TJIE OIMAILA DAILY BEE : T1HTHSDAY , DECEMBER ill , ISO ! ) . FllASCE ASD-ONITE1) ) SPATES I- Reciprocity Treaty Snbmittcd to tlifl French , ' > Parliament. t BILL is INTRODUCED IN THE GHAMB-R Ulnltorittr Preamble < 'l 1'iirlli tin- Klndl ) DtMiiotKloii of the Anu-i- li-nn ( ! iTinnciil 'lovvaril I lie I'rciiuli Null" " . I'AHIS , Dec. 20 - A bill submitting the rranco-Amorican reciprocity treaty to tlio approval of the Trcncli Parliament was In troduced today In the Chamber of Deputies. The govcinmont In an elaborate preimblo tnakert a polht of setting forth "the kindly disposition of the American government which haa enabled the negotiations to bo brought to ,1 successful conclusion , " and expiates on the great Htlmulus the trpjty will fl\o tn commercu between the two countries The prcnmblo gees on to explain that th" treaty Is the result of two years' work It nO that while pressed to retaliate against the restrictions of the Dlngloy tariff th government deemed u resort to illplonmc prcferablo In view of "our tiadltlonal sjm pathlcs for the republic of the United Sntc nnd duo consideration for our true economl Interests " It then recapitulates the provisional nr rangoments of May 10 , 1S98 , which opcne the way for further negotiations , no Prone Imports Into the United States relieved fion the tariff IncrcMfic 1 iO per cent SUL' American productions as machine tools , li which American ptoduct Is superior an constitutes , i danger to Kronen Industry arc the preamble continues , still excluded fion the minimum tailff Moreover , agrlcultura and c-ittlo products "nre Blmllarly oxcludei In order to protect the Trench from form Id able American competition. "This rcHtilt , " sajs the preamble , "Is al the moro Important "because " Mr Kasson made pressing demands on behalf of Amer lean agrimlture The rrcnch nmbissado was not only able to resist them , but e\on obtained useful reductions In t favor o French agricultural products exported to the United States , such as ollvo oil and vegetables " After particularly calling attention to the Important fact that the concessions obtalnei by Trance arc exclusive and should trc mendously increase Frcnrh exports while a the same tlmo the treitj is so arranged as to prevent an American Invasion of Trend markets , the preamble concludes as follows 'The government at the White House , li feigning with Ui > this treaty , has shown Its desire to reserve to Trench commerce thp first fruits of the tariff concessions whlcl the Dliigley bill authorized to bo grantee to foreign powers "This action gives the treaty nvaluo I \\nulil be Impossible to mlsundeistand am makes this document -work which shoulc draw closer at the same tlmo the economic relations of the two peoples and the polltica affinities of the two republics " TWO YEARS FOR DEROULEDE President I'reneli l.eil ue of Patriot * Ilenoiinues Semite nml Presi dent Amid I jironr. PARIS , Dec. 20 In the senate , sitting as high court of Justice , today counsel urget that the ch irges against M. Marcel-Habert be Joined to the present proceedings , but the prosccutoi general declared this would Le Illegal. M. Deroulede , president of the Loiguo ol Patriots , who , though HI , was present , viru lently denounced the senators and law offi cers for being "subservle'nt to the govern ment's orders" Amid intnienso uproni Derouledo added : "I wish to bo condemned. I will say what I think of these scoundrels This assem blage Is Infamous and dishonors Prance and the republic. " During Increasing din M. Derouledo con tinued : "I include In my denunciations both tho'seiiato and the president of the rcpub ic. " The .procurator with difficulty made him self Jkeard In the tumult vvhleh ensued and demanded the prompt punishment of Deiou- ledo-who continued to hurl insults at the high epurt , coupled vvlth the assertion that ho desired punishment Tlio 'session ' was dventuully suspended and the court retired tq qonslder the bltuatlon Tha prisoners acclaimed Deroulede ( Deroulodr , who was ono ot the prisoners on trial for consplrnry against the govern ment , vvns shortly nftor sentenced to two years' Imprisonment on the charge of libel ing senators composing the high court of jubtleo. On November 18 Derouledo was sentenced to three months' Imprisonment for Insult ing the president of Prance. STEAMER OCEANIC OVERDOE J\en Ocean IJner "VVIilcli bulled from .New York HUH ! \ot Ilene'lieil ItH I'ort. ( Copyright , l&r)9 ) , by Press Publishing Co ) QUDDNSTOWN , Dec 21. 