TTTE O PAITA DATLV BEE : TUESDAY , JANUARY 2 , M > 0 ( ) . OMAHA LIVE STUCK MARKET Corofed Steers Generally Sell & LittU S ronqer with Supply Small. OTHER KINDS OF KL'.ERS ' ALSO STRCHG 1'i'iMllliK ( ntllirHn ( mill HlKlifNt of > CM IIII HIIK Mnrl.i't \il\nncc-N ' > lei 7 I- ! ! ( fiiIt inn ! Ai'tli < Miec-p In ( iociil llcinuiiil anil Href Ipts were : Cattle. 1IOK . Sheep. Dlllelal Monday l.VJl 2,070 SIO Cji.o vvctk ago Holiday. Two vveckH ago 2.S1B 4.K3 ID Thiee wieki ago S.SI9 2,911 2,15fi lour weeks ago 3SiS 2.9IS 3112 Avernjrc price paid for hogs for the lust Mvcral days with comparisons. _ Totals 1)13. ) 2,053 817 CATTLE Light receipts and good demand combined to render the cattle market all right tod.i > for belleis All kinds of cattle vveie a little stronger and the row lo.ids on e.ile clmngi d hands In a vei > short time lifter the market opened iPackers were all out early and It did not tiike them long to makenn end of the few loads of fat steers to be had The prices ] ial < lwere htionir to n little higher than at the rloso of last week , so that the m irkct Is prettj well back to where It was at the high time There was nothing very choice .intl nothing to put much of a top on tht * iiinrkct , but some Texnns and vvesteins sold at $5 15 COWH and helfeis VVPH < In good demand rnd thrj al o commanded stiong prices and thp market soon came to a close foi the want of more cattle to sell Bnjers vveic as , in\lons foi fccMleis as | the ) were last v\cek and that Is sajlng a good deal moic But what In more , thej wanteil them lmdl > enough to pa > a little stiongcr prices even than last week. The market on that kind of cattle Is ut the high point of the season Representative sales : BEEK STEERS. \V i : .McCloud-Colo 5 fc rdi l s S3G I 00 , r , feeders S3T I lr COLORADO t fccdeis CIS I 0) I feeder * , SO feeders 01 4 CO 78 feeders , 01 f , 4 7."i 1 sta 7tl ) 2 2li feeders S17 I 50 " i ow s M75 2 71 IKHiS As iinu il on the Hist iinv of the week there we're nn' > n few hogx In sight. AdvUiH from oilier inutkct points were cn- loiir.uliifi and us theie was a fall demand the- market at this point was 5f7j | ( hlstn-i The trade was m-tlvo al the advance' and the IIIIKS nil clmnie > d bunds iur ! > In the inornlni ; The bulk went at Jl JO , as acnlnst III. " ' .l I 1.1 at the cln = e of IMS ! week ] 'vi-r > thing was Hold and woiitlipel up at an oail > hour Kcniesc'iitatlvc wiles- Hlliip-Thero : vvero all told only foui inrn of shoe i nnd lambs In the > ard to il.i\ I ho demand was irood and the market favorable for Iho hcllern , values be'lnc a JtttU- ul'nnter < tv.ncr > . vvcn atKliu pretty biiili nilccs HCI ( hut seme of the sheen did licit i ImiiKP liumlH a , , icndllj a fiev would otherwise hiive dnnp cjiiciiiitlonsfjood io rholce fed jcarlliiBH d to ilm'cp heav ) wetherJ , lOeil ! D , trciod to iholoo llKht welhiTH. $125 fill t > 0 ijciod to choice fed invrB $ )75fjlt ) > ) , lull to Kuoel lid ewe . JMOi/lW , Rood IQ ( lioUe native liimlm. $ Ti 2.ifir 10 uood to < h.ikc fed we'stern hiinus , } jiv3i5W ) fair to Kciod fid 1 imlm Jl v ij 15 ; fee lei vvi-tlnrH 1 nJil'-rt. ' feeder > oir'liiKH , Jl ( XKi I 2j kionil tu r-holcii feeder InmliH SI 251) ) I CO fiir to Kood feedlni ; lambs tl Wtil-'i , feeder cvvM fJJifjJo ) ] tepi < tentative lies N" , , Av Pr'ce , ! mil liimbH . . 73 Ji ) > . ' 1 vvCHtern vvethelP . m 4 o IvM vvc terll lamhs .75 5 , u f IIM U.O I.IVIJ STOCK J\iMl e lroti'M nuil TdiiiiK siroiiif , lllulliT , MieepiUiinee. . Jail -OATTl.r-Hecflpts. . H 000 head , tiiitivu beeves and Tcxans itroni ; and uitlve , IQW market and tanners itiiid > and active , slockiTh and fiudcrH nuiei and utii IIIMIKPJ. bcevi > tlJfiuCO , ' cowb. J3 1MH w . heifers > ' ! W. eaiiners J. M310 | HtoiKors and feederi8 11 OOiM U Texas fen Uc 'vm JIX15J. | > HOrt.S Hotlpt todu > , Jo.ltOu head , toinor- in r < i > w. Uii.OOO luad , left over 2.46 ! ) bond , trnrket uclhe and fiitUHhli hur , top. $ (50. ir.lxrd and butchois. Jl 1MH 4f , . cooU to choice bcavj , I..V5@4 60 ; roujrh heavy , M 10 ? M20 llcht JI10S440 bulk of sales WIS'l HHIIP : ANI > LAMns-Hpr ipt > > i" > head nrtlve and l"c blither native woth- Ti. JIZofllSD , western wethers , $42i > fil7n ; lambs. lOfjZSc hlKhcr , native lambs , Jl 15W 6I > 1 , western lamhs , M40fl5no Snturda > Olllclnl ( "attic Hc-celpt . 358 head , uhlpmonls 410 head Hoics. ; lU'colpts , ! 7 S.V , iKvicl , shljimMHs , 5 7VT head Hhcpp : Heiolpts 'ffl he-ad , shipments none ii ( Ml ) l.lve S ( < ii-U. KANSAS CITY , Jan -CATTLli-IlP- - ct'lpts , 3,000 hrail , innrkct active and lOc hlKher , native steirv , J3405I.JS5 , Tovns sttrrs J4 f'lfto 2.1 , TOVTS cows , $1 2f > f/S ! , nattvp covvt and hilfer , } 2 r < lff4 73 ; stockcrs and feeders , jiftHiOOO , hulls , fi 05111. r > HUGS-Kccclpts .1 i i head , market nc- live ami r/riiOc hlcber , bulk of sales , $1 27 i T/ITj / , hcav.v , ( I2MJHO , packers. Jl Mfl-HO , liiht. $4 27't ' il 35 , mixed. Jl 05U4 30 ; yorkcM , JiSBjino , pip. ji.r'tn2i SlliiP AND LAMltS-RcCclplS , 1,000 head , markel T/10c higher , lambs , 6,10 ; muttons , J3 < tTtCO \ M. , IllNClll | I.IVC S-U. KOl'TH ST JOSHPH , Jail. -Special 1 ( ) - The Journal ciuo'es. CATTMJ Itpcelpts , SC ) bond , market strontr to 10c higher , natives , $1 SSftfino : To\ns and westerns $3 ftVflG fio. cowo nnd hrlfers , J2 iiO i I C < ) . bulls ind stu