKl.OU'.M olrect , per . s. KpnKlnieton , via Antwerp p r s. s. Knl er Wiiltntn drr Ore cp. vht Chprbonfjr , Southampton and Rrempfi ( Iptteri for Frnnee , Switzerland , Itnly , Simln. I'ortttftal. Turkey , Eeypt and BMt- < sh India must be directed "per . tf. Kaiser Wllll.un der Grosse" ) ; at fi.ilO n. m. for FRANCE. SWIT/.RRl.ANtt. ITALY , SPAIN. PORTUGAL. TURKEY. EGYPT nnrt BRITISH INDIA , per . . } M Normnndlp. via Havre ( letters for other- points of Europp muni IIP directed "per P. s. I.n Normnndle" ) . I'ATVRDAV-At ' S n. in. for NETHER LANDS direct , ppr s. s , Werkendnm. via Rotterdam ( letter * must be. directed "prr s. s. Wprkendnm" ) : nl 9 n. in. ( supple- mpntai'y ) 10Sn : a. in ) fur El'liopE , per s. s. Germanic , via mieenst.iwn : nt 11 n. m. for NORWAY direct , per s. s. Tlilms- vnll.i. via Chrlsflnnla ( lelters must be di rected "per s. s. ThlnRValln" ) . Printed Mutter , etc. German slenmers failing on Tuesdays take printed matter , etc. . for Germany , nnd specially ad dressed printed matter , etc. for 'other parts of Europe. American ntul White Star .stcutiK'rp on Wi'iliipmmyn. Gprmnli Htentm'rs on Thursdnys. and Cunnrd , r rencli nnd Germnn st'-amer.1 ! on Sntur- da > s tnke pi luted miittjr , etc. , for all countries for which they nrc advertised to carry mall. After the dosing of the supplementary transatlantic minis named above , addi tional supplementary malls are opened on the piers of the American. Enu'llsh. I'rench nnd German t < ttanmrs. nml re main open until within ten minutes of the hour of Bulling of ieanier. .Mull * fur Smith niul CoiMrnl Amerleii , Wl > N < Illlllfn , 1,11" . AVEDNESDAY-At ! ) :30 : a. m. ( stipplpmen- t.iry 10TO : „ . m. ) for CENTRAL A MER- iiAi/i / i'0,1'.1 , Coft" Ul < ' " > " "d .SOUTH PACinc PORTS , per > - . H. l.-nnnco. | via I olon ( letters for ( iuatenuila must bo di rected "per s. s. Finance" * ; at 10:30 : u. m. for PlM-fRTO RICO , per 1S. . Transp.ir" ; l.'J.'l" ' Iua ; m 1 P. m. for INAGUA , HAITI and SANTA MARTA. per s . H. ' "spanln ; at 1 p. m. for ( TBA , Yf- , 'V AN CAMPEl'H'E. TAHASUO and ( H1APAS. per s. s. Orizaba , via Havana and Progreso ( letters for other parl < of Mexico must bo directed "per s. s. Ori zaba" ) . THURSDAY-AI 1 a. m. for JAMAICA. per steamer from Philadelphia : at 12. Sit P. in. ( supplementary 1 p. in. ) for HER- MUDA , ST. THOMAS. ST. t'ROIX. LEE WARD and WINDWARD ISLANDS , per s. Mndlaim ( letters for Grenada. Trlnl- dnd and Puerto Rico , via Han Juan , must be directed "per s. s. Mmllana" ) ; at 1 p. in. ( supnlninontary 1:30 : p. m.-for ) NAS SAU. SANTIAGO and GUANTANA.MO. per s. s. Saratoga. FRIDAY At 9 a. m. for Brnr.ll direct , per s. s. Buffoii , via Pernambiu'o. Bu'.ila and Rio dp Jane'ro ( letters fnr North Brazil and La Plata countries must lie directed "per s. s. HulTon" ) ; nt 10:30 : a. in. for HAITI , per s. . Uranjc Nassau , via Port nu Prince. Aux Cayes nnd Jacinel ilot- terj for Curacao , Trinidad , Venezuela , Biltlsh and Dutch Guiana inns ; be di rected "PIT s. s. Oranje Nassau" ) ; at 1 p. in. for JAMAICA , per s. s. Erna ( let ters must be directed "per s. s. Erna" ) . SATURDAY-At 1 n. in. for NEWFOUND LAND. per s. s. Carthaginian from Phila delphia : at > > a. tn. for BERMUDA , per s. s. Trinidad ; at 10 a. m. ( supplementary 10:30 : n. m. ) for FORTUNE ISLAND. JA MAICA. SAVANILLA. t'ARTHAGENA nnd GREYTOWN , per s. s. Alerio ( letters for Costa Rica must be directed "per H. s. Alene" ) ; at 