uIK OMAHA DAILY 1JIE : Tt'I DAY , DEC KM BISK 2(5 ( , 181HI. SPECIAL NOTICES ; Aelv prllNcircnt * for MIONI ciiliinntft "III liu tnlion until ja in. for llie e-\e'iiliu- oilllliin nml until Siiill | i. in. UP iiieiriiliiu mill Siiiida > cillllon , KnloH , l J.UC u wiiril llrnl liinvrtlnnt lis uonl tliorenflor. .Ninlilni ; tielcoii for If , * limit tKif fur tinllril limar- llon. 'Iliese. nelv crllnciiiciitM mint lie ' Kit I'OIIHI Olltll oj | , Ailc'rtl - < e'i N , liy r < * itic.MliiK n liniii- lii'reel uliucU , e-nn Int\i > unsVTi'rM nil- . * ' " "e'1 * " " iiuli T 'il li-llfi' In t-nrr of Tliu Hoc. AiiMucrs KO nililronHCil | " 111 In1 ilcll\i > ri > il mi iirc'Nvntntliiii < il , Uc o.U iinlj. WAM IM-SI ruA no.Ns. A STLNOGRAPHEH ; When jou want ono plcaso cull up the Remington tjpewilter olllce , ltd ! ) rarnam street , telephone 1373 A 303 \VIED place t < i \\nik fet mum anil hoii I , nin A 0 L' \ \ Address H > t , Lid. A-.MWI : ' MALE HUM * . \\ANUED , we liuvo BtcmU work for n Tew ( food hustlers ot ifooil habits nnil .appear- atice. C. F. Adams Co , 1019 Howard St. LJ oU > ' ? v'E WANT MEN to sell o'ir Mlnncsoti Broun stock In northern lovvn anil no'tn- onstorn Nebraska , complete line ot hardv riults ornaini'iital trees shrubs , plants nml cvcrprccns , mon with or wlthotu ex perience , whofo present employment does not tmv thc.rn In proportion to the amount of onuigy th > are expending. should get ruin ilnttd with oilr line of work Address Mnniger Agenty Depnitmont. The Jowll Nu" rrv Co , taki3 City , Minn ( EstVb- l.ihed In 1SGX ) " IJ-M4S9 D23 WANVED. medicine salesman ngonts to travel. country ; pleaTint. prolltnblo work Marshall Medicine Co , KansaB CMty , Mo B-C1G D2D WE TEACH Ihn barber trade thoroughly In short time mid furnish rich graduate with a Riminntot-d position nt good wages. Theio are more than ten barber positions nd\ertlnd to ono at bookkeeping or shorthand - hand Write for free catalogue- and par ticulars. Western Eatbars' Institute. Omaha. n MG.3 CAfill for Acceptable n FUate It pat- ontcil Ailrtross The Palenl Record. Bil- tlmcio , Mil boy\th lcllver The Hee Cull nt clrculutlon department J p in. B-M217 AN Intelligent voting man to tnko u short hand scholarship and pay for It when ho hns finished Hie eouiso and Hccurcit u po sition Address T 32 BeeBM11S DYER and rleiincr wanted Pantoilum R-4IS 25 \ \ ANTED f"r permanent olllco position , Hirer thorotlgb.lv eompptent nun with not lo"s than ono Jim's ipi ilunte , to hire and si liool liy correspondence 01 per sonal Interview nnd kei p t work book or life Insurance salesmen We also wish to employ ono each thoroughlv competent liookkeepfi ami correspondent Good snl- nrv to tlioioughlv competent men of good habits Address quick BlUnt ? UK" p\perl- tnte refen-iu t-s sal iry expected , date wlun could begin , also fot\\inl photo- uraph which will bo returned W K Main Co , Iowa City 1 > 11-M401 23 * WANTI2D Mini to levirn barber trade , CW positions at $ ro monthU waltliiR out i.rnil- tiUts , new Hi Id , tan earn tuition , UM months completes , .all Inform it'on ' will hadnsomi I'lOO ' sou\enlr mulled ftee Moler I3.illicr College Chk.iKO , HI H-l7b 'JO * "VVANTHU Traveling salesmen to oirras u side line u quick-selling speciality li rhlldr- s overalls Parker A. Ilorfmiin Pnbuqne. In H-M-JJH-A * WANTHD , bookkeeper for wholesale im plement lirtuso , must furnish Kuntanteo bond , state ago and rcfeiences T 43 , Hee U 4 Irt 23 * nxMnNT POSITIONS Don t prepare pare foi am chll HcrUie ot census e\ ninlnntlon without " -oelriff our t U VOKU ! of Information Sent ftee Column ) it fonespondenn ; CollCBO , AV.islilnston DC , . j H-bVi 2.- . SAIjHSMAN wanted to sell complete linn of Ulbllc.itliiKi nllB , wcAther-piuof. jialntH and greiaes , lllier.il p.ilnrto ipliable man The Champion ncllnlngCo Cli M land. Ohio , U MS70 1 \VAMun nnir. WAN ! ED , 200 girls. 1521 Dodge. Tel 876 C 501 AN Intelligent lady to take a shot thane scholarship and pay for it when she finishes the course and cecities a nosl' tion Addrora T 3S , care Bee C M417 THOROUGHLY cxpeilenced pileslndlcs nemo other need npplv. Superintendent People's Store C 411 OO MPETENT girl , family of llnee 1 North . .2IU1 A' e C Jlw-J3 * GOOD girl wanted at the Creche 1'itli nm ] Hni nes C ItO-i ! * 1-oR unN'i IT YOU want vour houses well rented pluco them with Bonewa fi. Co D 603 CHOICE nouses cottages , stores Henry B Pujne. 1.01 N. Y. Llfo 'Phone , 1018 D 50-j PINE residence , i holce location 11 looms , all model r , excellent stable. Btmls. Paten \ . ton block D 307 HOUSES , stoics. Bcmls , Paxton block D-503 MAGGARD Van and Storage 1G1C capi ! Ave Tel. 14 % D 309 RENT , houses In all parts of city The O F Davis Co , 1500 Fnrnam street D-5K , GOOD lar. o barn for rent In north pare ol city. Inquire 2121 Locust U-1W JToUSEn foi rent in nil parts Of elm citv IJiennan-Lova Co , 219 So 16th ctrcet ctrcetDS13 D-S13 IIOUKP.S for rent J II. Sheiwood. 423 N Y Life Phone 3SS. D-313 RUNT , des'table houses and flnts ningwalt. Haiker block D MS63 S-HOOM elesniu nnartment-- XormaudK j ; ; 00 fi-room , all-modern rottac' ) . nex\l papered and In line shape , } 25 do Wo 1m mam others Fa > nu-Inidvr Co , 1st tloo N V If " 'ilg ' D-MSOl LAllGHST D Wqad , 10 \ : DotfiltS HOUSES to r rt Pflllorson. 3C3 N Y Llfo D-310 H for rent at UM ParK ti\ ? . all mod ern Apply 2130 Ho 33 > 1 HI. Tel 12J7 12J7D157 D-157 nm ltiNT. R-room lnu o all modern con \cnienirs opposltu Ilnnseoin park 15. Park a\e Inoulio 2150 S J3rd or tele phori 1J27 D M107 V13HY pleasant nppfirimont or Hat of luiiins and buh , 'ioil location and gen home M. J Konnnrd it Son , Suit 81 Hi own HIocK. D SjJ I'OIl HUNT KU So 2ith , / loom" , inodori WO 3007 Webster 7 rooms , bath , r.