s J20iirTi4W , venrllnc" , Jisifintrt , stockers nnd fei-ders , J3 4fi4 ( ) fiO , venN , Jl 50Ti7 00. IIOCiS HecelptH 1.00 head , market 7H < fi > lOc hlKhpr , all Rrades , } 12J I40 , bulk of sales , Jt 13 sill'IJP Hecclpls , none ; demand strong. St. liiiiilx l.l\e Sloc'k. ST LOfIS Jan -CATTIn-HfCPlpt , liiO ( head , market stendv. native BhlppliiK ' and bcf f steers J3 Wftfi 7C > , stockers and feeders. J100ITI.2G , cows and heifers , K owe 1 40 , Texas and Indian Hlcers , J.1 50'a I & ! MOOri Heculpts , COOO head , market opened oc higher and closed 5filOc hlKhcl. Slinni' AND I.A.MHS-Uecelpls , 3H ( ) huacl. market strong and active , niitlvo muttons , JIO ( > f 450 ; lambs. | B OtlftR S5 OMAHA ( ; IMH\I , Muiicnr. Condition tit Trnelc nnd ( liiotnUoiiH on Slniili * nnil I'nnej I'rocliiei1. nOC.S Receipts light ; fresh stock , ICc DRisSiD POrLTRY Choice to fancy tut keys , WJ'ic , ducks , 6f7c , geese , 7'4'fJSc ' ; spring chlckct.s G uJ'fcc , hens , Gc , roosturs , 4j7uc. J.lVi : POULTRY Hens. Gc , snrlng chickens - ons , oc , old nnil slaggj roosleii , 3c ; clucks , lVM ? , ° - G'- " luikejs. 7c llu 1 1KH ( oimnon to fair , IGfilCUc : choice , I > ilil9c , beparntor , .ijc ; gathered creamer ) , 22tfj23c PlOnoNS Live , ucr doz. , 75c. A'KAICholce , Sc. OA.MH Ducks , mallards , $ ! (0ii323 ( , blue wing teal , J175. green wing teal , Jl 25c71 W. mixed ducks , Jl 00.7(2 ( 00 OYSTliRS-Mullum. per -an , ISc ; stand ard , per can , 'J2c , bulk stnnd.ud , per gal , J1.2extra ; ielccttf. per can , lOc , extra selects , pur gul. . Jl.Co , New York counts , per can , 37c , New Yolk counts , per 100 , HAY Upland , choice. JO 50 ; midland choice , JO ; lowland , choice , J5 , rye straw , choice , JTiGO , No 3 corn. 27c , No 3 will o oa's , 22Uc , cracked corn , per ton , $12 , corn and oats , chopped , per ton. J1250 , bran , per ton , J13 , aborts , per ton J14. SWCKT I'OTATOHS-Per bbl , Illinois , W ; Jerseys , $5 , largo buls , Kansas , $2 7 , " > POTA'IOHS Per bu. , c/iolce , 30a lOe. CAHHAQi : Per Ib . IH-c. Holland seed. \5iZc CAtJMFLOvVCn Per rrnto. $2 DO. CUANUEHUIES-Uell & Bugle , per bbl. , 1650. Jeisey , $625 I ONIONS-ttetnll way , jol'ow. C5c ; red , 75 QS5c CnMnY-Pcr doz , 2T)030e ; California , per bunch , 45c. TURNMI'S-nutabngas. per Ib. . lUc ; Cana dian , IWl c Ml'SimOOMS-Per Ib. box. . 50c. TOMATOES riorldn. per 0-basket crate , U 50T/-5 / 00 FRUITS. APPLnS Choice western shipping stock , $3 OOffS 50 , NPW York stock , $1 75F4 00. GRAPHS California Emperor , $2 ; Catavv- bn , per small bisket , ISc , Malaga grapes , per bbl. , $710000 TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANG11S Mexican , per oox , J3 ; Cal ifornia ni\els per box , $1 50ff3 75 LnMONS-Callfornln , fancy , $ ICOS > I25 : choice California , $37394011 , Messina , $4 GOQ ) 4 75 MISCELLANEOUS HONEY Per'2l-s > cctlon case , $3.25 350 NUTS Illekorv nutf , large , per bu. , Jl ; shell barks. Tl 2T.01 3 > FIGS-Callfotnln layers , per 10-lb box , $1. California carton per 10-lb box , $1.10. MAPLE SUGAR Per Ib , 9c. HIDHS , TALLOW , ETC. HIDES No 1 green hides , S.c ; No 2 Kreen hides , me ; No 1 salted hides , 10c- No 2 salted hides , 9c ; No 1 veal calf , S to 12 Ibs. , 9c. No 2 veal calf. 12 to 15 His. , 8c. TALLOW , OREASE. ETC.-Tallovv , No. 1. Ic , No 2 3'4c ; rough , 2c , whltt grease , 24j3"c ; yellow and brown grease , 2'iG3c. Kori-lKT'i rinnni'lnl LONDON , .Ian 1 'Bar ' sliver , quiet nt 27 "MOd per ounce Moncv , 53-16 per cent discount , short bills , 5Ti % per cent. Slro doesn't Indicate ijuanty. Beware of counterfeit and worthless salve offered for DoWltt's Witch Hazel Salve. DeWltfs is the only original. An Infallible euro for piles nnd all skin diseases DEATH RECORD. II-M. V > rinv > llorBan. Word was received In this clly last night of the death of Mrs Vyrnwy Moig.m , who j has been 111 at Denver for scveial months Her death occuried nt 1 o'clock New Years morning , and the funeral will bo conducied from SI John's cathedral In Denver tomor row. row..Mrs. .Mrs. iMoignn was the wlfo of Ihe former pastor of Ihe First Bapllst church In Ihis city. During her residence In Omaha Mrs. Morgan was In falling health , nnd her con dition Ilnallj became so serious that her husband was obliged to resign his pastor- situ hero nnd remove to Colorado. Mrs. Morgan's former residence was in Wales , where she has relatives. ( iiciei.i riiiiiiiiiiiiu in mils. RAPID OITY , S D , Jan. 1 ( Special. ) Jim Pluey , the aged Chinaman who died at Bulfalo flap thlb week , wns probably the oldcbt Chlnairan In the Black Hills. Ho wa.s an Americanized citizen nnd about twelve ) < ran > ngo ho cut off his queue and mnrrlol nn American girl When thoElkhorn railway was built to Bulfalo Cap he opened up a Ktore and did a thriving business. He was burned out In the town lire , hut opened again Ho was TO years old and leaves n wlfo nnd several children. i\-Vleml ; > cT ( 'iiiinillnn I'nrllaineiii' . OAKLAND. Cal. , Jan. 1. Dougias B. Wooihvorth. former member of Iho Canadian paill.imcnt , of Into a practicing attorney who icsldcd In this city , died today from In juries received a week ngo when his horbo i rani awn ) , throwing him oul of Iho cnr- riage. Ho was n nallve of Canada , aged C8 years. He was a member of the Canadian parliament for fifteen > eais. Cm ml Mnnli-r \ . O. I' . M' . RT LOUIS. Jan 1 