11 a. m. for CUBA , per s. s. Havana , via Havana ; at 11 a. m. for Puerto Rico. via Snn Juan , Ciirarnn and Venezuela , also Savanllla nnd Carlhn- genn , via Curacao , per . s. Cnnii-as ; nt 12 in. for LA PLATA COUNTRIES direct , s. s. ARRA- MOOR ; at I n. m. for NUKVITAS. GIBARA , VITA , PUERTO PADRE and BARACOA. per s. s. Curltylm ; at 11 a. m. for PUERTO RICO , per s. s. Arkndla. via Ponee ( letters must be directed "PIT s. s. Arkndla" . ) . SUNDAY-Al So : : ; p. m. for ST. PIERRE- MIQUELON , per steamer from North Sydney. Malls for Newfoundland , by rail to North Sydney , nnd thence by stenmer , close .at this otllco dally at S:30 : p. m. ( connecting close here nvery Monday. Wednesday and Saturday ) . Malls for Mlquelon. by rail to Boston , and thence by steamer , close nt this olllcu dally at SHO : p. m. Malls for Culm by rail to Port Tampa , Fin. , and thi-nee by stenmnr , close at this olllco ( 'ally except Monday nt * 7 a. m. , ( the connecting closes are on Runday , Wednesday and Friday ) . Malls for Cuba , by rail to Miami , Fin. , and thence bv steamer , cloao at this olllco every Mon day , Tuesday anil Saturday , at " 2'i : ; ! ' n. m. , ( the connecting closes nro on Tuesday and Saturday. Malls for Mexico City , overland , unless specially aiidn-ssed for dispatch by steamer , closeat tills olllce dally at 2:30 : a. m. and 2:30 : p. m. Malls for Costn Rica , Hellzo. Puerto Cortez and Guatemala , by rail to Now Orleans , and thence by steamer , close at this r.illco dally at * 3 p. m. , ( connecting closes here Siindays and Tuesdays for Costa Rico and Mondays for Belize , Puerto Cortez and Guatemala ) . 'Registered inn II closes at 6 p. m. previous day. "Resistfred wiall closes at U p. in. second day 'l'i nnsiiu.li. | .Mull * . Malls for Hawaii , China , Japan and the Philippine Islands , via San Frnnciseo , close hero dally at 6i : ) n. m. up to January " 1st , Inclusive , for dispatch per s. s. Gaelic. Malls for Hawaii , via Sin : Francisco , close here dally at G0 : : ! p. in. up to January * 5tli. Inclusive , for dispatch per s. s. Australia. Mull * for Hawaii , Japan , China and tin ; Philippine Islands , via San Fnmclsco , close heie daily nl tf : > p. m. up to January 'lltli , inclusive , for dispatch per s. P. H'ong Kong Mnru. Mails for Hawaii , via Seat tle , close here dally at G:30 : p. m. up to January * llth , inclusive , for dispatch pi-r H. s. Bloi'infonteln. Malls for Australia ( except West Australia ) , Now Zealand , Hawaii , FIJI and Snnioini Islands , via San Frnnciseo. close here dally at ii:30 : p. in. lifter December Moth and up to January * 20th , inclusive , or on day of nr. rival of . H. C.impanla , due at .New York January 20th , for dispatch per s. s. Moana. Malls for China nnd Japan , via Vancouver , clo.se here dally nt ( Jro p. m. up to January * - , ! . liii'liiHlvo , for CH- | | patch per ft s. ICmpress of Japan ( regis tered mall must } > > dlrecled "vln Van- COUVIT" ) . Mulls for Snelnty Islands , via San Franclsi'o , eloic hem daily ut : ; io p. in. ill ) to January 'ZCth. Inrlu.slvc , fnr illspatc.li by shli > City of Papelll. Malls for Australia ( except West Austniliu , which goes via Europe , and New X/cnl- iiinl. which goes via San Fraiielsen ) . Ha waii nnd FIJI Islands , via Vancouver , flow here nt 6:30 : p. m. up to February ' .id. Inclusive , for dlppntrh per s. s. MIo- "wern. Trnns-I'nclfle malls nro forwarded to port of snlling dnlly nnd the Bchedul" of