5 THE OMAHA DAILY 1RE : SrXDAV , DECEMHEtt . ' ) ! , 185)0. ) W2ii9SB ( - * * - * fC fe S8j > B ; Si ! 33H jUuC c * * * . "ahCjlisJ H li i "ahCjlisJn i IWW w i ffw V ia Vv1 . \ > = . o s % m i a ? ' / j > / . A r > nv $ 1 I Ml K \ Hr , SB p * / Ota. ; Itr / ' - JVT : . / * .i > . , rh.m / * F I/ / i Y i \ The j&H&k. AND PSITIVE. GUREb J r < f I < li 1 > ® 5OV ? E'LEGT \ O In und A\ \ \ Ti l"l > Sh"i cl ir I f nlo , .1 't WWlllM ,1 ! li. II U 0" 'M Mr llllll ] i < all ) \ \ , 'Hllll ' ? © [ I II V 6\Ptlll The If you nro well and strong may you long remain so ; if you arc clusively patented and solely manufactured Electric Belt. The vvlih ntlt i weak or .tiling , come to the Fountain of Nature's vitalizing force weaknesses of the parent are bound to be born in the ohild strength TiiPHd i' is natural , weakness is unnatural. 1 cannot cure fevers , pneumonia , and be made a vigorous , manly man or a beautiful , healthy woman , 'I no smallpox , tuberculosis , nor will the Belt perform the science of OS. I'll ' as God intended should be. / , a : . ! ( . you obstetrics , but it does euro nil and even more than I claim for it , and I'll. il During the past year I have told you every day what Dr. Ben I give you n thousand fold the value of your money. Medicines are i IIKH nett's Belt could do and was doing for suffering humanity. I have thrown to the dogs when you wear my I'.elt. The man or woman who aimed at all timcB to be very conservative in my claims , although has robbed Nature by abusing her laws must seek her magnanimous I know that results obtained in some cases were almost miracu forgiveness through her most potent agent , Electricity , as applied by aiiipi lous. my Belt. Health cannot be regained unless the nerves are made Tliov This has fully confirmed my opinion that there is no way to strong and well Ovarian troubles , irregular menstruation , hysteria , MllVO The trout disease that is so successful as to use one of Nature's potent inllammation and womb troubles speedily pass away and cures have liovvlv lny ' agents and apply it scientifically. As I review last year I am glad been made that the patient did not consider to be less than miracu juurn to think that my work in studying the best methods of relieving lous. ft. The . in suffering and weakness has been appreciated and the grateful letters - o My Dr. Rennelt's Electric Belt is ( he only one that does not burn fr rn tors I am receiving every day from rejoicing patients is a grand reward and blister ; it has soft , silken , water-reservoir , sponge-covered elec J'l-rkl terms ward for my feeble efforts , in what I believe is the greatest willing BIZ VERY man and woman who trodes which allow the whole current of Electricity to penetrate the The on earth , HEALING THE SICK. ffi | is not in perfect health system. H . Imrfi u. t Now , what is wrong with you ? Be fair with yourself and honest " should have my NEW IL Beware of imitation metal electrodes with chamois covering , mllio II. e i est with me. If you are , I want to talk to you. Let's get acquainted LUSTRATED BOOK , it is full'of that do not retain the moisture , but become dry and useless in a very Ho wi sufficiently to give due deference to each other. valuable and rare information few minutes , thus checking the current. TJio Are you thin , weak , decrepit , wan , weary , wasting , despondent , and should be in the hands of Dr. Bennett's water-charged sponge Electrodes are patented and emaciated , no ambition , weak of memory , full of lassitude and ennui , every one whether they are think cannot be used on any other Belts. When others claim to have ( hem liruba nerves shattered , system wrecked , debilitated , constipated , abject , ing of taking my treatment or compare their Electrodes with mine , then you will not be taken in b\ tnrs under morose , despairing , feeble , asthmatic , phthisic , a cold , headache , not. I will send it free , postage false misrepresentations. My Belt is guaranteed for one year ii i.i neuralgia , pains , cough , bronchitis , or any of the thousands of ailments paid , for the asking , in plain seal