THE OMAHA DAILY BI313 : SATUHDAV , WJSG'EMIVISK 1(5 ( * 181)0. ) Telephones 618 691. Dec , 15. 1SDD. Capes , furs , Petticoats , Muffs and ( louse Wrappers. Choice Things for Christmas Giving. Beautiful New Golf Capes , handsome plaid / combinations , now effects ; pr.ico $10,00. 'U ' Heavy Astrakhan Cloth Capes , fur , trimmed and lined , § 5.00. Beautiful Black Capes , in ado toxtra ; fine ; kersey , Imiipdomo satin Jinirig , at ten dollais. Fur Scarfs , in fine electric seal , cluster of tails , at $4.00. Black Marten Scarfs , cluster tail _ § 4.00. Hutitf80irie < Electric Seal Muffs at four dol- * ; / - VA * * , 'lars. ' Goimine Brown Marten Fur Mulls at" : $ § 7.60 , . . ' ' " \ ' Collarettes in all the most desirable comlji- ' "nations. . . . . - P.otticoats Fine Black Petticoats , made of coutillo or corset jean , at $1.25. Beautiful Silk Taffeta Skirts , made of rich , fancy silk ; $20.00 garments for $12.00. House Wrappers , handsome variety of nice patterns , well made garments , cut good and full , at $1.00 each. The above items are collected from our Cloak stock as being extra values and very suitable for Christmas gifts. "XVo ivlll lie open every cvcnlnir next week. .AGENTS FOR POSTER KID GLOVES AND MoCALL'fl PATTEnfTO. THE ONLY EXCLUSIVE DRY GOODS HOUSE IN OMAHA. V. U. C. A. BUILDINGCOR. . 1OTU AND DOUGLAS STS. the quietus1 to the rumor of the relief of Lndysmlth. PRETORIA. Dec. 11. It Is officially an nounced that Molopo , nest of Matching , was bombarded December 11. Sharp fight ing occurred. The Boers attacked n British post at Mafe- klng during the -night of December 10. After severe fighting the Boers were re- puleed and retired to Suyman's fort. PRETORIA STORY OF THE FIGHT SvnnilliiuvlniiH .Suffer Severely In the KiiKiiKcnu-nt Cnnnoii of Little Hue. PRETORIA , Dec. 12. The following offi cial announcement has been made : "General Cronjo reports that yesterday there 'wno' desultory 'fighting ' tlll"G , when heavy . cannon > Ure-rtras 'resumed. , The Scandinavians stormed a difficult position , but it became untenable and they suffered severely. I was unable to send help. The British were In overwhelming force , but must have had nt least 2,000 men put out of action either in killed cr wounded. " Another official report from Captain Finn- heart says : "Therc , were no elgns uf sur render , the burghers fighting with conspicu ous bravery and maintaining their posi tions under heavy British fire. Our cannon were of very little use. " The British wore greatly assisted by bil- loons. Twenty-four ambulances were workIng - Ing baakwardinnd fqrward be.wetn' ) the fight ing line and the enemy's camp. Our loss U not definitely known. It Is estimated at 100 killed nnd wounded. A telegraph operator at the Modder river wires : . "Oun nnd Maxim firing has been prorc.'d- IIIR slnco 5:30 : this morning. At 10 o'clock cannonading wns proceeding and nt 2 the fighting wns reporto ! to be very tsjvo-e. The Boer force along the river bank was rclng heavily attacked nnd Is receiving assistance from the other Boer forces. " It Is not known whether the operator re- fqrs to the fighting of Monday or to renewed fighting on Tuesday. LONDON , Dec. 15. A special dispatch from the Modder river says the firing re ported by a telegraph operator was a re sumption of the fighting between General Jlethuen's forces nud these of the Boers. SUCCEED IN FINDING BOERS Mounted Co in in find lnn \o DIIII- c-ully In I.oiMilIni ; the Kill-in 2 * . LONDON , Dec. 15. The War office has re ceived the following dispatch : "From the ofllccr commanding nt Orange river , Thursday , December 11 : "Yesterday pail of thn mounted Infantry , under Captain - tain BrndHhaw of the Yorkshire ami Lan- cashlre guides , under Lieutenant McFar- lane , patrolled In the direction of Rnmah and Zoiitnimn drift , about ten miles east of the Ornngn river , to reronnolter nnd re port the strength of the enemy reported to bh holding the drift. The mounted Infantry found a strong detachment of thn enemy at the drift and a sharp engagement ensued. Thn enemy ultimately retreated to Gocmans- berB. Captain Bradshaw and three men were killed ; Lieutenant Grrgson of the East Kents and seven men were wounded. The Boers had five men killed and several men nounded , " IIUST UUUOUM/12 ItllDIt .NATION. llrllnln ( ilven lu I'nilerHlninl ' UN Mnuli Tliromrli C'uiiKiil .Mac-rum. WASHINGTON , Dtc. ' 16. United States CcnBiil Macrum at Pretoria has cabled the State department that the Transvaal govern ment hna Informed hfm that full reports will bo given through the War olllce of the re public'of > thp panics mid condition of the Hr It lull' prisoners when applied for by thp llrltlfit ) , officers. Mnrrum preferred a re- ttucst 4or'information on tnls point some time a 9 "nnd wp at , first refused. Now , howeVf/r./Jlipugh / th , assent of the Boer ' pcvernmeiit has ' 'been given , It Is noted that. ) ta'responno h/ not complete. It will Best Laughs Last/- 'Kt.