Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 30, 1899, Page 11, Image 11

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AUverllftrir.pntii tiir Mic-io column *
" 111 | ( u tnticii until Jli in. for tliv
cvriilnu edition nuil until HittU p , in ,
tor luoriilnic ami Sunday edition ,
llntuN , 1 J'Jca \tortl llrnt limrrlloni
lo u i. t-il Ihcre-nflcr , .Nothing InUcti
for li-kn limn Uftu for ( lie llrnt Inner *
lion. TlecNo ailvcrllftciiicntn iuu > it lit
run cniiNi-ciitlvoly.
Aclvrrllxcrii , liy rciiticMlnu a 1111111 *
ln-r il e-ln-e K- , run imvc iniimei-ji ml-
ill- ! * * < il t n. n inn lie-roil Irtter In cure
of The lloo. All-mum no iiildrcnacil
vlll lie ilellvurvil on iirvminliitluu ol
Ilin e-heek onlr.
A STENOGRAPHER. When you want ont
jilcn j call up the Remington typewrite !
ollke , Itda t'arlmm street , teluphone Ioi3. _
"WANTED , job by youiiB man to tern
furnace , wi.rk In kitchen and cnn in
tooKlng. Address T 31. Beo. A-oi6-3
YorNG wMow from the. east do. lro ! < tf
cuine to ( Jiniilui as housekeeper for sotm
widower' * Iitinlly , rlty rir country , o
would luluchiirgu of hotel or corrospgno
with vh w to matrimony ; elderly gentle-mai
pieforrod. Addrocs at ouu1. Mm. < . iirr.i
.M Addition'P. O. IlUx 111 , Duluth. Mill-
' ' A-S1W7 V
A YOUNG Imly doslrert position us vlsltlnt
gov rnf'HH for fninlly or number or fnni !
llm , aHo coaching lu " 'I ' literary Mudlfi
rind the languages. Address T M , Boo :
, A. M
WANTED , we have steady work for n fen
K oil btiKllers of freed habits and appear-
ince. C. F. Adams Co. . 1C19 Howard bt ,
U o03
WANVED. mcdlclno salesman agents U
trav.-l , country ; plensnbt. iiroOtable work
Marshall Mcdlclno Co. , Kansas City. Mo.
U " 16 DXJ
WE TEACH the barbcc trndo thoroughlj
In short time nnd furnish each craduali
n-lth n uni'nhte l position nt good wages
Theic nrP morn than ten barber position ! ,
advertised la-one nt hookkteplng or short
hand. Wrlt < ; far free catnlncu > - nnd par
Honiara. Western L'arbers' Institute
Omahn. H MG23
CASH for acceptable Idoin. State If pat
cntcd. Address The Patent Record , HH !
' ' ' ' " -M 2
'tlmoro , Md. _ _
WANTED. , boy , with horse to deliver Tin
Hoe. Call al circulation department
AN Intelligent young man to take a short
hand scholarship anil pay for It when lit
hns finished the course and secured n po
sltlon. Address T 32. Bee. B-M41S
WANTED--Mon to learn barber trade ; 50
positions ai fGO monthly waiting our grnd
mites ; now llol.l ; can earn lull on ; twe
months complM'os ; till Information will
hadnsome 1900 souvenir mtilloel free. Mole
Barber College , Chicago. 111. B-leC-29 *
SALESMAN 'wtinted to pell complete lltv
of lubricating oils , , woathcr-proot paint :
nnd grouses ; liberal salary to rellnbli
man. The Champion Refilling < fc Clevu
land , Ohio. ' 1H..I5.0 1
BOYLE'S - IJolloso , . Bee Bldg. . fiirnlshc
places fir student' ? who desire It 'to wor !
fdr board'whiles In attcntlaiKc. B 577
WANTED. , traveling salesmen to cany Hid
line for ' Iowa , iDssourl. Kansas an
'Coloraelo. Good porccntngo for orders. In
quire only at'JGll lenrd st. A , Hosnc.
B Mi > Sj 31
3 picture agents , expenses paid. 1S13 _ Lcav
WANTED Pafnt salesmen to work 01
roinmlHslon basis ; only thn o with expert
e.iico and , reforenccs need apply. 1212 1-ar
nam St.
CLOTll'lNG salcHinnii to cipen and operat
branch olllcos for fie largest exeluslv
tullpriiiB ItoiiHo In the IT. S. : proper fa
cilltlos given. Includingwoolnns In th
iili'ee > , fen display purpoBca ; this Is a rar
opportunity to engage In a lucrative bus
ness without Investment or risk : hundred
thus ormdoyed are making Jl.oOO.oo t
< " 00000 : t..voa . ; . our.noaiLs uro jibHolujei
1 Kliarttlitced ; now Hthe ? .time to nrrang
for spring. 1900 ; write for terms and fii
information. Dopt. 12 , Lock Ilex : No. ' .II.
Chicago. H Mb.J ol
WANTED , 200 glrla. 1521 Dodge. Tel. S7G.
AN Intelligent lady to tnkc a shorthan
Hcholnrshlii and pay for It when sh
llnlshes the course and secures a uosl
tlon. AddrcFS T 35. care Bee. C M417
WANTED , MH-ond girl ; must assist will
children. 018 S. Mth avo. C-MCVJ ( 31
NICK warm rooms with good board ; rate
.reasonable. The Rose , 2020 llarncy.
LADIES wauled In every town to sell on
clennora and polishers : big cgmmiss'on '
lei good agents ; write for particular. " . 'Ill
Electric Cleanser Co. , Ciintom Ohio.
C- 1 dl.7 ti'J '
IF YOU want your houses well rentei
pined them with Benewa. & Co. D 505
CHOICE nouses. cottaRPs , stores. Henr
B Payne , C01 N. Y. Life. 'Phone , 101G '
ji E residence , ' choice location. 11 rooms
nil modern ; excellent stable. Bt > nils Pax
ton block. p so ;
t ( HOUSES , stores. Bcmls , Pnxton block
M AGO A RD Van and Storage , icic Caplto
Ave. Tol. 140C.t D-j09
FOR RENT , houses In all parts oT"citv
The O. F. Davis Co. , 1505 Fnrnam street/
GOOD large barn for rent In north nart o
city. Inquire 2124 Locust. U-103
HOUSES for rent in nil parts of the cltv
Brennntl-LoVe Cp. , 21'J So. IGth street *
HOUSES for rent. J. II- Sherwood , 423 N
Y Life. Phone 3S8. D-513
KOR RENT , desirable houses and riaU
Rlngwalt. Barker block. D-MSG3
g.ROOM olegnr.t snartmonts | n NormaTidu
155,00 ; 6-rooni , nM-modorn cottnif newl-
papered nnd In Iliie shnpo , J25 00.v hnv'
mun > - others. Payle-Uarder Co. , Ut lloo
N. Y Llfo Bldg. D-MS01
LARGEST lIsi.'F. ' D. Wead , 10 & Dou-las
HOUSES to rent. PatterBon , 305 N. Y Life
_ . _ D-510
HOUSE for rent nt 1152 Pnrk nve. , nil mod
ern. Apply 2130 So. 33d nt. Tel r" ?