after that can be renewed for 75 cents. Xo other Belt can be r Join ments caused by thin , impoverished or poisoned blood ? If so , I can ed envelope. newcd at any price. totiipt cure you just as sure as it is naturally true that you.came from a My New Electrical Suspensory for the cure of the various weaknesses Htlll I 'Wus natal cell. nesses of men is free to every male purchaser of one of my Belts. anrlio nctloi Do not be an unmanned wreck young , middle-aged and old , I shall be pleased to send full East or West , North or South , it makes no difference where in Hen there is no excuse for you not being a real , whole man or woman. To this broad land of ours you are situated , I can treat you with as successful name and address of or all lirokn \v ugoi the vast army of sufferers I say the repeated disappointments by any cessful results as if you were to call on me at my office. Through reside llm.ni the old school physicians , the savagely brutal use of the knife in of the following who have kindly my system of symptom blanks I can always diagnose your case and J ignorant surgery , is all done away with in my painless methods and permitted me to refer any skep accurately and recommend the Htrength and style of Belt required.to the gAll cure. I guarantee cures that stay cured , as attested in thousands of tical them. effect a cure. Write today if you can , if not , just as soon as possible JvnlBl unsolicited testimonials from the grateful , joyous , happy legions of person to . delays are always dangerous. All advice and consultation is free In < -nt tlu t. men and women who have been made over again by wearing my ex- to all , either by mail or in my office. 41. . . n. nil * vi Ins tl .T. L. , St. I. on In , m-Itcni vv 111 l I was suffering from KIDNEY TROU The BLE n.vj Lumbago for two yearn and Korbi found no rpllef In doctors. From the second hour end application I hail relief and now I am hours Clad to say nil palna are gone. funor o doc Minn , Ilnrtnrl , Colo. , ti'pim Since receiving your Belt I have taken tery. four treat ment : and the painn In my Uncos and hhouldors arc gone and I have Thn IHuiie slept better than for years. You can refer at th any suffering woman to me. but uleaso ' solda don't publish my name. with Mr. 1C. II. n. , Circclry , Coin. , nnysi The T from MUSCULAR mid I was suffering stelm RHEUMATISM and am glad to report that I feel myself entirely cured. The forme MI-N. C. . A. II. . Ilrrinonn. S. I ) . , vrrltcat Bone' J nm very thankful I sot one of your ings | Belts It removed from my womb what John the doctors told me watt a TUMOH and mnrtj bald nothing but the surgeon's knlfo oould mldlt ! remove. I feel now Just as well us ever. Jgmal Thn n. I' . 1C. . ThatrluT , Colo. , i > rltom morn Since wearing your belt , NERVOUS of It. . NESS hast almost completely left mo ilnd m.ir I uleep well My EMISSIONS have coastd ipipo I and 1 never ha\e pain In my back or parloi loins as , I usoj to. I feel much better \v is < every way slnco I began wearln/ your llL'l'll belt. jr.tssli nirlly ci.mir IN THE WORLD OF SPORTS N < w llo > tr 11 tl inul ( Established Certainty that National League Circuit Will B3 Eeducod , ha. I t { vtlOU HMJCll HiUU ITS SIGNIFICANCE TO WESTERN LEAGUE plain III HeorKnill/nlloli .if UMNO Hull AHnlrN J I SI 01 nor a > Iliilicni ilN ! , M , I'niil mill Ivnn- < l line ; MIN Cil > Will I.IK.-lj .loin ulilo vv m < taliht snail w hi. I trltiul There seems but little doubt now that the m d ' cltcult of the National league will be ro- anal ) ilnced to eight clubs. The question \\a < i left N ' undecided by the annual meeting of the league magnates , at which , In fact , almost Dai everything of Interest to the base ball world \\i\n left In an unsettled condition or was not e\cn touched nt all. The matter of reduction The tion , however , was placed In the hands of < tny i n committed and In all probability satisfactory J. W. C'h.irl tory terms will to at ranged whereby the pur- n.ill < 'hr.fllng of the franchises of the four c'ubs ' llo < which will be dropped can bo accomplished 31 CJ , without dllllculty. That