1:30 : a. m. ( New York World Cablegram Special Tele gram ) At Ihls hour nothing has been heard , of the Oceanic , which sailed from New York on December 13 for this port and Liverpool ; neither has It been reported slghtwl by any other ven > cl. C very-one hero Is on the look out for the hlg ship Some of the friends of the Oceanlc's passengers nro passing an tnn\lous night. The steamer that crosses the channel from Liverpool to Cork saw nothing ot the Oceanic. The general opln- 1 Ion here Ib that a derangement of machinery la delaying the new ocean queen. niMtiirltnni-i ) In .Samoa. niMlLIN , Dec 20 Advices received hero today from Apia , gay a alight disturbance has occurred at the village of Luatvauu , owing to depredations upon the property of SPEAK OUT , _ The Searchlight of Publicity is Pleasing to Omaha People , Publicity Is what the people want Let the public speak on the subject There has been too much claim too llt- tlo proof. There Is only ono hind of proof for nn Omuha citizen. The experience of people wo Itnow. When friends and neighbors endorse. Nn question about mich evidence. This kind of proof backs every box of Doan's Kidney Tills. Hero Is a cano of It Mr ? , O , 4 , Earl , of 1203i % South llth street , says ' 'Doan's Kidney I'lllB cured mo of trouble vvlth my back which bothered mo for two jcnrs. I tried different remedies hut none gave nio relief until I procured lloan's Kidney 1'llls at Kuhn & Co 's drug fitore , corner 15th and Douglas streets Io- ) fore I took all of one- box I was relieved and In a bhnrt time cured They are a grand remedy and > ou art ) nt liberty to use my name for publication. " Dunn's Kidney 1'llls for snlo b ) all deal- era 1'ilco CO cents Mailed by 1'nstcr- Mllburn Co , Iluftalo , N V , solo agents ( or thu United States Remember the name Ooan'ti and take no substitute. thrco chief * , who are expelled for refusing in pny the poll tax Impoiod by the con- suU of the drelhund. The consuls have de manded that the guilty parties bo sent to Apia for punishment which haa been prom ised JAPAN AND CHINA AGREED n % lilriiiM-N of Hie Secret llniliTNdincl- IIIK Ilpttt Pt'i , the Two Nation * . SHANOHAI , Nov 2i ( Correspondence of the Associated Press ) An additional Indi cation of thp secret understanding which has recently been arrived nt between China nnd Japan Is seen In the honors lately con ferred on Yano Kumlo , who has resigned bis prst as Japanese minister at Pckln in order , It Is said , to take the post of foreign ad viser to the Imperial Chinese government. The empress dowager has just conferred on Yano Tutnlo the Order of the Uouglo Dragon of the Tlrst Class This gives him a Chinese rank equal to that of the highest -viceroy or the president of the greatest six governing boards , or departments , nt Pckln. He has left for Toklo , It is added , for special In structions from the Japanese government DeriMilrile Coiiilciiinril to 1'rl.ion. PARIS , Dec 20 Upon the resumption of the proceedings of the high court , the presi dent of that body , M. railleries , read Its Judgment , condemning M Derouledo to two years' imprisonment nnd his exclusion from the court until the arguments of counsel had commenced , also refusing to include the charges against M Marcel Habort In the trial. Imiirnluilile Humor from I'urlt * . PARIS , Dee 20 It is rumored hero tint the Hnnk of Russia has advanced the Bank of England 8,000,000 TERRIBLE SUFFERING IN INDIA Letter from Sou Mi Dakota MlMNlonnrr I'aiulnc .liiHi Ili-KlimliiK Arte- NliniVellH UN n Itemed } . N , S D , Dee. 20 W P T Ilushncll is In receipt of a letter from his sister , Dr Katherlno nushnoll , who Is at piesent In India doing missionary work She is in oao of the plague-stricken dis tricts , on the verge of the famine district and says that the sufferings of the natives are already terrible , although the famine has Just begun. The missionaries are doing their best to alleviate suffering and are giving employ ment to tlio people , paying them for their labor at the rate of 10 cents n day , which Is sufllclcnt In that country to supply food. Dr Hushncll writes that Pundlta Uamabal , the philanthropist , la interesting herself in the subject of artesian wells for the Ked- goou district and believes- that If the wells can bo sunk there will be no moro famine. She asks for Information regarding these wells nnd expresses the belief that a few American well drillers would do well In that country. FROM A TRAIN TO A PRISON Man Aho Itolilied Illn llcnrfnctor M > i > n Comex to Cirlcf lit Aberdeen. ABERDEEN. S. D. , Dec. 20 ( Special Telegram ) Jay Edsall White was arrested last evening as he was boarding a train for the cast and was charged with stealing $335 $ from E. L Williams , at whose house he had lived several years. The money was found sewed In White's clothes. He made a full confession nnd was bound over to the circuit court. He was sentenced this morning to two and a half years in the penitentiary. White's