Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 01, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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    m *
Davl5 tcr.n girts.
Klne A. U. C beer , Ncumi ycr's hotel.
Wplsbacll burnurs at Hlxby'B. Tel 193.
Uudvvol cr bcor. L. Ilo cnfuldt , ngent.
Gravel roofing. A. II. Hond. 511 H'vvay.
Mr C ( ' . Cook and son llobcrt arc vis-
King In Chlr-Hgo
UrV. . A. ( iprvalu , oitoopath , ZOJ Mcr-
riiim block , C'cuii" ! ! IJIurts.
The place to have your framing done ,
.Alrxandf r's Art emporium.
Minn C. Hrldt-nitPlii will leave today for
ft visit In St Joseph , Mo.
Dr S Tobpy of Avoi-a was In the city
yi iprOay calling on friends.
Wins Dot Klrhland IM eiitprtalnlng MUs
Nilllp l'aroiiH of Tiitior , In.
Uct jour work done at the popular Eagle
laundry , J24 llroadway. ' 1'hono 157.
W C ICste-p , undertaker. 2S Pearl street.
Tcl > phoins : Olllti07 , , 33.
Dr S. K. Shrivi-r went to ( Slenvvood > PS-
tirrtay to Hpend New Yur's with n-latlve-s.
Miss Kathorlne MM-M of Park nvonu" will
Imivp today to rcsuniP her vvork In the
C'bli ago Kclioo1
MIHS JciKilo I'nnllim will rpturn to lovva
C'ltv tomorrow to re-sumo linr studios at the
HindtinlverHlt > .
Sheridan coal makes n largo tlamo nnd
ilpnr tire but no smoke , soot Or cllnkcra.
F' nlonfc Folcy , solo ngunts ,
Thp reguliir mcPtlUK of , | PVVP | I'ouit No.
2 'Jribu of lii-n Hur , will IK- held this
evening In Woodmi-n of the- World hall
Wrs William Mnorp and daughlpr Ml s
Slilrltv , U-ft jis-.i-rilay for Mlnnp.ijiolln ,
where Miss Shirley vdll pnti-r Stunle-v Hull.
Mrs A. llnno of lliisl I'lirnntrpot. . Is
cnjovlnif a visit from her brothe-rH , Augu t
mill Will Hoikmiiebl of Cedar HIulTs , Ni'li.
Jaim-H 1'e-rry. nn old resident of this ( 'n ,
lia gonn to I'rovldeniP. K. I. , whole In-
will in ike bin future Tiome. Ills famll > will
Join him later.
Mlo * IIlslP llonii and Miss Itililvvln nt
AMIlow avcnur li-fl last evening for Chicago ,
where th < > will ipstimc tholr studle-s In
thr Chliaeo unlvi'ii < lt > .
.Miss Maud HobliiMin , who bus lieen spend
ing the holidays with hci pan'iits on Park
iivrnur. lift yesti-iilaj for WlHiur , Kan.
to resunnhir position as teat bet In the.
Mi-bools there.
-Mis .Miller and thewoiiien of the t'liloii
mission dislrito e-xtend tbe'r ' he-aitfi-lt
thanks to all who as lste-d In piovldlng for
the ( . lirlstmas dinner vvhlrh was given tlu-
jmor rlilldiun at the mission Siturelay last.
The < oinmlttee.s nppolnte-d liv the various
Odd Fellow lodyp.s anreiiesteil ( | to meet
at iho lodge room ovirlor 'I'uesihiy t-venlug
to Kimplutu airiliB''mi-llt.s fur the lolnt
Installation vvhleh vsill take plaeo Janu-
iirj 11.
At HIP niiiHiiuorndp bill given Saturday
night by Bluff flty ledge , Commonui-altli
J'rovlrtent association. Miss IHta Hath WHS
uwardPd tinllrst prlzo foi the most rlegaiit
rostiime Oeorge Bennett carried off thu
jirlzo for tbo most < make-up.
Palm Orove No. 11. Woodman i-liele , will
inci t In tegular session tomorrow e-veiilng ,
when the Installation of ollleeis v\lll bo
lie-Id Mis Umma B. .Manphe tei , supreme
Ruardlan , and other supri mi * ollleers will
Inpresent. . At the close of the Installation
< criMnonlcs a baiuiuet will IKserved. .
.1 M Depi-Sv of DPS .Molnes , who Is prom
inently imentloneel as thellkel > mn-cehsor
to W. II. I'enii as chief rlork of the railway
mull services ot this division , was in the
< it v yesterday calling on friends. Mr I'PIIII
lias been appointed assistant Hiipcilntrndeiit
mid will luivo hla heaiUiuarter.s In Chi
.Mrs. Mary Nevvhoiise , age-d OS > ears , died
nt her home , at lldS Avenilo A , at a late
hour Saturday night , after an Illness ot
twelve days , rrom pneumonia. The remains
rwlll lie taken to Missouri Valley tomor-
jovv for Interment. Mrs. New house leaves
Jive clillihen , Harry Nevvhouto ot Mlssouii
Valley. Ml.s 10. W. llo.suer ot Arkansas
f'ltv. Kan , 'Mrs. John Hobliuion ot Omaha ,
SMr.s Wlllanl Smltli and .Mis. Georire Mutz-
jjer ot this oily.