the loducllan of the Hfll , AddU National league circuit to eight clnta Is ab Mill solutely essential to the future success nnd ( illll tMiuifi popularity of the game cannot bo gainsaid. This accomplished , the ne.M thing in order Ji-ff is the provision for a lirst-ehibs article of Utitso Il.il Imsn ball Tor the big elites which will ho dropped In tin * wfodlng-out process. The ( American league the ouiginwth of the TC 'Western league of Itiat JP.II Is In position 1'ea to till the breach and at the game tlmo oc rurit. cupy Mich n pcbltlnn as to send n-glimmcr- Jng the pinna of the magnates who lw\e pro Ml posed to organise a new American associa and v tion to compete with the National league. With the reduction of the National league to eight clubs < ho membership of the Amer ican Icagun will In all likelihood cnnsltt of the f N.it "Washington. HulTnlo , lUltlmoio nnd Phila K.imu delphia In the east and Chi-ago. Detroit , a , u. in Milwaukee * nnd Indianapolis In the wivil. Hy , A.bir mich a plan the rrenm of the baao ball Held Ai nil will bo completely occupied by the National tM i and the American leagues and the scheme to put In a now national association will fall I'lM of realization. Such a plan will roMilt In raising the standard of the American league liy a considerable margin This will ho roil necessary In order to satUfv the Iwne ball holm' ' lovers In the cities which lime heu > to'ore nml rn < o > eil National league teams. unil j The Importance of all this from a local Ftaudpoint can leadlly bo appreciated. The F/3 fonrutlon of the American league along the llrc.i mapped out In the foregoing means the dropping of MlnniupolU , St. Paul nnd , most lnirtnnt | of all , Kun as City , from their prehent momberf > hlp In the new American league The amputation , as It were , of these three clubs from thutneri anill not bu dltUcult matter , as ComUkey ot St 1'aul is rather anxious to bo taken care of else where , and Saulspaugh will enter no strenu- | oi's objection to being transferred from Mln- | neajiolls. Manning will , peihapo , bo the i hardest one of the trio to deal with , as ho hai become attached to Kansas City. Any objections ho may make , however , will be overcome. .Minneapolis , St. Paul and Kansas City each has a large sporting contingent that de mands a first-claps grndo of base hall and thn support accorded the game In the past ' ha been of the best. The only way open . fo the icallzatlon of this demand for pro- ' ball lies Ihiough the medium of newly organised Western league. "With thcso conditions present It Is puerile to uduinco the clTiin that the Western league Is alreaily tottering on the btlnk of ruin. No base ball organl/.atlon ever had brighter piospcets. U Is true that Lincoln has drop ped out and this mo\o was a most sensible one It was found that sufTlcIent financial support for the team was not forthcoming and the promoters of the team wisely con cluded to drop out on the start rather than 'to ' enter the season with poor prospects of j being able to finish. DCS Molnes , too , will probably not be .1 member of the league , as I was originally Intended. Hut with Mlnne- aiolls , St. IMul and Kansas City one of the Fttoi'pifit organizations e\er effected In the woit will bo possible. The remaining live cltle. In the circuit will probably bo Omaha , Slou\ City , St. Joseph , Deiner and I'ueblo. Tin1 only questionable city Is Pueblo. The | fccelblllty of admitting It to membership lies In the fact that It Is located In the ilclnlty of Deiuer and the teams making the long Jump from the Missouri rhcr to the Heckles I \.n\Hd \ bo able tn play with two cities before reluming. Asldo from this is the enthusl- jnstlc haEo hall sentiment prevalent In that city. Hiicltoilno Keith Is In high clover these ilnjs. Ho IH just as eel tain that the West ern league Is n go as he Is of the high tide of prosperity and the fa\or of fortune which has attended all of his efforts nnd everything with which ho hnti been identified. Ho Is Fomcthlni ; of n mascot himself , so his friends innelder , and as long as ho Is Identified with the now