FOR RENT , S-room lia'usp , nil modern con
vcnlcncps. qmiQslto Hnnscom park ' 15 °
Park iivj. Tntnilie-Sio 3. 33rd
Itbor.c 1 27 D-J11G7
VERY pleasant nppnrtmcnt or tint of
rodms unit bath ; good location and trooi
home. M. J. Konnard & Son. , Suit 310
Brown Block. U sit
I-OR Rr.NT. 552 So.
2Sth. V rooms itimloi-n
$3n ; 30-J7 Wobstpr. 7 roAms , ; ; & &
18th , 0 rooms , barn , largo yard ; bll So
19th. 4 r..omS ; also Hats. Rlngwnlt Bros.
BarkPr Blk. D 207
FOR REN'l 23 7 pltol nv 9 clu71iioli
oril linurtrt ; neUI-ly pnpprotl ; Inrgo yard
f&l The Byron ! Reed Co. , 212 S. Hth St
U HJ7-20
- , entirely modern , near car. $30sr
c'ty Wtttor. wnlklng vllstance business. Jli
or will ren < llrst lloqr * U > ; 7-r. . rlty water
M' I repair , $11 ; a few de.-lrable holmes
rent Veuln * . Jan. Iv Kuvoral IIOUSPP m $15
to , i , W. ; I. UJiiwcll. r < ; iital . lire , ins n ?
Jincf. Clti .V Ijfe. _ D-MG12 ; iO
VIVE-ROOM cottage , convenient , well utic
clHtrru valor ; Mil Blnndo. btr.Vt-
Apply r.tOOTN. 1'Jtli st. D-617
FOR JIENT , ,7-room bbusti nnd barn moil
em. except fgrtiaco. , 23 5 Farnam St. , $2C
JOHN W llbimiNS , Uetf Farnnm ?
' - '
FOR RKNT. * team-bra I fd Hat. on ; T llou
of Dnvl-litr VHe ; refort'iires roiiu'roj
12-ROOM piitlro'j ' nlQ lln | ht-l > n dlf
f rer ' W"l exii-llc ciillon CJ17 How
nr-I st n-ifonabla ul t- l .irry v. ) v
, i-i ' " - i i v | ri'f T8. \ \ II RMS
8I. . I ig N V Life. D Mull -1
ron un.ST i-uii.Msiini ) HOO.MS.
FOR light housekeeping. 2026 St. Mary'
avo. E-.M5-J ?
FI'UNISHED rooms , housekeeping. 2 2.1 St
Miiry'd. E-Mfilfi 7'
i < Mitxisiiin ROOMS AMJ HOARD.
THE Merrlatn family hotel , 20th ant ? Dodge
FURNISHED rooms and board. 2015 Dou ?
Ins Bt. F-MSCC
CIS S. 19TH , dcslraV'o rooms nnd board.
F-M23C Jll
TO 2 Rontlomen , In private family. 2020 St
Mary'p nve. F M50S
DESIRABLE romslrst.cInKs board. 2SS
1 Inrnoy. F M59J 30'
FURNISHED rooms with board ; references
31U So. giitll St. F-i.20-4 *
DESIRABLE Month room for Rontlcmnn
b.xird , sttatn. 2d2 No. IStll. F Mi3) !
t-OR RENT , store In flrst-clnss location
rent reasonable. Apply It. C. Peters t
Co. , groutul tloor , Bee Bldg. I-2G3
FOR RENT , n ground floor oHlco. special ! :
pultnblo for real estate , etc. , rplendli
vault built for use of city treasurer. Ap
ply R. C. Peters & Co. , ground lloor Bei
Building. I-2G7
FOR RF.NT-Briok warehouse , two floors
cnch COxOO ft. power elevators , U P
trn"kn c. Apply Hnarmann Bro' , l l
S. 20th ; I-R51
FOR RENT. Iwo-story brick building. 1311
and 1315 Harnny St. , good livery bnrn 01
warehouse : low rent.
JOHN W. BOBBINS , 1S02 Farnnm.
1-123 31
CAPABLE men nnd women can make gooe
\vnnoi soiling our "Quick Meal Cooke
nnd Heatcr.'r nr "Quick Klndler. " ( Sub
stltuto for kindling'and co.ll. ) Agents al
lowed liberal ccimmlsaioii and exeluslv
territory. Wrltn for paftlc-ulars. Bon
notl Miinufncturliut Co. , 131 Van Bnrel
St. . CillciiBO. J-S53
AGENTS WANTED for special limtiilltiiiMi
work : servle-i' paid In cash : no dcllverin
or collecting ; ciisy work ; big pay ; write
mating px'iprlencp. books bandied , dcgre
of succe.S. i'te.'cir call .it ollle-e. N. T.
Tliompson Publishing Company , St. Loul :
J-Mfilll 1 *
Mo. -
WANTED , room and board for elderly hid
In private family ; modern circumstances
T 57. Bee. K-MlHO 1
PACIFIC Storage nnd Warehouse COi , 01 !
014 Jones , general storage and forwarding
ALT. k.ids ! > of household goodc , hotels , etc.
in large or small eiuantlttes. Chicago Furniture
nituro Co. , 140G-10 Dodge. Tel. 2020.N5U
WIT < I * purchase n limited number o
Omnhn Savings Bnnk accounts. Brennan
Iovo Co. , 21D S. IGth St. N-319
WANTED , to b'jy , n restaurant outfit. Pee
pie's Store , IGth and Farnam. N JI2I3
AMERICAN dealer ; buy secondhand furnl
lure and stoves 1719 Cumlnc. Tel. 1G72
WANTED to buy or rent , a portable sav
mill complete , capacity ton to twent ;
thousand feet per day , for sawing timber
at Exposition gioiinds : or would give con
tract for sawing. Address with full par
tlculars. Chicago HOUPO AVrooklng Co
Exi ) sltlon Grounds , Omaha. Neb.NG2I
nblo offer refused. Neb. Fur. Co. , Ill
Dodco. O-52' ' )
WE stfll have n good line of Second han
stoves and furniture nt reduced prlcei
Cnll. J. Lewis. 101 So. 14th. O M7S6 J3
GOOD pony , just the horse for a route
most any price. - > 4G Chicago st.
P MCO31 *
SHIRTS to order. Kelley & Heyden. Q-521
CUTTERS of drug prices. Sherman & ir
Council Prug Co. , 1313 Dodge Btr"gt c
PUNCTURELESS bicycle tires. Om U ] r r
Dodge. Q-524C
SALE-Ten for 5
druggists. One gives relief.
INDIAN rollcs ; mounted heads. in0 i-arnat ]
2D-HAND sate cheap. Dcright , Hie Farnam
NEW mmulR sewing machines , $13. Omah'
Blcyclo Co. Q-M169
SAFES-Buy , sell , oxchnnge. in s. i.lth St
ADVERTISING ciltndnrs. ' Burklc-v PtgTco
Q-M7S9 Dcc31
FOR SALE , now nml 2d-h,1nd soda foiiii
tnlns ; monthly payments. S B. Rich
Uiond , P. O. Box 577. Q-M212 J13 *
FOR SALE. Iho celebrated Wilbur Fooe
for fattening stock ; enough feeds to las
ono nnlmnl l.COO days for $13.00 ; satlsfac
tlon guaranteed. H. A. Hill , state agent
Grand Island. Neb , Q 235 J13
POSTAGE stamps , Scott's Agency ; olie
evenings. Frank Brown , 220'B. . nth
Q-574-1 *
6x6 , CxS SxS , 10x10. 12x12 , 12xl .