N. Y. 1'luuiblng Co. Tel. 250.
Tear Brooches , Kdholm's , Omaha.
Council Bluffh B. P. O. P. Call at IM-
holm's Jonelry store , 107 N Ifith wt. , Omaha ,
and BCO some handsome 121k Tooth Charms
and Klk Head Lapel Buttons.
TO Hioi'i.N ; : Trnsi > .vv.
Jlunrit IHnlii-M Itiioin for IMiiilln lu tlir
HlKll V-llOIll IllllllllllK.
Superintendent llayden has niado arrange
ments whorohy when thu schools reopen to
morrow morning utter the Christmas vaca
tion , the High school pupils , who have oc
cupied two rooms at the Washington aveuuo
building will bo accommodated In the High
bchool building. During the holiday vaca
tion partitions have been placed In the
looms occupied by Profs. Klint and Thomas ,
Unit , nffoidlnp ; two additional rooms for the
accommodation of the llrbt > car class. All I
the High Hchool pupils who were formerly
assigned to the Washington avenue build
ing will'report tomorrow morning at tbo j '
High school. They will have the same
hours as the higher clahse-s and are advised I
to bring their lunch boxes , as do the other
jiuplls at the High school.
This consolidation of the whole High
school lias been contemplated since last August -
gust by Superintendent llayden and will be
of great advantage , especially In icgaid to
HiipervlHloii , which will be moro dlre-ct
through having all the pupils under one
roof The change will al D benefit the Wash
ington avenue building , as It will penult of
the HBO of tbo two much needed rooms formerly -
me-rly occupied by tlie High school class. MaiiKum , the pilnclpal , will now be
nblo to have an olllce loom.
During the Christmas vacation the new
school at Cut-Hit hflK been placed In rcadl-
nebH nud vvill be opened tomorrow morning
The desks nre all In position and the equipment i-
mont Installed. Mrs. Lou Graves will act :
as principal of the school and will have'
charge of thu primary and lower intermediate -
mediate grades. Miss Laura McK.uldun ,
from the Clalk school , which his bceu
cloned , will teach the higher and Intei-
mcdlalo grammar grade pupils.
Diamond ! ! , IMliolm , Jeweler , Omaha.
Howcll's Antl-"Knwf" cures coughs , colds.
CIllNI-ll VII 1)10.
The Boston store * will hn clewed all day
Jfow Venr'H In ardor to glvo the clerks nil
opportunity to spend the holiday.
Davis Bells paints.
The modern and most effective cure for
constipation and all liver troubles the fa
mous llttlo pills ktiown iih DoWltt's Llttlo
JlrliluiCoiitrnttor IloliNon nl sioo-v
Cll > Siu-i-iiiiilix < < > i riu-lnri-il
si.ull vtiirdi-riT l > i-iiirx.
SIOUX CITY , Dee 31 ( Special Telo-
giam. ) John K. Hobson. the brli o con
tractor , who w.iu murde-ronfly nhsaiilted ilby
a hurslar 'in his otllco latu Fililay iilsht.
died at C o'clock'this evening
TLii- police hnvi * been unable to locate the
Hobson's wife , who sal up all Friday
night awaiting bin return. Is prcsuntcd.
The weapon with which the murder was
ilotio was found behind n pile ef wood In
the olllce. It wna a hutclirl and the full
Itiigth of the Keen blade was driven into
Hohaon's brniu.
_ _
JMiirianiVlno NVorUlI-'tunoiis Tonic
Written endorsrmi'iits from moro than
8000 ptijBlelanv Never has anvthttig
j-eielvcd such high recognition from the
medical profession therefore Vln Mai1-
anl Wine can bo taken with perfect
Sold bv all druggU's Avoid euliolllutos
NcKullnied In Kastern Nebraska
and t.\vu. James N. Casady , jr. ,
K6 Main Bt. , Council Ulufla.
Improvement Along All Lines of Business
During the List Year ,
Uiilrv of Illinois Crnlrnt Clilf Ilvont
\n > 1'nlil l'romiitl >
llvnltli Ili-norl.
The jear Just closed , one of the moat
plospe-rous In the history of Council Bluffs.
1ms been ono of progress nnd Improvement
along all lines of business. With the dawn
of the new year the prospects nre of the
brightest and everything points to thin city
enjojIUR a long era ot steadily Increasing
Much of the Improvement In business dur
ing the last twelve months has been due to
n great extent lo the vast sums spent In
this rlty and Immediate vicinity by the rail
roads. Not only have these railroads given
employment to thousands of laborers , hut
have spent large sums of money In nciiulr-
Ing right of way and property upon which
ito build depots and other buildings. Those
purchases naturally created quite a boom In
the real estate market , making the year one
of the liveliest , real estate men all say ,
sliico the days of the boom
I'uhllo linprovomenU have not kept pace
with private etulerprlses , due mainly to the
fact that the assessment laws of Iowa are
In an unsatisfactory state , prcveiitltiK con-
Hldcrnblei paving that had been ordered ear-
rled out A large amount of building has
been done during the last twelve months
and u number of business blocks and private
rcsldrwces creeled. Several new Industries
ha\u been established In UK- city and the
prospects for the now vcar In this line nro
The health of the city , except for a slight
i-pldemlc of mtaslcs among 'the ' school chil
dren , has been remaikably good and Coun
cil Bluffs could with safety advertise Itself
ub u health resoit.