league thcio Is but 111 Mo doubt of Its development Into a healthy , sprightly In fant Omaha Is going tn ho n top-notcher In the new league , too. This fact has already been cbtubllBhed by leason of the encouragement with which Manager Keith U meeting In his efforts to establish the local team on a firm ht.anclal footing. As n preliminary plan for the raining of funds Manager Keith has put into circulation a book of coupon tickets , en titling the holder to twenty-one admissions lo the grounds and reserved seats In the par quet circle of the grandstand. These have 1 lii-en going at a lively rate. Not one person who has been approached with a request to lake one Irnn refused. No conceited effort Mils ns jet been made lo d ! , pee of these liorl > but a canvass of the nty will boon bo i ( made by Manager Keith and Se rUar > Ta- D. n. P. . Hrlaer , Kan. , vrrltem I am wearing the Belt purchased from you according to your directions I nm not troubled with CONSTIPATION at nil any more , and ns to DIABETES I nm much Improved , and feel that It la only a question of time ns to a complete cure. A. A. II. . Hnr.lln. Mo. , irritcxi I had KIDNDT TROUBLE BO bad that I could not lay on my back , and when my work required me to stoop I could not stand erect nsaln without suffering Intense pain. I nm so thankful that I tried your Belt. Now my back IB strong and I can rustle and don't feel very much tired. V. W. O. , Larnmtc , AVyo. , rrrKcm I hive been wearing your belt for KID NEY TROUBHE caused by the jar of riding on a locomotive , and will say It relieved mo very quickly and am much pleased with It. . A. lie M. , Oklahoma City , OU. , n rltoHt I am delighted with the Belt I received on the 4th I was almost crary from ACUTE NHUVOUS NEUUALOIA. but I must eay I hnve been greatly relieved since I commenced wearing your Belt. I am certain that very teen my sufferings will be a thing of the past. Sir. T. O. , Pneliln , Colo. , finyHt Your Bolt Is certainly doing me an Im mense amount of good. It has helped tna RHKUJIATISM In my shouldcm and my bowels have not been as regu'ar lit many jenrs As I have worn your Belt only ten daya , I am much encouraged. Mr. II. II. , St. IoiiIH. Mo. , irrltom I wna suffering for two years from CONSTANT PAIN In BACK , sometime" ! PO fvevere I could not work. I wore vour Belt SO days nnd must say U entirely cured me. This hna been over throe months ago. and I feel htronger In every respect , nnd must Bay that your belt is a grand invlgorator. Mr. .1. F. , Merour , Utah , miynt I have been wearing your Belt two months , arid have Improved a great deal. After wearing your Belt twenty days all EMISSIONS stopped. That was the best Investment I ever made. I am a bet ter man now In Htrength and In weight than I liad been for ten years. Mr. J. II. II. , SCIHTII , ICan. . ivrttrni 1 have been wearing > otir belt for tome time and It Is dolnj ; mo a wonderful amount of good. 1 do not feel any un comfortable sensation , only a v\arming sensation. I fpol better and can walk easier , and I begin to feel like a boy again. Your belt ha indeed renewed my vitality , although I am 71 yeara old. II. F. II. , Lynn * . Coin. , Yri'ltcnt You requested me to write you In thirty dayn nnd let you know how your belt wan Fervin * me. I must cny that I fe l much better and that tired feeling of yrnrs' standing hnn disappeared and the pain li > the back of my jiprk Is also gone. Doctors never did me nny coort , and I would not tnko many times Its price for what your bolt hna tlono for me. O. I : . K. , Knit I.iiUo 01 < r. Unb. riles : I am feeling very much better and can eat and sleep better than I hnve for six yearn My STOMACH TROUBLE li is almost entirely disappeared nnd I ran now ent and drink anything I want Slnco I commenced wearing your belt I have gained 20 pounds. Mr. A. McS , , Omiihii , JS < ! > . , write * to Dr. iloiinctt ! Some few weeks ago I purchased one of your Belt-s and after wearing name for ten week'i I Ilnd that my VAHICOCELE of three yeais' standing h is been etitlro'y cured , and I will ay that I .mi , i much stronger man Ir. every respect