J152 BUYS Stelmvay upright piano ; "gooi
condition ; cash or easy payments. Ad
dress P 10. Bee. Q MS5S
FOR SALE , bargains good for Chrlstma
presents : diamonds , watclie * , Jewelry
musical Instruments , etc. Diamond Loa :
Otllce. 1315 Douglas. Q-M237 31
START now to buy your new whcpl ; | U
down. $1.00 a week , mil and get full par
tictilars. Omaha Bicycle Co. Q-M.fla ?
$ lt BUYS Knnbe plnno , cash or easv pay
I ntents. ' 513 S. 25th avo. Q-MiilO 1
'OMAHA ' SAVINGS BANK account Nnnr
your best price. T 45. Bee. Q MG17 31
NOTICE , country dealers. Jd-hand furnltur
& stoves at lowest prices , carload lots o
leis , Chicago Furniture Co. , 1400-10 nortec
MRS. FWTJ5. clairvoyant. SOS M. IGth.
MME. UYLMER genuine palmltt , 1C05 Dodg
MRS DR HART pu'trlat aid ilalrvoyan
I .u N inh rtrc i Hours , v to a
I S .MC32 30
. MMli. AMES , ll.2. 507 S. 13 ; masage. litith.1
T-.M75P J2
MRS. BERRY , baths , mussngo. PARLOR
best etiulpppd In rlty ; porcelain tub ; lad
attendant * . 119 No. IGth , 2d llonr.
T-MSS1 J25
MME. SMITH , room 2 , HS'.i ' N. 15th.
T-M5I1 30 *
E LITE PARLORS. CIS S. IGth , upstalrf
ll'.iil-cliisn baths. magnetic treatment
l > ndy flttondnnts. T M5SO 5 *
VIAVI Is woman's way to health. 315 Be
Bldg. U-53)
SHAMPOOING 25c. hnlr dr ! ssliig"Sc ; hn ?
I nnd toilet goods , best equipped. Monhett
151S Fnrnnm. U-531
MONHE1T. lending chiropodist. 151S Far
nam. 2d lloor. U 530
PRIVATE hospital for ladles before .t tlur
Ing conllnement ; babies adontcd. N. H
SCA LP & hnlr treatment. Mmc. Post. 319V
B. 15th. U 533
LIEBEN. costumcr. 1313 Howard. Qe
cntalogues. U MS11
1 COSTUMES-Mrs. Snck. 331R S 20th. Cata
I logue. U M900-J-S *
SECONDHAND cowlnc mnchlnes from } 5.0
up. Nob. Cycle Co. , Cor. 15th and llnrncy
DR. DAVIS , specialist , IGth and Dodge.
i . - U-1D1
DR. ROY , chiropodist : corns removed , 23' '
and upward. Room U , Freuzor block.
TELEPHONE 2.11.1 will call Mr. Lcnnhnrd
to tune your p'ano. . U MfiOI J'
Jl.COO and upr.-nrds to loan on Improved clt'
! property and farms. W. Farnam Smlti
I & Co. , 1320 Fnrnam. W 530
i MONEY to loan on Nebraska and lowi
1 farms ; lowest rnles. Brennnn-Lnve Co
I 210 S. Ifith. Omnhn. W-540
JTCO TO $2,000. F. D. Wend. iTth ami Dnusln
i W-511
WANTED , city nnd farm loans ; also bond
i and wnrrnnts. R. C. Peters & Co 170
Farnnm St. , Ber. Bldg. W 513
WHITE us If you want n lonn on your farn
you. Anthony Loan & Trust Co. , 315 x y f ]
flfiO.COO.nOO to Invest throusli Dankprr
Brokers , Promntcrssend ; for ei'
Investors' -Directory. N. Y. .
5 PER CENT money. Bomls , Pa.Mon blocii
MONEY to loan on nrst-class Improved elf
rt0r "
0 , S' ' , * . 0 per cent loans In Omaha s Omnbn
W. II. Thomas , 603 1st Nat. bajii : r0MOj"
" "
MONEY to lonn nt 5 nnd r./ , nor
Omaha property. W. B. Melklc , 401 So I5ih
MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha rea
estate. Brennan-Lovc Co. , 310 Soni'i ili
FIVE per cent : fnm loans. Chas. E W | ]
llamson. W--3i'j
I'RIVATE monov , Inw rnto , no doliiv
Garvln Bros. . 1Pr Farnnm St. W-J41
holding permanent positions , on their
tonal note without ondorseirent nr- . , ? , , {
Ity ; strictly contidentlal ami"at CUI
Before borrowing see us , ns you wiii ' „
It greatly to your advantage ; wo ,
oldest , larpest and only incorporitl.d in
company In Omaha. Omaha Vi-c-
Lcmn Co. , 119 Board of Trade mi'X' ' , ? , '
nnd Farnam Sts. Telephone 22yt' '
_ _ X-552
ifONEY loaned salaried people hoTdTno-
.maiient position with responsible rnn5..CS
upon their own names , without Hr > V.i.iiV
easy payments. Tolrnan , 70ii x. 1' . L ijJd
_ X 557
MONEY loaned on furniture , HRS blcvr-io"
diamonds , watches , ec. ; paytnpnV ii,1
known to friends. Omaha Loan iiVnlr iV
Farnnm , upstairs. v ,
MONEY loaned on pianos , furniture hc Z
cows. Jewelry. Duff Green , R. S , Barker bl ?
MONEY loaned on furniture , pianos lew
olry , etc. . unknown to frlenus ; monthl
payments ; half rates. Berbers1 Loan Co
1 < 08 Fnrnam. over drug ste7re. x-M7ao
MONEY loaned on pianos , furniture Jew
nliy , horses , cows. etc. C. F. Reed ' 319 F
13th. X-553'
ployed In Omaha. South Omaha am
Council Bluffs , holding good positions 01
their own names. NO MORTGAGERES'
TERMS , overvthlng private ; money cai
be paid back In pmall weekly or monthl
payments. American .Loan Co. , Roori
C01 , Pen Bids. X--5CO
holding- permanent positions on their owi
names without endorser or mortsaac
EST RATES. No Innulrles made of em
ploycr or friends. You ran borrow an'
amount nnd icpay In easy weekly o
monthly payments. Before borrowing se
us. Omaha Crndlt Co. . C. E. Jennings
Mgr. . Suite 523-52(1 ( N. Y. Life BideX539
MONEY to loan on furniture , pianos
horses , cows , etc. J. W. Taylor , 2IS Firs
Nut'l hit. bide. 12 to C:13 : p. m. X-KM
misixnss cii.vvcKs.
goods , clothing , stocks boots and shoeg
hardware , drugs nnd groceries stock
located In nil parts of Nebraska , lown
Dakota and Missouri. If you want to bu :
or trndo for n stock of poods wo cm
locnto. If you wnnt to tell your goods o
property we can llnd a buyer for you
Write or call on us for what you want
Hotels for sale or trade. Mcrchnndls
Broker , 202 Knrbach blk. Y-M130
or whole thine ; blir patronage ; now nutilt
Innulro 519 S. iGtli st. Y-on Ji
FOR SALE. 2-chnlr barber shop and pee
ball ; receipts over J300 a month In th
best 750 town In northwestern Iowa. A
W , Holt. Bnttla Creole. lown. Y-M321 3
AN excellent buU-her shop , with all llx
lures. In good location ; given 2 month
without rent ; grocery next door. T K
Ueo. Y MOO-3 .11
A DESIRABLE old-established cash but
Incus. Owing to falllni ? health I hav
concluded to retlru from business an
offer my slock of groceries , tinware , mea
markol , Hour and food for snlo. If yo
want a desirable business Investigate
linrtlint Greu-ory Co. , Oft ) and W2 Broad
way , Council Bluffs. Y MG22 J2S
-on ixciiA.\ii ; .
