SPECJW.JPJICK Advprllncinrnt * tap tlimc column * * I1I lie tnhi-n until li ! n. for the oviMiliur edition nnd nntll Binu it. in. ( or luciriiliiK nml Similar cilltloii. Itntcx , 1 ! . > n , v ( > rd llrn ( limcrtlnnl Jo nortl tlicrvnflcr. NiithltiK tnUnn fur lean tliiui ur.cs for the ilrwt Inser tion. Thunc nilrcrtlNCincntii nuint lie Iiy rctincnUiiK n num- vlicclt , cnti linvc niiH Tur * ml- dreimcd tn a nninlicrvil H-ttcr In cure of The lice.AnntvcrN HO mlilrc > ic l Trill IKilellvcrcil on pruNuntutlon of uo WAXTEU SITUATIONS. A STENOGRAPHER. When you want one please call up the Remington typewriter ofllee , 16ia Fdrnam street , telephone lj < 3. A 502 THOROUGH accountant , with unusual business uxcerlcncc ami best of recom mendations , desires permanent position , PoStolllcu Box , 627. A J1323 12 * _ 1JY YOUNG man , driving , care horses , fur nace , etu. , will board ; reference. T 13 , Bco ollice. A-160 12 * _ WANTED , iioslllon as liookkeeper , typewriter - writer anil telegraph operator ; references . unquestionable. Address T 10. Bee. _ _ A 'Ml u la * AVAXTEH JIAM3 HELP. 'TRIAL WEEK FREE During month of December. IIOYLES' COMJIERC1AL AND SHORT HAND COLLEGE , "ee Building. _ WANTED ! we have steady work for a few good hustlers 6f good habits and appear ance. C. F. Adams Co. , 1613 Howard St. WANTED , county agents for every county In the state , farmers pn-ferrod , for Wil bur's Hog Food , warranted to cure all hog diseases. Address Wilbur Seed Moil Co. . Milwaukee , Wls. B-M.61 D13 WE WANT MEN to sell our Minnesota grown stock in northern Iowa and nortii- pastern Nebraska ; complete line of hardy fruits , ornamental trees , shrubs plants nnd evergreens ; men'with or without ex perience , whcue present employment uoos not pay them In proportion to the amount of energy th y are expending , should get acquainted with our line of work. Address Manager Agency Department , The Jew11 ; Nursery Co. . Lake City. Minn , ( bstab- llnhed fn 1S68 , ) " B-M4S9P28 _ _ WANTED ; medicine salesman agents to travel , country ; pleasant , prolltablo wor . Marshall Medicine Co. . Kansas City. Mo. B GIG 1J J WE TEACH the barber trade thoroughly In short time a'nd furnish each graduate with a guarantee ! position at good wages. There are more than ten barber positions advertised to one nt bookkeeping or short hand. Write for free catalogue and par ticulars. Western Barbers' Institute , Omaha. B-M623 WANTED Good dressers to wear our fine made to order clothing ; popular prices. . Men & women's clothes cleaned & repaired. Twin City Tailoring Co. . 1G09 Farnam St. B 702 * J - CASH for acceptable Menu. State If pat ented. Address The Patent Record , Biil- tlmore , Md.- " ' B-MSg w"pT WAN" ? competent , experienced sales men , corriinlHsion or salary ; permanent ponltlon. The Merchants' Oil Co..n Clove- land. 'O. . . B-M102 14" BRANCH wholesale house wants three stendv men'for traveling salesmen ; salary . $50 and expenses ; . experience not anno- lutoly required ; mui-t have good refer ences and small capital. Address , Jordan Bros. & Co. . Cor. Sth alul Grand , De.ij Molncs , 13. B-M101-12 * TLU MBERS 3 Al plumbers wanted ; ( iOc per hour ; no union men need apply. Metro- > pplltan.Plumblpg and Chandelier Co. , per , ! lol\n \ Morrksey , Mgr. . B-M980-13 WANT 2. houses moved.-36 U. S. Bank bldg. , . - B MHO 14 WANTED , a gn'od general collector , one who understands chattels'and foreclosures , , to thn right , person and position steady " _ . , . . 1 .t i. t.tt M > rt frvt-iiMfo T .rti'lf I Irt V M' ' * - 12 * WANTED , men to learn lari > on trade. Xo ewieiiso it you will work for us. Eight weeks completes. Just adopted plan that guarantees $60 monthly. This proposition nnvcr made before. Only open to gradu ates. AVrlte .today for particulars > Molcr 'Barber ' Collfcge. Chicago , III. B-ML6 17 * GOVERNMENT POSITIONS Don t pre pare tor any civil service or census esam- Iniitloii without soelni : our cntalocuo of information. Sent free. Columbian Corre- . ipondenco .College . , M08111" 1 . WANTED nt once. 10 teams to haul brick ; good wages , Krlttenblnk Bros Smith Omaha. B-ML1 17 * VVAXTEl FEMALE HELP. WANTED , 200 girls , 1521 Dodge. w.inted ; all kinds work ; $3 to $7. Canadian Olllce , 1523 Douglas WANTED , a good Swedish girl , at 61S North 22d stieet , South Omaha. Mrs. A. L. Borsqulst. - C S70 GIRL wanted for general housework. Ap ply to Mr * Eddy. 3314 N. 20th St MIDDLE-AGED housekeeper. 2iUi ( Frank- llS. Call after 6 o'clock. C-M932-12 * WANTED , girl- for Rfnoral housework. 2i > 6 ! , Lake St. C-163 11 * OOOD girl for general housework , 3 In fam- iivi ; good wages. 60S So. 2Sth street.C C 161 ANY LADY having 'J or n hours spare tlmft il day can make S3 weekly working for UH at home ; nothing to soil. Send Kelfraddrcsced I'livi-lope for free aaniplo. Mnnhnttan E. M. Co. . 101 Ueekmim st. . New' York. C-.M173 12 * _ _ GOOD nay for Rood girl to do general housework. Call at 30)5 ) Chicago nt. C * I I Ott 1 1 uis.vr IF YOIT want your houses well rented place them , with Bcnewa. & Co. D-505 CHOICE-noiiPM. < > ottages. utores. Henry BPayne , 601 N. Y. Life , 'Phone , 1016. D 503 VINE residence , choice location. 11 rooms , all modern- , excellent -stable , Bwnls. Paxton ' - ton block. D-507 HOUSES , stoves. Be ns ! , ' Paxton block. D-503 ilAOG'ARD Van and Storage. 1616 Capitol Ave. Tel. . I486. D-503 _ FOR RENT , houses in nil parts of city. The O. F. Davis Co , , Iu05 Farnam street. D 610 GOOD large barn for rent in north part of inquire 2124 Locust. U-103 _ HOUSES for rent In nil parts of the city. Brcnnan-Lovo Co. . 