Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 30, 1899, Page 10, Image 10

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    THE OMAHA DA1LV 15EK : SATTRUAV , 1) HCEISI UEll 00. 181M ) .
Wheat Eitly Shows a Blight Gain , Oloilng
at Unchanged Prices.
Corn Clones n Simile Lower nnd ( Hits
I'lit.'linnilt'd IIKI ! < ItfiM'llitN oC
Wliriit nml Corn Pro-
i > IftlollN Stfllll ) .
CHICAGO , Dec. 29-The Liverpool nd-
\ance unel light lecolpls were n steadying
influence to a. very quiet wheat market to
dny , Mny closing unchanged from ycster-
dny. Corn closed n shndo lower nnd oats
unchanged. At the close provision" were
jirnetlcnlly unehnngeil freim yestelelny.
Animated by n desire to emulate the Liv
erpool market , which exhibited some
ntrength nnd with light rore'pts ' ns n sup
port , wheat at the opening o far shook oft
the holldny drowsiness as to show a shade
gain , Mny nt G9V 9V4c Hnvlng ( stnbllshed
n pathway Ho In width , the mnrket pro-
reeded to keep within that innge , oce a-
Klonully stopping to catch n few momeniK'
filee-p The close was steady , rfnchanged
from yesterday , Mny ut G9'c. The foreign
tlemnnel was flat nnd the local but little
better. New York reported twelve loads
taken for export. Seaboard clearances were
repml In wheat and flour to 451,000 bu Pri
mary recqlptH were 110,000 bu , compared
with 753,100 bu last year Minneapolis nnd
Dtllulh reported 333 cars , against 110 last
week and 4JS a year ago Local receipts
were 119 car" , 20 of contract grade.
Corn vvas steady , but notable principally
fur Its dullness Retelpts were light , tleai-
nnees liberal and country offerings small
Klovalor people sold sparingly their offer
ing ! ' being readily taken by shorts and the
bull crowd us well ns" by rhlppers. Some
thing of an outside demand developed about
the mlddlei of the session. Local receipts
ivero 217 cars Atlantic port exports for
the day vve > rt91,000 bu. May rangeel from
T234P to 327f73V { , , clewing a shade under ) cs-
terelay at 32V
OntH were quiet , within a range of only
l-1fic for Mav Shorts bought a little , but
offerings were small. Local receipts were
127 car.s. May closed unchanged from jo1-
terday at 2-t5 ; f(2.114C (
Provisions were dull , but not as much HO
as the. grain markets The tone was steady
Initial figures were the best for the day ,
but the early gain was lost on moderate
Belling by longs The bull crowd vvas
npathctlo and generally tiado was of an
nvenlng up character The range vvas
therefore n.inow May pork sold from
$10 I2Vto $10.55 and closed unchanged at
$10.I7'4 , Mn > lard from $5 SO to $ " > 8" , closing
unchanged at $5 X2'/j and Mav r'b" from
$5 5314 to $5.57' ' , the close showing a shade
gain "over yesteiday at $505
Estimate * ! receipts for tomorrow : A\ heat ,
Ki ears , corn , 290 curs , oath , 1S5 cars ; hogs ,
M.OOO head
The lending futures r.infioJ ns follows ;
Article" . ! Open. | High. I Low. I Close I Ycs'v.
Dec rc Cfi
Mav JulV ifa'dll
Dec. 30-Ti 30UI SOU
Jan. 30 % 30 % 30VW 30 %
May 32 % 32 % i-12 ;
Jan. 10 17V4I 10 17'il ' 10 12V 10 12 % ! 10 17Vs
May 1055 10 63 "l 10 42Vb 10 I7' j 10 47'fc
Jan f. G7Vj | 5 fi" I 5 G7'5 ' | ( V >
Mav OSS" BS3"i 580 i 5S2U.I 5 S2U
Jan r 35 5 si I 5 ia 4 | r > 35 \ r s >
Mav 5 55 5 57HI 5 52'j. | 5 55 | 5 55
No 2
Cash nuotntlons were as follows :
FLOUR Steady : winter pntents $3 4017150 ;
Btrnlghts $30017320. clear $2 901T3 10 : snrlng
Breclnls $3 90 < fi4 00. spring pntents , $1 OOftS So ;
straights $2 NXT/3 00 ; bakers , $190 253 ; low
CWdHEAT-No 2 red , G7'v17GSc.
CORN No 2 , , No. 2 ) ellovv , 110
31OATS-No. 2 , 22VWi22ic ; No. 2 white , 2l'i
O25V > c ; No. 1 white , i. * c.
RYK No - . 52 > ic.
BARLEY No. 2. 3Sff41c.
SEEDS No 1 IIux ecd find northwest.
Jl 41 > ,4. " Tlmothv. $2.35. Clover , contract
grade. $ S OOfilO 00.
PROVlSIONS-Me s pork , per bbl , $ > , S.fl
10.20. Lard , per 100 Ibs . $5 lOfiS.GJVs. Short
ribs s'deT ( loofce ) , $5 2Vfi ? > 41. Dry salted
shoulders ( boxed > $1-.37i405.50. Short clear
Hides ( boxed ) , $5 50Tff GO
WHISKY Distillers' finished goods , on
basis lilcb wines , per sal , $1 23Vz
SUGARS-Cut leif , $570 , grnnulnted , $513
Following are the receipts nnd shipments
\rtlcles' Receipts. Shlpm'ts
Flour.bbls 34.001 21.W
WluTit hll . . 'J ' " ' -iWH.
252000 79.00C
t'orn bu . . -
flats hi . . . . . 21900.1 11J.CO :
Rye.'bu I ! ! [ .OOO U.OOO
Barley. 1' " 75'000 , ! 1lflXI !
On the Produce exchange today the but
ler mnrket stendv ; crc.imciles , lGf/2i.c ;
Cheese , llrm nt 12/12c. / Eggs , firm , fresh ,
for lit > Day 011 VnrloiiH
Coiiiitiodlfl ICM.
NEW YORK. Dec -FLOrR-Recelpts ,
n,7K3 bbls. ; exports. 1,811 bbls. ; dull but
Bt'eady ; winter patents , $3 55 1 75 ;
winter fltalghts , SlSofill.l , winter extras ,
S" 55f)2 ( ) 90 , winter low grades , $ > 25q2.40 ; Minnesota -
nesota pntents. J1RMJ40G , Minnesota bak
ers $2SOf(310 ( Rvo Hour , steady , fair to
Koo'el , J1W)325 ) , choice to fane } . J3 30 3 50.
Buckwheat flour , dull at J2 105J2 25
CORNMEAI/ Quiet , vellow western , S2c ;
city. 77c : Brandyvvlne , $225f2.35 |
HYE-Dull ; No. 2 western. 00c f. o b
I f New Ye > rk. car-
nflemt ; state r > e , 5 e c
° BARLEY-Steudv , feeding , I3\c c. I f
New York , malting , 4S'55c ' ! c. i f New
HARLEY MALT Quiet , wcstein , 5"flb5t\
WHEAT Receipts , 1,2,900 bu , exports ,
SOOO bu ; spot , llrni ; No 2 red , spot , 75'de
f o b atlout , No 2 noi them , Dnliith , 79'/se
) No 1 haul , Duluth -
f o. b tilloat ( prompt ;
luth , M'ic ' f o b afloat . No 2 red , 72c ,
elevator Options opened Ilimcr on bc'tti'i
cubit's than expected , but l uled dull ami
featurelchs all dav I'le-aiunci's were larger
although the expoil trade still luekoe !
vigor , e-lohcd dull but stead ) at 'Hi/He / ni'l
ndvanco , March , 7ti1B5l"5e\ closed ut 75e
Mny , 74 n-H5fi7l 15-K.c , cliihcd ut 7l7 c July
elosed at 71 < 4c : Decembei , 7. ! 3-HQ7J 7-lOc
c'losed ut 7"me-
CORN Ret elpts , 15 bu , exports , 15,1 , .
flJ ] bu ; spot , steadv , No 2 , 40V' , spot , 1 o
I ) ullout unit P.l'e ' ( elcvatoi Option m.uki'i
optMictl McadN and was held all dav nn ui
oven basis , InlliteiH-cd by lilgher e-ables uni
lilg cleurances , closed stendv at 'sc ml'
Vance , Muy , a > > 7iitj39f , e d at 3'Jo , Do. .
t't'inber , ! i1'nc
OATS-lli'celpts , 1H,200 ) bu , exports. 971
bu : spot. dull. No 2. . " > c. No 3. 2SVic ; No
2 vvhlto , Hie. No .1 white , 30c ; tiacK. mlxee
western , ' "iTi.M'ic ' , truck while , 3lj3ic |
Options tiuli't
HAY StrtuU shipping. C5ft75o ; good te
a nc
I9'sc ' ; fc\a's"drv , 21 io 30 "ibs" ,
fornlu , 21 tei 25 Ibs , , 21'fet-
LEATHER -Sterd ) : hcmlo-k Role Uiiono :
Avits. light to heav ) weights , J3l(2-5'sc ( ' , : aeld
" " i'ROVISIONS- , i-tead ) . familv , $120
J1I1300 ; nifb8. tlOoO , lieef$225UJcilOO
Poi'k , ' tlrm. Hales , ' 6sn bills , iiiv.- , , u , uv , .
