CTMATTA DAILY TEE ? : AVEDXESDA Y , mil C EM H ETC 27 , 18JM ) . \mUHl01UBLY \ AMALGAMATE Warring Friction * of Paintftts' National Organization Will Get Together. DELEGATE B'.LL RETURNS FROM DETROIT Mtliiiimli Drilled n Sent tie slinok the llnlllmiirc I'm-Mon's rli | I lion tlic ri-tlcriitlon l.iiimi' from Illlli- t-ro 'I i-iinflniis r I succeeded In accomplishing just what I started out to accomplish , " said W. H. Bell % rstordny at Labor Temple lie was dls- usMng hlo expel lencc as delegate to the re- out contention of the American Perforation it Detroit , which ho attended as a delegate fiom the Omaha Central Labor union , and lfo ns a roprescnt.itlve of the Lafajctte fac- lion of the national organization of painters. . It took mo seven da > 8 to get a hearing In the Federation contention nnil when I got 3iio It w.is with the understanding that I was 10 have only ten minutes 1 took twelve and n that twelve minutes I gatu the Federation Bonn thing to think about SOTJC pcoplo p. HID in think that I was too outspoken In mv references to the fcdeiatlon , but I thought otherwise and tn > talk had the do- ired effect It scared them a little and re sulted In Jarring the lUltlmore faction of painters loose from the federation If a \ot had been taken Immediately after my ipeech I would hate been seated by probably ( ho to ono , and It kept the opposition can- nosing nil night to keep me > out It was the Influence of the executive onmll tint kept mo out You see. It had ifLOgnlzcfl the Baltimore faction of the palntciK1 organization ever since the split. It had pcmlsted In tills lerognltlon and upon he principle that It Is belter to bo eonslstent ban right , It did not want to admit outright hat It hail made a mistake The final result was , however , that In spite of the Influence of the I'xecutlte council , u resolution written by m > sclf , hut Introduced by a friend , was passed providing that at the end of thirty lays JamcH II Sullivan , the paid representa tive of John T. iillott , the leading spirit of th Baltimore faction , whall be suspended The press reports sent out of this action wore rroncoim Thej s.ild that Sullltan was sus pended from thi federation for thirty days They should have paid at the end of thlrtj ilajs ho IB to be permanently suspended Of eourse I had 1o do mj woik on the outside , but I had plenty of frlomlh who were glad to lend their assistance In overcoming the aluillduggciy of Sullivan and hlK backers 'flullnltlinorc ruction. The prillt in the natloml organisation o [ painters occunod In August , 1804 , and ever slnee then the Baltimore faction has been run b > John T Klllott. It has never made any dlff"icnco who the ofllcerH were , Clllolt him dominated Its affairs with an Iron hind , but the present president of the faction Is .igalnst him , Is fighting him hard and the faction Is certain under anv clreumstances to come to a dissolution Sullivan , who at tended the federation as the representative of that f.ictlon , has never been anything but the paid agent of IJlllott As fai as mem bership is concerned the Lifujctte faction has four members to one In the Baltimore faetlon U was stated In the fedeiatlon meeting that tlu > Lif.iyette faction bns a Hltlo less than 7.000 members and the Balti more faction about fi.OOO The truth is that the Baltimore faction has not to exceed XfiOO members and the Lafayette faction about 12,000. The former faction his about ten unions in largo cltlc.s and from llfty to flxty unions running fiom seven to twentj- flvo membeis Most of the latter , like the ono hero In Omahi. allied to that faction have been organized to light unions of the1 other faction to extermination. . \lualuiiiiiiiIon TiilUt'il of. "Yes , I think that the result of the action of the federation will