The business In the banks has almost
doubled , with no failures among the busi
ness Hi ma of the city recorded. Collections
have been good and the people of the city
appear to have been blessed with more
money than for many jears. Taking every
thing Into consideration the year 1S99 has
been < a record breaker lu the blstory of
Council Bluffs nnd I'otlawnttamle coumy.
Kiilry of Illinois Ci-nlral.
The entiy of the Illinois Central into
Council Bluffs nnd the construction of its
branch road from this city to Fort Dodge i
was the chief event In railroad building.
The amount expended in thp construction of '
this line Is estimated at $8,000,000 , a largo
sluiro of which was bpcnt directly within
this city. Close on $100,000 will bo ex
pended by this road In the erection of its
passenger and freight depots and other
buildings during the coming year , work ou
these structures already being under way.
The Chicago & Northwestern railway has
likewise expended an immense mini of
money in this city and Immediate vicinity
and moro will bo expended as soon as spring
opeiiH up. The double tracking between here
nnd Missouri Valley ban been completed to
within four miles of Council Bluffs and It Is
estimated that It will take at least $50,000
to complete the work.
The Chicago , Hock Island & PacVc rail
way has not only built a handsome brick
passenger depot and a new20btall round
house during the past year , but has also
irado extensive Improvements In its yards ,
involving an outlay of In the neighborhood
of $1150,000. Over twelve miles of new-
tracks have been or are now being laid In
the yards and new steel girders placed over
Indian-creek. The jards have been-brought
to grade nnd entirely remodeled.
The Chicago , Burlington & Qulncy rail
way has carried out extensive Improvements
In Us yards and freight house on South
Main blrcet. All the grounds and tracks
have been brought up to giado and the
depot and fi eight platforuib have been
. raited.
| I The Omaha Bridge & Terminal lallway
i has elected a eommodlou.s and handsome
j | I freight depot at Ninth street and Bioadway ,
i at nit-sent occupied by the Illinois Central.
j This road has also made a number of Im-
j I proveMiients along Its line and Is nowcon -
j htructlng a switch track to connect with the
lllliiola Central and as soon as the material
arrives heto will erect a steel bridge at
l-'list avenue over Indian creek.
Vniillii-r Mrl ItiillMiiy.
The marked the entry of another ;
street railway company In the line of the
! Omaha , Couneil Bluffs & Suburban Uall-
! v.aj company between Kast Omaha and Lake
j ' Manawa , partly completed. The old motor
icompany | has declared Us intention of bulld-
! Ing to the lake also
j The number of building permits Issued In
1Sl'J ! , whllo not giving an accurate account
' ' the building done , nevertheless show that
much has been done along this line Many l
'old | unsightly lookerles along Broadway have
I been torn down and replaced by substantial |
brick blocks and business houses. Quite
a laige number of private residences have '
been erected , giving carpenters and brlck-
lajers ono of the most piospcrous years In ' ,
the history of the city. Among the prin
cipal ones erecteil may be noted The Min
neapolis Threshing Machine lomp.inj's ware-
hoiibo and olllce building , the Steadman
block on Broadway , Klmlull Bro.s ad ' '
dition to their olcvatoi plant , the Kverctt !
row of stole buildings on Broadway , the '
Kolsem block on the same street , the hand '
some stout and flat building elected by
tins Hlnrlchi ) , the btoio and lesldence
i erected by Miss Mase > nbuiK on Bioadwiy ' ,
the Improvements , ou the 13.V Nash build-
ing. the Barnaul b o k and the ( ilessner- ;
Bushnell company's building now In course
of construction on Main street. The permits
mits Issued during the liiht jear amounted (
to about $17.1,000 , but this does not Include ]
any of the Illlnolb Central's buildings , as
permits for them have not jet been taken
out. The llgucs fallow less than Jb'JS , owing
to the I'cavoy i levalor , which amounted
to $175,000 alone. Kscludlng this the record
for ISliO U well in advance of that for the
year before.
I'.v lilriiritil I'roHiii-rlt ) .
A pure evidence of the piosperlij of the :
city during the last twelve months la hhowii
b > the Increased business at the posiolllee
The pojtal lecelpts amounted to $52,20205
I and the deposit of postal funds by fourth- '
I class postmnsteis to $51,137 ; , making ' u
i total of $103.339 I'M. This Is an Increase ol
j at Icabt lii per cent over 1S9S In tin
I money order department the tales of do-
nicstlc money orders amounted to $ C2S1G 15
Son which the war tax amounted to J21C 16
The saleof International money orders vvai
} 2.M5.0S. Money order funds received fron
iltposition postmnfateiu amounted to $374 ,
707 , making a total buaincss In this depart
incut of $410.083 U9 , being 12 per cent In-
cicase over the previous year. I'aymcn
was made on 36.113 domestic money orders
iimounilni ; to $250.C21.t(3 , and on 98 lutcrna
tlonal orders , amounting to $2,328 11. Tti
amount i emitted to Chicago was $191.923 IS
The lofcs by fire during 1S99 was the small
ebt In jcars. The report of Fire Chief Bate
shows eighty-four tires , with only flO.OO
loin and $110,000 Insurance
The clt > was frco from crime of a aeriou
nature although 'be reroH shows the usual
number of robbers and lesser offenses The
police made 1 44) ) arrrsts In IS'i'i ' ' of hi h
the large rnajorltv were for the usual everyP
d > offenses The receipts of the miuslml s
otllre from fines nd other motley paid my
prisoners was $5,330 S3.