&rty , faiipfi intfichtes & .degree of obtainable through pure blood. As but- ono pcrfOft in ttn > hns pure blood , the other- ntnfshould purify ihe blood 'with flood's SarsapArSta , Then they can ph first , / / jnd all ihe time , far Qffy Sa/Mahattffq not furnish Macrum himself with the In formation , but will oblige the British to make application to the Boer War office. This Is a small matter , but it Is said may be luf.lcatlvo of an Intention on the part of the Boers to force formal recognition of their Independence In every official communica tion by Ibe British government. Macrum has succeeded in another under taking , having secured the release of the British subject , Robertson , a civilian , who hud been arrested by the Boers and con- _ flned at Pretoria on the charge of being 'a spy. Upon Macrum's representations the Tiansvaal government released Robertson upon condition that he leave the country at once and remain out of It. Operation * \ cniI.ndyHiiiKli. . ( Copyright. J8DD. by Press Publishing Co. ) LONDON , Dec. 15. ( New York World Ca blegram Special Telegram. ) World advices from Frerc Camp , under date of December 13 , state : Naval guns made excellent practice on the enemy's positions nnd entrenchments beyond ColenEO , The Boers did not respond. It Is reported that W'hlte sent out from Ladysmlth and shelled the enemy In the rear. Firing stopped at 10 o'clock. It Is reported that the Boers have again vacated their position nt Colenso. A general forward movement U hourly expected. The reported disablement of another gun at Ladysmlth causes satis faction. Mneriiiu SPH | Huturday. LOORENZO MATKJUEZ , Delagoa Bay , Wednesday , Dec , 13. Charles E. Macrum , late United States consul at Pretoria , will leave for New York Saturday , December 16. W. Stanley Hollls , the United States consul here , will assume the duties of Mr. Mac- rum's olTlce until the arrival of the latter'fi successor. Hoj-nl IrlNli iti-Klinciit to Null. LONDON , Dec. 15. The reserves of the Royal Irish regiment paraded nt Aldershot th'a morning in full marching order. They will embark for South Africa tomorrow from Southampton. TRY TO INDUCE MINERS TtTQUIT HtrlUorn I" MoiitlMVCNlrrn Mnkllltr HoiiiulH of All Cniiiim In DjHtrlrt. WEIR CITY , Kan. , Dec. 15. The striking coal miners of scuthwcplcrn Kansas have set out to Induce the minors who were Im ported last summer nnd fall by the so-called "Big Four" companies to Join them and re gardless of the bitter cold weather pre vailing are making the , rounds of all the mining ciimiM in this district. They carry banners ami at cnch camp hold mass meet ings. , . , Today the whole body of crusaders left Weir City nnd marched through the mud to Mineral , eight mllcH distant , where n big meeting WHS held tonight. Tomorrow they will march back to McCammon , a distance of four nilloK , for a grand final meeting. T3io effect on the working minors lijis not been very marked. To Hi'lirl tcli Liner I'nrln. LONDON , Dec. 15. The dltnuultlcs con nected with the InsurunQc of the American liner Paris , which ran on the rocks off the Manacles and was refloated July 11 , have been wettled , The vessel will bo handed over to Harland & Wolff at Belfnct for a thor ough overhauling. When It resumes Ha place In tl'o transatlantlb service a year hence , It will be rcchrlstencd after an American city. Vriirziirlu HUN Cold Hjiiniliird , CARACAS , Venezuela , Dec , 15 , The Chuinbcm of Commerce and Banko and Traders have energetically protested against the contract awarded -Upton of Warren , O. , for the coinage pj J.OOO.OOO bolivars , the reason for thla prptast being that 'Venezuela has a cold standards. ' Kntlnmtt' n ( , XiiHtrulln'x SYDNEY , N , 9 , W. , Dee. 15. The official estimated of the wheat area of the colony are 1,301,511 acres , with a probable ilelrt of 13,000,700 bushelti ; available eurp'lug ' for ex port , 00,000 tons , i . Jlori'culi - , CALCUTTA , . Dee. 15. The distress In the famnc-8rlcken | ( districts Is te-ojulng msre acute , 'About 2,250QOO'persons 'have ro- eplved relief. Mt ( o Miitne VlctlniH. KI3Y AVKST. Klu. . Pep. 15.-An effort will l > o made by the committee In charge of tli undertaking to linvo the monument In memory' of the 'Mulno heroes , which is in course of erection here , unveiled at a time when Din battleship Texan , with Cap- lain SlRsbeci commanding , can be present ) t U proposed to have the battleship touch lit this p < jrt on | tn return from Havana to KorttfMH Monroe with the bodies of the Maine victims aboard , and the Navy de partment will bo usked to crunt thin re quest. it' Thurston Fares Well in Scouring Im portant Positions. PLACES LEFT OPEN FOR SENATOR ALLEh Kj1o iif .South Dnkntn , Who Actx i\Kl tile HcitiitillrniiN , li Well Sert fil. but > ' In .Silt Upon. WASHINGTON , Dec. 15. ( Special Tele gram. ) In the arrangement of senate com mittees on the part of the majority. Scnntoi Thureton gets qulle , as. many committee places na any of the republican senators , Ho had asltcd the committee to relieve him of nil committee work except on Judic iary and territories view of his going to the head of Indian affairs , which would require a. great deal of his time. In addi tion to the Indian 'affairs "chairmanship , he gcto Irrigation and reclamation of arid lands , Judlclary.