bo an amalgam itlon of the two factions. All that nan held the Baltimore faetlon together his been the fact that it has had the iccognItlon of the federa tion I am inclined to think that there will be a midsummer eontentlon and nn amal gamation effected , Vhlch will give us n strong organisation of about lfi.000 memberB , after all the scabs have been weeded out H In protly dlfllcult to piedlit what ma > be done , however You know the officers of the Lafayette faetlon who are In may not want to jleld to any proposed program that maj mean a new election which would recognize the old faction by giving a part of the ofllces to the Baltimore faction Of course they ought to do ho , but you nevur can tell what ono who I out for otllce may or may not be willing to do. I think , however , that if the Baltimore faction does not come to the amal gamation Idea Its days of domination and " iinogance are ever Mr Bell spent some hours nt Labor Tem ple yesterday and the members , were ral lying around him , oxprcsHlng their congratu lations over the success of his vlolt to De troit Ho was sent as a delegate to the fcd- e ratlon convention with a pretty thorough understanding that bo would bo denied n seat In the convention , but with the conviction that ho would also miecccd In Jarring the Baltimore faetlon loose fiom KB hold on the federation , in which he was eminently HUC- COKHflll GUSTAVE ANDERSON HONORED Aollto Thli -Thliit l Di-Krei- , , . | ( | | , IUUIN Ciinfi-rreil I | iiin Him nil ClirlMiuiiN ln > . Thomas Ip Cdtwell of San Pranelsco , supreme premo head of the Scottish Kite of soutuorn JuilMllctlan , was In Omaha Christmas day to confer tho'actlvo thirty third degree upon ( itihtavc Anderson and Hip honoraiy thlrty- thtid dogrco upon James I Cillbcrl , L. I1. Puiiklmiiaer , M Dunham , L M KulniB , all of Onialiii and L 1) Itlehards of Premont. Owing to a failure of Mi. Caswell'ti baggaso to an he It was found ncccsbary to post pone the conferring of the bonoraij degree , but the aetlvo degree wan conferred upon Judge Amk'rtum , who becomeH the head of the Masonic Kite orK'inUatlon ' In this state under the rank of hoverplgn grand inspector general for Nebraska for life It was the llrnt time that the degree has ove-r been conferred within the htato It Is usual to confer It in Washington , but It wab brought to Nebraska because of Illness In the cnnilldHto'ti famllj , wUkh prevented liU going \VaHhlngton for It Mr. Cas- v\ell departed last evening for Topeka and AMchlta , whither lu > goes to confer tbo honorary degree. lie Is etitouto to spend the ulntiir at hln home and will not return to ASaehlngton until Ma > . Judge Anderson's position WIIH formerly niled by the late Uobr nt C. Jordoii , who dlexl last > ear. ii > u * u I'or tinllolliliij , The MlbBourl Pacific will sell round trip t.cketH nt ono faro within n distance of 200 mllcb , on December 2J , 21Ti , 30 and Jan- unr > 1 , 1900 Limit for return January 4. Thlh Includes Atchlson , Leavenworth and Kansas City. For laics , Information , etc. , tail nt ( ompan'ti otllccs , boutbeast corner rouiteenth and Douglae , or depot , Tlfteenth end Webster. The Clileiijto Slreiliiir CarTer Tor Omaha patrons EXCLUSIVELY , leave * on the "NORTHWESTEHN LINE" limited train at I.DJ p in dully , arriving Chicago 7 45 next morning Ibcre MAY be Oner elccperb than thet > e lu Kilrope Other LIMITED KLYINO TRAINS leara dally at t 40 a m and 7 30 p. m. City o.llcw , HOI anil 1403 I'arnum atreet. itvtiiiiuin < < . tir rule iji , SOe1 Dronspr Spnrfn l.'e ( irnnit flenr- Inu "ni , . | , n I'niicj iMnno senrfx. Three humlred line $500 plnno senrfs In % clour , handsome ileslgnfl , to clowe only $1 OS \n entire line of 72-Inch drewier scarfs , full 18 Inches In width , regular SOo goods , closing out