parents nre said to be respectable people living In Iowa I'UTTIOKUW Ih RETTING UUADY. Krlemls Or nnI/111 - to Iloom llix Cnn- ( lidiie.t for Itc-UIeetlon. SIOUX FALLS , S. D. , Dec. 20. ( Special. ) Friends of Senator Pettlgrevv have called a meeting to be held In Sioux Tails. Decem ber 27 to organlze an "American league , " the purpose of which Is proclaimed to be the "sustaining of republican Institutions against the existing tendency toward Im perialism , militarism and the control of all Industrial Institutions and even the govern ment Itself by organized , aggregated cap ital" and for the "preservation of the prin ciples ot the Declaration of Independence. " Senator Pettlgrevv will be here during the meeting. It is the purpose of the fusion members to form clubs of the American league throughout the state. South Dakota Siinreinc Court. PIERRE , S. D. , Dec. 20. ( Special Tele gram ) In the supreme court today these opinions were handed down : By Corson. George Delndorfer nnd Sablna Delndorfer against Paulina Bachmar , Jcr- uuld county , alllrmed. James W Barnes acalnst Foster R. Clements , Giant county , nnirmed. Stukcbaker Bros against Lafayette iCol- ar1) ot nl , against Pcnnlneton county , af- irnitd By Ilnney. Dlllwyer Parrls t al , against Amos E Mahoney et ai , Hutch- nson count" , alllrmec. The court admitted W. T Williams of Tyndall to practice on a , certificate , from ho territorial court. County Aiitl-TriiHt I.enKnc. SIOUX FALLS , S. D. , Dec. 20. ( Special. ) At a meeting nt Armour of 123 citizens of Jouglos county an anti-trust league was or ganized nnd ofllccrti elected as follows * E. ? Johnson , president , William Moore , \lce president , George W. Mathews , secretary. \ddresses were made by ex-Senator Baan , 7 W Cllne , J. C. Cantonwlno , Rev. Father W S O'Meaia , Leo J Baumgartner nnd T. J. Remington. Republicans , democrats and topullsts participated in tbo organization. A Hue hi to Slump .South Dakotii. ABERDEEN , S D. , Dec 20 John 1 Altqeld of Illinois will open the fviblon campaign for 1000 wllh a speech In this city January 12. He will also hold meetings elsewhere In the sta'to. rho adjourned meeting of the Reformed 'rcss association , originally set for January 3 , will bo changed to the 12th that the lelegates may hear Mr Allgeld , Implement DeulerH to SIOUX CALLS , S. D , Deo. 20 , ( Special. ) A convention will bo held hero January 0 , 0 and 11 by the Implement dealers of South Dakota nnd that part ot soullnvcslern Min es ot a Irlhutary to Sioux Falls The purpose f the convention Is to organize an Imp'c- ment ikaldrs' association. Thus far more 1mn ICO dealers have signified their Inten- lon to bo present. I'rlNOii Scnlenee Iiixteail of Ilooty. SIOUX PALLS , S D. Dec 20 ( Special 'clegram ) In the circuit court today Judge ones sentenced James Shields to three ears In the Sioux Falls penitentiary , hlclds Is the ox-convict who last Wednes- ay evening attempted to hold up a farm mud and was stabbed several times by hla ntencleil victim To Sleet to Settle the Iloer Wrr. SIOUX FALLS , S I ) Dee 20 ( Special 'elegrnm ) Local sympathizers with the Jeers today called a public meeting for Prl- ny evening , at which tlmo It Is proposed to ass suitable resolutions and lalse n fund or the assistance ot the Boers In South \frlca. All Hunt Je Viieeliiuti-d. ABERDEEN. S. D , Dec 2J ( Special ) The County Board of Health has Iraupd sn rdor requiring that all school children and eachors in the county must give good proof f vaccination by January 1 or bo refused dmlttanco to the schools. DoWltt'8 Little Early Risers purify the ilood , clean the liver , Invigorate the system ' 'amouH little pills for constipation and liver roubles , TO LIMIT THE RACING SEASON Faction in Amarican Turf Congress Making Fight on Largo Cities. WANT CHIC \GO.ST. \ LOUIS DATES FIXED Olijret of Promote In to IleneRt Itnc- liiur Men nt I.ntoiiln , .Ve vnort nml I.otilNi llle I.OIIK ; nil Injiirj , CHICAGO. Doc. 20. The Times-Herald to morrow will say : An attempt will bo made by n faction In the American Turf congress to pass legis lation limiting the racing season In Chicago from Juno 15 to November 1 A special meeting of the congress will be held at Covlngton , Ky. , January 15 , for the purpose of reviving the circuit plan and alloting dates to each track. William P. Sd.ulte. president of the turf body , and 1M Corrlgau ore aupposed to bo the men behind thp deal. St. Louis and Oakland will also bo affected ehould the Schulte-Corrlgan fac tion succeed In the January meeting. The object which the turf promoters have In naming dates for Chicago nnd St. Louis Is to benefit the racing men nt Latoula , Ncn- port and Louisville. It Is claimed that the long season In Chicago and St. Louis has done much to Injure the spoil along the Ohio river whcro the purses are bmaller. Corrignii'e particular Intercut is to get a knock at the California Jockey club , of which his particular enemy , Tom Williams , is proprietor. ItcsnltN on Hie Itiiiinlni ; Trnckx. N12W OULUANS , Dec 20 Results : Tlrst race. sK furlongs , boiling. San Durango range won , Judge. Qulnby second , Jim Hog third. Time : 1.1J. Second nice , one and one-sixteenth miles selling. 