-patents , railroads , territor ies and revision df iho laws-of'tho' United States. Places have , been leftby "tlio mi nority for Senator Allen on n. number of 1m- portant committees , but In'vlefr of the fact that nn Interregnum has' taken' place since Allen's retirement fron the senate mid hie rcappolntWcnt by Governor' 1'oyntcr , ho le classed among the * new in6mbers'.anil will not have n chairmanship , ' na he did In the Fifty-sixth congress. Sendtor War ren , who goes to ' the head of the ' committee. on claims , draws A place on thd following commit tees : Agriculture and forestry , Irrigation and reclamation of arid lands , military af fairs , publlw buildings and grounds. Indus trial expositions and appropriations. Sen ator Clark of Wyoming retains the chair manship of his former committee , that at railroads , and In addition has been assigned to places on foreign relatlons.Judlclary.trans- portation routes to seaboard , mines and min ing and public land claims. Senator Kyle of South Dakota , who has Indicated to the republican caucus that he will act with the majority t.n all questions , retains his chairmanship of education and labor' and will serve on forest reservation nnd game ( Senator Allen's old committee ) , Indian depredations , Irrigation and reclama tion of arid lands , pensions , territories and Indian .affairs. Co 111 Den I for I'ettlizrcvr. Pettlgrew , who has gone over to the en emy , will have the chairmanship of the com mittee on meat products. He , however , heads the minority representation on the committee of Indian affairs , of which he was chairman. Congressman Durket of the Lincoln dis trict Introduced today a bill to pension Mrs , Mary L. Stotsenberg , widow of the late Col onel John M. Stotsenberg of the First Ne braska , who died at the head of his regi ment while fighting In the Philippines. The bill calls for a pension of $100 a month. It is stated by some of the Nebraska del egation that Governor Poyntercontemplates a. visit to Washington In the near future , but for what purpose is not > divulged. Congressman Neville Introduced today bills to pension Patrick Welsh of Sheltou , Ezra A. Bennett of Basin ; to remove the charge of desertion from the record ol George C. McCloughan of St. Paul. Congressman Robinson late tonight se cured the floor during the discussion of the currency bill aritl for ten minutes favored hla auditors with a fiery address. The main portion tion of his speech was directed at Congress- roan Cushman otf Washington , _ who * some 'sarcastic remarks touhlng'N6braska and .BryamMn his , sgcecbf.aiit ) .week. The maiden effort , of the' Third , district repre sentative was' vigorously applauded by the democrats nnd listened to atte > tlvely by the republicans. ' fr William Echnor , jr. , was today' appointed postmaster at Klllduff , Jasper co'unty , Iowa. An order was issued today establishing a postofflco at Colton , Cheyenne county , Ne braska , with Vaclay P. Kucero postmaster. D. O. Clark of Omaha and E. U , Fogg of Beatrice are at Wlllard's. VAC.WCIKS AHR MADE FOR ALLK.V. Democratic Senatorial riinrnit Clinniare Some Commltter ANNKI I > OIIH. WASHINGTON , Dec. 15. The democratic senators in caucus today made their com mittee assignments and later In the senate the complete reorganization of the commit tees was announced. In addition to the changes In committees announced yesterday , these were made as the result of the dem ocratic selections : Agriculture Harris succeeds Clay. Appropriations Tillman is added to the democratic membership. Coast and Insular Survey ( new ) The dem ocratic members arc ! Morgan , Berry , Cla'y and Culberson. Contingent Expenses Jones of Ncva'da" re tains the chairmanship. Census Lindsay and Kenney are added iind a vacancy Is left for Allen of Nebraska. Pettlgrew retires from the committee. % Claims Tnllaferro Is the only new dem ocratic member. A vacancy IB left for Al len. Coast Defenses Culberson and Tallaferro are the now democratic members. Commerce Martin and Clay are the now democratic members. Corporations in District of Columbh r- Caffe'ry succeeds Daniel as chairman nnd McLaurln Is added to the committee , District of Columbia Mallory , Sullivan and Clark ( Montana ) are the- new demo cratic members , Education and Labor Vacancy left for Al len. Engrossed Bills Cockl ell retains the chairmanship. UnlverHlty of the United States Sullivan retires and Caffcry and Chllton become mem bers. Finance The democratic membership re mains an