Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 02, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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    H TTTE OMATTA. 1)ATT4BEE : TI'1'1S1)AS' , . .TAN1'AR'\ : , 1OO. ! )
TY'PIC11L O1hlIIA 1E\V \ 1'Ct11
llraeto Nebraska Weather with Ju
Enough Snow to Add Zest to the Day.
Oh.rrtntion or ni Old Snrinl Ci , of
that Ilev'nite. Ohsnlrle In the
Ctt4e of'l'Inie-'rliv Ilnl-
Idny li ( hpernl.
rhtut gusts of pulverized snow , attnO )
phnrr crimpy enough to net nglow the elseull
of the most pallid man In town , brisk win
trorn snmowhero up north , but withal , Iir
gtring outbursts of glad sunlight were
f w of the. elements that combined to mak
a Iyplrai Nebraska Neu fear tiny.
1VAlle bttaltie5e In most lines tens prat
tit'clly , suspended , thert seas n sort of n
n ? . ( rvnblo resllessnc's ® Indicating that tin
new year Is going 10 Open up renewed corn
nierotal actvdty.
A mtijorlty of the churches lind flnishe
Ihrir nbservftloi of the new year 118f0I
'h' dawning of the day , but there were
few vxreplinns , notably among 1 plseopn
Ihws nod CatJmlfrs.
It l'rinity rathedrai , holy rommunfon wa
I Ithrated ; at 10:30 n'c1ac1 ( Montiny nmrniil
( Iran CninpbelI hair eunductcd the serviri
Phis ss ng 8upplonleuml is srrvlre5 of tin
prevlolix mldilghl. Other lsplscopal clnirchl
also had holy eoutlnunIol durhig the tiny.
Tito Bun was just peuphtg over the Mil
M011i1 rifer 111118 when a notable gatlieril
tsssrmbted al St , Mary'n Avenue ( ongregd
tiomsl church , In a tOItSC to annuuncenler
that a 8ctnriite prayer meeting would be belt
'ol only 1110 younger members of thl
P.l0lrch , but delegations trout eevrral Ollie
churrhvs in the southsvrst part of line clt
a here the St. Mnry'S church is loenle
wrrr' In nttaulance , it was nt'nrly S o'cloc
w hen the Service closet.
.1t St , dahn's nntl other Cathnlic rhmrcllc
tbrre wcro Now Year tiny services In add !
Iiol to the observation of the prevlnus even
jug. At the night service their was 8pccif
privllego grunted by dispensttton of tin
From 5:30 : 1o n:10 : o'clock a , at. there wa
Spt'rlal prnyrr servlco al tie First Presby
ter Ian church , Seveil'enLb and 1)odp )
streets , This was in lieu of a regular svntc
meeting , which in tiost of the churches teethe
the place of dnyiight service.
New Year day la not so hnpnrtanl soriall
as In years gone by. 'l'imo was when nil tin
be fix were obliged by correct t'tldes t
make New Year calls , and "open house
wall the watchword : society leaders enter
tanned lavishly anti the day nlsvays mark (
as epoch In the social calendar ; caller
drove ahmit in carriages and everytldn
% u ; as formal an the Inaugural ball of
Ihit t1In0 liS VInught a chultgo 110(1 Ne
Year calls have n1 more signillcance im
than raids rondo upon any other day of ti
1 , year. In the old duyx the tocIety colutmr
of the pn wrs were filled will gossip reli
lice to New Year receptions. Reference 1
the files of Thu flee shows that fifteen year
f ago this , ldnunry 1 there were more titan
dozen prominent "events , each one being
reception anti In every inshore the home =
hail a bevy of reigning belles for nssishutt
There was comparatively little hilarity i
Omaha this Now 'Year day. The llnin her
orel custom of "xweariag nil" seems to prt
vail , anti as a rule ticru nux perfect df
eorum. Sotto daring , hdlffercut "men abos
lawn" dl8ualned the idea of n "good" n0
year beginning aid betook themselves 1
haunts of revelry , but Ii the aggregate ti
'j day was as qulol and orderly as a dull Sm
ttuy In lazy ntidsuutmcr ,
' 'oI'NJIIN Itl'a'1:11'I : Pit It NI
rhro.i . of Visitors IiJoy Iluspilnltl
of ChrINtlitll .tM.ICtittllii.
The rooms of lltu Young Men's Chrhtia
association were olaboraleiy decorated 1c
the reception and athictic coiicst 1loldti
and the pcnVrttm suns completed with n nut
rocs which has innlc the occasico an at nt
feature t'1 New t'ear's tiny. The stairca <
% 1S Ilred on either side with a hedge r
plncs Zulu the air ssts jragrunt with thec
uromaliC odor. The event of the aftenma
was the prnginut II the gyinnastufit. Tier
will ; an exciting basket hall game nod a
H indoor base ball gatue , both for junior an
it'll IOr 0 011bmn.