1075 ; short clear. $12001(1225 ( , familv. $110
CjI20l. Talliiv1 , , Hlc.itl ) . city , 5c , countiy
RICE Quiet ; dome.stli , fair to extra , 4c.
C'so ; Japun , 4i)5o ( )
\im \ - > , --i iidv ; New Orleans opei
kettle , goo I to choice , 32(40i' (
PEANUTS Stead ) . funev hand-picked
othei domeHtlc , Il'iiilc
Long I
t W per W
FREIHHTS-Tei Llveipool , dull ; cotton b ;
Hi-am 25x , TIIII b ) Mtoirn , 3d , nominnl
METALS Tin again ellKplayetl Iciidlni
FtreiiKtli In the local market , but othc
nii'tul * weie ellscourufingl ) t-low us a ml
nnd destitute of Interesting feature Le.u
lii'jil about steady ami spelter t > heiweel Ir
jt'gulurltv. whllt- Iron wan heavv and neg
Iccted At the elo n the Metal exehang *
railed plB Iron wairantB lovvet for futures
lake copper , unc-hunged at $1650 , ( In quit'
n i id liim at $ J"iJ5jJ5 | W , leael stead ) a
t .70S4.75i | fcpcltcr , cas ) ut $4 55J/4 tw. Th
brokers' pilto for lend is $1 43 nnd for copper -
per JlR5o
Conilllloti of Trmlf niul ( Inotntlottx nn
* nil . niul rnnp ) Protlucc.
EGGS Roro | | > t < < light , fresh Htock. 16c
DRi.SSED POULTRY - Choleo to fancy
turkeys , 9fj9'4o ' , ducks , 6fi7i , geese , 7'4gSo ' ;
prlng chlekens GftGHc , hens , Co ; roosters ,
4flC > c
LIVE POULTRY-Hcn- ; spring chicken -
on * , oc , old and stagey roosters , 3c , ducks ,
" ' . . . ceose , G'i ' , , ttirkos. 7c.
IU rrijR Common to fair , IfijilGHc ;
choice , ISfiHf , hotmrator , ie ; gathered
irramer ) , 22fitMr
l'Pi ? ( i8T lvc > t > cr lloz' " 5c <
VEALS-Chclcc. 9c.
- , . . . . ,
. .
n A M i- t- - i
lj per cnn , 2Je ; bulk standard , per gal ,
n 2o , extra select ? , per cnn , 30c ; extra
BClects , per gal. , $1.0) , New York counts ,
P. ° - cnn' 3C | < Xavr York counts , per 100 ,
HAY-Uplnnd , choice. $6 BO ; mldlnnd ,
choice , $ fi , lowlnnd , choice. $3 , rye straw ,
choice , $550 , No P corn. 27c ; No 3 white
oats , 22i4c , crncketl rorn , per ton , $12 , corn
nnd oits , chopped , per ton , J1250 , bran , per
ton , $13 , shorts per ton. $14.
SWEET POTATOES-Per bbl , Illinois ,
B. Jirsevs $1 , Hrge bbls , Kansas , $2,75.
1'OTATOES-Per , bu. , choice. SOfrlOc.
CAHUAGE-Per Ib , 1'fcc. Holland seed ,
CAULIFLOWER-Pcr rrnto , $2 BO.
CRANUERRIES-Ucll & Bugle , per bbl. ,
5850 , Jer eys , $6.23
ONIONS-Rotall way , \ellow , 65c ; red , 73
CELERY-Pcr doz , 25030c ; California ,
per bunch , 45c.
TURNIPS- Rutabagas , per Ib. . lUc ; Cana-
. ' /
MUSHROOMS Per Ib. box. , 50c.
TOMATOES-Plorldn. per 6-basket crate ,
M 50fC. ( 00
A 1'PLES Cholco western shipping stock ,
t300tf350 , Now York stock. $37557400.
GRAPES-Callfornla Emperor. $2 ; Cntaw-
nnj , per small basket , ISc , Malaga grapes ,
Her bbl. . $700 900
ORANGES Mcxicnn. per box. $3 ; Cal
ifornia navels per box , $150J3.75.
LEMONS-Cnllfornln , fnnev , $ IOOJTI25 ;
choice California , W75Q100 ; Messina , $1 BOS >
HONEY-Per 24-"ectlon case , $3.253.50.
NUTS Hlckorv nuty , large , per bu. , $1 ;
shell barks , $1 2V7I1 35
FlOS-Callfornln layers , ner 10-lb. box ,
(1. ( California cnrton per 10-lb , box , $1.10.
MAPLE SUGAR Per Ib . 9c.
HlDES-No. 1 green hides , S',4c ; No. 2
cfreen hides , 7'4e ' , No 1 salted hides , lOc ;
No 2 salted hides , 9c , No. 1 veal calf , 8 to
12 Ibs. , 9c , No. 2 veal calf , 12 to 13 Ibs. , Sc.
TALLOW , GREASE. ETC.-Tnllow. No ,
I. 4c ; No. 2 3c ; rough , 2c ; white grease ,
! > iQ3V4c , yellow and brown grease , 2',43c. (
TREES-5-ft . per doz. , $3 , 5 to S-ft. , per
Joz. , $250 , 7 to 9-ft , per doz. , $350 ; 8 to
ll-ft , per doz , $4 50 , extra largo sizes , 12
lo 24-ft , $200 450
HOLLY URANCHES Per case of about
M Ibs , $ ! 50fi500 ; per bbl. , $ l.50ffl.75.
per 2o-lb box , $3.75 , wreathing , 20 yds. , 75c.
St. l.onlN Crtilii anil rro\lnloiiH.
ST LOUIS , Dec 29 WHEAT Better ;
No 2 red , cash , elevntor , B9c ; track , 72c ;
December. C'c ) , May. 71'c ( : July , fi8 > 4c ; No.
2 hard. GI'yiiGGc ' , recelptb , 10,500 bushels.
CORN-Hlgher , No 2 cash , 31c ; track ,
SlUlfi.'il'i.c , December , 3Ic : May , 31HS31c.
OATS Dull ; No 2 cash. 23'/c ; track , 21 ®
24'i.c ; December , 23's-c ; May , 24\c ; No. 2
white. 25'Afi2oc.
RYE-Steady at 33c
FLOUR-Qulet ; patents , ? 345@3.15 ; extra
funey. $ ! 10i315. clear , $275fi290. (
SEEDS Timothy , $2.0002. 35. Flaxseed ,
nominal , $1 44.
HRAN Firm , hacked , east track , G1fM3c
HAY Steadv te ) linn ; timothy , $8.00 12.00.
prairie $7 50fi8 50
WHISKY-Steady at $1.23H.
PROVISIONS-Poik. tc.idy standard
me s , jobbing , now , $11 00 ; old , $9 50. Lard ,
steady , prime steam , $5.32V4 ; choice , $5.35.
Dry salt boxed men's , extra hhorts , $5.30 ;
clear ribs , $562'i , clear sides , $5S7' < . Ba
ron , extiu phort , v , clear ribs , $6.23 ; clear
Aide's. $ fi.'i7.