at present. Fisheries A viicancy Is left for Allen. Foreign Relations No change In demo cratic membership. Forest Reservations A vacancy Is loft for Allen. Geological Survey New democratic mem- hers , Rawllns and Clark of Montana. . ' Immigration No democratic changes. Indian Affairs Pettlgrew retires from the chairmanship and takes first pldco on the minority representation. Senator Clark of Montana Is added to the committee. Indian Depredations Berry and I'ettus arc the new democratic members. Interoceanlc Canals ) Morgan , chairman , and Harris , Turner and Ciilherteon 'become members , Interstate Commerce No change In minor ity membership. A vacancy Is left for Allen , Irrigation and Reclamation qf Arid Lands Jonru of Nevada lu added to the minority and a vacancy left for Allen. Judiciary Teller heads the minority mem bership ; no change. Library No change. Manufacturers Clay and McLaurln are added to the minority .membership. Military Affairs Harris it added. Mines and Mining Clark of Montana l added. Naval Affairs No change. ' * Organization of Executive Departments Butler succeeds Cockrell and Tallaferro U added. Patents A vacancy ! left for Allen , Penslcns Tollaferro In added and 'a va cancy li left for Allen. Pcstolllees Oulbcrton succeedsMoney. . Printing Joncw of Arkansas Is aJdeJ Philippines ( now ) The minority member Is Raw linn , Ttirley and Culbcrson am a VflCanty Is Ifft for Allen. Tho'io'lldwlng nAmcO trnntors arc addct to the committees named : . , Harris , lo the commltleo on privileges niu election1 * ! Culbcrpon , to public buildings am grounds ; lloltfcld , to public lands ; Clark o : MonlnhV to railroads' ; Jones of Arkansas to relations with Canada ) Cockrell nnd Ba con , to rules ; tflafk of Montana , to terri tories ; Sullivan to , Potomac river front : McEncry , to national banks. Vacancies .are also left for Senator Aller on the comm.ltteeg"on transportation route ; to the noAbqarJi , Potomac river front nnd trespasses on Indian lands. , Private Land Claims Teller Is chairman nnd McEnery Is.added. . . Relations with. Cuba ( new ) Minority ! Teller , Money , Butler and Tallaferro. Revolutionary Clalrps Lindsay , chairman Bacon retires. Woman Suffrage Daniel , chairman. Accommodations for Congressional Li brary Berry , chairman , Five Civilized Tribes Bate , chairman. Meat Products Pettlgrow , chairman , AKKNTS VISIT WIIHAT STATUS , Driinrtiiirnt of Airrloultiiro llenor < Hrxnlt iif S ! > < < InI liiventlirallon. WASHINGTON , Dec ! IB. The statistician of the Department of Agriculture reports the wheat crop of the United States for 189J * nt 547,300,000 bushels , Mr 12.3 bushels per acre. The production of winter wlient Is placed at 291,700,000 bushels and that ol spring Wheat at 255,800,000 bushels. Every Impbrtanl wheat-growing state has been visited by special agents of the department nnd the changes In acreage are the result of their Investigations. The newly sec'den area of winter wheat Is estimated at 30,150,00 $ acres , which Is abonl 200,000 greater than that sown In the fall of 1898. The Bowing of wheat Is still going on In California and. some of ( he southern states , nnd the foregoing estimate is sub ject to correction. The average condition Is 97.1. . ' ' The compilation of the annual returns from Individual farmers Is approaching comple tion. Any slight chdiiges that may be called for In the average yield per acre of corn oato , barley and other crops as publisher October 10 , will be made at an early date and the figures will then be available. JIREWtill MUST PAY SPECIAL TAX. ConiiiilNMloiicrVilnon UcnlllrniN II In Ki > rni < T It 11 II 11 K. WASHINGTON. Dec. 13. Commissioner Wilson of the Internal revenue bureau has reaffirmed his former ruling to the effect that persons who engage In the sale of alcoholic liquor ; even though such business is a violation of the law of their state , re nevertheless required to pay special tax un der the Internal revenue laws of the United States. The stamp , however , issued to them Is not a license nnd does not protect from prosecution , conviction and sentence tinder tbo state law. Where a brewer ships bottled beer marked for delivery to persons who ordered It , but consigns and waybills the beer in general terms to his agent. Instead of shipping It to those persons , the commissioner of In- ternau revenue has held that the sale Is mndo at the time nud place of the actual delivery of this b ? r by the agent to these customers , and that the special tax must bo paldbyithe brpwer at that place. ' PENSIONS FOR WESTERN VETERANS. t-t _ SurvtvorH < it' ( lie Civil AVnr Itemcni- Iiervil l y tlio Giivehinipiil. WASHINGTON , Dec , 15. pensions have been' granted : ' ' Issue of November 29. Nebraska : Orlg- Innl-nEIIJah CRohb , , , Valparaiso , JG ; Frlnl Surber , Davenport , $6. Restoration mid Increase WHIard.wC. Morgan , Bead ; BelVl- .dero , $17 U > | 24i3QrIslnul ; widowH.wpeclhl