A spcclil Io the Post- Dispatch from Paducah , Kj , says"John W Baker , gr.ind master In Kentucky of the Ancient Order of United Workmen , died to- I day of drops } , nt the age of r > 5 jr.irs Mr. Baker was manager of the William Clarke Tobacco ccnnp'iiiy. He leaves a vvldo.v , one son and n daughter HYMENEAL HOSTON Jan 1 The wedding of Miss Sjbll MoKcnzle nleco of Mrs. II. Staples Potter , and Kobtrt McClue Sn > dcr , a Kau nas City b inker , occurred at Mrs Potter's residence toda > Rev. I3T A. Horlon of- llclaled and Buests from New- York vvero present. With the exception of a few friends only the Intimate iclattvea attended. President .McKlnley , Mark A. Hanna and many of the bankers of New- York nnd Kansas Clly eenl telegrams of congratula tions. \ "I am Indebted to One Minute Cough Cure for in > health and life It cured me of lung trouble following grippe" Thousands owe their lives to the prompt action of thle never tnllliiK rcmedv It cures tough * colds , croup , bronchitis , pneumonia , grlppo and throat and lung troubles Itn earl ) ut-e pre- vrnla conmtmption It le the only remedy that elves Immediate relief , \VILIIELlITALhSTOIIlSARMV \ Emperor CongratulatM Soldier ! on the EfohUion of iln Century. WISH'S THE NAVY TO , FOLLOW SUIT Hull When It N n < < Slroiiu lit iho Ami ) ( ioriiiiiny Will lie Able In noniliintc lite World. Itl'IlMN , Jon. l. tmy btoKo dntk , cold nuil foggy with a drizzling rain , luit tlio great ceremony of awakening the city was novortlielPHi performed successfully by Hie military bands mid the drum mid flfo corps of the wholn garrison inarching nt the quick * step from tl'o cnstlo to Iho Drandenburg gate and back , rousing the population with deafenlni ? eohoM. The cmporor and uinpiofs , ns usual , were early about. The significant act of ledodlcatlng the linns of the Prussian army , \\hlch occurred In the forenoon , wn a moat solemn ceremony. His mnjtsty , with the eldest prlnc" , walked briskly over from the castle to Uhumcs hallt "Hull ot Glories" In whoso Intotlor court In the presence ot Gormauj'H emperor and princes the act took place. The liana were piled up before an altar where the Protestant ami Catholic nrmy chaplain1 ? pel formed the dedicatory rites. The emperor ppoKo kindly to Klold Marshal lllumcnthal , Sfi yoarH of age , who was present. The em pi ess diove up In n co.ich and B\ ! with the two youngest princes , Oscar nmt Joachim , and the little ptlncesses , all of them witnessing the scene below from n window o\ei looking the court. The sign and countersign given out b ) the ttnperor was "KoenlgEberg-llcrlln , " symbolically tjplfy- ItiB PitiF.sln'H i Iso dutlng the century. I'ni'ii'i'iir't Muiillleiint Adilrrst. It was noticed that dm lug the rcdcdlcn- tlon the emperor addressed l.lndly words to Prince Frederick Leopold , who Is hero for a few d.ijn from his banishment In Casscl. The emperors nddrcts duilng the exercises was consldeied another deeply filgnlllcant cxpicsslon of his majcstj's Ilnn Intention to maintain the empire In Its integllty. The pa ° sago nnirmtng the emperor's will to pre- ser\o Ocrmnni's unltv and Indivisibility , and where ho said he would continue In spite of all hindrances to make the na\y as pow erful as the in my , made n deep Impression and his lomarks arc this evening commented on libcinlly in diplomatic circles His majesty deltveiod his address In a high-pitched , resonant , btildentolce. . Kaeh .s ) liable was pathetically emphasized. During the afternoon hours the emperor called upon the ministers and pilnccs. The United States ambassador , A. U. White , and Mrs. White being out calling themselves , the empcior failed to meet them personally nt their residence. The American colony kept the da ) orthodoxlcally. Pastor Dickie held n reception and Consul General Mafcoo and Mi e Mason and Mrs. Robbing did the same. The lost ot the Americans were out calling all day. The emporoi's address to the officers at the Now Year's parade follows. "The first day of the new ccntuiy sees our auny. In other words , our people , In arms , gathered around their Htandardi. , kncollng befoio the Lord of hosts , and , verll ) , If anyone has especial reason thlb day for bowing down before God , It Is onr army. A glance at our standards suffices as un explanation , for they arc the embodi ment of our history. "In what condition did the past century at its dawn find onr nrmy' The. glorlo'ia army of Kiedenck the Gieat had slept upon its lauielB , fossilized amid all the petty detail of pipe clay , led by superannuated and Inefficient generals , with otllcein unac customed to useful woik and lost in de bauch , luxury and foolish arrogance. Our nrmy , in a word , was not equal to its mis sion , which , indeed. It hud foi gotten , Heavy waa the chastisement of hca\cn which over took It and foil on our people. It was cast Into the dust , the glory of Frederick was extinguished and our standards wcie broken. In many long jears of blltei servitude God taught the people to look to It.self and , under the pressure of the foot of the proud conqueior , onr people engendered in itoelf the most sublime thought that It Is the highest honor to dedicate onc'fl blood and purse to the fatherland In her armed serv ice. I'rt-iIfi-IfU.'H Sulrlt In llic Arinj. 