I'roiiipt I'll ) nil-til of Tit\i-i.
The manner In which the taxes were paid
la another sure Indication that 189fl was a
year of prosperity In Council Bluffs and
I'ottawnltnmle county. The records of
County Treasurer Arntl show lfS50 ! receipts
Issued , the greatest number In the history of
the office In one > ear. The taxes were paid
up better than for many joars pnst , and
The records In the office of County He-
cordcr Smith show 7,2t5l Instruments filed ,
whllo the deeds filed exceeded the number
In ISfiS by 170. These transactions In realty
amounted to hundreds of thousands of dol-
lars. A large number of mortgages were
( lifted during the vcar , especially fiom farm
Council Bluffs has always Imd a reputa
tion for being a Mecca for marrying couples
and the record of 1S99 maintains this reputa
tion. Clerk of the Dlstilct Court Iked Issued -
sued Cl ( ? licenses to wed , In A majority
of cases to couples living outside of the city
and state
The records of the Board of Insanl'v ' Com-
mlssloncrs sh iw that thlrteight cases wers
Investigated during ism as against thirty-
six in ISIS.
Of the banking Institutions In Council
Bluffs the Klrst National ranks llrct In Im-
This Institution , formeily the
Citizens' State bank pui chased the entire
capital stock of the Klrst National last > ear
nnd assumed the lat tor's name January 1 ,
1S9H , by which It Is now known , and eoni-
j | pilses a combination of business men among
the most reliable and enterprising citizens
of the city The enterprise of Its active
officers has tended to bring this Institution
Into popular favor. Last > ear II removed
Into n now building standing on the comer
of Main street and Broadway , making It
easy of access to nil of Its patrons. The
new building Is one of the finest appointed
structures of Us kind In the west. The In-
terlor woikmanahlp could hardly be 1m-
proved upon for nrtlstlo beaut } mid couI
vcnlenc'e. U Is up-to-date In all re-spects.
The assets of this concern are over $2,000-
000. During 'the ' last jear Its deposits *
re-ached the history
highest proportions in the -
tory cf the bank. Its ofllcers and directors
are1 President , J. D. Kdmundson ; vice 1
proildcnt , B. U Shugart ; cashier , C. 11.
Hanuan , directors , E. E. Hart. J. V. Hindi-
man. The bank itransacts a general bank
ing business and pajs Interest on time de
posits Below Is a copy of Its last ofllclal
statement at the close of business Dccem-
i her 2. 1S9 ! > , which speaks for itself :
j uisouucis.
Loans and discounts . $ l,2 < M 9s
I'nlted St.itcs bonds , at par . 13't , RIOO
Bonds and cash securities . KU.2H ro
Hanking IIOIIFC 0
He-ill estate 2J.2H ti7
Cash and U. S. treasurer IM 41 ! 01
t _
Total .017,827 GS
f'apital stock $ IflO.Wfl ,9
Surplus and ptollts , net IU.40AOI ,
Circulation 22,50000
Time deposits t 34fi.SV.31
Sight deposits lS707SSr,2
V. S deposits sr > ,2i73S 1.SOJ.9I9 B3 '
Total $2,017,82750
1ST-11100. ! !
Mr. Sargent , of the shoe house of B. M. ,
Sargent , bays that 1S)9 ! ) has been a phenom
enal jear for his business and that the last
v ear's business has been the-'largest In
tbo blstory of any one bhoo nousc 'in the
city of Council Bluffs , and as shown by his
books ? tl'pre is no doubt of It. Mr. Saigent ,
ib not only the olde-st shoe man In the cit > .
but also the In 1S7G Mr. Sargent ,
then a boy of 14 jears , began woik for Mar
tin Van Burcn Weeks of Burlington , Vt
After sU months , his ability being ,
, /
ho accepted a position with Kelscy 'i '
Brodie of the same cltj , where ho woikcd
three jears , going from there to Thomas
j | Moslcy In Boston , acknowledged to be the | J
, best shoo &toro in that city. Hero he re
mained for two years , coming to Omaha In
1881. Mr. J. M. Phillips lit that time wns |
running the best tboc htoro in Counell
Bluffs. Through n friend of Mr. Saigent ,
who vvas also an Intimate acquaintance cf
'Mr. Phillips , the position as manager of his
retail fitoro was tendered Mr Sargent and
accepted. Krom that day to this be has
been closely Identified with the business In i.
tereats ot Council Bluffs. As u salesman
and manager he bad no equal In the citj Si
us Mr. Phillips' business proved. As a man ,
for bimscilf ho has a record of which he
should Justly feel proud. Starting In n
small way as Sargent & Pusoy and Sargent
& Evans , his business has grown until today -
day ho has a stock of shoes and a business
i that in his line Is second to none lu ; ho
state of Iowa. Mr. Sargent today has the
satisfaction ot knowing that theie is not a
shoo house In the city located here when In '
come. Mr. Sargent's Ideas of business aie ,
. .