-J 1Mb C ruoniH , barn , laigo jaid. ! > ) t Ho nth t loonis. also ilatn. Itlnswalt Hros Harkep Hilt D-'U7 1 nil iiKNT 'J % I'.ipltol u\o ii'ioom inoi in liinisp marlj papiMed , lingo } ulil llie HMUH Heed Co. 21. S 1 Hit fit 7 s Smith asili. neat M moilurn Iiou o largo lawn , chuap wlntor1 priio X"I Smiil. Slt-t laiircliuiulhoniD lOhtclBiie if \ P IlopiiiiN Large bum : i.cilal In iiMitfinniit for ulntor 'H ) Not Hi 'Ith , Li cottage nnd burn , clt ! miter $ ! - " > lti l mtuoit , bmii now cou ige , b I. ' iVdiil , 2-1 will repili. } 1 i-k-7 Smith Stitlt , l-r cottiiB < } , will furnU ! i\ 1 1 1 r $5 , slu L htrret , Soutll Olimllii , i-r cuttafit i. ) Ilunm 30 , r S .Vat'l , IJanlt 1 > 1 d'K ISSS I 23 PlUHOO.M uiittiiKo , i niuoiiUii.t. will an Htini water : l Illpiulo fctreet. ! \ppl ut W7 N lOili l UT | "Ult HUNT. 7-ronin In live and Inn ) m il i rn ixiept furiuic 22.S5 rariiHtn * 't $3i I ) | IN'V ItUUIilNP. 1SW r.irnim P l.'l 1 fuR HIM - aiorb" | > k bulliilnit c\ . lent I i it u foi" tnliUrt or wl > ol. i R 1. I'vtcn Jv V.u 1 > 2 1" in MI D 31 u .1 rim i r.i i I ' li.\rsiirl : > - ) rnnm modern lioit'fin w t r.irnnm iiNtrirt with burn If von u nit to tn hiui i kerplriR it Is all iend > Imhidlin K""d girl who will Mn\ with n smnll fnmlh Will tent for winter 01 PI HIlongfi | t'i Rood partA < llronf T K , Ho n-SVl K roil HI : > T rtiiMsnuu UOOMS. IlNlStui ) rooms , housekeeping 2f21 St ap's i-M4')52S ' ) heart ean wish for at the Urunswlek , low pHcei incltuied 13-M479 Pi | _ _ St'ITC ntcy : ! futnlBheil roomH , aultnblf for two 17OT Ix-uenworth street , econd lloor to the left 12-410 23 Y furnlshud room . slenm , elevator and bell boy service , bntha free Inquire Schlltz Hotel. U-JOI 23 AIIOI3 fiont room with nleovo , private fiimll > modern coincnlenecs 3 > "i Notth 23d Ht U-4M SI I'l/It.Mblini ) ItOOII.S AM > III ! MID , Hi : Merrlam family hotel , 2oth nnc : Dodge. l'-oll * J'KXISHCD rooms end board 2fll3 DOUR- Ins st r-MSOC EyniiYTtllNO hfnrt cnn wish tor nt the uninswlck. iow prices included ! ' M172 S S 19TII , deslrablo rooms and board I' M238 Jll * 51'SIHAHLn furnished room , modern con- \enlenc.e' , pihnte fumllj. 70J So iUh. I" V.I-27 * H rooms lltst-ehsM board Jj > t llnrnej r-MM 27 rou HUNT sioiins v.\n ofncns. "OH. HKNT store In Hrat-class location , rent rutsonnble. Anply R C. Peter" & Co , ground tloor , IJco Uldg. I 2C6 "OH RENT , n ground tloor otllre , specially piiltublo for ical estate , etc , splendid viult built for use ot city treasurer Ap ply H C Peters & Co , ground lloor Heo Building 1-2G7 "OR RUNT Brick wniohouse , two lloors , each COxOO ft. power elevators , U P tra'Kage Apply Iluarnmtm Hto 1011 S 20th 1-631 SIXTEENTH and .laek = on st on Jan 1 , corner > -tore and Insemcnt. } .V ) a month. Inquire at the Brunswick hotel I"OR RENT , two-story brink building. 1311 and 1115 Hartley St , good ll\cr > barn or warehouse , low lent IOHN W. ROBHINS , 1S02 Farmim. 1-423 31 Offices $5 and up VITF.D STATES NAT'L BANK R L'D'G 1,100 sennit o feet on ground tloor Large vault eiunrter-sawcd oak llxtuies Fainam street cnlranco. Also store , 1S02 St Marv s nvenue , cheap 38 U S Nat'l Bank b' I'd g 'OURTEENTH and Dodge streets , Sw cornet , three storj and biaement bilck , tiart or all John X Frenzer , Opp old P O 1-MSWi IT sells for cash , pleases the lutjer , anil Is making agents rich , household noveltj Write fo - territory Sutlirvc Hroa , Keokuk , Iowa J-M2S1-2G' CAPABLE men and women can mal\e good wages ttlllng our "Quick Meal Cooker and lleatet , " ot "Quick Kindlcr" ( Sub stitutes for Kindling coal ) Agents allowed liberal commission and exclusive terrl- ton Wille for partlculais or Inclose $1 for Camples Bennett Manufacturing Co , 111 Van Bmen St , Chic tgo J sm AVVNTHD TO YOt'NG man desires place to work for board while ittondlng hchool Hoyles' College , Bets BUs Tel ) s4 K-M221 PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co , 912' Sll Jones , geneial storage and forwarding BIT \VANT131I-TO 11UY. ALL kl id" ot household oods. liotcls , etc in large 01 s > mill quantities Chicago Fur nituio Co , 1100-10 Dodge. Tel 2020.N51S N-51S WILL purrlu.se a limited niinibet o Om ilia Sa\lngs Bank accounts. Brennan Lo\o Co , 219 S IGth St N-519 WANTED , to buy , a restaurant outtlt Pee pie's Store , 10th and Farnam N M213 C CAR loads at once of furniture Drop t c ud and a man will call J Levme 30 K 16th N-474-D 7 AMERICAN dealer- buy secundhand furnl line and s es 1719 Cumlnc Tel ion " JUS I * J-J icon bAi.n run.MTimc. STOVES AND rnRNITl'RE. no rea oiv able offer refused Neb Pur Co , 111 ; Dodte O 520 WE slill ha\e a good line ot hecond bant stmes and furniture at reduced mlees Call J Lewis , 101 So 14th O-M7SG J3 l.'UH SALE 31KSClil , VMotS. SHHU'g to jrdeii. Keliey & . Ile-jdeii. y jjj CUTTEHS otiliugprlcutf Sherinuni7 Cunnuil Drug Co , loU Dodge St Q j.'j PUNCTURELESS blecle tlicb | Om j T Dodge _ Q CJJ foil 8ALE-Tcn R-I-P-A.N-S for i CetTlT ' elruggiste. Oneglu lolluf 'J. , _ lT UAsT Plorlst 1S13 Vlnton st 'icT fr Pluiitt , , < ut lloweru boquets , hall na ' lciee\voddlnn' and grave Ucee 'at ! , 3' on by mall 01 e INIMAN tollcs. mounted hei.eJs.uc Q-3.7 _ _ _ _ 2"5 TlAND safe cheap Dei'ght , mo Parmm _ _ _ _ _ Q-5JJ N"EW pample sewing machines , Jlj Onnlii lllcyde Co. Q-.M W ) _ ' SAPES-'niiy. sell , oxchanse. Ill S nth St Q-32S _ _ AlTvERTlHINO calendars Rurkiov Ptg Co Q-M7 9 TVc31 _ POR SALE , new nnd 2d-hnnd soda foTnT tains ; monthlv payments a n Rich mend. P O Rex C.7 Q-M-12 J13' _ ' ITUI ALE , 'lim ceU-binted WIIhui ro"oi for fattenlnr stock , enough feeds tei Ins one animal l.tW ilnss for $1301 , atlKfne tl > n pun rani coil II A Hill , tate agent Oranit Island Neb. Q2Jj J1J \MIH ; i TWO MILLirN PEET OP TIMREHE CxP C\ ! 8\S. 10x10 J2M2. 