'Toim and life were given it by my great grandfather , now laurels crowned the newly created army and its jouthful banners , but unl\ersal military service only attained its true significance through our great depaited cnipeior In his quiet work ho o\ohnl the reorganization ot our army , in spilo of oppo sition and Ignorance. His splilt filled the ranks of onr aimj , even ns his own trust in God boic. onr troops to astonishing vic tories. With this , his own creation , ho brought Iho German raccn together and gn\o us back long desired German unltj. It Is to him that our thanks arc duo and by the help of that army the German empire , com manding respect , has again assumed the poHitlon assigned to It in the councils of nations. It Is for jou , gentlemen , to preserve - serve and employ In the new century the old qualities by which our forefathers male the nimy , namely , simplicity and modesty In dally life , unconditional devo tion to the royal service , the employment of olio's whole strength of body and mind in the ceaseless work of training and devel oping our Hoops , and even as my grand father labored for hlB nrmy , so will I , In llko manner , unoirlngly carry on and carry through the \\ork of reorganizing my navy , In order that It may bo Jiihtllled In ( .landing bj the side of my land forces and that by k the German empire may ulbo be In n po sition to win the pluco which It has not ) ct attained. With the two united , I hope to bo enabled , with a linn tiust , in the guid ance of Ciod , to prove the truth ot the say ing of riedcrlek William I 'When one in this world wants to decide something with the pen I'e doi a not do It unless supported by the Ktieiigth of Iho swumY " Kmpeior William Ima issued an older to the army announcing that In accordance with the unanimous decision of the German sovereigns , a badge commemorative of the ci utii-/ and .w a fresh pledge of the unity and Indlscolublllty of the empire , has bcm established for the colors of the whole nrm > . TO BUY DANISH WEST INDIES H III llItT ClIllllllCllMl With ( 'mi I n I n < lirltliniiN tin I ntcriiicill- ii r > I'l lor I 'our Millions. LONDON" . Jan. 1 The Copenhagen corre spondent cf the Dally Mail najo. The sale of the Daniel ) Wist Indies to the United Status bids fair to bo accomplished. The Danish explain. Chilstmns , who lias In- lluentlal connecilons in the United States , and who has secured the support of Presi dent McKlnley , Admiral Dowry and a num ber of Inlluentlal American senators. Is net- Ing UH Intermediary between the two gov- crnmcnti- , direct official communication being impossible for Denmark after repented falluie& In previous attempts. For several da > s an attache of one ot the principal United States cnibasslefi has bctn hero having long interviews with the Danish minister of llnanct Dr. Herring , and this week Captain Christmas will go to U'us'i- ' | Ington No opposition Is expected fiom King 'Clul'tlnn ' 'Iio ! pilce baa been fixed at | $ JOOU.OUO. imyeror' Ivlnill ) Kriuiirl.x , HKULIN Jan 1Mr White Informed the corrcupondent of the Atnoclateil Press that ] the emperor addressed him with parlMilar I kindness and at < onslderablr length HI' majesty e\pre soi grent pleasure that thn relations with the United States In W > were tn greatly Improved and that o many obstacles to n better understanding had been removed He ssld he , with the re t of ( Icr- inftny , had been deeply moved at the ap preciative feeling nt various passages In the president's message The new United Slates consul nt Hanover , J I ) White , has arrived here and special Treasury Agent P.irtcllo has returned home CZARS VOICe IS FOR PEACE Ilctorliilililrrttiil In Ilir Ootrrn- iiicntN Hint Tool. I'lirl In Tin * Coiifcri'tu'c , DHULIN. Jan 1. The Voerwaerts pub lishes today what purports to be a resctlpt , written by Count MuravlofT nt the czm's direction , addressed to the goveinment that took part In the conference nt The Hague. The rescript. It Is said , will be Issued on the Russian now year , January 13 It re news the expression of the aspirations of the ernr for the peace of the world and the diminution of armaments and points out that the good work of The Hague threatens to crumble away unless It la picsccutcd ' vvllh zealous devotion. Thru It proceeds with an expression of regret that another war has broken out , "Iho spreading of which over the entire range of elvlllred humanity has been for the present pre vented by the pcacablo disposition of dlsln- teieslcd Htates " The itficrlpt then dcploies the fact that the nations are now engaged In a monstrotn rivalry In building naval armaments , iho terrible results of which It pictures In elo quent terms and concludes as follows- "Tho ar at the beginning of the new century sends his rescript into all lands , begging that International deliberations may bo resumed on this most grave and dlllk'iill of qucsttont , appcallnc m-ro r-p - clall > to those paillnments which arc about to deliberate on naval armament w bother there Is not a better way to safcguaid peace. " Vlilinnt Keeper Killed 1i > l.loil * . VinNNAii Jan. 1. Ono of the animal Keepers at the Vienna zoological garden entered the lion cage today In n spirit of bravado and six lions rushed upon him and tore him to pieces. The attendants sought Inaln with llnmlng torches and streams of water to drive the wild beasts from their victim. Honor * for Herman .NotnlleK. nnilLIN , Jan 1. Hmperor William has conferred the title of prince on Count von Culenburg , the German ambassador at Vienna. Prlnco von Hat/enfeldt-Trnchen- burg , governor of Silesia , has been created a duke and hereditary nobility has been conferred upon Herr Thlelen , the minister of public woiks. NCMf'nrrt'iios * I.n \ III llmiKUrj. V1I3NNA , Jan. 1 Under the now currency laws which went Into force today through out Austria-Hungary the iloiin and kreuzer disappear. The new unit Is the krone , equal ling half a kreuzer. After Iho intioductlon of the gold standard the krone will be vvorlh one franc , live centimes. Chilian Claims Coininlttlnii HeiUM\oil. VALPARAISO , Jan. 1. The Chilian con- gloss having approved the renewal of the Chilian claims commission of the Wash ington tribunal , according to the conven tion with the United States , executive action today mrdo the revival an accomplished fact. OMAHA NEWS. Very few people realize the enormous value of the live block handled in a jcar .it this point. The value of the SJ7,3Ci cat tle received was J.3" .149SOO , while the 2,210- 1S2 hogs marketed here sold for $21,012,500. Sheep to the number of l.ObO.SlD were sold for $4.360.000 and the 31,2. > 3 head of horses brought $1 6 < lijOCI. This gives a total valu- 'atlou ' of $62.1SS,3lil. I During the vear the packing houses slaughtered and packed 540,502 cattle , _ ' ,18b- 770 hogs , 701,300 sheep. A much larger per centage of the receipts were parked hero 'than ' at any other of the great live stock markets of the country. i Close to ) . " > 000 cars of packing house prod ucts were shipped out of South Omaha dui- ing the twelve months ending December 31. Thib is quite an increase over former While it Is a hard matter to form an estimate of the average value of each car , as the price of the product varies so i much , It Is considered that $2,000 a car Is a very fair and icasonablo average. At , the flguies given the total value of the prod- I ucth shipped out by the packers is $90- ' I 000,000. If not absolutely correct the total | given is consldeied a very close estimate , j With the extensions and Improvements In contemplation by the packers the capicity of the live plants hero will doubtless be gieatly Inci cased during the present jear , i thus Increasing the amount and value of the manufactured product. I'linlof rniul Idnl CM for Otllcc. Four members of the city council Ben nett , Cllngen , Wear and ranferllk retire In April. Of those whoso terms expire two are democrats and two republicans. Ben nett Is being talked of by the republicans for major , while Harry Cllngen Is working on .1 llttlo boom of his own for the same position and Is reported to have the sup port of a portion of the democracy. Although a democrat Wear has made a fairly good representative foi the Third ward and ho Is trimming his sails for ro- e'lectloii. Fanferllk , a republican member fiom the Second ward , has given It out cold that ho has had enough nnd will not make any attempt to he to-elected This declina tion ot Mr. Fanferllk will leave Iho way open for Pal Ilaneit , who , It Is reported , will make another attempt to break into olllclnl life. Mr. Batrett has retired from the real estate business and It Is reporteil that ho Is devoting his whole time to poll- UCH Just now. Of these who will retain their seals in the council Johnston U a democrat , the other three members Kelly , Tralnor and Pllle being republicans. With four members to elect nnd with three hold over republicans In the bidy , It is thought th.u there will bo no difficulty In electIng - Ing enough republicans to control the or ganization Itepuhllcans are constantly casting about for good timber both for the council and Board of Education and the plan now Ute to nominate only ilrst-class business men. If this Is done the republicans will doubt less carry the city. Numerous candidates for major nio being talked rf W. A Bennett , Dr W. H Slnbaugh , A. H. Kelly. P. J Tralnoi and J B. Watklns are among thcjo prominently mentioned. The democrats appear to be equally nt sea In regard to Ecltllng upon a candidate for mayor , There U no dearth of candidates , but from prebont indications Ensor seems to have iho best of it. Members ot the so- called Enbor faction are altcady flxlng up the framework for a renomlnatlon of theli leader. When told of Elinor's candidacy Ed Johnston and Tom Hector both laugh qui etly and decline tn talk Johnston h&s not publicly avowed his candidacy , but U U known that ho Is busy fixing things so as to throw thi > nomination Io either Hector or himself Prom this time on more or leas Interest In the coming campaign will be manifest , although the nominating conven tions will not meet until about the middle of March of I In1 Srliool Iliuiril. At a meeting of tbo Board of Education In nigh1 plans f r n Uitlomi ! IIM intf in the \brlght * . < heel were di .ui ° el m Irnpth In a pointed ppeodi Dr Wnlcott dom- onmratoil the necosMty cf improved facilities The tesult was arrangements for the placing of four Moves to be maintained during the rcmalndor of the cild wenthor Miss Cora Oosnej. a tMehor. presented her reMitiintlon , which was accepted. Jnmr Hoach , Janitor in the High school building , resigned and his plarn wne filled by the elec tion of 11. D Sullivan. Dennis Barrett waa elected Janitor of the