Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 19, 1899, Page 5, Image 5

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Ltonrnatlng Faction of School Board Sees
Its Final Hour ,
\V | | | n , . Mnilr < o I'ort-p Prrn-
lo Sinn McDonald Iliind unit
Con Imp I Stormy
.MnrU l.nnt
At Iho meeting of the Board of Kdticatlon
lasljnlght the.rule of the prc.-ent majority
rathe v to a 'conclusion In a Jlnal stormy
ficenc. Members Cowlc and Ilayward pnp ed
the He , thinly veiled , anil Van Gilder en
tangled himself In Incoherences. Hurt-ess ,
leader of the minority and almost certainly
the next president of the hoard , made his
usual sturdy fight agaltibt odds and the In
cident clcsetl iltiill a new faftloii takco the
The majority , through a resolution Intro
duced by Cowle , made another effort to ob
tain the signature of President Penford to ;
tbe contract and bond of John MticDonah' ' ,
ns official architect of the board. Carl Her
ring , nttorney'of the board , was Instructed
In the following terms :
AVliPrraf. The pri-xlilcnt of the Hoard of
I'.dueatlon hns lii > rctofiiri < refined lo f'lgn
the contract of John McDuniild as arehl-
tfi-t. tMibmlllod to nils Uoahl of I'Mutatlon.
BIl'l > .
. .AVhfrrns.The- president of the Hoard of
Kdiicatldn lias bi-eti Instructed by the ma
jority of the board to sign said eontract ,
apd therefore be It
Itpsulx-oil , that If the tirerlilont of tbe
lisiird of KiJuciitlon prrslKlH In refuslHK to
sign said i-ontr.ict'that Ibe attorney of this
I nrd be Instructed to eommcnri : man-
iliirpii * proceedings' ImmHIiilply against the
pre.'ldciit of this board to compel him to
1.411 Haul contract.
Vfiiotlnii IlllniU for Iliillillnus.
Chairman Cowlo of the committee on
buildings and property , rcpcrted n proposal
tram H. B. Dodge of Chicago , relative to
Venetian blinds for the three new grammar
scheolr. The hid was 1C cents per square
'en' for 19u blinds , amounting approximately
lo ? SOO. Members of the minority , and par-
tiuilarly Ilaywnrd , complained of unfalrne s
In not advertising for bids In n matter of
such .Importance ; The defense wns made that
the' price was exceptionally low and would
not kng continue In force. Cowle added
that Hayward had not shown the same solici
tude In obtaining bids on stoves when that
proposition was before the Iraard two weeks
n ft and that , as a matter of fact , none had
boon solicited on that occasion. Hayward
rotpotiupd with some heat that the statement
WIB falsa' and that , his committee had visited
\nrious hardware dealers. The charge was
returned and an exciting colloquy followed ,
which was finally quieted by the chair. The
secretary wns Instructed to place the order
by a majority , and minority division.
The majority , relying upon Its numerical
superiority , also forced through the election
of two teachers who had not been recom
mended by Superintendent Pcarse In accord
ance with the rules of the board. On secret
ballot the names of Mlsnes Emma Xewcomb
and Carrlo Falrchlld recelred eight votes
and the chair declared them not elected , as
lie declared a two-thirds vote necessary
under suspension of the rules. An appeal
was taken and the chair not sustained. At
torney Herring , called upon for a decision.
raid that In his opinion the election would
not bo legal as , under the rules , ten votes
were necessary.
C'nilctx IV nut Armi.
A delegation of High school students was
present to urge the purchase of arms for
the cadet battalion. Commandant Ten Eyck
' explained that Congressman Mercer and See-
/fet'ary' ilellhejohn had been communicated
with to no purpose and he asked that 115
Springfield rifles be purchased at a cost of
J6.75 ench. On motion of Teal the matter
was referred to the supply committee wlh !
Instructions to secure a sample of the pro-
1 > cned rifle.
Teal alee secured the passage of a reso
lution calling upon the Judiciary committee
to secure a monthly report of the condition
of the board's finances. Ho expressed the
opinion that the board had hitherto been actIng -
Ing too much In the dark with respect to Its
resources , a semi-yearly report only being
A report from the superintendent of In
struction showed that there arc now 15-li3
pupils in the public schools. This Is au
increase of r f9 ! over ono year ago. .Nine
teen rooms have less than thirty-five oc
cupants , Intended ns a minimum limit , :
eight rooms have mnre than fifty-five ac-
ctipanls , the Intended maximum limit.
A communication was received from the
city council nsklns that a committee be ap
pointed to confer with similar delegations
from the council and county commissioners ,
' relative to the purchase of voting machines
for the spring elections. The committee
foimerly appointed to discuss the booth
question wns continued for this purpose.
A proposition w'ns received from A Ilospe ,
offering to apply the monthly rental on the
seventeen planoa now In use upon n pay
ment for their purchase at the end of the
year. The matter was sent to the commit
tee on supplies.
r onCMV llullilliiii" .
Architect. Latenser reported o the condi
tion of three grammar schools now In pro
cess of construction. Ho said that the Cass
t-chool was approaching completion and
would bo ready for occupancy on January
in. Work on the SaundcrH nchool was said
to bo progressing slowly , but as well as
cculd bo expected considering weather con
ditions. In the Pacific building the rain
has done considerable damage to the paint
and the frost has injured the plastering.