I WANT to trade one lot In Armour placi
South Omaha , and two lots In Mt Pleas
ant addition. Omaha , for \Vlld land I
western Ncbrncka : my 1 its are clear c
Inuumtmincc and want clear land , writ
me wbii ! you havo. J. R. Campbell. 151
So. 20th st. . Omaha. / M591 3 *
for RENT. First lloor N. Y. Life Dldg.
IP YOU have a bargain to offer In rea
estate ECO S. A. Broudwell. C01 N. Y Llf
Bldf , TIE-MIU3
' FOR QUICK returns on bargain * only
I P. A Uroadwcll. 501 N Y Life Bids
, HO US I1'S lots farms lands , loans AISO fir
1 insurance. Bernls. Paxton blk , RE-Cu3
FOR sxi.i : iti\t , isT\Tu.
HOS DOUGLAS , cheapest Inalde burlnV
propelty on market. Wallace , ole agent
FOR BAR(3AlNSevcryb3dy ( goes to S. A
Broad well , 501 N. Y. Llfo Bide.REMI03
NOTHING but bargains handled by S. A
Brofidivcll , 601 N. Y. Life Bide.R13M106
A BARGAIN Four acres , Wtn ana P.iclfle
two block * from car line , on belt rail
rood , ji.BOO : ensy terms. MC.CIIKU * ! in
vestment Co. . 150C Dodge. UK 567
Sj'.i acres , three miles north of Florence
nil In timber ; will rut between 400 nm
500 cords of wood ; for $1,250.
Ten acres on West Dodge St. , macadam
, half hour's drive , $1,000.
IThe Byton Reed Co. , 212 S. 14th St.
SNAPS In. real estate ; money to loan. L , . L
Johnson Co. . 314 S. 15th street. RE-551
LOOK at 270S Capitol Ave. , 7-room frnnr
cottngn , nearly new , on lot 5Cxl35 feel
south , front. Price. $1,400.00. Thin IB c
bargain. Uyron R. Hastings , 212 S. 14 ; h
FOR SALE Bargains In small residences
S. A. Hroitdnull. 01 N. Y. Life Bldp.
I STILL have several homos fnr sale on ih <
easj' ( inyment plan so popular with 1m\
ors. W. H. Russell , esn.ito.
Insurance , GIG N Y. Lite. HEMfilS sn
GO ACRES within 10 mlles of Omahn P. n.
10-rocm house , bnrn 30xnn. some fru !
trees , line place ; Improvements oaMh
worth J2.otX ) . Price , fl.OOfl.
J.toO for south front on MuniltTPon stroi-t
between 27th and 2Slh streets , size 50x125
J300 for 02x351 feet , fnrlnft cast on 30th street
oppo.illp Miller park.
$2,251) ) fnr live acres cm North 21th street
cast old Fort Omahn. '
RE 312
BARGAIN In l-rooni house and lot. 4 bloe-k-
from P. O. , South Omaha , now pajlnj
12 per cent on Investment. Isoi ) If takri
before Jan. 1. W. H. Russell , snlo agent
u-al cstn'o and Invcsliruds. Gift x. Y. Life
Heal Estate , Rentals , Loans Insurance.
RE 22S-J15"
HOUSES , lots , farms , land * nnd Insurance
R. C. Patterson , 305 N. Y. Life. RE-S71
ir.G2 . NORTH 17TH street , two houses , rent
Ing for $10.00 per month , paving paid , pay
II per cent gross , prlio $1,350. John N
Frcnzor , Opp. old P. O. RE-MCOO
BUY THIS FOR A HOME 2-story frame
newly painted , 7 rooms , full lot , sma !
barn onVlrt st. . It blocks frnm : Mth st
car. Mark the terms : $100 down and $12 i
month for ton year ? without Interest.V
11. Russell , InvcFlmonls ( HG , N. Y Life
' RE-.MG15 ,0
TYPEWRITERS for rent , $1.00 per month
The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co. , 102
Farnnm St. Telephone 12s ! . 571
WE RENT and sell the best tvnnwrltor :
made ; largest stock of Huppi- ! Omuhn
United Typewriter & Supply Co. , 1G12 Far
nam. 575
' ! TON Standard Typewriter nn :
supplies. 1019 Farnam. ' 57G
THE Oliver Type-writer , visible wrltlnc
heaviest mnnlfoldcr nnd cuts the lines
stencil. Tel. 227 ! ) . J. S. Stewart. Snocla
Agent. 31SU S. 15th St. . Omaha. 377
TYPEWRITERS , secondhand. 111G Farnam
i1 578
A. C. VAN SANT'S school. 717 N. Y. Life
AT OMAITA. College , JGth & Douglas.
13OYLES' COLLEGE cWi > t reporter prlncl
pal. Boo Bldg. ' ' . ' -572
_ -IM\ ' _ ' _ . _ _
NEBRASKA Bii.slnf us. land .Shorthand col
lego. Boyd's theater.1 JI 154
JOHNSON Osfopathlc Iiistitute. 515 N. Y
Life Bldg. , Alice Johnson. D. O. . ladles
dept. ; Gld E. Johnson , Osteopathist , msr
M. E. DONOHUE. D. O. , of Still school
Klrksvllle , Mo. , GOI Pnxton blk. Tel. l"Gi
JEFFERSON Square Loan Olflce. 41S N. 10
EAGLE Loan Ofllco , reliable , nccornmndnt
Ing ; all business conildentlnl. 1301 Dmnj
las. : , S5
LADIES , od ! Dr. Bell's Cotton Root Pill
the best , safe , reliable. Take no other
Send 4c stamp for particulars. Dr. Bell
Box 71S , St. Louis , Mo. Ms s J1S *
LADIES' Free Harmless Monthly Heguln
tor , cannot fall. Mrs. B. Rownn , It 2'
Milwaukee , WIs. M 423 J2C *
METROPOLITAN. Wm. Barr , mgr. $1 ti
$1.23. lth nnd Douglas. 'Phone 2U.
M402 J22
THE LANGE , Rtnnm heated rooms $1 U ]
week. Board { 3.0U per week ; meals. 2. > c.
SKATES hollowground. all kinds of pint
Ing. Omaha Plating Co. . Bee Bldg. G3S
OMAHA Candy Store , fresh , homnmadi
candy , lOc , 15o nnd 23o H > . SOG N. IGth ,
G30 D31
CURED. Julia Vaiichn , 430 Rarngo Bide.
