ii K OAtAIIA DAILY HKKi TTKSDAY. T ) I5K17 10. SPECIAL NOTICES Advertisement * for tlit-nc column * it III lie Inl.i-ii until JU in. for tlie L-vciiliiic ciltlloit nml intlll Hint ) i > . in. lor mo ml UK mid Siiiulny cilltliin , Itntcii , 1 7-lld u tviiril HrHt Inncrtlotil Its a ttortl tliL-reaftcr. .Vtitlilim UtUcii fur In * * than iir.o fur thu Ill-Mt Inser tion. Tlicnc liilverllHeincntH niuat lie AilvcrtUcrx , liy rrdiicnllitK n nnin- linrotl uht > ck , nnn Imve nnMTcru nil- Urcmtctl ( o a iiiintlicrcil letter In cnre "t The lice. Aimtverit HII lulilremiril tvlll Ii delivered on iirciiuiitiitlun of l u chcclc onlj- . AVAM'IiO-SlTUATIONS. A STENOGRAPHER. When you want ono plengo call up the Remington typewriter olllce , 16)9 ) Farnam street , telephone Iji3. y A a03 ' COMPETENT stenographer desires posi tion , permanent position preferred ; will bo willing to Blurt In moderate salary.T SO. Hoc. A M197 13 * _ FIRST class dressmaker will new In fam ilies. Address T 2G. lied. A-ZC2 U' _ WANTED JIAl.IS lini.t' . WANTED , we have steady work for a few Kootl hustlers of irood habits and appear ance , C. F. Adams Co. , 1813 I1nv"j -of "WE WANT MEN to sell our Minnesota growr > stock in northern Iowa and norin- eastern Ncbrnskn : complete line of hardy rrultfl. ornamental trees , shrubs , plants and evergreens ; men with or without cv- pc-rience , whofe present employment does 1 not pay tKem In proportion to the amount of rncrgy th y arc expending , should get ncfitialnted with our line of work. Address Manager Agency Department , The Jew-ll Nursery Co. . Lake City. Minn. 'Kstnb- ' lislied In 1SC8. ) " _ n l48 2 WANTED , medicine salesman agents to travel , country' ; pleasant , profitable wor . Hnrshall Medicine Co. , Kansas City. Rip. 11 MG DJJ VE TEACH the barber trade thoroughly In short time aiul furnish each graduate with a gunVBlilCKl nrtsHlon at good wages. There are more than toji barber positions advertised to ono nt hookktoping or shurt- hnnd. Write for free catnlnpui ? and par ticulars. Western Barbers' instiiii.e , Omaha. n-MC2J _ rASM -acceptable Idnan. State If pat ented.Address The Patent Record , Bal- Itmcte , Jld. U-MF.7 tt'ANTED. loV wltli horse to deliver The Bcc. Call lit circulation dcpnrtmenj . . < VATri'ED. fierman drug clerk , one or two years' experience ' preferred. S. I1. . B.1"- " ' lor , Scrlb'ier. Nub. . P.-.M27I22 WANTED at- once.incchanlcnl draughts man iwciiHtpincd t ( > packing 'VJUili..jyn ' ! Swift . i Co. , South Omaha. H-MAll 19 AN Inlelliifelit Irtdy to take a shorthand JXiholhi-Hhlp ' aild pay 'for It when she llnislics the course and s-ccures a posi tion. Address Bee , B MJIi MKN. I here Is'no'expense to learn barber j trade If vnil will work for us. Can com- nle.tr ) In eight weeki and Tie finariintoeil ' $ CO.(0 monthly. ' Neml i.ro ) graduates at onre. 'Our ' diplomas entitle you to work in any Htnto In the uiilon. Hownre of woj > Ji- less ImllatloiiH. Write today lor particu lars.Molcr narber College , Cnli-n.ro. . III. J t ill I Jif * COVElfiMENT 'POSITIONS : Don't pre- nare for any civil service or census exam ination wllhout uelng our catalogue of Ill- formation. Sent free. Columbian Correspondence spondence- College , , Washington. D. < r 15 * Mt > Jl I * ' WANTED. 200 girls. 1G2I Dodge. Tel. RTG. C oOl ISO OTULS w.inlrd ; all kinds work ; IS to $7. - Canadian Ofncs , 1C22 _ , Dn W ANTED. n good girl for general house work. Apply 1120 So. 28th St. C-gS-iJIS * AN Intelligent 'ytiung man to take a short hand scholarship and pay for It when ho 1ms llnlsbeirthr-i-oursc'and secured u po- ' hlllon. Artilivs T S2. Rco. ' C-M315 WANTED , housekeeper of middle age , fam ily of Ihrco. ' Address 125 Ex. , South Omaha. C 392 : WANTED , two experienced sewing girln. Annli-'Ht once. Jtrs. Frank Urown , : ! .V-9 HanilUoiiSt , C-393 IS * WANTED , for general housework , compe tent girl , 'With good references. Mrs. W. P. McFiirlnne , KM So. "Oth st. . Omaha. C MIOt 23 * J.'OIl KHXT HOUSI3S. IF YOU want your houses well rented place them with Benowu & Co. D COS CHOICE nouses , cottages , stores. Henry B. Payne , C01 N. Y. Life. 'Phone , 1016. D 505 FINE residence , choice location. II rooms , all modern ; excellent stable. Bemls. Paxton - ton block. D-507 HOUSES , stores. BCmls , Paxton block. D-50S MAGGARD Van nnd Slorage. 1G1G Capitol AvQ. , Tel , 119C. D-5W FOR RENT , housqs In all parts of city. Tho'O. F. Davis Co. , 1505 Farnam street. D-510 GOOD largo barn for rent In north part of city. Inquire 2124 Locust. U 103 HOUSES for rent In all parts of the city. Brennan-Lm'o Co. . 219 So. IGth street. D-513 HOUSES for rent. J. II. Sherwood , 123 N. Y. Life , ,1'hone 3SS. D-515 FOR RENT , desirable houses and Hats. Rlngwalt , Barker block. D MSG3 LARGE 10-room modern residence. This Is the finest house now for rent In the west Farnnm street district. Will make all necessary rcpftlrn to thoroughly please a suitable tciicnt wlio will tale : a lease for u year. Wo will take nominal rental for the winter to get this bouse rented. Omaha Loan and Trust Co. , IGth and Douglas. D-MC39 E-ROOM elegant aoartmonts In Normandle , $55.00 : frroom , inll-modern cottage , newly papered and In line shape , $23.00. We have many others. Payne-Harder Co. , 1st lloor N. V. Life BldB- D-MS01 LARGEST llnt.'F. D. Wcad , 10 & Douglas , HOUSES to rent. Patterson , 303 N. Y. Lite D-T.10 _ _ " DESIRABLE flat In llic Davldge "Timclc , Apply at Hat No , S , D 203-1S * HOUSE for rent tit 1152 Park live. , all mod ern. Apply 2130 So. 33d HI , Tel 1227. 1227.D157 D-157 FOR RENT , R-r.nbnt "House'all modern con- vcnlPiiccs. opposite HaiiMcom park , 1529 Park nve. Inolilro 2130 S. 3Jrd or tele phone 1227. , D-M1G7 STEAM lieat. all modern , unequaled seven- room homio. Tlzard , 223 N. 2ltli. , . D-152 20 NEARLY now 6-rooin collage , nil modern. 1435 N. ,20th SI. D-SQS-10 * HOTEL for rent. 30-room modern hotel. 