METALS Lead , steady nt $4.G2'A. Spelter
quiet at J4.40.
I'OULTRY riim ; chickens , Gc ; turkeys
SVfec , ducks , GM.C , geese , 5Vic.
RECEIPTS-Floui , 4,000 bbls ; wheat. 11.-
X)0 ) bu , corn 47,000 bu ; oats , 25,000 bu.
SHIPMENTS Flour , 7,000 bbls. ; wheat
59,000 bu , corn , 30,000 bu ; oats , 27,000 bu.
! ! tit < er , KKK ami Cliccwc Miirltrt.
Flrm ; fancy western creamery , 2Sc ; tancy
western prints , 30c.
EGGS Klrm. fresh nearby , 22c ; fre ° h
ttCHtern , 22c ; fresh southeastern , 20c ; fresh
bouthern , 20c.
ceipts 2227 | ) kgs. , strong ; western cream-
erv , 23ifi2Sc' ; June creamery , 2 Q2Gc ; factory
mr2\c \
CHEESP : Receipts , Sll pkgs ; llrm ; fall
made , fancy , small , 12VtfiKc , fall made
t.incy , large , la CTlSc , late made. , small , 1271
IJ'ic. huge late made , ll O c.
EGGS Receipts , 5.LSI pkgs , steady ; vveht-
etn , ungraded , at mark , 15Q20c , western ,
23c , loss off
ST. LOUIS , Dec 21. BUTTER-Steady
creamery , 231i2CKc ; dairy , 19@23c.
iGGS-Steady at 17c.
CHICAGO , Dec 29 BUTTER Steady ;
crcameiles. lGii/2fic ; dalrle-i , 16J/22c.
EGGS Firm at 17k-c.
Cieamery. 21Ti24c ; dairy , 17c.
EGGS Heavier lecelpts caused quiet mar.
kets , ficsh Missouri and Kansas stock
tlr"ts , 15Vic dozen , cuses returned , storage
10 } ? 14 c
KIIIINIIH City ( imlii a nil I'rni Iftlonn.
ClJc : cash , No. 2 hard. Gl'G5e ' ; No. 3 ,
51iG2'fee. No 2 red , G9i70c ; No. 3 , G2QGSe ;
leceiats. 37 cars.
CORN May , 2TOsC ! cash. No. 2 mixed ,
2Sc ; No 2 white' . 28J4T ( 1c ; No. 3 , 2S' > c.
OATS-NO 2 white , 21821140.
RYE No 2. 49c
HAY Choleo timothy , $9.00g950 ; choice
prairie , $7 Oflji7 50.
RECEIPTS Wheat , 22,200 bu ; corn , 39,001
bu . onts , 12,000 bu.
SHIPMENTShent. . 19,800 bu. ; corn , 37.
OJJ bu , oath , 5 , ( > 00 bull
llI'l'iiool ( irnln mill Pi
No 2 icd western winter , lirm , 5s lOd ; fu.
lures cloi-cd Hte.iel ) , March , 5s lid , May , 01
CORN Spot , American inKed , steady , 3-
5'/sd , futures. December , nominnl ; Jimuiiy
steaelv. 1. " 5'4il , Fthruiry , steady , 3s 0' < .il
PROVISIONS Hunib , short tut steady
41 B icon. Cumberland cut , llrm , 31s ; cleai
bellies , Mead ) , JJs Gel.
lllniicnpill Wilful nml I'lnnr.
store No 1 noi them , December , dl'-c ' ,
Mu ) , 1.6V. . . July. G7 4e' On track , No 1
hard , G7c , Ne 1 northein , G51 c , No. :
northein , G3e
FLOUR-Firft putenth , $ .1.IO&350 ; secolul
pntents , $ .12 ii30 : , llrst , $2.2082,30.
BRAN-Ill bulk , $11005(1125 (
Toledo Mnrl.i'l ,
TOLEDO , O. Dec. 23 WHEAT Dull
cash higher. No. 2 , cash and December
KdU , Ma ) , 7JV-
CORN Dull and stead ) ; No 2 mixed , .12c
OATS Dull and stead ) , No. 2 mixed. 2lc
CLOVERSEED Dull and steady ; prlnv
ca ll old. $1 75 bid ; Dee ember , $5.57 >
Match , $5.05 asked
i'oorlii InrLrt ,
PEORIA , Dee. 29-CORN-Stcndy ; new
No ,1 , 29' t ! .
OATS-Stcudv. No 3 white. 23fj2Jiio
WHISKY Finn , on the basis of $123
for HnlshcU gooels
l.ciirnlu .
MILWAUKEE , Dec ' - " > -WHEAT-Dull
No I northein , ftiVje. No 2 northern , file.
RYE-Lowei , No 1. 53fi5le
UARLEY-Steud ) . No 2 , 45fclGc ; cample
3j'd ( I3V.C
Dliliilh Win-ill
DULfTII Minn , Dec 21.-WHEAT-NO
I hard cash , Ci , c No 1 northern , -aMi
f.lVe. DieembPl , Cl' c , May , fS'8e , July
No 2 northern. 62'8e. No. 3 spring
\v i-fUi )
NEW ORLEANS UP < - 29 Secrelar ) lies
ter'i vveekly cotton Htntement fchnwn th
umount brought In sight. 215.3H bale °
ugulnst 44S.7JA foi the seven d.i ) ( < enellni
idils dale Kibt ) cui. 372,305 ) enr bitforo las
nnd 2S1.261 the hnmo tlmo In U96 Tola
movement fiom September t to date. 5.S1J
311 bales , ncainst 7.550,310 last ) ear. 7.161. & )
Siu before lust nnd G.721,201 the fame tim
In 1SW
Tan p.ovemenl hiiue September fhou > re
tcii'U at all L'n'trd StulcH ports , 3,914,22
bales , ngaliibt 5,742.59. . ) last year 5.I5G57
> cni before latt and 4t > 35,95.1 the same Urn
in 1V.H5 overland across the MlgsUsippI
Ohio and Potomac rivers to northern mill
nnd Canndn , 71In1e . nKalnsl 71917 !
Inst jonr 675510 jenr before last and 5W
the nme time In ! * Southern mill tnk.
Ings , M4.SM bales ngnln t SIR.Sm Inst ) eir
I G,071 yenr before last nnd 43071 ame Hint
In U95 Nor hi-rn mill tak'ngs ' , 1 101199 bnlfs
ngnlnst 1,151.021 last yenr Foreign export'
for the week hnve been 111.195 biles , agnlnsi
303S79 last vear , making the totnl thus fal
for the n on 2.5221G3 bales , against 4,0i.i
520 Inst year , n decrease of 1,551157 bales
The supply to date Is 6,131 212 halts , ngnlnsl
7 , 27,9M for the name period last jear.
llellef SlioMit b > HIililliiK I P of Price *
Slight HoMfllon.
NK\V YOHK , Dec 29 The Now Yort
slock market tetlfled Its tellrf over the
practical completion of the ) early nettle ,
ment by bidding up prices In a strlklnf
manner todny. There were lgns ot hes | .
tntlon nnd reaction nt one time when th (
money rate flurried to 10 per cent slmul.
lancously with the nppearnilco of the state
ment of November earnings of the Chicago
Burlington fi Qulncy railroad Till" state ,
ment showed n decrease In the surplir
earnings after ohnrcos for the month ol
nver $215,000 , and coming on top of ) cstei-
da ) s similar exhibit b ) the Chicago Mil.
waukeo & St. Paul , made a natural Impies.