The contractor was Instructed to do no
2Oth Century
( Not the ordinary kind )
A handsome year-book filled
with beautifut illustrations , and a
complete calendar. It is sold on
all news-stands for 5 cents , and
it's worth five times that amount.
It is a reliable chronology of
the progress of the igth century
and a prophecy of what may be
expected in the aoth.
Htro ara * few of tbe great men who liar *
mitten ( or H i
Secrelary Wilson , on Agriculture
Sen. Chauncey M , Dcpcw , on Politics
Russell Sage , on Finance
Thomas Edison , " Electricity
Gen. Merrilt , " Land Warfare
AdmL Hichbom , ' Naval Warfare
"Al" Smith , "Sports
If your newsdealer cannot atirptf you
with It , cut out UiU ad. mid lend U with
three one-cent itampi.ana receive thU ele
gant book free. Addren ,
J. 0. AVEK CO..Xowell , Man.
ft-rlhrr work until Fprlng and was given an
eMemdon of lime.
Peter Iloysen presented a bill for $ ln" . > 0
for labor and material In repairing fifty-
eight flue * nt the High school. Mr. Doysen'a
Instructions hnd only covered five flues , but
he explained that Holler Inspector L'nltt had
had ordered the further repairs made. The
Judiciary cornmlltec will Investigate the
merits of the elnlm.
On motion of Johnson the Doard adjourned
to meet In special Bcrslon on Thursday
night for the purpose of passing the monthly
pay toll.
I'lTtlin-nt Advice fur ( lie Ilnxy Tli roriK"
i > f 12imrr t'li r I it in nn Slioiiier
mid fur HIP
The Industrial committee of the Omaha
Woman's club , consisting of Henrietta 1.
Smith. Kmma M. Wafincr , Frances' M. Ford ,
nlancho k. McKclvy nnd Klla . LoblnRer ,
has Issued a letter to the public on the ques
tion of Christmas RhopplnR , of which the
following nro the essential parts :
The ChlcaKo Consumers' league , Jtra.
Klli'ti M. Henrotln president , has Issued n
fhrl.ilmiiH etblc-s letter contalnltiB valuable
siiKRestions both lo buyers nnd employers.
Tbe HUKKcollons are so full of humanity ,
Botid sense mid the real Christmas spirit
that we the Industrial committee of the
Omaha Woman's club ask space In your
columns for their publication. fcclliiR sure
that they will be followed by Omnhn con
sumers and inerrhntilN In the remalnlnc
time before Ihe holidays , It brought to
Ihelr attention.
First , to consumers :
1. Hhop early.
2. Co shopping with classified lists.
.1. Do only the necessary shopping before
4. Ho not nsk to have parcels delivered
the same day.
"These four rules , " comments Mrs. Hen-
rolln , "are a means whereby women ny
aiding Iho employers to keep trade condi
tions as normal as possible may nlso apply
the principles of the league. At Christmas
time these irude conditions are usually iih-
MU mill , HO that no amount of executive
ability or foresight on the part of employ
ers ran obvlnle Hitjtreal Inconvenience or
serious wroii allendlnK Ihcni.
"Hesldeii dlslurblng Ihe normalities of
trade fhrlslniaw shopping Interfere * with
Ihe moralities. One of the Immoralities Is ,
that the shopper Is apt to spend more than
she ought , especially If buying at a store
where bills ore allowed. The result Is post-
Clirlslniaj economy , often accompanied by
unhapplneHs In an effort lo meet the obllga-
llon. If one shops early , however nnd Ibis
certainly means before 4 o'clock and In
Ihe morning If possible and with a well
classified list , one will do It with more con
sideration and have the end In view rather
than the means. Then not only should one
put oft until after Ihe holiday season any
unneut-Htmry shopping , but shop long
enough before Chrlslmas to not need to ask
that purchases bo delivered the same day.
The shopper should not ask for the ex
change of purchases until after Christinas. "
Second , suggestions to employers :
1. Dose the store at G o'clock.
i. If unable to close at that hour moke
arrangements for supper money and extra
pay for the , extra service.
5. Conform tn the child labor law.
In commenllng on the overwork of chil
dren In the teller this appeal Is mmlo to
the women :
"It Is the pathellc Irony of history that
this holy festival of Ihe Christ-child should
become the season when little children are
overtaxed and underpaid. "
IVeNt Stile Improvement Club
UlKli Tribute to Oinnha'H Chief Kv-
ciMiHvc , ItcKiirilloiiN of Politics.
At a. meeting of the Wpst Side Improve
ment club , held at Forty-eighth and Leaven-
worth streets Monday night , a resolution
was unanimously adopted In which the ad
ministration of Mayor F. E. Moorcs is highly
endorsed. This club Is a non-partisan or
ganization and the endorsement of the mayor
Is because of his splendid work for the
city , and not because of his political faith ,
so the leaders say and the leaders Include
voters of the different parties. The lesolu-
llon follows : '
Whereas. For nearly three years past
Hon. K. 1C. IMoores has filled tbe olllce of
mayor with eredlt to himself nnd to the
city , und
Whereas. During that trying1 period , when
two expositions were held In Omaha and
thousands of slrangers entered our gates ,
he wa * ever watchful over the pnfety anil
Interests of the people over whom he was
chosen to preside , nnd
Whereas , It is an established custom that
when a public servant has been faithful to
the trust Imnnscd in him for one term con-
lldeneo Is continued In him for a second
term , therefore be it
Uesolved , That we , as citizens and tax
payers , residing In the west end of the Sev
enth ward , most heartily endorse I1 , b.