! Yon 1 ; to 10 it. ii. the association kcl
01)011 Ituuau to its friends in the parlor
From 7 to 5 o'clock there w'a $ a nipecii
inusit'nl program by the Franz Adelman
orchestra , with several excellent solo nun
hers. Rereshnnente were served by tl
following cone tlttce : Mesdnnes I. 1V. Cat
) enter , ,1. I. . Patrick , II. J. Penfoid , IL V
Fi1z : , J , A. StmtleriZUU1 , I. N , Knapp. C. 1
Chatfeo , Warren Switzler , T. V. Moore , 1
L. \ % ' tine \1iasea liutterileld and \llt
Chaffee. During tine uvening the pardol
} hero crowdO1 , the guests , niout foe , uvnl
fnti themselves of line nsaociatlot'a hose
. Secretary 1Vlliis was the reclnlent t
n hnidaoiie holiday remembrance front h
i fellow-workers of tie nssociatioi , ' 1'Ilo gi
a rirowood cane with ! ch
a fine
1 ai id nn 1 sliver u 6S
was eaiiclnded by m pentathlon con Icat ,
vinieln about twelty athletes cnnlpetel
' ! 'hero wcro rrs'ell events On line progrml
the highest average in the whole contest ai
; curing line prize. .
Tit "pentathlon" contest brought e
carol exceptionally clever work. First pill
stag Stan by Will 'tIcClroy , with 971 pull
out of n POSSible fou , Cimn 1'ttttcrtun sst
xt'cond with 271 paints , The a'Innc wi
nw'tirdeti tii a Slh'er clip prese lteil by a hoc
jeweler. Mt Iiruy , who has been it trait
log for tine cmtlt'st for Several nlonlh
courbed catab118hed records to two event
lu the 11igh jump he reached f fact 7
Inches and fn the ( mare vludt t feet 2 inc11o
lfOat.tN'S ( ' 1,1'11 ilIdS OI'IN 1101S !
1t'eluuiur Friends Iii I $ tvIOrN h r 1'Ir1
( 'onlrreaiInunl ( 'luirel , .
The Otnabm 1Vanmu'S club held opc
house \iu nit ) night fn the parlors of tl
First Congrogatlanal church in honor of ti
New Year , mill never teas n more pearl
svelcomu 0r a more uleguut ftlnc0nn. TI
roouns wcru ! n Holiday attire of Christni
green , scarlet berries and ribbons , and ti
enl dopartnent of the club had brought of
Its riclcet treasures In tln shape of ropti
of rare old paintings to add to the ft itlt
ilpheal'nnCo of the scene.
Ti , ) club represents tue cult urn anti ti
iuthc'tlclan ) of the city , hence the sues
ivho called were anuug tine most inteliec
stilly' promlneilt cltizeus of Omaha. Thr
were judges , ministers. lawyers tnnU pii ;
nieians , as w'eli as the host prflhlflt'int lilt
In bnrlnenta circles there during tine CICI
lug to be nlet at the door with the mo
. eordlal wishes for the Now Year by M tit
0010 President \Irs. Irnper Smith , tit
r other oittcers of the club , consist lug
Mesdames Ielln 1 , , I'erguson , prat vb
r president ; Della It. Belden , seeez I vii
prt'sidenh unite R. Sackett , recording scent
lnry ; Margaret 1) , Cox , eurresponding set
retry , and Ida V Tlltieu , treaauren
The riairman of the several tlvpartnnenl
of rho club were precnt to assist in r
celving the ; nests suit enteriaiuhn ; tbent t
fullosss : flary fl. Andrews , Ilnnla i
Code , Alice I. Ilowe11 , Mary ii. Dunnon
hraneew M , Ford , Lillian it. hlarford , Hal
net IL ! fuller , Helen J. Jeffrloa , Lott
r Tuwhe , Ella Ih lublugler , Line \icGllto
Blanche McKvivy Mary A , Powil
I'ooriamna E. Sill , Grace R. Sudloroug
Cecelia Townsend , hamlet S. Towno an
tlary i. Crelgh.hrs , llarforl at thu HCa
of the house and home department , was at
aisted by Jessie Millard. Hattie P. hlidwel
'i Abbio 1'110 Court , Marguret 'raltaferr
rnrnclla L rnrrtrr. Ra , hrl A. Rnrry , Tierth
1' . Offntt , Iillznbetin Todd , Laura 5rolr , Fier
net L. Lore , Luella Ilarford , I.etrcla I
flaltlrige , ldda h' . Wilson and Florence 1
1ewIS , in serving coffer sad wafers front
beautifully dtcorated table lighted with cat
hies in silver candelabra anti festooned wit
scarlet and green ,
Madame Smith received n telegram fret
Mrs. Apperson , president of the slate Ceder
tion of clubs , during the evening , regrettli
that she could not be present , Mrs. A1)
persmi resides ttt Tecumseh and Is one r
the best known club wonicli lnthe atale.
The event was one of pronllnetsce an
great brilliance and every effor
was rondo by the women in chars
to make the guests feel they were w'e
come. The rerrplien marks mother n1fle
stone in the life of this prominent mall
tutton aid tlelnonstratcs to the world the
the club has made a great impression tipo
the intellectual life of lhr city.
Jett isli Ptv.ple IuJi : , iui IsiUerb Iii
nir'nt iuid 1tip tit 1lelropullIut
I'luhrty 1'enr's la e.
Metropolitan club was the scene of a brit
limit eocial event Suutiay night , when tin
Jewish people of the city assembled to cu
Joy n "tientleth century ontertalmneu
and hop , " The affair ivas largely allende
by the prominent Jewish society people in
was m success in every pnrttetnlnr.