1 Address Hotel Sclmn , Ashland , Nob. D-M277 23 * FOR RENT. 1910 Burdetle slreet , 10 rooms , brick , mod ern. $ I5.K ( ) , tons N. 27th. 7 rooms , city water. $15.00. IROfi rorby St. , fi rooms , $ IO.fl. ( SHI N. 15ld St. . C rooms , clly water , $12.50. KM N. 21lh St. , 1-rooni modern Hal , 512,00. 20.J7 N. 20th St. , S rooms , modern , $20.ai. 1S23 Wlrt Hi. . 20 rooms , modern , good barn , $30.00. 221S' Blimey SI. , 10 rooms , modern. Hteam , heat , $27.00. 2ttQ'upltdl ! ( Ave , , , ! ) rooniH , modern , $15.00. Elegant mono house. 2133 Cans st. , 11 rooms , all Unbilled In hard wood , modern In every way , $ r > 0.00. lirnnniui 1-ovo Co. . 219 So , IGtli 81 , D-M318 " 1 FOIt'llENT. d-room frame , aill Mliiml St. , J10.0D per .month. W. I * . .Solby , 331 Cham ber of Commerce. , D-SiiS IS FOII RENT. K2 So/-'Slh , 7 rooms , mbdern , I t\a- : ; K)7Ynbater ) , - 7 rooinf. bath : 2222 N. i iklli , H rooms.b.im , largo- yard ; Sll So. I 19th. I room * ; uUwllaU. Itliigwnlc Ilron < Barker Blk. D-2'17 ' C-HOO.M modern house wlli ( barn. 1 1 Munilcrsoii st. . )13.09 , Key next d or D-M103 FOR HUNT IIOlSi : . YKRY plennnnt appnrtment or Hat nf fi room nnd bath : good location nnd Rood h'jmc. M. J. Kennnrd * Son. , Sull 310. Brown Block. IJ-S91 FOII ItEXT PUIlMSIinU ROOMS. THE Columbia. 32G Brocdwoy , Council Bluffs ; roflms for rent day or week ; Iran- flenls nccommodnled ; everything neat , clean and comfortable ; ratei reasonable. Mrs. MInne Dunne , laic of 307 Broadway , proprlelicss. Tclephono 402. EVRnYTIHNO heart can wish for at the Brunswick , low prices Included. NICEM' furnished rooms , steam , elevator and bell boy service ; baths free. Inquire Sehlltz Hotel. K-MI ' LA11C5E south room , modern , gentlemen only ; private family ; no sign. 191 ! ) podjsc. E 3 < G n'UNlSIIED rooms , housekeeping. 2G2.1 Ht. Mary * . B-M4f6 NICEIA' furnished rooms. 2017 Hiirney. K-MIOO 23 * UOOMS A\D ItOOM and board , } 4 ft S. 1512 Davenport. ! < - Mill D23 THE Merrlam family hotel , 25th and Dodge. F 51C * KUUMSUED rooms end board. J015 Doug las St. F-M3CO _ EVERYTHING heart can wish for at tllo Hrunswlck , low prices Included. l' . tl"2 CIS S. 19T1I , desirable rooms nnd board. F-M236 Jll * HLE rooms , first-class board. MSI Hartley. F-M3M 20 run HUNT uxruitxisiiEi ) UOOM . FIVB.unfurnlfliied chambers for housekeep ing to man and wife. 313 N. 17th. FOR HI3XT1 STOHEH AMI OFFICES. FOR ItENT. store In Arst-cluas location ; rout reasonable. Apply U. C. Pet era & Co. , ground lloor , lice Hldg. 1 2CG FOR RENT , a ground floor olllrc. specially yultnble for leal estate , etc. , splendid vault built for use of city treasurer. - Apply ply U. C. Peters & Co. , ground lloor Hea Hullillng. . I-2CT FOR RENT Brick warehouse , two floors , each nOxSO ft ; power elevators ; U. P. trackage. Apply Ilaarmann Bros. . 1014 S. 20th. I C31 SIXTEENTH and .lackson sis. , on Jan. 1 , corner store and basement , $50 a month. Inquire lit the Brunswli'k hotel. FO R"RENT , 3-story brick building , 41xfiO ft. , excellent location. II. C. Peters & Co. . 17C2 Farnam. I-M3I3 13 AfiHXTS WANTED. IT sells for cash , pleases the buyer , and Is making agents rich : household novelty. Write for territory. Sutluve IJrof. , Keokuk. Iowa. J-M2S4-2C * _ SEND $1 In stamps for .sample of "Quick Meal Cooker and Heater , " or 23e ( or sample of "Gold Nugget Quick Klndler ; " competent men and women agents wanted. Hennett Manufacturing Co. . 131 Van Huron St. , Chicago. J-S5S WAXTEI1 TO IlEXT. YOt'NO man desires place to work for board while attending school. Boylrts1 College , 13ee 131dg. Tel. MSI. K-M221 STOIl.VGE. PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co. , 812- 314 Jones , general storage and forwarding. AVAXTEU TO IIUY. ALT. Jtl.ids of household goods , hotels , etc. , in largo or small quantities. Chicago Fur- . ulturo Co. . UQfi-10 Dodge. Tel. 2020. 2020.N N 318 WII-I. " purchase a limited number of Omaha Savings Bank accounts. Brcnnan- Co. , 219 S. 16th St. N-519 WANTED , to buy , a restaurant outfit. Pee ple's Store. IClh and Farnam. N-M21J C CATl loads at once of furniture. Drop a card and a man will call. J. bovine. .101 N. 10th. N-474-D27 AMERICAN dealer : buy secondhand furni ture and stoves 1719 Cumlnsr Tel. 1C73. WANTED , jewelry , wall and show cases , also safe. Diamond Loan Olllce. 1315 Douclas. N M25G 19 WANTED , a good second-hand gas range ; must be cheap and In good condlllnn. Ad dress T 30 , Hce. N-M-102 21 li'OR SALE FUHMTIIIIE. STOVES AND FURNITURE : no reason able offer refused. NCb. Fur. Co. , H13 Dodce. O-520 WE still have a good line of second hand stovrB and furnllure at reduced nrlces. Call. J. Lewis , 101 So. llth. O-M7SG J3 FOII SALE HOUSES. AVAOONS , ETC. GOOD top buggy for sale cheap. Address P t , Dee. P19J GOOD buck , newly painted and new wheels. AUY ) ( i-pas.ienger Rockaway. with rubber tires , latest style ; -1-piiHxenger Hghl Rock- away , newly painted. Drummoiid Car riage Co. , ISth and H'urnoy. P .MMO U FOII SA1.IMISCEI > LA.\L'OUS. SHIRTS to order. ICclloy & Hoyden. Q- CUTTERS ot drus prices. Shurman & ic Cunnoil Drug Co. . laU Dodge at. Q- & ; , PUNCTURELESS bicycle tlrca. Om. lil'T- Do dgc. _ _ _ _ Q sa i SALE-Ten R-I-P-A-N-S FOR for druggists. One gives relief. Jon f ' H. HAAS , Florist. 1813 Vlnton St. Tel lie Plants , cut nowers. boquots , hall , VesN dci.ee , wedding nnd sruvo decoratloni Orders by mall or cxpreas promptly uiiea INDIAN rollcs ; mounted hcadsnjfi Kariiam _ Q-M7 2D-HAND safe cheap. Dcrlghl , ] ijj ( Farnam Q-529 NEW painplo sewing machines , JJ5. Omaha Ulcyclo Co , Q-M ) 9 SAFES-Cuy , sell , exchanee. in S. 13th sT. _ _ O-S'g ADVERTISING calendars. Rurklov Pig , Co. Q-M7H9 Dec.l TWO MILLION FEET OF TIMBERS , CxG , CxS. SxS , 10x10. 