peculiar ; flrbt , to give the people what they
I pnj for , and the best to be had for their
j money. Second , lo take advantage of no one
and have but one price. He sajs that any
ono doing business on those lines will sue-
' ceed. Another hobby of Mr. Sargent's Is ,
no prison-made shoes. He f > ajs that a few ,
cents a pair piotit extin will not offset the i
' sutfcrlng that families of shoemakers must
| endure as a icsiiH of cheap labcr and penl-
It-Hilary made goods Mr Sargent's success
I the past year proves that honesty In busl-
ucss Is the btet policy. He also says that ;
a shoe-house which cannot como out and , !
nay that they do not line prison made shoe- *
' is not entitled to the worklngmen's trade' | ,
which Is * the best trade on earth Many Im- ,
provcmcnts wcm made In the Sargent btoio
I building In the past ye-or , the moat Import-
ant of which was the enlargement of the
] store by fifteen additional feet In the 'f'
i thus affording more lloor space and better
- fucllltle. . for displaying goods than any ;
other store In the city.
< > > xlr mill KlHli Miu-Ki-l.
I H Is truly said that to de&eivo giucess Is
i to earn H. There Is no ono lu Council Blufis
more deserving of the success ho at >
tulned than Sullivan , the grocer , at 313
Bioadway. He has established In this city
one of the best ojster nnd fish markets In
be seen anywhere. During the ojater and
I tlsh seasons ho keeps a supply suinclcnt for f
all demands , Ho selects his goods with the
greatest care , thus securing the best to be
° had ou the markets. The leading brands
of ojsters carried are the famous Berwick
' Bay and Solid Packed , which arc reeog-
nlieil to have no superiors , even If Ibey can :
" ' be- equaled Mr Sullivan's trade has bec-n
u Increasing In all lines and In thcso two os-
peclally. until his store Is recognised as thr
leading oyster nnd fish market lu western
" ' Iowa. He expects to redouble his clforts tc
' Increase the coming year's business ovet
' that of the last and that of 1899 Is very eat-
! isfactory In all respects.
- Vlujilrnl IiiHtriiinrnlit ,
irtThe musical business of Council BlulTi '
Inhas undergone some Important changes uri
j ing the Pafl jear. Among these cbangei
, i notably Is the removal of the Bourlclu
n.iMusic house from 325 Broadway to Its pre'S *
cnt locatlotr , 330 Broadway , onlj a few doori
west of tbo old place In Us new quarten
allhas ! been found an elegant homo for bib
fnvorlte music house It Is a large two
story brick and commodious In every dc-
partment The Hourlclus Mutlc houee
startiug fourteen jears ago from a sinal
s ale has liern built up bv cnteriir se hon
oriblp dcnltng and upon the mrrlts of th.
goods rained U Is toJiv the leading tnusU
store In Council Bluffs and western Iowa
The pianos , organs and other Instrument *
handled by this house are ot the best makes
obtainable and satisfaction Is always Ritar-
, anttrd. The high standing of the Dourg
Iclus ' ' Music hou o In this community Is a
guaranty In Itself that the goods h nnd led
must sell upon their merlin. The business
done by this house during the past jear
attest this fact and reach Immense propor1
tlons ' In comparison with that ot other j-ears.
During the jear of IfiOO It Is expected to
make a still greater showing , and If enterprise -
prise , honest goods and fair treatment count ,
i this ' anticipation will be rcallred.
Tin- HiitiHili'uriilnliir * .
' Ono of the high standing business houses
of Council Bluffs Is the Iowa Kurnlture and
Carpet company , 407 Broadway. The pro-
prletors arc U. W. Keller and M. Band , both
.well known nnd representative business
| ' men of the city They opemM their stoto
nt Us present location a llttlo over n yiar
ago. The gooJs they handle' consist of fur
niture , carpets , rugs , curtains nnd every
thing that goes with the carpet burlnesn ,
also ' stoves , dishes , chlnaware , o'c. In fact
the establishment is a complete house fur-
1 ! nlshlng store and their big success for the
last jear Is due to their skillful buying and
the handling of the best goods made. These
j me sold at very low cash prices and on the
easy pajtnent plan. The plan ( if easy piv-
menls has proven to be a boon to mnnv ,
who were thus enabled to furnish their
homes at a moderate cost and , even though
their salary was meager , by this means
they are now out of debt , own their home-
hold goods nnd aie happy. This store carries
.in Immense line of goods and all are treated
alike , the ; high nnd the low. the rich and
the poor , ono price to all and that the low
est of any similar concern In the city.
Coiiin-ll Mill IT fi It on I KNllltr.
The deals In real estate for Council Bluffs
during IS'ta will reach enormous proportions.
It will run up Into the millions. The dim
of Day .t Hess , In the Shugart block , Is one
ot the oldest and most substantial In the
, cltj. The new century opens up to them
j' I very bright and their business for Hie past
Ijcar | has been successful bejond their most
' sanguine ' cxpcctaltons. This llrm handles
| some ! of the best residence and business
property ' In the city and their farm Inmli
! , are the choice of the great Missouri valley
1 1
and Hie middle west. During the year they
have closed out some of the heaviest deals
ever consummated In this part of the country
| | and expect a greater result for the coming
' . They loan on first mortgage a large1
I i amount ' for eastern and home clients. Thcli
faith In the building up of this city and the
I i western country Is firmer than ever. Those
[ | i living at .1 distance , who desire to bo put
' touch with the best investments to be
had In real estate nnd mortgages , will con
sult their own Interests by writing or call
ing on Day it Hess.
