Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 19, 1899, Page 8, Image 8

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    s TTI13 DM A IT A DAILY ] JEE : TITESDAT , 10 , l.Sf ? ) ) .
Extent of the South African War Games
Advance in Wheat.
Corn nnd Onl" > ( Inflnoiiroil 1i.vVhonl ,
Sliinv I.oKnor Inpri'nufn Volume
nt 'J'rmlf CSrontor Thnii
fur Month * .
CIUCAOO , Deo. IS.-Indlcntlons that the
war III South Africa has reached proportions
tions fcliiriclent enough to actuate a marked
improvement In the foreign demand caused
n ahnrn advance In wheat today. May clos
ing Wio over Saturday. Other grains wore
inrlllonlod by wheat , May corn closing -lie
nml May oats U Ar higher. ProlH taking
depressed the provision market , May pork
< ! oMng 7'ic. ' Mny lard 5c and May ribs 7'4c
Thu jmnll worlJ'M shipments , the doorcase
on passage and other statistics rather bill-
llsli were I'omnletely overshadowed In the
wheat jilt by the foreign nows. The call
for additional volunteers for the British
forces In South Africa alone , It was be
lieved , Incroniii's Hie Importance of the Boer
war sufllolently to stlmulutn the grain mar-
hot. The strength of Liverpool and the vig
orous buying of foreigners was suniclont
mipiwjrt for the theories of the local dealers
mul the market , strong at the opening ,
nddcd to Its strength throughout the BOS-
slon. The crowd In the pit was large , the
nrtlvity and volume of trade greater than
IIIIH hecn before. In months. May opened HW
c over Saturday at iOTfi'i70c. ! ' ! Shorts cov
ered , but offerings were not liberal , and the
1 > rlcn advanced to 70V4ffT70-Hc. From this
point the market early dropped off to Initial
llgiircH on selling against privileges , as the
prlco was above calls. Hut this was re-
gainful and from that point to the close the
idv.inri' WHS persistent. Outside buying
orders were on the Moor In force , sborts be-
ri-nio. fearful am ! covered lit substantial
losses and through It all the foreigners
bought liberally , absorbing every offer not
other-wine disposed of. A few minutes be
fore the last trnde had been made May was
nt 7l'ic. The close was lic over Saturday
nt 7ifo. | Primary receipts were ( W7lf > 0 bu. ,
against 1,821.1100 bu. last year. Minneapolis
ami Duliith reported 551 cars , against fif' ' ! >
oars last week and 1,195 ears a year ago.
Receipts here were 5G cars , 9 of contract
prude. ' Atlantic port clearances In wheat
and ( lour were equal to 271ROO bu. Ixiral
Blocks Increased 1.179,000 bu. Now York ic-
jiorted 23 loads taken for export.
Corn was llrm with wheat and the mar
ket rather actives The strength of wheat
wns the factor. The response , however ,
was hold In elmck to a decree by somu lib
eral prollt taking. The export demand wna
good. Local receipts were 259 cars. May
tanged from 33',4c to 33' ' , c , closing % e up at
The animation and strength of wheat
produced only a drowsy movement In the
oats market. Receipts were 29S ears. May
fold from 2IUc to 2l ? c and closed 'ifTUe
bolter at 24M$24j > c. .
Provisions opened strong and there was
nu early advance with wheat , but this was
lost on realizing , principally by New York
longs , who were Influenced by the Wall
street situation. The liberal supply of hogs
nnd lower prices at the yard had something
of a depressing effect , ilay pork ranged
from $10.27'/2 to J10.55 and closed 7'ic under
Estimated receipts' for tomorrow : Wheat ,
300 cars ; corn , C1C cars ; oats , 22S cars ; hogs ,
81,000 head.
The loading futures ranged as follows :
Artlcles. | open. ) High. I Low. { CloMO.I Sat'y.
Dee. 6714 66 %
Stay 7H4
July 69T ( ,
Dec. 31 3114 31 ?
Jan. 31 % 31 Mi : & > . .
May 33fc ! 33
Dec. 22 %
May 21 %
Jan. 10 10 10 S5 00 10 02H 10 121,4
May 10 37V 1055 2714 10 32J4 10 40
Jan. n BO 5 50 r 35 537 % 5 45
May 5 G5 570 C 60 5 65
Jan. 5 37-X. 5 40 2714 G 30 5 37 4
May r > 50 ii 55 10 5 45 G B2i !
No. 2.
Cash quotations were ns follows :
FLOUR Steady : winter patents , $3.4033.50-
Btralghts , J3.00S3.20 ; clear. J2.9013.10 ; spring
CORN-NO. 2 , 3iu r3iijc : NO. 2 yellow ,
' -Cc.
OATS-No. 2. SSfiCSUc ; No. 2 white. C4-ttS ( >
Clic ; No. 3 white. 25Q2594C.
RYK-No. 2. 51c.
RARLKY No , 2. SS'iW.le.
SKKDS No. 1 llaxseed , J1.49 ; northwest ,
$ l.49&1.4i ! < 4. Prlmo timothy seed. J2.6G.
Clover , contract crade , JS.25.
PROVISIONS Mess pork , per bbl. J8 60 ©
30.15. Lard , per 100 Ibs. , $5.1005.32' ' . Short
ribs sides ( loose ) , J5.15fri.lO. ? Dry Halted
fl'ionldors ( boxed . J5. 37 ' ,405. 50. Short clear
BldCH ( boxed ) , J5.50ljO.60 ,
\VIISICY ! Distillers' nnlshed goods on
basis high wines , per al. , Jl.23',4
SUOARS-Cut loaf , $5.70 ; granulated , $5.18.
Following are the receipts .and shipments
for today :
Articles. Receipts. Shlpm'ts.
Four . bbls . 23,000 2C.OOO
A\'leat : , bu . K5.000 n.000
dim , bu . 220,000 11B.OOO
Oats , bu . 192,000 119,000
Ityo. bu . 7,000 oooo
Barley , bu . . . 71,000 12,000
On the Produce cxcliango today the but
ter market was steady ; creameries. 16 25c ;
dairies ICTj'Jic. Cheese , llrm at Il412i4c .
74u"v -
ICggfl , llrm ; fresh. 20c.
YOIIK < ; iviit\i , MAIIKIST.
lnotntloiiH for tinliny 011 Vurloiif.
NKW YORK , Dee. IS.-KLOUR-Recclpts ,
19.952 bbls. ; exports , 13,209 bbls. ; firm , higher
with wheat , buyers
showing a readiness to
meet old Asking rates ; Minnesota patents ,
n.SOf/I.OO ; Minnesota bakers.J2.SOj3.10 ; winter
patents. J3.GO(3.80 ( ; winter straight * . $3 K ®
3.15 ; winter extras , J2.fiOfi3.00 ; winter low
grades , J2.25f2 ; 10. Ry , . Hour , llrm ; fair to
Rood. JJ.101iJ.Sa ; ehoico to fancv. J3.30fj >
3.50. Riickwbeal Hour , steady nt 13 "Sii" 33
at COo c
' '
Is'cw York.
RARLKY-Slcady ; feeding , lie < 1 '
c. I. f. Buffalo.
opened Btrong at % c advance , Intluenced bv ' !
lilghcr cables , active covering anil bullish
foreign statistics. After n midday reactlo
under disappointing visible supply ( he mar
ket oxporlciii'ed a second upturn , stimu
lated by a fall In conrols and further
alarms among short * . ' "
> ' ( . ) UN SHocPiptHl lssml - : exports , JM. .
2 " ! ! . .S'I ' ° > U ? ! : No' V allont. and
40c. elevator , Option ! " opened He higher on
cables , largo eli-araiircs and the Jump In
mixed western. 2.Ur.0'.vc ; ; track while.
HAY Steady ; shipping , Ji.50J(0.70. ! (
AVOOL Dull ; domestic , 2l/2iJc ; Texas , 11
HOPS-Quiet : hlate , common to choice ,
ISM crop , lie ; l is crop , 7ij9c ( : 1899 crop , 12J ?