clou- Ing Is arranged on the presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit. Registered mall closes at G p. m. previous day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT , Postmaster. PoMtolIScp , Now York , N. Y. , December 29 , lt.99. LKCAL XOTICn. STOCKHOLDE11.S MEETING. OFFICE OF LliE-ULASS-ANDREESEN HARDWARE CO. , OMAHA , N-h. , Dec. U , 1SS9. Notlco IH hureby glvon to the stock- holdent of the. Lee-ln.sa-An ! < Irc .Hn ! Hard- warn Co. that the annual mi'utlng of the i tockholders of the company will be held nt the olllies of thu said company , 1219-1221- 122) ) Harney ntreet , In the city of Omaha , In the taic of Nebraska , on Tuesday. January 9 , A , D. 1900 , nt 3 o'clock p m" . , for the purpo i of denting a board of directors lor the company to servo during tlm uniuilng year and to transact such other business a may be presented nt Hii < 'h mu'llng. H. J. LEE. Prculciont A.tpst : W. M. GLASS , Secretary D103UM STOCKHOLDERS MEETING Union La'-.il Compuny : Notice I * hereby clvcn that the annual nn-c-tlng of the stockholders of the iJnlnn Land comimnv fur the oleetlon of llvo dlico- tors and the transm-tlun of uurh olh-rmiM- ncrtj as may lawfully come before ihu nicot- Ing will be held ut the olllce of the lum-rnl Bollcltor. Unli-n Pacliic building. Omnhn Nob. , upor.Monday , the bth day of Jnnr uary , llwO. at 10 o'clo.-k u. m. The HtocH transfer bookw will bo clo-d ten days previous to the meeting : . , New York City. X. Y. , Dcconiber J5th. JkW ALEXANDEP. MILLER , Socretury. Dncl3J20HM NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. A special mooting of the stockholderx of The Roe Publishing Co. , In hereby called to meeet nt the olllco of the. coinnanv , corner 17th und Farniim lr < * tB. on 9nturdu > , Jan- uury 0 , llXiO. t 4 o'clock p. m. , teen ldtr the cxtenaion und ainfiidmeiHu to the aril < ' ! c &f liKorp'-ratlon mid HIU-II oilier 'ni-S as nni.v be Miilnnlttcil for i-nnslil- B > ' -rili r "f I lie liunrd of Diic 'Orii E. R < ) .Si\VAT1CK. : Pn Ji-m ' U. B T/.Sl'HL'CK , Km.t.iry. 11 ; M > OTII I x. S'l'i 'MIi ' 1 l > ! KS Mi i : I'lSil NutiK- i- ln' > \ un.n Hi it Hi , innun' ' mot' Init nf tliv -tu khtililiTs of Tin Bee Building coinpnry will be held t I o't-loi'k p , m. IhtirMny. Jnnunry 1 , 19rt > . at Ihe ollli-p of said comnftnv In Thp Bcp hulldliiR Omnhn , for tne plei-tlon of n board of di rectors for the etiMiiR : your and the trans action of mirh other IniflncM IIP niiiy proji- prly coin" before mien mpMinB. By ordrr of the prrOilrnt. C. C. ROSEWATER. Scrrotnr } JCOTICM. We finvp lltl * day , Jnntmry , HmiKlit otif parttipr , warn l.ro. out. Thp Kuh'pvnn rp - tiuirnni will hp known as the Grand rr tau- fnnt. All arc Invited to call. Ever > tiling nrst-rlnss. HOEY All SING .V CO TIII'NK TI'IIMMt TO . .AtTH. . One of ( ! nMnnv Wonilrons I'cnlures of ( 'linlcrilonj Purl. , Vrlritnn. "Agnlo brldRe" In the chief wwiler of that marvelous dream known as riinlccilnny park , or the peirlfled forest of Arizona. The portion of the forosl where the finest of the RPins nfo found Is In Apache comity , from seventeen to twenty miles from llolbrook on the Sfliiln 1'V rnllrond. reports the Artaonn Ornphlp. Thp "brldRe" Is n tree trunk transformed Into theiliieot ngntp , which spans n chasm sixty feet wldp. This precious gem Is 110 fool IOIIR , four feel In dlnttleter nt thp base , tapering tn three feet nt the npox , nnd It coiitnltn PtiotiRh material to glvu luhof to