tlni > I aas before ' commenced to u.e the Ii Brn- Jictt Electrie Belt To all who are okep- tlcal In regard lo the merits of vour Belt I will cheerfully recommend It as to what It claims to cure. T. AV. F. . St. I.otili. Mo. , rrrllcmt When I bought vour belt I was nil crip pled up with RHEUMATISM. KIPNTCY nnd MVER TROUBLr , and my STOM ACH could hardly retain any food After waring yur bel * one week T could al most lenp for loy , and now I feel entirely cured ] lnv 1 any reason for celebrating Thanksgiving ? I should say so ! W. II. C. , Delia. Colo. , Niijnt t TTSO tro.iliitd with DYSPEPSIA and CONSTIPATION , with constant burning sensation In my btomnch , and my circula tion was so poor that my feet und le-jra wore nearly always cold , nnd what made It worM > I could not rr t at night. Your Belt KIVP mt > relief after 1 had worn It a few times and now I must acknowledga that It has entirely cured me. Mr. M. A. II. , I'roro. i ; < ali , miysi I have been troubled with RHEUMA TISM Or fKp jnars , ana after wearing your Belt for two months 1 think It Is a wondpr. It has ilonp mo morn good than all of the drugs I have over taken. I had almost entirely lout the USD of my limbs , but now I , un able to walk with perfect eas ? and Without limping. The jiiiln has entirely left my hands Please accept my thanks for an almost mi raculous cure. on tn < > C T til i Rooms 15 to 20 , Douglas B'ock , Opposite Hnydcn's , Corner S6th and Be die Sts. , Omaha , Neb. i morn. Iral Office Hours from 8:30 : a. m. to 8:30 p. m. Sundays from 10:30 a. m. to 1 p. m. tt root lor and if the same success attends this can- Miss as has already marked the effort In this line the question of funds will bo hatlsfac- torlly settled. In the main these books will bo disposed of to other than enthusiastic base , hall fans. This lattei class Is bound to 1)0 ) represented in la IRC numbers at all tliu gaircs and the money received fiom the sale of tickets to them when the game's ' .no In progress will pay running expenses of the club. The advance bale of books will bo confined to those who are interested in setting ting a base ball club in Omaha for the good it will do the oily. They -will be expected to attend the games und by BO doing It Is believed that many recruits will bo added to the army of Omaha basu ball lovers. Manager Keith's preliminary negotiations with William Tr.idley have reached the ntagc cJf certainty , and it Is now assured that "Hill" Trailley will manage the Om.iha team. He Is an old Omaha f.uorlte , having caught hero In 1883-'t l and "J2. In ' ! > ! he managed tbo Des Mollies team and since lins had n successful cat cor In the eastern leagues. With "Dill" Traflley as field manager and "Duck" Keith as bualnesb manager of the Omaha team It Is easy to contemplate n rcfconto-huoi ! career for tbo > orgjulzatlon. The palyers who have already been Blgned by HuckcTlno are John JloC.iusland as catcher , Jack Hey for thlrn baas , William Holmnan and Kdillo Law lor for the infield. McC'au.slund Is well known to local fans .in I as a catcher is In the A No. 1 clahs. List season ho pla > cd with Denver and Supcrlrr. Hey also played here with the Denver Oulfs and is a fast man anywucro In the game. Itcbsuiaii is from the Texas league and throughout his base ball career Im.i ; thonu with a brilliancy entitling him to a place In the HtelUr aggregation. Lawlrr la a prime local fa\orlto and can cover creditably any position in the Hold. Duck has en his claim list "Pop" Ia\is ) and "Hilly" Spnrgur , from the Texas league- , und "Hilly" Unties , who has gained considerable bafj ball notoriety In the Chicago city league. Spa.