slon on tvntlmrnl ns going to show the In
evitable effect of the high prices of material
upon the operating expenses of rnllroids
The > grangers were most affected , but price"
In the rn'lrond list generally ran down te
nbout Inst night's level. The completion ol
the period of mono ) pressure , however
Dvershndowcd nil other consldcintions ami
gnve rite to n feeling on the part of so-
airily holders closelv nkln to c\ul ntlon
About the tlmo the Ixindein Stock ex
change closed the most notable movement
tif the day was Innuguiated The fact thai
the periodical Stock exchange settlement
was completed with no failure of grenl
Importnnce wus a gratlflng surprise In the
llnnnclnl world. The International ntock
In the Into buying were the favorites II
anticipation of n demand tomorrow froiv
London. Although the call money rate ad
vanced sharply In London discount rute
ilropped oft fully 'u per cent , with u 10-
suiting advance in the long sterling rate In
New York The privnte dlsiount rnte In
Herlln nlso showed u further decline , so that
the foreign markets In which a crisis hail
Ijeen feared all showed clear skies In out
own market lonn'i made today will eairj
: > vor until ne\t Tuesday. It was this fact
ivhlch ran the rate up to IS per cent
A' favorable bank ntntotnent is countoel
for tomorrow , In spite of the fact that s-omc
! G,000OCO of gold exports will tlguie in the
statement On the regular express movement -
ment of money to the Interior the prlnclpil
lianks have gained upwaids of $2,500,000 anil
in suhtieasury operations they have gained
tl,453,000 Besides this there have been very
large receipts of money by mall , estimate I
ill the way from $1,000.000 to $7.000OK > sc
[ hat net gain In cash from all souices l
-stlmated at from $2,000COO upwaiel. In the
late strength of the market the tiunk llne
iv ere conspicuous , led bv the Baltlmote v
Ohio and Norfolk .t Western stocks A
rumor was circulated to the effect that the
; > lun for harmonizing trunk line Interest'
ivas soon to be announced nnd thai It woulil
include Norfolk & Western , ns well as Bal
timore & Olilo. , . ,
Gnlns In the specialties were Inrgcr thnti
In the rnllronds , c\cer > t that Sugnr anil
Metropolitan Street Railwav vvele more pi
less under pressure The New \ork City
? nh comp-inles , the coaler" . General Llec-
trie. Pncllic Mall and the steel and iron
iteicks bhe > w some striking gains and many
at the railroads arc a point eir moie higher.
A notable fenture of the day's trading w .li
the number of odd lots dealt in.
Some of the minor bonds showed do.
dines , but the general tendency was up ,
ward Total sales , par value , $2,210,000
United States old 4" and 6s declined > i ane !
the 3s ' 4 per cent In the bid price.
The followIne are the eiuotatlons for the
leading stocks on the New York exchange
today :
AtoMson . . . . 1Q''i So. Ry. pfd 54
do lfd G1'4 Texas & Pacific. 15 vM O. Si * Union Pacific . . . 47U
Canadian Pac. . . . 92 do pfd 74V4
Canada So 4Si4 Wabash S
Ches. & Ohio. . . . 30' ! ; do pfd 21-fc
Chicago G. W. . . . 12 * . Wheel. & L E M
C. B" & Q . . . .121'i do 2d pfd . . 2G&fl
Clil . Ind & L . . 1V > 4 WIs. Central . . . 1S > 4
. , .
> * "t-y\
L .t N 79'i ' | elo pfel
Manhattnn L. . . l7'4Federnl | Steel .
Met. St. Ry. . . . 17GV&I do Dfd
Mex. Central . . . _ _ lectrlc
Minn. & St L 59V4 Glucose Sugar 1" >
elo pfd 9 < W. elo nfd 9'
Mis Pacific . . . Inter Paner . . r "
Mobl | . & OVo . ; is Lnc'ede ' GAI ft (
Mil. . K & T . . . 10"2 National P-'scuit. : ! i
do pfd . . . 12i * do nfd . W f
N J Central IS'A National Lead 25
N. Y. Central do nfd . . .101
Norfolk K W _ . National teel 41i {
elo pfd . . . . fiSV do pfd 12
No Pacific . . 5.1U.N. Y Air Brake.111
do pfd 73'No American . . 11' ' <
Ontario & W 22 .Pnc'llo Const . . 4iVj
Ore Ry ft Nav 12 do 1s pfd . .
do pfd . . . 7G I do 2d nfd. . . G1
Pennsylvania .110 % Pacific Mull . 41
Pending . IS'A ' People's Gas 104
do 1st _ pfd 51 > ' Pirssed S Cnr.
do 2d pfd ( JQ Pullman P. Car 1ST
Rio G. W . . . . Ti Stnndird R. .t T si.
do pfd . . . SI Sugar . 12S' .
St. L Sr S F ? ' * do nfd 111
do 1 t pfd . ( , Tcnn. Coal fiL. . S"
elo 2d pfd . IT S Lenther "
St. L. Pouthw. 10 do pfd . . . 7'3
do pfel . . . U K Rubber 42
St. Paul do pfd 102
do pfd. . 171 Western Union. . * " "
St P K' Republic I & S. . 20i <
Po. Pacific . . . 371 do pfel
So. Railway . H"4 P C. C & St L 7Gt ,
Ex-dlvldend. "Offered.
! VVw Yorlc 3oiie > MfirUot.
NEW YORK. Dec 29 MONEY-On call
llrm at Gf18 ( | per cent , closing offoicd at 2
ner cent : nrimo me > rcantlle naiiet , G per cent
tunl buslne'.s in bankers' hills at $1 S7V.ii
1 S7 > 4 for demand anel at $4 811.fil J fo
Htxtv davs ; Dosted Kites , $ lS21 flM am
$4 SSU. commercial bills , $1 S0itf4 SO--4
SILVER Certificates fiSij159'so ? ; bur
50'/.c : Mexican dollars. 17Hc
BONDS Governments weak , states weak
rullroudi Irregular
The following nro the closing quotation1
on bonds :
D & R G Is
do 4s 81
TO T V f O Is ini do 5s .121
Erl" gm 4h . G1 So Rv 5s. .
r AV & D c IR 70 % T.
rjen Electric 5s 111 iTenn n s. 3n 91
G II & S A GslOJ , 'lVx , < ; Pac. Is HIde
do Is .101 Mo 2n 51
IT fr T c 5s 1011 ; Union Pacific 4s. 101
H' . - T C t ! G . 110 Wnbfish Is . . . . in
la Central I * . 110 do 2s 91
K. C . P. & G. 1s GS' West Shorn 4s . 112'
La n c. 4s . .IPS'i Ws | Central la . 12
L SN unl 4s 9 * . Vn. CentuilPs . . . SIde
So. Pne-inc 4s W do elpfprrpel . \ . r <
M . K & T 2s IS Co'o ' Ho. 4s 2) ,
_ do 4n . 91
Vfirlc Mlnlmr Slookn.
NEW YORK , Dec 21-Tho followliif
nro the ofllelal closing nuotntlons for mln
Ing hhnrcs :
Kiirt'liin I'liiiiiiclul ,
LONDON. Dee. 29 Amerlcnn hecurltle1
opened Blendy , with prices above pnrlts
level nnd remained gpncrally tlrm to tin
close OperatorB were rather Inactive Tin
close was firm The amount of bulllm
taken Into the Bank of England on balarci
todu ) was 158.000 , gold premium ai
Buenos Ayres , 12S70
IJERLIN Dee 29 Prlcefc on the boursi
toduy were tlrm In response to tmtibfactorj
foreign ndvltev 'Lncnl serurltl''S were
harder on bear toverlng Pilvato rnte ol
dlse'ount , fi per rent , cxclmngo on London
10 mnrks 57 > j. pfgs for cheeks.
CAI.crTTA , Dec 29-The rnte of dH-
e-ount of the Bnnk of Bengal hns been ad
vanced fiom 6 to 7 per cent
PARIS. Dec 2i Three per eont rentes
9if I'te- ' for the nce-ount , erchnnge on Lou-
don. Sf 3'ie for ihecks , SpunMi 4s clo ci !
MADRID Dec 29-Spanish Is cloned to
dnv nt 7G.10 , gold wns quoted at 27 fiO
BUENOS AYRES. Dec. 29-The gold quo
tatlon todny w is 127 so
llosttm slock UnoliitlotiN.
BOSTON , Dec 29-Call loans. 6fi7 pet
cent ; time loans , 5f < 6 per cent. Olllclnl
cleislng iiuotatlons of stocks , bonds nnd
mining shares.
London Stock ( Inotnllon * .
LONDON , Dec 21 4 p m Closing :
i\-iights :
HAH SILVKU-Sleady at 27'ld ' per ounce
MON13V iWiSifc per cent The into o
discount In the open market for short bills
fi'iTHjMj per tent , for three months' bills , G'/i
( cjbU Per tent.
