THE OMATTA DAILY'HEE : TUESDAY , DECEMBER 2(5 ( , 18W ) . TIIE OMAHA DAILY _ 12 UOSmVATUIl , Editor. PUULISHRD EVKKY MOHNINO. TUItMS OF SUUSCmi'TtON' . Dally Doe ( without Sunday ) , Ono Year. JG TO Dally Ute and Sumlny , One Year . 8 W Dally , Sunday nnd Illustrated , Ono Year S. > Sunday und Illustrated , Ono Year . Z 5 lllustrnttd Hce , Ono Year . * W Sunday lice , Ono Vcnr . ? -gJ Saturday Ileo , Ono Year . l p9 Weekly IJcc. Ono Year . > Uj OFriCES. Omaha : The 13co DtilldlnR. . . , „ . , _ „ Building , South Omaha. City Hall TwNitV-nfth nnd N Streets Council Hluffs10 Pearl Street ChlcOKO1510 Unity Ilulldtng. N w YorU : Tetnplo rourt Washington 501 Fourteenth Street. ronnnspoNnnxcn. Communications relating to news torlal matter should be addressed Omana lice , Editorial Department BUSINESS LHTTCHS ntlslness letters nnd remittance be addressed The llco Publishing lom- l > nny , Omaha nn.MiTTANcns Ilomlt by draft , express or postal or < le\ \ ' . Diiyabla to The Bee Publishing Company. Only 2-rent rtimps ncrcptcd In payment 01 mall accounts pcr nnnl < hecks ex ccpt on Omalm or Histem exchange , n ° l/lCMV / ? ? . Tlin BCD PUULISHING b'J'ATIJMIJVr ill * ClKCUIjATIOV Stnlo of NMirnskn , Douglas County ss ! George B Tzscmick. secretary of The ueo I'tiblishlntr company , being duly B orn- siys that the actual number of full ana complete copies of The Dally. Mo.rnJPB' Kvdnlng and Sunday Ueo. printed during thr. month of November , 1S99 , was as fol lows Net dally cnG--n VftscnuSK before mo this 1st Sub cilbed and sworn clny of December. A D > 3inNC.ATr ( Soil. ) Notary Public _ _ ' 'loto- ' riiiNtmns ( linuor lu I' i la oeius to hnvo lioou cut on by Ihc ntlior follow. Will , tlio Hi"1 of'tUcM-nrlUpntytrtx levy will nunln I"1 " 1(4 lhe < l"ostlon "IUl ' Oiunliu piopoily ( ivvuois. mo lioer I.UKOIS . io u7il cnptuiert 1 tlio WiHIsh mo not tlio.nino KU the KuiiMis lejiluioiit took inisse son ! ot in the I'lilllnnlno1- Tlio lee and the mail can sli.iKu themselves imnrts iind niutuallv con uitulato selves that the vvo.itlior man 101110111- beiod them on Cliiistinas ' dinners Jl.ilhoatl manners' CIiiMmtis UPIO not disturbed by tlio Rliost of notion by tlio State Honitl of Tinmpor- tatiou on the irelpht ate quostion. Ml eyes in Iowa. Avill 1)0 tinned tow . .ml'J > < " > , liom now until tlo , 1 , - . . . oiK-ini/.os and settles upon the v Inner lu thu sonatoiiul eon- tost. _ rvor.v time Ilics inllio.ids i.Hsp lioifjlit Mies llioy nssuio patrnus that they will not have to pa.v any more on their Milpments hut vvhou the bills come in tlioj tell another t.ilc. All HIP Kentucky Inteiests ate said to lune been sold out of the Whisky trust. The KontucKlans aio said to ha\o boon shocked at the amount of water put into tlio whlsk.\ . Tlio popoL-i.itle paper dosfiiuth odito- ilally on "the wolf nuisance , " but falls'to saj whether it is located in the state house at Mnooln or out on the Nebraska ptalik" > . The consols In South Afilca each iccehod a bundle of blue pencils in their C'lulstmas stocking. Tlie old ones have boon wotkod so hard that they aio to be placed on the letited When it ( "unos to ( 'hinK ciodit lor the new library building piomNod Lincoln tlio people of that city will do well to liiHcilbo theitoto ot thanks to Andiew CainoKle lather than to any ol the am bitious politicians who want ciedit for other people's public spiiit and philan thropy. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ The domocintlc national committee w 111 moot at Washington on Washing ton's blithdaj , to IK the date for IM\an's , leiioiiilnallon , but It may safely that neither C'hlcaco. New- York nor I'ldladelphla will oiler ) > 1M- ( ) 000 for the pihilotio of \w\\\f \ \ \ \ desig nated as the domociatlc ( Oim-ntloii city Inasmuoh as the siipieme coiitt has lelloved the Insuiaiuo companies fiom the Imposllion of a state tax the < | uos. tlon forces Itself to the liont whether they shall not bo loiiuhod to pay their duo shaie of local ta.xatlon as levied nm\er \ the p-neial ie > enno and Insurance hnvs pi lor to the enactment of I ho Wotner law. tiold Inicks have been a stnmlaul article In the ( onlldenco man'H outllt lor many jeais , but the silver bullion- alics now piopise to tij to woik oil a slUer one on 1'ncle Ham tliion h the medium of tlie Mipiomo eouit. That body has the icputatlon ot belns com posed of a falily wise lot of mo.ii and the chances of Miccosstnlly wotkliif ; the Bailie aio not A leceher for n failed Ktinsis City bank wound up ita afl'alis ut a total cost ol onlj a HtlK ) over . " > per cent and succeeded In paying all claims in full with Interest. That Kansax City man has set a pieiedont which would be a pH > d thliitf to lollou , hut nnfor tuiiitolIheie ! me nut mail } of his Kind Hank leceheis to > often look at | their position as a pihato snap nnd the Inteiest.s of the cicdltois aie ot only 1 bctondaiy conMdoiatlou I VtAS.IS AMKnHAK. . \ Kansas and Nehnnka woio out of the stall1 of Louisiana as ten ) toiles at the sailie time and weie po lltlially linked together in the real fioesoll stiuiifjle that pipoodod the Cl\ll war. hi that stiunjilo Kansas was luought Into much poator piom- inonco than Nebiaska as the center of the conflict and as a consequence at- tiacted a laijrer number of seltlois , In 1 0 < ) Kansas had a popnlntlini of 107- L'Oti , while Nohiaskn only had a popula tion ol t'S.Sll. In other wouls , Kan sas had mole than four times the