-gur Is a six-footer and tips the beam at 193 pounds With hU boiith pnw ho twirls a htill that ptlt-s the host of them to sleep and Iluck con fidently wiys that ho "can btiiko out any man in the business. " PRIZE MEETFOR AMATEURS _ Indoor 1'onli'nt \iiniitiiirril I nilrr Sniii'tliiii of Mlilollo I.CIIKIU- of .North AiniTloii , An amateur athletle meet will be hel'l ' In the gxnnaslum of the Young Men's Christian association on January " 7. Tin : contest Is sanctioned by the Athletic League of North Ameilcu and is open lo any reg istered amateur. The evenlu will Include putting tbo U'-pound shot , standing , broaJ nnd running hUh jumps , hitch KIcK , p le vault and quarter-mile potato lace. A Hut of prizes has been prepare 1 belli for the beat rei'or.t In all eunts nnd In 04 h xia- rate prrforman.'e . CoiibiJorable i-icri- , i- , taken m the meet b > the gjmujc.uiu la 3 which arc In training for the contest and outsided athletes have also been attracted by the prizes and have entered their names. A class of High school boys has been recently organised in the gymnasium to prepare for field athletics in the spring. Tialnlng of a general natnto will be the program for several weeks , when individual work In different Held and track events will be taken up in anticipation of Held day , an annual feature at the High school. The 'Crchs Country club of the High school has taken advantage ot the iceent compara tively mild weather and has nuilo sevei.il runs , the regular date being on Saturday mornings. PALAVER OF THE PUGILISTS mill Mnlicrlll Mictrn 'N \ f l.'rim.in Si''lit lnl.'iM'sl 'l'iiU-rod In III.- i\fiil. : With the sporting fr.iteinlty and followers of pugilism the all-alM'jrbing matter of In- tuest now Is the big battle between McCoy and Maher on New Year's afternoon. Opin ion as to what Iho result will bo Is about evenly divided. Mahcr afpeits with n con- lldent nir that the battle will end before the i fifteenth lotiml. McCoy , on the other hand , to be IIH positive , but merely predicts that the fight will not go to the limit. As U usual In such cases , each declares that ho will be the winner. Thu meeting between the Irishman and the JOUHK boosH- promises to bo , i battle lojnl. .Strength and hitting power mo In favor of the Iilshman , but In the matter of science thu boyish American Is I't-terVi superior. Mnber Is by no means u coarse slugger. Ho Is clever to u degree , but as compared vvlih SUCoy ho is by no means In the hitter's class. Mahcr has to depend almost entirely upon hlti hitting qualities to EIOIO ,1 victory. Mnhor sn > ho will force the fighting from tbJ start and expects to land often enough to bcoro a ejnlck victory. In epcaklng of Mu- , Coy's ( [ Unities .Mahcr wild : i "Tho 'Kid1 Is without doubt acry clover , sl.Ifty lighter. He hi also very game , but he j can't eland punishment , on Intn hi- frail fr.'ino und constitution. I ean afford to tnko nt leant thico of Ills blows In ardor tn land nno. if 1 lould hold ShurKor safe why shouldn't I boat McCoy ? J think the light will be u fast and shall one. It will bo no fault of in I no if It la not over Inside of fif teen rounds. " McCoy realUea thnt Maker tan hit n tor- rifle blow anil inflict ovcre punishment whenever Jio lands , but McCoy does not tblnU that Maher can lay n glnvo on him. At ! ( least the "Kid" bas great confidence in hli ability to avoid .Mehor's famous swings , that have sent many ambitious pugilists to sleep. ' Hi believes that bo can * tap Maher In | about ten rounds. So euro la McCoy of tit - In big cnmltig ciircuntcr that ho ptir- to have a near dido bet on the result when he enteiH the ring Mjhcr who ha. > btiii naming with gicat care for the conte.-t during the l.iHt month near the Morris Park Hating track , Is In good phyalt.il trim. The Irishman when weighed lipped the scales nt 10 ! ' pounds. His musde.f arc as haul as n lock and ho looks the picture of health. McCoy , who has been doing his training at Muldoon's place on the outskirts of White Plains , is also In good condition. He weighs 171 pounds , which Is nineteen pounds more than he scaled when ho fought ShnrKey. Ho said his health is now at the best , and , altogether , he never felt In bolter shape for a battle. Ho is cnulidont of defeating thn Irishman nnd t.ajH thnt Maher will find him equally at homo at close us well ns long-range fighting. Hero's a good nno on Tommy Ryan , the pugilist , well known in this city , from the Cincinnati Enquirer. Tommv Ryan , the Khlfty middleweight , nan loft Cincinnati for West Haden , 1ml. The wily and