nt l c See 16th street window 20TH CENTURY CLOAK SALE Surprising the closest buyers Jackets worth up to $1000 al $4 ts Jackets worth up to J2000 nt $ Gfi8 Jackets worth up to $2-100 and over at $ Ti8 Ladles' Ilnn- ncl lined underskirts at OSc Ladlce' silk and sntln v\alfcts , worth $6 00 , for $2 IS. Everjthlng muSt-go HAYDUN 13ROS BLAINS ARE HELD PRISONERS 'i OllleiIs KrcpltiR ( lostVnteli on tinllipiirtril tiiNiof A strict quarantine is being enforced nt the resilience of P. M. ninln , 2323 Decntur street , whoso wife , In the opinion of the health ollico. Is suffering frum a . cvcro at tack of pmnllpov. No other members of the fatnll > Invo shown any symptoms of the dli- e-.Tie1 , but the city physician snys there Is still ample time for .such development The doubt cast upon the Identity of the malady by Dr von Lnekum Is given no con sideration by the health olTlclnlw The state ment made b > him that the disease l chicken pox and ono of n number of similar cases In the neighborhood hns eiusod somn comment In the heilth office Ur Ralph nays tint there Is no chicken pox repoitcd on the register from that vicinity , and that If Dr. vcn Lackum has knowledge of sura cases he Is violating the law In failing tn mnko report of them The family Is provided with necessaries bv an attache of the health office , who Is in immune On Monday a bisket containing a ten-pound turkev and all the ether appurte nances of a Chrlstmna feast was taken to the residence of the beleaguered expressman. Mr nlaln Is chafing under the confinement In view of his family phjslclan's statement that the disease Is not smallpox , but IB obey ing the renuliements of the health office. CARRIED A BURGLAR'S OUTFIT Mail trroMoil C Iirl.ttlmlM MKI ! ( I.ool.i oiiNl.i 1.1 l.o n 1'roft'N- Mloital lloiinolironUoi. A man new to police circles in this city was arrefcted Christmas night , and from all appearances the arrest Is an Important one On his person were found a siw , screw driver , cindle , two watches , a "flash" roll of bills , counterfeit money and a pocketful ! ot nickels He gave the name of William N Wood , but , i receipt for a money order carried In his pocket is made out to the mime of N S Biimlv Ho clalnih that ho Is a bookkeeper from New York City , and says he Is on hie way to take a position offered him by a Denver house lie offers no ex planation for carry Ing around the burglar's outfit found on his person , and he will be held until It can bo learned If he Is wanted IM any of the largo cities. The arrest wab made by Ofllceis Savage and N Thomas. DR. GALBRAITH AND BRIDE The ItccMtf * nlollilo t ri Oitiuliu niii-outc to ll < in < iliilu. Dr W J Oalbralth , who was recently motrled at St Chailes , Mo , has returned to Omaha with his bride Mis CJalbralth wab Mibs Lucllu Willard There was a tinge of real romance In their marriage , and since their return Omaha yiiletide greeting his been extended with lavish hand Or and Mib Calbrnlth will leave In a few ilavs for Honolulu , where they will reside They will make a brief visit to points of in terest in California prloi to sailing for the Hawaiian Itilnnds , where the flag of Uncle Sam now floats Dr Galbralth was forra- v chief surgeon for the Union radii" railroad In thin city. Announce men IN. This afternoon Madam Emma Nevada , rec ognized as America's greatest cantatrlco , will be heard at Tioyd's , with hpr Accom panying artists Hut the one eonceit will be given Because of trie fact that the theater w.