- *
llimk Cli'iirlnuN.
PHILADnLPIHA , Dec. -Clearings ) ,
$ ir.lst,750. balances , $ i&s5,2n7.
BALTlMOnn. Dec. -Clearings , $3,593-
761. balances , $5S'GOS )
ST LOflS , Dec. -Clearings , $7,313,111 ;
balances , $1an5,322 , mone > , 4fi7 per cent ;
New York exchange , par bid , 2Sc ptemium
CHICAGO , Dec -Clearings , $23(775,7fti ;
balances , $ lC3i,027 , posted exchange , $1 S2U
( ET4 SS'4 , New York exchange , 20c ptemium
Ni\V YOUK , Dec -Clearings , $1S7,131 ,
055 , balances , fC5s96. !
Or Ilic TrenNlirj .
WASHINGTON Dec 23 - -Toda\ state.
ment of the condition of the treasury Miows ,
Available cash balance , $2 7,500,0 , gold re.-
bci\c , $23S,919,4S2
Ciittoii > lnrUi > t.
NK\V YORK. Dec 23 COTTON ruture-
closed steudj . , ! anuur > , < 7 A5 , Kobruar\ ,
$7,57 , March , J7 12. April , $710. Mny , $750 ,
June , $750 , Jul > . $75J , August , $750 , Sep.
tcmber $701 , October , $ G1I , Novembei ,
$091 Spot , closed quiet , middling uplands ,
7 Il-luc , middling gulf , 715-16C , hales , none
Flrm : sales. 400 bales , , fi3-li.o , good
ordlnau , ( ! 1-lbc ; low middling , 73-lbc , mid
dling , 77-lflc ; good middling , 7sic ; nilddlliiB
fair , 7 13-lOc , receipts 7,115 bales ; block , 401-
Scptcanber , $ B7sfn > & 0 ; October , lOCS'abl
ST LOUIS , Dec. -COTTON-Quiet ;
sales , 201 bales ; middling. 711-lGc , receipts ,
5k33 bales , shipments , 6,201 lules , stock ,
101.41S bnle.s
GALVKhTON , Tex. , Dec -COTTON- -
Qulel at 74e
LIVUIU'UOL. Dec. 29 COTTON - Model
el ate. business , prices 1-lGd higher , Amei-
kan middling lair , 4-l4d , good m'dilllng ' ,
4 9-16d , middling , 4'2d ; low middling , 4 11-32(1 ,
good ordinary , 4 5-ti2d , otdlnary , , i31-12d The
sales of the day were S WO bales , of which
GOii b-ales weie for speculation and export
and included 7,400 bales American , iccelnts ,
140W b.ilefe , Includlni ; 2.SOO bales American
Futures opened .steady nnd clobedery
steady at the athancu , American mlddllns
1 in c , Janunrj , 4 L'0-Oltzl 2104daluo ,
January and February. 4 18-Gld , sellers , Feb
ruary and Mnich , 115-bld , buyers , Mnich
nnd April , 1 U-G4,1. bujeis , April and May ,
1 ll-64d , sellers , Mny nnd June , 4 3-G4d , buy
ers ; June and July , 4 7-015T4 b-64d , sellers ;
July and August , 4 b-Gld , sellers ; August and
Septomoor , 4 1-64&4 2-&ld , sellers ; September
and October , 3 55-IJI5/3 5761dalue. .
Codec . IiirUet.
NK\V YOHK , Dec. 21 COFFKi : Future *
opened steady , \\lth prices 5 points higher
to 5 Dolnts lowe.r and ruled much mote ac-
tl\o and gi nerally llrmei on co\eilng and
so'iio incrcasu in speculuthe attention , fol
lowing stronger pot market and smaller re
ceipts , at Rio and Pantos , with pirtlal ieac-
lions under light liquidation Hut the gen-
etal undertone was tinner than for some
time past The market closed Htm at net
unchanged ptices to 5 points advance Total
mild , In in ; Cordo\a , Mjl2'/ic
Oil Miirkft.
OIL CITY. Pa. Dec 29-OILS-CrcilI
balances , $1 GO , certificates , no bid , ship
ments , 131,032 ubls , a\eiage , 77,211 bbls.
runs 8",151 bbls , u\eruge , SG13 ! bbls
NI3\V YORK , Dec 21 ! OILS Cottonseed
strong , prime countrv , 23'ifiMOLpi Into jel-
low , 3 , ! ' fJ4c Petroleum , steady. Rosin
steady , stlulned , common to good , $1 45
Turpentine , stiong at Kl'ti/jJe
LONDON , Dec. 23-OILS-Linseed , 22-
1'i.d. I'ftrolfiun. refined. "VI
Turpentinu spliits , J7s I'/id
LIVERPOOL , Dec 23 01 LS-Cottonscev ]
Hull refined , Dcccmhei and April , mm , Ib-i
1'rlCfN of Hides.
CHICAGO , Dec 29 The Shoe and Leathc
Relew tomorrow will say :
It H essentially .1 holiday mniket nm
there Is neither dlspos'tlon to buy noi aux
lety to s-ell The piickcin seem to Ihlnl
there will be \lgorous demand caily li
Japnaiy , while the tanners .11 c either mnk
ing bids > f below the asking prlte or tht > ;
are out of the mniket cnt'relj Quotation1
are nominal at lulii for natives , 12'jc fo
butt biunds ] 2c for Colorado steers nm
branded eowt' and U' lSc for heavy nni
light nntl\e cows.
Drg * < ioofln InrUi'l.
Ni\V YORK , Dei 29-DRY GOODS Tin
maiket has been without a new feature | r
any dupiutment todnv. Uuser.s aie > doln ;
no more than nec"H"uitocairy them uloiu
and there' Is no pieasim * on the pail of sel
leis In * tar > les or fnncj lines of cotton o ;
woolen goods. Pilnt cloths Inictlve foi
icgulnrs , but r.ithn more demand for exldi
at pitvious pr'ces ' Linens still se-uree am
Htrong HID laps < iuet ! but Him In price
with limited sii'iplles
t'nllfiiriili 111 leil PriillN.
Ni\V : YORK , Doc 20C'A LI PORN I. '
DRUID ritl'ITS-nvaporated apples WOK active and htci < h nt unchangei
prices , ovuporuteil apples , common , r.tiGo
choice , T'H'JiS'ic ' , fancy. Si * . < ! i1i4c > Prunes
Si4c per pound , as to clze and fiualltj Ap
rlcolii. Roval , 13f/15c. Mooi Park , ISfilSc
Pcachcn , peeled , 20/22e , unpceled , 7Vj610c
M'orlil's Siii | ; > l\ of Culloii ,
Ni\V ORLI3ANH , Dec -Sccmtarj
Hesters statement of the woiId'H supply o
cotton Hhows a total of 1,291 , 47l ! bales
against 5.2'0.327 last weok. R.5C8.79J Illht Jeai
anil 4i70b'J2ear ( ' bflorn last Of this tlii
total of cotton Is JG2'i,17ti b.ile .s
against 3.MS.327 last week , IIH,7 ) 2 last > 0ti
and 1,059,5(2 > before last
Qulet , open kettle , li'feftle , open kettle ion
tilfugal , I'iTilUc , > plantutloi
giuuiila'ed , 19-lfie , whites , 4 ? ( % , yellow1
a'/jifl I'/je , seconels 2THlJ U'
MOLASSKS Quiet e > pem Kettle , 37f ( I0c
cciitilfugul , .MiitK Srup , none hero.
Sl'IlOCll lit llcllllll I'l'llllUOUll'N.
PHILADELPHIA. Dec 29 The thrci
dayb1 seHhion of the se-voith annual con
\entlon of the Nation Jl He heel of Donla
Technics < ame to an end todd > Naslnllh
was selei ted as the place of meeting 101
next > The oigunl7atlon will heneifortl
bu known as the "Institute ff Deiita
1'e'dagoglcs ' A number of papers ci
tcehnleal tiiibje' < t wc-re < read toehi } .