TOWEL SUPPLY. 1750 Leavenw'th. TI.5I1
CUT RATE railway tickets everywhere
P. H. Phllbln. 1505 Fnrnam. 'Phono 7S4.
FRENCH. German. Spanish. $2 per month
Prof. Chatelnln. 301 Boyd thontcr.537
II. K. & E. 1IUBERMANN , furriers ; fur
made to order and repaired. IIS S. 15th.
TRUNKS traveling bags , suit cabes. Trunk ;
repaired. Om. Trunk Factory. 12/J Farnan
' NEW and eoeondlmnd bicycles nt half price
Louis Flesher , 1C22 Capitol avo. 501
MAIL postal card giving your address nm
recclvu valuable Information. P. O Bo :
113. Omaha. M227-J25
J . . . . . . „ , . . . . - . . . . - - .
, M. 8. WALKLIN. 2111 Cumlng. Tel. 1331.
I - M
LADIES' lackcts. men s cluthlug altered
i latest styles , c.i-aneJ Max l ogcl 317 s , ntl
1 _ - -792 J-3
IN FAMILIES. , MlM Sturdy , 2216 Davpn-
; port. M-302 J12
STOCK'S Bird store. 1003 Lenvcnworth.
soph .t Council Bluffa
Hallrantl "Tho Burling ,
ton Route" Ticket OHIin.- ,
O2 Fnrnam Street. Tele
phone. 250. Depot , Tenth
and Mason Streets. Tele-
libone , 310.
I Leave. Arrive ,
1 Kanrns City Day Ex . . .n SJO : nm n 6:15 : pm
1 Kansas City Night Ex .10:15 : pm n 6:30 : am
St Louis l-'l > or for ! ? t.
I Joseph and St. Louis..a 4:55 : pm all:15 : am
a Dally.
. . . . .do. HURL'.NOTON
& Qulncy Railroad "Tim
Burlington Route" Ticket
CHlKr , 1502 Farnnm St.
To' ' . J.'iO. Depot , Tenth &
and Mason Streets. Tele
phone , 310.
Leave. Arrive.
Chi. ago Spe-
cml n GIO : nm
1 Chicago Vos'.lbtilcd Ex .n 5:05 : pm n S:03 : nm
dm ago Express a S:5fl : nm n 4:05 : pm
'Chliago ' A St. L Ex . . .a 7:15 : pm n 8:05 : am
Pad-- ! Jim-tl n Local..alOIS : nm
Fast Mall a 2:45 pm
a Daily.
uturi River Rnllroad-
riu- Burlington Route"
- General unices , N.V. .
Corner Tenth and Far-
nam Streets. Ticket
Olllco. 1502 Farnnm
Stroll. Telephone , 250 ,
Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. '
phone. 3lu. Leave. Arrive.
| tiiiicoln , Htstlncs and
I McCook a S:40 : am a 7:10 pm
, Lincoln , Denver , volo-
j ratio. Utah , California.a 4:25 : pm a 3:55 : pm
Lincoln. Blacic Hills.
1 Montana & Puset
Sound n 4:2.i : pm 3TO : pm
Lincoln Local a 7:00 : pm alO:35 : am
Lincoln Fas ; Mall a 3:00 : pm nlO:35 : am
Denver , Cilulo , Utah'a
'a C:33 :
Mlnneapoils & Omaha
Ra'lway "The Northwestern -
western Lino" General
Oilltos , Nebraska Divi
sion , 15th nnd Webster
Sts. City Ticket Olllct > ,
Telephone'CGI. Depot , 13th
Leave. Arrive.
Twin City Express ( for
. PIoux City. St. Paul &
, Minneapolis' ! a t:00 am
Omaha Passengeri- n 7:00 : pm
Blair , Emorion , Sioux
City , Poncn. Hartlni-
ton and Blojmtield..b 1:00 : pm blj:10 : pm
.No. 2 Twin CH ; . L'fd..n 5:55 : pm
No 1 Omaha Limited. . . a D:00 : am
a Dally , b Dally except Sunday.
Missouri Vai : > y Kail-
road "The Northwcsierr
Line" General Osllccs
Vnlicd Slatep National nidR. , Southv.'cal
Corner Twelttli and Fnr-
nam Streets. Ticket oHlc-e. 140 : Fnrnam
Street Telephone , 5G1. Depot , 15th and
Webster stiects. Telephone , 145S.
, Leave. Arrive.
Black JJIIK Deadwoou ,
Iiot Spilnss a 3:00 : pm a 3:00 : prr
\VyomliiK. Casper nr.s -
DotiBla- > d 3:00 : pm e 5:00 : prr
Hnstinps. York , David
City , Superior , Geneva
"Exeter and Seward..b 3:00 : pm b 5:00 prr
Norfolk. Vordlgro and
Fremont b 7:30 : nm blO:23 : an-
Lincoln , \Vahoo and
Fremont b 7:30 : nm biO:25 : nrr
Fremont Lei nl c 7:30 : am
n Dally u Dally except Sunday , c Sun <
flay only. it Dally except Saturday. <
dally excep * Monday.
western Railway "The
Northwestern Line"-
< -'ty Ticket OtncB , HOI
rarnnm Street. Tele
phone * . 5G1. Depot , Tenth
- - Pud Mason Streets. Tele-
phone. G29.
< ' Leave. Ar/S'e.
Daylight Chicago Spe
cial a < j:40am : all : . . } ptr
Chicago Passenger . . . ' , . .a 1:15 : pm alw.-o iur
Eastern Express. Des.
1 Molnes , Mur.halltown ,
Cedar Rapids and Chicago
cage alO:53 : am a 4:05 : p
I Eastern Limited , Chicago - .
cage and East n 4:55 : pm a 4:05 : pn"
Last Mall , Chicago to
Omaha a 1.1 $ ntr
" , ' > aSO Spoclal'a 7M : Pm a 3 : ° ° an'
' S'30 an
a Daily. b'Daliy except Sunflay.
Railroad "Tho North.
western Llno"--fonera
Olllces , United State ;
National Jlun ! : HulMlnp
W. Corner Twelfth
Sioux City. M.inkato A.
St. Paul. Minneapolis..a 5:55 : am a 8:15 : an :
St. Paul. Minneapolis ,
I Mnnknto & Sioux Clty.a 5:30 : pm nllOD : pir
! Sioux rv y Local a 3:00 : am a 1:30 : prr
a Dally
land Route General Olllces
N. E. Cor. Ninth and Fnrn-im
Streets. City Ticket Office , "so3
Farnam Ptreet. Telephone , 316
Depot. Tenth ami Mason
Strutts. Telephone , C29. .