-u , engaged for the night the con cert would have been given at that t'mo ' Instead of In the afteinoon It was njt case of choice The appearance of the distinguished singer has long been antlui- pited by the mnslc lovers of the city and despite the fact that the concert will be given In the afternoon a large audience is expected Madim Nevada , It will be remembered , Is the American slngei who was hissed by an audle-neo In the lloyal tliPTtcr at Seville , Spain , the night of the day war was de clared between America and Spain Since her return to Amerlen , four months ago , she has been giving a scries of concerts. Two special events are underlined at the Orpheiiin this week On Thursday night will occur the monster benefit for the sol dier bnjo , thib being Omaha Guards' night The second amateur performance will bo given Trlday night , for which a largo num ber of local volunteers Invo been rehearsing The most popular of thcso performers will be awarded medals by the management of the Orpheum. The fortunate holders of season tickets In the Young Men's Chilsttan Association en tertainment course are to bo congratulated upon the exquisite musical treat In atoio for then' tonight at Boyd's theater Sherwood , the foremost American , pianist. Is of course accorded the first place on the- bill , because , of blB international reputation and his ex- tram' popularity with all lovers of what Is beat In piano music Madam Llnnc the gicat Snedlsh prlmu donna , has been heard In Omaha before and will not Buffer by com parison with any of the soprano soloists ot tli" day The auillenco will be pleased to notice the great range and sweetness of her \Dice , coupled with u charming manner on tlio stage Madam Llnnu Is a thoroughly delightful woman personally and one whom It la a rare privilege to meet. Clara Mur ray will b ) no means bo the least In th esteem of those who will be so fortunate as to hear her tonight Her reputation ai a harpist Is more than national and Onialri lovers of that sweet Instrument will not full to be delighted with her performance Helen vou Fursch , the Berlin girl violin- U , will appear for thu first time before an Omaha audience , but her work with the Chicago cage Symphony orchestra has been of such a character that her reputation In already made \vlth thoFc who have been follow ing musical nevss Items In the dally press Tim program will contain high-class and poi ular selections fo arranged that no one will { all to appreciate the whole entertain ment The advance sale of scats has been so largo that an audience sulllcleiit to Insure tha best work of any artist will pack the house. CHKAV UAILHOAU TAUUS FOn TUB HOLIDAYS VIA "THE NORTH-WESTERN LINE" EAST WEST NORTH New City Olllccs , 1401 & 1403 rnrnam St. Depots 10th uutl Marcy Stb , 1Mb & Webster Stb imn. : HANDOM'II-Mrs Delia vvlfo of Sonr , i H H tndolph Dectmbrr J5 i * < * 3 , ugid uj > oars. Funeral WedncMdd > Ueifi .U 10 o'tlotk from the 1'iuples Interment in 1'orest l iwn CHOICE OF CONVENTION CITY . Itnllronil llnlcx A\ IIITrr ( < Selection I of Locution fur NnHonnl I'.ilu- i ( lltllllllll VSSI Superintendent 1'earse , n member of the executive committee of the National IMuca- tlonal associitlon PIUS that n decision vvlll sopn bo reached as to the location for the t cxt convcntlo'ii to bo held In July. Tha choke He nmong ttreo cftles , Uoston , Mon treal and Charleston. S C , all of which hnvo made n favorable showing of their ability to euro for the 15,000 delegates ex pected In attendance Mr I'enr c snj that the decision Is largely dependent upon what the rnltronda will do In the milter of rates Ho has Information that the roads Into two of the cities named will make all the concessions thtt the com mittee tun reasonably expect taut no action will lie taken until the matter of fares ha ? been flillj looked Into The cities eontoniplnle-d have attractions which appeal especially to teacheis In al- dltlon to the valuable historic centering ; In all three- there are Innumerable nldc tilpi Inviting to the tourist In midsummer Mon treal It adjacent to the Isles