219 So. 16th street.D . D 513 HOUSES for rent. J. H. Sherwood , 423 N. Y. Life Phone 3SS. D-515 _ FOR RENT , desirable house.s and Hats. RliiBwnll. Barker block. D-MS63 _ SU3 CAPITOL Avf. , il rooms , modern. The O. F. Davis Co. , 1605 Fnrnam Bt. D-4U LARGE 10-room modern residence. ThM Is the finest house now for rpnt In the west Fnrnnm street district. Will make all ; necessary repairs to thoroughly please a suitable tenent who will tnko u loapn for a year. Wo will take npmlnnl rental for the winter to KC' ' UUs house rented. Omaha nnd Trust Co. , ICth and DougUu , _ * D I-ROOM eleyant annrtmonti. in Normnndle , $5500 ; e-room. nil-modern cotlau'i. newly papered anil In line shape , $23.00. Wo havu many otruuPayneHardor Co. . 1st tloor N. Y Llfo lildg. _ P-MS01 LARGEST lisT F. D. 'Wcad , 10 A CHOICE modern ,0'room brick dwelling , l6ycJ 1'irlt u vt fr iilinK ili" coMi a- , . W. I At J. M Rlcliards , HIS 8. MJ I St. FOR RENT ? n now two-story brjek .hotel ; everything Jlrst-clooa end a moiicy-mnKcr to good man. Address 869 , care Bee , \ D MSS6 H FOH nUST MOUSES. HOUSES to rent. Patterson , JOS N. Y. Life. D-610 9-ROOM modern flat , reduced tSK. J66I Douglas. D-M878 H * STEAM heat , all modern , imequalcd seven- room house. Tlzard , 223 N. 24th. D-153 11 * FOR RENT- 0-room hoiifo and barn , No. 2462 S. 16th fit. , $22,60 per month. 6-room house , No. $07 N. 20th st. , $15.00 $ per month. G-room Hat , No. 2129 Farnam at. , $22.60 per month. 6-room Hat , No , 1133 S. 16th St. , $15.00 per month. GEORGE AND COMPANY , 1601 Fnrlmm St. D M123 13 OR RENT , nicely furnished room In pri vate home , with privilege of light house keeping If desired , to parties without chil dren. 51S N. 23d st. D-121 11 * IOUSE for rent nt 1152 Park nve. , * all mod ern. Apply 2130 So. 33d Bt. Tel I-- . . . FOR RENT , 8-room house , nil modern con- venlpnceit , opposite Hnnscom park. Io29 Park nvo. Imiulre 2130 S. 33rd or tele phone 1227. D M187 FOU Hn\T-i-im\isiui > UOOMS. THE Columbia , 326 Broadway , Council Bluffs ; rooms for rent day or week ; tran sients nccommodated ; everything neat , clean nnd comfortable ; rates reasonable. Mrs. Minnt Dunne , late of 307 Broadway , proprietress. Telephone 462.E E Mlo7 , D20 EVERYTHING heart can wish for at the Brunswick , low prices Included. FURNISHED rooms ( housekeeping. M23 91. Mary's. E-M905 IS * SOUTH front room for gentleman. 1703 Davenport. B 919-11 A WELL furnished room In strletlv pri vate * family to gentleman ; three minutes walk from Bee building ; references re quired with answer. Address T 6. Boo. LARG13 furnished room for light house keeping. S42 S. ISth. E-110 12 * 210 N. 2T.TH ST. , two splendid rooms ; everything modern. B 150 12 * NICELY furnished rooms. 2017 Harney. E M180 17 * EVRRYTHINO heart can wish for nt the Brunswick , low prices Included. E Mli2 SUITE nicely furnished rooms , suitable for two. 1709 Leavenworlh street , second Iloor to the left. E M1CUJ8 rUUXISHED IIOOMS AXD HOAIID. NICE south room , board , reasonable. 2406 Cass. F-S23 D15 * ROOM and board , $1 & 5. 1612 Davenport. F-M411 D23 THE Merrlam family hotel , 23th and Dodge. F 616 FURNISHED rooms and board. 2015 Douglas - las st. F MSOO DESIRABLE rooms , llrst-class board. 2oSI Harnoy. F-M179 1C * FOR RENT UNFURNISHED IIOOMS. FIVE unfurnished chambers for house.kecp- , ing to man and wife. 319 N. 17th. FOR RENT STORES A.\I > OFFICES. FOR RENT , store in first-class location ; rent reaaonnble. Apply R. C. Peters & Co. , ground Iloor , Bee Bldg. 1 266 FOR RENT , a ground floor oillce , specially tmltable for real estate , etc. , splendid vault built for Use of city treasurer. Ap ply R. C. Peters & Co. . ground floor Bee Building. 1-267 FOR RENT Brick warehouse , two floors , each 00x90 ft : power elevators ; U. P. trackage. Apply Haarmann Bros. . 1311 S. 20th. ' I 631 SIXTEENTH and Jackson sts. . on Jan. .1. corner store , and basement , $30 a month. Inquire at the Brunswick hotel. I MLO AGEXTSVAXTED. . CAPABLE men and women can make good salaries selling our Quick Fire Klndler and Quick Meal Cooker nnd Heater sub stitutes for coul and' wood. Send for1 par ticulars. Bennett Mfg. Co. , 131 Van Buren St. , Chicago. J MS3G SUBSCRIPTION AGENTS : Good pay nnd free trip to Paris Exposition ; strictly bona llclo ; greatest holiday seller of the cen- turv. agents make from $5 to $15 cash daliv. Address Campbell's Illustrated Journal , Chicago. It's making Illustrated history of the great Paris Exposition as It did of the World's Fair , for which It received the highest award. J MIPS 12 WANTED TO RENT. WILL pay as high as $ SO per month for de sirable house west Farnam district ; yearly lease. Add res P. giving full particulars. T 3. Bee. K 119 13 * STORAGE. PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co. , 912- 914 Jones , general storage and forwarding. 517 WANTED TO I1UY. ALL klid of household goods , hotels , etc. , In largo or small quantities. Chicago Fur- llturb Co. . 1400-10 Dodge. Tel. 2020.N . N 518 WILL purchase a limited number of Omuha Savings Bank accounts. Brennan- Love Co. , 219 S. 16th St. N 519 WANTED , to buy , a restaurant outfit. Pco- Store , 16th and Farnam. N-M219 D CAR loads nt once of furniture. Drop a card and u man will call. J. Levlne , 304 N. Ifith. N-474-P27 _ WANTED , walnut logs for export. Ad dress W. W. Archibald. Shrevoport. La. N M837 J5 TO BUY Fifty secondhand typewriters , Nebraska Cycle Co. . Cor. 15th & Harney. N M9S3 16 AMERICAN dealer ; buy secondhand furnl- turn and stoves 1719 Cumlnir. Tel. 1G73. WANTED , to purchase two carloads of 2d hand pianos and organs. Address T 12 , Deo. N MH7 17 WANTED , second-hand coal or Wood furnace - naco for hcatlnir two Moors nf ordinary store building. Address J. E. Wlckham , Glcnwood , la , N 160 11 SALE FURNITURE. STOVES AND FURNITURE ; no reason able offer refused. Neb. Fur. Co. , 1113 Dodge. 