llawthoinu school nttJ J. W. llallard vvas chosen to fill n llko posi tion In the Second ward school. Tht' question of wages for toachpit , vuis brought up. Dr. Wolf advocated equality of .wage * between theschool. * of South Omaha nnd Omaha , calling attention to the work of the South Omaha schools nnd the Importance of maintaining n high standard Itnlicm-k Will Until On. It Is presumed that on January 4 Patrick J King will make * a demand on Police Judge Babcock for the olllco nnd records , which tlip latter now holds Mr. King was elected police Judge nt the November election under iho decision of the supreme court , which holds that police magistrates aril county nnd not municipal officers. I'p to tins last election South Omaha always elected Iti police judge at the elty election In April of each jeii. Judge Babcock was elected Inprll , 1S9S , to serve for n term ot two jcnrs , nnd he proposes serving out the time for which ho was eleclcd. In speaking of the mailer yeslerday Judge Bnbcock said Hint If Mr. King made n demand for the of- llce nnd iho records ho would most certainly decline to turn over cither until Iho c\- plrallon of his term In April. More than likely the matter will bo taken into the courls for a decision. UI > Ni > rtn < u > f tit New YcnrN. New Year's was quietly observed In South Omaha. Nearlv all business houses were open until noon. The banks nnd eltv offlcc , however , vvero closed all day. At the pickIng - Ing houses the emplo > es worked only about half time. ? o that every one had a portion of the day to himself. The receipts at the slock yirds vvero light and Iho Felling nd weighing were all done > before noon , giv ing every one ccnnected with the sale and handling of slock a half day of rest. Dur ing the nflernoon Iho sticels wore almost de serted nnd Iho city were a Sunday aspect. Many > oung folks enjojed the day In skat ing on nearby sheets of water , while their elders either remained nt homo or visited places of enteilalnment. Mnulc Tin CiiNNtp. The public- schools will roopnn today MNs Annie Opinmlll 1ms gone to Fremont to visit f-'emK. The elu council Is billed for Its' regular monthlv im-elliuj tonight. The Good Tcnuilais meet at Modern Woodman hall this evening. A week of praver conmenced nt the First Presbjterlnn church last evening. Tuesday evening the Lotus club will give a dancing and card party at Masonic hall Mr and Mrs. .1 B. Wntklns have returned fiom Clinton , la. ivheio they vpent the holUhus with friends. A very enlojnble dancing party was given bv the Ladles of the 'Maccabees at Ma sonic hall last Dr Frank W Slafcangh returned vester- diy from a Iwo weeks' vl lt with n lends and lelatives In Ohio T V Robarts of Wahoo was in the eltv. the truest of his biotliei , John FItz , pres'l- dPtit of the Board of Education Thi > members of the South Omaha Hos pital association will meet this afternoon for the annual election of olllceis. The annual reie'ition of the Young Men's Christian association last evening at the ! > arlois of the ii xe > cl itlon was an exceed- UKb enjojoblo affair Charles Roan died at the South Omaha hospital night lie had been em- Diojod at Armour's ami came heie from riikai-o Relatives In the. east have been notified O E Cat lisle assumed the duties of su- pcilntendf-m of fie local clcclrlc light plant > ostordav , i filming1 F E Bulton. who rc- slKnedJn older to accept a pobltlon at Buf- WILL NOT DEPORT LABORERS l-loj il StcaiiiNlitp MmDiIIcM lininl- urnltoii It urea n iit flul > < -NIII UnKrnt IN An cNliMl. C.ALVESTON , Tex , Jan 1 The first In stance of n refusal on the pait of a steam ship company to depnit immigrants found by the United States immigration buicaii to , be contract laborers occuired here today About two weeks ago Immigration Inspector Levj brought llfteen Slavonians here from Mississippi , charged with having been brought hero on i North Herman Llojd ship in violation of Immigration laws. Today he tendered them to the captain of the steamship Roland of that line and they were icfused Warrants wore , issued for S n Spencer , agent of the comp my , and for the captain The ship nailed without HOI vice of the warrant on the captain , but Spencer was ! arrcfctod. j Spencer , when neon by a reporter , was very reticent , but asserted the men had not been tendered to him and if they were ten- deied to the ship without tickets from his office the puller was obliged to decline to receive them. Inspector Levy pnjs the men \\ero tendered to Ihe company December 13 , by Ihe collector of customs and the com puny accepted them and a jiimed responsibil ity for their board. | It Is understood that the Immigration ' bin can has Information of some 1,500 alleged contract laboiors which it purposes to deport and the steamship companies Intend to resist the oiilcrb. Most of these Immigrants came through Baltlmoio and many through Now York- . Under the act of 1S11 the penalty for nol ii'turnlng contract laborers Is a line of not lef.s than ? 