15c ; PacilUcoast. . 1M15 crop , 4fGc | ; 1S97 crop ,
7 i9c ; 1MWrop , 120 We.
HIDES-Btcady ; Gulvoston. 20 to 25 llii. .
19'ic : Texas dry. 2) ) in SO Ibs. . Wio ; Cali
fornia. 21 to IS lbs.,2rxc. ,
LEATH1-3R Steady ; hemlcck sole , Buenos
Ayn-H , light to heavyweights , 2iij251 , < .c ; acid ,
25 > il35 < * : C.
PROVSIONS-Heef. | dull ; family. $ ! 2.50iT
13.00 ; beef hams. J22.50i)23.00 ) ; paekot. $11.50
< fjJ2.00 ; city , uxtra tndlii moBs. J2.oO23.liO. |
Cut incuts , quiet ; pickled bellet ) > , J5.50iiiG.50 :
Iili-klod Bluuldtrs. $575 ; pickled hams , JS.Wff
( Lard , weakwestBrn steamed , J5.CM ;
} . ' . . ; 0 ; rellnid , weak ; continent , $5.95 ; | j , > .
c'ltmbor. $5,77Vv > ; Smith America.
J'ifiO ' , compound. t'l.&ttH.SV ? . Pork , firm :
$10 WWII 10.76 ; hort clear. < ll. ( > Vili (0 ( ;
Jl'OOfilZ.iO. Tallow , llrm ; , lty , 5c ;
RICHHU'Wly. . domcsllr , U(4'2C. (
MMTALS-Th" brokers' prlco for lend Is
14 l.i and f < ir , upper JI6.75 , Tl > e marUel for
was iiulci ull ( in ) , with Homo do-
Ipartments showing fair steadiness , others ,
however , continued wenk nnd irregular
with trices loner on large offering * , uenk
entiles and the failures of hujers td go on.
The report that ft lln firm In London has
frilled served to the local trade.
At the close the Metal exchange called pig
Iron warrants weak for futures ; lake cop
per , dull and easy , at JlG.n < 1 17.0' > , nomlnnl ;
tin held steady for siot | , but easy and neg
lected for future * nt J2l.fKVft2o.00 ; lead ,
ctendy nt $ t.KifM.7.1 ; spelter , steady at Jl.f
f ) 1.75.
MOLASSKS-Steady ; New Orleans , open
kettle , good to choice , 327 ? ! 0c.
PHAN'irTS-Steady : fancv hand-picked , 4
f/4' c ; other domestic , ni,4lf4c.
FRIOlOHTS-To Liverpool , quiet : cotton ,
by steam. 25d ; grain , by Btfam , 2"lil.
OMAHA ni\ntt.M , MAiiicnr.
Condition of Trndi- and U otn1loti on
Stiitito nml Fancy I'rodm'e.
EGOS RecelptR light : fresh stock , IGc.
DHKSSKD POtTLTRV-Cholce to fany
turkeys , lO'f/llc ; ducks , Sc ; geese. fii19c ;
uprlng chicken ! ' . 6i.il7ihens. ; . CflO'sc ;
roostT.s , 4fi5c.
LIVE I'LTLTRY-Hcns , 6 BV4o ; spring
chickens , Gc ; old nnd staggy roosters. 3c ;
ducks and geese. C7C',4c ' : turkevp. SOfle. |
Ht'TTKR Common to fair , lG < * .c ; choice ,
! Sti20c ; separator , 26c ; gathered crenmnry ,
22 23c.
PIOUONS-Llve. per doz. , OOc.
VltlALS-Choice. 9c.
OAMK-1'ralrlo chickens , per doz. . J5.DO ;
grouse , J5 ; quail , per dor. , J1.25 ; mallards ,
J300jj3.2. * > ; blue wing teal , J1.75 ; green wing
teal , tl.25ffl.50 ; mixed ducks. J1.502.00. ?
OYSTISRS-Medltim. per can , ISc ; stand
ard , per can , 22c ; bulk standard , per gal. ,
11.23 ; extra selects , per ian , 30c ; extra
selects , per gal. , Jl.GO ; New York counts , i i i
per can , 37c : New York counts , per 100 , | '
11.35. i
HAY Upland , choice. JG.50 : midland , j !
choice , $6 : lowland , choice. J5 ; rye straw , i
choice. J5.50 , No. 3 corn , 27c ; No. 3 white i
oats , 22i,4c ; cracked corn , per ton. J12 ; corn
and oats , chopped , per ton , (12.50 ; bran , per '
ton. J13 ; shorts , per ton. JU. I
SWEET POTATOES Per bbl. , Kansis ,
12.60 ; Jcrs > cys , J5 ; large bbls. , Nebraska
POTATOKS-Pcr bu. , cbulue , 30335C.
CABHAOE Per lb. . lUc ; Holland seed ,
CAt'LlFLOWER-Pcr crate , $2.50.
CHANBERRIER-Caue Cod t6.00i76.51.
Bell & Bugle , per bbl. . JG.50 : Jerseys , JG.25.
ONIONS-Retall way , yellow , G5c ; red , 75
CELERY Per doz. , 255f3Gc ; California ,
per bunch 45S60c.
TURNIPS- Rutabagas , per lb. . IVic : Cana.
dlan , P.iGlSjo.
WATERCRESS Per IG-qt. cases. $1.60.
MUSHUOOMS-Per ib. box. 50c.
TOMATOES Florida , per 6-basket crate , I
$3.00. i
APPLES Choice western ihlnplnc stock ,
$2.75 3.00 ; Now York flock. $3.7501.00.
GRAPES California Emporot , $ i ; Cataw-
bas , pr small basket , lie : .Malaga grapes ,
per bbl. , $7.00g-7.5&
PEARS-\Vcstcrn varieties. $2.00.
ORANGES Mexican , per box. S3.50iT3.75 :
California navels , per box , $3.7504.00.
LEMONS California fancy. i4.25ig > 4.50 :
choice California , $4.00@4.SO ; Messina , $4.50
HIDES-No. 1 srcen hides. SV4c ; No. 2
1. 4c ; No. 2 , 3 ic ; rough , 2c ; whlto greases
2i0'3Uc ; yellow and brown greaso. 2H3c.
HONEY Per 24-section case , $3,25I3.50.
NUTS Hickory nuts , large , per bu. . $1 :
shell barks. J1.25i81.35.
FIGS-Callfornia layers , per 10-lb. box.
$1.00 ; California carton , per 10-lb. box , $1.10.
MAPLE SUGAR-Per lb. . 9c.
TREES-5-ft. . per dos. . $2 : 5 to 8-ft. . per
doz. , $2.50 ; 7 to 9-ft. , per doz. , $3.50 ; 8 tote
"r-fW 'Bo.805 cxtra large ElzC3 > u
to - .
HOLLY BRjXNCHES Per case of about
60 Ibs. . $1.50fi.OO ; per bbl. . $1.60@1.75.
per 25-lb. box , $3.75 ; wreathing , 20 yds. , OOc.
St. Lonlfi Grnln nnd 1'rnvlnlonn.
ST. LOUIS , Dec. IS.-WHEAT-Hlghcr ;
No. 2 red cash , elevator. G9'c ; track , 72c ;
December , 69'Ac ; Mny , 721473c.
CORN Higher ; No. 2 cash , 31o ; track , 32c ;
December. 31M.-C ; ( May , 32c.
OATS-Higher ; No. 2 , cash , track and
December , 21 < 4c ; May , 25 < ic ; No. 2 white ,
26S2 ( ( Hc.
RYE Higher at 53c.
KLOUn Firmly held ; patents. $3.4603.55-
extra fiuicy. J3.10ijia.15 ; clear. J2.75fl2.90.
SEEDS-Tlmothy , $2.0tf@2.33 ; flax , nom
inal , $1.41.
BRAN Firmer ; sacked , east track , Glc.
HAY Steady ; timothy , J10.50fil2.00-
prairie , S5.25ftS.50.
WHISKY Steady , $1.23 4.