. .literary progrun preceded the dmtrtll
Jultux Meyer , president of tine Metrohohl
Inn club , delivered nn address , in which h
stated tint the prince object of the chi
tins for tie promutinn of mutual Inter
course between Its mennbers , of n Ilterar
'tad social character , and to bring the ilc
hrosva into a closer bond of h'lentlship nn
nequnintance. Ilc mentioned a member c
prominent Jews Wilt halo arisen to posi
tiers of promtieuee In various wants r
life , and salt : 'I say , illy' friends , you en
well uidt'rstand that ve have nothing t
lie ashamed of when we are called Jewt
It Is n term which should make every per
sou belongitng to our rice feel proud an
bring buck to our thoughts tine great deed
which have keen performed by Heide of tit
Icadirig characters among Our . '
other delightfully entertnluing fen
trues on the progrann were a weal solo In
Miss Lein itchfeld , 1. wldstling kola h
Mlss Katherine l'ollnck , n pinuu sale by Mis
Juliet Morris , tt recitation by Miss ioihl
Pollaek aid ( t vucnl solo by M , llcnr
Rosenthal. The program of dancing wink
fullowed was perfectly arranged tint tin
new year uahered In svhfle the dunccrs leer
eljOying tlICnIselecs with tullitniled pleas
tire ,
" 11'0 still keep Chailberlain's Colic , Chol
era and Dlarrhoen Remedy in the house ,
says George H. hlcaley , editor tit the Gn
zette , Ilrookstou , 111(1. "As a paint craw
for chlldrei we kayo found notiduq to of
Pt ouch it. When the baby cries hard as
we believe it is suffering from colic we gin
R a dose of the medicine , diluted accardin
to directions , and in a few iloments the pat
Is all gone. N'e hive also used Chenhei
Ittil's Cough Itemedy with gael results , "
'I'rauntie rred I o Dendtvood ,
( Ieurge L. Erlmrd , a well lamwn travel
log sal0smunI , ivho its represented tin
Cudahy enmpiuty l n western loin for soil
trae ! and hits made his headtparters it il = l
city , Irft Jiotiiay afternotnI for Dt'ndwoe
Mr. Ernar.1 has bcdu transferred to a tie'
territory , which Includes purli0nis Of NI
brltska , South Dakota , 1Vy'emlug and Mot'
( iii. Refor' entering a coitnercial lit
Jlr. Erhard wvs engaged l1) the new spnpc
b1)/ loess n iii gniie(1 t'onSlder ibit' prone
nerve In iliinn's uewsnaper t'ircles as tin
editor of the Juliet Sunday Star ,
If ICs value you want Sotd to your Beale
for a case of Cook's Imperial Champagn
lixtra Dry lioquet exqulstte ,
The Chlettgo Slerniit Car
For Omaha patrons EXCLUSIVELY , lease
on the "NORTITIVESTEIiN t.INE" lhnlte
train at 4fih : p , in. daily , arirving Cbicag
7:45 : next morning. There MAY bo tine
etcepera that these-In Europe.
dally at 6:41 : u , m , and 7:30 : p. m.
City emcee , 1401 and 1403 Farnam street.
A i ii. , t at 1' 1.111 I' 111 N.
The Roslonlans open at Boyd's Frida
night for a three-perfornnnce engagomee
Thu opening hill will be the latest aequl
sitlun to their repertory , "The Smugglers c
Ratlayez. " Saturday nlatineo the ever gree
"Robin Ilood" will be euig and Saturda
night "The Serenade , " with Grnce Canierol
nn Onmha girl , in the prima tinnnti role r
Yf01t11C. All tint. old favorites but Jessl
Bartlett Davie are with the organization
Helot Ilcrtrau ) Is tine prlncipal prima Bonn
of tic conlpuny.
This Tuceday evening the Coitractor
Mutunl Benefit association will elect oil ]
eons for the coming year. A smoker an
suclal tulle Will follow the election.
E. 0. HAMILTON , Sec.
IL J , Cantleld of Norfolk Is in the city.
1 , , it ( ' 111)1) of Lincoln is a guest itt tli
'r. D , Draper of Red Oak , In. , Is n guen
at the tier Uranti ,
P. J. I.ttngtlon , a Prominent Gretna ant
Is at the tlerl'i tiinla.
l.ttry it. Cti5. ' of l.hlcohs ! s lit the city t
remain for n few days ,
I ) . M. Kinzie and wife of Sehuyler tit
fittest it the liar ( "rand.
1v. l' , Alien , n Grand Island stockman , I
In the city fur a felt' dny5 ,
Mies Ida M. Montgmnery of iJucoln sp0r
New' Yra1"S day' in Oinuha ,
Danlel It 4'IcGeu Itnd syift' of hlnstling
Vi. , Zoe. guests nt the Mulled.
.l ttirlce 1 iobs , It St. Louis tht'ntriot
man , Ix registered at the s1iIlnrti ,
Mrs. C. ,1. Rowe and Mss S. Do Mara
uu ' 11r 1 at Sioux City tire ! n lint ( ' ) ' ,
I , i'loekri8lcln , a bttatness 1111 in of Slou
( 'it ) ' , In. , is s'lsiting frirutls in the city' .
11'lllinnl Grace , euntrnctur for the nu
I'ldon deput , is III Ilit ) l'ily' ( noun ( 'hlengo
Ibu'r ) ' Lnomis of Stoyenn & Smith's spec
lilt' holldu's In IJncuhl ammil g Ills friends.