nil the lapidaries In the world for thp next Ri'iiprntlon. This log Is ono of thonsnhds , many of them broken Into htiRp rranauMitK , ulilcli litter thu urniitnl tn nn area of dhotit 100 sntlare miles. The arra of thai portion of Iho park containing the ngiilo hrlilRp IB conlmed to n few mile * . It Is Impossible to concelvo of the mnrvolotiR beauty of this section , for the Rround Is covered with nmethyst , red and yellow jasper , topaz , miyx , cnrnrlltin nnd glRiintli' specimens of iiRntp of ovcry vnrU'ly. If the RPIU In Tiffany's could bo InorcaKed lo the size of Hour barrels nnd Btenm bollem , mulltplled by l.nno.OOO and Hcalteied over Manluittiin Island thn result \\ould gtvo u fair Idc.i of Chuli'cdony park. The primeval forest has not lost much ol Its beauty , although Ihe human vandal has been there and \\lth dynamite 1ms destroyed logs of priceless value In their original form to Ret n pocketful of cryetnls from the heart of the tree. The beauty and Interest of the spot \\lll not ho wholly destroyed by the present Rciicrntlon nnd Ihe tlinp will come when the government will police Chalcedony park and protect Its treasures. The Indians hnvo known the forests slurp their beginning and It wns here they found material for their precious arrow tips. They call the petrified wood "chlntirmnp. " Thp while man dl- covprcd Ith i the United Stntcs Pacific railroad was surveyed along the thirty-fifth parallel early In the ' 50s. Jules Marceau. the geologist of HitMirvey , made n collection of specimens nml extensive mention Is made of It In the government reports. The tourist nnd vnmlal did not get at it until near 1SSO , when the Atlantic. & Pn- clilc , or Santa Fe , railroad was buHt. The first specimens of the wood scon by the RCII- cral public wn at the New Orlcium exposi tion In 1SS5. A display was miido In Paris In 18S9 , and again In Chicago in ISM. The only place where Iho stone le polished and manu factured Is at Sioux Falls , S. D. , and a recent newspaper nrlicle snyn this company Is ciiRiiRO.1 In RettliiR out $1,000,000 worth of ornaments and Jowclry for sale at the Paris exposition of 1000. The cost of cuttliiR and polishing the petrifaction approaches that of treatltiR diamonds , ns it Is calculated to h * Kcven-tonths the hardness of diamond. The scientific theory concerning the petri faction Is to the effect Unit after the forest of pines and cellars was established the bo-slii or valley became a lake. This valley has nn area , approximately , of 100 hy eighty miles nnd It is surrounded by extinct vol canoes. These volcanoes emptied them selves Into the lnlo ( nnd the trees ucznmo soakuJ with the elllcious water. Silica took the plnco of every fiber and atom of wood. The colors of red , brown , yellow nnd purplu came from the Iron and manganese , In elution - tion in the water. All this took place before the existence of the Grand Canyon of the Colorado. When nature forme : ! that big ditch the lake wns drained and the water In UH rush to Uu > northwest leveled the fitono tieos , breaking them oft us smooth as If they had been Hawed. This sustnliis the theory that the trees wore petrified where they grew. . The fact that nearly nil of the fallen trunks Ho In one. 