Leave. Arrive
The Overland Limited..n SEO : nm a 7:20 : rim
The Fast Mnll a 9:00 : nm a ; i:25 : an
The Colorado Special..all:55 : pm n 0:35 : ani
, The Portland Special..a 8:50 : nm a 4:10 : nir '
Lincoln , Beatrice nnd
i S romshurg Express..b 4:10 : pm lil2:2T : , ntr
Pacific Express a 4:25 pm .1 6:35 : am
Grand Island Local b 0:30 : pni li 9:23 : an
! South Omahn Pass.-Loaves. a 10:15 : n. m'
3:05 : p. m. ; b ! : " > P. m. Arrives , 10:15 : n
m. ; b 3:40 : p. m.b ; , 5:25 : - -
p , m.
a D.illy. b Dally except Sunday ,
* aWn STB !
nnd Route. " city Tick
et Olllce 1323 l .rnan ,
Street. Telephone. 42S
Dejiot. Tenth & Mnsur
Streets Telephone. 6 i
" ' Arrlve
DCS Molnes and Daven- >
port Local a 7:05am : bll:35 : air
Chicago Express b : ; , ; 5 nm a , am
Chicago Fast Express..a 5:00 : pm a !
St. Paul Fast Express..a 5:00 : pm bll35 ; uni
Lincoln , Colorado Spgs. ,
Pnver , Pueblo and
S ggj Jg
road-Omaha , Kansas Cltj
& Eastern Railroad "The
Qulncy Route" Ticket Of.
lice , 1415 Farnnm Street ,
1 < lephone. 322
Depot , Tf-ntl ;
' \nd \ Miircy Streets. Tele
phone , 029.
LeUVO < Arrlve'
St. Louts Cannon Ball '
Express .n 4:50 : pm a 8:33 : air
Kansas City and Qulncy
Local a 7:15 : am a 8:50 : pm
road-General Olllces nm ]
_ TUkn Olllces Soiithfiist Cor-
tmf rt-r i4tli and Douglas Sts
Telt phone , 101. Depot. 15th
and Webster Sts. Telepnone !
J-eave. Arrive.
. . LbUl * . Kansas &
Neb Limited a 2:30 : pm u2:55 ! : pm
K. C.-St L. Express..a 0:50 : pm a 5:60 : am
N'tbraeKi Ixxal via
'Weeping Water b 6:05 : pm a 9:15 : am
u Dally b Dally except Sunday.
/f"'V > - - - mraul Rallwny-Clty
lMnWA"lfFFf oiclPt9rfllct' ' , 1WI I'ornam
l''i''i " / Street. Telephone. 2SI. DC-
fjtul P.0Tenth ! and Mason Ht .
li'iCTelephone. . C29.
" * * J Cfl V6t Arrive
Chicago Limited Ex n 7:33 : pm a 8:30 : am
Um-itto & Omaha Ux..blluO : am b 3:05 : pm
Sioux City & Dea .Molnes
Express ,1)11:00 : am b 3:55 : pm
u Dally , b Dally except Sunday.
T | . kct Ollk-e 1415 Farnam
P'reet Telephone : l D'-- '
iioi. Tciuh IK.J Mar i
i.'re--t ; T Itphone , C23
Leave. Arrive.
Loulu 'Cannon Ball"
a 4.50 pm a b 35 am
u'iJOTICI : .
( Should be rend ilally liv nil Interexted
ns changes may occur at any time. )
ForelRii innlls for the week ending DP
comber 30 , IStt ) . will pee | ( I'ROMPTLY It
nil case ? ) at tlio Keneral postollleo na fol' '
lows : PARCELS , POST MAILS closx ) on <
hour earlier than closing time shown be.
low. Parcel post mails for dormnnv close
at 5 | i. m. Wednwdny , for dispatch per s
Rheln. Thursdny , nnd 5 p. m. Friday , foi
dljpntch i'cr s. w. Graf \\nldeiTee.
'rrniiintlnnt li > Mnllx.
SATFRDAY-At S a. in. for NETHER.
LANDS direct , per H. s. MnnjHlam , vln
RoMordam ( letters must be directed "pe :
? . s. Mansdnm" ) ; at n n. m. for ITALY ,
prr s. s. Worm , via Naple ? ( letters musi
be dlrocted "prr s. \Vcrrn" ) ; at 10:30 : a
m. . ( supplementary 12 in. ) for EUROPE
per s. . Campania * , vln Qucenstown.
Printed Matter , otc. floi-man steamers
Fulling on Tuesdays take printed matter
etc. , for Guftuany , and specially nd.
dressed printed ninltcr , ctr. , tor 'ntlioi
parts of Europe. American and Wlilti
ritar steamer * on Woilnntilnys , Germar
ntcamors on Thursdays , and Cunnvd
French and German svatners on Satur
days take printed matter , etc. , for nil
countries for which they nro advertised
to entry mall.
After the rloslni ; of the supplemeiitnrj
transatlantic mails named aboxe , addl'-
ilutml stipplomentary malts nn- opened or
the piers of the American , English
French tind German ( itoimurs. and re
main open until within ten minutes ol
the hour of nailing of t > > camcr.
for Smith ami Central America ,
\\VM InillfK , 1--.U- .
SATl'RDAY-At 10 i : . in. for LA PLATA
COFNTRIES dlrwt. per s . s. Mlramar ; al
10 n. m. ( supplementary 10:30 : a. m. ) fet
N1LLA and CARTHAC.ENA , per s. s
Adirondack ( letters for Costa Rlrii muei
be directed "PIT s. s. Adirondack" ) ; al
10 a. in. ( supplementary 10W : ; a. in. ) foi
HAITI , per M. s. Andes : at 11 a : in. foi
CL'UA , per s. s. Mexico , via Havana ; at 1
p. m , ( s-iitplemeiuary : p. in. ) , foi
per n. H. New York.
Malls for Newfoundland , by rail to Nortl
Sydney , nnd thence by steamer , close ni
thin olllco dally at S:30 : p. in. ( cnnticctltu
close here t-very Monday. Wedncsdnj
and Saturday ) , Malls for Miiiuelon , bj
rail to Hoston , and thence by .steamer
close at this olllcu dally at S:30 : p. in
Malls for Cuba by rail to Port Tnimtn
Fin. , and llii-ncc by steamer , close al
this otllco dally except Monday at * 7 a
in. , ( the connecting closes are on Sunday
Wednesday and Friday ) . Mulls for Cuba
by rail to Miami , Fin. , and thence b\
Ftoamer , close at this olllce every Motv
dny , Tuesday and Saturday , at * * 2w : : a
m. , ( the connecting closes arc on Tuc daj
mid Saturday. Malls for Mexico City
overland , unless specially addressed foi
dispatch by steamer , i iu. < v nt this ollln
dully at 2:110 : a. m. and 2'iy : p m. Mallt
for Costn Rica , 13elEe ! , Puerto Cortez line
Guatemala , by rail to New Orleans , am
tlioncu by Hteamcr , close nt this -jtllc (
dally ut M p. m. , ( connecting rinses hi-ri
Alomlnjii for HillztPucrlo Cortez am
Guatumaln ) . 'Registered mail closes ai
C p. m. previous day. Registered mal
closes at G p. in. second day bofoii } .
Tiiiiisimclllr Miillx.