RA.UlNG-5i6V4c. (
PROVISIONS Dry salt meats , lower : cx
tra shorts , $5.37 % ; clear ribs and sides , $5.50 ;
Bacon , lower ; extra shorts , J5.S7' * . ; clear
ribs and sides , JG.50. Pork , weak ; Jobbing
old , $9.75 ; new , $11.26. Lard , lower ; prime ,
steam. $5.27' . : choice , $5.30. I
METALS Lead : Firm at $4.65. Spelter : '
Firm at $4.G5.
POULTRY Dull ; chickens , mixed , 5UC ;
young , .6c ; turkeys , 7 > c ; ducks , GQGUc ;
geese. 5Hfi c.
R'ECEHPTS-Flour ' , 7.000 bbls. : wheat , 28-
000 bu. ; corn , 83,000' bu. ; oats , C5.000 bu.
SHIPMENTS Flour. G.OOO bbls. : wheat
25,000 bu. ; corn. 30,000 bu. ; oats , 11,000 bu.
Hatter , K rsr nnd OlieemMnrket. .
Unchanged ; fancy western creamery , 27c-
fancy western prints , 28c. i
EGGS Firm : fresh nearby , 21c ; fresh I
western , 21c ; fresh southwestern , 19c ; fresh
southern , 18c. ,
NEW YORIC , Dec. 18. BUTTER Re- '
cclpts , 5-JOO pkgs. ; steady ; western cream- i
cry. 235V27c ; Juno creamery , 22@25Uc ; fnc- i
tory , 15V20c. .
(7HEF.HI'l ( < ecelpts , 1.311 pkgs. ; firm ; fall 1
made fancy , small , 124@13c ; fall made , i
large. I2 , iS > lSic ; late made , small , 12ffl2'4c ( '
lute made , large. lli 12c. I i
EGOS Receipts , 2,153 pkgs. : steady ; western - ' I
orn ungraded , at mark. 16021 ,4c ; western , '
lfiiC4c , losa oft.
CHICAGO , Dec. 18. BUTTER Steady :
creameries. lS1723c ; dairies , ! Gff22c. ( ,
EGOS Finn ; fresh 20c. '
ST. LOUIS , Dec. 18.-BUTTER-Steidy ; ,
creamery. 2lifl'27e ; dairy. 19023C.
EGGS Steady nt 17c. !
Creamery , 22fr ( 5c ; dairy. 18c. i ,
EGGS Good demand for fresh with nrm
feeling ; Missouri and Kansas stock. Mr-its
ICc , cases returned ; storage ,
Liverpool ( irnlii nml I'riivlNliinn ,
No. 2 red western , winter , llrm at 6s 9d ;
No. 1 northern , spring , llrm nt Ca Id. FuI I I
ures closed nrm ; December , nominal ;
March , Gslld ; May. Cs lid. .
CORN Futures , quiet ; December , 3sG74d : |
January , SsG'Ad ' ; February , 3sC'/4d
PHC\'ISION8-Lard. pr/mo / western In
tierces , steady at 2SsGd ; American rellned ,
in nails , steady at 30s IM. Hams , short cut.
steady at 15s.
The Imports of wheat Into Liverpool dtir- I
Ir.g the lust week were 50.800 quarters from
Atlantic porls and 20,000 quarters from other '
The imports of corn from Atlantic ports
during the last week were 50.800 quarters.
KIIIINIIK nty ( irnlii nml I'rovlxloiiN.
OSUi- ; cash , No. 2 hard , Glc ; No. 3 , 59fiG3e :
. u. . ri-u , npirivi , > o. > , ( ruriosc ; receipts.
63 cars.
f'ORX .May. 29Tv : cash. No. 2 mixed. 2 'i '
29tic : No. 2 white. 23 4c ; No. 3 , 29c. .
OATS-NO. 2 white , aftasvic.
RYE-NO. 2. 4'c.
HAY-Tholcn timothy , $9.0 (9.50 ( ; choice
prairie. $7001/7.60.
RECE1 PT8Wheat. . 35.400 bu. ; corn , 37,000
bu. ; otitfi , 8.000 bu.
SHIPMENTS- Wheat , 12,000 bu. ; corn. 8,400
bu. ; on IB , G.Oji bu.
VlHlbln Slifinly of Ornln.
NEW YORK. Dec. IS.-The state of the
visible supply of grain In store and alloat
on H.iturdny , December 1C. as complied by
the New York 'Produce ' exchange , Is as fol
lows :
Wheat. bu. : Increase. Sl.OOO bu.
Porn , 11.5 > 5 , < > 00 hit. ; Increase , SIl.OOi ) bu.
Oats , 5iS2uiK : ) bu. ; decrease , 695CO < > bu.
Hyp. 1,422,00i ) bu. : Increase , 7S , ( X ) bu.
Harley , 2.SU1.000 bu , ; decrease , 202,000 bu.
Unlntli ( iralii
DULUTH. .Minn. , Dec. is WHEAT-NO.
1 hard , M'ic ; to arrive , CGTio ; No. 1 northern
cash. 65 4c ; to arrive , 3e : May. ti9y c ; No.
3 northern , G3c ; No.-3 Eiirlng , o9c.
BARLE\-3l j35e.
FLAX December , IM11J.
COIlN-2fll4c ; receipts , 43,023 bu. ; ship.
ments , 1,000 bu.
Toledo > lnrl i-t ,
TOLEDO , Dec. 18.-WHEAT-Hlgher ; No.
2 each and December , "Olio ; .May.74i.ic. .
'ortN Hlgh.T and linn : No. 2 mlxod , 32c.
OATS Dull nnd llrm ; No. 2 mixed. 21c.
RYK-No sales.
'SBUPS ' Plover , active for futures , prime
cash. old. JI.9J bid ; December. $5.JUc bid ;
March. J5.MI , bid. '
- Mliiiu-npollii Vbcnt nml l-'loitr.
There W/IH a decided i-haneo In the temper
of the wheat market today , largely under
the Influence of a slrunff Llvcrpcol situa
tion Thf market Incread In strength
toward the close and the short ? turned
buyers. The net advnhcp w.ts l'4t on May
wheat ; May touched ttc nnd closed at
G7' c ; July closed at 89iitfB9Vic. There ' wa *
a sharp nilllhiK demand for wheat ; No. 1
i northern. 6R'4c ; No. 1 choice. Mic , to ar
rive ORUo : No. 2. ( Wififil'ic : No. a. ( WlJfile.
FLOt'll-Iluslnesp fair ! tlrst palenlf. J-U1
lff3.BO ? ; spcond patents. J1.20fl3.50 ; first clenr ,
URAN-In bulk. Jll.00fni.25. %
( Jrnlii
MILWAt'KEK , Doc. 18.-WHEAT-Flrm ;
No. 1 northcir. WfiCSc ; No. 2 northern ,
RYE-Qtilet ; No. 1. S6o. ,
HARLEY-FIrm ; No. 2 , 14 4e ; sample , 300
1'corln . nrUcli
PEORIA , 111. , Dec. IB.-CORN-HlBlier ;
new No. 3. 30'ic.
OATS Firm : No. 3 white. 23Jc.
WHISKY Firm. < > n the basis of high
wines , at $1.2314 for finished , goods.
Mluln llnlti-r .Alnrliet.
t ELGIN. 111. , Dec. 11.-HtTTTKR-Klrm at
] ' 2Gc : offerlngf , 77 tubs ; no Rale- < ; bids 26c on
lone lot , refused ; sales for the week , 0.500
i tubs.
! _
Mr-vi-ro Slrlnm-noy of Mom y nml CJt'ti-
cri ! DlMtriixt Cnnnc n I'inili- .
NEW YORK , Dec. IS. The stock market
yielded a panic today under the poverc
stringency of money and the dIMrust en
gendered concerning all claries of seciifl-
tics In the exchange. The Industrials ivoro
Urn severest sufferers and were the real
'centers of the disturbance , but the efforts
to protect holdings In them precipitated vlo-
lent liquidation In other classes of sectiH-
ties. The Intervening Sunday uiYordr-1 some
momentary check to Saturday's llqillii.ulon ,
a pspi'ited , so mat thn opening doollii'-s In
sympathy with London were In large pun
required and the market seemed |
tlvelypilet nnd without sensation.