0-520 _ WE still have a good line of stoves and furniture at reduced prices , J. Lewis , 101 8. Hth street. O-M78C. J3 KOIl SALE-HORSES. WAGONS. ETC , GOOD top buggy for eulo cheap. Address ! 69 , Bee , P19J FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. SHIRTS to order , Kelley & Heyden. Q K { " CUTTERS of druB price * . 8 norm an & ile Connull Drug Co. . 1513 Dodge St. Q-ia - bicycle tires. 0m. m. oiT sik NEW nr.d 2nd-hund sewing machines , duVed price. H. H. i'l'iilerickson. IGIU Mmll0. ' ' Q 6i TI HAAS Florist. 1S13 Vlnton St , Tel. 7c Plunu. cut nowew. bo.juots , hull , res ? : dei.cc wedding and grave decornt Oils , Orders by mull or express promptlyQ | | Q 52o FOlTsALE-Ten " ' J'-A-N'-B ' for 5 cents al druggist * . Out sues relief. Q 6J INDIAN relics ; mounted heads Hie Farnam Q 62f .UAND ate cheap. Derlsht , 1116 Farnam , . * * Q9 roil SALIi-MISCELIjAMSOtS. HAItNKSS-Lot of good second-humI ! har ness cheap , Drummond earrings Co , . ttth and Harney Sts. g-748 U12 NEW wimple sewing machines , $15. $ Omaha Ulcyclo Co. - * Q-MI60 SAFE8-Buy. soil , exchange. 114 8. J3th St. Q-623 FOR SALE , mailing list. 6.000 farmers and ranchmen. 8 50 , lice. Q S17 FOR SALE , Wilbur's HOB Food In ten- pound palls , guaranteed to euro all hog diseases or money refunded without nrgu- ment. Agents wanted. Write for terms nnd price. Wilbur Seed Meal Co. , Mil waukee. Wls. Q-M785 DerlS ADVERTISING calendars. Burkley Ptg. Co. Q M7S9 Decl7 $152 BUYS Stelnwny upright piano ; Rood condition : cash or easy payments. AU- drcss P in. Bee. Q-MS53 FOR BALK , a bargain In n nlBn grade up right plnno for cnsh ; parly leaving city. T 11 , Bee. Q-M14S 1. . TWO MILLION FEET OF TIMBERS , GxG , 6x8 , SxS , 10x10 , 12x12. 12x11. FROM 1G-FT. TO 40.FT. LENGTHS. CAN FURNISH ANY LENGTH ' - DESIRED. ADDRESS CHICAGO HOUSE WRECK ING CO. , EXPOSITION GROUNDS , OMAHA , NEB. . Q-SS3-31 MISCELLAXKOUS. NOTICE , country dealers , 2d-hnnd furniture & stoves at lowest prices , carload > lots or less. Chicago Furniture Co. , 1406-10 Dodge. 11 530 CtiAlHVO YAM'S. MIIS. FRITJ5 , clairvoyant. SOS N. 16th. S 0.11 MME. GYLMER genuine palmist. 1605 Dotgo ! S o32 MRS. DR. IIAHT , palmist and clairvoyant , 213 X. ISth street. Hours , 8 & DR. LBS HAHHIDEN , clnlrvoynnt and life render , 1707 Cass street. Satisfaction guur- anteed. B-M166 12 * MASSAGE AND HATIIn. ELITE PARLORS , 615 S. 16th , upstairs ; first-class baths , magnetic treatment. Lady attendants. T M594 14 * MISS DE CAMO , baths , massage ; expert attendants. f20 So. 16Ui , 2d Iloor. T-M930DIS MME. AMES , R. 2 , 507 S. 13 ; manage , baths. T M750 J2 * MISS LILLY from Chicago , massage , alco hol rubbing and baths. 218VS North 16th , room 1. T-MS39 12 * MRS. BARRY , baths , massage , magnetic treatment ; , lady attendants. 119 N. Hilh , 2d Iloor. . T-MI3S DM * _ _ 13EATRICE HARLOW. elegant massage tub baths , Arabian treatments. Flat D , 703 South ICth st. T M855 13 MME. SMITH , room 2 , 118M , W. IjHh. LILLIAN HOWARD and Beatrice Harl.ow. elegant massage tub bath , Arabian , treat ment. Flat D. 703 So. 16th. T-MSJJ5 21" risuso.VALs. VIAVI is woman's way to'health. 346 Bee Bldg. U 53r > SHAMPOOING 25C , hair dressing 25c ; hair and toilet goods , best equipped , ilonhelt , ] 51S Farnam. y 631 DR.ROV , chiropodist ; corns and superlluous hair removed by electricity. R. 12 , Fren- z'er block. ti < 635 MQNHEIT. leading chiropodist. 1518 Far- nam. 2d floor. . D-536 PRIVATE hospital for ladies before & during - ing conlincment ; babies adopted. 1130 N. 17 , U 537 SCALP ' & hair treatment. Mme. Post , 319& & . 15th. U-533 HOMES for ladles In trouble before and during confinement ; babies adopted. Box C23. Omaha. U-M793 DM * LIEBEN , costumcr , 1313 Howard. Get catalogues. U MS41 FACIAL massage , 50c ; shampooing. 35c. half off on switches. Miss Hubbard. 413 McCague block. U S55 DIG LADIES , a nice little device for 2c stamp. Write. Omaha Specialty Co. , Omaha. U M813 D15 * RIBBON hair curlers , 23c sample , stamps , sliver ; circulars. Robertson. 60 Wabash. Chicago. Agents wanted. U M3CO D25 * COSTUMES-Mrs. Sack , 311S S. 20th. Cata logue. u aiaoo-j-s * SECONDHAND sewing machines from $5,00 $ up. Neb , Cycle Co. , Cor. 15th and Harney. U M9S5-J-9 MOXEV TO 1OAHKAL ESTATE. $1,000 and upwards to loan on Improved city property and farms. W. Farnam Smith & Co. , 1320 Farnam. W-539 MONEY to loan on Nebraska and Iowa farms ; lowest rates. Brennan-Love Co. , 210 S. Iflth , Omaha. W 540 J100 TO $2,000. F. D. Wead , 10th and Douglas W-511 JTpER cent loans. Garvln Bros. , 1613 Farnam W-C12 WANTED , city nnd farm loans ; also bonds and warrants. R. C. Peters & Co. . no. ! Farnam St. , Bee Bldg. W-513 WRITE us If you want a loan on your farm in Jown , eastern Neb. or Mo. ; it will pay you. Anthony Loan & Trust Co. , 315 N.Y.L W-513 $100,000,000 to Invest through Bankern , Brokers , Promoters ; send for circular. Investors' Directory , N. Y. W 645 5 PER CENT money. Bomls , Paxton block. W-511 MONEY to loan on first-class Improved city property or for building purposes. Payne- Hurdcr Co. , N. Y. Life , W-517 E , 5H , 6 percent loans In Omaha , S. Omahn. W. II. Thomas , 6031st Nat , bank. Tel 10H W-f > 43 MONEY to loan nt 5 and 5U pBp cent on Omaha property. W. B. Melkle , 401 So , 15th. MONEY to loan on improved Omaha real estate. Brennan-Lovo Co. , 310 South Ifith. W-551 FIVE Per cent : also private funds. ChasT 13. Williamson. AV 513 PRIVATE money : low rate ; no delay. Gnrvln Bros. . 1613 Farnam street. W M1S1 D20 MOMSY TO LOA.V VllATTtSLS , LOANS MADE 'i'U SALARIED PEOPLE holding permanent positions , on their nor BOIIUI note without endorsement " or bccul- Uy ; strictly conlldi-ntlul and at - ONE-HALF THE USUAL RATFS Before borrowing ace ua. us you wlll'iimi it greatly to your advantage ; we are oldest , largest and only incorporated the -compiny In Omaha. F. W. Truux ; loan HP Board of Trade Bldg. , jcth and Mgr Fax' nam Stf. Telephone aiOi. _ X-652 LOANS made to salaried people on personal note wl'Iiaut ' security. n reasonable. J. W. Taylor , 403 jfarlach block. 