accrued , TJecember 2 Eliza 15. Newcomb , Lincoln , $3. lou-n ' 'OrlglnAl Hetary Broder * . Grln- ncll , J1l.lVlHlnm | : F. C..ppx. Hlgh Point , 5ti. Restoration and , additional David H. Arm- Htroiifr.'clPUd , Khoxvlllc , $8 fo'$12. ItPlSstia and increase Job AVheatley , ' McVeigh , $6 to $12. Original wldow--Jcnnlr D. Arm- BtrpiiK. KnoxvlllOt , $ S. Qolorado ; Original Johnson Burrltt , Scl- dle'r ' Home , 'Mtfnle Vista' , J(5 ( ; 'Joh'n 3Tc- Gulre , Sllvcrton. C6. Sciip. < e Adjourns Until Momlny. WASHINGTON , * Dec' 13.Soon after the senate convened today , on motion of Hale It was agreed to adjourn from today until next Monday. Aldrtch presented ? a special"prdef 'fixing Ing the atandarrt qdmmlttcos and their per sonnel for the senate of the Flfty-slx'tti con gress. The order was adopted wltho'ut dis sent , a statSment ( , being ? made by Cok- rell of Slissourl 'that gueli vacancies as ex isted In 'the' minority rcprcsentotldn wculd be filled , t an eaVIy date. Davis secured' the passage 'of ' a re.o- lutlon requesting the secretary of state to transmit to the senate the rpports of Bartlett - lett Trlpp , Samoan commlfsloner , on affairs In Snmoa , . . , CniKHllmn'of tinT WASHINGTON. Dec. 15. Today's state ment of the condition of the treasury shows : Available cash balance , f2S7.99o.120 ; gold re serve , $2I3,27,29G. ilrumli- Home Hotter. WASHINGTON , Dec. 15. Lieutenant Brumby Is reported to have rallied name- what and to be better today. S ' 'Moderate ; S Indulgence I in coffee © caused her \ I trouble ; QJ So in e I'tin mid nuiiif vannot * A drliiU U. ° f * B "A temperate Indulgence In coffce ( tak ing It p'ny | at my morning meal ) ' seemed safe , biit during theao years I suffered from time to Jlmo. Inexpressibly , from bilious headache's , and the loss of at least one-tenth' my time , tit occur to my mind that any- thlpg so commonly iwed as coffee could bo the cause of the dlutrciuilnK condition , until upon ono occasion I broke over my temper- atp | lno and dranlr cbffed'twice a day. After thrfo daya1 indulgence my daughter and myself ware bothrbrought down by violent sick headache , i ufferlng extreme nausea ' frpm the'smell , t'hsto or thought of coffee , "I naturally bci-urao convinced Unit it \\as coffee poison , still , like the alcohol victim , was not' willing tp gjvo up tbo favorite beverage , and a few days after the ulchneuB , .resumed my morning cup , with the same old'result. This set ino to thinking seriously * I reasoned that I ( drinking coffee- twice a day produced such extremely bad results , drinking It once n day must produce half as bad , and that In all probability my trouble for yearn had been caused by the effect of coffee on my system , even In the small quantities used , "I concluded to stop moping along through the world half olive and sick half the tJiffjAsP I cut off coffee altogether and began with Postiun Toed Coffee. The longer I usu IK the better 1 UkrIt. . I am nowen - tlrc'ly 'free from sick headaches , dyspepsia , and have none of the effects of coffee poi son. Naturally , I very heartily recommend I'ostuui to friends on every occasion. With tincero gratitude , " Frances Montrose. 1215 Megco street , Kansas City , Mo. TILT BETWEEN RtNTBCItlANS Closing Day of Debate on the Pinacoia' ' Bill Proves Interesting. BLUE GRASS ORATORS WASH DIRTY LINEN Rrtirrhemntl'vcft AVliecler 'niul 'Ilcrrj AlMiM > Knoli Other for ( he Killllon- tloii of ( lie ReliuMliMiiiN Tuo Donioi-rntle Vle s. WASHINGTON , Dec. 15. The closing daj of debate on the financial bill proved o ! interest. At the outset n spirited colloquj occurred between Representatives Whcclci and Ilerry of Kentucky , over the rcceni Kentucky election and the charges growlm out of It. Considerable feeling was. shown Later hi the day Bailey of Texas , untl recently the democratic lloor leader , rc > cclvctl close- attention In an hour's speech vigorously presenting the democratic view nnd culoglzlug the time-honored and undy ing democratic organization. In marked contrast rtlth Hallcy's utter ance , Scudder of New York , who ( oliowet' ' , him , announced that as a democrat ho be lieved In the gold standard and would vote for It. 1'ayne nnd Dalzcll also spoke dur ing the day. The debate tinder tlio five- minute- rule occurs tomorrow. Jones of Virginia opened the debate In opposition to the financial hill. After Ilhoa of Kentucky and Williams ol Illinois had spoken against the bill the se renity o ( the debate was unexpectedly Inter rupted by a rather sensational personal clash between Berry nnd Wheeler , both demo crats of Kentucky. Wheeler secured recog nition to question statements made by Berry jesterday as to corruption in the recent Kentucky campaign. "I regret the necessity of having to wash our dirty linen of Kentucky on the floor ol the house , " said Wheeler , "but I do not propose that our people shall bo maligned and slandered without a