of the St. Lv - r ncc and the lakes of /tllrondicKs , while" IJo.ston and Charleston plead their proximity to the ocean 13 wh rlt > Is pro- \lded with an auditorium sufllclently latg" for the demands of the contention GOOD SHOWING IN MORTGAGES Amount of Olil Ipn I lonn D t'onililoriilil > In i\ < -o K of 'I liosit oil trni-1 oil. The Douglas county mortgage record for N'ovember has just be < > n completed In the olllce of the register of deeds It shown that property owneis are dlsclnrglng their obll- gatiotm considerably faster than they are- contracting new ones , and Is Indicative of a healthy condition of the1 tealty market. The city mortgages filed during the month amounted to $17,1,216 while those release ! footed up $291,12" ) In farm propel ty the amount of mortgages filed and leleiswl are practically a standoff , the former being $ " , -K5 ! and the latter $7,102 IB Thirklcld , health Inspector of Chicago cage , says "Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cannot be recommended too highly H cured me of severe dyspepsia " It digests what you cat and cures Indigestion , heartburn and all forms of dyspepsia All brothers of Omaha lodge No 39 arc directed to attend the Installation services of the Council Bluffj lodge this ( Wednes day ) evening , December J7 , at Masonic tem pi > , Council Blultb , at 7 SO p m HI ) MUL.LBN. E U LYSLi : I ALLOTT , H L K D M VINSONHALKR. i : L K. PRANK CRAWrORD , 13 L K. TheCiillforiiln I.lniltoil Will take you from Kansas City to Los Angeles in only 2'4 days 52 hours. Pull mans , Dining Car , Buffet Smoking Car ( with bnrbT shop ) , Observation Car ( with ladles' pirlor ) Vestlbuled and electric lighted throughout Pour times a week Wednes days , Thursdays , Fridays and Sundays from Kansas City. n L PALMER. Santa Fe Route , P O. Box 126"i , Omaha. Conl I'll ml for the 1'oor. The Associated Charities appeal to our benevolent citizens for funds to purchase coal for distribution among the aged and elck poor , deserving widows and deserted wives with families. The callH are nu- merius and require Immediate attention. Checks payable to the Associated Charities will be thankfully received at 1S10 St Mary's atenue. JOHN LAUGHLAND. Secretary. The Clilcniro blponliur Car For Omiha patrons EXCLUSIVELY , leaves on the "NORTHWESTERN LINE" limited train at 4-B& p m. dally , arlrtlne Chicago 7 4C next morning There MAY bo finer sleepers than these In Europe. Other LIMITED FLYING TRAINS leare dally at 0 40 a. m. and 7 30 p. rn. City olTlccH , 1401 and 1403 Farnum street Ollli-iTN for ( oniiiK-ri-lnl Trnrlorw. . ST LOTIS. Dei Jo The Western Com mercial Titivcliis' assnelatluu , In annual session hero tod.ty , elected the following THESE GUT DRUG PRICES still senm to IIP x.ill at our store BRING Till ) MONK'S and * ou can have all vou wish at these prlies whether u me dental or consumi r IM I-NTY OP IMMlNA ! .it . . 73c I'li'iitv of Si ott s Kmiilslun , $1 sle , for 75c l'lent > of Phillips Jtlllc oC AlitRliesKi , We sizelui 40e fifii Kings Ne-w Dlscoverj , our price . 40e II it II PO.III for eleunlntf. our price . 'ic ? 1 00 Uuffv n .Malt Whlske > , our pi Ice b5e- J3iOoKsler s lleailaeho U'afnrh , out lirlco -Oe J'Klaxiillt > Kroino Quinine , our prleo 35e ! M Hublfuain , 0111 price . . "Ot Small sized So/oilont , our prlee- . . . 'JOc J"c Illimphrej'H Specifics , our price . 2)e $1 00 Mexlean Hair Jtestorer , oui prleo 7r > c- Mc ) C'.iseare'tK , our pi lee . . . . . -lOc Wlu Tarrant's Aiwrlcnt , our price . . . lOe $1 0 IVIIovv s Sjuii ) , our price . . . Jl.Jtf $1 .10 Vln Marlnnl , oui prlee . . . 1.15 Jl in ) I'eptoKi'nle Milk Powder , our prlee ML ) % 1 B ) JleUades Slice us Alterans , out prlee 1 7" > $1 00 Madam Yalr'H Kootls , out prlie . 