12x12 , 12x11. FROM 1C-FT. TO 40-FT. LENGTHS. CAN FURNISH ANY LENGTH DESIRED. ADDRESS CHICAGO HOUSE WRECK ING CO. , EXPOSITION GRpUNDS , OMAHA-NEB. Q-SS3-31 FOR SALE , now nnd 2d-lmnd soda foun tains ; monthly payments. S. B. Rich- inond. P. O. Box 677. Q-M212 J13 ; .152 BUYS Slelnway upright plann : gonrt condition ; cash , or easy payments. Ad dress P 10 , Bee. ' Q-MSSS FOR SALE-The celebrated Wilbur Food for fultrnliii. Htocl , 1.000 feeds for $1.300 ; ninety days time to any good feeder. ; sallsfat lion guaranteed U. A Hill , H'ute I utent , Grand Island , Neb. Q-235 J-13 I I FOR j FOR j ft Christmas present nothing nice i ns n Shot land pony Sen A. L. Sulllv n . Ht the county treasurer's office , Lincoln. , Neb. : he Is niBklni rock-bottom prlrf | for the next two weeks. Q-SJl | FOR SALE , Imrjtalng geoil for Christmas prcpenls ; dlamond . watche. . Jewelry. | musical Instrument ? , etc. Diamond LOHII i Office. 1315 Douglas. Q-M2S7 31 | FOR SALE , the celebrated Wilbur Food fnr fnttenltlg slock : enough feeds to last , one nnlmnl l.onn days for * I3.O ) : satlsfac- llnn pUHrnnleed. II. A. Hill , state agenl. Grand Island , Neb. Q-23r > .T" . U8CnilAN'12Ol'S. ' NOTICE , counlry dealers. 2d-hand furnlturi &slovcsnt lowest prices , cnrload lots or less , Chicago Furniture Co. , H06-10 Dodge. R-530 CLAIRVOYANTS. MRS. PniTH. clairvoyant. 803 N. Ifith. S-531 MME. GYLMER Genuine palmlsl. 1C05 Dmlge S 532 MRS. DR , HART , palmist nhd clairvoyant , 213 N. mil street. Hours , . " _ M3M DR. LEE HARRIDEN , clairvoyant and life render. 1707 Cuss street. Sutlsfacllon cuai'- nnteed. S-M3S , 19 MASSARU AM ) IlATlls. MRS. UERRY , baths , massage : parlors bes't equipped In the clly ; porcelain tub ; Ida Terry of Chicago , attendant. Crounso blk. , 119 No. IClb at. , opp. P. O. , 2d lloor. , T-m 43C-D 20 * MMB. AMES , 11. 2 , 507 S. 13 ; LILLIAN HOWARD and Ucatrlco Harlow , elegant maasage tub bath , Arabian treat ment. Flat D , 7"3 So. 10th. T-MS55 21 * M1S3 LILLY from Chicago , massage , alco hol rubbing and baths. 21S'i North 16th , room 1 T-M 195 19" _ _ ELITE PARLORS , Sir. S. Hitli , Upslnlr.s ; llrpt-clnss baths , magnetic treatment. Lady attendants. T-M320 20 MME. SMITH , room 2 , HS'i N. 15th. T-M356 23 * _ ' i'iusoXAi.s. VIA VI Is woman's way lo health. 346 Boo Bldg. U-53) ) SHAMPOOING 23c. hair drosslng 2.1C ; hnlr and toilet s'oods , best cquiiiped. Monhelt , 151S Farnam. U 531 MONHEIT. leading chiropodist , lots Far nam. 2d lloor. U 530 PRIVATE hospital for ladles before & dur ing confinement ; babies adopted. 113R N. 17. U-537 SCALP & hair treatment. Mme. Post , 3 S. 15th. U-53S LIEBEN , costumer. 1313 Howard. G 3t catalogues. U MS41 RinnON hair curlers , 2"c sample , stamp" : , silver ; circulars. Robertson. CO Wnb.ish , Chicago. Agenls wanted. U M3CO D23 * COSTUMES-Mrs. Sack , 3318 S , 20tb. Cata- logue. U JI900-J-S SECONDHAND sowing machines from $3.00 up. Neb. Cycle Co. , Cor 15th and Hartley. U-M9S3-J-9 - - - DTI. DAVIS , specialist. ICth and Dodge. U-1SH THAT word Uanltlers l a new ono to me. Charley. Oh , that Is nothing , Mnttlc. Everything Is NEW , nice and Inexpensive at the Brunswick cafe. U JI220 DR. ROY. chiropodist ; corns removed. 2'c and upward. Room 12 , Frenzer block. U r' T [ JoJ MO.VEY TO 1OAY ! HEAL ESTATE. $1,000 and upwards to loan on Improved city property and farms. W. Ftirnam Smith & Co. , 1320 Farnam. W 533 MONEY to loan on Nebraska and Iowa farms ; lowest rates. Erennan-Love Co. , 219 S. IGth , Omaha. ( W 3-10 $100 TO $2bOO. ; F. D. Wead , IGth and Douglas W-511 C PER cent loans. Garvin Bros. , 1G13 Farnam W-5J2 WANTED , city and farm loans ; also bonds nnd warrants. R. C. Peters & Co. . 1702 Farnam St. , Bee Bldg. W 5)3 ) WRITE us if you want a loan on your fornT In Iowa , eastern Neb. or Mo. ; H will p-ty you. Anthony Loan & Trust Co. , 315 N y L $100,000,000 to Invest through Banker- : Brokers , Promoters ; send for circular Investors1 Directory , N. Y. W 5K ' 5 PER CENT money. Hernia , Paxton block ' W MONEY to loan on flrsl-clnss Improved city properly or for building purposes. Pavne- Hnrder Co. , N. Y. Life. W7 | - 5 , M , G per cent loans In Omaha. S. Omaha W. H. Thomas , 503 1st Nat. bank. ToI. ] IGR W-MS MONEY to loan at 5 and n'A ' per cent on Omaha property. W. B. MeikTe , 401 So. 15th. W-55Q MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha reTl estate. Brennan-Lovo Co. , 319 South Kth. W-551 FIVE per cent ; farm loans. Chas. E7 WIN llamson. PRIVATE money'low : rate ; no delay. Garvin Bros. , 1G13 Farnam street. .V-M1S1 D20 -UOXKY TO LOAN LOANS MADE TO SALARIED 1-ICOPI F holding permanent positions , on their Var sonut note without endorEemetit or H i. Lur" { { " ity ; Htrlctly conlldential and at ONE-HALF TH'E USUAL RATIOS Before borrowing see us , us you w'll' iinH It greatly to your ndvanliiKe ; we dijsl. largest and only Incorporated uro the company In Omaha. .F. W. TruuMur Joan 119 Board of Trade Bldg. , icu , and ft { I ilfim Sli\ Telephone 2295. X 533 MONEY loaned salaried people Iiold7nnc7 mancnt portion with responilble concerns upon their own names , without securliv : easy payments. Tolnian , 700 N. Y. L BidV X-537 LOANS made to salaried people on personal nolo without security. RatiM reasonable. J. W. Taylor. 40J Knrbnch block. 12 to li:15 : p. m. X-5W MONEY loaned on furniture , rlan. bicycles diamonds , watches , etc. ; payment un known to friends. Omaha Loan Bank 1418 Fnrimm , upstairs. X 3M LOANS wanted. Room C33 Paxton block. X-M193 ! MONEY loaned on furniture , pianos Jewelry - elry , .etc. , unknown to friends ; monthly payments ; hall rates. Bergen * ' Loan Co. 1408 Farnam , over drug ctore. X M720 i MONEY loaned on pianos , furniture , horsus" , cows , Jewelry. Duff Green , R. s , Barker blk ! X-5C1 MONEY TO LOAN ON' HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. PIANOS , HORSKS. WAGONS. ETC LOW RATES-EASY PAYMENTS. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. . SCO SOUTH IGTH STREET. X-555 MONEY loaned on plnnos. furniture , Jew- eliv , horses , cows , etc. U F , Reed , 31'j S. 13lh. X-55S MONEY to lojn ( on furniture , pianos , horseo , cows , etc. J. W. Taylor , 403 Kar- , bach block , K lo 0:15 : p. m. N 353 ! I LOANS TO SAL A RI ED PEOPLE cin - i I ! ploye.l In Oniaha. .South Omabu and i Council Bluffs , holding good position * , on I their own names. NO MORTGAGE ; BEST , TERMS , everything private ; money can , be paid back In tvnall weekly or monthly i payments. American Loan Co. , Room ; GO ] , Bee Bide. X-5CO I MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE holding permanent pasltlona on their own name without endorser or mortgage. . STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL and LOW EST RATES. No Imiulrk'K made of erai ployer or friends. You can borrow any ! I i amount nnd repay lu easy weekly or' ' monthly payments. Before borrowing gee , us. Omaha Credit Co. . C. 1C. Jetniliib'S. I Mgr. , Suite 5S5-5JG N. Y. Life IJIdi ? . X-3S9 I I ST VM.millAX < ; ! ) STl'TTKUIMi. ' | i CURED. Julia Vuutfhn , 430 Ramao Bid ? . , -5U I JIOMV ! TO 1,0 VV-t II ITTI-i. i. s' ' ciiA.\ris. \VAOS , aceounls nnd bad dfrbts of all kinds collected. NEVER FA1U Slftle- mcnts and rem.ill.uice * mailed weekly. Highest commercial and bank reference * OMAHA LEGAL AGENCY , suite 511. First Nntlonnl bank building. 'Phone 2J51. Communicate with us and we will send u . 'enable collector for your nccounts. \ - 56I I HOTEL AND RESTAURANT-Partnerhlp I or whole llilng : big palronase ; now otitilt. i Innulrc 61i ! S. IGth at. Y-91D Jl j MEItCANDISE STOCKS Wn have dry j goods , clothing. stocls boots nnd shoos , hardware , drugs and gmcerle stocks i located In all parts of Nebraska , Iowa , , Dakota and Missouri. If you want to buyer or trade for a stock of poods we can locate. If you want to sell your goods or property we can find n buyer for you. Write or call on us for what you want. Hotels for sale or trade. Merchandise Broker , 202 Knrbnch blk. Y-M130 THE New Snow Church Company a great success ; collects good and bad debts on commission In every county lu Unlled Slnles. W. II. Green , President : C. II. Glover Secretary. Y-M131 _ _ DRUO stock for sale ) n western Iowa ; will Invoice about Jl.SOt ) . Address W. W. " \ \ > ' - land , Hurlaii , lown. Y-M222 ! ? J MANAGER WANTED : \VI1I Sell one fourth to otic-half Interest In paying min ing plant and mine to responsible party who will take charge and run It. uood i enrolls for selling. U. S , Walthall , Mystic , S. D. Y-302 IS' FOR SALE , Interest and good will In n well-paying grocery ; splendid location ; becomes necessary for owner to leave the city. Call or address O'Noll's Real Es- tnto Agency , South Omaha. Y M3J3 2J FOR SALE , 2-chnlr barber shop and pool hall ; receipts over WK ) n month In the best 750 town In nortliweslcrn lown. A. W. Holt. Baltic Creek. Iowa. Y-M321 39 TO SPECULATORS and Investors , all per sons Interested In turf Investments as a menus of money making may obtain valu able Information relative to the business by sendlnjr me name aud address. Edwin K. Farley , Expert Jlandlcupper , 81 Adams St. , Chicago , 111. Y M3l ! ) ll ! * FOII SAI.E-UEAl. ESTATE. SNAPS In real estate ; money to loan. L , . L. Johnson Co. , 314 3. ISth street. RE-JC4 HOUSES , lots , farms , lands , loans ; also lire Insurance. Hernia. Paxton blk.RE-f.uo FOR QUICK returns on bargains only soc S. A. Broadwell , 501 N. Y. Lite Bldg. RE-M401 l7o3 DOUGLAS , cheapest Inside business propelty on market. Wallace , solo agent. RE-M152 33 . acres , three miles north of Florence. ail In timber ; will cut between 400 and 500 cords of woud ; for $1,250. Ten acres on West Dodge St. , macadam , halt hour's drive. Jl.OOO. The Byron Reed Co. . 212 S. llth St. RE 5GB FOR SALE cheap , large house and lot , east 49 feet lot 2S , block 10 , Kountza & Ruth's addition ; rents for $23.00 per month , but would brlmr more by mnkliig few repairs. Price , $2,500.00. G , B. TzPchUck. c.ire Omaha Bcc. RE ii3. > A BARGA1N Four acres , 40th and Pacific ; txvo blocks from car line , on belt rail road. $2.500 : easy terms. McCngiio In vestment Co. . 150G Dodge. RE-5G7 NOTHING bul bargains handled by S. A Broadwell , 601 N. Y. Life Bldg.REM408 RE-M408 LOOK at 270S Capitol Avc. . 7-room frnmo cottage , nearly new , on lot "Oxl".1 ! feet , smith : front. Price , $1.400.00. Thlp Is a bargain. Byron R. Hastings , 212 S. Hth. I RE-9J' FOR SALE Bargains In small residences. S. A. Broadwell. 01 N. Y. Life Bldg. RE-M10T EIGHTY acres , clear , for 'city property. 1512 Davenport. . RE M395-D25 FOK BARGAINSeverybody feoes to S. A. Broadwell , 001 N. Y. Life'Bide. ' , ' . V RE-MI03 IF YOU-have a "bargain to.offo"r , In real estate see S. A. Broadwolli501 N. Y. Life Bldg. " . ' . RE-M403 $ none TO LOAN OUT , r per cent. For sale , $5,000 city wjlrruntK. For wale , $2,000 fi-yonr loan. $1,500 to loan out , G per cent. All subject lo withdrawal or sale. C. F. HARRISON. OMAHA RE-3HO ] ! ) * TO ANY ONE thinking of buy Ing one of thoi'o cottages at Fort Omaha , look at those nice lots on 21th Kt. , just north F 10. & M. V. tracks. W. 11. Gates. 1S N. Y. Life. 'Phone , 1291. RE-M240 20 HENRY B. PAYNE , G01 NT Y. LIFE BLDc ! llfal Estate , Rentals , Loans , Insurance. HOUSES , lots , farms , landw and Insurance. R. C. Patterson , 305 N. Y. Life. RE S71 FOR SALE- $2,000.00 for 9-room house , barn , etc. ; No. 113. " , N. ISth yt. ; rent. I25.CO per'month. $3,000.00 for 9-room modern house , newly painted and papered , corner lot Ii xl2l ft. , 1'A blocks south ot Farnam , Xo. 302 S. 33th si. i GEORGE & COMPANY , 1G01 Farnnm St. RE M23S 21 C. F. HARRISON , FAR.MS , FARM LOANS. RE-22S-J15 * BIG BARGAIN AVe have been authorized by eastern owners to sell 3 litu , located al the N. W. corner of 37th and Farnam .st. . 