13 to 6:15 : p. m. X-Sia MONEY loaned on pianos , furniture , horses cows , Jewelry. Duff Green , R , 8. Barker bile ' X-301 MONEY loaned iniarleii people holding per- inancnt position with responsible concerns upon their own names , without securiti es * * ' payment * . Tolnmn , 706 N. y. rj ; u\fg. \ X 607 MONEY to loan on furniture , pianos , horses , cowi , etc. JV Taylor , 403 Kar- bach block , U to Silo p. m. X-553 MOM3Y TO LOAN fll.VTTKI.S , MONEY TO 1 OAN"ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE , PIANOS. HORSES , WAC10NS , TC LOW RATES-EASY PAYMENTS. ' OMAHA MonrnAau LOAN co. , SCO SOUTH 1GTH STREET. MONEY loaned on pianos , furniture , Jew- nlry , horses , cows , etc. C F. Reed. 3l ! > s. \ 13th. - \ - , mo ii' | i MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE i' I holding permanent positions on their own name without endorser or morljtitRv. STRICTLY CONKIDENTIAL nnd LOW EST RATEP. No Inquiries mndiv of em ployer or friend ? , 'iou can borrow any nmoulit and repny ! n easy weekly or monthly payments. Before borrowing see ug. Omahu Credit Co. , C. E. Jennings , Mgr. , Suite 623-526 N. Y. Life Bide. Bide.X5M X--5M LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE em ployed In Omaha , South Omaha and Council Bluffs , holding good positions , on their own names. NO MORTGAGE ; BEST TERMS , everything private ; money can be paid back in rmnll weekly or monthly payments. American Loan Co. , Room 601 , Bee Bldg. X-L560 MONEY loaned on furniture , HK * . bicycles , diamonds , wntplies , ctf. ; payment un known to friends. Omaha Loan Bank. 1410 Fnrnam , upstairs. . X OM MONEY loaned on furniture , pianos. Jew elry , etc. , unknown to friends ; monthly payments ; half rates. Bergcrs' Loan Co. , 1 < OS Farnam , over drug rtoro. X Mi20 IIUSIXEHM ClIAXCnS. WAQ'SS. accounts nnd bad debts of nil kinds collected. NEVER FAIL. State ments and remittances mulli-d weekly. Highest commercial nnd bank references. OMAHA LEGAL AGENCY , suite 511. First National bnnlc building. 'Phone 2551. Communicate with us nnd we will send a reliable collector for your accounts. 1 ow2 HOTEL AND RESTAURANT-l'artnernhl ! > or whole thing ; big patronage ; new outilt. Inquire 519 S. IGth t. Y-61'J ' Jl FOR SALE , a good , clean stock of dry goods , notions nnd shoes In a good rail road town of five thousand In western Iowa ; no trade entertained. Address ! 67 , Bco. Y MliS FOR SALE , nicely located , well arranged hotel ; line bii'lness. Parmalee Savings Bank , Plattsmouth , Nob. Y S20-J 4 MERCANDISE STOCKS-We have dry goods , clothing , stocks boots nnd shoos , hardware , drugs nnd groceries storks located In all parts of Nebraska , Iowa , Dakota and Missouri. If yoi ) want to buyer or trade for a stock of goodH we can locate. If you want to sell your goods or property wo can Hurt a buyer fur you. Write or call on us for what you want. Hotels for sale or trndo. Merchandise Broker , 202 Knrbach blk. Y M130 THE New Snow Church Company a great success ; collects good and had debts on commission In every county in United States. W. H. Green , president ; C. R. Glover , Secretary. Y-M131 19 FOU EXCHANGE. CASH or clear Walnut Hill lot for good horse and buggy. S 62 , Bee. X 835 FOR SALE or exchange for clear eastern Nebraska or Iowa farm , clear 240-acre v.-ell Improved California farm , 60 miles north of Sacramento. Address Box 2.11 , Uunlop , Iowa. . X MS75 in * WILL exchange city property , Improved mid clear , for xood merchandiseHtock. . Address Box S75 , Omaha , Neb. K 159 11 * GOOD clear land and cosh for stock of merchandise. Box 501 , Norfolk , Nftb. X-M178 IS * FOR SALE REAL , KSTATE. K , MrniTONT'S Is to steadily and persistently let the public khow-tUey are in the real estate business ; not that the public is Interested specially in them , except as they can benefit the public. This thiyMthIiik ; they can do. Wednesday thejilwill present a list of bareativScthat will . . > surprise even those in'the business. Parties wanting homes.or Investments should see Harrison & Morton. RE-163 11 * SNAPS In real estate ; money to Joan. L. L. Johnson Co. , 314 S. 15th street. RE 304 HOUSES , lots , farms , lands , loans ; also lire Insurance. Bemls , Paxton blk. RE 6U5 FOR QUICK returns on bargains only nee S. A. Broadwell , 501 N. Y. Life Bldg. HE-M401 1405 DOUGLAS , cheapest inside business propeity on market. Wallace , solo agent. RE-M132 SoU acres , three miles north of Florence , all in timber ; will cut between 400 and 600 cords of .wood ; for $1,250. Ten acres on West Dodge St. , macadam , half hour's drive , $1,000. The Byron Reed Co. , 212 S. 14th St. RE 5Gf FOR SALE cheap , large house and lot , east 49'feet lot 28 , block 10 , Kountzo & Ruth's addition ; rents for $23.00 per month , but would "bring more by making few repairs. Price , $2,500.00. G. B : TzPchuck , care Omaha Bee. RE-835 A BARGAIN Four acres , 40th and Pacific ; two blocks from car line , on belt rail road. $2,500 ; easy terms. McCaguo Investment - vestment Co. , 1506 Dodge. RE-S67 HENRY B. PAYNE , 601 N. Y. LIFE BLDG. Real Estate , Rentals , Loans , Insurance. R E 563 FOR BARGAINSeverybody goes to S. A. Broadwell , & 01 N. Y. Life Bldjr EIGHTY acres , clear , for city 'property. 1512 Davenport. RE-M333.D. 5 IF YOU have a bargain to offer In real estate see S. A. Broadwell , 501 N. Y. Life Bldg. RE-M403 NOTHING but bargains handled by S. A. Broadwell , 501 N. Y. Life Bldg.REM406 RE-M406 LOOK at 270S Capitol Ave. , 7-room frnmo cottage. , nearly new , on lot 50x135 fcot , south front , Price , $1,400.00. This is a bargain. Byron R. Hastings , 212 S. 14th. RE-933 C-ROOM house nnd full lot in north part of city , near car line , $400. The Byron Reed Co. , 212 So. 14th. RE-23'J 30 FOR SALE Bargains In small residences , S. A. Broaduoll. 