Malls for China , . Japan and Phlllpplm
Islands , via San Francisco , close hen
ilally nt 6:20 : p. m. up to December * 2llh
Inclusive , for dispatch per s. s. Algoa ( let
ters must be directed "per Algon ) . Malls
for Society Islands , via San Fr.incisco
elosu here dally at ii:30 : p. m. up to Duccnv
bcr ' 26th , Inclusive , for dispatch by shl [
Tropic IJlrd. Malls for China and Japan
via Vancouvf-r , close hero dally at fiS :
p. m. up to December * 2Gth , Inclusive , foi
dispatch per s s. Empress of India ( reg
Istered mull must be directed "vlu Van
couver" ) . Malls for China , Japan and tin
Philippine Islands , via Seattle , close hen
ilally tip 0:30 p. m. up to December * 27th
Inclusive , for dispatch jier s. s. Idzum
Maru ( registered mall must be dlrectei
"via Seattle" ) . Malls for Ch'.na , Japan am
Philippine Islands , via Tiiconm. close hen
dally at G:30 : p. m. up to December * ; lOth
Inclusive , for dispatch per s. .s. City n
London. Malls for Australia ( except Wcs
Australia , which go-s via Europe , and Nev
X.c'uhuiil , which goes via Sun Francisco )
Hawaii , and FIJI Islands , via Vancouver
close here dally at 0:20 : p. m. up to De
ccmhcr * 30 , Inclusive , for dispatch per s. . - -
Aorangl. Mull * for Hawaii , China. Japai
iiuil the 1'hlllpplne TsUinds. via San Fran
Cisco , rlosv here dally at 0:30 : . m. up t <
January 1 , Inclusive , for dlspaten per H. s
Gaelic. Malls for Hawaii , via San Fran
Cisco , close here dally at (1:30 ( : p. m. up U
January * 3 , inclusive , for dispatch per H. s
Australia. Mails for Australia ( excep
West Australia ) , New Zealand , Hawaii
FIJI and Samoali Islands , via Sim Fran
cisco , dose hero dally at 0:30 : p. m. nftei
December * TO and up to January * 20. In
elusive , or on day of of s. s. Cam
pnnln. due at New York January 20th , lei
dispatch per w. . = . Moana.
Trans-Pacinc mails are forwarded to per
of sailing dally and tlio schedule of clos
ing Is arranged on the presumption 6
their uninterrupted overland transit
"Registered mall closes nt C p. m. prcvlou1
Postolllco , New York , X. Y. . December 22
terlals. etc. . II. S. Indian Service. Rose
but Agency. Rowbud , S , D. , December lltll
1S93. Sealed proposals , endorsed "Proposal :
for Hulldlng Materials , etc. , " and addresser
to the undersigned at Rosebud. S. D.'Wll
be received at this agency until two o''clocl
p. m. of Saturday , January l'Illi , 19iO ( , fo
furnlPhlng and delivering , either nt Valen
tine , Neli. , or at thld agency , within ( ifti
(50) ( ) days after receipt of notice- „ ( npprovii
of contract , a variety of building mutcilals
etc. , consisting of assorted lumber , shingles
door.s , windows , metal shingles , cement
lime , plumbing supplies , oils , etc. , 4 fnj
list and description of which mry In
obtained by milking application u > Hi
undersigned. HldderH will state Riic-clllcall ;
In thc.'lr bids the proponed price of eacl
article offered , and point of delivery. Al
articles delivered uiner | anv contract wll
3 ( subject to a rigid inspection before m.
.e ) innii * or rejection thereof. The right 1 :
reser\ed to reject any and all bids , or an ;
K'tt cf nn > bid , If deemed for the best In
terrsts of the service. Certified cheeks-
Ench bid muyt bo accompanied by n certl
"tri chock or draft upon Home United State
depository or solvent national bank In the
vicinity of the residence of the bidder , miuli
payable to the order of the Coimnlsslone
of Indian affair.- : , for at least live per ecu
of the amount of the proposal , which chccl
or draft will ho forfeited to the Unitei
Slates In care any bidder or bidders recclv
Ing an award .shall fall to promptly < > x
ecuto a contract with good nnd Bulllclen
sureties , otherwise to be returned to tlii
bidder. Kids accompanied by cash in HIM
of a certlll"d chock will not bo. considered
For any additional Information 'apply ti
Accnt. Dec. 19.
HARDWARE CO. , OMAHA , Nub. , Dec. 9
1S9'J. Notlco Is hereby given to the stock
holders of the Lee-GlaHs-Amlrecsen Hard
ware Co. that the annual meotlnc of the
stockholders of the company will be hole
at the oIllcoH of the said company. 1219-lL'il
K'13 Harnoy street , In the rlty of Omaha , litho
the Btatii of Nebraska , on Tuesday , Januar ;
9 , A. D. 1900 , at H o'clock p in. , for thi
purposi of electing a board of directors fo ,
the company to servo during the ensulw
year and to transact such other buslnesi
at ) may be presented ut such meotliig.
H. .1. LEE. President.
A-.test : W. M. GLASS. Secretary.D103HM
Union Land Company :
Notlco IP hereby given that the annun
meeting of the stockholders of the Unloi
Lnml company for the election of live dlroc
tors and the transaction of such othsr iiuM
ne. .s us may lawfully coiim before the incut
Ing will bo held nt the olllce of the gtnera
solicitor , Union Pnclllc building , Omaha
Nob. , upon Monday , the 8th day of Jan
uury , ItwO , at 10 o'c lo.'k u. in.
The Htocl ; transfer books will bo clouec
ton day pruvlouB to the mecilns.
New Yc k City , N. V. , December 10th
A special mooting of the Htoeklioldern o
The lice. Publishing Co. . 1 hereby callcil tc
mecet at the olllro of the company , cornoi
17th and Farmiin utrc-4itK , on Saturday , Jan
uury C , IfOO. at I o'clock p. in. , lo couuliU-i
the oxtenilon un < l amcndmentH to tin
articles of Incorporation and mich otho
1m si nova nn may bu Miibmltted for cuiiHld
( -ration. Uy order of the Hoard of Dlrtn-.tora
K. RO8EWATER. I'romldL-nt.
G. n. TX.SCIHTCK. Socrttary.
In-iroli' "And hiis their i hlofea
) . - > ' ' I vi IM ut t-1
'I , , I 7.1 n o' ivn Mjmjll K'-u-dt'l in-
um > t\ . ' ti <
Acj > MII lo o I ki u fie < xui * ' I
\ \ c dot 01 Ij .I . > > ' tn-o > U iu nil-I 11
i ivfuiitr nuiui' in
n j , r'i ( ) ( < > ribi d tl > it rti <
" i li ubi. unJi 17 f ji in
fpurpow of rrcctlnn n fJftOOi ) prrtnanrnt
reb In hihonor' '
I It was eviilen ! from nil the p
the nation wn. profoundly moved.
j Tiiiiti : or Tim MASITOS.
I'l'liiirn In tinI'lcMi lit lloth 11 fit CHI
nuil ! ? ner.
The llnsnto Is the latest troubling fat tor
li this Transvaal irnpccly , reports the New
York Herald. He has been a trouullnR t > - -
tor stnco thc boKlimlng of South African
civilization. Ho has \\nrrcd with ( ho KIIK-
llf-h. He has warred with tile Hoors. Ho hns
htoketi treaties. He hns upset calculation- .