pop ulation of Nohuiska nt the outbreak of the wat and a coiiespondlni ; piepon- ( leraiico In wealth. This marked difference has , howo\ei , Kiadually loeeded and every census has shown Xebiaska to be coining neiuer to Kansas , both in population mid pio- ducthe development. In 1S70 the cen sus population of Kansas was : il- ( ! ! M)1) ) ) . while the population of Nolnaska was 1 ± J.09j ; , or one thhd. In isso Kan sas had a COIISUH iraptilutlon ol ! Klolo ) ( ! , while NehiasKa had a population ol ir > ' _ ' , 102. Tills shows a t.ulo ol two to one In favor of Kansas. In 1WK > the population of Kansas was 1.I'J7.0 ! ) ( ! and that of Nebiaska lor > t,7X ! ! { , or less than 50 per cent In favor ol Kansas. The population of Kansas as i elm nod by the assessors for the Hist daof March , kSUl ) , Is l.l''o.lltt , A\hlch shows a slight dociease since the census of IS'.XJ ' and indicates that the census pop ulation of 1KH ! ) will not exceed lf 00- t)00 ) A loiceast for the two states can thoiofoie saloly be made on the basis that the pieponileianco of KanwiH over Nebiaska at the opening of the con- tiny will be less than l r per cent and 11)10 ) will IIml the two suites , neck and 1 neck. The same will al-o be tine with ic- said to the pioductlvo industiies and jceneial wealth of the two states In lsi)0 the ptoducts pi Kansas JUMP estlimited at a fiaction over .s.-V-MtOO- ( K30. the acieage of fanning lands being HI 1 , " 1,000 , as against Nebraska f.uni pioducts valued at S37.70S,1)11 ) lor un acioage of ll.Oll.S'JC. Thl jcar. ac coiding to the lepoit of the Kansas State Hoaid of AgilcuUuie , which mav be icganled as lellable , the total aiea under cultivation Is ! ino.OOl ) acios and the estimated value of ( aim pied ucts SKKttill.OoO. U is to be doploied tliat the State Hoaul of AgilcuUuie In Nebraska lacks the systematic collec tion of statistics that has for jeais ( Us tlngulshod the Kansas state boaid. but estimates ol Nebiaska's faun aciengo and ptoducts that may be legaulod as i ( -liable place the aiea of cultivated lands at neatly 1. 000,000 acies and their ptoduct at a fiaction over ! ? 10i.V 000,000. The Kansas state boiml estimates the value ol animals slaiightoted and sold tor slaughter foi the joar at < r.O- . r : n,7 7 and the value of other pnducts evduslvo of gialn ciopn , viponltiy : , eggs , wool , butter and choose , timber , honey , etc. , at a fuution over lit.OOO- 000. With tlio e estimates it would be impossible to make a compatlsoii for want of tellable data. Thoie is little doubt , however , that Nebiaska can match the aggiegate value of these varied piodnctions , if it does not in some paiticulais outiank Kansas. For example , the boot sugar pioduct of Nebiaska exceeds in value ! , .l,0KOtH ( ) ) a jear , while Kansas has as jr-l established no beet sugar lactoi.v. Although tlio estimate of cattle uilseil and slaughtoied may bo lonoit the value of the moat pioducls should nol all he added to the genetal aggiegate ol piodnctlon , inasmuch as a huge poi- contago of the coin piodncts of the two states is coin 01 ted into moat and on the pilnciple that joti cannot eat jour pie and Keep it at the same time , jou cannot consistently llguie the value of the coin In the fill ) and llguie it again inside the hog. The ( ompailson of the population and laiin statistics of Kansas and Ne biaska Is In other ipspeds very Intel- osting and instructive. It shows , among other things , that Nobiaska'- , motiopolis has a linger population than the tlitoe laigost cities in Kansas , but Kansas boasts 10 ! towns of over 1,000 i population , while NehitiBka can scaicoly | muster hall that number. That tact In- j dliates the possibilities of Nebiaska for additional towns and the tendency of tlio imal population to cluster In cinimuiiitles vvlieievor they po-slhlj lind dosliable location , II Alt HKVHM'fi 1AXATIUX It has boon undoistood that thoie would be no change in \\.ir levonue taxation by the piosoiit congress , or at any tale at the Hist wesHlon , but It appeals that an olfoit Is to be made to mollify the law in some it-spools. Hop- icsontallvo Hussoll of Connecticut , who Is a member of tlie vva.vs and moans committee , thinks that the state of the levennos Is likely to continue so sat Isfactoiy as to vvanan ! congicss in ic- moving or lodncing Home of the taxon under the sjioclal act and It Is said that he will make an ellott to have this done If the reioipts of the gov eminent keep up to it point that will JiistHj It. Mr. Hussell favois lomoval ol the ta.x on aliohol used In the aits , It being uiged that the pioMint ta.x IK tar above the revenue point It Is so high , It Is wild , that it dotoats Its own ptnpose , besides handicapping seveielj many Amoilcan industries Anothei tax of whhli thiMO is a good deal ol complaint Is the expioss stamp and still anothoi Is the patent medicine slump. It K | i cxpi'dod that a strong eftort will be j made to have those proprietaiy siamis | abolished and doubtless the laige ion- cents which make those aititles will dj till they tan lor the icpeal ot the tax. An olloit will also bo made lei j the topoiil ot the beer tiu in the war icvonue act , a bill tot this puipose hav ing ahoadj boon Intiodiicod in iho house by llepiei > entative llahcock of WIsiotisln. who ol ioui e will have the nulled supput of the blowing In totosts Indeed it Is st i"-d that th s Intel est alieadj luih < ' iioj at \\i\t-\\ \ \ \ iiifflon lepiosentlng sr > per ( out of tlu tiade In the I titled States At incbeut the reveuuea of thu gov- aio favotable lo efToils for , modlfjlni : win unoiiuo laxa'mi bin II j Is voiv questionable whoilu .nijn-- > will doom It vvlsfi inintidcin i make am changes wlikh w uld 10 time the liHome ol tln gov- iMiimoiit ( luting the ne\t .vear or two. I'.ut U It should bo thought expedient to do s0 only stieh taxes should lie ioitioved or modlllod as will give geneial relief and not moiolj ben- olll paitlcular Interests. If this polity shall rant tot It is qulto ceitain that neither the patent medicine stumps nor the boor ta.x of the war revenue act will be abandoned , sliue in neither rase would the general public be benefited. It Is safe to sav , however , that ( lie lovonuo laws will icmaln as they ale loi' at least another year. inn The new congiesslonal commillees specially cliaiged wltli mattois lelating to the dependencies aie expected lo have , as pail ol their duties./the cine ol Anieilcan Inteiosts in th/far east and paitlouhuly in China. Theio aie two such commit tecs In tlie senate , one on I'adlle Islands and Puoito Itlco of which .Senator Poiaker of Ohio is c hah man , and one on the Philippines , of which Senator Lodge of Massachu setts is ehnlimnn. The house has a committee on insular affalis consisting ol seventeen membous , with Mr Coiper of Wisconsin as chaliman , the other icpubllcan membeis being the cliahmen ol vat Ions committees. An obvious duty of these ( oinmittees is to foi initiate laws and legulatlons lor the government of tlie islands , but the.v may also have to deal with any questions that may aiise i elating to Ametlcan intetests and lights affected by the now possessions. They aie con sequently voiy impoitant committees and some ot tlie ablest men In both houses woio selected for them The dialiman of the senate committee on the Philippines , Mr. Lodge , is an eainest suppoitor of the policy ol ictalning the islands and his lepnblleaii colleagues aio all piesumod to take the same view , so that so far as tills coiiiiulttoo is uiii- coincd Its liuiiioiice v\lil bo excited In favor of holding the Philippines. This is also the position ol Iho lopublUan mombeis of the house committee on In sular alTaiis. Such being the < asr. it Is icasonably coitnln that anj ortoiis to Induce congiess to adopt a dilToioiit policy Avill tall. It may bo act opted as a foiogono oomlusion I hat ( ongioss will endoise the attitude of the piosidcnt in lospoct to the Phillppini s With icgaid to Ameiii.ui intoiosls and lights in China , nr the pioteetlon ot which our govoinmonl lias .iskod definite assutancos liom the l.uiopc.m povveis having touitoiy in that ompiie , the congiesslonal commilloos u-fonod to may be called upon to plav an im- poilant part. It is well kiuwn thai most of the icpuhllcan membeis of Ihose committees aie lullv alive to Iho iinpoilance of maintaining Ameihan piestlge- the far east and insisting upon the "open dooi ' in those poitlms of China which aio under Hussian. ( ! ei man and riencli authoiit.v. Should those iiovvois , theiefoip , dodlne to nivo the Tinted Slates the definite assur aiKos it lias asked lor that Ameiiean tu.ily lights | n Chlni will be lespedel some expiessl n on tlio pait ol coiuu in.ij be doomed necess.nj- . It is quite | possible that this \ \ \ ] \ have lo be done | in onlor to emphasl/e the attitude ot tills goveminent as shown In the 10 quest of the ndminlstintl'in and to bet tor Impicss upon the Iniop"an ] p > wecs the fact that the 1 tilled Mates is de- loiiniiiod to Insist upon having .ill its lust lights In China icspeftod and to saloguaid the Inletests of its uli oiis llioio. It is not expected that IIUK h logisl.i tlon will be necessaij at the pies ( > nt session ol congiess logaidlng our in toiosts in the east , but the Insular com mittees need not be altigothoi Idle , S'IKO ' tlioio is a good deal to be learned as to the loqniiomonts of tlio now possessions - sions The liaining of a sjstem of gov ernment foi them Is not the only thing cmgioss will have to do , nor Is It pel haps the most dillicult. If Uonoial Wood should caiij out his expiessod intention , and thoie is no le.isou to believe that he will not dose so , of piosocutlng to the limit the deio llet Havana customs olllulals , he will have given the Cubans a piactical les son in good government they will do well to lomeinher. The accused of ficials aie men ol influence and icla- tlvos of the Judges on the Havana bench , ' Tor this icason it had been thought they would not be piosociitod , but fionoial Wood announces that Im partial judges fiom other piovinces will be called In to tiy the cases , riaud , open and unpunished , has been the cinse of Spanish rule in Cuba and other Spanish countilos and If at the outset the Cubans aie taught tlie lesson that olTondois , no matter how high their station , who violate public tilists aie to be punished It will ho a long stop t ivv.ud good government The opponents of the admlnlstiation have never neglected an oppoitnnlt.v to ildlcnle Its appointees. Major Logan , who was lecontly Killed , was one oi their favoille targets , but the voice ol slaniloi was hushed foi a time when vvoid came that ho was Killed at the head of his ttoops. It \\as \ only for a | time however , and then It was Mated that he was Killed by his own men on auoimt ol enmities go\\ing | oin ol his j I alleged ovoiheaiing niannoi Now that i | It Is learned that ho died while in the acl ot doing a Kindly soivice to a. I wounded pi hate soldier the tongue nt i slandei should be bushel loiovoi I I I'l IINIU'l'll ) III ( ! I'O.tOllll'C. ; 1 Uliibt'-lJimucrul In a , jeai of high iirosperlt > the Cost- i , olllro dcvparttnent still runs behind ! 