' 1' . 1. . 1.'kcrnuti , United States depuI ( rum Stamen , is at the Merchant
I ) . t\L Owen it the Ilrnt of Otfen Ilrui1
ers , grading contractors. Is in the city ( at'
fewv days.
! henry It Gering , Rue of the stibstantli
1nrsinriHmrn of 1'hUtansuuth , lx tit tli
! tarry Lnnshng , eta of the best know'
young in ( 'II of 1lnc0ia , is in low's spenlIn
till Holiday's.
G. Kaib huS arrived in the city tram s
Louis to tike a pusitlon with the Cntrlc
tt'hie I.ead works ,
F. : ti. Dnrrhngtou , register of the " ) nit'
Stiles laud . , Iltce al Alllatu'r , Sprat Net
't'ar's da ) l1) umaha.
Is : s. liusenbntunt of the comnnissinn firm
o' ItoStill vanO IIrulhrrs. ( 'hlctigo and Soul
iifn.hit. Is .1 guest at the 1Ion' (1 rand.
1V ( ! refer to our w'ay of doing bnsines )
It islll be on the stone line us the pas
four 'cats. For tine major portlon 0f tin
year wo 15th tryy and be decent , but when
ever one of tine pets , pluggers or member
of the "Ilot Air Associatlon" require
rap , we'll be there ready to give it. 1V
will not deviate front our rule of doh )
a strictly cash bualness , nor will we at
as a stool pigeon for any set of grafter ,
or pay doe's office rent to get into his goo
gracea. Another thing , w1) will never ba
cone a member of the "Trust Gang"-an
calker that do that w'e'll retire from tin
drug business ti Oamlm.
These rules may not meet the approvt
Of tine "Trust Gang , " but they suit us-an
that's the reason we have them.
unMrn 1)ItUGIS'I'
Cur. 1Uti and Chilcago 9t. .
Judges hold Conference and Make Dock
Assignments ,
fluter of 'I'rrni. In the ter.'rnl Cum
tit's of Illy Il'iriot tr ( I''Itrtl-
ia.aiiII ' ( 'ot111111..I1111ev
Is .lppuirtted ,
Tie seven judges of the district court in
In the private 0Dlcu of Judge Maker In 11
court house Mondtty morning , atkl behit
cicsed doors 1118(10 ( the docket assigumen
as provided for by statute , appolnled tv
ntennbeiv ( of the iishitiit ) .otindssion at'
tUmsuclyd otller routine business itcidei
to suttllig down for tlnu work of the year.
Judge Slabaugh was ehnlrman , Jude
licldison secretary. Tine nneeting opened
1090 ; u'ciuclc lull continued until 111)0
lwllh the exception of Judges Estcllo at
linxtir , nil lho other judges were on tl
brich lnst year , tine ncsv iteutbers Of tl
judiriary loving been ehoa0n ht plnco
Judges Powell anti Scott , retired ,
Probnhly the mnst important feature
tin meeting was the erention of ati multi
tional c'lufty court. Heretofore there h1) '
bcei ttvo equity courts , four jury courts f
dell cases , nntl ono for crinninal trial
Under the iety nrrungeunent there tire t11r1
civil jury courts , three eqully courts atone
ono crhnlnal court.
The reason for tints change is the Inotab
Inerenso of egtdty huslnees IV Itin iII tlse In
year. The nuulber of divorce suits is col
stnntly on the lnerense nod there Is mw
other litigation tlml belongs to tint' equl
docket. It inns come to be quite ( nshionttb
far tih'orco uppilrauts to ask for restrainll
ordera along ii'ltls the filing' of their pet
lions , multi tills ] makes extra work for t1
Judges , becnusu prayers for reshalnhng 0
tiers meat be acted o1) at once , until the ea
ix tried ou its anerlts inter , Sonnetintes
disconsolate wife sets forth that site Is
Bangor of great bodily harnu from her htn
band , or that Inc Is about to sell vnluab
properly. , or that lee l8 trying to renloye tl
children out of thu Jurisdiction of line ( our
and so on , Iqull ) Judges , nusl ltslen to ref
of these ,
.lssigittenl "f Jtalfrt's.
The asslgnmmlt of judgte as agreed
thu meeting is ns follow s :
Court room No. 1 , crlnlinul , , ludgo flake
No , 2. civil inty , Judge Estelle ; No , 3 , els
mw' Jndgo Slabaugln ; No. 4 , evil lass' , , bud !
Baxter No , f , equity , Judge Keysor ; No ,
) ' . Jidga Fawcett ; No , 7 , equity' , .Ttuk
Dickinson. Judges Dickinson and Fait cc
will continuo to occupy their resprcti' '
quarters in The Bee building , official
known as courts No. 0 and 7. The on
changes made in the nunlberlig of the roar
in titu court housd is that what was nod
tine old regime No , 1 Is now' No , 5-slmp
nn exclange of uumbers.
The Fmlrtlr Judicial district , of will
Omaha is the chief point , embraces t
couitlcs of Douglas , Burt , lVasldnglon al
farpy. The terms of court under tine m
ndtridstrutlon will begin tus folloivs : Dou
ins county , February f , 'fay' 7 rand Octob
I ; Burt county , March 11) , October 1 ; Was
instal county , February 26. September I
Sarpy county , February h , October 1. 1'I
counties nuteide of Douglas-Burl , 1\'asl
ingtnn ninth Sarpy'-ivill be served in t'
order limned by Judges Estelle , Baxter m
Attorney J. L. Iialoy and Dr. George TI
dell were appointed inemhers of tine iusani
hoard , to act in conjuncties with tile dci
of tine district court. The law provlde8 lb
a doctor anti a lawyer must be members
tlm board , Its duties hetng to pass upon ti
mental condition of those wino are urraign
on the charge of Insaulty.