'Moores ' for re-election.
Another resolution was unanimously
adopled In favor of Clly Councilman Mount.
The club endorses him for re-election on
the grounds that he has been an oncrgellc
worker for the upbuilding of the territory
ho represents and that no other councilman
has ever surpassed him as n faithful repre-
A committee composed of Edward Walsh ,
John Wlsler and Theodore Smith was ap
pointed to Interview the slreel railway man
agement and appeal for boiler service In Ihe
west end. The next meeting of the club
will be held Saturday night.
l , < -otn 10 Ity Ci-orK * * W. MiiiiiRor , Pnxt
( iraiiil MiiNter of tbcebriiNUii
( Irnml I.oilice.
Under auspices of Capitol lodge No. 3 , '
Past Ornnd Master Ocorgo W. Llnlnger de
livered a lecture Monday night nt Masonic
temple , taking for his subject , "The Uni
versality of Masonry. " Each of the Omaha
lodges were represented , Invitations having
been extended by Capitol lodge. The lecture
was not open to the public , being conducted
In regular lodge form.
In giving nn advance * summary of bis
lecture , Mr. Llnlnger said : " 1 have made no
nolcH on my lecture and shall talk on the
Impulsu of thcmomont , uttering the wards
just as they conio to me. You may say that
I reviewed the history of Masonry all tbo
way from Jerusalem to Omaha , for that IB
what 1 expect to do , nut from what I have
rend In historical works , but from what I
have personally observed In my travels nnd
experience with Masons. "
There was a large attendance , It having
been announced several duyt * ago that Mr.
Llnlnger would leclurc.
nml nircelor * IHHIIIn SJnte-
nit-lit KlHnvliiK i\ne ( I < 'lKiirrn UK
to OlillicnUoiiN ,
Official notice has been issued to the effect
flint the amount of all existing debts of the
Greater America exposition Is M-0.421.SG.
ThU ) notice has been published In legal
form , hearing the signature of George L.
Miller , president , and several of the direc
tors. Many milts are pending In the district
court against the exposition management and
the Chicago House Wrecking company ,
which has the contract for removing the
exposition buildings.
Have you tried Old Quaker Rye ?
.North SI Improvement Cluli ,
The North Sldo Imnrovement club held
Its regular meeting1 Monday night In Its
hall at Twenty-fourth and Ames avenue. It
was the final meeting of the year and n
general illfeumlon was Indulged In relative
to the work that \vui being done and plans
were made for the llrnt few meetlnga of the
next year. The next meeting will bo on the
Sth of January. Al this meeting , besides
the regular annual election of otllccrs" . then *
will be a joint debate on the municipal
ownership of waterworks. C , O. Ixibock
will take the Mdi > of the clty'f ownership
and the other liqlf will bo represented by
HV , Hlchnrdton. The meetlnK on the
third Monday evening of the new year has
been ret aside for the dlscut-sloii of the
matter of Collection of personal taxes. Mr ,
UIHaii of the school board will be Invited
to speak on the fourth Monday.
Chief of Police Carroll Sends in His
Resignation. '
lipq Men MKcljto llniul In thr
. \jMiolntinpnt of nrr Chief
KitMir Sn > UP Will Co-
Chief of Police Carroll last evening lent
dcred his resignation to Mayor Knsor. Mr.
Carroll Intends leaving for Denver In a few
days where lip Kill look after business mat
ters for a time. In speaking about his leav
ing the police department Mr. Carroll said
he was In receipt of an offer of a much bet
ter position and while In the west ho would
look over the ground with his probable em
ployers. The chief further said that he had
been contemplating a change for some time
post , but ho had been urged by the mayor
to remain with the department until Janu
ary 1. Events have transpired which now
make this Impossible , hence the resignation
at this time. Pending the selection of a
chief of police. Captain Alllc will be made
acting chief.
Carroll's retirement leaves the way open
now for the selection of a head of the police
department by the business men. Mayor
Ensor asserted Sunday night that If the busi
ness men were dlFeatlsfled with the manner
In which the department was being con
ducted , ho stood ready and willing to ap
point a chief of police to bo named by rep
resentative buslncsn men. Since this offer
has been made It will mcst likely be ac
cepted as a great many complaints have
been made lately regarding the manner In
which the police force Is being handled.
Members of the Commercial club Incline to
the opinion that with a now chief the work
of the force will be greatly Improved. Busi
ness men further say that the new chief ,
whoever he is , must be given full authority
to handle the men as ho BCCS fit , and this
request will undoubtedly be made of the
mayor when a new head of the department Is
On account of the number of robberies and
holdups commltlcd lalely , the people are
considerably alarmed and many think there
should be an entire reorganization of the
force. As constituted , at present the force
Is costing the taxpayers $1,000 a month and
It Is asserted that this is rather expensive
considering the amount of protection ac
corded. The 1839 appointment for police
purposes In J9.108 , so that It can readily be
seen that there will be an overlap In this
fund nt the expiration of the fiscal year.