0,0i > 0 , < 00. The present congress will hndl > no. i i gleit to set tills niaHer rlglu I'm Snf < M > . ( 'Illl IgO ( 'III > 'Ill It Milfipil Austin is out nnh uiiuiliu poem rotltled 'To Anna' which ib written to mbpiro the enlistment of > oiunteeis And It la very likely to accomplish ita ob ject Almost anyone would prefer to face 1 Hoer IntllftB In South Africa inther ( linn re main In Ktishnd to he i-iiKtilfcl In tin trf l < rnl of Mrustln s ' | ) r tr I'hllndclDliln 1 lie iucoiiiorntlon of n now sugni compnnv v < lth n permitted cnpltnl of $100000,000 to opcrato In the colonlei polnti to a vigorous light lu nnd out ol cotigrcsn between tlio c\v conccia n d the old sugar tiusi. It will attain Its first lini ortalico when the question of the status of tin.- Islands nnd their com- niierclal relations with the United States comes up for nettlempiit. Alreadj thcic have been protista ngalnst admitting the stticar of I'orto Itlco fico of duty and the piotpst against that from olhcr inlands which are r.ot o elearly part of the fulled States at imseni will be stronger. Uut Is It too much ( to ask that congress shall consider the people ot the United States rather than HIP rival sugar concerns la deciding thcso impel taut questions ? PIBM. -imiirslilii fn Miuilln. Atltineniiolls Times The Manila Demo-racla , a rillplno paper favomblc to Anieilcan conttol , hai sus pended publication because of an older from the provost marshal to icti.ict certain criticisms of the management of schools. The Manila Times hns also Inclined the enmity of tlu > powers that bo b > suggest ing the ci cation of a board of cluritj com- mlssloncis The papers icmplaln that the ceiiHotshlp i-MMelscd over them Is aibl- turj nnd unreasonable Suppicsslon is thicntencd for trinhig errors In news atatc- inents not pertaining to publh affairs. Censorship of the local press Is necessarv In the present unsettled state of affairs , but there Is othci evidence than the state ments ot the Manlli pipers that It Ins been exercised under the Otis le&lme In a tjramilcal and umcasonable manner There Is still a suspicion In the public mind that Oeneial Otis Is exactly the right man for some other position than the one he now holdt , M VTUII AMVIM > ( . I'm oil SM | > i > ulaU ( < stncKM shiUltiK In Tholr l'ioi-r I.IM i > l. Philadelphia Times AVe have had the huulcine of liquidation and Itf Etiddcn loductlon of $100,000,000 In the sharcf , of less ban fift > prominent corpc- I rations , chlclly Industrial The storm ccn- I tcr lai bcrn brolirn , and an Immense amount of liquidation was accomplished at fcaiful lo s to holders and binkruptcj to imm\ . immWe We have now Impioved monetaiv eondl- tlons and thej aie llKel > to continue to Im prove , but If an > assume that the woiK of lltltiliHllrni ha" been accomplishel t'icj ' are grlcvousl ) mistaken The liquidation npcei- snrv to plico our shires and securities vvhl h are so largclj si emulated in on the stock F \r 'itingpB on a sound and rnfo basis h Js onlj been falily begun and it must ron- tlnuo until the work Is cniihiinuialed The tcmpp tuou = liquidation of Mondaj lust enl > stiitetl in violence whit must continue un der more , tnnqull conditions until hundred" of millions of oui present pinch speculative- shares pro effaced from the marl P ! All persciis of average Intelligence will icccpt the admonition so Imprc ivch given bv the panic of Mr-itlaj H 1 ° notice that the purely speculative shaics without pres ent cainlngs ind with little prnopcct. ot future profits must be abindoncd bv those who have Invented In them , and new invest- mc"itn made In "e-uritles which 1m o not onlj preent , but substintlal and enduring profits That rhould bp tbr Inflexible lule of all who seek to Invest in the present un settled condition of tl-e market It IB no time to speculate , but It Is the be = t op portunity llkels to bo bad for sometime to make Investments In securities which arc certain of satlsfictoiy and continued ie- turns The eiso with which securities without anj intrinsic value bi\q been floated rn the markets , tt onormcUFly Inflated prices v\lll make holders of such shares , reluctint to part with tl-em The ) will hope fir an other lido of Inflation and o\peU to ieUl"ve their Icsses but tl'cre is no reason v hat- ever sii"h conclusion Specula tive rntoi prices whose profits are sole'\ founded on the exaggerated thenij that the/ will be realized In the distant future , em never IIO.VP an inviting maikct hereafter The one thing that all dealers hive been triight Is that It Is tafo tr > Invest onlj In ihnroi v > Mch command credit as enllaleral brcauss of their positive earning cnpacltv Thus the liquidation that Ins begun In the tempest must go on mere quletlv until tlio purclj Fjierulatho Hues of oui sto-k markets have brcn practically eliminated Thcso who judge otherwise v ill boerv likely to lose their monej while tlio-t who nt once turn to picsent profit-earning and substantial securities will use their money most wisely Piofit-earnlng PC- cmlties must steadlh advance , and these \ hith aru without profit earnings niust steadily