The announcement oC t'he ' failure of a
trust company and of u llrm of inikers
prominent on the exchange caused renewed
weakness and there were calls for addi
tional margins by commission houses ? . A
decision by the clearing house Imiks to
renew old loans at ii per cent and to i.vold
as far as possible excessive rnle-s for new
loans Mulcted the market and caused prime
recovery. In the afternoon stringency dn-
vplopod In the money market , rates for call
loans bounding titi rapidly to 125 per cent ,
which was t'ho ' maximum olllclally recorded.
ITnoIlIclnl reports were made of loans at
86 per cenl.
The market quickly took on panic condi
tions and stocks were thrown over en- |
tlrcly without regard \ oprices. . McU'o- .
polllan and Tobacco led with losses ot !
over 20 points and u large number nf In- |
diistrlals followed with fi to 15 point breaks , i
In the 'high ' grade railroad stock dt-
cllnes at the extreme low grades ranged i
from 5 to 10 points , Including grangers ,
tiunk llne.s , Internationals , southerns and
transcontinental. In the lust hour , by eon-
certivl action of the clearing house banks ,
I $10,000,000was offered on the exchange at ti
I per cent and caused violent recoveries of
I from 1 to 10 points In the prices of stocks.
I All outside influences were swallowed up
In the acuteness of the local situation. bond.'t were oft from " to
3 ] > olnti. Dealings were not on an extra
ordinary scale. Total sales , par value ,
The Commercial Advertiser's London
financial cablegram says : The markets
here opened firmer today'on the govern-
n.ent'a serious measures against the Boers ,
but heavy general liquidation weighed down
Lhe markets all day , the close being very
dismal. The exchange swallowed all lies
ottered freely. Today's Inventions Included
the story that Queen A'lctorla was ill and
that it had been decided to Issue Im
mediately 50,000,000 new consols and 100-
000,000 3 per cent loans ns soon as Palla-
n-ent meets. It was reported on better au
thority that the government will Issue tomorrow -
! morrow 8,000,000 treasury bills , being the
! balance of the war vote. Consols 'orone ' on
these rumors and on heavy bear ssalea be
low par. Americans began harder , but later
broke sympathetically. New York fulled to
( end support nnd the close was nt the low
est. There was a slight rally In the street ,
but the market soon relapsed again to the
worst. The. weakest features were Ixutls-
vllle it Nashville , Union Pacific , Baltimore
& Ohio nnd Atchlson preferred. The Paris
market was flat. Spanish 4s were 64.75 ; tln-
tos , 43',4 ; Anacondas. 7V4 ; Utahs , 4'4. and
BostonsV The Bank of England bought
71,000 German gold , 11,000 French and
31,000 bars. Egypt took 100,000. Tho.
price relapsed to7ti > iJd. ATonoy was plenti
ful , the market ending for the year's re
quirements. Louisville was very tlrm. The
bank lent slightly and did a small discount
business at G per cent. Another small fail
ure "was announced. Copper ptatlstlcs for
the fortnight show stocks down 1,017 and
supplies down 1,367.
The following are the quotations for the
leading stocks on the New York exchange
today :
i Atchlson 18 Tex. & Pacific. . . . 12T4
I do pfd iitiVi Unfon Paelllc . . . 42fs
Baltimore & O. . . . 48& do pfd USV4
'Can. ' Pacific 85 .AVabash . G 4
Can. Southern . . . 46'j do pfd Wt
Ches. & Ohio. . . . iM-fi.AV. & L. E S4
Chicago Gt. AV. . IOV do 2d pfd. . . . 234
C. , B. Q 117 4lWls. Central . . . . IB
Chicago , I. & L. . 13V4'Adams ' Express.,110
do pfd 45 lAm , Express . . . .140
Chicago & E. I. . SO U. S. Express 43
Chicago & N. AV.14S WellsuFargo Ex.ISO
C. , R. I. & P..101'/ A. Cot. Oil St
C. , C. , C. & St. L. f > 4 do pfd 92
Colo. Southern . . 44'Am. ' Malting 7
do 1st pfd. . . . 3) ) l do pfd 31
do 2d pfd. . . . 13 Amer. S. & R 30
Del. & Hudson..112 i do pfd 78
Del. L. & AV..171 Amer. Spirits . . . 4
'Den. & R. G. . . . 17 I do pfd 17
do pfd ( Amer. S. II
Erie 11 do pfd . 75
do 1st pfd. . . . 28 > ,4 Amor. S. & AV. . . 31
Gt. Nor. pfd 163 do pfd . 84
Hocking Coal . . . 11 Am. Tin Plate21
Hocking A'nlley. . . . do nfd . 75
llllno : * Central..10 $ Amer. Tobacco . . 82
Iowa Central . . . 11HI do pfd 130
do pfd 48 | A. Mill. Co 31
K. C. , P. & G. . . . 7V4 Brk. Rap. Tr. . . . 7H ! _
L. E. & W 18 Colo. F. & 1 37" I
do pfd . 7ii'/J Con. Tobncco . . .2T/4i I
Lake Shore 205 do pfd . 72 t
Louis. & Nash. . . 74rj Federal Htenl . . . 4514
Manhattan L . . . 91 do pfd . 71 I
Met. St. Ry 15 > GPU. Electric . . .1141 I
Mox. Central . . . . 914 Glucose Sugar . .37'4 ' I
Minn. & St. L. . . . JO do nfd i
do pfd Int'n'l Pancr . . . . 17i
Mo. Paclllc. 3S 4 do pfd . ' 12
MoWlo .t Oh'o. Laelede Gas . . . . 71
M. , K. & T 0'4National ' , Biscuit. 31
do pfd S0 | do pfd 87
N. J. Central..IWilNa'lonal Lead. . . 23
N. Y. Central..121 | do pfd 101
Nor. & AVest. . . . 21U National Steel . . niV-
do pfd Glil dn pfd Sr ,
No. Paelllc lHi ! N. Y. A. Brako.UO
do pfd < S' , ' . N'o. American . . 3\ \ ;
Ontario it AV. . . . SOVPno'llo CoafU . . . . 40
Oro. R. KN ' ' 2 ilo 1st pfd. . . . 75
do pfd 70 I do 2d nfd. , . , fR
Pennsylvania . . .I-1'.pacific Mnli " " "
Rending I"- Ga . . . . 91
do 1st pfd. . . . 41i. Proved R C 49
do 2d pfd. . . . 24 do pfd 7H
Rio G. AV II Pullman P. P . . .180
do pfd 81 Stand. R. & T. . . su ,
St. L. S. F. . . . 9'4 ' Sugar 124'1
do 1st pfd. . . . (17 ( do Dfd 112
do 2d nfd. . . . 30V Tfnu. C. & 1 70
St. L. S. W 9 U. S. Leather. . . . ll < 54
do pfd. do nfd K ;
St. Paul 115 IT. S. Rnt.ber. . . . Wa
do pfd 11V. do pfd 101
St. P. & O. AVestfrn Union. . K5'4
Ko. Pacific IHlViRepublic , I. & S. . 1"
So. Railway I" " ' do nfd K2
' do pfd . _ . _ Wi.J ) P , , C. . C. & Ht. L. 70V
Hueno * Ay res , 129.30 : Madrid. 26 G7. Rome.
PARIS. Dec. is. Business on the hours *
today opened fairly steady , but large . * elt-
f r ordtrs from lyondon i.tu.-'l n slurp relapse -
lapse In nil departments , which was In-
eren eil by rumors of fresh British defeats
In South AfrlcH , the reported surrender of
Klmbprley and apprehensions of dearer
money. The market closed In n very ex-
clttd condition and with an extremely ex
cited tone. Tlirce per cent renteK , Wf 75.-
for the account. ICxchanije on London. 26f
35c for checks. Spanlrh 1 closed .it 06.
HEHLIN , Dec. IS. Prices opened steady
on the liourse today. There was great
vonkners. however , In 'ops-"l'lince ' of larxe
sales In response to advices from western
bourses. Canadian Pacifies were Hat.