300 in each case anil th" clearance of vesbcls may bo withhold pending payment of the line FIRE RECORD. Di-nth In n TiMU-incnf Klrf. XEW YOIIK , Jan 2 Three alarms were sent In for a llro In a Ilvo-Hlory lint , 751 Pltst avenue The llamea were dlscoveied by men working Inho ' United States Beef companj'h plant. They tairled out half a dozen women , while many persons got to the s i eel by moans of lire-escapes. Oni the tcp lloor fi-months'-Hld Loretla Lennort was found In boil dead She had been smothered by the smoko. The child'j father , Edward , a butcher , was taken to riowc-r hospital burned about the hands and face. Joseph I.cnm.Tt , brother of the dead child , Jumped from a window on otio of thu lo. " 'r Hoars. He wax hcriousl ) Injured and tsktm to Bellevue hospital. Pauline Tlcjinrn1 , 03 > cnr8 of ngo , who boarded wUu a family on the first Hour , jumped from her window. Her bnck was In jured. The house was nutted entailing a loss of $30,000. Ten families u. o made IlllnolN Ccnlinl .SliicKnrilx , SIOUX FALLS , S. D. , Dec. 31. ( Special 'Ivliginm ) Klro thlH afternoon partially dcslrojcd the stock jards of the Illinois Central railway and consumed a numbur of hogs. Mov iIn lMlili ) < .luillnliil Dlxlrlul. SIOUX CITY. Jnn 1 ( Special ) It Is I expected that nt the coining uciElon of tin leglDlaturo ono question will bo raised wlilch ( will ho of much Interest to north western , Iowa. U Is the proposition of nome of the lawera of Woodbury and neighboring counties - | ties to secure a division of the Fourth Ju- ' diclal district. At the present tlmu thin , dUtrlct < made up of n4no counties | Woodburj J'ljmouth , Monona , Harrl-on , Slrux. Ofcceola , Cherokee , O Brlrn and Lvon. ( There are four Judges two of whom have to ' hold coutt In Woudbury uurl > all of the time. , ' Tiivpnv \ i o IPPPP tu/ii't i\ 10 UIUHN AS JLSLS WOULD National Convention of tht New Christian Political Eniuii Galled , SEEK 70 AFP'tY PRINCIPLES OF CHRIST Aihl ! < > < . Isini'il Sctllnu Forth Mint of ' llu * Oruiinlriitlnti \ nlnit of Church ninl .Not CHICAGO , Jan 1. The national comm i- tee of iho Christian Political union , the new cl\lo organization formulated by the conference of Christian men nnd women which has been in session hero for the past few tln } , hold Us last meeting todav and Issued an nddrero calling for u national as sembly of the new pntty to meet at Rods Island , 111 , Ma.y 1. inoo. The number of dele- gales to be named by each slate or terrltorv Is left Io the discretion ot the constituents therein. The comtnllleo of the new pnit > Is eompcsod of thn following mrmbc-c Wnllaco It. St ruble. Chicago , A D Mnnln Hock Island ; A. S. Dulln , Philadelphia- H Martin , Plttsburg. L D Maws New York City , W. It Benki'rl , Davenport la J F. U. Leonard , Alnsvvorth , In , A F F. Jensen , Dorchester. WIs , Edgar Conrow Morrlbtown , N' . J. , William Snunders , rm tcrtovvn , Mo , J. II. Vnndorgrlft , Brain h- vlllo , Ala. . Dr. M. S. Southworth. San Jose , Cal The olllcci-s of the national committee are W U. llenkert. chairman , Wallace U. Stiu- ble , vice chairman nnd socretarv , A 1) Mai Iln , treasurer Chicago was Hc'lc-cted as the headquartein of thu committee Iho principles and alms of the new organ ization are stated In ( lie address is-sned to day , which Is In part 110 follows- Wo bellove the fullness of time to have in rived when the eternal principles of tu - tko , moKv and love , as exemplified in th < | Illc and teachings of Jesus c'lulst , should be Pinbodkvl In the political Pionuim of our nation and applli'd In conircio foi m in everj tuiu lion of our govctnmeiit , national , state , munli and local We belli ve thu the most direct me-ins ot accomplishing thin end Is the formation of a polltlial bndv nl iinllcd I'liilsttan mi'ti and women who shall use their elective fraiii lilse foi the seb c tlon of able , wortlu and conscientious pub- lie otlklnls who will hoek In thcli re ; ii'i- live positions to perform the fumtlons of govmimient In the spirit of the Man of litilllce \Ve dcclaie tint this movement Is In no sense en lesliiMtloil 01 dogmatic In Us pur- pov and contrmidates no clmllengn of nrv persons fp'th ' or deed , alms not to dlstmlv churih relationships nor to unite , ohttn h and stale in politic o-ci c Icstlasllcal botuls but sedcs solelv to iinlfj the forces of rlght- totisnetis In tbo name and spirit of Jesus for political , HOI ! al and en'nmorclnl lefoim TO FIGHT VICE IN GOTHAM ( 'riiHiHl < - IN lloniniilth MrniiK floral I'orors llclilncl It 1'olltIcIiuiN Warn id. NEW YOUK , Jan. 1 This. , the first day ot the new jcar , has been selected for the Inauguration of the crusade against \lce on the lower east side The movement has at- Iracled wide attention by reason of the forcca behind it. These include the Society of Ethical Culture , who p Under , Prof Tellx Adler , has announced his intention to rid the congested district of its many "plague spots. " Prof Adler will have the assist ance o over a score of ministers of all denominations ! , among them , It is reported , Hev. Charles A Brlggs , formeily of the Presbyterian church , but now si Piotestnnt Episcopal clergjman , and In charge of the pro-cathedral In Stanton direct , the verj center ofhat Is called "the infected ilis- ttict" No pet plan ot campaign has been outlined , but the work will be pursued with aggressiveness Much of its force will be derived from the fact that the better ele ment of the district will lend a hand. "Tho politicians will bo appealed to , nnd If these appeals fall , then other means will bo reported to " Just what is me.nit by this the loaders of the movement icfusr to sa > , but they in timate that the politician who fails in his duty will be treated to n dlfeagrcrablo sui- prise. The police are also expected to lend tholr earnest co-operation , and It Is ex pected th it the bluecoats of the \arlous police stations In the district will be given definite ordeis when they hlart out on their early evening and midnight patrols. io iiiii.wtr mii'i.oi r > . riimi r st : < < ) si .p.