Ho lias smashed policies. He has changed
mnps. Ho nslstod nt the formation of the
Transvaal republic. HP presided over the
birth of the OrntiKO Free Stale. He hns
been a thorn In the side of Uocr and Eng
And now , civilized nnd prosperous fur be -
yoml any bint-It people , ho wants to meddle
HBaln. This Itn.tuto problem IH u
otic for both KtlKllsh nnd Hocrs. Tlio lla-
suto army IB powerful. U nunibora SO.wo
warriors and Includes n splendid cavalry
They would form a powerful llrlttsh ally
and a dreadful lloor enemy.
This llasuto trlbo. now so iitiMloi ly
wntched by KtiRllsh eyes , Is In many rc-
spoctrt tbo most remarkable In South Afrl. . a.
It occupies n rocky tract bounded by Natal.
Cnpc Colony and the Orange Free State ,
known as tlio Switzerland of South Africa.
II contnliiB lo.iin.t mitiaro miles nnd Is rlblu-d
with mountain ranges and valleys ofon -
dorful fertility.
Uasiitoland Is practically a reservation ,
nnd no white nioii art ) allowed to live thi-ru
except Rovcriimoiu otllclnls. missionaries and
a limited number of trndorn. Its nntl.'o
population Is i,10,000 ; Its European popula
tion , GOO. U IB n British crown colony with
homo rule under modUIrd native ) lawn.
The Hasutos nro highly civilized lor na
tives. They are of mixed stock and arc lil\o
the Katllrs , with thinner lips and nofier
fcnttircH. They have welcomed mlsslonarl
and , ns a pioplo , profess a ( J.ilvlnistio
Protestant faith. They hiivc the cnll'O
bible translated. Their Innd Is dottel wlt'i
I'htirches and achmil houses. They arc well
educated. Thousands of them ppcuk Oniih
and Enpllsh lluently. Alone of Afrlcnu
tribes they build comfortable. brick anil
stone houses. They have excellent ro.uls
nnd keep thm In repair.
They nro also an Industrious people. They
I'also cattle and sheep c.xtenslvcly and nt-
lecl Improved breeds. Their enormously
fertile ) valleys yield rich crops of wheat ami
maize. ' They cultivate wool. They li.ive
a cloudy mu.-ket tit Cape Colony and In
good years Imi.ort thither produce to the
value of a million dollars. Coal Is mlntd
In the mountains.
With these thrifty habits and their civil
ization tlio Hasutos maintain nn army of a
high standard. Us normal strength Is SO.OOO.
but they can put fpO.OOO lu the field without
nn ulTnrt. In spite of disarmament half of
these warriors would carry rifles. The rest
have assegais and battle axes. .The fcatuie
of the IJaswto army Is Its cavalry. From
early times they have fought on horseback.
They are daring and skillful horsemen. In
their wars with the llocrs their mounted
, warriors did great execution.
j Their pioaeiit chief is Lcrothodi , n bravo
man and skillful warrior. His home is
n mountain caVe , whose walls are pictured
with hunting KCCIICO nnd battles. No small
skill Is shown in these drawings. In all of
\\hlch the Kasitto warriors are depleted as
bhnpoly men and their enemies hideous Im
possibilities. Their mountains are full of
' caves , utilized as armories , forttt and
hiding places. Their capital is Thasa ,
Uoslgo , an Impregnable mountain strong
hold , often assaulted but never taken ,
i There is no securer retreat In all Africa
' than this.
AVhen the Doers , resenting English rule ,
'moved ' from Capo C.olpuy Into Natal and
there made a Bland against English inter
ference , the Dnsutos wore a factor in the
quarrel. Protorlans were beaten and Nntal
.seized by the Drltlsh. Thp'liners refused
to stay and. retreated to tho'Orange river
country , where they again set up their re
publican government. This gave > great of-
fctiBo to England nnd It was determined to
! erect a barrier of native trlbea between
them and civilization , with the purpose of
forcing their return. Moshesh and his. Ua-
siitos were the principal of these nntlvo
states. Sovereign rights were granted
him over a large , tract north of the Orange
river nnd ho was paid a subsidy. He was
thus in control of Iho new land occupied
by the Hours.
lint the plan failed. The Uocrs laughed
i nt native sovereigns. They remained where
1 they wcro nnd governed themselves. Wars
] nprang up. The whole situation was Impo-s-
I Hlblc , nnd when Sir Harry Smith arrived ho
I determined to break the native stales. Inol-
! dentally ho annexed the Orange river dl -
I trlct , Iloers nnd all , to the Hrlttah domln-
I Ions. And thus do wo get n gllmpso of that
I early hounding of the Doer by the Drlton
j that Is now bearing fruit.
Mosliceh agreed and the formers fought
i nnd wore beaten. Again , rather than ub-
j mil lo Drltlsli rule , many of them retreated
"trans-Vaal , " across the Vital , thus laying
the foundations of the Transvaal republic
of today.
Thus were the beginnings of both the
Doer republics. The English did not follow
the trans-Vaal emigrants , but they held
sway In the Orange river territory until the
Daautos took a hand. MoHhesh had never
been satisfied with the rollmjulHliment of
sovereignty forced by Sir Hurry Smith. Ho
now resolved to got It back.-To thin end lie
made war not with the HrltlHli , but some
neighboring tribes. The Drltlnh took the
bait and Ht-nt a force to compel order , an
olfenso not only to Moslicsli , but to the
Doer farmers who still remultiod , Moshesii
was-very shrewd ,
The Boers Hont for Commandant Prcto-
rluw , who bud gone across the Vaal with u
prlco on his head , anil the Humito.-i mudo
common cntiso with them. Tlio Drltluh wcro
beaten , nnd in I85S the Doers , with the
help of the Uusiitotf , forced a treaty with
England acknowledging their Independence.
Thin was tlio birth of the Transvaal re
llcaten by the Doers tlio Drltlsli punhod
the war against the UaBiitos. Sir John
Cuthcart le'l ' an army against Mosheoh. The
DuHiito chieftain retired to his stronghold
and left n great herd of cattle on a con
venient plain as a halt. The Drltlsli drove
off 1,000 head and found themselves In an
nmbusli. They were badly defeated ut great
Then Moshesh proved his genius. Ho sent
a note to tbo defeated Drltleh commander
In which ho deferentially begged peace.
"You have captured our herds , " bo uald.
"You have chastised us. Let It be enough.
I entreat peace from you. " The Drltlnh
army marched triumphantly homo and the
Dasutos celebrated with much feasting.
Hut the Victory of the Hasutoii decided the
English about that troublesome Orange river
country. With wily Moshcuh linMlng thu
Imlttnco of power they wcro overmatched.
The lloeru saw their position and pressed
their independence. In IBM England ac
knowledged their Independence and tlio
Orange Free State of today carne Into ox-
latence. The UuBiitos did it.
Four years later thu Doors and the Dusu-
tes warred. Tbo question wat. one of bound
ary. Tbo Hastito horsemen made frightful
ravages among the Doer farms. liiiUlevn were
fought , umhuBhoN laid , Dut In tbo one ! the
Doors conquered and the Dasutox lost much
splendid farm land. Dnt this victory was
won only .with Hrltlsli aid , and In the cud
thu Dufcutoe found themselves Drltluh sub-
Jl-l IH
. \ IHnd bo they remain today pro.spr > rouR ,
cii.iui-i nelf governing in largo measure ,
luiu cmimm e f those fair utre-j that own
were them and now me thu property of
| the ripub ic.