Spanish 4s declined. The weekly statement
of the Imperial Bank of Germany shows the
following changes : Cash In hun.l , increase ,
20.iGO,00) ! niaiks ; treasury notes , decrease ,
30iix ( ! ( ) marks ; othtr securities , : n-rer se , 33.-
CGC.OOO marks ; notes In clrctilition , Incteasr ,
6.700,000 marks.
York Money Mnrkel.
NEW YORK. Dec. K MONKY-On call ,
stringent , ranging from 6 to 125 per cent ;
last loan at 40 per cent ; clorlng Md and
asl eti. 30 too ] < ? r cent.
per cent.
STERLING EXCHANGE-Sllghtly easier ,
with business In bankers' bills nt
JI.S7 % for demand and N.SlfM.'OH ' for sixty
days ; posted rate ! ' , $4.S2fI.SS per cent ; com
mercial bills. Jl.S'Hiftrl.M. '
SILVER Certificates 59fi59ljc ; bar , 59c ;
Mexican dollars , 47'4c.
BONDS Government , weak ; state , Inac
tive ; railroad , weak.
The following ure the closing quotations
on bonds : I
\ ' . K. 2s. rcg 102 M. . K. < fc T. 2s' . . lit'4
do 34 , reg lC9i/4 do Ifl Sv' ' (
do coupon ItiO'j N. Y. C. Is 11214
do IK. reg jfCVi N. J. C. gen. Sn.ll'JV
do coupon 131 > 4 No. Carolina 6s..127
do old Is , reg.113Vi do 4s 101
do coupon 111' ; . N'or. J'ao. Is lit )
do R , leg 112'4 do 3s Cl1 ! j
do column 1151.1 do Is 101k-
D. of C. 3 K5s. . , N.Y.P. , 10U4
Ala. rla * A. . . ,112 , N. & AV. con. 4s , 8Si ,
do currenc ) . . ,100 , dn gen. Gs 135
do class C ,101 Ore. Nnv. Ists . . . 103
do Mass B .111 do 4s
Atch. gen. Is. . . . . f > fi O. S. L. o. 5s. . . .
do ail I. 4s , 7G Heading gen. 4s. . t < u- ,
Pan. So. 2.i Rio. G. AV. ! . . . . -
Cli ) > . & O. l .s. St.L. fk I.M. c. 5s , 107
do 5 < ,115 St.L. & S.F. g.Gs. 121
C. & N. AV. e. 7s. St. P. consols. . .
do S. F. d. 5s. . St. P. . C. & P. Is. 119'i
Ch' . Tcr. Is I do ( in 120'
D. R.-G. Is. . , , n. Railway 5s. . 10P.4
do 4s . 97",4 It. & T. Cs SO
E. T. . A' . & .101 Tenn. n. s. 3s. . . 95
Erie gen. 4' , GS * I'UMIS > t Pac. Is. 111
F. W. & D. P. m . 70 do 2 < 59
Gen. Electric 5s ,119 Union Pacific 4s. . 102
G. H. , t S. A. 6s .110 Wnbash Is 113
do 2s 105 Wabai-h 2s 98 %
H. & T. P. 5s. . . . 11214 W.-st Hhore 4 , . . . 111
do consol Gs. . . . 110 Wis. Central Is. . X7
la. Central Is. . . . Va. Centuries . . . S5U
K. C. . P. & G. Is. fil'.i ' do deferred . . . .
La. new c. 4s. . . ,107 Colo. So. 4s
U _ & N.iinj.Ja. , 93 So. Paelllc 4s. . . .
London Slock Qii tutlnnn.
LONDON , Dec. 18.-4 p. m.-Closltig :
Consols , money. . 99 .N. . Y. Contral..l03 < .
Consols , acct 99V4Pennsylvanla ! . . . . GG'4 '
Pan. Paelllc 9H4 Reading 9Vt
Ere ! 11 % No. Paclilc pfd. . 75
do 1st pfd. . . . 31''Atchlson ' ' 1974
Illinois Central..113M.Loulsvllle | 79
U. P. pfd 71 ,4 Grand Trunk . . . . 64
St.Paul _ , com..120 [ Anaconda 7',4
BAR SILA'ER Quiet , 27 W6d per ounce.
MONEY H405 per cent.
The rate of discount In the open market
for short bills , 614 per cent ; for three
months' bills , 64 per cent.
Ilniik ClL-i
NEAV YORK. Dec. 18. Clearings. $120.008-
C55 ; balances. J7 , ' < 45to9.
BALTIMORE , Dec. IS. Clearings ; , J3.153-
CG3 ; balance , $494.401.
PHILADELPHIA. Dec. IS. Clearings ,
J14 , 336,955 ; balances , $2,190,735 ; money , 6 per
CHICAGO , Dec. IS. Clearings , J2ii,920S53 ;
balances , J2,55ti,582 ; posted rxcnange , J4.82',4
ffl.SSii ; New York exchange , 40c premium.
ST. LOUIS. Dec. IS.-Clearlngs , J6,992C95 ;
balances , $339,808 ; money , 41f7 per cent ; New
York exchange , par bid , 25c premium asked.
Cotton MnrUct.
NEW YORK , Dec. 18. COTTON It was
a red letter day for the boars on the Cot
ton exchange and one of reckoning for the
bullfi , who have practically had full sway
for several months. Traders , In view of do-
vclor incuts In South Africa , expected some
decline and conceded a drop of several
points here. In accordance with these
Ideas prices went oft 1J2 points , with ex
citement at the start. In sympathy with the
2 points loss In the English market. But no
soonei had the opening passed than orders
cai'ic- from all quarters to sell cotton , not
sm ill lots1 , but great blocks , which had
bi.en held for weeks by presumably strong
dealers on the theory that 3-cent cotton
would be recorded before the new year
opened. Close upon the selling orders came
reports of financial dlfllcultles In Wall
street. "The failure of the Produce Ex
change TniPt company and of Henry Allen
& Co. were telling blows against the bulls.
A heavy slump in New Orleans followed a
rapid fall In Liverpool and a rise in money
10 a rate equal to 1SG per cent caused prices
to tumbie at a terrific rate.
Al ; the regulation news was dlsciv-ded.
the one aim of all wiomlng to be to get rid
of enormous amounts of cotton accumulated
on the late protracted rlso. As compared
with Saturday's close of $7.05 January fell
perpendicularly to $ ti.90 , March dropped
from J7.3S to J7 , while Mny went ott 35
points to J7.03. Houses having extensive In1 1
terestp In stocks nnd securities were the i
heaviest sellers , presumably for the purpose - ,
pose of better protecting Interests on the
Stock exchange. The south and the west
were alro large sellers. Lute In the day
there was something of a reaction on
profit-taking by shorts and quite new buyIng -
Ing for new parties believing the market
entitled to a decided uplift. The close was
fairly steady , wlin the present crop posi
tions 23fi2G polntfi net lower. The far or
new crop months were but 9 to 10 points
lower. The trading was by far ire heaviest
in several years. Futures closed steady ;
December. $6.97 ; January , $7.01 ; February ,
$7.06 ; March , $7.12 ; April , $7.15 ; May. $7.19 ;
Juno , $7.20 ; July. $7.20 ; August , $7.15 ; Sep-
tembor. J6.95 ; October. $6.S5 ; November.
JG.SO. Spot cloyed 3-lGc lower ; middling up
lands , 7',4c ; middling gulf , 'ftc ; sales , 55S
LOUIS , Dec. 1S. COTTON-Dull , > ic ,
lower ; middling , "He ; no sales ; receipts.