12x11 FROM 16-PT 1O 10-FT IJJ.NCn'JIS CAN PURNlSll ANY LENGTH DESIHED , Annnnss CHICAGO HOUSE WRECK JNO CO , EXPOSITION OHOUNDS OMAHA , NEU , Q-5i3-31 115. lil'V.S Stelnwaj upr. hi ptam goo i.oiKl th n ' . iph 01 easj pu > meni < ; Ai : il-ckH p ic. Ike O-MWS iiR a\LE Lur aiiiD ( join ! for I'hi.stiui prixniM eh imoi la wut > ho < i jewelr : mu U initiiinitnl elk Dluinuiu ) I < t Oil ! c , 13U Douo'las y MJ37 31 POMi i : uiM ( it I.\MIU UARDMAN PIANO sllKhtl > u ed. milit be old Ht onrp T ? ? , UPC Q M4r 25 OMAHA \VINOS \NI\-Nune MUII llt rlc 1 1r Hte " S * | > < > CJ-MR MISCKUjAMUltlS. NOTICE countrj doalfrs , 2d-hand furnlturo &sto\esnt lowest prices ciirloail lots or less Chlcngo Furniture Co , HCC-10 Dodge R-530 MRS. PRIT2 , ctalrvovant. SOi N. 16th S-331 3 532 ( ; n AM ) MRS RERRY. biths , mafSEiigc. parlors bert equipped In the city , poicclaln tub , Ida Tony of ChlcngJ , attendant Crounse blk . 119 No llith st , opp P O , 2d tloor T-m 13H-D 2C * MME AMES , R. 2 , 607 S 13 , mnsngo"bitlla. . T-M750 J2 ELITE PARLORS , CIS S ICtb , upstairs ; llrst-ctasM batlis , magnetic treatment L.ielj attetlilnnts T M33) ) 5(5 ( UEATRICE HARLOVV , oleRant massage tub bitb. Arabian tiontmont Plat D , 70T So Ifith T-lll J7 M.ME SMITH , room 2 , IIS'N Ifith T-M5II 31 * VIAVI Is woman's wny to health . (40 ( Heo UldB. tM ) SHAMPOOING 23c , hair diosslns 23c , Inlr ami toilet gootlb , best equipped. Monbclt , 15IS l-nrnnni. U SSI MONIIEIT. lending chliopodlst. lals Far- nam , 2d lloor U 3.J8 PH1TE hospital for ladles befoio S. iTur- ing contlnemcnt ; babies adopted HW N 17. U-537 SCALP & lialr treatment. Mme Post. 319VS S 15th. U-5W LIEHEN. costumcr. 1313 Ilowaid. Get calalogucs U M Sack. 311S 20th Cata loguc U M900 J-S' feico.\DHAND : scvvlntr machines from $500 up Neb Cycle Co , Cor 15th and Ilarnej U-M9S5-J-9 - - - DR. DAVIS , specialist , IGth nnd Dodge U-191 THAT word Rinltters Is n new one to me , CharleOh that Is nothing , Mnttle E\crvtlilni ; Is NEW , nlco nnd Inexpensive at the Bumswick cafe U M22J DR ROY , chiropodist , corns removed , " 3c nnd upward. Room 12 , Prcnzer block U-533 AM shipping half carload ot futnltuie to Uuffalo , N Y ; who will share cat with me Address A J Agncw , 211 S Kith t , city U MI3S 23 DRS SIMPSON , Opticians , 1-KI4 Paimm v in 2S , \ ANTED the address of Mrs Snnuel Mealos Address J Brvant Cot'iln Kv U M571 X > > MO.M2Y TO lOA\-nL3Alj KV1'VTI3. $1,000 and upwards to lonn on Improved city iiropeity inil farms W. rarnnrn Smith & Co , 1320 rarnain W 53D MONEY to loan on Nebrask i and Iowa farms : lowest rates. llrennun-Love Co 219 S 16th. Omaha W 340 JICO TO J2.000. F. D. Weacl. l7th and Dmiglm W-nil WANTED , city and farm loans , aKo bond , nnd warrants R C Pctcis & Co 170' rarnam St , Bee Hldg W 543 WRITE us lfyou _ wint a lo-jn on jour farm in Iowa , eastern Neb or Mo ; It wlllpay > ou Anthony Loan & Trust Co , 3n N Y L W-543 $100000000 to Invest through Banker" , Brokers , Promoters ; send for circular Imestors' Directory , N Y. W-3J5 ' G PER CENT money. Bcmls , Pnxton block W-541 MONEY to loan on tlist-clnss lmpro\Pd city property or for building purposes. Pivne- HardcrCo.N Y Life W-1 ; ! ? 5 , G'6 , C per cent loans In Omaha , S Omaha W. II. Thomas , DO'S 1st Nat. bank Tel 1G13 W-14S MONEY to loan at G and 1' net cent on Omaha property. W. B Meikle , 401 So 15th W-530 MONEY tn lonn on Improved Onnha icil estate Bronnan-Lo'vo Co . 319 South Kth W-531 FIVE per cent farm loins Clins , E Wll- HamsfAi W 549 PR1VVTE mone\ low i.ete no clel"n ' Gnrvln Bios 1CH Parnom St W 410 310M3Y TO IjOA > CHAT LOANS MADE ' . O SALARIED ppnpr 7- holding petmanetu positions , on thcJt nni bonal note without endorsement 01 hifnr Ol-1-ur- ity , strictly conllde-ntlal and nt - - ONE-HAL' " TUP USUAL RATPS Before hot row ing see us , as jou will ttmi it { .reatU to join advatUaco , we , o t , olde-t. latest nnd enl > incoijjointeei in , u " „ eotnpain In Omaha Oinnhu I , Loan Co 11 ! > Ho tt.l of Tt.,1 , , ! , ] „ l/ot / , ' nttel Pariiam SH Telephone J-jj"/ MONEY loaned snnileel peophTToTiiln- manent po ! t'on with tesponaible concern , , " upon lluir own names , without seeiiilu " " easy payments. Tolmnn , "Ob N LOANS made to sal.atled people an personal note without secutlij reasonable J W Ta.vlor 40J KaHJacn block li to C Io p in. \ JM _ irONEY loaned on furniture. , , bicycles' diamonds wntehes. e.c ; pnjRiciit uii- known to friends Omaha Loan UanK lllfl Parnan. . upsfilrn _ _ X-55ii MONEY loaned on pianos , fuimtutc , horses cow. ) , jcwcliy DufrCiiccn , n i , Uiirker blk' _ _ _ _ _ _ MONEY loaned on furn'tuie. pianou Jeiv- cln , etc , unknown to friends , monthly pu\ments halt tales uaigera' Loan Co HD8 rarnam , over drus stole X.M7Ju ' " " " MONEY 'io LOAN ON" LOW HAl'F.h-EASY PAYMENTS. OMAHA MORTGAGE LO V.N CO 3CC bOUTH 10I'll STREET MONEY loaned on pianos furnitute , jeiT- eltv , hoi see , cows , etc C P , Heed 319 S 13th X-53S LOANS TO SAL \RIED PEOPLE cm" ptovel In Omahn South Oinnhn anil Counc'l niuffB holil'np ' good posl'lons. on their o-vn nameh NO MORTGAGE BIIS'1 TERMS , evervthlmj Plivntu , money can , be paid back In mi ill weekly 01 monthly pu } ments American Lonn Co , Room fOl. Pee Hide X 3uO MONEY to loan on furniture , pianos , hoi es cows etc J W Tijlor , 401 Km- i bach b'oi ' k. 1" to C r. p tn X-SVS ijToNEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLi : holdln ? i erman"nt positions on their owi nnmo without pndorspr or m rtfasi ( > STRICTLY CONPIDFNTIAL mil LOU' . FhT RTP.S No Inmtlrles mndo of em- plo > cr 01 friend * ' You can borrow nn > amount nnd iepn > 'n easy weekl > ot n'c'ithly pivmont ! , Rcforo bniowing see us Omiihi c'r lit ( "o C E Jennings Mgr , faults ; j3N Y Life Hldif _ III SIM > * I II MERCANDISE STOCICr-VV ba\e dl > goods , ilothlng , stoiks buots nnd shoes bnrdware drugH and griucilOM block1 locati'd In all parts of NolnasUa l wn Dakota and Mlasouil If sou \ > ant to bu > or ttadu for n stock of goods wo cm 'ocnlc If you want to eell jmir goods 01 piopcrt ) we can lliul a bujer lor > ou Wiite or cull on us fr-r what jou wai.t llntc'ls fnr i-alo 01 trade McrtlnndUt HroUci , 202 Karbach blk Y-M130 Horn \N1 > RESTAt'IlANT- erfhl orvliulo tiling bin palronoie new . tttit Imuho 610 S 10th st Y-uU Jl \ \ \NTEH T. "di io Bimiolurtl' < l f i n k In i Will rut ibllxlii I lu u 1 II p.tid UM vial . ' 1 pit icuf lUcitl * u > > i i ifi ! fcrMlllug Ci J Killer ' ' ' it , Lin.In , N. U \-M-509- A * III SZM til V\U > . \ V(7 "S , nrcounts and tmd debts of n.l klndi collerted NEVER PA1U Stntn- men's nnd remittances mailed wceklv Illehefil commercial nml bink references OMAHA LEC.AL AOP.NCY , suite Sll P'rit ' National bunk bulldlnc 'Phone 2SS1 Communicat ? with u and we wilt send a .ellnblo collector for your account } . Y 562 POR SALE. 2-Phalr barber shop anfl 1'onl hall , receipts over Woo n month in the best 7"jO town In northwestern lovvn A W Holt. . Rnltlo Creek. Iowa. Y-M321 3J TOR SALE whole or hnlMntcrest In tine butcher shop doing flue business In best town 'It state. Address Til , Omaha lice. Y-M 2 1IELV , $ "iM per mo to start n. mall order lnmlnp s in pelf-hvpnotlc-henlltiB Prof R E Dutton , McCook , Neb , L Ho411 Y-M52-2fl ( ! * TO ln\i"tom ntiel Bpeculntors , my system pain the Inrgest pcre < entngo of protlt , for Week oidlniT Dec Kith SO per edit over nil PMIPIHC" A bomi tide n < tual ln\e t- ment nt perulntl\c c.inr.ti ter with losing ihnneos el mlnnted bv method Poi par- tldilnrs address E E ParleM Adams St , Chicago III yMM" rou i\fii \\n. ; CLEAR LOTS-Want neeond-lnnd building matetlnl Hoom 36 , t S Nat ! Hank building ; X-Mr.31 Ji &Aii-iin vi , PAYNE-HARDER Co , HEADQUARTERS for HPAL ESTATE RARGMNS LOW EST HATES on LOANS , SOUND IN- SURANCE. HOUSES PLATS. STORES , foi RENT Plrst lloor N Y Life Bldg . RE-MIOI NOTHING but bargains handled b > S. A. Rroudwell , 601 N. 'i. Llfo BldgREM1CW RE-M1CW HOUSES lots farms , lands , loans , also lite insurance Hcmls. Paxton bIK HE-5u3 POR QUICK rotutns on bargains only sx-o S. A Uroad'vell , 501 N. Y. Life Hide- RE-M40I HW DOUGLAS. oheipoM. iiifeldo bu"7np"s propct t > on market Wallace , sole agent. RE-M15J A PARGAIN Pour acres , -loth nnr Pacific , two bltirks Irani car line , on belt i.ail- rond. $2BOO. easv ternn McCnmto ln- \estmont Co 150G Dodge. RE M7 So1 acres , thife miles north of Plorence. nil In timber , will eitt bi-twccn 400 and BOO cords of wood , for J1.23D Ten acres on West Dodge St. , macadim , half bout s drive , $1,000 Tne Byron Rceil Co , 212 S 14th St. HE-ser. SNAPS In real est ue nonej : o loan t , L Johnson Co , 311 S. 15th street RE 361 LOOK at 270S Capitol Ave 7-room frame cottigo , nearh new , on lot 50x135 feet , bouth front. Price , $1,40000 This H a bar join Byron H Hastings , 212 S 14th RE-S33 FOR SALE Bargains In small residences. S. A. Broadwell , 01 N. Y Llfo Hid : ; RE M107 POR HARCAINSe\erybdy goes to S. A Broailwel ) , 501 N. Y. Llfo Bids , RE M403 IP YOU have a bai/nin to offer in real estate sec S A. Brondwcll , 501 N Y Lite Bids. IIE-M40J CO ACHES within 30 mllus of Omaha I' O in-tocm house barn ,0xro some fruit trees tine place , Improvements ensils wotth $2.00H Pr'ce , $1 000 $0"0 for south front on Manderson street between 27th nnd JSth streets sie nOxl.'o $300 for WxTJl feet , facing e ist on ,0th street , opposite Millet park $2230 fin IHe acies on North 21th stiect east old Port Om ilia JOHN N PRENXER , OPP OLD P O RE 51,2 HENRY B. PAYNE , C01 N Y LIFE BLDG Heal Estate , Rentals , Loans Insunnce RE-56S C P HARRISON , FARMS , FARM LOANS " ' RESJ15' HOUSES lots farms , \nelf 1 and Insurance. R C Patterson , 303 N Y , Life. RE S71 oyrnoi'ATi/v. JOHNSON Os'eopathlc Institute. G15 N Y. Life Bldg , Alice Johnson D O , ladles' dept ; Gld E Johnson , Osteopathlst , msr. -5SJ M E DONOHUE D O , ot Still school , Ivlrksllie. . Mo , C01 Paxton blk Tel 11177 TYPEWRITERS foi lent $100 per month The Smith-Premier Typowtltci Co , 1,2 ( , > Pai nam St Telephone 12SI. ri74 WE RENT and bell the best u newrlters made , largest stock of supp. ' M in Omaha United Tjpowrlter S. Supplj Co. , 1C12 Par- nam 573 i , F ( ) N Standard TV pew i Her an-J supplies 1C10 Farnnm 57C THE Oliver Typewriter , visible writing , heaviest manlfoldet and cuts the Ilnost btencll Tel 2270 J S Stewait , Snoclal Age nt. SlbVj S Pith St , Omaha 577 TYPEWRITERS , secondhand 1110 Farnnm -5,8 , i.osr. I.OST-Satuida > moinliig about ) a m a lad > 'H Htnall black lenthet puise contain ing , i } 10 bill on the rentte on South IS'h St to bt M.uv H avijnue and St Matv's avenue and Ifith St Re tut n to Airs C II Fr.'dc'tlcK lot leward O.'l South 1Mb Si Lost 4 US J , LObT S tturduv evening , Ixlweon Dodii nnd Capitol nveiiui palt ilnik him Kir nlnves lii | * \tt \ Flndi'i please letutn t riomifon iv Bclden foi if wind ly M3 > i7 2l ( SHOIITII VM ) AMI TYI' A C VAN SANT'S school. 717 N. Y Life 370 AT OMAHA Bus. College , IGth & Douglas. 