It was decided that the September ter
of court-tho presellt terns-elu111 adjourn
Douglas county , January 0. Then there w ,
be no more court until February 5 , who
the new terns 01)008.
F. B. Thirkleld , health inspector of Ch
cage , says ) "Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cane
be recommended too highly. It cured n
of coyote dyspepsia. " It digests what yt
eat and cures Indigestion , heartburn an
all forms of dyspepsia.
The Chiroan eieeplua Car
For Omaha patrons EXCLUSIVELY , leave
an line "NOftTh111TSTE1LN LINE" iimlt
train at 4:55 : p. m. dally , arriving Chlcaf
7:45 : next moriing. Thera MAY be tint
sleepers than tntre-m Europe.
dally at 6'40 a. m. and 7.90 p , m.
City o 9cc0 , 1401 and 1403 waroam stree
8 8
I I , t
. l Yd
. r't'
.tit r'
Got alt' ard at Onnabu. Get
tiff tit Salt Lake City , Salt
Frahidisco or Los Angeles ,
Thur's the whole story of
line Ilurlllngtoi Oveflatd ex-
cgrniouti , No chmiges-no de-
Inys-1)o bother about tickets
or btggage-11o : extravagance.
Cars are clean , eonlfnrtnble ,
toil of latest design , Porters
It IC p01ItO. Ixrursinu Inanu-
gerS aceoinpnny each party
( rein ) start to fnlslt.
lYma Oinaia ' 1'inursdaye.
(1302 Fternam 10th and Maxon
8treot. Strooto ,
'Phono 260. 'Phono 310 ,
- - - - - - - - - -
- - - - -
® r Dodge
. 'x15 CC-4. , . Leaves Coanu
" lilulfe dally excui
, ' Yi 9 Suaduy Ib(1.nnh ,
MOndfy , Iou. 16t1
fur Lo 1i Itn , ItOUi
' 4 , fo ' 9 Line , tluulap , IJ
City , Denison Dewlt , 11'ull Lake , foci
i1'eil City , i'Oet 1)odgo and lutm'Bncllal
stations , 'oateeliig 11t F. rt Dodge tilt
lot ltl tlu'uugh train fur nniullue , Chlct
go lid inter'ult'dlate points.
City Ticket Office , 633'11111
H old , Cauiicll Bluffs ,
V. F. Lubbe C , I' . & ' 1' . A.
II 11tl N lilt l'4 , ' ! 41'itIti. : .
'I'nrrdny the lug Slurr IleMin. Iii , '
lirt'ntesl Stilt' In Its Illstnr ) ,
Thousands tit bnrgnlna in every depart-
ment. All stocks meet be reduced at oncn.
Ne matter what .you stint , you eon Bid It
and save ntoiey at tine ills Store's January
elersring sales.
On 11'ednesday the greatest bargains in
dress trlinmltlgs and braids ever inch ! in
OOnlhn , 20ci braids at 1t' , $ t dress ( rants 1c ,
$2,60 drree fronts 250 and hundreds of otlser
burgalns. None said until 'i'ednasdny umrn
11g. IiAl'1)CN 11111)5 ,
Pnlloe ( 'onrinissloner itarbut't , 11i.
Returned trout I'lurldm ttlll. \u
Inttn'otCntt'nt Ili ills llrultii.
C. , h Karbarh , a member of tine lin'rd of
"Ire 11101 roller Couuulssloners , CC ( ltrlnc'd
S11ndoy from Florida , whore he had gone
about tire mouths ago in 1101)05 of r0rover-
log 1118 Inenlth. Ills many frietids In this city
hill learn 11th regret that lda cnn(1Itlon ivns
lint materially Improvcd , as n result of the
, southern trip ,
Mr , ilarbach is rotdlnetl to his house and
is still In n serious condition , although he
stood the lung rnllw ny journey fairly well.
lit' is recetvlug the best of niellrnl attou-
tion and every nu'nns possible Is being uan-
pioyed to recnpernte his f = iling iealll.
Deaf flute. r:1)/'rlali 1"rit'ids.
New t'ear's cveiitg tit tine Deaf and
1)urnb itlMHtllle ivus devoted prlmnrlly ill
line etitcrluhnntant of the you ngt'c pin pils ,
nilhmngh the tumtxcment w os egtoyrd by
a large crowti fronn the t'ity of Iill ages.
I'rite ( 'veil lag war iilurtrd at I ao by 0 grand
11tirch of nil t1) ' pupils , Some of the
14inlit' r t aildrein guys a cake vin Ik IIi ttt w na
still of new and novel steps , A euntist
of hlthng + tpplcy llant III hg fruits a shi tg
w nn Open t0 all corners and scvrriI prizes
' were ctt'red ! of. After a feast of nand
tldngs a tw'roart comedy rltlIt hi i "Farnner
II'nrd ivrt' " w tts given. ( 'he six 141118 tier.
tied takett I. ) .1. i ; . i'npt' , I , , I1Iinkt'nvhlii
and 1 , . 11. Ilunl. 'fine 't. ring riosed with
It tsblunix ; and red 11g'hty ' and a s"dal !
unnng the pupils and their frl.'ndS tut ! ne-
' , r
t yin4 " . Q
b'.tej ware. n" ' °
F ajr 'tMOT KKRS.