There are those who assert that with n
complete reorganization the number of
patrolmen need not bo Increased In order to
have fairly good protection.
Another thing that has been spoken of Is
the closing of saloons at midnight. More
than likely the mayor will be requested to
ismio Instructions of this kind. By closing
all places where liquor Is sold at the hour
mentioned. It will bo much easier for the
police to keep track of suspicious charac
ters. With saloons open at all hours of the
night thugs and thieves have a place to hide
und keep out of the sight of police officers.
In addition to this request the mayor will
likely be asked to close all games now being
operated In saloons with a view of compell
ing undesirable citizens to seek come other
climate. Men with no occupation congregate
about cheap resorts , and It Is asserted , fre
quently remain all night. With such places
closed at a reasonable hour the police will
be enabled to keep a better watch on petty
thieves and those who do not work.
I'olltlcK. '
Candidates for the spring election are be
ing talked of theee days , ' alttioiigh' ttie elec
tion will not bo held until next April. The
republicans are casting about for a good
man for mayor , and as a strong candidate
must bo put up , quite a number arc urging
J. B. Walklns lo allow his name to be used.
Mr. Watkins is a well-known business man
arid ho Is being very favorably considered.
It Is asserted that the city's finances are In
such a condition that a business man of
ability is needed to untangle , the snarl and
practice economy in all branches of the city
government. In case Mr. Watkins allows his
name lo go before Ihe convention he will
undoubtedly receive the support of not only
the republicans , but of those who are con
templating tbe organizing of a reform move
Councilman Patrick Trainer Is harboring a
mayoralty bee lu hU bonnet and thoee who
claim to know say that he can have things
all his own way in Iho Third ward. Of the
democrats , It Is presumed that Mayor Knsor
will seek the nomination again. It is for
Ihls reason that the republicans are now
casllng about for a slrong man who will find
favor with a majority of Ihe people and
thus Insure Ihe election of a republican. The
city Is democratic and a great deal of hard
work will have to be done by the republi
cans and these who favor a reform in mu
nicipal affairs if the democratic ring Is to be
broken up.
I < > the llninnioiid Company.
An American syndicate has purchased the
English holdings in the O , H. Hammond
Packing company and the affairs of this
company will _ now be managed on this side
of Iho water. The new officers of the com
pany are : J. C. Melvln of Boston , president ;
E. Chapman of Boston , vice president ; J. P.
Lyman of Chicago , general manager ; J. D.
Standlsh of Delrolt. secrclary and Ireasurcr ,
The dlreclors are : Frank P. Comstock ,
Providence ; Oeorge H. HotcbkUe and T. II ,
Wheeler , New York ; James Miles , Chicago ,
and Ihe officers. The change In the personnel
of the company will not affect Ihe general
plan of conducting the business at this
Mnitlr City ( ioNnli.
Oscar Hill Is laid tip with rheumatism.
A. W , Trumblu has gone to Hot Springs ,
Mayor Ensor Is contemplallng a pouthern
The public schools will close on Friday for
Iho holiday vacnllon.
Feeder cn\tle continue in good demand
ami prices uro steady.
Frank Krebs has been appointed registry
clerk nt the postolllce.
Personal taxes are coming Into the treas
urer's ofllco finite rapidly these days.
Kxcelslor lodge of the Good Templars
meets tonlg-ht at Modern Woodman hall.
Thirty-three sil s > lclous characters uro In
jail awaiting a trial neforcJndgo Dahcock.
The city council failed of a quorum lust
night. A meeting will bo held nt noon to
A datichler has lieon born to Mr. and
Mrs. W. M. Fnrrar. Twentieth nnd 1
Bt reels.
Members of the Lotus cluU will give a
dancing and card party at Masonic hull this
K. i.M. Sutherland hf.s returned to his home
In Chicago after spending a month herewith
with friends.
St. Martin's guild will meet Wednesday
aflernoou with Mr . Peter Honey , Twenty ,
fourth and J streets.
Dun Hannon has suspended grading
operutlonn for the winter and sent his
teams to the country.
Beef butchers' union No. 2S will glvo a
masquerade bull at Koutsky's hall on the
uvi'iunir of December 23.
Councilman A. II. Kelly was called lo
Tekomuh yesterday ( by n sudden change for
Die worse In his father's condition.
Quito a number of live ptock men will go
to KliK-pln today to attend the convention
of the Nebraska Improved Hreuders' as-
The Commercial club committee on rail
roads and transportation culled on Presi
dent 'Hurt ' of the Union I'aclllo yesterdiy
No stoi-k will l > wolphfid at ( | ( yards'on
Christmas day. .All blilpmoiitw will be oared
for by the. Stock Yards company , but the
scales will not 1 > e opened.
Try Old Quaker Hye , Aged and pure.
\clornn . Olil mill Vinmn. l njoy Fr.t-
Rrnnt llnvnnni nntl Simp Tnlri I
of AnnMfi' . j
Through cloud * of blue smoke the mem
bers of the vigorous recently organized
Thureton Utflea enjoyed speech-making and
rausle Monday night In their elegant rooms
In the Labor temple. The young men were
there to have a good time and there was
not n dull moment from early evening till
late at night. Young veterans and old veter
ans mingled together and swapped tales of
war reminiscences of hardship were touched
lightly upon and amldat all the happiness
and good cheer a saddened thought for the
heroes vho > lept wrapped In the Hag was
given voice.