A Moil -rii hlioi > Slori- .
Success follows enterprise. This has been
demonstiatcd In Council Blutfs bejond : i
doubt. Attenlion Is called to Hamilton's
Shoo house , 112 Broadvvajrrom a fcinatl j
business it has been turned Into one of thu
leading establishments of Us kind in the
city. This has been accomplished In the
face of obstacles that were overcome by
pluck , honest goods and full value for the
money spent at this store. Ocorge K Hamll-
ton , the pioprletor , commenced business at
this location n llttlo over a jear ago and !
'he started with a determination to give the
pcoplo a first-class shoo' store , conducted on
stialght business principles and by keeping
I In stock the best grade of shoes , etc , made
the countiy. The business of the past
jear has grown at a. > wonderful pace nnd
i cached a , higher point thaii was anticipated.
It Is Intended to make the coming jcor a
record breaker and nofrflng will bo left un-
done to keep the Store ! up to Its picsent
, standing and 'make ' such Improvements as is
warranted by the times.
I ! In nk- Monks tiiul Illiiillnir.
The firm of Morehouso & Co. , lo
cated In the Everett block. Is one of the
oldest and most reliable book-binding cs-
tabllshrnents in the west. The firm doeb a
largo business in the manufacture of blank
books of all descriptions. The jear of
1S'I9 wab one of the best jears of Us busi-
nws career. A number of Improvements
have lately been made In this cbtablishment
and some of the most modern machine ! y for
turning out work has been added. Mr. E.
A. Morchouse , who Is nt the head of the
concern , is classed among our leading young
business , men W'o take an active interest
In the welfare of the city. The Morehouso
bindery is known far nnd wide , owing to
enterprising methods and has grown un-
der his management to bo an immeiibc entcr-
prise. The work tinned out Is first-class
and gives that satisfaction which tends to
increase trade The establishment emplois
force of skilled workmen
U.a good-sized working -
men and Is looked upon as the leading bind-
cry of western Ion a.
AHljr < * nrn- < & < r < .
H'A store of Treyr.or & Gorham Is
Iho leading establishment of that kind In
the tlty. The goods carried by the llrm are
i of the beU weaves and patterns In tbo
countiy and of the latest designs. They
i carry an immense stock of cm pets , nigs ,
linoleum , oilcloths , lace cm tains , portleies ,
draperies , etc. The lower story of Odd Tel-
lows' temple , the building occupied by this
firm. Is one of the finest business blocks In
tin- city , and one of the moot cciitially lo-
cated. The business transacted by this llrm
i during the * jear Just closed has ' . , evoiy
I way been KUIsfaUory and the increased
sales are evidence of the populiulty of the
lnm throughout the < lty nnd western Iowa.
Pcoplo visiting Council Bluffs should not
losef the opportunity of inspecting this stoic ,
ns the designs and Interior decorations of
the flue- line of gooiU carried by this Him
make a bower of bcautj well woith seeing. i
\ Moili-l III ! I ; i-j.
Another new Institution that has latelj l
, opened up for business in this city Is Co-
, i valt's Model bakery , 23S Broadway This es-
j lubllshment Is headed by u Council Bluffs
I joung man , 'Mr. ' Scott Covnll. who was
I reared In this city. Ho is accomplished In
* his special line nnd understands the business
( thoroughly , as Is nttesled by the goods he
turns out for his liicicaslng tiade. The
bakery Is centrally located and easy of oc-
cebu to the larger population of the tlty
EverjthlUK In connection with the cr'tei- ' i
prise Is new and of the most modern type
r The oven Is of a hlgh-grado pattern and the
neatness and cleanliness of the surround-
| ngB warrants the prediction that n rapid
giowth In business will be the irsult
- I vim's I'nriilNliInu Slort- .
' Ono of the now stores of Council Bluiii-
thai'deserve mention Is that of Smith A.
usBradley , the men's furnlsliciB , 116 Broad
way The projuletors aie both joung , cu-
terprlslng buw'ncsB ' men and has
crowned their cffortr In giving the city a
first-class establishment In that line. hind
atgoods - kept nio of the latrat styles and
everj-thing Is up to date. They have glvm
special attention to pleasing nil ctistoim rand - ,
and the firm's knowledge of the wants ot
* I the public In Us line enables the proprlnum
- i to bold favor with the most fastidious
_ _
"i am indebted to One Mlnuto Cough Cure
I for my health and life U cured mo of lung
' trouble following grippe. " Thousands owe
their lives to the action of thU
| prompt never
falling remedy It cures coughs , colds ,
ocroup , bronchitis , pneumonia , srlppo and
dcthroat and lung troubled Its earlj use pre-
, vents tontiutnption It Is the only harmUea
renicdj that gives immediate relief.
I'ltiiK l (4. full. I'n-ilili-Dt of ( Inllnnu -
I'ni-liirtiiu ( IIIIIIIIIIM nl ( llnlnn.
| i In. . N Demi.
I CLINTON' , 1 , Dec. 31. ( Special Telo
' gram. ) Titus 0 V-tk , founder cf 111 * cole *
bPHted ri h wagons and president of
the t Pish Bros. Manufacturing colnixuiy , died
hero , todav , aged CO
Ho was born nt St-inlo. S Y. . anil wont to
1 Hnclnc 1 , WK , In 1SR2. where tie started a
] ' wagon shop , doing nil his own work by
hand. He soon look his brother , 15. U.