601 N. Y. Life Bldp. RE-MI07 FIFTY-TJIRKE acres on Military road. 10 miles from Omaha P. O. ; 7-room house , rural mull delivery ; cheap at $3,000 ; easy terms. Within 4 blocks N. W. of postofllceroom house , lot 33x132 feet. $1,600. 10 acres s"r''en ' and fruit land , Olcnwood , In. , to trade for Omaha property. 39x80 feet cast of 017 Pnclllu St. ; paving paid ; near Union depot ; $1,400. i Cfixl2l feet on S. 13th Kt. , cast front , near I Martha ; small house ; paving paid ; Ji.350. | JOHN N. FRENXER , I Opp. Old p. O. ! RE-M14 FOR RKNT-300 fet of B. & M. trackage at the foot of Jones St. , 72-lffl of ail acre. Apply to Byron Reed Co. , 212 S. . 14th Si , Omaha , Nob. RE-Mt-SS-lG FOR RENT 410 acres of line nastiirago nnd corn land , well Improved , lying on west Q utrcet , east of Seymour hike ami wejt nf South Omaha. Apply to The Byron Reed Co. , 212 S. Hth St. . Omaha. NVli. Ki : M9S8-W HOUSES , lots , farms , la mlnnd Insurance. R. C. Patterson. 803 N. Y. Llfo. RE-871 _ _ - - - LOST Mink boa. between United States National and Flist National banks. Re ward. Geo. H. Fltfhett , R. " 312 , Sheely block. Loat-91S-ll BROAVN water spaniel ; answers to name of Bounce ; liberal reward for return to 121 N. 2lth. Lonl-910-lt * LOST , back circle comb set with brilliants. Finder please leave at Bee olllce. LOST or stolen , from 5018 N 22nd nt , Frl < dtiy , brown cocker : > nnlfl ; answers lo name of "Brownie , " Rcasonablo reward will be paid for return. Lost-JllSl 13 * 1 TXl'lSWIllTBHS. I TYVKWRITKR8 for rent , $400 p r month Thf Smith-Premier Typewriter Co. , 1R2 > Fnrnnm St. Telephone 12 < 4. 7I WE RENT nnd sell the bMt tvnewrltors mnde ; largest stock of uppo : ! * In Omnlm. United Typewriter & Supply Co. , 1612 Far- nnm. , "iNin'ON Standard Typewriter Km ipplleg. 1619 Farnnm. 576 THE Oliver Typewriter , visible -writing , heaviest nmnlfolder and cuts the finest 1 slencll. Tel. 2279. J. S. Stewart , Snechil , Agent , 31S'4 S. 15th St. , Omaha.577 1 ' TYPEWRITERS , secondhand. 1116 Mirnam. 57S SECONDHAND TYPEWRITERS. Those tire all In perfect condition nnd arc genuine bargains : Odrll $ fi oo Hammond 15 0.1 Remington , No. : ; so on RcmlUKton , No. 2 35 ix ) I Remington , No. 2 4000 ! Smith-Premier 40 m Rem-Sho 6500 NEBRASKA CYCLE CO. , Corner 1Mb. and Hartley. MDSG-16 SIICIUCAl , . LADIES' free harmless monthly regulator ; cannot fall. Mrs. B. Rowan. R 2fl. Mil waukee. Wls. Mm ! IMS * DR. MANSFIELD'S monthly regulator has brought happiness to hundreds of anxious women ; have never had a single failure ; longest cases relieved In two to five dny without fall : no pnln , no danger , no Inter ference with work ; bv mall or ollleo , J2 ; ' all letters truthfully niipwon-d. T"IP I Mansfield Remedy Co. , 107 Dearborn St. . room 614 , Chicago , 111. M-995-16' LADIES. Chlchester EtiBllsh Pennyroyal pills are the boat ; safe , reliable ; take no ' other ; send 4i\ stamps , for particulars. "Relief for Uiillc-P , " in letter by return I mall. At druggists. Chlchester Chemical Co. , Phlla--elphla , Pa. 1 AAVX HOIC1CHS. JEFFERSON Square Loan Otllco. 41S N. 16. EAGLE Loan Ollleo. reliable , accommodat ing ; all business conlldcntlal. 1301 Doug las. 3S3 OSTROI'ATHV. JOHNSON Ostcopnthlc Institute , ! > 15 N. Y. Llfo Bldg. , Alice Johnson , D. O. , ladles' dcpt. ; GId E. Johnson , Ostcopathlst , mgr. GS2 M. E. DONOHUE. D. O. , of Still school. Klrksvlllc , Mo. . 604 Paxton blk. Tel. 1K7. -5S , ? incvcins. NEW nnd secondhand bicycles nt half price. LoulB Flcsher. 1022 Capitol avo. 531 TIIU.MC FACTOUY. TRUNK traveling bags , suit case = . Trunks repaired. Om. Trunk Factory , 1203 Farnam U16 SIIOIITIIAXI ) AMI TVI'EWUJTIXO. A. C. VAN SANT'S school. 717 N. Y. Life. 370 AT OMAHA Bus. College , 16th & Douglas. -571 HOYLE'S school ; court reporter principal , Bee. Bldg. 572 NEBRASKA Business nnd Shorthand col- lege. Boyd's theater. M 151 _ MCKEI. 1'I.ATIXG. BASE BURNERS , lamps and chandeliers replated. Omaha Plating Co. , Bee Bldg. -579 TAH.OIUXG. LADIES' jackets , men's clothing , altered , latest styles ; cleaned. Max Fogel , 307 S. 17th -192 J-3 STAMMERING AXD STL'TTEKIXG. CURED. Julia Vaughn. 430 Ramg-q Bldg. -5S1 TICKET CUT RATE railway tickets everywhere. P. H. Phllbln , 1505 Farnam. 'Phone 7S1. -590 CAXDY. OMAHA Candy Store , fresh , homemade candy , lOc , IJc and 23c Ib , 306 N. 16th. -630 D31 DAXC1XG SCHOOL. MRS. MORAND gives private lessons , waltz or two-step ; ladles and gentlemen , acad emy or residence. Address 1310 Harney St. -267 D2I HOUSES WIXTEIIED. GOOD Btnblos and need care. Phone 1051. J. W. Phclps , 207 N. Y. Life. M873 .117 * IIIUDS AXD TAXIDERMY. STOCK'S Bird store. 1603 Leavcnworth. 573 FUHXITUHE I'ACKIXG. M. S. WALKLIN , 2111 Cumlng. Tel. 3331. 5S9 COMMERCIAL COLLEGES. OM. Com'l Col. Rohrbough Bros. 16 & D'glas -5SS PIANO FACTORY. PIANOS tuned , repaired , by experts ; low charges. C. Sommer , 321 S. 10th. Tel. 2i,9. 772 D23 LAU.VUIIY. OMAHA STEAM LAUNDRY. City towel supply ; shirts , Re ; colars , 2o ; ciiffH. 'Ic ; underwear , 6c. 1750 Loavenworth. Tel. Bit M51 ! ) DH HOTELS. METROPOLITAN , 12th and DouslnH Stu.i Omaha , Neb , $1.00 to $1.25 , 'Phono 211. 207 D2'j I'-1 IIS. H. E. & E. 11Ujni Rjf A NNrfiirrinrs made to order and repaired. 118 S. 15th. M-S37 .SCHOOL OK LANGUAGE. FRENCH , German , Spanish , $2 per month. Prof. Chatclaln , 301 Boyd theater. 5S7 I > A1 > EII HAXGICHS. MAIL postal curd giving your address nnd receive valuable Information. P. O. Box JI3 , Omaha. M519 Dll RAILWAY TIME TAIII.E , OMAHA &ST. LOUlS RAILroad - road Omaha , Kansas City & Eastern Railroad "Tho Qulncy Route" Ticket Of- lice , 1416 Farnam Street. Telephone , S22. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Tele phone , (39.Leave. ( Leave. Arrive , gt , Louis Cannon Ball Express a 4:50 : pm a 8:33 : am Kansas City and Qulncy Local , . . . .a 7:15 : urn a 8:50 : pm MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILroad - road General Olilees nnd Ticket Olllces Southeast Corner - nor 14th and Douglas Bts. Telephone. 101. Depot , loth and Webster Sis. Telephone , lUi. . . . . . Leave. Arrive. St Louis. Kansas & Neb. Limited a MO pm 012:53 : pm K. C-St L. Express..a i :50 : pm a 6:50 : am Nebraska I-ocul via Weeping Water b 6:03 : pm a 9:45 : am u. Dally b Dally except Sunday. W ABASH RAILROAD- 1 Ticket Olllct. 1115Fai \ \ Street. Telephone. S'5. Do 1ft poi , . Tenth and Mason O , Btrcotf. Telephone , C29. Leave. Arrive. Bt Loula "Cannon Ball" .u4:50pm : a 8.33 am a Dally. \lt.\V.\t TMIK' I Hli AOO. riT. PAUL. | Minneapolis & Omnha i Ra hvay - "The N'orih- wi-mern l.ln * " Ofneral tMlli'es. Nebraska Ulvl- Mon. 15th and Webster Sts' City Ticket Otn < re , HJl I'd i mini St. Telephone , Ml. Depot , 19th and \ \ cl > 3ter Sts. Arrive. Twin City Expres s ( for Sioux City. St. Paul Mlnnenpollstt . a fiW : am Onmtm Pnssengcr . a 7:00 : pm Blair , Knu > Mcn. Sioux City , Poiirn. HftrtliiB- ton and HlojmllpM..b 1:0 : < ) pm blJIO : pm No. 2 Twin CH' L'fl..a 5:55 : pm No. J iim.ih.i Limited. . . n 9:00 : am Dally except Sunday. & Missouri Val ! y Rail- riiml"The Northwestern Uni * " GiMiernl Olllces. United States National | Bank Bldg. , Southwest i _ _ _ Cnrner Twelfth nnd Far- ' i j nam Streets. Ticket ofllco. 140 : Farnam ' Street. Telephone. Ml. Depot , 15th nnd Webster stici-ts. Telephone , 1IES. Leave. Arrive. Black Hill. " . Dcndwood , lint Springs a 3:00 : pm a C:00 : pm Wyoming , Casper nnd DotiKlaa d 3:00 : pm e G:00 : pm Hnstlngs , York , David City , Superior , Geneva Exeter nnd So ward b 3:00 : pm b 6:00 : pm Norfolk , VeriJIgre nnd Fremont b 7:30 : am blO:23 : ajn Lincoln , Wahoo and Fremont li 7:30 : am h 10:85 : nm I Fremont Local c 7:3n : nm a Dally o D.illy except Sunday , c Sun day only. d Dally except Saturday. e dally except Monday. CHICAGO * NORTHwestern - western Railway "Tho Northwestern Line" C'ty ' Ticket Olllce , 1101 Farnani Street. Tele- phoni' . 661. Depot , Tenth nnd Mason Streets. Tele- phone. 029. Arrive. Daylight Chicago Spe cial a < ! :10 : nm all : . " , pm Chicago Passenger u 4:15 : pm alO:10 : am Eastern Express. Des Molncs , Marbhnlltown , Cedar Rapids and Chicago cage a0:55 : am a 4:03 : pm Eastern Limited. Chicago cage and East a 4:53 : pm a 4:05 : pm Fast Mail , Chicago to Omaha a 2:43 : pm Omnhn-Chlcago Special.a 7:30 : pm a ( i:00 : am Fast Mall g:30 : am a Daily , b Dally except Sunday. 3IOUX CITY & PACIFIC Railroad 'The North- \vo lern Llno"--General Olllces. United States National Bank Building. , S. W. Corner Twelfth I and Fnrnnm Streets. .Ticket olllce , 1401 Farnam Street , Tole- ihonn , 561. Depot , Tenth nnd Mason Streets. Telephone , 629. Leave. Arrlvp. Sioux City , Mnnkato & St. Paul , Minneapolis..a 5:55 : am a 8:13 : am St. Paul , Minneapolis , Mankntn & Sioux City.a 5:30 : pm .111:03 : pm Sioux cty : Local aSOOnm : a 4:30 : pm a Dally KANSAS CITY. ST. JOseph - seph & Council Bluffs Railroad "The Burling ton Route1' Ticket Ofllee , 1302 Farnam Street. Tele phone , 2CO. Depot , Tenth arJ Mason Streets. Tele phone , 310. Leave. Arrive. Kansas City Day Ex a S:30 : am a 3:15 : pm Kansas City Night Ex .alO:13 : pm a 0:30 : am St. Louis Flyer for St. Joseph and St. Louis..a 4:33 : pm all:15 : am a Dally. _ CHICAGO , BURLINGTON & Qulncy Railroad "Tho Burlington Route" Ticket Olllcc3502 Farnam St. Tel. . 230. Depot , Tenth & and Mason Streets. Tele phone , 310. Leave. Arrive. uayngnt unicago spe cial a 6:10 : am Chicago Vestlbuled Ex..r. 5:03 : pm a S:03 : am Chicago Express a 8:50 : am a 1:03 : pm Chicago & St. L. Ex..a 7:15 : pin a 8:03 : am Pacific Junetlan Local..alO:13 : am Fast Mall a 2:45 : pm a Dally. BURLINGTON & Mis souri River Railroad "The Burlington Route" General Olllces , N. W. Corner Tenth nnd Far nnm .Streets. Ticket Ollice , 1502 Farnam Street. Telephone , 250. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Tele- phone. Sltr. Leave. Arrive. Lincoln , Hastings and McCook . . . ' a 8:40 : am .7:40 : pm Lincoln. Denver , Cole rado. Utah. California.a 4:25 : pm a 3:55 : pm Lincoln , Black Hills , Montana & Puset Sound a 4:25 : pm p 3:00 : pm Lincoln Local a 7:03 : pm nlO:35 : am Lincoln Fast Mall a 3:00 : pin alO:35 : ama Denver , Colorado. Utah & California a 6:35 : am a Dally. CHICAGO , ROCK ISLand - and & l'ncllc ! Railroad "The Great Rock Isl and Route. " City Tick et Olllce , 1323 Farnam Street. Telephone , 433 Depot. Tenth & Mason Streets. Telephone , 629. ' * r \e. Des Molncs and Daven- pore iocai a 7:015 : am bll:35 : am Chicago L.xprcss h5am : ; ; a Sl : uin Chicago- Fast Expiosn..a 5:00 : Jim a 1:25 : pm St. Paul Fast Express..a 6:00 : pm bll:35 : am Lincoln , colo'Mdo ' Spgs. , Pijnver , Pdcblo and West a 1:30 : pm a 423 ; pm DCS Molncs , Rock Isl and and Chicago a 7:23 : pm a 5:50 : pm Colorado & Texas Flyer.a 5:53 : pm a 9:20 : am n Dally , b Dally except Sunday. CHICAGO , MILWAUKEE & St. Paul Rallwn" City Tlcket O'"ce ' , 1504 Farnam street. Telephone , 2S4. Do- pot. Tenth and Mason Sts. Telephone. 