frugal Syracusnn didn't add any laigo umonnt of , wealth tn hl.s bank account by his eflorln in the reforco line Monday night. Although the management of the McOovoin dhow sent un offer of $100 and expenses to Hller | to rofoico the bouts , It did nn glvo Ityan I one-sixth of the sum. It waa sevoial bourn .after the allow , and no one said anything j to Hyan about the price. About 1 o'clock I yesterday morning the mlddleweluhtor said to Manager Harris : "Do you think my health was In need of n job of refereeing ? " "What do jou moan ? " said Horrid. "Did yon think I got In thnt ilng last ovonl.ig for fun ? " continued Hjnn. .Manager Har ris went don n In bin vest pocket nnd handed Hyan u $10 gold piece and n $5 guld pleio. i Ho saw that Hyan v.as ) going to kick about i the compensation , when ho hastened tn say : "That Is all the money I have out of Iho safe. I'll leave some more for > ou at the hotel In an envelope. " Manager Harris must linvo forgotten the Incident , for ho went nvvay yesterday morning nml Hyan lh Htlll looking for the envelope. It now scorns probable that the next big heavyweight world championship battle will come- off In San Francisco , v\hen Jcflrles nnd Corbott will come together. D , J. Tobln. a | prominent sporting man In that dty , hai i made n big hid for the light nnd declares 1 that ho has received from Iho managers of j Jcffrleri and Corhctt advices that warrant Ills ' Immodluiely beginning preparations. Hofore the tlmo expires ho will Iwvo fulfilled hli ' pni t of the agreement , ho says. All reporte received from Now Yoik Indl- eiito that Cnrbeit is In deadly earnegt In 111 : : dcilre to regain hi * lout laurels. Jio ( a uaid to bo taKlng excellent care cf Jilmtclf and Is doing regular gymnasium work to prepare for the inoro vigorous dpmundit which active training for go Important an engagement will entail. The date of the b.tttlo for the lightweight cbamplonftilp cf the- world between i'rank ilrno and Jack O'llrlon lm been chrtnpa.l from J.miMiv I'l to Jjnudix Ji ! Thin v. 13 do i HI ( i III nn i ijui I Th ' I ' I fHlr'Lf J.- , l In.li : lb i 0 1. U aluUiij I ) . llr1- ! joint , and ho wants a perfect hand when ho faees the champion , lie is sure the post ponement of ,1 wnek will be long enough to permit the finger to return to Its natural sl/o and bo tree from pain. CLEAN RECORD OF IOWANS Dlscrlin IniitlllKol.M - from ( lie 1'nnt SjM'lll.H III ( 'lllllllllMlllllMllll < > f \\C".I.TII Alllll'tON. IJxtracts nro given below from a review ] of the foot ball hoason published In Harper's j \V < f > Kly over the Blgnatuie of Pasper I' . Whitney . The article Is uniu.iial for the ] coiidldciatlon nccoidcd to the University of i Ir-wa , In contrast with the jofusal of Chicago cage newspapers to acknowledge Inu.i'H equal claim with Chicago to the mlddlo-w.'bt Unimploushlp. The article is , in part , as I follows : "Only one other oltnon hlmros with Chi- j cage the honors of the mlddk'-wchtorn first elans , and that Is the team which Dr. A. A. j j Knlnc , now athletic director of Iowa Slate i unlvuiHlty , built up at that rapidly rising Institution of teaming at lowu City. lin claims to proper ranking were disregarded In the voii ! , oMin after It overwhelmed , by a Bcoio of f S tn 0 , on Thanksgiving day the llnhoihlty of Illinois , that Michigan had barely beaten 5-0 and Wisconsin de feated U3-0 , "Hood team work was the feature of the lowu eleven , na might bo mirmlsed by the fact of Its membcis bring mostly fnuhmun nnd sophomores , averaging about 10 years of ago and about lfi ( ! pounds in weight , with n hack Held averaging only U > r > pounds. Vet ( hi * i , lev en plajed u modification of the I'punsyvnnla uuaids-haik and plnjeil It o well a.s to crosj Chicago's goal line for the llr.it tlmo this hcason und to defeat Nebraska 30-0. llealiles a slurp , hard nlt.icK , | | du. fcnslvo game wnt > o titrong that its goal Una was not ciosedl at all during the nroHon which riinitbt l/o said of any other team In the same region. The only HUIIO agalnnt | Jowft Wflh inado by Chicago on a pluccd kick Held goal from the