7ljt r,0c Pi > 7Zi il s Piue Powder , our price .Vic BOc hahlnche Pan Powder , our pike , ! ie Joe Rvvniixilnvvii Powder , our price 15t Me Extract Uecf. our pilco li'm Slendld | Haul Uuhher Atoml/cr , oui price Me We Gem fiitnilli Cure , our pike 40c Jric Chambei Iain's rough Cure oui prleo 2Jc ilte foi CataloBiie of Cut Pilees Sliennan&McGonnell Drug Go , iril.'t IloilKf St. , OMVIIA , Mill. CALIFORNIA Leave Omaha 1 J5 pm Thurfl- ilajin .1 comfortable tourist bleeptr-a d > ou arrive San Prancisco following Sunday , Los Angeleu Monday. No transfers cars run right through , i\perlenced excursion inanogor In charge. $40 for a ticket. $ ; lor a berth Per folder giving full Informa tion call at TICKET BURLINGTON OFFICE STATION IDO2 Farnam lOth and Mason Street. Stroota. 'Phono 20t > 'Phono 310. nftlrprs for HIP riiKiiliiR vmr l'rrsl < li > nt \ilrlan Oeoung. . St I mil tlr t vl i prexldent , AUShellu. . SI LouN second vice pteMdent M ji MnrSt LouK third vlee president , J P. Lutllnvv Sun \ntonlo , Tex fnurtli vice piesldentbner Mood Kan nn riu. Mo fifth \ Ii e pre l- dent , C M Uurlelgli Mount ( 'unnri Ml i sixth vlef president , P T Ilenoltls Port Smith Ark Six dlretti > r lei two vcars were al o electoil JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY Vntiiinl MrctltiK nt % < A orK Itc'Ktrtn Slum n illInfiii'tort riiltini'lii ! ( oiulltlon , MW : YORK. Dee. 26. The eighth nn- nual meeting of the \merlcan Historical soc'cly ' began today lu the Hebrew Charity building In this city with the president. Dr. Cyrtth Adler of the Smithsonian Institu tion In the ehali There were al = o present 1'rof J H. Hollander of John Hopkins mil- terelty , recording noretaij , Dr. Herbert rrle'denwald of the library of congress , cor responding seerotarv , and 1'iof. Richard Cioctlherell , Columbia university , treasurer Reports were received from the secretaries and the treisurer , showing a membership of lie and a satisfactory flnanclil condition I'aners were read as follows Di Cyrus Adlei , "Further Documents Ho- litlng to Inquisition In Mexico " Dr Tred- etlck rrlcdenwald , "In.iac Lew , ind Ills Claim to 1'ropoitv In Oiorgla , " and "Brief Notices of Sonic Jews of the IJightiintli Certury " PASTOR CATCHES A THIEF AVKroiiiln iminp SiiM'ii-iulN MTt ! < I.onu Knoiimh ( o iil M-t nn V l i ( < I I lilllilcil , MAUlNKTTi : , Wls , Dec 2C Ur Schepler pastor of St IMul s Cpl-scopal church , In terrupted his Christmas service long enough to give chase to a sneik thief who wab nr- rylng off n number of holiday glftw from tl'o parsonage The preacher while al the altar aw the thief leaving the p.usonago with i lot of stuff under his overcoat rutting nsldp hla robes ho gave cha e , cMigbt the fillivv and after a tussle tinned him over to Ifin police and then returned and finished divine' services. | WEDNESDAY NIGHT Notice ilioubv Bit' n that onednos - d.iv night bPtvvei'ti 9 itul H ) o clock we will "talk it ovtr with out self tvbclhcr In the ve ir of 19K ) wo will conduct our utoro 01 the 51 pill milkers "Hot Allsto < .lation who have formul a Ultra TIU'ST to charge full IIIUPM on ( lilies and pros rlp- tions If tin 10 bo no objection , remonstrance stranceor ptntost by that time the meeting ing- will t iko lilac o Criiiurr'M Klilnn Lur < * . T.'n * , n-\iilt < > ! li onto ( liiliilni * . tru- ilo- . --Km I ii i | n In I cniiNiilf-1. . . Ti ll or. : jriiiii < | iilnlnc ( MiiiMiilf-N. . lOr ll)7. . ' -Kill I II < | Ill lll < * ( 'UllNllll-n , . 1. < > nrtcr'M Il\cr IMIlN . irl ( > Doilll'H Klllllf > 1'IIlH . IOC Uoilil'N 1) Niei < < lii Core . Kic Do-in' * Kill HIM 1'lllH . ; ilo ) I'liikltnni'n romiioiiiiil . T.lo AVlnc of Cnriliil . . . . . . 