The curtain-raiser to the feast of wit and
eloquence was card playing and the tables
scattered through the rooms were surrounded
by Interested players until 10 o'clock , while j
the members of the Coco Mandolin and
Oultar club dtecoursed sweet music. W. K.
Campbell finally called the gucels to order
and Introduced Cadet Taylor , who gave n
succinct and Interesting rtvlow of the or
ganization since Its Inception , six years ago.
n. G. nrown , formerly with the Trocadero
opera company , sang two folos , the last oiu :
brought out by Insistent applause , and then
Judge. Leo Ketclle won an enthusiastic re
ception by a witty and hearty talk which
ho ended by giving a portion of Longfellow's
"Slilt > of State. "
Prof. Mcl'herson played ns a piano solo
Gotlschalk's "Last Hope. " prefacing his per
formance by giving a short history of the
composition. The mandolin club played
again and added to the Interest by Indulg
ing In a song , while the hilarity wan further
enhanced by a song rendered by the cx-
mcmbcra of Company L. Barney O'Connell
recited something about McOlnty's base ball
nine that made n hit with the guests.
Something like 200 men were present dur
ing the evening and partook of refreshments ,
both Intellectual and gastronomic. The suc
cess of the affair wa.- duo mainly to W. IS.
Cardwell and his able corps of assistants ,
consisting of Lieutenant J. T. Buchanan ,
Captain AV. 13. Stockham , Lieutenant Fred
Fisher , V. H. Munnccke and H. C. Hanson.
The drill team of the club will meet for
practice at the armory Friday night.
llrentcBt Mc-cd.
Mr. A. I' . Allvla of Barcelona , Spain ,
spends his winters at Alkcn , S. C. Weak
nerves had caused severe pains In the back
of his head. On using Electric Bitters ,
America's greatest blood and nerve remedy ,
all pain soon left him. Ho says this grand
medicine Is what his country needs. All
America knows that It cures liver and kid
ney trouble , purities the blood , tones up the
Btomach. strengthens the nerves , puts vim ,
vigor and new life Into every muscle , nerve
and organ of the body. If weak , tired or
alllna you need it. Every bottle guaranteed ;
only GO cents. Sold by Kuhn & Co. , drug-
IroH | SlioeN mill Hniin.
The biting blast blowing from the north
had Its effect upon the feelings of William
Jones , a colored man , Monday night , und
as ho looked down at bis toothpick tan
shoes he bethought him that he should Ret
a. pair with Tower ventilating holes and of
a color more In keeping with the wintry
weather. No sooner had this thought taken
possession of him than he went to a secondhand
ond-hand store conducted by Joe Vcrbln at
11J5 Douglas street , where ho asked to ceo
n. pair of shoes. The proprietor brought
out some thick-soled shoes und Jones put
them on his feet. When Verbln had his
back turned Jones made a licetlne for the
door and was soon hot-footing it down the
street ns though he were pursued by a
mob. Special Officer Theodore Brown , at
tracted by the cries of Vcrbln , gave chase
and after a brisk run of two blocks caught
the fleeing man , who was taken to the po
lice station. Verbln eame 111 later with the
old shoes Jones hud left lu his place.
UnilprKooM StirKlc'iil Operation.
Chief Resell of the Omaha flre depart
ment is at St. Joseph's hospital , where he
has undergone a critical wlrulcal operation.
Ho rallied from the offeutd'of the crucial
remedy and with no untpward complica
tions his physicians think he will be. out
again In ten dax's or two weeks. Mean-
whllo Assistant Chief Sailers Is eillclently
at the head of the department.
Work of HncnUtlilrf.
A sneakthief entered the residence ofV. .
W. Burns at .119 South Twelfth street Mon
day night and stole J2ii.
\prvoun or Sick IlenilnclH-
Cured Instantly with Wright's' Paragon
Headache and Neuralgia Cure. Try It. 23c.
J. P. Schaffer of Glenwood was found on
the street Sunday suffering from u.
liemorrhaue of thu lungs. lie was taken
lo St. Joseph's hospllal.
.Maurice Milder was arrested Sunday
charged with Keeping a pocketbook con
taining $10 belonging to Mary Smith , 1132
South Thirteenth street. Milder says he
found the pocketbook and was looking for
the owner when arreslcd.
The lax commissioner and iwo freeholders ,
sitting as a board of review , Mulshed their
bearing of claims on December 15. The
commissioner Is now engaged In footing up
Iho lists and will be able to give the exact
amount of personal and icalty assessment *
The traveling men with headquarters In
this elty l ft yesterday for their Until
"roundup" previous to the holidays. A
? arty of twelve went north from the U'eu-
ster slreet depol and at > oui thirty more took
trains from the Union Pacific and Hurllng-
ton stallons.
jr. F. Singleton has filed a complaint
Tgalnst Fred and William Uiomberg , eliorg-
ng them with malicious destruction or
property. The complaint says that these
[ joys entered the house of 1. Duval , - > Ub
Uurdctle slreel , and cut Ihe copper lining
from the bath lub.
The Hoard of Public Works .has approved
Iho final esllmato of the Uarber Asphalt
company for JS.Cnx ) on the newly laid Cumlng
street pavement. The bill will bo referred
to the council In the' usual order , where
Its payment will be considered under a
doubt as to whether the paving ordinance
was legally framed.