Fish. Into the firm , ami In a few yours InilU
11 | ; a great factors which was moved to
Weal Superior , WIs , In 1SSS.
In ISM the factory moved to this city ,
sixty cars being necessary to movettio Hia-
, chlnery , where It has been operated to lla
fullest capacity ever since nnd Is now ono
J of the largest wagon factories In the world ,
sending Its ptoduct to all parts of the two
Mr. KIsh had other commercial Interests
lo different pirts of the country and was
ono of the most widely known manufact
urers In the United State * .
Death was dun tn might's disease , rrom
vvhleh ho bad be-on a sufferer for sivi-n
snlilli-m siilit to He ISoliiK from lo n
Diileli tiilom lo War lu Miuill
Siltiilili. '
CHIC \at > . Dec. 31 A spei lal to the
Times-Herald fiom Oiange Cltj , la. suy.s
An entire regiment of soldiers H .Ud tn
be en route fiom the Dutch uilony In ibis
( Sioux ) counlj to Join the Boers In tbi-
If seemingly well-authenticated au-ounts
are to be believed the organisers of the
force are not ntlemptlng to send the entire
bodj lo the seat of war nt once > , but me
i content lo ship them out Unco 01 four at u
time by different ionics.
i The recruits were not all gathered in
Siouroiintj. f . but the money to hire and
equip | them was all raised In or near Orange
Cltv and Sioux Center.
l That dillllng has been In progiess In le-
i mote ( parts of the county for some time is
certain , though much seciecv wait obseired
It Ifi said that only picked men have bei n
Hero of Miualln lo lli-i'Hti- \ llntlim
to HiiiuNl of M. I'linl Diirlnii
Ci < i-iil > nlWiU. .
ST. PAUL , Dec. Dewev will
bo invited to be the guest of Si. Paul during
cainival week The Dewej .itch and mult
of honor , that were features in the New
York celebration last September , will be le-
produced In Icj columns. Through the eol-
umns and under the arch the in.irihlng
clubs will pa s to n review of the-
Olympla. also jeproduced In Ice The ehlef
spectacle will be a bombardment of the
gallant cruiser. *
Wllhln the walls of the frozen ship 300 or
400 men will net the part of crew , from the
man behind the gun to the captain on the
bridge , each having bis part in the vcs-
fccl's defense by file.
Iand batteries will be elected of the same
congealed material to belch foith sky rock-
ets , loman candles nnd other artillery upon
the admiral's vessel. After the battle vl -
tory will rest , as It alwajs did , upon the
The Invitation will be delivered to the
admiral at his Washington homo on Mon-
day by United States Senator C K Davis.
-r ICniiHiiH CoiiKroHMiiun llo-
IIIOS l ) < -siinili-iit iriini SleU-
iii-Ns mill 1'ovrl } .
TOPHK \ . Kan. , Ie-c. 31 Pormer Con-
Krossman Hen Clover coiuinlttpd suloldo nt
his homo ne'ar noiiRlnsH. Butler county , toi
day , by shooting hlinsclf. Despondcne-y ro-
suiting from sickness and poverty vva the
clover formerly repretpntod the Third
district In conprebH and among the- first
j ' i to bo elected by the famoiih Fanners' alii-
anco movement
' Ho von consldcrablo fame by going to
sleep dm Ing the vote on an Important
measure In the house , but the Incident cost
him his place , the populists refusing to 10-
nominate him.
' >
I'nlr Momlii ) anil Tin-Niln > wllliiirl -
lililc AVInds I'rcilli'ltMl for
WASHINGTON , Dec. 31 Forecast for
Monday and Tuesday :
Tor Nebratka , South Dakota , KatihiiF and
Montana Fair Monday nnd Tnchdaj , varia
ble winds.
For Iowa and Missouri Fair , continue I
cold Monday and Tuesday ; fresh to noi'h-
vsest \ \ Inde
For Coloiailo Fair Monday , eoldcr In
cabtern portion ; Tuesday fair ; vvlndh mostly
| northerly.
I For W > JinltiB I'nlr Monday and TUP * , lay ,
colder Monday In northwest portion varia-
Ibio ' v\lnds.
l.oi'lll llrroril.
oFnrn OF Tin : WRATHn nrur\t' ,
OMAHA , Uee31 Omuba ici'oiil ul inn-
iTrratiiVe'and JirecliiltJllon ( oinpiinl ui.n
PoiresDondlng du > of the- last tbiLO
" etirs :
1S99 IS'IS 1'17 l in
.Maximum tftiipernlure . . U ! ! ' - ' 4i
Minimum ti-mperatuto . . . 3 U ) HiI"
A\eruxf tc-mpeiaturo . 8 1 'I 41
J'rr flpltatlon T I' ' T , , J
' He-cord of tomperoturo nnd picclniiatlnn
at Omaha for this day and sinceM.neh 1 ,
Noininl foi tbo day . -I
Petli'leiu > foi thedn > , . . . I !