AV r 'I'nv IMlH liiNiiriuici' Ciiniinl.N |
NB\V YORK. Dei2'l - The Hureau of Jn
ternnl Revenue has decided that Infuiraiin
eompunles doing a tall loan biisliu-Hs' lr (
liable to the bankers tax Imposed bv tiv
war revenue ) law The tompanie.s havlni
theMr headejuartrrs In this eitj will reech'
olll lal notlco of this dei Iclon today.
A Illlnur to Mri'l HIM Pal. ' ,
ST LOI'IH. Dt't 29 A special to th
J Ofit-DUpl ' 1i from Cairo 111 tMjs. \ \ II
Hum Martin wan bunged In the louit hous- -
beret toilu > for the murder of Joseph Lan
elium laht Ot tuber On the Htnffold Mar
tin exhibited womlerfiil mrvt IKtalkoi
brlcll > expressing his wdllngncss to die am
the belief that he was --aved
Cornfed Steers Show a Little Strength , wit !
Fair Dermnd.
HOKN . > < cll 2 l--'o Illtthcr , but > ell
ll } ' Vvtltc nt AiHuiiiT
i'pfi Sinn niul WrnK IVrilor
AYiiuteil nt lllnli l rlccN ,
SOUTH OMAHA , Dei51. .
Receipts were : CitMe. Hogs. Sheep
Olllclnl Tllcsdny 2,011 4.S18 1.1.
oniellil Wednesdny 2,250 6K5 2,3fi
Olllclnl Thursday 1,559 6,578 .73
Olllcinl Frldny 1.35J 6,351 3.2-s
Kho days this week . . . 7,171 22.312 9.R7
Five days last week. . . 10,3sG I'.IUS 7,15
Sumo dns week licfori'.14iHi ) 37.141 I'.fo
Same three Weeks ago 16,001 37,979 13.1W1
Average price paid for hogs for the las
several dnH with
Indicates Sunday. Holiday.
The olllcial number ot cars ot stocl
brought in today by each road was :
Cattle. Hogs Sheep
C , M & St P Ry
O it St L. Rv 1
MIssoiiil Paclllc Ry lr >
Union Paclllc system 7 II I
C .t N W. Ry 2 3
F , E , t M. V. R. R 9 SI
S C. A : P R ) 2
C.St P. , M .tO Ry t
B. te M. it. R R U 21 :
C , B & Q Ry I 11
C , R 1 ti P. Ry , cast 1 1 I
C , R. 1. .t P. Ry. , wcbt 1 J .
Total receipts 51 S2 1
Tin- disposition of the dav's receipts WT
as follows , each buyer purchasing the num.
ber of head indicated :
Biiers. Cnttle. Hogs Sheqp
Omaha , Packing Co 19
G H Hammond Co 172 1 07fi I1
Swift and Company 211 1,191 nv
Cuduhv Packing Co 202 US7
Armour & Co . or. 1 2W
Omaha Pnck. Co , K C. . 21
Cudahy Pack Co , K. C. . 191
Swift and Co , countrv. . . .
R. liecker & Degan Ill
Vansant & Co 6
Huston & Co 10
Livingstone & Sehaller . . . 30
H L Dennis & Co 41
Other bujcrs 31 311
Totals 1,312 5.724 2,911
CATTLE There were very few cattle
hero today of any kind and hardlv enougl
to make much of a test of the market Ol
the few reported In eleven loaels wete con.
gigncHl direct to packers and not offered foi
sale There was a little better feeling
prevalent on the market and the tendency
was on the side of stronger prlce.s Buyer *
were out earl ) ami they seemed to want nl
the fat cattle to be had , but there vvas
nothing choice and the most of the offer
ings weie decidedly on the commonlsl
order. Still they took them , pa ) Ing strong
prices. In some cases salesmen though !
the ) got iiulte a little more than yosterdav
li-ut it would be enough to call It simply
Cows ami heifers seemed to be in gooe !
elcmanel ami practically cverv'thlng clnngci :
hunels in very good season The prices pale :
were strong as compared with yesterdav
As a rule selleis were well pleased wltli
the results of the day's trading In thai
kind of cattle Feeders were in active tie-
mnnd anil the few to be had brought very
htrong pi Ices There ore a good many
orders for cattle of that kind In the hand *
of Lommlsblon men and anything at ui :
desirable. Is snapped up In short order al
very good prices , Representative tales :
No. No. Av. Pr.
1 1020 I 1,5
1082 4 90
m 5 00
1117 5 00
.1648 r , 10
IfiU 5 HI
.1651 5 10
1G21 5 10
1105 5 00
1311 5 40
.1000 1 10
1110 3 25
1070 ! ? '
1011 '
S70 ) 25
921 .1 25
1120 3 25
11IK ) 3 10
1012 1 10
9IM , 3 10
1010 ! 10
1020 1 11
10SO 3 50
1120 1 fil
1191 3 50
1290 3 50
S20 ! fO
ion : : so
1110 3 55
9S2 : : GO
inn . ! 1.0
1120 3 10
1077 1 Ii5
1017 3 70
99ti 2 TO
1010 3 71
' 8-1
985 1 91
1127 4 00
1270 1 00
11M ) 1 00
11EG 4 10
1021 4 20
1005 I 01
914 I 10
111G I 20
871 I 21
9S2 *
5.10 4 ,10
790 1 r.
1170 4 50
1200 3 M
1320 3 m
1270 3 40
1120 r r.o
7fO 350
1470 o >
HbO i < r
17SO 2 R5
1410 1 0
800 4 00
970 4 00
1W 075
15.1 7 00
T2S 3 7"
723 1 00
Gso l ( in
C91 4 20
no 4
700 I 21
9 ill 4 35
4(1 4 40
G14 I 41
901 1 Ml
S07 I Wl
SOI I 01
1330 W
351 J R5
HOGS Todav'K hog market was 2ise
higher than venterda > 'b general ninrket
If comparisons weip. to bo made with the
tlrpe jesteiday it might show a little more
advanee In some eases The market was bv
means attlvo at the advame thoiiKl
half or two-thirds of the hogs soM In ,1
thort time after the market openeil Scllen
were In main < ases inking more money bujer * nee-med dlspoipd t" IMV a ml Hi
the * , \mv- time Home of the ira'nw ' y.trt
late In .trilvlm ? which wus partlv 'o ' blame
for Hie marKet noi being morn active- I lii
Ttosl of th hoKt > changed hjnd- < tl IMi
417'j , as against ! l 12'/4 la sesterUu >
( hnlce IK \ \ ( hoi p light nnd choir
luili'ior wdgnt hogs eold nt Jl Ji\ the prlr
beiut ; determined In the iiuallt > rather thai
bthe we'ght ' It'will l o be noied thu
while ch dee light hogs sell nt the tor
irashv light and rough lljrhl mKNl load
sell nt Ihe bottom The average plKo r >
nil the hogs sold was the hlghe't of th <
month to tlate Repiesentntlve
SHI2I3P There were more shepp here thai
for scvernl dnvs past , but while theie wn
a fair detnnnd , It elld not nppear to be vor ;
urgent , j-o thn' the mniket wns n little In
dined to ilrng and the feeling was weik
Quotations Hood to choice fed yearling
flUlilfiO , good te > choice heavy wethois
$4 lOliM 10 , good to . holce light wethers , $1 2.
( ii I 50 , good to choice fed ewes , J3 75N 00
fair to good fed ewes. J3405f365 , good ti
choli e native lambs Jo2iMi5GO good te
choice fed western lambs , f5 2TTB , ! 50 , fair le
good feel western lambs. J | sififi 15 , fee > de :
wethers , Jl 75'iiy ! < > ) , feeder yearlings. $100
423 , good to choice feeder Inmbs , $ t I.Vfi 4 f,0
fair to good feeding lambs , Jl OOJT1 25 , fecdc
ewes , $2250300 Re'piescntatlvo sales.