The civil service commission announces
that on January 0 and JO examination will
bo hold for the position of designer , super
vising architect K olllce , Treasury depart
ment , nalary J2.3UO per imnuin. Apply to
the Civil Service commission , Washington.
D. C' . . for application forms 30) ) nnd " > " > .
For further Inform.Ulon apply lo Hie civil
service secrelary , Omaha. .
Dr. J. M. Kmmert of A'llanllc , In. , will
this evening deliver an address upon the
subject of "Judicial Control of Tubercu
losis" before. Iho faculty ajid studenls of
the Omaha Medical college. The doelor IIIIH
given much lime and worj ? both lo Iho legal
and medical portion of riila subject , which
Is becoming now ono of the ( iiiestlonH at the
day. Those of Iho medical prd.islnn anil
any other * Interested In this subject are
Invited to be present.
T. I. . . Ac'kernian , a well known Stanton
man , Is al the Merchants.
A. J. Peck Is steadily Improving , having
been seriously 111 since last September.
K. U. WllllHon , a Columbuti business man.
if In the rlty with his wife. They nro at
Ihe MUlard.
Mr. and Mrc. George II. Thummell of
Grand Island are In Iho city to remain for
some lime.
Ud h. nr.intliairi and Mrs. Granlham of
Cuntcr , S. D. , are. at the Merchants. .Mr.
( ir.intham Is the compiler of the South Da
kota stdtules.
I-/MI AVessell. the founder and for several
years the publisher of the Courier , Lincoln's
society paptr. who Is now publishing the
Arkansas Traveler nt Chicago , Is in the city
renewing former acquaintances.
Ralph Crainhill and wife returned Hun-
day night from Portland and other Paelllc
roast cities , where they have been enjoying
thrlr honeymoon. They will Hpond Ibo holi
days with relatives and friends 'In this
Mr. und Mrs. Daniel TjOKan of Hawaii
nre guostH of Mr. and Mni. > V. W. I'matcad
al Fortieth and Karnam xlreels. They will
remain In the elty a few dayw and then gn
to Sail Kwnclsco , where they will sail for
Mrx. Mary R Hamilton and her dauch-
ler.i , MlkviiH Rtcllii and Muy , left yesterday
for New York rity , whence they will set
all December 23 on the Hamburg line
utramor Patricia for Kurope. where thuy
expect to Hpend the winter , Frank Ham
ilton of the Merchants Hank iir-
rnmpanlctt Ills mother and aimers to Now
Board of Education to Dcoido Who May
Operate ti Saloon.
City . \Hornry Hollow * ( lint Hpiiion-
Mrnlor'n Point In Nut \Voll TiiUpu
ui the Term I * 1'ii'tt til
llronil Sou-io.
The school board Is regarding with anxiety
a threatened curtailment of Us Income from
llquot licenses which would make strict
pcoiiomy necessary for the coming yenr.
The Isiuo has- been raised , this year for the
first time whether or not a corporation may
legally hold a liquor license.- The law
provides that upon the petition of a ccrtalji
number of persona n liquor llcrr.Pe may bp
granted to the "person" applying therefor ,
providing that "he" bo a "man" of good
moral character , etc. If the terms mentioned
arc not applicable to corporations also the
school board's Income will suffer a heavy
The contention Is made by J. K. Holmes In
his protests against nine licenses applied for
by the Schlllz Brewing company that the
applicant Is not eligible under the .statute.
The point is made that In framing the
provision the legislature evidently deelrcd
to fix the responsibility for the proper con
duct of saloons upon some Individual In
order that If there were any breach of the
law the delinquent might be punished. A
corporation , it Is held , Is an Intangible thing
and cannot be. convicted of a crime. The'
rcmonstrator asks that the petitions of ,
parties acting for the ScWltz company he (
also denied Inasmuch as they do not dcslro
the applications on their own account.
Helmes wns formerly lessee of the Schlltz
company's roof garden.
The city attorney Is. of the onlnlon tha'
the form of the statute may ho extended to !
apply to a corporation. Tim word "man , " In '
hln opinion , is used In a bioad souse and
would equally apply to n woman or , as In
this cafie , to a number of men. A corpora
tion Is ns much answerable to law as an In
dividual , ho says , and may be called Into
court and fined. He says that ho will advise
the board to grant licenses to , corporations ,
Thirty-four I.IOPIINOM Issued.
At the meeting Saturday favorable action
was taken on the following applications :
Charles Metz. 12ffl South Sixteenth !
Louis H. Motz. 2S02 Kunmm ; Arthur Met * ,
SOI Hickory ; Charles Lot'tmaii. 1331 Howard.
K Hunzlker , 10.12 Howard. John Buck , Ml
North Thirteenth : 2 11 North Sixteenth ;
Twentieth and Vlnton ; 1102 Smith Sixth.
George W. Tlerney , 4 Suuth Thirteenth ;
2S2I Karnnm ; 102 South Tenth ; 111 ! South
Thirteenth : 2l2Ti North Twenty-fourth : Ill !