decline Such Is the Inexorable maudato of the liquidation hurilcanc of Mondaj last \TU > . IVului-os of ( lie llooonl ofrrMnlN for SIM oiiilicr. HutTiilo ] } \ : ) rosA A maiked Incieaso In Immigration It. noted In New- York During November the num ber of newcomers was 2G,4f 0 , in comparison with IS 1 % during the corresponding month of last year Poi the preceding four months the flgurcn are as follows October , 2S7'H , against 1D.G74 for tint month last ) eu , for September , 21ICO , against 18,061 for August , 18.C7C , against 12,021 , for Jul ) , 17,59X against 13,0 6 The gain comes principal ! ) from Italy and Austro-Hungary nnd Iheio also has been n conslderablo Influx of Syilans , Arabs and Armenians The movement from Aubtro-lhmgary Is so largo that It Is attrict- ing attention In the dual empire According to the statistics of the Hugailan minister of the Interior , more than 0,500 pastes for pmlgiatlon to the United Statcb have been furnished In cloven months for n single crunty in Iho noilhcin part of the king dom Moreover , It Is believed that at least 5,000 ) oung men who arc near the mili tary ago have come hither without regular pafscs during the same period The emi gration affects Houmania. Servln and Bul garia , as well as Austria and Hungaiy , Many of iho emigrants arc going to ( ! er- miuiy under laboi contracts While , there- foie , the exodus Is In largo numbois. It In not directed exclusively toward the t'nllcd States The reason of this movement appaifntly Is the ver ) simple one of extreme' poveit ) Throughout the enllro region vagis arc Miiall and taxes so burdensome that there Is veiy little Inducement for the Inhabit ants to remain and continue the fruitless l&tiuggle with an unfavorable environment j The unsettled political conditions of thene , countries uUo may have something to do with the desire to go clsowheio for 11 Is. admitted that great changes may take place In Iho whole legion when Hie Au&trlan em peror dies The Internal nllalrfe ofubtila show no Impiovoment In Hungai ) It i the Intention of the government to pie IICMO legislation Intended to counteract the departure of BO man ) pinlgianu The movement however , is a modern symptom ami It Is like ! ) lo grow rather than d ( 01 rase , since facilities for going clsiulicic have Increibcd with the knowledge that better oppoitunltlob for making a living aie to bo found In othei countries | \u increase in Immigration to the t muJ , ' States Is an inteiestlng phenomenon but ii I tobabh will not be considered u un- I porlant OH ii was > few ) eaib ago 13\Mi Ibc fact thai ihp IICWKIHUTK anfor ( he | moil pan from non T nglHb speaking oun | tries ban Icsb siKiiin.uiKr than It did tin the fact of ultimate aeilmllatlon Is unquet- i tlonable. S ( ( II 'I ISO \HHT M'llll V. si Uouls Itepublli Lord Uobpits probably calls for the native- Indian cnvalr ) because he Intend" lo Sikh PHI on the Noen | t'hkago Post Getifial Methuen does no [ have to look foi the Hoers The ttouble I with him appears to be that ho can't ICMO ' i thrm' 1 Washington Stni The Hoers might be Immediately brought to submission by equipping the military exports on the I < on- I don prose with tiintminltlon and letting them tnko nn ncllvo hand. I i New Yolk World The' one redeeming of ttieiit Urltnln's assault on the Hoer lepubllcs l the pattfotlsiii and LOUI- nKe with which the British public meets the humlllntlon of defe.u and disappoint- meiit Thu cause may be bad , but the splilt Is good and It pocs to explain how IlnglntiJ panic to be Orent Britain nnd then Ot eater Britain. Louisville Couiler-Journal The Hoer who conceived the Idea of bonding the BritIsh - Ish a Joke , Incased In a bombshell had , per haps , lunid of the proveiblal dlllleult ) In making Kngllshmen see a Joke nnd took thin violent and fotclblc menus advisedly. lie phoiild have the thanks nnd u.spocl of the many American humorists who have been more or IP'S humiliated b ) Ilrltlsh audience's Chicago Chtoiilclobout Ihe eruelent blow that llilllsh vanity has vet oNpciiencrd Is contained in the Intelligence , which comes to the London Standard via Madrid Unit "the. tlooiB aie disposed to bo modeiato lu legard to peace conditions. " It was bad enough to have been thrashed at Modtler liver , nt Stormbeig , at Tugela liver and at vntlous othei places , hut tints lo be notified that the Boera deem themselves In a posi tion to dlctnlo Icinis of peace Is the last diop In the cup of bitternesbnd the worst of It Ih that the situation justifies the position of the Afrikanders If thcio Is to bo peace the Hoers , not the Blillsli , have earned the tight to name the conditions or Tim citoss. Minneapolis Times A great preacher , a splendid American , has p.tsscd away and his miceeseor will not soon nppe-ar. Huffalo IXpiess The secret of his success - cess undoubted ! ) la > In his gieat slnecrll.v Tew evet heard him without being convinced thu ho believed fulh what he said lie did not arouse antagonism bj engaging In con- tloveiaj Many ma > have ween reason to question his theologv , but fpw ener disputed that his work made for good Chicago Tribune It Is now fort j-tin cc sears Mnce Hiothci Moodv dedicated himself to his life work During all tint tlmo he nevci waveied in his advocacy of "the plain , I radical gospel , " and thousands of men and worn-Mi have been undo bettet bv It His vas an hon-st , earnest , sincere , well- loundcd life A good man has pitscd