-irt i > .i tin- Z'l'iniNi I v nn In Iloiid. PHILADELPHIA. Jan 1 The hjstem of pensioning old emplojes on the Pennsyl vania , lines east of Plttsburg Inaugurated today. About 'Kin men who , by icason of long service In the compiny'b emploj , Inve become Incapacitated foi fiuther active dut > , were retlicd on pensions that avenge nearly half the wages they received when at worK It Is understand Unit .1 sum approximating $ .100,000 Is at present available for pensionIng - Ing purposes , lint that before the system can bo extended to the lines west of Pltth- burg a much larger nppioprlatlon will he necessary. Thus far nn person holding a position of importance has been affected by the pension rule. Hereafter no person over 35 jcars of ngo will he taken Into the employ of the rompnnj. PrMlriin Cluli M ( riinrliMfnii. CHARLESTON. S f , Jan 1-Mcmbcis of the ( irldlion club of Washing on .ire the guests of Hi's ' c'ty todav Among oilier prominent vl ltois are Scnitrrs Ot > pi vv "C Ni w York and Tlllmnn of S ml i Ciiullni ind Conrn't.stn.iii t'h.unn c'l.nk of MN roiirl. RRPENNEYaca l700M4rtr LirCBLDO I1RAMCH I03CHAT f - " -ell ME5 JAMES EQOYD it 03 , , ' 1 cicpluinc 1 ( ) , ! ! ( . Oinnlt i , \-i COMAUSSION , CHAIN , PUOVIhlONSunri b'l'OCKS noiin or ritKI : . CorrespciiiiU n > i l tin Adircn & Co uirn ! will' . Io i hi i 'i nnd New York. If AVE YOU Tlii" Mir lniir l eiiu lie i-urcil liy liiu : Miiuiii'l I'lleKiller , ( .iinrniilrtil. Ifl.on | irr Ixii It ) limit. MAGNET CHEMICAL CO. , \Vcatcrn Drpn > , OmaUt * , Vcb , a-fSWl i n onion H taken u tin * , 'lljtlr u h < miimurdli.t in > i lotarccntuultflnctkCUItK nlieranllMhcirjfiul Inixt upon .i.nojlntenulr * . . . . . . . . . . . Alnvnnhlna. . Jl.j/l.uto . cutuj tliojkaDd > uudalll run ) you \ \ a KITO a paiulra nntten nuxantoa In nf < cvt euro In each c o or refund Ibo monir 1'rlc * hOrlC I'f lackojo , nr ill ( ' .ckoiiei Hull tio.t. UUl/ia , meniHorSS eObrnnlMapUlu re nv r , : i i of line * ( lrcuir/rtx ! RGA1UDY CO. , For eaU in Oinuha , Neb , by . 'ai I''Oi -jilif 2U2 N l tb St. ICuhn i : Co , ltb ! C. Do Haven , DruL'k'iBt , If T n hirtii tn r"ejular i\c u iliy inovruirnt of tticj tionel oi , > , i-t ilny j i > tr ik .rwlltr Kri'p T ur tiono ! open -vucl lie n r or , c > Mi the fliie of Molunt i iit l ' i I I' wn is c IIIICITI u The sinrH > tticM riili1 < t > e i-iVi i way i l)0i > cl < ilctr neil cli-an t < iko l"e nnt I'll > ' 1 < ! om T > .1. I lv Orvxt , n vpr"1i don \V . ik. i or i > n * i \V rlui for frfv mini' " " "I I t'i t n licilin \ ir. ( Irrlltin llmi-ilt I itm | in. , I' Iflco , Hcolr- , - V orV < > } l\ KEEP YOUR Rl.nOO GLEAM The v n. . them Kir'i cue produces no much lirrve-li Hiding subs-t-inrens Is eon- t ilucd lit the nm unit of food n man f + r i > itumrs in n v\eet. Tin * Isvvhv Kfllicvhive \ curnl tli ms-nndsof cases Ujj > ! IHTV ins disnsei , null nt Deliil itv , li/mc , , insomnia , i tcThev enable > mi to think cleir- lybyclevclciplnKliralumnttcr. force healthy ctrculntiun cure Indiges tion , nnd Impiit I unndiniiu r it > the whole sv-ti-m All wiVcnlnc ntld ti.Mie lestrnv Ing < ] nlns an I looses permanently cured Delay inav nn mi InMtmv. Consumption and Dtith I'rtcr JiierboT , six boxes ( with Iroiiclid Riiiriiitce tn cine or re- fiinil ! TI , \ i ; , noel coiitnlnlnc jxisi-n , ur f free. A < 1 rev For solo by ICutm Si cx . , or Wnldron Campbell. When otliers fail consult SEARLE5 & SEARLES FRIVAIE OISEiSS ! OF MEN SPECIALIST We Ki'aranteo to euro all caics ourablo of WEAK MEN SYPHILIS SHXUALLY cured for life Nisl.tly Kmls'-ions Lost Manhood , Jlvdrnccln Verlcoc" ! " . Gonorrhea , Cilcct , Sjplillts , Strict ure , riles. , Fistula and Kectal Ulcers and AH Private Diseases and Disorders of Mcnt STRICTURE AND GLEET Consultation free Tnll on or addrcoe DR. SEARLES & SEARLES , up So. r th St. OflAHA. BUFFET LIBRARY GARS Best Dining Car Service , Tlio Fccrot of Tpcrdct Etn n'li : ( Inline , vui'.tlnK i' itlvth iimil by our rtint'Ucniul n ] < plf nine , ulilili we foul on trln ! mid ln\i \ nn hnniir n' trtiirn nil ill imr CTiarnre Advaiuc | n > innit He t n qulrcil j'n ( ( ) | i Vo dofiption of mi ) initnru , New ImoU under fcinl flee ERIE MEDICAL CO , BUFFALO , N.Y. IB what an architect nrtlnt or draughts nun requires There IB JiiBt ouc eulto vacant on the north oldo of ' A vci ) him 1/io'no suite , It li , tc o , hard wociil floor , newly decorated wall ; , -and U fa i > i the grand court You win enjoy loulilUE at them and It will bo a pleasure fur us to uhw you. R , C. PETERS & CO. Rental Agents , Ground Floor , Bge Bldg. ' , , - , SPE vlALIST , frcatt < U r-crrr.l of DISEASES AND DISORDERSOF IY1EM ONLY. 22Yuf FxptfUnrc , 12 ut1ln Oman MMTP.iriTV and " "I'.v. ' . . .rr . , ; btr 11 tire , . jili'liijI | ' < os I Vifoi and Vitality ( IIIINr.t'ilUNTIin. Chsrpeu low. IIOMU TIlllVTJirvr. II ik Con uUatii uaud I'.xaiii In.n. i Fie'tl > .ur , B. . m toG ; TioBii 1.1 Buiidar 9 in 12 1' ( J. I < 7C6 flf.c , ZI K. vur > ilitiaud i'arLaia btn. u OWAlI.v , J IU.