word of protest. " Berry sat a few scats ahead of Wheeler , and the latter addressed himself , personally to his colleague. He declared that Berry represented neither Kentucky nor her people nnd that the7 people of his district would speedily re buke him by retiring him to private life. The election of Taylor , he asserted , had been bought and paid for , with n railroad on one side and the p aln people on the other. But despite this , he said , Governor Goebol would yet be seated. Sny CoelicI Will Vet lie Governor. "Yes. I use the word advisedly , " tmld Wheeler , referring to his characterization of Goebel as governor , "for before the buds burst on any tree In Kentucky he will be Its chief executive and he will have routed that nefarious gang who won the certificate of election by corruption , fraud nnd rascal ity. " Wheeler closed by declaring emphat ically that Taylor had not been elected , that he had secured by irregular methods a certificate of election , but that when the calcium light of the courts was turned on this proceeding It would bo William Goebel who would be seated In the executive chair. Colonel Berry was quickly on his feet as Wheeler closed and responded savagely , personally and with much feeling. He sa'd the speech just heard was typical of the In tolerance of that Kentucky element which would not brook any freedom of opinion. Ho did not need the influence of the gentle man or his backers. Four times he had been sent here and he would return again. Shaking his finger at Wheeler , he ex claimed ; "You are cringing at the feet of .qft-jhc-andrI.tell ) : , you that yoUr'-Scalp is Jak n nqw by Goabcl , " , - . . , . / . When reference was made to the * irregu larity of the Louisville convention Wheeler sought to Interrupt , but Berry waved him off , declaring that the gentleman had par ticipated In the disorder and had stood up and yelled down opposition , with policemen about him. Wheeler Interjected a flat contradic tion of this , but , not heeding interruption , Colonel Berry proceeded In his fiery re sponse , declaring that Wheeler was as bad as Goebel himself. Wheeler gained a minute to reply , de fending the regularity of the Louisville con vention nnd saying that only a few thugs and toughs were excluded. The tension over the affair was relieved at this point by n point of order from Rep resentative Cox of Tennessee. "What Is the point of order ? " asked the chairman. "I object to having this Kentucky side show thrust Into a financial debate , " said Cox , gravely , "to the edification of the re publican side. " This caused a laugh and the heat of the exchange between the two Kentucky gentle men was dispelled. Brosslus of Pennsylvania spoke In favor of the bill. ( At the evening session Clayton , democrat of New York , Announced his Intention to vote for the financial bill. In response to unfavorable reference which had been made to gold democrats Clayton said there were many of 'that belief In New York , and the number was growing constantly , The others who Bpoko for the bill were : Sulloway of Now Hampshire , Dlngham of Pennsylvania , Mudd of Maryland and Minor of Wisconsin. \mong these who spoke against the bill kvcre : Robinson of Nebraska , Lloyd of Mis souri , 'Snodgrass ' of Tennessee , Rueker and rtobb of Missouri nnd Neville of Nebraska , To II nil * WltiiPNHi'N In Clark CIIXP , WASHINGTON , Dec. 15. The senate com mittee on privileges and elcctlonw today mot for the purpose of preparing , If found prac ticable , a program for the examination of vvltnceccfl In thn Clark and Scott contest rases , but adjourned without reaching any leilnlto conclusion , leaving the matter again In the handH of Senators Chandler and Pet- tns as a subcommittee. The committee fcelu obliged to limit the number of witnesses In the Clark case , as far as pce.slblc , because of the cost of bringing witnesses from Mon tana , The hearing upon the legal aspects of the Quay case will take place tccnorrow. SoiiKte ConllrniMninIiuitloiiN. . WASHINGTON , Dec. IB. The fcpnato today confirmed the following nominations : C. T. Strannhan of Lcwlston , Idaho , agent for the Indians of the Nci Perccs agency In Idaho. Postmasters Missouri : 0. Drew , Appleton - ton City ; C. L , Gr.iy , Cartcrvllle ; II. 0. Kluskemeler , LaGrnnge ; C ! . L. Mowdcr ; Draymcr ; J. C. Robertson , Mountain Grove ; A. Blerwlrth , Capo Glrardcau. The senate also confirmed numerous ap pointments mid promotloiiH in the army. LAW FOR HAWAIIAN LAXI ) OWNERS , Te\t of ( JrlKjjx * Opinion al Honolulu HONOLULU. Dec , 8. ( Via San Francisco , Dec. IB. ) The full text of Attorney General nrlggs * opinion regarding the sales of local government lands after annexation has been received and does not make any change In Iho situation , It Is generally thought that theonly hope of the purchasers who paid largo Bums In to the Hawaiian treasury for lands U In special legislation by congress. There