5,570 bales ; shipments , G.ftSO bales ; Kock ,
1 '
regular ; sales , 3,450 boles ; ordinary. 55-lGcl ;
good ordinary. C7-lGc ; now middling. |
< ; i5-16e ; middling , 73-16c ; good middling ,
% c : middling fair. 77-lGc : receipts , 8.81 ! )
July. $ il.97f < 6.99 ; August. $6.81if6.83 ; Septem
ber , J6.C5IT/6.70 / ; October , $6.52G.5S. |
at 7 5-lGc.
dull , l-32d lower : American middling , fair ,
4 < ! ! .d ; good middling , 47-lGd ; middling.
illl-32d : low middling. 4S-i2d ! : good ordl-1
nary , 83.1-Md : ordinary. 325-32d. The sales
were 8.000 bales , of which 500 were for
speculation and export , and Included 7,1001
bales American ; receipts , 9,590 bales , all
American. Futures opened easy and clofx-d
weak at the decline ; American middling , ,
1. m. c. , December , 4S-04d ; December and ,
January , 4G-6ld , sellers : January and Feb.
ruury , 14-C4d , liuyers ; February and March ,
4 2-Glfi4 3-G4d , sellers ; March and April ,
41-Gld. buyers ; April nnd May , 3 G3-G4fi >
3 l-G4d , buyers ; May and June , lICU-Glf ?
3G3-Gld , buyerri ; Juno and July , 3Gl-G4d , buy-
llni tl illy Him v is > t-ti- ( 11 m - 1 * i | tjw . < .1 ,
August and Beptember , 357-Gld , pellers ;
Hejitember and October , 350ld , values.
Condition of ( lit * Trennnry.
WASII1NOTON , Dec. IS. Today's Btate-
mont of the condition of the treasury
shows : Available cash balance , $231,333,220 ;
gold reserve. J242.9S5.757.
ColToi * .llnrkt't.
XKW YORK , Dec. IS. t'OFFRK-Futures
opened at unchanged prices to 5 points advance -
vance on higher Kuronean and llrazlllan
eableri and small receipts at Rio and San-
ton. Jate.r the market W.IH more , active
but easier In sympathy with the unBcttled
conditions of Wall street and cotton miir-
kot. Closed C points higher to 5 points net
lower. Sales 12,250 bags , Including Decem
ber. J5.75 ; January. J5.70fi5.83 ; February ,
J5.00 ; March , J5.95fi .00 ; .Mav. IG.005ifi.05 ; Julv.
J0 15 ; AtlEUSt. $6.15 } ( i.20 ; Setcmber. ] ) J6.25iff
fl.30. Snot coffee. Rio , -tiulot ; No. 7 invoice ,
CT c ; No. 7 jobbing , 7ic ! ! ; mild , quiet ; Cor
dova , i > tjl21 jc.
Oil Market.
OH , CITY. PH. , Dec. IS. OILS Credit
balances. H.tifi ; certificates , no bid ; ship
ments. 141,050 hbls. ; average. 71.778 bbls. ;
rune. 125,141 bbls. ; average. 81,763 bbls.
LONDON. Dec. IS.-OIL8-Calc.utta lln-
* eed , spot , I5n. LlnBced , 21 9d. Turpentine )
.spirits , 37s 3d.
NK\V YORK. Dec. IS.-OILS-Cottonseed ,
steady. Petroleum , llrm. RoMn , Hleady ;
htrulned , common to good , JI.I5. Turpen
tine , titeady , 62j)52'/ ) .
Wool .Market ,
ST. LOt'IS , Dec. 18. WOOIFlrni for
line grades , which are In demand ; medium
and coarser qualities quiet and fatty . me-
dlumn. WiWyt , ll'iht fine. I7021o ; heavy ,
line , lIQISc , tub washed , 2Ci/2oc.
Indicates Sunday.
The olllcial number of cats of stock
brought In today by each . -oad was :
Cattle , llos-n. irsos.
, C. . M. , t St. P. Ry 2 11
I Missouri Piiclilc Ry. . ( 4 1
rnlon Pacific .system 11 5 3
; C. it N. W. Ry 9
K. , K. * M. V. R. R 13 1 ( !
C. , St. P. . M. XO. . Ry 11 4
II. & M. R. R. K lit 1 ! )
C. , B. , t Q. Ry . .
C. , R. 1. P. Ry. . west 4
Total receipts SO 73 I
The disposition of the day's receipts wa
as follows , each buyer purchasing the num.
her of head Indicated :
Buyers. Cattle. Hojrs. Sh'p
Omaha Packing Co 73 7fi2
G. It. Hammond Co SI 525
Swift ami Company 19H 90S
Cudahy Packing Co 519 1,076 19
Armour & Co 12S 1,201
Armour & Co. . Sioux City 357
Vansant R. Co IIS
I/obmtiu it Co 170
MoCreary Si Clarlc 27
W. I. Stephen 4S
Livings-tone & Schaller 1
Hamilton & Rothschild 107
L. F. Husz 3
ill. i L. Dennis & Co I IB
Other buyers 36S
Totals 1,925 4,919 11
CATTLE The week started out with a
moderate run of cattle and of the receipts
a largo proportion consisted of stockers
and feeders. There were a few loads ol
cornfod steers that Is , twenty or twenty-
live loads .but the most of them were enl >
n armed up and there was not a choice
bunch In the lot. The markeit did not show
much. If any , change us compared with the
close , of last week , values remaining Just
about steady. The trade , however , was
slow , as buyers did not appear very anxious
for the kind of cattle on sale , but In the end
the offerings were all taken.
COV.-E and helfcrc were In fair demand ,
but , a.was the case with cornfcd steers ,
there was no material change in the mar
ket , the ; > rlcos paid being the same as pre
vailed at the. close of last week ; some
thought a little stronger. While the market
did not appear to be very active , ttmre
were so few loads on sale that a reason
ably early clearance was effected.
Stockcrs and feeders were also steady ,
but thorn was more life In that department
of the market. Buyers seemed to want all
desirable cattle and were out early and
ready to do business. It Is safe to call the
market strong at last week's prices on all
desirable kinds. Representative sules :
* T At * TJf Mn Av T > r.
. ,5 feeders. . 718 405 I feeder. . . SSO 3 M
11 cows POI 300 7 heifers. . 833 310
27hteers. . . . 970 : i 95
27 feeders. . 802 4 15 70 feeders. . SIS 145
23 steers. . . . 917 3 M ) 25 steers. . . . 978 3 N )
27 steers..1006 430 H steor.t..1'iOi ' ; 375
1 feeder..1110 430 70 feeders. . 723 410
4S feeders. . S1G ti 18
1C feeders. . 01 3 75
J. S. Gale-Colo.
44 feeders , . 772 4 30 S-'i feeders. . S72 4 30
31 feeders. . 840 130 6 feeders..1002 410
27 feeders..IOCS 410 Scows lOJiS 290
A. Aycrsvyo. .
Scows 910 2 75
Tolland Co. Wyo.
' 10 feeders. . 9,11 4 r/ ) 57 cows 9W 3 12'j '
SO cows b'O 2 SO
JIOOS For th < ) first day of thn week there
was u fair run of lioijs. the good prices
prevailing at the close of last week hav
ing evidently Induced llbnral shipments.
The market opened ZWi&v lower on account
of advices of lower prices from other mar
ket points , and It did not Improve any.
Later on the Chicago market was reported
slow at u decllnn of 5f(10c ( , co that the
market at this point closed weak at the
decline noted. Rig heavy loads * old largely
at J3.95 , with good medium weight loads
at J3.i7' ! ' , < ! , thn latt-er price buying a largn
proportion of the receipts. Representative
sales :
61 . ISO 40 n 971. 71 . . . .513 00
.17 27S 120 3 ! > 74 ! 73. . . .21 SOn 00
. ttS Iflii 3 07' ' * B3. . 26. . 110 00
.201 110 3JI74 ( GS 3K > 01
67 210 . . . 39714 77 SOT $0 01
71 191 40 3 97'i ' 72 245 40 00
' ' ' ' ' ' * ' ' ' ' ' ' 00
. . . . . . SO 39714 . . . . . . 40 00CO
SHEEP Thorn wore no sheep hero nnd
nothing to make a test of the market. All
that can be said Ii to quote the market
as nominally steady. * < : Good to choice fed yearlings.
JI.2MT4.50 ; good to choice heavy wothers.