Uorde&a Condensed fdiI Co. , N. Y ,
iI ti lIHIIO' ,
'l'ine llla Idnt'n Stile at flte lug Store
Starts 'rhursth iy monsing , January 1 , 19en.
11'0 have born preparing for this sale the
past live monlluh
Como prepared to buy , for there w111 be
bargains offered lint Will go quick , 1Ve
shall nnme prices whlci we will not be able
to duplicate later tin ,
COMPANI' hi lout' Open anti ready to no-
echo till classes of freight and forward
with Icspaleh , to nil punts in tite NOI1TII ,
iAST : and SOt'TI. ! freight drpnl bn'nt 1
at 161eventh aid ( 'hiengo streets , Olnnltt , ,
and nn Nlntln et reel , between Eroaudw'ay and
first nvrtntr , Council "huffs ,
It is a i t I ' ( ' , Iris In prgnusllcdtr Os tO
tilt' exa.'t t'xlrnl trusty , old . ' .Inlht11attOnr
w'III Ilnurisln darnt the rttning year. 'Vt'
shall his far n : ' p' ' Ii'lo put's0r the policy
of "hest rvriltg unrvItie by hest sent'-
big the hltereS'v "f oar Intrunv , "
1'l.I' NTS' lib' . $1 " 44 SIl.i ; l'i : itl'-NA.
1dS'rl'ltIxi : . St ' ( ) .l""S ( l'31I'ISItN , tilt .
Mlat'S S11'A311' ltui't' , l'Iere's mrdi-
etnci , Ayers nn'hirucl : , hill fn the $ LO )
1417.0 , unl Just lt'et'tvrd , tvhlch we sell for
i5c CASH' ,
ur Cut
2it' lh utun Seltzer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . rleeu
250 ( 'hhindu'rlnin's Caigl Cure . . . . . , . , , 20t'
idle Gem ( 'atsrris faro .lilt'
Splendid IIin r4 Rubber .ttotnlzer . . . . . IOr
n'1'rtlow''s Swan's 1)otvu Powder , . . . , fir
Sac' l.aLd teIIt' Ftrt' i'nwtlrr , , , , , , , , , , , , , 9ir
51k' Purzunt'8 Puce l'ow'der , . . . . . , . , , , . Sic
$ I.OO Madnnt' Yule's Goods , , . , , . , , . 75t'
$1.04) ) I'eptog'nlr Milk l'ow'des' y0r
$ L50 Vin 11un Innl ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . $1.t5
$1,51) ) Fellow's Syrup' . . . . . 1.20
$ L ( ) Mexlrnn Ilar : Reslo'ntive . . . . . i5r
5n. ' 'l'nrrant's Aperb'nt , , . , . , . . . , .j , . , .1 ° c
„ ; o ] Itlmpltrey's Sprclilrs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
lot' cns.'nrots in'
Sump Sized SO7.otbnlt 204
2i' ltubifuuia
2 : , , ' lanxnai ' itrnnto Quinine . . . . , . , , . . , 1 t
$1 it ) pufy's Man tVhlske ) S.c
it l It. Snip fm' olr.ttltng , . . , , , pr
MIr King's New IIsrovory . . Jar
5"t' Slnart' " DyStpSla 'I'llblot s . . . . . . . . 4Cc
.tltt'id ( ttn' Il.'iulvnl lime ,
Sher f0 ao & , McConnell Drug C 0
tSlidtllc of 1tIi.k ) lrrlt totlgt' SI.
Oiuthn , Neb.
and Roaches0
Sinn St arlln ; tint' fnI'll ltcys y'an hire
nulirrtl Inn Ii ( reas ( ' I 1) Ihese miHy9ltg
p'sts , npt'cltlly ROA111' S , around
the hot ii'ntur pip'S. 11'1 'lilt clear
t'v't'y 0111' of Ilt'ltl out. 11'1 hin't' the
sttill' . It I' non-polsultotts-inst. lay it
mrotnuil tint' slink or elt tin ( ptult'y
shelve ( and Iii a w'e4'k the thug is
(10114' , It coma Ju 'tuti at 5)c nit ! ! s
1)uSitIvely gutu'mntye 1. It is
J. A. FU1 L.ER t L C
Kith uud Iouglas St.
; Dail't : ail to Attend Our Great ,
tt t t ' ( : 4 * ' STEINWAY , A. B. CHASE ,
ttiR , , . . . , VOSE & SONS , IVERS AND
POND , EMERSON' PACKARD , and other standard
Pianos to select from.
Lyon R Heal ) ' Upright only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ S5.OO
Billings Upright , good condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $100.00 "
Chlckering , walnut cast' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $135.00
File New Upright , eastern matte. . $149.00 '
Halict , c Cnmstou , iinrdnrtn , II allot & Basis , Kimball and other medium
grade Pianos at your owl prices ,
Organs and Square Plaooa from $220,00 $ up ,
New Pianos for rent. Pianos tweed , repaired , moved and exchanged. Tel ,
1025 , 'rite for eataingne and prices ,
We sell new pianos an $5.00
I c mo et' Mueller.
. . . . . .