will be claims for money paid for land and , If the land IB finally taken away w provided by Orlggs' opinion , the prencnt holders , who have erected buildings , will want reimbursement for their loseeii. The transports Ohio , Indiana , St. Paul and [ ) uko of Fife , carrying the Thirty-eighth ami Fortieth Infantry , have left for Manila , nnd the Garonne , with mules , will leave tonight rhc Wyefield has arrived from Siy.i Fran- , 'having Itwi only ono animal on th wnjrt The Interlsland Telegraph company , whlc Intends to use the Marconi wireless tctc grnph between Islands , has Incorporated fo f 100,000 with all the stock subscribed , Wor on the system will begin at once. Slii'imiiilonli Itt'tlvnln Close. SHKNANDOAH , la. , Dec. IB. ( Special. ) - The big revival meetings have closed. Th total niimber ot converts were C.'O. At th end a collection of J1.T ! > 0 wns taken up an presented to the two evangelists. The re vlvnl lasted n month. IlullilliiK for \e\vM > nier. CORNING , la , Dec. IB. ( Special. ) Th Union Hcpubllcan of Corning Is building a : office of brJck , two stories , Into which 1 expects to move January 1. t'lirlntlnti MlNNlonnryiinlvrrniiry. . LOl'tSVIU.K. K.V. . Dee 15-Tho sllve Jnblleo of the Christian Foreign Mlislotmr : society was celebrated heio todas * lo.iil ers of that denomination were present fron Kentucky , Ohio , Indiana nnd Mlrtotirl , In eluding : Dr. A. JI , McLean ot Cincinnati "W. S. Dickinson of Cincinnati , Ilrst Irene urer of the society ; Dr. J 11 GnrrMon , 81 Louts , nnd Dr. J. 10. Pound * of Imlfitnapoll1 The society has over 209 missionaries scat tcrcd throughout the world. SeUle Yule Will CoiKeM. N13\y HAV13N , Conn. , Dec. lii.-The con test Instituted by Robert 11. Walters o Newhuryport , Jlasi. , against the will o his uncle , the late Prof. Othnlol r .Marsh o Yule university , has been settled. A forma dooreo wni entered In the superior cour by Judge O. Vf. Whcoler today npprovlni the- will by which the entire estate , in volvlng between $75,000 nnd $100,000 , ROCS ti Yala university. Walters' contest wn voluntarily withdrawn. _ Trnlu KIlU Two Women. DENVER , Dec. 15. A special to Ihe New from Mnrfn , Toxi , says : At 12:30 : today a freight train ran Into i hack at ISnst Creasing. The hack coti talned Mrs. Lncey Duncan. Mrs. Join Krupp and Mrs. William Colsoii. Mrs I nccy DuncnU 'and Mrs. Knippver < thrown against the engine and Inwtantl : killed. One of the little girls had her fee cut oft and received other Injuring fion which she will die. The other girl reoelvci slight Injuries. _ Mr * . Crnvoii AVlim IMirflnl Vleory. SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 15.-Mn > . Nottli F. Craven , who claims to be the widow o Former State Senator James G. I'alr , woi a partial victory 111 Judge Troutt's cour today , when the court decided that she inn ; prosecute her claims for u family allow ance of $5,000 n year. Mrs. Craven wll now bo permitted to prove If she cnn do si her contention that she Is the widow of th deceased senator. ' Killed lir Proiunliire I8\ilONlon. PEN ARGYLL , Pa. , Dec. 15.-J. Arnoli Parsons , 23 years old , was blown to piece- lit the XJnltcd States slate quarry her < loditN. Parsons was preparing to set on a bltiht when powder that had been seat tered by the wind became Ignited , flic bhizo set off the charge Pat sons w.-is work- linj on and ho was Instantly killed. KnllH Demi Ai'Kiilntf n dine. PERRY , O. T. , Dee. in. ( Special Tele- cram. ) Proscoiitlnir Attorney \Vllllams ol Pawnee county while arguing the case ol the Territory against the Sheriff of Pawnee county on the charge of accepting : brlbcf from cattlemen , fell dead with heart disease here at C o'clock thlt evening. .leiiloiiHy CIHINI-N Trim i' I y. 'TACOMA. ' Wash. , Dec. ' 15. Adam Crls deliberately shot his wife , fatally ; klllci his son , seriously wounded a second end son , aged 6 years. aniJ then ended the tragedy by putting a bullet thlough his own brain. Jealousy Is the only motive as signed for the crime. _ W , C. T. I' , ( o Meet nt WiiMliliiuon CHICAGO. Doc In. The ofllcers of tin National Woman's Christian Temperance union have decided on Washington , D. C. as the location of the next convention. 1 he convention will open November 30. 