571 I1OYLHS COLLEGE couit icportet pilncl- pal Bee Rldjj .72 NEHHASKA P.usl'iess and Shotthiind col- leer' Royil's tlioaie. M 151 or i\xii ; vnu. PHI'NCH Get mm SpanlBji y pet month Prof. Cll lliI iltl " 01 P > vd theater 317 I'AAV.MMIOKUHS. JEPPERFON SquntoLoan Olllcc 4tS N 18 -5SI EAGLE Loin Olllro , reliable accommodat ing , all hurlneis conlldontlai U01 Dolii ; . las 3S5 Mr.i > n\ ! , . LADIES , o'd ' Dr Bell's Cotton Root Plllt the best f-afe n liable TiKe no othir Send 4o stamp for nirticttlnrs Dr Well , Box 718 St LonlH Mo .M OS J1S * " ' LA DIES' Piie 11 irmlehS Monlhh Rcgula I tjt , cnnmt fall Mrs li Rowan II 2J j \ - 3 .120 * METROPOLITAN Win Uarr mgl $1 K $121 Uib und UoiiKlas Phone Sll MI82 Ji ! i AM > STD'ITUItlMi. CI RED J ill l Viu.'lin 4-0 RaniBO Uld I.M xnin. OMAHA STEAM LAPNDRY AN'D C1T1 TlU EL .SUPI'L'i 1750 Leivenw 111 Tl 517 in uir 1 I CUT H\Ti : railw iv iiikiteieiwvhere P 11 Plillbln 1505I.il nan. I'lumo 7-4 III It I ) S AM ) TIMDERM * . i I S'JOCK a Bird alyre 10"U Leavenw rtt I rtt573 H E & E _ . . _ . made to order and repaired US S 151K M-S37 * i in NK \rioiu. . T'IPNKS tnvpllnK bng suit cn < = cs. Trunks repaired Om Trunk Pnctorv , 1219 Pnrnnm -3S3 TVU.OHIM : . LADIES inrkets , men clothing altered , latest stjle , cieancJ Max Fogcl , 307 S. 17th -79. J-3 me\ciis. NE\V nnd econdhnnd blcvcles nt half price. Louis Plcsher , 1C22 Capitol ne Ml n \tits. . MAIL postal card giving jour address nnd receive \ Unable information I' o Hov 111 Omnlt i M"27-J ' 1 Ml-ICHI , 1 > I , I'llMi. HASH HI RNERS , limps nnd chnmlcllnra replntccl Omaha Plating Co , Heo Itldg. 170 C.VM1V. OMAHA Cnndy Store , fresh hotncmmlo candy , 10c , 15c nnd ISo Ib 300 N Ifith. -G30 D11 I"l It.MTDIIK I'ACIvINO. M S AVALKLIN. 2111 Cumins : Tel. 1331. 5S-1 IICIM : . IN FAMILIES. Miss Stunlj J2il | Daven port JI 202 J12 IMAM ) PAC'IOHl. PIANOS tuned tepalied , by experts , low charges. C feommer. . .21 S loth ' 'VI ' 2 3J -772 D2'i MLIvEl , IMTIC. . SKA 1 LS bolloU tound all klmh of plat ing Onmlm PI itlng Co , Hee Hldg 5.1S I,111.1 , M'l'l ) ( l > . STOCK HOI DP llfl MEETING OFFICE OP LEE-GLAbS-\NDREEPEN IIARDUARE CO , OMAHA Neb , Dei U , IVi'l NoticeIs ln < teb > given to the stocK- holdcis of Lee-tlat.s-Andrec ; en llaiel- waie Co that the annual meeting of thu i loekholders of the companv will be held at the ollh es of the said cotnpanj 1J19-12J1- l.2t llnrnev street , In the eltof Onnha , in the ' -t Ho ot Ne1 ! ) ! ikkn. on Ttiesdnj .1 inuary ' . ' , A D 1DOO at 3 o clock p m fc" fie ptn pose ot pl"ctliiK a bo.ud of dlieitots for the companv to serve during the ensuing jear nnd to transact such othet business us mn > be pre entctl at such mietlng H .1 LEE Pic-ldent Attest. W M GLASS , Secietaiv D103H M bTOCKHOLDERS MEETING I tilon Land Compinv Nollei Is lierubv given that the annual meeting ot the stoi khoklets of the Union , Land cotnpam for the election of live direc- I tors and the trins.utlon of su h otlur nusl- i ne s is ma > lawftillv e ome befote tin rnpot- Ing will be held at tlio otllce of the ientral solicitor Union P.iclllc bnlldlnc , Omaha , i Neb , upon Mmi'nv , the Sth da > of Jan- I unrj I'M ) at 10 o c lock a m The stock tiansfer books will be closed I ten dnj s piev ions to the meeting New York Cltv , N Y , Dccembet 13th , 1S9D ALEXANDER MILLER Seciot u > Ducl'JdJOIIM NOTICI ; The 1 nlon Rendering < ind Re lining : e om- panv of Smith Omaha ( Incoipotato I ) m knowleelge Its tot\l Indebtedness i" nppi irs on HID faie of Ihnlr books at close of vt n Ctidirg Dec 1 1SW to be Twelve Ilundud iinel Twentv-thtee Dollars mil Nine tvnine Cents ( $1 iil'li ' ) E C PRICE Soutll Omaha Dei JJ I'teshknt It CJOVIHMII\T PROPOSALS POR HtlLDING M \ - tetiils etc U S Indian Seivlee R J e- but Agencv Rosebud S D , Deeembii Hill. 1S91) Sealed ptoposals , cmlorsod "Pieipisals fin HulldltiK Materials , etc ind addre' sid to the undeisignecl at Rosebud S D , will bo iceelved at this agencj until two o clonk p m of Saturday. Jamiarj I'th 1900 I ir fuinl"hlnB and delivering , clthii at Valen tine , Nib , 01 at this iigencv within flftv (30) ( ) davs after iceelpt of notice nf apptov U ol contiact , i varlet > of building mat rials cti , consibtlng ot assorted lumbei , shingles doot windows metal 'hlngles , eoiinnt lime , plumbing suupllcs oils etc a full list anil dcsciiptlon ol which mav be obtained b > making ipplleation to I In undeislgned Bidders will state speiillcilh In theli bid" the prouosed pi Ice of eaih . nitkle offc'eil , and point of diliviiv All I .u tides deliveied nndet any contract will I be snbje > i I tc a iild inspection befote ac- I ceil n 11 ot ic'jeetlon theieof 1 he ilnlil is t'setvid t' < i eject an > and all bids or am prt cf m bid , If deetned lot the best in- tetcsis of the setvlee L'eitilled ilinKs Euli bid tnu'l be an iiinDaniid bv a .liu chenU in diaft upon soiiie.Unlli el Hint's depositoiv e > t solvent natluitnl bunk in liu \lilnltv ol the ri"-ldiiiee ol the blddet mult puj ibh to tin onlct of the Commlssluiii i of Indian aft.ilis fm at hast live pet < ent of the amount of the piopinul. whlili i hei K oi eliuft will be lotlelted to the Uniti a States in on"e ativ blddet or blildits nuiv- ing an award shall fall to piomptlv t\ ecuto i lonttact with good and sullli ii nt sutotles , otlliiwlse to be i etui tied to the bldde i Bids nei omuinleil bv iusli In id u 'of ' n i ei till H ! i hoik will not be eonsldeied Foi niv addition il Infotmntlon rtpplv tn CHARLES E MeLMlESNE\ S Indl in int I1' ) I1 * ( Should bo read "daily by all Interested , ns changes ma > occur at anv time i Foreign malls fet the wei k ending De- uinbii fl IS'i'l , will close tPROMP'l l/i in 1 all cams ) at the sonerU postolllci is fnl- Hews PARCELS. POST MAILS elort on. I Iioui cnlllet than closing tlmu shinvn be low Paieol post malls foi Geimanv cluso nt 3 p m AViiliiMjiluv for dlsp iti h l t s s i Hhol'i Tin r-Hluv and 5 p m lildiv I t itel x H Glut \\uliln if TlIIIIMIlllllllllC MllllM. WEDNESDAY At 7 n m ( supplejin iH.u \ 9 a m ) foi EUROPE , pet K s St Paul * vie Soiilhampto.i ( letteiH lei liolnnd muni bodlioited 'net s St I'uul j.ai'Ja in isu' > iil < me'iiturv 1onii m ) fin El'HOI'I per s s Ti utcinl * , via Qm enntovvn , at 111 JO a m foi HELU1U.M d'U'it , pit s h \Vistiin mil via \ntvvetri He Item must be diluted 'pot s s > \\osioinliiul ) at iJ 111 fill A/.UHL ISLANDS eliiict pit s I'eniiiBiilni TI1UH.