7."i < - s > riifi of V\K" \ . lili- SMlft'M Ilri-f 12'ilrncf . IO < - MlliliorilN I'Hln . Oc I'liluv'N tVlerj ( 'oinpoiiiiil . r c llood'M SiirNiipiirlllii . TTn- CUT PRICH DltUGGIST Cor. lOtli mill Chicaco Sts. FRAIL As well as man caa iind no tpnlc rft healthful as a piVc beer. Be sure you got the pHrts kind. Cabinet Bottled Beer Is lierincticnllr scaled tUen boiled wlileli injures it to be free front baeteria quitc essen tial for frail people. Order .1 trial ease FRGD XRUQ BREWING CO. OHAIU , NEBRASKA. ! FAMOUS AS CATTLE STATE \i-lirnnKii Vttrni't * VUcnllon it * One of tinIvn til n it CnltliI'rnilncliiK ; M-Hlon * < if tin * < niintr.i. The fnnio of NobruBka n * . n rnttlo-proJm Ing atntc lim spread to surli nn e\tont the last ton vear * anil IIHH lUtractcil such fnvoi- alilo nttontloti that ono of the prominent m.iRnrlnos has hcnt n xpcolnl staff oontrlbu- toi from New Yotk to minutely Investigate the business In nil of Its phases for the- pur pose of wilting nn e-xlmustlvo article upon the subject I'ntl W Mi\jo \ , representing MoClnre's Mignzlni * Is the writer to whom this Hnprrtnnt mnttcr hns been RMlRtied. i Mr , Mnyo nrrlvcil fiom New Yorl , josterilay niul will spend some tltne In Nebraska rol- lectlnR ilnta on the cattle liuliistn' While In Omaha Mr Majo will be the guest of Mr Ch.irlei YotttiK of the Huillngl n passenger dcpnrtment. He was n ilassmatc of Mr. YOUIIK. nnil also of Mr rharles Itospvv.itcr ( lining their eollcilate ? direei nt fonicll. Pour \Vliil 'r 'l'ciur- . On Jnnunrv 10. IVbruary II anil Mnreh 7 the Wnbish will run exiurslons via New York .mil the steampr I'ome tn Porto lllco \lso on IVbruarj 13 a thlrtilnv tour of Old Mexico Pol rates whUh Include all ex penses , and further Information tall oiv or wtlto N I'L.YTON Hoom 506 Knibich bloiK Omaln , Neb M See out e o e | A Big Line of Patterns o Barney & Berry's ' o i * Wlnslow's ' H Klipper Klub 8 na © i o c MISIJ 01 T 11 vi. vi : or ot it O | , ; ) _ . - , ( - slt-ilM f < ir 25t'S 7. ' * Q for ! . ' < ! SI.Ml ( for Tfic u lilK line Q of othviN lip ( o > ? -.UT . n a ® ! MILTON ROGERS & SON ! RJ 8 CHICAGO and EAST. ST. PAUL and MINNEAPOLIS , KOTSPRINCS & DEADWOOD. New Citv Offices , (401-03 ( Farnam , Slippers SLIPPERS ON SALE. Men's $1 imitation Alligator Slippers , only . 63c Men's § 1.25 velvet embroidered Slippers , at . 89c Ladies' $1.25 beaver cloth house Slippers , at . 75c Ladies' 75e felt house Slippers.on . sale at . 38c The Celebrated "Stetson" Shoes For Men on Sale. The "Stetson" is the best shoe that's made for men. Wo ha\o them in velour calf , enamel calf and vici kid , the latest styles and hand made. "Stetson" in every pair. Call and see them. The "STETSON" Shoo for Won he Famous "Ultra" Shoe for Women. \Ve \ have them in styles in vici kid , fine calf and patent leather , with turn and welt ed soles and cushion cork inner soles. The "Ultra" is the latest up-todato shoo for / women. The 'ULTRA" ShooforWomon. LEGGINGS ON SALE. ' Misses' line § 1 .Jersey Leggings , on .sale at . 69c Boys' fine § 1.50 Leather Leggings , on halo at . . . 96c Jioyh1 $1 Canvas Leggings , on wile at . . . . . . 49c , Ladies' ! J5c ( hergaiterb , on talc at . l8c 'HBH Q w I " You do things differently 0W © ta 0 taQ Q from other people at your store/ ' Who says SB so ? "Almost everybody. ' ' And it is true. It ta must be true , from the laws underlying the o IH operations of the stoie invariably working out o certain res-ilts. 'aa ' absolutely © o in It is , { jottinu the ritfhi kind of { foods. I" In 'Cjulatinj prices. Iwa ) ( ( a In keeping up freshness of assortments. 6) a Jn imiinttrinmu f/uantntecs. 6)o 6)e 'a ' In truenew of wvicc. 6)o tan The past few weeks has proven beyond o n a doubt , that ihis store is a store for the pee 6)O a ple. And now the overcoat man says there's 6)H a been no let up in this department. We've o a been as busy today as we were last Saturday. 