1'JOO. ' Wood Hull * Sntiiriln- . NEW YORK , Dec. 15. General Leonard Wood , the new governor general of Cuba , accompanied by Mi wife , arrived In thl-j fcity from Washington. General Wood will wrtll rfuu lOulMi.tomorrow. . . < - . . Tnin I UK n .11 a 11. About two years ago , relates ( he Wnsh- Ington Post , a fairly well known young man of this towji who. , in the days of Ills bachelorhood , was addicted to the habit of conversing through his 1ipad-eoverlng , was delivering himself oracularly on the subject of the duties of .paternity. "A mail who'll wheel a' baby carriage , ho perorated , loftily , "Is a triple-plated , ciiinuruiile-expanslon ass. " On Sunday afternoon last hf was ob served all of the customary earmarks of sartorial 'economy distinguishing his make- up-placldly trundling a perambulator through Lafayette park. A huge , tat baby goo-gooed In the perambulator , and a little woman with a bulgy , home-made "bonnet " walked at his side. Silence Is ready money , and there s a lot of pathos in the spectacle of u tamed man. _ Vnlne of Irrlsrnttnn. Some recent statements made concerning the Irritation of the \vtlley of the Hum- lioldt river In Nevad.i are not only of In terest as Indicating the economic value ot Irrigation but an holding out the hope that some parts of this hitherto barren state may yet be reclaimed. The lesulls ate well-nigh phenomenal. About 10,000 uere ire under Irrigation and grow an especially line quality of alfalfa which reaches n liolght of thirty Inches In about ll\v weeks , rhreo crops nro grown In a season. Po tatoes and garden truck grown In the Ir rigated section are of the choicest kind. A. iccent exhibition of potatoes rali-ed In this valley nhowed thirty which had u iotal weight of 101 pounds. If water enough -an bo had the rotten borough of Nevada may yet hold up Its head as an agricul tural region a'id ) Invite settlement. Ileivnre ! Detroit Journal : Hero I consult a s-ooth- f'Uowaro , " Huyft this person , "of a tall , " .Man ! " I eagerly Interpose , thinking of Tiy rival , the hated Sir Roderick. "No , beer ! " sayh the soothsayer. For she reads not only the palm , but Iho ) hynlognomy aH well and particularly the nil of the nose. The life of the business woman is not easy. Usually it is n monotonous routine of vrork , often aggravated by the ill temper or stupidity of others. And when the phyr.ical con dition of Hie wom an keeps her in constant suffering , it makes her lot a linnl one , So maiiy women have found entire relief from the ills peculiarly feminine , by the use of Dr. Pierce'n I'nvorite Prescription , that it M. ems almost criminal to neglect the opportunity of n complete cure offered by the use of this medicine. You are invited to consult Dr. K. V. 1'ierce , of nuffalo , N. Y. , cither personally - ally or by letter free of charge. If your case is bevcre or others Have failed to reach it , do not hesitate to write to or go and f > ec Dr. Pierce. Your letter will IKS read in private , its contents treated as a bacred confidence , and an answer promptly returned in n plain envelope hearing" printing upon it. Write without fenr nnd without fee. " I had been a creat sufferer from female weakness " xvrlten Mr . I'.mma ness for about two year * , Klchardkon , of Oos . Wayne Co. . Ky "Could not do iny work part of the time. I took four txttlei > of Ir Tlercc'H Favorite I'rcfccriptlon and felt arc1l n I ever did I have alto used Doctor Tierce's Rolden Medical Dis covery for iitceration of the throat ivUM good result * ninl Imlf cfone liottlecurcd my lliroat when I could scarcely nvallow. " The permanent Iwnefit to health from the timely use of Dr. Pierce's Pellets is testified to by thousands of women. They regulate the stoniacli , liver and bowels. Sold by all medicine dealers. Collar shape and finish the same in either brand , but of different grades of .linen. You pay only for material and workmanship. Cluott "Woatlo" 25 ot . ooch. Arrow llVotsor" fe for ota. "Correct Attlro for Mon" the fashion report for Au tumn end Winter , oont to thoao who ook. Wrlto euro Station U..Chicnco CLUETT , . . .MAKERS. . . Take The Union Pacific Soll.1 VuHtlbuled Flyers.for DEXV13K. SALT LAKE , SAN FRANCIS CO , POHTIjANH , Atli POINTS WEST. TWO TUAI.-NS IIAII.Y to Denver and Colorado 'point- . TIIUBI2 TIIA1NS DAIIjY to Salt Lake City and Utah points and San Francisco and California points. ' * OM3 TRAIN DAILY- - -tp Portland and . North , , Pa iUc ' 'Coast points' , with direct' connec tions for Tacoina and Seattle. City Ticket ofllee IHO ! ! Knrnnhi St. Telfuhiiiio : tll. < HAVE YOD The worn * cane van be oiiroil by 111- MiiKm-t rile Killer. Guaranteed. .UO per box Iiy mall. MAGNET CHEMICAL. CO. , Wcntcrii Uciint , Oniuha , Nub. Bll 00 Is Still Going on at 5- ! Don't fail to read our ad. in Sunday Bee on page 15. * IIOWELL'B ' " iff , V0 nr Vofr hrofV&'Al- liflileH'or ' , . . , . , nil' drug- 1'ltiU. "a-uJUvI'X ' ; , ' ' ' / ' . / * T AJILSU.MI3.VrS.- ' . . . " " < . ; Mntincp To'da'y , * ' Liiht Time I ' In JJlH HoniaiUlO-Co "The Reel Cockade , . " | > rli > i-N ljtl.011 , 7rtf , illlr , 15V , * * JIJXT ATTRACTION ' . ' A 'SKKKX.Y TIAIK. " i ycrformancca , c/mmcnclng Sunday , Uoc. 17 A CIIUIHTMAfl GIFT MATINEE TODAY ficMt "j < " 'Oulh-ry . ' . ' - . , the Liife ! OnesHannv ilrliiE them to SP - the UJMt hotV' * ' < s IPIIHOIl . ' \VK WILL IMUCSKXT I-'UISIJ t < c..r . hlld utlt-ndins UilK nftt'fiioon u HJK. UM\ \ ifiUUlfully Illufttrutcil Htory bonk TONIUIIT x 1& LaH Tlmr nf Thl-- HIM PAIMSTA TOMOHUOWSti ) tor ilif iir\al of air -hijj tni 't ' it o ( joi k , 1