-DAY At 7 a m foi i'RXM'E > -\vl'iyEIII AND ITALY , SPAIN POK- TUGAL. TURKin , IXFiPT and Hill T- IHI1 INDIA , per B s Li Brctugii * vie HIIMO ( Icttoin foi othct parts ot Eumpe must be din f toil "nor s H Hretm-ni i SATURDAY At b n m for NETHER LANDS d'tecl pel s H MuaHdiun via Hoitetdam ( Utters must bi > illrooti il pi r > H Maagduin" ) , at 9 it m foi ITAI-v. per sVoiru via Naples ( lelteth must bo dlic'Ctc-d "per hVmii ' ) , at Io 0 a m ( suppli'inuitniv 12 m ) for EUROPE , per s s Cnmpanlu * . via queeiihlovvn I'Pilnted Mailer ou Gorman steameiH i-atUnK ° " Tucsdaya lake printed matter , i etc. foi Goimnnj , nml spcclnllj ad dressed printed inntter , etr , for other DuitB of Europe American anillillu Btar ultuinoia on \ \ uilnoscluva , German stenmurh un Thuisdajs , and C un inl Fren h and Goiinun nt umers on Sum div take printed mitt < -r. etc , fut all counlrics for which they nro advertised to cury mull Vfiu the i losing of the supplement n v trrfliKRtlHtitl mulls named above aildi Honal HUppUminiiiO nn'bi .no opi m el jn tlie nlerfa of llm Amctrleiin jnslNh ; Fionch and German itcnmors and remain main nuon until within ten inlnulub ol the Iioui of sailing of ( "earner " MnllN fin sun ill mill Cent i nl America , | \lo l liuiiiI.ni , j TUESDAY At p 111 for JAMAH' \ | n i I Kle inui from HcMton \ \ P.DNI.SDAY At 7 u m fur JAMAH \ pet learner from Plillaild'ihia nt 6 a in foi HLHMUDA pei H Trinidad at 'i ' ii t tn ( hupliloni ! ntai > 10 40 u m ) foi I EN'- TRAL AMIilUCA ( ee * > pt < 'o la RIeu ) urn . OUTH PA < 11'1C PORTS , pn * K \d- value v In ( 'nlon ( k'tli'lifur Uuuteniiln n.ll'O In > lll ed pi i K y \dv 111 i ) il p a in f' > r II I Hid Uli'n 8 'I ianiui | l * i siiu Juan at i I HA > I i V I \ \ i \Vll ' Iv I i' ' i I < HI vj'\s , | \ , II . * n u I 1 rji i n i MM in u I 5 V lh I I | (1 n. , i i I > | ii S Ansl , , i Ai.'lim at 1 p m fu ML.\lv.u , IHI s a I'OMOPI'lt'lJ M l F- Ithnkn v IB 1'nmpiio de ste-s mi i ii tec ted ' rer s < LInkn l THUHSDA\-At 1 p n f - SVNT1V nnl MANX.AN'ILUl per - ( I , nfi' i 1 RIDAYAl 1 p tn foi I1 ! Flllo uii per i . Mae- , via S , n Jinn u i , , for JAMAH \ prr f Oi'sen i i ic -VIS.11. * " directed "per orlsi n ) SATtHj y A , , „ , m for , v , , , x I V COl NTUlirs dlmt , pet ? Mu , mir Vt t W tn Jui > plomMitnrv in M > ni i t 1 FORTUNE ISLAND JAM MCA s\\ 1V NILLA and CARTHAGUNA PI F Adlrondnek ilotur * for iv tn Hi be tlllKtrcl 'per Adit OIL ! i t..n. , ! tl ' 'upplPlnpnlnn I" 1i > i 'V\IT' ' ' ' " ' * " 'Viiilos it 11 t I IIA per s Mexleo. vli 11 iv i / ' , " > Wniplfflientarv ' I TO p u , , TURKS IS'L\ND nnd SAN n 'MINi per s s New 'iork Malls for Ncvvfotltullnnd , by rail tn North Svdney , n'lcl Ihonca by steamer cli it tlili otllco daily nt S . " 0 1 > m toonm tin. : c-loio here mofy Mend tv W i ITS nml Sutureinj ) Mulls for Mliiiuim in mil to Boston and Ihence bv t urn i close nt this olllii etalls at v i i m Mnlls for Cuba by mil ( o Pott Ttmiu , Pin , unil tin nee bv ttlonnn - el s a this olllce I'ally ' except Momliv at * 7 a m , ( the connecting clones an mi stiml i Wodncseliy and Prlelav ) Mulls f , r e nbi , bv lall to Ml mil. Fin , nnd ll m bv sleamer , cloiu nt this ollko cvuy Sinn , iiaj , 'iticMln ) ntnl Satutclny it j n a in , ( the connecting clo iM me nn Tuedav nnd Sntutdav Mulls fur Mixlm Citv overland , unless ipoclallv nele1nfm ii'spitili bv ste.unei climat this < n e e dallj nt ! ! 10 a in nnd 1 ! in p m M ills for Cnstn Hlnn Belize , Puerto Ci.iloz nnd Guatemala , bj rail i New orloin * nml tlienco bv steamer , e'losc nt this , tllco elnllj til * 3 p in , ( cnniie ctlng closes hero Motidnvs fnr HoUi , Pueito Ceittez and Guatemala ) 'Reglstete'd mull closes at C p m previous ilaj Rcslsteied mail clones at 6 p m. second ilaj 'oetote. 'I'llinsiiuellle MnlN. Malls for Clihn , Japan nul Philippine- Islands via San Fiuiui iii e Ins , itin elallv at o 10 p. m up tn Dc < c-mhi i "itli Itwlus've for dlspitfh pi t s \ | , ilii tern must 1m dltfi lerl 'pet \-IMI ! > ! ills for .Suelet ) Islmd , v'n San ' clo'o boil dallv lit I.30 p in up to ) im ber * 2tith Inclusive foi ilNpilih bv s',1 ' , , , ' 1 tuple lliul Malls fet China ind J ip in Via VlUlltmvi r , tlilbO liete dllllv ill I , ,1 p m up to Decombet * 2i > th Imlushi for dlspitch pet t s Hmpicss ni Indie ( IK , Isleiiel mall must be illielMiil 'via Van couver' ) Malls foi china J.I ] ) in mid tin Philippine Nlunds , via Seattle , i lose hue dallv up t , to p m up t ( ) Denmbir * .7th Inclusive toi elispatch ii i s n lilyuiul 3liiru ( URlvteiiMi mall must be dlteuol "via Suittlo ) M ills fet China Jap in mil Philippine Islands , via Timmn < lose Inn itallv u i w p ni up to Doiombii * 'uh Ili'lusvc foi ellspatth in t s s e'liv ut I ondon Mulls fet Austnlli ( exeept \ Vit Austiallt , vvh'ch rfo - via Eut 1,10 , mil \i iv Xealund , vvh'ch geuv via i-'in Ftninis. 01 Hawaii and FIJI Isiands via \innoii\ei close hire1 elallj nt t , o ji m up to Di- i cm be i * JD in lti lve for dlsp I'eli i > i i s s AeunnU Mills for Hawaii , China Japan and the Philippine Islands via San Fraii- ' ( ( clo'e here dallj nt li ! 