on to his lew aid Minneapolis Jouinal Mood ) did not believe - lievo the blblo to bo a "back number" Ho believed il lo be the living word of God , with God dhectlj back of it , and In It Ho challenged the opposition to prove It to be i "back number" obsolete , disci edited by the progichslve age , and pointed to the fact that never has the blblo been In laiger nnd more earnest demand at home and abroad. Chicago Chronicle ITrcmotlonal people and mam men of religious minds and habits looked with unconcern , perhaps with dlsap- piovnl , on the labors of Mr Moodj and of pieachors in the same class , but inferior to him In abllltv and pulpit power Yet It can not be denied that ho and all evangelical picachers accomplished great good in moral and social reforms Ills laboi Is accom plished ho has seen the harvest Kansas City Star The last words or Dvvlght L Moodv demonstrated the lealltj of faith In this world. ' I see earth iceedlni ; , heaven is opening , God Is calling me" In thcso tiiumphant words the true believer summed up , at the last , the foundation of a hope that had sustained him In a lifi : of laboi the belief In a God who knows and cares for Ills own and In a icsl that re- maincth bejond the grave Mr. Mood ) was an example of a perpetual and unwavering faith H was his most precloua possession Irom south to age H stronglj sustained him and he unhesitatingly .and boldl ) pro claimed It to thousands nnd hundreds of thousands direct ! } and indircctlj to mil lions There was no doubt , no qualification "I know God " was the meaning of his last utterance , "because I hear His voice I know heaven becaujo I see It ' The ica- j | son men , women and children embraced the 1 fplth of "Brother" Mood > as the people cilloil him was not the arguments ho ad duced In favor of It , but on account of hhs own simple , steadfast belief of It His life and death dlsplnjcd the power of a victo rious faith PHHSON VIM > OTIir.liAVISi : . Justice Harlan of the supreme couit Is a regulai newspaper reader and a subscriber to half a doyen dally pipers In different parts of the country. Walter Williams , n millionaire lesidont of Columbia , Mo , edits two ncwspapcia , la president of the school boiid , trustee of the State university and tenches a Sunday school clafrs of 150 scholars William G. Tachan , n Kentuckhn , was second among the 100 or moie contestants for admission to the Paris FJcole dc s Beaux Arts' section of mchltoUuro nt the recent examination He Is n graduate of Iho architectural school of Columbia college An old Interviewer of Washington says that Senator Hoai Is the baldest man to Interview ho has ever met "Ho Is vcrv ret icent , " saB the writer , "and , unless they know him pcibonall ) , a despair to all newspaper - " paper men When General Law ton was killed the oilier day ho was wearing the first ami only officer's uniform mnilo In tha Phila delphia United States AiHennl'n tillering establishment , which , oidlnarll ) , turns out clothes for privates enl ) Congressman Flotcboi of Minneapolis was offeied the chaiinianshlp of the pommltteo on enrolled bills , but declined ItVlnt do the peoplu of Hcnnepin count ) , Minnesota seta , care w bethel the bills are enrolled or not'1 ho talil afterward when dlscufwlns the offer Kor continuous seivico A H Burr nf the Hnitford Times is piobabh Iho oldest edltoi j In the countr ) On January 1 next 1 will be sixty-one yenia slnco .Mr Buir pur chased an Interest In the Weekly Times Two ) ears later ho lurnol H Into a dolly paper Ho If , still In active service , though 81 ) o.ais old In the TratiHViial wai the British hav > > j ah pad ) lost more cnmmlMloned ofllceifa killed In action 01 dltd f wounds than wo' ' have lost In the Philippines wlnec IJcwoj i Died the Hist shot nt the Spanish fleet Tin j DlitlEh casualty liht imluOea < uhi.\ seven ultima de > ad while outs foi th I'lilllpiilne | la flf- < L\cn and the laitti jiiipiebtnd . ( hose who luu fallen vlMlms to dis < > a > tt > ' wpll as ihti-c killed ni moilalh uuinlrl . I nosi : HOOD ot.ii n vs , Piittllonl Mniitllft n ( online \H < > unit .Minneapolis Tlmo Through many of the eulogies pronounced | on ( Icorge Washington on the hunJredth an niversary of his death , there scorns to run nn undercurrent of prHslmlsm L'tterancei fiom the pulpit , from the rostrum and b ) the press assume that these be degonn its ldas In which we are living It Is presented ns almtst nn article of faith that n man like Washington with his Icftv nlms nnd In- roirupllblo ptoblt ) . could not b ) any possl- I ullltv be plodliced b ) the present ago Now there la corruption In high places and a politic Inn must be without a conscience In order to be successful In the days of Wash ington , rn the other hand there vvcro RCIHI- Inr statesmen nnd p'ltilots , and the pallttMl , ehUanpr ) for v\hlch our present men In nil- thai It ) are notorious was n thing unknown. Now evcrv school child knows that Wash ington wno flist In war , first in pence , llrst In the hem Is of his oountomcn , nnd that we have hid no mich nnothei tlo looms up out of the pages of lilstor ) as the grant ! Ideal Amcilcaii , Incomparable from every point of view But there may possibly be- some doubt about the tiuth of the assump tion that the political moinllty of a bun dled yonis ago was anv bcllei than tint of I today Distance' lends enchintnient to the I view \Vc > natitlallv and properly dwell on thu shining v It tups