J.I.POfJI.15 ; good to choice light wethers. Jl.ln
fM.30 ; gnod to choice fed owes , JS.TMn.O'1 :
fair to good fed owe ? , J3.40irs.fi5 ; good to
choice native lamb ? , $5.00f5.40 : good to
choice fed western lambs. J5.00ft5.25 : fnlr to
good fed western lamb * . Jl.75575.00 ; feeder
i wethers. J,1. Vf3.75 ; feeder yearlings. J3.9010
14.15 ; good to choice feeders lambs. Jl.25ff I.PO ;
fair to good feeding lamb. * . JI.003J4.25 ; feeder
ewes , J2.25fn 00.
No. Av. Pr.
12 native owes . . . .150 J3 W )
C native Inmbs SI BOO
mtr.vco iivr STOCK MAIUCHT
riinlop Cnldi- Stonily In lllubor , Ho
l.oui-r , Slioc'ii Mnrkrl Dull.
CIlirAOO , Hoc. K-PATTLE-Cholce
steady to lOc higher ; others weak to shndo
lower : cow innrkot mid cnnners , lOJTIBc
lower : feeders iinelmnRed : peed to choice
JS.3mi7.30 : poor to medium , JI.SSTifi.lO ; mlxe <
Mockers' , $3.005)3.00 ; selected feeders , $4.IKf
I.G5 ; Rood to choice cows , J3.50ST4.75 ; hclf
CTH , gl.noffS.OO ; culiners. $2.00''i3.0 > > : bulls
$2.&U'i ' < 4.25 ; calves , } I.KH/7.IH ( / ) ; fed Texas
beeves. ji.S5T < 5."o.
HOGS MMOo lower ; trudo active ; elosoc
linn ; fair clcarancos ; mixed and butchers
J3.rord.20 ; Rood In choice heavy. $ l.AfM.Ll ( )
rnuKli heavy , $3.HVr ! < 4.00 ; lights , ys.tttft
I.12U ; bulk of Miles. Jl.nYfH.1ii.
SHEEP AND LAMBS-Mnrkot dull tint
10ft25c lower , e.\oopt for fancy grades ; nu
live weth'-rs. $3.W4.50 ! : lambs. $4.00 5.t
western wethers , Jl.ooiil.10 ; western lambs
Receipts : Cattle , lfi.000 head ; hops , 46ono
Iiciul ; sheep , 1M.OPO head.
iv Yorlr l.lvp Sloi'U.
eoipts , 1,626 head ; KS cars on sale ; slow am
5i10c | lower ; several cars unsold ; steers'
JI.IO < i/G.2'i ; stockors. f3.fiOfi4.00 ; oxen nni
stags , M.liOftn.liO ; bulls , Jli.OOTi 1.00 ; oows , Jl.O
(7 ( < 3,75. Cables quote market Hteady ; New
York eattlo nt Liverpool , HUtflSc ; tops
12tl21i ! < * : lefrlRerator beef , 94e ; live sheep
n'/iifll-'c ' ; lambs. IS'.iWMc ; live cattle at Lon
don. Ufiloc ; Christmas beeves , 14c ; exports
none ; none tomorrow.
PALA'ES Hecelpts. 1.4S9 head ; slow bu
steady ; all . old ; veals , * 4.60jS.lK ; llttlt
calves , JI.CO ; b.irnyard calves , J2.f.0r3.50 ! ?
southern calves , J3.00fi3.25 ; western , $4.00.
SHEEP AND I.iAM'113 ' Receipts , 11,300
head ; sheep slow ; lambs steady to phade
lower ; closed llrm ; nearly all sold ; Hheep
J2.50iJ4.70 ; lops , $5.01) ) ; lambs , J5.23@6.90
Canadian lambs , J5.SO ; culls , J4. f4.50.
HOGS Hecelpts. 12,254 head ; 5 cars ot
sale ; llrm at $4.50J74.CO.
KniiNtiN City l.lve Stock.
Rceelpt.s1,700 natives , COO Texans ; medium
killing steers , butcher cows and stockers
and feeders , steady ; plain half-fed Bteers
shade lower ; no choice nntlve steers of
fered ; medium welRhts. $4.00f5.12'/4 ; Flock-
ers ami feeders. J3.25st4.55 ; butcher cows ,
and heifers , J3.OOJTt.25 ; canners , J2.50'fJ3.00 ;
fed westerns , $1.00 4.SO : western feeders ,
J3.205i4.20 ; Texans , JI.UOR4.2T .
HOGS Hecelpts , 7.COO head ; market very
Mow ; ruled 5 < ! ? 10c lower ; heavy and mixed ,
$1.00 < fj4.07'i ; light. $3.SOff4.02i4 ; plRS , $3.70 ®
81113131' AND LAMIIS Receipts. 5,040
head ; market dull ; muttons , steady to 15c
lower ; killing lambs , 10f/25c lower ; stockers -
ors and feeders , about steady ; lambs , J5.W
< SG.25 ; muttons. J4.10ffl.GO ; stockers and
feeders , J2.75 4.70 ; culls , J1.50Q2.75.
St. I.oulH Live Stock.
ST. LOriS , Dec. IS. CATTLE-RecelptP.
3,200 head , Including 2,000 head Texans ;
market steady to easy ; native shipping am ]
expert steer , J4.755T15.70 , with strictly fancy
Krades worth J7.2f ; dressed beef and butcher
steers , W.1585.50 ; steers , under 1,000 Ibs. ,
J.1.20'54.60 : ntockers and feeders , J3.25'S5.0 ' ;
cows and heifers. J2.Off5.00 ( ; cnnncrs , Jl.SOfi
3.00 ; bulls , J2.2504.15 ; Texas and Indian
steers , J3.65 f4.75 ; cows and heifers , J2.30if
HOGS Receipts. S.GOO head ; market Ken-
orally 5W10e lower ; plfiB and llRhts. JS.DOfi
400 ; packers , J4.00S4.0G : butchers. JI.055J4.15.
S11KEP AND LAMBS-Recelpts , 1,700
head ; market 25c lower : native muttons ,
J4.00JH.25 ; lambs. S5.OOiT5.50 ; stockerp , J2.50 ®
3.00 ; bucks. $2.2503.00.
St. Joneiili Llvi ; Stock.
SOUTH ST. JOSEPH. Mo. , Dec. 18.-Spe-
clal. ) Journal quotations :
CATTLE Receipts , SOO head ; market
steady ; quality common to fnlr : natives ,
J4.00S5.S5 : Texas and westerns , J3.00g5.S5 :
cows and heifers , J2.004.50 ; bulls and
stags , J2.00fT-I.K ) ; yearlings and calves. J3.75
(7T5.00 ( ; stockers and feeders , $3.00fJ4.EO ;
veals , $4.25(50.75. (
HOGS Receipts , 3,000 head : market
opened 2VJG5c and closed 10c lower ; all
grades. J4.00fj4.12li : .bulk , JI.02HQ4.07' ' .
SHEKP Receipts , 200 head ; market
steady ; demand steady.
Stock In SlKlit.
Following are the receipts at the four
principal western markets for December IS :
Cattle , Hogs. Sheep.
South Omaha 2,210 4,929 in
Chicago 1C.OOO 46f0 ' 2G.OOO
Kansas City 5.300 7.COO 5,010
St. Louis 3,200 8,600 1.700
fl-otals . 2C,71fi C7.129 32.759
.Now York Dry OOIHM MnrUol. '
week opens with a generally qnlet mar
ket In dry goods. The disturbances In
money , .stocks and cotton today have had
slight effect upon conditions In this mar-
< et. Urown sheetlnfs and drills firm In all
weights ; blenched cottons quiet , but sellers
still reserved ; coarse colored cottons very
scarce and against buyers ; white goods gen
erally oversold and advancing ; prints llrm
ind no further change in prices In either
staple or fancy lines ; print cloths inactive
it previous prices ,
Snirnr MnrUct.
steady : fair refining. 3 13-JfJc ; centrifugal , IMS
es ( . 4'ibid ; molasses sugar. 39-lCc ; re-
fllNi3'u"ORLEANS. ' . Dee. 38. SUGAR-
Strong ; open kettle , SfiSTic ; open kettle ,
centrifugal , 53-lCfj7-Uc ; centrifugal , plynta-
ion srn nu In ted. 1 0-1Ge ; whites , fj-l'iiic ' ;
yellow. 3'Aii49-lCc } ; seconds , 2fJI3-lCc.