No Av. Pr
1 buck 110 $ .1 ( V )
! native ewes 110 301
30 native ewes 110 390
191 S Dakota ewes and wethers.107 4 21
500 wester jcarllngs 10G I 40
211 western jenrlings 105 I Irt
302 Mexican jeaillngs 77 I 50
20 native wethors US 4(0 (
, ! 5 westein lambs 77 5 IH )
fiS ewes n ; 350
21 ewes lOis 3 ( if )
1 ewe IM 3 Ml
I vsestorn lambs i > Hi )
11 lun.b * rs 410
250 wethers 92 I 21
UOveirllng wethers SI 1-11
31 w eastern lambs t > 5 I o
Sveailtng lambs 9S 450
12 wcsturn lambs 7s 5 ( )
20 lambs . . . 71 5 (0 (
3 lambs SO 5 20
CHICAGO M\I : yrocic
CnKlp ficncmll > Ton CII H
lloir.s I p , Slirrit l/ovvt-r.
active and gcneially lOc higher. Including
Texan.s , butcher t1 stock and canncrs , feed
ers , strong , good to choice , J535SJG50 , pool
to medium , XI 15 525 , mixed slockcrs , J3.0I
( S3 SB , selected tceelers , $425f/4Si , good te
choice cows , $ .llOfi400 , helfois , f,100 > ri4nO
canners. $200 110 , bulls , J250JT450. calves
$ IOOfi43T , ted Texas beeves , $ | 25f535
HOGS Active and 5o higher , top , J4 45
good cleaiancc , mixed and butchers , % \ lOfi
4 42'/j ' , good to choice lu > avv , $1251(415 (
lough heavv , $4 lofi.4 20 , light , $ ll01M4f )
bulk of sales , $1 25fi4 Jl
SlinnP AND LAMHS-Sheep , slow te
lOc hlghei , lambs , ] 0ftl5c lov\er , except foi
cholee , native wetliers , $4 15ft4 fin , lambs
$100 571 , western vsethcrs , $110 (401) ( ) , v\est-
crn lambs , $1 25f < 5 7.1
RiCniPTS-Cattle , ,1,000 head , hogs , 27 , .
000 head , sheep , 11,000 head
> \orU Iiln Stork.
NC\V YORK , Dec 29-HElCVCS-Rc.
celpts , 3,011 head , good steels .stiong , other"
steadj closing slow , oulls , Hrm ; cows
steadv to stronK , stcei.s , SlSO iGlO , oxen
$3 25 , bulls , $ .1 23 < fii3 25 , i-ow s , J2 OOii t 50. Cable'
emote. American cattle Him at 11W12' , c
tops ut London. 12 e , dressed weights , re-
friKcrator beef hlghei at 10Bc , live Hhoei
selling at lliiTil2 > 4C , la-nhs at 11Hfll'4c
diesscd weight , shipments tomorrow , l,12t
head cattle nnd fi 100 quarter ? of beef
CALViS-Rccf < ! pts , 27G head , veals , firm
burn jard c.ilves. higher ; veals , $500f(900
littleculveh , $100 450 , birn j.irel eahc" >
$300f/4 50
SHiiP AND LAM US-Receipts , 5 79 !
head , s/heej ) , elull and easy , lambs , ISfc'Joe
lower , G'4 cars stock unsold , common te
good sheen ? 275g > 425 , lumbs , $550J825 } , ne
Canada lambs
HOGP ItecclplH. 1S < 5 head ; verj few on
sale , Hrm at $ lbOfii70 ; htate pigs , $170
1 SO
Rcceljits , 5,610 heuel natives , 700 head Tex-
alls , choice eludes "ictlve , lOfiloc higher ,
others strong , heavy native .steeis , $323 ®
5 1,1 : lightweights , $ IGOJ)5b5 ) , Mockers anil
feedeis , $ .ioOf/500 , butchers' co\\s and helf.
ers , $3 15fi4 75. canne-rs , $250fi,115 , fed west-
eMiis , $ IOi > Ti523 , western feeders , $1fiOfl4.CO ,
Tfxnns , $ ) 30fi I S5
HOOS Receipts , S 200 head , market uc-
live , 2'4foe ( hk-lier tally , gained strength ,
closing 1057 ! 3e higher , heavv nnd mlxpel
$4 22Vl I M. light , $1 0051 1 .M , pin's , $3 00ft t CO.
SHCEP AND IAMISSReceipt" , 2,10. .
liend good genet al demand at stcadv
pi'ees ' , limbs , Jl.OOfcS 40 , muttons , $ J SKi
4 GO , ttockeis anil feeders , $2.75' ' & 1.00 , culls
$1 SO J 00
St. lmilN l\o ( Mtit'U.
ST LOl'lS , Mo , Dec -CATTLlZ-Re- -
celpts , 1,600 head. Including SOO heael Tt > x-
uns ; market strong , with no top cattle lieTe' ,
unlive shipping and export steers , $1 75ffi
07r ) , with fanrj , let vr woith $721 , dresscj
beef and butchei steers , $14nf/550 ( , steers
under 1,000 His , $ i50Il ; ( ,0 , mockers and feed
eis , $130T(150 ( , eows and helfpin , $200I75 ,
tanner$150fi ( ! . bulls $27VfIOO ( , Te.xans
and Indian steers , $333fj4M ) , cow.s and
helfeis , $2iOJ(35l (
IIOiS Ret eipts , 5b' ) head , market EC
hlghei , pigs and lights , $1 0 4.35 , puekcis ,
$4 25 1 .i.1 , bute hers , $1 .W < M 41
SIiniJP-Resie-lpts , 900 head , market
strong and active , native muttons , $ j " 6jj ,
4 , K , lambs , $ | 75 < iji1k5
M , .loNi'pli IU iSitit'K. .
SOUTH ST JOSEPH , Mo , De-c 29 - ( Special
cial ) The Journal quests.
CATTLE Reet Ipts , t/iO lieael ; miilKet ac
tive' and htrong to lOc higher , natives , $4 >
J(5 ( 75 , Tex.l" anil wcstenm , $1lf(5 < ( 75 , tow
and heifer * $2 00ft4 lie , bulls anil stags , $ . ; i >
( Fi4 60. yearlings and calves , $1.71'/ ( / 1 & 0
stockerp and feeders , J32oftl.EO ; veals , $ | .f (
IlOIJriRecPlpt ? 4,200 head , murUct 5i
hlghei. all gnidps , Jl-n' ill-li ; bulk ol
sales. Jl 22' ' il W >
hlllCEP Receipts , , ! 00 heael , market 10
Stoi-U III
Following are the leco'uH ' at the four
principal westnin markets for December 29.
Cattlei Hogs Bhrop
Houth Omaha . I .in o HI l 'i
Phiengo . JOOO 27,0/0 ll.MX
KunwiH City . 0300 8,200 2.1IK ;
St LoulH . .J.OW ji.CUJ : W
Totals . . . . 12i251 16.151 17.2M
PlttHliiiri : I'llnltTK SlrlKt * Almir.
P1TTSBURG. 1'a , Dec 21The printers'
htrlKeIn Pilthburg has not affected tlm
seven dull ) papers The Mereeit ) perb rn-
fui-cd to go out when ordered to by the In-
lernat'onal T ) pographlc il union The tr- |
culai nf Presldi nl Dotimll ) of the Inter
national Tviio'jinphleul union dotlurlng all
the mtithlim-th < 2000lii in number ) to b"
"iiitH ' has cnliHtcd th it bodv In favor of thei
publlhlKiH ind theli letter under
the heal of their organl/ition Is being dis-
U United among I ho other labor organlzi-
tlons TV pogrnphkal union No 7 thn
organization having had no vofee In Uiu
ordering of the htrlki' . i-erms to be vvalt'nt ;
eirelcrH fiom International In aeltpi triers , a'
IntllanupeiUx Meanwhile- their potltlmiti air
being nipMlv Illlnl The Allied Piliitins
Tr.nles nml GUiHVorkcrs' union have re-
fiife i to lountciniiue Ihe slrlkt The bo-
eott eftorlH of the nr'ntnrB baxi fallen flat ,
both In Hie tin illation mil advertising ilc-
lllHlOrllIMN ( illt'NlN Of lllll' liril ,
CAMBRIDGE , Ma > s , Dte 29The mem
hers of thei American lllhtorleal sorlctj
uiiro gui-bts of llumtiil unlvi'rxlty toda )
The' met'tliiKS wi 10 transferred from BJS
ton 10 this ell ) 'Itio follow'ng ullli e > n
ui'in fit. ti'd President. Edwnnl Eggles
ton , vlte presidents MOHPP Cell Talor ane
Charles Fraiiclb Ailains , geeietar ) , Euntlf
B AduniH , trcaaurci , ClHicnee W Bmvdi'ii
t'xeeiitlve iiuintll. Andrew D While
Chnrlt-B K Adams W W Ht-ni ) , Jumi H F
Rhodes Ht'iiry Ames George I' Hoar
Rlelmid P Fterrn James 8'houler Ge-orKi
It Adam..Mf'vllli ' U I'ljlltr , Albtii B
Hart Pettr U hue | 'iuf Andien S M.