'direction nnd to the northwest sustains the theory that the lnlo ; emptied to the northwest and Into the Grand canyon. A few ages of erosion after the draining of the lake brings the forest down to the pres ent day anil has left iortio ; strange freaks. Ono big tree trunk protrudes over the brow of n cliff , looking like n cannon on n fort. Another has been left balanced on n column of stone , presenting a great "T. " S. J. Ilolslnger , special agent of the ROV- eminent land olllce , has recently returned from the petrified forest , whore ho went to Investigate the advisability of forming , n national park of Iho legion. He will report favorably on Iho project and will nilvlKe that a territory eighteen miles by nine miles b included In the park. In this area lie four different groups , or forests of fallen trees , although It docs not Include all of the groups of polrlfnctlon In the valley. Mr. HolsliiRor Bays there nro millions of tone of the a atl/.ed wood In the proposed park ter ritory. Ho measured many trco trunks which were 165 feet long anil ns InrRo im four feet In dlnmoter. lie says ono group of pet rifactions , locally known OH Rainbow park , IB the mcHt romnrkub'u spectnclo of color he has ever seen , and no dnz/.lliiR was thu effect of the sunshine on the brilliant eqn- fuslon of done fragments that dl//.lnoBS of his heart compelled him to nit down. At for- rl-/.o , Ihe Htatlon on Iho Sjntn Fe ucirest thu petrifactions , ho learned Hint the 81-nix Falls company had ordered a car load of the stone to bo fihlpped lo the factory. J. W. llonham of Phoenix , who Is well acquainted with the country of Iho forest , says there In a line group of big ! OK In tin foothills about twelve miles cast of Wlimlow nnd probably forty-live miles illslmit from Iho ngato bridge. He was limiting 'nM horses In Iho neighborhood , when lie CHIIII ( Ifteen flourishing upon a group of perlnps pine trees ( growing on n little tableland. Th * condition WUH BO minimal for the desert country that ho rode to the trees and fitin'l ' the ground about covrcd with petrified 1 'K many of thorn ns high as his iihntllders. Thll ground hud been located an n rattle rnn-h in 1880 by Hull & Swinburne , two Englishmen vvnll the pines. Hen * men , who dug a near ham & Darnes boiiRht the cattle of the Ent ? llshmen and founded the Espernnza f'atti * "lo'i-atlon" l-i company , but they allowoi ] the It Is to bo hoped that Chalcedony park wll1 became n reality au soon as poflMlile nftoi Agent HolnliiKcr has submltti" ! his report While there may be 1.000.000 tons of th precious stone on exhibition In Iho park to day the next generation will not find t pound of H there If th national government ( \ics \ not rigidly protect It 1 I nm Indebted to Ono Minute COUR ! ) Curt for my health nnd life. It cured me of limn trouble following grippe. " ThouB.inds owe tliclr Ilvea to the prompt iictlon of thl never falling remedy. It cures .coughs , colda , croup , bronchitis , pneumonia , grippe nnd throat and IUUR troubles. Its early UBB pro * vcntd consumption. II IK the only hnrmlem remedy Hint gives Immediate rellof. AdiiiiiH oi > n I'riinllcr CruUf. SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. K.-lnfoi nmtl .t . luis been ruct'lviMl hc-ic from \VnHhlngi > tlm : the United Stulew tr.iln UK tfhlji A.I.HIM w'll be ordered to HPII at i.m rl'iK' nt "i W uk. fiijitnln Goodwin will be IT i om- inand und ho will carry , in aildltliin i . .1 resuliir rn-w. 13 , ipiiiuitl ] < i > n Thi rul-u Ix to extend to the Hawaiian ' ! : in < is , ni ] piMitllily b'-yond Th Adams IIIIH ju.i , .MH > out of tindm k * .it M.irr Island , li-ii ny bun I h'.r..ujlil > r' ' ' " ' ' ' ' ul1 u\'i ' uuul' J