South Sixteenth. Fritz Hanson. 1124 Capitol
tel avenue. Gottlelb Storz , 1101 South
Ninth. Mnl Flolhow , 1402 South Thirteenth ;
1413 Farmnn ; 101 South Ninth ; I2UI South
Sixteenth. Charles F. AVoymnller. 1513
Howard ; 1232 South Thirteenth ; 131 ( .Doug
las ; 1224 South Twentieth. Dutilul lledgrpii ,
802 South Thirteenth. Wllllnm F. Gerke ,
42 ! South Eleventh. Walter Stelnmeti : . mi
South Tenth. Herman SehaelTer , 324 South
Thirteenth. Fred Motz , Jr. . 1103 Farnain ;
2122 North Twenty-fourth. William Weml-
hausen , 724 South Sixteenth. William
Schmidt , 1721 Vlnton. Andrew Nelson , S13
North Sixteenth.
The Income from the above named thirty-
four licences , amounting to $34,000 , htw been
turned over to the city treasurer and will
probably be used in meeting the December
pay roll. The pay roll amounts to $10,000
for the current month , but It Is expected
that the difference will be provided for by
licenses to ho Issued. In case it la not
the sum will be turned Into the general fund
and a call for warrants will be issued.
MrctliiK of I'olloo Iloaril.
There was litllo doing .at the' meeting of
the Board of Fire and-Police"'cbmm1SsIpUer
Monday night , the''b'iio" ' piece of "business
transacted being the granting of a liquor li
cense to Adolph Brandcs at 1201 Douglaa
street. The protest of F. C. Shields , who has
made a blanket kick against all applicants ,
waa overruled by the board and , as there
were no Individual protests , Brandes was
given authority to sell liquor. The board
has not yet ruled on the question of whether
a corporation may obtain a license or not
and the matter may demand the attention
of the courts before a solution of the prob
lem Is reached. The board will meet Thurs
day afternoon at 3 o'clock to transact further
Mortality Stnllislios.
The following births and deaths have
been recorded at the otllce of the Hoard of
Health during the forty-eight hours ended
at noon Monday :
Births William F. Callahan , SMS Dodge ,
boy ; Kmll Ilourller , 70r > South Twenty-fifth
avenue , Klrl : George Hebb , 1UI Brown , boy ;
Anton Wojtklewlcz , 2.-i01 Bancroft , boy ;
Hollle Illeh , Bllll North Thirtieth , boy ;
Robert Mnnroe , Twenty-third and Fowler
avenue , girl.
Deaths-Cecil Viola Hicks , 1117 Capitol
Avenue. U months ; Kllza Mattox. 2123 Lake ,
7S years ; Dorland lirome , fill North
Twenty-third. 10 years ; Henry S. Johnson ,
4o28 Franklin , US years ; Hans Nelson ,
Thirty-third und Vlnton , 5 years ; Mrs.
Anna Campbell , Thirty-third nid Leaven-
worth , HG years.
Tlilof Loots n iloiiMO.
While T. F. 'Glllan and Ills family were
away from home Monday .his hired jnan
went through the hoiiro arid stole umlei-
olothin ; ; , an overcoat and a'sult'of elothep.
besides a woman's sold watclj and other
Jewelry. Mr. ( Milan lU'en In Albright , where
bo runs a dairy , lie reported the rnnlter in
the police and said be thought the innn
got away with over $11' ) worth of stuff , lie
wus a.ble to lvo the ollkc-rs a good do-
Hi-rliitlon of the mini.
_ Men do not like to go to doctors. Nine
times out of ten they wait until they are-
laid flat on their backs before they will
consult a physician There is some reason
in this , for when a business man feels out
of sorts and goes to a physician , he is often
Kiven violent drugs that make him , for a
time , unfit for business ami really nick.
There is a way of avoiding both extremes
that of neglecting the health and that of
taking violent drugs that luck the ntire
system it is always to keep on liund a
bottle of Dr. Pieicc's Golden Dis
covery. Jf a man will resort to this great
medicine whenever he feels that he is out
of sorts and threatened with illness , he
may keep in good health. It is the great
appetite sharpener , blood-maker .mil flesh-
builder. It fills the arteries with the rich ,
red , tisRiic-bnildini ; blood of health. It
does not make flabby fat like cod liver oil ,
but the solid , muscular and nerve tissues
of health. It does not make corpulent people
ple more corpulent. .
" I want to inform you of u euro effected by Dr.
Tierce's iiu-diclno. . " writct Mr. Nelson Smith ,
of Mount Vernon , Jeffcriioii Co , III * " A twit
si i yenr.sugo I luicl grip , ending with bronrhltb
and consumption. In Oie sprintof i oGiny con
dition became very Mrigtu. I had consui.iMiun
and I coughed dnv and night * could not lie down
nt all. Our family doctor tsnld I could not get
well. The neighbors came in to see me die. nnd
a lady friend recommended Or. I'icrce'u mi'dU
erne * so htron ly Jliat we Immediately hetit out
nnd bought tlx bottlen of his 'Ooldni Medical
Discovery1 and ' 1'avorite Prescription ' After
nsiu2 medicine. ' , fraud I wa receiving
benefit nnd continued 1 wHshrd uo when J
commenced taking medicines , now weigh 170.