Lfj'igbll'i ' Pr. f \ \ A Punning Gcc/igc p
I' . 'her
Honolulu \ntlinrlllpi Tnltp Promiii
Acdon Not .SerltiUHlj
SAN KUANCISrO , Dec. 20 Mull nd-
\lrcs from Honolulu to the Associate , !
Press regarding the hiihonlc plnsiio * ltu-
ntlon sny President Dole , whllo reilir-
Ing HIP seriousness of the situation , clt M
not bellcvo Ihero Is mtich cnttso for nlnrm.
The president thinks there Is no danger to
those whoso IIOUSPP , persons nnd food nro
clcnnly. He has unbounded condelctico In
the ability of the Honnl of Health to
quickly stump out the dlsenso. V
Sonic phvsli'lans pay thnt the disease Is
not blnck plague Public opinion Is di
vided also Many hellevo thnt If the pl.iRiio
were present In Honolulu Ihe Inhnbltnnti
of Chinatown would ho carried off by the
hundreds on nccount of the filthy condi
tion of the district. Another Interesting
plmsn of the cnso In the fnct that no
jnpnneso have been nttncked. They live In
largo numbers In Ilio quarantined dis
The council of stnto met In oxtrnordlnnry
s-ca-ilon on December 12 nnd appropriated
$25,000 for Immediate use of the Hoard of
Henlth in combating the plnituo.
All of the district * outside ot Honolulu
are In a clean condition nnd there Is llttlo
danger thnt the plnguo will gain a foot
hold In the other Islands.
WASHINGTON , Dec. 29 This telegram
has been received by the supervising sur
geon general of the United States ninrlnn
hospltnl service from Surgeon Cnrmlchnol
nt Honolulu.
"HONOLULU. H I . Dec. 20. Via Vic
toria , H. C. , Dec. 28. ) There- are two cases
of reported plague nt Honolulu ; two deaths
December 12 No new onsen to December
20 Quainntino against infection raised De
cember 19. "
Surgeon ( Jenoral Wymnn , in referring to
the eUwputrh , said ho did not consider tha
situation ciltlcat In any respect. He said
also thnt Honolulu had a competent bonrd
of health. This organisation had In times
past manifested ability to take good cnm
of the public welfare In the mnttcr of
hcnlth nnd he hml no doubt It would prove
equal to the emergency in the piceant In
stance. said thnt Pacific const
parts In the t'nltcd States had been notified
of the reports fiom Honolulu nnd that for
the present no measures would bo resorted
to be ) end the exercise of extremevlgllalico
on the part of the health officials.
.sunU DnUolii IlnrBRIICII | < | OII lloltln
UN vnnniil SPNHIIII n < Milclicll
UHlcerN Nnnietl ,
MITCHELL , S D. , Dec 29. ( Special Tele
gram. ) The South Dakota Uar association
held Ho second nnnunl session in this city
and adjourned this evening. The executive
committee made an oral icport on the num
ber of new members received elnce the meet
ing one year ago. Twenty attorneys hnvo
mnele application for membership. An execu
tive council was appointed , embracing the
president and secretary as e\-officlo mem
bers nnd one member from each circuit.
The election of officers resulted.
President. Kdwnid Van Cise , Deadwood ;
vice presidents , C H. Dillon , Ynnkton ,
Thomas Sterling , Redflcld ; secretary , J H.
Voorhocs , Sioux Falls , treasurer , Ivan AV.
Goodlier , Pierre.
The afternoon was spent In listening to the
addrews of President Crawford and the re
port of Hartlett Trlpp , as a delegate to the
American Dnr association. This evening Ed
ward Van Clso delivered the principal ad
dress. At 10 30 o'clock a banquet was ten-
del oil visiting members by thn local bar.
which took plnce at the Mitchell , A. K.
Hitchcock acting as toaetmaster. Thcaei
toasta were responded to : "Tho Bench and
Har , " Judge Rlchird Hnncy ; "Law as Re-
Hectlng Public Opinion , " Thomns Sterling ;
"The Lawjcr in Politics , " John M. Pease ;
"The Technical I/iwyer , His Strength nnd
Weakness , " Coe I. Ciawford ; "Is the Lavv-
jer a Necessary nvll' " Ddwnrd Van Clse ;
"Tho Temple of Justice May the Political
Dictator Never Rule Within Its Portals , "
Hartlett Trlpp.
Viill-Snloon IjPiiKiK * Mrt'tN.
MITCHELL , S. D. , Dec. 29. ( Special. )
The executive committee of the Anti-Saloon
league of South Dakota concluded a meeting
hen > yesterday. These members attended :
Itcv. W. H. Thrnll , Huron , Rev. H. P. Car
son , Scotland , D. Jl. Hutt , Brltton ; R A.
Logget , 1'leiie ; Rev. A. E Carhart , Rev.
W. W Havens and Rev. D R. Tomlln ,
Mitchell , nnd Dr. J. C. Thorns , New Ymk.
The Voters' union , which was otnrted a
shoit time before the fall election , nnd the
Hureau of Information , which worked In
conjunction with it , received the hearty in-
iloisemont of the committee. The Bureau of
Information , however , was changed to an
advisory board for the benefit of the Vet
ers' union , the object of which IB to ascer
tain the fitness , morally , of n candidate to
the position for which he has been nominated
by any political pnrty.
Mnt- OIIIIKVimicn Tnkr the \t-II.
ABERDEEN , S. D. , Dec. 20. ( Special ) \
A class of nine young women took the veil of
the Sisterhood of the Presentation order
at the Presentntion ncademy today. Very
Rev Dean Mousing odlclatcd , assisted by
Rev. O'Hara of Aberdeen , Rev. Shcelian of
ElKton , Rev Desmond of Huron and Rev.
Cosgiove of St. Stephens' church , St. Paul.
Huron linn dull : 'n mi ill-led.
HURON , S D. , Dec 21 ( Special ) F. H.
Kent , proprietor of the Depot hotel , served
n game supper1 to members of the Huron
Gun club and other sportsmen. The menu
Included oysters , lobstorH , brook trout ,
roant antelope , roast blnck bear , ronst mal-
latd , redhead and canvas duck , mast turkey ,
bralBcd quail nnd many dcllcncleh ,
'I'u .lull for Manor Sclllinc ,
SIOUX FALLS , S D. , Dec. 21 ( Special
Telegram. ) John A. Stewart , who IIJB lived
nt Webster several months , appeared before
Juelgo Caildiid and pleaded guilty to the
charge of Bailing liquor without a govein-
mcnt license Ho was fined $100 and sen
tenced to thirty days' Imprlbonmcnt In tbn
Beadle county jail ut Huron.
Tnu Trill UN Collide.
PALMHER LAKE , Cole , Doc 29-A Cejo- |
lade Midland passenger trnln , northbound
and a Santa Fn ftul ht tra'n had n head-
i-nd eollhli'i 'wo mlli tomb of this pliu-e
Fireman Edgar Junes of the Bantu FO
belli , ? killed and Knglmorn I -u/Itt and
Tuik hi'liiK cirlouHly hurt No pihsengers
wereInjuied The eaiiBo of the coll'Mou
is not yet known
Ciiiiililnt' ( o I'liclil din Triml.
iner says that live Independent eastern lo-
baeio fae turli s have combined to flglu the
'lobniiii trust and hnvo mndo arrangements
lor un aggrp'-she mmpTlgn on this coast
The mimes of the companies aiu not given ,
rwnb * imr
I'MCOLn Mtft
JflFflES E- BOYD & CO , ,
'J clcplionu lei ; ! . OmnlMj. . ,
iioAitii OK TiiAni : .
Correspondence John A Warren & Co
Direct wires to Chiiaeo and New York.