132 feet facing fioulli on Farnam and 132 feet fnelne en-I on 37th st. This IK a choice building i-nr- neinnd about the only corner left on Faniain st. that Is tlcPlrnblo for a tine | residence. i further Information the ! ' For regarding property - erty call on R. C. Peters & Co. . exclusive agent * , lice bldg. RE M352 20 ! , 4Txi5S FEET. east front , South 20th .street , ] ! uxplmll puvlng paid ; price SSOO. 2 lots near list nnd Jiickson sin. , Very cheap ; J350 for Hie two. CO acres within 10 miles of Omaha I' . O. . ' 10-room , house , barn "OxjGO , some fruit1 trees , line place : Improvement. . ! ennily ' worth $2,0ii' ' ) ; price $4,000. John N. Frenzer , J opp. old P. O. RE-3SI | FOR SALE , my house , Silt ; Marry. 7 rooniK , all modern , now full lot ; present price $ . ' ! , < K)0 ) , In spring $3,50 < ) . GEO. T. MORTON With C. F , . HARRISON. RK ano lu * ' PAYNE-HARDER Co. , HHADQl'ARTEFiS for REAL ESTATE BARGAINS ; LO\V- , EST RATEH on LOANS ; SOUND IN- HURANCH : HOUSES. , FLATS mid , STORES for RENT. 1BT lloor N. Y. Life Bids. HE-MI" ) , LOST , brown muff on South 32nd st. ur Paik car. Rnlnrn to 1123 8. 32nd HI. r.l Keciiie llboral roward. LOHI-MW 19' LOST. Sunduy nlulit about S o'clock , a pray , horse with a wire cut In Iho bre.ist , weight 1 about & 50 ; buggy without n top. Return I to Anderson it Johnson. Sevmour Pink ' Lost M3)5 ! ) 20' , DR. MANSFIELD'S monthly regulator has brought happlnesH to huiulrein : of anxious women ; have never hail u single failure. ! lonuesl cae relieved In two to live di\H ; | without fail : no pain , no danger , no Inter- fereiuc with work : by mail or ofilio. i : all IctteiH truthfully niiHWPieil. Tlie , MnnalHd Remedy Co. , 1G7 Dearborn K : , room till , Chicago. III. M 153 2'il LADIES , old Dr. Heirs' . Cotton Root Pill , the best. safe , reliable. Take no other 'Send Is stamp for particul.irH. Dr. n. > ! . Box 718. St. Louis , Mo. M.'i'JS ' JU" "TOADIES. ClileheBter English Pennyroyal pills n.'e the best : safe , reliable : take no other : send 4c , stamps , for parllculars. "Relief for Ladlen. " In leticr by return mall. At driigglstH. Chlchester Chemical Co. , Phlladolphia , Pa- i _ . - - i S1IORTIIAM ) AM > TVPISWRITI.VrJ. [ A. C. VAN BANTS school. 717 N. Y. Life. I -37' ' ) I _ AT OMAHA Hui. Collect ! , IGth ft Douglas. | 571 I1OYLES' COLLEGE court reporter prlncl- pal. Bee Bldg 572 _ _ NEBRASKA B'ii ' < lne .H mid Shorthand col- Icso. Boyd's theater. 11-151 T\IM\VIUTKHS. TVPEWIUTERS f..r rent , JI.01 per month. The Smllh-Prrmlcr Typewriter Co. . 1S" ( > Farnam St Telephone 18 < l. S74 WE RENT nnd sell the bnM tvnewrltera mnrte ; largest stuck of suiipl ! " * In Omaha. United Typewriter ft Supply Co. , IG12 Far nnm. 57o 'IV'UTON ' Standard Typewriter and supplies. 1G19 Farnam. 57G THE Oliver Typewriter , vlslblo writing , heaviest mnnlfolder and cuts the finest stencil. Tel. 2S7 ! ) . J. S. Stewart , Soeolnl Agfiit , 31 < iU fl. istli St. . Omnhn. S77 TYPEWRITERS , secondhand. 1110 Farnnm. -57S OSTMOPATIIV. JOHNSON Ostcopathlc Insllluto. 515 N. Y. Life Bldg. , Alice Johnson , D. O. , Indie * ' dcpt. ; Old E. Johnson , Ostcopathlst , mgr. -5S2 M. E. DONOHUE. D. O. , of Still school , Klrksvllle , Mo. . GJI Paxton blk. Tel. 13G7. -5S3 t JEFFERSON Square Loan Olllce. 41S N. 16. -5SI EAOLM Loan Ofllce , reliable , nccommodnt- i Ing ; all business conlldonilnl. 1301 Doug las. -5So LOST. LOST , gold spectacles In leather case. A reward will be given to tinder if he Will restore them to owner at 2007 St. Mary's avenue. Lost 3S9 is * THI'MC FACTOHY. TRUNKS traveling bug" , suit cases. Trunks repaired. Om. Trunk Factory , ] 2"U Farnnm 323 TAII-OHI.M : . ' LADIES' lackels , men's clothing , altered , latest styles ; cleaned. Max Fogcl , 307 S. 17th -792 J-3 MCKEI. 1'I.ATI.VC. BASE BURNERS , lamps nnd chandeliers roplatcd. Omaha Plating Co. , Bee Bldg. PAPER IIA.\niKS. MAIL postal card giving your address and receive valuable information. P. O. Box 113 , Oinnlm. M227-J23 I1ICYCI.KS. NEW and secondhand bicycles at half price. Louis Flesher. 1622 Capitol ave. 591 TICKtCT IIHOKKRS. CUT RATE railway tlcketn everywhere. P. II. Plillbln , 1503 Farnnm. 'Phone 7S4. -590 OMAHA Candy Store , fresh , homemade candy , lOc , 15c nnd 25c Ib. 30G N. IGlb. -G30 D31 DA.VCI.VG SCII001 , . AIRS. MORAND gives private lessons , waltz or two-step ; ladles and gentlemen , acad emy or residence. Address 1510 Hartley St. -2C7 D24 JI1HIJ.S AM ) TAXHIISmiY. STOCK'S Bird store. 1G03 Lcavenwortb. Lcavenwortb.573 -573 K PACKING. M. S. WALKLIN , 2111 Cumlng. Tel. 1331. 5S9 URCSSMAKI.VG. -FAMILIES. . Miss Sturdy , 221G Daven port. M-202 .112 PIANO FACTORY. PIANOS tuned , repaired , by experts ; low charges. C. Sommer. 321 S. 10th. Tel. 2059 -772 D25 HOTELS. METROPOLITAN. 12th and Douglas Sts. , Omaha , Neb. $1.00 to $1.25. 'Phone 211. -207 D22 runs. II. E. & E. HUBERMANN. furrlersTfurs made to order and repaired. IIS S. 15th. M S57 SCHOOL OK I.AXUAGK. FRENCH , German. Spanish , $2 per month. Prof. Chatelnln , 301 Boyd thentet. 5S7 LAr.MHlY. OMAHA STEAM LAUNDRY AND CITY TOWEL SUPPLY. 1730 Leavenw'th. T1.5I7. -M2JS RAILWAY TIM 13 T A 111,13. KANSAS CITY. ST. JOseph - seph ft Council Bluffs Railroad "The Burling , ton Route" Ticknt Ofllce , 1502 Farnam Street. Tele phone. 250. Depot , Tenth ard Maaon Stnets. Telephone - phone , 310. Leave. Arrive , Kansas Cily Day Ex a b:5u : am a 5:15 : pm Kansas Cily Night Ex..ivlO:13 : pm a i:30 ; : .irn SI lx > uis Flyer for St , JuKuph and S : . Louis..u ! : " > pin all:15 : am a Dally. jSS CHICAGO , HURLINCJTO.V & Qulncy Rallruad-"Tho Burlington Rum e" Ticket Olllce , 1002 Farnum St. Tel. , 250. Depat , Tenth & ami Mason Streets. Tele phone , 310. . Leave. Arrive. Daylight Chicago Spe cial a GIO : am Chkjyj Vostlbuled Ex..a 3:03 : pin a S:03 : am ChltuEo Kxprcn ? a 8:50 : am n 1:05 : pm Chicago & St. L. Ex..a 7:43 : pm a 8:03 : am PuclrV Junction Local..ulO:43 : am Fast Mall a ; :45 : pm a Dally. BURLINGTON & MIS- Eourl River Railroad "Tin- Burlington Routn" General Olllces , N. W. Corner Tenth and Far- iinm Streets. Ticket oillee , 1302 Farnam Street. Telephone , 250. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Tolt- I'hune. 31i/ / . Leave. Arrive , Lliuoln. Hastings and Mci oolc . a 8:10 : am a 7:40 : pm Lincoln , Denver. iolo- rado. Utah. California. ! ! 1:25 : pm a 3:55 : pm Lincoln. BlacK Hills , Muniami & Puset Hound . a 4:2X : , jin i > 3:00 : pm Lincoln Loeui . n 7:00 : pm nlO:35 : am Lincoln Fast .Mall . a 3W : ) pm aIO:33 : am Denver , C ila'ado , Uuh ft California . u G:3G : am a Dully. , and tt IMcJilc Railroad "Tno Great Rock Isl and Route. " City Tick et Olllce. 13X Knrnum SlroU. Telephone. 4. Depot , Ton Hi A .Mason Streets. Telephone , o , Dei Moii.--s and Daven- . pori Loi-nl a 7M : om bll:35 : cm tiiiu i Lxi-ri-Hs liii.iS am a Slo ; nm Chic,4KM , Flint Expica.a Dee : pm a 1:25 : pm rft. ' Paul Fani E-cprcss..a 5:00 : pm bil:33 : mn I Llrnulii. . . , i Ptinvur , Pueblo and _ . . . . . . . . . . . . a 1:30 : pm a 4:25 : pm j ; i De Rock Isl- I and ami ( 'hlcngo u 7:2S : pm a 5:50 : pm ' Colorado , < t TCXUH Flyer.a 5:55 : pm a 9:20 : um a Dull ) . b Dnilv except Suir.luy. ' M iVsouiu 'AcF ic RAIL. ronci Qunoral OIIIfPB and Tidal Oillccji Southeast Cor ner Hill and Doiiiilns Bit. Tcluphonc , 101. Depot , ] 3th amiV b tcc Si * . Tulepnone. 14. j. I , - " - , . l-eavc. Arrlvn. , Louis , KaiiBas & i Neb Limited . a 2:30 : pm u2:15 ! : prn I K. CSt L Expr-sa . . a 9:50 : pm u 5:50 : am ! turani i Ix ) ' ul via I Wuep'rg ' Wu-cr b 5-03 pii ) a 9-15 ura ' u Da.ly b Pally except II.III.AV.VY TIMI : Tiu.i ; . f rfT. PAUL , Minneapolis & OniAIIA R.I luny - "The North- wcntern Lino" General tutties , Nebraska Dlvl- * l.n. , Uth nnd Webtter SIK. City Ticket Otilcfc , l-Riiuun St. Telephone , 61. Depot , 13th aud Webster Sts. Leave. Arrive , Twin City Express ( for Sioux City. St. Paul .t Minneapolis ) n fi:00 : nm Omaha PAssengir n 7:00 : pm Blair , Kmei'cn. Sioux City , Pontn , llarilng- ton nnd HlojinfleM . . .bl:0)pm : fal:10 } : pm No s Twin Cl ; i/i' < i. a 6:55 : pm 1 Omaha L.mlteil. . . a 9:00 : nm b Daily except Sunday.a tfrtFIlKMONI . { yfj x Missouri VaK-y Ran .1 "The Norihwcsern. : LO- „ i" " Gcnoriil OJllces , United States' National Jlauk IMiIg. . Southwest Corner Twelftli and Far nam Sirects. Ticket office. 14C > ; Farnam Street Telephone , 5i'l. Depot , 13th nnd Webster streets. Telephone , 145S. Leave. Arrive , Black HIII. = . Dcadwood. Hot Springs , a 3:00 : pm a 5:00 : pm Wyoming. Casper ana Douglas d 3:00 : pm e 3W : pm Hastings. York , David City , Superior , Geneva Exeter and Seward..b 3:00 : pm h 6:00 : pm Norfolk , Yerdlgro and Fremont b 7:30 am blO3 : am Lincoln , Waboo ami Fremont D 7:30 : am bJO:25 : nm Fremont Lo nl c 7:30 : am n Dallv o Dally except Sunday , c Sun day only. d Pally except Saturday. e ' dnilv nypiMlf - CHICAGO & NORTHwestern - western Railway "Tho Northwoslcrn hlno" CMy Ticket Olllco , 1401 Farnam Street. Telephone - phone , fid. Depot , Tenth ami Mason Streets. Tele. phone , K9. Leave. Arrive. Daylight Chicago Spe cial a 0:40 : am P.H.M : pm Chicago P.isscnger a 4:15 : pm alO:10 : am Eastern Kxpremi. Des Molnes , MnrL-halltnwn , Cedar Rapids nnd Chicago cage alO:53 : am a 4:05 : pm Eastern Limited. Chicago cage and East a 4:53 : pm a 1:05 : pm Fast Mull , Chicago to Omaha a 2:45 : pm Omuhn-Chleago Special.a 7:30 pin a S:00 : am Fast Mull , S:20 : am a Dally , b Dally except Sunday. [ SIOUX CITY , < t PACIFIC i Railroad "I'lie North-1 wo tern l.lno"--nencral 1 Olllecs , tJnltcd States I National Hunk lUil'-llng. S. W. corner Twelfth - - - and Farnam Streets. Ticket otllre , 1401 Farnnm Street , Tele phone , 5C1. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone , G29. Leave. Arrive. Sioux City , Mankato & St. Paul , Minneapolis. 3:55 am a Slu : am St. Paul. Minneapolis , Mankato , t Sioux City.a r > : , ,0 pm all:01 : pm Sioux City Local a SUO : am a 4:30 : pm a Dally UNION ' " I'ACIFIC-"THEOVER. land Route" General OHice" N. E. Cor. Ninth and Farnam Streets. City Ticket Olllcc. 130' Farnnm Street. Telephone , 316 Depot . Tenth and Masoii Street" Telephone , C29. Leave. Arrive The Overland Limited..a S:50 : am a 7:20 : pm The Fast Mall a 9:00 : am a 3:30 : pm The Colorado Special..nllo.i : pm a 0:33 : am The Portland Special.-.a SoO : am a 4:10 : pm Lincoln. Beatrice and . Stromsmirg Express..b 4 : " ! , ) . Dally , b Daily except Sunday , I'OMAHA ' & ST. LDUiS RAII- II road Omaha , Kansas City " & Eastern Railroad "Tho QnllK'.v Rome" Tick- Of fice , 1415 Farnnm Street. T < u-phone , 322. Depof , Tenth ana Mason Streets. Tele phone , C29.Leave. Leave. Arrive. St. Louis Cannon Ball Express n 4:50 : pm a S:35 : am Kansas City and Qtilncy Local a 7:15 : am a S:50 : pm CHICAGO , MILWAUKEE & St. ran ! Rallwa- City Ticket Ollice , 1504 Farnam Street. Telephone. 2SI. De pot , Tenth and Mason Std. Telephone. G.'H. Leave. Arrive , Chicago Limited Ex a 7:35 : pm a 8:30 : am Chicago > 'i , Omaha , Ex..bll:00 : am b 3:65 : pm Sioux City & Des MolnCH Express bll:00 : nm b 3:55 : pm a Dally , b Dally except Sunday. W An ASH RAILROAD- t Ticket Olllce , lllii Farnam Street. Telephone. SS5. De. pot. Tenth nnd Mason Sireets. Telephone , fi2 ! > . Leave. Arrive. St. Louis "Cannon Ball" Express a 4:50 : pm a 8:35 : am a Dally. ( JOVEHXMHXTNOTICE. . PROPOSALS FOR IM'ILDlNaIA - terlnls , etc. : tT. S. Indian Service , Roi-o- but Agency , Ropebud , S. 1) . , December lltli , 1S93. Sealed propotials , endorsed "Proposals for llulldliig Materials , etc. , " and addressed to the undersigned at Rosebud , S. D. , will be received nt tills agoney until two o'clock ] > . in. of Saturday. January 18th , 1MO. for furnltMiing and delivering , either nt Valen tine. Neb. , or at this agency , within llfly CO ) days after receipt of nnllco of approval of coiilraet. a variety nf building materials , etc. , consisting of assorted lumber , ablngle , dcioi-H , windows , melal > > hlngleii. cement , lime , plumbing supplies , olln. ote. , u full list and descrl'itlo'i of which may be obliilned by making application to the undersigned. Hlddew will state spfelllcally In tholr , bldP the proposed price of encli nrtlelo offeree ] , nnd point of delivery. All articles delivered under any ronlnirl will be nubjcet tc a rlglil Inspection before ar- < -ci liii < ' . - or rejection thereof. The right Is vi-icned to re.lect any and nil blilH , or any ti-i-t < -f iin > bid , if deemed for the best In- IcreHi'i ot the service. Certllled checks F.