1'hnliuH won. Indian second , Hus sell H third lime- 56 Third race , steeplechase , handicap , shor course Itr.ikcmun won , chee = umlte second Sufalllg third Tlmo 314 I'ourth i.ire , seven furlongs handicap Torbush won , Andes becond , buprcmo ihln Tme. j. iKi'j , Tlfth race , one and one-sixteenth miles helling : Pro'poru van , Urlght Night sec ond. Lord Nuvlllo third. Time : 1 &t SAN FKJV.NC18CO. Dec. 20. U'catlur clea and track goort nt Oakland today. Results First race , nix furlongs. selling : Jingl Jlnplo won , \Vhlto .Torn second , Corruc third. Tlmo : 1:15. : Second race , one mile , spiling : Whalcbac won. Anchored second , Favorshnm third Time : 1M2V4 Third race , six furlongs , "oiling" Meddle won , Alaska second , Don Tuns thlid Time : 1.1-1 Pourtli race , one nnd one-quarter miles selling- Dare 11 won , Dr. Benin ) 9 second Dr Marks third. 'Kmc. 2 07 Tlfth race , six furlongs , .selling : February won , Grand Sachem second , Loving Cu third. Time : 1:14 : Sixth race , six furlongs' , selling : Cam boulla won , Ailenna. second , Gllssando thiul. Time : 1.14 TlmroiiirhlireilN bold nt Auction. NOW YORK , Dec. 20 A sale of broot mares ind thoroughbred st.illlonsthe prop erty of the estate of the late Simeon U Reel of Pas.ulen.i , Cul , took place tonlgh nt Madison Square Garden. Nineteen o thirty -two head , the property of Mr. Reed brought about t.23,000. Thirty-three heai were offered for i\ile. One or two of then sold for $30 apiece ami some were with drawn. The others brought good prices The best prices were : Aleria , b m ( Ib91) ) , to A. J. Slimier o Cnllforn/a , $1,600 Brlcrfoot , b. m. (1893) ( ) , to Thomas Welch JC30Crisalba Crisalba , b. m. (1890) ( ) , to Thomas Welch JS30Dextrlx Dextrlx (1S91) ( ) , to A. J. Slimier , $2.000. Electric Light , b. m. (1SSO ( ) , to Thomas Welch , $33. Lallne , b. m (1890) ) , to Thomas AVelch. $850 Royal Purple (1S.90) ( , to A J. Stlmler , $2,000 Wedding Gift , b m (1S91) ) , to A. J. Stlm ler , $1,000. Ira , b m (1 ! > SS ) , to Thomas Welch , $2,750 The Squaw , to Thomas Welch , $250 Everglade , to Thomas Welch , J500 Kya Sweet , br. m. . ( ISM ) , to Sidney Paget $2OoO. * SuIlHnn Demi Ilroke. NOW YORK , Dec. -John L. Sullivan who is being sued by a liquor llrm foi $1,600 for goods purchased , testllied in courl today that he was without money or prop erty. Afterward he stated that his earnings In hit professional career had exceeded $1 000,000 and that he made $400,000 in the winter of 1SS3-S4. Ho said : "I have been a good fellow and 1 am broke. If anyone I Know needed money and asked me for it he got it. " _ JocUeH Return from Enirlmiil. TOLCDO , O , Dec 20 Lester RelfC and ills brother John , whoso performances on the nnullth turf lasit summer attracted the attention of the racing- world , returned to their home nt Cygnet , an old town south of here The entire town turned out to wel come them. The Relff .home , is a humble coittage The Jockeys will build a moro pretentious house before they return to England IMIlHliury IMnjN IHIlldfiildrd. LEXINO'lON Ky.Dee 20-Chess Cham pion II. N. PJllshury arrived here today ind tonight , when blindfolded , playpd twelve simultaneous games with the best of local players. Up to mldnlgcht ho had won four and drawn two games Many women were present at the wonderful exhi bition , lira Show alter , who played one of the boards , was permitted to have a draw. Clilcnito Polo IMityerx AVIu. CHICAGO , Dec. 20 Chicago Athletic as sociation water polo players scored an easy victory over the team ot the 8t LoulB furnvoreln today In the tank of the local club , shutting out the visitors by a sc'ore of 8 to 0 The home team excelled in in dividual work , team work and In swimming ability. DEATH RECORD , Prominent I're li > tcrliin Dltlne. PITTSBURG , Dec. 20. Rev. W. J. Robin son , D. D. , pastor of the First United Pred- jylcrlon church ot Allegheny , and modera- or of the United Presbyterian general as sembly , which met at Philadelphia last May , lied today at Battle Creek , Mich. , where 10 went thrco months ago. Ho was pastor of the First church twenty-seven years nnd wn born In 1853 at Argylc , N. V , nnd took llvlnlty courses nt Newburg , N. Y , and Al- egheny aemlnarlcs. In the latter institution 10 was for years