629. Leave. Arrive. Chicago Limited Ex a 7:35 : pm a 8:30 : am Chicago & Omaha Ex..bll:00 : am b 3:55 : pm Sioux City & DCS Moines Express bll:00 : nm b 3:55 : pm a Dally , b Dally except Sunday. UNION PACIFIC-"THEOVER- land Route" General Olllces N. E. Cor. Ninth and Farnam Streets. City Ticket Ofllce , 1302 Farnam Street. Telephone , 3ij ( Depot , Tenth nnd Mason Streets , Telephone , 629 , Leave. Arrive. The Overland Limited..a S:50 : am a 7:20 : pm The FaKt Mail a 9:00 : am a 3:30 : pm The Colorado Special..all:53 : pm a 6:35 : am The Portland Special..a S:50 : am a4:40pm : Lincoln , Beatrice and Stromsourg Express..b 4:35 : pm b 1:00 : pm Pacillc Express . . .a 4:23 : pm n 0:35 : am Columbus Local o 7:30 : pm h 9:30 : nm South Omuho Pass. Leaves , a 10:15 : a. m. ; 3o5 : p. m. , b 4:10 : p. m. Arrives , 10:45 : u , m ; b 340 ; p. m. ; b 5:25 : p , m. Council IJUin'a Local-Leaves , 5:50 : a. m. ; 7-15 a. m. ; 7:50 : n. w. . 10:45 : a. m. ; 2:15 : p. in. ; 3:40 : p. m. ; 525 ; p. m. ; 5:55 : p. m. ; S:15 : p. m. ; 10:30 : p. in. Arrives , 6:20 : a. m. ; 7:50 : a. m. ; 10:15 : a. m. , 11:30 : a. m. ; 3:03 : p. m. ; 4:10 : p. m. ; 5:53 : p. in. ; 8:30 : p , m. ; 8:50 : p , m. ; 11 'a D.illy. b Dally except Sunday. 1'OSTOFFICK XOTICI5. ( Should be- read dally by nil Interested , as changes may occur nt any time. ) Foreign mulls for the week ending De cember 1 , 193. will clone ( PROMPTLY In all cases' ) at the general postolllce nn fol lows : PARCELS , POST MAILS DON ) olio hour earlier than closing time shown be- jqw. Parcel post nwlla for Germany cloco dt 6 p. m. Monday. lit ! MllllH. TUESDAY At 7 11. in. for EUROPE , per s. s. Truve * , via Southampton and Bremen ( letters for Ireland must ho directed "pir H. H. Truve- . " ) WEDNESDAY At 7 a. in. ( supplementary 9 n. m. ) for EUROPE , per H. . St. Louln , via Southampton ( letters for Ireland must 1)0 ) directed "per H. H. fit. I/iuh" ) ; at 10:30 : a. m. for BELGIUM direct , per s. Frlos- land , via Antwerp ( lottcrn must be directed "per s. H. Frlesland" ) ; at 11 n. m. ( cupplementary 12:30 : p. m. ) for EUROPE , per t > . H. Oceanic * ' via ( jueonHtown. THURBDAY-At 7 n. m. for FRANCIO , dlwt. SWITZERLAND. ITALY. SPAIN , PORTUGAL. TURKEY , EGYPT and BRITISH INDIA , per H. s. La GaHcogne * . via Huvro ilettorn for other parts of Europe must bo directed "per H. H , Li Guswmno" ) . SATl'lM-iAY-At S u. m. for NETHER LANDS'direct , pi-r H. H. Amsterdam , via Rotterdam ( loiter ? mum bo dlii'di-d "p r . H. Amsterdam" ) ; at S a. m. for ITALY , per H. K. Kulscr Wm. II , via Nuplf * ( let ters muni ! ' < directed "per s. s , Knt'w Wm. H" ) ; at 10:30 : a. m. ( Htipplementary 13 jn. ) for EUROPE , par s , s. Lucnnla * . via fiueonitown. Printed MnHe . etc. I'Jcrmnn steamers nailing on Tuesdays take printed matter , etc . for Germany , and specially nd- dri > * ed printed matter , ctr for other parts of Eurojie American and V hlto Star steamers on Wednt'fUnys , German POSTOI'FH 14 MITICK. utramorn < ui rh r n y , and Cilnard French nnd Qprmnii I'lcamers on S tur- day taKe printed mutter , etc. , for nil countries for which they are advertised In carry nml ! . After ( he cloning of the gunrilementnry trnnmUlnntli ) ninlln mimed almv nddl- $ ! . ' ! ) > t r4.i ; | > ! > .iiiciliMj ! mnlls arc openoil on the piers of ths American. Mncllsh , French and Gorman Menmurs. anil re- mnln open until within ten minutes ot the hour of sailing of Htcamor. Mnlln fur ! > iiiiilnnil Coitlrnl Anirrlrn , \V < < nt Iiiilli-x , Kit1. TUESDAY-At U a. in. ( supplementary 11SO : a. m. ) for CURACAO nnd VENE- XUELA pfr H. s. Hlldur. via < "uracno ( let ter. " for Savanllla and CnrthuRena , via Curacno , must bo directed "per s. s. Hlldur" ) ; at 1 p. m. for 1NAUUA nnd HAITI , per s. s. ltd vermin ; nt y p. tit. for JAMAICA , per steamer from Boston. WEDNESDAY At 7 n , m , for JAMAICA , per steamer from Philadelphia ; ut 9:30 : n. in. ( supplementary 10:30 : n. m. ) for CENTRAL AMERICA ( except Costn Rlcn ) and SOUTH PACIFIC PORTS , per 8. . -Athos , via Colon ( letters for Guatemala mu.it be directed "per s. s. Athos" ) ; at 10:30 : a. in. for PORTO RICO , per U. S. Transiiort McClellun , via San Junii ! at I p. m. for CUBA , CAMPKCHE , TABASCO and CHIAPAS , per > ' . s. Yucatan , via Havana and Campecho ( letters for other iwru of Mexico must bo directed "per s. Yucatan" ) ; at 1 IL m. for YUCATAN , per s. ? . City of Washington , via Progrrao ( letters for other parts of Mexico , via Tamplco , iniiPt ho directed "per P. s. City of Washington" ) . THURSDAY-At y p. lii. for YUCATAN , per s. s. Ravensdale , via Progrcso ( letters for other parts of Mexico must be directed "per s. s. Rnvfimlnlp. ) " FRIDAY At 1 p. in. for JAMAICA , per s. s. Krnn ( letters limit be directed "per s. s. Enm" ) ; t 1 p. m. for 1NAOUA nnd CAPE CtRACIAS , per s. H. Hnnsn ( letters for Belize , Puerto Cortt-z and Guatemala , must lie directed "per s. H. Hnnsn" ) . SATURDAY-At S a. in. for BERMUDA , per . t ) . Trinidad ; ill 10 n. in. ( supple mentary 10:30 : n. m. ) for FORTUNE ISLAND. JAMAICA , HA VANILLA and CARTHAGENA , pern. s. Allcghany ( let ters for Costn Rlcn must bo directed "per s. s. Allcghany" ) ; nt 10 n. m. ( sup plementary 10:3U : n. m. ) for HAITI , per s. s. Alps ; nt 11 n. m. for CUBA per s. s. Mexico , via Havana ( letters must ho di rected "per Mexico" ) ; at 11 n. m. for PORTO RICO , per s.s . Ponce , via Sun Juan ; at 11 n. in. for NORTHERN BRA- HIL , per s. s. Puraunsc , via Porn , Maran- 1 in in and Cearn. Malls for Newfoundland , ny rail to Nortii Sydney , and thcnco by strainer , clofo nt this otlice dally at S:30 : p. m. ( conncctlns close here nvory Monday , Wednesday and Saturday ) . Mails tor Mlquclon. by rail to Boston , and thence by steamer , close nt this ollleo dally at S:30 : p. m. Malls for Cuba by rail to Port Tnhujn. Fla. , nnd tlu-nce by steamer , close ivt this ollleo dally except Monday at * 7 n. m. , ( the connecting closes are on Sunday , Wednesday and Friday ) . Malls for Cuba , by rail to Miami. Fin. , and thence bv steamer , close nt this olllce every Mon day , Tuesday nnd Saturday , at * * 2iO : : n. m. , ( the connecting closes are on Tuesday and Saturday ) . Malls for Mexico City , overland , unless specially addressed for ilnnnnlnl , lit' tnnmnr rlnep nf tlllj * OlllCO dally nt 2:30 : n. in. and 2nn : p. m , fnr Cnstn Rica , Belize. Puerto Curtcz and Guatemala , by rail to New Orleans , anil thcnco by Htoamer , close at this tilllcu dally nt * . ! p. in. , ( connecting closes hero Mondays for BelizeI'uerlo Cortez anil Guatemala ) . 