' 1'111 : (1LI ) .S : I ) II EI.lAllld : i'IANO 1101. .
Steinway & Sons 1313 rarnaln Street.
Representatives. 337 Broadway , Council Blulls ,
I ! 5 .ds '
, The Cloak
1 Department
Intel's on the new ceiiturt/ with , n new sole am ! wit/ (
recol'I breakin/ prices , 'ihTe u'i.c'lt ' t'ou , till I1app/J
lYeu ) Yell ) ' , a)1(1 tllI1Jk ,11ou , ko1' the ) ) atronl/o beStnloel (
71)1011 K5' fol' the past , few //en's. ilid , ii oar bu//ei' , 1)u' .
Chasm00(18111 the 70o1'lI's best )11 rl'Cts lilt/i unljr1Jjt
eI SJot caS/l. (111(1 selling t/lent , tit a clol'o p1'/it ? . 'ill ' e1)-
1itlo its to t1'/IC , then we 'wilt earn it.
In cktinlnf ( ( hc 101ce ( prices in ) resu'u ( lint icu , tic at' ( ' ou1j rrpcuilry ( , ( Gc vayimis mil
mi' cuelunur's , " ll C're leoki (1 ( nvrgu'ltrr ( , and Jo iatd I/otu' 1'iC"s 10 be Cite to u'cst. ' "
200 ladles' Hersey Jacltets , newest styles , silk lined tinrougln
out-a decDled bargain-:0th century aulo t ,
prleo only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . K'1q
500 ladles' Jackets. in all wool lncrseys nod friezes-every gnr
menL otik lined thronghnut-inn binea , tans , black and browns t r'
--worth up to $10,00 , for only , In tltlS 20th 4 _
century sale-a ( reilarkablo iolue ) , . . . . . . . . . 1 .9r ti T
925 ladies'inn 1ui10rls1 Jacltets , i1 nil wool rnhitrrlnis ,
trunmed with strap seams uud bllltois-nt'arly till 11110.1 w ttli 't
Sitinner'e salhn-theso bring eissest buyers bark-ti'y al'l' y {
worth 0p to $ I5.OO-o1 sale in this 20tln con- , 1
/ 6s
475 hig11-tins , Man-tailored Jtickets-lhry are worth your bcdt 1t _ I
nttentimi nail n'l11 incur the closest Ins1)retlon-they sumo In :
whipcords , montanacs all the famous washtngton mills k .r-
soya-they are all Ilneti ss'th ! Lila reiawneti Skinner's satin
with ills brand warriulting it for time years slttntpel on-they are tine very finest good ,
in the mm'ltcts-Jn box "rents , tight-fitting anti high colltirs-tho greatest f
eoliecticn of garments ever placed On limy COltntere In Oltlalla-they are
worth u ) to $30-in this 2Oth century sale your choice for , . .
175 Indies' Mtn-tallored Suits , in tight-fitting or box ( runt jackets-they are worth $15 no
take the time to come and see them-lit thls 20th century pule '
for only . , , . . . , . . . 1).1
200 lnfants' Ildordown : Cloaks , trhnmcd with angora , is'orth $ LOS , ' 4
for only . . . . . . . . . . . . . C
200 ladles' Silk Dress Skirts , in iiialn and iggred , vsorh Up to $12.00 , I1
for . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1) .
100 ladles' Skirts , ! n binp3 and brgwn-they tire vary pl'eUy patterns- i
worth ( or auk' . . . ' . . . . . ' ' ' ' ' . . ' . . ' ' . . . ' . ' . . ' ' . ' ' . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
200 all wool Serge Skirts , pcrcallfQ lined throw&kout ( t r
, for. each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . .11 , . . . . . . . .1
' Sklrli , lwrcalino lined gnu Intgrltp9tl worth t
Ladkx' all wool Crepon , ( 4
io.ooforonly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 .
200 plaid Skirts , tin nine new'ost patterns , worth $000 , t
tor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,1
51) dozen iadtc's' Flee r Linul lt'r T'rers , n'nrtli $1 7 ; , fur
and Y l e
000000000 000 0000000000 000 000 000 000 00000
0 0
° lflJ o
0 'ere ' re 0
0 BmeQO 0
° ThenBoeters 0
° 1 0
0 0 ea 0 el t le ItIiiOlile' f11t S 'I . / 0 0
, .