secretary ot thei Hoard of directors , The deceased attained much reputation at a lender In the movement , hav- ng as Its object the Incorporation of express ( 'cognition of God and the Christian relig- on in the constitution of the United States. DeMurndunt of Great IHOOA | erer. Ni\V : YORK , Dec 20 Neotor Ponce do .eon , a lineal descendant of Pence do Leon , llscoverer of Florida , died at Havana on j Monday , aged C3 years , Mr. do Leon was the | author of several works In ho Spanlnh language nnd also a Spanish-English tech nological dictionary. Governor General Brooke several months ago appointed Mr. do Leon custodian of the nrchlvcH of Havana and director of the Museum of Natural History there. Tf\o AKI'll ( iiiNT County IleHlitenlx. BEATRICE. Nob. , Dec. 20 ( Special Telegram - gram , ) The death of two aged rceldentd of thin county Is reported. John Ebrlght , aged 91 , died at the home of hla grand daughter , Mrs. Allen Zlgler , one mile south of Plckrell. G Kempell died at his homo west of Beatrice , aged 88 years Ho was a. native of Pruasla and had lived In Gage county about twenty-flvo years Illiiuk lllllH Man 1M.-H In AlimUii. RAPID CITY , S. D. , Doc 20 ( Special. ) Prom John Leedy , who boa just arrived , it Is Inarued that Rtley Miller died a short tlmo ago at Cera , Alaska. Miller was ono of the best known men In the Black Hills I He left Rapid City In January. 1S9S , and , had made- fair success In hlu prospecting for gold Ho died of typhlod fever , leaving a largo family. Imminent Mimli'lnii nipd Conipoiirr. NEW YORK , Dec 20. Cable udvlcea ro. celved here today announce tbo death in Dublin Tuesday of Prof , JV Glover , the i eminent rauolclan , aged 89 years , He gained worldwide prominent * for Ihe pdltlon of Moorp's melodies , which ho harmonised and wilted. Among his numerous compositions were an oratorio , "St Patrick nt Tarn , " "The Deserted VlllnRC , " nn opera founded on Oliver Goldsmith's pc-cm , nnd nn ode to Parnell He wns for many years organist ot the Cathedral In Dublin President of Pnrjto PARGO , N D , Dec 20 President H. C. Simmons of Tnrgft college tonight whllo standing In n hook store suddenly tell to the floor. Death was Instantaneous nnd Is supposed to have been duo to heart failure. The deceased has been a prominent figure In Congregational work In thc < northwest. OtdeMt TriMelliiif Mini In lona. DUI1UQUB , la , Dec 20 News was re ceived here today of the death at Nashua , la , of A. W. Plemlng , the oldest traveling ' man In lown , If not In the United SUt'ea. Ho was SS years of ago nnd was a member o * the Dubuqtio Traveling nnd Business Men's association. Presiding Ulder > < M lioune. MANKATO , Minn , Dec. 20 Rev T D. New house , presiding elder of the Mankato district , Methodist Episcopal church , Is dead , nged 42. Ho was a graduate of DoPauvv university nnd had been n mis- slouary In Chill and India Story of n "rai c. To bo vound Innd nnd foot for years by the chains or disease Is the worst form ot slavery George I ) . Williams of Man chester. Mich , tells how such n slave was made free Ho says : "Mv wife has been so helpless for five years that she could not turn over In bed alonr After uslnc two bottles of Electric BltlOs she Is wonderfully Improved nnd able to do her own work" This supreme remedy for female diseases quickly euics nervousness , sleeplessness. melancholy , headache , backache fainting and dizzy spells This miracle-working medicine Is a godsend lo weak , slcklv , run-down people. Every bottle guaianteed Only CO cents. Sold by Kubn & Co . druggists. fe O A & & A O * & O f - - * Only ono or two suggestions regarding the appointment of a chief of police have been made to the mayor and H appears thit very little Interest is being taken In the appointment of a now head for the police department. Chief Carroll will hold on until December 24 nnd no appointment will bo made until after January 1 , no matter who Is selected There Is some talk of holdIng - Ing a mass meeting for the purpose' ot dis cussing the lining of the vacancy and It may materialize. Several well-known nnd ca pable Omaha police officers have been men tioned , but a local man will most likely be chosen on account of the feeling supposed to exist against Omaha. Business men cannot afford to take tha position , as it pays only $ G > a month. The suggestion has been made that the mer i chants chip in and raise a fund for the I purpose ot offering $100 a month to a good man. Miles Mitchell , the head of the watch men force at Swift's , has been mentioned for the place. Mitchell has served as dep uty sheriff and Is considered a good man for the position provided ho will accept. It appears to bo the desire of those interested to secure the