MOLASSKS-Very Ktrong : open kettle. 39
; centrifugal. 12f3.'c. ? Syrup. 39041c.
Ciillfornlii Drli-i ! VrnltH.
DR1KD KRUITS No now features were de
veloped in evaporated apples. A fair de
mand for eholeo grades and light offorlnBH
gave the market a llrm undertone without
change as to price ; state evaporated apples.
ommon , Cifj6l4r ; prime , CWQif : t-holre , tVi ®
lie : fancy. StifiOe. Prunes , 3Vi < fi8c , nB to
size and quality. Apricots , Royal , 13f15o ;
"Moor park. 15fil c. I'enches , peeled , 3S022C ;
unpceled , 'lif/Oc.
c Cnlili *
NEW YORK , Dee. IS , The Commercial
Cable compiiny Issued the following notice :
\Vo uro advised that the rablo between
Mozambique and Lourenzo Mnrquez Is Intor-
npted. A torrlllc ryclonn at Mozambique
las caused Interruption of the Delagoa bay
cable , hoiiKoH have been blown down nnd
ships In the harbor have been wrecked.
The telegraph slatlon was unroofed , but
the instruments worn waved. "
TIIKen Out n lleuoril Cnrco ,
PHILADELPHIA. Dec. 18. The British
Ploamshlp Ping Suoy has arrlvcil here from
New York to curry to Rotterdam the largest
general cargo over shipped In n slngln
VCHSOJ. It will carry about 9,000 tons dead
weight and the cargo will largely consist of
grain. The vessel camp from Now York
In ImllaK and the work of putting the cargo
aboard began today.
Iriil < - HelllK Dead ,
says that Howard Tut tie , recently reported
to have committed suicide by Jumping from
thn ferryboat San Rafael on account of un
requited love , Is alive and denies that ho Is
the man who leaped Into the bay , crying :
"This ends It all. "
Telephone 1030. Omaliu , Xj )
Corrospuiidciiro John A Warren & Co
jjircci wires to Chicago and New York ,
The Bee.
Here is Where You Will
Find It in the Principal : \
Cities :
Klinunll IlnimoFMN Stand.
Pnlillp l.lbrnry.
Vciiiloino Hotel.
llonluti Pre * CIiili , 14 Ilonrrortb SI.
( cursor Ilnlcl NOMH .Hlnnit.
llnrvnrtl I'nlvrmll.v Mlirarj- .
K. A. I.OKIIII. UIU AVrnl Kith SI ,
fhc > ciuif Cluli.
AinlKorhiin AiinrxPTT 9
Atnllliirliiin lintel \ M * Mniul.
< irniul Pnolllo Ilnlcl > > rrn Slnnil.
( Jrenlorlliorn llolclCTTI Slnnd.
1'nlinrr UOIIHO JVcirn Slnnil.
ro ( iIIIno MPMM Slnnd , Ao. aiT Ilenr-
linrn Mrcol ,
* MNiH'iiitci ] .lilvcrtlBcr' * CInb , I'nlmrr
] lnuw i.
IVt'ililoll 1 1 mine.
The llnlli-iiilcn.
CoininiTclal Traveler * Anaoelnllnn ,
f Temple.
' llonir.
Ilrlnciic llrnn.
llriMvn llnlrlrwn Maud.
Hamilton .V Kcnilrluk , IMMt-llli : ITIh M.
Mol.aln. I'ltt .t Co. . S.'ir M&lcrnth SI.
I'rnlt MiTonnlilo Cn. . JS17 Larimer SI.
Hie .Slnllnncr Co. . l.lth and I.nivrciivc i
IVIiulHor llnlp ] NCITH Slnnd.
FlHhcI .t Co. , Dradivooil.
Max FlNlicl. noniHrnncl.
? Io cn .Tncnlix , Hock lulnnil lriO ( .
Wit * A Ilcniioil , UM AV. Superior SI.
IiiRlntcrrn Holel Itpa < llnK Itnnin.
W. A. Moore , ( Itli avenue nntl Mnln St.
[ 7. II. AVr liver fc Cn.
L. IJ. Cooper .fc Co. , 20 Cciitrnl AVB.
[ { abort Unlil , 1 S McRec St.
'inili-K ll < > nne N Slnnd.
MlftNourl Itpiinlillciiii Club , 1)05 ) Ilalfl-
morr Avc.
[ illille I.llirar- .
ItlckNcckcr Clurnr Co. , Olh nndVnliint
oi3o lto I' . O ,
Ilnlliviir Y. . > ! . C. A. , room 27 Union
Dciiot. Knnnnn Clly , to.
I'liMIc I.llirnry. "
Y. 31. C. A Heading Itnom.
A. 31. Krll < > il , ll a o SlB-cl , Deliv
ery Aeeiil.
Hirer .t Hnliii-H , 10(1 ( S. Spring SI.
F. II. IlniincomI2U S. ainlii St.
; iinrIOH A.fillllK'N Amcrlcum Ktclm
2 CockNiinr St. , Trnfnlunr S | . , S.
ulillil.llirnry. .
Hotel XnvTH Slnnd.
.rtlinr nrcntnro.
hooper Union Ill > rnry.
Mill Avuniio Hotel NewH Stand ,
'Mftii Avon 11 o Hotel Itcndlntr Room.
viuplro Hotel.
Frooiiic Street Library.
lollniiil HOIINI ; Heading ; Ilooin.
I off in n n Ilniinr.
miicrlnl Hotel .Vcivw Slnnil.
TCHM Cluli , l o Xnnnnn SI.
VcNtiiiliiHtPi * Holrl Ilcnillntr rtoom.
totol Griiiifiblc.
' . 31. C. A. , : i l nmllib Avciinp.
V. Webb , a 10. . WiiMlilnffton Ave.
York Hernia1 Itrnilluc Room , 41) )
Ave. < le lMM-i-a. |
'lion. Cook t SOIIH , 1 Avc. Ic Popcrn. \
V. R. JOIICK. Ulll Ahlcr St.
ortliind Hotel Xcvrn Stand.
lercnntllp l.lbrnry.
ubllc Ijlbrnry.
ubllt : Ubrnry.
Hotel 'Inirlnlcrrn Heading Room ,
Sntitn Ann. Free I'nbtlu l.lbrnry ,
li , F. Hiiiiiiiicl. 1/j'cenin Tin-liter.
Suit I.nkn \ < MV Co ,
Pnlillo l.lbrnry.
KnntvriiCIVM Co. , U10 1-2 Pike St.
A. T. I.unilbiTK.
F. AVaril ,
Jlnncom Trotter.
flnrrrtlHoii Hotel'Nfvrn Slnnd ,
Mniiiliunlii Hotel Nfim Slnnil ,
Hotel Vriiiloinc Xrnn Slnnd ,
Tommy A : Knickerbocker ,
I'libll" I.lbrnry.
( Jrrnld FltzKlbboil , 70fl T/iMirtb SI.
liny Allc-n , : t l t'fiilpr St.
Y. AI. C. A. Iti'iulliiK Room.
Joint W. CJ rub n in , T-.l-Tlft Rlremlde
Avuiiur ,
Henry Court.
IlrniulCMv'HCM I Stand , 721 Kdmoml
lr et.
Junction \ MVH Slant ] , 501 Kdinonit SI.
Y. M. C. A. Henillnir Hooin ,
I'rrN Club
\Vlnilnor llnlrl.
Ilynn Hotel
K. J. Jrtt , 80(1 ( Ollvi ; St.
Plnnli'rN' llnlrlr v Htninl.
I'nblln Mbrnry.
I nlrinIIIN Cnintinny.
\Vlllnr r Hold \rn Slnnd.
ArlliiKlikii Hotel.
ConnrfKNloiinI Mbrnry.
Itcpnlillcnii Autlonul Coiiilnlltru.