twcnty-lHo-ynrd line. ( Seoro 5-P ) "True , thu Chicago team , owing to the nl hence of Kennedy , wan not nt its best when lowu wab played. Hut Kennedy was alfo out of the game when Chicago beat ' Cornell , nnd It teems fair to glvo Iowa the i eamo credit for Improvement after thin date 03 nreordod Chicago. The least that tan be said | a that lown , who farmoily played In the TnuibiniHHiKslpjil leagtio , has earned , the right to ho considered thla year with the very best of thoio la the middle wc t. | Hut a , collegi , cannot ho llnnlly classed on | olio beafion'u uort : nnd it will require at leant another year to determine if thin year's clasulfleiitlon IK | 0 bo permanent. "Quito the most hutlkfylng Jmprristilon iovvii has made thin ycnr , however. rclaUw to the clifilbllity quulinciton | of il play. | er , whtj'h are moaaurcd. 1 am told , by a , titrict echolarehlp rule , aa well aw by the imuul on ( > i rcluiing to nipatour status. If | th fa rliv ut I ) a will ma'i'taln n high Iii I i-i In ul iiiai.i . ill'm ) ' < ; . , o will fo'ljrt ' fci-i ij i li - > tfj < . ' .it/i. hi a > ii4 ( a , place alongside of Iowa aa one ot the leading two western elevens of this Boaeon. There is no other team in the middle-weal to approach thorn. "The quality of tackles has averaged higher this year than last. Warner of Iowa Is almost as good as Curtis of Wisconsin , and altogether the best of the others. Kcnne-dy , captain of Chicago , was not a good field geneial , and If such a man an Clyde Wil liams , quartmback of Iowa , were on a team Kennedy would propoily go back to half , Williams was , In fact , the only good all- round quarterback and field general In the middle-west this fall " ( Kennedy IB an Iowa boy , non of C. K. Kennedy , editor of the Vllllscii Hevli-w. ) Iowa plajed ten games , Bhut out Its opponents in nliio and tied Chicago unl- vciHlty In the other. Krom a total of 2C2 points mndu in Its ten games Iowa took 2&7 as followb : State Normal t-chool , 22-0 , Alumni , ; ! ii-0 ; Hush Medical college , 17-0 I'onn college , 3S-0 ; Chicago milvorMty , fi-6 Nebraska university , 30-0 ; Iowa State college - lego , Ames , 6-0 ; Knox college , 33-0 ; Iowa college , ( jrlnnoll , 10-0 ; Illinois unlvcraltj , rs-o. The Omaha Medical college foot ball team , a picture of which recently appeared In the Hlustiatcd supplement of The Bee , dates Its oiganlzatlon only slnco the mld- dlo of the last onuson. It has played but two gami'M thin bcaeon , both of which It won. The first game -was with Hellovtm college , with but two weeks' practice and without the benefit of an experienced coach The game was hard fought and won by thr > Hinnll bi-oro of n-O. At this time Dan Tay lor was hired to couch the team , In thren weeks , under Taylor's guidance , the team developed n stone wall line and an excel lent hack field. A game with Crclghton was then arranged anil took place nt the Young Men's ( Jlirlstlnn Ansoclatlon park. The Omaha Medical college gained a decisive victory , which was made principally on ft strong dcfcnho and guard and tackle tmiashcs. The Crelghtan team was unahln cither to open up the line or to stop the line hucka of the Omaha team. The rcbiilt of the game wan tn awaken enthusiasm among the faculty , alumni and I ho studenln of the Omaha Medical col lege mid the foot ball team IIH a result has come to be a permanent Institution In the Institution. Alieady It lo planning for next Reason , when work will ho begun early anil u number of games arranged with tollege nnd unhemlty tcanm of thla und neighboring btatts. The faculty has con tributed liberally to defray the expenses of I ho team and has caused the erection ot shower hattn ; , dieafalng looms and other accoutrements necessary for Its une. Al- inobt the entire team will return next year with the exception of Joffcrfcon , right end , and Thulln , light guard , both of whom arn honiorH. There U plenty of material ready and anxlotib to get In thu game and take the place of MICMI men Too many of the men who boast of being t--lf ' imi'lo t.rcm to luno been Interrupted Uluio i lie. job ujb finished , 1