' vi'rniniil.iloil i-Mpss Hlnci- Man li I ill
Normal lalnfiill foi HIP day. .01 lm h
I Ui'llrlone.v for the ilnv < U lin li
I Tot il inlnfiill sln < f Mnieli 1 . 2 > % lini ) < n
, | JPIIIC | | | > slm c Jlanli 1 . I J > lm hi , <
Dellclcney for coi ppnod , IWi ; ! Ullm / hi" ,
Ufllvli ney toi cor pprlod , IVJ' 1 ill in Ins
I.I firs A l-'on'ea'-t Olllci il
Nirvis ,
Tid ln-omriia.
Prepared by VAL. BUH BREWING CO.
JIM.i KII : . i. " . \ .
1412 Douglas St. , Tel. 1OBI.
OF 13KKF. The Roniuno l w bnon known 'nnniil tlio
vorld for ever lluily jonin us the Htnmlmd for qunlity. It
is ] ) tire beef , fu > o from till adult unit ion ? , without fat m
golntnio. It has recently boon wolootcd by the English
govonununt for r eo in the tiold husjiitnlH of the British
Anny OorjiR in South Africa ti roiniirkiiblo ollioiivl
This is the signature on cvory genuine jar
and wrapper. Be sure that it is there.
Painlessly and Without Cutting
\1 li t , i tu in i > \it of ive-rv ten
hi- x nt onli UK nuittiM vvbni
ii 'iiu i'il It ) .nnl ttronstunt It -
IdlKiis tiitrrfi-ie-m i- With imlnlc'v
I'liinuil Mems l the dlvei t in-
nf nine toiithx of the neivuns.i \
i. il uiiil niiMilnl wenUiii-ssos vvllli
v\lililt tnanklnit Is alllloti-d
Tlun Is not , i i-o of Vurli ncolo
Hi it iii-i : UK Ity , , iiplletl | tbl"inh
till lIUllllllll nt
'sEectricBelt '
will fill t i .nil. ly ! i mnpl t' ' Iv nn > l pinna-
in nth i mi
Or , Bennett's ' Belt Cured Mr , Barr After
Drugs Had Failed ,
nnl liiki * ' " " | n " ' ' ' ' " ' nn ' "
II I could not get uiiotber 1 < onxiilti-il tbni lUnniim-
Drnnl | d'v-M ' in > . of tills i Itv l-u n vpilnns KIPMM : > 1.1. vl > t'Kit
I luUI Tltorm.M Inn wltbout anv In IP At l.i-t I w is iieiMiulfil
to trv cum o1" > nurl ltM Atd r vvi.nlnc It n 1 * vv ilitn s 1 i-oin-
nii in ' il in ( miii vi mill nevI I Indoi'il d o | .i .iln IlUr \onng mini Fmm niv
own < > \n'ili | in i- I tin imt think the > lulinvmi -n ivi | > tot jour ] 2''itlli ' % li-lt < are
.niv ton tiotig
Mv M It Is the only ono bus pnti ntod , nun luiuiing iitt.i'hiiii | > iit for tllo
e lit i of Vul U oci-lo
< ill iiioii | ol write nir tml iv i n n--i'llitlmi tnil ad' li c , -olutelv fieiMV
Illii-tritpit Inn k l aUnrut Iri , f ir tin a-klng In plain -e.ilnl envelope Addre-s
H" > ms'jo& 21 ,
DOUKUIS iiiocu.
( Mid e Mi > iii ! > H.ail u. in to lip in I \ ciilng7 to h 10 p ni f-linday lOn m to 1 p in.
The Original
" Is adapted for every variety of dish from Turtle to Beef , from Salmon
to Steaks , to all of which it gives a famous rcltbh. "
I ! tJjal our prices are ahvays
moderate Examine them for yourseli' .
I Telephone 1/15
Silver Filliiitrs . $1.00
Gold Alloy FillinjfB . 1.00
Plu'iiniin Alloy Fillinyo . 1.00
i ( Jold Ktllinofb . 00 ( mil up
- o.OO and up
' . A. Woodbury , D , 0. . ,
i Next to
Best Dining Oar Service ,
la what an architect nrtlut or
draughts inn requires There la
Just ODO Eutto vacant on tbo
north ildo of
A veiy bandeoBii ) nulte , It Is ,
t o hard woo < l floi.r , newly
decoiato ! walls and It fat-pa
the grand court You will enjoy
looking at thorn and U will be
pleasure fur us to sh'.w you.
Rental Agents ,
Ground Floor , Bee Bldg.
/ * Tir m r % ft V * 3 TJ T rfV. .
IfflcCSREW ,
T i' all Tcmu cf
2i Ye ' Fcperiencc ,
12Vtanln Umanz.
, FITTItiriTt kinl
I Ml DK'Alj ' 1 leatinrii
ii.iul'incd Viriinrc | ,
ti'n tarS - pljuU , J < ci ul Vicor and Vitality
( i in s nruuvm n. ciian-n low. IIOMP
Till , 11 .Ml N r. li. b ton uli.itii.iiaml I.K.UII
Inai i I MMHi n 8 i .1 leO , VioKji 11
Sunda 'M.l' ' ' ) . l-t7A ( Orr.iN. . H
i-ut. J Ua-J ! ir. m t > .n.'lo OMAUA , . ' /I.U-
IIOWKLL'S 'I In- fin nl intijiiK
i urt- li i'ii ei'il
l in i h iillbUc
lav in K ilnr .ll < ? ll
lu ai U .ll liant.