6)H a It is getting the right kind of overcoats. Reg e ulating the prices on overcoats , keeping the H assortment complete , guaranteeing every over 6)H coat we sell , is the cause of the no-let-npness B now in our trade. B H This is.just the right kind of weather to talk overcoats , isn't it ? B a B Ciood , warm , Irish frieze ulsters as low as B ra $ ' 5.7f > , and you can spend us much as you wish. B raa The $7.5U , tfO and $10 ones are above the aver H B IB a age of overcoat worth. You can have your B choice of brown black ' B B gray , or , and we've BH ; -ome astrakhan trimmed Beaver ones with P B H frog fastenings , fancy serge linings , extra a BB a lengths , at $ l'J.f > 0 that are very swell and styl 9 tn ish. Your tailor couldn't duplicate them for 9 tnH twice twelve fifty. 9O H Other overcoats in a full assortment of col H H ors , all sixes , for 8l.f > 0 , § 0.73 , $7.50 , § 8 and B This is a good overcoat e-tore. eeeae0eo o o e ® ® o9eoeaeae ® ® o o G eaeese ® Max B. Brummer , 714 Broadway , New York , closed out to us 3,200 pairs of line pure worsted pants for spot cash at GOc on the dollar. Every good dresser knows Max B. Bruin- mer. lie is recognized as the leading cus tom tailor in America , lie has never before sold trousers for lebS than § 13.50 to § 10.00 wholesale. lie never pays his tailors less than § 1.00 to $3.50 a pair for workmanship alone. The trimmings and finish even in the lowest priced garments are better than you can get in Omaha from custom tailors at S10.00 and § 12.00 per pair. Largely overstocked. He closed out this big lot to our New York buyer at a sacrifice. This purchase includes all sues from 20 to 50 waist , "and. 29 to 36 lengths. We can fit the short and stout , the tall and slim or extra si/e men as readily as the regular sizes. These pants are all fine , new , handsome patterns ; a perfect fit is guaranteed ; the shape and hang .are absolutely correct and they will retain their shape. There is not a pair of pants in the lot worth less than § 5.00 and they run in value up to § 10 per pair. We put them on pale now in four grades at $2.50 , S3.75 , $4.50 and $6.50. There never lwboe'ii biicli a bploticlu ! stock prcnoutcil to vvobtorn buyers at fetich roiiiurlvtibly lo\v liifiii'oa. Coniu in and boo these. Together with the above we also put on sale 2000 pairs of \ men's all wool , stylishly made ca&siinere and cheviot pants , the regular § 3 and § 3.50 values for only $ J./5. JXtra pairs of punts nro tfood iinoalniPiits.m \ can't ullotd to inibs this oppoi tunity. Mail Orders Promptly Filled. "The experience of want , enhances the joy of plenty , " of Best coal mined in Wyoming. VICTOR WHITE , 1605 Farnam. Tel , 127 Dr. Jno , Roy , Chiropodist. COIIN" " ? KLM JVLH ! ' nnil m > N w nine- Ir rul iiHiili m. n < > Uiif < pinlcbH op trillion. \\arts , moli 9 Ulrtli in n In h r I'i'l HHIIT- QUOU3 lialr roincivcd with Llmtiliity 111 u k- tnuil t yi > painted natiir- i rl up p r .M ye arg Ivu iili iron ron- BUY THE GENUINE MANUPACl-UUBD DT CALITOKMA 1'IG SYRUP CO. \OTC THE : NASIK. ' lit l | > lii ri n < / e thorn B"fn > i tin piili i f i u > i in 11 I fi Ii u | , ul I : Ii > il i lonilily , n jn a * ' HI tfltt Ii * f I _ ' l II 01 I IN , 111 f'l i u littvniifb / tl a yi u afn r J t 1 I i m A l > youi ii'n 1111 in r tud i fur u f-ainplu cupy tu I tit. AdCUM , ( o ( JJ Ota * v , t liieu j , ' J- SI'KLIAL NOTICi : . Kodaks and Cameras \\o huMi hud a larger aulo than ever on < 'itmeias thlB Chilfct na , und will lion ( lee out tJiuse lufl at prirCH In HOIIII i.tHtw umler test heforo taklnc iiuentury of blixik mi the lt > t of Jan- uai > uai'I Ills Is H iiro oppoi tunity of getting liiut elub Cumetas at bottom prUe * M.llt IIS nnil ollirr uooiln ill rijuiil n iliielloiiN. The Robert Dempster Co , , 1215 1 uniain St.