-irll bid nnii'l be aecnmininled by u certl- iiici I'heck or di'iift tlpon homo I'lllled StnH-s dep'Kdtory or MJlvent national bank In Iho vlelnlty of Hie rcsldi'iicii of the bidder , mmln ' payahl'ii to the order of Ihg CoininlHslnner of Indian .iffuliv , for Ht least flvo pur cent of the amount of the proposal , which checker or draft will be fin-foiled lo thu United States In cure nny bidder or bidders receiv ing an iiwnrd "hall fall lo promptly ex ecute n contract with good ami HUlllclent Hiirntles , otherwise to be returned to the bidder. Hldrt accompnnleil by catili In lliu of a < 'erllll"d check will not be considered. For am additional Information apply to CHARLES E. McClJEHNEy. U. H. Indian A-ent. Dcc.19. STOCKIIOMIEIIS MEKTIXiJ , FmCICHOliDUHft MEETING. OFFICE OF LEK-ULASS-ANDRKEHEN HARDWARE CO. , OMAHA , Neb. . Dec. 9 , lb"t. ! Notlco Is hereb > Klven to the stock- hoIdei-H of the. Lee-Olims-Andrer-Hen Hard- wiiiu Co. that the annual meoilnir of the i-tockholderB of the company will he liuld ut the oillcPH of. the ; iia company. 121'J-121- ) . ) ) ) jinrney street , In the city of Omaha , In the elate of Nebraska , on Tucrfdny , Januiiry ! i A. D. li'W ' , at 3 o'clock p in. , for the purpuKf of electing a board of directors fop the company lo servo during the ensuing year and to tram-act such other business a * may be Attest : W.M.ai < . . ; STOCKHOLDERS MEETING. 1'nl'jii Lund tompiiny : : Not ice Is hereby given Hint thn annual m ellng of the stockholders < , t the I'nlon l.aiid company for tlic election of llvo dlrec- tui-K nnd the iran actlon of such other iiuf-i- iiecd IIH may lawfully cprno befnro the nieet- Ing will be held at thn olllce of the u < ncral ' Hollcltor. Union Pnclflu building , Omaha , Neb. , upon Monday , the Stli day of Jim- uary. l 'iO. at in o'cloelt a. in. I The stock Injnsfer bookH will bo closed ten days previous to the mooting. New York City , N. Y. . Dpcembor 10th. ALEXANDEU MI1.LEI ! . . ' DucHd20Il.M ) . Notice In hornby ulven that the annual Hireling "f the siockliolders of thu Ornwhn ( Ju * Company will Jnllfild at the otlleo nf the coiii'iany ' , MerchautM' National Iank ! building , at 10 n. m. .Monday. January IHI , 1 I'M. for the election of illterlom for th 1'iisuliiK jear. i. lfmatr 15. ' "M FRANK MI'KI'IIV J'i < xlili-nl aiio u c'LAinrun si > . r , . . D-l'- M&h-M I'OSTOl'PIt U X ( Should Ix * n > tl ( Inlly by nil Interested , n * chunges m y occur at nnv time. ! ForeiRn mull * for th * week ending De cember n. 1 93. will close ( PROMPTLY lit nil ctt fS ) At tlwj ftonerat uimtultlPti As tO\ \ * ! * : PARCKLS. POST MAILS clOW oflo hour curlier than closing tlntd shown be * low. Parrel pnt mall * lor Oermanv elfjgo at 5 p. in , Mondny nnd Frl.lay , for dl.ipnlch per s. s Stuttonrl. Tueedny , and per 8. S. Pntrlcla , Sntmnay. 'I'riHl-iHtllllltll' .111 ! 111. Tt'ESUAY-At 6 p. in. Tor UtniOl'E , licr K. p. Now Engmnd. from Hoston , via Queensiown. WEDNESDAY-Al 9 n. m. ( stipplenlPtllafy 10:30 : a. in. ) for EflJOPE , p r s. s. South- wark , vln Southnmpton anil Antwerp ( lei- tlr.s must lie directed "per s. . rioutll- wark"J. TIMMlSDAY-Al 7 n. in. for FRANCE direct. S\Vn/.EIJLAND. ITALY , SPAIN. PORTUGAL. TURKEY. KUYPT ami 11R1TISI1 INDIA , per s. . rAqutlalno. via Havre iletterr for other naris ot Europe must be tilt priori "per 8. s. l'AfUl- | ' inlne' ' ) , SATURDAY-At CA ) 11. m. for EUHOl'K , per P. s. Elrurla. % ln Queensiowu ; nl S n. m. for NETHERLANDS direct , per s. 8. Stnatenda'ti , via RntU-rdntl ) ( letters nlUSt be directed "per o. p. fUanlemlain" ) ; m lu n. m. for SCOTLAND direct , per s. s. Elhiopla , via Glasgow ( letters must In ) directed "per s. s. Ethiopia" ) ; nl 11 a. In * . for NORWAY direct , per s. s. Island , via Chrif tin nla Hellers must be directed "per s. s. Island" ) . Printed Matteetc. . tiormnn steamers sailing on Tuesdays take printed mailer , etc. , for Germany , and specially nil- dressed printed matter , etc. , for other parts of Europe. American and Whllo " slcamers on Thursdays , nnn Cunnrd , French and Gcrnuui steamers on Salur- day lake printed matter , etc. , for all countries for which they are advertised to carry mull. /.tier the closlni ! ct the sunplcmentnry transatlantic malls named above , addl- tlnnisuiiplfinentiiry : umllx ra epencd on the piers of the American. Kngllsh , French and German bicHmcri ) . and re main open until within ten minutes of the hour of sailing of si earner. Mulln for Smith niiil Central America , WfN ( Illdlfn , Lie. * TUESDAY At 10 a. in. for 1IARHADOS anil DEMERARA , per s. M. Tallyman ; at 1 ! > . m. for INAGl'A and HAITI , per s. s. Harold ; at 1 p. m. for LA PLATA COUN TRIES direct , per s. s. Vulcltil ( lellers must bo directed "per s. s. Vnlolta" ) ; nt : ) P. in. for JAMAICA , per stciimei' from Hopton. \VEDNESDAY-At 7 a. in. for JAMAICA , per steamer from Philadelphia ; at S a. m. for URAXtL direct and LA PLATA COUNTRIES , per s. \Vordsworth. . vln Pcrnuinhuco , Itahlu nnd Rio dc Janeiro ( letters for Northern Ilrar.ll must hi ) illiected "per n. s. Wordsworth" ) ; nt 0:3U : a. in. ( supplementary 10:80 : a. in. ) for CENTRAL AMERICA ( except Costa Rica ) nnd SOUTH PACIFIC PORTS , per f. a. Alllaiica , via Colon ( letters for Gunte- mala must bo directed "per 8. H. Al- llauca" ) ; at 100 : ; ! 