services of some man who Is well known and In whom the people have confidence. The capture by Omaha detectives of Hugh Landy and Roy Brown will most likely tend to lessen the number of crimes committed hero and the citizens are already beginning to feel easier. Matt Garner Is still safe In the county Jail , and with the number of suspicious characters now confined it is thought that a stop has been1 put to crime for a while at least. } 'I' ' One well-know a attorney said yesterday that the system of police control was wrong. "It may bo all right , " ho said , "for the mayor ol small towns to have absolute con trol of the police force , tout South Omaha Is too laige for such a system. The charter Is defective In this particular and plans for a change In the charter are already being : alked over. A year ago committees of bus iness ! men and citizens worked over a new- charter and corresponded with the mayor * and councils of all other cltits in this class. The suggestions made by South Omaha did not moet with favorable con sideration from the smaller cities and con sequently the legislature failed to tjlve South Omaha the rellof It prayed for " It has about been agreed that a new charter for a city containing from 15,000 to 25,000 Inhabitants will be asked for. At the iresent time the Magle City contains about 10,000 people and the proposed charter will eave considerable room for growth. In connection with a charter and the landllng of the police foico a police com mission has been mentioned. A commission of three a republican , a. democrat nnd a populist to bo appointed by the governor will bo acceptable to a great many. Such a commission can , It la stated , bo maintained or $1,000 a year a salary of $300 a year o bo paid to each member and $100 a year additional to the one chosen as sec retary. With a commission In charge ot the police force each applicant " \vould bo compelled to stand an examination and give good references. In this way It Is thought hat the standard can bo elevated. ] \otie Sen ed on I'oNtnl Mummer. It was reported heio yesterday that the 'Jattsmouth Telephone company intended opening an oflice nt the Exchange building n n day or two for the handling of com mercial business , An Investigation on the lart of the clly nulhorltles showed that the 'Inttsmouth Telephone company was entoi- ng the city over the Postal Telegraph com- lany's poles The Plattsmouth company has not applied for a franchise , nnd this fact evidently caused the serving ot the follow- ng notice upon the Postal Telegraph com- lany'a manager by the mayor' "As chief executive of the city of South Omaha , I hereby servo notice upon your ompany that you must not allow any peraon r pcroons to string wires on your poles vitliin tha corporate limits of the city of outh Omaha for any purpose other than or telegraphic use "I wish to call your attention further , o the fact that the records of this city all to show wheicln the Postal Telegraph ompany has ever obtained n franchise for le placing of polcn and stringing wires A. Trial Trentiue'it Sent Free to All Who built" 1'roni ui > Stn e of the DlneiiNC. Jure * rimm 'Mint Hot Spring * iiiul all " " " " Oilier TrentiuentH Pulled to l.vrn IIclii. There has been discovered by tlio State Medical Institute. Ik'J F.leklion Bide. , Pt Wayne , Ind , the most remuikablo byphllU cure ever heard of U has cured all such Indications us mucousi mitches 'n the muuth. Bore throat , copper colored t < pots , clmnctos ulceratlons on the body and In hundreds of cnhes where tlio hair nnd eyebrows had fallen out and the wh < de Mn was u IIIUH * of bolls , ptmpleti and ulcers this vvmiduifui specific hus completely ihung d the whola body Into n clean , perfect condition of physlclal health Every railroad running Into Ft Wayne bilngH Mcorex of BUffoicr * peeking this new and marvelous euro and to enable those who cannut travel to re- nllzo what u truly marve'lous work the Instltut ? U accompllHhlng they will send free to every NudVier u fuo trial treatment co that everyone can euro themxolvi.8 In tlia privacy of their own home This Is the only known eure for syphilis Do not hcsl- tn'o to writeat oiuo and the free trial will be Htm seated in plain i > ackauo. over nnd along the public highways of this city I would adv' ' e you to como before the council nnd ntk for such franchise , which will avoid further complications. ' This notice wan strvod on the Postal man ager at the Exchange building by Polled Ofllccr Caldwcll Cnie of Joint .lumen UlMiilNned. John James was given a hearing In police court yestprday afternoon on thp charge of being imo ot the men Implicated In the rob bery of Joe Eggers n few nights ago \ \ hen Jnmcis wna first arrested Eggrrs appeared