0 p tn up tu Jinuniv 1 Inclusive1 foi ellspiiib pei s Gn/llc Mails foi II iw till via Stn Fr in clsto close bero elnllj at fi 10 p m up to Julumrv * f , Inclusive , fm dlspetih per s s Auslialli Mnlls for An unlta ( except \\'i t Australia ) Ni w Xe ilatul Hi wall 1 IJI aril Sdinoan IsMiids vli Sin l'i en- elsoo cloc here dnilj nt f W p in nfle r Decetn iei " and up to Jnnuirv * J i In clusive 01 on d tv ofnu'vul ol s s Cnm- punlu ilue at NPVorlt J.innniy 20th , lot dispatch per s s .Momin Tintis-Puclllc malls arc forwarded to pott of hailing dallj and the schedule ni clos ing is ni ringed on the ptoiumptlon of tbeir unltileiiupted overland tianslt Rcg'stercd ' mall closes at o p m provlous e'av CORNEI IUS V\N COTT , Postmistor i PostoIIii o New loik N i Deetmbci J2 , IHIL\V\A TMIIJ TAIII.U. CHICAGO , oT PAUL. Minneapolis i\ . Omaha H i ivv ij "The North western Line General Olllces Nclraska Dl.l- sion , loth and Webster Ms Ct > Ticket Olllci\ nul iaiiiatn St Telephone , CC1. Depot , 15th and \ \ ubster Sis Leave. Arrive. Twin Cltj Express ( for Sioux Clt } St Paul .x. Mlnneapoiltl . . . a C 00 am Omaha Passenger . . . a 7.00 pm Hlair , Etnci'cn Sioux City , Poncn H.ai ting- ton and Qlojinflelil b 1 09 pm bll.10 pm NoNe 2 Twin Ci' ' ' L't d a G 33 pin No 1 fimab i L'mited. a ) 00 am a Dally b Daily exceuisunda > FREMONT. EL-CHORN S. Missouri VaK'j Hail- load "Tho Northwestern Line' General Olllces , United State" National Bulk Bldg , Southwest Coiner Twelfth and Fai- nam Sireets Ukket office 110. Farnam Street Telephone , 301 Depot , lath and i \ \ ebster hticet.s. 'ielcphone , 145S I Leav e. Arrive i Blcark Hill * Deadvvooa , i Hoi Sptlngs . a 3 00 pm a 5 00 pm Wyoming , Casper and i Dougln . . . d 3 00 pm e 5.00 pm Hastings \otl > David City Supiilni , Geneva Exeter and Pew aril b 3 00 pm b 5.00 pm Norfolk Verdlgie- und Fiemont b 7.30 am blO.23 are Lincoln , \\nhoo and Fremont b 7 W am blO 23 am Fremont Lei a ! c 7 20 ant a Dally o Diily except Sundaj c Sun- 'day cn'v u Dall > except Patun'ay E dally cxrep1 AI" iflay CHICAGO & NORTH- wi = tein Rnilvv.tj "The Noithvveslein Line"- C'tj Ticket Olllce , 1401 Fa1 nam htreet Tele phone. 5G1 Depot , Tenth ppeJ Mason Streets , Tule- Leave Arrive , .light Chicago Spe- c.al . a f 40 nm pll 53 pm Chic pro Passenger a 4 15 pin alu.ll ) uni Luskin Express liea Moines , Mar .halllown , Lcdar Rapids and Chicago cage . alO 33 am a 4 03 pm Eastern Limited. Chl- caio and Eiutt . a 1.53 pm a 4 03 pir Fist Mill Chicago to Omaha . . a 2 45 nir Onniha ( hlraifo Special a 7 30 pm n s 00 air Mull S 30 an n Dal' ' > b Dally except Sijnday rx CITY .t PACIFIC R illroail "I'lici Nortlv vvct'tcrn l liio"--Genern Olilces , United State- National liaiilc Rul'JIiiif SV Corner Tvvelftl - and Fnrnain Streo.9 Ticket otllce , JJ01 Farnam Street , Tele phon 501 Depot , Tenth und Maser Streets Telephone , 629 Leave. Arrive. Sioux CUV Mnnkato & hi I 'mi I M'mv apolls a 3 33 am a 8 15 an St Paul Minneapolis , Mnnknto d hloux City a 5 30 pin all 01 pu Sioux c'ry ' Local. . u S 00 urn a 1 30 on a , Daily UNION I'ACIFIC-"TIIEOVER Innrl Route Gtincrul onices N E Cot Ninth and Fnniair Stteets City 'iicl.et Olllce , I30 ; Fuinnm S reel. Tulcphonn , Jic D pot , 'lenlh .ind Masot Sticets. 'icli'plione , ( , Leave Arrive The Overland Limited a s 50 am a 7:20 : pn 'I In Pant Mill ' ' < 1" am a . ii un Tlio Colorado Special all .JD pm „ c.31 an The Portland Special .a S 50 urn u 4 40 pn I Lincoln , Beatrice and S rumMmrg Exptess b I 10 pm blj ii pr Pacific Express . . . .a 4 2o pm a o 35 un Grand Inland Local b 6 IH pm b 9 25 an South Omaha Pns-t Leaves , a. 10-15 a. m , m ii ? 'io ' p m , b 5 25 p m Couicll Bluffs Local-Leave j , n 50 n m 7 15 n m . 7 5 n M , 10-i. u m ; 2 15 n m , 3 40 p m . t'j p m , r > 55 p m , B ia p in 10 id p m Airlvcs , C.20 H m , 7 50 ( i m 1 < r i m 11 V > a m . 1 03 p m . 4 ] p n , 5 55 p in , S 30 p m , k 50 p m , j "tt Dl ly o Daily except Sunduj CHICAGO , HOCK ISL ' ami , V Pac'ilc Hnllroa' "Tin Grcut Hork Isl nnd Route rity < y\0\ \ \ , el Ollleu U > 3 Famui ! Street Telophone. i Depot Tenth , v jiiisui btreets 'I ekphono. U' i * Lcuvo Arrive . DCS Molncs and Davcn- I nori Loial n 7 03 nm bll:35 : nr e ii i > , I npiehs bli ,3 am a s 10 un ChUu u Fa t ENprfio a r , 00 pm a J.fi nr , -t I aul l'a-t I tiirii-s a 0 jel pm bjl.J5 an LH ' 'In < 3 ! itiuo BpK' . | D.-n\n Pin bio anii DMclnts Hock Ul. I and and Clt'cago u 7 2. ' , pip n 5JO : pr Colorado & . TOXBH Pl > er n 5.5 pin n 9:20 : ui i u Dutli b Dnllv fljcicpSunUj ' M A Ii \ S H \H.nOAD 1 1 km filll ' 111 , I'irn u ! * Sin et 'I r I p H i i u j jj , M : li i Hi i \ | , , \iWU \ ii' ' ' 1 H > t i e Ii9 Li > A i ve I bt 1 uut Cannon Hall i xprc s a 4 33 pin a b d Dulij II VII AV \ I IMP. 'IIU n. K CITY ST 1O- I l i nun I Hluu4 il ni I Vhc Hut 1 UK- i l > i- i r 1 ickot Olllev , I- J I irnim Street Tele , p . .ne JiO Depot. Tenth and Mr "in Street * Tele plioiu 310 l.ravp Arrive Unions i tiv Piv Hx n s o * > nm n 5 15 pm Kansas i liv Mglit I x nio 15 pm n G 30 am M I , < > u s MVI i for St Joseph anil St Louis i I 31 pm nil 15 itn a Dallv HI * u ; < ' RURUNOTov , t Qnlncv Hallroael "Tho Hin llngti'ti Rump' TVket mil i , 1502 Farnnm St 'I i i J'O Depot , Tenth * at i M i o'i ritucts TeU- i 'n ' no. 310 Le iv e Arriv e. Du.vl.ht i hie oca Sp tlnl a fi 10 .am ( bunco \ e bull11 1 x n i > DI pm n S 03 nm e hi iij. . . ' \iirrs n s if > n tn n I Kl pm e bli ai.i' ' A "i L 1 x u 7 13 pm a S 03 un I'aeltl Jun tl in I oial a 10 13 nm Pi t Mall n 2.45 pm u Dallv 1 _ _ _ m „ . _ _ ill RLINOTON K. Mlb- i > ml Hive * Rallroul- ' > i Hurllncton Route ' -iem nil onioe' . N W Coin r < nth nnd Far- tutn Streets Ticket eitbi o 1 iff.1 Fartinni _ - S'Tet ' Teleuhone , 2"iO Depot , lenlli nnd Mason Streets Tele phone Jlu Leave Arrive i.n : oln ll.ntlnss anil Mi Cook . . . a S 40 nm n 7 40 pm Lincoln Denver , i olo- r ido. Utah California a 4 23 pm a 3-33 pm Lincoln. Hlanc Hills. Montana .x I1 tic ft bouml . . . . n 4 "i pin n 1 00 nm Lincoln Locil a 7 d1 pm nio 3" . am Lincoln Fns' Mall a 3 00 pin alO Si am Denver , C > l ; ulo Utah , * L Cillfoinla . . . . ti C 35 nm n Dnlis l HI PACHMC HA1L- ( It net tl Ollli Cs an 1 I Olll < s Southeist Cor- lltli and Douglas Sis ne , 101 Depot , Ijth bs it Sts Telephone. . . . . . Lea\e Airl\p St Louis Kansas Neb Limited n i " 0 pm . pm K CSt L Lxp-"ss i 9 " 0 pm H D DO am Niln.iMia