11. m. for PORTO RICO , per United Slates transport via Sun Juan ; nt 11 n. in. for GRENADA and TRINI DAD , per s. s. TJiimo : at 1 p. in. for CUBA. YUCATAN. CAMPECH'E , TA- ISASCO and CHIAPAS , per s. s..Yucatan , via Havana and Progre o ( leliera for other parlp ot .Mexico must be illrecteit "per s. s. Yucatan" ) . THURSDAY Al 10o ; : : a. in. for HAITI , per s. s. Prliis William II. via Port an Prince letters for Curacao. Venezuela , Trinidad , llrltlsh nnd Dutch Guiana must bo directed "pern. s. Prlna William II" ) : at t p. in. ( supplementary 1:30 : p. in.I for NAS SAU. GUANTANAMO and SANTIAGO , per s. s. Santiago. FRIDAY At 11 u. in. for NEWFOUND LAND direct , per s. s. Silvia. SATURDAY At ! ) :80 : a. in. ( supplementary 10 it. in ) for ST. THOMAS. ST. CROIX. LEEWARD and WINDWARD ISLANDS and DEMEUARA. per n. s. Fontabellc ; nt 10 a. m. ( supplementary 10:30 : a. in. ) for FORTUNE ISLAND. JAMAICA , SAVA- N1LLA , CARlllAGENA and GREY- TOWN , per s. s. Altai ( letters for Cnta Rica must be directed "per Altai" ) ; at 11 a. m. for CUUA , per H. f. Havana , via Havana : at 11 a. in. ( supplementary 11SJ : li. m. ) for PORTO RICO , via San Juan , CURACAO and VENEZUELA. also SAVANILLA and CART11AGENA. via Curariio. per s. s. Philadelphia : ut 1 p. in. for NUE\1TAS. G1HARA , UARACOA , VITA and PUERTO PADRE , per s. i\ Ollnda. SUNDAY Al R:30 : p. in. for ST. PIERRE- MIQUELON , < ier steamer from North Sydney. Malln for Newfoundland , hy rail to North Sydney , and thence bv steamer , close nt this office dally at SM : p. m. ( connccllns close here every "Monday. Wednesday and Saturday ) . Mulls far Mliiuelon , by rail to Hotiton. and thence by steamer , closeat this olllcu dally rit S:30 : p. in. Malls for Cuba by rail to Port Tampa. Fin. , and tlu-ncc by Btenmer. close nt this oliico dally except Monday nt * 7 a. in. , ( the connecting closes are on Sunday. Wednesday and Friday ) . Malls for Cuba , by rail to Miami , Fin. , and' thence bv steamer , close at tbs ! olllce every Mon day , Tuesday nnd Saturday , nt * f20 : a. m. , ( the connecting clorenre on Tuesday and Saturday ) . Malls for Mexico City , overland , unless specially addressed for despatch by utenmer. Ho" " at Ibis ( iilleo dally at 2'W : a. in. nnd 2to : : p. in. MallM f.-ir Cosln Rica , nellso , Puerto Cortpz and Guatemala , by rail to New Orleans , and thence by Htcamcr , close nt this -.itllcii dully at . ' ! p. in. , ( connecting clnsen hero Mon'ihiys for nollzc. % Puerto Cortcit and Guatemala ) . 'Registered mall closes at C p. in. previous day. "Registered mall closes at C p. m. second day liolorc. TrniiMiiiiclllu Mil UN. Mails for China , Japan and Philippine Islands , via Tacoma , closii hnro dully al fiw : : p. in. up lo December * 22d , Inclusive , for dispatch per tH. . City of London. Malls for China , Japan nml the Philip pine iBl.imla , via Seattle , clot-e here dally at : JO p. in. up to December " .Mil. Inclusive , fur illspntcli per o. s . Idxuml Milrn ( registered mail must be directed "via Seattle" ) . Mnllr , fur Australia ( except Wont Australia ) , New X.enlanil. Hawaii. FIJI and Saimmii Islands , via San Fran cisco , close hero dally at ( J : ) p. in. after December * ! ) tli and up to Deconibep 'Sid , incliiHive , or on day of arrival of a. a , Campania , due nl New York December 33d. for dispatch per H. M. Marlposa. Mnlln for Japan. China and the Philippine Inl ands , via .San FrnuclHcp , clone lii'l'o dully al ( : : ; p. ni. up to December "Jllh. Ineln- Hive , for dispatch per K. H. Algim ( l llnra intlHt bo directed "per Alison. " ) . Mails for Hoclely iHlamlH , via Han FninelHco , close hero dully at ( i:8U : p. in. up lo December 2iil h , liieliiKlve , for despatch by ship Tropic Hlrd. MnllH for Clilmi nml Japan , vln Vnncouver , clew hem dally at tt'M j ) . in. up to December * 2 < Hh , Inclusive , for illKiilcli | : per H. H. Einpic.ss of liullii ( reg istered mall niiiHt bo directed "vln Van couver" ) . Mulls v for Australia ( except West AiiMlrulln. which goes via Europe , nml New Xeuland , which goes via Han Knincbvo ) , Hawaii and FIJI Islands , via Vancouver , close hero dally nt ( i:30 : p. m. up to December ' .Wli. Inelimlve , for IH- | | patch per H. n. Aorangl. Malls for Jliiwnll , China. Japan and the Philippine Islands , vl.i San KrnnplHCd , eloso hero dally nt iT.30 p. m up to January "li'l ' , luclus'lvc , for illHimlch per H. . Gaelic. MnllH for Hawaii , via San Francisco , close hcio dally at :30 : p. m. up to January 3th. In clusive for dispatch per H. s. Aiintralla. TraiiE-PaclIlc malls nre forwurrinri to port of nailing dally and the schedule of clos ing Is arranged on the presumption of tlielr uninterrupted overland transit. Registered mull closes ut p. m. previous , CORNELIUS VAN COTT. Postmiiflter. PoBtolllce , New Yorlc , N. Y. , December la , SIIIJIIMA.V UllAVICI. PITH CI.OHI ! . Hcrvli'i'M of .lien Xci-ilfil nt fiilun I'- rlllc- Coal AllncN , CHEYENNE , \Vyo. , Dec , IS. ( Special , ) Hy Hie clouliiR of llic aiierniiin gravel pltB last week several hundred Inborem Imvo been thrown out of employment. DurlitK tli ( > opornllon of the pits , where two giant steam shovels constantly worked during Uia paflt siiniiniT , hundreds of carlaailn of decompoaod granite were laltcn from the crc l of Sher man mountain and transported to the Jules- biirB line of the Union Pacific and to tno recently constructed cut-olfa west nf Lu ra mie , where the gravel was sprend on the roadbed for balln.st. Yesterday n force of 300 ( Irook laborers , which uns been employed on Ihn cut-offa , wan brought to Laramlo and jmld olf. The bolter class of tlip < o laborers will bo went to Iho Piedmont hill cut-off , where Iho company Is now driving nevcrsl loiif lunnrls. The discharge of I his force of workmen will relieve the labor Mtuatlnn ut tlio mines of the Union I'aolllo Coal ccinpnny at Carhop - hop , llqnna. Hock SprltiB and Almy , where order * for coal greatly exceed the jmjiply owliiK lo the scarcity of mlnorn. Ie\Vilt's Lllllo Kurly Hlbora purify Iho lloud. clean the liver , Invlgorutu ihc uvstem. Famuiui llulo pills for coiiKiipulion aud liver