'Registered mnll closes at 0 p. in. previous day. Registered mall closes at C p. m. second day before. TrniiMiincllln Mnlti. Malls for Hawaii , Japan , China and Philip pine Island * , via San Francisco , close hero dally at 6:30 : p. m. up to December 'ICth Inclusive , for dispatch per s. s. America Mnru. Malls for China. Japan and the Philippine Islands , via Seattle , close hero dally at 6JO : p. m. up to December * ajd. Inclusive , for dispatch per s. s. Idztiml Mnru ( registered mall imiHt bo directed "via Seattle" ) ' . Malls for Australia ( excent West Australia ) , Now /.calami , Hawaii , FIJI and Siunoan Islands , via San Fran cisco , close here dally at fiIIO : p. in. after December * 9th and up to December * 23d , inclusive , or on day of arrival of s. H. Campania , due at New York December 23d , for dispatch per s. H. Mnrlposn. Malls for Japan. China ami the Philippine' Isl ands , via Sun Francisco , close here dally ut fiSO : p. in. up to December 24th , Inclu sive , for dispatch per H. H. Algoa ( letters must be directed "per Algoa" ) . Malls for Society Islands , via San Francisco , close here dally nt 6:30 : p. m. up to December * 2iith , inclusive , for despatch by ship Tropic Bird.Malls for China and Japan , via Vancouver , close hero dally at 6:30 : p. m. up to December * 26th , Inclusive , for dispatch per s. s. Empresii of India ( reg istered mall must bo directed "via Van couver" ) . Malls for Hawaii , via San Franclscp. close hero dally at 60 ; p , in. up to January * 3th , Inclusive , for dispatch per s. s. Australia. Malls for Australia ( except West Australia , which goes via Europe , and Now Zealand , which goi-s via San Francisco ) , Hawaii nnd FIJI Isl ands , via Vancouver , close here dully at 6:30 : p. m. up to December 30th , Inclusive , for dispatch per s. a. Aorangl. Trans-Pacific malls arc forwarded to port of sailing dally and the schedule of clos ing Is arranged on the presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit. Registered mall closes at 6 p. m. previous dav. CORNELIUS VAN COTT , Postmaster. Postollice , New York , N. Y. , December 8 , 18D3. STOCK HOLDERS MEETING. OFFICE. OF LE1C-GLASS-ANDREESEN HARDWARE CO. . OMAHA , Nub. , Dec. ! ! , ISM. Notice Is hereby given to the stock holders of the Li'O-Glafla-Androeson Hardware - , ware Co. that the .innunl meeting of the i-tockholders of the company will DP held 'at ' the ofllces of the salrl company. 1219-1221- 1 1223 Harney strent , In the city of Omahu , In the state o'f Nebraska , on Tuesday , January ! ) , A. D. 1900 , nt 3 o'clock P in. , for the purpose of electing a board ot directors for the company to servo during the ensuing year and to transact such other business as may he presented at such me-ntlng. II , J. LEE , ProHdcnt. Attest : W. M. GLASS , Secretary.U10.1HM U10.1HM JOUBERT "PUPIL OF JACKSON KxCoiifilrriitf Colonvl &n llo Cum-riil t'omiiui it ilcil iiirnl In Civil Wnr , ST. LOUIS , Dec. 11. The PoBt-Dlopatch says that Captain J. T , Anderson , general western flgent hero of the Ucovuln railroad , today received a letter from Colonel Lamnr Fontaine , on ox-confedcrute of Lyons , MlM. , In which ho sayw that General Joubert , the Boer commander , Is n native of Louisiana , belonging to one of the best fumlllcH there , Colonel Fontaine says that Joubert com manded n Louisiana regiment In the civil war nnd served under Stonewall Jnckeoii , from whom ho learned the art of war. After Appomattox - pomattox , Colonel Fontaine eayti , Oonenil Joubert went to Egypt nml afterwardn to South Africa , where ho organized the Boer frontier police. Harper whisky is rapidly becoming the national beverage. It's the one thing all parties agrco upon. Republicans , democrats , populistn. Even the "know-nothing" party knows onu thing ; the enerltti of Harper whisky. IMi.VSIO.VS FOR WnSTF.H.V VIVI'IJHA.VH. Kurvlvoi-N of Uic Civil War Itcnicin- lici-i'il In.din ( iiivrrnini'iif , WASHINGTON , Dor. 11. ( Special. ) The following pensions have been granted : IHHII& of November 21 : Nebraska : Additional William W. Mann , Cairo. $6 to $12. $ Iowa : Original Georgii 8. Ntnvborry , Hllllwulcr. ? 6 ; James Ci. Doilil , Hloux KUJI- IdH , $3. IncreaHo-Thoinas K. Allen , San- born , $12 to $17 ; Henry M. Dytmrt , Fdlr- llolil , $12 to $11 ; special , November 28 , Churlcs Perkins , Manchester , JO to $12. $ nUliifi'Dlun * Muv Kill I'lUllldliniM , TOPEKA. Dec. II. Colonel James Graluim and William P. Cunncc-n , two prominent politicians of St. Mary's , drank a Imtllo containing n disinfectant yesterday , bfclluv- Ing It to bo whisky , and both aru F-erlously 111 and may die. Colonel Graham had bought a bottle of disinfectant to guard against smallpox and alee n buttle of wlitky and mixed the bottles by mimnke- Graham wat > lieutenant rolunol of the Second Kansas regiment in the Spanish war and IB well known. lUmily lor Tiilor'M liiaiiituriidon , KHANKFOHT , Ky. . Dee. 11. The advance crowd of ri-puhllcan imlltlclans who will llt- tt-nd Iho InuuKurullon of Cfovurnor-alect Taylor toinurrow br-s.in arriving tddny. It In Huld Mr Taylor will not resign us at- lonu-y Kiural but will allow the vacancy to tinur by tt.ldiiK tinKiAcrnorjhlp and Atiyrnt-y Goiu-r.tlH'li'tt Pratt will lia up. pointed for the remainder of the term.