0 o i "tic " a i thermometers
0 SOC i c0 thermometers r °
0 0 lfiaf1Clal f e r m i f > i etelS tjl' 1 , 0 0 o 1
° ' ' sc - 0
Trade the
6 I'If801lieCrS 1
0 Our clttrf study is till' lnttt'l' They are as big as tint ( ; t 0
0 world. They mark faslions , prnduetlnns , Prices. All d 0
the a louse me w atchN with the eyes tit n y 0
0 aleuth , Tito Moro Itself Is practically a 1he19nolttcter ' 0
0 of tin tondo of tints section , 0
( ! rent care is taken to hold n stead tennperature 0
0 of nssnrtntents , gnnllties , lowest prlr's ( , 0
0 Our stnrekeophng does lint riot down to zero when 8'tsnnS nra pttat , or be0
0 cacao 11 ( mill ) rf a dozen rolnimnn pretexts for sellhlg oil. 11'0 lilentl tO hltve tine 0
0 store equally goal and egtinlly Serslccable all the year round , into day as woil us 0
0 nnuihe' . 0
0 .Anti again we nlentiou 0
0 0
0 : tf1- C
0 1'Oll ate mistaken if yoi ttliuk w e have said the Inst ward ttbout Furs , Oh , no ! 0
0 'i'hrre's lots of ) 011 alto havei't as yet beChn furred , nod w'o wnnt yon to know 0
nbnut Ilirnt , ci
° The hp' men are wtrrleti. l'hny've a right to be , Mil in = ch of story it Jana0
0 RI' ) ' 1811'4 enough = to env ( Prices , Vull'II coed furs yet h0for ( tlro hods start , 1'ou'II 0
0 noel tlrin NIiXT season , Im' . 1'1)11 cnI't get therm evenly for nulhitg Ito -but °
ueurer Ul It Ilttns rfrr brfl n' , perhaps
0 There'll be a sperlnl sltoniug of Pura today. 11'111 yotl 'aloe ? C
0 0
0 0
0 A 0
0o b , t 0
0 0
0 r 7 0
0 0
. / N ; ( Clearing Sale
011 Slippers ,
Shoes a . e 1iiS. ,
aclies' line $ , 50'Tici Kid Shoes , with silk vesting
tO1)5 , Oil Slue at. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,90
Ladies' fine , 3,00 Chrome Kid Lace Shoes , with ( Ion-
1)10 i'air ' htitehed soles , 'on sale at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2.25
Men's $2.00 satin calf lace shoes at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.15
Boy's ti1.5O satin calf lace shoes at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90c
' The Famous ffULTRQyt Shoes for Women.
, ( 'I All styles , ill vici kid , fine call' and patent
leather , 'with turn tu(1 welted sales au(1 ( 'us11
ion cork inner soles. The ULTRA is the lat.
j , t , est , up-to-date shoo for woinwi ; price , i3.50
, . . V t , ' 3 T11e Celebrated .
For den oh Sale. eery
'flue 'Stetson" i
Ittp , , , ' .
t h e best shoe
that'S Made for .
I'he ULTRA Shoe 111011. \V C have
ForVonltn , ilk velour
tall' , enamel calf and vici kid , the
att,5t styles and llllll(1 made-
' 'Stetson" in every pair. Call
Tic " 1 E'I'SoN" Shot for Men
ul(1 see them. Price , ff i5.00
LECCff YYrCt,7.
Hisses' tine Sl .Jersey Legging , , off sale at . . . . . . . . . . 69c
Boys' tii Canvas L ( gg1T1g5 , on sale at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49c
lullieS' 85c Ovel'gaitei'r , OIL sale at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18c
35c 11T001 Soles at. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
lien's $1 imitation Alligator Slippers , only. . . . . . , . . . , 6130
Men'sl.0 1L11Ct wubroldertd 51i)1a'S ( r.t. . . . . . . . . . $9c
Lathes' } 1bLalercloth l horse Slippers , at . . . . . . . . 750
Ladies' "f5 ( ' i'elt honse Slippers , on sale at. . . . . . . . . . . . 38c
a cG y
rt ' . . , "
swaorfi F' acanst ltau ( dira : d l. t'7
n rret' ) ' I.unl of ( ott5h , ( old , I.n..m'ip . c
v : OU R NTEFO TO CURE : Iirusroess , inilnatva , C tinr h , nntl all
J ; , ltmgtwdtnrnat tI , ttdt'S , n l f t pruuf of h. ! t dot's tot sicken 1)r dl.agrco
4 ii ttls the stmnarh , itIC for all ago. . ,
Dr Kays Lwig
: WI hr 1)a , .t in' . all rem dolls pluilly nod om I'hvdrlnn wlf , gtsr
PIh1I : AI ) % I ( I „ n It 'Fag , ' i..Ih . 1)r , by Irukgi.un .rut In milli ,
lt'rlpev ' and n 1'ILT.I ; S.1ail'Ils. X lilt' ( ' , Instil + lnecnl. . . '
+ dj ? Andress Dr. R.J. KAY MEDICAL CO. , ( Wraern Office Omaha , Nob.
c i AI.1 , oP rn ! BCST JUUGS OP TOBACCO SAY , y
r t e Stoecker Cigar !
t Is , 11'ithott Qitsli0t , the "lest " CJgnii
! 'out ! i Onllthu.
f I ri
p "
„ , ' at I' ii I w now , aid In tints itov you
1 , , , L ' Ihr 11,111' ) ' 'ii ' t.I' of , ( usrtul . ,1 mil
auu , I I , I t ( I"ug , , t1' you wuul'1 ' nth.I. 1 r r
Iw ln' ubllprd to d r'r nil olt tb ( klud III a Syr
) I Ih In unravti ) ' In ) Our toout.1)l 75'
ha tight a , , tmibler : , Cy
' . . . . . .
Milt ( ' " I'Illinas i5u
( and l'Illlnits ISU tip.
Grand set tt'elIi . . . . . . . . . )
r 0enfal c ' 0 O
gaffIs Philadelphia Room
. . , ' ' .
11117 511)1.1.tI s'1'
' -
_ ' Clew Clfv Offices. 1401.03 Farnaml
, 11 ( ) YLLG.1 'l'ine Ltiurtit' . , lain
. 1 ir ' his p ( urd
f (1I7 fl 1 , , l1) y ubil.
r 1 ( @ Li't'
. .
u. t Col naUt.