quite sure that the prisoner vvns the man who took his money , but when ho was placed on the witness stand he vvns not to positive. After giving Eggers every chance In the world to tnnlic a ease. County Attorney Shields , who personally conducted the exam ination , n ked for the discharge of the pris oner and Judge llabcock granted the request. Tried to Hum n Pox Cnr. Chris Mlchelson nnd Robert Avery , Inds of about 12 years of age , were brought to police headquarters last evening for having attempted to set fire to n box car standing on the tracks near Thirty-sixth andL streets. A railroad employ o named PI ) mi caught thu boys In the act and extinguished the hlazo before any damage hid been done. As there Is no place at the Jail for theConfinement of children. Chief Carroll sent for the boys' parents and had them taken homo for the nlsht Clt > lioNsli. API It 3 Is the date of the city election Albert Spear , Twenty -Ural and I streets , Is on the lek list The South Omaha Live Stock exchange will elert ollloors on January S A daughter vvns hnrnestcrday to Ml. and Mis Pianlc Mullen , Twenty-Una and R streets. On the t veiling of December 3rt the Not th Star society will glvo a dance nt Odd Tel- lows' hall Jesse Carr , colored , has be-on lined $10 and costs by Judge Babcock for assaulting Norn , Rogers Dr Prank W SI ibaugh has gone to Cleveland , O , to visit friends and relatives until after the holidays Cash Brothers' bond for thp guiding of Twenty-second street Is signed by Thomas J O Nill nnd John Condon Charles Martin has been added to the force of postotllco eleiks to servo during the rush of holiday business. Frank King of the htock Yards olllce force bus moved in from his farm to his city homo at Twentieth and J Ktroetb. Friends of Councilman Bennett are urj- ing him to announce himself as u candidate for mayor on the republican ticket. Dr. AUCrnnn reports to the sanitary In- spectoi that Clara Swamia , Twentieth and \V streets , Ib down with diphtheria. P J Burke of the Westein Weighing as sociation has gone to Chicago to spend the holidays with friends and relatlvs Quite a number of thp teachers in the public schools are preparing to go to their homes to spend the Cluistinns holidays. AVIlllam Row lev , who has been quite slok at his homo , Twenty-Ills > t and 1 stieets , was reported somewhat better yesterday F W Wilder of Nellgh was a visitor at the stock yards yesterday Ho was foi- merly general superintendent for Swift and Company. Court Fourmen No 3225. Independent Order ol Foi esters , will give a bill at Odd Fel lows' temple , Twenty-fourth and JI streets , this evening George Hunter of the stock yards rail road otllce force has returned from Chey enne , where he spent a week looking after property interests. The force In the city treasurer's olllco Is Kept busy these days answering Inquiries about ISO- ) taxes All city tuxes become de linquent on January 1. City Attorney Montgomery is drafting- ordinance for the laving of a six-foot side walk on the eabt side of Twenty-bccond street between O and Q. Thomas J Nolan , the well known attor ney for thu Boaid of Education , Is Joyful over the arrival at his home , Twenty-third nnd J streets , of a daughter. The third annual meeting of the National Live Slock association will be held at Tort Worth , Te\ , January 16 A delegation will go from this city to attend the session. Samuel llni.ter has been given the con tract for the lining of the big washout In the roadway nt Fifteenth street and Mis souri avenue He is to be paid $ t,5 for mak ing the 1111 Street Commissioner Ross has been dl- lected to lay crosswalks at Fortieth and T streets , Forty-llrst and T. Twenty-ninth arid T , Thirty-first nnd T and Seventeenth and M streets Cards are out for a reception to lin given Friday evening by R v and Mrs Howard Cramblet. Among those Invited are twenty- four couples whom Rev Cramblet has united In marriage Colonel T B Hatcher received notice v PH- terday of the death nt Lvons , Ja . of Dr. G M. Davis. Miss M A. Davis , it danghti i ol the deceised , has made her home with Colonel and Mrs Hotelier for some time AVhllp Inspecting freight cars In the yaids yesterdav the inspector found a roat and vest b ( longing to a Pullman porter's iinl- fonn hidden between the trucks and the floor of the car. As the cur came from KnnmiH-C-lty it Is presumed that the theft VMIS commlttfil thnr * . The annual election of olficcrs of tlio South Omaha Loan nnd Building associa tion will be held on the afternoon gf Janu ary 2 nt the ollico of the association , 9 North Twenty-fourth stieet Three direc tors are to be elected for three years each I and three auditors for one year each CAUSTIC LETTER TO MORGAN ( ! IM PI-IK. r .tohiiNiui of Miiliilinii Cull' ' on llnriiitlor < o Hrtrnct or I'rotr Annertlonn. MONTOOMI3HY , Ala , Dec 10 Governor Johnson todaj mailed the following letter to Senator Morgan ' .MONTtUiMHUV. Ala Dei20 -To lion John T Morgan I' nit oil Stnto * Senator , \Vn hlnston Sir- You mo < itioii > il as n\- IIIK mild on the 10th In n prcoh In tinson - nto that a moiiMrr inonooh had to i n\o Alabama tilul Ilnd i home and shjltei III New Jorxev and n Jnrgicorpimitlpn has taken lt < place In Aliliaina. In vvhlch the govirnor of AlUmna has or had u largo amount of Mock nnd v\-ho liMds the pro * I regret that > ou did not ninki' this on the stump In Alnbatni. where 1 woulil have had a ilmmo to rcpb , V > ut waited until jou found shelter of the ronntr The charge is ml true nnd 1 ppotfillly demand tint volt hnll retract the cnmc or Ilnd some icputntilp ultnoss to sustain It josni'ii r JOHNSON. HYMENEAL , stniiton-Weiiteli. AMES , In , Dec. 20 ( Special ) At Traer , In , Miss Julia Wcnlch , on of the assistants of the mathematical deportment ot the Iowa State college and Prof E W Stnnlon , head ot that department , werp mar ried today. After hei graduation from this college1 the lirlilo for a t'mp ' was principal of the Ileatrlcp ( Neb ) High school Prof Stanton Is vice prculdeut of the largest hank In Ames Prof , nnd Mis. Stanton will take an extended trip to houthcrn points , In cluding Hot Springs nnd other resorts , to be gone bcveral weeks Plrc Clulnin nn Knllre I'liintU , NP.W YORK , Her 20-Muv Birrc-tt ) \pnrs old who was tonlbly luirncvl In vs | told iv s llnil"in tiMdiii-nt Hie difil t idnv . This i ompletos tin ostlnt tlon of the finiillv ' her f itlni innlhii and slstM Imvltif. bmi ' Imrni d to death In the HIP j Crowds their Shoe . Big Dept. OPEN EVLNINGS Every Day. UNTIL CHRISTMAS LEGGINGS ON SALE. Women's fine $1,25 Jersey Lope-ings at)8c ! ) Misses line $1 Jeisoy Lu""in" at 7'Jc ' line 75u liuiivas Loiitflnj- . itc " " " ' 13oyf > , - on b.ilo nt < ( Mo Cupltol wool solcw , only 17c , SOc , Rubber heels or soleo , 25c , OOc Kid eoft sol. . . Shoes for Infants , 17c. SLIPPERS ON SALE. Ladies' line beaver Faust slippers , with turn pole-3 , lleeco linings and fur trimmed , worth everywhere § l.5f Ladies' llnost fcatln Faust slippers , in ted nnd old gold colon * , with fl-i O t ; hand turned soloa and fleece linings , regular $ iOO values at tpJ. . < cO Man's ( ino velvet embroidered slipjiorH , worth $1.00 X Q on eule at , DOC Men's fine tan and black goat slippers , worth $1.50 and $2.00 < n-j QK on bulo at tp 1. i O MisbOs' and Children's line Jolt 75o slippers , with leather soloj arid felt linings , on s.ilo at SHOES ON SALE. The "ULTRA" Shoes for women , on salon n line patent leather , vlcl kid and cult. In hand turned and welt solrs , with cushion cork inner.solni , made on the new coin and mannish lasts , ell slztii and widths , the equal of mo t | 500 shJCB , $350 LadleH 1'liie vlcl kid shoes , lace vvlth ill > vi.stmg top single llexlblo xoleg , new coin toes , worth | 3 00 on sale at f 1 .10 "ITIy wlfo lintl { ilniplcn on her fare , hut she hii bo"li Ultlnc C ASCAUCTb and llioy have all disappeared I hid occn troubled with conatlpation for some time but nf ler tak IHR the first C'ascarct I have had no trouble tilth this aliment. Wo cannot speik too high ly of Ciiscirots " THUD WARTMAH , 5703 Qermantown Avc , Philadelphia , Pa. Pleasant , Palatable Potent Taste flood 1X3 Good , Never Mcken. VV cakon. or Gripe , lOc 25c , Me . . . CURE CONSTIPATION. . . . Slrrllot tltmrcl ; Coupmj , ( .hle c ° , Monlrfil , VIT Vort , 111 Nfl.Tfl.RAP Sold amlgnnniiitcert by nllitruc- (1U-1 ( U-DAU 85ls | to efimiviobacco llablt. When otncrs ran consuTl SEARLES & SEARLES NERVOUS CHME 4 PRIVATE DI5EA8B op MEN SPECIALIST Wo guarantee to euro all cases turable o WEAK mil SYPHILIS SEXUALLY. cured for life Nightly Emissions , Lost Manhood. Hydrocelo Vorlcoccle , Gonoirhea Gleet , Syphilis , Strlct- jre , Piles , Tlstula and Rectal Ulcers and All Private Diseases and Disorders of Men. STRICTURE AND GLEET Consultation free C'sill on or DR. SEARLES & SEARLES , HP so. nth st. QnAHA. CURE YOURSELF ! Un > JllgU fur tiiinnttint ) nlftclmrKtts , inflaimimMuni , Irritations or ulcorationi of m uc nun rii > mlir iiL . uinlcKM , ami i ot umlc. or fi'nt ' " rlnin i rarrT l > y cxprisn , preimlil. fu > ' ' * ' r 1 I'ottleH , J/7S. Circular stnt on tcnuijj The celehiated " " "NKDVAU" uhoea foi mon on sale In tine vlel kid and box talf , with genuine vvolt soles , full double stltthcd , nnd the bulldog , and London toes ugulur ? < oo valui'H at { 3 00 .Men B Satin Calf , J2 shoes In liuo and congrcBB full atitchcd solca , on BJO | at $1 00 209-211 South 15th St rmentsl ell Get 209-211 S , 15th St.