ot oui fathom whatever dnik spots there ma ) have been are leas conspicuous. But we bhould not be1 honoilng our fathers If we had not advanced even In the ethlis of nlntecrnft As a mat ter of hlstorv. cot nipt political practices weio icsortrd to a hundred ) ago is well a In oui time Aaron Hun vns i notoriously prolllgate and unscrupulous man but he became United States enntoi and . vlco president and came within one vote ' of being elected president of the United 1 Statps Hamilton and Jefferson could give | llanna nnd Crokei pointers on miueuver- Ing nnd finessing to can ) an election Wash ington himself was a man apart , but even j he did not cfccapo calumny The abithe of I which ho was made the taiget during the i second term of his presidency was at leaat as vituperative as any now heaped on the Jpipsldent by his bitterest political opponents I and certainly dors not sustain the thcor ) ' that the sen o ot public < lccenc\ was more hlghlv ) In tint age than In OUIH Dm Ing iho war Washington complained that "thero aio men among lib iso babel ) sordid as to counteract all our oxortlons for the- sake of a little gain ' Theie was bo rte- daicd , such a deaith of public splilt , such want of v little , such stock jobbing am ? fertility In all the low , arts to obtain ad vantage that he ticmbled at the prospe-t We believe In optimism If a man Hko Washington Is needed again ho will bo forthcoming. In all the hitUor ) of the woild there Is evidence that the people have the power to evolve ! the men demanded by great emeigrrcles There Is no good sense In taking the dark view that our own times are hopelcsslv out of joint , and that our gen eration cannot produce a mm as wise and as honest as anv that ever lived since time began. i.vvviov 'i in : i , VH. lilNtoii to tlio Ili-t-oril tit IIN ! Spi \ Ice , for Thli ( s-s - > eniars. . New York Press Law ton' ' It Is the old , old storv of the regular Not that ho died on the field In the performance of his duty , for , if neccs- sar ) , tlio death In action of n reguiir is mere i online service But that after thlrty- ecvcn ) ears of service and mail ) vcirs of that seivleu the hardest kind of lighting , of dailng , of saciiflce , of heroic achievement ho was shot and died' No , but that he was shot nnd that he died uniowaided' V brilliant soldier and olllcer throughout the civil war at its close he began his mili tary career all over again as a ficcond lieu tenant Tor more than a quarter of a cen- lurj aftei the close of tint most teniblc of wars , in which he won reputation and honor , IIP pegged along unicco niyed b ) his civII- 1 in hi tliers , unrewarded l his govern ment , as a icgular army officer Did ho In that long time do nilthing worthy of men admiration and a nation's praise' \ \ ' / \ he did everthing that came within the { /-un of his dut ) nnd more ? He became a great Indian fighter for one thing H < > was a whlrlvlnd fighter And not only could be outfight any man who wore n blue unit im with him , but he could outride him. cut- inarch him and outstarye him' ' He clnsed .town , for another thing , Geronimo , and nn- other man , with pollM-al backing and a Washington "pull" got the ciedit for It and the promotion , while Law ton well , when the Spanish war broke out Liwton was ml ) ct n full colonel But In the Spanish war it was Law ton who was put to set the lighting pace at El Cane ) And after the Spanish war It was Lin ton who was sent post-haste to the Philippines to lead the United States troops in the field Leul them' Ho led them with the thunderbolt stroke of the old civil war d.i)8 of more than thlrtj-flve' ) CIUH before' D-'shlng after the Insurgents , he led thorn till their Fhors fell off In bits of Ipatber He led them till they were naked Through nw.unps and mountain passes and Jungle ? and sunken rlco fields , ho led them , starv ing anl lagged but adoring him , till ho had fought ever ) lobel leader whom he could catch to a .standstill What then ' After the civil wni , after the Indian wars , after the Spanish war , aflei the war In the Philippines aflet neail ) fort ) ) cars of service and toil and war and bittlc , what was this whirlwind of a sol- diet whose long yeais of dut ) wiio brllllnit ovciy one of them , with splendid military achievements' Ho might have been listen to the generous reward bestowed on a gal lant officer In the legular aimy for thirty- seven ) e.aia a bicathless mcssengei runs between the White- House and the' War dopaitnient to nnnounco that I.awlon might have boon a bilgmllcr If hu 1ml lived" " This Is the end of Law Ion Law ton , the regulai i > VNcr.itm s ( 01i , VTIH ; vi , . I : ! ! < < < of ( lie 'iliimp on < , ( ( ( nnd Iliul ' 1CCIII itloh , Baltimore American The break In Iho Hocurlty inatket has nc. compl'shcd ' ono L'ood lOJult U has dlffu- ontlalod the good Issues from the bad cnco The record of the lape tells which se'ciirltlt' : rro btckcMi b ) real subsianco and which are constituted mostl ) of giis 'lo Hut extent Iho public and the financial Institutions do- pemk'iit IP on the public , huvo bceen bune- flted Doth are Informed now as lo whit claew of .stocks are dangci us to handle The infoimittlon , ns a rciiuli , ahoulil be : - ccpt ( 1 as a wainlng Thu nntlonitl banks especially should profit b ) what has happonol They are the institution. ! which have been the luckb nol of Baltlmoica credit Home tinnetcsalt , ] fin i x < iptknul foreJlght Jut now U"cl - Icn.Ijjnlung based on ixtir np li'ks Is cer- ] tti n in ( > mo lo Krii' Th" pi K Ing 'f Ionia in hiiipU ( OIK. ( oIluK ii ' i t > ne c Uii of tha i.