I sleep well , have u xplendid appetite , frrl well ,
and bcllcvr I urn entirely cured lam IhaijUfni
to God nnd to I > r Pirrre for thopc oiilrlul
medicine ) : I want to add that I am a wonder
to my uei uhoni and friends. "
Niitlnnnl l.vnil ( iiniiiuiv ( 'Inlnio It tin *
I'nnitilliMl ultli tin * .lllKMimrl
ST. I.Ot'15 , DPO. 18. The National I.-ml
company , through ( \f \ nttorncyn , lloylc. PrleM j
* I. rlnnsn , filed Its return today In the St. j
IiOttlB court of appeals to the application of j
Attorney General Crow for writ of ouster , j
prohibiting It from dolnn business In Mis
souri on the ground llmt It hns not compiled
with certain provl'lons of the natl-trust
The respondent' admits that Itvns organ
ized under the laws of New Jersey \\ltli n
capital slock of $ .10,000,000. hut denies nil
oilier allegations In the nttorney pciiet-al' . '
petition. The claim of Attorney ( Iciieral
Crow Hint the company could not have been
organized under the laws bf Missouri Is con
tradicted and It Is aliened that there M '
nothing In the organization Hint HIP lows of ; i
Missouri do Jihl sarirtlmi and permit.
John 1) . McCrea. and Mis * Jonnlo nr.i.idc
were married Saturday evening. IVcembor
10. nt the residence of the ollldatlng minis-
ler , Hev. Charles . Savldije.
Trnnk U I'rlcst anit Mrs. Nellie J. Ilobcl-
son were married December IS. Hev. Charles
W. SavlilBo olllclnled.
Cnyli * Klcclrd to Sticernl Settle.
rUANKKOHT. Ky. . tJoo. IS. At ( lie ttpe-
elal elrcllon In Iho Seventh Kentucky dH-
IIlet to.lny , to eJect a siltfossor to UK" lute
l'oncrcs man Hvnn K. Settle. .Mine W.
Gayle , democrat ) of Owen county was
elected over former Congressman . r
Owens , who rnli us the fusion candidate-
the antl-nohel democrats nilrl ri-miblliMns
About two-thirds of Uui vote was pollixl.
At Giyle's : headquarters his m.i.lorlt > ! <
placed at .I.POO.
O'HANf.OX-Mr . reeelln J. , Momlav. IV-
rptribcr IS , 1SW , nt her lute re-lilem-p Ml' ' ;
St. Mary's avenvie. aged " < vear * . 1'Itix-
fourg ( Pa. ) papers please cop.x.
and Nerves
| M Mil IM A\1M { . )
No other ) iT | r. it"tt rtn pvi-r received m
'ninnv xntii'Mnr * l < " mnnnliil * from MiUnont
. Marlanlltio. .
ppoplo a * tli tt.'i-il fiHiuni *
Agreeable aivl la t'nu
Hotore Meals APPETIZER
After .Meals DIGESTIVE
At All Times TONIC
Sold l > v all dnigKlsts. Avoid substitutes
Marlanl * < 'o. . f.2V. . . tf.lli si . N > w A ork ,
miblMi a liniuNome book of'vnieix *
of Kniprt. ! , Knipn-Ms. rrln.-es , O.trdtnals.
Archbishops and other dlsllnnulPhril \ -
HnniiKes. it In sent gratis and postpaid to
all who wiltc f r It.
Ouro Indtpootlox ,
Gonallpftlon ,
Sick Hontlaotto.
10 cento and 25 cents , at all dmc stores.
Will Cure Coughs ,
Colds , Hoarseness
or sore throat. Al
ways reliable. Kor
Halo by all drug
gists. 23o and SOc ,
" *
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
lajf ar-av-s-i-jf * > - _ . - ' ,
, . .y-1 * H-
cBdablePrc p aration for As
similating tlierootlandRegula-
I'uig the S tnmachs arulBowcls of Bears the
ncss andRcst.Contalns neither of
Opium.Morphine nor Mineral.
I\in > fJnn Sail'
jiiua Set it
Jtprvrminf -
Soda '
Clmifitd Sugar
HSiftiypttW' fTffnsi
A perfect Itemedy for Constipa
tion , Sour Stomach.Diarrlioea ,
Worms .Convulsions Jcvcrish-
ncss endLess OF SLEEP
Tac Simile Signature of
nt the
now on at
SEcmai vi uue.soti/b'B o > DoiUjlasSl.
Uomembor this sale ends Jiintiai'y 1st.
People who nro Intcrualcd In out1 pri/.o pianua Hhnulil
watoh nur window toduy.
DC , Davis , Expert Specialist.
( uiiriJihcuMiN of tlii' lll.iililer , Kldnnyt , Heart
Kluiiiiirli mill l.lvi r. All pr.vatti dlsimiiiH of
Lotli he * m. I'lliwi , KisUilnv , I'lcurs ' , Illieiinm-
tlhin , Illi ul 1'uUtin mil Maxell , without tin )
ure of In.'iirlouH ' iiii'dli'lnrs. Viiricomlo. lly-
" nci'lf , unnniimil < lr ! IM irom wluiluvor
iitiit.t'pi'i uipliy cuieil. UuariinU'ft givun In
ull can's ncci.IfU. ! ) full cm cr willu
H.Cii Dodge St. . ojip. 1' . O. . Cor. 16tli St.
OMAHA , \iil ,
All C'orteupciiiJviicii strictly OouQdentlaL
. . .
nn. s. T. DAVIS