Ixii nl Ma \\atcr b 5 03 pm a 9 13 am a Da.b blullj csn'pt Sim "ay . VII \ & fc.T LOUiS HAII road Omaha , Kansas C liy , V Fistern Halltuad"Tlio C.Hili v Runic Tills * . Of- 1113 Purnim Street ' 1 li i > hon 122 Do ot , Ti nth and MiliS Sttoets Teli- pbotie w9 Leav e. Arrive. Louis Canron Hall \pr .ss a 4 aO pm .a S 33 am Kansas ( , 'ltj and Qtllnc Local a IT am a S 30 pm CH1CA GO. M11 XvUKEE .1 Pt Pant Hallvv iv Cltv 'lloket Olllcc , 1501 Pirnam Stieet Telephone 2SI De pot , Tenth nnd Mas > on SU Tcl-nhono C2) ) Leave Arrive Chicago LlmlliHl Ex .a 7'33 pm n S 30 nm Chicago .v. Oniiba Hx Ml 00 am L > J 33 pm Sioux Cltv DCS Mo'nes Express . . . , bll:00 : am b 3:55 : pm u D illj b Dally exceut Sunday I-\SSIM. or run i rOIMII. . Ulst Inel l\ e niei Iciiii Hi The"e are Itullcatlutis , K.IJS Hie Sprlng- llel 1 Hcpublkan , that the one dlallncthe \\etpon of Aim-Mien the ie\ohet , tis char- nctetlstlc as the mnrhete of the Sp.inlsh- Aineilctn , the bolas of the Pampas or the boomenng of Australia will slioitly be a buK number The iinelttlon ot the 10- \ol\lim cjlindci is , not American it hid been foreshadowed long betote it came Into practical use but It was In America Hint it was developed , and Americans hae tltown the most apprecl ttion of Us merits In llctlon jou may Um > \ \ the Ainerlctn bj hl3 pistol , cxi'ii as by his elHluct The occupa tion ot the wild west ga\e opportunity for the do\clopmetit of a mliaculoim eklll which excited thu labting n\\c ot all who had the good fuitttne to sco an exhibition of It nnd surhe In mlllt.it y use , , ilt > < > the te\ol\er has plnjtil a more' piominent pitt In tlio United States than clfauwhoie During tlio el\il wai the c-unln of both hides acting i.uhei as motmted infantry tl-an as c.n- altj rtojet showed gttat telianee upon ( In Hix-bhootci Pot rest , Alosbj , Morgan nml othet cotifeileiiite leaders , e peclnlly in the incgulai c.ualtj , had little cbtcom foi the bwotd as tompaic'd with the pistol , polntln , ; out tint a sibetaa of no utllitj if \ou wete shot bcfoic coming within hlrlKIng distance Iloth armies were full of expert io\ol\cr shots , linlmd In n htrenuous bchcol who plnrul thelt bttllelH with the iiiBtlnctheness of a boy throwing it a mails and wasted no time in the care ful sighting which Is unfoitiinatelj char acteristic of llie ctncK American laiget bliooteti , ot todiij Cmioiislj eiioiiKh In this lespea the Etigliah ate sttperloi 'llie. , inako : i sptciilly of off-hnnd fclnoting , and oin cracks me at a disadvantage fiom being tialiud by a method which Is enliielv alien to the loiigh-and-ready spltlt of the noipon If a man wants to dtaw a bead let him get a taiget illle with peep-sights 'Iho onlj i.ilson d'etto foi tins re\ohei Is theni'id nt liltting an uneni ) and hitting him riulrK AH a taigut weapon 11 i < > in- feiiot to the single-barrel , because the escape of gas between the cUlmlci and the bail el Is not a constant quantlt ) Pot Its purpose , as i hand } , quick-shoot ing weapon for close i HIIRO In an emut- gencj , thei ie\ohu ab ele\elotil | h > Amci- Itnn itiucliiitlc.il lligentilt > is an iMilllely adequuln weapon It him thn dlsid\antago that it it ) slow to iclonl , but as an English olllcet who luiil hcdt fei'Mlcu on the' Indljtl fiontler leccntly testllled in spe.iklng of this point tliete Is bcldum nee.il ID relo id in linste If six sliots dnn't ntop the enemy thete is nothing to do. he suld , but to tluow the * weapon in Ills face H Is piobabl > h - c IUHC tiiu need of mine taplil II 10 Is not fc'lt in otdlnarj use , and paitlj from the tfellng that llie A mil lean aim lias been perfected , that Ameilum inakeu were ! ow to reall/e the Blgiilllcancc ) of llie de\olop- inent cif till ! box-iiiagn/liic pilnclple1 In mll- llniy small niniu and the posslblllt } of ap | > llng It to the pistol \t all o\enlH , the Yanltie ln\eiHor , while holding his own In machine gun imptuve > - iiienl , iniH fallen hi hind in hinull aims and j Istols Till ) United States UHCS a Etunpuiii ilflo in thu atiny and will adopt the tainet in the mn > And the dmcjloimiont of a HCI\- icetiblei niiign/ino pistol , whleh ought to ha\u mini ) fiom New I nglaiid , wan left to Oei- mnn inanufacturors The n-iein tciitH of tliu Mauser plJitol nt the amiory in this city show that there Is no eompiliKOl ) butncen It nnd tlio nun Ito rcnoUii. Tlio Mauser fctcdi in Its cartridges in pirketH of tc'n They cnn bo llre-il at tlio tate of mnon n Heioml , and it tiikcb RUM tinio to ifloail ihnin thun to put a nliigi > cartrldgo into n rinoher. In Bhool- ing the comparison IB Kju.illy one-bided A it'\ohcr lias no gient punetiation and little IK curacy except nt slioit range Tlio Manner sends n stei.'l-Jaikcted hullut of 20 cullicr tliiuugli tin inch steel plato. Cued .IH a cut bine with tlio slock provided. It can taint tinplfico eif n mugHet for um.slikrdblu rangeg AH n pistol it splto foith deatli with n nipldlty not di earned of by thu most practical cowboy Thcto can by no ouwi' * tlint lot millUir ) purposes tlio magazine ple- lol IH tliu coming arm Kor tavaliy It nerves adcquutuly as u rarblne , and nt nil range's it shouts with n force and proilalon will li ccuiii by no possibility ho attained bj a weapon which dllunn part of tlio gas to cniln [ ! licforo tlio bullet lias lull tlio miuilc l-'ui ordinary imrjioneM tliu revoluT will still hold its own for the tircxunt , by reason of IU lightm * and compae tne a , but it will piolmhly not be lone before American Ingo- nuit > eiev'KiM u more convenient m < ignilni > pistol than HilH cluinvy Herman affali an < l i hi n ll'i will K" li > join the * 11. m li i it aii'l lln M'II//I ' ! lu.i 1 < i 1 in in li i u < in I i i i.ii i > . i I all I H u 11 I < li I ill I > / > Early Id n - .