\iiiini ii U win 'i ' i"l ItuxiiHiblc ! APERFECT IN RANT AUOOK FOIt , ROOCD. MOTMHRit CONDCHOtD MILK CO. NEW VORtt [ The banK . therefore arc- right In their "lean eceunt < to a drastic culling pro CPK All collateral of n questionable character should be displaced , , ul the loans iMlIng therwn should be cither called < i better fottlfled. There Is no aelii'e In waitIng - Ing for n more opportune lime to tal.c iu ii n ilrp It Is a duty the banks owe the credit of the cltv aside from ( heir own safetv , tint they lid IhcluselVe-s nt cmo of all collnteral which Is not ttntnped with tin. elements of the mo l s-lld ce urliy Such n pollc ) maj lesull In the further llqulihtlon of watered Issues nnd a const ( ini'iit pluiiRo In pilcc" If the break n.tpets fictitious values enl ) , thru the icsiilt will prove ) more beneficial than otherwise l * should not Injuie the bettor clan ? cf Issue * , because there Is no osculon for dlsprlmlnni ing agnlii'i thom. Hut no Mvoi should i 1 shown the IsssitPS of dolibl. There la a large I supply cf ( bat tjpe In circulation Tluv were put upon the > market diirlnK the petlod of Inflation , nnd Inflation Ui tlirlr chief characterl" IP Theiofnre the banltg should avoid thom ns untlenlrnble Thov arc hazardous enouKh e-ven when Innnthn is boiinlUR , bul In times llko these the1) should IIP absolutel ) I ejected I.1CM1'M > MltlCH'l' . Chicago Xovvs romiuon Poison Hive ivou ovoi nu * the tnlontod Mies Ituns" I Cn ! U Author X i , nevel The tnlfntod Ml s liuiiK hniiHi mo aevernl HIIIOM , how- i ov er Dctiolt Kf'.o Press "Cllrls mo getting aw fttllv llnlel ! ) " "V\hnt s the until r now ? " "That c'rl tefilscd mo' "Dlfl ho filvo niiv tendon' " "dbo MHVH I mnvlo u pun while 1 vvun pro- 1 ofIIIK to hei Motion Oour'oi ' Seokr-r That's qullo n flno hni-s < - jnu've been btivliiK Wlint have jou named liliu" Patcmaii Oroat HniRiiln Seeker Ah' ( lipnt Bargain , ohV Then It wns nnothei of voui "liienvd InvostitientM ? Snuenwn Oh thai had nothing to do with the. name I uill him Gloat Haigiln bo- cuu c mv wlfo can dilvo him Washington Star "What blanch of irt docs join f i lend prefer ? ' nuked the MIUIIR woman " 1 don t lciuivatisvveipd ntlsn I'avonne , "but I should * i > In Is un Impio MlonlBt ' "Hup ho produced nn ) thing remarkable In th.'t Hue' ' "V ( , the Inipiu lnn thnt ho Is an nit'sl " Cbloaffo Tilbunc1 "Siv , nien't ) ou the teMinstpr wlui bplfied mo up u suep bill when I wits out with mv automobllp tbu otbei dnv ' ' " 1 am , h ' "All light I 11 HtniL voui balk ) hot e fur v011 bv jiii lilng tbp wagon up against him with m ) automobile * Theie , Mi , we ie ' even Clilrngo Post "Well at niiv i He we are burning a greut niinv things finm tlio bimth Afrlenn war" s ild the niiRlHliniiin "And nmonir IliPiit " rctu/ned tbr Ameil- i in , "inn } bo iiioutlonoil the- fuel that u wai Is no picnic In anv elmi lloconl Barber Aioou for KiiKlnnd In this war , sir .Man In l/athoi Wh are vou for ? Buboi What difference docs that make , Man In Lathci I've got bcnso oiiougb not to w int < o niguo v\lth a man who has a i ior "IMI ltu < Inid Klnllnis'N Vorxos l.drd I'.oliortn. Theie's 'i little led-fncccl man , Whleh Is Bobs Hides the tallest 'orso 'o can Our Hobs If It budks or kliks or reir * . 'TI cm ° lt foi twentv veirs , With n smile round both 'is cars- Can t ) ci , Hobs ' Then 'PI Ob to Hobs Bahadut Llttlo Hobs Bobx , Hobs' ' "JI's oui pukKH Kamlnhadcr Plgbtln Bobs Hobs , Hobs' ' 'K s the Uook of AKjjy Cbul , * 12 s the m in tint < 1 < > iiti us well , An' we'll follow Im to 'ell- Won t vve. Hob- * ' If H llmbei s slipped a trace , 'Ook on Hobs , If a marker s In-ft Is place , Dre s 1)1 Hobs Kor 'e's ovs all up 'Is coat , An a busle In is throat , An' joii will not plnv the goat Undei Hobs 'K'B a lilt IP- down on drink , Chaplain Hobs , Hut It k ( epi us outer clink Don't It Bobs' So we. will not complain , Tlio' 'c h vvntei on the bi.iln , It 'c leads us sir-light ng-aln Hluc light Hobs If joii stood Im on 'Is 'end , IM tiler Bobs , You could "Pill a ( | tinit o' Irad Cutcr ) Uob-j 'I"s been at it tblitj ) eirs , Au-ama i-ii ! Foiivenifrfs In thu vvuv o slugs nn' ppcnis Aln t ver , Hobs ? What 'o does not ki.on of wni , i Oen'iil Hobs , You can nisi tlio whop next door- Pan t 1bey , HobH7 O Vs llttlo but ( 's who ; 'IV ti tenor for 'Is size , An' 'e does not idv ertlse Po ) cr , HobH' ' Now tbev'vomido a bloomln' lonl Outer Holn AVhlc'h was bul Is full toward Worcn t it Bobs ' An' o II a poronet AVheio 'It 'olmet uxpd lo set : Hut e know vou won't forgot Will .ver Bob ' 'I lieu 'eie's to Bobs Habi.dlll LUMP Hobs Bobs , Hobs' Porkct-VVVllln'ton an' 'uiil r * I-lhhtln' Bob" . Bob Hobs' This ain't no h ] ininlii * ode. But vou'V ( 'elped thn soldier s load , An for iHiiellth bestowed , JCT , BolS' ' Go nhend * * And i half A suit for evening dress used to be a costly luxury. Only the best tailors could offer you a satisfactory fit. We have changed all that. that.Our Our newest patterns are simply pzrfect and the prices are half what the tailors charge. And at the same time v/c can supply you with ' shirts collars ties rrcj'er , , , shi s'uds and cuff buttons and shirt protectors , as well as the right thing in over coats in fact , with every thing but shoss , niul Excluiltc FuruUbcri ,